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* 11 .1 ' 1 I ^timorous. Jenkins at % Pio Nio Mary Ann recently determined to go to a pic nic. Mary Ann is my wife?unfortunately. She had planned it to go alone, so far as I was concerned, on thst pic-nic excursion; but when I heard about it, I determined to assist. She protended she was very glad, but ] didn't believe ] she was. ,4 It will do yon good to get away . from your w.^rk a day, poor follow," she said ; " and we shall so mnch enjoy a cool morning ride on the cars, and dinner in the woods." On tho morning of that day, Maria Ann got np at 5 o'clock.? About three minutes later she disturbed my slumbers, and tohl me to come to breakfast. I told her I wasn't hungry, but it didn't make a bit of difference, I had to get np. The sun was up. I had no idea that the sun began business so early in tho morning, but there ho wa9. " Now," said Maria Ann, " we must fly around, for the cars start nt half past 0. Eat all the breakfast you can, for yon won't get any before noon." I conld not eat anything at that time in the morning, and it was woll I could not, tor I had all I coukl do. lliore was ico to be fioundcd to go around the pail of ce cream, and tlio sandwiches to j bo cut, and I thought I should never get the legs of the chickens : tixed so that I could get the cover , on the big basket. Maria Ann ilew around and piled up groceries] for mo to pack, giving directions' to the girl about taking caro of the house, and nutting on her dress all at onco. There is a deal of enormia that woman?perhaps a trifle too much. At twenty minutes past G I stood on the front steps with a basket on one arm, and Maria's waterproof on the othor, and a pail in each hand, and a bottle of vinegar in my coatskirt pocket. There was a camp stool hung on mc, too, somewhere, but I forget i n s t where. 44 Kow," said Maria Ann, " we ?vinel en it r\? trn clinll iinf /.nt nl. !?#> ' iiiiint ini?j vi n v oiiati nuw v.aiV/ii in*;' train." 14 Maria Ann," Bays I, ;t tliat's a reasonable idea. IIow do yon Bupposo I can run with all this freight ?" 44 Yon must, you brute. Yon always try to tease mc. It you do not want a scene on the street you will start, too." So I ran. I had one comfort, at least; Maria fell down and broke her parasol. She called mo a brute again, because 1 laughed. She drove me all the way to the depot in a brisk trot, and wo got on tho cars; but neither of us could get a scat, nor could I find a place where I could set the tilings down ; so I stood there and held them. 44 Maria," I said, in winning accents, 44 how is this for a cool morning ride?" Said she, 44 You're a brute, Jenkins." Said I, 44 My love, you have made that observation before." I kept my courage up, yet I knew there would bo an hour of I wrath when wo got home. While' wo were getting out of the cars, the bottle in my pocket got broke, and consequently I had ono hoot full of vinegar all day. That kept me pretty quiet, and Maria Ann ran off with a big whiskered music teacher, and lost her fan, and got her leet wet, and tore her dress, and enjoyed herself much after the fashion of pic nic goers. I thought it never would cotno dinner t me, and Maria called me.a pig bccauso I wanted to open onr basket before the rest ol the baskets were opened. At last, dinner time came?" the nice dinner in th* wootla," yon know. Over three thousand little red anta had got into our dinner, And they were worse to pick out than fish bones. The icecream had melted, and thero was no vinegar for the cold meat, except what was in my boot, and of course that was of no immediate rr^t t * use. me music leacucr spinea n enp of hot coffee on Maria's head, and pulled all the frizzles out trying to wipo off the coffee with his handkerchief. Then I sat on a piece of raspberry pic, and spoiled my white pants, and concluded I didn't want anything more. I had to stand up against a tree the rest of the afternoon. The day afforded considerable variety, compared with every day life, but theio were so many drawbacks that we did not enjoy it so much as we might have done. ? - ? ? ? "Do yoi. retail things here?" asked a green looking specimen of humanity, as he poked his head into a drng store. 1 tOj Dif ) icpiiu^l INU UU Kf thinking he had a customer. "Then I wish you would re-tail my dog?he had it bitten off about a month ago." A Livehi'ool cotemporary, in reporting a meeting, savs that one of the speakers " briefly addressed the andienoe at some length." Wukn is a lawyer strongest 1 When ho is fee-blest. ' _ IL_ -ii United States District Court. Tuesday, 10 ib 8ept., 1871. E The Couit wm op?n?d et 10 o'eloofc, Hon. Geo. S. Bryan presiding. Juror* answered to their name* as on yesterday. usui dock st. John Wheeler vs. Wm. T. Shumate and Absalom lily the, assignees of J. 11* /a w. urmly, bankrupt?issue made up under order of Oonrt James Birnie for plaintiff, W. R. Earle for defendant. O.dered, that the defendant, Wm. T. Shumate, and A. Blythe, the assignee of J. W. Grady, bankrupt, do pay to plaintiff** attorney the turn of $750 87, and the sum of $00 75, costs of suit. VV. M. Burdick vs. W. P. Pas-more, ?declare.ion in assumpsit. W. E. Earle for plaintiff, E. f. Jones fjr de 1 fendant. The declaration in this case J having been filed on Rules day in March last, and no plea having been filed, on heating argument of counsel, it is ordered, That defend int. W. P Pass more have leave to file pleas of general issuo and statute of limitations ?that bo pay to Clerk of this Cour1 the costs which have accrued to date, and give bail to the Marshal in the sum of six huudied dollars, in that the plaintiff do file with the Cleik of the | Court security for co?t? on or by Rulesday in November, and that the case he | continued to the November term of the Court. IS RANKKtTTCr. Ex parte C. C. Montgomery?peti tion for final discharge. E. P. Jones. h( fnrnpr fnr naiiIionn- A f.?. 1. ...... - ?/ *w< I'wt.Mvuvi. auoi iii'nriiijj l report of Regiver Clawson in favor of bankrupt's discharge, and all the rc quirementa of the law having been complied wi;h, Judge signed order of discharge under seal of Court. In re C. C Montgomery?in bankruptcy. Specifications having been filed in this case in opposition to dis charge of the bankrupt, by Sullivan ?fc Stokes, tho same came to a htaiing at the present teim of this Court and after argument by Messrs Sullivan ?fc Stokes, on the part of the contestant, and E. P. Jones for the bankrupt, and after full^ind deliberate investigation and with anxious care lor the inteicst of the parties concerned, it is ordered, i That the tight of redemption secured to the bankrupt under the Revenue Law? of the United States, is, in the judg ment of this Court, an unqualified right secuted to this bankrupt or his family, and that it is not an estate that can pass to the assignee for the benefit of creditors. It is further ordered. That the specifications he dismissed, and that each party pay his own costs i in this proceeding. United Slates DUliict Couit, Western District South Carolina?ordered, That the Marshal give notice to'lhe ju rors summoned lor ltie United Stales .District Court at Charleston, to be held on the first Monday of October next, to appear on the first Monday of Novem ber, the Oih day of lb3 month, instead of said first Monday in October; raid notice to be served personally, and published in the public prints; and that he give public notice to the parties and witnesses that the sitting of the Couit will be postponed one month, as aforesaid. Geo. S. Bryan, U. 8. Judge District of 8. C., 19ili Sept., 1871. Court then adjourned till to morrow. Wednesday, 20ih Sept., 1871. Court was opened at 10 o'clock. Jurors answered to their names, and were finnlly discharged. IN DANKItL'I'lCY. Wm. McGukin, assignee of Keese King, bankrupt, vs. John R. Cochran ? petition and answers to set aside sale, for account, ?kc. Reed <k Brow n, and B. F. \\ hitner, attorneys for <|? fondant. On motion of Reed Brown. ? tomcja (br petitioner, it is or* I dered, That it be referred to C. G. Jne ger, Esq., Register, to take testimony and report any special matter. Court then adjourned till to>morrow. Thursday, 21*1 Sept, 1871. Court was opened at 10 o'clock. in kquity. Tate, Whiting A Co., et al., vs. Abrain P. Nott and L. E. Johnson ? bill lor relief, <xc. Itecd A Brown, and B. F. Wliitner, for complainants ; J. S. Murray A B. F. Perry for defendants. On hearing the pleadings, evidence and argument in this case, and after full consideration, it is adjudged and decreed, That the costo of this case be fiist paid out of the funds in Court, aed that the remainder of the fund be divided equally between the complain* i ants and Abram P. Nott, and it is further ordered, That the Marshal do pay over one half of (he nelt amount in his bands to the counsel of A. P. Nott, to be credited on hi* judgment, and that the other half be paid to the oounsel of the complainant for distribution among tbe creditor* of Benne'.t dr 1 Kea*?. I Id re creditor of Tony Perry, juror i in U. 8. Court?attachment by way 1 of garnishment served on Marshal.? I E. F. Stokes for creditor. Judge de* i creed that funds In bands of Marshal < were not subject to garnishment, and < tbe Marshal was ordered to pay theju I ror the amount due bim a* juror. < i 1M XQUJTt. Ex paite Jiidm Bonds, creditor, io re Hamilton, Young A Bush, re.- Wm, Young, executor of 8. Young el el.? decree suspended by injunction, Ac. James M. Baxter, for creditor ; C. P. Sullivan, contra. On motion of Mr. Baxter, solicitor for James Bonds, and by the cousent of Messrs Sullivan, Fair, Pope A Pope, solicitois for the defendants, (Win. Young et al.,) ordered, That Janres Bonds have leave to introduce such further testimony as he may feel advistd to prove the execution and alignment of tlin bond, the subject of t It in suit, a copy of which accompanies the claim of James Bonds at now pre sented to ibis Court, and that O. G. Jaoget be avitboi )? ><] to take t>ucb testimony up >n five days* notice to \Viiliam Young or Mr. Sullivan, his solicitor' and that such testimony be taken at Laurent, shall be repotted at once to his Court. IS D tKKKl' PTCY. Ex paite \V. 1*. Uargett, of Yorkpetition for final dbcliarge. Clawson <k Thomson pro pet ; register Claw son's report in favor of di.-cliarge was read and confiinred, and no objection appear" ing, the Judge signed under seal of Court certificate and order of final dis charge. Ex parte John J. Evans?petition for final discharge, T. W. Clawson pro pet. Idem, Idem, Idem. Ex parte fJlenn D. Peaks?as execu lor of Thomas Ih>wkerpet al. In re Spartanburg miH Union Railroad Co* On motion of It. Munro Jj Son, and It. W. Sliand attorneys for petitioners^ ordered, That the petitioners have leave to discontinue and withdraw the petition from file, fuither ordered that lire clerk do tax np the costs which have accrued and pay over to, nttor neya of the petitioners the balance of ibe deposit fee not expended. Older a* to proceedings in bank ruptcr, ndmiiality tfec. It is hereby or* dered, That the heating of all petitions and motions in bankruptcy, or in the general business of the District Courtt he postponed until the first Monday in November 1871. Court then adjourned sine die. State and Other Items. L. Cass Carpenter has become sole proprietor of the Columbia Daily Union ; the politics remains uncharged. Losses by a fire in Virginia City, Nevada, will reach three quarters of a million of dollars. Tiince Pismark has an annual ncome of $'200,000. The Petersburg ngiictilinral fair will continence on the 24th of October. The colored farmers of Middle Teun^itsoe are holding a successful agricultural fair at Na-hville. The King of Spain has resolved to set free all'the slaves in his dominions The notorious Ilolden, of North Carolina, has taken editorial charge of the Washington Chronicle. Colonel Torn Ilerdeman, of Bibb County, is nominated by some news paper correspondents for next Cover nor of Georgia, Professor D. II. Mabon, the West Point educator, and one of lite most distii'guislied military authors of the day, committed suicide by jumping fiom a steam boat, while on his way to New York. John Quincy Adams has b?en nomi nited as the Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. The Chester Reporter says that a great temperance revival is now in progress in that community. The recently elected County Com iritssloners t<X NT..?ueiry are refused their commissions by the State Board of Canvassers, on the ground that there has been too much Ku KnlxUrn in that county. 'J be Marion Star says that it is estimated that if (lie weather is favora ble, the cotton crop in that section will be gathered by the 15:b of October at ilie latest. That will be at least two months sooner than their farmers usu ally gather their cotton, and is a striking evidence of ibo shortness of the crop. C. B. Farmer, of Colleton, has been appointed Judge of the 2d Circuit, in place of Judge Plait. Tub State Democratic Convention of Massachusetta has nominated John Quincy Adams for Governor. Soine knowing ones think that the cotton yield in Darlington County wii! be at least n fourth more than was at fit at supposed, aaya the Southerner. ? A substantial paled -fence encloses (he Methodist grave yard of Darlington.? The first nnd only fence in thirty years. It it stated that the telegiaph poles have bean set from Anderson to Wallialla, but owing to some misunderstand ing or want of arrangement, the linn was not contracted for by Patterson of ibe Greenville and Columbia Railroad, , ir.d that the con?f*j?in*v? U un*r j >be line only extends from Walhalla to Andeason, leaving a break between the ast named place and Belton, along the Greenville and Columbia Railroad. I . Wisconsin corn *M sixteen feet bigb at last aocounts, with an upward ten* decay. The shipment of ootton fro in Anderson mat Let during \be year ending September lrt, 1871, amouuls to 10,950 bales. At an election held nt Kingstree on the 13th iuaUfur Intendant and Wardeoe, E. J. Porter, E*q, ?m elected lnleodant, nnd Me?w?. Jhiiks M Slag ger?. Sr., Solomon Bentschoer, Phillip Heller and Louis Dona'h, Wardens. The Cbailotle Observer says llurace Greelejl will lie ?n llial city hi the Charlotte Fair, and ?ri!l l-e the guest of M. L. Wlisten. PURE LIBERTY WHITEJLEAD. Buy the Beat?li is the Cheapest. :o? ? To ConMumert of 1 Vhile Lead Everywhere, ' so: IT IS U.N EQUALED lit. Fir tt'cirinjj *n?t Covering Properties. '2-t. For Whiteness Hud li-anty of Finish. 3.1. For Unl'o m FiuriicM of Wr:nding. 4th. Same Weight will do mors nnd hotter work, at a given cost, than any oilier. 6lli. Most White Lead ever inirodneed. Glh. If you wish to pioenre as much value iu> possible for your money and secure iiaiiaaome aim amu>i!? work, usu PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and be ennvlnwad. Satisfaction, gjruiitted by the Mutiniedurers. ZlEQLB A SMITH. Wholesale Drujr, Paint and Gbieii De*1e>a,, No. 1?7 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX & MARKLEY DEALBIW IN Coach Materials, Paints, Oil, Glass Patty, &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. May S 62 If B.WEHRLE, QjTEESWJLILE ?. ?. DEALEIl IN I SOLO m SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 ft 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Kings, SILVER iSi SILVER-PLATED mw v% mm wz2* tr WORK of all dcfccriplions in hi* line done promptly._A1 Oct 27 '23 1 M. O. BtTI.BR. r. P. McllkK. O. C. STKI'IIKB BUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, Attorneys and Connsellora at Law and in Eqnity, GRKGNV1LLE, S. C., Will Practioe in the Courta of the State and of the United Statea. May 31 4 If E. P. JONKS, 4\tS'it,(?)l^iS'iaW Ali' l.W\W, ^A'Z> SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL PRACTICE IN AIL COURTS OF THIS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Groenville C. H., S. C. July 7 ly* TOWNEfT Sc EAST, ATT0RNIE8 AT RAW. OFFICE In tho OLD COURT HOUSE Middle Room on the South Side, Lowe Rlnry, GREENVILLE, 8. C. O. V. TOWRES. 01.IN D EAST. Jail 4 33 tf No Good Health Without Pure fllood. DR. GUAZEIVEirS SPIKENAUU AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT WILL PURIFY TIIK BLOOD r a naiiUVFi Liver Complaint, Klieuma ^^SSPiism, Scrofula. Carbuncles Skin Pesensea, Pains in th* cSr-% Hones. iBepepsia, Disease* o? the Kidneys and Bladder, pain in th? Back and Loins, and all the various Ailment* produced \>T Impure Blood and Vitiated Secretions. 11 uy one Jiottle and try it, and if it fails to give any relief, buy no more. DR. GLAZENERS LINIMENT or PAIN EXTRACTOR is goo.l in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache, Pain in the Iiack, Sprains, Ac. I)R. GLAZKXKRS FAMILY V EG ETARLE LIVER PILLS are sale remedial Agent* to overcome Derangements of the Liver and to Purify the Blood. DR. GLAZENER'S COUOII RELIEF ? | excellent for all c**e? of Cough of any Vind, from Croup to Consumption ; Although not recommended to curt Ike latter disease, g*e*l relief will follow it* us*. C3T The above Medicines are prepared only br ; DR. OILEB L. OLAZENER, Manufacturing Druggist, Greenville, 8. C. XW Sold by Druggists generally. May 10 1 tf IttlULLIGAX O H AHLE8TON, S. C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN ft SON, AKK MY AOB1NTS A* GREENVILLE, 8. C., AND W1L.U jn ATin uoiiDti. /iigu advance* on all COTTON I Shipped to mo through thorn. A, n. MTTLLIOAN. 8?pi 26 19 ly A CONSUMPTION, Its Cure and Its Preventive? BY J. II. 8CUENCK, M. D. MANY a human being baa paaaad awey, for whose death there waa no other reason than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of care. Those near and dear to family and friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into whioh, bad they calmly adopted Itd TAflrniT if cAtinvnma nf v?. >vuui 11 u. Dviinnvn c Dimriin TREATMENT, and availod themselves of bis wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schenk has in bis own case proved tb?t whorevcr sufficiuut vitality remains, that vitality, by h^s medicines and the directions tor their use, is quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is nothing presumpt* uous. To the faith of the invalid is maJo no representation that Is Dot a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the cure by Dr. 8chenck's medicines is as simplo as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is sell-assuring, self-convincing. The Scnwood Tunio and Mandruko Pills are the first two weapons with which the citiulel of tho malady i* nsaailaJ. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia nud a functionally disordered liver. W ifh this condition tho brouchial tubes " sympathize " with the stomach. They respond to the inorbiflo action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pillr aro romprscd of one o Nature's noblest gifts?the P jdophillium Pellatuin. They possess ill the blood searching, alterative properties ol calomel, but unlike calomel, they -LEAVE NO STINQ BEHIND." Tho work of cure is now leginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowels and in the alimentary canal aro ejected. Tho liver, like a_ clock, is woundup. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach acts rcsponslvely, and the patient begioa to feel that he is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Scnwood Tonic, In cor.junetien with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Cbylificalion is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion beci.mos pninlcsV, , und the cure is seen to ho at hand. There in no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite sets in. Now comes tho greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by no indulgent father to sufiering man. 8chenok's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten ami complete tho core. It enters at once rpon its work. Noture cannot he cheated. It collects and ripens tho impaired nud disenscd portions of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in a veiy short titno tho malady is vanquished, tho rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, and the patient, in all the dignity of regained vigor, itcps forth to enjoy the tnauhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second tiling is, the patients must stay in n wnrni room until they get well ; it is tilmjst impossible to prevcul taking cold when the lungs are diseased, hut it must he prevented or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh nir and riding out, especially in this section ot* tho country in the full and winter season, arc all wrong. Physicians who recommend thul course lose their pntients, if their longs nre badly diseased, and yet, bccnuso they are in the house tbey must not sit down quiet ; they must walk about the room us much and us fust as the strength will licnr, to get up a good circulation ol blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?ho determined to get well. This tins a great deal to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the woiet eases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Schciu-k's personal statement to the Fuculty of his own cure wns in these modest words : " Many years ago I was in the Inst stages of consumption ; confined to my hed, nnd at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning niun catching at struws, I beard of and ohtnincd the preparations which I now offer to the public, nnd they made a perfect curool inc. It seemed to me that I could feel them penetrnte my whole system. They soon ripened the mutter in iny lungs, and I would spit up more than 11 pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. , As soon as that began to subside, m/ cough, fever, pain nnd night sweats all began to lcavo uio, and my appetite became so great that it wns with difficulty thai I could keep from eating too inueb. I soon gained my [ strength, nnd have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight wns only ninety seven pounds; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-five [226] pounds, and for ycara I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Bebcnck has discontinued his professional visits to New York and Boston. lie or his son, Dr. J. II. Bchenik, Jr., still continue to see patients at their office, No. [5 North Hixth ttrect, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 0 A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Kespiromcter will He charged $5. The Hcspiromctcr declares tbo exact Condition of the uings, and patients can i readily learn whether tbo; ... CUr?oio or not. I The directions fur taking the me licines are ] adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases the Mandrako Pills arc to be taken in increased doses ; the three medicines need no other ae companimcnts than the amplo instructions that accompany them : First ereate appetite. Of returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will come, let the despairing at one he of good fc^'thc blood at on.ccffMllM. Jn a Short time boih of tlieso morbid symptoms are gone forover. Dr. Bcbenek'a medieiue* are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Byrup as a eurcr of roughs and colds, may be regarded as a prophylactcric against consumption in any of its forms. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seftwecd Tonic, $1.60 a bottle, or $7.60 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. HKKKY, No. College I'laco, New York City. March 22 46 ly Sprint? and Snmmar MILLINERY. MISS McKAY hn? returned from New York, end opened an elegant imortni rn t ol ,3^/yWk MILL! NKKY. conrktlng of JnH^V Bonn*t? nnd lUu of the U 0JrH ,!sl"* f"' Chll Jwl drcn end Infnnle; elro Ril?tfl9j Iton* of ell widllie, Fl<>weie, I.nee, ft?i end Heir Ooude, Lediee end Cliil drone Suite. Ae. All orders will receive careful end prompt attention. Apiil 26 61 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, ?0C0lLW3i&tiH)CA? 0. <@m PROPKIETOR. r. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK. RATES Of Doerd per Oay 00 Supper, Breekfeel end Lodging 2 00 Single Meek 1 00 Sep 1 )6 U fSE NinfERsnw nfifile ? ? UW PJ1J) COLUMBIA, 8- CWILL not be eloeed on account of the (icilh of the Proprietor, W* A.,,ir n<l her ton, WM 0. WRIGHT The Monde of the Into proprietor ore invited to cell it neuel SARAH L. WRIGHT. P?b Ift 89-tf WM. C. WRIGHT ? . - - j . m South Carolina Railroad Company Vioa Priiidiit'? Orrica, Columbia, 6. C., January IV, 1871. Chang? of SchtduU. OX and aftor Sunday, 22d inat., Paaaancar Traina anon tbia Ruad will arriva an J leave aa folio we : train no. 1. Leara Charleston at 9 20 a m Arrive at Columbia at 3 40 p m Leave Colombia at 12.16 p m Arrive at Charleston at .160 p m Leave Camden (Sundays exo'd) at...9 60 a m Arrive at Kingsville at 1 20 p m Leave Kingsville (Sundays exo'd) at.2 10 p m Arrive at Camden at 6 00 p m The above trains run in connection with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with trains for Wilmington, North Carolina anJ with trains for Augusta, Georgia ?making close connections with night trains of Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad, for all poiuts South and West. TRAIN NO. 2? NIUHT BXPRFSS. (8u iday night excepted.) I/carc Charleston at ..... 7 10pm Arrive at Columbia at 6 00 a m Lcnvo Columbia at 7 60 p m Arrive at Charleston at 6 46 a m This train runs in connection with up Au? gus'a truius, making close connection with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad morning trains, for all points South and West. A. L. TYLER, S. B. Piekiv?, Vice President. General Ticket Agent. Greenville and Columbia R R COLUMBIA, 8. 0 , March 1, 1871. ON and after thia date, Ihe following schedule will be run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with N ighl Traina on I South Carolina Kailrotd up and down; also with Tiiuns going South on Chat lotto, Columbia nud Augoria Railroad; I ^ Up. Lowe Columbia at 7 00 #. ni " Alston 0 io m " Newberry 11 15 Cok-ei<ury 8 00 n. m Helton 5 00 p in Arrive at Uroeuvlll*. .. ? 6 80 p. ni Down. Love Greenville at 6 15 a. m " Bf't'in 8 18 a. in " Cokeelmry 10 07 a. in " Abbeville 8 15 a ni " Ncw'iti-rjf 1 60 p. m * A'eton 4 05 p. ni Arrive ni Columbia 5 66 p. ni TIIOS. DODAMKAD. General Superintendent. M. T. BaiitlKtt, Genc-al Ticket Agent Schedule Blue Ridge R R ON and after this (late the following sebed ulo will be obacrvcd by the Passenger Trains over this Road : Up. Leave Anderson 4 20 p in " IV n i Met oil 5 20 " " Perryville 6 10 " Arr. WuUiulla 1 00 " Down. Leave Walhalla 4 00 a m " Pcrryvillo 4 45 " " Pendleton 6 30 " Arr. Anderson 6 10 " In eases of detention on the O. and C. lilt., the train on this llond will wait one hour for the train from Ilclton, except on Saturdays, when it will wuit until the arrival of the Helton train. W II. D. QAILLAItD Sup't. PU?.1>44. A-1 VI- J ? I vunuuiitDt UUlUIIlUia ilUCl AU* gnsta R R. sl'pkrintrimrnt'8 orficr, | Columbia, 9. C., June 8, 1871. ON and after Sunday next, 11th init., the following schedule will run over Ibis Koud: j ooixn wonrn. ; Train No. I. Tralr. No. 2. < Leave Augusta 3 25 a in 8 00 p m Leave Columbia 8 0(1 a tn II 00 p m ; Arrivo Charlotte 2 35 p m 5 20 a in C omxa south. Leave Charlotte......7 40 u m 8 00 p m j I.cave Columbia 2 30 p m 2 25 a m S Arrive Augusta 7 50 p m 7 30 a m ? No. 1 Train dnily, No. 2 Train daily, Sun- j days excepted. Both Trains make close eon- c neclion tc all points North, South and West, c No. 1 Train makes close connection at Rich- & inond for Virginia Springs. 1 I Through tickets sold and baggage checked & to all principal points. ( Standard Time?Washington City Time, t E. P. ALEXANDER, Oen. Sup't. ; E. R. Doastr, (leueral Freight and Ticket c Agent. I I7IPORTA.1T ItOTICE to ' CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Order* amounting to (20 and Over Delivered in any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CUMIOES. HAMILTON EASTEIi & SON?, of hai.timork. mo., IN order the better to meet the wants of the Retail Customers at a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable flood*, of Fronch, English and ] Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell a* lou>, it not at /?? ' *"*"1 any house jjkJh >^oo^f fTom tj,e largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the same by Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stock is nt all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, and maka i i j-l? ? - - ?? uouii, we are able and willing to aell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep tbe best grades of r every class of goods, from tbe lowest to tbe most costly. Orders unaccompanied by tbe cash will be ' sent C. 0. D. Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are invi- t ted to inspect the Btock in our Jobbing and c Package Department. Address HAMILTON KA8TBB A RONS, ? 197, 199, 201 and 203 West Iialtimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 ly 1 GEORGE PAGE & CO. No. 6 N. 8cbroeder 8t.? Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary ( STEAM ENGINES ANI) BOILERS, , Patent Improved. Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Gang, Mulay and Naah Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Timber Wheels, Shingle ( Machines, tlo. Dealers in Circular Saws, j Helling and Mill supplies generally, and | manufacturer's agents for L.fTVI's CrlebraU , ed Turbine Water Wheel, and every da- f se'lption of Wood Working Machinery , AflBICULTlJUAI. B>OlNKS A BI'WI ALTT. ( _or ttvnd for deeeriplive Catalogues and I ( Price Liete. 29-1 y | CHARLESTON HOTEL ' CHARLESTON, S. C. ?. H. JACKSON Proprietor. ; 4 8HI8TANTS, A. BUTTKRF1 ELD. (tor marly of th? Pavilion llot?l() and W ffc. M1LLKK. PAVILION HOTEL, ( cgai AiRifoiaoifi) wrf 0. (0. ' BOARD, p"iP'If X WftiW/'MVWMMfwft ??1*1 ri. U. L BUTTER FIELD, , Pr?prl9lr?M f 0?pi 2# 19 tf iisl #, Waliii, hwdiiof r ii. m.:* c? . i >' ^ A Qm. A|?nU, (tail Pr*ntUro,C?1 ,?n.| SI <V?nm?rr? MILLION* Soar TMiianr ? ihtlr WcaOrAil Carailr* IAci* Tlaciar Bittern in not vile F*ifjr Drtak, Mad* of Poar Ram, WhUker, Pr**f Hplrlts mad Re fane M?non, doctored, spiced and sweetened to pleaa* the taste, called * Ton lea," " Appetisers," " Restorers," Ac., that lead the tippler on to drunkeaneee and rain, hat are a true Medicine, mad* from the Natl re Roots and Her be of California, free from all Alcolsollo Kilmulnnia. They are the CBIAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIPB OIVINU PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invlcorator of the Brstem. carrylof off all poleonona matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take thee* Bitten aooordinp to directions and remain lonjr anwell. provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital. ocean* wasted beyond the point of repair. Tkeyarca Uentle Purgative an well aa a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit l( Mtlnf u a powerful agent in relieving CongesUob or Inflammation of the Llrer, and of all tho Visceral Organ*. FOR VIMALI COMPLAINTS, whether la roing or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wo mam hood or at tho tarn of life, theoo Tonic Bitten bar* no equal. For Inflammatory and Cerv <ilc Ukonmatlem and Uoet, Dyapcpoln or Indignation, Bilious, Remlttwnt and Intermittent Fevers, Dleeaoeo of tho Blood, Liver, Kldaoyo and Bladder, theoo Blttero hare been moat successful. Muck Dleeaoeo are canard br Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Directive Orgaae. DYHPKPMIA OK INDIGBHTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightneee of the Cheat. Dleelneea, Boitr Eructation* of the Stomach, Bad Taate in the Mouth, Bitiona Attack*. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Kidney*, and a hundred other painful symptoms are.the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowel*, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISKAHKK, Eruptions.Tetter. Salt Rheum, Blotches, 8pots, Pimples. Pustule*, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, BraM Hoed, Sore yea,Erysipelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discoloration* of the Bain, Humors and Diseases of tho Hkln, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such caaoa will convince th* most Incredulous of their curative effect. Oleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And lta Impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, Eruptions or Bore*; cleanse 11 when you find It obstruct 1 and sluggish In the veins; cleanso It when it Is foul,and yonr feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPS, and othor WORMS, urking In the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOI8T8 AND DRALEUB. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD d* CO., Druggists and Uen. Agent*. Kan Francisco, tM., and W and $4 Commerce btrect, New York. or kale ill Hit Cny ? ! t*it?l.\me DR. M. A. HUNTER A CO., iVbolcsnle and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Ac., Ac. May 10 1 EDMONDS T. BROWN" 7 * ID yQL rM.""' Jb? ?, -flo HL&mwis ewia3aaiii?p OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL CHAHLKM^n, v.. Sept 28 1? ly nOIVEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOR SIGHT IS PRICKLES* ! / BUT THT viaiuuxi l) SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT, II You Yuluc Your Kymlgtit USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. IROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, delied together, ""d derive their name ' pdamnnd " on account of their llnnlnrM md Brilliancy. They will Inat many year* without change, and are warrant, d superiir to all others, manufacture 1 l>y J. E. SPENSER A CO.. N. Y. Cautio??None genuine units* stamped villi our trade twaiU. J. C. C. TURNER. Bole Agent for Oieenvllle, S C. From whom tliey can only bo obtained. <0 Pedlera employed. May 10 1 ly DOOLBY'S YEAST POWDEK Has long been regarded as the best and heapest Bnking Powder in u?e. Perfectly uic and healthy It makes, at sh?rt notee, delicious Biscuits, Rolls. An There it I'd he no waste of food prepared with it, is it is always of the best quality. We would say to those who have n< v?-r used I thai a vary few IiIh'h will enable them :o u?e it, not only with entire eaiiafacthn, >ut wltli economy. I'ul Dp rt>tt, wrr Wright, ii repreeeutci, Oroccra and Dentin aell it. DOOLKV A RROTF1KR. Prop'e. CP A'rie Street, A no York CityApril 6 48 ein WM. J. RANDOLPH. 6T0NE CUTTER AND BUILDER. 6 LOCATED on Palla Street, one ?<|tiare of Meeere. Gower, Cox A UllANITK of all deeeriptiona furniabed and eat to order. TOMBSTONES, with Granite or Marble Pedeatala may be had on application. Special attention guaranteed to all Ordera for TOMBSTONES left with Mr. B. Wbbblb, Jeweller, will rwoeira iny irompt attention. Jan 18 If