University of South Carolina Libraries
# Inn kssptrt' Anecdote*. Col. Fornoy in l?io 44 IleoolleQ. lions " records many a good thing, and the following adds to the onmThere is not a State in the Union, North or Sonth, which could not furnish anecdotes of its representative inn Fceperp: of tlioip rolfttinna tn itnlil In fllCM to Calhoun in SoutH Carolina. to Webster in Massachusetts, to Clay in Kontacky, to Soargoni S. Prentiss in Mississippi, to Groorgo D. Prentice in Loiusville, and to the loyors, divines, and orators who tor half a century dominated in those sections. If tbeso Bonilac os could have kopt records of their experience, what anecdotes they couid ielato of the giants of the past, of their private tronbles, their public ambitions, their pub lie ambitions, ther contrivances and their caucnsscs, their friends and their foes ! 1 knew many ot them, and could relato many interesting incidents it I had space and time. Let me recall one in regard to this same John Guy, sometimes told by my triend Dougherty, when we can win him to social familiarity and make him forget professional responsibilities. Guy bore a striking rescmhiancc to General Lewis Cass, and while he was proprietor ot the National Hotel, in Washington, the Michigan Senator was among his favored guests. Guy dressed like Cass and although not as portly, his face including the wart, was strangely similar. One day a Western friend of the house came in after a long ride, dust}' and tired, and walking up to the office encountered General Cass, who was quietly standing there. Mistaking him tor Guy, he slapped him <Jn the shoulder and exclaimed: u Well, old fellow, here I am; the last time I hung my hat up in your shanty, one of your clerks sent me to the fourth story ; but now that I have got bold of yon, I insist upon a lower room." Tho General, a most dignified ' personage, taken aback by this startling 6alute, coldly replied : " You havo committed a mistake, sir. I am not Mr. Guy ; I am Generald Cass of Michigan," and angrily turned away. The Western man was shocked at the unconscious outrage ho had commited ; but before he had recovered from bis mortification, General Cass, who had passed around the office, confronted him again, when, a second time mistaking him for Guy, he faced him and said : M Here you aro at last. I have just made a devil of a mistake ; I met old Cass and took him for you, and 1 am afraid the Michi* gander has gone off mad." What ri i n l,j l.. UCUC1 U1 V>ilOC WUU1U lid >?* OilIU may well be imagined, if the real Guy bad not approached and res cucd the innocent offender from the twice-assailed and twice anger cd statesman. A clergyman in Scotland desired his hearers never to call one another " liars," but when anyone said " the tiling that wras not" they ought to whistle. On Sun day, he preached a sermon on the parable of the loaves and fishes, and, being at a loss how to explain it, he said the loaves wore not like the loaves nowadays?they were as big as some of the hills of Scotland. He had hardly pronounced these words, when he heard a loud whistle. " Who's that ca's mo a liar?" said he. "It i3 I, Willy Macdonald, the baker," was the reply. " Well, Willy, what objection have ye to what I ha' told you?" "None, Mtss John ; only I want to know what sort of ovens they had to bake those loaves in," Wk do not wonder at the distressing earnestness with which the Christian Intelligence asks :? Is there no way of stopping the murderous style of singing which executes 6ome of our best hymns, or ralher garrotcs them, in tho fol lowing style?Tue ye he he hear of Jow-Billy, of Jcw-ew-Billey ey, Jeew Billey, he he is come ! Durino a heavy shower, a New Londoner noticed a poor fellow asleep on the sidewalk, and soaked through. He genii v arom-cd hi in and admonished hitn of his exposure. 44 Go way," said the inebriate, 41 go way, now do. This shower (hie) is doing ine (hie) and the rest ot the crops a (hie) dam ed sight of good (hie). 1 tell you." As my wite at the window, one day, stood watching a man with a monkey, a cart came by with a 44 broth of a boy," who was driving a stout little donkey. To my tvife I then spoke, by way ot a joke,44 there's a relation of yonrs in that carriage I" To which she replied, as the donkey she spied, 44 All, yes I a relation?by marriage !" 44 Mass a Christ' rintR Columbus was a queer man," said a negro orator. 44 A notion crossed him one day, and den ho crossed an ocean." ?? AN.Illindis doctor, called to see a boy who had pot a kernel of pop corn hift^-indpipe, told ihe tatiior to Hre and hold the boy ovef^TV^Wr tlto corp |>oppcd ! Notice. ALL fER80M? INDEBTED to tbo Uto WILLIAM 11. UOVBY, or* reuncstcd to come forward and nako PAYMkNTB *o tbo SaHooilbor, and all tfcoee bavins n; DK. MANDS against bis Estate, are hereby notified to preabat tbflox for settlement. M. M. 110VKY, Adaiiaistrator with Will annexed. OrmTillt, 8. C., September SO, I8T1 10-W $23 Reward. The above reward will i?e paid r??r the apprehension of one JACK GARMANY, and hia delivery to the Jailor of Greenville County. The ea d Germany la a colored man e?me 20 yeere of age, live feet ten inehea high, and weighs 150 Ilia. J. P. MOORR, Mayor. Greenville, S. C., October 4, 1871. Oct. n ss tr Notice IS HEREBY given that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on Ike 20ik doy of Socember wejrt, for a final disuhargo aa Guardian of WM. A. ARNOLD and JAMES 11. ARNOLD. A. R. McDAVID, Guardian. October 17th, 1871. 21-5 Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern that X will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, oh ike IStk dug of Sorember next, for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of ELIZABETH R. PEDF.N, deceased. DAVID At. PEDEN, Exccntor. October 11th, 1871. 24-5 Notlco IS HEREBY j'vjn to ull whom it may eoncorn, that wo will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Urccnvillo County, on ike 2Oik dog of Sot emher tiexl, for a final discharge us Administrators of the Estato of JOHN WEAVER, deceased. WASHINGTON TAYLOR, F. A. MILES, Executors. October 16th, 1871. 21-5 Nolicc IS HEREBY given to nil whom it may concern, that wo will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County he Sd dug of December next, 'or a flrinl discharge as Adminisfrntors of the Estato of WILLIAM A. AUSTIN, deceased. 1TM. A. AUSTIN, NELSON AUSTIN, Executors. October 17tb, 1871. 24-lm The Slat#1* of South Carolina GllEES V/L L E CO US T Y. _ iV. O- a O 3 a an ui? v.uun?i uuuKiti. ELIZABETH GREER, v. LUCIA1 DA J/c* CRARY, FLOREXCR MeCRART ami othert. Petition to set otitic the Will of C. M. GREEIl, decerned, Account, rf-e. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Kcsinh Ward, Moses Greer, Josiah Grccr and John tireer, or their descendants, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this State. On motion of Earlo A Dlythe, it is ordared that they do appear in person or Attorney ia the Prohntc Court for Greenville Connty, os or before the With dat/ of December next, and answer, plead or demur to the petition in this case, or their consents to the same will be entered of record. 8. J. DOUTHIT, Probate Judgo. October 12th, 1871. 24-U The State of South Carolina^ a RE EX VIL L E CO UX T Y. la th? Court of Probate. TET.ITIIA A. DICKEY, Administratrix, *?. MICHAEL D. DICKEY, Guardian, et al. Petition for Account, Ac. IT appearing to my satisfaction that MICHAEL D. DICKEY, Defendant in this case, resides without the State. On motion of Eurlc A Illy the, it is ordered that ho np* pear in person or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate to be bolden at Greenvillo Court House, County of Greenville, on the 1st day of December next, to show cause, if any he can, why a final accounting should not lie had by him as Guardian o| LEWIS T. DICKEY, late of said County, deceased, and a Decree given thereon. On failing to attend, bis ronsont to tbc same will be entered of record. 8. J. DOUTHIT. P. J. G. C. October 12th, 1871, ' 24-7 S(.dc of South Carolina* Git EES V/L L E CO US T Y. In the Conrt of Probate. A DSA L OM 11L YTI1E, Afigm*, Ac DA S1EL At. 11(1 DUES r?. Al/Cll A EL 1). DICKEY, Administrator de II to HOW, ft a I. Petition for Account and Pinal vettUment. {T appearing to my satisfaction that Michael D. Dickey, A <t til in intra tor dr (om'a mm Caroline Hodge*; the heir* of Fleming Hodge*, deceased, viz., Daniel Hodges and John Hodge*; tbehoiraof liuldah Kinzcy, deceased, vis., Sarah Whit ted, Rebecca Kinxey, Louisa Kinzey, Martha Kinzcy, Margaret Kinzcy and Moges Kinzcy ; two oi the heirs of Elizabeth Whitted, deceased, vis., Sarah Whittcd and John Whitted, Milton Hodges ; one of the heirs of Cinrinda McKioncy, docensed, viz., Elizabeth Russet ; one of the heirs of Pcrroetia Terry, deceased, viz., John Terry; and Nancy A. Dickey, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits ot this State. On motion of Easluy, Wells and Enrlc, it is ordered thnt they appear in person or t-y Attorney, nt a Court of Probate to ho holtlen at the City ol Greenville, on the 30th day of Soeetuher next to show cnusc, if any they can, why a final set, tlcmcnt of the Estate of John W. Hodges, deceased, should not l<e had and a Decree given thereon, or their consents to the same will be catered of record. S. J. DOIJTIIIT, Probato Judge. Oetobor 12th, 1H71. 24-7 Sixty Five First Prise Medals Awarded. Southern Piano manufactory. WM. KNABE &C0., Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARt AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, 11 ALT! HO HE, AID. These Instruments have been before the Pnl.lU ti.r .......1.. Tl.i.l. v ?? -.-a ........ ..--..J J ur.... their excellence alone attain*') an mi/iHrchiiteil pre-eminence, rrhich pronounces thira uncqualed, in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. All our Squnre Piano, have our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agreffo Trat'l*. We would call special attention to our lato Patooted Improvement, in Oram! Piano, nnd Square Ornnds, found in no other Piano, which hring the Piano nearer perfection than ha, yet hcen attained. Evcijr Piano Ful;y Warranted for rtvo Tear,. We are by special nrrnngement enatded to furniah Parlor Organ, and Melodcon* of the m<>?l eelebratad maker,, wholesale and retail at loWc,t Factory Pj-ices. Illustrated Catalogue, and Price Liata promptly furniahed on application to WM. KNAnP. A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. Oet. 18 24 Am W M. G WHJLIlEN, Afi'TT df a lrit in Watches, Jewelry, 8ilver and Plntad Ware, Clocks, FINE CUT AND KNOHANF.I) GLASS table cuti.kry.oji in a and WHITE ORANITB GOODS, VASE*, TOILET BETA, FANCY ARTICLES. Order* from the Country carefully filled and ,ai*f,o>ioti (guaranteed gift KINO PTRBI.T.CORNER BEAUFA1N K-y B< x 5'JT, chadi.iu>ton, 8. C." Sep 8 18 g.n FACTOR ANI> hkehc: THIS HJNOEHSIGIVEl; FACTORAGE AND CO! TO . GENERAL Mi ? 1 ? H c IS LARGER AND 1 THiUNT AND WILL 3 WfflOIMLi AT THE LOW COUNTRY MERCHANTS W1 EXAMINE STOCK A SENDING OliDE Ho will also furnish Yj Bale at Factory ju ices. June 21 T CARULiKAVLI FEIN55 MEMPHIS, 1 JEFFERSON DA RLl( k Ac POCIIEK A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURE EN I j km OTHER OFFLUDD BY 1 May 3 DRAWING I FROM OCTOBER Uty 187 IN CONSEQUENCE OF THt \ S500,000 TO BE THE SOUTI LAND AND 1MMIRH. BUTLER, CIIADWK K. Under tho auspicious of the " South Carolini wilt pive a SERIES OF CONCERTS, at the i ing Janunry 8tb, 1872. Refers to all the Ilunhcrs, Brokers, and pre nnd South. 160.000 SEASON TICKETS ( If you hnre not received a Circular, rend Strictly Confidential. 2,405 GIFT8. AMOUNTI] Tho Drawing of this Great Southern l\ntor| tho following well known gentlemen: Ucnc Rutledge, of South Carolina ; General II null Pryor, of New York. Money for Tickets enn he sent cither by Ex be promptly forwarded. DIRECT AI.L LETTERS TO BU' Principal OQiee, Charleston, S. C. UKNKUAt. M. C. BCK.KIl, Joll.N C Oct II Tr"dc 1871. erasii eras? DOUBLE nml Single Barrel Ouns, Hrecchloading and Muzzlo-loading (lum, of English, French and tier in an manufacture, nt All prices. Single Guns nt $2.50, $1.00, $0.00, $8.CO, $12.00 to $20,110 each ; Double Guns froui $7.00 lo $200.00 each. ipmmss lpmmsu Smith A Wesson, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's, And nil the popular And approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS or great variety. AMMupmo fn For Guns, Pistols and Rifles. BEST QUAUTY AND *T LOWEST PRiCES. Country merchants and sportsmen are invited to call and examine our large and well selected stock of the above goods, which we import direct and buy from the manufacturers. Orders by mail Ailed promptly, and sent l>y express, C. O. D. POUUNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 100 ir. It A L TIM OH It HTitEET, BALTIMORE. MD. Mar 22 S 18-r. 4b ]y 18 A CARD. 71 ?!& MY FRIENDS AND PATW'j ,v irons have my thanks for past iii- jiS favors Ac. I continue to make additions to my Stack of JF.f lhRY. W A TCI IKS, CLOCKS, SPRCT ^53, TtCLt*. 8 11, V F. R *? L A T K I> ESZEOi WAltE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special at tuntion given to repairing lino Watches, and Time Pieces of every description. JAMES 0. BLACK. Jar. 18 *6 tf W. K. RAI1.EV, 0. O. WKI.Lt EASLEY A WELLS, Attorney* and Counsellors at Law ANI) IN KQITITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., PR \CTICK in tha Courts of the State and of the United States, and give especial attention to cuaea in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 m .AWFdDmikJflRl!? Aif 5Ti/i\W/f ^A'/> SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WIU PRACTICK IN ALL envTRTHnr Tina?TAI*j? ? w ??sv. w ? ? ! M MU ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATED COURTS OflM OrtmllU 0. H., S. C. Jul; 7 " - ly* KINSMAN A HOWELL, Factors atul Commission Mer chants.) * ? Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stooges. CHARLESTON^. C. F'-p A 19 4m COMMISSION KU GMSB JVM * tlfcv .T: T . \? > HAS ADDED THE EMISSION BUSINESS "is ? ? V tfrm A <M'. WV M n I. 5 It G H J1IV 1) I ? K. N -' *? * . ?< ill fi g '\ MORE COMPLETE \ EVER, 1 3R SOIJ) AT t : OR RETAIL c * 'EST' PftlCES. ! LL DO WELL TO CALL AND 1 ND PRICES BEFORE J RS ELSEWHERE. \ \IiN3 nnd SHIRTINGS by the >< T. W. DAVIS. i "* ' IURANCE COMPANY," S TENNESSEE. [ VIS, PRESID'T.s . STATE AGENTS., } MUTUAL COMPANY. TS CALLED )ER VALUE PLAN, j ADVANTAGE'S, rtus COMPANY. ( 52 tf I POSTPONED ! 1, TO JANUARY 8M, 1872. I 'EVER IN CHARLESTON, S. C. I ~GIVEN AWAY, i ? i I CAROLINA 1T10N ASSOCIATION GARY 4 CO.. AGENTS. i State Agricultural and Mechanical Society," Kcademy of Music, Charleston, S. C., cointucncinincnt gentlemen of tho Country, both North IF ADMISSION AT *.'? EACII for one, giving full particulars. All Orderi HO IN ALT. TO $800,000. |>rise will be conducted under the supervision of tr*l A. II. \Vr'ght, of Georgia ; Colonel R. II. ley T. Johnson, of Virginiu; Hon. Roger A. press or Post Office Order, nnd tho Tickets will ' IXER, CHADWICK, GARY A CO., HAPWICK, CF.NKIt A L M. W. OADV. 2.1 3m. Notico of Removal. ; I YIR, A H MORRISON lettim, his sin I LvA. crc thanks to I ho citizens of Gicen- i ?ill? miii) lh? surronndinR country fur the liberal ?>atton?|:e which ihey have extende.l to him since he hm> opentd business. tie has now r< moved to the s'nnd on Main Stiert, r.ext l-elnw Fiwter A Hunter, whete lie gnftunun full satlsfartinn in MAKING. GUTTING and FITTING, In the l.e?t and neatest. workmanship ami manner tlie country can afford. 22-tl Dr. Anderson HAS opened Oflice in Good '?" House Iiuildin?, first door ou Washington Street, IN REAR OF ITIr. T. W. Davis, Jcwelri*. and will operate at the fallowing low rates : Gold Filling* from $1 00 to 31 6ft. Tin A Ainnlgnin " 60 ' $1 00, Teeth Extracted at 60. Teeth Inserted Reduced Rates. Terms Cas'j. Persons of moderate means, ho not deterred from calling, for if ho cm ace-mmodatc yon at less rates, he will. Greenville, S.C.Oct, lltb, 1871. 23-tf j DOORS, SASHES, ; BLINDS, &c. P P. T O A L E, <1 Manufacturer and Dealer, No. 20 ffoifM* filrnnt and Horthr.rk't Wharf, CHARLESTON, 8. C. I~y Thia la tlia UrcrA-t and rogat f> m- * pVte Fie'or* ?f tli<< kind ;n 1 lie fb'Otbei n > KfaW#. and all arijeU* la liil* line can b? f furnished by Mr. 1'. !' Toalb at pilee* whb-h defy enmi otitinn. ^ |0~ A p?niphl?"t wi?b full and d*t ailed | tin. M ill aizebof I>m>nr, 8a?he?-and Blind*, , ami lh? pri?wa of neb. will be aant free and poet paid. an application to P. P. Toale, CHARLESTON, S. O. > Julj 12 10 ly. Tllfl Sftnflioicn "ETaIaI AUV ' 'VUVUVAU JUUW1 j . J*.?HAS l)0<^? ivflit*A *n<1 A/*wA- ,K put in comdrt* ?>id?*r f?>r 11?? nr^nmfnoA>i?i">n nf the C-?ffCxllff? irwrcling j-.tiMic. Ruto^ pf ^ ionui r???oi.?blo. C<?11 nnd f*W* m* * frUI. 9. O. YRARGlfl. Moj- 8 S3 8m It. R. R. ta<lwaj'? Ready Relief CURES THE WORST FAINS n irom One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR her raiding tlila ad rerlUemmt need any one suffer with pain. .ad way's Ready Rebel ia a cure for every pain. It *?? llie Ural and ia "HE ONLY PAIN REMEDY lat instantly ?!npa llie most exrruclating an a ail tya iiufl .inaliona, and cures c?'u? ration*, whether-ol lite lung*, sloiliarh, ..we'.s, or oilier gland* or organs, by one indication. in Irom one lo twenty minutes, no mat* et Imw violent or excruciating the pain lie Rheumatic, Red ridden, Infirio, Crip ileil, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated ritli di-ca*e ?nay suffer, RAIIWAYS KKAD'Y REL1I F fill n fiord instant o.i-e. Infl illiinal fin of lie Ki<lney*. inflammntion ot the Riudder. iifliiiniuaiion id the Do we!#. Cnnjotticn ol lie Lungs,Sore Throat, 1 > llictil* lbcathing, 'nlpitaiion of llie llenrt. Ureteric*, Croup, tiplithcria, Caiarih, It fluent*, Headache, 'ooolhacliv, N> uriilgin, KhtUftiali?in, Cold 'lull-, Ague Chills. 'llie appieaiion of llie Heady Tl< li-f to lie pari or parta where the pain or ?lifti~ ulty exisi* will nfford inse mid eomforl. Twenty diop* in half a liinililer of water rill in u lew iiioni* riia.cui e Crampa, Spa*|na, U.ur Stomach, Heartburn. Siek Headache, )iarihei, liyeenlery, Co'ic. wind in the low'ele, nn-1 nl) Inleionl I'niii*. Travel ere ?lionld always carry a bott'e of tad vrai V Ready It. In f with them. A few Ir-pe in water tyill pi event si<k>ess or aii'8 tri m cluing- water It ia liei'tr Mm. Frmicti Rrindy or Diliers a? n atimuant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague i-uted for fitly ccni*.? "here i. not n r-m?ilil ng-nt in line win Id h.n wilt rnrc Fever nod Ague, and a I nth r Malarious, Itilou*, Scarlet, Typhoid, 'ellow, and other Fevers (aided hv Rod *hv i* 1 ii|?) pit n* htt-lwu) 8 Hciily FiUy < euV* por ln?li lo HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Iruttg ?nd Pur* Rich 151? ?? ! ? Inercnae ol Fltult hiiiI Weight ?Ch-sr Skin sod t(rnulilu! CompU-xion recut i d io nil. DR. HADWAV'S SARSAPA It ILL! A ft KS SOB.VI. Va Not only doe* the Sarsapitrilliim Resolv 111 excel nil known r. no-dial ngettis in the lore of Chronic, Sctnftilous, Constitutional. ii>d Skin diseases; but rt is the only po?iive cure lor Ktdn-y and Bladder oonidaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Oiiiv 1, Dislirti t, Dropsy, Stoppage of Wni. r. ncomii ence of Urine, Bright'* Disease, MliUinitiiirin. nnd in nil cases where there ire brick dust deposit*. or lie water ij lliiek, clondv, mixed w ith sub-*nnee* 1 khe white of an egg, or threads like white lilk, or wliC'C I* n iliorhid, dlti-k, bilious up pearance, nnd while bone dust deposit*, tnd when theio is a pricking, burning s nlation when puss;tig water, nnd p<in in th* a nail of the Back nnd along the Loins Dr. Railway's Porfect Purgative Pills, Perfectly la-'ele-s, elegantly coated will ?we-t Rum. putgp, regulate, pmiiy. i-lent'Sand stieiigihcn. Railway's Pills, for tin pore of all disorder* of the Stomach, Liver Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous discus ps. Headache. IJmirStipslion, Costivenei-s Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil oneness Biliom Fever, li fl I III.I lion of the Bowels, Piles, anf all Deinng< m-nls of the Internal Viscetn \Vsrrinled to efT. pt n positive cure. Pur* *J ' i iiu mri tui j9 mill era In, or <le'elciion* drugs. Observe the following *ynipt"in' result ing from Hi-orders ol tin- lligrrlire 0 gans Constipation, In ward Piles Ft.lines* o the IJIo.mI in ll>e lleid. Acdlty of the Sfi.iii neh, Nausea, Heartburn, DiS'.'U't of Food Fulln?ss or Wfiulit in the Stomach. Sou Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at li Pit of the Stomneh, Swimming of the Head linrried nnd Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Radway's Pills will fre the system ffnin all 'lie uhove named drsor deis. Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold l>; Druggists. Read " Frr'se nod True." Rend one let t-r stamp t-> RADWAY <L CO., No. 87 M?l rlen Lnr.c. New Yo?k. Information wortl thousands will be sent you. July 20 12 ly PHOTOGRAPHING. ~ HAVING recently fitted up the room over Wli'tuitre & Ferguson's Store with elegant lights, I am prepared io di ill kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, at ven drorl notice. Satisfaction gum rut cd to a I W. M. N UFKLF.R. May 21 S tf 1* "ESTABLISHED IN 1835. GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY Gowor. Cox &. Markloy. WE WOULD announce that we nro pre pared now to fill all orders lor VE WHOLE?. Having the largest stock of lahor-savin machinery in the State, and the most rkillu workmen in the South, we hope to be able t lupply all demands. The stock of ONE, TWO. THREE, FOUR, nnd SIX-HORSE I RON-AX I. K PLANTATION WAGONS SV111 bo kept full, nnd time, ns for tbirty^fiv tears, these wagon* shall be the STAMlAltD OF Exckllkncb. Wc aro making, as usual, a large stock o Itockawnyw nn?l liugKin M all prices ; some new and elegant pattern ?prices much reduced. Wo make SPUING WAGONS a specialty A r.nlu for vvwian lasts An ' rrv ,vi r,vv iV Rower, Cox & iflnrklcy N. B. 35 jroar? of failhfnl work?ou fonTantre. Ati<r3ti-l7tf g&gw y^ATER^HE^ Mill Gearing,Shafting&Pulleys ipOQLU > ^ftEM ft FORACIRCUlAIC_fe?*c 7 29 1/ r. c iifSrtjnt r p mcber. c. o bt*pi?n BUTLER, McBEE k STEPHENS, Utorncys and Coaneellors at Lai and in Equity, i ^REUNVILLE^. C., Ulll PraoUoe in the Conita of the Stat and of the United State*. Mey 81 4 l( CONSUMPTION. T Its Cure and Its Preventive) BY J. II.80UENCK. M. D. MANY ? human being has pasted i?i), fur whose death there was no other reason than the neglect of known and indisputuMy proven means of cure. Those near end dear to tamlly and fricnus are sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, had they ealuily adopted DR. JOSEPH n. 8CUENCIU8 SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schcnk has in his own raeo proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, thnt vitality, by his medicines and the directions for their tire, is quickened into healthful vigor. In Ibis statement there is nothing prosutnpt* uoits. To the faith of the invalid is made no rvprescntation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. Tbo theory of the core by Dr. Sehenok's medicines is us simple as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argumont. It is solt-ossuriog, self-convincing. The Sen wood Tonic and Mandrako Pills are tlio first tn-o weapons with which the citadel of the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the' cases of consumption originnto in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this | condition the brouchial tubes " sympathise " , I with the stomach. They respond to the uiornific action of tho Here then comes tbo culminating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tho Mandrake Tillc ore enmprsed of one o j Nature's no'dest gilts?the P iflophillium Peltatum. They posses oil the blood searching, alterative properties oi calomel, but unliko J I calomel, they -LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work ol cure is now tcginning. The j vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowels I and in the alimentary cniial arc ejected. Tho j liver, like n clock, is wotfTwl up. It arouses j from its torpidity. The stomach acts respon. sively, and the patient begiua to feel that lie is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD JILOOD. The Sea wood Tonic, in conjunction with tho Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Chylifieation is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, ; and the en re is seen to be nt hand. There is o .,..1....... 1.1..1..,I ?r ?t._ - - - much. An appetite sets in. Now conns the greatest Dined Purifier ever yet given by on indulgent father to suffering man. Selivnck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perforin its function* and to hasten and cotn; plcto the core. It enters nt once rpon its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects nnd ripens tbo impaired nnd diseased portions of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, nnd lo ! in n veiy short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, nnd the patient, in nil tho dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the mnnhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, tho patients must stay ' in n warn, room until tlicy get well ; it is almost impossible to prevent Inking cold when ' the lungs nro diseased, tut it must he prevented or n cure cannot he effected. Fresh nir nnd riding ant. erpccinlly in this section of the country in the fall and winter season, nrc all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs nrc bndiy diseased, nnd yet, liecnuso they nro in the house they must not sit down quiet; they i must walk about the room as much and as fast as the strength will hear, to get up n good Ctrl' eolation <>! blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?l>c determined to get well. This lias a great deal to do with tbo appetite, and is the great point tn gain. 'r To despair of cure after tucli evidence of its . possibility in the woist cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Schenek's personal slati inent to the Furulty of Lis owu cure was in these modest words : ' Many years ago I was in tho last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, nnd ut one time my physicians thought that I could not : live a week ; then, like a drowning man catchf ing at straws, I heard of nnd obtained the pre i partitions which I now effer to the public, nnd they made a perfect cure ol inc. It seemed to r ino that I could feel them penetrate my wbolo system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow mutter every morning for u long time. '' As soon as that began to subside, my cough, * fever, pain and night sweats all began to ) leave tnc, and my appetite became so grcnt that it was with difficulty tlint I could keep from catirg too much. I soon gained my i strength, nnd have grown in flesh over since." h ' I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, seven pounds ; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounds, and for years I licvo enjoyed uninterrupted health." s Dr. Schcnek has discontinued his profes) sionul visits to New York and lfoston. He or a his son, Dr. J. II., Jr., still continue to sco patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth I ttreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from U A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respiromctcr will he chnrged $5. The ltcepirouicter declares the exnet condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether tlicy nro curable or not. The directions for taking the tnc licines are adapted to the intelligence oven of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some enses the Mandrake Pills are to be taken in increased doses ; the thrco medicines need no other nc eompaniments than the ample instructions that accompany them : First crcnto appetite. Ot returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it cotues, as it will come, let lite despairing nt or > o te of good cheer. Good '* blood at once follows, tho cuugh loosens, the night sweat is nhatrd. Jn a short time both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Schenek's medicines are constantly kept * in tens of thousands of families. As a Inxalive or purgative, the Mntidrako Pills are n m n lulu til preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as n'rurer of coughs and colds, mojr be regarded as a prophylacteric against consumption in any of its forms. Price ol the Pulmonic Syrup nnd Seaweed Tonic, $1.50 a bottle, or $7.50 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, '25 cents u box. For sulo by all druggists nnd donlrrs. Wholesale Agent, JOI1N F. II EN It Y, No. f) College Plaee, Now York City. 0 March 22 4? ]y No (s'ooil Iflcaffli Without Pure lllood. DR. GLAZICiVER'S , S P B K E N A K D AND , QUEEN'S DELIGHT * WILL P Via FY THE BL O OJ) ! r AND REMOVE Liver Complaint, lilteumn 'i?m. Scrofula. Cmliuncle*. Skin Dwemer, Pnin# in ill lltinm, Dtrprpiia, I >i<e??es oe I ilie Knlneye nrxl Bladder, pain in tli6 I Back and Loin#, and nil thn vnrinu* I Ailment* produced l?y Impure Blood nnd Vitiated Secretion*. Jluy one lint tie and try it. and if it t fail* to yivt any relief, buy no more. T>U OLAZENEIVa I.INIMENT or TAIN EXTRACTOR i# troo t in Rlioumaii?in, NenHeadache, Puin in the Baek, | Sprain#, Ac. DR. GLAZKXER'H FAMILY VBO ETA- ' BLK LIVER PILLS nre #ale remedial agent# to iiTrr?<mr Derangement# of the LI ver and ] to Pnrif* the Wood. K DR. OLAZEXER'H couoii RELIEF I# " *nt f"t alt ca#e? of Cough of any kind, ' from C'i'iip to Con#?mptl?n ; although not ri*coii m-iiiLd to ewre ti e latter diseaee j 1 g-eat relief will follow it# uae. fS* The ill.ore Medielnr# are prepared only l>y DR. GILES L. GLAZENER, Manufacturing Drnggiat, Greenville, 8. 0. Hold l*v Druggist# generally. May 10 1 If j?j|$ J. Waliii. PnwrWlor. R. II. Mc !>??wa?.? A !>.. 4 (^n, Aiwiti, Sn?* Kr*iwl<r?.r?! ,?i"l *1 l'wtnn#rt? 5t., N.Y, ILLI9RI Bear Teetlmeay ?e their WmIwAiI Carat Ire Effcet*. Vinegar Bitter* in not * vile Fancy Drink, Mad# of Peer Rem, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse l,l?aere, doctored. epleed end sweetened to pleese the teste, celled ? Tonlee." " Appetisers." " Restorers," Ac., that leed the tippler on to drankenneee end rain, hot ere e true Medicine, made from the Native Roots end Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Ther ere the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIKR and A LIFR GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator end Invtgorator of the System, carry In* off ell poisonous matter end restoring the blood to e healthy condition. No person can take theso Bitters acoordIn* to directions end remain Ion* an well, provided their bonee ere not destroyed by mineral poleon or other means, end the vital orrens wasted beyond the point of repair. Th*r are a Gentle Fnrgntlvo a* well a* a Tonic, possess Ins, also, the peculiar merit of act Ins as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all tho Viscera) Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLGNT8, whether In young or old, married or single at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of Ufe, these Tonic Bitters bare no equal. e For Inflammatory and Chronltg Rheumatism and Goat, Dyspepsia 'or Indigestion, Dillons, Remittent and Intermittent Fevere, Dlooaoeo of tho Blood, Liver, Kldnoyo and Dlndder, these Dittero have been moet successful. Hack Diseases are caused by Vitiated Dlood, which Is generally produce/ by derangement of the Digestive Orgaao. DYHPEPMIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in the Bhonlders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Month. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnngs. Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are .the offsprings of Dyspepsia. A ney invigorate me eromacii anu Minimum ura torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEAHEK, Eruptions.TeUcr, Bait Rheum. Blotches, Spots, IMmplos. Pustules. Boils, Carbuncle*. Ring-Worms, Bcs'i) Head, Sore Byes,Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration*of tlio Bain, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such case* will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find ita Impurities bursting through tho akin in Plraplos, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse H when you And It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when It la foul,and yonr feelings will tell yon when Keep the blood pure, and the health of the aystctn will follow. PIN, TAPE, and othor WORMS, nrking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERSJ. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD dt 80., Druggists and Oon. Agent*. San Francisco, al., and & and M Commerce Street, New York. pjU" Jtul line ll> IPC I .1) liltllltll.O DR. M. A. HUNTER k CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Medicines, Chemical*, Ac., ?Ic. May 10 1 MOIICY CANNOT BUY IT! roil SIGHT IS PRICELESS ir BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If l*on Value Yonr FychiRlit USE THF.SE PERFECT LENSES. ( ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES> Melted together, and derive their name " Diamond * on Account of their Hardness ned Brill'nncy, Thoy will last many v<nrv without change. nnd nr? warranted superior t<? a11 others. manufoctired by J. E. SPKNSKK & CO., X. Y? Caution ?None genuine unUe* stamped' with our trade mink. J C C. 1LKN1. It. Si'!* Agent for Oieenville, M C. From whom llioy can only lie obtained N? P. ,P.... -?-?. May 10 1 lv GEOIIGK PAGI5&C0. No. 5 N. Scbroeder 8t,? Baltimore. Manufacturer* of Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND HOILKKS Patent in.proved, portable CIRCULAR SAW MILI.S, finr.i;, Mnlnv nn<l >n*h Saw Mill*, firiat Mill*. Thither Wh-el*. ?li i?Bl^ M'lcltiRi'i, ?$rr. Dialer* in ClimUr Siv*. Bellini? ni.rl Mill supplies ^n>riillv, anil nuinufnc'tuer'- r.geiii* ft.r L-fT.-lV Cel. Lrn"-. ed Tin Lin* Water Wheel, and every do? eciplion of Wood Working Machinery. enr.'Ct'bTUKAl. KNOISIt* A SIMKJAITY t*?f IS. nd Lr d?acriptivc Catalogue* nn?l Price Liaia. 2?-ly wm.~j7~eaiTeolph. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. t LOCATED on Fall* Street, one square of Mc??r*. Uowvr, Cox A. Marklty'a. OltANITK of all description* furnished and cut to ordor. TOMBSTONES, with (intuitu or Mnrblo Pedestal* may bo bad on application. Special attention guaranteed to all work. Order* for TOMBSTONES left with Mr. B. Wr.DRt.Rt Jeweller, will receive my prompt attention. Jnn IS 35 tf "inPOBTAIVT IHOTICF, TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All /'elail Ordert auionuliny to $20 and Ore? Jitlieered in any /'art of the Country FREE OF EXP11FSS CUARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, or BAt/riMORK. wt>., IN order the better to meet the want* of the Itetnil Customer* at a diatancc, have catubliahcd a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full llnca of cample* of the Newest and inoat Fashionable (londi, of French, English and Domeatic Menufactnre, guaranteeing at nil timea to aell at /#?, U not at leet pricrt, than any honao In the country. Buying our good* from the largcat and moat celebrated manufacturer* in the different purta of Europe, and importing the snmo by Steamer* direct to Baltimore, our *tock i* at all time* promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Pari* market*. A* we buy and veil only for cash, and uinke no had debt*, we are able and willing to aell our good* at from Ten to Fifteen per cert Let* Profit than if we gave credit. Tn rending for aample* apceify the kind of goods desired. We keep the beat grade* of every class of good*, from the lowost to tbo most costly. Order* unaccompanied by the cash willb ent 0. 0. D. Prompt-Paying Wholesale Bayer* nro inri-. led to in*pn?t the ^took in oar Jobbing and Package Department. Addtvee HAMILTON RASTER A PONS, 107, 19J, 201 and 20.1 Wcat liallitnore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 1y