University of South Carolina Libraries
High School, GREENVILLE, S. C. THE next Annual Reaalon of /tn^^^thta SCHOOL will opeo on Monthe 4th of September proximo, To b? admit tad, Pnpila tnoat b> able to read and write, and work ex* mplee In long divlaion in Arlthm?tie. Tuition from $18 eo $88 per Term of Twenty Weeka, to be paid in advaoca. or further Information, ipply for Oircu> lar to Piof. JOHN B. PATRICK, Principal, j Aug 80 17 1 The Democratic Ticket. For Mayor. DR. R. D. LONG. For Aldrrmkn. DR. S. 8. MARSHALL, Ward 1. DR. A. D. HOKE, M 2. THOMAS 8TEEN, " s. JAMES MoPIIERSON, " 4. J. L. HAWKINS. " 5. J. F. CARPENTER. a. Aug 30 "17 Id Citizens' Ticket. . For Mator. J. P. MOORE. For Aldkrmkv. J. A. DAVID. Ward 1. WM. BEATTIE. ? 2. JOHN N.GREER, " 3. J. W. WOOD. " 4. II P. IIAMMETT. M 5. SAM'L STRADLEY, 0. Aug 10 15 Id 1'UK 1V1 AlUK. jm . JB33 as, FOR ALDER31 EX. - DR. MARSHALL?Ward 1. WM. BEATTIE. " 2. JOHN N. GREER, " 8. JOHN FERGUSON, " 4. H. P. 1IAMMETT, " 5. M. M. GAINS, " 0. August D 14 tf Chn.Y Two" Txarpoonfvu of DOolxy'i Yeast to * quart ol floui are necesai v to pruduce extra biscuits, rolls, Ac., while thoso of ordinaiy manufacture re* quire nearly double that quantity. This * owing to Ua perfect purity and extra strength. Aside from this fact, each pack nee contains the full anvunt that is represented. Hence, Dcolky'r is the cheapest best, snd moat reliable in inaiket, and iti'ep It everyone*-:' sll./>l.l|ers Groceis Manufacturers, 69 New Street, New * O' a. \ AllgllSl y 14 4 The Great Pictorial Annual Hosteller's United States Almanac Tor 1872, for distribution, gratis, throughout tbo United States, and all civilised countries of tho Western Hemisphere, will be pubushed about the first of Jauuary, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy o; Wealth should read and ponder tho valuahlo suggestions it contains. In additiod to an admirable medical treatise on tho causes, prevention and euro of a great variety of diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interesting to the u.crcbant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man ; and tbo calculations liavo been tuado for such meridians and latitudes as oro most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary effects of Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters, tho staplo tonic and alterative of more thnn half tho Christain world, aro folly set forth in its pages, which aro also intcrsfWTsod with pictorial illustrations. Valuable receipts for tho household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive and amusing rending matter, original and solccted. Among the Annual* to a|>penr with tho opening of tbo year, this will bo one of the most useful, and winy bo had for the asking- Tbo proprietors, Messrs. llostcttcr A Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by innil to any person who cannot procure one in hie neighborhood. Tho Bitters are told in every city, town and village, and nre extensively used throughout this entire civilised world. w - -W W ww m ^ n: ?? 1IOVV TO OITRR IT At the commencement of the Diarrhoea, which always preeedea an attack of the Cholera, takea a learpoonful of the Pain Killer in sugar and water, (hot if convenient,) and then bathe frrelv the rtnmrch and towels with the Pain Killer clear.? Should ilie diarrhoea or ocomoi continue, repeat lite dore every leu or fifteen minutes until the patient ia relieved. Io extreme (!*?. ?, two or more teaepoonfula may be given at a doae. The Pain Killer, aa an internal rem -dy, hra no equal. In caani of Cholera, Summer Complainta, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cure* in one night l>y taking it internally, and bathing with it freely. lis action ia like niagio, when externally applied to Old Sorer, Burnt, Scalds and Sprains.For Sick Hcailnche and Toothache, don't fail to try it. In sh.>rt, it is a PAIN KILLKtt. Directions accompany each bottle. The Pain Killer is sold l?y all dealer- in &tedicinea. Pricea, 25 cent^ 60 eenta and $1 per hottie. U-4 No RnjoTmirT WtTBooT UrALTn.?Of *11 ho properly we own In the world that which demand* the greateat car# la onr own hodiea. Better loae houaea, land*, balance* in the bank, anything that repreaenta wealth, than the atrength, vigor and elaatioity of the phyaleal frame. The dyapeptlo, the billon* eufTerer, the nervoua invalid, cannot eqjoy the gift* of for* tune. Happily, however, dyapepeia, blliona* neaa and nerveua debility are removable evil*. TAHUANTS SELTZER APERIENT, la a apeoiflo for them. It renovates the atom, aeb, Improve* the appetite, olaanaea the bow* ela, regulate* the liver, calm* the n*rv*a and diainfeota the depraved fluid*. Sold by all Drnggiat*. Aug 9 ^ H 4 Notce IS hereby given to all whom It may eoncern that I will apply to S J. DOUTIL IT. Probata Judge of Greenville fVine to th* lUh day of 8?pt*mb?r noit for a final dia?harff? ua Admioialrator of iho ratal* of David Bl/iha, Sr. AD-JO LOM BLYT11K, AdminUtV. A "gnat 11, 1 #71. 15 4 f T? A r\rVf\T> A \TT tawuh. All I. MEHC THE UNDERSIGNE FACTORAGE AND CO TO GENERAL M ^ M ? d-. IS LARGER AND THAN AND WILL : WHOLESALE AT THE LOV COUNTRY MERCHANTS W. EXAMINE STOCK A SENDING 0RD1 V^T He will also furnish Y Bale at Factory prices. June 21 * run run* nan nvrvsnmst TION, APPLY TO Mm. A G. F EASTER. Mr. THRKt KELl County Surveyor, or 8. G McCLaN'AH AN Aug 23 16 if McDavid & Ball, DEJNTISTS Respectfully offer their pro FE8SIONAL SERVICES lo th citizen* of Greenville and the aurround ing country. Pereona in the countr deviring to have work done at their ret ideneo*, can addreaa either of lha Firrr at Greenville, 8. 0. ALL WORK WARBAHTXP Office, corner of Main and Coffe Street*. j. q. modavid, 1). i). 8. w. ii. balu l>. d. 8. Aug 16 15 tf Jkiow OPPOSITE GOODLETT'8 DRY GOODS 8T0R Next Door to Foster <? Hunter. ^GHEENvTl^Ii: IBMAI.HCOW.Ea?. " -Trnsov, Goueral J Supcrintcudeuti. ber, and continus forty wnm.*' ?- ?ww Every Department will bo found fully organized aud equipped. Tbe Music Department ia In charge ol Professor M. G. DbCauts, aided by competent assistants. Tbe Dopnrtmcnt of Drawing and Painting ia committed to Professor Ai.bkrt Uusrmt, whose tasto and skill Lave won tbe highest commendation. The Primary Departmont will bo re-opened at a reduced rate, in chnrge of Mrs. Sarah L. Hate* of Tuition per Setaion of Jive month*, invariably in adranc.r. Primary Department, (including incidentals.) - tl2 50 Academic 20 50 Collegiate,.. ? 27 60 Language* each ?... 10 00 Guitar, Piano or Organ, 2: 00 Singing in class, (optional.) 6 00 Vocalization, 26 00 Drawing and Painting .'..16 00 to 20 0d Boarding 62 60 For further particulars, apply for Circular! at tbo Book Store, or to Prof. C. II. JDDSON. Aug 16 15 4 SGHOOl MftTtCE, THE SUBSCRIBER respech /1 ... lu'ly g.'vea notice, that lie wil onen a SCHOOL, on the South yj&ipt ride of the ltiv?r, in tlie City o Greenville, on Morday the 411 of September next, which will continue foi sixteen weeks. The exercises of the daj will he d:vlded into two srssions, one in th< Forenoon and another in-the Afternoon. s< as to require scholars to give their <ufir< time and attention to the school, allowinf them suitable intervale for rest and recren, lion. Special attention will he given ti small scholars in 'he first rudiments of En glisli education. The rates of tuition will b' reasonable and classified according to th< studies pursued by the pupils. The government of the School will b< under tlie supervision of n Committee o Trustees For further information apply to Col. II P. Ilammctt, Alexander MeBee, Eeq , Gen W. K K talry, CUpt. Leonard Williams, or ti the Prinripal. JAMES II TAYLOR, Principal. Greenville, Aug., 23, 1871. 10-3 F 0 HJU I, B. A VALUABLE IHVER FARM. I OFFER FOR SALE my FARM on Soutl Saluda. Ahout Five Hundred Aore*. I large p-oportion of which ia vory RICH RIVEK AND CREEK BOTTOM, IN A HIGH STATU OP CULTIVATION. rr/v r? nM nmrr r if ci/i n 1/ i ) COMMISSION HANT. D HAS ADDED THE MMISSION BUSINESS HIS ERCH AND I?E. iltfi 8 MORE COMPLETE BViilR, B E S OLD A T 2 OR RETAIL / E 8 T PRICES. fZZ DO WELL TO CALL AND IND PRICES BEFORE IRS ELSEWHERE. ARNS and SHIRTINGS by the T. W. DAVIS. tr FINANCIAL. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BUY AND SELL GOLD AND SILVER. ALSO, BUY AND SELL E XCHJ1JYGE ON New York. Baltimore, AND OTHER CITIES. T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, 8. C., June 0, 1871. June 7 6 FOR SALE. 0 TH E HOUSE AND LOT IN the CUy of Greenville, present residence of the suhscriber. Tho LOT contains ' three acres, most conveniently and pleasantly situated, west of tho IUvcr, corner lthett and 1 River Streets, with a front of raoro than 300 ' feet on each. Tho . DWELLING HOUSE and situation is considered one of the best in Greenville, with tho usual and necessary Ont buildings. Tbere is a fine VEGETABLE GARDEN and WELL of the purest cold water, which ever failt. Tbere are abundance of 811ADK 1 TREES, of native growth, and EVER URKENS on tho Lot. f For terms and further particulars, apply to i G. F. TOWNKS, Proprietor, r July 28 12 tf t ; State of South Carolina. ! GREENVILLE OOUNTY. Court ot Common Picas. j i/r?. 11'. C. Speer vi. It. Furman Wkilden. BY virtue of the Decretal Order of Jtdge >Ha, I will sell, at Greenville, C. II. e on Salesday In September next, to the high est bidder, all that certain, piaco parcel anc Tract of Land described in the pleadings situate in the County of Greenville, adjoin ing lands of Taylor, McKinney, Loftis anc * others, containing 278 meres, nut's <>r less and known as the Barrett Mill place, oti 9 South Tyger River. Terns?Cash. J L. SOUTHERN. S O. C. Sheriff's office, 8th August, 1871. Public Notice. Orrtoa Board Couktt Commismonrks, ) Gr axis vi (.lb, S. C., August 8, 1871 \ ALL pereona holding claims against the County, must present them, proper ly attested, by Friday, the 1st of Septem. I Iipp navl Ia (Iia P.ntnl v PtimmiitSunsta (f i order to have them audited. W. A. HUDSON. i Chairman of Board. August 9 14 4 notice! * 7f? I-L parties indebted to W. II '* IIOVEY and to IV. II HOVEY & CO. will make pay merits by 1st September, as longei indulgence will not be given. W. n. IIOVEY <fc CO. Aug 2 #13 tf i ' NoticeDeputy Collector'* Orrrct, 1 GaaaaviLLa, 8. C., Aug , 1A, 1871. ] IN conformity with the requirements a the Internal Revenue Lews, I h-reb; Rive notice to all persons who mey claim ' , Two horse WAGON and HARNESS, on 9 MULE, one blind MARE, Or.? large l'Js * TOL, six KF.G8, two earlr* of 6AI.T an< 6 sundry other articles, which were Srlz'd nea | Piekensville on the fourteenth of August - in the possession of Ool. Nimmons, beoaur nf a vSnlstlnn nf Vntasnal Rowaniia T s ns I, l" mako such claim betor* ms within thlrt; >i days from the first publication of thi tiotlcp. A. COBB, Deputy Colleotor 3d District 3. 0; ^ Aug 16 IS 4 CITY ELECTION. AN RlMtton for MAYOR and SIX Ai DKKMKN of .'an City of OraaoTill will ba hold on Monday, lltA of &*j>tembr ntx _ Tha Polls will ba opaaad at tba New Com Hones at 6 o'clock A. M.. and alossd at o'clock P. M. Tba Managers will pressed I oouot tbo votes Immediately after tjie poll 9 are stored, and declare tba Rise lion. Tba aball also sarrs each maw bar with a wriUe notloa of bis election. Maraopm?Cept. O. O. Wills, Capt. S L. Lirsconss, and Tmak Willlanison. B T.C. OOWKR, Mayor. A. R. McDattb, City Clark. Ang 16 15 4 I CAROLINA LIFE IN! UtEiltPniS, 1 JEFFERSON DA BUTLER & BLACK A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURREND AtftQl OTHER ? OFFERED BY X U.. ? ?/ Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, a handsome lot of Miles <& Sons' Cloth Laced and Gongre.a GAITERS ; a fin* assortment of Children's and' SHOES; Laced and Button i Cl?th nd Kid BOOTS and GAITERS; another'ot of tkosa Cheap Ctoth GAITERS, At FOSTER A HUNTER'S. OILS, OILS, OILS. Linseed oil. lubricating oil, FARMERS' OIL, For sale at M A HUNTER A CO'A Quilts, Quilts, Quilts. MARSAILLES QUILTS at a hnrtjnin, MOSQUITOE NETTING, Pink and White LACE CURTAINS, very wide and very handsome, at FOSTER A HUNTER'3. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY For sale at M. A. HUNTER ?fc co'3. Fans, Fans, Fans. 117 OOD. PAPER and SILK FAN*. ' T Palm, Palm*t:o and Chip FaNS. ( 8I!k and Scotch f.ingham PARASOLS, Ladies' UMBRELLAS. At FOSTER A HUNTER'S. PAINTS, PAINTS. WHITE LEAD, (Pure nud Premium ) 4 l a ?ery low price. For tale by M. A. HUNTER A CO. Crackers, Crackers. FRESH Butter and Soda CRACKERS, Fresh Stick CANDY, At FOSTER A HUNTER'S. TlNEUAii, x Linn 11. nv>.. TTT . TETTER'S BETTERS. For sale by M. A. HUNTER A CO. June 11 . tf DRUGS Harrison & Marshall Have just received a complete stock of JYE W GOODS, At their Old 8tore, opposite Mansion Jlpudo Our Stock of DRUGS is full and complete PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with caro CLARET WINE For tho Summer at $'2 per gallon. Cheap by the Doieti. IIostetter's Bitters, Plantation, Sumptcr, Carolina and Vinegar Bitters at Wholesale or Retail. ! Ridley's PIIILOTOKEN?the Female friend. Millvillo FRUIT JAR, tho best in use. ALES. PORTER, WINES. BLACKBRRi RY CORDIAL and BRANDY, a fine article. A large Stock of j r> ? ?^ m ? ui&ars ana omoKinjj lODacco WHITE LEAD, OILR, VARNISHES, Ac. STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, and ENVELOPES?? full Stoch. In order to m:iko room for our FALL 6TOCK, wo will soil, at greatly , REDUCED PRICES, A lot of tlie following Quods : I LAMTS, PERFUMERIES, POMADES. BRUSHES, and other OOODR. j BARGAINS TO BE HAD FOR CASH. TOILET SOAPS?cheaper thnn ever, j TATENT MEDICINES?a full Line. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN, WILL BE KF.PT nED HOT WITH ICE ALL SVnUER. LEMON SUGAR and LEMON SYRUP. July 12 10 tf All Ordinance Against Plating Obstructions in the Street* Sidewalk*, and for other purpose* BE IT ORDAIN P.P. That no persona hall place in any Street, or on any Sidewalk, any empty B->xea, empty Casks. or other CJhsinetions of any kind. Be if further ordained. That no person hall drive a dray, wngnn, o r cart, through (lie Streeta finder than a walk; nor - ehall run a horae or mule in the Streeta. r per ride in a disorderly manner, nor ahall drive, ride, or plaee any horse, n.ule, or othvr anima', or any kind ut carriage, on any Sidewalk or on any Slice', which inter eel* any aide or other walk, in sticli a manner at to prevent the free passage of persona; Provided, alteay*, That this Ordi pane shall pot prevent wagons or olher carriage from loading or unloading at all ! placet neaeaeary. ' fin it further /1 y i hi i n Pi I Tint no ni-rioni ' shall d>po?ii anj firewood or Shaving*, f brickbats or other refu?e of building mi * Uriel*, ia the Streets and permit the aam? H to remain there for a longer period than * one day to the announce of the pohlio. And b* it further ordained. That any r person violating this ordinance altall l>e * fined on conviction not exceeding Ten Dol * lam for each day inch obatrnc'.iou tltall 0 ex'?t. f Done ar.d ratified under the corporate aeal * of aaid Town of Greenville. on lite fifth day of February in thevear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty rix. H. LEK THURSTON, luten't. W. P. PRICE, Town Clerk. Augnst 10 10 ft ' Opt* modern eourae of living begets a ' condition of the body (bat requires oor' eealonal relief The ayatom beoomea en? feebled, deranged, clogged, and labors in u iu taak. The mind sympathises with it _ and both aink, or are depreaaed together.? n To restore the vital energies, purge the system?ulense the blood?take Ayer'e I.' IT'la.? Olatgom (Ky) Free Prc*t. Subscribe for tie ENTERPRISE, $2 por urnum. SURANE COMPANY, TENNESSEE. YIS, PRESID'T. , STATE AOENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED ER VALUE PLAN, WANTAGES, '111$$ COMPANY. 62 tf SPRING & SUMMER M&MMIBY. Jlist Returned from New York. MRS. JENNINGS hns returned with a full stock of MIL^g&Kfi| LINKRY and other GOODS, suited to the wants and desires of the ladies, to which she RnViN would iueite an examination.? ?f/fuf Sho will have a GRAND Ol'EN Pllw 1NG on Thursday 27th inat., WlAV and will be pleased to see such of her friends on tho occasion as uiay huvo the timo to attend. Location, two doors bolow the well-known storo of Messrs. W. II. Ilovey A Co. A ->-:i ?ia ? * ?,? j a ir SAM'L BLACK, UB .A*. EI?. BS J5ZZ E & 9 WOUT.I) r? spec tfi.llv inform liie friends and pntrons thnt he hat removed It is R A It R E It SI! O V To the Old Court 11 uus', second room on llie loll, where he will be g'ad to tee hie customers, promising them satisfnction in all blanches of hie business. Juno 14 6 tf W. K. EASI.KV. O. O. WELLS EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, S. C., PRACTICE in the Courts of the Stato and of tho United States, and giro especial mention to cases iu bankruptcy. June 13 3 XV i-i B" iJU Does eleven difT rent kinds of work. Easily managed, and 1 warrant, tlient to give pot feci satisfaction ; have sold forty or lifty in this place; have them always on hand. Call and examine them before buy lug any oilurs. O. A. TICKLE. Greenville, S. C-, June 28, 1871. 8lf Tho State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fori Facia*, to tuo directed, I will noil, before tho Court Iionso door, on Salen-day in ficjttfmher tiext, between tho hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in the altcrnoon, AH Dofcndant'a tight title End Interest in nil that piece, parcel or Trnct of Land known as tli? Chicks Springs property, and coniuum ? iwo nuntirea nnu n?iy nnrfi, more nr Ifiw, mid adjoining lands of A. Taylor and Thus. Toy lor, and others Levied on a* the property of It. B. Chirk, at the suit of M. 1). Dinkey. All that Plantation or Trnet of Land on which Defend nit now reside*, containing 1000 acres, more or less, nnd adjoining laud* of R. J. 8nnt1l and S. O. McClamialinn, and others. Levied on aa the property of K. S. frvine, at the suits of Jane E. Green and A. Green. One Tract of Land containing one hundred and eighty-five acres, more or loss, f ounded hy lnnd* of Elizabeth Peden, W. L. Hopkins and others, situato on a branch of Reedy Iliv? er. Sold as the property of Charles Terry, at he su'.t of I*. D. Curetoo. Terms?Cash. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. Au? 9 14 id Notico. IS horeby given to nil whom it may concern, that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Prol?ato Judge, of Greenville County, on the 7lh day of September next, for a final discharge aa Trustee of Lemuel Jacobs. It. II. KARLE, Trustee. August 7, 1871. ' 1* td Notice. IS hereby given to all whom it may concern that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on tho 6tb day of September next, for a Final Discharge as Administrator of the Estate ot II. C. Dill, deceased. All parties having claims against said dorenaed will present them on or before said day or he debarred. JAMES N. TAYLOR, Aduiint'r. i ......t A 1C1 I I J I.I THE MILLS HOUSE CHARLESTONS. C. PARKER $ Co. Proprietors. FIRST CLASS IIOTRL. BOARD, PER DAY *3 00 Home unci Lot For KhIo, I am now offering *1 Pri> v?!e Sr.l* thai No. 1 Family St3@jle l'e'^'nee nocti> Ri'[ijfil |>y R-v. W. D. Thomas. Tin. is w.-ll known t<? I e one of tl?e> m<?t dn?|rabl? residence* in the ei'y, oh one ol the highest points. Hoii.a has Six large snl comfortable rooms, with fire pinna in each r?>"fn. K lichen allanhrd In I he House. Oo"'l Servant# acconunodation, Fine Well n<l Oirtern. Superior garden Spot, RCaiitifit! I<awn In front of Residence, studded with nolde old oak tree#. The lot eon tains acres of crround. Parlies da tiering lo purchase this properly can in' speal Iho time lijr calling at the liouae Such an oppoitunity f<r securing a delight fal home seldom oecnrs. For tcrma, Ac , npplv to. JUIdtTS C. SMITH, Auction A Commission Merchant, Greenville, S C. July It II tt PHOTO GBAPHING. HAVING recently filled up the room over Whitrntra A Ferguson's Slote Willi elegant lights, I am propaied lo di ! ? _ i . 0 mil \T< \nu tnuiVA II KID1> 0> rill'lliuikni iiinu, av ihort nolle?. 8atUfa<*tion gunrtntcd to nil W. M. WUEELKK. Nay 21 ? If. 1* ~ 1 ?? #55 2 Wfffflf $A$h? ane MtOU&'MMtt ASS? ! DRESSED Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Boa Over a hundred different Patterna of 1 tor sale at New York price*. Mantel-Piece*, hort notice. Stair Hail, Newel* and Balloate to order. Good and Snhatantlal Work made a* ehea United State*. We have on hand the largest lSaltiicore, all of which we guarantee will gir Substantial Work. The subscriber* can refer Carolina and Florid*, a* to the character of tl Opposite Wando Fertilise! Works, and it Pavilion Hotel*. Mi K. It. Re Railway's Ready Relief CURES TI1E WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT OXE HOUR after I'-ading this advertisement need any one si.flVr with pain. Radway's Ready Relief is a cur* for every pain. It ?a< tin- first ni d is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that inn'antly slops the most excruciating fairs nil iy* imfl.imntionn, nod cures congestion*, whether ot the lung-, stomach, Ir./wc'.a.^ir other glands or organs, by one applies! ion. In from one to twenty minute*, no mnl? l?r !...? -- 1 . . t .. - - "i r*Tnig|,n ui|( uie pain the Rheumatic, Bfii ridd'n, Infirm, Crip pled. Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated willi dis-ea^e may suffer, RAD W AY'S READY RELIEF Will afToid instant ease. Iiifl immation of the Kidneys, inflamniation ot the Bladder, inflammation of the Bowels. Oonjcsticn of the Lories,Sore Tliront, Difficult Biealhing, Palpitation of the llonrt. Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache' T?o"thach?, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chill-, Ague Chills. The npp'icalion of the Ready Relief to the put or parts where the pa'in or diffi, CUI i V ^y IUI ft W f 1^-aimJ n^im fttrl ir* Diarrhea, Dysentery, Co'ic, wind in llie Bowels, nud all lnic<??l Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway'a Ready R-liif with them. A lew drops iti water will prevent sickness or I ains In m chang-- of water It is be.tter tnso French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cuted for fifty cent*.? There is not a remedial agent in this world that w ill cure Frver and Ague, and all oth er Malarious, Bilou*, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by Railway's PilD) ao quick as Radway'a Ready Relief. Filty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pure Rich B'ood?Increase of Flesh and Weight? Clear Skin and beautiful Complexion secured <o till. OR. RADTVAl'S SARSAPAKILLIAN It I.SOLVL1NT Ilns ninde the most nstohishing cures: so quick, ao rapid sre the changes the body undergo*** under me n 11 tence 01 mis iruiy \von?lnful medicine, that Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weightis Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PUBIFIER. Every ?lrop of the Sarsnparillian ItesolVf nt communicates through the blood, went, urine, and o her fluids nnd ju'Ces of the system the vigor of life, f..r it repairs tlie wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, syphilis, consumption, glandular diseases, ulcers in the throat, mouth, tumois. nodes in the glands and other parts of the system, snre eyes, strtiiitorous discharges Irom the ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases. eruptions, f ver sores, scald liend, ring worm, sill rhetim, eijsipelas, *rpc, idaek spots, wormi in lite fl alt, tumors, cancers in the womb, nnd nil vveikening and painful discharged night sweats, loss of sperm and all wastes ol the lift! principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of modern chemistry, and a few days'use will prove to any per son using it. for either of these fotms of dis ease its potent power to cure thetn. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes nnd decoo position that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting those waslis, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy b'O'.d?nod this the Satenpariilian will and , rlo? s secure?a evtra \* c?rtain; for when once this remedy commences its work ol purification, and ancc-eda ill diminishing ihe h as of wastes its lepairs will he rapid and every day Ihe patient will feel himsel growing better and stronger, the food di geeti'g hotter, spoetiie improving, and flesh and weight increasing , Not only does the Ssrsaparillisn Resolv enl excel all known r. nieUial agents in ih< cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional end Skin diseases; but it is I lie only posilive cure for Kidney end Bladder complaint#, I' incrv end Womb di-casea. Gravel, Die1 D'opay, Btoppage of Watir, Incontii e>>. of Urine, lbghi's Dire-tec, Albuminuria, end in ell cases where liter* are luick duet deposits, or the vrater is tltii-k, cloudy, mixed with tub?tance* like the while of an egg, or threads like white ilk, or whe e is n morbid, dark. bilious ap pesranoa, and while l>?n# el net deposit#, and when there it a pricking, burning s nattion when passing water, and psiti in the 8 it* I of the Hack and along the Loins Br. Radway's Perfeot Pyrgativa Pills, Perfectly ta-'elcs, eWantly enated with j sweet gum. puig?, regulsta. puriiy. cleansend strengthen. Kadway's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of thi ""ttornaeh, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nei von# diseases, llesdaeha. Constipation, Oostl venose, , I ndigestion , Dyspepsia, Bibousnosa Biliom I Fever, lnfl mistion of the Bowels, Piles, and all Deisngemsnts of the Internal Viseeta. Warrtnted to effect a ptisllive cure. Pure ? |y Vegel able, cniitaining no ineioiuy, minerals, or dcleteiions drugs. 1 Observe the following symptom* resultIng from Disorders of the IHgeetlve Organs; Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness ol .1. . nt . J !_ fl-.J A It f sk.Ut. ino i>i?MKJ in trie iiaiu, acmihj ??i incv^ium noli, Nrniien, Heartburn, Dia^u-t or P??<?d Putin* m or Weight in lb* Stomach, Boui K< uot at iona, Sinking or Fluttering at th< Pit of the 8?o*n??h, Swimming of the Head (lurried and Difficult Hivathiny. A ft-w doaca of (tndwuy'H Pilta the ayalem from ail the above n*'"ttotd by * dera. Price, 26 centa per ^ l>r?ggUta. roe/. g.nj on# let>? Read " Pa m ^ AY ^ c0 No. 87 Mnl f l,r ",AmP f}?w Yo>h. Information worth Jul, ?0 i? 'r V ^ S> & A IT H ?T G Hlhtt. rd?, Shelving, Box Board*, Ac., Ao. Houl^ngs, making over 100,000 feet on hand Door and Window Frames mad* to order at ra of Walnut and Mahogany, on band and mad* p at this establishment as can bo made In th* stock of the aboT* Goods south of th* City o( entire satisfaction f> all who want Good anp to gentlethcn all over this State, Georgia, North leir work for the past twenty years. V. P. RUSSELL & CO., EAST END 11A SKI. RTRKKT i the immediate xicioity of Charleston end rch 16, 1871. 45-t 8 31 [doors, sashes, BLINDS, &c. P P. TOAL E, Manufacturer and Dealer, A'o. 20 Jlnyne Street and IIurlbeclc't Wharf, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Vr This is the Uree?t and meet cenpl?-le Factory of the kind in tl^e Southetp Statue, end all articles in thin line can h? turn i?he<l by Mr. P. P. Toalz at pi iced which defy com| etition. pamphlet with full and detailed CHARLESTON, S. O. July 12 10 ly. 18 A CARD. ' 1 ?5> MY FRIENDS AND PATI FY\ have my thanks for past ' HKiI^Bfavors, Ac. I continue to make I additions to my Stock of JEWSIj- Bt? HY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPEC1 ICLKS, 8 II. V E It l' I. A T E liflBSBi WAKE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special #' tontion given to repairing fine Watches, and Time Piece* of every description. JAMES Q. BLACK. Jan 18 3b if Subscribe for The Greenville Enterprise?only $2 a jenr. 1871 Spring Trade. 187L Cro qftct Complete sets from $3 to $20 per set. Rate Ball*. All tho diflcrcnt kind* at reJnecd prices. l iKhiiiR Tackle. Of every description. Traveling Rag*. For ladies and gentlemen. Foreign Fancy Goods. CI ana and Pistols of all Kind* and I'riccs Ammunition, SportKincu'k Goods, Goods shipped to suiy part of tho country per express. The same careful attention given to orders hy mail as to personal purohasas Price* for" our goods based on gold at par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALT2M0BE, VP. , _ Ma rob 22 46 ly_ COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. ., -V7M. GOTKUjLN, I'uOritZETOR TMIE Propr otor of the pleasantly located ' I f?.?l.t.o.l T?.f .1.11.1. the State Capital, d? sires to infnim the travelling public and others seeking accommodation*. tlint I lie "Colombia" is in every respect n fiist-class Ilolel, onsuipas-ed ' t>v any ' > the State or the Unitid Stat?s. ' Situated iii tlie Vitiriness centre of ths city,1 with fine huge niry rooms, si d a table sup plied willi hhi y delicacy of tlie season, both ' from New Y?rk and Charleston markets, tlie Proprietor pledgee that no < (Torta wilf ' lie spared to gi\e | ei feci enlisfuction In ere-' ry respect. A first c'ass Livery Stable is attached lo ' "the Hotel, nhete vefiicI n of every dr.scrip tion can I c had ut tlie alior'est notice. Omnibuses at> iid the arrival aid defsr tuio of every Tiain. WMGOLMAN. Pii piietor and SuperIn'cndent. J, D BUDUS, Carhier. Pe?> 16 SO-tf ; ipllP ZMyfkr EftWHEEL, MillGearint,Shaftin6X Pulleys 1 ?0<P* HU^%lMORE*f SEND FORACIROUUULj^ , U > ' 2M ly Land for 8alfr,?..w ' A^rroVu^'t^iEKN plitTr . eluded to Roll M paoffer* to sell a )<>t ot r accordingly. *" southwest corner, running p ten acre-oolfotn, about 6*2 arrea, at $40 per acre Three Lola of 10 acrea each, hordeilng ' V.n the eaat on the Parti Mountain Road, and on the west on landi of H. P. Hammtt, Kaq., at $40 per acre. Alao, one Lot ot trn actt? of Woodland, on the northwest eorner, at $60 per acre. Dividing feneea to be built by the ' purchaser. Pertons desiring further Information may i ?? ".?? a is W?Ua_ or to the auhsrri* ' ' JAMES* C. FURMAN. J Ang 2 1.1 tf