University of South Carolina Libraries
X l.l 11 ' .1 . 3$umonntr The Josh Billings Papers. " WHAT I KRO ABOUT rUJUtlRQ." 1 What i kno about phartnin iz ( ktissed little. Mi buzzum friend, ' Horace Greely haz rit a book with abov name, and altho i haven't ( had time to perooee it, vet 1 don't hesitate to pronunce it bally. Pharmin (now daze) is pretty 1 much all theory, and, therefore, its not astonishing that a man kan live in New York and be a good chancery lawyer, also know all abont pharming. A pliarm (now daze) oy one huudrod akcrs will produce more buckwheat and pnmpkius, run 011 theory, than it would six years ago, ruu on manure and hard knoks. Even now it aint nnkommon ^ew see three or four hired. men, on a pliarm, with three or four spans of oxen, all standing still, while the boss goes into the library, and roads himself for the day's plowing. There is nothing like book laming, and the time will ovcntunlly como when a man wont hnv only one of 44 Josh Billings' Farmers' Almanax," to run a pliarm, or a kamp meeting with. If i was running a pliarm (now daze) I suppose I would rather hav 30 bushels ov some new breed ov potatoes razed on theory, then tew hav 84 busbols got in the mean, bcknighted and underhand way of our lato lamented grand parents. Pharmin, after all, is a good deal liko the tavern bizzincss, cnnybody thinks they kaii keep a hotel (now daze) and they can, but this is way that poor hotels cum tew be so plenty, and this is likewise what makes pharmin such easy and profitable bizzincss. Just take the theory out of 1>harmin, and thero ain't nothin eft, but hard work and all fired lite krops. "When i see so inutcli pholks rushing into theory pharmin, as there is (now daze,) and so inenny ov them rushing out agin, i think x'bnteL tuuk'll'lllimih on bharcs miselt, and run her on some theories and the thing figured up this way, i dun all the work, phurnishcd all the seed and manure, had the ager 9 months out ov 12, for mi share ov the profits, and the other phellow paid tho taxes on the pharra for his share. By mutual konscnt I quit tho pharm at the end ov the year. What i know about pharmin ain't wurth bragging about, and i feel it my duty to state, for tho benefit ov my kreditcrs, that if they expekt me to pay five cents on a dollar, they musn't 6tart inc in the thcoretikal pharm employ. Ii a man really is tew anxious tew make munnv on a pharm, tho less theory he lays in tho better, and he must do pretty much nil the work hisself, and support his . family on what lie kan sell and go ragged cnuft* all the time tew hunt bees. I kno ov menny pharmcrs who aro 6o afflicted with superstition that they wont plant a single bean only in tho last quarter ov the in n/ >n mi si S Ln<\ /iil.n... ? ? ? ?.iu * Bliu UIIICIB BU |?! nant with science that they wont set a gate post until they have had the ground analized hi sum professor of anatomy tew see if the earth hoz got the right kind of in gredience for post holes. This iz what i call running science into the ground. The fact ov it iz thnt theories ov nil kinds work well in prnktiss ; they are too often designed to do the work ov praktisa. They aint no theory in breaking a mule only to go at him with aclnb in your hand and sum blood in your eye, and brake hiin, just as you would split n log. What i kno about pharmin aint wuth much enny how, but i undertook to brake a kicking heifor on CO/ I rend a trcatiss on the subjekt and pliollowcd tho dirccksliuns cluss, and I got knokt etidwazo in about 5 minits. 1 then set down and thought the thing over. I made up mi mind that the _ 1 _I1 ?I - - ? pneiiow who wrote u?e ireaus was no more in the treaties bizzincse than he was in the kicking heifer trade. 1 kui.ii to the kunkluehun that what he knu about milking kicking heifers he had learnt bi leanin ovor a barn yard fence, and writin the thing up. I got up from mi reflecshnns etenpthencd, and went tor that heifer. I will draw a veil over tho lan t i i .i . .? - ? - * ? ^uitgo i useu tuiu me unngs 1 Gitl, but I went in to win, and won ! That heifer never bekum a *^w. ing ii\.ig one way to break a kick* all the booster a man has studied tho subiekt, ana the crcashun on will fall back onto ntlicni on, ho make np his mind, as i did; ?.a"d kicking heifer is worth moro for beef than t,ho is lur theoretic milk. I have workod on a pharm just long enuff tu kno that there is no prayers so good for poor land as manure, sua no tboory kan beat 5 ' J 1 ft 12 hours aach da (anndnze except I - %1A1\||M f/X Ira I tfU I VI IJVUVOV Idv/Ui np|iiivu i-v V1IC }He. X Am An ole-plia9hnne<rph?ltow, and bartly hate most nn things, because I have been boat by them vo oflTen. . I nover knn a pharm that was worked pretty- much by theory but what waz for sail or tow lot in a few years, and I never knu a pharm "Unit was worked hi ma nnre and anuskle, on the good old ignorant way of onr ancestors, but what was hakded down from farthor to son, and. always was noted for raising brawny armed boys and buxom lassek and fust rato potatoes. \ What I kno about\uhnrmin is nothin but exporionce^Hjihd cxporionco now dazo ain't wuth a knee. I had rather hav a good lookin theory tow kotch ilatcs with, than the expcrionco oven ov Methusler. Experience is a good thin** to lay down and die wit, but yu kant vm w a j vl v u ^ i GOLD m SILVER MIES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Ring SILVER k& SILVER-PLATE -mmr m mm M Zm >y WORK of *11 hi* line (June promptly.?J|feJ Oct 27 23 1 m. o. noTtva . r r m<-nr.c. c. o. ?tkpiinic? 1 A?<iT.lER' McBEE & STEPHENS, - and OoniiMUora at Law GREENVfi;^. s. c.. Will Praetios in ttas Courts Oi Buu and of the UnlUd Statos Msjr * l? do no bizzincss with it (now daze) ; it ain't but cnniV. Give mo a red hot humbug, ami I kan make most ov the experience in this world ashamed ov itself.?jtfew Pork Weekly. ? Live not for selfish aims. Live to 6hed joy on others. Tims best shall your own happiness bo seenr. cd ; for no joy is ever given freely forth, that does not have lroe echo in the giver's heart. Real power, real excellence does not seek for a foil, in imperfections; nor fear contamination from coming in contact with that which is coarse and homely. * It reposes on itself, and is equally free from spleen and aff.ctation. At a Sunday schools in Ribon, a tcaclier asked a little boy if be knew what the expression u sewing tares" meant. " Courth I does," said ho, pulling the scat of his little trowscrs round in front, II there's a tear my ma 60wcd ; I teared it gliding down hill." ? A little four year old child told his father ho was a fool.? i? ; ????rw\?rrrc?HMM-MV?IUOdied to his paront and said : "Papa, I'so sorry you's a lool." - ' ?- ? . There is a perennial nobleness, and even sacredness, in work.? Were he never so benighted begetful ol his high culling, there is always hope in a man that actually and earnestly works ; in idleness alone is there perpetual despair. At a christening, while the minister was making the certili cate, ho forgot the date, und happening to say ; " Let me 6cc, this is tlio thirtieth ?" " The thirtieth 1 exclaimed the indignant inoihei% indeed it is only the eleventh." Tiie genius of a Boston composer is at last to supply the national hymn founded 011 C.i till ntvirt lien 1 principles. It is to be made up of a combination of Yankee D?k>die and Dixie nnd to be called Dixie doodle. Tiik Sentinel learns that the remains of 100 North Carolina heroes disinterred from tho 6oil of Gettysburg will reach that city on to day or to morrow. Mix with the oil applied to harness a little cayenne pepper, say a teospoonful to the quart ?it will prevent the rats fioui gnawing the harness. The Columbus, Ohio, papers, don't have any editorials now, the alleged cause being that " the thermometer is up to three 6hirt collars a minute. The conduct of tho husband who heats his wife beats any thing; but that of a man who slams the door in the lace of his relations bangs all. The minister who boasted that he could preach without notes didn't mean banknotes. Tiikki? wore manufactured in tho United States last year over a hall million sewing machines. Some of tho Virginia iloarcring mills still secure their motive power by means of wind-mills. B. WEHRLE, (Tar&V ft* MM!l ft ire ? ^ .rORE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. * JO*? Buy the Best?It is the Cheapest. :o: Tq Consumer* of Whit* Lead EvtryyJttre, IT IS UNEQUALED % 1st. F >r Wearing and Covering Properties, "id. For Whiteness and Bounty of Pioish. SJ. For Uni'o m Finrne*! of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better ? work, at a given eoal, than any other. 5th. Mo?t Economical White Lead ever introduced. 6th. If you wish to prooure as much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and durable work, uso PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, Try it and he convinced. ' Satisfaction guranleed by the Manulaelurera. 7.1LQLE A SMITH. Wholtm'a Drug, Taint and 01am Dealers, No. 137 Not III Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE A GENTS GOWER, COX & MARKLEY DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Faints, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c . GREENVILLE, S. C. May 3 62 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, PROP1UKTOR. T. HAMILTON JOTNER, CLERK. KATES Or Hoard per Day $3 00 Supper, Hreakfaft and Lodging 2 00 Single Meal* 1 00 Sep 1 15 tf B. WEHRLE riJlAS just rotuincd with a well LrJ selected Slock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER AND ELATED WARE Table Cutlery, &c. II IS Stock wns personally so iccted trom tlie Dost lieuaee in ins lino g^| j^nr',nn A^lFCiDiaSffHTa' ^\ie MW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rilACTICK 1JI ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS, Office Oroenville C, H., 8. C. July 7 ly* DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY! JQ. McDAVID graduate of (ho Pennsylvnn in College ot Dental Surgery, seen ion ISflft-67, respectfully offers his professional services to tho citizens of Greenville and surrounding country. Having acquainted himself with tho modern improvements of his profession, he hopes, by strict nttcntiun to business, to be aula to give satisfaction. Oflico on tho corner of Coffee and Main Streets, in 11. A. rouble's former residence, up Stair*. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. D. S. Mar 2 40 Sin No Good II cat Hi Without Pure Blood. DR. G'EAZENER'S SPIKENARD AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT WILL PURIFY THE BLOOD! AND REMOVE Liver Complaint, LhettmaNg^, Scrofula, Carbuncle*, jfrnJ Skin Deseasc*, Pains in th v2rA Bonea, Dyapepsin, Diseases o the Kidney* and Bladder, pain in the Back and Loins, and all the various Ailments produced by Impure Blood Mini Vitiated Secretions. Buy one Bottle and try it, and if it fuils to yive any relief, buy no more. I)R 01, A ZEN Elf8 LINIMENT or TAIN EXTIlaACTOR is goo ! in Rhoiiniaii?m, Neuralgia, lleuduehe, I'tio in the Duck, Sprains, Ac. DU. OLAZENERS FAMILY V EG ETAIII.E LIVER PILLS nre sdc remedial agents to overcome Derangements of the Liver aud to Purify the Blood. DR. GLAZESEIl'S COUGH RELIEF s excellent for all ease* of Cough of any kind, ftom Croup to Consumption ; although not recommended to cure the latter disease, g-oat. relief will follow it* ua<\ 5^f~ The above Medicines are prepared only by I'R GILES L. OLAZENER, Manufacturing Druggist, Gioeijville, 8. C. .11 by Druggists generally. May 10 1 tf WM. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. LOCATED on Falls fttrost, ono *'Jua.rr ?.f MoMrB' Oower, Cox A tl?i mariner*. > V' tilt A NIT* of alt descriptions 5^ furnivhed mid rut to order. TOMIIHTONKS, with (Irnnite or Marble ^ Pedeataie may be bad on application. .Special attention guaranteed to all work. P9- Orders for TOMR8TONK3 left with Mr. B. W?nnt.n? Jeweller, will receive my prompt attention. Jan 18 35 tf YEAST* ^OUJ)ER Una long been regarded as the beat and ebon |>e?t Baking l'owder in use. Perfectly I |>ure aia nrauny It IDlkf*, at abort no ' tier, delicioue Uiaenita, Rolla, Ac. There nerd he no waele of food prepared with It, aa it ia alwaya of the heat quality. We would eey W> thoee who hnve oryar need it that a very few Irlula will enable them nto n?e it, not only w ith entire aatlefeetion but with eeonomy. I'ot op rou., arr | weight, aa repreeeeted, Oroeert and DeaU 1 ere eelt It. DOOLF.Y A It ROTH ER, Trop'a, . ep AVte Strrrt, Ntre York City. , t-rrll 5 fd tlm Ln? 'I', . UL .1 11 L1 -LJCONSUJUPTION. Its Cure and Its Preventive, BY J. n. SCIIENOK, M. D. MANY a hnmi Wag hu ptiMd a why, for wboM death there wm bo other reason than the negleet of known and Indisputably proven means of cure. Those near and dear to family and friends are sleeping tbe dreamless slumber into which, had they oalmly adopted DR. JOSEPH II. SCHENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of bis wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Sohenk bas in bis own case proved that wherever snOoient vitality remains, that vitality, by his medioiises and tbe directions for fhair uu. I, nnlnkitnixt Into healthful viror. In thio statement then is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid is made no representation that ! not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the cure by Dr. Sohenck's medicines is as simple as it is unfailing. Its phi* losophy requires no argument. It is self-assuring, wolf-convincing. The Seawood Tonie and Mandrako Pills are the first two weapons with which the citadel of tbo malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes " sympathise " with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pillr are competed of one o Nature's noblest gifts?the P idopbillium Pollatum. Thoy posse** all the blood-searching, alterative properties of t^lomcl, but nnlikc calomel, they ? LEAVE NO STING BEHIND." The work of cure is now leginniug. Tin vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowcli and in the alimentary canal arc ejected. Th< liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arousci from it* torpidity. The tioniach acts rcspon sively, and the patient begins to feci that ho ii getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Pen wood Tonic, in conjuncticn with tbi Pills, pcrinestcs and assimilates with the food i Chy lification is now progressing without it previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless and the cure is teen to be at band. There 1 no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the sto tnach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Puriflcr eve yet given by an indulgent futber to sufTerinj man. Schetick's Pulmonic By rap comes in ti perform its functions and to hasten and com plcto the cure. It enters at once rpon it work. Nature cannot bo cheated. It collect and rinenB the iuipnircd and diseased portion of the'lungs. In the form of gatherings,} prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in i vciy short time the malady is vanquished, tin rotten throne that it occupied is renovatod an* made new, and the patient; in all the dignit; of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the uion hood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stn; in a warm room until they get well,'; it is nl most impossible to prcveut taking cold whei the UinBs.arjLdj?Wtff|-Ml ifrflfftV lesson, art all wrong. Physicians who recommend thai course loso their patients, if their lungs art | badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the bouse they must not sit down quiet; they must wall* about the room as much and as fast as tbo strength will bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. Tbe patients must keep iu good spirits?bo dctermiued to got well. Thii has a great deal to do with the appetite, am] is the great point to gain. To dospuir of cure alter such evidence of its possibility in the woist rases, and moral certainly iu ull others, is sinful. Dr. Scbcnck's personal stntement to tbo Faculty of his own euro was in these modest words : " .Many years ago I was in the last stages ol consumption ; confined to my bed, and nt one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching nt straws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now effer to the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to mo tbut I could feel them penetrate my whole system. Tliey soon ripened the matter in tuy lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow mutter every morning for a long time. As soon as that began cough, fever, pain and night sweats all begun to Icavo me, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mcro skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, seven pounds; tuy present weight is two hundred and twenty-five [22b] pounds, and for years I have cujoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Bchcnek has discontinued his professional visits to New York and Boston. lie or his sun, Dr. J. II. fc'chenek, Jr., still continue t<> see patients at their office, No. 16 North Sixth itruct, I'lliladulphia. every Saturday from V A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Retplroaicter will bo charged $ '?. Tbe Hcspirometer declares tbe exact condition of tho lungs,* and patients can rcadilv learn whether ?!>?- .ui * w - -J utu VUINUIO ur ll"l. The directions for taking the medicines are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the reat, excepting that in some cases the Mandrake Pills are to \nt taken in increased doses ; the three medicines need no other nc companiments than tbe ample Instructions that accompany them ; First create appetite. Ot returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. M'hen it comes, as it will come, let tbe despairing at ores le of good cheer. Good Mood at once follows, the cough loosens, the night sweat is abated. In a short timo both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. l>r. Scheock'i medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a ^fixative or purgative, tbe Mandrake Pills ure a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as a curer of coughs and colds, may be regarded as a prophylactcrie against consumption in any of its forms. Prica of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.60 a bottle, or $7.60 a half doxen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. HENRY, No. College Place, New York City. March 22 48 1 y Spring and Summer MILLINERY. MISS McKAY has returned from New York, and opened UmHm an elegant a ? s o r t m e n t ol JKmH Ml I. L I NKRY, consisting *1 t&wSffllm Bonnets and Hits ot the la W lA '?r '-adies, Chll dren and Infanta; also Rib ff iri non? or all widths, Flowers, Ret and Hair Goods, Ladies anJ Clill Jrena Suits. Ae. Ail orders will receive careful and prompt attention. April 26 61 tf The Southern Hotel HAS been refitted and Put 'n complete order foi ftstPiin th* accommodation of thi SiSSidfleL^ravsling publie. Rates o Board reasonable. Call and give me i trial. J. 0. YEARGIN. May 8 63 8m . a, Private Boarding. I CAN take soma BOARDERS, sUhsv bj the day, week or month. The sUeatUx ia a oeeiraoie on* on Main 81root, between T , W. Davie* Wooden Store Room nod the Brio! tor* Room occupied by W. t>. Ooodwln. i I food TABLR will bo fomUbed. RATES.?Per Day ? I M " Week 7 0< " Month 95 W T. B. ROBERTS. Greenville, S. C., July 11,1*71. 16 tf % I I II 1 Ml? I I WM. P. PRICE, Is ATTORNEY AT LAW DAH^ONEGA; QAp t j Will praciae a |Pi vuuuuvi livuip I | kin. Dawson, Oilrncr, Fsi.oln, I aim J Towns,' White and llaTI. 1 Jan 10 83 J TOWNFM & FAST, ATTORNIF.8 AT I.AW. OFFICE in the OLD COURT HOUSE 1 Middle Room on the South Side, Lowe 8tory, GREENVILLE, S. C. a. r. TOWNKS. OLIIf D E A ST. r Jan 4 33 tf THE MILLS HOUSE, ?S&Si&ISStJSSJ, S. ?. J PARKER & CO. Proprietor!. FIR8T-CLA8S HOTEL. BOARD, I'ER DAY $1 00. J, Deo 8 ' 29 CHARIESTON HOTEL ' CHARLESTON, S. C. i E. H. JACKSON, Propr etor. . Assistants, a. butterfield, (for < marly (Ue I'ttvUion Hotel,) and W t 3. MILLER. , PAVILION HOTEL, ' 03?w?)ijr0 Bo i BOARD, 1 Per Day $3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent.* nri. II. I*. BUTTERI'IKLD^ Proprietress Sept 20 10 tf South Carolina Railroad CompanyVick PnrsinKWT's Officii, Colombia, S. C., Jonuiiry 10, 1871. Chan ye of Schfhile. ON nnd after Sunday, 22d iuat.. Passenger Trains upon this Road will arrive and leave as follows : ' tiiai* so. 1. Leave Charleston at 8 20 a nt ' Arrive at Columbia at i 3 40 p m Lcnvo Columbia nt 12.15 p in Arrive at Cbarleaton at 7 50 p m Leave Camden (Sundays exe'd) at...9 50 n m Arrive nt Kingeville at I 20 p ui j Leave Kingsvillo (Sundays exe'd) at.2 30 p tn Arrive at Camden nt 6 00 p m ~ The above trains run in connection with ? Wilmington, Columbia nnd Augusta Railroad, g connecting with trains for Wilmington, North j ^ Carolina nnJ with trains for Augusta, Georgia ?making close connections with night trains e of Georgia Railroad nnd Central Railroad, for j all points South nnd West. thai* wo. 2?Wight F.xrnrss. (Sunday night excepted.) Leave Charleston at 7 10pm Arrive at Columbia at 0 00 a m Lcnvo Columbia at 7 50 p m Arrive at Charleston at 0 45 am ^ This train runs iu connection with up Augusta trains, making close connection witb ' Georgia Jia>lr..?/I o?hi V.' 1'tlihlt, , B. B. Pirwiwa, Vice President. t General Ticket Agent. COLUMBIA, 8. C , March lj 1871. ON and n'ter Ibis daft-, Ike following schedule will be run daily, Sundays i excepted, connecting w ith Night Trains on South Caio'ina Rtii'ioid up and down; also with Trians going South on Charlotte, Cor lutnb'la and Augusta Itailroad : Up. Leive Columbia at 7 00 a. m " Alston 9 in ?. m " Newberry 11 15 a. in ' Cokeehury 8 00 p m " Bclion 6 00 p m Arrive ui Urcouville 6 80 p. nt Down. Leave Croenvillc at 6 15 a. m " Belt.>n 8 15 a in ' Cokebnry 10 07 a. in " Abbeville 8 16 a m " Kevhory 1 60 p. in " Alston 4 05 p. m Arrive at Columbia K 65 p. in TIIOS. boDAMBAT), Geix-rnl Superintendent. M. T. Bautlktt, dermal Ticket. Agent. Schedule Blue Ridgo R R ON and after this date the following schedule will he observed by the Passenger Trains over this Roail : Up. Leave Anderson 4 20 p m " Pendleton 5 20 " " Perryvillo 6 10 " Arr. Welhalle 7 00 " Down. Lcavo Wnlhalla 4 00 a m " Perryville 4 45 " " Pendleton.... 6 30 " Arr. Anderson 6 10 " In cases of detention on the O. and C. R. It., the train on this lload will wait one hour for the train from Relton, except on Saturdays, when it will wait until the arrival of the Uolton train. W II. D. QATLLARD Sup't. Charlottes Columbia and Augusta R R. ScramVTr.vnKXT's Orncr.. Columbia, S. C., Juno 8, 1871. ON and after Sunday next, 11th inrt., tha following schedule will run over this Road : going north. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Augusta 3 25 a in 6 00 p in Leave Columbia 8 09 a m It 00 p in Arrirs Charlotte 2 35 p m 6 20 a m OOINO SOCTn. Leave Charlotte. 7 40 a m M0 p in Leave Columbia....2 30 p m 2 26 a m Arrive Augusta 7 50 p m 7 30 a in i No. 1 Train daily, No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted, lloth Trains mske close connection tc all points North, South and West. No. 1 Train makes closo connection at Richmond for Virginia Springs. I Through tickets sold end baggage checked I to all principal points, r Standard Time?Washington City Time, 1 u u AI17V4V?iHt? /? " . ?. i . ni>D.\AAifr.ii, ?<en. tsup'l. K. R. Dorbky, General freight and Ticket Agent. IUONI2Y CANNOT BUY IT! FOR SI OUT IS PRICELESS II , BUT THE DIAMOND BPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. ! If Yon Yulnc Your KjrciiKhl J USE THESE I i PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRY8TAL PEBBLE8, ] Melted together, end derive their name < " Diamond" on aeeount of their Hardness and Brilllaney. They will lent many years without change, and era warranted euperi* I ' or to all others, manufactured by 1 1 rtr...*..."" - ' I ; J. H.. ft UO? N? Y-, i l Ceimoi# ?N#?iie genuine anient etamped ' villi our trade mark. < I i. 0.0. TURNER, Sole Agent ? ) for Greenville, 8. C. > Prom whom they ean only be obtained. No Pedlere employed. 1 May 10 > ly ixty-Fivo Tint Prize Med ^ ale Awarded. TUB GREAT W lrwo"M ~ | MANUrACTORT. Dl( Will. KIVAKIE Ac CO., " danufacturers of Grand, Square and Uprigh yf PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. mi tn rllEKE Instruments have been before tho an public for nearly thirty yenrs, and upon mi heir excellence alone attained an unpttrthotrU Jjj! n-tminence, which pronounces them unequal- eu d. Their Tone combines great power, sweet - 1 ha ess and fine singing quality, as well ns great tl) urity of Intonation, and sweetness through- P1 ut the entire scale. Their Touch is pliant N nd elastic, and entirely free from tho stiffness dl ound in so many Pianos. In WorkmansDlp I ct bey arc nnequalod, using none but tbo very b; iest **i*oncd material, the large cnpitul em- ^ itoycd in our business enabling us to keep ^ ontiuuully an ituuicnso stock of lumber, Ac., i C in hand. All onr Square Piano* have our New Iin- P1 jroved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffo Tro- C1 d g M'e would call special attention to our late C mprovctnciits in Uratid Pianos und l?<|unro | Iratids, Patented August 14th, ISflfi, which ?' iring tbo PianO nearer perfection than has ' ^ ret been attained. Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 Year*. . We have made arrangements fo the Solo [Vholes ile Agency fur the most Colcbratvu JJ Parlor Organs and MAlodeons, which we offer iVIiolcsulo and Kvtuil, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABE A CO., Baltimore, Aid. Dec 7 29 Cm IMl'OKTA VI NOTICE I J to a CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS, i! All lletail Orderi amounting to $20 and Over o Delivered in any Part of the Country a FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, t or BALTiMone. un., f IN order tbo better to meet the wants of . Ihu ltetail Customers at a distance, have ] established a SAMPLE IIUKEAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full Ii lines of samples of the Newest nnd most J Fashionable Goods, of French, English and i Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at nil ' , times to sell a* loir, it not at lent prices, than i i any honae in the conutry. | Buying our goods from the lnrgest and \ most celebrated manufacturers in the different I parts of Europe, nnd importing the same by ? * *" U.ill'nn <?rn nils clnnU Sa at oil ! times promptly supplied with the novelties of tho London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, we are able nnd willing to sell mir goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, from tho lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by tho cash will bo sent C. 0. D. Prompt Paying. ?? HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, 197, 199, 201 uud 203 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 ly M J. WiLaaa, Proprietor. R. It. MvDokai.d A Co., Hr<i?(l.u A Gen. A|tnU, Sen Fmnrliro.Cal ,?nd SI Cftnlntrrf SI., N.Y. niLLIONIl Bear Testimony to their Wasderftsl Garatlve Iffectsr Vinegar Bitters art not s vlU Fasey Drink, Mads of Posr Ran, IWklsksr, Prosf Spirits nnd Refuse I.lquera, do?tored, talced sod sweetened to please the taste, tailed " Tonics," " Appetizers." " Restorers," St, that lead the tippler on todrunkennaea and rain, but are s true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all ! jaicossoisc stimulants, They are thi GREAT HI.OOD PURIFIER and A LI FK GIVING PRI NCI 1*1,E, a porfeet Renovator and Iuvlgorator of tho System. ssuryInf off all poisonous mat tor and rotorlnc tho blood to a healthy eondltlon. Mo person can tako thooo Bitters aocordln* to dlroctlono and romaln lone unwell, provided tholr bono* aro not destroyed br mineral poison or other meana, and tho vital j organ* wasted beyond the point of repair. They area Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, possessing, also, tho peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver, and of all tho Visceral Organs. 1 FOR FEMALE COM PI,AINTH, whothog In young or old. married or single, at tho dawn I womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tools Mitors have no equal. Far Inflnmmntory and Chrenlo Rheamat Ism anil Gout, Dyspepsia sr In- t digestion, Dillons, Remlttsnt and $ Intermittent Fevers, Diseases sf the ' Blooil, l.lver, Kldseys and Bladder, f these Bitters have been most snrceeeful. Much C Dlsenees are caused by Vitiated Blood, which la gensrally produced by derangement of the Dlgsstlvs Orgaas. D YMPKi'HI A OR INDIGESTION, ; Headache, Fein In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diastases, Bonr Eructations of ? tho Stomach, Bad Taste In tho Mouth, Bilious a Attacks, Palpitation of ths Heart, Inflammation of C the Lungs, Pain In ther*gtons of the Kidneys, end & a hundred other painful symptoms are.ths off- springs of Dyspepsia. P They Invigorate the Stomach and atimnlste ths *" torpid l.lver and Bowola, which render them of b uneqnalkd efioskoy In cleanalng theblood of alllm- Z purities, and imparting new life and vigor to ths o whole system. FOR SKIN DIBEAHKK, Eruptions,letter, c Belt Rheum, Blotches, Bpots, Pimples, Pustules, 3 Boll a, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Boald Heed, Bore Byee.Krysipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Dlsoolorationeof the Bkiu. Humors and Diseases*,! the Hlcin, of whatever name or aaturo, aro literally dug up and earried out of the system in a abort timeby the nae of Biese Bitters One bottle In such cases will oonvluca the most Incredulous of their curattvo effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its 1st purl t lee bursting through the skin In Pimp lea. ( Eruption s or Bores; cleanse It when you And It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse It when it is foul,and your feelings WU1 tell you whew. Keep the blood pure, and the health of ths system wtll follow. FIN, TAPS, and othor WOII MB, nrkiaff , Jn the system of eo many thousands, are effectusdlw lestroyod and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTS AND DRALBRB. J. WALKER Proprietor. R. II. MCDONALD * jt*r- For tale io (bo City of (Jroenvillo DR. M. A. IIUNTKK A CO., Wholesale or.d Detail Dmitri J nj Medicine?, Chemical?, Ac., Ao. K?y 10 i GE0RGB PAGE & GO. , So, 6 V. Scbroeder St.? Baltimore. Wanufaeturrre of Portable and Stationary 8 STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, P?Unt hnprored, Portable CIRCULAR " SAW MILIA, Oang, Mulaj and Sash Saw j Mill*. Oriel Mills, limber Wheels, Shingle Machines, Aa. Dealers in Circular Saw*, Selling and Hill supplies generally, and ^ rnanufaclurer** agent* lor I.eUVl'a Celebratrd Turldns Water Wheel, and every da- V M'Iplion of Wood Working Machinery. h etiaK'tiLTVBAL KKOtaaa a spwialty. a f i li J * ? - ?? orna "?? "WiiJKifi UAUIoihim and ? Price Liutfl, u '1 ? ,yer*s Oherry Pectoral, or PHimm of the Throat and Lungs,! such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Ooogh, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Oonautaptlon. Probably never before in the whole history of Mllclne, has any thlngwon so widely and so eply upon the confidence of mankind, aa thin cedent remedy for pulmonary complaints, iroughalong serine of years, and among most the races of men It has risen higher and higher their estimation, as it has become better known. > uniform character and power to cure the va>ua affections of the longs and throat, have kde it known as a reliable protector against em. While adapted to milder forms of disease id to young children, it is at the same time the est effectual remedy that can be given for IncipH consumption, and the dangerous affections the throat and lungs. As a provision against ""?ba ?.# U nlimild bo kcut on 1UUW OVIOVAO VI V? VMv -- ? - , ind in every family, and indeed as all arc some* nes subject to colds and coughs, all should bo ovlded with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption Is thought In* treble, still great numbers of cases where tho sense seemed settled, bare been completely ired, and tho patient restored to sound health r the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its astery over the disorders of tho Lungs and tiroat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. rhcn nothing else could reach them, under tho Kerry Sectoral they subside and disappear. Mnfyr* and I'ubUo Speakers find great rotection from it. Asthma is always rclloved and often wholly ired by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking tho Kerry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. Bo generally are its virtuoa known, that we eed not publish tho certificates of them here, oit o more than assure the public that its qualities re fully maintained. Oyer's Ague Cure, *CT Fever and Ague. tntefClittsnt Ferer.1 Chill Ferer, Remittent Ferer, xjum3 Ague, Periodical or Bilious Ferer, do., and Indeed aU the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or mlaamatlo poisons. As its name implies, it docs Curt, and does not til. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous ubstance whatever, it in nowise injures any paen t. Tho number and importance of its cures - " ? *m,? sirfrli-u. ?rn llmrallv buvond account. nd'wo^ciicvo witliout a parallel In the history t Ague mcdicino. Our pride is gratified by tha cknowle<lj?ment6 wo receive of Uie radical cures ffected In obstinate cases, and where other reindies had wholly Tailed. Unacclimatcd persons, either resident in. ravelling through miasmatic localities, will b? irotOCted by taking tlic AGUE CUltA daily. For lAvor Complaint*, arising from torpidly of tho Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimuBtlng tho Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it s an excellent remedy, producing many truly emarkable cures, where other medicines ha? ailed. . ? Prepared by Dlt. J. C. Aran A Co., Practical ind Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and lold all round tho world. EBICE, $1.00 X'EJl BOTTLE. ?3p~Kor snle in Oioenville by M. A. HUNTER A CO., Agents. Aug 31. 15 ly FUNTAllUN BI1 IMS This wonderful vegetable restorative is tlio sheet-anchor of tho fcehlo ...vatiuiivu. as a tonic and cordial for tho aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are cspccially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.* In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. cbllONOS T. BROWN, a d mm 9 ?PPOS1TK CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. So|?t is IV 1 y B. MULLIGAN, .J Jrli'Wtl^JbiS'l'Or^, W' CJ. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY A.OE3 3NTTS AT GREENVILLE. S. G, A NI) MILL MAKE LIBERAL CASK 'x. advances on all COTTON liippoil to me through them. A. B. MULLIGAN. Bept 28 1# ly 'HE NICKKRSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA, s- cl\J ILL not be closed on account of the V death of the Proprietor, Wm. A. r m CI IT but will he carried on aa heretofore, y hla widow, Mr*. BARAK L. WRIGHT, nd her aon. WM. 0. WRIGHT. The fiiende f the late proprietor a>? invited to call aa ual BARAH L. WRIGHT. F.b \b 89 If M M. C. WRIGHT