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&\)t (EivUrpmc. Q ? E E M V 0 L L E7"srO. wionniTt Mcmn?, urn. Oor. Boott'i Min? Hull rtunoM Tk? bnm|? of tfmn?r Boor* io eery long. pHadpdly deeoted to i dlecnseloe of the finances of th* But*. Tboro U a prodigioet array of figures and calculations, explaining matters as bast bo la ablo. Tbo Gorornor attempts to throw tbo eblef blame of tbo depreciation of Btato bonds apon that portion of tbo people of this State, tbo intelligent property holders aad their friends and defenders. He wonld make It appear that their faalt finding Is the tree eaase of money troubles, at least in the mJa Bnt when It is considered that the en Matured by the Governor are powerlets, aad that tha Governor and hia political mmciatM are all poworfal la tho State, and have tho oatire iaanaf?moBt of tho money and credit of tho State, tho bodhbm of tho charge will appear at once. If the State oBelala had only deelred all thlo time to take care of the in* tereat of tho people, and to cconomioe the ex* penaea of the State inatead of making million* for themselves, all the fault finding in the world would hare hurt hat little. Whan a en utterly deatltnte of money, and with very little character come here from distant States and (at all the offices by cheating the Mack population into their support, and at the end ? two or three years are found investing funds by the fifty thousands aad the hundred thou* aand dollars in houses and lands, and stocks^ away out of the State of South Carolina, and where these same officials are in the aggregate reported to be worth millions of dollars, wheref they ware not worth as many cents, on com* ing here, there seems to be some reason for saying that tha Governor is slightly mistaken In attributing the had lnck of the State Treasury to honest patriots, who had nq power to control anything, and who only hare exercised the poor privilege of complaining ot their treatment. We saw the gamn of plundering the State Treasury commenced early by our present rulers, where they hoodwinked the' Legsilature, we will not say bribed, to throw away at least one million of dollars by passing a law to give six per cent, gold paying bonds to take up the bills of the banx of the State, which was a corporation that bad no right to require the 8tate to redeem its bills, and no attempt to do so had been made or seriously thought of by the Legislature which preceded 8cott's Legislature. By looking at these figures of the Governor, we see one debt of twelve hundred and fifty thousand dollars, created on this account. Every body now knows that this measure was not thought of for the good of the State, or the honor of the State, but to give away the public money to a " ring." And so the issuing of bonds, and the printing of twenty-two million of dollars worth, oonfessedly nine millions-more than the law directed. What is it all fer? It requires neither tedious argument, nor much calculation, to show where the blame lies. The State debt has been manipulated and doctored, and the State officials havs turn* ed.ovcr bonds, pledged them, and got money. Somehow, so it is, they have managed to bring up the State debt from five or si* to fit teen million of dollars, according to the beat citimates tbat seem to be made, in the meantime, baring levied and handled some millions of taxes which aro all gone, and the Treasury empty. When we see a few millions sticking out of their pockets, and many thousands of dollars worth of stocks and real estate in New York and Ohio and elsewhere, purchased by some of them, coating five times their ralaries we bare no need of a search warrant to find out where the State money has gone, and how it is tbat the people must be burdened with taxes, and threatened with still heavier. Just Heaven ! is it not too mueh that seven hundred thousand people in South Carolina should have these fraudulent burdsns imposed upon themselves and posterity, to make rich a few such men as these officials ? And yet, they are the men, and our native people, white and black, must stand aside for them, and go and work and make money, and pay interest on their bonds. We are all made the bond-ser ants of these half dozen or dozen masters and their overseers. We do not believe that the people of this State, black or white, are (uiu| iu hmu iuu ium(, om ion mey win repudiate theie men and tbeie bond*. All the people hare to do hereafter, :* not to vote tor them, or rote taxes to pay their little bill*; they bare had their aalariea and ought to be satisfied with tunning the State finances for the preaent, and not desire to perpetuate these burdens for a generation to come, which would be the ease if the people are foolish enough to boulder the debts they loare behind them. It ia their debt, not the people's, for the peoplo bare got nothing for it. The United States Court---Ku Klux Trials. Judge Bond and Judge Brtan are both presiding in the United States Court at Columbia. The Court met on Monday. A question wet raised by District Attorney Cordin as to the jury haring been irregularly drawn. Hon Rktbrdt Johnson maintained that the objection was merely technical; Mr. Corbin insisted that it was material, and the Judges adjourned the Court to consider the question. lion. Rbtirdt Johnson, of Maryland, and Hon. Mr. Stanbkrrt, of Ohio, who was once United States Attorney General, and Judge Barrbtt, of New York, all men of great abil i\.j, are 10 aeiena ma accused. dir. Uorsiv is to ba assisted bj Mr. Ch ambkrlai*, Attorney General of this State- The question will be made as to the constitutionality of the law which ubstantially authorises the President to suspend the writ of habeas copus when and wherever be pleases, in state or county, and to nse the military. If snob a law is 6onstitutional, we bare no more liberty in this country than in Turkey, Russia. Egypt, or the 2>lack kingdom of Dahomey. The Weather. On Wednesday night last this vicinity was visited by a light fall of snow, and on Thursday morning the air was quite cool and bracing. Daring the day the clouds gave unmistakable signs of giving as a repetition of the night before, and about three o'clock, P. M. snow began again to fall rapidly, in a short time covering the earth, and by night was several inches deep j the snow continuing to fall lightly until Friday morning when it ceased. From Friday noon until the following Monday the ground was covered with a very disagreeable mixture of ice, snow and mud, and *11 weye glad to hail bright weather once more. icitaroay *w aaoiis m ooja a aay m our riotera general)/ bring ua, tbe thermometer going down to 16* above aero, rendering orereoaU, abawla, Ac., completely in faabion oat of Hoot a, and biasing Urea at borne. Preebytorlan Church. Tbe Rot. Dr. Bciar will preaeb in the Prer. byterian Church next Sunday ntorping and thi PoUtloal Part of Oo?llhW feootfi Mime*. We HI (Orry to see thai Governor Scott plays the partisan polttieian In hi* mravage with great bitteraeve. lie even goes so far aa to r?|rtt his own eouosela in favor of minority repraaentation, oa account of the hatred ha bears to the white people of this Stale who have unfortunately, aahi something ugly at ont the woety matters in which he la concerned. The Governor quotes ?n?r tain things from a few newspapers, ta which some rough language la us?d towards his party, and therefore he feels justified in withholding simple justice from all the men, women and children and their posterity in Ibis Slate. who are nul ?f ? - I - ?r-1 "J The IodUn savages ?how just the same political wisdom. If one drunken white man ahould flight and kill one drunken Indian, the Indiana make war on all the white raee of the United States. So Governor Scott would droj the entire minority of the StatS( the whole white population in many countiee, of all repreaeotatioo or ehanee of appearing in the Legielutur* at all; juet beeauae the editor of the Charleston jVVtee or ol the Kewberry Herald got mad and aaiJ eotne raeh tilings; or because nme rowdy in Spartanburg or York whipped somebody elae. The people of Charleston, Columbia and all the people who are in minorities in every county in the State, whatever their characters, er merits, or claim* to have a little part to do In governing ''lemeelves ; those all must suffer eternal exclusion from the Legislature, and humbly submit to his bonds, hand-cuffed, and soul cuffed if he could. The long and the shoit of this is all easily seen. Men who grow suddenly rich in oflce, and as suddenly biing the Stato to bankruptcy "do not wish to see any minority in the Legislature, whom they think neither humbuggery er bribery will silence into the support of their Utile scheme* of bonds, and financial agencies, etc. Now it seems to us the Governor will be disappointed in his desTe of kindling up such a party feeling an-ij smoke as to smother all attempts to look into bis bonds and his cere of the public treasury. We hardly think any member.of the Republican party, who nas any lionest purpose for being a Republican, will be fool enough to belive that there is any party g?ln or advantage in upholding tha-1 plunderers of the pnbl<? treasury, and imposing of millions of debt on the peoples back. No I Republicans ;in this State and all over the United Stales, abhor such conduct and cell on Republicans here and everywhere not to sustain any man guilty of it. The Governor insults his own party by supposing they will make fraud a party question. Balesday Monday laat was Salcsdny in Greenville. Quite a numbrr of. persons were in town to attend tho various sales of Sheriff, Probate Judge and others The following is a list of sales made, by Sheriff Sownana and Judgo Douthit. old by snantrr. One small trait of lan-1, 25 acres, sold as the property of M. D. Dickey, Bought by W. C. Trammel! for $25. One tract of Land acres sold as the property of Joseph Green, Bought by P. B Benson for $-'5.00. sot.n nr trobatb jcdgk. One tract of land, 150 acres, sold as tho property of John B. JIuggins, deceased. Bought by Joseph Uaminond, e old and purcbrse 'y | John C. Goodwin, for $1125.00. I One tract of land acres, sold as tho | property of Nancy Murray, doccased.? i Bought by A. Blythe for $650.00. I One lot in city of Greenville, property of I Judith Atwood, deceased. Bought by T. B | Roberts, for another, for $2100.00. Three tracts of land sold as the property of t Leonard Cagle, deceased. Bought by Solo- i mon Jones, for$125.00. t Fall of Scaffolding. a While Mr. Smith's auction war going on a last Monday, a terrible crash wm beard iu the i Court House, which was undergoing repairs. < Immediately there was a great rush to tbo t building, as it was known tbat sercrnl work- < men were in the house. It was found that the whole of tho scaffolding used by Mr. Carpcn- 1 ter, the contractor for the plaster work, had giren way whilst work was going on with tho ce ling over the court room. Mr. Carpenter wot somewhat injured, and a young man hy name of Milton Qooplocb had threo ribs broken. The men were on the scaffolding when it fell, and it is a great wonder that no lives were lost. Some colored boys were underneath the framework when it started, but noticed it coming and flod into the jury room. Had they remained a second longer, they would have boon crushed to a jelly. New Papers. We acknowledge the receipt during the past week of two pnper* thnt biro just VOlilured upon the uncertain sea of journalism ; the first is THE ABBEVILLE MEDIUM, Issued at Abbeville Court House, a large, clearly-printed paper, published weekly at $3.00 per annum; IIrmphiLL A Co., publishers, and Robert It. Hemphill, editor. Poli? tics, independent. The second is TOE AIKEN TRIBUNE, Published by IIenrt Sparnick. Esq., editor and proprietor. The Tribune seems to start eut with good management, and is printed in a good section of country?Aiken. Itepubli vau im vuuq. Williams A Wbttmlre. The remainder of the stock of Williams a Whitmirb was sold at auction on Ftidey last, according to previous notice. The sale seemed to be pretty well attended by perrons in and around the city. Everything was disposed of and brought moderate prices. I Capt. Williams has ordered nn?l is now re- ] eeiving fresh stocks of Qoods to be open to the public, as he intends to continue tho business alono. We wish him much success. Mr. O. W. *ees. This gentleman informs onr renders this , week that he has commenced business at the old stand of R. Tkomasor A Co., in oonneotion with Mr. R. F. Miles, and intends to carry on a general dry goods and grocery store at the above named place, not withdrawing, j however, his attention from the confectionery business carried on by him also in the Seminary building. ( Cadets. ( We notice the return for the bolidajs of ( several of the eons of onr citizens who have ? been attending King's Mountain Military | School. JoiiyyiB Marshall, Turrsa Swam- , dale. Willie William* ?nd ur? . r " | are among the number. The/ appear <j<iite 1 I neat lo their military auiU, I ] - ' ^ Baa all-pox. It appear* from etatementa made in the rarion* paper* of the country. Diet tliia mnch dreaded die**** U makinf alow but ure headway in oar principal el tea and we wl" net be eurprWed ere long to ehren* iele the fact of ita reaching the entailer town* and vilUfee. Philadelphia eeema to be moat afflicted at preemt, there being now fully flee thousand eaa?a under treat mcnt, and the malady atill inerearirg.? The report of ene week exhibited one hundred and IKIv.iIim* *rv ( lily is also increasing io New York, Cincinnati and other eiliea. TJnmallable letters. Leltrre for the following named partiee have been dropped in tne poet-office at this place, but are deemed unmailable on account of not having (be proper postage on (hen* : William I.tnxa, Ninety -six. Edgefield Co., a a Mrs. Lou* a Clivals i*d, Henderson villo, N. C. Miss Jsnnik Chowder, Chick Spriogs, a a Commencement at^Reidvllle, The annual commencement of (be Hcidrille Male High School and Femalo College took place on Thursday7and Friday the 23d and 24th November, when addresses were delivered before the pupils of the respective Institutions by Prof. J. 11. Carlisle, of Wofford College and Rev. Win. P. Jacobs, of Clinton, 8. C. The two institutions number over a hundred pupils. Death of an Editor. The last number of the Sumter News csmo to us in mourning for the death of its Editor, Mr. L. B. Gat. llis very sudden death oo currcd on Saturday, 25th ult. Congress and the President's Message. Congress met on Monday, flen Qrast in his mossago suggests that all political disabilities be removed. We have only a telegraph report. Next week wa can give a synopsis. Now is the time to advertiso Christmas goods. About ten dollars' worth of postagestamps are used by our citizens daily. Chickens, turkeys and eggs have already commenced their annual Christmas rise. For the Greenville Enterprise. CuAnt.Esrox, 8. C., Nov. 28th, 1871. Editori Greenville Enterpriee?The Synod of South Carolina, met in Sumtcrville, on 15th ult., and was opened with a sermon by RevDr. Plumcr, the former Moderator. It was an able discourse. The Doctor is the most patriarchal man io appearance I ever saw ; you would take him for Noah, Abraham or Isaiah rsdicirsi. lie is so also iu character and life. There were from 80 to 90 members present, and a most ploasant^and harmonious mooting. The City of Charleston has been sorely afs flictcd. The sickness has been more general than reported, but not more fatal. 212yelto? fever deaths Is tho whole number. But then, tbero woro thrco fevers hero at onco?tho yellow fever, the malarial fever and tho broken bono fover?and wholo multitudes were sick, but few comparatively died. Tho physicians say that yellow fever is from animal putrefaction > tho malarial fever is from vegetable putrefaction ; and broken bone fever from cold. Tho treatment of each was verv different?Calo aaol for the first ; quinine for the second ; and lot drinks lor the third. It has been a torrii>lu blow to the City, amd it will bo long before t fully recovers. The new City Council Is very popular, aud 10 far have been very cautious and judicious n their course. It is thought the interest on he City debt will be paid in full in January, icxt, and the City stock has advanced in conicqucnce. The City is on the whole, progros five, and soon will be very prosperous. There s a new spirit among the people, and much sntcrpriso and industry, and the City and State are neither so far gone as politicians, fur fftcA, represent. There is a bright future for our people, they need encouragement. The climate, the soil, the capital, the intelligence and virtue of our people will yet solve the problem. Our troubles are temporary, our advantages permanent. We are like a sick man recovering from disease nervous, petulant and disheartened, but soon all will be changed. The churches hero arc all again opened and well attended. I preached on Sunday morning in Bethel Methodist Church, and nt night in Spring Street Methodist Church to large and attentive audiences. I hope to bo back on 8th December, and in my pulpit on 10th. Tho weather is warm and oppressive. Tho business is improving, and old Charleston, " the City by the sea" will, I hope, long live a blessing to the State. E. T. B. for toe gheiev1lle rrtrrprise. Mississippi CorrespondenceEdilurt Entt'prime .Obntlkmbx?Wo thank you for the weekly visit* of your interosting paper. Strange events have so rapidly transpired, that liko Job, we hare been dumb, and wondering what next ! Whon we survey the widep read desolations, the injustice, eruel oppression, and dcspotie tyranny of our native State, liko tho weeping Prophet, we nro ready to excltim?" Ob, thnt my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, 'hat I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people." When will our dear old State be avenged ? Echo answers, When f? Qod rules and takes eare of sptrrows, and she is of more value than tbey. The day of her redemption will yet come. Be patient; "stand till and seo the salvation of the Lord." For his cruel oppression of God's ancient Isrnel, 1'haraoh and bis host were overthrown in the Red sea. Already the wide-sproad desolations in our oppressor's land, by God's avenging agent ?fire?proclaim in unmistakable language, the fulfilment of the divine declaration, ' Vcngennco is mine, I repay, saith the Lord." We have watched with doop interest the rapid progress of your Queen City. Are glad that you are not under martial law. Those fleeing from South Carolina, can And good homes and profttable employment anywhere in this Western country. Many laborers are wanted in this County, and along the CharlesIon and Memphis Railroad. Near Cherokee, North Alabama, a number are wanted. Call ?n or write to Charles Newson. Average price >f lands, $10 per acre. Good hands tlO and |12 pr mentb. Rent, one-third corn, onefourth cotton. Plantation furnished with Mock and tools, one-halt given. Less than half crops made this year. Hard times, hnt bope tor better. Chills all over the country, but the people don't seem to dread them. So ori'jjjri ggg Ugr |U?t?JI; (tod. Men (mh) shew, amok* and drink. Woman work, draaa nod "dip." Tbe world pretty wall aounterhalanced. Any ona doing wall, better raraain where tbgy are. 60 long aa wa Hve, wo will " dpalrp a better 0000(ay.* We kan not jret determined *kat we wSl do, and wtore wa will Ire neat year. I hare given my whole time to preaching thin year. Three Sahbatha at Corinth, and ona at Doak'a Creek, Madiaon County, Mississippi. Tbe Cberekeo Baptlat Church has ealled me for twe Sahbatha. They also invited me to Tuecumbia. Corinth wanta two Sabbaths. The Churcbea will allow ua to teach aehool to aupplemont aalary. They olfcr aa positions la the Corinth achool. If we take 'tha aehool. I ?i" * will pntoh only half of my time. Doak's Greek baa eallod me for two 8tk> batha naxt year, and Betbesda ona. Tboy of? far ua tba mala and famalo school at Camden, Madison County, Mississippi, fire milaa from aaid eburcbaa, aalary from 91,600 to 92,000.? Am to (Ira tbem an nnawer the 3d 8abbath in December. We Ilka Corinth; it ia rapidly increasing 1 hare good schools and good aociety. I bare examined aareral plantations for sale, bnt bare soon Dona yat we would exchange anr Greenville farm for. We bare concluded to remain hero ona yaar longer, and than if not satisfied, return to South Carolina. This la certainly a better country, but not so healtby as South Carolina. Our bealtb, however, is good. We bad a panio in Corinth some time ago from scarlet fever, and concluded to leave and return to Carolina. But the alarm has died away into faint echoes, and we have concluded to remain. This climate is unfas vorable to persons of oonsumptive habits, and rheumatic affections. I saw your iriends and late fellow-cititens^ J. R. Smyer and wife, recently, at Okolona.? Tboy were well, in good spirits, are pretty well satisfied, but like- many others have not (ully realised their expectations. The short crop is the main disappointment. His is a good region of countrv. Land rather hirti ? Ho thinks it will deoiine in , ice. I also met a Mr. Ford at the sstne place?a Sabbath school scholar ot Dr. Jas. Harrison. He had not heard of his death. Said tho Dr. made religious impressions on bis mind, that led to his conrersiou, ?nd that, " He was the best man that ever lived." His was indeed " A life that moved to gracious ends. Through troops of unrccording friends? A deedful life?a silent voice." T. D. Q. Corinth, Miss., Not. 28th, 1871. A Plkasast orctatiom?" Drawing " one of the 24tl6 cash gifts which are to be distributed by lite South Carolina Land and Immigration Association at the Grand Concerts in Charleston, on the 8th of January next. Utilise other dentists, the lucky fcl low will not " look down in till mouth." State and Other Items. Mr Jnraes Daily, of Greenwood, Abbeville county, died on the 18th ult. The Darlington Index suspended last week. The Governor has appointed Edward Cant well a Cornmiasiuaer ol Deeds for South Carolina, resident in Wilmlngtoa, Nortli Caiolina. Thomas Tate, of Charlotte, N. C., who died a short lima urn had hi* lif- ln? nrarl for $150,000. A dying uien at Grand Tunoel, Pa., said that tli* Avondalc breaker was never fired by accident, bnt thai he wu one of a party of six who fired it. Virginian* boast that the present eondi. tion and prospects of tluir State are better than those of aoy other State In the late Confederacy. On Monday the house of Mr. James It. Aiken, of Winneboro', was robbed of two hundred and filtoen dollars. The burglars left a note at Captain Baeott's, next door, saying that as Mr. Aiken wasaick they only took Ilia pocketbook. During the progress of tlie repairs on the United States circuit court house in Charleston, Wednesday, a large parrot shell, unexploded, was dug out. A freight train ran into several baggage ears on a turn out near Florence Tuesday night, demolishing them and killing a switch tender. The cause of tha accident was a misplaced switch. In the drawing of the Aiken premium land sale, which took place November 80, No. 10.779 drew the first prixe, valued at $25,000. llarry Watkins, the favorite actor won it A oolored man, named Jamea Jenkins, was so badly injured in Charleston, oc Monday last, by a barrel of roein falling on his head, that lis died Wedneedsy. On me same any, an age4 colored woman, L-med Mary Ann Morris, waa accidently burned to death by her clothes taking fire. On Saturday last, while young Jaroea Jenkins, (a son of the late Dr. James Jen* Liu*,) was hunting dusks, iu the old Myers plane, about fifteen miles below Columbia, his gun wne accidently discharged, the whole load entering his body, killing him instantly. llenry Berry I/owery, one of the Kobe* eon county, North Carolina, gang of out. laws, who ought to be hung, boasts that he lias had four interviews with General Gorman, who prnprosed to compromise with hirn by allowing him to enlist in the United States army, and thus escape the penaUiet of the law I Some three or four weeks ago Mr. Allen Bettis, Chairman of the Hoard cf Commissioners for Cleavsland county, North Carolina, was arrested by Grant's military, carried by force to South Caroline and lodg*d in Yorkville jail, where he ie etill confined. Several days after, four other eitisens of Clearelend were arrested illegally by Federal cavalry, and likewise disposed of. Tire organ of St. Michael's Church, Char lesion which has so long been undergoing repairs, is now completed, and in a short while lh? congregation of that Church will have the great pleasure of once more llwteoing lo lie melodies tones. It has beea considerably enlarged, and has been repaired throughout. A few days ago, a white man named Kirkpatriek, confined In the Penitentiary at Columbia, for horsestealing, killed a color, ed man by the name of Smith who W'| occupying the same cell with him. Smith's skull was broken, a piece of beneh having been used by hie murderer ; hie throat was aiao cut. Kirkpatriek confessed the crime, and will be turned over for trial as soon as hie sentence is served out, which will be in July. Gbkmulls, Dn . Cotton, If), Hew Tonic, Dm. 4. Cotton quiet; ( )? 1708 bake ?old dull nt 10J Baltiuobx, Dec 4. L IHpur end whent euedy. Com aetirta I 65071. Pi oniniono quiet on# unehenf ed WhUky V4i@95 Qptton trm?enid dlingi 18|; reeoipta 72V bale*; take IU stock *,(X>0, CaanLBSTon, December 4. Voiten stream?middling 18tfj$18*; receipts 1,835 bales | sales 800 j stock 88,2X7. Asaaati, DkwW 4. Cotton atrong?middling 17|; receipts 1,000 bnlaa j anion 800. Livammoi* Doeombor 4. Cotton inn? uplands Hi Orleans MANvrAcmim^a Eirrnarais* i* Ciiablkvton. ?Charleston in font booiming n nianufa*. tot ing m well on n eomraereial city. The largest manufactory of doora. anhea, blinda, An , in the 8ooikern States, ia that of Mr. P. P. TOALE. on Horlboek'e Wharf in that eity. aalea rooma nt No. 80 llnyno atreet ? Mr. Tnale'a advertisement appear* in nnothor eolumn. The Great Pictorial Annual. Hostetier's United States Almnnao for 1872, for distribution, gratii, throughout the United Stntea and at! civilised eountrlea of the Western Hemisphere, will be pubdshed about the rat of January, Hi the BngHsh, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to nnderatand the true philosophy o: health should rend and ponder the valuable suggestions it eontnina. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, pre Tcimuii huu euro 01 a jrtai variety 01 discas* ea, it embraocs a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man ; and the ealrulatinna hare been made for aueh meridians and latitodea aa are moat suitable for a correct and comprehenaive National Calendar. The nature, uaea, and extraordinary sanitary effects of Moatetter'a Stomach Bitters,"the staple tonie and alteratire of more than half the Christaln world, are fully set forth in its paxes, wbicb are also interspersed with pictorial illnstrationa, valuable receipts for tbb household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other Instructive and amusing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will he one of the most useful, and may be had for the asking. Tho proprietors, Messrs. Ilostctter A Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a oopy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighhorhood. The Bitters are sold in evory city, town and village, and are extensively] used throughout the entire civilised world. 81-4 I. 0- 0.' F. Monnlain Lodge, No every Friday Night, at their Hall, over Mar aball A Mauldin'a Drug Stote. Regular at> tendance d?aircd. ROBT. McKAY, N. O. Aug 80 17 If NoticeTHE firm or WILLIAMS a W HUM IRK is this day dissolved, occasioned liy the death of Mr. Whitmiic. The utider? signed will settle the business of said firm, and all parties indebted either by note or book account, are requested to settle at o?ee. LEONARD WILLIAMS. THE undersigned will continue busi* i e?s at (lie old stand of Williams ?fc Whltmirn, and will continue to d>-al in all th* staples and products o( the Country, in Groceries, Provisions, and Plantation Supplies generally L. WILLIAMS. Greenville, S. C., Dec. 4, 1871. Dee 6 81 % For 1679. AT F. A. Walter'# Drug store. Dec 6 31 If | "cologne" Of a Superior Quality, Made by F. A. WALTER. Call and get a bottle of tbe Walter Brand. 31-tf Another New Store G. W. REES RETURNS thanks for past liberal patronage. and would inform his frirnds and the public g-nerally that he is now working with a Aim styled R. F. MILES & CO, WIIO HAVE OPENED AT THE urn e?PAT?fs X* AJJL/ OlV/AIl Opposite Davis & Morgan's Store, | AND ARE NOW RECEIVING ANO OPENING EVERY VARIETY OP | MERCANDISE COMMON, | * WUICll MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. All are invited (end might do well) to call on ua before purchasing. THE ATTENTION Of The People 13 ALSO INVITED TO THE VERY EXTENSIVE VARIETY ?OF? Christmas Goods, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, FANCY GOODS, *S., Which are being opened at bia old Stand, Lower Room in Seminary Building. Dec 6 81 tf Edmonds T. Brown, V :-3 5 s 6 ^1p[ s t y |Mjp 48 HAYNE STREET, 0PP08ITE CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, if. 0. Dm 9 SI 1 j E8TASLIS <**. m*. w, DRUGGIST ANI WMtfe %' CHEMICAL OILS, DY Fancy Goods and ' Great O^SSDPS, ?jy mtJt. su (The cheapest ever brought to tnu vtmmotM Imported direct SEWING MACHINE OIL, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, PERFUMERIE SOAPS. BRUS Ci PURE WINES . (FOR MEDICINA BLANK BOOKS . Bibles, Photograph Albums, Pc Letter, Note, Foolsonp, L cy Paper ; Envelopes dries in Anything in my line not in stocl tico and reasonable prices. Ever and satisfaction guaranteed in ever |^~ Physicians' Prescriptions, all kinds put up and furnished at i Not IS Notice T S hereby given to mil wbom it mey concern, ? tbmt I will apply to 8. J. Donthit. Probata | Judge of Graenriile County, on Ike 8lk day e/* JanHary'jeejrt, for m final diacharge aa" Admin- | mriirix # ui me j&iikui oi olKfllU?! LONG, deceased, therefore all parties baring claims against'said estate will preaent them to a.*, or the Prolate Judge, on or before aaid day or be debarred. EMILY M. LONG, Administratrix. Dee. bib, 1871. 31-5. The State of South Carolina? GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY rirltteof sundry Write of Fieri Facia*, to me directed, I ill eell, be'ore the Court House door, on Salttday tn January next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon, One tract of land known aa the Moas Tract, I of land containing One Hundred Aorei, more or leat, and bounded by lands of U. Watford, N. Mills, 0. P. Earle and others. Tract No. 2, containing One Hundred Acres, more or loss, and bounded oy lands of D. 8imms and others, and known aa the Turner Tract. Tract No. S, containing Seventy-fire Acres, mora or less, aod bouuded by lands of Siinms, Fisher and others, and known as the Dill Laods. Tract No. 4, containing Two Hundred and fourteen Acros, and known as the Burett Lands, adjoining lands of U. Smart, Korkandoll and others. Levied on as the property of John Forest, at the suit of W. A. Mooney. a1.1a One Hundred and Sixty-two and one half gallon* of Peach Brandy. Lerled on as the property of Moses Paris, at the suit of W. T Shumate and others. Terms, cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. December 6th, 1871. 3f._4 7 CSj M 2B sg 30 g tg s 1 2 05 ij H I 2 S 5 S s ! iltw *Sg o il s m @ I/) BRYAN & M'CARTER, Columbia. 8. 0. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN SCHOOL, LAW AND MEOICAL HOOKS, Standard Work* for LiknilM, N*w Publlealiona, Stationary aid Blank Books* Blank* for Lawyer* and Trial Ja*ttn?a, cmn, &o. Family Bible?, Hymn Bookd, of all Style*. 1 P*? * 81 3a 4 "* *r > APOTHECARY, 5, PAINTS, F.-STITFFS,. Toilet Requisites in Variety. usssis) flpmasao, >*ket;) also Agent for tlie veritiible: II MklliW 9 from Germany. rz " p rr? * > * . i ' ' HES, OMBS, SNUFFS and SEGARSi AND LIQUORS, L U^BS ONLY.) & STATIONERY, rtninnaies. Pencils, Pens, Inks, ega! Cap, Tissue and Fan- " \ and Stationers' SunGeneral. c, will be supplied at shortest noything warranted as represented, y case. Family Recipes and Mcditines of ill hours ot the day and night. lb mm in if Treat the linman maehioe gently. The winding passage. SO feet in length, through which i he main portion of wsete matter of the ayatem it discharged, 'a lined with a memberana aa delieale aa silk, and aa sensis. tire aa a net work of nervea ean make it. Neither eonatipalion, eolie, diarrhoea, dyaenlery nor any other bvwel complaint, can he eared by abuaing and convulsing this tender membrane with a furious purgative. The beat and aafeet remedy in aneh cases la that tuild balsamic and delightful tonic laxative, TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT^ which heals, tones and invigorates the irritated to*tinea, while it relieves them from the morbid humors which provoke abdomloal disease. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Nov 21? J?o 4 BANKM MB. BY virtue of an order fo me directed. Issuing out ef the Honorable, the Unitek Statee District Court for South Carolina,. I will aell t?? the highest bidder, at the residence of ENOCH G CUNNINGHAM at. Wednesday, the tfXh day sf December" pro*., all that Traet of Land whereon the I aaid Cunningham reside# By order of the| Court it U sold free from all liens and in? ~hrance?, and it will be divided toasts* pu. chasers. Also, aboat Four Hundred bushels of Corn, la lots of fifty bushels. Terms, cash. Purchasers to pay for statupe and papers. A. BLYTHEL 80-4 Aesiguee. 1000 Apple Trees for Sales 'PHE undersighned offers for sals a lot of L APPLE TREES. They are two yeara old, the seedinut coming from Pennyslvania, and afterwards grafted ; are of ehoioa varieties, altogether aeelimated, and among them are the earliest to the latest. These Tr?M are well grown for their age, and were grown for I he luliMrllxT'i own nee, but there are more than he now need*.? Thej are offered at twenty u?e iCZlZ J'lreei by the doten, and twenty dollar* |>er hundred, which ie ae low aa ean be pnrehaae.l at any of the Nureeriea, without adding freight. They may be eeen at the resident* 9! Cpt. Watera, Greenville. 8. 0 OBOROB HELD MAN. Nov tS It if ' J* Strayed. From thia Ofty, on, for "boot 'he 6th mat, a COW, of red color, with white W\ f\ ape'.a, and of email It ia probable that by thia tune aha hea a ealf. A liberal reward will he paid for her, or any information concerning her, left at SULLIVAN A SON'S atore. 80-6 JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER INVOICE OP THE CELEBRATED German Student Safety Lamp. IF YOU WANT THE GENUINE IMPORTED F. At WAITER. DRUGGIST. VotM M . 9 Iv 1*1* J'4*?'.