University of South Carolina Libraries
m . toi, a?ILL _ Rent Story. Once in tho Latin quarter of thuds, one ruay learn useful facts Among others, an ingenious moth j nd for avoiding tho payment of) rent, that won fit do an V>no# to Dick Swiveller. Tho explanation ot the method 1s Inseparable 1botn its illustration: Tho landlady of a certain mtdi? oil student who effectually dunned her delinquent tenant for some time, resolved at last upou resorting to extreme measures. Site entered the student's room one morning, and said in a decided tone: 41 You must cither pay mo my rent or bo off this very cay." 411 prefer to bo off," said tlio student, who, ou his side, was propared for tho encounter. 44 Well, then, 6ir, pack up di rcctly." 441 assure yon, madam, I will go with tho utmost expedition, il you will assist mo a little." 44 With tho greatest pleasure.1' Tho student thereupon went to a wardrobe, nnd took out a skeleton, which he handed to tho dame. 44 Will you have the kinducts to placo it in tho bottom of my trunk?" said he folding it up. 44 What is it ?" said the landlady recoiling a littlo. i4 That ? Pooh I that?Oh, it's the skeleton of my first landlord, who was inconsiderate enough to claim tho ro?t of threo terms that I owed him, and then I?bo careful that you do not breuk it? its number ono of my collection." 44 Monsieur !" exclaimed the dame, growing visibly paler. The 6tudent, without replying, opened a second drawer, and took out another skeleton. 44 This is my landlady in the Ruo P Ecole do Medicine. A very worthy lady, tint who also demanded the rent ot two terms. Will you also place it on tho other ? It is number two."" Thk luudlady opened ,her eyes as large as portccochers. 44 This," continued the student, 44 this is number threo. They are all hero ! A vory honest man, and ? 1 ? -ifJ ? *. T .4. wnom 1 uiu uoi pay unuur. us pass on to number four." But the landlady was uo longer there. She had lied, almost frightened to death. From that day no tnoro was said about tho rent. A Good Joke on EditorsSoon after (Jhiei Justice Chase, then a Whig, assumed the Gubernatorial chair in Ohio, he issued his proclamation appointing a thanksgiving day. To make sure ot being oibodox the Governor composed his proclamation almost exclusively of passages from :he Bible, which he not designate as quotations, presuming that every one would iccognize them and admire the words as well as his fase in their selection. Ti e proclamation meeting the eyes of a Democratic editor, he pounced at once upon it?declared ho had read it b e 1 o r e?couldn't tell exactly i . . * . . . . J wnerc?duc no womu lane i;is oath tbat it \va9 downright plug iarism from begining to end.? ^Tliut would have been a pretty fair joke ; but the next day the Whig editor came out valiantly in defence of the Ciovornor, prononnc ed tho charges false and libellous, and challenged any man living to produco one single line of the proclamation that ever had appeared in print before. [Columbus Stukrrum. The above is equal to the story of a bet between two AI. C.'s that 0110 of them could not say tho Lord's prayer, which the latter won by repeating "Now I lay me Down to sleep." The other not only paying tho bet, but admitting that he had been completely mistaken as to the extent ol his friend's scriptural knowledge. m ? > ? - An amusing story is told by a recent American traveler, who visited the house of a Chinese gentleman, where he found the walls adorned with scrolls inscribed with proverbs and pithy sayings of the Chinese classical writers. In tho study was a scroll, richly covered with silk and gilt ornaments, indicating the high value set on it by the owner. Tho guest learned tbat bis host was liberal enough to believe that ad the wisdom of the world was not confined to China, and so bad been at great pains to obtain ft popular English proverb To that end, he had dispatched his agent to the treaty ports, where foreign hongo were aliowed, and the agent brought back this, which ho had found hung up in . all the English and Aineiican stores, which, therefore, ho supposed was a cherished English proverb. It was carefully and jevviently unwrapped, and the AouUhed American beheld a yellow card, on which was conspicuously printed : 4k Jiront <fc Co.'s water crackerAuij^Bmfly uso, or rvanltA/l On- ahitimfln^t i"tv"vw ? iris Uainiltyn, Ohio, u few days since, a fee of twei.ty-fWo cent* was collected from al/ persiiis who entered a church f?>r tho purpose of witnessing a luarnugu. ii.u uiouey whs kIV0" r? the y^nng couple to itMt them in life. 'f 4- |i 1 I'M1 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court off C?uinoii Plva*. JAMKi D. JQIl.NSON, l'UintfT, ftgainst > FLOfiA BOS WELL, ct al IKnAtti.-Suniui-rj. ? m ifo FLORA BOSBfELL, on^of^th<Vj[)?:fcadants iu^iVMffX)D. BIT . YOU ARE hereby summoned end required to answer ta??omi>Uint in this action, /W^etl l?e? b f?n file A in the Clerk'* Office lor tliis County, and to serre a copy of your answer on the subscriber*, at this Office, at Urccnrille Court H>in*e, South Carolina, within hctntf ihryi mfitr fAe of tkii Sintmoee, lec In lire of l/it day q/ fioA mirritt. II you Call t<> intrrnt th# co?,.l*|?t <**bin the liine aforesaid, ike plaintiff will apply to tbo Court lor the relief demanded in the complaint. I i w] " 'ARTHUR A ARTHUR, Plaintiff's Attorney*. TO TT.01TA BtWWELL, Defendant: TAKE notice /hat tlicvSuinuigns of. which the aloTe ia a lruo qrpy.Jwne (i!td in.the Clerk's Office'of #bi* CT>doty,*o?'/*e twt*daf oj Xocembcr, A. D., 1871. uOtMPTOMiHfc* Va. 1 ??r. ft 1 4U W Gltmf 2 0OT8 2 'dOTS 2 I5LV%mlk^lfi^wHatreiVM'mi8, IlrccebI 7 loading and Munlo-loading Uuns, of Lnglisb. i'reuck and Ucrtaunkuuuufucturc, al nil rrMS. i. ~ > Single Guns at $2.30, $1 00, $0.00, $S.C0, $12.00 to.$2<UU) each.; A)ouUo , Guna from $7.00 to $2(0.C0.??ch. ^ KlSfrOlLS 2 iMSTIDlLSn Smith A Woks op, Allen's, Shares, and nil the pophioY nn 1 approved kinds. J. SPORTSMAN'S UPODS of great variety. For uunl, Pistols find Rifle#. BEST QUALITY ANO AT LUWEST PRICES. Country merchants nnd sportsmen are invited to call and examine our Inrge and well selected stock r*f the above good#, which we | import dinct and buy from the manufacturers. Orders by mail filled promptly, and sent by express, O, O. 1). PCULTMY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 ir. VA I.TIM ORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD, Mar 22 S lS-fl 46 ly 18 A CARD. 71 C'S* MY FRIENDS AND PATE-Tjtafrons have n;y thanks for past JrJtjL |li.> ^3 favOrs. itr. I iVn^nus tdinikc additionsfto tnv Stwk of JKXvSL- ByiSl ltY, WATCHES. CLOCKS, SrFCTICLES, SI L V E R *> LATE D flBfiSR WARE. TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attcntion given to ri pairing fino Watches, nnd Timo Pieces of every description. /JMfS'Q/MTACK. Jan IS 15 if SixtyFivo First Prize Medals Awarded. paowrtg- ||,? TllR GtlEAT f EuThera Piano *fj[ y Manufactory. WM. KNABE &C0., Manufacturers of GRAT.D, SQUAP.fc AND UPR'.CHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, HI). These IV.slrumcrtahnee been before (hi Public for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their excellence alone attained an impmclm*r>i jtre-cminewer, ?hich prt neur.cts them uuequaled, in TONE, TOUCH* WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY, All our Square Pianos liaro our New Im. provcJ Overstrung tValo nnd the Agrvfii Treble. We would call special attention to our lnt< Patented Improvements in Grand Pianos ami Square Grands, found iu no other Piano which hriug the Piano nearer perfection thai: has yet been attained. Eve. y Piar.o TuPy Warranted for Five Yeara We are by special arrangement cnnbldd tc furnish Parlor Organs and Mclodoons of the uiost celul rated makers, rvholcsalo and retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues nnd Price List! promptly furnished on application to WW. UNA UK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. Oct. IS - 24 Am "iVM. u7wII1L1>EN,AG'T. DKALKU I Si Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Pinter* Ware, Clucks, FINE CUT AND F.NGUAN LD CLASS TABLE CUTI.EHY, CHINA AND WHITE GRANITE GODDH, Y.\s:;t. TOILET BETH, FANCY ARTICLES. OrJ?rs fi?.rn the Country carefully filled nnd isisf.tetinn guftraptced. ' / ' t 2 56 KING feTREI T, fcOI&Efe BEAU PA IN K-y B< x 521, Cuarl?t< n, S. O. FopdL 13 . 3n NJNSK'AN d 1I<) WILL, Factors and Commission JLev chants. Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval /Stores. dlA HLF.8T0N, & C. Sep G IS 4m BOORS, ~ SASHES, BLINDS, &o. ' ^ ^ F P: TWale, Manufacturer iltnl Dealer, Xo. 20 llnyne Strret anil Oorfleck't Wharf, nil aimmyiv q n W # A M v/4* f ?; v. 1 Tlii* is ftie Hrv<*'t ?n?l n>o*^ c?mpl? le F 'C'oiy of ihi' kind in the Soutliai 11 5tnt*>, ni.(l all articles i.i iLW lin?- eni>l>e Ininirlied by Mr. 1*. I'. Toaj.u at print? which defy comt otilion. tJT* A pamphlet with full and .Mailed Ittu i>f all sizes of D >10, Sit !? *? and H! 11 <1 , and t fie j.r'o- of each, will be tent Iter arid post j?ii 1? on appJtcnliop to. 1\ r. I'oale, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Jul y 12 H tyl 'Ihe Southern Hotel l(A& been rcfHed fciii put In comidata order for i uiy Nrrommoii ??? llir t tr#V?Hn? poWio. R-le? o( t r?ftaoii?h!c. Cull ?? l u *? m?? a 1 J. O. YBAROIN. J M-7 * ? 8'* . . > i . i O dHL i if ? C0"St ?iA 'ran TWC UND^RSIG^EQ UlSfAppEU THE r FACTOR/WE Alto tOMMiwiOil -BUSINESS TO HIS 1 .? ;; '.' JT GENERAL 1KS116H ANDtiB. ' Tr. . 'iO *UJ /^i ' , . ?. ' T ^ > A. Ti \ ? / ? m? Fi ? IS LADDER AND MODE fiOMPLETE THAN E3VESH, AND WILL BE SOLD AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL* AT THE LOWEST, PRICES. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WILL DO\WELqtTO OA Lb "AND 1 ' NX AM INK &TOCtf ijND PRtCh'k ON FORE 1 SENDING pRljfRS JSL SE WlfXIiX. ffe will n!^o furnish YARNS nncl SHIRTINGS by (he Rule nt Factor*' prices. TVtW,.DAVIS,. ,?i MjdXMiLjIli /,W(h CAROLINA. LIFL -fOMPANY, !?1 E.TIB*HIS, TEDIVE9SEE. JEFFERSON DAVIS, PRESID'T. DL4I K & rOCHER STATE AGENTS.,' '' A SOUTHERN AND MUTUAL COMPANY. % \ % 4 jL Jr j ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SURRENDER VALUE PLAN, AND OTHER AB\fAHTAGEJI, iff!! j| ,'j OVFEKED BY THIS COMPANY. >! ..y 3 65 tf POSITIVELY TO TAKE PLACE JANUARY 8777", 1872. $500,000 TO BFGIYEN AWAY. 1 THE SOUTH CAROUl^TAs ri tAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION HU1LER. GIIADWirK. OAKY Ac CO. AC,p:NT3. 1 Under the auspicious of the " South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society," will give a SKIUKd OP CONCEHTS, at the Academy of Music, Charleston, 8. C., commtnc) ing January Stb, 1872. l'.efcrs to all the Bunkers, Brokers, and prominent gentlemen of the Country, both North ! ami South. I loO.OtrO SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION AT $5 EACH ? If you hare not received a Circular, send for one, giving full particular!. All Orderi 1 Strictly CutijiJcntial. 2,405 GIFTS, AMOUNTING IN ALJ. TO $500,000. The Drawing of this Great Southern Enterprise will be conducted under tbo supervision of , the following well known gentlemen : General A. B. Wright, of Georgia; Colonel U. 11. Itutledgc, of South Carolina; General Bradley T. Johnson, of. Virginia; Hon. Roger A. I PrTOr, of New York. . , , I J J3o jPAl Money for Tickets can be sent either by Express or Tost Office Order, and the Tickets will t bo promptly forwarded. III It MOT ALL LITTERS TO BUTLER, CIIADWICK, GARY A CO., Principal Office, Charleston, S. C. CF.XKKAL M. C. EU1LKR, JOHN CDintTlCC, CKNKBAL M. W. OAUT. Oct II 23 ' \ ' ' ; i fm. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND ' t 1 t * ' ? T\1 , _ s i ? ? 1* nanxauon supplies. o < < JAMES G. BAILIE & BHO. HAVING Mf their stnro in order, ?i'<l having rtdfiftd a largo supply of tho Boat GI10? - CP. It IKS, Ac., that can hn bought for money, .now offer to their customer! and tho trade, a largo ffcock ol FRESH GOODS. viz : Smart's Granulated, A, B, C and Yellow SUGARS. Java, Laguavra, Maracaiho nnd Rio COFFEES. Greon and Black TKAJ of Best Quaity. Stuart's 8YURP. GOLDEN DRTPS and MOLASSES. Sugjir Cured IIAMS, Breakfast BACON, New FLOUR. Factory CHEftSK. Esglluli Dairy nod Dutch CHEESE, Gilt EitgIT n..St.eD UtT-ffKU, Vn?, Loaf LAltl). Canned FRUITS. PRESERVES and JRLLIKS. EnglfaU CRACKF-ltS, English Aihort BISCUIT, Fresh. American oRACkERS. <?f all kind*. Fresh. MACKEREL. CANDLES nn.l BOA PS, of all kin Is. BACON, SIDES iiihI Shoulders ; Liverpool SALT, BAGGING, of all kinds, and TIES. WINES and LIQUORS, ot first (jualify. AYS HAVE ALSO ON HAND A.riAr.CE LICCK CF MARKET. FANCY AND TRAVELING BASKETS, TUBS, CHURNS, BUCKETS, fit A VS. STRA W BROOMS, FEATHER 1) USTEIIS, CO TlJVTER BRUSHES d HEARTH BROOMS. FKESII GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. 4 ' James G. Bailie & Brother205 BROADOA. Oct 25 .25 * 3m J. H. & M. L. KINARt), ***** m *V$^E WOl I'P call fitteuli??n to our Largo and Varied Stock of j um uuuiw, uaki'IUliNUS, OIL CLOTH KUCiS, CLJIiTAIKS, t&o. Wo have oil hand ono of the mofit complete Btocha ever ofTorcd in tlii* maike', consisting of Silka. Alpacas, Merinos, Poplins, DeLaiiife, ajuJ other giadc* ot KINK GOODS, which we aro offering at Reduced Prices, bull llnea ot SrtCer1rtg< Shirtings, Oee^iinere?, Jtuioa, &c., with a complete r.Bfcoi tmcnt of Hosiery and Gloiea. Give na afcall. J. H. & M. L KINARQ. W. K. BAILS!'. 0, 0. wmlu* P. EASLEY & WE LIB, ?3g IfcAW, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and souckdr In JlQV&y. AN I) IN EQUITY, w*i*Mof?.? **. ' ? i OREENVIM.E, s. c., COURTS OF THIS mlii J AUO, PR uim ^ai? <**>* ** attention to ouci in Dankritjitcy. * Offio# OrwiTilU C. H., ?, 0. June 13 S Jul* 1 Jj* K# B? Jtadway'c Ready Retlcf CURBS TUB WORST PAIRS In from,. On* to NOT ONE HOUR fl*r nr?dlftf \h\k adrsKlaainant M#d T , 'rtf'?uftrwhhtfln. . Radirnjr ?. R-ady lUhal )* eora far mry , P*t?. Itvw tha Aral ??41? ? ? TH* dNMT^4I^MMP Y , t-hnt instantly ttnpa the mwl excror latin* paint allays imfljicnntions. apd WtM eon? ( tfas<lonr, *li*thrr 0* the lungr, ttom-i. I., L.wrU. or oibsr gland* or orgstio, by one pnUaallnn. , , , % RBSHt 1 in trt?*i ona to twenty mlaulO,*o mdt- 1 tar how violent or rwratUlinf I ha pain I tht. Kh'omallo. Badriddrn. Infirm, Crip pled, Harrows. Neuralgia^ or prostratad ' >iii. u,.,. ...rr? . 1 - ka?>wayx*kkady rbliff Will afford litMiit ?m*. of tk? Kidneys. Ihfltmnnllon of the Di?<14*r. InflitfomAtion of the Bowels. (Vnjevticn ol the Long*,Sore Throat, Difficult Hiealhing. I'ljliitillim of tha.Ueart. Hysterica, Croip, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influents, Headache. T- o ult*ol??t Cold af^^^V-n'of ifie Riody Relief to the part or |?|it where tb? pain or diflk* oily emata will afford rase and oonif?rf. | . Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will in a lew mnin.nts oura Cramp*. Sparine, 1 ih.ur Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Dtarihe*, Dysentery. Code, wind in the Vowel*, and all Internal Pain*. Travelers should always carry a bottle ol ' Railway's Ready Relief with them. A law 1 drops in water will present sickness or 1 I aii.s lr. m change of water It is better tiian French Brandy or Dltters as a stimu* lant.' t FjeyjER 4N,D AGUE., ! Fever and Ague cuied for fifty cents,? There is not if r-me-iDI agent in this world that wi|l rnre F-ver and Ague, and all oth ' er Malarious, litlott*. Scarlet, Typhoid, ' Yellow, and other Fever* (aided hy Rad. way V Pi'N) so quirk as Had way'a Ready RrfiVf. Filly cents per botila HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pars Rich Blood ? Increase el Flesh and Weight ? Clear Skin and / & beautiful Complexion mcured lo all 1 > - - W - w W V* 1 M. B IDH VV'S SiAR/lPA- ] - HIIiLIAIt RKKOLTCNT ! Not only dues lit a Sarsapnrillian Reaalf ' enl excel all known remedial agents la'lbt 1 C'iro of ClironTe, Scrofulous, Constitutional. ' and Skin diseases; but k it the only po?i- 1 We cure for Kidney and Rladder ] plaints, Urii.i ry-wi?<t Womb diseases, Orav- ( el, Dith.Ui, Diopsy, Stoppage of Water, | liicontihencA 'urine, ight'C 'T)f*e><ae, AlhuminntdV and in all enact wh.A there ar| %r'Mk daal dcpoftia. f>r I Wo water I* fliTvr, cToftnv, roiled with pub-tnnce* like 1 the white of an egg, or threads like white J ilk. or wh?i is a morbid, dark. hlli?u* ap praranee, and whit# bone duet deposits, , and when thera is a pricking, burning a. na it i?n w hen passing Water, and pain in the Small of the Rack and along the Loins Dr. Railway's Perfect Purgative Pills, Perfectly tas'ele's. elegantly ousted with sweet gum. puige, regulate, pmiiy, cleanse and atierigtbeti. Kndwny's Pills, for the cine of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Rowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Neivous dise?srs, Headache. Constipation, C?etiveness, Indigestion , Dyspepsia, Bil ottsi ess llilinn. Fever, of lbs Bowels, nirr, and all Del angrmeiits of the Internal Visreta. Warranted to aiDst a positive furs. Pure ly Vegetable, containing no mereury, ndn raU, or delete* ioua drugs. Observe tb# following symptom* resetting frwn Disorders of the Digestive O'gans: Constipation, InwarJ Piles, FuUnes* of the Blood in the He id. Ae'dlty of the St..m "?h. Nausea, Heartburn, Diagun of Food, Ftilln-aa or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Ei uel at ions. Sinking or Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Untried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Railway's Pills will free the system frcin all 'he above named disorders. Trice, '25 cents per Dux. Sold by Druggist s. Read '* False and True." Send one lett.r stamp to RADWAY <fc C0? No. 87 Mai den Late New Yotk. Information woitli thousands will b? sent you. July 26 12 ly PHOTOGB APHIN G. HAVING recently fltti-d up the room* over Whitmlre A Fergunon'e Slot? with elegant Hit hie, I era prepared m do ell fcirjfU ef rmmUJItAPIIINO. it very thort notice. 5si?t\?tert oii gunreuled to ail \ W.M. WUtiELF.R. May 21 S If I* ESTABLISHED IN 1835. */ i GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY. Gower. Cox A Markley. WE WOULD innnaiK* Ihit we in pre* putd now to til nil orders lor Wg'XJOOLE?. Tiering the largeet stock of Inbor-ierlng machinery in tho State, end the moat skilful workmen in tho South, we hope to be able to supply nil domnnds. The itoek of ' ONE, TWO. TIIREB, FOUR, and SIX-lIORSB IRON-AXLE PLANTAIIOH WAGONS Will be kept full, end Mew, at for thirty.flio year?, these wagons shall be the . 8ta*dar? or ExckiL?K0?. Wo are making, as usual, a large stock o ftofliavrnys nitcf At all prices ; souse new and elegaat patterns ?prices much reduced. We make 6PUINQ WAGONS a specialty. Apply for price lists to Gewer, Cox St Mark ley. N. B. 3d yc*?? of faithful work?oar guarantee. A?wrlt?-I7tf ptSIS ^WATER WHEEL, Mill Gearing,StajlintlMtays I>?1 XV 1/ ? ? 1 ?> *? ?, c ivtii* r r. momm a o wnm Tn,"t ?"< BUTtER, McBEE St STEPHENS, Attorfrtryi 4bJT C<mm?ollor? it W and In Equity. GREK!HVILLE,8.Cm Will Prattui U tki CoaiU of tko CUU ul of Um OilUi lutoo. I Hoy 91 4 M xijimit' ,/f 11 HI I1 !i CONSUMPTION, (to Care and Its Preventive, BV J. II.SCUENCK, M. D. /f WKtsTixuz arsra mkii tboa Ik* tghrt *f kiow* a?4 Mi* wt*kl, pnm Btui of ram. Vtt?t Mf 4*mmt to foal)/ ui Mail* tn ilwilw bo 4ro*aWc? iluto into nbWb, hod tbe/ >m\m\y adapts. DR. J06KPU II. SCHMCK'S HIM PI,* TREATMBNT, k J md itiIM tlMa??1vM*r kit woadorfW ?i?)io?* isedioiooo, tbo, Wool* not boo* rbHon.ut ? b n 4. -L ?? LL. tWot vr. DCMUl urnm to mmwwm v.r? r'"r" ?"? abeiwver suAcleot vitality remains, thai vifallljr, by his wedicintr and tbo directions JoJ tbair aae, la qaiefceaod 1?W health ha I vigor. In this statement therela nothing pfesumptjou?: To tlM fatth ?r UM Invalidla atAde m> rwprnaawoibm list la Ht a thoasaaJ times mbsUntiatsd by l)viag and visible porksTbo theorfikdj the cdre by Dr. Schenck'a m?dl inaa ia aaVMila aa it la aafailing. Its jibiosophy requires no srpaanl. It ia aell-aalaving, eelt-eoovfa. in#> ' J - , Tba S?swao4 Tvoki Mastdraka Pllla art be first two weapoac wife. which tba aitadel ?f lh? malady ia aaaailed. ap<? *blf<l? ?f :*ms of eooiunptii'b Originate in dyrpepslfi tad a runctionally disordered livar. W:'l tbla ? rondition tba brttaehiai tubes " aympattn*.' " j ailb tba atomacb. They respond to tba <gof i/ifla action af tba livar. Here tbati cows s ,1 hp Nslmiaating res*It, and tbaaatting In, witUaf la diatreaaing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tbo Mandrake Pillt ara competed of on# o Kit lure's noblest glfW? tbo P >dcpbil)ium Peliatatn. Tbey possess all tbo blood- search tog, iltermtive properties o?' calomel, bat |Blik* salomcl, tbey -LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work ot cure la now beginning. Tba ritiated and mucous deposits ia tba bowels ind in tbo alimentary canal are ejected. Tba liver, like a clock, is wound up. It nfouees from Its torpidity. Tba atoaiMub acta rcspoalively, and tba patient begias to foci that be ta tatting, at last, A SUPPLY OP'hoOD BLOOD. ) The Soawrfod Toale, in costjunetien with tba fills, permeates and assimilate* witb tbefbod. L'by lifiration ta aow progressing without it .rcTious tortures. Digestion becomes painless, ind the cure is seen to be at haad. There ia 10 more flatulence, oo exacerbation of the ato ach. An appetito acta in. Now comes the greatest Blood Pwrifltr ever ret given by en tndnlgcnt father ta eaffoiiog nan. 8cbenck'a Pulmonic Syrnp#eoLtes in to perform its fnnetions and to batten and vw>lete tha core. It enters at ones rpen cork. Nature Cannot be eheftted. It collects ind ripens the impaired and diaaated portions >f Ilia lan*s. In the form oi gathering It )Rptm ttaam for expertorat ion, and lo ! fa n rety short tim# tha n?lw|y U vanquished, the rotten thi-oaa that it oceupiod Is renovated nod undo n?s, and tha pmiirat. In all tha dignity ?f regained rigor, steps forth to ?pj?y tha oituhood or tha womanhood that was. GIVEN UP A8 LOST. f t Tha second thing is, tha patients mast ilsy in a warm room antll th?y got welt; it is al*must itnposaibla to prcront taking eold when tha lungs ara diaaasad, hut it must be prevented or a cure eanoot be effected. Fresh air and riding ant. especially In this sactioa 01 the country in the fall and winter season, ara II wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if Ibeir lungs are badly disoassd, and yst, because they ara in the houaa they mast not sit down qniot; they must walk about tbs room as much and as fast as tha strength will bear, to gat up a good circulation ol blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?b# determined to get wall. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and Is tha great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence af its possibility in tha woist oases, and mural eertniniy in nil others, it sinful. Dr. 8cbanck's personal statement to tha Faculty of hit own ouro was in these modest words: " Many years ago I was in tha last stagss of consuasption ; confined to tny bod, aad at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catdhing at straws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now offer to the publie, and they made a perfect cure ol me. It seemed to roo that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the metier ie my longs, and I would spit np more than a pint of offensive yoliow matter every morning for a long time. As soon as that begoa to sulfide, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats ail began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was with dlftculty that I could lteep from eating too muck. I so<>u gained my strength, and have ?r?wn in flesh srer since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only ninety- Sefen pounds ; my present weight is two hundred and tweiity-flve (.226] pounds, and for years I bevo enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Sclntnck has discontinued his nrofes. siooal visits to New York and Boston. He or bia son. Dr. J. 11. Sebenek, Jr., atill continue to inpalienlaat tbeir office, N*. 15 North Sixth ttreet, Philadelphia, cvevy S.tarday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Thoao who wiah a thorough examination with the Respirometer will he charged $5. The Reapirometer declare* the exact condition of the lung*. and patient* can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directiona for taklog the me-lieinea are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow the*a directiona. end kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in aotne caeca the Mandreke Ml* ark to ha taken In IncWeaed doaca ? the three uediclnea need no other ao compantmonla than the ampl# inaiructloua that accompany them : Firat create appetite. Of returning health hunger ia the naoet welcome eyinptom. When it cornea, aa It will come, let the despairing at oi e te of good cheer. Good blood at once follow*, the cough looccna, the night sweat ia abated. Ja n abort time both of theaa morbid aymptonaa are gone fororer. Dr. Schenck'a medicine* are conatantly kept in tena of tboneenda m familiee. Aa a lamatire or purgative, tba Mandrake Pitta are a atandard preparation ; while tba Palaonie Syrup aa a curcr of cougba mod eolda, may be regarded aa a prophylaetori* againat consumption in any of ita forms. Price of the Pulmonis Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, $ 1.60 a bottle, or $7.50 a half doaan. Mandrake Pills, 25 cants a box. For sal* by all druggists aad dealer*. Wholesale Agent, J01IN P. HENRY, No. College Place, New York City. March 22 49 ly No Hcfilfb Without Pure Blood. I>n. GliAZKNER'8 SPlKfiNAttD AKO QUEEN'S DELIQHT WILL PURIFY TUB BLOOD t l_ ANf> REMOVK tLirer Complaint, Kheuma limn, Scrofula, Carbuncle* Skin Pain* in ?h. Bone*. Dvnpepala, T>i*?? < ? oe iryi and Bladder, pain in lha Dack nod Loin*, and all tba eaiiou* Ailment* produced by Impure Blood and Vitiated Secretion*. Bay one Botllt and try ft, and if it fails to gist any relief, buy no more. T)R OLAZENERU LINIMENT or PAIN EXTRACTOR la good la RheweaMrta. Weu laliria. Head ache, P*i* i* *ke Ba?k, Strains, Ac. DR GLARCMRAY FAMILY VAOETABLR LI V ICR PILLHorr rwno.H?l agrnu to iiNrwmM l>?rMM??ati of lit* IJfir mk] o furiff tho SlooJ. DR.OLAZESRR'S cough belief u frt'? lO v^???inp%ICH t VM rttmim'mM to tm$ lM UWw il?m, *rMt rrli?( wit) follow <u u??. ?f Of Tli? tbevt NtdkiiM ore prmnd onlThf ' DR. OILRM L. OLAZKNKR, j. Mo^uf-cturtr. Droggtf, gr Soli ??7 IVogfUutJEIroSy. 4 TtMfkf amm m aaa m *0a VMMT PHah,^ Mada ^rT*j**f| (*^?r MM ?Z5S??4CE&TC mwumwui tet^ >i ini Jwh, tatmi trat IMNIK M? DM ttt Mdw iMkttt Carta of OilMMIt ?)? RrMi alt AHakalla ittaalaatt. Mr an (fer* fltllf IIMV ITMriSH mm* * L1W aiTlW FfMUClWjK, > MM i hTwMI pMiniw aMiriad ?MwMf tM Mood bikNMkfMMN. * ptmmmm taha tMT MM W MM Ml wM? W MwaO. Biarllil Mr WM ara Ml Mniit ?^JT,aE. wr dM* Am MlkMl MM ?hM >W?I tha rdat d ratal*. n*?*wku?U>>?b?Ura mm wall M ? a. at?. IM liwllw ?artt rf Mttac M a MwW afMt la raOrflaw O?? Bah ai TdMnaatla ft 1ti Urar, aad of aU tha laairal Puna. m noiALt MMPUimn, ?MM' Mi MM ar *NL aairlail ar MW, at tha 4a a at taaaakNd a* ad tha tara of llik, thaaa Tanla Mt ara km M hwL , .. Far lalaaaklart ad Cfcrwala Bkaa* Madid AMI Claat, Pfaaaaala at la Plaanaa, ' IHIaaa laalMaal - ad ANanaliPat Ia*ar% Slaaaaaa m ikr laal, Urar, KUaaya ad Mlallirv thaaa Blttara Wn taaa bm( aniaM Sack Plaaaaaa art aaaaid hr Tlllald Mlaad, which la aaaarally wolail hr hnatMMt d *ha Dtraallra Prsaae. DTinraiA OB HtPIOmTIOWa Haailaahi. Fala M tha Steal lira. Oaagha, Tight- . aaaa at tha Cbaat, Dlabiaa, Soar BiuaMliwia d Ow MSaS, Bad TMM In tha Snath. BUIcM Atteoka. ralpltatton a< tha Baart. Inflaaanattoa ad . ** Laaca, Fain In tha raglona of tha Kidaaya, aad - haadiad othar painful qraptoai ara.tha adhriMiol Drvapada. n?r biTfeoraU tb* BtMBMk mi Mambmthm tapU Unr mi Boweto, wWoh mto Omm ?C jtoaHnallai! eOcacr la oTM]imysTtttM,ul Imperil? mew III* Ml etgm to Mm wfcaWayoUaa. HE M.TH P?BAMMM. ?w>Ui>0>M?. ?lotch#i, fTpoto. Pinip^M* Motto, OaMioM, BtarWiM. Itotl H?i. fcw ChM*ttoTtttoMlB)io<?MWNtfMto?ito MiaiHliitowMMtoiMihltotoU la Plieplee. Miliilnntolwi; Mmbm k ?ka jm tmk M itokuM Ml too?lit in Um ntni; el?m M vfc?tola t??l.an4 yotorteelincswU tad y?wk?. Kwp I ha blood pnra, Ml Ue hmHhot tkeoj? will follow rnt, TAIXut tokto WORMS. aritta* to tto lyatcm of ao many tkooaanda are affec?ally BOLD BT iU^KUMUTI AMD NUZJM, ^!^55is$HJc?E^^? p*u tor iuk iu kn tuy v. bittk\m? DR. M. A. HUNTER A CO., Wholesale and EtUil Dialer* ia Dntga* Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., A?, May 10 1 . V L moriEar cahaot buy it: FOR SIGHT JS PRICELESS 11 BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESENTS IT. f Yon YmImo Your Ercii|hl USE THR?S PERFECT LEMsES. I ROUND FROM MINUTE CRTS! AL PEBILES. Melted together, end derive their name " Di.invond " on account of their Herd tie** ard Brilliancy. They will feet met j yen* without change, end are warranted ruprth or to ail other*, manufactured by J. K.SPKNSKK * CO..N.Y. Caution?None genuine unless stamped' with our trade mailt. J. C. C. TURNLR. Sole Agent for Oi eewville, H. C. From whom they aan only he obtained. No Pedtwr* employed. May 10 1 ly IMPORTANT NOTICE CONSUMER* 07 SET GOODS. AU Iiel<tit Ordere ?amntlng to |t( and Otrr Delivered in any Petri of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, r BALTinoBC. bb., IN order the batter to meet the wania of .the Retail Customer* at a distance, hare established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by wemil fell lines of samples of the Newest and wet Fashionable floods, of French, Bagtieh and Domeslie Menu fee tare, guaranteeing at all times te soil me low, if net at Isee yWeee, thaw any hoase in the milrr. Baying onr goods nrom the largest and moat celebrated manufacturers in the diSsceal arte of Bnrope, and importing the aaaee by Steamers direct to Baltimore, oar stock le at all times promptly supplied with the noreUlas af tha London and Paris market*. As we buy and ami only for eeth, and make no bed debts, we are abb end willing te sell onr goods at from Tea' to Fifteen per tent Leu I Profit than if we (are ^redit. In rending for aaarplea tur>[fj tat M *9 g..oda desired. We kaep d? Wil (ndti gi every clas* of goods, fro in tha lowest to tha moat costly Orders un&ceompeoled by the cask will h cent C. 0. D. Proaapt-Paylag Wbolaaala Bnjrm ara iarts tad to inspect tha Stock la oar Jobbing aad Package Daparlaaot. Address HAMILTON VASTER A SONS, m, 191, 901 aad ! ) Waat Baltimore Street, Baklcaara, Md. Boa r S* ?y Land tot Bale. A 8 applications barebeew made forM^nUe* f\ parcala of Load, tha swAteriber kaa aoa eluded to aell a part of bia OREKBf PLACE Ota ?OB VB>* NM www M WW. ww oa the woat oa landa af H. 8 Xlflus ^r^; per aero. Dividing feaeOa to ho built by the r PwitM d*?irln( farthar iofrraatta* my i At| 2 It it BTotieo of Benml. , UR. A- D WORRtSOK r*arat KU aia( 1?JL t?n thuki tha ?Hisa*a af 0r???. , villa awl iha aarroan<)i*ff fcr tfia haa row rtaaavaJl fa Wia ataad m IMa Staaat* Mat Maw Foalar A Bu??*r, vbaa ba kWraOMVWi tOMMlM to MAURO. OOTTIMO Mi frnriNo. to aaatoat warkmauahiu M? waitVar !? j eaeetrr ;n afbrd. tf-ff