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Table ft'tfftl*. The following rules for tabid etiquette vrill probably bo obsefroil as closely as any that could be given: SDo iMfcjt couunencegating be ;ra6k, im> known Some to wloja bjjpwlt an larger a iug-boa into u half moon, and to have to hold it betwoen thoir teeth, uuder4 suspension of the rulos, during a blessing. This is disgraceful. -> ,r - 2.- Do not aupsoup with ft fork. Yoqr soup wiM-ftkpaya ^baye -you lit a'diaadvabtftgo with touch odds. Besides, it is 44 superfluous." 3. Ia passing jokir platb to be rehelpod, retain yWr knife and"' foikiiti yonr test pocket* > f Wlfen asked for ft disK, do not pi;onel?ij; across the , surface of the table after tho manner or game of shoveUboard: ulways pitcb it gracefully, after the. itoaiinor ol quoits.*: This will be 44 quoit" sufticiont. 5. Never try to eat fisb witb a salt-cellar, 0. Wbilo drinking be careful not to1 empty Iwt cbTfee, or any- j thing of that sort into your neighbor's irnpor collar. 7. l)o not eat too fast. You J will not 44 get lift," if you make j bp iri heroic dotoofe forMast time. 8. It you find' anything suspi- ( cious in your hash, don't eat any more hash ; and it there is airyiltirfcrw in i?a?i r# unit 1? * Kiilliii* t5 Vl,b I v 11 UUblUI pi U* pose a toast or tell an anecdote. 0. When you burn your mouth with a cold potato, don't whistle or make faces uLthe company, hut shed tears in silence. 10. Never leave the taUte without asking the lady of the house to be excused ; but it you happen to be at a barbecue or a tree lunch, doD't leave as long as there is a bone or a crumb in sight. Pat and the ParsonPatrick, before bo became joined in the bonds of 44 holy wedlock " with Bridget, was in the service ot Father McNulty. One day that good prie6t expected a call from a Protestant minister, and wished for some excuse to got i ~c i 11r ?!. i ui ui mm. ou owning x nines, he proceeded to give him instruct tions. 44 Patrick," said he, " if that minister comes here to day, I do not want to see him." "Yes, yer riverence." " Make sonic kind of an excuse, Patrick, and send hynaway." "What shall I tell lnin if he cornea, yer riverence ?" " Tell him I am uotat home." 44 Would you have me tell a lie to him, yer riverence?" " No, no, Patrick ; but get him out some way?give him an evasive answer." 44 An evasive answer, is it? I'll do it, av course, yer riverence." The matter thus arranged, Father McNulty retired to his libarry, and Patrick went about hie duties. About dusk in the afternoon the worthy priest came out of his room and found Patrick in unusually good spirits. 44 Well, Patrick," snid, he, " did the minister call to-day ?" " Vcs, sir-r r." 44 And did von cot rid of him ?" "I did, sir.7' " 44 Did he ask if I was in ?" 14 lie did, sir." 44 And what did you say to him ?" 441 gave him an evasive answer." 44 An evasive answer, Patrick ?" 44 Yes, yer rivercnce." 44 And what did you say to him ?" 44 lie asked me was yez in, and I told him, was his grand mother a donkey ?'' Beyond Peu Cent.?General Cralt, one of our prominent lawyers, was hailed, while passing lYeeinai.'s jewelry store, by the proprietor, with, 4' General, come in here a moment: wo have something for you to solve. If a man brings bis watch to me to be lixed, and it costs me ten cents to .l.v it- orwl T L'lion it !1 u'Aflt ntlfl I charge him six dollars, what per cent, do I make ? We have been liguring, and make it nine hundred per cent, and have only got up to one dollar. IJow much do you make it at six dollars?" " Well," replied the General, " I do not wonder at your perplex :>r , ;a kuown, and the celebrated Jtubbit calculating inuchine has demonstrated, that at certain points In progressive nuin hers the law governing thcoi changes. In this caso the law I would change, and long before it I would reach the six dollars it would run out of per cent, and into what is known as larceny 1" I3k Virtuous,?" J'e virtuous and you will be happy," said a lather to his son, who was leaving home to take his first year in college. " I will, dad," answered the son ; " but I bhall lose a devilish lot of fun." The old man collapsed. 44 Be virtu one and you will be eccentric" was t lie ArtcmuB W ard way of looking at it. 44 Bo virtuouB, fear God and keep your bowels open," is the doctor's maxim. ,4 Be virtnone, and jou will, bavo a soft thing?on heaven " is tho motto of tic Young Metis's! Chri ft uu Association. * TTo Diffkkknck.?A man was ouce traveling through the State w Illinois, atiU1 connng to a terry and being out of money, the tollowiug colloquy took place boiweeiukiiu and the ferryman : Ferryman : I say. mister, hnvo you got any money I Tigveler: No. sir. fwrlman : Have you got any home ! p Traveler : No, sir. Ferryman : Can you borrow any money.? Traveler : No. , .Kerrymail: Do you expect to ?41 any on the other side ? Traveler : No, sir. IFerryman : Well, then, you hart better stay whore yon are, for it makes d?d little difference which side von are on. nfcy Fangled Notion.?Recently, two persons traveling on the road to Gotham in a light wagon were smoking cigars from the tiro of which some straw ignited. The flames soon drove them from *th?ir seats and while busy extinguishing the fire a countryman who had been tor some time folfowiug thorn on horse buck, alighted to assist them. 4-1 have been watching the smoke for sometime," he 6aid. >u Why, then, did you not give us notice?" asked the travelers. 41 Well," responded the rustic, 44 there are so many new tangled notions now-a days, I thought you were going by steam."?i'atriot. ? -4 ? Tiik Republican papers out West are indulging in all sorts of jokes about the Democratic 4k Departure." One of them illustrates the policy by this anecdote of a boy and woodchuck. The boy was observed watching for a woodehuck to come out of his hole. 41 Do you suppose you can catch him?" said a passerby. " Catcli him ?" said the hoy, contemptuously. " I've got to catch him, stranger ; we're out of meat." 1 A BLU8UING damsel in Philadol{>hia has a man and a dog up bo ore tho Police Court, to answer the charge of assault and battery on the dog's part. When asked what the dog did, said he bit her. When asked where, after considerable hesitation and blushing, sho replied,On the left drum stick." Michael Aldkns, a Wcchauken (N. J.) beggar, was lately tound dead upon a table in his hut, with $1,500 lying beside him. The miser had died counting h i s money. lie had not been seen for sonic time, and the curiosity of the neighbors led them to enter his cabin, where he was found dead as described. Fleming & Maxwell WOULD respectfully inform i lie pnlic 11uit lln-y have purchased the- Shop of Samuel liluck, in the ohl Court llounr, nml are prepared to do WORK in their line in n first does nianuer, and they polieit tlie Patronage ol their Friends and Public generally. 27-tf ip. FaU^Trade. 1871. m'M? 2 0VH81 CTCJH3 2 D0U1ILE nnd Single llarrcl (Inns, llrccchloading und Mu/.clo-loading Guns, of English, French and Gcnuun manufacture, nt rill prices. Single Guns at $2.50, $1.00, $0.00, $8.00, $12.00 tn $20.00 each ; Double Guns frmn $7.00 to $200.00 each. fflS'JDOl 3P3ST03.S2 2 Smith .t Wesson, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, and nil the popular and approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS of great variety. MMmmnow For Guns, Pistols and Rifles. BEST QUALITY AND AT LOWEST PRICES, Country merchants and sportsmen arc invited to call and examine our largo and well selected stock of the above goods, which we import direct and huy from the manufacturers. Orders by mail filled promptly, and sent by express, C. O. D. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 TV. fl M.TIM O It P. S T /,' /' r T BALTIMORE. MD. Mar 22 S 18-? 46 ^y DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. T OALE, Mannfactnrcr and Dealer, No. 20 Jtfiyne Strret anil Horlbrcl't WhnrJ\ CLIA RLESTOft, 8. C. fy Tliis is the largest and most corn* Sl?te Factory of the kind in the Southern tales, and all articles in this line can he furnished hy Mr, 1'. P. Toalk at pi ices which defy competition. . E?" 4 I>n111|>h 1 et. with full and detailed list of all sizes of Doors, Hashes and lilinds, and tlx prices of each, will be sent free and post paid, on application to P. P. Toalc, CHARLESTON, S. C. July 12 10 ]y. The Southern Hotel HAS been refitted and Ts put in com plate order fur MViSMtr&b th* accommodation of the WrfAPSfcflK.traveling public. Kates of .Uoaid reasonable. Call and tfive me a trial. J. 0. YEAR01N. May 8 53 3m I I I <! ! II II II i M h? FACTOR AND COMMISSION^ TUG VNDERSIGHGD MAS ADDED THE FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION 1U$INESS TO JUS . // .1.) C15 X15 U AL MBit CD AND ISB. . .;' ' (.'! ; ; ' ; ' ' . } . .. * 1 ' J r? I si"?? iTmins s IS LARGER AND MORE COMPLETE THAN BVBR, AND WILL BE SOLD AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL DO WELL TO CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK AND PRICES BEFORE SENDING ORDERS ELSEWHERE. I ^ A . 1 . I ITc will also furnish YARNS and SHIRTINGS by the Dale at Factory prices. T. W. DAVIS. June 21 1 tf CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COM*M, TIloinI'ebis, JEFFERSON DAYIS, PRESID'T. UDAtK A rOlllEll STATE AGEATS., A SOUTHERN AND MUTUAL COMPANY. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO TIIE SURRENDER VALUE PLAN, AND OTHER ABWANTAGESs OFFERED BY THIS COMPANY. May 52 tf POSITIVELY TO TAKE PLACE JANUARY 877/, 1S72. $500,000 TO BL~ GIVEN AWAY. TIIK, SOUTH CAROLINA I LAND AND IMMIftHATIflV ISSftm^TfW w ve wm aMJU ?IVt< O-JL cJ V/ \3 Jtl&JL lHl Jll \J i 1 . RUTLKR, CI IA1') WICK, GARY 4c CO., AOKNTS, Under the auspicious of the " South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society," will give a SERIES OF CONCERTS, nt (he Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C., comuiencinjj January Sth, 1872. Holer? to ull the Rankers, Rrokcrs, and prominent gentlemen of the Country, both North and South. 1^0.000 REASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION AT $.1 EACH If you have not received a Circular, send for one, giving full particulars. All Order? Strictly Cuiijiilentiiil. 2,405 GIFTS, AMOUNTING IN ALL TO $500,000. The Drawing of this Great Southern Enterprise will be conducted under the supervision of the following well known gentlemen: General A. R. Wright, of Georgia ; Colonel 11. IIHutlcdge, of South Carolina; General Bradley T. Johnson, of Virginia; Hon. Kogor A. I'ryor, of New York. .Money for Tickets can be sent cither by Express or Post Office Order, and the Tiokots will be promptly forwarded. DIRECT AI.L LETTERS TO BUTLER, CIIADWICK, GARY A CO., Principal Office, Charleston, S. C. UKNKHAI. II. V. ULILEIt, J 01IM <11 AH WICK, CKHKItAl. M. W. CART. Oet II 2J Sin. FOR Fill TRADE. JR0SS ?? BJMUS & BE?,, i AUGUSTA, GA., ' HAVEjibt coini'l't"' opening Il>?-ir new and beautiful stock of CARPETS, is , conditiug of Body Brussels Carpel*. English Velvet Carpets, English Brussels, Three Plvs, lngmins, Vciietiims urd otlier Carpets suited for Psll Trade. Also, a large line of low-pried Carpale. We have alro opened a superb stock of French Reps, Terrys and Dnuiiuks for Curtains, wl'li all the Centre Tassels, Gimps and Linings to match Particular attention is invited to our stock of Now French Tambourod Laco Curtains, Of exquisite finish, snd Nottingham Lace Curtains, Cornices and Rands. All of the very latest styles in WINDOW SHADES, of the newest patterns. We have opened a large assortment of all sizes made Our customera can get any priced shades they want. FLOOR and TAliI E OIL CLOTHS, of the finest quality of goxds manufacture], of any width, and cut nnv size wanted. Star Oil Cloth and C'ash, Stair Ito la. Oil Cloth Ruga, Door Mats, Rngs and Mattings, the largest assorted stock ever shown in Augusta. Wsll Papers. Borders and Paper Shades, in almost endless variety. Gilt, Flowered, Hall, Oak and Plain Papsrs. at prices to suit the times. Also, of llair Cloths, and Furniture Coverings and Trim ruings, we have a large supply. Druggets and-Crumb Cloths, any sise. Picture Tsn sels, Picture Cold, Picture Nails, and all things else connected with the Carpal Trade JAMES O. IIA1L1E Sc HRO., 25-3m 205 BROADSTREKT. j. H . & M rxriONARi), it it IftfE WOULD call attention to our Large and Varied Stock of UJ DRY GOODS, CAKPETINGS, OIL CLOTH RUGS, -CURTAINS, <fec. We Lave on hand one of the most complete stocks ever offered in this market, consisting of Silks, Alpacas, Merinos, Poplins, DeLains, and other grades of LINE GOODS, which wo are offering at Reduced Prices. lull lines of Sheetings, Shirtings, Cassimeres, Jeans, Arc., with a complete assoitrnent of Hosiery and Glove*. Give us a call. 24~3m J. H. St M. L. KINARD. IV. K. KASLKV. O. 0. WKU. JOKES EASLEY & WELLB, AIP ItiAW, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law jyj) solicitor in nqujty. ANI) IN EQUITY. WILLPH attic* w*u. ORBENVILLE, fl. c., COURTS OF THIS STAT K A LAO. ,N TnE UN,TED STATE*COURT* 1 attention to cnsct in liunkruptry. I Ofllee Greenville C. H., fl. C. June 13 3 J"'? 7 , .|jt JE-T^trona buvo my thanks fur past JB mIm Jofevora, Ac. I oootiaua to autko additiona to my Stock of JEWEL- CBw M. 0. DUTLSK. f. F. M(lf( BUTfc&R * MoBEC. Attorney* aoA 6?ui?Uor8 ?t Saw ^ ? BKEX Vlf,Ste7,' S.. C., will4 Practio* 1ft the Cotirta if thai ItiN Mid of ibo United Statee. * \ Mey'il " 4r- U &INSMAN tfe no WELL, L .. Factors ana Commission Mer chants. . ?:o:? Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. CnARLESTON, S. C. . S?p 8 18 4m Sixty-Five First Prize Medala Awarded. oSuthern Piano WM. KNABE &C0., Manufacturers of GRANDi SQUARfc AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, f \ 1 ' iialtimqme, mb. These Instruments have been before the Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon incir excellence tiione auninca an unj>nrchaMtd pta*enri)ititoe, wuioh pronounces them unique lot!, In \ TONE. TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. All our Square Piauoa hare our Mew Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agrefl'e Treble. We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvement* iu (fraud Piano* and Square Grit mis, found iu no other Piauo, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for Five Tears. We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Parlor Organs and Melodeona of the umsi celebrated makers, wholesale and xetail at lowest Pactory Prices. p? Illustrated Catalogues and Price'v Lists promptly ftirnlshod on application to WM. k'NADK A CO., liultiniore, Md, Or any of our regular established agt-ueirs. Oct. 18 24 dm mONLY CANNOT BUY IT! FUR SIGHT JS PRICELESS 11 BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If Yon Value Your Eyc?iglit IJSK tress PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYS1AI PEBBLES, Melted together, end derive their name "Diamond" on account of their Hardness and Brilliancy. They will laat many years without change, and are warranted superior to all others, tnauufuct urcd by J. E. SPENSER & CO.. N. Y. Caution ?None genuine unless stamped with our trade mark. J. U C. TL'KNKU. Sole Agent for Qiepnville, S. C. From whom they can only he obtained. No Pedlers employed. May 10 1 ly L^nd for Sale. AS applications have been made for smaller parcels of Land, the subscriber has eon I eluded to ssll apart of Ids OltKEN FLACK accordingly, lfu now offers to soil a lut <>f ten Acres on tho southwest comer, running across the bottom, about 1x2 acres, at 91* per acre. Threo Lots of 10 acres each, bordering on the cast on the l'uris Mountain Road,and on the. west on lunds of 11. P. llauiuiet, E.g., at $40 per acre. Also one Lot ot ten acres of Woodland, on the northwest corner, at $.'?0 per acre. Dividing fences to be built by the purchaser. Persons desiring further information may apply to Capt. G. II. Wolls, or to the subscriber. JAMES C. FUltMAN. Aug 2 1.1 tf Notice of Romoval. Mil. A. B MORRISON returns his sincere thanks to the citizens ef Gteenville and the surrounding country for the liberal patronage which they have extended to him sinee he has opened business He has now removed to the stand on Maiu Street, next below Foster A Hunter, wheie lie guarantees full satisfaction in MAKING, CUTTING and FITTING, In the beat and neatest workmanship aud manner tha eoantry can afford. 42-U PHOTOGBAPHING. HAVING recently tilted up the room* over WLitmire it Ferguson's Store, with elegant light*, I am picpaied to Jo all kinds of I'HOTOORArMING, at very ihorl notice. Satisfaction guarented to all W. M WHEELER. May 21 8 it 1* ESTABLISHED IN 1835. GREENVILLE ; COACH FACTORY. Gower, Cox & Markloy. WK WOOL1) announce that we are prepared now to fill all order* for VEMOOLKS. Having the largest stock of labor-saving machinery in the State, and the most skilful workmen in the South, we hope to be able t? supply all demands. J DS HOOK OI ONE, TWO, 0 THREE, FOfJR, and 8IX-IIOKSK IIION-AXJLE PLANTATION WA.Q0N5 Will bo kept full, and now, an tor thirty ?Are year*, these wagons shall be the Standard or Excki.lknce. We are making, aa uaual, a large stock o Kockawny* and Buggici At all prices ; some new and elegant patterns ?prices much reduced, We make 8PRIN0 WAUONS a specialty. Apply for price lisle fiewer, Co* Ac Markley. N- D. 35 yen re of faithful work?our guaikntec, jtug3<M7tf * CONSUMPTION. Ito Curt tftMU IteTentiTe, ( BY J. H.9CUENCK, M. D. MANY a kotnol holng but puMd awmf, for whote death wat bo vtkor Man tb.n tkqffctgloet of krf** a?d inditjwtably proToa ifni of cwi4. Iboto noer calmlj adopjod UK. JO&CFH It^ijjlHlNCK a SIMFLV and ar?llod themtelroa of kia woadortbl ofl^aclo?l, tkoy world not haro folios. Dr. Bchcnk boa i? kit u?d cm prvtwl that wli.rer.r Mi AtfltuttKaJi^fkaM^pa, that vitality, by kta taodiola** *U tko direotioaa for tbair uao, it qoickon.d i?t<> boolthtal vigor. la Uiir lUkaiut it nothing protmiapt" uomm. To ti?a f.jtk of tko taValid it undo bo -?i.U ? t H..J tin,.. J1UH.VU ? < aw --substantiated by living and visible works. The tbcorv of the cure by Dr. Scbsnck's medicines is as pimple u ktii unfailing. Its philosophy requires no arguinont. It is selt-as uriug, self-convincing. Tbo Seawood Tuple end M sod rake Pills are the first twi>) eoputis with wbioh the citadel of tbo malady is assailed* Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a ftinctionully disordered liver. Witb this condition the brouchinl tubes " sympathize " witb the stoMtoeh.. They respond to the ,norbifie action of the liver. Hera then coines thin culoiinatiug result, and the sotting in, with all its distrossiug symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandr.?'1* 1?'"' Bre coropesed of one o Nature's noblest gi'.*?*?*be P'dophillium l'eltatum. They possess ail i.*?'1 blood-searching, alterative properties of culoincl, bUl unlike calomel, they "LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cure is now beginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowels and in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach sets responlively, and the patient begins to feel that he is getting, at Inst, A SUPPLY OF OOOD BLOOD. The Senwood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilate* with the food. Chyliflcation is now progressing without its j previous tortnres. ingestion becomes painless, ; and the cure is seen to be at hund. There is I no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the sto! raach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father ta suffering man. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup eoaies in to I>crforin its function* and to bastes and complete the cure. It enter* at onee a pen its work. Nature eanaut be ebeated. It collects and ripens tb* impaired sad diseased portions . Iol tUe lUUgS. 1U the lurMl Ol gatherings, 11 prepares tbcui for expectoration, and lo ! in ? vety abort time the malady is yauijuisbed, the | rotti u throne that it ocoupted is renovated uud mads now, and tbs patiout, in all tho dignity of regained vigor, steps fortk to onjoy Uio manbood or tbe womanhood tbat was. UIVKN UP AS LOST. Tbe second thing is, the patients mast stay in a warm room until they get well ; it is nl? most impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, hot it mast be prevented or a care cannot be effected. Fresh air and riding eat. espeeieily ia this section ot the country ia the fall and winter season, arc all wrong. Physicians who recomiuiend thui course lose their patients, if their longs arc badly diseased, aud yot, beuauae thoy are in tho bouse tbey must not sit dowu nuiot; they must walk about tbo room as much and as fust as tbe strength will hour, to got up a good circulation oi blood. Tbo patients must keep in good spirits?he determined to get well. This . bus u great deal to do with tbo appetite, and is the great point to gaiu. . To deapuir of cure after such evidence of its possibility iu tbe woist cases and moral cerlaiuty iu all others, is sinful. Dr. Schenck's personal statement to tbe Faculty of bis own cure was in these modest words : " Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption ; ooufined to uiy bed, and at ono time my physicians thought tbat I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, 1 heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the public, and ilioy made a perfeot euro ol me. It seemed to me that 1 eould feel them penetrate my whole system. Thoy soon ripeued tbe matter in my lungs, aud I would spit up more than u pint of offensive yellow matter every uioruiug for a long time. As soou ua that begnn to subside, m/cough, fever, pain and night sweats nil began to Icavo tuo, and my np|>*tite became so great tbut it was with difficulty that I could keep from cutiug too much. I soon gained my strength, and bare grown in flesh ever since." ' I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skcletou ; my weight was only ninety- seven pounds ; my present weight is two hundred ami twenty-five [226] pounds, and for yours I heve onjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Schrnck bad discontinued bis professional visits to New York and Boston. He or his son, Dr. J. H. Schenck, Jr., still continue to seepatientsat their office, No. 15 North Sixth ttreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from U A. M. to 3 P. M, Those who wieh a thorough examination with the Respirometei will be charged $&. The Rcspirometcr declares tbe exact condition of the lungs, and patient* can readily learn whether they ur? curable or not. The diroctions for takinir the medicines are adapted to tbe intelligence oven of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do tbe rest, excepting that in soino cases tbe Muudruke Pills are to bo taken in increased doses ; tbe three uicdiciues need no other uc couipaninients than tbe ample instructions that accouipuny them : First create appetite. Of returning health hunger is tbe most welcome symptom. M'heo it coiues, as \t will come, let the despairing at one to of good cheer. Good blood ut once follows, tbe cuugh loosens, tlio night sweat is ubuted. In a short time both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Schonck's medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands uf families. As a laxa- | tire or purgative, tbe Mandrake l'ills ara a standard preparation ; wbila the Pulmonic Syrup as a curer of coughs and colds, may be regarded as a propbylactaria against consumption in anv of its foruis. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.60 a bottlo, or $7.60 a half doxen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and doalers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. HENRY, No. College Place, New York City. March 22 4(1 ]j No Good Health Without Pure Blood. DR. GLAZENER'S K PI A IF n KJ m. m mm. ju XV xm m%> MLW AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT 1 WILL P URIFY THE BLOOD I AND REMOVE Liver Complaint. Kheume^^^E^tiam, Scrofula. Carbuncles KJ Bkiu L>esease?, Pains in th Bone*, Dyspepsia, Diseases oe (be Kidney* end Bladder, pain in tbe r Bock end Loin*, end ell the various ? Ailments produced by Impure Blood and Vitiated Secretion*. Buy one Bottle and try it, and if if fails to give any relief, buy no more. DR. GLAZENERV LINIMENT or PAIN EXTRACTOR is goo<1 In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, lieadaebe, Pain in tbe Baek,' Sprain*, <fco. I>R. OLAZKNKR'9 FAMILY VEGETABLE LIVER I'JLLS are sate remedial agents to overootne Derangements of tbe Liver and to Purify the Blood. DR. OLAZENBR* COUGH RELIEF Is exaellent for all ease* of Cough of any kind, from Croup to Consumption ; although not recommended to run the latter disease, I ill f-ll to .,Hi rrrnii wm 1WUOW IH UF. rfp The *bo*e Medicines ere prepared only by DR. 01LRH L. GLAZENER, M?ouf??liirinR DruggW, Oreenviile, S. G. rf Held by T>fiiggUie geeertllj. M*7 10 I ft ??^ ^ Wtmmm VtillaMM ! their (I Crntlve KBecte. TImtw tfMta are ?< ?*? Fancy Driik, Mad* of Fwwr ? , ' Whlekey, Froof 8?hrtii aif Mim U?a*n, doe. that load tk? ttaplea an to dntakaaaaaa and rain. Mai* a traa Medicine, mad# IM tba Native aota and Herb# of California, free from all Alceholte Mnilaati. Thar an tha * GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A1LIW GIVING PHUtCIPI-K, a perfket Renovator and Invlgatator of tha dyatam. carry hag offall poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. Mo pareon can take theeo Bitten according to dlraetlona and remain loan await, provided their hence an aot dcatrarad hp mineral poleon or other means, and the vital cry ana treated beyond tha point of repair. They are a Gentle Pariailre no well no a Tonic, poaeeaelnd. also, tha pacoUar merit of aellag aa a powerful areot In relieving CongoRen or Inflammation of tha Lirar, and of all tho y^anl Oreana. FOR tvUIALBCOMPLilIBTII. whether hi vown# or old parried orstoglr, at the dawn of wcLaZood or at the Torfc Bittan hare no equal. For Inlameiaterr and Chronic Uhen atlan aid Goat, Dyspepsia er Indication, Blllena, Remittent and Intermittent Fevere, ef the Bleed, Liver, Kldneyo end Bladder, these Blttere have been most sucecesftil. Muck Dlaeaeea are caaaed by Vitiated lllood, which la a ens rally produced by derangement of the EMgea(l ve Oriani. D YMPEPH1A OR INDIGESTION Headache, Pain In the Bhouldera, Oon?h?. Tightness ef tha Qhest. Dbalneea, Bonr Eructations of Ma Stomach. Bad Taate in tha .v iuth. Bilious tflsoka, Palpitation of tha Heart, Inflammation of Ma Lunge. Pain tn the regions of the Kidney*, aial a haadtad other painful symptom* arelthe ottmwtec* of Dyspepsia. They lavigorata the Stoma*h and atimnlate the crpld Liver and Bowels, which render them of an equalled efficacy in cleansing tha blood of all lta perl ties, and imparting new li(a and vigor to tho tPholeopalam. * FOR BRIM DIBEABEN, Eruption*.Tetter, alt Rheum, Wotchee, Bpota, Pimple*. Puatiilea. ' Boll*, (Albunclce, Bins-Worms, flcald Head, Bore Byee,Bry*ipelaa, Itch, Scurf*, Discoloration of the Him. Jdumor* and 1 ! ** ** of the Skin, of whalovar aame or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short (line by the n*e of these Blttere. One bottle In mich aaaae will ooavinoe the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its hmparities bursting through the akin In riniple*. Eruption* or Sores; cleanse 11 when you find it obetruoted and sluggish in the veins; cleanse It when It U foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the eyeteaa Will follow. PIE, TAPE, and other WORMS, urkiag In the sy*t?m of eo inany thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALKIU). J. WALKK11, Proprietor. R. H. McDONAI.D A* CO., Drum let# and Gen. Agents. Han Francisco, Oat, and ;sl and Si Commerce titreet. New York. or mil] in iho City (>rconviiiu DH. M. A. HUNTKR A CQ., Wholcialo and llclail Dealer* in Drugs' Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. May 10 1 K. It. I{. Radtt.iy's Ready Relief CUKES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUIt after rending tills advertisement need any one suffer with pain, lladway's Ready Relief is a cure for every pain. It was the first and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly et?pa the moat excruciating paina allay* iniflamatiuna, and cures con. gestions, whether of the lungs, stomach, bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF Will afford instant caae. Infl-iminatinn of the Kidney*, inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation of the Bowels. Conjcstion of the Lungs,Sore Throat, Difficult Ifiealhing, Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache,. Tooothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cohi ChilD, Agar Chilla. The application of the Rsadv Relief to the part or parta where the pain or diflL cully exist* will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a tew moments cure Cramp*, Spasms, Ulnnm.k 11 .... m. I. ?.. fli-l. 11 - I . I Diarrhea, Dysentery, Oplic. wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pain*. Travelers should alwnys carry a bottle of Radway's Ready Rrlirf with them. A lew drops iu water will prevent sickness or pains Irotn fhttrijp> of water It is heitsr tlian French Brandy or Bitters a* a mitnu. lanl. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague eitied for fifty cents.? There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Btloue, Scarlet, Typhoid, YelloW, and other Fevers (aided by Radway's Pill') so quick as Railway's Ready Relief. Filly rents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pure Rich Blood?Incroaac ol . Flash and Weight? Clear Skin and beautiful Complexion scoured to all. PR. RADWATfi KARSAPARILLIAH 11 CfcO INVERT Not only does the Saregnaiillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agent* In the ear* of Ghronie, Scrofulous, Constitutional, aod Skin diseases; hut it la the only poeiv live eure for Kidney and Bladder mid-. plaints, Urinary and Womh diseases, Orav-. #1, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urms, Hrlghl's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where thern re brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, elondy, mixed with substances like ths whits of an egg, or threads liks while silk, or wheie is s morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and whits borne dust deposit#, and when there is a pricking. burning senaation whon passing water, and pain in lha Small of the Hack and along ths Ie>ias Sr- Badvay's Perfect Purgative Pills, Porfeotly tasteless, elsgaotljr o?alsd with aw set gum, purge, regulate, polity, slaanss and strengthen. Kadway's nils, for the cure of all disorders of tl?s Stomach, Diver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous disease es. Headache. Constipation. Costivsness, Indigestion, Dyepepaia, Bilonsnces liilions Fever, Indentation of the Bowels, Piles, end all Detangetnente of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive ettrv. Purs. U Vogetable, centaitiing no meroiiry, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms resultlog from Disorders of th? Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fuflncsa of ths Blood io the Heid. Acidity sf the Stumach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food. Fullnras or Weight In the Stomach, Hour Kruetations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming"' ths Used, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Rolasv'i Pills will f'" the ayatem from til lit* af>o?# named diaordor*. Trite, Si nanU per Hoi. Sold l.y I>ruMl*a. Read " Palao and Troe." Send on* latter atamp U> |iAf?W AY A 00.. No. 87 Matdeo Lane, New Yotk. Information worth thouMnda will l?a ifnt you. /?|iy U ' U }J