University of South Carolina Libraries
*** 11 UllBUIfV1 ? - ] I*JIK* " rpwtf inrm4 ^ii * 4 ?nk ~.t- . HoUl, j ' WSpr '* ! HciKceiuo confirm ' ?? TWSrtm 0? UK, : pkr With OoUoh 8t*d. i ftS C**b, with Usaa! Adv?ne? for ' Tin*. fpfllS w?W? b prcpartd andtr tH? wpti J 1 Dr-Hff. JUUKN HAV . BNDfl nprmlr lar.tnwHtiiii with cot* I ' ton teed". ' I*. fnlrodneed by Mil* Cmimut turn ^iiin Its tiae hae folly It* value. 200 "to 150 pontiff* of thla article ( per acre, prop-rlj ?omported with the tam a freight o( cotton ae-d, Ifornlrhee the planter with FFJJtTllJZKR, of thehighest j encgllnace at lh??m*ll*st coat. A cooipo t prepared With thia arlioJa, a* liy printed iKre?ilott* formatted, contain* pit the oletnenta of fertility that cetv enter Into n fW elHta FERTftI?fcB, whtle ite economy ( nonet commend It* liberal uae to planter* ^ Fujr rupplir* end printed diraeliona for i rompoating upply to J. N. Rob?ont t CaO'ent pacific guano company, No. US Kiat Bay eod Nor. 1 and 3 Atlantie Wlimf. Charlealoo, 8 C. mo. B. KB153K 4 CO, Grnarnl AgroU, No* 29 80 8* J - a - , SQLUBI.E ,7 pacific odano. ?PRICE $45 CAS If, WITH USUAL ADir ah/id va n mtrn r nnvo avn liAlh I?XPERIF.NCE Id the u?e of this Gukno 1j for the naet six years ia this Stat*, fur Cotton and Coin. has to far established lit rhktMtrr. fitr exrelleoce u. lu ruder comment anoecaesary. ' In iretirdtnre with the established polJey of the Company to tarnish the be-t Concentrated Fertll'xer i?t the lowest com to consumer*, thie Guano is put into market this season at the above reduced price, which the Company is enabled to do ,by redaoo of ita latge facilities and the reduced eost of ma n u tncl u re. The supplies put into matket this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the pereonet superintendence of Dr. 8t JeMsn Ravefiet, Chemist of the t'ompsny, at X'harUeton, 8. 0., behee," planum may reet x sen red that ita QUALITY aud COMPOISmON le fT?i|rl/ tile ?apte as tliat heretofore sold. At the present low price e?? ry were (dented can bo -fertilised with 200 pounds Gusno at a cost out exceeding the prevent - value -of 80 pounds of cotton, while experience has shown that under lavuiable conditions of season and cultivation the erop is' Increased by the applies -Ihhi from two U> threefold the natural ca pa city of the soil, lleuce, under too con* ditions could its application fail to tornpen rate fur the outlay. Apply to. , ? . J. V. ROBSON, ? - A goat Paoific Go auo Company, . No. 68 East Bay and Noe. I and 2 Allaulic Whsrf, Charleston, 8. C. . JNO. S. KEB>K A CO', General Agents. Nov 2V .30 3m District Court of the United 8tatei for the Distriet of 8onth Carolina. "IS BANKRUPTCY. In the Matter of Lorenzo D. McMakin, Bankrupt. A.WARRANT in BANKRUPTCY has been issued by said Court against the estaia of LORENZO D. McMAKIN, ol the County of Omntillr, oT the State of South Carolina, in said Dialriet. adjujgtd a bankrupt on the petition of hia creditors, and the payment of any debt and the delivery of any property belonging to saiJ Bankrupt, to hritu or to his use, and the trail storing of any property by him are foj-hidd<i> by law. A meet og of the Creditors of said Bankrupt to prose their debts and ohooee one or more assignees of bis estate will be held at court of Bankruptcy to beholden at Yorkville, in said District, on the 26th day of December, A. D. 1871, at 12 o'clock, M., at the office of the Hon. W. J. Clawaon, one of lbs Registers to bankruptcy of said CoutU L. E. JOHNSON. Marshal Messenger. No* 29 30 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court of Common Pleas. 8. J. DOUTHIT, Probate Judge. Plaintiff against M. D. DICKEY. Administrator, cum t*s- annesoof L. H. DICKEY, et al, Defendant?Sumruous For Relief. Com. plaint not J^ej-ved. Tm the TR-fendants M. D. DICKEY, R. O. DICKEY. V*. D. DICKEY. ANGELINA CANNON, TABITIIA DICKEY. L. M. DICKEY, H. K. DICKEY, L. L. GHEEN and J. K DICKSON. YOU ARE lieieby summoned 2nd requiied to answer the complaint in this aettun, which was filed In the office of IheUhTfc of Common Pleas, for the said 'County, and to aerva a copy of your answer tfo the said complainSop tits subseribets st Yheii office, Qteenvilic^ "within twenty days a'ter the aervioe hereof, exelueivecf the day of such aetviee ; and if you fail to answer the eomplaiut within tba time alorrtaid, the plaintiff in thia aotion will apply to the i Court for tha relief demanded ia tue eomattaint. EA8LEY k WELLS and Wm. E. EARLE, Plaintiff'* Attorney. Dated 19th of November, 1871. , TO M. D DICKEY, E. O. DICKEY, W. D. DICKEY. L. M. DICKEY and H. E >'?> Kltif, Dtfeodanla: TAKE notice that the Hum mora of which (the above it a true copy, was filed lu lh? iCIerlc'e Office ? tbia County, oo the I4ll. i day of NnfcmliT, A D. 1871. j KASLLY A WELLS and Win. E EARLE, < Plaint ifT'a Attorney. Nov 16 .*8 6 Notice 18 HEREBY given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Oou6hlt, Probata Judge ef Greenville County, on tka Rth day of December next, for a fiuaj diacharve aa Administrator of the Eelale of MARTHA O. BAKER, daeewacd. T. P. BAKER, Admlolatrator. Woveinber 0th, 1871. 17-?6 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE rOR. SALE, i . WE OPPER at PRIVATE RALE, the vary Deairabla ( Rcaidenoa oppoaite the Folk ( NPHffief Bha#oa?be and Ruther fordton Hi reel*, tha Houac of brick, con ( ?Twal? a Room*? Piva with Pirw-Placea. , '?> ? uoi ? nifn ana eligible, eonteioeTwo 1 Acree, M here Well ofSpWndi^WaUr. I Term* r?MMbl? and to euit purchase*. < If not *ooner dUf>o?#d of. th? property ) will be told it Auction on Baleedey in J*dX>mTJ.' SABLE * BLTTHE < .* ?? .. ? ^ , r. It it a queer woman who fc*k? no questions, but the woman who ' 4oss is the querist, ' V Poster - AHHqnter 2'*ID QLOYKfl atfc ?MT phi*. Back, IV. Berlin, Merino, 0*1/, KM u4 Leather Horse fbr Geets, Ladles, Lads aad Miaaes, la pod snort awU, aad low arises at , .. FOSTER A U UNTERB. | rWttltT. a Tcry desirable Stock of Mea CX *"4 Boys Hall Hose. Ladles Saaaslcas ron-Frame How, Misses sad Childrea, la >oasestle, English and Qenaaa Manafarteres, o be had at FOSTER 4 HUNTER'S I" INKN Cambric Haodkerehlefs at flea ceats 1_J aaeh. Ladies, Ganls aad Children* Linen 'ambrie, Hem need, Ilemstilohad, Embroidered ( ma ruin BUk, fon|M>u4 other kind* at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. n BNT$ and Ladle* Cravat* and Searft, Or Bow* and Tie* in great t ariety at FOSTER 4 HUNTER'S. NOVELTIES tn Fan?T Good* at FOSTER 4 HUNTER S. LADIES Sacking*, Cloaking*, Ooera Clotbr, Ladle* Cloth* and FUantljF FOSTER nWllTER. GENTS and Ladle* Underwear, all wool and Merino Voet*, Shirt* and Drawer*, FOSTER 4 HUNTER. CARPETS,'Rag* and Mat* for ?at* by FOSTER 4 HUNTER. BEAUTIES in Roman stripe Shawl*. F.4 H. &ENT8 fine Caaaimero Suit*, al*e Silk, Velvet and Valencia Veata, Cloth and 'asaimcre Coat*, Caasimer* Pant*, Wamratta Shirt*, Ac. F. A H. LADIES Velvet*, Velveteen*, Trimming Velvet*, Colored Velvet Ribbon*, Ac. f. a n. MILES a SONS' Shoes, in Cloth, Kid and Celt. F. a H. Tk/fOORE, LARRABEE A CO'S Shoe*, Bal'a, IVl Pnll.). .>.i n~.>. T ui ' ?1 Children'*. V. 4 H. "J7"ITZMETER'S and Por??r Day 4 Co'a., t\. Fine Water-Prool and Calf Boots, alao Buy*' Boota. F. 4 II. GENTS Lateat Broadway and Fifth Avenue Stylet Silk and Fur llata. m F. 4 H. PEEK, FREAN 4 CO'S., London Biscuit' C rem in Cracker* and Soda Biicuit. FOSTER 4 HUNTER. 1 ,000 pound* Candle*, French and 8tick at FOSTER 4 HUNTER'S. CURRANTS, Heedless RaUln*, Canned Fiah and Vegetables, Preserves, Ginger, 4c. . FOSTER 4 HUNTER. FINE Goahen Butter and Cheese, Maecarun i and Fresh Prime Riee. FOSTER 4 HUNTER. A FINE Stock of Black and Green Tea* FOSTER 4 HUNTER. M. A. Hunter <fc Co. A FINE lot of Perfume*, Musk, LuMn't Extract*, Hawley's Handkerchief* Deli" eacica ; deliciously Perfumed Soap*?Lubin's, Haw ley's, Colgate's and others, for sale by M. A. HUNTER 4 CO. A FINE stock of llalr Brushes, Clothe* Brushes, Tooth Brushes,Shoe Brushes, Nail Brushes, 4c., for sale by M. A. HUNTER 4 CO. PUFFS, Puff Boxes, Lily-white, Rouge, Cold-crcain, Cosmetics, Shaving-cream, Ac. M. A. HUNTER A Co. LETTER and Note Paper, Gilt Note, Bristol board Cards, Card Cases, Playing Cards, AC. M. A. HUNTER 4 CO. HAIR Oil, Pomatums, Pomades, Cologne, Bay Rum, Bloom of Youth, Magnolia Bairn, Golden Lustre, at M A llllWTlfn a r>f\ FLAVORING Extract*, all kind*, onr own and other make*, lor Cakes, Pics, Icecream* and Dlauo-mange M. A. HUNTER A CO. I~MNE Cigars, Meerschaum Pipes, Wood, Ivy and Indian Rubber Hpei and Pipe-bowls, Lara Sets, Tobacco fiags, Stein* and smoking artieles, for sale hy H. A. HUNTER A CO. Oct 25 25. tf EMPORIUM OF VJLSICXOS. WE hare received a superior assort* mcnt of English, French and American BEAVER-CLOT IIS, CASS1MERES AND VESTINGS* WITH A FULL ASSORT*! 1 NT OF Oentlemen'i Furnishing Goods and Trimmings of all Qualities. R!?AE)Y-IM]A(D)? A GOOD assortment of Over-floats and /V Ctnin^rf Hui'i, Shirt* md Drawer*, Mat* and Cap*, Boy a'and Oliildrtn'f ClothInjr, Aa AH have licen relected personally with care and the LOWEST CASH PRICE4, And we will tell accordingly Having pouted t hereby in all the late*t and mo*t approved ety tea of Cutting Sp Jtlaking, We are pr-pared to Cut and Make up Clothing in the latr*t and mnit approved tyle*. UP* All Work Warrmulrd. WEED'S UNEXCELLED SEWING MACHINE . FOR SALE. It doe* mora than twenty different kind* of work, and will etlich from the ftne*t or gandiej to |he heaviest cloth, l?-aih?r, wood, or abaft lead, with taee. It lie* aeveral new improvement*, and la rtill improving, or Warranted to give perfect a*tl*fae11'>? ~Oa A. PICKI.E Oreenvtlle. 9 C , Oet. 24. I?*71. 85-tf OALL AT c. 6oaiwm?t store A d Examine the "World-Renowned HOWE SEWINQ MACHINE, r i? First and Best In tbe World. ITS beauty and excellence of ditch, being alike on both eidae; its no w rotary ten pton Sod an automatic self-regulating take up rhat prerenU missing of ditches in crossing II seams ; for tbe upper-thread, and its perectly uniform tension in the shuttle, from a full to an empty bobbin, glees complete con- I ol orer both threads; its economy of thread eyond that of any other maehinaj its sewing Ibe finest fabrics without injury or pucker, and then passing to the beariest material without a change of tension thread or needle, and srith the greatest ease; iu simplicity, dorahUity, and ease of management; us running nltb less noise and greater ease than any other Sbattle Machine; are its peculiar qualities, and iheuld reccommend It to all In want of a FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. A* accomplished operator always la atten ItON. Af?H Wanted. ALFRED 0. ELY, Qoaoral Afoot for Sooth Carol Id*. .J * . J. L.TIHSLKY, Auiotaat, Greenville, 8. 0. par- Coont<j Produce will b? taken la ?*. ihaof* for tb? | Ilowe Meehlne. OcllS SI 9n Votioe TS DBRBBY ghran to all wkoaa it may eoa- _ 1 ears, that vt will apply to 8. J. Dontblt, > Probata Jwdga af Oraaarltto Gouty. aa ** Jtf M| / Dtrrmbtr n*rt, for a taal aleebarg* aa Administrators with tba Will inMitd, of the Batata of THOMAS W. XINMAN, daeoasad, and at Administrators of the Batata of MARTHA KIHMAH, da?oa.(d. . ? JOHN CHARLB8, DARK8DALB CHARLBS. Oat. Mih, till. JM 1MI88 McKAY Haa opanod bar Vail atylaa of . MILLINERY and FANCY \ GOODS ; among wliloh are the J UniatMl atylaa of B0NNBT8, HATS, FL0WBR8. FBATIf. MRl BR8. RIBBONS, 8ASH and TRIMMING, FURS, FANCY WJ]H TIBS, LACB8, 00R8RT8, VWV TOILBT ARTICLB8, LADIBS' UNDBR.CLOTHINO, AC. 8ba baa joat retaraed from Now York where aba baa (pared no paioa in tba aelaotton of bar Stook, hoping thereby to merit tba liberal patronage so kindly extended to bar, aaanr> ing bar (Viand* aba will do all la bar power to plan a. Oat 11 S3 If Jfc'owier & Vaughn HAYB opened, tt the atand form rly omnpltd by Lnng A Goodlett, taarly opposite Foeter A Hunter. a general took of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, consisting of Clothe Oaarlmerea, Ready-made Clothing, Calicoes, Worsted, DK-rr.ratios, Ac., together with Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup*, Floor, Baecn, and Groeerie* generally. Also Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery ?ware. Fancy Articles, Ac , Ac. WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KlNOS OF COUNTKY PRODUCE, IS* CASH OS TOADS. IV Wa will also purchase COTTON. 1 We desire a eall fiom our friends in tha I eount>y and *.ha public in general, ptoniie- I ing to give aatlataction. Oct 25 25 Sra PURE M8MTY WmiE EMigi BY TELEGRAPH. fQBOME Stock in Store now, and j KJ) a Large Lot coming, ' felili'i'fcD OCTOBER 17TII, Ordered by TELEGRAPH. , Sower, Cox 4c Rlnrk'ey. Oct 25 26 tf G.DIEHC KS, DEALER IN I ALL KINDS OF 6R0CEREIS, 1 Cigars, Tobacco, A Foreign A Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ales Ac. at wholesale and retail low fur cash. COLUMBIA* S. C. AT KIKSLER'S HALL CORNER. Oct IS 24 3sb ?lf011S BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, AND FANCY GO ^DS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed ?ji -*-* w-v m a -w -w-% ? or j^u i Auiji^a. ? ALSO GENUINE 2PXB3BB1LIS SIP1?CTA(CILIES. B* Wchrlc. Oct 11 S3 If A. \) MULLIGAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COHHISSIOI MIBCIAIT. ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. I Will also, when place 7 in funds, purchase and forward all kitds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertilizers, do. Oct 25 25 1 j HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN T57I33S?, ta^aSSSiS, SEIOARS, TOBACCO, &,C., NO. 107 EAST BAV, CIAK&IKVOH, S. C. II. BleCHOrr. C. Wt'LBKRN. /. n. rtsrsx. Oct 25 2ft 6m * TO THE LADIES. ' ' ' J fall and %Yi later Opening. , l M.?. Lti JENNINGS *^6?p*elO'Uy informs the " ^qga k?-s kiat ?h? is now racaivbmbmB *i*ic ; fall ash wistkr TtJflMII.1 IIIDDV in in i u ii 111 in u l ' M LATMr AMD M?a(t FASHIONABLE STYLES. Tb# Stock will aontitl of all lb? line* of I OOOIW found in aimilar nlibliibmtnu, I and will ba offnr.d at rerv immikM. ' priena. ' *7-tf Valnnble Fam far tale. I OFFER MY FARM, en Sooih Saluda. I cvmaiag 600 acre*, for mI?, a large I i roportloe of which la Rirar and Ci?ek pQ^-l QW. Raf.r lo MRS. A. 0. FEA3TER. No? 8 *7 tr * I M . *!L'. 4 twa I DBT GOODS, BOO' G. W. BBUl w? ivtii now receiving nr.d openin ILY GROCERIES, consietii Crushed, Powdered an* Java, Lagnyra and Rio Gunpowder, Imperial ni MOLASSES and SYRl Family FLOUR, in bar MACKEREL, Canned , English MUSTARD, W Yeast POWDERS. SOI PEPPER, GINGER, C PICKLES, SAUCES, J AU French and American NUTS of various kind) SEGARS, PIPES, Sim Table and Pocket Kniv Writing Paper, Envelo] A VARIED HARDWARE, CI GLASS WITH A GENERA1 jADIES' AND GENTLE! TRIM MI BFSj Many otlior Articles for the us FARM, too numerous to mention i PLEASE CALL AND E ?. V. Nov 1 CHINA Hill. WILLIAM t. STWV, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND EAR I HEN WARE, U-MTED. 111TUIU Alii Japanned Ware. TABLE CUTLERY. MIRRORS, GAS-FIXTURES AND IHSHllllSllK GOODS GENERALLY, Oppo.iU Courl llourt, Columbia, S. C. Oct 18 24 8m CHILDS & WILEY, COLUHSI-'s., O. O. Fine Ilcaily.Made Clothing. The Cel?? hinted Star Shift Patent Pantaloon Drawn. Gent'a, Neek and Under Wear Th* Rjteian Brace Suaprndere. The True Fit Shirt. Linen Collar*, Paper Collar*. S\E/Lfi?e3 SI/^IPSS,, AT ALL STYLES AND PRICES. We invite the Public to eall and examine our Stock, a* we are determined to keep the very l>e*t that enmes to Columbia, and at price* that will *uit the time*. WE SELL FOR CASH, AND AT SMALL PROFITS. L. D. CHILDS. JOHN S. WILLY. Oct 18 24 3 in WILLIAM SLOANE, Lithographic) Coppor-plato, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, IP3LA3M EWrJEffiT, COLUMBIA, S. C. BOOKS, Pamphlet*. P"?tei*. Iland-Biil?, Card#, Circular*, Bill Ibadi, Fac Similea. Map*. Plana, Chalk and Una Drawings Liquor Label*, Druggist*' Piescrip* tioo*. eta, Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AMD ON TilK Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 25 25 Iiii* CENTRAL HOTEL, PLAIN STREET, 14 Idnck* from liii Main ; 6 block* from GreeDville T>epo*. Fare excellent. Term*. 82 00 per Hap. D. B. CLAYTON, Proprietor. Columbia, S. C. 24-Sin Watches or all Grades JEWELRY OK EVERY KIND I HAVE juat returned from New York with ti e Sneat atock in the market, embracing tachra of all grade*. Jewelry of all atjrlea, Hirer and Plated Ware of tho moat ni'Ktern >atterna ; beautiful in deaign, durable, cheap tnd wan anted to auit. ISAAC 8ULZBACHKR, I'nder Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct 18 24 3m _____ _ VISITORS TO COLUMBIA. 8. C.t Will do well to cnll on ! B. 4?6Kt?B To parclin8e their )mrnST^ Jackson'* Old Drug Stand. Oct 18 24 Bin fcb? jdWfc??? ? MMmMMI rocikies, m 8H0B8, AG. * json &. nn rw v a. 1 V/ g Full Supplier of Fresh FAM- oj ig in part of; ^ J Brown SUGARS COFFEE fid Breakfast TEA JP of various qualities rels and sacks and Spiced OYSTERS f orcestersbirc SAUCE DA. Table SALT CINNAMON, CLOVES IELLIES, PRESERVES CANDIES i >king and Chewing TOBACCO es, Razors, Scissors pes, Sfeel Pens, Pencils, Iuk, &c. STOCK OF IROCKERY AND h WARE. K j ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S DRESS EOOl'S,. was, m. WES o of the HOUSEHOLD and the I in an Advertisement. XAMINE THE STOCK. srsojsr & 00. 26 tf Mrs. C- E. Reed's Millinery and Emporium of Fashion* Ladies* hats, cxrs and bonnets. ALSO (DOT3OTS AH? MAHH IN EVERY STYLE. TOILET ARTICLES, &C., FOR SALE VERY LOW. MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 Sin hWTUiMl <k co. CORNER LADY AND MAIN STREETS, columbians. c. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND HOSIERY, fWVt GOODS. CLOTIIJNO, IIATS, do. , AL'O A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF C &C. &G. Oct 1 24 8m ~ WEW "" William Glaze, COLUMBIA, S. C., IS now opening fine seleeiio.t of Ladies And Genls' English, Swim on.I American ( WatehcJ. Sole Agent lor the celt bra1 ed Pnutine Watch. Philadelphia Cimpsny'a Gold Chains, < VmI On.r. CI V?W 1 ? -I - - ? laee?, Diamond King* and Brooch's, Pearl, (till and half reli. Silver Ware. I'laUd Ware, Clock*. Cutlery, Honaehol 1 and Fancy flood*. Gun*, Sporting Good*, Jet and Horn Good*. William Glaze, One "'oor north ol Scott A Co 'a (tanking Home. 20-Sin JOHN C. SEEGERS, maimmer, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IAquor Dealer, L&GER BEER BREWE8 U COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oct 18 24 ly JOHNC^IAL, IMPORTER AND DEALER I3NT ENGLISH and AMERICAN unarvninar u piiTirraii U U ?l1.1 i| *r wIron Steel Nails. Castings Mill Stones. Bolting Cloths. Smnt Machines. Circular Saws. { Mill Irons- Sngar Pans. - 1 CARRIAGE BUILDING ??d Tit! MM ISO M ATh RIALS, AND LEATHER RELYflMQ, AND ta2t2tbr8' tools, ; MOMSEKEEIPilNQ AND 5 Furnishing Hardware, Agricultural t Implements, 0 Tf n A T-?I ? ? a _ _ i ? i i<imo, vyemenr, r~ui8rer, \"is, French and American Window T Glass, Guns, Itiflos, Pistols, Shot t, Belts, Powder Flasks, Shot, Ac. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, At the Sign of the Gelden Padlock. COLUMBIA, S. C. * Oct 18 24 3m THE LIVE DP TOWN STORE! H. C. MARK A?: 1 n iius ainvcu from nv tom ato mwm mobtsmh oiots, WITH A LARGE AND SELECTED ?IF SrENERAL MERCHANDISE URY GOODS, CLOTHING, B99TS & SMSES, SE&X8UB <m?s, And a general assortment of UUl &00DS. THE SAME IIE PROMISES TO SELL CHEAPER sx&n ess ?s?ra. IIis Stock of GROCERIES is very large and well selected, which rill be sold at very LOW FIGURES FOR CASH. Call and satisfy yonrselves. * 2-i tf THE LADIES' STORE; HOVEY & TOWNES, AT TH'-'. OLD STAND OF WILLIAM EC. HOVEY. HAVE now a large and attractive STOCK of FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS, CON8I9TINQ IN PART OF Dress Goods, Silks, Merinos, Bombazines, Alpacas, Poplins, Suit-Clotli. Sateen, Mohairs, DeLaines, &c., <fcc., Shawls, Ribbons, Dices, Velveteens, Cloths, Cassimcre, Hosiery and Gloves, Linens and Cottons, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, <fcc., &c. We would Call Especial Attention to our MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Nainsook, Masalia, Tarltons, Jacconets, Checked Cambrics, Pin and Hair Cord Muslin, Indian Mulls, <fec., <fcc., &c. Thanking our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, wo vould respectfully solicit a continuance of the Baine. We are satisfied that an examination will not fail to convince our instoiners that we still hold to the old motto THS BEGT ARTICLE AT THE LOWEST PRICE. K0T3KF & OTIIS. Oct 11 23 tf Head-Quarters SHOES, HATS, Crockery, Groceries, */Vofiows, ? AND? GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Goods Sold by Wholesale to COUNTRY MERCHANTS AT CHARLESTON PRICES *o Bo wmmmm* AT THE OLD STAND OF wsmwim & px&gwbox,. Two Doors North or Coach Factory, Greenville, S, C. Oct IS 24 2.ii ClIlliSTOI'i.IIMMY & DO. Having Removed Their B B I SSiiS TO TI1EIR NEW PREMISES^ Jorncr of Brofld nnd ftldnlowU St*., AugHMn, (ia., ? BflSfclLL take creat pleasure in waitincr on mW CarnliliA frinn^c yfftj who will fiml a choice assortment of every description ot )KY GOODS, which will be dieted of at prices that m?*t eatisfy he most economical. t^"An examination of Goods and Prices respectfully solicited. Christopher Gray & Co., 25 3m f 202 and 20-i Broad Street, AUGUSTA, OA,,