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Ifauitorotuf. Josh Billing* on Korn. Korn iz a serial ; i am glad ov it. * It got its name from Series, a primitiff woman, and in lier dav the goddess ov . oats, and eicn like. Korn iz sumtimes called maize, * - ? L .?. - and it grows in eicn pans w Western country very amaizenly. I liave seen it out tliare 18 foot hi ; (i don't mean the aktnal kora itself, but the tree. on which it grows.) Korn has ears, but nevor haz but one ear, which iz az deff az an adder. Iniun meal iz mado ov korn, and korn dodgers iz made out ov injen moal, and korn dodgers are the tulfest chunks, ov the bread perswashun, known tew man. Korn dodgres are mado out ov water, with Injun meal mixt into it, and then baked on a hard board, in the presence ov a hot fire. When yon can't drive a 10 penny nail into them, with a sledge hammer, they are sed, hi good . J i ti 3 ? . jucigcs, 10 do weu aone anu arc reddy tew be chawed upon. They will keep five^ycars in a damp placo and not gro tender, and a dog hit with one of them will yell for a week, and then crawl under tho barn and mutter for two days more. I have knnwed two hours misclf on one side ov a korn dodger without producing enny result, and think i could starve to death twice before I could reduce a korn dodger. They get tho name dodger from the imiiiegiato necessity of dodge iug if one iz hove horizontally at jru in anger. It iz far better tew bo smote bi n 3 year old steer, than a korn dodger that iz only three hours old. Whiskee (noble whiskee) it made out ov korn, and wiskee if one ov tho greatest bleesingf .known tew man. Wo never should have been able tow fill our state prizons with en crgetick men, and our poor-houses with good eaters, if it want for noble whiekee. Wo never should hav had enny temperance sons or society, not dcmokiatik pollyticians, nor titcs nor good murderers, nor phatt ai dcrinen, nor whisky rings, noi nothing, if it want lor blessct whiskee. If it want for korn how coult ennybody get korned ? And if it want for getting korn . v C ed, what would life bo worth ? We should all sink down to the level ov the brutes il it want foi getting korned. The brutes don't cit korned they haint got enny reason 01 soul. We often hear of u drunker brutesthis is a compliment tc oxen which don't belong tew them. T7 ~ 1- - 1 t I. J 1 xvuru uiso naz KiirncJS, anu Kiir nels aro often korncd, so arc brig ad eer-generals. Johnny kako is made out ov korn, so iz hasty pnddin. Hasty puddin and milk is quick tew eat. All you liav got to do iz to gaj: and swallo, and that iz the last ol ty. irtf&ifyt. .. ... Egipt after soni kcrn\? brothers didn't want hiin to go, s< they took pitty on him and pittet him in a pit. When his brothers got bad Ijiim, and were asked tvliarc Jot \?;az, i.':ey didn't acknowledge the korn, ?but lied sum. It been proved that it h wicked to li-c about korn, or enny cf the other vegetables. Tharo iz a difference between being and sawing wood, it iz easier to lie, espeshly in the shade. Korn has one thing that nobodv vise has got, and that iz a kob. This kob runs tlirn tbo middle ov the korn, and iz as phnll ov korn as Job was ov biles. I a! *?'.*! JB feel sorry when I think ov Job, and '.fonder how he managed tew set down ?n a chair. Knowing how tew sCt down square on a bile, without hnrth?? the chair, iz ono ov the lost arts. Job was a card ; ho had more pashunce, and biles, tew tho square inch, than iz usual. One hundred and twenty-five akcrs ov korn tew the bnshol iz konsidercd a good crop, but 1 have seen more. 1 have seen korn for 10 cents a bushel, and in snm parts ov the Western country it i 1. so mncli that tharo ain't no good law* against stealing it. In konklushnn, if yn want tew gii a sure krop ov korn, and a good price for tho krop, feed aboDt 4 quarts ov it tew a Bhanghi rooster, then murder the rooster immediately, and sell him for 17 cents a pound, krop and all. A youno greenhorn was told , that if be pressed a certain young ] lady sho would sing. Tho next evening lie asked her to sin? and she excused herself. M Why, j Thumb,n said ho, don't you f think you could thinj? it I squeezed n yon a little V* v An Bztraortinary Lake The Council Bluffs Times of i Aug. 5 says: Last evening wo < got an invitation to a cheap ride < on Spoon Lake, on the confines of < the citj limits, and went. Spoon I Lake is appropriately named from 1 its resemblance to a spoon. The i Iwturt ia noorlu nirmilav and aKnnt 1 seventy five yards in diameter.? | The handle is nearly halt a mile < long, and crossed by the Chicago i and Rock Island Railroad bridgo i near the neck. The water along the handle is very deep; and be 1 low the surface water as cold as ice. The bowl seems to #bo \m fathomable, for a five thousand fcot line with a plummet failed to touch bottom A remarkable fact in regard to the lake now is that it is literally packed with fish, while heretofore (hero was not more than enough to gratify the sporting practice ot our anglers. The fish como to > ward the shore in shoals, gasping for air, and, dying in myriads, are cost on the banks to deenv. The water of the lake, heretofore so limpid, has assumed u dark-brown walnut color. An eddy in the middle of the 1 bowl, ebbing and flowing with tidal regularity, indicates that Spoon Litiko is in direct subterranean communication with eonio * vast body of water, and is subject to its influence. The water sonic j times bulges nj> in the midille ol , the bowl to 12 or 18 inches above ' the height of the i im or margin \ and again is seen to form a miniature cup or whirlpool, as if the water was all leaking out through a hole in the centre. This circumstance leaves little or no doubt ot a subterranean channel. Another 6trange tact is that, like the Caspian Sea, it is fed by several 6tnall strcamcs; and, as there is no visible outlet, and the i water rc'ains its freshness, there [ must be an undorgiound communication. 5 It was ebbing when wo visited . the lake ; and we were tilled with 5 curiosity to see the little maelstrom at work; 60, procuring a ; bottle, wo enclosed n scrap of pa. per inscribed with the date, loca , tion, and circumstance, corked, . tied, and sealed the bottle, and cast it into the eddy, when it in. stantanoonsly disappeared ? was swallowed up by the whirlpool. , There is no getting over the - fact that in the flow of the lake r large quantities of fish have been I introduced to its waters by this underground passage, until the 1 lake has become overstocked.? The native fish, no doubt jealous of their piscatorial visitors visitors, made war on them with the ; evident intention of repelling the invasion. But the invading armies seem to have been more ; powerful, to judge from the dead and dying strewn along the mar. gin, for the great bulk of those t found arc buffalo fish, catfish, > perch pike, but with a difference ' of color, showing, at least, different species. We picked up some of trie dying fish and examined them. Some were bitten on the lower part part of the body below the gills, and others battered j along the shies as if receiving j ; chastisement from an opponent's tail. { , _ t A Singular " Tail " Recently a lovesick swain was paying court to his dulcinca. She - ' ? jifrcrled him into the parlor, I * conceal her corved to' * told the story of his love. '1 lie1 muttered words reached the parc ental car, and coming suddenly * into the room, ho demanded to ' know of Mary who it was she had with her. "It's the cat, Sir," wasthc mumbling reply. " Drive it nnl of l>eic," ihnn ' dered paterfamilias. "Scat!" ecrcamed Mar)', audi then, solto voce: "John, mew .a little." John set up a woful yowl. " Tl?at cat has got a cold," rc- ' marked tho parent. John yowled louder than ever. " Confound it, bring a light, and scare the thing out." This was too much, and John made a leap from tlie window, carrying a glass and frame with f hi in. " Jhnnderl what a cat!'1 said i the parent, contemplating the ruin c after a light was Jnought. 4* I . never saw anything like it, its tail is made out of broadcloth11 as he viewed tho fluttering remnant hanging from tho window. t< . ... V A man bought a dog to hunt " wolvc8, a great dog celebrated for , ...a i'iuck mm speed. 11c set out 11 one frosty morning with his dog, who goon tracked a wolf and put oli' ri for him at a tremendous pace.? Too owner traveled on as fast r^e lie could, and coining to a wood- j chopper he aakod him if ho had seen a dog and a wolf pass that way, lie said ho had. Well I,( how was it? asked the man. It was pretty inuoh nip and tnck, m said tno wood chopper, but if any thincr tlm fln? 1?1 m ?? BiMi lucue ftiieftd. ?-? 1 A Ltnouddbo oolorcd woman ^ 'ell thirty feot ont of a third story, \}y linking tho ground headforemost. llicy arc filling up the hole. Slio ^ rasn't hurt any. * K ^" > .. 'i'i i" 1 ? Thk extent to which labor savng machines have been iutroduc? ;d into agriculture, saja the Chisago Tribune, we saw ;* 1* stinted a 3ay or two ago in v onsin. A farmer was seated a reaper, with gloves on his hands, and with sin umbrella over him, and with as much comfort as it driving a boggy, he was cutting oats, ibe reap ui uiiuwin^ 111vj111 imu II'^IIIUI uiiu convenient sheaves fur binding ?nd stacking. Wo rcmcmlrcr tlie lime when, twenty years ago, cut oats without an umbrella or gloves, and let the grain lay whero it fell from the scythe. Yet here was a man with a pair of horses, in comparative comfort, doing more in ono day than twentyflvo imn conld have done bv hand twenty years ago. Tiik Potato Plight in Tkrlasd.?> It it is reported that (lie potato blight has developed to an Rlurining extent in Ireland, nnd feats are *xpret?ed tliNl the crop may he entirely mined. If this t-hotdd happen, it in rot unlikely that another famine may devastate Ireland and add to the many miseries of her unfortunate people. BritUli rule has ruined the commerce, the mnnufac lures, and the agriculture of Ireland, j and if n famine occurs bnd government will be almost if not entirely to blame for it. f?uch a cahinvly will certainly in(en?ify the aniagonhm of the 11i.-l? ' to theii Er.glhh tyrants, nnd will se-1 cure for tlum an nmcur.t of sympathy. I throughout the wot Id that their ahor-j tivo attempts at insurrection will never gain for them. If n famine docs oc cur, nnd, as is not unlikely, the c) olera makes its appearance nt the same time, n repetition of the terrille scenes now bring enacted in Persia may be expected by Englishmen nt their vety door*, at.d they may anticipate the in* digriHli< n of the woild for their share pi brii ging about ?uch a CHlamity. Tiik Haliimnre Sun says the fdlowing of cadet Smith The trouble i* not entirely over with the celcbtated negro ca.Jet Smith yet. It seems thai when the second cadet of this color, who was appointed early in the piescnt summer, was sent to West Point, he was ! placed under tlie charge of Smi h, w ho j wns to initiate the new comer into the i mysteries of his position. Chatges are I now brought against Smith to the effect thai he is hard, tyiaunical and over beating, and tbal be treats bis protege with " a genuine Ravage cruelty." In several instances tbe officers of the in* stitution have boon obliged to repri mend Smith for bis inexcusable con duct. Paixkci. Accioknt.?On Saturday, the 20th instant, Master Jesse G. Huggins, son of our esteemed fellow citi zeu, Dr. II. II. Hoggins, while out gun niug, had the misfortune to hurst hi* piece and sustained a teriible laceration v>f his hft hand in consequence. Such was the extent of the injury that the ! thumb and large portion of the fleshy I part of the hand had to be amputated. which wad skillfully performed by the father, and heroically borne by the son. ll is fortunate that the lefl hand instead of the light was injured, as it will not very materially inteifere with .ho calling for which-he is fitting him self, that of a druggist. The bursting was supposed to have resulted from not driving the wade down on the .charge.? Clarendon Press. Statisiicsos rm.*. | sus ofiice furnishes the following stntietics of homicide for the year ending in May: Alabama, 100; Aikenta*. 76; Arizona, 44 ; Colorado, 45 J California, 47 ; Connecticut, o , Detonate, 4 ; Uai \ District .of Columbia, 13; Florida, 44 ; Georgia, 110; Idaho, 2; Illinois, 50 ; Indiana, 32; Iowa, 24; Kansas, 42; Kentucky, 13 ; Louisiana. 128; Main, 7 ; Maryland, 20; Massachusetts. 22; Michigan, 11 ; Mincerota, 5 ; Mississippi, 80 ; Missonii, 04 ; Mon tana, 37 ; Nebraska, 0; Nevada, 19; New Hampshire, 1 ; New Mexico, 54; New Jersey, 5 ; New Yoik, 70 ; North Carolina, 48; Ohio, CI ; Oregon, 5; Pennsylvania, 55; Rhode Island, 5; South Carolina, 37 ; Tennessee, 117 ; Texas. 323 ; Utah, 1 ; Vermont, none ; ir;,,,:..:. - , ,,H.nirt, 10 ; est V trginifl, 9 ; Wi?>on?ln, 10; Wyoming, 13. The above Deludes 100 killed by indinns. A client remarked to his solici >r, "Yon arc writing my bill on cry rough paper, air." "Never ?ind," was the reply of the latter, f it has to ho filed before it comes rto court" 'HE HILLS HOUSE, : e. ?. j :AE?ER & C0? Proprietors. J FIRST-CLASS IIOTRL. { SARD, PBR DAY $1 ?0. L?c g 99 HE NlWBSON HOUSE, OOIATMniA, 8- O. \J ILL not b* doted on eecotint of the 'V death of tho Proprietor. W*. A. riqut. but will ha capiad ?n M heretofore, , lit* widow, Mm. SARAH L. WRIOHT. -L d her aon, WU.T3. WRIOHT. The fiienda Ilia lata propiletar ?<e invited to -- ? U ? ?A2A?I' WRfGHT.-r1 rvb 15 fi9-tf ^ M C. WR10IIT ? i PURE LIBERTF WHITEHEAD. 1 Buy the Beet?ll is the Cheapest. To ConiMMiro of White Lead Everywhere. , I T I S U N E Q U A I. E D 1*1. For Wearing and Covering Properties. 1-1. Po'r Whiteness mid Brsnly of Finish. *<!. For Unl'o m Pinen?? of Wr;ndlng. 4th. Home Wright will do more andnetter mI m uifi.n nml titan anr nthpf " ? w*' " j * ; St1>. Mo>t Economical White Lead ever in? I rod need. Clh. If yon wiah to procure ns nutcli mine a? poerdlde for your money end iccir? handsome end duiiM* work, uao PURE LIBERIY WHITE LEAO. Try ll end lie convinced. Satisfaction guratlleed by ike Mnnulneturers. 7.1 EG LE A Si' ITII. \Vlnd. ?nle T>n*. Pelnl end Ghien I)enle?r, No. ] "7 North Third Street, riiilndelpliie WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX & M A.RKLEY ' DEALERS IN Coach Mateiials, Faints, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. Me} 3 63 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, ??ZL\?/S&il31iA, 8. Oa %*%%%% IWIl^ PROMUKTOK.. r. HAMILTON JOVNER. CLERK. RATES i Of Board per T)jy 00 I Supper, Breitkfnri utid Lodging...... 'I oo ! Sii^le Meal* 1 O0 1 Sep 1 15 tf B. WEIi RLE, QftSENVOLLE C. DEALER IN COLD 11 SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, mCTACUSp 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER ?& SILVER-PLATED "m.W 7?>i ?. <Zm MP WORK of nil (Ifscrii'lioni in liif line done prumiitlv. Oct 27 * 23 1 M.C. llt'TI RR. K. r. MCDKK. C. C fTKriINK BUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, (2KEENV1LLG,S. C\, Will Practice in the Comta of the State and of tho United Statea. May Til 4 If E. l\ A?P 3 A XI) SOLICITOR IX EQUITY. WILL 1'BACTICR IN AtU COURTS OF THIS STATE ALHO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., S. C. July 7 1\? .\o (liood Hen I Hi Without I'ure lllood. O OR. GLAZENEirS ? n Mr i.i ai a a? a iS3 r ^ AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT 1 WILL PURIFY TIIL BLOOD! and removr Liver Complaint, Llienma^^^^lisni, Scrofula, Cnibuncle* Skin I)**oa?ea, Pain* in tliJ Bone*. Dvspepam, Disease* oc 1 iiio Kidneys nml Dltddor, pain in the I lUck and Loin*, and all tbe various j Ailment* produced l?y Impure blood 1 and Vitiated Secretion*. > s V Bottle and try it, and if il rails to ffivt t,?y rat,/-, \..,v u0 more. DR. GLAZEKER'd LINIMENT or PAIN VYTP \nT?*M ? . . . oeninlgia, Headache, I'aio in the Dnok, Sprains, Ac. DR. OLAZKN'ER'd FAMILY VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS are sa'e remedial ngent* to overcome I>ei nngentenls of tlie Liver and i !o Purify tl?e Blood. ; I?R. GLAZENER'3 COUGII RELIEF ? excellent for all care* of Cough of any kind, fiem Croup to Cunaumption; although not recommended to curs the latter dlaeare, cent relief will follow it* use. or Tlie obove Medicines ara prepared only l>y DR GILES L. OLAZENER, Manufacturing Druggist, Greenville, S. C. tar* old by DrugjDti generally, I' May 10 1 tf WM. J. RANDOLPH STONE CUTTER A.\'0 BUILDER. t LOCATED on Fall* Sired, one squaro of Messrs. (tower. Co* .1 GRANITE of all description* furnished and cut to order. TOMII- I STONES, with Oranilo or Marble I Pedestal* ir.ay bo bad on application, j d Special attention guaranteed to ail ' Orders for TOM^FoNEA left with P 1 r. B. Wruhms, Jeweller, will receive my rompt attention- Jan IS 8ft tf ^ \ B. MULLIGAN piIAnUESTON. S- O. n m lr MESSRS. SUtliVAN 6 SON, _ ARB MY j^O?)irsrTB | AT J GREENVILLE*&. C., w A ND WILL MAKE LIBERAL CA8II [I X. advances on nil COTTON lipped to me through them. A. ft MULLIGAN. OS -r.~ 1j j CONSUMPTION. |S Cta Curs and Its Preventive) BY if. II. SCUEN'CK, M. D. MANY a human being ha* passed awny, ( for whose death there was no other a reasoiwtban the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Those near I and dear to family and friends are sleeping / the dreamless clumber into which, had they I calmly adopted / l)U. JOSEPH II. SCHENCK'S SIMPLE * TREATMENT, 1 and availed themselves of hie wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. \ Dr. Kchenk has in bis own case proved that ( wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vital- ( ily, by his medicines and the directions lor . their use, is quickened into healthful vigor. , In this statement there is nothing prcsumpt- , uous. To tho faith of the invalid is made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. ] e.l ?... r>. C.knr.L liio lucury ui iuc tuiv */i, ^,,v?.v ? ?< cincs is us simple as it is unfailing. lis phi- ] losopby requires no argument. It is sell-as- , soring, self-convincing. The Senwood Tonic and Mandrake Pills arc , the first two weapons with which the cilndcl , of the malady is assniled. Two-thirds of the | eases of oonsuroption originate in dyspepsia and a fhnetionnlly disordered liver. With this condition the hronchial tubes " sympathise '' with the stomncb. They respond to the mortiitlo action of tinflircr. Here then somes the culminating result, and the setting in, with ull its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills nre cc.ttij r re d ? f < r.c o Xnture's noblest gifts?the P idophilliuiti l'cltntum. They possess ull the blond-searching, alterative properties of calomel, I ut unliko calomel, they -LEAVE NO STING BEHIND." The work of cure is now leginning. The vitiated and mueons deposits in tlie l.owels and in the alimentary cnnnl nro ejeetcil. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach nets rceponsively, and tlio patient begins to feel that he is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Senwood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pills, permeate* and assimilates with the food. I Chylification if ??W progressing without its J previons toiDigestion Wemes p..!:.!.??, ' am) the cure is teen to be at nuuvi- i'hcrc is no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomncli. An appetite sets in. Now cornea the greatest lllood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father to suffering I innn. Sebenck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to I perforin its functions and. to hasten and coin- ' plete the core. It enters at once rpon Its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and ripens the impaired and diseased portions | of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it prepare* them for expectoration, and lo! in a vciy short time the muludy i* vanquished, the rotten throne tliut it occupied is renovated anil made new, and the patient, in nil tho dignity of regnined vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or tlie womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stayin a warn: room until they gut well ; it is ulnust impossible to prevent taking eold when the lungs are diseased, but it must lie prevented or a euro cannot be cflectcd. h'rcsli air nnd riding out. especially in tit is section of tho country in the full nnd winter season, arc all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their longs nro badly diseased, and yet, because they in tho house they must not sit down quiet; they mt at walk nbout the room as much and as fust as tho strength will hear, to get up n good circulation ol blood. Tho pnticnts must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, nnd is the grcut point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in tho woict cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Sehcnck'a personal statement to the Faculty of his own cure was in these modest words : " Many y ears ago I was in the Inst stages of consumption ; confined to n?y bod, nnd nt one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning innn catching nt struwx, ( heard i.rntid obtained the preparations which I now iflVr to the public, and they matin n perfect euro of inc. It seemed to mo that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, ntid 1 would spit up more than a pint ?, u?<ur.,. mu.xi v.v.j mm a lung time. An noon as that began to subside, m/ cougb, fever, pain und night sweat* all began to lenvc rnc, ami my appetite Itcrntuc so great i that it wus with difficulty that I rouhl keep from eating too mnch. I noon gained my strength, ami luive grown in flesh ever since." ' I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a tnere skeleton; my weight wan only ninety seven pounds; my pre ion t weight is two hundred snd twenty-live l-?u] pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Bcher.ek has direnntinned his professional visits to New York and IJostnn. I (a or his son, Dr. J. II. Schcnck, Jr., still continue to seo patient*, at their office, No. 15 North Sixth ilreot, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 1*. M. Thoso who wish o thorough examination with the Kcspiroini-tcr will be cbargcd '>. Tho Rcspiromcter dcelares the exact condition of tho lungs, and patients rati readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking tho ine lioincs are adapted to the intelligence even of u child. Follow these directions, and kind Nuture will do tho rest, excepting that in sorno rases the Mandrake Pills nrc to bo taken in increased doses; tlio three medicines need no other no companimcnts than the ample instructions that accompany tliein ; First create appetite. X)f returning beuiih hunger is the '""".lc^'JJ,'e"Yct i *ymptp^? or*i o I e of good cheer. Good blood at onec follows, the cough loosens, the night sweat is abated. Jii a short lime both of these morbid symptoms nro gone forever. Dr. Schcnek's medicines arc constantly kept in tens of thousnnds of families. As a laxative or purgative, tl.c Mandrake Pills uro a 1 standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as a curcr of coughs and colds, may bo j regarded ns n prophyloctcric against coesnmn. I lion in 0117 of it* form*. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.00 a bottle, or $7.00 a half dozen. Mandrake Pilla, 25 cents a box. For mlo by nil druggists and denier*. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. IIBK'UY, No. College Place, New York City. March 22 40 ly r ~ Spring and Summer MILLINERY. , fAII.SS MiKAY lias returned from Now Yoik, and opened an elegant assortment of ' M I F? 1.1 NKftY, consisting of < Ilonn?ts and list* of ihe la tc?t styles for F.adies, Clill* dren arid Infanta; also>Hons of all widths, Pl< wers, ' nee, Ret and Hair Goods, 1.idles and Cliil- . rans Suits, Ac. All orders wlM receivo careful and 1 r?mpt attention. April 2d 51 If The Southern Hotel 1 . 11Afl been refilled ami ( ^ put in romplete order b>r H n<>c0,nni1"'Lll?n ?f KBQHflrtraveling public. Rates of T *ard reasonable. Call and give mo a * ial. J. O. YEAROIJf, 3 03 gin J Private Boarding. " CAN take acme BOAKD1CU8, aitkar b> tha day, wa?k as month. The a'.tuatlon "a desirable on# on M?'n Street, between T. /* . Davie' Wooden itore Boom and the Brick ore Beam eeeanUd bv W !i n?.s-' <|?VUITIU. A tod TABtifl will be furniahed. KATKft.?Per Day $ I 00 " Wwk 7 00 wa " 25 00 T B. HOIJKKT8. Qrotnvillt, fi. C., July 12, 1*71. 10 tf I tiwiTr* ? 1 I j rf~iir '.mwiiy ,i nMM>pi ,j_. .. - - - ..J J_ oath Carolina Ballrcad Ccnipun Vicb Prmidbmt'b Or?tc?, Columbia, 8. c., Januar/ IV, 1871. Chang* of HvheduU, and after Bundaj, 23d lnat.? Paaaan* l / gtr Train* upon tbU Haad will arriva nil laara a* follow* I trair mo. 1. ,cnto Charleston at 8 20 a m trrife at Columbia at t?pm /onre Columbia at 12.15 p m lrrive at Charleston at 7 AO p in *cave Camden (Sunday* exo'd) at...9 AO a m lrrive nt Klngsvllle at I 20 pm ..eave Kingsvllte (8undajra exo'd) at.2 SO p m lrrive at Camden at 0 00 p m The above trains run in conneotion with iVilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, mnneotlng with trains for Wilmington, Xortb Carolina anJ with trains for Augusta, Georgia I ?ranking close connections with night trains 1 if Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad, for I ill points Booth and West. tiiaix no. 2?XIOItT rXPItKBS. (Su.idoy night excepted.) (<eare Charleston at 7 10 p m lrrive at Columbia at 0 00 a m Lcavo Columbia at 7 AO p tu | lrrive at Churlcston at.... 0 lia m 1 This train run* in connection with np Au- , lus'a trains, muking close connection with Jcorgia Railroad and Central Railroad morning trains, f^r#11 points South and West. A. L. TYLER, S. B. riRKJga, Vice President. General Ticket Agent. *angatawaes? Greonv illo and Columbia R R COLUMBIA, S. C, M.ircli 1, 1871. r\ n mid nfler this date, lite following j \_x schedule will be run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with N'ght Trains on South Carolina llai'ro d up and down ; alao , wiih-Ti iiins going South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad: Up. Leave Columbia al ^ 00 a. pa " Alston 9 1(1 ?. id | " Newberry 11 15 a. m ! " Cokes' ury 3 00 p m ? Bclton. ft 00 p m i Arrive nt Oiceuvtlle C 80 p. na Dotni. (Jrocnviiie at ? 15 a. m j P,?lt.,n R 15 it. m ( " t'Okfi'Dni;; #1 1,1 " Abbeville 8 lo ?. .m . " Kewlwry, 1 50 p. m 1 " Albion 4 05 p. m j At rive at Columbia 5 55 p. tn THOH. DODAMEAD, General Superintendent. j M. T. P.auti ett, General Ticket Agent < Schodulo Bluo Ridgo R- R ON ami nftcr tliis dnto tlio following schcd- ' tile will ho observed by tlio Passenger ( Train* over this Hoa<l : I/;.. Leave Anderson 4 20 p ni Pendtelon 5 20 ? | " Perry ville 5 10 " Arr. 00 " Dmrn. Leave Wnllialln 4 00 a m " Perryville 4 45 " " Pendleton 6 no " Arr. Anderson C 10 " In eases of dtdontion on tlio <7. and C. II. R., tlio train on this Road will wait one hour , for tlio train from Helton, except on Baiurdiiyx, when it will wait until tho arrival of the Hi lton train. W II, P. GAILLARI) Snp't. Cha'lotto* Columbia and Augusta R R. SrricnixTF.xnF.aT'* Orricr, Columbia, S. C., June 0, 1871. ON and after Sunday next, 111li Inst., the following schedule will run over this Koad : Gf>lXG NORTH. Train No. I. Trait: No. 2. leave Augusta 3 25 a in 0 00 p tn Leave Columbia.....8 00 a m II 00 p m Arrive Charlotte 2 .15 p in 5 20 a tn SOUTH. Leave Charlotte 7 40 a in 8 00 p tn Leave Columbia 2 30 p m 2 25 a ni Arrive Augusta 7 50 p tn 7 30 a ni No. 1 Trnin <lnily. No. 2 Train daily, Sunday* excepted. Both Trains make close connection tc all points North, Sonlli and West. No. I Train makes close connection at Uich* inond for Virginia Springs. Through tickets sold and bnggago checked to all principal points. Standard Time?Washington City Titne, E. P. ALEXANDER, Gen. Sup't. E. R. Donsi:v, tJeni ral Freight and Ticket Agent. 1 JI roKi t vr NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All I'e'oil Order* amounting to $20 anil Over I)< lirertd in any /'art of the Country Fit SB OF EXPRESS OH A ROES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, or n.wriwonE. wn., IN order the better to meet the wants of the Retail Customers nt n distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, nnd will, upon application, promptly ?end by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestic Ali-ntifacfttre, guaranteeing nt all times to sell o? low, if not al let* prieeo, than any house in tho country. miuj nig our goods from tho largest and most celebrated manufacturers in tho different parts of Europe, and 'mporting tho same by Steamers dircet to Bullimorc, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy nnd sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, wc are aide nnd willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen percent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. Wo keep tho beat grades of every class of goods, from the lowest to tbc must costly. Orders unaccompanied by tho cash will be sent C. 0. I>, Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are invb ted to tnsnoet th* i * - 1 ,#tvvn 111 uur jouDirig And I'ackage Department. Address HAMILTON KA8TKR A SONS, 107, 199, 201 nnd 203 Well llaltimore Street, llaltimore, Mil. Dec 7 29 ly 6B0MB PAGB&CO, No. 5 N. Scbroeder St,, Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable ai.d Stationary 3TEAM ENGINES AND IJOILEKS, Patrol improved. Portable CIRCULAR IAW MILLS, Hang, Mnlay and Sash Saw < ili'il#, Grist Mllla, Timber Wheels, Shingle ( laehinea, Ac. IVatvrs in Ciien'ar Sawa. t Idling and Mill auppliea generally, and r iiinnfactuior'* agents lor LelTal' CelebraN ? il Tnrbina Water Wheel, and avary da- i 0'iption of Wood Working llaohlne'y. i coaiCI I.Tl'AAI. EKCINM A BFW IAITT. t wr Send for dtsenpliva Catalogues and h nee I.ista. t?-1y a IHAELERTOW lTftTBt MVAMM CHARLESTON, S. C. ?. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. 4 88I3TANTS, A nUTTKRFIELD, (for I A. m?rly oflbi Pillion llot?l,) and W MILLER. PAVILION HOTEL, 1 i m a at it. is 0w ? jot, b. ?. BOARD, Per Dajr .. *a 60. /" ?. ixiaiiiTOJI, Hup?rii>t?o<Ut>L I V In. H. L BIITTERFIRLD, Proprl' ' . B?pi 20 19 ,o. , ? 1 * Ow. ?|mk, fUn FnmtetiCd .?" ! >1 I'wiww. *'.. K.t. ,' $ MILLTOFII Bear TtiliMMr U their | Wra4crAil Carallr* IffMit, Vinegar Bluer* m not * vile Fancy . Drink, Mad* of Poor Rant, ' Whiskey, Proof Spirit* and Refu** LI*a ara, do,tored, spiced ud nrMtnud to pleoao th? u?t?, called " Tonka," " Appetisers." " Restorers," ~l that load tho tippler on to drnnkennaas and rule, bat ara a Una Madloina, made from tha Natlv* Roota and Herbs of Ualifbrnle, free from all A1c*k*llo Stimulants. Thar ara tit " (JURAT BLOOD PURIFIER and i ft LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a pat** % Renovator and Inrlgorator of tha Britain, earrr. In* off all potaonona mattar and restoring tha bl??t ;1 to a haalthr condition. No' paraon can taka Uih, Blttara accord In* to diractlona and ramaln loa* anwall. provided tlialr bono* ara not destroy* V by mineral potion or atbar mesne, aad tha vital organ* waited beyond tho point of repair. Tk*y area tientle I'nrpailr* aa well a* a Tonic, posaewlog, alio, the peculiar mem of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Cong,*. Uon or Inflammation of the liter, and of all th Visceral Organs. For FSMAl.K COMPLAINTS, whetl* 3 In tesng or old. married or elngle, at the dawn g womanhood or at the turn of life, theee Tonic Bitter* have no equal. Far Inflammatory and Chronic Rhea, ntntlam and Goat, Dyipcpnli* or 1 >. digestion. Billons, Remittent ant Intermittent Fevers, Illnesses of th? Bleed, Liver, Kidney* nnd Bladder, theee Bitter* hare been moat auceeaafUl. Sad, Dlaenaea art caused by Vitiated Blood which I* produce* I>r ??*nfen?ent ? the Dlteitlre Orgnne. DYHPKPSIA OR INOIOESTIOW, Headache, Fain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight, neee of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, I!?d XMte in tlio Mouth, Billow Attacks, Palpitation of tlnfflenrt. Inflammationof Lnngf, l'aln in the regions of the Kidney*, ind . hnndred other painful symptoms are.tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate thi torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled eflicacy in cleansing the blood of all lot. , A purities, and imparting new iife and vigor to tht I whole system. FOR SKIN DI8EAHKH, Eruptions,Tetter. Bait Rheum, Blotch##, Bpote, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Bciv'd Head, Sort ven,Krystpclan, Itch. Scurf*. Discoloration* of tht Bkin, Humor* and Dieeases of tlie Hkin, of whatever name or nature, arc literally due up nnd car. rfed out of the system in a short time by tlio use of these Bitters. One bottlo in such cases will convlnoe the most incredulous of tliclr curative effect. Cleanse tlio Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its Impurities bursting through tlio skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Borce; cleanse it when you find H obstructed and sluggish In the veins: rlonnse it when it is foul.and yonr feelings will tell you when. Keop the blood pure, and tlie health of tho system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORJ1H, nrVlii# in the system of so many thousand*, arc effectually destroyed nnd removed. SOLD BY ALL DRUOQIBT8 AND DEALEM*. J. WALK Kit, Proprietor. It. H. MCDONALD* OO., Druggists and Oen. Agents. Han Praii'-tsru, Vol-, and la and St Comtuorce Street, New York. pU lei lulu tn no t iiy hi ( ?? tit ills DU. M. A. lIUNTEIt A CO., Wholecs'e ?n?l IUInil I.'mhi* it. Drngt, Medicine*. Chemical*, Ac,, Ac. \t? in l EDMONfiS T. BROWN, | mm sm. rmr ? 9 41? QS'wiaia'ia'p OPPOSITE CIIA HLKSTOX HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. 8cpt 28 ' 10 ]y inoif FY CANNOT BUY IT! yon siorir is priceless it BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If Yon Value Your USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, Melted topnihcr. and deri? o their nam? " Diamond " on necount ?m ??ieir rinrdDtl' and Rrilliancy. The)- will last many yerrt without rhang*, and sro warranted euprri? or to all others, manure: uiod hy J. E. SPKNSKIt & CO.. N. Y. Cactio* ? None gonuine unless stamped with our trade tnnrk. J. C. C. TURNER, Sole Agent 1 for Greenville, S. 0. 1 Front \? hem lliey only bo obtaincJ. J| No Pedle's employed, , May 10 1 I JJUOLESY'S VIS AST POWDER f I a long been r'ginlM n? the best an<I iliMpnt linking Po?dfr in iim, Perfectly ur? and healtnr It make*, nt *h<>rt noie?, delioiont Bitenitt, Roll*, do. Tbern terd be on wante of food prepared witli It, i* it i? alwaya of the l>e?t quality. We vnuld aaj to those who have neycr used t that a very few trla'a will enable them o nee it, not only with entire eaiiafncti"ti, >nt with economy. put. op hill, hut relght, at reprreentc 1, Grocer. and DenU rt tell it. DOOLKV A IIROTHER. Prop'#. 80 Xtte Slret(, Aw York City. April 6 48 Cm WM. P. PRICE. ATTORNEY AT T.AW DAHLONEQA, 8A., L?TM.I, precltee in the Counliei of T.nmp fY k tn l>ewrnii, Gilmer, hi nin, Unit n awne, White end Hell. Jen 10 S3 fOWNB* ^ ATT0HNIB8 AT I,AW. )PPICK tp the OI.l> COURT JIOTTSK Middle Room fll? tbo South Bide, l.owo Story. GRKF.N x'lbl.E, H. C. Jtn4 S3 tf