University of South Carolina Libraries
?^p?? i P. A. W? DRUGGIST AND A85? CHEMICAL oils, n f Taney Goods and rJ Great ^ Bv&RZHPS, CD J? AlCiJIi BW (The chenpc6t ever brought to mu?* Imported direct i SEWING MACHINE OIL, a r no 11 n r. TURPENTINE. PERFUMERIES BOA PS. BRUS1 CC - . -> . : PURE WINES i (FOR itEDICIXA BLANK BOOKS . Bibles, Photograph Albums, Pu Letter, Note, Foolscap, L< cy Paper ; Envelopes dries in < Anything in my line not in stncl lice aird reasonable prices. Ever and satisfaction guaranteed in ever IJgT" Physicians' Prescriptions, all kinds put up and furnished at t SJSJUL.1'8 ?3 N??v 15 fw^jpT||nTr/]| afc i|g| PC WA a Q Trent tlie iuiinni machine gently. Tl c winding paaaage. ?0 fret in lenulii. through I which the main pnrl'on of waste matter of, tlirt sys'oni in diecliifVg'-d, '? lined with n memheran* aa delicaic aa silk, and as sonsi*. live us ? net work of nerves can mnke It, Neither constipation, eolle, diarihoon, dytonleiy nnr any ntli?-r li?wet complaint, can I ? cured by olusit'g and cot vu'eing lliia tender membrane with a fuiinus purgative. Tli?- best ami safest remedy in ancb cages ig 111ut mild balsamic and delightful tonic laxa1 ive, TA R RA NT'S S K L T Z E R A PER IKNT, which Iteala, tonea and invigorates the itri? t iled Jo'lnicg. whihi it relieves them from the moi hid humors which provoke altdoniiunl disease. SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nov 2'J "0 4 KMroiii um OF ViEBaBXOS. j WE have igrelved n auperior assort* | meut of English, French and Amer-1 lean BEAVKII-CLOTIIS, i CASSlMEItl Si AND VESTINGS, wnti a ruLt. Arnonrviixr ? k Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and ! Trimmings of all Qualities. READY-MADS 4SUMrStI*m AfiOOI) n??ortmcot of Over-Oonla an-l Cut# re Sui'e. Htiiil* nnJ Drawer#, Mala and Cti|>?, Boy a'and Children'* Clolhinir. die AH have been eelectud personully with care and the LOWEST CASH PRICES, And we will tell accordingly Muring ported thereby in all ihe lute?t and inoft approved alylea of Cutting Sf Making, Wa are prrpared to Cut and Muke tip Clothing in die latert nnd nio?t unproved alylea. fy All Work Warranted. WEED'S UNEXCELLED crn/nui if iniiiin MjIVIlUi 1M/11H11VL for sauk. It do?? inore then twenty different of work, and will etlich from the fiict orK?iid>e? lo the heaviest cloth, leaiher, wood, <>r sheet lead, with ch?h. It lies several o?w improvement*, and Is rl ill Improving. or w arrauted to give perfect si>tl*faotion. O. A. PICKLE Ac CO. Greenville. 8 C.. 0?t. 24, 1 ?71. 26-tf BttKBIPT l\lf BY virtue of an order to me directed, issuing out cf the Honorable, the Unitrk HtMfi District Court for fouth Carolina, I will cell to the higheat holder, at the residence of ENOCH 0 CUNNINO HAM or. Wednesday, the 20th day of De?eiaber pro*., *11 that Tract of Land whereon the aid Cunningham feidee By order of the Court it I* iold free from all lien* and in* oumhrai ce*. and Jl will be divided to auit purchaser*. Alao, about Pour Hundred buahele of Com. In lota of fifty hurhrl*. Ternie, caih., Puichaam to pay for etampa and pap/ra. A. BLYTHE. 30 4 Aaaiguce. % % _ I I HBO 1837. APOTHECARY, ^*>a& irS3 & (Tv\r<%sui^ Cl S, PAINTS, E-STirrrs, I'oilet Requisites in Variety. S1M33 &S3i?> SPiaU B kel;) ?1bo Agent fur the vcritnMo .1 smot from Germany. f IES, )MBS, SNUFFS and SEGARS. VN1) LIQUORS, L USES ONLY.) fc STATIONERY, rtmonniea, Pencils. Pens, Inks, ?gn? Cnj>, Tissue ami Fan. and Stntinncrs' SunGeneral. ...til l!_.l ,1 k, Will uy ill blMMIUH u<>ything warranted as represented, V case. Family Ilocfrpcs and Medicines of ill hours ot the day and night. L? Sf S.3M?o 23 If Edmonds T. Brown, 5^ ^ ^ ^ 'jb e: ,/tv ^ 9 48 HAYNE STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTLL C//.I RLESTOX, S 0. D?-c a si ly Tho Stao of South Carolina, UURF.NVIIXE COUNTY. Sheriffs Salts. 1>Y vi Ico <>f sundry Writs of Fieri Fa. ) eia?, t<> me ii rented, I ?itl sell to ois tin- Court House door, on Salnulay in January UfXl, li?tWtt-ll tit? ItOOl* ol 111 o'clock in lIie forenoon itn I 3 '/clock in the afternoon, Gnu tract of land known as the Moss Tract, of land containing Due Hundred Acres, more or less, nnd hounded l.y lands of 11. WalTord, N. Mills, 0. P. Karlc and others. Tract No. 2, curtaining One Hundred Acres, more or loss, und hounded ny lands of b. Fiinms and others, and known as the Turner Tract. Tract No. 3, containing Feventy-flvo Acres, more or less, and hounded l>y lands ol Himms, Fisher and others, and known as the Dill Lauds. Tract No. 4, containing Two Hundred and fourteen Acres, nnd known as the Ilurctt Lands, adjoining lands of 11. Stuart, h'ei kendull and others. Levied on i.s the property of John Forest, at the suit of YV. A. Mooncy. Ono Hundred nnd Sixty-two and one-half gallons ol Poach Brandy. Levied on us the property of Mosca l'ur.s, at the suit of YV. T. Shumate and others. Tortus, cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. J. I., SOUTHERN, S. 0. C. Decciuhcr tub, 1871. 31- 4 ! H S g P 2 g sy m ? S* "I 5 ? * 15 Q g 1 CW ss ^^ s i? g 19 e CC O m ? ni 'ii inir i "ntiii' nit "i STATE OF SOUTH OABOLtlTA. GREENVILLE OOtJNTY. Court of Coboob Pleas. { S. J. DOUTHIT, Probate Judge, Plaintiff against M. D. DICKKY. Administrator, . com t?s annexo of L. H. DICKEY, et *1, . Defendant?Summoui For Relief. Complaint not Served. To the Defendants M. D. DICKEY. E. O. DICKEY. W. D. DICKEY, ANGELINA CANNON, TABITHA DICKEY. L. M. DICKKY, H. K. DICKEY, L. L. GREEN nnd J. K. DICKSON. YOU ARE hereby summoned end re^ nnired to answer the complaint in 1 (Ills action, which waa filed in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleaa, for the eaid County, and to serve a eopv of your answer | to the said complaint on the subscribers at theii office, Greenville, within twenty days alter the service hereof, exelusivaof the day of ruch service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the lima aloreeaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Couit for the relief demanded in the complaint. D ACT I?V L IV rr rfl * unoLibi a, 11 r.Li<3 ana ? m. tv. tAKl.K, Plaintiff'* Attorney. Puled 13th of November, 1871. TO M. D DICKEY, E. O. DICKEY, W. P. DICKEY, L. M. DICKEY mod 11. E. DICKEY. Defendant.: TAKE notice that the Summon, of which the above i. a true copy, was filed iu the Clerk'* Office of this County, on the 14lh day of November, A. D. 1871, KASLEY A WELLS and Wm. E EARLK, Plaintiff's Attorney. Nov 16 28 6 Fowler & Vaughn HAVE opened, at the stand formerly occupied by Long A Ooodlett, near* ly opposite Foster A Hunter, a vcnsral stock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, consisting of Clothe, Oa.simere", Ready-made Clothing, Cniicoee, Worsted, Pcir.e.tic*, Ac., together with Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syr* i tips, Flour, Itaccn. and Groceries generally. I Also Hardware, Cutlery, Crockeryware, J Fancy Articles, A"., Ac. WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, IN CAM! OR TKAIIR. We will also purchase COTTON. We desire a cnll fiom our fiienda iti tin count' y and ' lin ptildic in genera', promising to give satisfaction. Oct 25 25 Siu PURE ' LUMMY 'WMBTi , BY TELEGRAPH 1 iQTOiME Stock in Stoi c now, nnd C3) a Large Lot coming, SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TII, , Ordered by TELEGRAPH. Rower, Cox & IVInrk'cy. Oct 25 25 It 0?.I)IERG KS,~ DEALER IN ALL KINCS OF GROCEREIS, i Cigars, Tobacco, A Foreign k Domestic I Wines, Liquors, Ales Ac. at wholesale aud retail low for caeb. COLUMBIA. S. C. AT KINSLER'S HALL CORNER. Oct 18 2! 3m GOLD AND SILVER ?11013IS BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE? TABLE'CUTURY-. /ND FANCY CO H)S. A LA KG K ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPECTACLES. ALSO GENUINE : JPTOSjLB SrilCTAUILm B. Wchrle. Oct 11 23 If A 1L MLIJGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTO N, S. C. I Will also, when place / in funds, jmrchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, Aw. Oct 25 25 ly HENRY BISCUOFF & CO., WHOLESALE OUOCEliS, AND DEALERS IN ^33333, SEOARS, TOBACCO, &.C., NO. 107 BAST BAY, OTiakWiW B. 0. : II. Blt-CIIOIY, O. WI'I.IIKKN. I j. if. nsricii. 1 Oel 25 26 Am TO Till-: LA I) IKS. ~ r nil mm w imcr wpriiingr. MRS. L. T. JENNINGS ffle?p#ctfully ??f?i*me the i^n-lira that ? www receiving In M aupp'lea of FALL ASD WIHTfW MILLINBRV OK I.ATKST AND M?T FASHIONABLK STYL.E8. The 8'oelr will ooneiat of all the line* of 0(X)l)i found in aimilar ealabliahmente, and will b? offered at rery reaaonable prleea. 27-tf i DRY GOODS, B001 G. w. br/chn ERE now receiving and opening ILY GROCERIES, consietinj Crushed, Powdered and Java, Laguyra and Rio ( Gunpowder, Imperial an MOLASSES and SYRU Family FLOUR, in barr WAUKKKKL, Canned a English MUSTARD, W< Yeast POWDERS. SOD PEPPER, GINGER, CI PICKLES, SAUCES, J] AL8C French and American C NUTS of various kinds SEGARS, PIPES, Smo) Table and Pocket Knive Writing Paper, Envelop* A VARIED 5 HARDWARE, CR GLASS) WITH A GENERAL IMS' ill GENTLKl TKIMMIP BES/a Many other Articles for the uro FARM, too muncrous to mention ir PLEASE CALL ANDEI IXL w ' vtnm J HA VE Just returned from New York with the flnoat dock in the market, embracing tactic* of all grade*, Jewelry of all atylea, Silver and Plated Ware of the mod modern pattern*; beautiful in deaign, durable, cheap and warrantcd'to suit. , " ISAAC SULZBACIIKR, tinder Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct 18 24 Sua ft VI8ITOUS TO COLUMBIA. 6. C., Will do well to call on E? Bo JASKSfiM To purchase their PAiylkmuc,' Jackson1* Old Drug Stand. Oe 18 24 3.0 ww e mi) & Nov 1 china urn.. WILUMTWiWV, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND EARIHENWARE, SILVER-PLWEB. 8RIT&III& Hi Japanned Ware. TABLE CUTLERY. MIRRORS. GAS-FIXTURES AND HOBSE-FBRIISHIHG GOODS GENERALLY, Oppo-ite Court Ilou'c, Columbia, B.C. Qe: 18 24 Rm_ CHILDS & WILEY, OOLU1C3ZA, B. O. Fine Bendy.Made Clothing. The Crlu* Lulled Star Shiit. Patent Panlaloon Drawn. Genl'a. Neck nn<i Under Wear The Russian Brace S"?pender?. The True Fit Shirt. Linen Collars, Paper Collars. y?-ff-s /A i>i.o AT ALL STYLES AND PRICE8. We invite tDo Public to call and examine our Stock, as we nre_ determined to hep the very heal thai come, to C lunibia, and at prices that will suit <lie times. WE SELL FOR CASH, AND AT SMALL PROFITS. L. D. CHILOS. JOHN S. WIUY. Oct 18 24 3m "WlIUAMSLOANE, Lithographic, Copper-plato, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, IP3LAWi COLUMBIA, S. C. BOOKS, Pamphlets. Prsfeis, 11 n nrf-I4i<l . Cards, Circulars, Bill ll?-ad*. Fac SimiI? *. Maps, Plans, Chalk ami Line Drawings, Liquor Labels, Druggists' Piesoiiptioos, ale , Executed trlth . NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND OX TIIC MvU Reasonable Terms. Oct 25 25 8iii* CENTRAL HOTEL, PLAIN STREET. 1J block* from ill Main ; 5 blocks from Grteoville m|L Depot. Ease excellent Terms. $2 00 per day. I). It. Ci.AYTON, Pi oprielor. Columbia, S. C. 24-Sin Watches of all Grades. JEWELRY OF EVERY KIND Slum,1 P8, SHOES, &e. rsoN & co. ; Full Supplies of Fresh FAM- | 5 in part of: Brown SUGARS 30FFEE d Breakfast TEA P of varions qualities els and sacks nd Spiced OYSTERS ( >rcc8tcrel?ire SAUCE " >A. Table SALT [NNAMON. CLOVES ELLIES, PRESERVES JAN DIES cing and Chewing TOBACCO s, Razors. Scissors es, Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, &c. 5TOCIC OF ROCKERY AND r VARE. ASSORTMENT OF IBM'S DRESS DOOI'S,. iGS, &.C. DAS of the HOUSEHOLD and the i an Advertisement. ( CANINE THE STOCK. ?mw & a?.< 26 tf Mrs. C E. Reed's Millinery and Emporium of Fashion* Ladies1 hats, cats and bonnets. ALSO (CDiasra'S A3TD MAO IN KVRItY STYLE, TOILET ARTICLES, &C., * FOR SALE VBRY LOW. MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct IS 24 3m | L lYlII AC?.' CORNER LAOY AND MAIN STREETS, COLUMBIANS. C. Wholesale and Detail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS AND HOSIERY, FANCY goods., CLOTHING, HATS, <66'. AL'O A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AC. AC. Out 1 24 Sm , NUWOTIEOY. j 1 Villiam Glaze , COLUMBIA, S. C.. IS now opening a fine eeleeiio.i of Lndica and (Jenta' KngliMi. Swia* and American Walclie*. Sole Agent lor the celrbra'ed Pauline Watch. I'llilixlclpliia Company'a Cold Chain*, Ve.t , Opera Chatelaines, I cnntlne* Neck lace*. Ilinmnn.l King* and Brooches, I'euil, full an 1 half acta. Silver Ware Plated War*. ClooV', Cut'ery, llotisehnl 1 nnd Ftne.y Good*. (Juna, ? Sportiug Good*, .let and llorn Good*. William (*lnzc, On" <"o >i north ol Scott it Co "a Banking ^ II. use. 20 .'tin JOHN C. SEEGERS. c MAMPACTURER, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 TAquor Dealer, L&GER BEER BREWER, M. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 ly JOHN C D1AL, IMPORTER AND I DEALER. I3NT ENGLISH and AMERICAN Iron Steel Nails. Castings. Mill I Stones. Bolting Cloths. Smut Machines. Circular Saws. U'11 T ?"* mux iron8 sngar rang. CARRIAGE TWILDIXQ ?n<l T/tlMMIXO 1 MATH RIALS, J AND LSATKISESJ BSILTONa,, AND ? TANiTSKO' TOOliO, MOU8EKEEP9MQ 1 AND c Furnishing Hardware, j Agricultural j, Implements, * li [?ime, Cement, Placer, Oil a, u French and American Window 11 Slass, Onns, Rifles, Pistols, Shot J} Helts, Powder Flasks, Shot, Ac. p WHOLESALE and RETAIL, At the Sign of tho Golden Padlock S COLUMBIA, S. C. . Oct 13 24 3m " 1 mas l jjumsam .. THE LIYE UP H. C.1 Has Arriv STEW TOSS: AS? ?'MS WITH A LARGE rm JENERAL M3 DRY GOODS cwnet *v cwvsTi <m q And a general pnei THE SAME IIE PROMIJ sim His Stock of GROCERIES is v rill 1>0 sold at very LOW FIG UP rsr Call and satisfy yours Head-Q ?hit i SHOES, Crockery, Gro ?A GENERAL MI Goods Sold bj COUNTRY MERCHANTS, w w <iL o <?jq c!? < AT THE OL wmmmi % Two Doors Nc Oct IS 55 B?? CH HI STOP i ii aving Rei ill ? TO THEIR NJ Corner ot Itrond aird I?I< ?YYtILL take great i>len6nio in ' Vw who will finu a clioieo i JKV GOODS, which will be disj he most economical. 15?" An examination of Goods Christop 25 3m 202 and 20-1 B Valuable K'ai isi for $ulc, r OFFER MY FARM. on Snntli SiUi.ln contain;; 6Ut) ncrw, f<>r mIh, it ropmliun of wliicli la River nnd Ci eek Jolto-n. R?(> r 'o MRS. A 0. FKASTER. N..v 8 -27 tf PACIFIC GUANO. TRICK tii CASH, WITII USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIMK. I^XPFRIENCF in the u*e of this Ounnn i j (or the pert -:x years in this State, or Collon ana Corn, has so fnr established ts character for excellence ah to reader on meat er.occc .nry. In accordance with the established pol? r-y of ttie Company to furnish the i?ojt lonceiilrated Fertilizer At ihc lowest cost o consumer*, thi? Guano is put into maiket hi* *ea*nn at the nhove reduced price, shi?h the Coinpnny is enahlid to do hy eason of its imge facilities and the rcducd cost ot manufnciure. The supplies put into maiket tIiis reason re, a* heretofore, prepared under the peronel superintendence of Dr. St. Julian tnvenel, Chemist of the Company, at lharheton, S. C? hence, planter* may rest ssured that its QUALITY and COMl'OIITION is precisely the tame ar tliat hersofore sold At the present low piles rvry acra planted can be fertilized wMi 200 ounds Ouano at n cost not exceeding the resent value of 30 pounds of cotton, ,'hda experience has shown thst under ivorable conditions ot season and cuHiva ion the erop Is increased bv tho applies ion from t wq to threefald the natural ca .Jl. nf iba .,.(1 V.A Anne nvikj VI IIIO WMI, 4IPIIVV, UIHICI itiona ooiiM It# application fail to comen rate for tha outlay. Apply to . J. N. HOnSOJT, A (font Pacific Ouano Company, 'o. (IB '3??t Bay and Noa. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wltaif. Oharleaton, 8. C. NO. S. IIEK^K A CO, (Wmral Atresia. Nov 2'J 30 3iu / i gj- ? LiLLiii-warns mm? TOWtf STORE! ii in I# VIA It IV red From ,& icaOT&sr CIHES, AND SELECTED ?IF ERCHANDISE I, CLOTHINQ, ? oem,[ assortment of MODS. ses to sell cheaper cry litrec nnd well selected, which :es for casii. elves. ?/?| 24 tf quarters "ATS, >ccrics, JYotions, ND? 2 R CHAND1SE. r Wholesale to AT CHARLESTON PRICES D STAND OF rth of Conch Factory, Greenville, S, . 2 A 2.ii fj a ?7 gBMMI moved Their L\V PREMISES, rlnfosli Sis., iliigii$(.i, ?a. waiting on their Carolina friends, assortment of every description <>t ?06cd of at prices that must satisfy and Prices resj ect fully solicited. her Gray & Co., road Street, AUGUSTA, GA. MISS McKAY ' "0* lior Full jdSgaL MILLINERY mil FANCY OOODS ; ntnong which ore tho wKulM Infant BtyU-g of BONNETS. ^S5?W HATS, FLOWERS. FKATllnrWfr'iH v.iia imnmvc o?l.u __ _ _ - it] "" ""v 11 " nfl* '1 Hll'l trimminu, FURS, FANCY Jill TIES, lacks, corskts, flPtf! TOn.kt ARTICLES, LADIES' I'N DEll-CLOTII IXtl. AC. She lias just returned from New York whero she hit spared no pains in the selection of her | Stock, hoping thereby to merit the liberal patronage no kindly extended to her, assuring her friende (he will do oil in her power to pi one. Oct II 23 tf PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY S COMPOUND , ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Compo$l!nj With Cotton SrrJ. Price $25 Cash, with Usual Advance for Time. IIIS nrtiule ie prepared under Ihe superI inlt ndence of Dr. ST JUMKN IIAV ENEI. expressly (or cemj osting with cotton seed. I. wan iiilrodrctd l?j* (Ida C? tnpitr.y lira year* ago, end its use hna fully at test ed'if a value. 200 to SAO pounds of (fits article per acre, properly composted alb tic same weight of colton sesd, furnirhea the planter with a FERTILIZER, of the highest, excellence at the stnal'eat e?at. A compost, prepared with thia artlc'e, aa hy printed direollons furniahod, ronlaina all thn e!e i- ~r r.-.iii.- -v.. ? - - ........ irniuiy >n>i run fllior IfllO a flraCcl*** FERTILIZER, whlla it* economy moat commend it* liberal nee to |>1nntaia F?.r ?nppli?# and fiiuUt} d'r^ftiaua for pontfoatjng tQ J. IV Rotimon, AGENT PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. No. f.8 K*al Hay and No*. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charlea'on, 8 (1. J NO. 8. REESE A CO. Oeneml At?'lit*. Nov 29 SO Sn\