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- y"T*^galB &\)t Cittrrprisf. Q R BE EM V It L l? ,~ S . Q. WIDIMMT, lOTIUn lit 1171. Th? 81*1* Fair. The Fair closed it* (bird annual exhibition in Columbia, oa Saturday last, at which there was a very large attendance. The f'kunix says : " The third annnal fair of the 8tat# Agricultural end Mechanical Society eloeed on yeeterday with the premium award*. In view of all the oircumetancee of the caw, it ie conceded that the fair haa been quite successful. Many of the departments were well filled. In many oases, the quality of the contributione waa excellent. 8ome of the departmenta wero better filled than otual. The crowd waa each day large. The Ladies Bazaar, inside of the building, waa an attractive feature of the fair, and we are gratified to say tbat the pecuulary receipts have been considerable. The mauagers and the fair waiters, and all ooncerned, deserve great credit for the success achieved. We trust that they will, .n.. i. ?> - ? ' ??*?? iu?ir wwmj lauuro, cnjo/ loe cum 01 well* etned repose. A? for the fair itself, we have dona well. The officers hare as usual worked bard ; and as to the committees, we are inclined to think that their duties hare been discharged with mors than usual cars. The Superintendent of Departments rendered material assistance. We publish this morning the list of awards. They will be notioed with pleasure by the Stata, as showing what our ] e plo are doing, eren amid the elouds that overhang our destinies." - ?-4'sa-^ ? Manufactures at Home. The Keowee Courier is doing good service b/ bringing iolo notice the manufacturing ad vantages of the up country of South Caro line, not only by argument, but recently lias published some Instructive facts, showing the success of "an enterprise in Oconee County Ihttwe would like to see imitated in Greenville and in other Counties also. " There is a tannery and shocfactoiy near Tcrryrille, in Oconee County, which employs eleven hands, and turns out, in a year, 6,000 hides and 1,200 pairs of coarse boots, betides shoes and finer styles of boots. The proprietor, Mr, Lay, informs the Walhaila Courier that a raw hide, worth $3. is worth from (3 to $12 when tanned, and, when the leather is made into boots and shoes, is worth from $20 to $80. The bsrk of ths oaks which cover the hills of Oconee !s worth three times the selling price of the forest lands. Three good lr< es give a cord of bark worth $5 ; and yet twenty of these tree*, with the land on which they stand, are often aold for $1. It ia estimated that Oconee County paya $25,000 a year for boota and ahoes, the raw material of which coste $8.000, and may, all of it, be obtained within the County limit*. These significant taeta are a conclusive argument in favor of home manufactures" Georgia. Both branches of the Legislature hare passed resolutions denunciatory of Oovornor Bullock, and impeaching his veracity. The Sciate has repealed the usury laws. The House passed a bill providing fur the holding of a special election for Governor, on tho second Tuesday i n December. The Democrats contend that the integrity of the Republican acting Executive, Mr. Conley, should bo trusted. - Taxes. Tsx-payera have their attention called to the official notice of Edwin F. Gar v. Slate Auditor. From that notice, our people need not expect an extension of time, therefore they would do well to pay, if they can, in time to prevent the addition of the penalty of tweuty per cent., which will be added after the 16th of January, 1872. Hymeneal. Last evening at 7 o'clock, Mr. W. J. Cnoswill and Miss Mamib Gowkr, daughter of T. C. Gowkr, Esq., ware united in the holy bonds of wedlock, in tho Presbyterian Church by Dr. E. T. Buist ; the ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of persons, tbo house being crowded. A splendid party was given at Mr. G's residence, which was largoly attended, and all seemed to enjoy themselves, wishing the newly married much folicity. ?? Prepare for Winter, Those desiring to keep themselves any way's comfortable during the wiutei 'a surly blast, would do well to call at the fashionable furnishing Store of Messrs. Swandalb A Isaacs, in the Mansion House, and secure a comfortable Overcoat. If you should chance to want any other article in Gentle men's Wear, they can nipply it. 8ce advertis< nient. Y jJlow Fever Dying Out in Charleston? Frost There. There were no fever deaths in Charleston last Saturday and Sunday, and the disease is fast abating in that city, and many persons are returning. On the 12th there was a heavy white frost. The City Council have ordered a day of thanksgiving on account of the abatement of yellow jack. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. The Columbia I'htrnix of the 12th inst.,sayf that it is reliably informed that the South Carolina Railroad having obtained a sufficient quantity of stock in the Urcenvillo and Columbia Railroad, now actually control that enterprise. ? ?? The Weather. We have lift ft aome rain during the pact week, coming down heavily Monday night Tneaday, old Boreae kept '.hinge etirrlng, and at night there was a heavy killing froat. Winter will now douhileaa aet io. ill* House, Charier ton The above aplendid honae of entertainment haa been re opened, by Mr. 0. W- Park an, former proprietor, after a through ovcr-hauling, and will be conducted in ita old atylo. No BerrleoAs the pastor of the Preshytcrian Cbtiteh will bo absent neat Sunday at tbo meeting of Synod, wbiob meeta at Ruin tor to day, there will be no serrleo in tnat Cbureb. United States Marsha! Johnson reports abou* . hundred arrests in York, Spartans burg ?/! ITriois . . of the prisoners P#?i ZT*' "0,t hare made so-called conic.,* ' nt"171"" ?nS# UUls n->na fjf the Union men bare committed n??? Colored Paper, Mr. IUssistsh, paper manufacturer, six miles 1'oui Ihw City, rtcoived a premium at the State Mr for Degnsre e?lsitd paper. late and y>er Xteat. m. m . mougTi ?'? VI IWIW BIO?|M!, well knows to assy of osr dttuii, has beta sr retted is Atlanta, upon aAdaelt or Ckaa. P. McCatta, " that be dtd, by sad through art fa' moaaa and doooltlbil practice*, obtain from the treaoary of Ut Wo*tern and Atlautie Railroad $7411.29." lie garo ball In tbo tuna of $3,000, The Ropnbllaana bare, In lata eloetiont, carried tbo Statea ol Kanaaa, Mlnneaota, aud Wisconsin. llllnoia oloeta a Repablican eon* gressman.' New Joraoj electa a Democratic Governor. The Georgia Senate parted reaulntlona denying tbe esiatence of a Klu-KIux organisation, and anggcating to tbe Ka-Klux committee to ennaion the jadgea of the Superior Courta aa wltneaaea. Fourteen thouaand fatnillcr, or about sixtythree thouaand pcraona of all ages and soxes and colora, are now rceeirlng aid from tbe Chicago Aid and Relief Society. Tbo " wet ticket" waa elected in Newberry, on Tueaday, 7th inat., by n majority of 100.? Tbo following la tbo ticket: Iotendant?J. P. Pool; Wardens?Peter Rodlcaperger, J. D. Fellers, Orborn Welle, Wm. J. Tarrant. An cntcrprialng ynnkce in Florida la reaping a liarreet, by celling aa oil to the negroes which be promises will make their balr grow out atrigbt like n white man's. Marion County baa been restored to tboae rights with which martial law generally ao seriously interferes. The eccood[proclaination, after admitting the clerical error that placed that quiet county among tbe proscribed, states that Union will be " honored" with tho presence of "tbo Ginral'e boya in blue." The friend* and acquaintances of Rev. Samuel J. Prioe, will bo pained to bear that ho died at Lancaster C. II., on the 1st inat., aftor | a lingering illness. Congress, upon re-assembling In December, < will have before it 769 bills which wore pend- | ing at the time of adjournment. Of these 410 | , re in tbe House awaiting the appointment of , the committed for reference. A number of < tbe bills ore similar in character, seven of tbctn being for a repeal of the income tax. Ten ( and-grub railroad bills are among thi bills pending. ( Tbe New York Journal of Commerce and World bolli dwell in terms of fitting ( indignnation upon Grant's South Carolina ( martial law proclamation, and the outrages ( which are being perpetrated under It. ( Mnssna. Louts Ronar.ns, Frank Farr, T. J' , Greer, Jobn Dawkins, (colored,) and William Steen, of Union County?charged with rourI der and conspiracy?bad a homing bofurc United States Commissioner Booier, yesterday. The first fire were remanded to jail, to await the action of tbe grand jury, at the session of the United States Court, which convenes in this city on tbe fourth Monday of this raontb. The latter was discharged, there being no cvtdcncc against him. Col. F. W. McMastcr and J. II. Runkle, Esq., represented tbe prisoners; Gen. E. C. Worthington for tbe Government.? Phvruix, 121* iu$t. The Over Issue of South Carolina Bonds About $30,000,000. The New York World of the Clh contains a history of tbe reported over-issue of Elate bonds. It says . The report published in this paper yesterday of the discovery of tremendous over-issues of South Carolina bonds t>y the State financial agent has created a most profound sensation in financial and commercial circles, en account of the severe losses to which purchasers may lc linblo, and in social and political circles on account of tbo denraritv to whirh it inn clearly points as existing amongst tbo irre. sponsible agents who have been, by bayonet rule, thrust upon the pcoplo of the Southern States as Executive State officers. Information rcceivod since the publication of tbo article in question show* it not only to be correct* but even so tempered in tbo interest of truth and jnsiiee towards oil as to fall far short of the real condition of affairs. It was stated that the sum of $20,04(1,000 in bonds of the Stato of South Carolina had been printed by tho American Bank Note Company of this city and passed into the possession of the State financial agent; that every member of the State government wns here, from tho Governor down, and that a party of the wealthy gen. tlcmcn of the State representing the taxpayers wcro hero watching their proceedings and endeavoring to And out the actual financial condition of tho State ; that it had long been known that the Stale debt had been feer fully increased, but to what amount it had been impossible to ariive at, as the officials had all refused information on the subject, and the Stale treasurer had carefully kept the books of his depaitment Jock-d front the inspection of the gentlemen who had wishtd to investigate them with a view of learning the truth ; that the S'ate financial agent had, besides mak ing the over.i*?u? of bonds, so redncd the amounts raised on the credit of the Slate by a complicated system of commissions to hiinteH, that ouiy some twenty-seven per cent, of money raised by him had ever found its way into the State treasury, and much of this whieh had been raised to meet injuring obligations, had been used for oilier purposes, and thua not only leaving the debt unpaid, but increasing the aggregate. In relation to the printing of the hon Is, it wns stated Hint the Governor (Scott) had admilled such to be lite f.tct, but had denied that they had all been used, or that it wns the intention to put them into the market. Again, it was said that the State nirei.t I O had issued tha honda, hut not on the credit of Hi? Staff, hut on hi* own individual credit, in which cuse ilieSlafc would not IDs invoiced, aa it could honorably refuse to shoulder the rrsponalhiity of tlion One thing, however, ia certain, that it i? impossible for those n o*t inlcrfalfd to get any satisfactory replies to their inquirb? tiom any of the officials. They have triad lo Lave the Oovernor explain why so an amount of honda have been printed if they are not to be ueed, and el'O to got from him some decided estimate of the actual imh l>lednese of the Slate, hut tiiey were only met by evaviona and subterfuges lending to tiuow dust in their eyes. Worst of all, it wes state I that if all the faets in relation to the ?ver-iesue were true, then the State was utterly and irrevocably bankrupt. Now for the new development*. It is discover^ ed almost hey?nd a doubt that the orerds* sues are a palpable fact, and that instead of 510,04ft,060 they will reach tha figure of ! $?0,G4ft.<>00; thai of this amount fl A,000.000 i hare -I??? ---* - - ?<B?<U| >cm<{] ana elilpped to Europe for Mia Uwrre, and that tit* remainder liava (man put into market hrr*. But ll?0?? fi-a^lu) irantiuitfoo* it - U now found I are n?t confined to tl>? Stat- of Saulli Oar oiina ofTieiala InmrRM imoc* of much the | atnt character have barn m*de by th?M ' I JSJL 1 . - i J who it pm?nl hold control ol the fnineti off I ho Siiti of North Carolina, lid prvmIiinI 8oath*rn railroad hil U?t in the rooio )iq? ot biirUoro. Regarding theootoro ] loot it U not possible at ihla tioao to give any reliable figure*, bat la a lew dare U will be given to the poblie. together with eoroetliiog official about the South Carolina mats ' tor. Gotbrxoe Scott's Vkmiok or rat Areata. The New York Journal of Commerce ol 1 Monday raye* Our Washington correspondent haa eon- | versed with Governor 8eoil, of South Carolina, and received fioiu him the rrophalio aaaurance thai in no ease can the debt of that State rxceed 11S,000,004). All bonds heietofore aold are genuine, and represent lull value rreeived. Interest will be paid promptly on the let of January. The Governor thought It probable that sensational reports woul-l be elroulaled to alarm bond* holder*, and Its desirrd that the latter should be warned agaiuet crediting th*m. J - bet Things in York. We gather the following facte from the Yorkville Knqulrer, of Thursday, 9th Inst It is now three ?*e*ke since the United I eis'ea authorities commenced making tr. ' rcsta of alleged K? Klux in this county < and aa yet there are no indleationa thai the 1 accused will I e gran'ed a preliminary hear J ing liefoie ilia United 8lstea commissioner < prev:oua to the fitting of the district court at Columbia, no the fourth Monday of tliia ' month. Tbia de'ay ia mainly attributed to the fael. aa we learn, that the time of the j official* it preoccupied in receiving vohtnta ry confessions of in> tnbert of the Ku Klox organization, lor whose aricata no order* ^ have been istued. The headquater* of Colonel Motrill ate constantly besieged l>y men A tliia class, of whom more than three lundred have made confessions of their ^ membership, and quite a number ate yet iwaiting an opportunity to do likewise.? We learn these continued confessions develop nothing differing in character from ^ lire confeasione alluded to last week. Bince tha Enquirer's last report, forty- p iwo persona have been arrested and Ira- t prisoned. Ten of them hud beta arrested ^ tnd bound to appear for trial previous to lire President's proclamation, but seme n loubta having arisen aa to the force of ? hair bond, they were rearrested last week, 1 aod allowed the privilege of giving rew t bonds. All but two of- them renewed f thoir bail and were released from confine- 1 inent. Of the heretofore published, 3. C. Chambers, J. N. McDill and D. M. Stewart have been released from confinement in 1 prison. The total number of arrests made since tire 19th ultimo is one hundred and forty-five, of whom onehundrel and seven are miw in prison ; ninety-seven white t tneo and one negro being confined in J-?il, ' end ten negroes in the guardhouse. < The jail building 1?. of course, very 1 much crowded with this number of men closely confined within its rooms; but we believe evc;y possible means is adopted to render their situation as comfortable as cir eumstnnees will n?rmi? Grbknyii.i.e, S. C., Nov. 15. Cotton, middling*, 164 c*nt?. Naw York. Nov. 13. Cotton firm; salra 4730 bul-s ; uplands, 18 4 ; Orleans, Iff Gold. It4 @ 114. Oiiarlkstox, Nov. 13. Cotton firmer; middlings, 174 Married, on tbe 9th Inst,, by Rev. Kllison Capers, ?t Christ Church, Mr. SAMUEL A. T0WNE8 and MISS MAY THOMPSON, all of this City. With this notico wns received a present of bridal enko, and in return we express the good | wishes of ourselves and many friends of the i pirties for a happy wedded life, nnd the bliss i that attends the body estate of matrimony. ' B? Guided by what you Know. t There Is un old proverb which says, " Ex- 1 pertence is the safest guide." To this guide the sick nnd ailing, naturally turn when cast lug about tor the means of relief. They en- ' quire what n medicine has done tor others, l-e- { toro they adopt it themselves. Of all tho rem eilies and preventives in use, HOSTETTEIl'rt ? STOMACH BITTERS meets tho test most ? triumphantly, and bene* its immense popular- I ity and vast sales. The sufferer from indiges- i tion is sure to find some one among his friends ( who has been eueed of this ailmont hy tbe fa- | mous vegetable stomachic. The victim of < fever anJ ague, lirer complaint, constipation, ( nervous prostration, or generul debility, has only to innke inquiry in the neighborhood 1 where he resides in order todiscovcr what this standard restorative has effected in eases similar to his own. In tbe published tcstimony to its merits he will find a volume of proofs of its sanitary properties, which it is impossible for his common sense to resist. He trirs it, and the effect it produces on his system adds nnothcr to the host of witnesses in its fnvor.? Thus, its reputation, founded on facts, not assertions, continually grows nnd spreads.? Charlatans and impostors, some of them mere tricksters, and others who* take a somewhat wider range, attempt to thrust Into tbe hands and down the throat of invalids, their haphatard concoctions, as substitutes for the tonic wtiicb to. :s many years lias been a medicinal staple throughout the United ti'ates, Spanish America, Canada, nnd the West Indies, but only succeed to a very limited extent. In this roasoning age, toe people, having ascertained what is really deserving of their confidence, decline *' running after strange gods." Nov 1 2fl 4 s I j* once. Tl'S COMMENCEMENT of Reldvillo Female will lake place Friday 24ih, Nov Addrei* by Rev. W. P. Jacolii of Clinton, 8 C. Next mmIoii (10 . calendar month?) begin* 6th February, Nov. Ifl 2t 1 I j?st 11 c mvm>; ] NBW ALPACAS, I HEW PRINTS,, wmt: fMMtf; Opera Flannels, j LA ROE l*T0CK OF Ladies' ! i Gents' i & : Children's : StX ft W C2 i IllSlaS#; Call and examine tlicm at tlio * STORE QF BEA.TTIE & CO.,' Koy 16 ts t 1 v' ~ W . V: 1 III. . .. JJL . . - LL State of South Carolina) ORERK Vti.i n mnxtv Court of Common PW at Rrixa-a Robert*, ??. Pleasant Jenkins BY ilrUf of lli? IWr>la) Order of Juilg* Orr, 1 will tell ?' Greenville Court II oust, ou 8?Ur4tj in December next, to III* highest bidder, nil tkil terleio plrtr, pare* I and Trntlol I.nnd, situated in Omen* will* Countj, and known aa tha WILLIAM CHANOLKK Traat. containing Ono Hundred and Forty four (144) Aeraa, more or le*a, adjoining land* of Henry Norton, Mir. Hank*, I'leaaant Jink* and other*, and being a pari of lb# land foimeriv ia possession o! N. el Waddle. d'CCarrd. Sale for paitilion. lerma Cash, Purebaaera to pay for iiam| a and paper*. Re aold al the risk of the former purchaser. J. L "SOUTHERN, a O. C. Not IS 28 S 8TATE OF 60UTH CAROLIN A. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Doulhit, Probate Judge nf Greenville County, I will aell on 8al??<iay in Dtctmbtr near!, at public outovy, tbe following tract* of land. vis.; Tract No. 1, aitualed in Greenville County, on water* of Gap Creek, adjoining land* ol Wna, B. Johaaon and other*, containing Five Acre*, more or let*. Tract No. 2. aitualed in paid County, adjoining landa of Wiley A. Iilahop and other*, and containing Acre*, mora or leaa. Tract No. 3, situated in said County, on waters of Middle baluda, adjoining lands of the widow Margaret Tucker and others, containing On* hundred Acres, more or lea*.? Sold aa th# property of LEONARD CAGLE, leecaMd, 10 pay debt*. Ac. Term Cut A. Purchasers to pay for titled ind stamp*. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. O. Nor. 131b, 1871. 28-3 ITATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court of Common Picas. I J. DOUTI1IT, Probe'* Judge. Plaintiff gainst M. D. DICKEY. Administr?tor, rum t?i onnetoof L. II. DICKEY, et al, Drfrndanl?Summons For Rrlicf. Complaint not Served. 'o the Defendants M. D. DICKEY. K O. DICKEY. W. D. DICKEY. ANGELINA CANNON. TABITIIA DICKEY. L. M. DICKEY. II. K. DICKEY, L L. GREEN and J. K DICKSON. ^7"OU ARE hsieby summoned snd reJL quired to answer the eomplaint in Ms action, which was filed in I tie office of be Clerk of Common PLa*. for the en Li lounty. and to serve a eopy of your answer 0 tlie s*ld complaint on ilia subscribers at heli office, Gieenville. within twenty days fter I he set vice hereof, rxclusive i f the day 1 such service ; and if you fail to answer he complaint within the time aforesaid, ha plaintiff in this notion will apply to the Jourt for ths relief demanded in tne comilaint. SA8LEYA WELLS and Wro E. EARLE, Plaintiff'* Attorney. Dated 13th of November, 1871. rOSI.D DICKEY. E. O. DICKEY, W. D. DICKEY. L. M. DICKEY and U. E. DICKEY, Defendants: TAKE notice that the Summers of which he above ia a true copy, wss tiled in the dlerk'a Office of this County, on the 14th lav of November. A D. 1871. Sa'SLKY ?fc WELLS and Wm. E EARLE. Plaintiff's Attorney. Nov It '28 6 Thanksgiving Proclamation State <>r South Carolina, Executive Department. rHlIIE year is approaching its t?>mina JL tion, and, humbly acknowle Iging he Supreme Ruler of the Universe as the irbiter and controller of it* destinies, and in accordance with lime-honor>d custom, tnd concurring with ilia Proclamation of ihc President of the United Stales, I deem It* present a fining oecarion to recommend o the people of South Csrolinn the adoption if Thursday, the 30th day of November, as a lay of solemn thanksg ving to Almighty Jod for hit unnumoerad blessings. lleversntly assembling in their sanct.uai La of irayer, ai d praise, may tii-y make their luoildc contrition and acknowledgments, 'emomhering in tliair orisons the desolate ?nd oppresec I. and realising that he that i: no a et h Hun. hatli mercy on the poor All I through the lio'y and impressive influence >1 these acta of devotion, may we lie the lietler prepared to perform our dot La to [}<>d and our fej'o w-im n, to res st evil, and :onqiier temptation, and become more conteeralid to every pinu* and patriotic duty. Id virtne whereof, I lute hereunto set mv linni! mill run*, it ili? flr??i S??l of the State t<? lie Columbia, tin* eighth ?'nv of No [l. i] vemticr, A. 1 >. 1871. and in the tiitiet ywnxili ymr ol the indrpen dence of the United Sluice r( America. ItOUEKT K. SCOTT, Governor. P. Ij Cabdozo, .Secretary of State. Nov. 16 2$ 1 OFFICIAL. Orricg or Ai;?itor or Statr, Columbia, 8. C., November lOtb, 1871. IT having been reported in some of the papa ra of thefltste, that a promise bad be-on nnde by III* Excellency Governor H. K. Scott to the late Tax paynra' Convention, to extend the time for the collection of taxes for 1871 ; I would say for the Information of all coneernid, and for the purpose of doing away with any ill effect which soeh a report might induce ; and at the asme time to leave no excuse lor no? payment at the proper time j that in a sonforcnee with hi* Excellency thia morning, be informed me that lie made no such general promise aa has hecn ascribed to him. ilia Excellency Informs me that the Coronittae of the Tax payers' Convention who sailed upon him In reference to matters reletng to the collection of taxes alter a discussion >f the sahjert, dooided that November was the proper time lor tho collection of taxes n the npper counties; hat that in those rounties where aea island cotton Is grown, jay moot eoulil not be made until Maroh with>ut sacriflce. Ills Kxcellehey, therefore, agreed toeuspend the oolicet ion from those upon the seaboard intil that time, where they were unable to pay looner. Persons desiring to arail themselves of the reneflts of tbis promise, will ha rrqulred lo file t petition with the County Auditor previous o the time at which the penalty attaches, accompanied by affidavits that ratnrns from )r<j>s had not been received ; such petitions sill he considered. Tha public will, therefore, place no reliance tpon the report referred to, as I am assured hy If is Excellency that no extension of time >ther than tbosa mentioned, will b? granted, Tbe collection of taxes for tbis fiscal year rill commence on tha SQih instant, and coninne until tba l&tb of January next; after rhieb time the paaaliles prescribed by law, rill attach, and t>a strictly enforced. County Treasurers will proceed at once to nforce tha collection of all delinquent taxes or previous yoarr. EDWIN P. OAKY. Nor IS ,? *,n,e A?id)tor. 28 1 BBTATtT .IS] T. A. '"Wu DRUGGIST AND ?dk332> ?!5di> CHEMICALS OILS, DY1 Fancy Goods and T Great "V jlassup^ ?flp Ai&ib sira (Tho cheapest ever Drought to tnurki In:ported direct fr SEWING MACHINE OIL, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE. PERFUMERIES, SO A PS, BRUSH COI PITR1? WTWRC A JL b I11J If AiA J^U 2\ (FOR MEDICINAL BLANK BOOKS & Bibles, Photograph Albums, Port Letter, Note, Foolscap, Leg cy Paper ; Envelopes n dries in G< Anything in my line not in stock, tice and reasonable prices. Everyt and satisfaction guaranteed in every ISST" Physicians* Prescriptions, Fa all kinds put up and furnished at all ^ASUUS'g ?I . Nov 1ft 2 Prepare For C< OVERCOATSi We Call Attention to OF WINTER CI WHICH WE W1L.I Lowest C as French Beaver Ove French Beaver Capt Beaver Overcoats, ? and Talmas, All Wool White and Clouded 3 and Drawers, Shakei Gloves, Worsted CufI SWJIJYDJILE UNDER Nov 15 mamuracttmiku Kntikprimc ix Cuari.kst<>n. ?Charleston is fist hec -nrng a niariufnc- , taring Well as n commercial city. The I laig.-st nianufac'orv o> do<>r?. relies, blunts, An , in the Southern Steles, is that of Mr. U P P. TO ALE on Horlheek'e Wharf in that 1 eity, iilei looms at No. 20 Hayna street ? Mr. Toale's nJverli*ement appeal s in another column. i. o o. f7 ~ Mountain Lodge, No. 15. 1. O O. P. meets 1 Itevery Friday Night, at their Hall, over Harrison ?t Marshall's Drug Stoie. Hegular at* tendance d? sired. HOBT. McKAY, N. 0. Ang 80 17 tf Positively, m IE Aeeonntg of P1CKI.E Js> P0ORE, must l?o nettled. Tliofo wlio fad to do 6o by the first of Dcceinbtr inxt will have j to pay costs?your own fault. Greenville, S. C., Nov. 8, 1871. g Nov 8 27 3 ? m 18.40WlBZO^ . | I'm in if ?upp?w*l In bo] the lot of Uf poor mortal*, n? ineviteblo n? <t? nt li if wolf, and liable nt any tiino to coino upon on Thuro- ' f?re It If important Hint remedial agent* I ihould bo at band to ho u.?cil ?n an emergency, J when the principle lodged in the irn* j> torn tlinll develope iteelf. ami we feel Iho ex. l(| rruclating ngoniea of pain, or the dcprrrnitig , influence of diernee. Hitch n remedial agent V. exlata In the 1MTN KIM,Kit, whom f,.me K h?a made thn circuit of the glotie. Amid the1 etci nnl ice* of the polar region*, or beneetti the Intolerable and hunting run of tbe tropica, ~ its virtue* are known and appreciated.? Under all latitadea, from tbe one extreme to tbe otber, suffering humanity ha* found relief from many of It* llle by He wee. The wide end hroad area over which thla medicine bae r apread, atteaU Ita value and potency. From a J man Beginning, id* rain Killer has pushed (? gradually *l?>ng, making it* own highway, |? solely by it* virtues. 11 fiuch unexampled success and popnlarity ha* hronght other* into the field. who tiara attempled, under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of (be people and turn it to 'V their own selfishness and dishonesty, hut their f\ efforts hare proved fruitless, while tb? Pain V Killer it still growing in public favor. - . - .J-1 ? ? .... - gHi SSID 18(37. Lurm APOTHKCARY, ?LS& 7T33 5, PAINTS, ?-STUFFS, oilct Requisites in ariety. 1M83 AUSSlfi) IPIRIiSL8SB ot;) also Agent for the veritable 5 $ om Germany. ES, JBS, SNUFFS and SEGARS. NB LIQUORS, USES ONLY.) > STATIONERY, monaies, Pencils, Pens, Inks, a? Cap, Tissue and Fannd Stationers' Sunmoral. will bj biipplic 1 at shortest nohing warranted as represented, case. rtnily Recipes and Medicines of hours ot the day and night. M 8 If )ld Weather &VATMK nrfcfl uukxiidM of HKUUflR II. GIL* KATH. 4. PilANK QILRRATII, Guardian. Nov ?. 1871. 87-1 Notice. Omen or Board or Court? C< m'r*. ( Ghiorvills, N. 0, Nov. 7t!i, 1871. I I'll Kit K will h? i County Commlarionrr* L'-U't hold I or lh? trial of Road ]>rulter*. on Tue*'ay tho 6th day of ItrCrm >r nr*t, at It) oVf?i*k, A M., nt tha Court oiM. Highway Hiirvryora will notlty . fao'trra It) dava pr?vl?tia, and will alao lpcar oo rai l day a* other ImainrM of Imnrtanac to moh Townahip will t<a o.mi* dried. W. A. ininsoN, I.airman Board County Commkaionrra. Nov 8 87 8 OL i auiuiid. our Superior Stock LOTIIING, , sell at the h Prices, rcoats and Surtouts, 3 Talmas, English Sealskin Overcoats I Shawls and Scarfs, lerino Under Shirts Socks, Cashmere s, Alc., <fcc. Sf 1SJ1J1CS. THE MANSION HOUSE. 28 3 - - - - - - -1-!*1 Valuable Farm for Kale, r OFFER MY FARM, on Smith S.lii.U, L contain/ ft'Ht seres, for stile, n Urge ropotlion ?.f which is Kiver end Creek lot tot*. Refer to MRS. A 0. FKA3TER. Nov 8 27 If TO THE LADIES. Pall and Winter Opening. MRS. LT"JENNINGS Respectfully Informs the Indies that ?he is now recoiv ing (nil supplies nf FALL AND W/AT7KIl MILLINERY or latmt amp most PASIIION ABEE STYLES. The Rock will consist of sll the lines of IO()I)A found to similar eslahliahmenle, nd will l?e offered st very reasonable i ices. 27-tf Notice. A t.I, persona IKHKHTRI) lo the Arm of A J M TERRY A CO.. of Fairvlew, A are her. hy rrqu.plsd to enme forward f settle their aeeotill's by the first i?f Jsnary, 1872, a* a clung* in the firm will he tade. J. M. TERRY A CO Nov 8 27 * Notice fS hereby given lo all whom It may eon corn, that I will apply to S. J Doutblt, rnhale Judge of flrrenviHe County, on le 2nd day of January next, for a final die Fnrm for Sale,. The valuable farm of nr. j?mea McC'a?alian, containing TOO one*. 100 aeraa of wlitali I# firat rate lirar bottom and In a Mah atata of enUiratinn, la offV-rcil for aala. Improvements on Ilia place are new and In irood repair. Apply to MRS. A. O. FEASTER or DR. JAMES McCLANAUAN. Nor 8 27 If Notice 13 HEREBY given to oil wlmm ! may eonefrn, that 1 will apply lo 8 J D??uthlt, 1'iolitif Judir* of flri'?n?l>l( Conitly, on M< 8tk day of December next, Uv a final diacharire a* Administrator of the E'tata of MARTHA C I)AKRR, deceased. T. P. BAKER. Administrator, Nov*n?rr fl'h, 187'. VT-ti Fleming; & Maxwell IV OJJI1 r ?p> pful'y In'orw I lie |?i|>'i<y 1 v |1 n' ?l?-3" liNtr | tiic'iased the Shop of Samuel Ilia U. in ill ?>1J C??ur'. Il?u?e, an I are ;-r>-ietcl lo d ? WORK iu ill- ir Ii -?* i?i a first ctaes manner, ai d ilicy So|l< I* the I'lilioi.i-g- ol llitir Fill-lid- ninL Pub ic generally. 27-tk | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriffs Sales. BY virtuo of a Decree from S. J. D.utliif,' Jud^c of llio Pro'-nto Court. I will sell'1 at public outcry before tho Court ll?u*e,on snlcaday in Pucctubcr neat, (lie following, tract* of land, Vis , All that truct of land situated in Greeovilfd County, on water* of Middle Saluda, hounded by laiiils ol William B. Johnson, Klisuheth Johnson, David Dnyneand other* and containing One Hundred ntui Filly Acres. Sold as the property ol John B. Iliitryins, deceased, to pay debt* ami for partition among the heirs. All that tract of land situated in rni.t county, on waters of North 6nluda, bounded by land* of James E. Hngoud, Trustee, and others, and containing Acres, moro or less. 8old as the property of Nancy Murray,, deceased, to pay debts and lor partition, among the legatees under the Will. A?.?0 Tint hunts and lot In the Oi 3* of G e?trvllle, on Hmienmbe Bti t't, lion tided l?y lota of Dr S. S. Marshall and others, containing one ai re, m ire or less Sold as the property of Judith Attwooi, deceased, to pay debts at d for partition among the heirs Terms, for tracts No. 1 and 2. a credit for 12 month*, with inlere't from date, for all ex? cept so much as will p iy the costs, which will be required iu caslt, and for tract No. 2, One Hundred and 'fitty-eight dollara and fifty-three cents, nosh, additional, to CV note of A Co. For the lloiue and it, a credit until the lat day of January next. l'uiehascM to give houds with approved sureties together with a mortgage of the premise", to secure the payim-Dl of liio pttrehase money. 1'utchasers to pny for titles and stampi. J 1- 80UT11KKN.8 O. C. November 7sh, 1871 27-4 J. Q. MOD AVID. W. II. BALL. M'DAVID & Mil, DENTISTS, Corner of Main and Coffee streets, GREENVILLE, 3. C. Nov 1 2? tf Notice. A LI/TARTIES INDEBTED to m hy account will find the sumo in the hands of liutler, McBee <fc Stephens, Attorneys at Luw. In mediate payment is earnestly requested. Iu:\ltv iiAJITT. Nov 1 20 3 MARSHALL MAUBIN Offer the FOLIA)w ING AItlTCLES AT M mm FI CASE CSP.1IAIT CTUD31TT ar?* ym. mm m ? em ANDJ VARIOUS OTHER KINDS AT Reduced Prico3. Call and Sco. FIVE BARRELS BEST Kerosene Oil, LARD OIL, SPERM OIL, LUBAIOATiNQ ?3!L, Linseed Oil Raw and Boiled. THREE DOZEN COI) JLIYttlt OIL, VA UlO US JiliA NDS. IN BOTTLES VARNISH, 2T23ATC FOOT OIL, 200 lbs Olae, 160 lbs Logwood ft? lbs. IKDIVO, Bed. 50 lbs Saltpetre. Lewis' White Lead, PUKE, AT LO W FlQUIiE^ <azb??8f sasssfc AT FACTORY PRICES. THREE BOXES OOM OE27TF.ATBD LT3 FOR HA LB LOW. GOLD LEAF Smoking Tobacco* II M in tlie Market. FINK WiliSKIKS. BHANDIK8 AND WINES, FOIl MKDk'AI. PURPOSES ONLY. FRENCH COGNAC BITTERS. A SPLENDID ARTICLE, IIAI It IlKUSMRS, OOMH8, POWDERS, I'KRFUMERIRS. SOAPS AND TOILET ARTICLES. AT VERY LOW PRICES. STAriONE&trWRITING AND COPYING INKS. AT RKDUOKD PltlOM. tW All Prescriptions careful)av prepared. I i ZQ 3