University of South Carolina Libraries
p? i Notice of I THE Subscribers liave formed ft stylo ot DAVIS cfc I For tlie purpose of carrying on ] GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, N< combe Street. near Main% and resp< patronage. Greenville, S. O., September 25, BUNCOMBE ST, ARE N.QW RECEIV A Full ! FAMILY C STA.PL B OOTS, SH CROCKERY, GUSft Hardware, Baggii And Every Other A in Similar Est All of W MED (IT TIE LOWEST BATES The aim of the Concern w customers with Articles adapted to Houses, and at the most advantage THOSE WHO I CANNOT FAIL IN < |jgF" We have a large LOT cc and our friends from the Country n the purpose of leaving their Wagot to do 80. Sept 27 COTTON TIEST WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURERS FOR Eureka, Swett, Arrow, Anchor and Butter ALSO OF THE PATENT LOCK TIE. JUST larding. 4.000 bundle* of the EU REKA and LOCK TIBS. N?? Tie can compare with the Eureka for .eimplicUv and duiubility, and we offer It a* n Tie that U unexcelled. The Arrow ia also well known. We ask yonr orders, guaranteeing as low .prices as they eao be purchased at in any ,S<oi.hern port. We shall be pleased to handle consignment of your cotton, and will give ull ship merits our elose-t attention. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO,, COTTON FACTORS, Church St., CIIA RLE ST 0 AT, S. C Sept 27 21 2 in NEW CLOTHING Ani sin's VUSD1NG store, UNDER THE MANSION HOUSE, GREENVILLE, S. C. 3THE iubecribers beg lcn.c to inform (be . public that they hnvejuet opened a LARGE AND rnmkm otodk m CLOTHING, SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, To which they respectfully invito attention. TilKY HAVE ALSO OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT t>v FURNISHING AND mwwit v W CONSISTING IN PART OF French Yoke and Star Shirts^ Linen and paper Collars and Cuffs, Linen Shirt Bosoms, Merino Undershirts and Drawors, Hosiery, Gloves. All tho Novelties of NeckTics, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Latest Sty lea of Hats and Boy's Caps, Finest Perfumeries, Soaps, Brushes, Combe, initial rapcr and J&nvelopc?, Photograph Albums, Umbrellas. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Window Shades, Fine Pictures in Frames, Cigars. Tohareo, Ao., Ac. Swandale & Isaacs. ? Partnership under the name and ^COHOAN, RnBinesR in tbo lines of FAMILY DTI ON S, ?fcc , nt the Store on Bunectfully solicit n share of the public T. W. 1>A VIS. J. H. MORGAN. 1871. / ,, NEAR MAIN, MS ANK OPENING Stock of ROCEMES, E [oes, Hats, -WARE, CUTLERY, ig, Ties. Roping, article Usually Kept ablishments-r? Hiich are for hi ii mm MICE. rill bo to supply their friends nnd their wants, bought of the best sous Kates ; so that PATRONIZE US BEING nEASED. > mnected with tl e Establishment, iro respectfully invited to use it for is and Horses whenever they w?sh 21 tf GREENVILLE VNIIKPEOVBO LOTS FOR SALE. Offered at private SALE, a number of Lots of Land on the New Extension of WASHINGTON STREET Leading from Main Street to the AIR-LINE RAILROAD JO* M?3 JBL? ? J*TMT*, Also LOTS on West Street and Johns Street, (the latter soon to be opened) which run parallel to ?? ii (M These LOTS variously range from a distance of nbout 300 YARDS OP MAIN TO HALF MIL?: AND UP~ WANDS. ALSO NUMBER OF LOTS WEST OF THE RIVER, ADJACENT TO THE LOTS OF x>. HoworH. Col. Ware AND JUDGE DOUTHIT. THE LOTS OFFERED EMBRACE SOME OF rl HE FINEST AND M OST B EAUTIFUL SITUATIONS FOR aas5>&?vsaasa3T? IN THE mrrr AH rnmiini in 111! ur litMWILLK, AND WILI. BK DI8rO?KD OF ON TERMS TOAT WOLL JUSTIFY P1BCI1SEB|JIVESTI!G. For further particulars apply JOHN WE8TFIELD, or GEN. W. K. EASLET. Sept 27 21 tt For Sale. Dundee ?n<t ounny baooino. !* ! ? of -211^ DUNDEE CLOTH. Butm of GUNNY CLOTH. I JULIUS C. SMITH. Sept. -20 20 tf Notice. ALL PRR80N8 IN DKRTKD to the late WILLIAM Jl.tlOVEY. are reqnoeied to coma forward and make PAYMHNTR to the Huhccriber, and all those having any DK? MANDK against his Rstata, are hereby notified to peasant tbem for Administrator with Will annexed. Greenville, 8. 0., September 20, IS71 20 tf ' Votioe TB hereby rtren to til whom It may concern, I J. that I will apply to 8. J.DoathM, Probate Jud^e of Greenville County, on tfee TU day of November next, for a Baal dleabarge aa administrator of tha aetata or ROBERT WHITLOCK, dacaeaod. JASPER WILSON, Aumtniairawr. Septomper 18, 1871. 7?-* Notice J"S hereby giren to all whom U may eon-. . cero, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, robate Judge of Greenville Couotr, on the 23d day of October next, for a final discharge aa admluiatrator of the estate of EMILY ROWLAND, deceased. W. B. EARLE, Administrator. * September 18, 1871. 20-4 Notice IS hereby given to all whont it msy concern, tlint I will apply to S. J Doullilt, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on t lie 14th day of Ootober next, for a final dWharge as administrator of the eatate of DAVID Bl,YTHK, Sen . deeeaerd. ABSALOM BLYT1IR. Admlnlatrator. S'pUmber 18, 1871. 20-4 Notice . IS hereby givtn to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to S. J Douthit, Piohate Judge of Greenville County, on the 25lh day of October next, for a final discharge aa executor of the eelate of JAMES TINSLKY. deceased JOHN T1NSLEY, Executor. September 18, 1871. 20-4 Notice. TIIE firm of HARRISON A MARSHALL haa expired, by the death of Dr. Juuica Harrieon. All partiea having claitne against tne firm, will present same, and those in debt to tb? firm will please come forward and make payment to S. S. MARSHALL, Surviving Partner. September I6tb, 1871. HAVING this day associated with me in business Mr. W. L. MAULD1N, I beg a continuance of the same liberal patronage that has been extended to tho old firm. 8. S. MARSHALL. Sep 20 20 3 AITOTffW SA1P A* v VA 1 V j.1 uxi LJJUi ON Wednesday, 11 th October, at Dr. J. D. Da iris' farm, known aa Ilia " pmcii." Two mile* from llta City, it 11 o'clock. all tlio P J ii I it t io ii Too la. Corn, Fodder, Shuck*, Hirb, Cheater Piga, One-horae Wagon, Wheat and Onia Straw. All article* to be delivered on day of aale or on Thursday. Terma?Caan. JULIUS C. SMITn, Auctiom er. Sept 20 20 tf KINSMAN A llO WILL, Factors and Commission Merchants. ?:o:? Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sep 0 13 4m WM. G. WH1LDEN, AGT. DEALEIt IN Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Clucks, FINK CUT AND F.NGRANED GLASS, TABLE CUTLERY, CHINA AND WHITE GRANITE GOODS, VASES, TOILET SETS, FANCY ARTICLES. Ordera from the Country carefully filled nnd aniafnotinn guaranteed KING sthekt rnnvrn rpaitpaiv K-y li< x fl'il, CnAtLexToN, S. C. Sep C 18 ftm 1871. ,nM Trndc 1871. ?mu i worn j iots I DOUnLE and Finsrlo Barrel nuns, Breechloading anil Muislo-loading Gum, of English, French and Ucrinan manufacture, st all prices. Singlo Guns at $2.50, $4.00, $0.00, $8.00, $12.00 to $20.00 each ; Double Guns frotn $7.00 to $200.00 encb. imams? Smith A Wesson, Colt's, Allen's, Sharpfs, and all the popular and approved kinds. SPORTSMAN'S GOODS of great variety. AMMUNITION S For Guns, Pistols and Rifles. BEST QUAUTY AND AT LOWEST PRICES. Country morchants and sportsmen are in* vited to call and examine our large and well selected stock of the ahovn goods, which we import direct and buy from the manufacturers. Order* l.y mail Ailed promptly, and sent by express, C. O. D. rVULTietv, ToigjRI FAJCQ 200 n. nALT/JlOJIE ST/lKxrT?u BALTIMORE. MD. Msr 22 S 18-fl 46 ly MARSHALL & MAULDIN, p linnrtMSinrv ia tr* L u Harrison & Marshall, INFORM THEIR FRIEND3 AND PATRON* THAT TIIF.Y WILL CONTINUE THE DRUG AND BOOK BUSINESS, AT THE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. TOIEY WALL CCIgP A [FamuL OF RELIABLE 6001)8, AT FAIR PRICES, And will offer for eele NO SPURIOUS GOODS. MANY ARTICLES ARE NOW BEING OFFERED AT Ckr?*ii7 xtoUuuea jrrloet. 8. 8. Mare hell W. L. Xanldin. Srpt *0 SO if i ILlX) JLll.' _"' I I ' ? " I -Lit, JU _J_| FACTOR AND MERC] THE UNDERSIGNED FACTORAGE AND COI TO J GENERAL ME IS. ?k A A 1 ^ ^ 4 IS LARGER AND ] TFT A.TV A N I> W ILL 1 WHOLESALE AT THE LOW COUNTRY MERCHANTS W1 EXAMINE STOCK A SENDING ORDE |5?F" lie will also furnish Y? Bale at Factory prices. Jane 21 7 caMTNTIIFTIN nEnpnis, i JEFFERSON DA BlITLER & BLAVIi A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURRENE AMD QTttfcft t OFFERED BY 1 Ma; 3 FINANCIAL. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WILL BUY AND SELL GOLD AND SILVER. ALSO, " BUY AND SELL EXCHJiJVGE ON New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Charleston, AiVD OTHER CITIES. T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, 8. C., June 6, 1S71. June 7 5 it A GE1NOY" BJlTES VIIjIJE SHIRTING AND YARN. HAVING been appointed AGENTi for the above GOODS, parlies desiring to purchase will find a supply on hand at all timet at Factory prices SOLD ONLY BY HIE FULL PACKAGE. JULIUS C. SMITH. Sep 0 18 If F 0 It Til K. A VALUABLE RIVER FARM. J OFFER FOR SAI.E my FARM on Si.utli I In ml ml Ace, Iarg3 poporlmn of wnim .. .. , uU'il RIVER AND CREEK BOTTOM, IN A HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. ?ALSO? THE VALUABLE FARM Owned by PR. JAf. M'OIAHAHAMp Adjoining tb? fcSore, CONTAINING 700 ACRES, 100 AercM of Which it FIRST RATS River Bottom, . WHICH WITH ONE HUNDRED 19 IX A Hiffh State of Cultivation. IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PLACE ARE NEW nd In GOOD REPAIR. FOR FURTHER IN FORM A TMOI*, AJfFLY TO Urn. A. O. FSASTER or Dr. JAMES MoGLaNAHAN. Brp** IS tf COMMISSION HAMT. 1 ; > HAS ADDED THE EMISSION BUSINESS MIS I U ft XT A V Tk T Q ? I Al W U a. 11 Jl/ A O JQfi WE m i MORE COMPLETE BVJbJH, 3E SOLI) AT j ? O/J RETAIL | . i 'EST PRICES. XL DO WELL TO CALL AND ND PRICES BEFORE 'RS ELSEWHERE. \RNS and SHIRTINGS by the T. W. DAVIS. if SUHAN^ COMTAYYT rENNESSEE. .VIS, PRESID'T. f, STATE ACCENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED >ER VALUE PLAN, HO VANTAGES, PIUS COMPANY. 52 tf House and Lot For Sale. . I urn now offering at Privale Sele (list No. 1 Family Rcsidi nee snd Lot. now occuhy Itsv. W. I>. Thomas. This is wrtl known to I e one of the niort d<>?iral>l? residences in the ci'v, on one of the highest points. House ha? S'x Imgc j and comfortable rooms, with fire place in each room. Kitchen attached to the House. Goixl Servante arcommodstion, Fine Well nd Cistern. Superior g irden Spot, Reauilful Lawn In front of Residence, studded with nohle old oak trees. The lot contain* ;? scies of vrouud. Parties do sirring to purchase this property can inspsct the same hv cnliing at the Ilon?e. Sueli an opportunity for securing a delightful home seldom occurs. For terms, Ac , apply to. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auction ?fc Commission Merchant, Greenville, S. C. July 19 11 II McDavid & Ball, DB3V tis t s, RESPECTFULLY offer their PUOl\j FESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of Green* ille and the surround i:ig country. Persons in the country debiting to have work done at their res idcnces, can address either of the Firm, at Greenville, S. C. ALL WORK WARBAKTED. Office, coiner of Main and Coffee Street*. J. Q. McDAVin, 1). I>. S. I W. I!. BALL. D. L>. S. | Aug 10 15 if PHOTOGB APHINGT HAVING rerenlly tilled up the rooms over Wlntmlre ?t Ferguson's Store, with rl-gaiit lidlits, I am predate! lo do all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, st very ihort notice. Sati?fs?-t:on guirsni>-ii to all. W.M. W UKKLKR. May 2 ( 3 .Ifl* SPRING & SUMMER MLMIMT. Just Roturuoil from New YorK. ^-?w MRS. JEXMNGR hns returned with a lull stock ot MIL* /S^jflHrR LINKUY and other IIOOI) S, hQB*S3k suited to the wnnta and desires ^BWCp of the ladies, to which she would invite nn examination.? ?IjI She will hare a 0 RANI) OPENWJ\|| INO on Thursday 27th inst., WfWi and will he pleased to sen such of her friends on the oceusion as may hare the time to attend. Location, two doors helow the well-known store of Messrs. IV. H. Hovey A Co. April 26 16 tf FOR SALE. ?? 0 TH E HOUSE AND LOT IN the City of Oreenville. present residence of the subscriber. The LOT oontnins three acres, most conveniently and pleasantly situated, west of the Rirer, corner Rhett and River Streets, with a front of more than 300 feet on each. The DWELLING II O IT S R and situation is considered one of the bert in Greenville, with the usual and neeeasary OutMtiMinK*. There is a fine \ KGETABLE GARDKN and WRLL of the purest oold water, whieh never failr. There are ahundance of 8H Al>K TRUER, of native growth, and EVKRURKBNS on the Lot. For terms and Inrther particulars, apply to O. F. TOWNKS, Proprietor. July 26 12 tf THE MILLS HOUSE. CHARLESTON S. C. r. iKKint % Co. Proprietors. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PER DAY %3 Qo Mi' llf1 1 1-T nVi? SASH1, BLIND) AND! M ? U ? ? H Bfi'I Si ? 1 DRESSED Flooring, Celllnp, Weather Ronr< Over ii hundred difftrcnt Patterns of M for mile at New York price*. Mantel-Pieces, short notice. Stair Rail, Ktwuls and Ballustcri to order. Good and Substantial Work made as cheap United States. We hare <>u hand the largest i Haltiu.ore, all of which we guarantee will give Substantial Work. The ml scrlters can refer ti Carolina and Florida, as to the character of tin I Opposite Wando Fertilise! Works, and in Pnvilion Hotels. Mat I " K. It. It. Rndnai'n Ready Relici' I CURES THE WORST TAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after r-nding this advert l-emeut need any one stiff?-r with pnin. Itnd way's Ready Relief Is a cure for ev< ry |>nin. It ?i< the firs' ni.d is THE ONL Y PAIN REMEDY thnt ins'antly stops tlie most excruciating pains n'ltys iitifl >mat<ona, and cures congestions, whether ot the lungs, stomach, lk>vrs!i, or other glands or organs, by our application. In front one to twenty minutes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the llh-utnntlc, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Clip filed. Nervous, Neuralgic, or pri titrated with disease may suffer, RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF Will afford inslauf e.t'e. Inflammation of the Kidneys, inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation of the Bowels. Conje?ticn ol the Lungs, Sore Throat. Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Calnrih, Influenza, Headache, Tooothachv, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difii. cully exists will afford ease and eomfort. Tw enty dmps in Iwiif a tumbler^f water will in n lew momenta cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in the Bowels, an i all internal I'nitia. Travelers should always carry a bottle cf Rail way's. Ready with t hem. A lewdrops in water will prevent sicktess or pains tr< m change of water It is belter loan French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. PVv#*r nnii Aisita - _ - ?"" ? There i* not n r-meditl agent in this world that will iiure Frver and Ague, nnd all oth er Malarion*, Bilott*, Scarlet, Tt plioid, Yellow, nnd other Fevers (sided by Iladway's Pill-) ?o quick as Ha-lway's Heady Hi lief. Filly cent* per bottle. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! ! Strong nnd Pur** Hicb B'ood ? Increase n! Flesh mid Weight ? Clear Skin ?.nd beautiful Complexion *?scure d to all. I?R. R A DIVAY'S SARSAPAIIIM.IW RESOLVENT Foi only doe* the Sarsanarillian Resolv enl excel all known remedial agent* in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin diseases; but it is the only porilive cure for Kidney and Bladder complaint*. Urinrry and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Wnl? r. Incontinence of Urine, Bright'* Disease, Albuminuria, nnd in all cases where there aty hik-k dual deposits, or the water k thick, cloudy, mixed with ?ub*?anees 1 ke the white of an egg, or thrcada like white silk, or whee is a morbid, dark, liilious ap pearance, and whi'e bone dust deposiif, | and when there is a pricking, burning s. na it ion when passing water, and pain in the S nail of the linck and along the L-dns. Dr. Badwny'a Perfect Purgative Pills, Perfectly ta*tele n, elegantly coated with we-t gtun, pu*ge, regulate, pmiiy, clear snnd strengthen. Radway's Pilla, for the cure of aii disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowel*, Kidney*, Bladder, Nervous diseases, llcndicl.e. Constipation, Costivenese, To-Ug'-rlion, D\sp. psirt, Biliousness. Bilious F> vcr, 11.fl imation of the Bowel*, Piles, snd a'l ]><-tsngemsnt* of the Internal Viscera. W*rrtilled to eff-et a positive cur*. Pure ly Vegetable, e? ntaining no njerctiry, miners I*, or de'eterions drugs. 0: serve the following symptoms resulting from.Disorders of the Digestive O-ganr: Constipation. Inward Piles. Fullnes* of ????? ninnu 111 me ne in. fteiilliy nl llie^ti'm ?' !? Nausea, lli-Krllmm, of Fond. KnlliirM or Wngm in ?i.?. Sour E'-uctalions, Sinking or Fluttering at the I'll of lire 8'omnrh, Swimming of the 11?ml. Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few i1o<m ol lladway's Pills will free thrryilom from nl! 'lie nbove nnmed disorders. Price, V5 e< nts per Box. Sold by Dmggirts. Read " False and Ti ne.** Send one letf r stomp to RADW AY At CO., No. 87 Mil den Lime, N'w Yoik. li. format ion- worth ill -usands will be cent you. July VA li ly ESTABLISHED IN 1836." GREENVILLE COACH FACTORY. Gower. Cox & Markley. WE WOULD announce fliat we are prepared now to fill all ordeis lor ^!?MOOLK?. Having Ilia largest stock of labor-saving machinery in tlie Flute, slid the most skilful wnrkmon in the South, wc hope to he able to supply all demands. The stock of ONE, TWO. THREE, FOUR. and SIX-ITORSE IRON-AXLE PlAHTATfOM WAGONS Will b? kept full, and ?o?, a* fur thirty<-flre year*, thcao wagon* ahall be tha Standard or Exceu.k^cc. We are making, a* annul, ? large ?*ock of Kock?#ii;l Mil Kifggiea At all price* : eome new and elegnnt pattern* ?price* much reduced. We make SPRING WAGONS a (peoialty. Apply for price lietn to wower, cox & Markley. n. n. 35 jrtrt of faithfnl work?onr guarantee. Anj.'io I7lf t P&ASniJG KXXiK(. Is, Shelving, nox Boards, Ac., Ac. nuli^ngs, runking orer 100,000 feet on band Door and Window Frames mad* ?o order at' I of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and tnado nt this establishment as can he m:ulo In thd tuck of the above Goods snath of the City of entire satisfaction to all who want Good nnp ? gentlemen t'l ?vet thi* State, Georgia, JJortb sir work for the paat twenty years. r. P. RUSSELL & CO., EAST END 11ARF.L STREET, the immediate vicinity of Charleston and ch 15, 18ft* 45-t 8 21 DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. T O A L, E, M turn fact uror and Dealer, 2~o. 20 Iloync Street and florlbcck't Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. frir Thin la the largert and most c- mplrie Factory of tli?? kind in the Southern Stat, a, and nit articles in this line can be fnrnivlied by Mr. 1*. P. Toai.E nt pi ice* w-lib-It defy competition. A pamphlet with full nod detailed list of all of Doors, Sadie* and Blind*,and the prices of rach, will be sent free and post paid, on application to P. P. Tonic, CHARLESTON, S. C. July 12 10 ly. 18 * A CARD. 71 fgL MY FRIENDS AND PATJeiy^b troiis hnvc iny thanks for past favors. Ac. I continue tomako additions to niv Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPEC- jeSJJSL ticlks, siI. veit plate uESSe* WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attention given to repairing fine Watches, and Time Pieces of every description. JAMES O. BLACK.Jan IS 36 tf SAM'L BLACK, BS.4LV& BB1e:S?9 117OUF.I) rcspectf'jllv inform his friends 1 T and patrons that he has removed his B A R B E It SHOP To the Old Court llous", second room on the left, where he will be glad to see Itia customers, promising them satisfaction in all hi miehc:! of hia butine-a. Juno 11 6 tf t IV K" PUT l- O ? ~ EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., PR \CTICE in the Court* of the State nnd of the United State*, and give eepcciuf attention to cases in fcunkruptcy. June 13 3 COLUMBIA HOTEL, ( OLtnniA, s. v., OOMffAH/PBcpusiTc* rrMlE Prnpr otor of the pleasantly located L and elegantly fornLl|e<j Establish-. "T)Ciii-,?t the State Capital, dosires to infoim the trace-ling public and others seeking ae? commoduiions that tlie "Columbia" is in every respect n first-class Hotel, norm pawed; l>v any in the State or tbe Unit?d Statts. Situated in tbe buiinir* centre of the city, with fine large aity r? 0tns,ard n tal le supplied with every deltesoy of theseason, both from New York and Chat lest on maifcoN. the Proprietor pledges that ro efforts \vl 1 be spared to give pci feet en1 isfac'.ioii in e very re-peet. A first c'ass Livery Ft-thle i? attnihed 16 ?.e fiOM-t, where vrhieh 8 of every d< scrip tion can be had at the shortest notice. j Omnibuses attend the sriivul m d derar tuie of every Train. WM GOllMAN, Proprietor and Snperintender!, j. n. mi una r\wt.t? .* #l?iP ?WATER WHEEL, MiliQearing,Shafting Pulleys ym*Hii!^%rii*oR?jf >LT_8END FOR A CIRCULAR Es==?Doc 7 2$ 1 j Land for Sale. AS applications have been mado for smaller1 parcel* of Land, the subscriber has con otudcd to *ell n part of hi* GREEN PLACE Accordingly. He now offers to sell a lot of ten acres on tlie southwest corner, rnnniug across the bottom, about 5(2 acres, at $40 per Acre. Three Lots of 10 acres each, bordering on the east on the Paris Mountain Road, and on the west on lands of 11. P. llnmmct, Esq., at $10 per acre. Also, one Lot ojjien acres of Woodland, on tbe northwest r?H>fcr, at $50 per acre. Dividing fence# to be tflpt by tbo pvfchaiar. Per/ion* ilrsiring furl Information m*y ?nplv to Capt. O. II. "flf% or to tlie aubscrU bor. JAMK8 C. PURMAN. An; 2 tf The Southern Hotel . HAS l>em r. fltfod and pnt in comj.ieta rtd.-r for *''? ??T<imir.odatlon nf t)i< Bi' ihli"1 travo'lnjf public. Rntca 'nf linafd reasonable. 0?ll and g'va ma * trial. J. O YK RCTN. Way 3 (3 tin