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PPmr> ? . . ? &l)c 0niirp.rm. OREENWDLLE, STo: t : . . j, I ^fc==^= 1 . g Suspension of tl?* H>Nm Corpus la Nine On a 11** of Oouth Carolina. President Q?awt hna Uaned bin proclamation suspending lb* writ of Hmb??e Corpm* in Spartanburg, Laurens, Newberry, Union, Pairfleld, York, Cboatar, Chesterfield and Lancaster. Mo one acquainted with the actual facts, nod hewing 007 respect for the libertiea of American oitiaens, ean view tbie act of the President without feelings of deep hum Iliation and indignation. If there was any real 4?*w l" aeaartlon of Lher? bcinfp tftlltd > - semblles of rebels, too strong for the civil power, who will not dlaporoo oa allow themselves to ho arrested, than It would bo a differ. out com ; bat thia proclamation la falmtnated from Washington at a time wbon tba re waa no roaiataaoo to tbo lava; in tbo midst of tho peaceable arroata made bj the marabal and his posse of aoldiors; not throat or act of roaiataaoo ; no attempts at rooonea or violasoe upon tho oflkoora of the lawa ; when outrages had aubaidod, and tbo whole ooontry waa settling down into peaeo and quiet. Wherefore tho necessity of thia thing, that may aubject tho innocent without limit to tbo Jail and tbo dungeon, at the pleasure of any false persecutor, and prooludo 'hem from the possibility of giving bail. It is a needless thing?a cruel and bittor thing. A thing that of all others boat defines despotism. Already terror pre* ails in those counties; no man or woman, whatever bis or ber character or purity or innocence, oan feel that their personal liberty is safe for a day. True, this engine of power and oppression may not ba nsed and abased to the extent that it can be, bat that docs not excuse its introduction. Gon. Grast surely will annul and re-call this ill-judged proceeding very soon. Surely be has some friends in his own particular party that will tell him the truth. As to the occasional outrages that have been committed in tho past in some of the counties named, we offer no exenae. ' We have loathed and abhorred (be criminal, silly and mischievous acta of aome parties or persona in those countie*, be they Ku Klux or anything else, as disgraceful and abominable, and injurious to the State. We hare, in the eooduct of our paper, cooperated with the friends of pence and goo) government in our section, in dinrour ajlng all violations of law. The result in Greenville County lias been (hat rot a single outrage has been complained of even by willing and alanderous tongues. There hns been found here not a tingle nest egg, even, upon whioh to lay fabrications, and we thank God for it. Would that it had been thus in every other county. Ail parties accused under the Ku Kiux act of Congress are to be tried in (he Unit* ed States Court, and that Court is to hold its session next month in Columbia?a Rad ical county, and a Republican judge, and a jury selected by a Republican marshal. Is not that enough for justice among Ameri* cans in this boasted free government ? The abettors ol this suspension of (lie writ of Habrax Corpu? may depend that it will work against them in the long run. Itn* priaonmrnt of any and every body at the will of a ruler or of his partisans or retainers, may be somewhat excusibly practiced in Atiatio or Afrioan de-p<ti?m, where it has been customary from the remotest ages, but for men boasting of Republicanism and liberty, and all that, to urge the same thing in this country, they re committing a leatiui onence lownro Goil and tn ?n ; sinning against light and right. Offences thos committed, God will fudge. W* truat they will repent of the eril they are doing, and receive the forgiveness that we all ought to pray for. The Ore&t Southern Piano Manufactory. We refer with special pleasure to the advertisement of tho Oreat Southern Piano Manufactory of Messrs. Wm. Kkabk A Co. of Baltimore. The reputation of the Knabe Pianoe is an infallible guaranty of excellence. For durability we would specially recommend them, as being made in a Southern City, with special viow to the trying changes of a Southern climate. ?? Rob well T. Logan, Esq. This gentleman, well known to the press of the State, called in our office during the past week, lie has been spending the summer with his family in our neighboring town, Spartanburg, with the purpose of improving his health, which is delicate, end feels benefited, though not fully restored. Mr. L. will return to Charleston in a few days. A Reliable House. We have had the pleasure of meeting in Greenville, Mr. J. H. Piepkr, of the firm of IIenrt BisChofk <fe Co., the well known and highly reliable establishment lo Charleston, which has for years been supplying many of our up-country grocery merchants with Groceries and other articles. Of course, he received numbers of orders in our city. See advertisement Dry Goods and Groceries. Mr. J. W. IXanT is also opo-iing stocks of Dry Goods and Groceries at the stand formerly occupied by II. A. Cacbi.k, one door below Messrs. D. L. Miller A Bros. Messrs. Join* W. Grady and Join* Fcrvoor have formed a copartnership and opened stocks of Dry Goods and Grooeii a in the store lately occupied by Jno. D. Ashmore, first door below the Court House. Messrs. L. L. Fowlkr and W. P. Vapgijn have opened stocks of Dry Goods and Groceries in tho store first above B. M. Winstogh, near the head of Main Btreet. In a few days they will have their shelves full. An adververliscmcnt appears in tha Enterprisf. giving all particulars. Another Friendly VisitMr. A. B. Molmoar, Cotton Faotor, of Charleston, who does an extensive business with the upper Counties of the State, was in Greenvillo yesterday. A very large proportion of the cotton shipped from this point to Charleston, is consigned to hiin, besides nearly all of that of Spartanburg and a fair portion ot that of Union and Laurens. We bat been spending several weeks at Spartanburg where are h is interests, and family relations enjoying our fresh mountain air. Mr. M. is a gentleman of refined manners ; and being born nnd raised in the up-country, our merchants who purohase cotton will be patronising one of their own, in shipping to him. Oar City PollooOur policemen are now uniformed, and appear quite rffleial in their outfit. Blue coat with brass but tons, and grey panta. COLUMBIA ADVEBTI8EMENTS Mas. 6. A Smith, Millinar, nearly opposite the Colombia Hotel, ** - J? U Ivao t baa a uaru 1 a arm an/1 Kaa *a * ifn I lock in her line. A call and examination will repay, abo also fllla order* promptly.? 8oe advertisement. The " China Hall" of William D. Stanley, fronting tbe Court House, is nicely and well arranged, and bis ('bins, Glass and Earthware, also Silver* Plated, Britannia and Japanned Ware, is ex* tensive, and deserving the attention of viaitors to Columbia, this is an old establishment and very reliable. See particulars in another column. J. H. A M. L. Kivamd. These gentleman have a very fine establishment, and their Dry Goods, Carpeting*, Oil Cloths, Rugs. Curtains, Ac., are ftollKbd attractive. Their prioea are low, and you receive from them politeness and prompteatten* tion; this store is among the flaeat looking in Colombia. Read double-column announcement. D. B. Clattob, Central Hotel. Mr. Clayton has the reputation of keeping an excellent table, end his management otherwise is moat acceptable to his natrons, besides the terms per day Mo low?$2.* >. He is a native of the up'OOWtry, and persons from tl.|s section should fits him a call. 1 cafLsr* wn.?r".: = If yon want a gentleman's outfit c<ugplete-rCoab Peats, V#t, Slirt, Celiar, Cm**, OkMi, fia, ao place In Cobsnhla can |c foe aft whewill Witter tleni Ma than tknaa gentfeasea and a*Mhay Mil for cash, oonee 2Tu? eSmn* l0*V V > wJo?? CL.ttanaaa> Mr. Seagara doaa a large bus inesa la tba manufacture of lea, besldea ha deala ezteaalvely, both wholesale and retail, aa Liquor Dealer. .Hit card appears elsewhere. *-1. JACMOW, Druocist. We are the recipient of a bottle of superior Cologne, manufactured by Mr. Jackson, and which took a premium at the last State Fair. It is equal to the best. Those visiting Columbia during the Fair or at any other time, can hare Ihoir wants in the line of Drugs, Fancy Articles, Ao., supplied by this must pleasing and courteous gentleman. His card glees full particulars. G. Dikrcks's, Groceries. His stocks of Groceries and Family Supplies are large end superior, and he holds himself in readiness to wait on customers or fill ord, era. Also Wines, Liquors, Ac., at wholesale il 11 1 n? ? ?e t a a ?? u? IUV?rilKI ID U1U UNI ! paper. J. A A. OLIYKB Manufacture and deal in Boot*, tboei, Leather, Ac. Visitors to the tfalr should give them a oall. I. HTHAN A CO. Bare established themselves in Columbia since the breaking out of the yellow fever in Charleston, and sell at wholesale and retail.? nnve large stocks of Foreign and Domestlo Dry Goods and Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hats, Ac. ISAAO SuLZBACHBR, JxWELKR. The store of the above genlletnoD is ono of the largest and most heautinil in the up-country. Watches and Sil?er Waro of the costliest kind, besides goods of all grades. It is das ling to the eyca to examine the various articles, which he has to suit the means of nil.? As he makes no charge for exhibiting, a visit there will repay. Store under Columbia Hotel. Jons C. Deal. The very full advertisement of Mr. Dial is sufficient, without reference, as it will attract the attention of our readers. His store is a large and extensive one, and has been long in business. English and American Ilardwnro and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Castings. Mill Stones, Bolting Cloths, Ac., Ac. , embraco a few of the articles dealt in by him. Mns. C. E. Rked, Miluskr. Mrs. Reed visits New York in person for tbo selection of hor stock, and has purchased largely mis year, ana ctnOrnccs liner artioles than are generally to be found in smaller placet. Her storo is indeed an " Emporium of Fashion." Strauss A Bro. Are located next to the Columhia Hotel, and do a large wholesale and jobbing business.? They have Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at astonishingly low prices. Sea large advertisement. Married, in Columbia, on the 19th inst., by Lev. Sidi Brown, Col. S. S. CRITTENBEN, of Greenville, to Mrs. S. A. BEDELL, of Columbia, S. C. a*a Printer's fee received. Grernvillb, Oct. 24 Cot'on, 10 c. cliarlwtton. Oct. 23. Cotton dull; middlings 17i@l7|; net re? ccipt*,2354 bales; exports coastwise 1670; sales 100; stock 15,590. Augusta, Oct. 23. Cotton chill and lower; middlings 17|(S)17i ; receipts 806 bales; sales 600. Baltimork, Oct. 23. Flour and wheat dull. Corn quiet ; whits new 65@70; yellow new 68@72; mixed western 73@7ff. Provisions unchanged. Whisky 9 6 @96. rr Jnat as we go to prrs9, the following I telegrai#"wn8 handed ns by Cait. Suluvan. - New York Oct. 26. Cotton quiet and weak ; uplands 18-J Trust what Time has Sanctioned The maxim that the voice of ths people is the voice of the divinity, may in some cases, be open to doubt, but the testimony of honest and enlighted witnesses extend ing through n series of years, and all to the same purport, is worthy of credence, admitsof noquestion. Upon such testimony the ?r HAOTWT*rr?HM ? e... rputauun Ul IIV/OITjI 1LIVS AC*11 BITTERS aa an antidote and eura for many ailments is based. During the twenty years that it has been before the world, innumerable preparations intended to com pete whit it, hare gone up like rockets, and come down the extinguished sticks.? Meanwhile (he progress of that incomparable tonic hae been swift and steady?always upward and onward like the eagle's fligl . Its introduction produces a revolu tion in therapeutics, and it proved to be one of those salutary revolutions that cannot go backwards. To-day Hoatetter'e Bitters is one o| the most popular remedies in Christendom, and commands a larger tale than any other medicinal preparation, domestic or imported, on this side of the Atlantic. As a cure for dyspepsia, bilims disorders, nervous affections, general debii' ily, and aa a preventive of epidemic fevers it takes precedence of every other remedy. This fact should teach the amldtious conn try dealers who endeavor to foist their local abortions on the public in its stead, how futile their small attempts to rajole the community must necessarily be. Where the game fi-?h have fa-led, there is no chance for the " suckers." 22-4 . t . ? Survivors, Association. 4 MEETING of the above Association 1\. for Greenville Coonty, will he held in the Office of J. P. Moork, Esq.. on H?ls j day in November next, at 12 o'clock M. For the purpose of appointing DELEGA- ! TES to the Slate Association which meets in Columbia on the 9th November next ? All the lale Confederate soldiers in the County are cordially invited to he present. J. P. MOORE, President. Wm Beattie, Seorelary. Oct 25 2S 2 Fowler & Van din O?~~ HAVE opened. At the 8*and formerly oeeupled by Long A Ooodlett, nearly opposite Foster A Hunter, a eeneral atoek of DRY GOOHS rod GROCERIES, consisting of Clot ha, Cassimere*, Re.-idy-made Clothing, Calicoes, Worsted, eat ice, Ac., together with Sugar, Coffee, M<>la?se*, Myrtips, Floor, Haeon, and Groeeriea generally. Also Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery*ware, Faney Articles, Ac , Ac. WE FAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, IN CASH OB TRADE. iy We will alao purchase COTTON. We desire a call from our friends in the country and '.he pnhlie in general, promising to give satisfaction. Oet 26 26 Sin PURE KiMHMFY $7181*8 LSAi, BY TELEGRAPH. QflOME Sfock in Store now, and I fEy a Large Lot coming, I SHIPPED OCTOBER 17TII, Ordered by TELEGRAPH. (Sower, Cox ic iTIark'cy. Oet 25 26 tf J. H. & '' kj %A?E WOULD call attention W DUY GOODS, O^RPET] TAINS, &c. We have on hand one of the m< this market, consisting of Silks, J and other grades of FINE GOOU Prlxnii Vi 111 liiiAa A4 QliAAhnuro A. IVVO* X' Jll IIIIVO yi with a complete assoitment of Hoi 24-3m t Notico. ALL persons who are indobted to the late firm of R. TII0MAS0N A CO., are requested to come forward at once and pa/ up, as we wish to olose the books. R. THOMASON A CO. Oct. 23, 1871. 26-1 Foster &, Hunter KID GLOVES at (1 28 per pair. Back, Berlin, Merino, Calf, Kid and Leather Gloves for Gents, Ladies, Lads and Misses, in good assortment, ond low prices at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. HOSIERY, a very desirable Stock of Men and Boys Hall lloso. Ladies Seamiest lron-Framo Hose, Misses and Children, in Domestic, English and Qerman Manufactures, to be had at FOSTER A HUNTER'S "T" INEN Cambric Handkerchiefs at fivo cents 1 J each. Ladies, dents and Children* Linen Cauibric, Hammed, Hemstitched, Kmbroidored and Plain Silk, Pongee and other kinds at F03TBR a HUNTER'S. GKNTS and Ladies Cravntfl and Scarfs, Hoars aad Ties in great variety at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. NOVELTIES in Fancy Goods at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. LADIES Sackings, Cloakings. Opera Cloths, Ladies Cloths and Flannels. FOSTER a HUNTER. GENTS and Ladies Underwear, all wool and Merino Vests, Shirts and Drawers, FOSTER A HUNTER. CARPETS, Rugs and Mats for sale by FOSTER A I1UNTER. BEAUTIES in Roman Stripe Shawls. f. ah. GENTS fine Cassimere Suits, also Silk, Velvet nnd Valencia Vests, Cloth and Cussimcro Coats, Cassimere Pants, Wamautta Shirts, Ae, F. A H. LADIES Velvets, Velveteens, Trimming Velvets, Colored Velvet Ribbons, Ac. F. a H. MILES A SONS' Shoes, in Cloth, Kid and Calf. F. a H. MOORE, SARRABEE a CO'S Shoes, Balls, Polish and Boots, Ladies' Misses' and Children's. F. a II. KITZMEYER'S and Porter Day a Co's., Fino Water-Proof and Calf Boots, also B?ya' 3otos. F. A II. GENTS Latest Broadway and Fifth Avenue Styles Silk and Fur Hats. F. A II. PEEK, FREAN A CO'S., London Biscuit' Cream Crackers nnd Soda Biscuit. FOSTER A HUNTER. 1 ,000 pounds Candies, French and Stick at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. CURRANTS, ^eedicss Raisins, Canned Fish and Vegetables, Preserves, Ginger, Ae. FOSTER A HUNTER. I^INE Goshen Butter and Cheese, Macca< roui and Fresh Prime Rice. FOSTER A IIU.NTfeR. A FINE Stock of Black and flrcan Teas for sale. FOSTER A HUNTER. Rl. A. Hunter <fc Co. A FINE lot of Perfuroea, Musk, Luhin's Extract*, lluwley's Handkerchiefs delicacies ; deliriously Perfumed Soups?Lubin's, Hartley's, Colgate's and others, for sale by M. A. llliNTEH A CO. A FINE stock of Hair Brashes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Nail Brushes, Ac., for saIo hy M. A. HUNTER A CO. PUFFS, PufT Boxes, Lily-white, Ronge, Cold-croum, Cosmetics, Shaving-cream, Ac. M. A. HUNTER A Co. IETTER and Note Paper, flilt Note, BrisJ tol board Cards, Card Cases, Playing Cards, AC. M. A. HUNTER A CO. HAIR Oil, Pomatums, Pomades, Cologne, Bay Rum, Bloom of Youth, Magnolia Balm, Qolden Sustcr, at M. A. nUNTER A CO. ITiLAVORINO Extracts, all kinds, our owr . and other makes, for Cakes, Pies, Icecreams and Blanc-mango M. A. HUNTER A CO. I^INE Cigars, meerschaum Pipes, Woodi . Ivy and Indian Rubber Pipes and Pipe-bowls, -Lava Seta, Tobacco Bags, Stems and smoking articles, for sale by M. A. HUNTER A CO. Oot 25 25 tf EMPORIUM OF WE have received a superior assortment of English, French and American HEAVER-CLOTHS, CASS1MERES AND VESTINGS, with a ruLi. AsaoRTifknt or Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods aac Trimmings of all Qualities. (REABY-MABE eL@*HM? AOOOIt assortment of Over-Costa and Caesimere Suits, Shirts And Drawers Hats and Caps, Boys'and Children's Clothing. Ao All have been selected peraonallj with eare and taste, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, And we will sell accordingly. Having pouted thereby in all the latest and most approved styles of Cutting ^ Making, We aro prepared to Cut and If aire up Clothing in tha latest and most approved styles. tW AU Work Warranltd. WEED'S UNEXCELLED SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE. It does more thrfn twsnty different kind* of work, and will stitch from the finest ori ii ? .1- .. . . . .. . ! gsnaios vo me near test ciom, learner, wood, or shest lead, with Mae. It has several new improvements, and Is atil! improving, rf Warranted to girt perfect satlsfae! tion. O. A. PICKLE Ac CO. Greenville, 8. 0., Oct. 24, 1871. 2ft-tf >1 to onr Large and Varied Stock of t [KG8, OIL CLOTH RUGS, CURost complete stocks ever offered in Upacas, Merinos, Poplins, DsLaine, wliipli ? ? urn iiffwrincr ah Tvmlnr<ofl I Shirtings, Cossiraeres, Jeans, &c., sisry ana Gloves. Qivo us a call. I. H. 8l M. L. KtNARP* Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to S. J. Dontbtt, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on tko Jilt day of November next, for a final discharge ' as Executor of the Estate of EDWARD FLANAGAN, deceased, and on said day make a'float settlement of the same. T. L. W00DSIDE3, Executor. ' Ootl8, 1871. 26-6 If otice TS HEREBY given to all whom it may conJL cern, that 1 will apply to S. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Greenvile County, on the 28Ik day of November next, for a final dis- ( charge as Administrator of the Estate of LEVI TRAMMELL, deceased ; therefore all parties , baring claiuib against said Estate will present them to mo or the Probate Judge,on or before said day or be debarred. ' B. F. TRAMMELL, Administrator. Oct 18, 1871. 26 6 A. B. MtJMJGANT COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL CBMMISS10S MERCH&HT.' ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. ? I iO(ll also, when placed in funds, purchase and forward all kinds of Merchandise, Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Fertil { izers, dec. Oct 25 25 ly HEMY BISCHOFF i & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN SEIOARS, TOBACCO, ?fcC., NO. 197 EAST BAY, Cttttiaw, 8. C. . Btecnorr. c wuldkrn. J. H. picrcK. Ool 25 25 6m "WILLIAM SLOANE, Lithographic, Copper-plate, AND GENERAL JOB PRINTER, IPEsAHKT SV&SIKV, COLUMBIA, S, C. BOOKS, Pamphle'a, P'-steia, nand-Biil?. Cards, Circulars, Bill IDada, Fae-Sim ilea, Maps. Plana, Chalk and Lino Draw-inge, Liquor Labels, Druggists' Prescrip* tioDS, etc , Executed with NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND ON TilK Most Reasonable Terms. Oct 26 25 5m* HIBW JTBWBOnr. Tf\llxam, Glaze, COLUMBIA, S. C., IS now opening a hue selection of Ladies' 1 and Oenia' English, Swiss sod American Watches. Sole Agent for the celebrated i Pauline Watch. Philadelphia Company's Gold Chains, Vest, Opera Chatelaines, Leontina Neck laces, Diamond Rings and Brooches, Pearl, , full and half seta. Silver Ware Plated Ware, Clocks, Cutlery, Houaeholi and Fancy Goods, Guns, Sporting Goods, Jet and Horn Goods. William Cilnzc, One door north o! Scott A Co 'a Ban king House. 26-8 m TAXNOTICE~ ~~" qCTpAVING been instructed to fcSSfc commence the Collection i- ot SiRte and County TAXES for the Year 1871, I will attend at the following Places, at the times " designated, for that purpose : At T. H. Stokea' Monday, Not. 20 At T. E. Ware's Tuesday, " 21 At J. K. Stone's Wednesday, * 22 I At J It - Tfcn^l.., < ? ? f ? * At James Lendrrmao Friday, M 24 1 At OrrenTill* C H Saturday, " 26 At G. W. Center's... ..Monday, " 27 1 At T.J. Mitehel'a..... .Tuesday, " 28 At Oroce'e place Wednesday, " 20 At Ch<ek Springs Thursday, " 80 At Batssvllle. Friday, Dee. 1 At Grrearllla O. H Saturday, " 2 At Hedge's Monday, " 4 At CTaveTantTa Mill*. .'..Tuesday, " 8 I At Marietta... Wednesday," 6 At E. N. Colenjan'a Thnnday, " t I From tlion to tho 15th January, ; 1872, I will be at my Office at ' Greenville C. II. After that time the Penalty of TWENTY PER CENT, will be added, and rigidly enforced. There ia no possibility of any cxtention being granted. The Tax levied U Seven Mills . , on the Dollar for State purposes, , and Five Mills for County puri poses. Poll Tax, $1 W. W. ROBERTSON, Treasurer for Greenville County. Greenville, S. C., October 24, 1871. 25-2 ' T 1 ' '"'.Ml I II a I !.. For Sale. 100 BUSHELS ORCHARD ORAM SEED at Baltimore Price grown tbi? year. S. 8. IRVINB. October 17, 187L CENTRAL HOTEL, [ iM PLAIN STREET, 1ft block, from Hit) Main; S block ffttti OWfeti villa Fare excellent. Tcrme, 11.00 per Hay. d. b. Clayton. Proprietor. Colombia, s. C. t4*8m *' p t , Ai^gu^a Advertisements. ?EVIVtL. I J J A | **> ^ OHMSIOMJB6UI dSc CO. Having Removed Their TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Corner of Broad and Mcintosh Sts., Augusta, Ga. V?TO>ILL tako great pleasure in waiting on their Carolina friends, who will find a choice assortment of every description of DRY GOODS, which will be disposed of at prices that must satisfy 'he most economical. l-4ty ^\u examination 01 wooae ana rriccs respecuuiiy solicited. Christopher Gray & Co., 202 and 204 Broad Street, ATJOUSTA, GA. Oct 25 25 8m CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND Plantation Supplies. O JAMES G. BAILIE & BRO. HAVING set their store In order, and having received a largo supply of the Beit GRO* CBRIES, Ac., that can be bought for money, now offer to their customers and the trade, a large Stock oi FRBSII GOODS, via : Stuart's Cot, Cruihcd, Granulated, A, B, C end Yellow SUGARS. Java, Leguayra, Maracaibo and Rio COFFEES. Green nad Black TEA, of Best Quaity. Stunn's SYURP, GOLDEN DRIPS and MOLASSES. Srgar Cured HAMS, Breakfast BACON, New FLOUR. Factory CHEESE, English Dairy end Dutch CHEESE, Gilt Edge Goihen BUTTER. Prime Leaf LARD. Canned FRUITS, PRESERVES and JELLIES. English CRACKERS, English Albert BISCUIT, Fresh. American CRACKERS, of all kinds, Fresh. MACKEREL. CANDLES and SOAPS, of all kinds. BACON, SIDES and 8houlders ; Liverpool SALT, BAGGING, of all kinds, and TIE8. WINES and LIQUORS, ot first quality. WE HAVE ALBO ON HAND A LARGE BTOCK OF MARKET, FANCY AND TRAVELING BASKETS, TUBS. CHURNS, BUCKETS, 7\fc^ FS, W BROOMS, FEA THER DUSTERS, COUNTER BRUSHES <t HEARTH BROOMS. FRESH GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. James G. Bailie *& Brother* 205 BROAD STREET, -X UOUSTA, OA Oct 25 25 3m JAMES A. GRAY &C0~ Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN B1I SiSBS, 226 & 228 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GA., BEG to inform their friends and the public of Greenville, that they are now receiving one of the Largest and most Select Stocks of gTOtPOLI MD UM1 unu un t uuuua WH1CII THEY HAVE EVER BROUGHT TO AUO DSTA, having been Purchased Exclusively for Cash, AKQ HAVING AN EXPERIENCE OF OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY in Business in Augusta, We feel*confident of being able to please the moat fastidious and OF SAVING MONEY To The JHost Economical. OURS IS STRICTLY A ONE PRICE BOUSE, WE CORDIALLY INVITE AN EXAMINATION OF OUR GOODS, ?AND? STRICT J1JYI) PJUiTTrTrr.JiTi w V V At/ ATTENTION IP AH? TO 01?MS, I W 13f Samples freely sent by mail when desired. 3XJS. ML. &&&T Mi 00. Oot 25 $5 4 * * in Miinwimr n ?i ^1840^?18 70? Pain ia supposed to be the tot of us po? r mortal*, a* inevitable aa death itself, and liable at any time to eome npon ne. There* tore it la important that remedial agents ahould be at liaad to be need on an emergency, when the seminal principle lodged in the ayetem shall develops itself, and we feel the excruciating agonies of pain, or the depressing influence of disease. 8neb a remedial agent exists in the Paim Kill tea, whose' fame haa made the circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal icee of the polar regions, or beneath the Intolerable and burning sun of the tropioe, lla virtues ars known and appreciated. Under all lath* tudee, from the one extreme to the other, suffering humanity haa found relief from many ol its ills by its use. The wide and broad area over which this medicine has spread, attests its value and po'envv. Prom a small beginning, the Tain Killer has pushed gradually along, making its own highway, soMv by its virtues. Such unexampled success and popularity has hronght others into the field, who have attempted, under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of the people and turn it to' their own selfishness and'dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruitless, while the Tai>i Killer is si ill growing in pnbllc favor. 22?4 0?.LIi AT W. i, GOOD WIN'J, STORE And Examins the World-Bono wned HOWE SEWING MACHINE. The First and Best in the World. ITS beauty and excellence of stitch, being alike on both aides; its ne w rotnry tension and an automatic self-regulating take up that prevents missing of stitches in crossing all seams ; for the upper-thread, and its perfectly uniform tension in tbe shuttle, from a full to an empty bobbin, gives complete control over both threads ; its economy of thread beyond that of any other machine ; its sowing the finest fabrics without injury or pucker, and tben passing to tbe heaviest mnteriai without a change of tension thread or needle, and with the greatest ease; its simplicity, durability, and easoof management; its running with less noise and greater ease than any other Rhuttle Machine ; are its peculiar qualities, and should rcccommend it tn >11 in ? FIRST-CLASS MACHINE. An accomplished operator always in attendance. Agent* ll'ctnferf. ALFRED 0. ELY, General Agent tor South Carolina. J. L. TINSLEY, Assistant, Greenville, S. C. Oct 18 24 Sin Mrs. C E. R ed's Millinery and Emporium of Fashion* T ADIES'11A.TS, CAPS AND BONNETS. Li ALSO iBMSim ArJIB MO IN EVERY STYLE. TOILET ARTICLES, &C., FOR SALE VERY LOW. MAIN SI., COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 3m Fall Iflillincry. 5, k, SMITH HAS OPENED a choice selection of MIL* LINERY and FANCY GOODS, to which she invites the attention of the ladies. Also, PATTERNS of the latest styles of DRESSES. DRESS-MAKING attended to with neatness and despatch. Orders iroin the country solicited. Main Street, opposite the Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct 18 24 3m J. Sf OLIVER. Manufacturers d? Dealers in MOH AM S10XS. LEATHER, tfce., COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 18 24 lm* GK DIE IlCKS, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF G ROCE RE IS, Cigars, Tobacco, A Foreign A Domestic Wines, Liquors, Ales Ac. at wholesule and retail low for cash. COLUMBIA, S. C. AT KINSLER'S IIALL CORNER. Oot 18 24 3m CHILDS & WILEY, COLUMBIA. O. O. Fine Ready.Mads Clothing. Tite Cd*. brated Star Shirt. Patent Pantaloon Drawra. flsnt't K??V w - - - The K jrtian Brace Suapendera. The True Pit 8hirt. Linen Cullers, Paper Collars. s?,2?'3 ?TSfli^sPS JH^VWSg AT ALL STYLES AND PRICES. We invite the Public to call and oxamine Our Stock, aa we are determined to keep tba very beat that eomee to Columbia, and at prleea that will suit (lie timer. WE SELL FOR CASH, AND AT SMALL PROFITS. L. D. CHILOS. JOHN 8. WILEY. jOet 18 24 8m ' Ho BYllAJf * CO. CORNER LADY AND MAIN $TREETS| COLUMBIA, B. O. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS.AMD HOSIERY, FANCY GCCDjS, CLOTHING, HATS, AO, A MO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF AO. AO. Aei t - uv> i ? em CHINi Bill. WILLIAM IT STANLEY, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, SILM-PMt IBiTlllIA ill Japanned Ware. TABLE CUTLERY. MIRRORS, GAS-FIXTURES AND I0ISHI1IISIII6 Him GENERALLY, OppotiU Oourl Boom, Columbia, 8. 0. Oot l? 14 *n