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J24)C ?itfixjilp*.Ij WEDNESDAY, TrFfr'fr-i Cbowded.?Oar colamaa are crowded, and many thine* btn ban oraitt*d prepared for this imu?. Wo will aext w??k, if neeee?ary, issue a Supplement. Railroad Conneotlon with Oinoinnatl. The Charleston .V??i republishes an artiole from tha.KaoktrliU^r^e^^lbieh elifljJ 4*w< that loutn for a re^ro**1 eonnaaiioB between Cinoinnati au?l Charleston is by wsj of Knoxrille and Ashville, North Carpi in*, wherir tt van-meat tti* ektemlon of the road from GreeaVMe. The fV?#s mji GrnanbiHe it the northern termkms of the drerarllk and Calamb&a Rsilroed, which ho* lately been purchased by the South Caroline Railroad, o f which Mr. MnGaXTB, ia Freeident. Simultaneously with the extensiop of tbo. Morrills wr road to Ashville, the road from Qreenvillo will be pushed forward to (hat point, thn' completing tho Knoxvllle connection with Chartcitdn, by way of Asherflle and Greenville, at an early day.** The Fw affirms that by this ronto>; " by way at Jvnoxrille, Cincinaii oil*, at less -than one fourth the nyme and at a much earlier day than by another course, secure all* rired southern connections." : Court. Jndgo Orr has passed the following sentences. With one exception, these criminals are black, and, we arc informed, not a single colored one is a native of Greenville County. Andy Hill and ?-L Burnsides, burglary? Fifteenth months eaoh in the Penitentiary. Portoi en Howard, m ana laughter?Eight years in tbo Penitentiary. Georgo Montgomery, burglary?Four years in the Penitentiary. Perry Brier, burglary?One year in the Fenitcnlinry. Milly Ilolcombc, grand lnrccnry?1st case, two years m the Pcnitcntiarv: second c??e. one year. Martha Harrison, burglary?One year In the Penitentiary. Joe Arnold, burglary?Three years in the Penitentiary. . t - | liaTe visited the Studio of Mr. Al? nwir Guerry, in this City, and examined Ins Porlrnits, which he has recently completed, and have admired the design aad superior execution, and ^regret that advertisemetltj have crowdea out a more extend ed notice of his works of art The throe Portraits, which have been to highly commended by some of our most educated citizens, through these columns, will remain on exihibition this week, and all of our people, who ,have not yet examined them, are cordially invited to inspect them. They will be both pleased and benefitted. Tbe Ifegistature. A quorum of each branch of the Legislature was uot had until Monday last, Among the numerous hills introduced, wo have not observed any of particular interest. Next week, we expect to furnish a letter from Cspf. I.. Williams, one of our leading Representatives. . Mrs. Rice, a highly-esteemed and estimable lady, fur inai-y years a teacher in the Greenville Female College, has recently deceased. Latterly, sbc bad been residing in Abbe* illo County. We rugret that wo have uot tnoro space to devote to recording her high ii?d Rtaiuble character. A good woman has been called to her better reward. United States Court. The following cases tried under the Ku Klux act, have been disposed of, as report ed by the Columbia Union, of tbe 0th in&t. Aron Ezell, $10 fine and one year's imprisonment; Munroe Scruggs, $10 fine and six months .imprisonment ; Alex. Bridges, $T0 and oho year's imprisonment ; John Bhrrett, sir months; Wtn. P Burnett, six months ; Stephen D. Splawn, $50 fine and two v?ar?; Mm ion Gardner, three months; Chesterfield Scruggs, six months ; Henry Norrntt, one month ; Andrew Cudd, tliree months; Martin Hammelt, six months; Wot. Self, three months; Chaa. Ta'c, 18 months ; Junius B. Tindnll, one year ; Maivin C. Blackwood, two months; Jno. M. Moore, 18 months: Jno. Cantwell, Ihtes months; Lewis Henderson, 8 months; Jonas Vassey, one year and $10 fine ; John C Wall, three months; David C. STcClure, Calvin Cook, Dillnrd M. Cantwell, each three months; Albert P. Clement, three months and $10 tine ; Wm. F. Rameay, three months; Zibein Cantwell, one year; W. S. Hlackwell, Wm. Bobbins, Thos. J. Price, King Edwards and Frederick 1'arria, each fl months; Taylor Vas aey and Chrisenbury Tate each 3 months. A <ukxkcal order has Leen signed hy Judge Brjan, says the Columbia Phoenix, authorizing United Stales Commissioners to admit all Ku Klux prisoners to bail in the suui of $3,006, except such parties as have been, or shall be, before the dismissal of the grand jury, indicted for murder. ? ? * p. ? ? Poat Offloo HoursIn consequence of the change in the sohed? nl# of the Qrocnville and Columbia Railroad, the following changes have taken place in the opening and closing of the mails at the Post Otliee in lirccnvtiio : Dpen at 6J P. M ; cloee at "J P. M. Close n'l mails at S P. M. Mails close on Sunday, at 7 P. M. ?? Oreon viilo and Columbia Railroad Changes. There was a meeting of Directors of tho South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia JlailroaJ, on Friday last, in Colombia, and tiie transfer of tho controling interest in the latter to tbe former was completed. Frederic k Busb, former President of the Greenville and Columbia Kuilroad, resigned, and likewise Directors Kimpton, Panicer, Waterman and Carpoza. W.J. McGnATn was elected President, in i|ilaro of Mr. Bush ; J . J. Patterson remains Vice-President. The Directors are ttaa following : Hon. J. L. Orr, J. L. Neagle, J. J, Pattersoc, T. Hurley, J. M. Allen, J. Crews, If. T. Farmer, Thomas Dodnmead, J, C. Roath, J. B. Marley.C. II. Walker and T. J. Sloane. The four last named, elected in place of the Directors who resigned. See advertisement of Wm. Brattie A Co. See advertisement of Stono Fertilisers. See advertisement of Tom Davis. }t?Sti 1110 IIOLICC Of l lie rw ijiu Columbia and Augusta Railroad. Tmk obituary of Mra. Jamk Carolish Moosr, has been received and put in type, but ia orow.Jed out. A nuova of Hogs passed through the City this morning. Wi have an auctioneer in tho City, who, by his novelty, interests a crowd all the day. Tna Colored Fire Company will, on Thursday snd Friday evenings, give a hot supper, at the old Court House, for tha ben* . fit of their Brsss Band. Thi Palmetto Fire Engine Company, pain.lod last Saturday evening, attended by their Band; and for a wbila we bad aausie and water throwing, whioh was quite diverting.? Long live our Fite depastinent. Jim Fisk, tha feaauue gold speculator of New York, was shot amd killed tha other day by a usao unrntd Stokes. - - Council Proceeding*. Oou.iat GutwtViLLB.a. C. V /? r J??n*ry %), 187*. J , Cegpotl fact d| half past HT>D o'clock, P. M. Pr^fcnt hf>?o*or 3. P. 0ooro, Major; ^deitQen Waltef, Yeargin, O r e er, Woodt HOpmett. A b i? Alderman Minute* oi th? laat four meeting* were read and approved. A *eeo?d proleit from jJ, C, Smith, agent Tpr Dr.' B. Manly, In reference to wldoolng the street in front of Dr. Manlv'e lot. rend. On motion of AlJerman Walter, Retolved, That the action of Council in reeeivieg the report of the appraiser* be recon aider ad. That the oomoaittee charged with (bet. matter be due barged, and that Council take no further aation thereto; although, ia. the opinion of Council, the ap* praiaera did full juatice to Dr. Manly. 11. D. Gibbons petition* Council to open and extend Avenue Street to a point at or near Qibbooe' Spriog. Alderman Yeaigin moved tliata committee of three be appointed to eonaider the matter of opening the ; street. Carried. Committee, Yeargin, i Wood and Greer. I The communication of aundry citieena, | tax payer*, of Weat Street, was read and ' raecived as information. R. II. Barle petitions Oouncil to atriko his ; nimA FfAm TKowa# Tab**- V J * 'J " .?*uviura? a uuou, niuff man Greer moved that Mr. Earlv's petition be laid over (ill next meeting of Council.? Carried. The communication from the colored Police vii received, and hia application rejected. Henry Bomer'a petition for retail licence wan granted. David Henderson, Policeman, tendered his resignation to Council, Aldermao Year; gin movad that his resignation be accepted, J and that the Clerk be authorised to advertiae for one Policeman, through the papen of the City. Carried. Upon complaint being made to Council of certain houses of ill fame being a nuisance, it was, Resolved, That the Clerk be au thorized to have the Ordinance on that subject published ; and that the attention of property owners interested therein be call ed to it. Aldermap Greer moved that Council purchase another mule and oairt for the use of the City Council, and that a committee of two he appointed to make the purchase.? Carried. Committee, Greer and Ilamraett. The following acconnts were ordered paid: A. S. Dnnean. $X4 00 ; G. E. Elford, $.V50; G. W. Land, 8 60; Adam Sloan, | $2 00; J. C. Bailey, f9.00. Clerk and Treasurer's Report. Cash on hand, 1st Nov . 1871.... $500.07 Cash received from lit Nov. to Jan. 2, 1S72 567.90 Total $1003 97 Cash paid out from 1st November to 2d January, 1872 820.00 Cash on hand, 2d January, 1872. . $243 SI itod bottle* in the establishment, and empt> ved the whisky and eider on the floor. 'mere De>ng no further business, Council ndjourned. A. R, McDAVID, City Clerk. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREEVILI.E COUNTY. I* the General Sessions, January Term 1872." To Hit Honor Jamei L. Orr, Preiiding Judqr : THE GRAND JURY beg leave to report as follows: That wo have examined the offices of the Clerk of the Court, Probate Judge, Sheriff and other offices, and find them in good condition. The books oppcar to be well kept, and the duties of the various effices are ably performed by the present Incumbents. So far as we are ablo to judge, the reports on moneys made by the Clerk and Probate Judge are trui and correct. We think it a subject of congratulation that the long necdod repairs to the Court House arc so near completed, and that the building is once in ore in a safe condition; tho present Board of County Commissioners deserve great credit for their promptness in having this work executed, and wo trust that it will be a long time, ere the County is again called upon to undergo the additional expense of making extensive re pairs on the Court House. We report that we bavo examined tbe Jail, and find tbe prisoners well taken of; tbe food supplied to tbem is excellent, and the blankets and other comforts nfTordod them during the incloraent weather abundant. The Poor House has also been visited by ? ^mmittce of our body, who report that this institution is in good condition, and its unfortunate inmates well provided for. The Steward of tho l'oor House appears to perform the duties appertaining to bis office with satisfaction. We are happy to report that tho Roads and Bridges of tbe County, arc generally in a good condition. We must, however, make especial nention of and bring to tbe notice of the Court, the condition of the public road leading to Cox's Bridge, on tho 8aluda River.? This road requires working, in order to make it passable, and as it is the principal means of communication between the City of Greenville and tho County of Pickons, should receive immediate attention from the Board of Coun| ty Commissioners; and we would recommend, that should it prove that there are not sufficient able-bodied bands available for this purs pore, that the County Board lay a email tax for the purpoeo of defraying this very necessary expense. As a matter of pressing importance, we dosire to bring to the notice of the Court, and through the Court to the Legislature, the exorbitant feas which are allowed by the Code of Civil Procedure of this State, with respect to the fees required m cases taaon by Appeal from the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court; they are so exorcised as to result in a practical denial of the right of Appeal altogether. We would also speak of the Attorney's fees, in the Circuit Court, which in our opinion are far in oxcess of, and greatly disproportionate to the services rendered. We trust that the voice of the people in this matter will not be disregarded. In conclusion, we desire te express our thanks to His Honor the presiding Judge, for hia invaluable assistance, extended ta us in the discharge of our dutiea. All of wbioh is most respectfully submitted. WM. C. BAILEY, Foreman. Ordered to be published. W. A. McDANIEL.C. C. C. P. A 0. 8. January 9tb, 1872. A fiw night* since about thirty of the moat rsspectable ladies of Medora, 111., proceeded to a low shop near the depot in that village, and demolished all the glasses I 1 . ? JJ ?LMiliJ i. O. o. T. At a regtfW meeting of Greenville Enctppintat, No. $, I. O. O. V., held oa Tuesday, 2d in it, lf|e following offioers were * ) Thomas SUen, 0. fl< L. Wlllumi?,IL P.; M. K. Robertson, 8. W. ; J. L. NfUkc?t< n, J. W. ; John H. Sebofisld, 8cribe ; George HHiman, Treasurer; hit 0> P. Thoa. BImd vu elected Representative to th? Grand Encampment wbloh oonvene* in Charleston 8. C , on 16th inst. The following officers of Mountain Lodge, No- 16, I. O. O. Pv vrer* duly lost a) ltd on 6th January, by P. G. Thomas Steen, R. W. Grand Warden of the G. L of So. Ga.: James P. Moore. N. G.; M. K. Robertson, V. G.; John H. Scofield, 8ae.; A- I* Cobb, Treasurer. P. G. John W. Wood was elected Representative to the Grand Lodga which con eote In Charleston. 8. C.. on the l?th inst. ' ? Greenville, Jan. 10. Cotton tolling at 17? cento. New YOSE, JED. 8. ] Cotton weak ; on lea 4,876 balee?upland* 21) ; Orleans 22J. Gold Baltimore Jan. 8. Flour dull but firm. Wheat firm. Corn ?yellow 67060. Provisions unchanged.? WUlsky 03. . Charleston, Jan. 8. Cotton firm?middling 20 ; receipts 1700 bales ; sales 600 ; stock 31,147. A Living Furnace. THE living body is a regulated furnace. The humnn organism is all more or less combustible, but not equally so. The blood, that is to say the food in its transformed state, may be eompared to the fuel, and the more stable tissues formed from tho blood, to the iron stove which contains the fuel. Just iu proportion to tho energy and celerity with which life is carried on, does this combustion proceed; and just in proportion as tbo combustion proceeds, is fresh fuel, that is to say fresh blood, required. But in order to obtain a supply ot fresh blood, food must be present, and not only food but the power of converting tho food into blood, that is digestive energy. Where there is a failure in this digestive energy, or in tho appetite which accompanies it, stimulants of various descriptions are frequently had recourse to ; but thoir effect is transient, and it leaned upon too long and too exclusively, tliey tend to derange the digestive functions, and tnko away tho natural desire for food, whioh is the only true life-supporter. But let Dr. Fisch's Bittsrs bo used porseverInnlu -rwl In 11, o lilt.. junction with tho daily meals, and their tonio qualities will rapidly strengthen the digestive organs, and croate at the same time a sufficient and healthy appetite. And when an abundance of wholosoma food, (which we are thus enabled to take,) is duly digested and assimilated, it will give a fullness of vitality which will tako away any desire for the improper use of alcoholic stimulants. 36-cow 1 m A Sody and Mind Disease Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and tho brain are too intimately allied for tho one to suffer without the other so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparablo. It may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably aocompanied by arritation of tbo temper. Tho invigorating and tranqnilizing operation of HOSTETTER'S HITTERS is most powerfully developed in cases of indigestion. Tho first effect of this agreeable tonic is comforting and encouraging. A mild glow porvades tbo system, tbo chronic uneasiness in this region of tho stomach is lessened, and tho nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is tlbated. This improvement is not transient It is not succocdod by thn return of the old symptoms with superadded torcc, as is always the case when unmcdicated stimulants are given for the complaint. Each dose seems to impart a permanent accesion of healthful invigoration. Hut this is not all. The aparient and anti-bilious properties of tho preparation arc scnrccly secondary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an orveflow of bile, tbe secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if tho bilary organ is inert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, a*id in cases of constipation the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and with out pain. Tho Bitters also promote henlthy evaporation from tho surface, which is particularly desirable at this season whon sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather are Apt to check the natural perspiration and protuce congestion of the liver, coughs, and colds.? The beet tajeguard against all diseases is bod~ i'y rigor, and this the great Vegetable Restorative especially promotes. 35-5 Gently Dge* It, without pain or irritation, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters relieve the constipated bowels; at the same time so thoroughly toning their inner membrane and restoring their mechanical action, that it seems ns if they had be.en reoiganized on an improved plnn. Yet the result is solely due to nature, reinforced and sustained by the best Vegetable Alterativeand tonic that ever passed the lipsof the sick and suffering. A Fragrant Breath and Pearly Teeth are easily attained, and those who fail to avail themselves of the means, should not compla n when accused of gross neglect. The Sozodont will speedily eradicate the cause of foul breath, beautifying and preserving the teeth to oldest age. Many Housekeeper* are not aware of the deception practiced in the manufacture of Flavoring Extracts for culinary use. Many of them are deleterious and impure. "Bur. nett's Standard Extracts " are made from the finest specimens of the fruits and spices they represent, and are perfectly pure. To Owner* of llorte*.?No one who has ever need I>r. Tobias' Horse Venetian liniment will ever be without it; it is a certain cure for colic, sore throat, cuts, bruises and eld seres. Warranted superior to any other. In pint bottles at $1.00. Sold by the dru?rgist?. Depot, 10 Park Place, N. Y. Pratt'* Antral Oil.?Not the cheapest, hut safest and best Illuminating Oil for family use ever made. Burns in the ordinary kerosene lamp. Does not take fire, nor ex plode if the lamp is upset and broken.? Send for Circular. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1970, New York. KUley'a Liniment?Of Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid, acta as a universal external cureall, acting on the nerves connected with the skin. It promptly relievos neuralgia pains, cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wounds, burns, bruises, sprains, ?kc Sold everywhere at 60 cents. Morgan A Rlsley, Wholesale Druggists, N. Y.,Gener'l AgenU. Laird*' Bloom of Yotdh.? A most delightful toilet preparation for beautifying the skin, has been eotablished over ten years; during that time over one million ladies have used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction; it removes all imperfections, tans, freckles and sunburns, giving the skin a youthful appearance.? Sold at all druggists and fancy goods stores. Depots Gold Street, New York. Thank* to the Timely Discovery of Mrs. Winalow'a Soothing Syrop, the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing the beneficial effects, which thia remedy^ never fail* to produce during the critical period of teething. Carbolic /fa.W?-Nothing like it ever known before Cures cute, burns, sores, wounds, ike., like magic. Physicians speak of it in terms of the highest praise. Price 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Phyticiane who nave prescribed Synpnia or Purified Opium use no other form of Opium in their practice. Chritladoro'n Hair Dye ?If all his hairs were lives, Othello said, "my great revenge hath stomach for them all," But hair that is grey or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use C-hristedoro's Dye and the evil is remedied. Man ufnctory, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. The Pureet and Hweteit Cod Liver Oil in the world ia Hazard <fc Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York- It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have ones taken it prefer it to all others.? Physicians have decided it superior to any of the ether oils in the market. Jouvin'e Inodoroue Kid Olove Cleaner restores soiled gloves eqoal to new. For sale by druggists and fancy goods dealers.? Price 26 cents per bottle, F. C. Wellp A Co,?fewYork. 86-lm In WilkM Count^N. C., recently, while two met were guarding a third who wee ore*j, the guard (ell aftleep. So op after, one of Ibeto Wee awaketed by the flames tbet epwelofed tV rocus, end dieeoweied that bie eemfooioahadibeen killed by the' lunatic* wbfld tefused jg leave the burning room, and with the corpse of bia victim was consumed with the flames which destroyed the building. The uninjured per* eon barely etfeapej). } t < Manufacturing Enterprise in Charleston. ?Charleston is fast becoming a manufacturing as well aa a commercial cite. The largest manufactory of doors, sahes" blind*, A?-, in th? SwtkM* State?, I? that of Mr. P. P. TOALE, on Horlbeofc's Wharf in that city, tales room at Ho. 10 Hayne *tr??t? Mr. Toale'* advertisement appears in aholh r column. a ?? n g^40Wl87?? A Family Kediciae< We oall the cepacia! attention of our reader* to the advertisements of 'that favorable home remedy, Perry Davis' Pain Killer. It bat been before the publfe orer thirty year*, and probably baa a wider and better reputation than any other proprietary medicine of the present day. At tbia period there are but few unacquainted with the merit* of the Pain Killer ; but while *omo extol it aa a liniment, they know but litflo of ita power in eaaing pain when taken Internally, while others use it in* tern ally with great success, but are equally ignoraut of ita healing virtues when applied externally. We, therefore, wiah to *ey to all that it is equally suooetsfal whether used In, teruallv or externally, and it stands to-day unrivalled, by all tho great catalogue of Family Medioines. It Is suffiolent evcidenc# of its virtues as a standard medicine, to know that it is nou used in all parts of tho world and that its sale Is constantly Increasing. No curative afe.'nt has had such wide-spread sale or given such universal satisfaction. It is a purely vegotablo compound, and perfectly safe, even in unskillful hands. ' ' ' SJ-5 SOLID GOLD RING. FOUND, on Saturday last, a SOLID GOLD IlINO, which the owner can have by paying for this advertisement and a small re* ward to the boy finding. Apply to this office. Jan 10 3ft i , To Public School Teachers. I WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 22d instant, to pay off tho Claims of Teachers of Public Schools. All interested are hereby notified of the fact. W. W. 110BEKT80N, Treasurer Greonvillo County, uanuary o, in/a. " StJ-Z LAND FOR SALE. 771 ACHES OF LAND, on South SaI < 1 luda River, is offered at PRIVATE SALE. There is 100 acres of Bottom, in a high state of cultivation ; a good new House, Stables and Cribs. Fjr terms, Ac., see A. RLYTIIE, Esq., Greenville, S. C., or Dr. J. M. McCLANAHAN, Marietta, S. C. Jan 10 36 1m I\olicc. ALL TERSONS INDEBTED to Dr. WILLIAM H. AUSTIN and JOHN II. GOODLETT, are notified that their Notes and Aeoounts are in my hands for Collection. Parlies interested will save Costs by calling at my office and paying up. J. P. MOORE, Att'y at Law and Trial Justice. Greenville, S. C., Jan. 8, 1872. S6-6 Desirable Residence lor Sale at Auclion. I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, on Sales*, day in February, that very desirable RESIDENCE, In the City of Greenville, at the Fork ol Buncombe and Rutherfordton Streets. The LOT cootaina Three Acres ; the HOUSE is built of Brick, with Tin roof, and contains Seven Rooms, Five of which have Fire places. Terms?$600 cash. $1000 1st July, $1000 let of Jonuary, and the remainder on 1st of January, 1874. Credit portion to be secured by Mortgage. For further particulars, apply to EARLE A BLYTHE, or JULIUS C. SMITH. Jan.10 36 4 Female College, REIDVILLE, 8. C. REV. TIIOS. WARD WHITE, Prrbiuent. Board $125 "1 Tuition 40 1 ~ Music 40 f Ten MoDlUHlo Extras. J - J, Next Session begins 6th February. Jan 10 36 1 Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 9. J. Douthit, Probate Judge ol Greenville County, on the 27th day of February next, for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of DAVID W. PEDEN. doceased. CHARLES TERRY, Exocutor. January 3, 1872. 36-7 CAROLINA FERTILIZER STILL TRIUMPHANT. ffSR SftLS "ntflltt t1t\ MIHM FOR CASH OR ON TIME, BY T. W. DAVIS. 3?mcm PER TON $45 CASH, $50 TIME, 7 PER CENT IISTTER.EJST. FREIGHT ANP MUYKB ADDED. Ju 10 80 . 4 Valuable Farm for Bale. I OFFER MY FARM, on Sontb Saluda,contain* ftOO nore?, for aalo, largo proportion of wbioh U River and Creok Bottom. __ Refer to MRS. A O. FKASTKK. Fov $ 27 If | " . I.. 11 'I*'1'1 II1 -Li1 LL_ Land |bjc Sale. TUfc SUBSCRIBER offers for talc all tkat TRACT i)F LAND.known u the " Qantfc Lmd?," oo nVAioloic 850 #er?t, mora or leas, Jodudiog the ffiarriepo >iid Rock aie piH?, iiwiMo o# ine Greenville and Columbia Railroad, six Utiles from Greenville C. S. 0. Aleo. the place of Dr. J S. Barle, loeatad four miles frooa Greenville, on tha Spartanburg Road. Any one desiring to purebaaa will apply to . . ? 0. C. STEPHENS, At Qr?enville,8. 0. January 9, 1872. 86-2 Election of Policeman. THERE will be an Election held by the City Council on 7Wsddi/ Evening, 6<A of February next, at 7 o'clock, for one POLICEMAN for the City of Greenville.? Applicants for tha paaitlon are notified to end in their application, with the names of their Snretiea, on or before the morning of that dayl By order of Conncil. A. R. McDAVID, Clerk. Jan 10 36 "4 Wilmington? Columbia and Augusta Railroad. |ahvflh|HDEHBXI309r /i6ffiHW88paawa Ornca Gxn'l Fbkioht A Ticxrr Agent, ) Wilmikotow, N. C., Dec. 13, 1871. J ??w rrci^ni nna ranenfer Koutc via Colombia, S. C\, nud Wilmington, IV. C. rflHE attention of MERCHANTS. SHIPJL PERS of COTTON and PRODUCE, and the pubiio general)/, ia invited to the DIRECT CONNECTION Now exittlng between all interior pointa in South Carolina, and Northern Ciliee, by the WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA A AUGUSTA RAILROAD, and it* connection* at Wilmington, either via Steamship Lines from that Port, or via Wilmington A Weidon Railroad, and its connection* via Portsmouth or Petersburg, The various lines connecting at these ter niiunl point* afford facilities for shipments To or from BALTIMORE. Daily. PHILADELPHIA, Tri Weekly. " " NEW YORK, STimea per Week. ? BOSTON. Semi Weekly. Uniform rates are maintained with all competing lines. I No detention occurs to shipments. Through Bills Lading given between all Stations and points named. Rates and Classification Sheets obtained of all Agents. The Passenger Schedule of Night Train from, and Morning Train into Columbia, gives a superior connection for all points on Greenville A Columbia, and Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta Railroads?giviog a Bay Line connection via Portsmouth, and an All-Rail connection via Washington,and avoiding all delay? at Columbia. Through Tickets on sale at Columbia to all poiota North. For Rales, Classifications, and all information, applv to A. POPE, Gen'l Freight and Ticket Agont. J. C. WINDER, Gen'l Superintendent. Jan 10 36 12w ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Greenville, Tlint from and after tlio Passage of this Ordinance, any person convicted of keeping a DISORDERLY HOUSE, within the Incorporate Limits of the City of Groenville, shall upon conviction for each such ofTence bo fined a sum not less than Twenty-fivo dollars nor more'lhan Fifty dollars. De it further Ordained, That tho Owner or Lessee of any Dwelling House or other build ing situntcd within paid Incorporate Limit*, who let* or sub-lets any sueb Dwelling House or other building, to any pcraon or persona, to be used, or with tlio knowledge that the same is intended to be used and kept a* a IIAUDY HOUSE, or HOUSE OF PROSTITUTION, shall upon conviction, pay a fine of not leas than Five dollars nor more than Fifty dollars, for every day upon which such bouse or buildiug shall be so used or kept. That nil Ordinances heretofore passed relalive to BAUDY HOUSES or HOUSES OF PROSTITUTION within the Incorporate Limits of said City or Town, be aqd the same are hereby repealed. Done and ratified under the Corporate Seal of the said City of Ureenville, this fifteenth day of May in tho year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. W. R. J ONES", Mayor. A. R. McDatid, City Clerk. Jan 10 30 3 SJIIjE OF REAL ESTATE. ra^IIERE will be sold on Sslesday in JL February next, at Greenville Court House, Five Tracts of Land, I Known as Bailey's Cross Roads and While Plains, Situated on Ihe Buncombe and Spartanburg Roads, eleven miles from Greenville and near the Air-Line Railroad. Ilome Tract, No. I, Containing Three. Hundred and Thirty and One-Half Acres A large portion of it is well-limbered and watered, with some good Bottom. Good Dwelling, Store House and Out Buildings. Tract IVo. 2, Containing Out Hundred and Tteelve Acret, mostly in Wood*, well-watered and on it is an elegant bailding ait* on Spartanburg Road. Tract No. 3, Containing One Hundred and Eighty'sight Acres, mostly in Woods, well-watered, and on it is an elegant bailding site on the Buncombe Road. Tract mo. 4, Containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, mostly in Woods, well-watered, and on it is an elegant building site on the Spartanburg Road. These (.amis Irj well and are well adapted to the growing of cotton as well as euro, with valuable Timber convenient to the Air-Line Railroad, and a good stand for bnsinesa. Tract mo 3, Containing Two Hundred and T\eenty five Acres, more or less, laying immediately oo the Air-Line Railroad, and will no doubt be near to the loealion of a depot, and two miles from Crick Rprlngs, having an elegant Dwelling, and all neeeeeary outbuildings. It is beautifully situated on the Buncombe Road, well timbered and watered, flue eotton lands, and lay well. Persons desiring to see plats or procure any information in regard to these Lands, will apply to Mr. w. C. Bailey on the premises, or O. A. Pickle, in this City. TERMS OF BALE?From ons-third to one-half cash, tbs balanos on credit until January 1st. 1873, with mortgage, at ten per osnt. interest and security if desired. Pur obaaar to pay for tltlM, lUmpi, Ac. W. C. BAILKTr I TrnsLMs 0. A PICKtB, J TnuUM. Qreenvil)*, 8. 0., Jm. 1, 1ST*. 15-5 W H. Hovoy's Estate. rrHK undersigned hu in hi* hand* th? J. not*? nod account* do* th? late W. H. HOVKY. and i* dulj authorised by lb* Administrator to make ettlemeota in his absenee. All parti** indebtea to the Estate, ar* notified to call and **ttl* without further delay. 8. A TOWNEfl. Jr. Deo 27, 1871. 34-4 ******m . ill r i mesemEM "iM* BEATTIE \W7E have jost received a large li uAl/ Morocco, Qoat and Calf. La crTplion and all prices. Gents', Boys' and Misses' Shoes: i A new lot of Gents' and Ladies Sh A camplete Stock of common Dre x Bleached and Brown Shirtings, all A fall line of North Carolina Jeai simeres, Satinets and Jeans. A Fresh Stock of Gents' and Boyi Sole and Upper Leather, Sugar and Coffee. We will keep through the year su< be able to snpply the demand from c Call and see us. < BEATTX "nYEATTIE & CO. are Agonts for rc J Price and quality guaranteed. Jan 10 3< STONO FEI THE STONO PHOSP Of Charleston, S. C., properly Appreciating the n the South, resolved in the outset to offer their Fe within the reach of eyery planter. They offer t' SOLVABLE a complete Ammoniated Fertiliser, at $45 cash ; < with approved city acceptance without interest. "Dissolved 1 for composting with Cotton Seed or Stable Manui cash, or $30 oredit as above; this is highly recon ....I We have numeroui certificates from intelligent ferent sections of the State, testifying to the cx< which we append below. WILLIAM RAVKNEL. J. B. j Pretiden I. MARSHALL A MAULDIN, AgenU, Greenville Dear Sir : In reply to your inquiry concernin present year, I will state what I did, and give yot On the 15lh of May last I planted twelve acrei cation of cotton seed and barnyard manure combi ing, I put nothing at all, not having received tl 15th of Juno I applied tho Stono, at the rate of after the cotton was all up. The manner of the horse Watt plough the cotton was barred off as n< and immediately covered by throwing back the e? The result was as follows: Ou the first six acre of cotton to the acre; from the last six, to which been applied, I gathered an averago of 1,200 pc wore in the saino field, separated ouly by a row. Very truly, yours, Ac., To J. D. AlKB*, Esq., Qen. Ayent Stono i E I used two tons Stono Dissolved Phosphate, c< seed, on nty cotton th s year. It certainly doublr bnlcs to every four acres on whioh it was used. 1 phnte, with two other fertilisers costing noarly di There was no rust on the cotton under which the spots of wet, springy land, whilst tho cotton un<l were, rusted early and badly. Jan 10 3* T ETIV FERTIL Three very Superior Articles are offered by the pany of Charleston, 8. C? viz: ETIWAN A complete manure, adapted to Cotton, Qrai tide herrtotore offered at the eery high grade < Lime, with the addition, aa heretofore, of Peru $55 per ton, if paid on or before the let of A| November, 1872, without interest. ETIWAN CI A new arlick of about ll>e aame high grade o elements of Cotton Seed in such a manner, aa t ton and Grain, at a lower price than the Kt'wa or before the 1st of April oexl, $45 per tot interest. ETIWAN DISS! Averaging from 18 to 20 per tent, of Dissolvt planter by composting, to obtain two loos c eost and freight. Price $85 per ton, if paid on ton, payable 1st November, 1872, without in. TAKE NOTICE, that all thrse fertilisers a phale, and must help for more than one year. VM. C Gen LEONARD WILLIAMS, Agent at Greenvil Dec 13 8 Notice !l IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, ~ that I will apply to S. J. Douthit. Probate - Judge of Greenville County, on the Rth day of | January nrrt, for a final discharge as Admin- , istratris of the Estate of STEPHEN F. ' LONG, deceased, therefore all parties having 81 claims against said estate will present them to c< n.e, or the Prohate Judge, on or before said C day or be debarred. ts EMILY M. LONG, Administratrix. u Dec. 5th, 1871. 31-5. A Notice I"S hereby ci*rn to all whom it may enn 1 eern, that I will npply to 9. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 6th day of February next, for a final discharge aa Rxeeutor of the Eatala of JEBRMIAH HOl'KINS. deceased. WM. L. HOPKINS, Executor. ? Jan. 2d. 1872 36-6 11 King's Mountain Military School. Yorkville, S. C. THE flrat Session of the school year 1872 will begin on the 1st February, and end en the 30th of | June. Term?, for School Expenses, i e, Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Books, Stationery, Ac., $136, payable to At/ranee.? Circulars containg full information may be obtained upon application to Col. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. Dee IS 32 8 Notice of Removal. MR. A. B MORRISON returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Greenville and lbs surrounding country for the liberal patronage which they have extend- 1 ed to him since he has opened business. He has now rsmoved to the stand on Main ? Street, next below Foster dt Hunter, wheie * he guarantees full satisfaction in MAKING, p CUTTING and FITTING, In the best and neatest workmanship and manner the n country can afford. 22-tl E. P. JONES, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL riACTICB IN 'ALL t COURTS OF THIS STATE ? AIM, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. j OfiM Greemvllle 0. H., t. C. Ally f ly* i I. o. 0. F. ! Mountain Lodge, No. ) 15, I. O. O. F., meets t C(|^r9Lf\<f<ry Friday Sight. at I their Hell, over Mar- i (hall A Mauldin'a Drug Store. Regular at. tendance desired. ROBT. McKAY, N. O. A'lg no 17 tf 1 & CO; ^ ne of Ladies' Dress Shoes?Cloth, dies' common Shoes oi every disall warranted to give satisfaction, awls, 88 Goods, I prices, ao an/] Paaoimarna ATnrtlinpn Paa jo nuu vwwiiuvi w| vt wMv? ? vww b Hate, very low. &JIKS ch an assortment of Goods as to ivory point. IE3 db O O ll.e ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE?/ 3 2 mLJZERS. HATE COMPANY, cceMitjr of fostering the planting interest of rtilixers at a price which would plaoe thee* icir GUANO, >r $50 on a credit to the let November next, The ^ * m m ^nospnate," o, is now offored at tba rery low priee of $25' i momlcd by planters who base used it with' planters of the highest character, from dif? -clltuce of these Fertilisers.?only a few 06 \ IKEN. GENERAL AGENT, A"?. 5 C utrnl W'hnrf, Chnrlr?tnn, 8. C".; G. W. ANDERSON, Agent, Wtlliamston? CAMDEN, December 6th. 1871. g my use of the Stonu Phosphate in the 1 the result. 1 of cottou, to wbieh I made a henry appll* tied. On the other six, nt the time of piant1011 the iStono Soluble Phosphate. On the 250 pounds to the acre, to the last six acres, application was as follows : With the one-, ear as practicable and the phosphate put in, irth taken away by the first ploughing, s I gathered in the seed about 800 pounds nothing but the Stono Soluble Guano had mod!, per acre. The two parcels planted The cultivntion was the snme. JAMK8 CHESNUT. "hotphotc Company, Charltttan, 8. C. DGEFIHI.D. S. C., November 27, 1871. unposted with an equal weight of cotton d the yield, making on ordinary lanJs three [11 some test rows an equal weight of Phosi>nl.le the money, produced more cotton.? phosphate was used, except on a few small lar which the other more costly fertilisers J. W. TOMPKINS. > 3m. 7 AN ~ IZERS. Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate comGUANO. n ?na looaeco, neing ill* well Known ar?f 15 per cent. dissolved Bono Phosphate of vian Guano, Ammonia and Potaah. Price [iril next, aod $60 per ton, payable l?t tOP FOOD. f Soluble Phosphate, compounded wilh the o ensure one of the best fertilizers for Cotn Guano. Price $40 per ton, if paid on i, payable 1st November, 1872, %eithoul >LVED BONE. id Bona Phosphate, and |thus enabling the f half that grade at a saving of one half or before the 1st of April next, $40 par ereet re of the higheel grade ef Soluble Phee* ). BEE & CO., cral A gents % Charleston, 8. C. U, s. C. 2 2m bowler & Vaughn "TAYR opened, at the ainnd formerly LjL occupied by Long A Goodlett, near' opposite Foster ?fc Hunter, a genera I oek of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, insisting of Cloths, Caseimere*. Ready-mad a lothing. Calicoes, Worsted, Dorr.esiies, Ac., igeth er with Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Hy rps, Flour, Bacon, and Groeeriea generally. ,lso Hardware, Cutlery, Crockeryware, nney Articles, Ac , As, WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, in cash oa trams IflT We will also purchase COTTON. We desire s esll from our friends in the ountry and '.he pnbiio in general, prorata* "K w'K"r iininoiion. Oct 26 26 Sm TO THE LADIES. ?:oc? Pall and Winter Openings MRS, L. T. JENNINGS Respectfully informs th? Ladies that alie is now receiv ing lull supplies of jH| FALL ASD WINTER "millinery or latest and most FASHIONABLE STYLES* The giock will consist of nil ths linos of IOODS found in aimilsr establishments, nd will be offered si eery reasonable rices. n-tf rhe State of So nth Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUTHIT, Require, Judge of Probate of laid County. WHEREAS, Jimti H. Perna has fl|. ed a Patitioo in raj Office, praying hat Laltara of Admmlitrailoi, >n all and aingular the goods a ad chattels, ights and or ad its, of WILLIAM PAYNE, ata of tha County aforesaid, deeecsed, should >e granted to him.- * * Thee* an, then for*, to cile and admonish ill and aingular the kindred and creditors if the said deceased, to he and appaar in ha Court of Probata for said Coast/, to >e bolden st Greenville Court House, on he 121A day of January neat, to show eause, f any, why the said Admioiatration should jot be granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT. Judge of Probata, Greenville Oouaty. Office of Judge of Probata, Deo. 11th, 1871. **-?