University of South Carolina Libraries
A few nigbte since, at a late : hour, the speaking tube at the f office of one of New Haven's pop ular pltyticiaftg wiu? used by aoiuo midnight frog,"1 to the following effect : The doctor was in a sound sleep, when he was partially awakened by a u halloo " through the tube, when the following dialogue to?>k place: Well, what do you want f" u Doea Dr. Smith liyo here f * Vl?l wllttf ltd vim Willi t V* 44 Arc you Dr. Smith ** Yes?yes/ what do you want !*' ' Why, how long havo you 1i*k ed here ?" " Some twenty years ; why t" " Why t why don't you vxoveV " It' you stay there about ten ocomls, more you'll find I am moving 1" and ho bounded out ot bed, but the |>atient was hoard 41 moving " down the street at a rate that defied pursuit. A Bitk.? A very important sttipling, whom favoritism had raised to the dignity of quartermaster in a regiment of infantry, wishing one day to dismount from his charger for the purpose of wetting his whistle and adjusting his spurs, called out in very commanding tones to a spectator who was standing near: 44 Here, fellow, hold this horse." "Does he kick?" bawled out the person nddres-ed. u Kick ! no. Take hold of liim." 44 Does he bite ?" "Bite, no I Take hold of the bridle, I say P 44 Does it take two *to hold him ?" 44 No " 44 Then hold him yourself." *" > A certain typo, whose face shone liko an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, from the effects of steady and copious libations, having been asked why so many printers were dissipated, astonished the questioner by the following neat little answer : When others shunned the murky sky. Where flush on fl i?h wns itghl'iiiag, Greet Franklin went to fly Ids kite, And bottled up the lightning. And, since his lime, when cares oppres* And the hard times are tighi'ning. The printer seeks to drown his Woes la draughts of " bottled lightning.*' When badly tattered, his w?rn? h<att? A place for grbf to rsnkle in? lie takes the " lightning." flics his kite. And thinks himself a Franklin. The following conversation is of interest to shopkcepcts: 44 Von are about to remove, are you not ?" 44 No." 44 Why, you wrote up 44 selling off." 44 Ycp, every shopkeeper is selliiipg off." 4\You say 44 no reasonable of? r.w.3 ?r ? 1V7> 4 # a- 1 (ICv VJ u Why, I should bo very un: .reasonable if I did refuse such an . tfffer." 44 J3ut 3*011 say, " must close on ; {Saturday." 4\To be 6?re, you would not i have me open on Sundny would \yoirlw Tfo Luiky.?44 Hans, wlicrc you : get lliat knife 1" 4 I finds him, fader." 44 No, Hans; I believes you -.tells one big falsehood." 44 No, fader; dat is true; I is (the luckiest boy yon never sec." 44 Veil, Ilans, I has to vip yon." 44 Not cause I steals, fader I" 44 No, llnn?, I vip you 'cause you so very lucky." Traciieb : 44 Mary, dear, snpI o;e I were to shoot at a tree with five birds on it, and kill three, bow many would be left ? Mary ? four year 8 old; 4* Three, ma'am," Teacher: 44 No, two would bo left." Mary: 4* No, thero wouldn't, though ; the three shot would be left, and the other two would be flied away 1" - ? > Tin.wi; firn tliirtppn thousand ! dentists in tlie United States JJv making "a lung pull, arid a strong pull, and a pull altogether," they ought to be able to extract 44 the corroding tooth of tln.o." ? - ? Life is divided into three terms, that which was, which is, which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to livo better for the future. , A man in Jersy City who had | i stolen a kiss from a school girl ! : was fined by the magistrate, horse whipped by a big brother, and * scratched bald headed by his own ' wife. And it was not n/uch of a kiss after all. 1 - - ?? Richmond has a society called 44 The Daughters of the Golden Candlestick." They are probably snuffers. ? 1 A wfi.l known uhonograuher. who has instructed many ladies in 1 i the art, declares that the ability of women to become short-handed amanuenses is quite equal to that of men. ? True goodness is like the glow- _ worm in thai if 8|,jllc8 t|,e most when no eyes of heavon are uj>ou it. ~ WW A J ?M ^ . fi / Notice. A LL FERSONS INDEBTED to the Into A WILLIAMB. HOVBY. ere re<(ne?ted l? tont l?rw??r ?d PAYMENTS tn Ik* Balmeriber, mil nil tE*ec having any DR. XlAMDSaffeioet EM ReUte, ?M hereby netifitt to nreeent tbc* !br KtLictnent. r ?** M. M. I10VEY, e Administrator with Will annexed. Greenville, 8. C., September 20, 1871 2t)-tf $25 Reward. TUB ABOVE REWARD will be paid for the apprehension of one JACK GAR* MAUI) no# his delivery to tlio Jnilur of Greenville tj unly.f tb< it d Garuiany Is a colored iuan some 20 years or nge, flvo I'cct tea inches high, and weighs 150 |l>s. U 7" T J- P- MOOKK, Mayor. ' Greenville, S. C., October 4, 1871. Oct. ii _ "m tr ? . ? - If otic? IS HEREBY given that I will apply to P. J. Doathit, Probata Judgo of Greenville county, on tl? lOfi day of Aorrmlfr hcjt/, tor .* finwl discharge as tluordian of WM. A. ARNOLD and JAMES 11. ARNOLD. A. R. MvDAVID, Guardian. October 17th, 1871. . 21-5 Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern that I will apply to 8. J. Duultiit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, en the ldtA d<iy of fiooeiiilter next, f?r a liiial discharge as Executor of the Kstute of ELIZA BETH K. PEDKN, deceased. DAVID At. 1'EDEN, Exccntor. October 14th, 1S71. 24-5 nolle? IS HEREBY giycji to nil nrhotn it may concern, that we will npply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Urutuviilo County, on the 19th dny of ftmtmiher next, fur a tinnl diaohiirgo us Administrators of the Kstnto of JOHN WEAVER, deeoMed. WA8UINOTON TAYLOR, F. A. WILIS, Executor?. October lfttli, 1871. 21-5 Notice IS UEUEDY given to nil whom it may concern, thnt we will apply to S. J. Douthit, Prohato Judge of Oroenvllle County, on the 2'f iloy of December ne-vt, 'or n (lniil discharge n? Administrator* of the Estate of WILLIAM A. AUSTIN, deceased. WM. A. AUSTIN. NELSON AUSTIN, Executor?.,'' Octol cr Uth, 1S71. 24-110* TItc Slate <?I Soulli Carolina a RE EX 1 1L L g CO OA" T r. In the Court of Prolato. ELIZABETH GltEE/t, r?. LVCrXDA J/cCJlA/ir, r LOU ESC E MeCHAUr on,I other*. Petition to let <i$ido The II'ill of C. if. G HItEII, rlrctotcl, A fto itliV, <fc. IT appearing to tny satisfaction tlint Kc?inh Ward, Moees Greer, Josiuh Greer nnd John Orccr, or their descendants, Defendants io this ease, reside without the limits of this State. On motion of Earlo A lily the, it is ordered that they do appear in person or Attorney in the Probate Court for Urocnville County, on or before the 29/1 iloy of December next, and nnstrcr, plead or demur to the petition in this case, or their consents to tbo same will be entered of record. S. J. DOUTIIIT, Probate Judge. October I2tl>, 1871. 24-1 1 Tho State of South Carolina. G KEENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. TEHTIIA A. DICKEY, Administratrix, vs. MICHAEL D. DICKEY, Guardian, ol ul. Petition for Account, Ac. IT appearing to 1115 satisfaction tliut MICIIAEL D. DICKEY, Defendant in this ease, resides without the State. On motion of Earle A lily the, it iF ordered that lie appear in person or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate to be hohien at Greenville Court Houfc, County of Greenville, on the 1st titty -of December nejet, to show cause, if any lie can, why a final nccuuntintr should not t<c bad I v him as Guardian ot LEWIS T. DICKEY, late of laid County, deceased, and a Decree given thereon. On failing to Attend, bis consent to the sauic will be entered of record. S. J. D0UTH1T, P. J. 0. C. October 12th, 1S71, 24-7 Mt^lc ol* Soulh Carolina* GREEN YIL L E CO UN T1". In the Court of Probate. A DSA L 0.1/ 11L Y THE, Assignee, ,fe D.I NIEh M. DODGES ??. MICHAEL D. DICKE 1', Administrator tie battle una, ot a/. Petition for .trroiinf an J Final settlement. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Michael D. Pickcy, Administrator de bonis 11011 Caroline Hodges; the heirs of Fleming llodges, deceased, via., Daniel Hodges and John Hodges ; the heirs of Iluldah Kinzcy, deceased, via., Sarah Whitted, Rebecca Kinr.ey, Louisa Kiuacy, Martha Kinicy, Margaret Kinzcy and Moses Kinzcy ; two ol the heirs of Elisabeth Whitted. deceased, viz., Sarah Whitted and John Whitted, Milton llodgcs ; one of the heirs of Cmrinda McKinncy, dcceasod, via., Elizabeth Itussel; one of the heirs of Permelia Terry, deceased, viz., John Terry; and Nancy A. Die-key, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this Stole. On motion of Eiisley, Wells and Karle, it is ordered that they nppear in person or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate to be lioldcn at the City of Orccn ville, on the SOfA doy of Movent her next to show cause, if any they can, why a finnl set, tlemeut of the Estate of John W. Uodifes, deceased, should not bo hnd and a Decree given thereon, or their consents to tho same will bo entered ol record. 8. J. DOUTIIIT, Probate Ju.J-o. October 12th, 1*71. 24-7 Sixty Fivo First Frizs Kodals Awarded. Piano WM. KNABE &C0., Manufacturers of 6RAND, SQUARk AND UPRICHT PIANO FORTES, HALT I MO HE, ft I). These Instruments have been before the Public for nearly Thirty Ytars, ntid upon ibeir excellence alone attained an unpttrcku*td pre-eminence, which pronounces tin m unequaled, in TONE. TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURA8ILITY. All oar Square Pianos bava our New Improved Overstrung Scale ond the Agraffe Tret le. We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvement* in Grand Piano* and Square Grand*, found in no other Piano, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than ia? yet been attained, STery Piano Fully Worianted for Fire Years. We ara by special arrangement enabled to tarnish Parlor Organs and Melodeona of the annul celebrated maker*, wholesale and retail at lowcat Factory Price*. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on spplication to WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Or any o( our regular established agencies. Oct. 18 * 24 ?in WM. 0. WHILDBN, AG'Tf DKALRR (If Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, PINK CUT AND KNGUANED GLASS TABLE CUTLERY, CHINA AND WHITE GRANITE GOOL>S, vase*, toilet sets, fancy articles. Orders from the Country carefully filled nd aaiafaoifun guaranteed, ififi KINO STREET, CORNER BXAUFAIN Key Box 621, CnA*LK?ToK, S. C. Sep B 18 3m V FACTOR AND M12RC1 Till: XJHUBRSIGN'EU FACTORAGE AND COR unri l I) , 0?/l GENERAL MB I TOUttJHi?l| /f?3 TPfc A AID 1 m, IS LARGER AND X \'r ! t irVi ? r > ><{( AND Wll:'^ E WHOLESALE ?3 Cl ? Ji (iftjj rr AT T H E- ? "L O W cou^T^jt. J/ayi'C//.IATN. IF7J AA^lj/'/iVA' STOCK AI S \ SEN HI A O OR DEI ? ?' 1 > J- & tdiF" IIo will nlno jurni&li YA Balo at Factory ju ices. .'t i /. v . -i % I % ' ' 1 ^ 4 . P June 21, f ., ? * > a ?? "CAROLINA LIFE INS R1EJ1PIIIS, T JEFFERSON DA Bl.llK & roCIIEIC A SOUTHERN AND ATTKN'ilOJT TO THE SURREND AND (?THER / OFFE1SEU BY T may > DMA WING 1> FROM OCTOBER 1st, 1ST J, IN CONSEQUENCE CF THc FE $500,000 TO BE THE SOUTH LAM) AND 1MMIGRA V.UIT.EH, CH ADWICK. < Under llio suspicion* of the " South Carolina will give u SKllIKS OF CONOKKTS, at the Ac inij Jaruary 8th, 1872. ltefers to ail the llur.kcr*, Brokers, ami prom no.I South. 150.0( 0 SEASON TICKETS O] If you have riot received a Circular, tend I Strictly Confidential. 2,405 GIFTS. AMOUNTIN The Drawing of this Great Southern Entcrpi the folhiwiug well known gentlemen: (Jencr I'utlcdge, of South Carolina ; General lirudh I Pry or, of New York. Aloney for Ticket* enn be sent either by Exp lie proiuptlv forwarded. I)litEC Y AM, I.KTTKKhvTO BUT Principal Ollice, Charleston, S. C. (IXNKRAL St. C. UlITI.KIt, JollX Oil 0. t II 1871. iiX" TnMlc- 1871. mm I SOTS? SOTS? DOl'it 1,1-1 ami Single Itarrel Guns, Ilrccchloading ami Muz/.lo-londir.g Gun.*, of I English, French and German manufacture, at nil prices. Sin?t.. linn, ot -*.n Si no *r. on Ce on $12.1)0 to (itU.liO each; Double Duns from $7.f>0 to $200.00 curh. ipirrjms 2 jprnmsii Siuitb A Wesson, Coil's, Allen's, Sharp's, nnd all the popular an.I approved kind*. SPOKTS.M AN'S UOODS of great variety. ARfllKOajINBVflOSNII For uuns, Pistol* and Hides. BEST QUAHTY AI\D AT LOWEST PS.CES. Country merchant* and sportsmen nro invited to call and cxnmino our Inrgo and well selected stoek of the ahovc goods, which we import direct and hnv fr?m the manufacturer*. Orders hy mall filled promptly, and sent hy express, C. 0. D. POULTNlY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 1f. It M.TIM out: STREET, BALTIMORE, MD, Mar 22 S 18-rt 4b 1y 18 A CAIin. 71 I ?5? MY FRIENDS AND I'ATEL!/Vjjtrons have iny thanks for past Ki-^Bfavors Ac. I continue f" mftkc additions to my Stock of .TKWF.Lny. watciihs. clocks, sirficr *Ba TICLRS, S I L V R It p I, A T B 1> ? WAKK, TABLB CUTLBKY, Ac. Special at tnntion given to repairing line Watches, and Tiuio Pieces of every description. JAM KB O. BLACK. Jan 14 'M tf \v. k. Kiinr. o. a. wills EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ANI) IN KQTJTTY, 41 r>L*L'MVTl I L' U PR \CTICK in tUe Court* of tbo State and of tho United Rkm,' nnd gife e?pceUT attention to cases in Bankruptcy. Juno 1 3w*> j. J I:. F. joives, . Aie iw, , AND SOLICITOR IN L'QUtTY. i WILL PRACTICE IX AIL COURTS OF THIS STAT E ALSO, I IN THE UNITEI> STATEft COURTS. ' Office Greenville C. H., S. C. July 7 if* KINSMAN A 110 WELL, Factors and Commission Mer chanta. t ?:o:? # Liberal Advance* made on Cotton and Naval Store*. j CBARLhSTON, S. C. [ Sop 9 If ? 4m COMMISSION EMISSION BUSINESS *I? il Jgi lie IUNI) 1815. is: 55fl.I X $ ? ffOEE COMPLETE i>. eveifi. .. s IE 90L'I) AT tJ Oii IIHFJII"ii i. V a4* 4k. X wil E 8T' PR I C E S . ft: IJ, DO<WKLL TO r.ILL slA'D ""1 Vp PRICE'S BEFORE J?; RS ELSEWHERE. Y\ i?i l|NS and SHIRTINGS hy the ? vfBv W. DAVIS. tr ^ URANCE COMPANY, g 'ENNESSEE. "" H VTS P PPftTTYT T Xk/1 J?. XlXJtVXi/ * STATE AMEIVrs., p] MUTUAL 'COMPANY: . ent IS dALTXD n/.r ER VALUE PLAN, I ' Inc ID.VAIHTAGF'S, 'I8IS COMI' tSV. ?i)k 52 tf p<? OSTPONED TO JANUARY 8th, 1872. a Per VER IN CHARLESTON, S. C. s?c and '* i 7 GIVEN AWAY. ? F-v all CAROLINA ,TI0N ASSOCIATION "" AUY 4c CO,. AGENTS. "f Stnto Agricultural and Mechanical Society," ademy of Music, Charleston, S. C., cuuiuicite- ?c(, FII! linen! gentlemen of the Country, loth North j,,n ? ADMISSION AT *5 I JAQll J''1; Tor one, giving full particulars. All Older? '' 3 IN ALT. TO (500.000. ^ rise will he conducted under tbo inpcrvition of ul A. It. Wright, of fSeorghi: Colonel 15. II. I y T. Juhnsou, ol Virginia i Hon. Roger A. ,.r ross or Post Office Order, nfidtbo Tiifccla will 1 LEU, CUA1)W;ICK,*UARY & CO., IAHWICK, GENERA I. II. W. GARY. 2.1 Sin. y" Notice of Removal. Wl\ MU. A l? MORRISON ichina his sin- nil c>*ri* tlnuiks io ihe citizens of Girsn- ihr villi* mikI the surrounding *c? untrv for tin* lilo-ml onttonnge which they have exiem). . ed to him since ho hns i'Jhi...] husineis lie ' line n<-w r? moved to lh?* s'nnd po M tin Sued, real holow Foster .t Hunter, wh<*?e lie fuit.-e* full satislnetioii in MAKING. CUTTING and TITLING, in the t>.*t and neiilest Woikmsnsl ij? an 1 iiiiiiiiirr the country can iilfoid., 22-H 0 Ur. Anderson jay i w HAS opened (Jft'ice in floodA*WB8fcsSi !?" House Ituilding, first doer on Washington Slrtul, IN HEAR OF V Mr. T. IV. Daris, Jewries*. la* JL \ # I J ] nnd* will operate at tne following low rates : Hold Fillings from $1 00 to $1 60. Tin A Amalgam** 60 " $1 00. Teeth Extracted fit 50. Teeth Inserted at Peduced It ales. 'j Terms Cus'.l. Persons of moderate tauauj, he not deterred frotn calling, for it he can atc.-uitno* dnte yon nI hss rales, I e will. CI recti * illc, 6. C. Oct. lllh, IH7I. 2:i-tf p| DOORS, SASHES, ? BLJ^D^ &c. J Pi R HO ALE, | Manufacturer nml Dealer, j J| V?. 2ft 2 ?*d7n,.ri?*.v. u-i,..-r " r i f~V Tliis Is l|i? limc-t ant} most card?te Fuctoiv of tli? Tcind in I Ml Southern Mat'*, and all art'op.'* in tlitn tin- can b* IVII 'tirnished liy Mr. V. P. T.^m at prices which defy mini Otition. I J I IW A pa mpliM- with fit 11 and detailed U iei of all aizes of Doors, Sa?he? and Blinds, 3* ind lite price# of each, will be *ent free TJ ind post paid, on application to P. P. Toale, ^ CHARLESTON, S. C. Jul/ 12 10 1/. -? The Southern Hotel J, . ._ HAfl Been relitted ami put in comrdete order for BiffniJ tiiS accommodation of Ilia TO"*ayttsfling publie. Hate* of loHfd reasonable. Call and giee ma a rial, jv ft- k'.'t J- O. YKARGIN. I Mny 8 6* fa<.- 2ia M 1{. ?. K. ndway's Kcntly Relief' 5 CUKES THE WoRST PAINS from One to Twenty Minute*. "Vi NOT ONE HOUR r rcaOiug lhl? ad vertieeiuenl ne?J any one suffer with {min. nllj I way's Heady Rrliel ia a cure for every the pain. Il wa< the hrot and ia calti IE ONLY PAIN REMEDY l>u L instantly ttnpa the most ex<-ru<-inlini* i'S ailiya imfl un it'ot s. and cities o???? ant) ilons, whether oi the lung*, stomach, eiou re'.a, or other glsw.Je or orgatis, hy one D lie at ion. who n Irom one to twenty tninules, no ntnl- Ky? IliilL' tit .... W .*t 1.1 t tl? itlO tlkl.l thei Ith-titnntlc, Bedridden, Infirm, Crip J. Nervous, Neuralgic, or prtstrated u"1" h di-ea?e may sufTor, IIAIiWaY'4 UKADV REUi'F Tllo II nflbtd instant eu?e. Ii.fl miinrttton of cjm. Kidneys. inflammation <>l the B:odder. |osn :iinmaiioik oi the llnwcji. C?iijcUicn o' suri l??iq;8. Sore Throat, L).fficult Itioiihihg. 'I' (illusion of the llenrt. Itytttri", Croup, the III her in, Catiir.h, influents, llca'hclu', of tl lothieh^ Neuralgia, llhuimntbm, Cold II-. Ago# Chills. u,! he npp icnlion of the Ready Relief t?? j co.n' parlor pnr's where the pnin ordiftt- ; ly oxisis will nfford eu*e and comfort. 1 jn 'wenty drop* in hnif a tumbler of water }{g t 1 in |i lew noun-tii* cm e Crump*. Sparine, ir SUminch, li<-ni iluirt.. .Siek Headache, rihe.i, hyiniivry, Co ie. wind in llie ' vele, nod nil I'ains. j"'1 >nvclerr?hmi!d always earry n bottle of 'J " iwny'a R?mly It-li- I with litem. A lew ^ J 8 in water will pi event sickness or i s lr> tn chrtng of water ll ia bei'tr i Fretich Brandy or Bitters a* n siiinu* i T , 3 villi FEVER AN D AGIIE. ? 'ever mid Ague omed for filly cent*.? frotl ?re is not n r. m-?nl-il agent in this wot Id 1 gjvt t will cute F. ver nnd Ague, nnd all oth gCj| Malm-ions, Bilou*. Scurlei, Typhoid, Slow, and other Fevers (?id>d by Bud. pV 1'iil-) so quirk n< Uudwax'a Ready _.j| i?f? Filty cute per bottle ^ EALTH I BEAUTY ! ! .'.mi ung and Pure Rich Blood ? Increase ol "" 1 Flesh, and Weiuhl ? Olenr Skin and l,,a' Leautilui Complexion ?e- ' t-ui.d^o nil. j*;;, E2. RADIYAV't SA EE* A EM- J",1 UILLIA? BI.SOSaVI^T j ??r *-"ol only iloes the Sarsnparsliiitn Resole ; excel nil known remedial agon s in die r*' - c of C':ro:Jc, C-: 8'itmioiuil, ; ' I .Skin discuses; but ii is the only prwi- ro(t ? oure lor Kidn-y nnd Bladder ruininU, Uiitirry and Womb disease*. Ornv- 0| n Dinli.-t* ? Drdiwy, Sloppsce of Wnt.p, hoo< oniii cnco of Urine, Hi 'fill's Disc >so, Hiiiinuii i. nnd in nil eases where there j Ini. k dust depos.s. ??i ihe water is .n u :k,c!oudv, mixed wiili in res I n) )s while of mi egg, or Ilil cads like while ,;1U , or wl-c e is n morbid, dark. hili<ui? ?p jc,| ranee, ami while louie dn*l deposits, and I hIi n Iheic is a pricking. biitninv s n- the >n when pairing water, nnd p in in the nil \ nil of the Hack nnd nlo: U the Indus com ir. Radwny's Perfect Purgative Fills, fec(!y tuvule-s, elegancy routed uir8 I pnin, puigc, regulate. pinky, cleanse ns t ilrciiglhen. Bad way's Pills, for the cuhi B of il'.i disorder? of I ll e ttoiliacll, Liver, gout vels, Kidney?, IMndiler, Nervous discs- litis Headache, Constipation, Oosiivenoe, is if igestidn, t>ysp.psin, Iiilouncss Hilions 'f er, li (1 imatign of the Ih>wel?. File*, and p??s lbi nog-m ot* of the litem hi Visreto. ,IU" rr inted (ii i ff ot n positive cure. Pure I" ra Fogetahle, containing no mercury, millH, or de'cteilon* drugs. con )l?serve the hdbuviog .ympt-un? result- tj|n froip 1 >i orders ol the 1 'i.potivc 0 grn; |jvu 'onslipHion, Inward Piles Fullness ?l ing Hlooil iii the lie id. Ae dity ol the St in par i, Nausea, H iit'lloirtl. Disgust of Food, the; lln-ss or Weight in the Stomach. Sour mo jc-tiiiion?, Firkin* or I1'nt'eiing at the sysi of the S'ouitieh, S? iinmiug of the Head, tried nnd DiO'cult Uieathing. \ few do-as of Pod way's Pills wt'l free " '' system fr* in nil 'he nlmve named d.sor- j. ^ s Price, '46 e. nts per Liox. Sold by ' , ' ti " III ail "False nnd T'ne.M Sand one b t- pr(|] stnt-.-.p to UADW AY .t CO.. No. 87 M i ,.trt 1 lame New Yoi k li ioni n'toti xvoitb < atsnnds w id b-* you. nibl Ju'y 40 12 ly >ke i r.oi PKOTOGBAPHING. Hi IAVlNlJ rwently lilted up the rooms j over Wh'tuilre & F'erguson's Slmo h elegant lights, I am ptci'ii-cd to tlo |11(l kiu la id PIUITtlUItAl'iiijvfi. at verv to, >rl notice. Snti-fni t on gu united to nil ttn W. M. \N UKELKIt, AWay 21 3 tfl* ESTABLISHED IN 1835." ^ GItEEN VI J,I,E i'-i OACrl FACTORY. E: ? C,,U lire Gowcr, Cox 8c Markley. e7" k would announce that we nro pref pared now to oil all order* lor V(?!H)IOllgG. on luring tho largest stock of labor-saving i _ ' rhinery in the stale, and tho most rkillul in in tho south, we hope to be able to "v( iply all demands. ,,,n l'he stock of on?, two, (t.m TllllKK, FOUdt. 1 and six iiorfk IRON-AXLE ;.n LANTATkQM WAGONS J ii be kept full, and nnir, as for thirty .-five ^ irs, these wagons shall be tho standaiu) ok iv 1v0 aro making, as usual, a large stock o oelfaw.'iys and RugKipg all prices ;t?otno new and clegunt patterns rices much reduced, v. ve make sl'lllxtl wagons a specially. *3 tpply for pfcice lists to ower, ('ox & ItSarklcy. ?' i. d. 33 years of faithful work?our i irauteo. augilo-itlf ^sSllfflMllfl) 1 ' z II Gearing,SMUnfeftPulleys? oQU*Hl^!^%^IMOBi^, * ; ;_8END FORACIRCULAHJ^ ni. 1 i9 \y t? J i. nnrLta. ? w t mchkr c. o htkpiink j lUIlER, McBEE & STEPHENS, <* r?*c< Forneys and Counsellors at Law 9> and in Equity, (* CREENVILLE, S. C., 1 Praotioa im tho Courts of tho Stato and of tho UniUd States. lajrJBl '4 If h CONSUMPTION, i Curo and Its Preventive) BY J. II.SCUENCK, M. P. r AXY ? linmft'i IxlDg l|i passed ?w?jr, L for whuN death tliere wait n? other on tbaD tbo neglect of I unit indisihly proven moans of euro. Those ncur dear to family anil ftiomls are sleeping dreamless sluiubcr iuto wbicb, bad they i!y adopted , JOSEPH U. SCIIENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, availed themselves of Ills wonde.'fhl effiens lUgdicines, they would not have fallen, r. Selienk has in blsuwp enso proved that rvver sufficient vitality remains, that vital, by bis nii'diviuia uud the directions lor t use, is quickened llito lien 11 It(u I vigor. Villi* statement thcrv is nothing prosmnpt> p. To the laith of Ibo invalid is mads no escalation that Is nut a thousand times itantiatod by living and visible works, theory of the cure by Dr. Schcnck's tnedis is us siinp'e as it Is unfailing. lis phipity requires no argmnont. It is sclf-asng, sell convincing. lie SiNWood Tonic ind Mandrake Pills nro first two nrnRons with which tlio citadel lie malady i? assailed. Two thirds of the '* of consumption originate in dyspepsia a functionally disordered liver. With this iition tbc bronchial tube* sympathise " i the stomach. They respond to tho tnor: action of Ihe liver.. Here then comes the iiinaliug result, an I tho setting in, with all iistrcssing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION, he Maiiilrako Pill* arc compered of one o urn's notileat gifts?the P ulcphillitini Pelin. They posse** ?ill tlic tiluoii searching, rative properties o? calomel, tut unlike mel, they 'Lli.WE NO STINO BEHIND." lie work ol cure is now icginning. The utcd mid inucous deposits ill tho towels in the alimentary canal nro ejected. The r, like 11 clock, is wound up. It arouses it its torpidity. The aloinueh nets respon. ly, and the putivnt begins to feel that ho i* ing, nt lust, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD, lie Scnwood Tonic, in conjunction with the s. permeates and n similutcs with the food. 'lifipuli.iii is now progressing without its fliiu.' lorturis. Digest ion becomes pninless, tlie cure is seen t ? be nt luind. flier? is uorc flatulence. no exacerbation of the stodi. An appetite sets in. low com s tl.e greatest Blood Purifier ever given by nn indulgent father to suffering i. Sclo'iirk's Pulmonic Syrup coum* in to form its luuet ions ami to hasten and cum i tho r'iro. It enters nl once rpon lis k. Nature cannot be cheated. It collect* ripens the impaired ami diseased portion? In.- lungs. In the form of gatherings, it sr.ros tl.rm for expert-.ration, and lo ! in a t siiort time the malady Is vanquished, the* en tlironc thnl it oecupied is renovated and l<; new, nod the patient, in all the dign.ty gained i igor, steps forth to enjoy thu minid or tlie womanhood tiiut was. GIVEN Ul? AS LOST, he second thing is, the patients must stay warn, room until lliev pit well ; it is nl* t impossible to pr, vent taking cold when lungs are diseased, l-ut it must i-c prevenor a euro eanliot he < (Tooted, Fresh air riding ?nt. especially in this scrtion o, country in lb# Toll mid winter season, are *rung. I'liyaiuiniis who recommend that rso lose (heir patients, if their lungs arc ly diseased, nod yet, l.ecause they are in house lliey must not sit down quiut ; thev it walk about the room as much mid as fast lie strength will hear, to pet up a good cirtioti o| I.loud. The patients must keep in t spirits?I o determined to get well. This a great dial to ilit with the appetite, and ic grunt point tip gain. 0 despair of ourwih Iter such rvUicneo of its libility in the wtisj^cnscs and moral cor- ^ ly in all others,Is sinful. I)r. Sehcnrk'* ion it I stulcmei.t to tod Vacuity of his own ; was in these tnod.-sB words : .Many years ago L was in tlio last stages ?t sumption ; coiifiac4tq tny t ed. mid at one e my physician* thtmght that I could not 1 a week ; then. likoSi damning man catch* . at straws, I hi tird wit nil obtained the pre utions which I n->w -Hfcr to the put.lie, and made a perfect cure oTtne. It seemed to that I con id feel tliiwn penetrate my whole tern. They soon ripe mil the matter iu my gs, and I would spit up more than a pint ifTrnslvo yellow mutter every morning lor mg time. is soon as that began to rut.side, nij rough, or, pain and bight sweats nil begun to re me, nn.l mv appetite I.cranio so great t it was with difficulty that I could keep m cntirg too much. ( soon gained my ?agth, and have grown in flesh ever since." ' 1 was weighed shortly after my recovery," led tho Doctor," then looking like a uiuru leton ; my weight was only ninety seven 1 inds ; mv present weight is two hundred , I twenty-live [J-.rJ pounds, niid for years 1 e enjoyed uiiinteriuptcd health." ( )r. has discontinued his profit nil visits to New Y?rk und Huston, lie or ; , son, Dr. .1. Jl. >ciieiiek, Jr., still continue | co path tits at their i.liiee, No. lj North Mixtli | it, Philadelphia. every Saturday from y M. to 3 1*. M. Th.'S" who wisii a thorough munition with the llcaplroinctcr will he irgeil $.r>. The Hcspirotnetcr declares tho let condition of tlio lungs, ntitl patients can lily learti whether they nrc curatdc or not. Tho directions fur taking the mo tieinrs are ipted to tho intelligence even of u child. Ilowr these directions, and kind Nature will the rest, excepting that in soma eases the I niirnko Pitts are to he taken in increased i ret; the three tne llelncs need no other no | a pan i m ruts Uiau the ample instructions that otapany tlietn t First create appetite, Ol iirning health hunger is the roost welcome j nptom. When it comes, as it will come, lot j despairing at or e I e of good cheer. Good ! o;| at once follows, the cough loosens, tho j lit sweat is iil.nted. in a short time hmh ' lambid < >*ptofiix nrc joine furercr. )r. kV mcdii-iuc* ore coiiaiuntly kept . 1 lens ill thounmilii of f.ainiMi-o. A# a l.ixa- i i 5 or pur ilivc, ll o Mandrake I'iltn nru a i ndnrd preparation j while ilio I'ntiji'inic rnp n* n ciirrr ? < cihirIi* and culdr.may ho n riled int a pri.phylucterie oj;nii>M i-utisutnp- ' i 1:1 tiny nl' ill* I'nrum. 'rier of Ihc l'iiliut>ni? Syrup and Seaweed lie, $1.00 A bnlIle, or $7.00 n liillf dvUil. I ndrako Pill*, 25 rent* a box. Fur #ulo by j ilriiirj;irl? '>nd denier*. V hide rale Aifoni, JOHN F. HKKHT, No. Inllege l'laco, New York City. Jurcb 22 40 ly i> Good Health Without! Pure fiSlootl. I)R. GLAZBVER'S V B K E N A 11 H> AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT ILL PURIFY TlIK LLOOl) I ANI> RKMOVF. mtfg/L Iriver CompLini, Llieiima 5K*Pii?in, &cri?fulA. Cnibtincle*. SrJ Skin I Pain* in ilie Itnne*. I )\?|)c|>?-iti, I >i?CA-es n | i Kidney* and l'didder. pain in th ck and Loin*, and nil lint vaiinti j Imenl* produced l?v Irnpiiro Blood ' I Yiiinled Secretion*. Ihltl tillP linlllr tin/l /fir ?/ / .'I ---* - "9 v '* I* to give ouy relief, buy tio more. >R OLAZKNRR'S LINIMENT or TAIN TRACTOR I* goo.I in R hen mat Dm, Neu i in, Headache, I'ain in the Hack, aim, Ac. >11 ni.AZKNKR'3 FAMILY VEOKTAK LIVER I'lLLSare sate remedial n^-ni? \. n - tna l)ei ai.gement# of the Liver and '" r f? the Rlond| >;t. ( LaZENbft'3 COCOII RELIEF la im|.ih f.?> all care* of Cough of an v kind, it Ci.-np to Consumption; alt In ugh not ii iu i>?l> d lo cure ti e latter dia-a?e, at rclicl will follow ila uae. Iff The nhove Medicines arc prepared IT by. DR. GILES L. G LAZEN KR. MntiiifactiiHiiff Druggist, Qi*en?ille, s. C. 'jf Hold by Druggist* generally, law 10 -1 if ? ii i 111 Slf A't I \ I ^HkflL;} J. WILIU, IV'frMor. K. II MtlViwi? ? IV. DnqHU 6 Gvr. AfcnU, Ami KmitcUrn.Cnl ,i?n.t 31 Cmimmitr st., nyRULLIONa Bear T?iiImmt te their Waadcrflil t!arali*e KdTrela. Vinegar Bitter* are not a vile Fancy Drink, Mad* of Peer Ram, Whiskey# Preef Spirits and Refuse I.lquore, doctored, spiced and *w**t*n*d to please the taat*. called " Tonic*.'' " Appetlr.orm." ' Restorers," *?., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, bet are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs o( California, froe from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They are tho GREAT DI.OOD PURIFIER and A I.JFB MIVINC4 PR I NCI I* I.E. a perfect Renovator and Iuvlgorator of the System, carry. In* off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can tako those Bitters according to directions and remain Ion* nnwelt, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond tho point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgative m well' as a Tonic# possessing, also, tho peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in roticvlng Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all tho leoeral Organs. FOR FEMALKCOIffPliAINTM, whether In yoan* or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at tho turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ultra? ? ? - ? '5 ??ss ? Dvaanmniiln n ? 1 n. digestion, Hlllous, Remittent ninl Intermittent Fetfrt, Dlnenses of iho Itleod, I.I ver, Kidneys nnd Illndder, these Hitter* havo been most successful. Such lllsrnsrs sre caused by Vltlntcd lllood, which Is generally product by derangement of the Digestive Orgnns. DYHPEl'HIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Cliost, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of ths Stomach, Dad Taste In tlio Month, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, anil a hundred other painful symptoms arc.tho offsprings of Dyspopsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Llrcr and Bowels, which render them of tuieqna]led efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life ami rigor to tlio whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruption*,Tetter. Bait llheum. Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustule*, Hells, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Ses'd Head, Sore Eve*. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf*, Discoloration* of tlio Sain, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through tlio skin In Piroplc*v Eruptions or Sores ; cleonso it when yon flml it obstructed and Sluggish In the voina; cloanso it when it Is foul,and your feelings will tell you whenKeep the blood pure, and the health of the ay stein, will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, nrking In the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUOQISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It H. MCDONALD dr. CO.. Druggists and tJcn. Agents. Han Francisco, Col., and SU and 31 Commerce Street, Now York y.cJ ioi ?uiu ii, lie t ny i>. liMilitiiic 1>U. M. A. HUNTER A CO., iVholcsnlo nrd Retail I'i nlits in I? rugs. Medicines. Clu-micals, Ac., Ac. May 10 I mOlfEY CAN HOT BUY BT! i or si(jiit is pri( j:i.i:s<< i BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. BS Vo:i Vn!nc Your csr these PERFECT LENSES, t ROUNO FROM Mlr.'UTE CRYSTAL PEEBLES, Melted l"i'0'lior, nn.I derive llieir innn " l?ia?!i,if d " oil Iieeiiiii.t 1.1 t It - i r llftl'dtl-** I' d Itl'ill'nney, Tl-oy will 'aM nm> y \ ?-nr? will,mil rliai-ga, mid iiic wnrrnnte|] sti'ieii r t<? nil oilier*, inaiinf-.-c tiie I liy J. i;. SPKNSKU & CO.. X. V. Cacti >n?None g-t.uine ?lmri| e<l ii ii uur i i n111' ii n k. J O C. TL'ltNr.R. Siile Ap-'iit fur (Ju piivillr, S. C. m v In-ni llicy ?nii ?iiily be ibtiiincd. Nil lVil ph cni;iU>ynl. May 10 1 ly GEOHGrB PA6I5 & CO. No. G N. Scbrccder ?t,? Baltimore. Mniiiifnctiiri r* of 1 *?.11<?l.!e aid Stnlii tuny STEAM ENGINES AM) r.nil.F.ISS r.t-M biipriiveil, pi-rinbiu ciiirrI.Alt "AW MILLS, (Jot-ir. Mulnv nml ^n-!i Su.w Mill*, f?ii*i Mil!#. 'ljtnb?-r Wheels. Sliii-u1* M'icb'n-#, ?ti'. D'lilei# in Cboii'nr Si\v?. Hf'.ii'iir iii*it Mill e n-riillv, and 1 u'Or"* ncrni# f -r L If IV fVb lin'i ril Tip bill* 'Vjiii-r Wind. mil every dnrc ijitimi f W. nd Workini: MncMnt1)'. *<iHlrlV.TURAl. K?OlXlii? A Hl l.i|A!1V f5" 'id fi-r il?ikirijitive Crt'nliyuM nnd' I'livr Lis: a. 2'.l-ly WIS. J. EANIOLPH. STOME CUTTER A\0 BUILDER. # LOCATED on Full# Street, ono #i|nnru of Miairt. Dower, Cox A .Ali.rkl.yV tJKANITH of all descriptions furnislivd iiud eut to oidcr. TOMI5BTOSBS, with (Iranite or Marble 4'jr ti Pcdcslnls may bo on application. P*- spti 'ini niii iiiii.n guaranteed to aly work. p.<1~ Orders for TOMnSTGXKS left with Air. It. AVr.nnLr., Jeweller, will receive my, proinpt nttcntion. J.iu 18 m__ tr^_ inPORTART notki: TO CONSUMERS OF DRY G00Di>. Alt lUtail ()r<lrr? amoHHituy In $?0 ami Ores, ii.i: # *> - / .? /? i/ ?*? niry /art Of IflC C OMHfl ff FK FF 0F /; A /7; FSS CI/A F U ES. HAMILTON EASTER ?fc SONS, OP BAl.TIUonR. ?!?.. IN order tin; better. to inoct tho wants of the Itotiiil Customer* nt n distance, havo established a SAM I'l.K DURRAU, anil will, iipmi nj'plioiition, prompt/]/ ?c?</ l>? moil full lines of sample* of the Newest nml most Fiiahinnnhle tlonds, of French, Knglish and Domestic Mrnufncture, guaranteeing at nil tirnc* to fell ? loie, if not nt If prirt$, than unv ho it so in tho ownlry. lluying our goods from tho largest and moat celebrated manufacturers in the different purls of Korope, and importing tho saino by Steamers direct to ISsiltimore, our stock is at all limes promptly supplied with the norelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only-for cash, and make no had debts, wo are aide and willing to sell r>ur goods at from Ten to Fifteen percent Let* Profit than if wo gavs credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of (noils desired. We keep the best grades of rvery class of goods, from the lowest to th* moat costly Orders unaccompanied by tho cash will b tent C. 0. It. I Prompt Paying Wholesale Layers are InrK led to inspect th-> Stock in onr Jobbing ami Package Department. Address HAMILTON KASTKH A SONS. 197, 19?, 201 and 208 West Baltimore Street. Hultiuiorc, Dec 7 '20 ^y