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H\)t enterprise. OKIENVIUjrS. O, WRDKMBAtt ? EOSMfcB It; 1.71. Thtr% ?s jaop# for ih? Paople A gal net lain. \Ve were much gratified in seeing in' the Courier a report of the epeech of Gen. Wnirrgt anl T.x IIurlbt. wherein they^aseall without glovoe the State offloials who here r in vp the doht of the State so many millions without any equivalent ty the people. Whifvr.n take the ground squarely and honestly | thst the Legislature should forget to appropri ate money or 10 lovy tax** to pay the interest on tiie State debt. He says truly that itjnccds no act of repudiation. Thia noblo utterance is all the more gratifying tbat it cotnca from one of the ablest of the Republican members of the Legislature, and he a colored man. It shows tbat although he camo from another State, that ho ia no carpel bagger como here to 111 his pockets and then slope , but that ho feels himself identified with the people of the , State and means to remain } hence ho means that the people of all classes shall nqt bo crushed to death with a load of taxation to pay the interest en these debts, which bavo never benefitted his constituents and tho people at large, but only the ' official^ ring, that crushed them to enrich themselves. I-orJony p Legislature to attompt to uphold there State debts, it would be tho same thing us to become accessory to robbery after tho fact, and it j will not be attempted by. any Intolligoot' and honest legislator. Wo rcjoioo to sec also that Wjiittkmoixe a id Bowev, Loth oulo Congressional repreicn' > lives of this State, and various other prominent republicans, are taking a strong stand against " tho ring." Wo are only tho more interested in tho cause of Wiiippkh and his colored associate, beeauss that element is 1 in a tnnjorify in the State, and it shows thnt the fears of some that tho lcndeqi of the colored people might be bribed to support tlie ring, f arc so far at least without just grounds. Tt c will be a perpetual honor to the colored pco- t pie, and establish the strongest confidence be- j tiveen them and the white# if they sliull main- j tain the stand Ukon by their ^prominent men j who .have lately spoken "and written on tho; f debt of tho State. They are now disposed to ; throw o(T tho Inndt that, tho Stnto officials 1 have forged for their and all our hands. If ^ they do this as indicated, it will do more than anything .they can do to vindiento.their claim to political rights and equality. Their best Republican friends every where expect and 3 hope they will not sustain the ring. / Col. John D. Asbmore. The painful news of the suicide of C-'. Asiimokk was received last week. lie put v an end to his life l>y shooting himself in n the head willi a pistol, at Sardis, Missis* | sippi, on the 5th December iost. Ko par* ^ ticulur explanations have been given n? yet. A bright Intellect aud fiery energies were the characteristics of Col. Asuuoat:.? lie was a native of Grcenvi'le Disti ic* *, his parenta long resided only a few miles south of this place. lie early went to Sumptcr county, married there, was elected to the Legislature, afterwards removed to Anderson, became a candidate for Congress nfler Judge Dan's retirement, was o?s:ly elected, (his electioneering abilities was surpassing,) and serve! two terms, and was holding his seat at the time the s? cession movement began. Allor the war, Col. AsuMor.r: moved lo Greenville, and was here a merchant a shoit tins?, then moved to Mis. i s:**ippi, where he now hud9 Ins last resting place. His career of life began brightly and promising to himself, bis family aud conn- 1 try. The excitements and disappointments of the war aggravated his tendeney to ioteinpernnee, ana doubtless this cause has ha 1 its influence in the final catastrophe, the news of which will shock many old friends and former admirers in this part 1 of the State. Tiny will sincerely sympathise with hU immediate family and relatives in the sad e-.en'? * -4<k ? ? A Visit to Abbovillo County. Wo pnid a Lrict visit to the New Market neighborhood of Abbovillo last week, and wero pleased to find that the crops havo been fair tliis year. In our opinion three-fourths of a cotton Crop will be realised. There is some improvement going on in the district. More a'cam saw mills and grist mills than before the w:ir, nnd'whst seems entirely a new thing, steam power is introduced to gin cotton, a great saving of mule property, and labor of hand*. Returning Saturday, we found that our host, Mr. Guvmi'II, at Cokcubtiry, was well patronized at the dinner house, as he deserves to bo. Mr. MoOh?k's breakfast house at I!cltoo, is fatuous for its good faro, nod Mr. ' (iLVMrn'a dinner house at Hodge's Depot, are equal in tbe way of good catiug. The number sf railroad passengers is considerable, and tho freight business is prospering on the Greenville and Columbia llailroud likewise. * 9 ? Greenville Cotton . Last year there was near eight thousand Lalea of. cot ton sold in this place. The trade this year has been good, and there is no rc?son it should :nat increase, as tho highest prices are paid here, deducting freight and commissions, allowing about a* much as in Augusta or Charleston. Wo noticed some timo ago that on one day, cotton sold in Greenville at within ono-fonrth of a rent of the Augi/sta r.r'o.r? W? Kiito n nrftilifr tif l,iivfr?. Anil no r.?V.. Jack of competition, *n>l plenty of capital among them to inxure cash payment*. Oreon..ville u tUo beat cotton market for this County, for Hpajtanburg, Laurcna and adjacent part* *.C Anderson and Pickens. Staple good* can fee hfiujhtbcrts ofn an good terms na elsewhere. , ? - - ? Extension of Time for Taxes. Whilst we would recommend all person* to pay (heir taxes, if possible, prior to the 15th Janaatj, next, w<f are pleased to Le able to . state that Governor .''tort haa avowed in his I message, that ho ba* in a.^ordanco with bis promise U> tbo tax payers convention, directed tbe proper officers to extend the time for paying taxoa without attaching tbe penalty till thn let day of Mareb next, but only in those cases where parties are unable to pay, or could not -pay without a sacrifice. Then we would say lot all who eon pay without a great sacrifice, ace to it that '.bey do so before the 15th January next. I -* ? ? rrinoe ct Waloa It is evident from the telegrams received that the Prince of Wales Is gradually nearing his end. It is said that he has been unconscious since the first iatk, and the members of the Royal family havo boon repeat tiJIv colled to bis bedside. Occident. On MJty night fast u Mr. David Bbi?> Mr, n young man employed by Mr. J. LIUwkms in his blacksmith ahop, wm walk, ng down Main Street, a |Utol that ha bad placed in bia boot-leg accident ally slipped 'rOni ite ptace and exploded, the ball atrlkug the right aide of tha foot and ranged owaida the toe, making a very painful round. Dra. Junes and Rowley made an ti effect a o 1 search for the bullet, being inable to fiod its final lodging place. IIow many, many tlmea the public are sautioned against the oareltss handling of ire arm*; meh weapons are dangerous' Ivcd io the hand* of (be tn->st careful. . King's Mountain Military School. Tlte first session of the year 1872, of liia veil known and excellent institution, ominences on February 1st, niul ends on i 10th June. To all who may have sons to send to roch a school, we wou'd command (his )no. Though the country of Yoik is under I ??'l<r?l military rule, it inn In ro way in? ' erfere with the schools, and a young man s just ss safe fum Interruption there as j it home, probably more ?<?. The institution is oarried on by C?d. A. < ?owa?d, a wot thy graduate of the State j Military School, na nb}e nnd exneiietiCi-d i p-ntlcmau. 1 ' I A Gucci move. Mr. WaiTTBiionE, Senator from Sumter, | ? ins introduced a bill to repeal tliu Sterling [ | Bonif Aet, Well done. lion. Mr. Howem, ! ust elected from Charleston, promises to aid in i lupprcssing official frauds and robberies. Wo ' vant to see them do it. Roth the above named 1 lavo been members of tlio United States Cor- | ?ress fri tn this State, nnd b"th were subjected j o some unpleasantness whilst (hero. Wo ) I ibould rejoico to t?oo them vindicate their dniins to the characters of faithful public scrrants by their course in the Legislature of this ' .? state. They Lave tlio opportunity?so has | 1 ivery Senator and Representative if they will | lso it. Wo shall seo. ? - ( Favors. i V.'e ore ind. litai to lion. A. S. \Vali.ack \ or copies of public doeument". ' Senator T. J. Roiif.rt-'ON has been kind | mnugli to have forwarded to us fio.ii I iVashitig'on the Jfiiifi/ Globe We thank ^ ' dm for li is at tool i.'? Wc arc also under ol llijn'ior b (o our , 1 our.g friend, Mr. Fiunk IIammumi, nt ! ' Hp-on, Town, for eo| im cf the Cedar Co>m~ u Post, published at Tipton. ' i ? t ?? I Mr3. li. J. Jennings ID quo*'8 Hi to correct the report that ' rent ubroad romo time since IHmt ?!?? would ivc tip lier prefont [rare of business uu 1 lie first of JannuiU'v, ns the will carry on I c . I r usimsn nt the annus |i uce in-xl year. j r She iniite'S customers to enll and see the ' t ice stuck ol Clnis'.mas good', just icceiv 1 4. 1 ? ' <T*? l ? | Fertilizers. t Farmers who use f.ililizi-rs to irrprove j ' heir crops, ore invit- d to examine the ml- J reriisoment of the Eli\vtin Fertilizers. It is claimed that these ferliiiz<-rs are i,f lie highest grade of Soluble phosphate, ' ind will help the soil for more than oue fenr. IT57* The detention of the " pas?owger train Thursday niglit Inst until nhout. 2 o'clock, was caused by the I uniting i ff of the up freight train near Saluda Oi l Town. W Mr \V. O. Kir.NNr.nv, lias nssuini.l editorial coutiol of the Sumter News, tubing (lie place of the late Mr. (!ay, whose dentil wo noticed la-t week. ? - or Suitable resolutions .wore adopted i in Christ Church, Grvenviilu, in reg ird to the lato liisiioi* Davis. See mother col. umn. ViT Tl. e machinery of n rol'on mill nt i Free icksburg. Vn, e ottered for sale.? See udvei lis-ment in another column. ntrrc-nrgje-ncT-wiiX.1 ,u rv:\ State and Other Items. There arc tl.irty-fivc farmers in the Tetincsscc_IIousc of Iteprcs entativca. At tho recent inunicipnl election in Augusta, the entire D jnocratic ticket was di eted. A Indy seventy-thrco years of age, living in . Columbiana, Shelby county, Ala., is the happy mother of a now born infant. Ninety-nine Republicans, twenty three Democrats, five Reformers, nnd one lndoponleu' will compose tlie Legislature of New York. Bish"P C.ipcr?, of flrecnvllle, occupied tho pulpit ill the Methodist Episcopal ehllTl-h, Columbia last Sunday. Dr. Thomas J. DuBose's residence, near Muchanicsville, Sumter county, was destroyed by fire, on tho evening of tho 1st instant. Tho following persons wcro arrested in Coion lust woek: Maj. J. W. Tench, II. Dawkins, Mac. Thompson, Oovan llhick, June Sparks, James Bpnrks, Joseph JefTrios and Bbinuol Jeffries. In St. Paul, Minnesota, on the Jth inst., tho thermometer stood at 26 degrees below zero. Kext day it was 20 degrees above zero. Sudden change, that. A ivomuu in Chicago was so pleasant and amiable nt breakfast ono day that her husband took tho coffee to have it analyzed. Tho largest flouring mill in tha world is said to be that of Ocn. W. B. Thomas, in Philadelphia, which manufactures 1,200 bar rels a dA/.' j Gov. Reolt l.ns made the following appoint- i ments: W. It, Myers spd Lawrence McKen- I r.ic, Notaries PtiMio for Bonn fort County j Frnnk (ios.*, Treasurer for Kershaw County, vice Batnvot Plnce; removed ; P. A. McDnvid, County Commissioner for Oreenville Coun*y ? ---? . But a raw day* remain to procure l|?lce'ain lha South (J.irolinn La*') sn?l liumigrnlion Association. |6UD,000 io pr???* .? 1 Tickets fS ?acb. It i? po#it|r<'Jy dcterruiu e<l llint Ilia drawing will take place Jnourry 8, 187'2. Hand yoiw orders without daIay, an no tickets will ba sold after Ath January, 1872. Bee advertisement in annti';er oo'umn. i j am , ..Ui'L. ... ... . L ( MAnaitr, on tr?e morning of the 10th Initsot, by Ker. br. J, C Purm^D, a) the residence of Cant. J. It. Tilliick, (he bride's brother in Isw, MIm 1>A(JMNK K(U)()DI 1,1 I ,.l /iroenvilla If. Mrt T A STMilTlf I Kll? o( K?lg< flelil, H. C. ,? J'rintcr'a toe rccdfed. ffWHP-?? " . ' 11 i Jiij j "MWW Gkkknvillk, Das. 18. Cotton active and advancing; Iff. Aioosts, Dso. 11. Cotton firm and In fair demand? middling IS) ; reoelpts 1.000 bales) sales 800. CaAHino*, D?e 11. Culton firm?middling 18}@lf{: receipt* 1,086 bale*; tales 800; stock' 28,866. Baltimobe, Dec 11. Floor unchanged. Wheat dull. Corn firmer white 67?72 ; yellow 70(3)73. Rye 90@1.00. fork 14 25. Bacon very quiet ?shoulder* 7|. Whisky 99(g)I 00. CoIn ton with a o active tendency?Uplands 1'. 1(311'}, receipts 099 bales; sales 696; stuck 4,269. Ksw Yokk, Dec. 11. Cotton firm : sales 6.76# h*!*** 20 ; Orlaaua, 20|. Gold 0* Ht- ' ' ~ LlVKKI'OOL, I)fc. 11. Cotton closed active and firmer*? uplands Uj ; Orlcnue 10| la Memoriam, At a meeting of tbo Warden* and Vestrymen of Christ Church, Greenville, tho Hector being present, the following Preamble and Ilesuhttions were submitted by tbe Warden*, uud unuuiinously responded to by tbe mooting t It liii* pleased Almighty Ood in Hi* wise Providence, to remove o?t ot this world, the roul el our beloved Bishop, tbo Higbt itov. i'hos. Franklin Davis, L>. D., the Chief Shepherd of the PrO'Mtant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of South Caro'iiid. lie died suddenly at his homo in Camden, in Saturday, tho 2d of December, 1811. For inore than eighteen year* he has been a liisliop to the flock oi Christ, "serving the Lord with ill humility of mind," having lived "soberly, righteously, and tlod'y in this present v orld," 1 sud shown himself " in till thiugs an cxnmplo of good works unto others." It b'as been his work to cans for tho Churches ; to testify tho Gospel ot tho Urnco of Uod; t> welcome ami admit to tho Lord's Table, by the solemn rito of confirmation, those wli" wero minded to follow hiin, ns he followed Christ ; to approvo u:id ordain Ministers for lliu work of hi* Lord; to guard tho purity ot Ihe doc.rino of Christ in his Church ; and to reprove, rcbuko and exhort his brethren, a* a [at her in the household of faith. In tho discharge <>f these sacred duties, our ?ond Bishop lis* faithfully " labored ? > set orwaid among all uieu, love, peace, an:1, [riitli. His zenl was so guided by a Godly learning, >o tempered by love, and so consecrated I y ho holy spirit of devotion to Christ, that ho | ,v a s "always ready to show himself gentle ?nd mrrciful fur Christ's pake." lie honored nil of his brethren who served Christ, and drew thorn around hitn in much vntfPleneo, affection and respect, and so ho inited them to one another, us with him tltoy wcrc united in lliu holy bond of ouu fuitb to a sommon Lord and Saviour. For tho greater part of his Episcopate, it ilcuscd God that ho should do Lis work in ilsysicul blindness, and in much bodily nfllic inn. We ran all testify how none of theso thing* novc<) him. neither eo'titod ho his life (tear ihtntilmklf, thnt ho might finish his course vith joy, nnd the'ministry which he lnnl re tcived of tho Lord Jesus. Jlo it therefore Iic?'itccii, That the congregation of Christ Church, fJrccnvillc, unite with one heart and niml, in tin expression of revercnco foe. the tie in ory anil work of our departed l!iab"p. That ito recognise in his life, and his work, he beauty of holiness, rind tho excellency of he knowledge of Jesus Christ our saviour. That we mourn with tho fntnily of our lishop, their great sorrow, nnd assure them of >ur prayers, that Cod would undue their Souls rith patience, under their uflliction nnd with rsignntlcn to His blessed will; giving them lie ecru fort of a sense of Ilia goodncs nnd of ho eternal re: l which llo has prepared for lioso " who die in the Lord." That the Rector bo Ver^nestcd to give pub* icily to this action ot the Vc?try, and to read ho s.-uno before t)ie congregation after inornng prayer on the next Lord's day, and thnt ho l'rcntnlilo and Resolutions be spread upon mr journal. E. P. JOXES, Chairman. Thomas M. Cox. Secretary. M AMiFAtrniRIXd ENTKUMHIsr IN CllABt.l:*ToN. ?Charleston is fast Inc tiling a tnmiufao luiitg as well n* n con i til ere in 1 city. The laig' st'ory of doors, eaties, Minds, il- . in the Southern States, is that of Mr. r r. lOAI.K, ?n lt?ru>?<-k ? Whatl lu tliut city, sale' rooms at No. 2<> Ilnyne street ? Mr. Toale'a ndvci li-cn.ent nj r<vire in anoth er column. The Great Pictorial Annual. llosteltcr's United States Almanac for 18T2, for distribution, r/rati", throughout the United State* atid nil civilised countries of tlio Westem Hemisphere, will he puh.ishcd ohout the first of Junuaiy, in the English, Herman, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Holicminn and Spanish languages, ami .ill who wish to understand the true philosophy ot health should rend nnd ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevcniion and cure of n great variety of diseases, it etnhraeca a large nmount of infhrtnation interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, tlio farmer, the planter, nnd professional man ; nnd the calculations have been ma Jo for surh meridians and latitodes a" arc uiost suitable for a correct ami comprehensive National Calendar. The rtatnrc. nsrs, nnd extraordinary sanitary edicts i.f Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, the staple tonic and alterative of pioro than half tho Christaln world, are fully set forth in its pages, which ave also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuollc receipts for the household and Tiirm, humorons anecdotes, nnd other instructive and amusing reading matter, original nnd selected. Among the Annuals to uppcar with the e[iening of the year, this will bo one ol the most useful, ond may l.o hod for the asking. The proprietors, Messrs. Hosteller A Smith, on receipt o.f a two cent stamp, will forward a copy l>y mail to nny person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The l'.ittera aro sold in every city, town and village, and aro 'extensively used throughout tlio entire Mrltlml world. SI 4 I. 0 0. F. , Mountain T.ndge, No. QV1 .*?. I. (). <). F. meets V ?'* very Friday Niyht, at V.1*^their flail, over Marshall <ti Mstildin's I>reg Stoic. Regular at. tendance d*sired, IIOItT. Mi KAY, N. 0. A-iflfSft 17 !f Greenville Encampment No d, I, 0. 0. F. 'IMIKf'R wilt he a regular meeting of I Oni'KNVILLfc MKtlAMI'MKNT,'Nn 0, on Tuesday evening, l>cc. precisely ftt 7 o'clu.cW. A full meeting is desiied, as biuir.osa of impo* tare will l/c transacted, Tiy o?d?r of the C. P. t JOHN J1 SQIiOITKLD, Sciito. I >oo 13 82 1 Notice IS HHRRHY j:iv?n to nil whom it may concern, that I will ) ) !> to H. J. Douthit, 1'robntu Judge for (Jrconvillo County, on tbo 13th <lay of January ne xt, tor n final diarhnrjjo n* Arttnitrlatrntor tlr ?.-/??i? turn, of tha ?ttutc of KI-lZAUKTli .SMITH, d?e?a?c<L M'M. r>. rbamt.ktt, Administrator da bonia nun. I>eef??b?j? Rtl?, J87I.. 3t*t i*1" HI ' ~ Lost! Lost! , OTiS^TTft A SM A LL (5 HHF.N TKON K, r^TTv\ftW Wc<ln6<Ut lUli of l)c* *{*' liliT oi? ihrt Bparlanbtirff Kynd. betwt-eu Lectern' Factory and Town. &ii<TTronic contained l.nJirt' Clothing, and article* of eotne value to the owner. A uil:ib!i? i i-wiird will i r p >id fur IU delivery at liie elura of FOSTER A I1U.VTF.R. Drc 13 32 1 FOR SALE. , _ I private ealej the As<WL-'X DRICK HOUSE and LOT. IhwOld Haptiel Ohorcb. llfLeTnMr,rt'" dwejllrg eontalne four room* eud two fire place#. On the Lot T* a good Kitchen, Brick Brooke Hour# and Stnhlo, and a wall "of Arte water. Term* liberal, and price low. I Apply to the proprietor, W o.n. IRVINE. Deo. 18 32 * ?f ?mi King'* Mountain Military SchooL Yorkvillo, S. C. THE Ant Session of the ichool 1873' will begin on the 111 Fibluirj, |nd *0000 Iho 80th ol ^j^Juna. - fNm?, Ibr 8cb?ol Expenses, t Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Light*, Hooka Stationery, Ac., fiili, pavaMe in Arfraacs.? Circulars cobtaing fbll information may b< obtained upon application to Col. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. ' Deo 13 32 8 MAI PRESENTS. FOSTER& HUNTER H AVE ?S&lSty&irtejlL CO [.LECTION OF FURS, CONEY, MINK, AND OTHER KINDS. STRIPED SHAWLS, Vurions Styles. Handkerchiefs, O&OTSS, FANCY GOODS. Hoods Scarfs &c?9 Suitable for presents. CITRON, CURRANTS, RAISINS, In Whole and Quorter Hose, GINGER, PRESERVES, Fresh Candies, Cheese, tC'c., dec. Come and See. Dec 13 32 It Johnston, Crews & Co*, IMPORT EttS And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE AND FiLKTCY DRY GOODS, XT o T I O X>? AffTO SMALL WA3*[E&, 41 HAYKK STREET, ??AlElUE8P)tJ, S. <D. l'ce. IS 3d ly For Sale. THE MACHINERY IN A . COTTON MILL, At Frudcriokehurg, Virginia, consisting n! follows : 11 30 Incli Cards, 11. R. Heads, Ac. 9 King Spinning Franu-s, 912 Spindles. 2 Drawing Frames, 2 Speeders. 1 Willow or Opener. 2 Spreaders, Heaters each. 2 Ring Twisters CO Spindles each. 2 Spoolers, Reels, Presses, Scales, Warp Milli <ve., ntui nn mo necessary preparation* foi making BOO to 000 pound* of courro Vnrt dmly. Tho Water Tower is un.?iirpn*sed, the rem of which and building* are very low. Opcrpativc* abundant, and can lo obtained nl unusually inndeiuie wage*. The whole of the ahovo Machinery ineltid ing Shifting. Healing, Ac., will l<e sold fu the low price of $.1,000. Enquire of B. T. 8CIIULT2 A CO. 44 German Btruct, Baltimore, Mil. Deo 13 32 3 AN ORDINANCE TO Raiso Supplies for tho Yoai 1872. BE IT ENACTED by the M,.yor and A1 dcrnien of the City of Greenville, ii Council nssemhlod, and l>y authority of tin shine, That u Tux to cover the period fron January 1st. IS72, to January 1st, 1873, for th rum* and in the manner hereinafter mention ed, shall he raised and paid into tho 1'uhli Treasury of the City of Greenville, by the I* day of March next, for the use and servic thereof. SkctioH 1. On caeh One Hundred DoJIor of assessed value of lteul Estate and Persona 1 Property, tho of sum Filly Cents. Real Estate, Stocks, Goods and Chat tels Sold at Auction. Sr.c. 2. There shall he paid f|unrterly, Tw and a Half per cent, upon ul) Bales at Auctior on all Goods, anil One per cent, on all Chal tels and Ileal lfstuto, und Stocks of ever description, except on sules made by orde of Court, or proecss of law, or by Executor and Administrators. Goods, Wares and Merchandize Sol on Consignment. Ki r. 3. There shall be paid by alt merchant or Others, Ouo-Jlulf per cent, upon all Sales < Goods, Wares and Merolpind ire sold o Consignment, made from Ike 1st day of Janu ary 1B72, to the 1st day of January 1373, th nbovo tax to be paid quarterly. Road and Street Tax. Sxc. 4. That each and every rr*le perso between the ages of twenty-one and fifty year other thnn members of ?ho Fire Dipartinen Ordained Minister* <-*iid Students, shall pay o or before the l<,i dojr or Mureh next,One Do Ittr for Koad and htrect exemption, and if an I person liable to tbis tax, rhull fail to male payment at tne time specified, he shall be hoi liable to work on tho streets of tho City, f<i six days u*der the direction of the actio overseer of the street* ; any person refusing a neglecting to ebey the summons, shall b? fine at th* discretion of th* Council, said fine to I collected by execution. And it shall be th duty of the City Cleric and City Marshal t report I* tlis Council nil defaulters uodc either of th* eloases of this station. Lawyer*, Physician*, DeutUt*, Ph< tographUt*. Ac, 8kc. 5. There shall l>? paid Thirty Cents c tho Hundred Hollars of Gross Inooine i lirokers and Bankers, and on all luoome* d rived from the jCopinission Husioess, or tl Practice of the Professions of Law, Modioli ami DftftLlftlrif. nml fro** th* AnaUAsui DsKoerreotyping, Amhrotyplng and Phot graphing within the limit* of tha City?tl amount of intiAmv to be estimated from tl 1st day of January, 1872, to tb? 1st day January, 1873, tba Tax upon tbt same to I paid riuortdrly. Carriage*, Omnibuue*. Wagon*, ft Arc. "fbera shall ba paid Tao Dollars t aaeb fowr-fcorsb Omnibts ar Hack; Wx Polls on each Carriage or Hack drawn by two more horsak, fun for conrcyance of pnramge err hiiWf'Tb"pea Dollars on each ons-borsa Hu gy, dig or Bulky, kepi for bira; Ten Dolls on aneb four-horse Wagon ; PI* Dollars i esrli twA-horse Wagon, or Dray,of Carl, ai l'our Dollars on aaob ono bona Wagon, Or ot Cart ma for kin, Th? T?im on Omnibuses*, Carriage*, llaeks, Baggie*, Wagon*, Drays, Cart*, Ad.. k< yt for biro, shall bo paid before they aball bo allowed to ran: provided, 1 That nothing herein contained aball bo ?on1 trued to a* to exteud to Wagon*, Cart*, 01 r other vehicles going to or from market, and owned and run and used by non-resident* ol i the City. Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers, Sao. T. Fire Dollars per day eball be paid by every Itinerant Trader or Auetiooeer offering fur snlo within the oorporate limits of tin City, at Auetion or otherwise, any Oood* Wares or Merchandise, to be paid each day ii advance ; and every Itinerant Trader or Auc tioneer liable to the tax aforeaald, and wbt shall fail to make payment, shall be fined Tei Dollar* for each day ha may so offend : Pro vidtd, The provisions of this section shell no be so construed so as to apply to the ordHer; dealers in grain, (Vuit, potatoes, tobacco, poul try, Iron-wore, earthen-ware, or other product or manufactures of the like character. Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys. > Sec. 8. That on Annual Tax of Twenty j five Dollars shall be paid uponeuch anil over; Billiard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars upoi each and every Nino or Ten Pin Alley, kep within the limit* of the City of Qrconrille lo profit; said Tex to b? paid beforo License t< uie tho came shall bo grunted. Any person o persons using tho fArticles or opening tho es tablisbmcnt mentioned abovo in this Section without first having obtained a Liconso fron tho City Council, and giving a bond to tbi tamo in tho sum of Two Hundred Dollars conditioned to obscrvo tho laws of the Stnti and City, shall be subject to a One not exceed ing Ten Dollars for each day such establish mcnt shall bo kept open or used. Equestrain and Theatrical Performances | Rue. 9. That no Equestrain or Theatrics performance, or other performances, or othci exhibitions for gaiu, shall be bad in the City of Greenville, without a license'therofor beinj first obtained from the Mayor, and pnymeni tor said license made to the City Clerk, ai aforesaid as follows: For each and everj Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars ; for cncl and every Ride Show, a sum not less than Fiv< Dollars nor exceeding Twenty Gve Dollars, m tho Mayor ehnll determine ; for Theatrical oik other Exhibitions for gain, such sum as tlx Mayor shall determine. And each and every person exhibiting for gain, without first linvinf [ obtained a License, .nnd tho payment of thi j rnid Tax in advance, shall be fined in a sun not less than doublo the amount of said Tux in manner hereinafter provided for the impose i' tion of fines ar.d forfeitures. Special Tax. 8kc. 10. Thnt no Person, Firm, Company or Corporation shnll be engaged in, prosctutc or carry on r.ny trade, business or profession, until he, she, or they, shall hare paid a Rpo cial Liccnso therefor in tho manner hereinafter provided, to wit: Each nnd every busi ncss, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Mnnu| Incturing, the gross sales or receipts of which : shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars per Annum, shnll pay a Liccnso of Two Dollars, in excess of Five Hundred Dollars, nnd not exceeding Two Thousaud Dollars, Seven Dollars and a Half, and in excess of Two Thousand Dollars nnd not exceeding Fire Thou| sand Dollars, Eight Dollars, and in excess ol I Five Thousnnd Dollars nnd not exceeding Ton Thousand, Ten Dollars, nnd in excess of Ten Thousnnd Dollars, Twelve Dollars. Each First-Class Hotel, Twenty fivo Dollars; each Second-Class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars ; each Raw Mill, Fifteen Dollars* each florn Mill, grinding under llircc thousand bushels per annum, Fif' teen Dollars, and over three thousand bushels per nnniim, Twenty Dollars; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; each Cotton Gin, Ten Dollars ; each Cotton Press, Fivo Dollars ; cncli Livery Stable, Ten Dollars : each tins Manufactory or Works. Ten Dollars ; each Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; each Harbors shop, Five Dollars ; each Auotioneor, Twelve Dollars. Tho Liccnso issued by virtue of i this Section shnll bo collected on or by the 1st day of March next, and shnll cover tho yoar 1872, nnd all ltusinnss License issued on nnd after the 1st doy of M arch next, shall be issued on a ratable proportion of tho year dating from tlio let day of the month iu which it may be issued. Physicians. Lawyers. Dentists, Pho tographists, Artists, Insurance Companies, &c. nr.c. ii. r.ncn rnyncini, Dawyer, Dentist, Photographist ond Artist, and each Insurance Company and speculator* in grain, (lour or , country produce, not otherwise licensed under (his Ordinance, ahull tiny a lieenso of Fifteen Dollars ; and each Kx press Company having an office in, und doing business within the corporate limits of the City. Twenty-five Dollars for conducting said business or occupation ; said ruin or sums to he paid on or before the 1st day of March next, or on nny subsequent day beforo commencing such business or occupation. And a penalty of Five Dollars per day r i shall he levied against any person prosecuting 1 | such business or occupation, or any business ! named in this Section without first having I taken out a license therefor. t Liquor License. Rise. 12. Dealers in Liquor shall pay the following Lieenso, to wit. : Koch Retail f Liquor Dealer, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars: each dealer ill Liquors a ho sellt by the quart er Inrgcr quantity, Ono Hundred Dollars; each Druggist selling by the bottle, Fif ty Dollars; (tho liquor not to bo drnnk on the premises where sold, by any other than a rotail liqnar dealer.) am) the license for nil dealers in liquor shall cover the year expiring 01: i the 1st day of October, 1872, at tho above ratoi f i per annum, and must he paid before the par ties enter upon snid business. Penalties. ? Sue. 13. Ami he ii further Oftluiuetl, Tbn B if any person or persons shall fail, neglect oi u refuse to make n return to the City Clerk oi B oath, of all hi?, her or their taxable property income, sales, receipts, or any, or all othe c things taxed by this Ordinance, and pay tin I tax thereon imposed, within tbetimo specifier t, by this Ordinance, tho Clerk of Council, as suited by the Assessors of the City, nro hereby B authorized and required to assess such persoi j r??r iwi mi (i?0, nor <?r mcir proppny, <> other thinp* taxed \?y this Ordinance, accord ing to the beet information which he and tin >' A assessors can obtain of the value of nach tax , able proporty, and add One Hundred pc 0 cent, to the amount of tlio tax of the person o , persona thus neglecting r : refusing to mnke I l' rot urn as aforesaid, or pay the tax thereon v anil if tho doublo tax tints imposed ia notpaii 'r within Thirty Pay* theieafter, tho ?nid Clerl ,g ia hereby authorized and required to issn< an execution theroior immediately, which anii j execution shall he lodged with tho Sheriff c 4 the County of Orernvillo, to he oolleoted ac cording to the proviaiona of tita Aot of th !g General Assembly in suoh cases, ntado nn provided. n Done and ratified in Cnuneil assembled, undo N the corporate Soul ol tho City of Urceitvillt 0 this 6th day of December, 1H7I. JAMKS p. MOORE, Mayor. p. A. Waltkp, Clork. Deo 13 32 tf n . 'i Not i co ,D TS hereby given to all whom it may concert I that I will appiy to ft. J. Duuthif. Probat r Judge of Greenville County, on tit 8/A day i " JuHunry'ntJtt, for a flnai discharge as Admin ' istrstrix of tho Estate of STEPHEN f 'r LONG, deceased, therefore alt parlies hsv'uj K claims ugainst'said estate will present them t r, a.e, or the Pr<d>atr Judge, on or befrre anl d 4.. ... v.. -i-i * KmVlYM. LONG, Admioiftratrlx. e Doe. 5th, 1871. 31-6. 0 1 BRYAN & M'CARTER Columbia 8. C WHOLK8ALR AND RETAIL ? M W J IN of SCHOOL, LAW AND MEDICAL :S O O X g , of < t>? fttanderd Worki for Llbrmrfoa, Now Publ estioM, ?* Stationery and Blank Book*. Tl BUoki for Lumyw and TrUl Juitioei, z oicxauiST, *c. "* Family Bible*, Hymn Book*, ( *jj'J all Stylea. it Doe <5 81 8m ' * BOUTS LIFE INSURANT \ C. C. STE AGENT EON QREE1 1 DR. J. H. DEAN, Medici Ex.?nln?r. , D?o 18 Merry Ch I 1 THE SANTA CLA I. A. Ill Contains a Beautiful Collection of and Fancy Articles in Tin, Woof Shell and Lava, Velocipedes, Car Smoke and- Wine Sets, Marble Orna Work-Boxes, Glovf-Boxes, Porteinoi Building Blocks, &c., &c. "isr* ? ?11 ?i i...:? ?i.? |-tj \j ii u no t? wan aim uh>'q inv jXJsf"RECI MARSHA Mi?IMA ?or CHRIS 4m 0 consist; HOLIDAY BOOKS & OF EVERY 13 E THESE GOODS ARE OF EE I Call and examine, charge for showing g< Deo i a s ETIV FERTIL <ree very Superior Artiolea are oflfeicd by tlx pany of Chnrle?ion, S. 0., viz: 'etiwan A complete manure, adapted to Cotton. O n licle heretofore offered nt the very high grade < Lima, with ilia addition, a* h>rptol?r?, of Peru $55 prr Ion, if paid on or bof-?re the 1 t of A| int real from the lit of April ntx', nt the re< ETIWAN CI A Upw nr'ic'c of the *anie high tirade na Sel> merit* of Collon Seed in nueli a manner, na I too and Grain. nt n lower price ilnin the K.i'wi , or before tlie Int of April next. $15 per Ion, oi April next, nt the rnte of 7 per cent, per aonu ETIWAN I>ISS< Averaging from 18 or 20 per cent, of Direolt ' (dniter i'V eompoaling, to obtain two lona ' eo?t and freight. Price $85 per ton. if paid on I fine, willi in i ereM. from the lst?f April nex?, TAKE NOTICE, that all ilir?e fertilizer* phate, and must help for more Ihnn one year. : WM. ( r Get I I LEONARD WILLI AH*. Agent at Or enei t Pre 13 J ; noEO^NE T r Of a Superior Quality, [ Made by F. A. WALTER. ! Jaju- Call and get a bottle of tbe Walter i I Brand. Rl-tf Notice* ,t rpilE firm of WILLIAMS A WF11TMIRR , JL la tbia day diraolv<-d. ocoaaioned by 0 the ?l<*ath of Mr. Whittnbe. Tbe underJ rigncd will Brttle the hu*in?ae of anid firm, and all parties indebted either by note or r book account, are r? no rated to rettla at ?, once. LEONARD WILLIAMS. < rpiIE undersigned will continue busl1 i cea at the old aland of Williama A _ WhitMiirH, and will continue to deal in all tha staples and prod acta of the Country, in Grocerlea, Pruriiioci, and rinntat'ion i, Supplies generally a L. WILLIAMS. ?/ Orrenrille, 8. C., Dee. 4, 1871. ? Dee 0 31 1 i" ?i JuaiiBB"' For 1679. AT F. A. Walter's Druf store. j Dae 0 81 tf DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ^ ' WE OFPER at PRIVATE ft BALK, Ihe yrrj I)e?lreble >1- flSKS Reeiilence oi>i orite the Fork Bunonmb* ?n l Rather foiiiion riireele, the llouee of hriek, eon talne Twelre Room??Fire with Fire-I'leoee. The Lot U high and eligible, eontaine Two Aeree, and hea a Well of Hplendid Water. Tei me reasonable and to en it pnrebaaere. If not tooner riUpoeet) of. the property if will be Bold at Auction on Seleeday in Jan~ U*ry CARLE ft BLVTHB. No* aa ao tf I ?1 R 1*3" DE COMPANY. PHENS, VVILLE CO VNTT. tf tl n'cfmaa V A1WWIIIWW US BAZAR OF ri & co. Toys, Gifts, Novelties, Notions I, China, Parian, Marble, Class, to, Figures, Vases, China Cii|>s, meuts, Chess- Hoards, Chess-Men, mics, Writing Desks, Puitefulios, children 38-tf JIVED AT Li IRON'S mm IDS [KG OF FANCY ARTICLES ' ISCIUPTION. IED AT LOW FIGURES. (?T We make no oods. M If FAN IZERS. ) Sulphuric Acid cud Superphosphate com?TT A ?TA uuAnu* in end Totiaceo. being th? well known ar?f 16 per cent, difolved Bone Plio'plmle of vmn Ouano, Ammonia and Potash. Price >ril nest, nod $60 per ton, on time, willi e of 7 p>-r cent per annum. tOP FOOD. Soluble Phosphate, compounded with the 0 en?ure one of the beat fertilisers for Colin Ouano. Price $40 p~r ton, if paid on ? time, with iulereat from the 1st day of m >LVED BONE. red Bone Phosphate, and thua enabling the of half that grade at a saving of one hat 1 or before the 1st of April next, $40 on at the rate of % per cent, per annum. ate of the Ai'jhett grade of Soluble Phot* D. BEE & CO., teral Aycnts, Charleston, S. C. He, 8. c. ii 2m Another New Store G. W?REES RETURNS thanks for past liberal patronage. and would Inform his friends ind the public generally that he is now working with a Him styled R. F. MILES & CO., TP 110 HA YE OPENED AT THE RED STORE Opposite Davis & Morgan's Store, AND ARE NOW RECEIVING AND OPRNINO KVKRY VARIETY OP HEROANDISG COMMON, WHICH MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. All are invited (and might do well) to call on ue before purehaeing. ;o. THE ATTENTION Of The People 18 >LBO INVITRD IQ THE VERY EXTENSIVE VARIETY ?OF? Christmas Goods, MOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, PANCY OOOD8, AO., Which are being opened at hie old Stand, Lower Beam in Raninew iniiAi.* ? w ? J WWftlUlUg* Dee 81 tf Pall ifllllinery. MRS. S. A. SMITH XT AS OPKNRD a oho low oeteotlon of MIL* M LINRRY end FANCY OOODH, to wateb ahe lor I tea the attention of the lediaa. Alio, PATTVRNS ef the lateat atyloe of PR VMM. PRRAS-MAXIMO attended to with neatneaa end deapatoh. Oedeva troaa the eountrjr aoHolted. Mala Street, oppoeite the Columbia Hotel, ColumbU, 9. C. Get IS td 8m