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?ht (?tttrr?ri$f. ? I 1 ? . . QREEW VDSLLIS, ?. O. WKDJfiBDAT, YOYXfcBKB t. 1?T1. H? Jli -1L Two Months Free! w Pi NEW Subscribers who pay TWO DOLLARS will receive the Entkupbisr to the first of January, 1878. Oar. Bullock, of Georgia, Resigned. Gov. Bullock, carpet-bag Governor of Goorgia, after giving a great doal of trouble to the 8t4te since reconstruction, and re manag ing its flnsces as to subject himself to the charge, (generally believed,) of plundering Use peoples money and robbing tho public railroads, has resigned his office to cscapo impeachment by the Legislature of that State.? Bullock left the Stabs of Georgia some ,-vjagnlhs ago, and baa not returned ; hs now is sojourning North. How long will our native white and black voters eoatinno to plaos in office suden men, whoso objeot is to [plunder end then run off with the money ? One Coklbt, [President of the Senate, is now aeting Governor. Tho legislature is now in session at Atlanta. Aetiog Gov. Conley's moss ago was read on the lourth November. Ho says nothing about an election ; he hopes that there will be no ground for further reconstruction ; be promises retrenchment, and says be cannot now tell of tbo disposition of the Stste bonds, and urges an investigation into the matter; ho counsels elocution of the laws and promises to pardon I sparingly. Ho urges for free education, bat I against mixed schools. lie urges that tho State's pecuniary faith be kept inviolable. ? ? ? A Returned Chinose Missionary. Rev. J. Boardmaw Hautwrll, who went out some years before the war as a missionary to China from the Greenville Baptist Church, of which bo is still a member, visited this place en Saturday last, and preached an able sermon in the Baptist Church on Sunday forenoon, and in tho evening delivered s verj interesting snd able address before a very crowded audience, in which be discussod the teligious condition of China and the peculiar obstacles in spreading the gospel in tbateoun .try. Nevertheless he seems not to despair of success in tbo end, but is fully resolved to devote himself to obeying tho great command of the -Saviour, "Go teach all nations," and call on all Christians to aid in the work. Mr. IIartwbll left Greenville on Monday morning on his way to tho Welch Neck Association. Ho is anxious to collect funds enough to build a meeting houae for tbo church [he has organised in China. There was a collection taken up from the congregation in Greenville amounting to 60 or 70 dollars. Great Deoline In tho State Bonds. The State bonds fell lately from 70 to 87 cents on the dollar, for old bonds. The new Slate issue from 60 end 60 also 1 e 1 to the low down figure of 28 cents on the dollar, ?r four for one. The cause is a want ol confidence, we suppose, in the present Stale Government. We venture the opinion, too, that President Grant's proclamation of rebellion, or his so-crlled rebellion, which only exist in paper pellets of the hour, snd hia unnecessary, and we must think with every other unprejudiced man, most inexcusable martial attack, upon tlie libeity of nine Counties ol the State, has played the mischief with the Stole credit, and ia an unmiiignted corse to hie fiiends and opponents alike, and a fearful example of despotism in these United Stales. Wilt not aome of hia friends get him to stop it f Bale of Real Estate in Oreenvllle? Signs of Improved Value. The propeity on Main Street formerly owned by Col. T B. Roberts, a"d more recently by Mia. Haltstein. of New York, has just been sold by Mr. Julius Smith for thirteen thousand dollars; Messrs. W. D Goodwin and Thomas W. Davis becoming tho purchasers, terms one-third cath, balance i ne and two years with inleiest. The fame piopcity was told between two and three years ago for 9,0."?0. Our sagacious business men have great confidence in the future of Gieenville ; a confidence well wan anted by its [resent and growing trade and populet:on. If Greenville is Hue to heire'f, witli her natural advantages of lo. ration and tnjeiior climate; the must become the Atlanta of the State. Such a position already advanced hy present rail roads built and building, would lo insured by the extension ot a road to Arhville, and wou'd make the railways themselves great' successes, every one. Tho Newspaper Preas of Charleston The history of th?r Charleston Pms? which is soon to b<t issued, will doubtless beau interesting volume to the public at large, ns the Bulged will in a great measure nibroce a good deal of the lii?t< ry of that gtand old city ; and the Press gcneirlly, we know, will find much to interest and in rtiuct. We know the gentleman prepaiirg (Vie volume, and a* he has been connected with the Charleston press from early life, his lather for over a quarter of a century being a leader there in jonrnslisro, is enlitelv competent to peiturm the task of collecting such a history. We only regr?t that hs lias not embraced a wider field, and have given oa a history of the Press of the whole State. Price of the volume w ill be only $1 60. ? ? .i y Balesday In Qreenwtlle. Monday last there was an unuaual namI er ol | eople in tho street*. The Sheriff sales were not numerous; lands sold at lair prioesi William Cuandlek irtet 144 sersa, was jurchsirdby P A. 11. Jeneiss si f??16. W. W. Takbant liact, ffl# seres, pur? cha?d by O. W. Ricnsanst? and Oatrntt lis azbaL, for J ohm Iticii ardhi'n'a Estate, bid ?,ff lor th? dent at nominal piice. Joint CciPta tiact, 80 acrta, bought by J. R. Beacon at 9420 The "Weather. Up to tho pruont time, ihio Motion of country hoe not, boon vi.ited I y frost to any eonrldeiabl? ??f?t Many garden " fcthbUa look guou and continue to grow. i*?' to*r, v?gefaiioa generally wm ^ot milrrly until alter th? lotli * ^.*e*bor, ?.d it wm ^ qoh# M ,#| thia mmo. I I L'ropr, eto., la the Lover Part of GratarUle Cmtj. ?, We era in tested (u nn Intelligent and v*!l informed Mend for the following items. We pleased to rea?lea similar I ii?ro? front eor friends la regard to the affaire of other eeetiooe: The cora erop ia turning oat flatly*?be yond expectation?reaching eery nearly a fall erop. The cotton crop U all of a three qnartcr erop ; the o'.d and worn lands turning off vary nearly n fell yield, the this raina, and no front anabllng tha plant to mature fully all the late forme and boUa. Tha forest mast if so abundant and rleli. that little or nothing will ba req-tired from lit* field or crib to fallen atoek?hog*, sheep, goats, and entile are luxuriating In the woods,?all small game is doing cqual'y well, the possums, squirrels and rabbits, are reported in fine condition, affording good harvest to the boys with shot gUr.a and dogs. The pota'oe erop hat not been better for many years; the lata raina fully maturing I and giv:ng full growth to them. Turnips are late, but with prrsent proa peels a fin? yield will b? returned to th* OH irg. Tlx entire [Opulation in this section of the County ere reported st having plenty of money to satisfy th-ir present wants, nnd every comfort in the way of living. The new cotton mills el Fork Shonle will be started lit January, giving employment to a large Dumber of hsoda. Odd Fellows. The branch of lira benevolent society in Greenville, we are pleased to slate, ia in* ereasing in bumheis nnd usefulness. At their last niretinp, ?eveial initiations took place, among thefn good citinns and sub st?ntiaI men, nnd others are expco'eJ to join. Since the wnr, this order here lias had peculinr disadvantages under which to l?ber, which, it is hoped, aie now dissipating. Robert McKay, Esq , is at present at the head of '.lie Lodge, besides Copt. L. Williams and others, who are endeavoring to increase its borders and strengthen its stakes. The Lodge lias now, we believe, n substantial fund in its treasury. Death of .Mrs. General Eaalcy. Thie most worthy end eacelleat lady di-d at her home in this place on Widnesdny morning Inst. The funerul services were performed by Pr Buist, in the Presbyterian Church, on Friday. The sermon on the oc ension was deeply impressive, end apj fopriste to tlie high character and Christian virtues of one universally respected and be loved In this community. Death of Miss Elisa WardMiss Eliza Ward died in this City on. Wednesday last, from an attack of paralysis. Sho was highly esteemed among bcr friends and acquaintances. The funeral solemnities were performed by Dr. Bukt on Thursday, in the Presbyterian Church, of which she was a worthy member. Boots and Shoes. Mr. ITekry, wlio ha* within the past year married here and settled in our midst, will soon establish himself in business. The premises r.ext above Mr B. Weiirlk, on Main Street, are to be considerably enlarged and improved, where a large stock of Boots snd 8hoes will be opened. We know that he will be sustained, as our rapidly increasing population demands new slora*. Letter from Kentucky. We return thanks to Iter. Basil Marly, Jr., D. D., for his interesting letter, published elsewhere. Dr. B. was held in high esteem and affection in our community, and he will not he long in securing an equal regard at his new Kenturky home. The choicest blessings attend bun, is the wish of the people of Greenville. for tlie greenville enterprise. Asheville Railroad Meeting. Gheekviile, 8 C, Nov 7ih, 1871. A/e**rs. Editor*?At a meeting o' ci'it'-ris held 'his evening at the Mansion House to consider the construction of a railroad between tins city and Aaheville. N C., Cot. II. P. Maminetl was called to the chair snd L. Williams requested t? set ss secretary. By request of the Chair. Col. G F. Townes state 1 the object of the meeting, and moved tbc appointment of a committee whose duly it should be to enter into cr rc?pondence with the parties and several corporalions Infarct rd in this great enter I rise anil to consider generally the means o1 accomplishing this grcnt wmk of such vita' importance to the city and county and the 8late at large. The Chair appointed the following gen men on said comrniitee; Col O. F Tnwues, Dr. J. M. Sullivan, Leonard Willisms, Capt. Samuel Siradl-y, J. D Sullivan, Esq., II. Deattie, Eeq , Frank C? z?, Esq.. T. C (lower. <?sq.. and nn notion H. P. Ilsinmelt,! K-q., was added It was fuither moved and carried thai the cnmmitte>- report to an adjouri ed meeting to he held 1st Monday in December next. I!. I\ HA MM HIT Chairman. L. Williams, Secretary. FOIl TUB GRKEKYILLK KKTKRPRI8K. Letter frcm Kentucky. Dear Enttrprite?I know you will welcome a letter from the " Blue Orass Country," and from your old friend aud felluw.citixen. So, although I have not found that leievre is sny more abundant for me here than it used to be at 'Ireenville, I am going to make time to-night to pen yon a few lines. And first let me thank you for being so thoughtful at to send me the Enterpriea. You would have been amused to see now greedy the whole family wore for it, and how they devour it, advertisements and all. It seemed like a great big letter from an old and much loved borne. Pet baps I ought to apologise to my many friends in Oseenville, for one thing in the mannar t\ f m V lnacimr lliatn-?T Inl'l ? " w ? - ?J "? *MW? * ?"" "" "wu/ "good?bye." One roooon was, that I did not | know exactly when I would bo able to get off. But tho main reaeon wai, that really I did not daro to try ?o take leave of a. j old friends.? I rbould hare broken utterly down, and behaved like a simpleton. Bo 1 just stole away, leaving blessings many and wsmMot the kind, good people whom I left behind me, and from whom I have ever received tokens of esteem and affection far beyond any reasonable ex peetation. If you bear any body wondering or complaining abonl my leaving so silently, please give them my explanation. Tbey must lorglve me, for from a boy it was always so; I never could bear to say, " good-bye." We have now been about si/ weeks in the heart of Central Kentucky, in this pleasant village ot Georgetown, in the far-famed " Blua Grata" region. It is a delightful place. Directly aeroas the street, in front of the house appropriated for me as President ot the Collage, is the College Campus, a beautiful lawn of soma eighteen acres. Attached to my place I hsve an excellent pagtu s of about ire aores, in whieh my grey aponies, that I brought ail the way from old Sooth Carolina, bare been luxuriating, and keeping aa fat as I want them, without any corn at all. This blue grass is tbr indg.eons growth or lbs soil here, coming up rs onturolly as the broom sedge in South t a roll s, sad renovating ia a lew ysara the m?et sr?in out elds. Meanwhile it ia afferdtww fwi f? ? ? iH'w i)v.f,r.u ? m: ur(; - - lock* snd herds, and enriching the farted, while the process of ehrlchlag hi* far* i* going oo, almost without laWor. The contrast between this method of recuperating old land, and eur Seulh Carolina plan* a ith expensive fertilisers, is eery surprising to me. Equally ruifcuus U is to nie to see how cheap* ly sorts and ant are prodacfd en lands worth tlO to $100 per acre. ?I paw corn sold in the field a wile fro? town at II 95 a barrel. At J another sale near Cyathlaha, oorn brought ft.81 a barrel. Cuttle 4 le 4% Cents a pound. I Hogs $9 75 a hundred. Twenty-fir* horses I brousht an ssenn ?f tIM n.i. an I cents a dozen. Fancy *took( however, commands nidily the highest price*, and create* no small excitement. I saw a yearling coll of trotting stock, sold at $1,500, and a sacking celt, at $180. It is said that the horse < Blackwood," recently sent to New York from here, brought a higher price than any hone evwr sold for in Kentucky. The amount has not yet bees made public. It Is supposed to be not less i than $00,000, as nearly that amount had been offered for blm before. | I And tbe people cordial, hospitable and ! frank. Already I bare formed some strong attachments amoag them. I ban Just settled down quietly to work, es meaning to stey and meaning to suceeed. Tbc College bee en edeqnate endowment for carrying it en without embarrassment upon the present schedule.? And it is moderately prosperous, baaing six instructors end en attendance of aboull26 students. But we are eontempleting plena of enlargement and expansion so es to suit tbe advancing knowledge of tbe age, and keep abreast with tbe improvements in aeicnoe and tho art*. This will rsqnire additional endowment, and tbe people are able, and I believe willing to give it. The extonsion of railroad systems in this region is sxciting great interest. One groat through line north and sooth, frotn Cincinnati to Chattanooga is projected to pass directly through Georgetown. The money to build it?ten million of dollars?is all ready, only waiting for a charter, which tbe next Kentucky Legislature will almost certainly grant. I Another great through line, east and west from Louisville to Norfolk, ya., is in course of completion, ?nd nmjr be regardod now u en established feet. It will certainly pets through Lexington, 12 mitea south of oa. And a ahorter connection or alternative route U proponed, leading directly through out town, to whiuh the county baa appropriated $300,000. It depends tun inly on the laror with which the plan meets , in Louisville, whether it will be carried out.? The vote is to he taken there in the eourse of a month, and if successful there, the mad will be built. If these hopes should bo realised, and this place, with ail its natural beauty, its inexhaustible fertility, its splendid back eoun> try, ita social and educational advantages, should become the crossing point of tbesa two main through lines of travel and freight, it is easy to see what impulse would I e given to everything here. And it would be an impulse to an already thriving and successful community, with material, and energy, and capital in abundance, not to one just recovering fro* desolation, dispirited by misgovernment, and trembling under the npprebenaion of worse inflictions. It makes amy heart sad to think of my old native Stat* in her deep depression. But I cannot help plucking the flowers of hope even from the yawning chasm of despair. I believe there will be a reaction, and that better iitaus are In store for the Palmetto State. But I have written enough for this time. I will try again hereafter. Yours truly, BASIL MANLY, Jr. Georgetown Kentucky, November I, 1S7I. President has issued a proclamation, appointing the 50th instant a day of national thanksgiving. Gnxaa villi, 8. G., Nov. 8. Gotten 16ft. Cn a rl.f.stos, No?. 8. Cotton firm?middling 17|; receipts Oil bales ; sales 2 > j stock 24,060. Augusta, Nov. 8. Cotton very quiet and firm?receipts 1,000 bales ; sales 660 ; middling 17. Baltimore, Nov. A. Flour dull. Wheat steady?sin Her 1.7<>@1.80; good red to prime 1.60@1.65.? Corn Arm?white Southern 70@7I ; yellow Southern 68@70 ; mixed 74. Pork 14.60.? Shoulders 8. Whisky 92$. Cotton firm? middling 18$fa) 1S$ ; receipts 884 bales sales 285 ; stock 3,865. New Yons, Nov. 8. Cotton firmer; sales 2044 bales; uplands 18$; Orleans 19|. Gold 12$. Liverpool, Nov. 8. j Cotton closed quiet and steady?uplands 9} ; Orleans 9ft. The Sanborn Steam Sate put to the Proof. Col. G. W. Mor.fc, At?t*nl for the Sanborn St?am Snfe, was in Aug?stfl a few days ago, n* it s*im? fi<m the Chronicle <k Sentinel. Wl il?l there lie received the following d<-? patch fiom B ston, dated Oetoue. M, 187' : " Col. Yonsi??afes of i ll kinds, except out*, failed in Chicago. II. A. BALLOU" The Augusta Chronicle <t Sentinel a?y* in reference to the Sanborn St cum Sale. Morre, Agent of the company, who is now in our ofty, claims that the aafe manufactured by the American Steam Safe C- mpany ie the ) est in the world, and that it was the only one that stood the test in the great Chicago fire. We w?-re shown a check which was r?presented to have heen in one of these safes durir g a fire which las'ed for sixty horns, snd } at w as in most perfect state of pcraervnlion." tar m a.<rs. Griffin A Hoffman, News I paper Advertis ing Agents, No 4 South St Baltimore, Md , ai e do ty authorised to con trac*. lor advertisements at our lowest rates. Advertiseia in that City are r?quested to leave their faro a with thia house. ? Makpfacturixu Kktem'risic in Chabi.k*ton. ? Charleston is fast b. c mmg a manufacturing as well as a comm-roial oily. Tha largest manufac'orv ot doors. saltes, blinds, Ac , in tlie Southern Slates, is that of Mr P I*. TOALK on Horlboek's Wharf i^ that city, sa'ea rooms at No. 20 Wayne street ? Mr Toalc's advertisement appears in another column. Be Guided by what you Know. There is an old proverb which says. " Experience is the safest guide." To this golds the sick and ailing, naturally turn when easting about tor the means of relief. They enquire whst a medicine baa done ior others, before they adopt it themselves. Of nil the remedies end preventives in use, Ii087'BTT KK'8 STOMACH BITTERS meets the test most triumphantly, and henee its immense popularity and vast ssles. The sufferer from indigestion is sure to find some one among bis friends woo has been cn-od of this ailment by the famoos vegetable stomachic. The victim of ivivi muu dguvf ii/or cvmpinini., ronsiipailOII, nervous prostration, or general de'>iljty, baa only to make inquiry in the neighborhood where be resides in order to discover what tbls sttndard restorative bas effected In eases similar to his own. Tn the published testimony to Its merits lie will And a volume of proofs of its sanitary properties, whieh it is impossible for his common sense to resist. Us tries it, and the effect it produces on his system adds another to tbs host of witnesses In its fee or.? Thus, i.s reputation, founded on faets, not assertions, continually grows and spreads.? | Charlatans and Impostors, seme of them mere tricksters, sod others who take a somewhat wider range, attempt to thrust into the hands and down the throat of Invalids, their hsphatard concoctions, as substitutes for tba tonic whieh for so many years bas been a medicinal staple throughout the United 8'ates, ftpsnlsh America, Canada, and the Wast Indies, but only su. oeed to a very limited anient. In tbls reasoning age, toe people, hsving ascertained what is really deserving of their eoufldcr e, decline " running after strange gods." Nov 1 20 4 For Sale Cheap. A LOT OF DENTISTS TOOLS. Apply it this office. St tf ?1 #1840JT18 7fl>? Pain It (apposed to be| tho lot of at poor mortal*, u inevitable death itaelf, and liable at as/ time to come upon m. Therefore It la important tbnt remedial ageott thoold bo at band to be used on an emergency, when the eemioal principle lodged in the ?yi? j tern shall develope Itaolf, and we feel the ex eraelatlng agoniea of pain, or. the depretting influence of diteaae. Huch a remedial eeent exists in the PAIN KILLER, whose fame ] baa Made the circuit or tbo globe. Amid tbe I eternal lou of the polar regions, or beneath tbo intolerable and burning ann of tbe tropics, Its virtues are known and appreciated.? Under all latitudes, from tbt? one extreme to the other, suffering humanity baa found relief from many of its Ills by its nse. Tbe wide and broad area over wbleb this medicine baa spread, attests Its value and potency. From a small beginning, tbe Pain Killer bes pushed gradually along, making its own highway, solely by ita virtues. Such unexampled success and popularity box hrotfght others into tbe field, who have attempted, under similarity of name, to usurp 1 the confidence of tbo people and turn it to ' tbeir own selfishness and dishonesty, but their efforts havo proved fruitless, while the Pain KUIsraI* still growing in public favor. Valuable Farm for Sale. I OFFER MY FARM, on S-.uth S*uda. contain* 6<H) acres, f.rr sale, a let go proportion of which is Kiver and Creek Bottom. Refer to MRS. A 0. FEASTER. Nov 8 S7 If Positively, M IE Accounts of PICKLE <fe Jfa POOKE, must be nettled. Those who fad to do so by the first of December next will have to pay costs?your own fault. Greenville, S. 0., Nov. 8, 1871. Nov 8 27 3 TO THE LADIES. ?:o:? Fall and Winter Opening. ++\o:+? MR?. L. T. JE.NNINGS Respectfully informs the Ladirs that ?be ia now reeeiv faaWaB >ng lull supplies of jmsw fall and winter ^MILLINERY ok latest and most FASHIONABLE STYLES. Th* S ock will consist of all the fines of GOODS found in aimilar eslablishmenta, and will be offered at very reasonable |?i ices. 27-tf Fleming & Maxwell \\7 OU.Lt> r?8prct'nlly inform the pnb'lc ' v that they have purchased the Shop of Samuel Black, in the old Conr*. H?u*e, ami are prepared lo do WORK in their line in a first class manner, and they ! solicit the Patronage ol their Friend* and Pub>ie generally. 27-lf Farm for Sale.. 'pnu valuable farm of dr. jam*. I McClauahan, containing 700 aeies. 100 acres of which is first rat* liver bottom and in a high state of cultivation, is off. red for aula Improvements on the place arc DfW and in good repair. Apply to MRS. A. G. FEASTER or DR. JAMES MoCLANAHAN. Nov 8 27 If Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to S J Douthit, Proliate Judge of Greenville County, on the 8th day of Decembtr next, for a final discharge a* Administrator ol the Estate of MARTHA C BARER, deceased. T. P. BAKER. Administrator. November 6th, 187'. 27-6 Notice. A IX persons INDEBTED lo ih* firm of rV J M TERRY t CO.. of Fairvlew. 3 0 . are hereby requested to enme forward ii'l settle their accoun'a by the first of Jan uary, 1872, a* e change in the firm will be made. J. M. TERRY A CO Nov 8 VI 8 Notice rS hereby given to all whom it mar e?n rem. that I will npply to S. J Donthit, Probate Judge of Oreenville * County, on the 2nd day of January next, for a final die charge as Ooaidian of flEOIlOR II. GILRR.\TH. J. FRANK OILREATH. Guardian. Not R, 1871. 27-4 Notice. Omci or Doaan or Coitktt Com'as. ) Obkknvili.k, H. C, Nor. 7th, 1871. ) THERE wilt be a County Commissioners Court held for the trial of Road Defaulters. on Tuesday the 6th day of Decern b?-r next, at 10 o'clock, A M., at the Court flo ;ee. Highway Purveyors wHI notify Defaulters 10 days previous, and will also appear on said day aa other business of importance to aach Township will be can* si iered. W. A. HUDSON. Chairman Board County Commissioners. Not ft 27 8 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OREENVILLR COUNTY. Sheriffs Sales. BY Tlrtue of a Decree from 8. J. Donthit, Judge ef the Prolate Court, I will sell at public outcry before the Court ffoaee, on salesdey in December next, the following tracts of land, Tit , All that tract of land situated in OreauTilla Putin I v nn walrra nf Miriill* Hnlti^a by lands of William B. Johnson, Klisabeth Johnson, David Bsyneand others and containing One Hundred and Kilty Acres. Sold as the property ot John B. Iluggins, deceased, to pay debts and Tor partition among the heirs. All that tract of land sitaated in aaid county, oa waters of North Saluda, hounded by lahds of James K. llagood, Trustee, and others, and Containing Aeraa, more or |eaa. Sold aa the property of Ifaocy Murray, deceased, to pay debt# and for partition among tha legatees under the Will. At* O That ho nee and lot In the City nf Gteen villa, on Buncombe Street, bounded by lota of Dr 8. S. Mai shall and others, containing nns acre, m<?re or lest Sold aa the property of Judith Aitwool, deceased, to pay del-la and for partition among the heira. Term#, for traeia No. 1 and 2, a credit for 12 month*, with lntero*t from date, for all ?i> eept so mneh aa will pay the coats, which will la required in eahh. and for traet No. 2, On# Hundred and Fiity-e-pht dollar* and fifiy thrce cent* sash, addi:ional. to CT note <>f Path-n A Co. For the H<-u?a and I, a credit until the 1st day of Jannary n-x'. Puiehaaara to gire bonds with approved sureties together with a m on gags ot ?hs prrmisea, to soeure the payment ot the pnrehase money, Puioiiasers to pay for titles and stamps. j J^SOUTUEKN.S a c. POTrmorr nm, I?T?. JT-4 / rho State of South Carolina % \ GREENVILLE COUNTY. tariff's Sales BY vl.los of Writs of 1**ri Fk. eiat, to tt?e directed, I wilt mII, be'ore he Court House door, on SaUtday in Dt- \ cetnber next, briweeu the hoore of 10 o'clock io the forenoon end 9 o'eloek is the afternoon, II that treet of lend containing Two Hundred end Pmrty Ac>e? (240) more or Ice and bounded h? lands tlia n W Tuipib, J.- W. Coleman, H. B. Lynch and others. Levied on as to a property of Joceph Green, at the full of Juhu U. Goodwin. et el. At the late residence of the defendant, A D. Goodleti, deceived, I will a* II on Friday, the M>h day ol November, the following peiaonal property to wit: 2 Mi'ch Co w * and I Calf, 2 Ilelfera and 1 Dull, IS Head of Hoc*, 1 Loom, 1 Candle Stand, 2 Bureau* and 8 Tables, 12 Cliche. 2 Che?te, 1 l/xikinn Glare 1 Waah Bowl, 2 Tana, 1 Gun. 1 Fly B>u*h, 1 Lot Books, 8 W indow Curlaina, 1 Folding Table, 1 Clork, 1 Bedf, 2 Bedateada and Bed Clothing, 1 Lot Boltlee, 8 Candle Stick*. 1 Lot Borketa, 1 Fire Screen, 1 L?t Boxe* and B.irre'a, 1 Cupboard. 19 Plate*. 0 Di?he*, 1 Pit?h-ra 6 Glasses, j Sugar Dl-h, 1 Tea Pot, 1 Set Knlvea and Fork*, 1 Set Table Spoon*. 1 Set Tca Spo< nf, 1 Salt Cellar, 1 Pepper Box, 2 Copper Pot*. 8 Waiters, 8 Pans. 2 Combs, 1 llair Bi n*h, 1 Churn 2 Axe*, 6 Sheep, 2 pair Stretchers, 1 Fifth Chain, 4 Plows, 2 Plowetoeka. 2 Slng'olreee, 2 Clevises 1 Ditehinc Shovel, Uaoiea, Trnce* and Backhands, and FIlpairapa, 1 Hand Saw. 4 Augora, 1 l>ra winuknife, 1 Adxv, 1 Hammer, 1 L?>t Jug ware, 1 Half bushel. Jt Scythelng Cradles, 1 Lot old Irons, 1 Lot old Sack*. 1 Lot Soap, 1 Pail. 2 Buckets, 4 Tubs, 4 l'ots, 8 Oven*. 8 Pan*, 2 Lids, 1 Keltic, a Trays, 1 Dlah Pan, 1 Slrainer, 1 Coffee Ml'l, 4 Tin Cup*, 1 Spinning Wheel, 1 Reel, 2 Smoothing Iron*, 2 Fire Shove)*, 1 Pair Tonitf, I Grindstone, 20 Chiekeu*, 1 Two Horse Wngon, 1 Cow Bell, 1 Note on W 8. Collins, 8200. 2 Note* on R P. Gondlelt, amounting to $716.88, I Kola on J?tnea L. Landlord. $9(16 Sold a* the properly nf A. I) Goodleti, deceased, at the suit of j F. Goodlett and others. *l*O. All that Tract of Land known as the Farden plane, one mile from Gowensvlllo. and containing Tw < hundred and twenty five Acre*, (226) more or le*a. and adjoining land* of Dr W. A. M?on?v, Jrnne* Burnett, u/ iv n i - ?> .i ? ? I. . v cnvr, HUM IIHIPM. Alan I I'MCl no. 2. eon'oinine Fifty-fiwf Acre*. more or less, enjoining lands of Je^m ah Trammell, Dan irl llodg^e, and nilirii Levied on aa ?lie prope'ty of M. D. Dickey, at tlie auit of Tabitha A. Dickey. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay (or stamps and papers J. L. SOUTHERN. S. O. C. Greenville, S. C. November 8th, 1871. Nov 8 27 4 Notice. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED to m by ae. count will find the same in the hands oi Hutler, McBee A Stephens, Attorneys at Law. In mediate payutont is earnestly requested. HENRY ?ANTT. Nov 1 2# S For Salo. 100 BUSHELS ORCHARD GRASS SEED at Baltimore Price grown this year. B. 8. IRVINE. October *7, 1871 23-1 m* MARSHALL maAbin Offer the FOLLOWING ARTICLES AT LCW IMS M M OBF.MA1T GTUDBNT AH0 YARKUIS 01 HER KINDS AT Reducod Prices. Call and See. tm [SAMElf J BEST ! Kerosene Oil* LARD OIL, SPERM OIL, Ly?KBOATOMQ ?3L, Linseed Oil Raw~and Boiled. THREE DOZEN COD LIVER OIL* VAlilO US BRANDS. IN BOTTLES VARNISH, NBATS BOOT OIL, 200 lbs. Glue, 150 lbs Logwoo d 60 lbs. IRDIGO, Best. 50 lbs. Saltpetre* Lewis' White Lead, PUHE, AT LOW FIOUPEs. &&&??, eaass AT FACTORY PRICZ8. THREE BOXES OONOHXTTOATaD LTS FOR SALE LOW. GOLD LEAF Smoking Tobacco* B M in the M >rket. ~~ fine whiskies' BRANDIES AND WINES, | FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLY. FRENCH COGNAC BITTERS A HPLENDID ARTICLE. HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, POWDERS^ VKRPUMER1KS. SOAPS ANOTOILET ARTICLE-*. AT VERY LOW PRICES. STATIONERY, WRITING" AMD COPYING INKS, AT REDUCED PRICE& All Prescriptions carefol I lv prepared. Wot i M I r. Q. NCPATID. W. U. BALL. Wbim & ] DENTISTS, I Corner of Xain and Coffee street*, ] GREENVILLE, 8. C. N-v 1 26 tf A Medicine m old Time. For anght we ' know to the contrary, the 8eltser Spring waa a bubbling end aparkling when Adem walked with Kve in paradiae. Be that aa it may, ita , aanitary propertiea have never been aurpaaaed I by any inediclno of human invention. They h?ve, however, been embodied in all their native efficacy in TARRANT'S SELTZER A DUU1P VT .I.UI. I. iL. 1 J It a_ of the Spa itself, and its effecting cores of dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, colic, nervous debility, dropsy, rheumatism, Ac., quite as rapid and as uiarrelous as those attributed to the famous 8pring, and which the | faculty of Europe bare placed on record as among the medical miracles of the age. Sold by all Druggists. 25-4 State of South Carolina) GREENVILLE COUNTY, * By S J. DOUTH1T, Require, Judge of Probate of taid County. WIIKRKAS. Dunklin D. M?ore has fit ed a Petition in my Office, praying that letters of Administration, on all and singular the goo 'a and chattels, rights and credits ?f JaKK C. MOORE, l.Ue of the County aforesaid, d. erased, should be granted to h m. Theee are. therefore, to ci'e and admonish all and singular the kindie I and creditors of the and deeeiscd, to be and appear in 1 the Court ol Probata for and County, to ba hnlden at Greenville Court House, on the 8</? day of November next to allow cause, if any, why the said Adiu lustration should not be granted. I 8. J. DOUTF1IT. Judge of Probate, Greenville County. Office of Judge of Probate, Oct 25th, , 1871. 26-2 State of ?outh Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Conrt of Common Pleas. JAMES B. JOHNSON, Plaintiff, against FLORA BOSWELL, ct al Defendants.? Summons. To FLORA BOSWELL, one of the Defendants in this action. YOU ARE hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in tbia action, wbich baa been filed in the Clerk's Office for this County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers, at this Offiee, at Ureonvilla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty day after the erviee of tkie Summon*, exelneite of the day of enek aerntee. It you fail to answer the complaint, within the time 1 aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. ARTHUR A AK111UR, Plaintiff's Attorneys. TO FLORA BOSWELL, Defendant: TAKE notiee that the Summons of wbich the above is a true copy, wes filed in the Clerk's Office of this County, on rA? let day of November, A. 1)., 1871. ARTHUR A ARTHUR, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Nov I 20 6 United States Court, Distiiet of 8outh Carolina IN CONSEQUENCE of the eontinusnce of the fever in the City of Charleston, the orders of this Court heretofore made adjourning the Session of the Court, and also the general business of the Court in Bankruptcy and Admiralty, to the 6th of November, are hereby rescinded. Other orders in substitution of those hereby rescinded, will ho made as soon as it csn be intelligently dune. GEORGE S. BRYAN, U. 8. Judge District ot South Carolina. At Chambers, Greenville, 8. C., Slst October, 1871. 26-tf THE NEWSPAPER PRE84 OF CI1AREST0N lis HI3IUKY hHUM ITS Beginning to the Present Time. CnRONOi.oaiCAI.LT AMD Bloa K A PHIC A LLT CONSIDERED. filMIS Chronological and Biographical His1 tory of the Newspapers Press of Ibia City, etnhrtoing a period oj One Hundred and Forty Yeara. will shortly he iaaued to subscribers. The Author, a native of Chnrlerton, and for a length of time connected witb ita press, in compliance with the request of a numkr of bia Iricnda, prupoaea to publish tbia history by subscription. Well founded hopes are entertained that tbia reoord of the NEWSPAPER PRESS OP CHARLESTON will he worthy the attention of the Typographcal fraternity generally, and the public at large. A work of thia nature neror having been attempted, iuduoed the Author to prepare auob a volume for publication. Tho tusk of collating baa been arduous, and the sole desire has been to prevent historical facts, interesting to both the fraternity and the general reader, being lost to coming generations. Lists for subscribers will soon be ready. TSRMS. 1. The work will be in one volume?12mo. 2. To be printed on fifty-four pound paper, neat typo. 8. The volume?in cloth?to contain 200 page*. 4. Price of subscription, $1.50. Nov 1 28 tf Fowler & Vaughn HAVE opened, at the gland formerly ocnupLd by Long A Goodlett, nearly opposite Poster A Hunter, a general atock of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, I consisting of Clot ha, Casslmere*, Ready-mads Clothing, Calicoes, Worsted, IX.treaties, Ac., together with 8ugar, Coffee. Molasses, Syrups, F our, Bacon, and Grooeriea generally. Also Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery-ware, Fancy Articles, Ac , Ac. . WK PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF /"I / \ I T Mrn . . ? V>uui^iliil FKUDUCE, lit 0?AH OB TBADB. OT W? will alto purchase COTTON. W? rfeaire a call from our frleoda in the country and *.h? public in general, prom istogire sallaUdion. Oct V6 ?6 8m PURE MUITY WHITS LSSB, BY TtLEGEAPn. SOME Stock in Store now, and a I*Arge Lot coming, SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TU, Ordered by TELEGRAPH. dower, Cox Murkier. OrtM n it Notice rS HKRBBtf (Itik to mil whom II may eonI. eern, thai w? wilt apply to 8 J. Douthlt, 'rebate Judu* of Green villo County, on tk? (A dag "f D**rmk*r a. ml, for a final discharge Administrators with tba Will annexed, of be B*tato of TB0MA8 W. KINM AN, doeased, and aa Administrator* of the K#late of iARTILA KINMAN. de?<a-ed. J0I1N CllAR LBS, "? BARR8DALS C1IARLB9. Oct. 25th, 1871. 28-4 Foster &> Hunter. KID OLOVKS at ft 26 per pair. Buckr Berlin, Marino, Calf, Kid and Leather JIuvm tor Uonti, Ladies, L*di and Mimt, ia tood assortment, and low prices at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. HOSIERY, a vary desirable Stock of Men and Boys Hall Hose, Ladies Seamless ' iron-Frame Ilnnr, losses and Children, la domestic, English and German Mnnufurturea, o bo hod at FOSTBR A HUNTER's LINEN Cambrlo Handkeroblefa ?t fire centa each. Lndiea, Oents and Children* Linen Jaiubrle, Hemmed, Hemstitched, Embroidered ind Plain Silk, Pongoo and other kinda at FOSTER A HUNTER's. GENTS and Ladiea Crarsts and 8carfa, Bows and Tie* in great tariety nt . FOSTER A HUNTER's. Novelties in Paney goods at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. T ADIES Snrkines. Cloakinsrs. Onera Clotha-. li Ladies Clothi and Flannel*. FOSTKR A HUNTER. GENT8 and Ladle* Underwear, nl* wool and Merino Vests, 8birl* and Drawer*,. FOSTER A HUNTER. CARPETS, Ruga and Mats for rale by FOSTER A HUNTER. BEA0TIE8 in Roman Stripe Shawl*. F. A ir. GENTS fine Cassiroere Suit*, also Bilk, Velvet and Valencia Vests, Cloth and Cussimere Coats, Cossimere Pants, Wamsuiia Shirts, Ac, F. a ii. LADIES Velvets, Velveteens, Trimming Velvets, Colored Velvet Ribbons, Ac. F. A H. MILES a SONS' Sboes, in Cloth, Kid and CaK. F. a H. MOORE, LARRABEE A CO'SShoes, Hal's, Polish and Boots, Ladies' Misses'and Children's. F. A H. KITZMEYER'S and Porter Day A CoY, Fino Water-Proof and Calf Boots, alto. Boys' Boots. F. A U. GENTS Latest Broadway and Fifth Avenue Styles Silk and Fur Hats. F. A 11. PEEK, FRKAN A CO'S., London Biscuit, Cream Craoker* and Soda Biscuit. FOSTER A HUNTER. 1,000 pounds Candies, French nnd Stick at FOSTKR A HUNTER'S. CURRANTS, Sei.dle-i Raisins, Canned Fish and Vegetables, Preserves, Ginger, Ac. FOSTER A HUNTER. 11MNE Goshen Butter and Cheese, Maccaroni and Fresh Prime Riee. FOSTER A HUNTER. A FINE Stock of Black and Green Teas FOSTER A HUNTER. M. A. Hunter & Co. A FINE lot of Perfumes, Mask, LuMn's Extracts, Uswley's Handkerchiefs Deli-, caciee ; deliciously Perfumed Soaps?Lubin's, Hswlsy's, Colgate's and others, for asle l>y M. A. HUNTER A CO. A FINE stock of Hsir Brusbss, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes,Shoe Brushes, Natl Brushes, Ac., for sale by M. A. HUNTER A CO. PUFFS, Puff Boxes, Lily-white, Rouge, Cold-cream, Cosmetics, 8hnvlng-cream, Ac. M. A. HUNTER A Co. LETTER and Note Paper, Gilt Note, Bristol board Cards, Card Cases, Playing Cards, AC. M. A. HUNTER.A CO. HAIR Oil, Pomatums, Pomades, Cologne, Bay Rum, Bloom of Youth, Magnolia Balm, Golden Lustre, at M. A. nUNTER A CO. T7LAV0RING Extracts, all kinda. our own XT *id other make*, tor Cake*, Piea, Icecream* and Blano-mange M. A. HUNTER A CO. FINE Cigars, Meerschaum Pipe*, Wood, Ivy and Indian Rubber Hpo* and i'lpe-bowla, Lara Set*. Tobacco Bag*, Sterna and *inoking article*, for *a)e by M. A. HUNTER A CO. ' Oct 25 25 if EMPORIUM OF WE hare received a superior a?*orttnent of English, Prmch and American BEAVER-CLOTHS, CASS1MERES AND VESTINGS, with a ruLL aeaorrxknt or Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ai.d Trimmings of all Qualities. READY-MADE ?LQTSSIWi, AOOOD aaeortmcni of Over-Coat* and CMimifrt Suit*. Shirt* and Drawer*, Hal* and Cap*. Hoja'and ChlldrniV Cloth* intr. afco All have heen selected personally with eare and (a*t*,at the LOWEST CASH PRICE*, And wa will aeU accordingly Having ported thereby in all the latest and ntoat approved at y lea of Cutting Sf JUakingy Wa are prepared t<> Cut and Make up Clothing in ilia lateat and m?at approved, atylea. ty All Work Warranted. WEED'S UNEXCELLED SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. It doc* mora than twenty different kii.da of work, and will ttiteh from the fi<>e-t organdie* to the heavlrat cloth, leather, wood, or cheat lead, wi h race. It ha* iereral naw improvement*, and ia rtill improving. tW Warranted to giya perfect aatiafao" lion. O. A. PICKLE St C O. Or aenvtlla. 8 C., O. t. 14, 1811. 16-tf MISS McKAY I!a? opened her Fell (tries of MILLINERY end FANCY ctAAhKM GOODS ; eoeeeg which ere (he WHfftoeit (tyles of BONNETS, i^HW HATS, FLOWERS. FKATIIMM Kl*. RIBBONS. RASH end IBJW TvnnilNO. FURR, FANCY ?lH TIES, LACKS, C0R8BT8, VVv TOILKT ARTICLES, LADIKR' UNDEtt-CLOTHlNO. AC. She bee jest returned from New York where he bee ?pered no peine in the selection of her Stoeb, hoping thereby te merit the literal Cr'aap ao hiaoiy oxuad*! to bar, ?. _lwr frioads ah* will do all ia her powor to Oct 11 33 tf