University of South Carolina Libraries
jJ| The State of 8outh Carolina, Jf GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff** Sales"P>Y virtue of sundry Writ* of Flmri Fk> ? D eiat, to me directed, I will aell, h?'or< ^ I lie Court House door, on BttUtday i* Dtcctnbtr Ufxt, ixtween the hour* of 1C o'clock in the forenoon end S o'clock in th? H afternoon, fi-> All that tract of lend containing Twe I Hundred and Forty Acre* (240) more 01 lets, and hounded hy land* of Mra. G. W. Tim pip, J. W. Coleman, H, K. Lynch an,l I others. Levied on a* ti e property of Joseph Green, at the anil of Join U. Good' win. el al. At the late residence of the defendant, A D. Goodleit, deceased, I will sell on Friday, I the O-ilh ?t?M ..I K..*.?.!.? .U.- r-i . -j - ! IVhUWIIIg prtiontl propel ly to wit: 2 Mitch Cow* and 1 Calf, 2 Heifers and 1 Boll, * 10 Hand of Hog*, 1 Loom, 1 Caudle Stand, 2 Bo ran u* and 8 Tables, 12 Chalis. 2 Chert*, 1 Looking Clara I Wash Bowl, 2 I'an a 1 Oun, 1 Fly Biunh, 1 l,oi Book*, 8 Window Curtain*, 1 Folding Taide, 1 Clock, 2 Bed*. 2 Bedstead* and Bed Clothing, 1 I*ot Bottle*, 8 Candle Stick*. 1 Lot Barkvts. 1 Fire Screen, 1 Lot Boxe* and Barrels, 1 (Clipboard. 19 Plates, 0 fii?he?, 9 Pitcher a. 6 Glasses. 1 Sugnr Di?h, 1 Tea Pot, 1 Set Knives nnd Forks, 1 Set Table Spoons, 1 Set Tea Spoons, 1 Salt Cellar, I Pepper Box, 2 Copper Potr, 8 Waiters, 8 Pans, 2 Comb*, 1 liair Biurh, 1 Churn. T Axe*, 6 Sheep, 2 pair Stretcher*, 1 Fifth Chnin, 4 Plow*. 2 Plow*tocks. 2 Singletrees, 2 deviser 1 Ditching Hhatel, llaniea, Tracer and Backhands, snd IHp traps, 1 Hand Saw. 4 Auger*, 1 I>rnwimtknlfe, 1 Ada, 1 Hammer. 1 Lot Jug ware, 1 Half-bushel, H Scvlheing Cradles, 1 Lot old Ironr, 1 L"t. old Ssekr. 1 Ia?i. Soap, 1 Pail, 2 Buckets, 4 Tubs, 4 l'ots, 8 Oven*, 8 Pan*, 2 Lida, 1 Kettle, 2 Trays, 1 Dish Pan, 1 Strainer, 1 Coffee Mill, 4 Tin Cup*, 1 Spinning Wheel, 1 Reel, 2 Smoothing Iron*, 2 Fire 8hov*lr, 1 Pair Tonus, 1 Grindrtone, 20 Chicken*, 1 Two lioire Wngon, 1 Cow Ball, 1 Note on W S, Colliur, $200, 2 Note* on R. P. Goodlett, amounting to $710.58, 1 Note on Ji'tne* L. Landlord, $905 Sold aa the properly of A. I> Goodletl, decearcd, at the suit of J. F. Goodletl and other*. *tro, Ail that Tract of Land known ar the Harden place, one mile from Gowenrville. and coiiiftitunu i wo Hundred and twenty five Aeres, (225) more or lets, and adjoining land' of Dr W. A. M->oney, Jump* Burnett, \V. W. Center, and nth era Alao Traet No. 2, containing Fitty-five Acre*, more or less, adjoining Innda of Jer-nvah Ti stnmell, Dan iel I lodge*, and oilier*. Levied on a* the property of M. I). Dickey, at the suit of Tabitha A. Dickey. Auto, At the residence of L. D. McMakln, on the 80ih day of November, one Spiing Wagon, one Feather Bed and Bead-dead, one Yoke of Oxen. Levied on aathe property of J* D. McMnkin, at the suit of Michael D Dickey. Term* cash. Purchasers to psy for stamps and papers. J. U SOUTHERN. 8. O. C. Greenville, 8. C. November 8th, 1871. A Medicine a* old as Time. For aught wn Lniiu ?.? ?! - O.I. a 1 - ... ...? wiiiinijf mo uoiucr r>|irm^ wim bubbling and sparkling when Ailntn walked with Eve in pnradise. Uo that an it may, '.In sanitary properties have never been surpassed by nny inedtciuu of human invention. They luvo, however, been embodied in ull thoir native efficacy in TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, which in the chemical duplicate of the Spa ilnulf, nnd itn effecting curen of dyspepsia, I .iiinusnesn, conntipation, colic, liurvoua debility, dropny, rheumatism, Ac., <piile an rapid end an iiinrvcloun an those at Iribiitcd In the famous Spring, nnd which the faculty of Europe have pluccd on record tin aniline thu medical miracles of the age. Sold by all Druggiat*. 25-4 Notice 18 HEREBY given to all whom it may eonecru. that we will apply to 8 J. Liollthif, l'robnte Judge of tlreenvillc County, oa the bth i/iiy ,./ Iter ember u ,rt, for n Dual discharge as Administrators with the Will annexed, of the EMail of THOMAS \V. KINMAN, do ceased, and as Administrators ol the Estate of MAHTIIA KINMAN, deceased, JOHN CHARLES. BARKSDALE CHARLES. Oct. 25tb, 1871. 2R-4 J>lISS jVlcKAY IIa? npcitad her Fall .Ivies MILLINERY and FANCY Vr^yLS OOODS ; among which are iho In test styles of BONNETS, rfTOWIt ATS,^ KLOWKRH. FKA'l II t| job r.i\n, h 1 DUUiNi^, rs A > 11 ?in?l b^ i'V TKIMMINO, PURS. FANCY Ji? 'I'lKH, LACKS, CORSE IP, Crl#l TOILET ARTICLES, LADIES' UNDER.CLOTIIINO. AC. Sbo liar jnrt returned Irom New York wberc alio has r-1>?r?-<i no pnim in tlio election of bci Stock, Imping thereby to merit tbo liberal patronage ?<? kindly extended to her, auguring lier frieudaabe w|ll do all in her power tti pirn*. Oct 11 23 tf Fowler & Vaughn HAVE opened. At the a'and formerly oenupi-d liy L?ng A Onodlatt, i.ear. ly opposite Porter A lliii.ier, a ireneral a'ock of DRY OOODS and flKOCEUIEH 4lon*i?tihg of Clot ha, Caarliiterea, l(c idy-inxd. Clothing, ('alieoe*, Wo?a*cd, I> ir.miicr, Ac. together with Sugar, C'dfre. M ola-r.-r, r Upa, Flour, bacon, and G'ocerjea generally A!h-? Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery ware, F.wicy Ai ttelra, A",, &? . WE PAY THE HlftTlKST MARKEI PRICE FOR ALL K'NDS CF COUNTRY PUODUCKj IN CtMl OH TltAIIK We will alro purehaae COTTON. We deairc a cnjl lio^n our fiiend* in illcountry and 'he puldin in gel cm', pioime ing to give atialewtiun. Oct 26 25 . Still v un e HH13W BY TELEGRAPH, SOME Stock in Store now, nni a Lur^o Lot coining SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TII, Ordered by TELEURAPKI. Cower, Cox & Mnrk'ry. Oct 25 25 If - \ . . ., ... . . Foster & Hunter KID OLOVBS at $1 25 per pair. Back, Berlin, Merino, Calf, Kid and Leather , U loves forGents, Ladies, Lad* and Missel, in good assortment, and low prices at ; FOSTER A HUNTER'S. H08IKRY, a very desirahle Stock of Men and Hoys Hall Hose, Ladies Seamless ( lruu-Frame Hose, Misses and Children, in Dotbvstic, English and German Menu Tortures, to be bad at FOSTER A HUNTER'S LINEN Cambrlo Handkerchiefs at Are cents each. Ladies, Gents and Childrens Linen Cambrlo, Hemmed, Hemstitched, Embroidered and Plain Silk, Pongee and other kinds at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. GENTS and Ladles Cravats and Scarfs, Bows and Ties In great variety at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. NOVELTIES Id Fancy Goods at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. LADIES Sackings, Clonkings, Opera Cloths, Ladies Cloths and Flannels. . FOSTER A HUNTER. GENTS and Ladies Undorwoar, all wool and Morino Vests, Shirts ami Drawers, FOSTER A UUNTER. CARPETS, Rugs and Mats for sale by FOSTER A HUNTER. BEALTIES in Roman Stripe Shawls. F. ft H. GENTS Vine Cassiraere Suits, also Silk, Velvet und Valencia Vests, Cloth snd Cassimcre Coats, Cassiinere Pants, Wamsutta Shirts, Ac. F. A II. LADIES Velvets, Velveteens, Trimming Velvets, Colored Velvet Ribbons, Ac. F. A II. MILES A SONS' Shoea, in Cloth. Kid and Calf. F. A II. MOORE, LARKABEE A CO*SShoc?,Ral*a, Polish and Doota, Ladies' Misses' and Children's. F. A II. KITZMBYER'8 and Porter Day A Co'a., Fine Water-Proof and Calf Itoota, also* Roys' Roots. F. A 11. GENTS Latest Broadway and Fifth Avenue Styles Silk and Fur llats. F. A 11. PEEK, FRKAN A CO'S., London Biscuit' Cream Crackers and Soda Biscuit. FOSTER A HUNTER. 1,000 pounds Candies, French and Stick at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. C1URRANTS, Seedless Raisins, Canned J Fish and Vegetables, Preserves, (linger, Ac. FOSTER A HUNTER. IMNE Goshen Butter and Cheese, Maccaroni and Fresh Prime Rice. FOSTER A HUNTER. A FINE Stock of Blnek and Orcan Teas FOSTER A HUNTER. SI. A. Hunter Sl Co. A FINE lot of Perfumes, Musk, Luhln's Extracts, Huwley's Handkerchiefs Deli> caeief ; deliciously l'crtumed Soaps?I.ubin's, Hawlcy'a, Colgate's and others, for sale by I M. A. HUNTER A CO. A FINE stock of Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes,Shoe Brushes, Nail Brushes, Ac., for suto hv M. A. HUNTER A CO. PUFFS, Puff Boxos, Lily-white, Rouge, Cold-cream, Cosmotics, Shaving-cream, Ac. M. A. HUNTER A Co. TETTER and Note Paper, Gilt Note, Briaj tot l.o.r.1 n.~>. r*?i r. _ _ waiua, v/niu V>?(irn, 1'mying (Junta, AC. M. A. HUNTER A CO. HAIR Oit, Pomatums, Pomades, Cologne, tt iy Hum, Blontc of Youth, Magnolia balm, Gulden Lustre, at M. A. HUNTER A CO. IT*LAVORINO Extracts, all kinds, our own . and other makes, tor Cukes, Pics, Ice? creams and Ulauc-mnnge M. A. HUNTER A CO. IT*INK Cigars, Meorschauin Pipes, Wood, . Ivy and Indian Kuldier tripes and Pipe-howls, Lava Sots, Tobacco Bags, Stems uud smoking urticles, for aula hv Si. A. HUNTER A CO. Oct 25 25 tf EMPORIUM OF yabsexov. \\TE have icclved a superior assort* ? ment of English, French and AnierBRAVER-CLOTHS, CASS1MERKS AND VKSTINGS, WITH A rilLt A?SOKTMKNT OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and Trimmings of all dualities. . READY-MADE i?jr jmtoikmb. AfiOOI) a??ortmcnt of Over-Coata and Cwi'inrK Sniia, Shirt* and Prawera, Hate mid Cap*, bitvu'and ('hlliircn'* Cloth* inv, it? AH have lo?en aelecled personally with cure and tame, hi tIi** LOWEST CASH PRICED, i And wo will (ell accordingly Having ' po-t?-d ihe?*v,iw i" "'I Ui? orid moat I approved <y lea of Cutting ff Jtfaking, We arc prepared to Cot and Make up Clothing >n tit" lat? ! and moat ap|ir??vii atylea. tW d// ll'ort Warranted. i WEED'S UNEXCELLED Mil MACHINE FOR BALE. It doea mora than twenty different kind* of work, and will ali'ch from il>? fine*t or gand'ev io tlie heavier! cloth, fea'her, ?M?od, ' or aheet lead, with ? ??? . It haa aevera) > now tini rovewanl*. and iaalil! improving. ' tw * Warranted to give perfect antUfac lioo O. it. FICKLE Sc CO. (Jreer.vllle, H C., D<t. 24. 1R71. 2fi-H OALL AT , tir rv r> n o n linn ? ! w. uij uuuy wiN'fc $i UKt Ad d Examine the Worlo-Renowned HOWE SEWING MACHINE. The Firat and Best in tbe World. ! TT8 beauty end excellence of atitch, being < 1 alike on both .idea; it* ne w rotary tenj rion and an automatic aelt -regulating take up , tbat prevents miffing of rlitchea in crnaaing ! nil acaina ; for the upper-thread, and ita per. 1 I'cctly uttilorm tenaion in the ahuttle, from a full to an empty hohbin, gives complete control over both tbrcada ; Ita economy of thread beyond that of any other machine; ita sewing tho finest fahrica without injury or pucker, and then passing to tbe heavieat material | without a change of tenaion thread or needle, ' i and with the greatest eaae j ita aimplicity, do* rnbility, and eaae of management; ita running I with Icaa noiae and grentor eaae than any other 1 Hhultle Machine; are ita peculiar qualities, and ahoutd reccommond it to all In want of a FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. An arcompliabed operator alwaya In attendance. Aytuti WttntrH. ALFRED O. ELY, Oeneral Agent for Koulh Carolina. J. L. TIN8LKY, Aaaiatant, Greenville. 8. C. pf Country Produce will be taken in egclmnge for the liowe Machine. Oct )fl 1* 3m THE NEWSPAPER PRESS OF CHARE3TOK ITS HISTORYFROM ITS Beginning to the Present Time. add biographic ally COiniDIRID. rjllIIS Chronological and Blorranhloal III* I tory of the Ntwipiiwri Prtu of this City, embracing i period ol Oae Hundred and Forty Year*, will ahortly be iaaued to subscribers. The Author, a native of Cbarleaton, and for a length of time connected with Ita press, in compliance with the requeat of a ' number of bia trn-nds, propoaea to publiah this hlitory by aubacription. Well founded hopes nre cntcrtninod that this record of the NEWSPAPER I'll BBS OF CHARLESTON will be worthy the attention of the Typographeal fraternity generally, and the public at large, k work of this nature never having been attempted, induced the Author to prepare such a volumo for publication. Tbo task of collating has been arduous, and the aole deaire has been to prevent historical facts, interesting to both tbo fraternity and the general reader, being lout to coming generations. Lists for subscribers will soon be ready. ranas. 1. Tbo work will be in one volume?12mo. 2. To bo printed on fifty-four pound paper, neat typo. it. The volume?in cloth?to contain 200 pages. 4. Price of subscription, $1.50. Nov 1 20 tf Notice 18 HEREBY given to all whom it may concorn, that 1 will apply to 8. J. Douthit, l'robnto Judge of Greenvlle County, on tht 28(1 </iijf of AvvtmLer next, for a final discharge as Administrator of the Estate ot LEVI TRAMMELL, deceased; thereforo nil parties having claims agaiost said Estate will present them to mo or the Probate Judge, on or before said day or be debarred. D. F. TRAMMELL, Administrator. Oct 18, 1871. 25 5 . State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Cotirl of Common Plena. JAMES B. JOHNSON, Plaintiff, against FLORA BOSWELL, et al Defendants.? Summons. To FLORA B08WBLL, ono of the Defendants in'this action. YOU ARE hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which has been tiled in the Clerk's Office for this County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers, at this Office, at Greonvillo Court House, South Carolina, within lireuty daye afl^r the errice of thie .Summons, ejcclutivc of the day of each service. If you fail to answer the complaint within the timo aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court | for the relief demanded in the complaint. ARTHUR A ARTHUR, Plaintiff's Attorneys. TO FLORA B08WELL, Defendant: TAKE notice that the Summons of which the nbove is a true copyv wot filed in the Clerk's Office of this County, on the ]*{ day of Socember, A. D., 1671. ARTHUR A ARTHUR, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Nov 1 26 0 United States Court, District of South CarolinaIN CONSEQUENCE of the continuance of the fever in the City of Charleston, the orders of this Court heretofore made adjourning tho Session of the Court, and also the general business of tho Court in Bankruptcy and Admiralty, to tho 6th of November, are hereby rescinded. Other orders in substitution of those hereby rescinded, will bo made as soon as it oan be intelligently done. OEORflE 8. BRYAN, U. 8. Judge District of South Carolina. At Chambers, Greenville, S. C., 31st October, 1871. 26-tf N olio e IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 26 lb day of So rem her nejet, for a final discharge as Executor of tho Estate of EDWARD FLAN AG AN,-deceased, and on said day make a final settlement of the same. T. L. WOODSIDES, Executor. Oct 18, 1871. 25-6 City Ordinance. UK IT OKI)AtSEl) If the Mayor and Aldermen of the City ?f Greenville, in Council aeectnbled, and Ly the authority of the eame, f|MIAT from and nflcr tho passage of this I Ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons on Horseback, or in a CarI riugc, Buggy, or Wagon of any description, I to litiss over ibn New llrlitm ?' '??' ?* Muin-ttrect cxrept in a walk; nnd that any parson or pcrnons violating this Ordinance, ahull be suV-jt-ct to a lino of FIVE DOLLARS for ouch and every offence. Dodo und ratinod under tho Corpnrnte Seal of tbo City of Greenville, this 3d day of OcIoIhm, A. D. one tbouaaud eight hundred and ccvculy one. J. P. MOORE, Mayor. A. R. Mi Ptvm, Clerk of Council. Greenville, 8. C., October 3a, 1871. Oct. 11 23 tr CLOCItS, GOLD AND SILVER YJWOBSS BEST GRADES OP SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, i?ND FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed S P E CTACLES. ALSO ORNU1NR IPi-MlLlE SIPICTACIL1ES. ?. Wehrlc. Oct 11 28 if A. B. MUtLKrAN, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL DGMMISS1QS HEHCHA9T. ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHAltLIiSTON, 8. C. : + /to.U also, toAm />&*<?? /*? funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements Fertilizers, &o. Oct 25 25 ly HKN11Y B ISC II OFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS,, AND DEALERS IN T27&BS3, kS&'SS&S, SEiaARS, TOBACCO, AC., NO. 197 EAST BAY, C'jHABUtiMTOl, B. 0. II. BiaCllOPV, C Wt'LOERW. #. II. flKTEIt. Oct 13 15 era ' THE LIVE IP, H. C.1 Has Arrn IIW YOSX AM OT?1 WITH A LARGE GENERAL M] DRY GOODS ???75 J iKi JU And a general MKT THE SAME IIE PROMIS TSm&SS &KTS S3?I Hie Stock of GROCERIES is v< will be sold at very LOW FIGUIt Call and satisfy yonrsc Oct. 18 ~ GHIM HAU , WILLI AMX STANLEY, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA. GLASS AND EARI HFNWARF. SiLVEHL&TED, BRIT&I1IA AID Japanned Ware. TABLE CUTLERY. MIRRORS, GAS-FIXTURES AND H0USE-FUR1ISHIIG GOODS GENERALLY, Opposite Court Ilou?e, Columbia. S. C. Oct 18 24 Sim CHILDS A WILEY, OOLTJK3IA. O. O. Fine ltc?>ly>M?(U Clothing. Tit* C?-l*? hrnted Star Shbt. Patent Pantaloon Drawn. Gem'*. Neck and Under Wear The Rjnlau Brace 8uap*uder?. The True Pit Shirt. Linen Collar*, Paper Collar*. swuss fisjwio uu^viva, AT ALL 8TYLES AND PRICES. We Invite the Public to eall and examine our Slock, a* we are determined to keep the very be*l lhat come* to Columbia, and at price* that will *uit *he time*. WE SELL FOR CASH, AND AT SMALL PROFITS. L. D. CHILDS. JOHN S. WILLY. Oct 18 24 3<ii WILLIAM SLOANE, Lithographic, Copper-plate, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, IPiLAIN EWJ18T, COLUMBIA, S. C. BOOKS, Pamphlet*, P? ateis, Hand-Bill*, Card*, Circular*. Bill 11-nd*. Fan Similes, Map*, Plans, Chalk and Line Draw* ing*. L'quor Labels, Druggists' Pieacrip* tion*. etc , Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, amd on tux Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 25 25 Sm* CENTRAL HOTEL, ?b% PLAIN STREET. 1* block* from nil Main ; 5 blocks from Gr?en>ille iii! r\ rare excellent Term*. f2 on per dnr. V. B. Cl AYTON, Proprietor. Columbia. S. C. 24-3m Watches of all GradesJEWELRY OP EVERT KIND. J HAVE juat returned from New York with the fltieat *toek in the market, embracing inches of nil grade*, Jewelry of all style*. Silver and Plated Ware of the moat modern pattern* ;]heautiful in design, durablo, cheap and warranted to suit. ISAAC RULZRACIIER, Under Columbia Hotel, Columbia, 8. C. Oet IS 94 3m /L wa VISITORS TO COLUMBIA. S. C., Will do well to call on So Ea To purclinse their -f~y q. Q FANCY ARTICLES, &C. Jackson'* Old Diug Stand. Oct lg 24 8>n O.DIEHOKS, ~ TkV.A1.KU IN ALL KINDS OF 6R0CEREI8, Cigar*, Tobacco, A Foreign A Domentio Win*?, Liquor*, Alee Ae. at wholeeale and retail low for ceeh. COLUMBIA, S. C. AT KIN8LKR'8 HALL CORNkU 0 <\1& 21 ira TOWN STOKE! MARK red From !1 MOSTOM CHOTS. AND SELECTED )%L ?IF ERCH ANDISE \ CLOTHING, k mtm, in Q&m9 assortment of &00BS. >es to. sell cheaper 33 am ssa ?a iry lnrpe and well selected, wliicli es for casii. lives. F| 24 tf Fall millinery. MRS. S, A, SMITH Has opened a cb4.<e? selection ?.r mil. LINKKY and FANCY OOODS, to wbioh iho Inriiti tbe attention of the l.ilie*. Alto, PATTERNS of tbe latest stylet of DRESSES DRESS-MAKING attended to with neatnest and daspatcb. Orders from the country solicited. Main Street, opposite tbe Columbia Hotel, Columbia, 8. C. Oct 18 24 8m Mrs. C. E. Heed's Millinery and Emporium of Fashion* I a dies* hats, caps and bonnets. -J ALSO ~(D?2E3iKFd AH 2D IEIAra in every style. TOIIaET articles, &c., for sale very low. MAIN SI., COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 3m rraiiilw. CORNER LADY AND MAIN STREFTS, COLUMBIA. 8. C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND D0ME8TIC DRY GOODS AND HOSIERY, FANCY GQQBSp CLOTHING, IIATS, c Al.'O A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF &c. &c. Oct 1 24 8m IJ'JEW William Glaze, COLUMBIA, 8. C., IB now opening n Ane aeleclio.t of I,ndir? And Genta' Knglieh, Swim and American Wntclie*. Hole Agent*lor the celebrated I'atiUne Welch. l'lnl?dcl|ihiA Company* Gold Chain*, Ve*t, Opera Chatelaine*, l.c-o tine Neck luce*, I>iiunon<l Hinge and Brooch**, I'eail, full end half **t*. Silver*Were, Fluted War*. Clock', Cntlery, llouaehol) and Fancy Good*. Gun*, .Sporting Good*, Jet end Horn Good*. Willinm folnsec, One north ol Scoti X Co 'a Banking lluuie. 2ft- 8m joiin ctbeegers MANwmrn, WHOLESALE ami RETAIL Liquor Dealer, LHER BEER I RIVER. &C. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 ly JOHN C. DIAL, IMPORTER AND DEALER. I INT ENGLISH and AMERICAN Iron. 8tecl. Nail*. Castings Hill 8tones. Bolting Cloths. Smnt Machines. Circular Saws. Mill Irons. Sugar Pane OA It Rf AO 12 inilLDlSU and TltlMMIM A/ATARI A LS, " AND LKATMliR S2LT0N1Q, AND TAXnTBRO* TOOLO, MOWSKMrtftQ AND Furnishing Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Li mo, Content, Plaster, Uils French and American Window Glass, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Shoi Belts. Powder Flasks. Shot. Ar.iv WHOLESALE and RETAIL At the Sign of th? Golden Padlock COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oct IS 21 3m * ? , .111 1 i " ' i-wiii.i' wIbes, DRT GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AC. G. W. BRUNSON & CO. RE now rccoivinp and opening Full Supplier of Fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part or: Crushed, Powdered and Brown SUGARS Javrt, Lngnvra and Rio COFFEE Gunpowder, Imperial and Breakfast TEA MOLASSES ana SYRUP of various qualities Family FLOUR, in barrels and Micks MACKEREL, Canned and Spiced OYSTERS English MUSTARD, Worcestershire SAUCE Yeast POWDERS, 80DA. Table SALT PEPPER. GINGER, CINNAMON, CLOVES PICKLES, SAUCES, JELLIES, PRESERVES ALSO, French a:td American CANDIES NUTS of various kinds SEGARS, PIPES. Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO Table and Pocket Knives, Razors. Scissors Writing Paper, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Pencils, Ink, <fcc. A VARIED STOCK OF HARDWARE, CRROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, &C. BESIDES Many other Articles for tho use of the IIOUSEIIOLD and the i FARM, too numerous to mention in an Advertisement. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. &. w.nmsoB & co. Not 1 20 tf THE LABIES' STORl HOYEY & TOWNES, AT TH'<: OLD STAND OF WILLIAM H. HOVHSY. UAVE now n large and attractive STOCK of FALL and WINTERS DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF Dress Goods, Silks, Merinos, Bombazines, Alpacas, Poplins; Suit-Cloth, Sateen, Mohairs, DeLaiaes, ?fcc., &c., Shawls, Ribbons, Laces, Velveteens, Cloths, Cassimere, Hosiery and Gloves, Linens and Cottons, Boots, Shoes, lints, Umbrellas, &c., &c. lie would Call Especial Attention to our MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF W*M*TT132 Nainsook, Masalia, Tarltons, Jacc(?ncts, Checked Cambrics, Pin and Hair Ond Muslin, Indian Mulls, &c., etc., etc. Thanking our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, we. would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same We are satisfied that an examination will not fail to convince one customers that we still hold to the old motto THE SECT AP.TIGLE AT THE LO"77EDT PP.XGE. mQMKW& f OWllS. Oct 11 23 tf Head-Quarters m+*.m.m mm. mzz mm. msz sm vm*** VMT NImr SHOES, HATS, Crockery, Groceries, Notions, ?AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Goods Sold by Wholesale to . COUNTRY MERC1IANTSAT CHARLESTON PRSCES. 13!o So AT THE OLD STAND OF WBXTUM & PttGUSOlT, , Two Doom iVortli or Concli Fnclory, Greenville, S, C. Oct 18 24 2.? | g> sm&ijg it be?. > me? c la the place wl-.crc you can bny The Best and the Cheapest , M M H 1 H ELDTII1C m GENTS' FUBIISHIIG GOODS. r ^ WK ere now prepared lo exhibit on* of tho most choice and select $tor)?? ever < (!? > eJ in this market, and At Astonishing Low <)<ir ?n,.t!o U "QUICK 8AI.C8 AND 8MAI I. i??k?HTS." Oct 18 24 .?*? * Cm, iNBiF