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jf Ml i "I oStsa/B&zans. twwty Baptist clergymen, who were rttearau^e^ew) venthm, went ?t h?m?, i t'Jl.tbrs!T!!:?F:^ .55 fWtfr" aiUtJ <?vvi?u yw.v mers could reach, dry lanq all their undershirts and socks and and things were fluttering M clothing that could be found, at &=ft:gMKS3| And they do lay that when those twenty nfetafita betas by the *t# fulgent lipht'of the moon that evening, .in single file and keep-., ing close iogetMtvtfcc hvnt Anntti ar acquaintance with the Zouave drill, 0*1 the part ?i, the 'man at tlyheflMiwim the upibreila* still hnrdlyfl^fflc& to cevfr them com pietfely* *They said -they felt conspicuoui somehow; and the situation was all the more embarassing, because wi the Dorcas societies and woman's rights conventions, and the pupils at the! female boarding schools, seemed to he ? . i . ^ s prancing aronna on tne streets me route ot the parade,. ^ " The Montgomery Advertiser says that one of the " trooly loil," who came to that city last Satur* day tqfsavwt^a country," boaght a paper* bok of Inciter watches bct'orl leading, which he safely deposited in his vest pocket. But on the road home, his benzine so completely conquered him that tie sought a dense 8bade and fell) asleep. He slept until pitch darkness set in, when.bbp|5en|ug.teyo)l over on his side, be ignited his whole box ot Jucifers, which, burn;, ing throngh^the box and clothing, aroused him from his slumbers to * #ense of the inky darkness by Which he was surroundod. no felt the fire, inhaled the burning aulpher, drew a haaty conclusion, and expressed i t as follows: " Dere, now 1 'Fore God, jes fvhat I 'spected 1 In bell, an' a roastin'. Da* comes o' toiler ing dem dam radicals 1" These is a story told of a self willed deacon who was always on the wrong side, and ludicrously stubborn. When the temperance reform wasjn lull feather, jind the. question discussed tn the church of which he was an officer, he, as a matter of course, opposed it.? He would not sign the pledge; he would not consent to its presentation in the Sunday school; he objected vehemently to the distribu tion of tracts. One day, in the pswcnco of a full hoQse, one of the brethren made the case of the deCCoa a subject of 'prayer. 4* O, Lor<^ if t by-servant, our tyrotber, continues his opposition to us, wilt thou, in thy tender mercies, remove him from the church militant .below, to the church triumphant above ?" 111 won't go 1" thundered tho indignant and ohetinate deacon. Apropos of children's balls at tho seaside, the following corres pondence is made pnblic : " Miss Minnie Smith's compliments to Miss Maggie Jones, and desires the pleasure of her company this evening. Refreshments at 11."? The response was; " Miss Mag Sie Jones' compliments to Miss linnie Smith, with regrets that nrifir ottrvQ nrnm onto nrnr?l nrlfl tli? j",v" j"vv.muw pleasuro of acceptance. She is to be whipped at 7, and sent to bed without her supper at 8." - < ? - ? It ip, said of Ethan Allen that be ohce attended a church where the minister made an estimate, the result of which was that ont of the whole human race, not more than one in a thousand would be saved. On the announcement of this result, Allen took his hat and walked out, saying as ho went: t4 Gentlemen, if any of you want my chance, you are welcome to it. It is not worth staying for." , Papa," said a little boy to his * parent, 44 Are not sailors very ' small men V* 44 No, my dear," answered the 1 lather ; 41 pfav, what leads you to suppose that they are small ?" ? " Because," replied the young I idea, smartly, u 1 read the other day of a sailor going to sleep in < his wptcfo." i ' * , -w + * ? i At Atlanta, Georgia, a boy ate thirteen apple dnmblings for dessert, one day last week. His 1 frieds grieve that tbey sought in vain for some obituary poetry suited to bis case. 44 Tk? aun is all very well," said an Irishman,'*** but the moon is worth two of it: for the moon af fords us ligbt in the night time, when wo want it. whereas the inn's with us in the day time, when we hare no occasion for it" r ' ? m . M Hart plain yoang ladies live to be pretty?old ones. t Mh^bu Sanija Acting AdThe Pec41c Railroad still blocked wM? snow, which Ma been twice sboveled. Valkhian ScHKHKOFFhaa assumed charge of the Russian Legation. A ptiAN white drees, without ornament or flower of any kind, is &6 severest'test of Roman's beauty or cMbpiexion." ' ( VkrinL bodies of tbe Legislatures of Ohio and New York have or; gaitMd by electing Republican oQpero, ^ V ' . ^iAn a*clMWp-wa&U to know, ^4r ?,is^pronounced wirk. wnv p o r k is not pronounced ,pirk I Th?6e question# are very irksome. * Thb Alexis hunting party meets in Omaha' ib thip month. If the snow is too deep' for sport on the 10th,* the party will proceed to 6a,n JTranoisco. | . Thb Churoh of the Messiah, Louisville, newly erected at the corner of Fourth and York streets, tfas burned on the 2d inst. It cost $70,000. Sixrr hpasee, in Monroe, La., including the wealthiest portion of the fcity, have- been burned.? Among the buildings destroyed are Uuion Church, Mansion House and Central House. - Loss over $500,000. ,Colonkx E. D. Fbost has taken charge as General Superintendent of the New Orleans, Jackson and ^Great^jtfjorthern Mississippi Cen tral and -Mississippi ana Tennessee Kailroads. All are now under same management. The old Manassas ha'tie field was told a few days since for eight dollars an acre. When the war commenced it was under a high state' of improvement, and the dwelling bouse upon it was ^one of the naest in that section of the State. Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, of Godey's Lady's Book, is eighty-four years old. ,. A Canton, III., tobacconist baa fallen into I German baronetcy. Tub average depth of the Atlantic ocean is estimated at 26,000 feet. NlXrrT'TIV! nr.mKII.. kAnu. ... 5? ' Naw York in open deflaneeof the police. The Chinese are imitating the Jupanese Yy sending their youths to England and America for education. Prlnee Alexis has arrived at St. Looia, and reception will be given htm on the 6th instant Louisiana lawyers aye reveling io fees.? The bad crops of the past year have caused an immense amount of sotsg. The total indebtedness of the State of Louisiana is upward of $14,000,000. Ethiopia legislation. . , Aqashz believes that Niagara Falls will wear away ia just eleven thousand years. Tug Congressional library contains 236,* 000 volumes. August Belmont, James Gordou Bennett, Jr., and several other gentlemen are duckhunting in North Carolina. Jno. En right has been confirmed by the Senate as Jury Commissioner lor Abbeville county,.and J. F. O. DuPrt Treasurer. King Emanuel congratulates Queen Victoria upon the eafety of the Prince of Wale*. Two boys, aged ten and thirteen years, were frozen to death, near Virginia City, Nevada. ,' Three oar loads of Japanese and Chinese silks, valusd at $2,000,000, were sent east ward from San Francisco, on the 26th ult. Bill Haley, a noted burglar, while robbing a foundry in Newark, was shot dead by a trap gun placed tbefe for such persons. A discharged driver murdered his conductor on "fhird Avenue Street Railroad, New York, with a oar hook. Another poor girl haa recently died in Virginia from the excessive use of Tobacco al the age of ooe hundred. She was an orphan. A Quebec dispatch taft a box left at the Grand Trunk Railroad Depot by an unknown person contained a dead woman, mutilated. Representative Whlppcr, who voted for Scott's impeachment and labored for it, was immediately relieved of bis hrigadier-generalship In tne militia, aod one Smalls is ippointed In the former's place, Cornell, Richard Tweed and Devlin are Tweed's hail. Tweed has snrrend^ed to ,he Sheriff, and resigned the commissioner* ihlp of public works. Mayor Hail has appointed George W. Vanherst Commissioner Psisci or Walks.?The heir prospective Id the British crown has been very aick? lor days at the point cf death, bat his shv , liciaos now pronounce him entirely eefe*-? rbe Prince bat lad a fast lifs; bat it is hoped bit n?#r approach to death will has* a beneficial effect on his morals. The Her edit Mexico special correspondent sayt Monterey advices of tbe SOtb are positive and certain that the Government officials arc leagued with the rfrolatiopiM*, and will turn the entire border orer to them. A colored man, naar Can tee, Misc., met hie death undsr rather peculiar ciroumataneee tba otbar day. Ha wished to kill a aheap, and hald it on tha track for the loee motive to perform the deed. Tbe sheep eeeeped with a broken leg, bat tha tonarai of the negro took place tbe nest dey. THE UIV DERSIGNE] FACTORABE W ? TO CBNBRAl IK] ?'.\L m ' .mi iR to ill J? ' ava <*ar < IS LARGER AMD THAN AND WII,t : , WHOLESALt ; AT THf LO V COUNTRY MERCHANTS W. NX AMINE STOCK * SENDING 0RD1 He will also famish T Bale at Factor/ prices. June SI 1 CAROLINA LIFE'INS ill RIM PHIs>' 1 JEFFERSON D1 BLM'K & POCI1ES A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURRENI AND OTHER OFFERED BY 1 May 3 CHOICE FAME A Plantation .. 0 JAMES G. BA HAVING Mt their store Id order, and hari CERIES, Ao., that can be bought for it trade, a large Stock of FKE8H GOODS, vis : Stuart's Cut, Crushed, Granulated, A, B, C i Java, Laguayra, Maraoaibo and Rio COFFI Green and Black TEA, of Best Quaity. Stuart's SYURP, GOLDEN DRIPS and M< Sugar Cured IlAMS, Breakfast BACON, Ne Factory CHEESE, English Dairy and Dutel Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER, Prime Leaf L, Canned FRUITS, PRESERVES and JELL English CRACKERS, English Albert BISC American (.'HACKERS, of all kinds, Fresh. MACKEREL. CANDLES and SOAPS, of a BACON, RIDES and Shoulders ; Liverpool i . BAGGING, of all kinds, and TIES. TYINES and LIQUORS, ot first quality. WE HAVE ALSO ON HAJ MARKET. FANCY AND TR. CHURNS, BUCKETS, TRa YL DUSTERS, COUNTER BR US FRESII GOODS RECE James 205 BRC Oot 25 "TTir&ivir] *1>WM' WE WOULD call attention DRY GOODS, OARPETI TAINS, &c. We have on hand one of the mc this market, consisting of Silks, A and other grades of FINE GOODS Prices. Fnll lines ot Sheetings, I with a complete assortment of Hos 24-3 ra J A. B. MIMI&AN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL C6MMISS10I HE&CHAIT. ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. I will also, when placed in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements Fertilizers, Ac. Oct 25 25 1V HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE OROOEBSy , AN? OEAlfAS IN mzssa&, &&<s??z&e, sstaAns, TOBACCO, &.C., NO. UW EAST BAT, mimwvMw. s. c. a. moaoir, o. wwim, i. B. riKrn. Ool !tf 36 6m 9 1 - iin- comssioK HL/li JjU JU OS-?? JUil ir, J i IJ.U. ? H48 ADDED TUB MNIfSMN BUSINESS HIS sue HINDIS?. f !S Wi IIS IftUT? auvjyn, BE SOLD AT 3 OR RETAIL \ A t? V olw *1." / E.8 T P R I C E 8 . UsL DO WELL TO CALL AND IND PRICES DEPOSE tR S j&L SEwdtiRJt. ! ARN8 and SHIRTINGS by the T. W. DAVIS. 5URANCE COMPANY,= rENftESSEE. L -*r V Tn TvT^Tir<T-r\?m I L V IB, I'KHiSlJJ 1. t STATE AGENTS,, MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED )ER VALUE PLAN, ABVANTASES, mis COMPANY. 5* tf LY GROCERIES ND Supplies. Jtf I ' ' 1 ' ? lILIE & BRO. ing received a large (apply of the Beet GROioQ?y, sow offer te their cuaiemere and tba nd Yellow SUGARS. EES. )LA8SES. w FLOll R. i CHEESE, ARD. IKS. UIT, Freeh. U kinds. SALT, *d:a laboo stock :or A VELI NO B A SKETS, T UBS. ?, STRA W BROOMS. FEaTHER i/IES dt HEARTH BLOOMS. IYED EVERY WEEK G. Bailie ft Brother* )AI> STREET, A UOUSTA.O A 25 #IB LrKINARDT] to our Large and Varied Stock of NGS, OIL OLOTH RUGS, CUR>8t complete stocks ever offered in Ipacas, Merinos, Poplins, DeLains, 5, which we are offering at Reduced Shirtings, Caesimeree, Jeans, <fec., iery ana Glovee. Give ms a caII. . H. & M. L KINARPFOR SALE. o THE HOUSE AND LOT IN the City of Greenville. present residence of the subscriber. The LOT contain a throe acres, moat conveniently and pleasantly situated, west of the Kivor, comer Rhett and River Streets, with a front of more than *00 feet on eaeb. The DWELLING HOUSE and sitnatlon is eonsldered one of the best in Greenville, with the usual and necessary Out buildings. There Is a flne VEGETABLE GARDEN and WELL of the purest eeld water, wbleh psrer fails. Tbers are abundance ef SHADE i TREKS, of natire growth, and EVER. UREBNS oa the Lot. For iirai nod fnrtber particulars, apply to1 > 0. F. TOWNES, Proprietor. July M v IS tf ' PHOTOGB APHING. HAVING recently fitted up the rooms over Whitnfr* A Ferguson's Store, with elegant lights, I am prepared la do all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, at warv sbert notice. Het^afpstiu^ gyeranted to aU T?. K. WMKKLKB. mij ii ml* I ... n'liU. Fleming A Maxwell WOUI?l> raapretlnllj inform t^a pulle that thay bare purehaead tb? fchop of Saiaael Blaak, in the old Ooari Boom, and are prepared to do WORK hi their Una in a nret alaaa mannar, and'ihay aolioil tha Patronage of tbair Pnaoda aad Publia generally. 27-tf 18 AUbJX 71 ML' MY FKtlntDS Atftt *At- ^ D^I*M>.^mi<?e?kefeepwt JR9L SiMmwK? WARK, TABI4S OUTLBRY, *0. Bp?oUl attiMiod ?i?&n to MfMlriM l** rlTMoM, M>d ' TU.. ?*. BiAcit , Ju 18 Sft tf 'ff 'J > 1 j M.Q. .wym, tJEf0f> r ) ?fr) rvp.MW , .T .f* syftsi -BUTLER &. McBEE. CREKNVaLE,S. C., " ^ill Pr actio* pi ,tlii Coarti of tilt ttato 'tl ..v 4 r . ZINSMAN db HO WELL, Footers qud r Commission Msr ehants. I ? ? :o:*~ ,v> Literal AdwPnee*made1 on Cotton . and Naval. Stores. . CHARLESTON> S. C. 8?p? if . IS 4m ixtj-fiT* flnt Prii# Medftli Awarded. oButhern Piano aanuraoiuttX. vm, knabe #00., i M?nufMtm#r? Of I GRAND, SQUARE AND WHWWT PIANO FORTES. Q JJAt fJHOltB, 3fD. , Thcae Instrupapts bar* been before the J Public for negfly Thirty Years,' And ufcM their excellence ftlube attained an Wv/uireAo*. td prt-emt nenci, which pronounces them un qualed, in tone. touch, j " 3 workmanship and durability. ; All our Square Pianos bare our New ItaI proved Or erst rang Bsale and the Agreffd < | We would eall special attention to ear late Patented Improvements in Qratftl Piaa?n and 6quare Grands, found in no "othhr Piano, , which bring the Piano nearer perfection than i has yet been aUpinqd. . .^' jf Avery Piano rally Wananted for Plre Years. 1 We are by *peeltl arrangement enabled to furnish Parlor Organs and Melodecns of the I most celebrated makers, wholesale and retail , [ dt lowest Fdctory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established age sows. rv Pet 18 P ^4 . #?n MONEY CARROT BUY ITt \ FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS I! BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTA- i CLES WILL PRESERVE IT. ' If Yon Valno Your Eyc?i|ht ' USB THRSB PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, Melted together, and derive their name " Diamond " on acewubt of their Hardneas And Brilliancy. They will last many years .without ehange. fcnd era warranted superilor to all others, ma^nfaatated by J. K. SPENSKH A CO.. N. Y< Caution ?None genuine unlets stamped with onr trad# mark. i.-a 0. TURNBR, Sola Agent for Greenville, 8. C. From whom they ean only be oblaioed. No Pedlars employed. May 10 1 ly DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P- P. TOAL E, Manufacturer and Dealer, No. 29 Flayne Strtrt and Jlorlbtek't Wharf, CHAJlJLESTOSi, 8. C. r3r Thi? is the lereent and mmt oomSlfte Factory of the kind in the Southern tate*, end e)( article* tn this lirfe ceo be turpialied by Mr. P. P. Toalb et piicn which defy eompetition. UP A pamphlet with full end detailed liet of all aiiee of Door*, Sarhea and Blind* 1 and th# price* of each, will be aent free and po?t paid, on appUcatiou to P? P. Toale, CHARLESTON, S. C. July 12 10 ly. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. 1 , OHEENVILLE ! COACH FACTORY.; I Oower, Cox & Markley. WK WOULD unoaaM that ?im pre- 1 pared now to fill all order* for WglHlOOLE?. Having the largeet atoek of labor-aaving machinery in the State, and the moat akilfa) workmen In the Booth, we hope to be able to I aupply all demand*. The atoek of t ONE, TWO, I THREE, FOUR, 1 and BIX-R0R8E ] IRdtf-AXLE < PlANlATtQR WAGGKS Will be kept fall, and new, aa for thirty oflre J*ar% tfcaad-wagon* *b*H be the |khd|>ARD O# fiSOBLLSEOt. W/dte diking, a* uftfal, a large Itbek e' < ckawaji and Baffin A. ?J1 prteea : wane new and elegant pattern* Gower, Cm , :> Sc JWarkley. If. B. $5 years of faithful 'work?oar j guwftBtc?. Aug80-17tf ; ; n ] o'oNstiiii^TioRr/i Its Core and Its Prepejitiye, BY J. 11. SCUENCK, M. D. lrAHT?k?N\ M>|?m puHd a Way, lUL for wboao doatfc there ?u a* Mktr r?Mon than tk? negleot or know* and IndUputabty proven laoaaa of owro. Tkoo* near and 4m? to, finally and (Honda **? Hooping 1)r. josxrrf ft. bchkvck'8 sticplk' a , >>i< a and waited tbemaolvea of bia woadarfal efleaoioua BMdioioooi thoyeroaW not bar* Mien. Dr. Bohenk haa fa ite*o#a*?bo proved thai wherever auBoient vitality romaina, that rtUlity, by bia modieinea and tb* dirootioaa tor t^elr t*e? la qdlftkedfi into bog I tb tot vigor. J la tbiobtgtoatontfltmSnotblnKpreafiapU nena. To the faith of the invalid la mad* no lOtooeowtatloA that 14 not a tbouiaod tttnea; aabatantiated. by living and vlalbW work#. The theory of tbe eufe by Dr. 8chonck'e modi* isoo id aa ahaplo aa it la uarailtng. Ita philoaophy require* no argument. It I# ael-aa. J uring, seii-convinoing. . . The Seawood Tonic ud Mtndrakt Pills sis the list two wtrtou With Which the citadol of the malady it Mtailed. Two-tbirds of the csm? of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a funotionally disordered liver. With thia condition the bronchial tube# "sympathise" with the stomach. They respond to the morbiflo action ofthe Hirer. Here then oomes the culminating result, and the setting in, with all lta d it treating symptoms, of consumption. . The Mkndraka Pilla are competed of one o Nature's noblest gifts?the PsdopblUlum Pellatum. They posts** all the blood-aearohtog, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike ckloiael, they . i t '* LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cute is now beginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowel* and in the alimentary canal are ejected. The Ilvei', like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity.- The stomach acts respontively, and the patient bcclns to feel that he is getting, at hurt," ' A SrPPLT'OF QOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tooio, in^opjunoflen with the Pille, permeate* end atrimilates With the food. Ch;llflettl<a la now progressing without it* previous torture*. Digestion become* painless, *nd the cure la teen to be at bani. There ^ do more flatulence, no exacerbation of the sto-. maaft'S An appetite aeta to. '? Now cornea the greateat Blood Purifier ever tod by an indulgent father te Buffering mate. Schenok'a Pulmonic Syrup comer in to porform ita function* and to haaten and complete the cure. It enter* at voce epeo ita work. Nature cannot he oheeied. It eoUect* and ripOns the impaired and ditcaatd portions of tho lunga. In the form of gathering*, it praparda them for expectoration, and lo ! in a veiy abort time the malady la ranquiahed, the rotten throne that it occupied ta renovated and made new, and tha patient* in all the dign i?J tf rtgained vigor, step* forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVBN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stay in a warm room until, they get well f 41 is al? nuat impossible to prevent taking oold when the lunga are diseased, hot it mast be prevented or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh air and riding etjt, eapecjally in thia section of the country in the-fall and winter a* a son, are all wrung. Physician* who rtoommend that eoursa lose their patients, if their lungs are hadlv diseased, aud yet, bocauso thoy are in the house they must not sit down quiet; they must walk about the room aa much and as fast as the strength will bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits? be determined to get well. This Baa a great deal to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidenoe of its possibility in the woiat eases., and moral certainty in all othars, Is sinful. Dr. 8ohenck'a personal statemant to tha Faculty of bia own cure wea in theee modest words : " 34any years ago I wag in the laat stage* of consumption j oopflued to my bed, and at one time my pbysioians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straw*, I heard of and obtained the preparation* which I now offer to the publio, and they made a perfect core of me. It seemed to me that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than p pint of oflbnsire yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon ss thst began to subside, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats all began to leava me, and my appetite became so groat that it wm with dUBoulty that I could keep from eating too mncb. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in flesh ever since." " 1 was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doeter," then looking like a more skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, seven pounds ; my pjpsent weight is two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounds, and for years I enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr.* Sehcnek has d|peontlnued his professional visits td New Ydrk and Boston, lie or his son, Dr. J. H. Schenck, Jr., still continua to see patient* at their office, No. 15 North Sixth itreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Kesplromster will bo charged $6. The Kespiromeler declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patienta can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking the medicinea are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow tbcae diroctiona, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that (n soma eaaea the Mandrako Pilla are to be taken in inoaeaaed doaaa j the three medicinea need go other ae eompanlments than the ample inatructiona that accompany th?iu t Firat create appetite. Of returning health hunger 1a the moat welcome symptom. When it cornea, aa It will come, let the despairing at of good cheer. Good blood at once followa, the cough looaena, the night sweat i* abated. In a abort time both of theae morbid aymptoma are gone forever. Dr. Sehenck'a medicinea are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative, the Mandrake Pilla are a standard preparation ; while tips Pulmooio Syrup aa a curer of coughs and eolda, may be regarded as a propbylacterie against consumption in any of its forms. Price of the Pnlmonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonie, $1.60 a bottle, or $7.60 a half dozen. Mandrake Pilla, 26 eents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealera. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. HENRY, No. College Plaoe, New York City.Vi March 22 40 ly 1874. f?_T?iee. 1871, SOTS 2 GOTS2 GOT3 2 E\0UBLE and Single Barrel duns, , Breech/ leading and Masale-leading iuaa, of glish, French and German iianaifcctnro, at ill prieee. Single Gona at $?.M, $4,00,. $0.00, $8.00, iiq AA i. eon AA ?- ' ? m ?.*v to f*vjvv ?ica j jL/oudiv uudi rrotn >7.00 to 9200.00 each. !KIST?M I IP1SV0M!! Smith A Wmioq, Colt'*, Allen'*, Sharp'*, ind alt the popular and approved kind*. SPORTSMAN'S 0001)8 of great rartety. AMMUNiTIONI For Oana, Platola and Rifle*. BEST QUALITY AND AT LOWEST PRICE8. Country merchant* and aporUmen are ln? rlted to call and examine onr large and well lelooted (took of the abet# good*, which we Import direct and buy from the manufaotr,rera. Order* by mail Ailed promptly, and lent by ax^re**, C. O. D. POULTNEV. TRIMBLE * CO., W. X. flAOtni, d. WILL . 1ASLET * WELLS, Attorneys ftii OotuuoUors ait Lav ANP IN EQUITY. GREKKYILM, fl. 0., PRAQTIOI In the ConrU of the fit.U Had of the United BUtM, and" fire np??iil itUntion to euei In Bnakraptoj. Jut 1 i?7L 84?tf 1 MUWWi 1<M f t?f|g , CiMtlra >Mcn? 1 fl|l|u Mittn in Mt vb Itaay1 Mate of row Mmm* IWMihtrf rMfilfMu aa? BoAin Uwmi 4m?M 4at4vMtMM4 to plaoaa tho taato?' ooMod"Toniaa." - Awttiin.'' ? Baalim*" ?#,' ,: that 1mAtho tlnlo oa to Anakamaaa and rata, hot art o trao Moil lata*, aaaAo from tha Hottra Root* h? Mt of (Mlknh, Art* Ma an I AImImIU MmImu. They m. the . etBAT BLOOD FCRIVIU u? A I UN ?ITOT? nilOIDLA i Hrtat , Benofetor end lart?oi*te* of the Byfte*. Mir*. &39ftK?Et3BB sr Bitten MoordlM to dtrectlone uf iradn lone unil, provided their bones on aot deetroyed by mineral poieon or other whom, and U? vital ertaae waated beyood-fhe point of Malrv / \r. 5 They are a Gentle. Pnraatlwe if w^l' i as a Tenle, poMHOlwr, oloo. tbo peculiar merit Of SeMns ad o powerful arent te relledtns Coopesttea m ToHSmnatVa of tho lire* aid of a|t the Thoeral Otrui. VOR FKM4L1 GOHPUIltVAfbitiMf lapooar or old. mooted or oteste. at the down of womanhood or at the ton of life, then Tonic Bitten ban no otwaL Per IuSmnnnlery asf Chrrenlo Rhea-' nation and Goat, Sfapcooto or In-' dlseotlon, Billons, RonteOont and Intornlttoat Powers, Ploo?eo ef the' Bleed, Liver, Kidneyo mad Bl adder, then Bittern haro boon moot aaoooooteL Huch Ploeaeeo are eauood br W tinted Blood,which la doneraUr ptodnecd br detmpdenaent oT tbo Dlltalvi Ore a no. / / DfBNPSIA OR IHDI01B*70K, Boodoehe, P^n to the Shooldero, Ooofha. Tiflhi> t-. son of tho Cheat, Diminoee, Boor Eruetntione of tho Stomach. Bad Taate In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of Mm Heart, Inflammation of Mm IiBnco, Pain in tho melons of the Kidney a, and S hundred other fealntul aymptoms are 1the off rinnolDnMMlfc They Invigorate the Btomach and stlmnlste the torpid Livtor and Bowels, whloh rcndar them of unequalled yOcacy to cleansing the blood of all lmpuri ties, and tmpertiag now lifn and vigor to the Whole system. FOR BKIK DISKABKS, *rupUons,Tetter, Bait Rhesus. Blotches, BpOts, Plmplee. PestujM, . ' Bails, Osrtoinclea, Ring-Worms, Scald Bead, Son ? ried out o*thsrrstem In a short flme^y'the use of these lUttars. Oae bottle to such cases win cmTtsM the moat Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Impurities bursting through the skin in Phuplss, BrupUons or Bona; cleanse It whan you And it Obstructed and sluggish to tha veins; cleanse it Whsh It la foul,and your feelings will tell you wheo. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system trill follow. PIN, TAPS, and other WORMS, urklag to the system of so many thousands, are effectually dcatrojsd and romoTtd. SOLD BT ALL D&UOOISTS AMD PEALBR8. 3. WALKSII, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD * JMh For talc to the Ciiy <>t UncmUlp DR. M. is HUNTER A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs# Medicines, Chemicals, Ac,, Ac. May 10 1 K. Re 11. Had way's Ready Relief CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need sny one suffer with pain. Radway's Ready Relief is a cure for every pain. It was the Aral and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating paint, allays imfhimatlons, and cures cou? Eestions, whether ot the lungs, stomach, owela, or other glands or organs, by oue application. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF Will afford instant ease. Inflammation of lilt Khtnevs. inflammation <>! Iti? ltlo.t.l-.. Inflammation of the Bowels. Oonjeation of the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult lii entiling. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Tooothache, Neuralgia, ltheumali-m, Cold Chill*, Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or diflicultj exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drop* In half a tumbler of water will in a few momenta cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway's Ready Relief with them. A lew drops in water will prevent sickness or pai:is Irom change of water it ia better * titan Freneh Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Pevar and Ague cuied for fifty cents.? There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Kad. way'a PUD) so quick as Radway's Ready Relief. Fitly cents per bottle. HEALTH I BEAUTY!! Strong and Pars Rich Blood?lacrosse of iHash and Weight?Clear Skin and beautiful Complexion secured to all. I?R. RADWAY'S RARRAPAlt 11.1,1 AN RCflOLYCRT Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents In lha eura of Chrooia, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Sklo diseases; but it is tba only positive euro for Kidney and Bladder complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bnght's Disease, Albuminuria, and ia all eases where there are brlek duet deposits, or tba water Is thiek, cloody, mixed with substanoe* l'k# ;T-' the wKlte of an egg. or threads like white Ilk L -I.... i. LiJ J 1 ? VI nvviV m nvruiu, Mri, Dillons ?p ptsrsnts, snd white bone dust deposits, end when there ie a pricking, burning sea- I sslk>n when passing water, and pain In tie Small of the Daefe aad along the Loins Dr. DaSwaj'e PerfectSargatftwa Fill#, Perfectly Ustfleea, elegantly eoaUd wVh sweet gum, porge. rewalafe, parity, tleepee and atresjtheo. a5way'e PUle, for the euro of all disorders of the Stomieb, Li/er, Bowet*. KHooyrJp*'^"; Nenreas dU**eso, HOodaehe, Wbetlpalion, Costlvinsse, Indigestion, DyeprpeU, Biliousness, fiilioae JoirJ, laflasaatloo af the Bowels, Pilss, and all Dsiangecn^ista of the J eternal Viscera. Warranted to effeet a positive sure, Pure. lj VegaUbls, oonUiniug no mercury, tnlt> srals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the follow tog symptoms resulting from DHordera of the Digestive Ortrsnr uototiMiiof, JBVtr* PbUdmi of the Blood in tho Heed, Aeidlty ol flio Hom. ch, Neueee, Heerttara. Die?aet of |oo7, PullufwCor Weljht is the Store* oh, 8our Kructetion*, Siskin* or JMetmdog U tho Pit of th4 St omeeh, wwinsinlog} of to ? B #ed, Harried end DiffieuU Breathing. j A few doeee ?ftUdw??*e fflle v?ifl free the eretem from oH- tho shore tiered dieordero. Pttee, 1# eentt per Bob. Bold bj DruggUU. V Reed " Peleo aid Troe,n Seed one l?tUr eternp to RAT>W AY A CO., Vo. 87 Melden Lone, New York. Information worth thooeer-1 ' *' ... I