University of South Carolina Libraries
t t to Buildkm and Contractor* from our Charleston exchange P. Toale, the well.known man f Doors, 8athee, Dlioda, Ac ihed depot at No. SO B.yo re ha keepa constantly on haot I articles frcni hia mannfaotoiy rery variety of builders? hard ch and Amarlean window glass and ornamental, slate mantels it, everything reccsary to flnirl r a residenoe, a atore, or i 'we txaaroonsvls of Doolrt' dkr to a quart ot flout are nee uduoe eatra bleeuita, rolls, Ao. a of ordinaty mannfaeture re ly double thet quantity. Tbii m lu perfect purity and extri Aside from this faet, each pack mcmm""1? ">* am- uni mat > repre* ML Hence, Doolbt's it the cheeped, 4/jfnJ moit reliable In market, and iMhe precedent of all others Oroceri ep |t everywhere. I'noley k Brother, t%W|hctnr*r?, 69 New Street, New Yo?k. A?ust9 14 4 Exuberant Health Is# blessing ronrh'ufml to few. Even Vwlio have b?*en favored hy netui a HHttrong eonstitiitlon* and vfg'>rou? Mjftnrc apt to neglect the precautions mj&rv to preteve there precious endow 9 Indeed, as a rule, the more he 1* f.Brl robust a man is, the more libert es .tj|jpcline<] to takn with Ills own ph\slSifit is some consolation to the nalurweak and feeble to know that th-y n be so invigorated and built un, by a Sopar use of the mentis which sii-neahas '? 'at Iheir disposal, as to have a much tt*f chance of long life, and exemptions lE^pseilflc p'lin, than the most alh a of ihelr 'fellows who are f<<o"iah v>i? rr nncK themselves invulnerable, id Mt accordingly. It ft not too much to fur that more than ?1f the people of the civilized world need fOMatinnal tonie, to enatile them to aop'ft the strain upon their bodies and fad*, which the fast He of this restless {e'Occasions. In fact, a pure, wholomme, reacting tonie is the grand desideratum ' the busy million*, and they have the are\ ju 11 OSTEITE Ho STOMACH BITr"tvS. It is a st.nil-ial mevl'tchie, I. e. it tpftlts permanent e'rCDg'.ll tp 1f**k M411J invlgoiatcs delicate constitutions. reputation and it? rales hsve steadily ier?s*ed. Compc'-itire preparations hsve sen introduced atPliiltum, and, as far t Ihs public Is concerned, ad uaHZfjm, i the hope of rivaling it ; bur, they have M eltbor jurirbed in the attempt, or been -ft far in the rear. It has been tho great t'dlenl *ucce*s of the present century, and is4]uite certain that no proprietary med daa in thie<ouutry is as widely known, or a Mnernlly used. T?r> lightning pro se*, running incessant y (Sunday* excepted,) the whole year iirnOgh, barely supply the demand for the llnHP ? ted Almanac, in which the nature ud ai'es of the preparation arc set forth, he circulation now being over eight miluna a year. 18-4 I. 0 0. F. ~ I Mountain Lodge, No. J every Friday tfitjht. a' I w J tr*?their Hull, over llnrri" "*4 Marahalt'a Drug Stoic. Regular at* eodance desired. ROBT. McKAY. N. O. Jjf 17 tf Notice. IW consequence of rny g"ing North after Flock of goodn, my store will b? closed mill the 1st ol October nest. B. WEB RLE. Ore. nvillc, S. C., September 13, 1871. fpt 13 19 2 To Carpenters. rlE contract for building a'CUURCIT and ACADEMY in Bi?'!cr Towmliip, i?r Thoa II. Col-'*, will bo lot out to the ocresi bidder on Tlivtriday, the 2lat of Sep Mffber, at 12 o'clock. W. HOWELL. W. M HRAMBLETT, T. H. COLK, Build ag Committee. Sept 13 19 2 ? 4 To Contractors npllK UIUDOE at McBc?'e Factory will ^ be let out for It El* Al US and F.XTENSfCN to lite l"wcfl bidder on Thursday, the IStli day of Oc'ober, 1871, at 10^ o'clock, w. A. HUDjON, Oi?1 unaii Board County Cominiaalonera. 13 19 2 City of Oreenville $ ~~ Eloct on of Policemen* A N Election for THREE POLICEMEN, two white an] one colored, will be MM by the Council on Tue*daiJ% 2flfA intl. Applicant* will file their natnce and refer?firp* with tiie Clerk befoie that day. J'?y order of Council. JAMES P. MOORE, Mayor. A P MeDavld, Clerk. Greenville, S. C , Sepl. 12, 187 I. JS'pt IS IK 2 J au ction mm. household AND I|1TCH N FUHMTURK. TUESDAY Septcialtr 1 Or A, I will aell at Public Auction at the realdencc '' " K m.^V I- - ???* -.j, jr., ail the Houachold and Kitchen 4bruiture, eonaiating in part of ' )I?ir-Fea|cd Bofa*, Cbairaand Rockere, Marine Table, Bureaus and Etagere. Dining, Sttenaion anu oquare Tablet, Office DcSfe*. /largo and email,) Bide Board*, Superior 7 octave Piano, Bedeteade, Bureau*, Matrceeee, jlenther Bede, Crockery, Btoaroa, (parlor and /poking,) with many other article* too nuiuer. at)b to mention. JULIUS C. SMITH, Auctioneer. Sep 13 1? 1 Deputy Collector's Office, Obrkkvillk, S. C .Sept 18, 1871. ^ f?)Y virtue of an order from R. M. Wal11.J lace, Collector Third Iliatrict, ^"th tunriinn*, I Win rt'll m me mgil-?l DlU'lur at Oreentllle Court House on Monday, the iMli dty of September, At 12 o'clock M.? tlio following proj??rlv, via: One Two horse WAGON and HARNFS*, on a first-rate MULK, on* blind MARK, one large PISTOL, six empty KEGS, two seeks SALT, and sundry other article*; being the properly which wna selx d near Pickens* villa on the 14th ol August, because of having been used in violation of Inter on Revenue Law*. Tonne cash, A. I* COBB, Dep. Col. 8d Diet. 8. C. Sept 18 10 2 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Court of Common Plea I. Mrt. TV. 0. Fpeet v* ft. Fur wan WhiUtn, } ~1>Y virtue of the Decretal Older of I*Jj Judge Orr, I will sell, at Oreeovllle, C. II , on Salesdsy In Oetober next, to the highest bidder, all that certain, pieee par-, eel and Tract of Lend described In the plandings, sltucto in the County of Greenville, adjoining land* of Taylor, MeKinney, Lonia an<i otii.nre, ^nntolnlng '278 i?tm, mora or Uat, aai known at Ilia Barrett MU' place, on South Tjrger Hirer. Retold at 44** riak of former par^aaer Torma? Caah. J. L. flOTTTJIKH."^ gt (j_ c. Shanffa ofBae, 18th Aepi'yttibar 1871 3*pt 1.1 \4 8 ' - -1 U LLiW^afl VA | Health'* Foaming Elixir?The volatile " principle of Ihe aalUar 8pa Waltr U loot in eroettog the Atlantic It raaolia* till* nountry " stale, flat Bad unprofitable." Bui la . TARRANT'S SELTZER APPER1ENT, this matohlras natural remedy for dytp*p? I aia, biliouaneea and oouailpatiuu. la reproi durod In all tha sanitary pel'action of th? , original Spa. aa frtably drawn and drank foaming at tha fountain vide It require* kaafi a. 1 a--a a >u lunam 10 improvise lite delioions draught, and for all the disord?is of the lomach, bowels and liver, prevalent at ihis season It Is?in the opinion of our ablest physicians? s safe sod admirable specific. 80T.D BY ALL DRUG(WST3. I 8*pt. 8 18 4 al8401^8Z0* H ?? . ? m ' B This clebrated medicine has won deservedly high reputation as an alleviator of pain and preserver of health. It has become a household remedy, from the faet that it gives immediate and petmenmt relief. It la a purely vegetable preparation, made from the best and pu-cat materials, sale to keep and to use in every f. niily. It ia reeomhieiided by phys:cans and persona of all classes, and to-dny, after a public trial of thirty years?the average life of man? it stands unrivalled and unexcelled, spreading it* usefulness over the wide world. Its large and increasing sal* sff ids positive evidence of its enduring fame. Wc do no* deem it nr.ivssary to ray much in its favor as one small bollle wl'l do more to C<'?nv!r?C roa ?' its cfucacy than all the advertisements In the world. Oiv* it one lair trial and you would nut be *i hout for ten times its eost. Directions accompany each lo'tle. Hold by all Ihuggist. l"i ice 25 cts., 60 cts.. nnd f 1 per bottle. 8-p'. 8 18 4 AOE5NC3Y 1 BATESYILLE ; SHIRTING AND YARN. I HAVING been Appointed AGENT for the Abore GOODS, parties desirinp to purchase will find A supply ( on hand At all time* At Factory prices SOLD ONLY BY THE FULL PACKAGE. I JULIUS C. SMITH. , Sep 0 18 tf t New Fall Calicoes, ; NEW 4-4 LONG CLOTHS, Jnst received. FOSTEK A HUNTER. "NT tW Salem and Rook Inland CassI- | ^ ^ u?[?i ?uu iicani, jugi received. P6STEII 1 HUNTER. ITUtESlI Whole Rice, juat received. ; FOSTER 4 HUNTER. GOOD Hemlock Sole Leather, jurt re- , coived. FOSTER A HUNTER. ANEW lot of that cheap Sugar, juat received. FOSTER A HUNTER. NEW Rio, Java nnd Lnguyra Ooffeea, juat received. FOSTER A HUNTER. ^ C1 HE A PEST and heat assorted stock of J1 / Goods in the city at 1 FOSTER A HUNTER'S. f I^INFST Green and Illnck Teaa in tba citjr ? ' at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. 0 EESH Candica at ~ t FOSTER A HUNTER'S. Septotnber lat, 1871. 18-tf KINSMAN & 110 WELL, Factors and Commission Merchants. ?:*?:? < Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. ~| CHARLESTON, S. (?, \ Si p A IS 4m o w.v7g. viulden, agt7 i DEALKR IN I Watohes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated ' Ware, Ckcfci, ] FIXE CUT AND F.NORANED GLASS, ? Table cutlery.china and white granite goods. VASES, TOIl.ET SET*4, FANCY ARTICLES. Older* trofa Hie Cpuptry pnrefi.Hjr filled , apd ifiiifoc'lon guaranteed. X5G KINO STitCT, rtORXKR *2AUFAtN. K-y Bo* 621. Guam-cat x, S. C. Sep? 18 8^_ ESTABLISHED IN 1885. GREENVILLE ' COACH FACTORY.; ?? 1 Gower, Cox & Markley. WE WOULD announce that we are prepared now to III all order* for V IE 0-0 0 O (L D?8. Having tbe largest stock of labor-saving machinery in the Stale, and tbe most skilful workmen in the Sooth, we hope to be able to supply all domood*. The stock of ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, and 8IX-HOR8K IRON-AXLE HAETATWH WAQGHt Will be kept fall, and note, as for Oi',rty*flve years, these wagons shall be the e V,r. OIA.^?nu v* We are making. M usual. * Urge stock of Rocbnwnys mid lluf|ira It all prtee-. i,,me saw and elegant patterns ?prtoee ipnok redueed, *omake gPK|IfO W A <10*8 ? epealalty. Apply tor prio# |laU to Gower, Cox k Markley* N. D. 33 y.*?rl faithful work?aar guarantee. A?|.K?-lTtf FOR 8 A % B. A VALUABLE RIVER FARM I OFFER FOR 8ALB mj FARM ob Soul Saluda. About Fivo Hundred Aw*, largo proportion of which lc vary RIC RIVER AND CREEK BOTTOM, IN A HI6H 8TAT1 W CULTIVATION. ?ALSO? THE VALUABLE FARM Owned by * SR. JAf. M'CIAKAHAK Adjoining the above, CONTAINING 700 ACRES 100 Arret of Which it FIRST RATE River Bottom WHICH WITH ONE I1UNDRED WW* aitMM Id IN A High Stato of Cultivation IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PLACE ARE NEW And In GOOD REPAIR, FOR FURTHER IN FORM A TI02T, APPLY TO Mr#. A. O. FEA8TER or Dr. JAME5 McOLaNAHAN. 8rpt 6 18 tf 1871. r"" Tra*' 1871. $mm evini gots i T\OUBI.E and Single Barrel Onm, BrecchJL7 loading and Mmilo-loadtng Gum, ol Kngliuh, rrcneh and German manufacture, at all price#. Single Gum at $2.50, $1.00, fft.OO, $S.fl0, 112.00 to $20.00 cucb ; Double Guns from 17.00 to $200.00 each. iphstojls! mims \ i Smith A Wciuon, Colt'#, Allen'#, Sharp'#, ind all the popular and approved kind#. 8PORT8 MAN'S GOODS of great variety. Mmmmon s For Gun*, Piatol# and Rifle#. JEST QUALITY ANO AT LOWEST PRICES. Country merchant# and #port#raen are in* ited to call and examine our large and well elected #tock of the above good#, which we inpnrt direct and buy from the monufactu* era. Order# by mail filled promptly, and cnt by cxpresi, C. O. I). POULTNEY, TRIMBLE &. CO., 200 IV. HA L TIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. Mar 22 8 18-6 4* i" J Mato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff'! Sales. ?. P. SULLIVAN r. MARIA TROWIt RIDGE, W. C. TRO W BRIDGE and S. F. TROWBRIDGE. JUDO BEST OF FORECLOSURE. [N PURSUANCE of the Hfcrflnl order of I tie Circuit Court viliing in Equity. 1 rill eell, on lli? fiiat. Monday in t)ctot?*r text, between the hour* of 10 o'clock in he forenoon nnd-ft o'clock in the afternoon, All that certain Tract of Land in the lowr part of the eounfy, on the Dunklin Irl Ige Road, adjoining lande of the eetale I M. Bciry. deceased. Dr. D. D. Moore and thera, containing One Hundred and Twen y-fire Aorea, more or le'a. Terma i-aali. Purchaser* to pay for tamp* and paper*. J. L. SOUTHERN. 8. O. C. Greenville, 8, C., September 0, 1871. Sept 6 18 4 Slate or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. JLAYBORN TRAMMEL re. TOLIVER TRAMMEL, Bill far Partition, Arcount and R*lirf, ike., <t?. rN PURSUANCE of tho Decretal Order of __ H'* I! jn. Judgo Jarao* L. Orr, I will tell ?rtaUr between the ioun of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and S 'clock in the afternoon, all that nl?. ????i nd tract of land, containing 200 acrea**more r leas, bounded by landa of Tolircr Trammel) nd others, being the onohalf of the tract of and belonging to Jeaaee Trammell, deceased, aid"3eaa(fvV.0?>? Trammell by the itnong the heira at law ot 'tbe~~aaWUltan 'rainmcll, deoeaaed, on a crorlit of twelve nontha, except ao much aa will pay tbe coat rbieh will be required on day of aale. Purhaapra to give bond and aoeority for the purihaae money J. L. SOUTHKRN, 9. 0. C. (jreenvllle, September 0, 1871. Sep 6 18 4 rhe State of South Carolina* COt'KTY OF GREENVILLE. ny S. J. DOUTJlIT. faquir*, Judyeof Prokale of Maid County. WHEREAS, Jasper Wilaon has filed a Petition in tnv Offiee. prayirg that Let'era of Administration on all and elngn Ur the gooda and ehatie's, right*and c?edits of Robert Whitlook, late of the County iforeaaid, deceased, ahou'd be granted to liim. There ore, there/ore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ereditora of the a*ld deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probate for caid County, to be hoMen at Greenville Conrt Ifouae, on the 16th day of Septeriber, in*t? to ahow eanae. II any why lha said Ad.n nislialion should not bo granted, 8. J. nOUTUIT, Judge of Probate Oreenvil'e County. O(bee of Judge o! Probate, Sept. 1 1871, Sept. 6 18 2 The 8tate o* South Carolina. OREKKVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J LOUT HIT, K?quirt, J*dgt of Pro bot* of Mid County. WJ HERE AS, MARY 8. WHITM1RE ha YY filad a Petition in mjr Office, pray ing that LatUra of Administration on al and singular Ih* goods and ohatilea, right and eredila of JOSEPH WIllTMIRJC. Tat of lha County aforesaid, deceased, shout be granted to her. Tkttt ort, thortforo. to oito and admonla all e'ld singular the kindred and eredltoi of ths taii d?c?a?od. to be and appear I lha Court of said County, to h hoWftt tt ureenTin* ->v?r? ... 10<A <fef of BepUmber, ???/., to ?how |f nny, why th? nuld Admini?irnUon ihoul not be granted. _ * 8. J. DOUTMT, Jpdc of Probata Or!?#p?>ll? County. Office *f of ProboU, Pep!. J, 1171 Sept. 6 l? * miiirinrifcatt?.Tin Yin mi FACTOR AND merc: * H THE UNDERSIGNED FACTORAGE AND CO* TO 1 5 GENERAL ME ? ? 6*1 s IS LARGER AND 1 THAN : A N U> WIl.L ? ? WHOLESALE AT THE LOW COUNTRY MERCHANTS Wli EXAMINE STOCK A1 SENDING OR DEI tSgT" He will also furnish YA Bale at Factory price*. June SI 7 cSu?Tlji?lFh MEMPHIS, T , JEFFERSON DA BUTLER & BLACK, A SOUTHERN AND I ATTENTION to the surrend; AMD OTHER A OFFERED BY T Mnjr 3 FINANCIAL. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BUY AND SELL j GOLD AND SILVER.1 ALSO, BUY AND SELL , E XCIIJ1JYGE ON 1 New York. , Baltimore, f Philadelphia, Charleston, AND OTHER CITIES. I T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, S. C.f June ft, 1871. June 7 5 .tf 8 IIokmc mid LoC For Sale, A I "m now offering at Priveto Sele thet No. 1. Family Resld? nee and Ix?t. now neeu- , Qfi3SSauS:pi?d by Ilev. W. D.Tbomaa This Is well known to l? one of the m.-ft dnslrabl* residences In the ci'y, on,one of B the highest points. Hoove has Six lmg<and comfortable rooms, with fire piece in each room. Kitchen attached to the House. Good Servants aecommodAlion, Fine Well and Cietern. Superior garden Spot, Beautiful Lawn in front of Residence, atudded ? with noble old onk trees. The lot contains aerea of around. Parties de tiering to purchase this property can inspect the tame by calling el the iinu?r. Such ?n oppoltunfty f?r securing a delight- y ful home seldom occurs. For terms, Ao , epplv t?. JUI.UI8 C. SMITH. _ Auction A Commission SO. O July 10 \X lL_ ^ PHOTOGB APHING. X A. over Whitmire A Fargnaon'a 5?ore, I with elegant liehts. lam prepaiod to do all kinds of PlIOTOOllAPHlNO. at verv I hort notice. SatWfact'on ({ui?rcnt?'?t to all. W.M. \V UKELF.R. May 21 S If 1* McDavid & Ball, DE1NTIBTS, RESPECIFULLY offer their PRO- " FESSIONAL SERVICES to ilie 1 citizens of Greenville and lite surround , ing country. Persona in (lie country desiring to harra work done at their res idences. can nddrers either of the Firm, at Greenville, S.C. ALL WORK WARBAKTED Office, corner of Main and Coffee , Streets. J.Q McDAVID. D. T>. 8. 1 r W. II. HALL, L). !>. S. \ Aug 10 10 if JL&OH MlXWHIxp BAHBBR, OPPOSITE , GOODLETT'S PRY GOODS 8T0RE Next Door to Fotter <h Hunter. ~ "the MIIJ.H HOTTSE. CHARLESTON S. C. ; PJ1UKER Sf Co. * Proprietors. d FIRST CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PER DAY *3 00 8nbecrib? for Thk GmiKHVirxie V ..m...,untan. _ Arvl t? AO r> ' I r- 1 MM Hior. viiij J v??? COMMISSION HANT. ? HAS ADDED THE AMISSION BUSINESS HIS c lien AMUSE. e ? ins s KOBE COMPLETE E3VHUFL, \ E SOL.I) A T OR RETAIL E 8 T PRICE8. LL DO WELL TO CALL AND VD PRICES BEFORE RS ELSEWHERE. JtNS nnd SHIRTINGS by the T. W. DAVIS. ir HID a \T U nan n . vif junrti^L -tUJITADI I, ENNE9SEE. VIS, PRESIDE. , STATE AGENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED ER VALUE PLAN,, D VANTAGES', ! I11S COMPANY. ! 62 t( 1 DRUGS, i o l larrison & Marshall f a AVE JUST KECKIVED A COM *' PLKTE STOCK OF ? JYEW GOODS, ! It their Old Store, opposite Mansion llouse . Our Stork of IlllUiiK ie full nnd complete PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with cure 1 CLARET WINE tor the Sumiocr at $2 per gallon. Cheep by J the Doten. lostetter's Bitter*, Plantation, Sumpter, Carolina and Vinegar Bitters at Wholesale or Retail. c lisley's PTIILOTOKEN?the Female friend. I ill v 11 le Fit U IT JAR, the best in use. ALES. I'OIITEU, WINKS. I1LACKBERtY CORDIAL aud BRANDY, a fine article. A large Stuck of Hgars and Smoking Tobacco WHITE LEAD, OILS, VARNISHES, Ac. STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, and c ENVELOPES?a full Stock. H In order to mnko room for our FALL * TOCK, we will sell, at groatly j REDUCED PRICES, A lot of the following Goods : AMPS, PERFUMERIES, POMADES. v BRUSHES, and other GOODS. s AROA/XS TO BE HAD FOR CASH. ] TOILET SO A PS?cheaper than erer. ti PATENT MEDICINES?a full Line. g Oil II c SODA FOUNTAIN, : WILL. 13K kept ; VITIl ICC ALL Sl'MJITJ* ' _ - "CT' n LEMON MT""- 10 lf a: TKlNCi & SLMMTiR ; roiiisgiY. j guol Roturnod from New J' York. J C MRS. JENNINGS has re- , turned with a full stock of M1L- , LINERY and other <1 O O I? S, ( AHB2S suited to the wants and desires JHQeQI Of the ladies, to which she AiVVjQ would I..T?to -II cA.lint"?'?"? -? , VniW She will have a tIR AND 01 KNW/TA INC. on Thursday. 27th inst.. Plf" and will be pleased to see such ? ,f her friends on the occasion as un.y have < he time to attend, ... i . Location, two doors below the well-known tore of Messrs. W. II. Hovey A Co. | April -id 1* \ " \VEJEir> SEWING MACHINE ; Cannot bf. exoeixko LockSti eh l>oea eleven different kind* ?' *<>"< tolly managed, and I warrant them to five i>eifeet satisfaction ; have soi l forty or Vlylathii |lare; have th?m elwey? ? " lian l. Cell end ex .mine them helme buy log any oth? ?? a .? Greenville, 8. C .June 28. 1871. ? SAIiR JL~ V/ JL ? K-' L m m M m-a THE HOUSE AND LOT IN the Cl?r of Greenville. present residence of the sol scrlber. The LOT eonteins three seres, most conveniently end pleasantly situated, west ef the River, corner Rhett and River Streets, with a front of more than 300 fret on each. The DWELLING HOUSE and situation is considered one of the best In Greenville, with the usual and necessary Oat baildlnga. Tbero is a Cne \ EGETABLK GARPKN and WELL ef the pureai eold water, which never fkllr. There are ahandance ef 8IMI>F TRKKfl. of naUve gT?w\h, and KVKR UKfcinBonw'"": ... , , I For tormt and Inrtbrr particolarr, ?prly *? 0. F. TOW NFS, Proprietor. JiiTV 20 >2 . lf >>***- ? --r- ri'i g?i CACW dh tun * *j r vnviin UlklNUJ HHI MOUkfflKWiS AND DRESSED Flooring, Ctillng, Waalbsr Boa Ovsr a hundred different Patterns of 1 at New York prices. Mantel-Piece*, hurt notice. Stair Rail, Newel* and Balluitc \? order. flood and Substantial Work made a* cliea United State*. >Vo bare on band tbo largest llaltin.ore, ail of wbicb wo fuaranteo will air Substantial Work. The mbacriber* can refer Carolina and Florida, a* to tbo character of ti Opposite Wando Fertilitef Work*, and it Pavilion Hotels. Ma ~ R. R"!R. Radway'i Ready Relief CURES TilE WORST TAINS In from. One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after r.uding tliU advortieemcut need any one suffer wiilt puln. Ra<lwa}'? Ready Relief la a cure for every pain. It wa* the Aral and la THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY thai instantly rtope the mo*t excruciating pain* alliya in.Auinationa, and cures congestion*, w belli, r o' the lung*, *tom*rh, In.we'.*, or gland a or organs, by one application. In Irotn one to twenty minute*, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Red-ridden, Infirm, Crip pled. Nervon*. Neuralgic, or prostrated with dl.-eaae may suffer, RARWAY'S READY RELIEF Will afToid in?tanl ease. Inflammation of the Kidney*. iitfiainmation ol the Rladdvr, Inflammation of the Rowels, Conjerticn o' ihe Lnng*,t*ore Throat, Difficult Itie.ithing, Palpitation of the Henri* Hysteric*, Croup, diphtheria, Cuterih, Ii.fluvnca, lloadache, Toootliachv, N. urnlgia, Rlieumatl?in, Cold ChilD, Ague Chill*. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or part* where the pain or diflD cully oxi*'* will afford en?e and comfort. Twenty diop* in linlf n tumbler of water or ill in u "lew mom ni* cure I'rampa, Sparine, h.ur Stomach, IDut <burn. Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Co'ic, wind iu the Jowrla, nn f at) Internal Tain*. Travclerr should always carry a bottle of tad**)'* Ready It. lit I with them. A lew lr?>p* In water will pi event *icknc?r or aiu* lr? m charg of water It is belter nan French Brandy or Bitter* *? a stitnuant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cttted for fifty cent*.? J rtiera ia tin* ? ... ..wv - S r IIIQU ? I l.g.MIl in till? Wild Imt will car* Fever and Ague, and all uth r Malarious, Iii!nii?, Scarlet, Tj plioid, fellow, and other Fever* (aided \,y Ra-1. #'?y ? Pill?) ?o quick a* Km) way's Hca<ly lielu f. Filly cvnta por bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pure flich R'ood ? Increase el Fleeh and Weight?Clear Skin aud beautiful Complexion iecured to all. I?R. RADIVAI'S SARSdl'A KILLIA* RE?OLVC!IT llaa mnde the mngt nglonishing cure*: go |uick, *o rapid are the change* the body ii.dergoe*, under the ii flociice of tbia truly roiiderful medicine, that 2very Day an Increase in Flesh and Weightis 8een and Felt THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the Hartnparlllbin Resetent. communicates through the blood, wont, urit e. and o;her fluids and ju'ers of he ayetein the vigor of life, f..r it repair* lio wastes of the body wit It new and found aaterial. Scrofula, gypliiti*, coirsumptinn, 'Inndular discuses, ulcers in tbe throat, noutli. tumor*, node* in tl.e gland* and ilher parts of like aygfem, ?ore eye*, ?trum-rous di*eli*rgeg Irom the e*r?. and the ror?t form* of akin dig. area, eruption*, f er note*, *e.ild head, ring worm, gait i Ileum, ery*:pp|a*t acne, Idaek ftU)lt>i>rgri, n the fhsh, lumqr.Vpcf-oi ft?J all w aste* of | jy'lft" pilneirt?. oce within the curative icge of lliii wonder of modern ehrniiMry. id a few dnya' ujc will prove to any per >n using it for villi- r of ihe?e foima of di? ? ??e it* potent power to core Jhem. If the patient, daily becoming reduced ' y the wng'cs and decompogitioa that i? ontinually prngr-ssing, *u -cerds in arrest- i rig these wastes, and repairs the sain* t riih new m???rial made from healthy < ,'o ,d?a .id this the 8ar*aparlllian will and i o. a saeiice?a cure i? etrtnin ; for when I u.ce tide tnneuy Crmn e??? io -?nrk of i uirification, nt.d suee-cJ? In diminishing he ho* of wast s Ha repairs will be rapid, ind every day the patient will feci hiinaell l growing hotter and s'rnng-r. tbo food di [ ,lin< livlUr, ?pp*tl'? improving, and Jesli and weight inerensing. Not only doe* the Sur*apniilibiii Resolvent excel nil known r-meJial agents in the sure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitution*!, and Skin disease*; but it Is the only positive cure for Kidney and Gladder complaint*. Urinrry sod Womb diseases, Gravel. DialutrS. Hropsy. Stoppage of W?l?r. [neontii once of Urine, Height's T)i*e*se, All uminiiii.i, and in all cases where ther* ?rs brick dust deposi'g. or the water is lltit k, elondy, mixed with sub-t anees I ke the while of an egg. <>r threads like a liite ilk, or wl-si* is a morbid, dark, bilious ap pearanee, and whl?e bone du*t deposit*, and wh?n tlieis i? a pricking, burning s*n Ml Ion ?nin passing wafer, ami pain in me Small of Ilia Hack and along (lie L In* Dr. Kadway's Perfect Purgative Pills, Perfectly la?'el? a, elegantly o<*t*d wlih awfli'l gom, pinge, regulate. purity, deans* and atiengihen. Kadwa>'? Pil'a, for the erne of all disorder* ??f th* Stomach, Liver. Bowels, Kidney*. Bladder, Nervous diseaaea, Headache. t 'onM I ('??i ion, Costlvenese, lnd'ge?tion. Dyspepsia, Bll'Onsnesa Bilious Fever, ii 1". ..Htinn of the ltowel*. Piled, and all Deia'.gemaiite of the Internal Vlsrcrs. Warm ted to effect a positive cure. Pore ly Vcg. Jahle, containing no mercury, mineral*, or deleterious drug.*. Observe the following symptom* resulting front r?l?orders *?f the Digestive 0 gans: j Constipation, Inward Pile*. Fullnea* of | the Blood in the He ?d, Acidity of the Stoni aoh, N'xiim*, Hrarllinrn, I>ie<ru?t or rood. Fullnraa or Wdght in the Htomaoh, Sour Ernotntionr, Sinking or Flutteilng *l Ihr Pit of th? Biomnrli, Swimming of the flurried end D1M011I1 llrratlilng. f A frw <lo*r? of nedwny'e Pill* will free theeyatem from alt (lie nnore named diaordere. Price, 2ft e?nH per Uox. Moid l>j DroggUta. Head " F*l?? end Troe." Bond on* Idt?T atainp to AADW AY A CO., No. 8T U?i d?n Leno. l|?w Yoik. Information worth thniiMnda will lie roil yon. j .Iqly 20 12 ly r . ^ -p-H p&ahhsfb hx&b. . rds, Shelving, Box Boards, Ac., Ac. Moul^ngs, making over 100,000 feat on band Boor and Window frames made to order at ra of Walnnt and Mahogany, on hand and tnado p at this establishment as can b? made In tho stock of tba abora (ioods south of the City ot a entire satisfaction to all who want Good anp to gentlemen all over this State, Georgia, North leir work for the past twenty years. V. P. IUISSELL & CO., KA6T END HA8KL STREET,, l the immediate vicinity of Charleston and rch 15, 1871. 45-t S 21 [doors, sashes, blinds, &c. P P. T O A L E, I ? Manufacturer and Dealer, iYo. 20 Iloyt>r Slrft owd Horlhtck't WJutr/, CHARLESTON, 8. O. Tliis Is the target and most cent* SUte F.icloiy o( the kind in the Southern taUs. and all articles In this line can be furnished by Mr. I*. P. Toalk at prices whh-h defy competition. rsr" a ?1 1 ' 11 T __ .. , wun mil anfl detailed list. of atl sices of Doors, Sadies and Blinds, and flic prices of each, will he sent free and post paid, on application to pa p: Tonle, CHARLESTON, S. C. July 12 10 ly. 18 A CARD. 71 fiS? MY FRIENDS AND PATtrons have iny thnnks for past JWKL UilJ lliS favors, Ac. I continue to make additions to my Stock of JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPEC-^^A TICLKS, SILVER v I. A T E D WSBSBS3L WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ao. Special attention given to repairing fine Watches, and Time Pieces of every description. JAMES G. BLACK. Jan 18 34 tf SAM'L BLACK, WOULD respectfully inform Ids friends and pntrons that he hat removed his 15 A K It K R ?"n ? ? v >j mm V T?? the Olil Court 11second room on the left. where he will be glad to see his customers. promising them satisfselion in nil l>rniiclies t ( his businoss. Luna 14 6 tf W. K. EASI.KV. a. G. VILLI EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Connsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, S. 0., PR4CTICK in the Courts of *K' " of the Uniteil ?* ' " ittentio^ ! ? ? SOLUMBIA HOTBL, COLVISBIA, s. c., 77111. G-OP.KAIT, rnoraiKTOR I Mil-. J'ropr otor or tne pieasanrty tocntea and clc-eanlly furnished Establishnrn',i<i lie State Capital, desire# to inform he travelling public nnd others seeking no?ommo(laiiona. that rite "Colombia" la in ev-ry respect a first-class llolcl, unsnipaved l?y any in the Stale or the United Sti>tfV ?ito-?1ed in the business centre of the city* whh fine large ah y mom*, end ft lah\? sujw pli'd with every delicacy of ihe?cason, WVt> uom New York end Charleston market-*, the Proprietor pledges that no c Aorta will be spared to give pei feet satisfaction in eve. ry rr?pe< t. A first c'nrs Liverv Stable is attached to the Hotel, where vehicles of every description ean he had at the shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrival and depaf tin of every Train. <VM GOIiMAN. , Proprietor and Superintendent. J. T) BUDDS, Cashier. Fob 15 39-lf mIii Eplfp! ^\Vater wheel, Milt 8earin$,Shaftinfet Pulleys pqoyu hohWmjimobe^ 8KHD FOR A CIRCUIAR-J^T r??? / Sfl It Land for Sale. AS applications havobccn made for ;dia ller parcel* of Land. the suhrcrihcr ba? oon ed to Mil part of bi? QRREN I'l.ACK accordingly. He now offer* to sell a lot of ten acres on the southwest corner, running across the bottom, about 6x2 acre*, at $10 per acre. Three I.ots of 10 acre* each, bordering on tbeeaei on Iho Pails Mountain Road, and 011 the west oa lands of H. P. Hatnmct, Est)., I -? sol ? ** *. Also, ens Lot ol Un aetca of Woodlond, on tho norihwoet corner, #t $50 per oere. Difiding ftncoe to bo built by tho pufhooee. Poriona deelrln* further Information may onl* to Cant. (hMl. Walla. or to the rubrcrl,/p;' .1AMF.S T. KI'ltMAN. Aug 2 1* If