University of South Carolina Libraries
COLOGNE Of a Superior Quality, Mad* by F. A. % ALTER. Call and get a botUe of lb* Walter Brand. . 81-tf King's Mountain Military School* Yorkville, 8, C. THE flret Beeslen of U>* school ^f^^^year 1871 will begin on the lit sMH^R February, aid dad on th* 80th of T*rM, for Setmol Expense*, I e, Tuition. Board, Washing, Pitol, Lights, Books, Stationery, Sc., $188, payable in Advance.? Circulars oontaing fall infonnation may be obtained upon application to ? c?i:'A;<Jwr"AHD, ill PKnslps^add Proprietor. Deo 18 > .. >t St4vnul7 8 . t .!?I * ?. i i n It ' - - ?' >4 i4atiit * For Sale. THE MAGH1NEHT COTTON MILL At Froderiokshurg, Virginia, consisting as follows : 14 30 Inab Cards, R. R. Heads, Ae. 0 Ring Spinning Frames, 912 Spindles. 2 Drawing Frames, 2 Speeders. I ' 1 Willow or Opener. > < 2 Spreaders, 3 Heaters earh. 2 King Twisters 00 Spindles each. 2 Spoolers,'Reels, Presses,?8oales,* Warp Mills <t:c., and ntl| the necessary preparations for making 800 to 900 pounds of coarse Yarn daily. ,:i-j , ^ h f The Water-Power ,ls unsurpassed, the rent of which nnd buildings are rerjt low. O per pat ires abundant, aud ca* he.obtaincd at > twuauall* uOdetttte wages* istsinigi I Tba whole ol the above. J< tab intOy including Shafting, Heating;i Aei, will:be sold for the Uw price of fiJUOIht .'Kriqutre dp K. T. SCHIILTZ A CO. 44 Oortnan Street, Ilultiindrc, Md. Deo 13 32 3 Johnston, Crews & Co., . IMPOUTERS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPH AND '< ' 3T1 _A_ 1ST C3 Y DRtGOODS, NOTIONS AW? 8tflA3.IL WAWI?. 41 IIAYXE STREET, (BHA&lLSSffQN, S. (B. T)?C IS - ' ' 3'2 ly . Edmonds^T. Brow^ m jm. rmr> mm 9 48 HAYNE! STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTtL CHA RL RSTOtf, 8 O. Dec 9 81 17 BRY &ANM'CARTER, Columbia. S. C WIIOLBSALE AND RETAIL IN SCHOOL, LAW AND MEDICAL ? O O E S , Standard Works for Libraries, New Publications, Stationery and Blank Books, Rlaoka for Lawyers and Trial Justice*, cao&icOT, &c. Family Bibles, Hymn Books, of all Styles. I)ee 0 211 3m DESIRABLE* RESIDENCE FOR. SALE. . WE OFPEIl at PR1VATK RALB, Ilia very t)e-irnlp!?* li* ai*?nm.AaiiA !?? P -^l ^1*UuitCtiliibe Mill Kill tier fed ton rsireet*. tli? House of brick, con tninsTa-elve Ro? nv?Five with Fire-Places. Tlin (?*>t i? hixh and eligible, contains Two Acres, and ban a Well of Splendid Water. Terms reasonable mid to suit purchasers If not sooner disposed of. the property will be sold at Auction on Salssday in January. CARLE* BLITHE. No* 22 2W if Fowler & Vaughn HAVE opened, nt the aland formerly oennpied by Long A Goodlelt, nearly opposite Foster A Hunter, * general siock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, -consisting of Oiniha, Cssslmered, Resdy-nisde Clothing, Oalieo'S, Worgted, !) rr.eeties, Ac., together with Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syr* tips, Flour, Haeun, and Groceries generally. Also Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery?ware, Kaney Articles, A", , Ac. WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KiNDS OF COUNTKY PKODUCK, I* C*S|f oa TRAPS AW We will also purchase COTTON. We desire a call from our friends In ths (#?untey and "he public, in general, promising to give tatiaf?H ion. * 10 Am i. . .. J?G.DIEHOK8, DRALBR IN ALL KINDS OF BROCERfilS, Tobacco, A Foreign A Potnaatio Win. a, Uqtori, Alea Ac. at wholeanta and retail low for cuh. COLUMBIA. S. C. AT KINSLRR'S HALL CORNER. Oof. 18 21 3m BSTASUS] * ggH F. A. ?, DRUGGIST ADD CHEMICALS o/i/S, i> rj Fancy Goods and T Great \ ?J? JUWLi SWTS (The cheapest ever brought to mark sumi vwwn Imported direct fi RF.WTNO MA mi INK OtT. ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, PERFUMERIES SOAPS, BRUSH CO ?; j PURE WINES A (FOR MEDICINAL BLANK BOOKS ?S Bibles, Photograph Albums, Por Letter, Note, Foolscap, I^ej cy Paper ; Envelopes i dries in G Anything in my line not in stock, tice ami reasonable prices. Every and satisfaction guaranteed in every trgT" Physicians' Prescriptions, 1? all kinds put up and furnished at al SL&StlaB'S ?i N?>* IS E T FERTIL Three very Superior Article* are ofTei ed by tli puny uf Charleston, S. C., viz: ETIWAN ,?A complete manure, adapted to Cotton, Oo tide lierelotof c off -red at tha very high guide Lime, with the addition, as heretofore, of I'er Ffift per Ion, if paid on or before the lit of A November, 1872, without iuterett. ETIWAN C] A new article of ll>e same liincli ttrnde as elements of Coll on Seed in such a manner, as ton and Giain, at a lower price than tlie or before the 1st of April uext, ^ 15 per Ic iutereet. ETIWAN DISS< Averaging from 18 or 20 per cent. of Diesoh planter by composting. to obtain two ton* co?t and freight. Price f35 per ton, if paid ori ton. payable 1st November. 1872. without in TAKE NOTICE that all these fertilisers i filiate, and must help for more than one )enr. WM. ( Get LEONARD WILLIAMS, Agent ut Gr-envi Dec 13 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales- 11 BY virlno of sundry Writ* of Fieri Fa* | I eint, !? me directed, I will kII, before j I lie Court House door, on Salenday in Jut| , M/try wnar/, Irfltreoi the hoi'm of lo! o'clock ip Hie fuienoon and 3 o'clock iu the 1 . a/iernoon, One tract of lnnd known ns the Mull Tract, 1 ] of land containing One Hundred Acre*, moro or lea*, pnd bounded by land# of 11. Wiifford, N. Mill*, 0. P. Eurle and other*. Tract No. 2, containing One Hundred Acre*, ^ more or lean, and bounded ny lands of D. Kimtns and others, and known as the Turner / Truct. Tract No. 3, containing Peventy-flvo Acres, more or tcaj. and bouuded by lands of Piinins, Fisher and others, and known as the Dill Lands. Tract No. 4, containing Two Hundred and fourteen Acres, and known as the Huron Lands, adjoining lands of II. Stuart, Ksrken- / dall and others. Levied on as the properly ' of John Forost, at the suit of W. A. Mooney, a t. HO One Tlundred and Sixty-two and one-half . gallons of Peach Urandy. levied on as the 1 ?rop?rty of Moaes Paris, at tha auit of W. T. | huniate and ntbera. , Terms, cash, Pnrchasers to pay for stamps and papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. G. C. . December flth, 1H71. 31-4 ^ a Treat the human machine gently. The winding passHge. Xft feet in length, through whieh the main portion of wnste matter of f the system is di-charged, ' lined with a memberane as delicate as silk, and as sensis 1 i live as a net work of nerves can make it. 1 Neither constipalion, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery nor any other bowel c<>rui>laint, can 1 he cured by abusing and convulsing tins i tender membrane with a furious pnigative. | Tha best and safest remedy in aueh eases is that mild balsamia and dehglilfol tonic laxative, TARRANT'S 9 E [, T Z E R""APERIENT, which heals, tones arid invigorates the irritated ta'linea. while It relieves them from thn morbid humors whieh provoke abdomi i. HOLD BY ALL T>RU0GIST3. Nof W vo a HBD 1807. j^c l&fBl APOTHECARY. X33 l.'&xtvsafe 5s PAINTS, V-STVFFS, 'oilet Requisites in ariety. riMss A\S5n? et;) also Agent for the veritable om Germany. ? IES, MBS, SNUFFS and SEGARS. M LIQUORS, USES ONLY.) t, STATIONERY, hnnnnipB Ponpila Pnno Ttilro ' A VilVllUt A. VIIV^ AIIUOj *al Cap, Tissue and Fan* and Stationers' Suureneral. will bo suppliod at shortest nothing warranted as represented, case. 'amily Recipes and Medicines of 1 hours ot the dayfcnnd night. LB RUNS. *28 If VA/N IZERS. e Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate comGUANO. lin ?i? ! Tobacco, being the well known arof IS per cent, dissolved Bowc Pho?pl?ate ol uviurt Ooano, Ammonia and Potash. Price .|?rtl next, and $00 per ton, payable 1st ROP FOOD. ?-olublc Pho.piiate, compounded with the to en*ure one of the best fertilizers for Cotan Ouano. Price $40 per ton, if paid on >n, payable 1st Nut taber, 1872, without ^LVED BONE. red Hone Phosphate, and thus enabling I lie of half that grade at a sit ing of one hal i or hefure tlie l*t of April next, $40 per ereet lie of the higlieet grade Soluble Phot3. BEE & CO., teral Agents, Charleston, JS. C. n?\ r*. u. V2 2m EMPORIUM OF 1\7 E have received a superior acsort" t ? ment of Kngli*li, French und Amercun UEA VEU-CLOTIIS, CASS1MEUKS 1ND VESTINGS, WITH A Kill. I. AikOMMCMT OP 3entiemen's Furnishing Goods and Trimmings of all Qualities. RXAOY-MADS f2L??HSH?r A OOOI) assortment of Over-Conta an-l t\ Casa'tnere 8uiis, Shirl* anil Druwcrr, Jul* aim] Csps, Hoys'and Children's CInth? nir, Ac All have been selected personally nidi care And taste, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, t rid we will Bell Accordingly Having me led thereby in all the late?l and most pproved aiy lea of ?* Jiw~ / CI f i I /r^' fr* U<II/I ^ V* tire prepared to Cut and Moke up Clothing in the late*! and m??t npprovrd lylea. t|T All Work Warvanitd. WEED'S UNEXCELLED SEWING MACHINE FOR 8ALE. It does more than twenty different, kind* >f work, and will atltch from the finest or[andie* to the heaviest cloth, leather, wood, >r alieet lead, with ease. It haa several tew improvements, and la Mil! improving. tW~ Warranted to give perfect aatlefaeion. O. A. PI KLK Ac CO. Greenville. 8 C., Oct. 24. 1*71. 26 if I. 0 0. F. , ^^nai. ' Mountain Lodge, No. t^^^7\^K^J^%*very Friday Night, at .-'tJ their Hall, over Marhall A Mauldin'a lirug StoiRegular at* endaoee drtired. ROBT. McKAY, V. O. A?g 30 'J7 If J -I - 111 - - 1 ? Fimfii DRT GOODS, B001 G. w. BR7U> <Xt> RE now receiving and openini ILY GROCERIES, conaistin Crushed, Powdered and Java, Laauyra and Rio 1 Gunpowder, Imporiul an Htm A OOf ci l Ptrnn i>ivuaoou3 anu o I UU Family FLOUR, in ban MACKEREL, Canned ; English MUSTARD, W. Yeast POWDERS, SOL PEPPER, GINGER, C TICKLES, SAUCES, J ALS French and American ( NUTS of various kinds SEGARS, PIPES, Sino Table and Pocket Knivi Writing Paper, Envelop A VARIED 1 HARDWARE, CR GLASS1 WITn A GENERAL LADIES' AND GENTLEJ TRIM Mir J1ESI . Many other Articles fur the use FA11M, too numerous to mention i: PL.EASE CAEE AND E] Go We mam Nov 1 STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA. OR RENVILLE COUNTY. Court off Co in ~.u on I* I ens. S. J. DOUTHIT, Proha'.e Judge, 1 * I i tt * i (T against M. I). DICKEY. Administrator, cum t?s annexonf L. II. DICKEY, et si, Defendant?Summons For Rrlirf Complaint not Served. To the Defend-!nte M. D. DICKEY. K. O. DICKEY. W. !>. DICKEY. ANGELINA CANNON, TAHITI!A DICKEY. L. M. DICKEY, H. K. DICKEY. L. L. GKEEN and J. K. DICKSON. YOU AIIE hereby summoned and required in answer the complaint in tliia action, which was tiled in ilie office of the Cltfk of Common l'leae, for the raid County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the s*ild complaint on the subscribers at their office, Greenville, within twenty days after the service hereof, ? xclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff ir. this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. EASLEY k WELLS and Wm. E. EARLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated 13th of November, 1871. TO M. D DICKEY, E. O. DICKEY. W. D. DICKEY, L. M. DICKEY aud II. E. DICKEY, Defendants: TAKE notice that the Summons of which the shove is a true copy, was liled in the Clerk's Office of this County, on the 14th day of November, A D. 1871. KASLEY A WELLS and Wm. E EARLE. l'laiotilfti Attorney. Nov 15 *28 ft JSO.L,U Ii I A'Z PACIFIC GUANO. PRICE $45 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. "IT*XPVRIF.NCE in the uje ?f this Guano 1 j for the past fix year* in litis Slat*, for Cotton nn<i Colli, lias ho far estnhlithed its character for excellence as to tender con moot mtDCrCMary. In accordance with the established policy of the Company to furnish the Le-l Concent rated Ferlil'zer at the lo\ve?t cost i to eonstiinera, this Guano is put into market this season at the above reduced price, which the Company is enabled to do by reason of its latge facilities ami the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personel superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Rnveiiel, Chemist of the Company, ni Charleston, S. C., hence, planter* may rest . ssnred that its QUALITY and COMPOSITION is | recisely the ennte ?h that heretofore sold At the present low price ev?ery acre planted can he 'ertilizcd with 2o<) pounds Gtinnu at a cost not exceeding the present value of 80 pounds of cotton, while experience has shown that under favorable conditions ot season ami cukivu lion the crop is increased by the Applies tion from two to threefold the natural ca pacify of the soil. Hence, under no eon' diliotts could hs HppltoitIon fuil to com* peurate for the outlay, App'v to J. N ROItSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, No. AB ^a?t Hay and Ntta. 1 ami 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. JNO. 8. ItEESK A CO , General Agents. Nov 20 80 3m PACIFIC GUANO COMPANYS COMPOUND * otn DunsDuurr nr i i??r nuiu rnuornn i c ur Lime, Fur Compotting With Cotton Seed. Pries #25 Cash, with Uaunl * ' v" ,,M 1 imc. rpIHS article i? prepared nndfr flip super 1 intendencr of Dr. ST. JUI.IKN ItAV ENBD expressly for composting with cotton seed. I. was Introduced hy fhls Company two year* ago, an<l its oar haa fully attested it* value. 200 to 250 pound* of this article per acre, properly oom posted with the anic weight of cotton reed, furnhlie* the planter with a PKKTII.IZKIt, of the highest excellence at the smallest coal. A compost I prepared with this article, as hy printed j directions furnished, containa all the ele- 1 menu of fertili'v that can enter into a first-class PKKTI LIZEIt, w hile its economy must commend lis liberal use to plsnteis j For supplies and printed directions for i composting upply to J. N. Rob?on, AGENT PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, No. 68 Ksst Day and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8 C. JNO. H. REESE A CO, General Agents. Nov 29 80 3m ror 1W75I. AT F. A. Walter'* Druffilorr. pMt "31 II I limits, 08, SHOES, to. JS()N & CO. ; Full Supplies of Frosh FAM- TjV g in part of: i Brown SUGARS COFFEE id J breakfast TEA P of various qualities els and sacks md Spiced OYSTERS f orcestershire SAUCE )A. Tuble SALT INNAMON, CLOVES ELL1ES, PRESERVES JAN DIES king and Chewing TOBACCO is, Ra7x?rs, Scissors ics, Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, &c. STOCK OF ROCKERY ANI) <] WARE. ASSORTMENT OF UN'S DRESS coons,. VGS, <fcC. DES > of tlic HOUSEHOLD ami tlic i an Advertisement. FAMINE THE STOCK. J SISOM & CO. I 20 tf HENRY BISCHOFE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND OEALERS IN SEOARS, TOBACCO, &C., NO. 15)7 EAST BAY, m&mmmK u0 <u. II. UIKMIOIIT. C Wfl.DKKN. J. II. rierKR. Oel 25 25 fim 0 CLOCK.S, I GOLD AND SILVER * WMV0XX8 BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY* AND FANCY GO )DS I A LAllGK ASSORTMENT OF * Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ? ALSO GENUINE Jj IPLEOTILIB SIPBOTASILIES. 15. Wchrlc. Oct 11 21$ tf PV11E | tLiii'm'Y imm im%'i Hi* TKLEGRAPII. SBOME Stock in Store now, ami 5) a Large Lot coming, SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TII, Ordered by TEIjKC* 11APII. Goner, ('ox iflark'cy. (Oct 25 25 tf "To TH K 1. A DI ES 1 Fall an?l IV in I or Opening. MRS. L T. JENNINGS Rcppctfully inform, the Ln licf that ?li?* i* now reciv lull fuppli?-? of FALL AND W'LSl Fli MILLINERlf s T OK LATKflT AND MorT j,' iMoiirorrytDiiCi ?i i fibs* jj Tl Slock will consial of nil llo- lino* of GOO.'iS found in similar establishments, and w:ll lie offered at very leosnnahle l>i ice*. '27 -tf o 1mm saii, ' BY virtue of an order lo me directed, issuing out of the Honotable, the Unitek State* District Court for South Caroline, I will sell to the higher! bidder, at the residence of ENOCH C CUNNINGHAM on Wednesday, the 20th day of December [ pro*., nil that Tract of Land whereon the said Cunningham resides By order of the Court it i? sold fiee from ali liens and in- J cumbrancc*, ami it will be divided to suit " purchasei'*. . Also, about Four Hundred bushel* of Corn. In lot* of fifty hu?he|*. Term*, rash. Puiohaser* to pay for *tump* and pspers. A. BLYTI1E. 80-4 Assignee. ? Notice IS lllvHI'.hV given to all whom it may concern, that I will spr'y to S. J. Duuthit, j I'robatu Judge for Orwsrille County, on tbe j 13th <l?y of .January next, for a final discharge hs Administrator ?/e butti? now, of the Estate of J ELIZABETH SMITH, deceased. MM. I?. it It AM LETT, Adiniiiistrntor (|c bonis nun. Ikccinbcr Hlh, 1871. ,12-4 , | THE LIVE UP T H. C.1 Has Arrive rsw t?ik abd ?Tiaa WITH A LARGE 4 ?TT(? GENERAL ME DRY GOODS, ItfTS 9l irn And a general ; l? A V C V TI1E SAME HE PROMISES Ilis Stock of GROCERIES is very rill be 6old at very LOW FIGURES 15?** Call and satisfy yours lv I 1 R 9 1 o? kinvi^iurij & c ii aving Heme TO TIIEIR NEW Corner of Broad and Belt VV1&ILL take great pleasure in wai W/ who will find a choice asec YRYr GOODS, which will be dispoee he 7/imt economical. f-^/" An examination of Goods ntu Christophe 25 3m 202 and 204 Broa CHINA HALL, VILL1AM B. STANLEY, IMPOUTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND EAR I HENWARE, 1LVER-PLATED. BB1TABIA MIL Japanned Ware. " TABLE CUTLERY, MIRRORS. GAS-FIXTURES AND [OBSE-FlIRHlSHIllli GOODS F GENERALLY, 1 Opposite Court lloui>e, Columbia, S. C. ?ct 18 24 rtm < A. II Ml LLIGAN, n COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL mum mucmil ACCOMMODATION WHARF, 3 H A HL ESTON, S. C. r wdl also, when place I in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Much inert/, A gr{cultural Implements Fertil ; izcrSy d'O. vf Oct 2* 25 ly gj] CHILDS & WILEY, COLUMBIA. C. C. J Fine Kendy.Made Clothing. The Crlern'ed Star Shiit Patent Pantaloon raw-r? Coot's. Nek and Under Wwr. -r i h<* U j'tisn Hi n< ? Suspender*. The True *J' it Shirt. Linen Collars, Paner r.?il .r. mtrx B\sm<sa ajwid OIAUS, j AT ALL STYLES AND PRICES. We invite the Public to cell end examine we nre determined U> keep le v? ry heel that come* to Columbia, and I prices that will suit the time*. ] la/c ccii criD r* a e i_i it l. vj u u i r w n v/ no n, ANl> AT SMALL PROFITS. in tx I, 0. CHILOS. JOHN S. WILIY. Oct 18 24 8m Fall Millinery. C, A, S M I)T H HAS OPENED a choice selection of MIL* LINE It Y ami FANCY (JOODS, to 8 rbich she invito* the attention of the Indie*, F Al*i>, PATTERNS of the lateet styles of j< HtKSSKS. DRRSS-MAKINO attended to with neat- I eaa and despatch. Order* from the country solicited. , Main Street, opposite the Columbia Hotel, * 'oluinhin. S. C. Oct 18 24 8m \1 CENTRAL HOTEL, PLAIN STREET, 1 4 Uocka from piit Main ; 6 Ltlocka from Greenville F HiiiLi"T?t- { * fate txcellvnl Term*. f 3 00 per day. j t r i> r.clayton, i i < Proprietor. Columbia, S. C. 24-Htu [ OWN STOOp.! h ARK d From MfflOTIS! vmwd, iND SELECTED 1 ?[F RCHANDISE CLOTHING, m Q&m, assortment of & 0 01) s. > TO SELL CHEAPER large and well selected, which FOR CASH. es. gFl 24 tf 5? ? L Sr&my 'O. >vcd Their \j >OSt "^sS1 PREMISES, itosli ^ts., Augnttfa, Ga. ting on tlieir Carolina friends, >rttnent of every description of id of at j>rit>c8 that m^st satisfy i Prices respectfully solicited. >r Gray & Co., d Street, AUGUSTA, OA. VISITORS TO COLUMBIA. S. C.f Will do well to call on L !L JISISIH To purchase their ANCYlRTIcir&C. Jackson'* Old Drvg Stand. I):t 18 Sin Watches of all Grades. ?WELTIY OF EVERY KIND y HAVE juat returned from New York with the ft tint Mock in the market, embracing lachea of ull grade*, Jewelry of all atylea, Iver and Plated Wore of the moat modern ttern* ; beautiful in dcaign, durable, eheup d warranted to suit. ISAAC 8UI.ZltACHE1t, I'ndor Colntnuia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct 18 24 J to WILLIAM SLOANE, ithographiC) Copper-plate. tif.iXhKAL OB PRINTER, ipiiaAiirj sminv, COLUMBIA, S. O. >OOKS. Pamphlet*. P. aten, Unnd-Bitl', ? riaeda PImm.Um n.llll _ ....I irnll", a. Map*, Pluni, Chnlk and L'D? Tk??> K?, Liquor Label*, Dmpgiata* Piaaciip* >o*. etc, Fxcouied wiih NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND ON Til K Most Reasonable 7am*. Oct '25 25 Srii* [rs. C E. Rred's Millinery md Emporium of Fashion. A DIES' HATS, CAPS AND HON N FIX. J ALIO AIT? tELMR IN EVERY STY I.E. OIIaET article^ AC., FOR RALE VERY LOW. (A1N ST., COLLIAIIHA, S. C. Oct. 18 24 . aid \ nlaable Parm far Stair. OFFER MA FARM, on Rrmli Ha'tii'a, cottl *i?ff BOO aere*, for rale, a Iniyo oportlon of which is River and L't??k r?tlom. Refer to MRS. A. fJ. FKA.aTBR. Nov 8 $7 if