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$25 REWARD." STOLEN from the subsoriber, four miles south-east of ^TXLm^V^QroonTillo City, on tho night f of the 18th Inst., a light BAY HOR?Et nine yoars old, sixteen hands high, long mane and tail with freah aaddlo marks, and scratches on both hind feet. Said Horse paces under tbo saddle, carries bis head high and ears erect, and valued at two hundred dollars. I will pay twenty-fire dollars for the apprehension of the thief and delivery of the Horse, or ton dollars for the delivery of the lforso , alono. Address, 0. A. PARKINS, Greenville, 8. O. Deo. 20 33 4* FOR SALE. ' ahiMjp* t? <M It* t fc? ?S UHWIV ?ivyo& ?.? wui. near the Old Baptist,Churq)}. BammalflBrThe dwelling contains..few | rooms mid two fire place*. Oei the Lot ie; a good Kitchen, Brick Smoke Houte and Stable, and a well-of fine Water. Terms liberal, and price low. Apply to the proprietor. " * .b.B, mViNB. o?-tl? * in. VVltu HOLIUAV nil" i f 4-il n >.. V mil !0Q. mi t-: FOSTER WiM & HUNTER H A. V K d-. CO I.I. IiCTION.dt.1 F IT R S ? ^ -rvT M.I ,r.i CONEY, MINK, AND OTHER KINDS. , STRIPM) SHAWLS, Various Stjdea, Handkerchiefs, Q&0188; AND , ^ FANCY GOODS, Hoods Scarfs &c.9 Suitable fur presents. CITRON, CURRANTS, RAISINS, In Whole and Quarter Duxc?, GINGER, PRESERVES, Fresh Candies, Cheese, <&c., dec. Coine and See. Dec 13 32 :Ui A .^tl SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAHO, PRICE $15 CASH, WITH ifSUAI, ADVANCE FOR TIME. 1 EXPERIENCE in the use of this Guano J for the past six years in this State, ?f?>r Cotton i?ml Coin, has so far established its character for excellence as to reader -comment unnecessary. In accordance with the established policy of the Company to fnrrtrsh the bt't Concentruted Fertilizer at Ihe lowest cost to consumers, this Guano is put into market this season nt the above reduced price, which the Company is enabled to do by reason of its large facilities and the reduced cost ol manufacture. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personel superintendence of lJr. St. Julian Rnvenel, Chemist of the Company, at Charleston, S. C., hence, ptautera may rest rssnred that its QUALITY and COMPOSITION is precisely the same ns that heretofore sold. At the present low price ev~ ry acre planted on be fertilized with 200 pounds Guano at a cost not exceeding the present value of 30 pounds of oolton, while experience has shown that under favorable conditions of season and cultivation the crop i* increased by tho nppliea tion from two to threefold the natural ca pacify of the soil. Ilence, under no conditions could its application fail to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N UOB80N, Agent Pacific Guano Company, No. ^Jast IJuy and Nob. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. J NO. S. REESE A CO, General Agents. Nov 29 30 3m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S i COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, /'or Campottiny With Cotton Sent. Price $25 Caah, with Usual Advance for Time. rI',IIIS article is prepai ed undi-r Hie super1 intrixlence ol Dr. ST. JULIKN KAV ENEL rxpreuly for c< riipottiug with cottor. n'cd, I . was introduced by this Company t wo years ago. and its use Itna tolly hi tested its value. 200 to 250 pounds of tliis article per acre, properly composted with the same weigh' of eoWon seed, furnishes the planter with a KHKIII.1ZER, of the highest excellence at the smsl'eat cost. A compost prepared with this article, as hy printed direction* furnished, contains all the elements of fertility that can enter into a first-clnes FERTILIZER, while its economy must commend its liberal nee to planters For supplies and printed directions for composting upply to J. 1%. Rolison, AGENT PACIFICOUANO COMPANY, 7o. 68 East Bay and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. JIH). S. REESE ?t CO, General Agents. Jiov 29 SO 3m Edmonds T. Brown, 3EK ^L TT MB 9 4H IIAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S C. Pec 0 31 Ijr m n? i n i, ATLANTIC ACID PHOSPH ATE. ^rpnis Article, prepared by tlie ATLANTIC PH08PHATE COM- 1 U PANY, under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN KA VLNEL, for composting with Cotton Seed, is now offered at the ) Reduced Price of $28 per ton cash, or $81 per ton payable 1st No* veraber, 1872, Free qf IiiteresL Orders filled now will be considered as Cash let March, 1872, or on l?me as due let November, 1872, thereby enabliug Plantere to haul it at a time when their Wagons and Mules are idle. PELZER, RODGERH & CO., General Agents, Brown's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. - , F. DONALD, Agent, tirove Station, 8, C. _lan3 h. / r: . m | < ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. 51TOHIS FERTILIZER, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate ? Company under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, is now offered to the Planting Communfty at the very Reduced Price of $48 per ton cash, or $52 payable 1st November, 1872, Free of Interest. This Fertilizer lias been very extensively used in tbis State and has given entire satisfaction ; some of the most practical planters admi^ ting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered as cash on the-lst of March, 1872, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due on lat November, 1872. By this arrangement planters will be enabled, withont extra cost, to haul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mulee are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic Phosphate will be furnished on application to the Agents. PEI.ZER, RODGERS Sc. CO., General Ageoli, Brown's Wharf. Charleston, B. C. WM. BEATTIE. Agent Greenville. South Carolina. s ' 85 8m WM A A1 ffk A wnnuu i F ERTmZEl! COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, TOBACCOPRICE: ' CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. |. Factory East end Hasel St.; Mines on Ashley ; River. wjura?' I ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME!: FOR. 5 COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. ; PRICE: 1" CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $35 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, pay- ? able Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT IN- ? TEH EST. I n w?. o. mvasa & co.? ; GEJYERJIL J1GEJYTS, : 1 01 No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, I C 11 A R I. E S T O N S. C. J XkV FURNISHED AT CHARLESTON PRICES. FREIGHT \ ADDER, BY JULIUS C. SMITH. AGENT, GREENVILLE, 5. 6'. b Dec 20 33 3m J SOUTHERN . ti LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEN. JAS. B. GORDON, PRES'T, \ . ASSETS. OVEIt &I.OOO.OOO. " C. C. STEPHENS, I 7 b AGENT FOR GREENVILLE COUNTY. J T>R J. II. DEAN, Medical Examiner. 0 Dec 13 32 tf fi Merry Christmas ! ? THE SANTA GLAUS BAZAR Of : H. A. INT! & CO. I Contains a Beautiful Collection of Toys, Gifts, Novelties, Notions ?j and Fancy Articles in Tin, Wood, China, Parian, Marble, Glass, n, Shell and Lava, Velocipedos, Carta, Figures, Vases, China Cups, Smoke and Wine Sets, Marble Ornaments, Chess-Boards, Ohess-Men. t , ' w orK-iioxcs, UJovf-Boxes, Portcmonaica, Writing Deeks, Portefolios, ?> Building Blocks, &c., &c. ,, ih rsr Give us n call and bring the children. 32-tf ' 0t # DM GOODS BOO1 lift ; v. '*. :/, V .' 'iM G. W. BRtTT P' ' Mh "PI? ~ !-! ? rm< o-v^ ivjvv luaiivtna apa opcuin JSk ILY UR0c?iQta,cQU8i8tii Crushed, Powdered an Java, Lagnyra and Rio Gunpowder* Imperial a MOLASSES and SYRl Family FLOUR, in bar MACKEREL, Canned English MUSTARD, W Yeast POWDERS, SOI PEPPER, GINGER, C PICKLE% S4U0E6, J ALS French and American NUTS of various kindi 8EGARS, PIPES, Smc Table and Pockot Kniv Writing Paper, Envelo] A VARIED HARDWARE, CI1 CLASS' WITII A GENERAL LADIES' AND Mil vifi*' > TRIMMII BESl vr?~.. ~?i? * - " many uuiur AI11CIC8 It>r tllO 118< FARM, too i) umeroim to mention v. PLEASE CALL AND E] a. w. ??vj Nov 1 AN ORDINANCE TO . Raise Supplies for thcTYoar 1872. RE IT EXACTED by the M-yor and Aldermen of the City of Greenville, in Council assembled, and by authority of the mine, That a Tax to cover tlio period from lanunry 1st. I8T2, to Jnnuary 1st, J873, for thn turns and in tho manner hereinafter mention d, shall be raised and paid into tho Public Treasury of the City of Greenville, by the 1st lay of March next, for the uso and service hereof. Section 1. On each Ono Hundred Dollars if assessod value of Real Estate and Personal 'ropcrty, tho of sum Fifty Cents. Steal Estate, Stocks, Goods and Chat | tela Sold at Auction. Rnf. 2. There shall he paid quarterly. Two ind a Half per cent, vpop nil Bales at Auction, in all Goods, and One per cent, on all Chatels and Real Estate, and Stocks of every I cnvii|hi?ii, except on sates in ail o by order >f Court, or process of law, or by Executors uitl Administrators. 3oods, Warea and Merchandize Sold on Consignment. Sko. 3. There shall bo paid by all merchants >r others, One-Half per cent, upon all Sales of loods, Wares anil Merchandize sold on Consignment, made Iroin the 1st day of Janu* iry 1872, to the 1st day ot January 1873, the ibovc lax to he paid ipiarterly. Road and Street Tax. Sr.r. 4. That cneh and every nmle person ictwccn the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, ithcr than members of the Fire Department, )rdained Ministers and Students, shall pay on ir belorc the 1st day or March next, One Dolnr for Itoad and Street exemption, nnd if any icrson liablo to this tax, shall fail to uiuke layincnt at the time specified, be shall beheld iable to work on the streets of the City, for '.x days under the direction of tho acting vcrccei of the streets ; any person refusing or cgl'scting to obey the summons, shall lie fined t the diseretioiPnf the Council, said fine to be ollccted by execution. And it shall bo the luty of the eity Clerk and City Marshal to eport to the Council all defaulters under ither of tha clauses of this section. jawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, &6. Skc. 5. There shall be paid Thirty Cents on he Hundred Dollars of Gross Income of irokers aifd Rankers, nnd on nil Incomes deivod from the Commission Business, or the 'raeticc of tl?e Professions of Law, Medicine nd Dentistry, and fruar^thc Ilusincss of )aguerrcotyping, Ambrotjrping and Photernphing within the limits of tho City?the mount of in*umn ?a c 11 - St day of January, 1K78, to the 1st day of atiuary, 1873, the Tax upon th? same to be ' id quarterly. !arriage?, Omnibusses. Wagon*, &c. Skc. 6. Thero shall be paid Ten Dollars on a"h four-borne Omnibus or llaok ; $ix Dollars n cat1?' Carriage or Hack drawn by two or tore horses. run for conveyance of passongers r hire; Throe Dollars on each onorhpj-se Rugy, (Jig or Fulky, kt^t for hire ; ten Dollars n each four-horse Wsg'^ft; Fix Dollars on aeh two-horso Wagon, or Drnjf, or Carl, and 'our Dollars un each one-horso Ifsjop* Dray r Cart run for hire. The Taxes on Oraniusscs. Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Wagons, trays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be jMid efore they shall be allowed to run: Prondid, 'hat nothing hcrem contained shall l>4 oonIrurd so as to extend to Wagons, Carts, or titer vettidles going to or from market, and wncd and run and used by non-residents of (to City. Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers. Frc. 7. Five Dollars per day shall be paid y every Itinerant Trader or Auetioneer oflertg for sale within the corporate limits of the ity, at Auction or otherwise, any Goods, fares or Merchandize, to be paid each day in dvance ; and every ICrsrant Trador or Ane- 1 onuer liable to the tax aforesaid, and who ' hall fail to make payment, shall he fitted Ten lollars for each day he may so offend ; Proided, The provisions of ibis section shall not so construed so as to npply to the ordinary ealcrs in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poulry, iron-ware, earthen-ware, or other produce r manufactures of the like character. Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys. gee ft Th?? '?n.- f ? vo Dollar* hall he paid open each and every ! 1 lillinrd Table, and Twenty-five Dollars upon I ?ch and every Nine or Ten Pin Alley, kept ithin the limits of the City of (JOecirviile for rofii ; said Tax to he paid beferS Liconie to so the same shall be granted. Any perqnQ or ersons using the articles or opening Mm esiblishinent mentioned above in this Section, ithuut first having obtained a License fpotn ie City Council, and giving a bend to the ime in the sutu of Two Hundred Dollars, >nditioned to observe the laws of the State nd City, shall be Subject to a fine not exeecdig Ten Dollars for each day 'snob establish lent shall be kept open or used. questrain and Theatrical Performances. Sue. V. That no Equostrain or Theatrical I irfornsance, or other performaneet, or other i thlbitions for gain, shall be had in the City Ureenville, without a license tberofor being r?t obtained from the Mayor, and payment r said license made to the City Clerk, as orcsaid as follows: For each and 07?ry qucstrlan Exhibition, Fifty Dollars; for oaoh id arery Hida Nhow, i? mm not las* than Five ollar* nor exceeding Twentysflee Dollars, a* ie Mayor shall determine ; for Theatrical and ker Exhibitions for gain, smh sum as the aims, 18, SHIMS, &C. <fSON & CO. (TV** g Full Supplies Qf Fresh FAMng in part or: , I d Brown SUGARS COFFEE ... fc. ... nd Breakfast TEA JP of various qualities rels and sacks C and Spiced OYSTERS orcestersbire SAUCE DA. Table SALT /INNAMON. CLOVER ELLIKS, PRESERVES 1 CANDIES ' ' i . r ,** >king and Chewing TORACCO es, Razors, Scissors N pes, Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, &c. STOCK OF LROCKERY AND WARE. , ASSORTMENT OF mm miss goods, VGS, &C. DJSS 3 of the HOUSEHOLD and the n an Advertisement. (AMINE THE STOCK. 5?H?35? $? 0Oe 20 tf Mayor shall determine. And each and every pcrsoh exhibiting forgnin, without first having obtained n license, and the payment of the said Tnx in advance, shall bo fined in a sum .not less than double the amount of said Tax, in manner hereinafter provided for the impost* tion of fines and forfeitures. Special Tax. Sec. 10. That no Person, Firm, Company or Corpora th>a'shall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession. until he, she, or they, shall have paid a Spo cinl License therefor in the manner hcrcinaftcr provided, to wit: Each and every business, either Mercantile, Mechanical or MantiI acta ring, the gross sales or receipts of which hall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars per Annum, shall pay a License of Two Dollnre, in excess of Five Hundred Dollars, and not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars, Seven Dollars and a Half, and in excess of Two Thousand Dollars aud not excocding Five Thousand Dollars, Eight Dollars, and in excess of Five Thousand Dollars and not exceeding Ten Thousand, Ten Dollars, and in excess ol Ten Thousand Dollars. Twelve Dollars. Each First-Class Hotel, Twenty-five Dollars; caeh Second-Class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars ;cnch Saw Mill, Fifteen Dollars - each Corn Mill,grinding under three thousand bushels per annum, Fiftccu Dollars, and over three thousand bushels per annum, Twenty Dollars; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollnrs; each Cotton Gin, Ten Dollars: each Cotton Press, Five Dollnrs; each Livery Stable, Ten Dollars ; each Gas'Manufactory or Works. Ten Dollars; each Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; each Barbershop, Five Dollars ; caeh Auctioneer, Twelve Dollnrs. The License issued by virtue of this Section shall he collected on or by tlio 1st day of March next, and shall cover the year 1S72, aud all Business Liccnso issued on and after the 1st day of March next, shall be issued on a ratable proportion of the year dating from the 1st day of the inoutb in which it may be issued. Physicians, Lawyers. Dentists, Pho tographists, Artists, Insurance Companies, &c. Skc. 11. Each Physician. Lawyer, Dentist, Photographist and Artist, and each Insurance Company and Speculators in grain, flour or country produce, not otherwise licensed under this Ordinance, shall pay a license of Filteun Dollars ; and caeh Express Company having an office in. nnd doing business within the corporate limits of the City, Twenty-five Dollars for conducting said business or occupation ; said rum or sums to he paid on or before the 1st day of March next, or on any subsequent day before commencing such business or occupation. And a penally of Five Dollars per day shall ho levied against any person prosecuting such business or occupation, or any business named in this Section without first having taken out a license therefor. Liquor License. '*4-0 Srr. 12. Dealers in*;Ltquor shall pay the following License, to wit.: Each Retail Liquor Denier, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars: each dealer in Liquors who sells by the qnnrt cr larger quantity. One Hundred Dollars; each Druggist selling by the bottle, Fifty Dollars; (the liquor not to be drank on the premises where sold, hy any other than a retail liquor dealer.) nnd the license for all dealers in liquor shall cover the year expiring on the 1st day of October. 1S72. nt the ?knv? ?,.??? por nnnuin, and must be paid before tlie parties enter upon said business. Penalties. Sec. 1.1. Ami he it further O/tlaiued, Thnt if any person or persons shall fail, neglect or refuse to make a return to tho City Clerk on oath, of all his, her or their tnxublo property, income, soles, reruipts, or any, or ull other thiols taxed by this Ordinance, and pay tho tax thereon imposed, within the time specified by this Ordinance, tho Clerk <Jf Council, assisted by the Assessor* of the City, are hereby authorized and required to assess such person or persqns for all bis, t?."r or their property, or other thing* taxed by this Ordinance, according to tho boat information which bo and tho A***c*sor8 can obtain of tho value of such taxable property, and add One Hundred per cent, to the amount of the tax of tbo person or persons thus neglecting or refusing to make a return as aforesaid, or pay tho tax thereon j and if tho double tax thua imposed is not paid within Thirty Days theieaftor, the said Clerk is hereby authorized and required to issue an execution thcrctor immediately, which snid execution shall bo lodged with tho Sheriff of tho County of Oreenville, to be collected according to the provisions of the Act of the ilcnera! Assembly in such eases, made and provided. Done and ratified in Council assembled, under the corporate Seal ol the City of Oreenville, 1 this 5th day of December, IH71. JAMES P. MOO HE, Mayor. F. A. WAUTEIt, Clerk. I)ed IB' 32 tf PURE wmn WHITI HADJ BY TELEGPwAPH. SOME Stock in Storo now, and i a Largo Lot coming, 1 SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TfJ, Ordered by . TELEGRAPH. CiJowcr, Cox A Jlarklcy. ij Oct 'lb 'lb U ' ' THE L1YE HP H. C.1 Has Arm TOW Y011 ATO OTTO WITH A LARGE s-/ ui W V?GENERAL Ml DRY GOODS ftjure JU And a general P V I C V TIIE SAME HE PROMIS B3?&83 SOTJI Ilis Stock of GROCERIES is v< will be sold at very LOW FIGUR Call and Kfttiafv vrmra i ? El ? ( a&g t Having Hen TO TIIEIR KE Corner of Ilrond mid .11 c CfUplLL take great pleasure in w W/ who will find a choice a DRV GOODS, which will be disp< the most economical. |52~ An examination of Goods j v^iiris tupi 25 3m 202 and 204 Br CLOCKS, GOLD AND SILVER BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, AND FANCY GOADS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO GENUINE IP'J&XM! SFOTMiOS. I*. Wchrle. Oct 11 23 tf Johnston, Crews & Co*, IM PORTERS And "Wholesalo Dealers in STAPLE AND F A. INTOY DRY GOODS, it o t : o it c &WD m&LL 4 1 HA TNE STREET, S. (5. Dec IS 32 )f <3. D1ERCKS, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF GROCEREIS, CifiATf, Tobacco, A Foreign A Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ales Ac. at wholesale and [ retail low for cash. COLUMBIA. S. C. AT KIKSLRR'S HALL CORNER. Oct'13 24 3m Mrs. C E? Reed's Millinery and Emporium of Fashion* J AT>IES* llATS, CArS AND DON NETS. JL. J X L&O (DB&Sim AN? IHAXR IN EVERY STYLE. TOILET ARTICLES, &C., FOR SALF. VERY LOW. MAIN S'L, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oet 18 24 8m Dr. Anderson HAS opened Office in GoodMtfSHHk lett llou.e HoiMing, firet door on Washington Stroet, IN REAR OF Mr. T. W. Davis, Jeweler. mil w|>un?iu m um lontiwinp low rates : Gold Fillings from $1 00 to $1 60. Tin A Amalgam " 50 " $1 00. Teeth Extracted at 50. Teeth Inserted at Reduced Rate*. Torma Cai-b. pftl - Person* of moderate mean*) be not letorrcd from calling, for if he cm icc*fmno- ! late yon a I les* rate*, he will. Urcapvillc, 8. C. Oct. Iltb, 1S71? 2i?-tf ' TOWN STORE!,;";,: , o MARK 'ed From ' i . v, vi a votvsME ails, AND SELECTED : ' I ' slK ?[F ERCHANDISE , CLOTHING, ' H k mm% in c&m, assortment of 10 0II St ES TO SELL CHEAPER sa ass saa sots. jry large and well selected, which ES FOR CASH. Ives. 2* tf V l L:V ii&Mi so. noved Their B? '"^3 W PREMISES, Inlosli Sis., Augusta, Ca.. ;:t raiting on tlieir Carolina friends, ssortmept of every description of 36ed of at prices that n^'st satisfy utd Prices rospcctfuliy solicited. ler Gray & Co., oad Street, AUGUST A, GA. BRYAN&M'CARTER, Columbia S. C. WIIOLBvSALS AND RKTAIl. IN' SCHOOL, LAW AND MEDICAL M ? 0) X n s Standard Works for Libraries, New Publications, Stationery and Blank Books. Blanks for Lawyers and "Trial Justices, CMOTM", *0. Family Bibles, Hymn Books, of all Styles. I)or 6 .'11 .1m rjifiw ZTws&irf. Will i a m Glaz c , COLUMBIA, S. C.. TS now opening a fine selection of Indies A and Oenls' Knglish, Swiss und American . Watclies. Solo Agent tor tlte celebrated j Pauline Watch. Philadelphia Company's Gold Chains, Vest, Opera .Chatelaines, I.aontineJ Neck laces, Diamond Rings and Brooches, Pearl, full and half sets. Silver Ware, IMftted Ware, Clocli#, CnG I lery, Househol] and Fancy Good*. Guns, I Sporting Good#, Jet and Horn Good*. j William (winze, One door north of Scott <t Co 'a Ranking House. 'Sh-Hni VIS I TO IIS to COLUMBIA, S. C.? Will do well to call on S, S. Jft?KS?S To pnrchaso their FAivlmiuc. Jackson* Old Ihrvtj /Slaiifl. Oct IS 3m Fall iHilliiieryw 1 MRS, A, SMITH HAS OPENED a choice selection of MIL* LINERY and FANCY GOODS, 10 which she invite# the attention of the Iodic*. Also, PATTERNS of the latest styles of DRESSES. DRESS-MAKTNO atthnJeU * With neatness and despatch. Order* (rotn the Country Solicited. Main Street, opposite the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, 8. Ci . Oct 18 24 8m Notice -tf-c tieornv . .. - _ ..uituiii Kivrn 10 nil whom it may con1 eom, that l will apply '? 8. J- Iionthit, ProUato Judy# for Oreonvillo County, ma IN* 13th dajr of January (text, for a final riiarbnrp* #? Administrator itr fx.nit non, of the Kitntv i*f KLIXAllKtH SMITH, deceased. KM. I>. Bit AM LETT, Adinit?iJtril'?T de liwtita ndt? iKo tuber 1*71. 33..$