University of South Carolina Libraries
&\)c (Snlrvyrisr, o a ee m v a a. us/?. ?. WIDNEJD17, D1CEKJKS SO. 11)1. Oferlatmae. Next Monday it Christmas, a festival day observed by all Christians throughout tha habited globe. Wa wish for each a pleasant and happy season, their homes and firesides to be brighter and mora joyous than ever before ; and trust that in their many felicities they will not neglect the poor and the IIway, whom we here wllh us always.? Time and aliases hsppensth to all. aud ere i another Christmas eoraes, the circurpstancca of the most opulent may bs so changed as to need the attention of the hind hearted and charitable, A turkey, and a f<tw presents suitable for tha ohildran, would give bope and life to a whole household. Our merohants have laid in bouutiful sup plies Of articles suitable for presents, as well as toys and things, which are attractive in an unusual degree. - ?? * ? ? ? Will be Issued Next Weak. The EnUrprite will be issued as usual next week, we will not suspend the paper. Those having Advertisements for the 27<h. will please hand them in on Wednesday morning early. Greenville Female Library Sooloty. We are requested to state, that the membera of the Greenville Female Library Soeiety, will hold their Annual Meeting at Mrs B. F. Parry's, on Tuesday, the second day of January next, at eleven o'clock, A. M. The Indies are rsqusted to meet lor the purpose of electing officers, and selecting books for the Society on that day. We are informed thai the Society is flourishing, nf ter an existence of several years. They have two hundred and filty volumes of well selected books, and in good preservation,? There are forty members belonging to the Society. Each member pays $2 ft0 a year, which is iaid out in the purchase of the most recent publications and standard wotks. In this way, the ladies have an opportunity of reading, at very little cost, the most approved novels, travels, poems, biographies, Ac., as they are published. Arrangements have been made with the first publishing houses in New York and Philadelphia, to forward popular books as soon as published. All the la lies in oar City would do well to join the Society, and there, by economise in the purchase of books. All are requested to attend the meeting, whether members or not. Award of Premium. We are informed that a few weeks ago Capt. Patrick olfered a gold pen as a premium to tbe pupil who should impiove most in pennmanship within a given period. Yesterday, the time for awaiding the prixc, it was funud difficult to decide betw een the c'mpetitois, many of w hom had made great improvement. It was finally detetufined that Masters C. C. Jones, A. 11. Donaldson ni.d W. E. Bkattik should draw for it. They did so, and Master Bkattik carried off the premium Capt. P. infoimn ui that his school will close on Friday next, to open again on the 1st of January, 1H72. lie has secured the services of an additional assistant, and will be preparrd to instruct a larger number of pupils than heretofore. Stable Burned. On last Fiiday morning, about three o'clock, tl.o stable or Sir. CharlesW. D'Ovi.ev, on West Street, ?udestroyed by fire. When first discovered, the flames were already bursting out from thereof, and tho material being light, it was impossible to put out the fire. A lot of provender was nlso consumed, * hich added much to the difficulty of saving tho building. The cattle, it seems, were turned out by the incendiary?it wasundoublly the work of soiao scoundrel. Mr. D'Oyi.k v's loss will but slightly exceed one hundred dollars. The Fire Companies responded in their usual manner, and did all thoy could. The Taxes. Tiic County Treasurer for (ireonvillo, gives us the following statement of his collect ons from flie time his books were opened to tho 15th inst.: For State purposes, $4,95(1.12. " County " 3,529.03. Poll tax 575.00. Total $9,060.15. Those who fail to pay by the 15th of Janu ary next, will havo tho penalty attached to thorn of 20 per cent., and executions will be issued from tho 15th of February, with an additional five per cent. Accident. nQ.I..slaw nfl oinniiti iiltrmt o'('loclv? - - a ( mill hoy nnm*d Joiinnv Morr, residing willi Dr. W. 11. Davis, was thrown from hoiee fliid sustained painful l> juries Hiding up Pendleton Street, the animal commenced running at llie top of ile speed, and soon got beyond the control ol its rider, and when neaiing the warehouse of Mr. J. A. Darin, 'lie boy was thrown violently to the ground, cutting his face and bruising his head, which bled profusely.? Dr. IIokk was Aiimnionasd and gave his profcasional attention, Ile is improving. Orgzantatlon ci a 1,00*0 of odd F?tFellowa In the Conn try. We lenrn that a Lodge has boon organized in the upper part of this County, near Mush Creek Post Office, on Monday, 4tb inst. It will bo known as Glassy Rock Lodge, No. , and will cllcct officer* a* toon a* the Grand Lodge of this Sjate grants a charter. Mr. J. H. B( norir.i.n, Secretary of Mountain Lodge, assisted in its formation. Episcopal Churoh. Wo lenrn that tho religious exorcises eon neeted with the Sunday School Celebration of Christ Cnnrch, ?)reenville, at Christmas, will take place in the Episcopal Church on Saturday next, at 3} P. M. Mr. TnsononK Qoodlrtt, a native and formerly a resident of Greenville County, died, a shsrt time since, in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, a^ed about fifty year*. Jli* death wh? oalined by fever, and be leaves numerous relative* and friends in this Couuiy. ile w?s ? brother of Col. Wu. 1(. Ooodi ktt, well known to us all. Council Proceedings. We did not receive the proceedings in lime r la?l issue, and ihcy may bo found on the Hindu of the j>aj or of tb.s week. ' r- CutIm's Addnu. On Christmas I>ajr, vur Carrier nqunta us to s*y,>he will visit hi* patron* and present them With a tieally?writtcn and original Ad? dress, written bjr Robert McKat, E?q. 11* hope* to receive a liberal reaponaa thereto. ? fOR Tilt uattsviLi.t" iMtrRrRlSB. Literary Club. At the la*l meeting of thi* body, the following amendment to the constitution vai proposed and adopied, and is hereby published for pubiio benefit: Pkctiox 1. Each member nhnll pay five dollars (|5 00) annually, and il shall be corn sMered that in becoming a member he binds himself to attend legularly upon the monthly meetings for business and literary discus sions, unless circumstances really forbid.? Other persona, whether gentlemen or ladi. a, may be invited to beooinc reading member*. There, upon paying the annie annual fee, hall have all the privileges of membership as regards the periodicals taken by the Club, and ?hall be bound by the rules of the reading room, as fixed by the committee on periodicals, but shall not be expected to a'tend the monthly meetings. By the above, it will be seen, that tho ure of Ihs valuable aad varied periodicals of this body may bo enjoyed by any of our friends, by an annual payment of five dol* , lara; ard this too, without being compelled f to attend the regular business meetings of . the Club. The great lack of interest, apparently at least, in tire nicotines of the j Club, has been a source of much concern to j some of the friends of literature in our midst. A new year, however, ia now at i hand, nnd with its sppronch, it is hoped ( that new iutcrest will be awakened, nnd that this organization will not bepeimittcd to languish nnd die. Parlies desirous of continuing their mem bership, either as regular or reading members, or others who may desire to become such, ore requested t<? notify tlie treasurer, Mr J. C. Smith, of this desire. It. is desiiable that this shall be done at once in order t<> | I enable the committee to order such period- ( j icals as may lie asked lor and decided on. j \ The committee arc desirous ol sending on j the order before Januarv 1st. ISI'2. It is 1 Iinpcd Hint many of our friemls will avail themselves of thii> opportunity, and report to Mr. Smith nt once. The next meeting will he held on the 4th Tuesday evening of December, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Steen, nnd ? lull attendance is requested. FOR TI1K QREENVILIK KSTKUPRISK. Admirable Portraits by Mr- Gueriy. Those who like to see n really good pictures, ought to visit Mr. Oueri y'a ro< niq (over Wniter's Drug Store,) and see the very striking nnd henutilui portruits ol James Birtiic, Esq , and Mrs. E rnie, which lis ve just been completed and handsomely fisnied, nnd will remain at tire rooms a short time. They exhit-it, perhaps, even more strikingly, the ssrne excellencies which some weeks ago attracted such admiration in the portrait of Dr. Furinm. Thia letter has lately been on exhibition at n famous establishment in Baltimore, and a letter re cently received, stale* that it lias been tliero greatly admired, being pronounoe.i l>y the best judges to lie the woi k of a Irne arliat, wli-i bids fair, in a few years, to become one of the most distinguished pnintcis in thecouni?-y. The residence of Mr. Guerry in Greenville affords our oil -zens a privilege they have not hitherto possessed, in the way of seeing excellent pictures, nnd of procuring portrait* when <1 enrol, find before many years il will become one of the widelyknown distinctions and it 11 ructions of our town. 'lira ptivib-ge carries with it n duty. All lover* of art aliould give our young artist those proofs of appreciation and sympathy which a man of such pursuits finds peculiarly grateful, and encouraging, and persons who can nlfoid it may wisely embrace the. opportunity to procure por traits of themselves and members of their families. Mr. and Mrs. Rirnlehavo expressed themselves as gie.itly pleased with their port-ait* It will help the taste of our young people to are these fine pictures, especially if they will ask Mr Ouerry to point out to them the chief properties of u good paints ing. eo tar as illustiated in portraits ? It will prepare them be.lter to appreciate the beautiful ill that tine landscape amid which we live. J. A It. * sO s ? Foil Til IC OIIKKN VILLR ENTERPRISE. Greenville Literary Club Wc respectfully ask the attention of persons interested in literature, to the notice on ll,;. nr.. I .1 ._:n: ..v>cK lull 8oimoiui>M * 1111 u g 1 to become regular members, (promising to nt! tend the monthly meetings,) nn?l ladies mid i gentlemen willing to he reading member*, will i report at once to Mr. J. C. Smith, that we uiny know what to count on. Some of us ex* ! pert that the Club for tho ensuing year will | h0 more interesting, and more valuable It the I community than ever 1 eforo, and we invito 1 tho cooperation of all who appreciate the highs est Interest* of the community. Many of the Charleston people who spent tho summer hero found our Reading Room a great attraction, and our plan is being imitated in severul oths er towns. . Hhatl t).ore not he a general attendance at Mr. Stcen's, on the evening after Christinas? j Prof. C. If. Judson promises to introduce a subject for conversational discussion. J. A. It ROAD US, President elect for 1872. IIami.ik Peattik, Vice I'rcs't elect for 1872. . . Dog Lost A J.LWARI > will U i JUI.luS C. SMITH, Dec 20 83 1 I 125 RE W ARD. wfyN STOLEN from the suhscriher, four ruilos south-east of City, on the night ?"f the 13th inst., n light WAY II C) It S K , nine year* old, sixteen hands h 'gh, long mane and tail with fresh saddlo mark*, and scratches on both hind feet. Said Horae pace* under the aaddle, carriea hia head high and ear* erect, and valued at two hundred dollars. I will pav twenty-fire dollars for the apprehension ol the thief and delivery of the llorsn, or ten dollars for tha delivery of the ilorse alone. A> dress, C A. PARKINS, Wreenville, S. C. j Dec. 20 33 4* ? IHIWjl. < This la a World of Chance*. Wa speculate in everything. The taking of rlaka is a pari of human nature. The only qusetlon la? "Are they safaf" Whoever baa read the eminent endoraementa of the South Carolina Land Immigration Aaaociation muat be satis, fled of three things,. Jet. Of an honorabla Enterprise. 2d. That the obanoee of *uc> cea are eery great?or aa one in #lxty?two. 3d That a flee dollar tioket may prove a fortune which will enable a man to live upon comfor-. tably during the reat of hia life. Grkenvillk, Dee. 20. Cotton active and brisk to-day, and aell ing at 174 cent*. Charleston, Dec. 18 Cotton dull and little doing?middling 19; teceipla 2,936 bales; sales 1000; stock 31,791 Augusta. Dec 18. Cotton quiet?middling 18; recripti 1,000 bales ; aalea 800. BalT:M'?re, December 18 Cotton dull and low?i ? middling !9|@ 194; receipt* 836 bales; rules 187 ; stock 3,070. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat nuiel?Southern common to Mr 1 Sft/ai as (j?rn active and firm?white 64@C8 ; yellow 65(3)70. I'oik 14.2S@I4 60. Phoul <1 ers 74 Whiskey wc?k, at ?6(3)97. Nrv Your, Deo. 18. Cotlon dull?midiling H?J ; Orleans 2"J ; sales 1,200 bale*. Gold heavy, at b@HMABB.m, on Tuosday evening, 12th inst., at Christ Church, by Rev. Ellison Capers. Mr, EDMUND DACON unJ Miss EMMA BUTLER, all of this City. % Printers' fee received. Diet, at the residence of his aunt, Mrs. E. W. Croft, near Greenville, 8. C. on Sunday Dec. 17th. Mr. RANDELL THEODORE PEARSON, of Florida, aged 24 years. Manufacturing Entrrpriskin Ciiari-rston. ?Charleston is fast becoming n manufacturing as well as a commercial city. The largest manufactory of doors, entire, blinds, ike., in the Southern Stales, is that of Mr. P. P. TO A LB. on Iforlheck's Wharf la that city, sa'cs rooms at No. 20 Hnyne street ? Mr. Tonic's ndvet tisement appears in nnotli er column. The Great Pictorial Annual Hostctter's United States Alinnnnc for 1872. ror distribution, f/rnlf*, throughout tho United States nnd nil civilised countries of tlie Westsrn Hemisphere, will l>o published about tho first of January, in tho English, German, French, Norwcginn, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Ilohemian nnd Spnnisli lnngnngcs, nnd nil who wish to understand tho true philosophy o! health should read nnd ponder tho valuable suggestions it eontnins. In addition to an ndmirnhlo inodieal trentiso on tho causes, prevention nnd euro of n great vnriety of diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, tho mechanic, tho miner, tho fnrmcr, the plantor, nnd professional man ; nnd tho calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes ns aro most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. Tho nature, uses, nnd extraordinary snnitary effects of llostcttor's Stomach Hitters, tho stnplc tonic and alterative of more than hnlf tho Christnin world, nrc fully sot forth in its pages, which nrc also interspersed with pictorial illustrations^ valuable receipts for tho household nnd farm, humorous anecdotes, nnd other instructive nnd amusing rending matter, original nnd selected. Among tho Annunls to appear with tho opening of tho year, this will ho mitt of the most useful, nnd may ke had for tho asking. The (>ro,,ri--?ors, Messrs. llostottcr <t Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward it copy by mail to nny person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Hitters are sold in every city, town and village, and nre extensively used throughout tho entire civilised world. 31-4 Notice. TIIE INSTALLATION of Officers elect ol Recovery Lodge, No. 31, A. F. M., will take place at Masonic Hall, Greenville, on tin evening of tho 27th, Inst., (St. John's day,) al 71 o'clock. Hy order. W. L. MAULDIN, Sccretury. Dec 20 33 1 COME, EVERYBODY, Both Ladies and Gentlemen TO the IlIO DINNER that will lie pre pared nt the MARIETTA HOTEL, or Tnr*iJa>i. '2<U?i innfittil. fi?r the ncroiumoda< lion of Five Hnndr-d persons. Supper nod IireMkfast will he provided tr nil who wish to remain. Lodging for fiftj persons can he provided. Menls, $1 eaeh No charge for Lodging. 50 cents for ? Single Horse Feed Ample room for the Dancing Apartment, near the Hotel. J II. CLEVELAND, Esq., H (iOOD, Esq, WM. WEST. Esq . OA IT. E. row ELL, S. E. MAYS, Maitagei n. Dee 20 33 1 Piano for Sale. A SIJI'ERIOR No. 1 s-voi ff n V' Rosewood Case J " I H Urine ton". Aprdv to JULIUS C. SMITH. Dec 20 33 2 PHOTO OP.APH ALBUMS, &C. WE HAVE ON HAND #-ANASSOUTMKNT OI?' s&soAsra nwroaiiA rn a in cms LABIES WORK BOXES -A NnWRITING DESKS, Suitable lor Christinas Pies ents, which wo will ecll at tlx Lowest Prices. SNVANDALE & ISAACS. Dec 20 * 33 1 AUCTION ? SALE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS! On Friday, J)ec. 22, 1871, <? > VVILL SELL at my Office, i HW) I-ot ot Goods for Christmas Presents, CONSISTING IN .' ART OF China and Parian VASES China CUPS and SAUCERS TOILET SET, IMAGES Stands, Bottles, Match Boxog Tumblers, Goblets Musical Albums, Albums Portmonias Wax and China DOLL8 China Animals, Toy Furniture Accordeons, Cartridge Pistols. JULIUS C. SMITH. Pec 20 S3 1 II 1 1. .Iff11'1!11 J Boston boaitingiy eUlma i yonng lady wbo ia the fortunate pom?ot of a rate of hair ? > enty-flre inches in lelgth. PRESENTS FOP THE HOLIDAYS. J' rocoirod, at Ml?? McKAY'S, a now tupp.r of Ladtea and Miaaea Fura, and other 1 Article* eultabl* for Cbristmna preaenta. La> diei' Fura aa low as $4.00 per aet. Dao 20 S? 2 O O M HS AND SEE jqpgllE Christmas Candy, Toys, 1 Jv> &c., of many shapes and qualities, which are now being opened by B. E. Miles & Co., ON Bl'NC(^lBE STREET. NEAR MAIN, AND IN LOWER ROOM In Seminary Building. Dec 20 33 tf FOR SALE. . I Offer at private aale, the BRICK HOUSE ai d LO T. near the Old Baptist Cliurcli. The dwelling contains four rooms and two fire places. Oil I he Lot is a good Kitchen, Brick Smoke Hours and Stable, and a well of fine water. Trims liberal, and price low. Apply to the proprietor, O. B. IRVINE. Dee. IS 32 tf IIOWDAv PIliiSE NTS ?=69=? FOSTER & HUNTER HAVE c o 1.1, ii c T i o n or FURS, CONEY, MIN K, AND OTIIKIt KINDS. ITRIPBO SHAWLS, Various Styles. Handkerchiefs, ?&OW3B 8, AND FANCY GOODS, Hoods Scarfs &c.9 Suitable for presents. CITRON, CURRANTS, RAISINS, Iu Whole and Quurtcr l)oxo?, GINGER, PRESERVES, . Fresh Candies, Cheese>, tCv?., cFc. > J5ST* Come and See. ' Dec 13 32 tf AN ORDINANCE TO Raise Supplies for the Yoar 1872. BK IT ENACTED hy tho M..yor nnd Aldermen of the City of Crceuville, in 1 Council assembled, anil hy nuthority of the " ."nine, That a Tax to cover the period from Jununry Int. 1872, to January Int. 187.1, for tho ? Minn ai.d in the inunncr hereinafter mention. r eil, shall bo raited and paid into tho Public . Treasury of the City of Ureenvillc, by the 1st ( day of .March next, for the umo and service thereof. Skction I. On each One Hundred Dollars ' of assessed value of Heal Estate and Persona) Property, tho of sum Fifty Cunts. Real Estate, Stocks, Goods and Chattels Sold at AuctioD. Src. 2. There shall ho paid quarterly, Two and a Half pur cent, upon nil Sulus at Auction, on all Hoods, and One per cent, on all Chattels nnd Real Estate, and Stocks of every description, except on soles made l>y order of Court, or process of law, or hy Executors and Administrators. , Goods, Wares and Merchandize Sold , on Consignments Skc. :i. There shall ho paid by all merchants or others, One-Half per cent, upon all Sales of Hoods, Wares and Merchandize sold on Consignment, made front tho 1st day of January 1872, to the 1st day ot January 1873, the above lax to ho paid quarterly. Road and Street Tax. Skc . 4. That cnvli and every mate person between the nj?ns of twenty one and fifty years, other than members of the Fire Department, Ordained Ministers and Students, shall pay on or beloro the 1st day or March next, One Dollar lor Road and Street exemption, and if any person liable to thia tax, shall fail to make payment at the time specified, he shall beheld ] iiiioic 10 worn ?n wo streets ul tho City, for I nix ilny* under thu direction of tho acting . ; overseer of tbu streets ; any person refusing or ; neglecting to obey the summons, shall be dried i at the discretion of the Council, said fine to be collected by execution. And it shall he the duty of tho City Clerk and City Marshal to report to the Council nil defaulters under either of the clauses of this section. . Lawyers, Pbyuclans, Dentists, Pho?' togt aphists, &c. Far. 5. There shall bo paid Thirty Cents on I tho Hundred Dollars of Cross income ol | lirokcra and Bankers, and on all Incomes deI rived from the Cotnmission Business, or the Practice of tho Professions of Law, Medicine ; and Dentistry, and from the Business ol Duguerreotyping, Ambrolyping and Photo. 1 graphing within the limits of the City?the I iirnmint of income to he estimated from the 1 1st day of January, 1872, to the 1st day o! January, IH73, tho Tax upon the same to he I paid f|ur.rterly. i Carriages, Omnibasses. Wagon*, &o. i Far. fi. There shall he paid Ten Dollars on ; each four-horse Omnibus or Hook ; Six Dollars i on each Carriage or Hack drawn by two ot > 1 mors horses, run for conveyance of passengers Ior hire; Three Dollars on each one-horse Buggy, dig or Sulky, kept for hire; Ten Dollars , on each four-horse Wagon; Six Dollars on each two horse Wagon, or Dray, or Cart, and I Pour Dollars on aaeh ona-hors* Wagon, Dray or Cart run for hire. The Taxes on Omnibusses, Carriages, Haeka, Buggies, Wagons, Drays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be paid bef ,ro they shall he allowed to run : Propidtd, That nothing heroin contained shall he construed so as to extend to Wagons, ('arts, or i other vehicles going to or from market, and | owned and run and used by non-residents of the City. Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers. Pre. 7. Five Dollar* per day shall he paid by every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale within the oorporate limits of the City, at Auettou or otherwise, any Goods, Wares or Merohandisa, to he paid each day in advance; and overy Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the tax aforesaid, and who shall fail to make payment, shall be fined Ten Dollars for each day he may so offend ; /Vender/, The provisions of this section shall not b* so construed so as to apply to the ordinary dealers Itf grain, fruit, potato**, tobaeoo, poultry, iron-War*, e*rthea-ware, or other prod no* o? manufacture* of tfc* l?k* char**ter. ? , Bllfc**A Tables and T?n Pirn Alloys. Sao. 8. That an Annual Tax pf Twentyfive Dollar* (ball be paid upon aeon and every Billiard Table, aid Twenty-Awe Dollars upon each pnd every In* inr T*n Pin AH*yr>?ph within tb* limit* of fm Clfy *f fhwemvilre M ' profit; said Tax to be paid before License to ua* the aame abaII b* fronted. Any person or persons using tbe article* or opening the establishment mentioned above in this Seotion, without first having obtained a Liaeose from the City Council, and giving a bond to tbe aame in tbe eutn of Two lluudred Dollars, conditioned to observe the law* of the State and City, aball be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollar* for eaeh day *uch establishment shall be ke|?t open or need. Equeatrain and Theatrical Performances. Sac. U. That no Equeatrain or Theatrical performance, or other performances, or other exbibitiona for gain, ahall be had in the City of Ureenville, without a license therefor being fir ;t obtained from the Mayor, and payment tor said license made to the City Clerk, as aforesaid as follows: For each and e7erv Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars ; for each apd every Hide Show, a sum not loss than Five Dollars nor exceeding Twenty^flro Dollars, a* the Mayor shall determine ; for Theatrical and other Exhibitions for gain, such sura as the Mayor shall determine. And eaob and every person exhibiting for gain, without flrstharing obtained a License, and the payment of the said Tax in advance, shall be fined in a sum not less than double the amount of said Tax, in mannn hereinafter provided for the imposttion of fines and forfeitures. Special Tax. Sac. 10. That no Person, Firm,* Company or Corporation^shall be engaged In, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession, until he, she, or they, shall have paid a Spe cial License therefor in the ronnnor hereinafter provided, to wit: Each and every business, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Manufacturing, the gross sales or receipts of which shall not exceed Fivo Hundred Dollars per Annum, shall pay a License of Two Dollars, in excess of Five Hundred Dollars, and not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars, Seven Dollars and a Half, nnd in excess of Two Thousand Dollars and not exceeding Fivo Thousand Dollars, Eight Dollars, and in excess of Five Thousnnd Dollars and*not exceeding Ten Thousand, Ten Dollars, nnd in oxccss of Ten Thousand Dollars. Twolve Dollars. Eacli First-Class Hotel, Twenty-five Dollars; each Second-Class Hotel, Fifteen Dollara ;onch Saw Mill, Fifteen Dollars - each Corn Mill, grinding under three thousand bushels per annum, Fifteen Dollars, and over three thousand bushels per annum, Twenty Dollars; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; each Cotton (Jin, Ten i/onurs: cucn vonon j-rcss, rivo miliars: cnrii Livery Stable, Ten Dollars : enob Has Manufactory or Works, Ten Dollars; each Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; cnch Barber* shop, Five Dollars ; each Auctioneer, Twelve Dollars. The License issued by virtue of this Section shall ho collected on or by tho 1st day of March next, und shall cover tho year 1872, und all Business License issued on and after the 1st day of March next, shall ho issued on a ratnhle proportion of the year dating from tbe 1st day of tbo month in which it may be issued. Physicians. Lawyers. Dentists, Pho tographists, Artists, Insurance Companies, &c. Rkc. 11. Each Physician. Lowyor, Dentist, Photographist and Artist, and each Insurance Company and Speculators in grain, flour or country produce, not otherwise licensed under this Ordinance, shall pay a license of Fifteen Dollars ; and each F.x press Company having an nflioe in, and doing business within the corporate limits of the City, Twenty.five Dollars for conducting said business or occupation ; said ruin or sums to be paid on or before the 1st day of March next, or on any subsequent day before commencing aueh businoss or occupation. And a penalty of Five Dollars por day shall he levied against any person prosecuting such business or Occupation, or any business mimed in this Section without first having taken out a license therefor. Liquor License. C_? 10 r? 1 t -I n ? ur.v.. i 4. i'i-uiiTs in aL>ii|unr nti:ti pay me following License, to wit.: Each Retail Li<|Uor Dealer, Two llun<iru<l and Fifty Dollars: carll dealer io Liquors wlio nolle >>y the quart cr larger qunntity, One Hundred Dollars; each Druggist Belling !>y the bottle. Fifty Dollars; (the liquor Dot to be drank on the premise! whore soldi, by any other than a retail liquor dealer,) and tho license for nil dealers in liquor shall cover tho year expiring on the Istduy of October, 1872, at tho above rates per annum, anil must be paid before tho parties enter upon eaid business. Penalties. Pre. 13. Ami he it further Ordained, That if any person or persons shnll fail, neglect or refuse to make a return to the City Clerk on j oath, of nil his, her or their taxable property, income, sales, receipts, or any, or all other things taxed by this Ordinance, and pay the tax thereon imposed, within the cimo specified by this Ordinance, tho Clerk of Council, as! aisled by the Assessors of the City, are hereby authorized und required to assess such person ( or persons (or all his, her or their property, or other things t-jxed by this Ordinance, accord- > tho best information which he and the Assscssors can obtain of the value of such taxable property, und add One Hundred per cent, to the amount of tho tax of the person or persons thus neglecting or refusing to make a return as aforesaid, or pay the tax thereon ; : and if tho double tax thus imposed is not paid within Thirty Days thcteafter, the said Clerk ' is hereby authorized and required to issue an execution theretor immediately, which said execution shall bo lodged with tho Sheriff of | the County of Greenville, to bo collected nc? corning to the provtaion* or the Act of the General Anscinbly in auch cnsea, made and providod. Done und ratified in Council nasemhlad, under the corporate Soul o( the City of Uicenvillo, thia 6th day of December, 1871. JAMES P. MOOUE, Mayor. F. A. Walter, Clerk. Dee 13 32 tf j? O m g ig r| t) > I ^ ; :WH 0 : ? ;SiW' r#? (M ? ? % ? S3 <g% ; B im? ^ w S 1 ?*i O P3 (0 ;? _ ? Notice IR herehy clren to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit. Probate Judge of Oreetiville County, on tht 8ih Hny of January next, lor a final discharge as Administratrix of the Kstate of RTRPflRN F. IjONO. deeeaaed. therefore all narties havin? claims against'said estate will present there to il?, ?r the Pro hate Judge, on or before said day or he debarred. I EMILY M. LOITO, Administratrix. Dee. 5th, J871. 31 4, " 1 ...... gBjS?immmBgmmmm, . JIMJ ? 8 O U T H H R, IsT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. J , C. C. STEPHENS, AGENT FOR GREENVILLE COUNTY. Dft J. II. DEAN, Madicftl Examiner. Deo 1# , ( 8* tf Merry Christmas! THE SANTA CLAUS BAZAR OF H. i. INTER & CO. Contains a Beautiful Collection of Toys, Gifts, Nor chics, Notions and Fancy Articles in Tin, Wood, China, Parian, Marble, < >1ush,. Shell and. Lava, Velocipedos, Carte, Figures, Vases, China Cups, Smoke and Wine Sets, Murhle Ornaments, Cites*- Boaida, Chess Men,. Work-Boxes, Glovf-Boxes, Portemonaies, Writing Desk?, Poi tofolio$;< Building Blocks, <fec., <fec. Give us a call and bring the children. 32?tf .TTTRT RF.rF.TVTVn AT MARSHALL & mauloin's OF mmmmm coons CONSIfeTIiVG OF HOLIDAY BOOKS & FANGT ARTICLES OF EVEKY DESCKIl'TION. THESE GOODS ARE OFFERED AT LOW FIGURES. Call and examine. GCP VV e make no charge for showing goods. Deo IS 32 tf WAND 0 FERTILIZER! .? O COTTON, CORN, WHEAT, TOBACCO. PRICE : CASH, $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory TIME, $55 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. Factory East end Hasel St.; Mines on Ashlev River. "55S^53? is-,.... ^ SCnMijiate r*~'.ii>it; Stt Willi ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME! COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE: CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. TIME, $35 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INtpu ru'n JL JJJJ.*/M. m e. ttxr&KB & eo., GEJVERJ1E AGEJYTS, No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON S. i , ' i * Dec ?0 i>3 3m