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ii i ri i If Columbia Advertisements JOHN (i SEEGELtS \l\ MAMiFACTURER, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Liquor Dealer, 1AGER BEER BREffER U COLUMBIA, SC. ~ ' Oct 18 24 ly VISITORS TO COLUMBIA. 8. C? Will <Jo well to call on 8. ja?ES?a To purchase their MMnmlvk Jack soil * Old Divg Stand. Oct 18 24 8m Watches of all Grades- . JEWELRY OF EVERY KIND. IHAVK.Just rttamd from New York with the fincat stock io the market, embracing Watches of all grades, Jewelry of all styles, Silver and Plated Waro of the most modern patterns; beautiful in design, durable, cheap nnd warranted to euit. ISAAC SULZBACIIER, Under Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct. 18 2-4 3tn JOHNCrmAL; IMPORTER AND DEALER I3NT ENGLISH and AMERICAN sanaawanE&t'aiiiEflB, Iron. Steel- Nails. Castings. Mill Stones. Bolting Cloths. Smut Machines. Cironlar Saws. Mill Irons. Sugar Pans. CARRIAGE BUILDING and TRIMMING MA TlHi IA18. AND LEATHER BEITINQ, ft AND TA1T1TSB.01 TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPING AND Furnishing Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Uils, French and American Window Glass. Gil n?- Rifl?>a Belts, Powder Flasks, Shot, &c. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, At the Sign of the Golden Padlock. COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 3m Foster & Hunter ELL EXCHANGE on New fLJ) York, tnake Collections and Advance Money on Cotton. Oct 11 23 3 FRENCH CALF SKINS. 4"I)OJ5ENB of firel rate make*, at very juw prior*, jw-t received at tlia POACH FACTORY. | r|"M]E largest stock of RhneMnakera' and X Tanner*' TOOI.8 and LASTS in town. GOWER, COX A MARKLEY. Oct 11 22 4 ~MlsF MCKAY ITa* opened her Fall style* of ASij&Rk MILLINERY and FANCY /^TjfrriA OOOIIS ; among which aro the napM||S intent atyiea or HONNKTS, JSHffflW 11A T8> FLOWERS, FBATH nfffs ERS, KIBB0N8, 8A8H and r V0|* TRIMMING, FURS, FANCY Jjl T I H 8, LACES, CORSETS, HI Iff TOILET ARTICLES, LADIES' UNDER-CLOTHING, AG. She has just returned from New York where alio has sparod no pains in the seleetion of her Stock, hoping thereby to merit the liberal patronage so kindly extended to her, assuring her friends she will do all in her power to please. Oct U 23 tf CLOCK.8, GOLD AND SILVER wmtommb BEST GRADES OF SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED [ WARE* TABLE CUTLERY, 1 AND FANCY GOODS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of Gold, Silver, Steel & Plated Framed SPEOTAO Li K S . ALSO GENUINE lPBINBILB 81P11(D1FA(D1L188. B. Wchrle. Oct 11 28 tf ? Subscribe for Tuk Grrknville Enterprise?only $2 a year. % ? % - VTHE LIVE IIP TOWN STORE! H. C. MARK Has Arrived From IIW TOM ATO ?TO? TOSTffiSM CXTSKS, WITH A LARGE AND SELECTED STHEKglK ?G3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE ifRY GOODS, CLOTHING, i???s & suss?, 381 MM? MMJti CJL28, And a general assortment of i? vif? fuwuie f tUTHK 111 HIT! niDSIIII INK i Wff are now prepared to exhibit one of the rooet chotee and felest Bteeka av?r offered lo thie market, and At Astonishing Low Prioes. Our motto is ? QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROPITO.- 1 Oct 18 24 8n\. \ A' t6Jb ?LI I* - JL O VUilWi THE SAME HE PROMISES TO SELL CHEAPER aas sa&a ?a?rc. Hie Stock of GROCERIES is very large and well selected, which will bo sold at very LOW FIGURES FOR CASH. Call and satisfy yourselves. _jggl Oct. 18 "24 tf NOTICE. <V|p>AVING purchased the interest of the late W. H. XIoyet, in the Firm of CLYDE & IIOVEY, I will continne the business at the Old Stand on my own acconnt. , All parties indebted to the late Firm of CLYDE <fe HOVEY, will make Payment to the undersigned ; and those holding Claims against said Firm, will present them for Settlement to the same. S. C. CLYDE. TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC. | BEG LEAVE to inform you that I (g have recently returned from New York with ] A b A&GI A TO WEUk AMO&HB STOCK 01? GEJYERjIIa ME IICHJ1JYDISE, WHICH WILL BE OFFERED TO THE < TRADE AT AS LOW FIGURES AND ON AS LIBERAL TERMS AS Any House in the City. I take all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE in Exchange for Goods, and Pay the Highest Market Price for the same. MY STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF HJ1TS, SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, AND A SPIENEDID ASSORTMENT OF GtROCESRIES. AN EXAMINATION OF QUALITY AND PRICES IS SOLICITED 1 s; C. C&THX. : Oct. 18 24 2 Head-Quarters ; m wiit ?ooh m .: &???*, %%%<*%< SHOES, HATS, Crockery, Groceries, JVotions, ?AND? ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ; Goods Sold by Wholesale to COUNTRY MERCHANTS AT CHARLESTON PRTCES. \ To li ! AT THE OLD STAND OF J WEWMHStl & PIlGflSOIl, , Two Door* Norsk or Coack Factory, [ Greenville, S# r Oct 18 .. 24 dsn So ?jl&JBtiOJS <2s Is the place whero yon can boy * The Best and the Cheapest ?. QJJLLJL ill VIH'jiitLhL'JilU ****** THE LAKE o 7)4 f rSAyfflt HOVEY & ' AT TH'<: OLD wiT.T.yAivr x Q AVE_now_aJargc aud attractive fi LA DKI UOODS^ OON8I8TINO IN Dress Goods, Silks, Merinos, Bomt Suit-Cloth, Sateen, Mohairs, DeLai Ribbons, Laces, Velveteens, Cloths Hosiery and Gloves, Linens and G Shoes, Hats, TJmbrellas, Ac., Ac. We would Call Especial AUent STOCK Nainsook, M|?alia, Tarltons, Jacco Pin and Hair Cord Muslin, Indian Thanking our customers for their 1 would respectfully solicit a continuan We are satisfied that an examina customers that we still hold to the oh THE DEBT ARTICLE AT EOf IT & ' Oct 11 i MAW Just Rea GOWER, COX AT Til OOAOH Fi A VERY HEAV Liocks, Hinges, Toe Paints, Oils and V Spades and Shovels makes. Bar Iron, Tire and Bar Iron?assorted Swedes Iron, for PI ed, from two to seven cut this any length. JYorway and Swede ALSC Ml SCREWS, BRA Mechanics Mf 9LS9 mi ALL . Gower, C< Oct 11 $25 Reward. rpHE ABOVE REWARD will be paid for I the apprehension of one JACK OARMANY, and hia delivery to the Jailor of Greenville County. The sa d OaiJiinjr la a colored some 20 years of age, fire feet ten inohea high, and weighs 160 lbs. J. P. MOORR, Mayor. T Greenville, 8. C., Ootoher 4, 1871. X Oet. 11 23 tf JixtyFive First Prisa Medals Awarded. THE GREAT gl ^ BBpOHsonthern Piano * #j| _ * MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE &C0., A Msnufacturers of 6RAND, SQUARt AND UPRIGHT | PIANO FORTES. BALTIMORE, MD. These Inatroments have been before the Poblio for nearly Thirty Years, and npon ibeir excellence alone attained an unpurckatid pra-.minence, which pronounces them untquaied, in TONE. TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DURABILITY. All oar Sqaare Pianos bare our New Im- A rovod Overstrung Seal# and the Agraffe I Treble. 5? We would eall special attention to onr late K Patented Improvement# in Grand Pianos and I Iquare Orands, found in no other Piano, w vbioh bring the Piano nearer perfection than ins yet been attained. irsrf Plaae FaDy Warranted fer Fire Year*. _ Wn are by apoaial arrangement enabled to M arnish Parlor Orgs*a and Meledeons ef the ost oeiehrated makers, wholesale and retail ,1 lowest Peetory Pries. 11 last rated Catalogues and Priea Lists R romptly tarnished on application to r* WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, MA Or any ef ouf regalar established ageneiee. I> Oet. Ifi 24 im I, ? * . > . State ef South Carolina, Q GRBENVILLK COUNTY. omrt tf Common Fiona. > ., tllWCA RoBBKTf, T?. PUUIIRT JUUI*. ?, BY firti* of Ihi Decretal Order of L) Judge Orr, I will Mil il Greenville Q lonrt Home, on Saleaday to November rp nit to thi bigh?H bidder, ill that certain 11 pareel and Tract of Land Situated ia Iroeavllle Oeaety, and known aa the ni VIIjLIAM CHANDLER Tract. containing r >oa Hundred and Forty*foor (144) Ami, lore or lean, adjoining landa ol Henry forton, lira. Bank*, plenanot Jlnka and there, aad being a part of the land former j ia poaaaeaiea of Noel Waddle, daeeaaed. Solo for Petition. Tonne Caeb, Pur- V< haaera to pay for atampo and papora. t, J f. nnirrucBV ? n a Oatll IS 4 bl For Sale, I A DOZE* STRAW BROOMS, at LI/ JULIUS 0. SMITH'S O BaptfO V) If S' STOKE, rOWNES. STAND OF i. hoveiy. HOCK of FALL and WINTER past or >azines, Alpacas, Poplins, nes, Ac., Ac., Shawls, , Cassimere, ottons, Boots, ion to our MAGNIFICENT OF >nets, Checked Cambrics, Mulls, Ac., Ac., Ac. iberal patronage in the past, we ice of the same. tion will not fail to convince our I motto THE LOWEST FHI3S. TQwmmn.33 tf WMMMi rived by & MARKLEY, ka SlOTOR.'Y y YSTOCK OF >ls, Files, arnishes. i, of Ames and other Horse Shoe. , all shapes, antation use, assortinclies wide. We Plow Moulds. M. m&X&3 DS, TACKS, ' Tools, AT >x & Markley's, 4 ~GREAT " isjmmw at i. M. Winstock's. |?HE undersigned lias just reId turned from New York with full and WELL SELECTED If til OF FALL and WINTER SOODS CONSISTING IN PART OF WLL LIJYES or adies' Dross Uoods. omestics. adie6' and Gents* Shawls. 14 44 44 Hosiery and Gloves. i? it it Shoes. ents' and Boys* Boots. 44 Clothing and Furnishing Goods. adies* Gents* and Boys* Hats, oraestio Groceries, rockery and Glassware, runks, Valises and Carpet bags. And a great many articles too imerous to mention, all of which sell at < Lowest Prices for Cash. Call and examine for >nr self, and you will alt aclowledge that you can get great irgains at B. H. WINSTOCK'S. At well hnoum Store as Carres Id Stand. 0?t 4 st tf * BEATTIi ? =88 We have just recei Large Stock of FALL C CONSISTING II BLEACHED AND BROWN SI TABLE LINENS AS ??TTS0S3 <?>35? m jt-* K mr m A LARGE 8 CALICOES, BLACK mp ronun, i&j AND METZ CLOT FASH1?NA1LI! I Ladies' SHAWLS o BOULEVARDS AND JACONET, SWISS. NA SOFT FINISHED < Insertings, Edgings Butt Ladies' Collai CLOCKS, Ci AND OTHER GOODi We call particula large stock of Ladies dren's BOOTS and I from the best manufa tee to give satisfactio We keep Men's ai brellas, Trunks, IN Crockery, Glass Wa Bagging, Ties and L It will afford us gr< the public call and ex GCP Orders from 0U1 trv "Will rcnnilin r\i?rvnr? J ? ??4 * v< W1 T V> |J 1 W1IJ iliffll Oct 11 Notice of Pi TIIE Subscribers Lave formed a ' style ot DAVIS cfc A For the purpose of carrying on U GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, NC combe Street, near Maint and respe patronage. Greenville, S. C., September 25, ! iif 11 ft I BUNCOMBE ST, ARE MQW RECEWt A Full S FAMII.Y ? M. X11UAII i U stapl: *V%b\ 11 Boots, Sh< CROGORY, GLiSftHardware, Baggin And Every Other A in Similar Est) A11 of W OFFIBED AT TBE LflWEST BATES ] The aim of the Concern w customers with Articles adapted Houses, and at the moat ad van tag? THOSE WHO fl CANNOT FAIL IN o|Sr" We have a Urge LOT coi and our friends from the Country at the purpose of leaving their Wagom to do so. Sept 27 ? ? ,? ' wxs ? ..? * ' *' . _. ? V . ' * ved and opened our % tOODS V PART OF (EEriNGS AND SHIRTINGS ID TOWELINGS, TOCK OF SILKS, ALPACAS mdk eabisj HS, AND OTHER iiiss mm* f the Latest Kinds BALMORAL SKIRTS, iirnnnfr n lffrm.. UYMM & Ml* CAMBRIC, ETC. i, Trimmings and ons. r.s and Cuffs. iSIMKBJ&S WUlM* FOR MEN'S WEAR, r attention to our 5', Gents' and ChilSHOES, purchased cturers, and guarann. nd Boys' Hats, tTm[ otions, Hardware, re, Wooden Ware, eather. jat pleasure to have :amine our stock, r friends in the conn.. pt attention. : * co. 23 3artnership. Partnership under the name and IOROANf nsiness in the lines of FAMILY iTIONS, &c, at the Store on Bunctf'ully solicit a share of the publio T. W. DAVIS. J. H. MORGAN. 1871. MIAR , NEAR MAIN, RG AMI QPERIKQ Stock of minis, E3 AND ft &&&!%< des, Hats, WIRE, CUTLERY, g, Ties. Hoping, rticle Usually Kept Etblishments? hich are 1 im DE CCDSTSY MCE. ill be to snpplr their friends and their wants, bought of the beat s Rates ; so that MTRONIZE US BEING PLEASED. inected with the Establishment, e respecttnlly invited to use it fo r s and Horses whenever they wish 21 tf