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A Rat in a Darkey's Stomacb. An u)d darkey in the fourth district, New Orleans, lias daily for months past selected the doorstep of a prominent residence for his noon day nap. Ueing driven <?fl" 0:10 day he cotnes the next. With his head thrown back pud his mouth wide open, he snores away, to the exceeding discomfort of the inmates. Called to the door by this disgraced dwapason a lew days since, tlie lady ft' trie house concluded slio would try an expo riment. For this purpose she pro onred a small piece < i ice and dropped it into the hug? critic that serves Sambo's mouth. It disappeared like a shot," and with a couch and a snort, Sambo started to his feet. 14 Ugh ?" ho cried, as the ice sent violent tlniils through his stomach. 44 What dis?** and his finger clutched nervously the ufiliutcd parts. Just tlien some one cried out in the house that a hig rut had run downgrade Sam's*' throat.? This added terror t bis pain.? IIo rolled on the bamiue'to aiul 1 i., i ? i .. j* .. l 1 . er.uu msiuv ;or nu.p. " l4\?io G ?1, missus, he's gua.ving out'n mo I toll liitn. Oil, golly, he's kill'n me," and ho whites <d t!io darkey's eyes pro'niding like ?11*1001*8, and the eonvul-e I and anguished fare, showed tl-at real pain was strongly enhanced by his imaginary terror. u Oh, iT'tllv, how ho do j imp ai.d kick about," and San '?> again i' tvo himself up to a paroxysm o! lamon'a'ioM. " Drink warm water, InoU Sam, and drown him," tiie lady tugye- ted. Without a moment's hesitation Sam started f<r the water phi;*.? He turned on the crank and the water started. Sam joined his li, s to the nozzle until his sides were pulled out like an inflated balloon. k% How do you foil now, I'ncle Sam?" the lady imputed ir Sam staggered hack to his Peat. *4 I ^iil'58 he's drowned, in's-ms ; but here's what trublin' dis eliile ; hows dat rat gwiuo to ire' out'n dare ?" A Promising E07, A certain judge, while atteiidin ' .C: ui twiu_a abbe tow n, was some cattle in. llis fat 11 or tdood in thy door ol his house, on the opposite sidy "I the road, 5in:l seeing what his ho| eft11 was doing, shouted out. ' John, don't ymi drive thur cattle in there; 1 t> hi \<>;? t > put them into the pasture behind the house." The hoy tonic t:n notice whatever el' the remonstrance, and his lath or repeated the order i:i a louder tone, with the same elVeet ; ami the third time ^ n v o pos-itjve orders not to drive the caldo in there. The son didn't deign to look up, nnd disobeyed the | areiit iujui.c lion with ft coolness wiiich po-bvo ly shocked I lie judj. e, who, looking at the culprit, said in a lone <>'. *ollieial dignity,? " Boy, don't von hearyor.i father speaking to yon '{" u()h vans." icplied the I???y, looking :vt the judge, ik but i d n't luind what he says. Mother d?.Vt neither, and 'tween she and 1 wove 'boat g??t the dog so he don't." AN TON*?uANT Lmti.K (YSS.? 1'arson ()., a well Known New Knglaiid t.ivirie, used to tell the following fetorv with evident reli.-! i : As was the cu-tnm in those (Jay9 lie had taken -into his family a jioor lad as " chore hoy." It occurred to him, o? o day. that he ought to interest kin.sell in the lad's welfare. Acting upon the thought, ho at called liiin into hi- study and with visage solemnly comj oeed, according to the pattern thin detuned most desirable when icli pun was the topic, addressed the urchin as follows : " Sam, do you know that you are a sinner'{" 14 Yes," faltcringly replied > Sa.n. j " Do you know what will he- . coine of voti, if you do not re j pent?'' ^ j Receiving no coherent reply, he . launched into repcntence and ro d< mption, encouraged l?v the evi- j lent impression made I ?v his words, and feeling no small e<?ni- ' ]>unction the while, (lint he ha 1 so neglected a * unhject of grace " bo promising. At last a vacant and wan lering look roused a sudden suspicion, to verify which he inquired. " Sam, what is a hi unci ? Imagine the situation when the "subject of grace" promptly re sponded : " Sinner, sir ? Yen, sir ; S'nners i; strings in turkeys' legs, sir." The ftirt' v.v "I the parson's face relaxed. < 11ah.n't any I' i i.i.ino.?The worst joke that was ever perpetrated oti scientific men took place recently at Louisiana, Mo. A * l - l l ? man was hick wiiii riiciunaiiPtn, i r Komctliing, and ft fellow went around to the doctors and profcssoi'R ai.d thing?, and told tlicrn that it \v?6 the ijuecrcst caao on M ' * * record. He said the man had no 1 feeling. Yon could stick pins in his body all over, and lie paid no attention to them at all. lie was perfectly numb. So the doctors got together, ami called on tho siek mail to experiment. All arrived with pins and needles and bodkins. The man was asleep and they all got around him, and each one stuck his pin into the patient. The siek man rolled over j and looked at tho crowd, and thought they had come to dissect him, so he took a chair in one I hand and a bed post in ilie other, i suit! drove the cruwu thence? ; J i 1 hey aronnnnd with their heuds i tied u;>, looking; tor the man who enid that sick matt had no feeling. " M. C lll'TlER. . F. 1*. Vi'lU'K. C. C STKI IO NBUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, I Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, CHKEWILLE, S. C., Will rrr.clico in the Ccuits of tho State r.nd of tho United States, at 1 tl I (mijiBLi nom,! I'UEjU.IIEifl.l, S. i\, c-cnr.rAi", l' ' f ' 115! IV ojr c-of ?<f I In* 111 i? < an 11 v torn! d i ?-|. trnut 1 v fnriiiflic t IC'inMifli, 111?*it<. : i i lit* Staic (V>|<it tl, ?>M<> iu'iii m Ii ilif triii'c IItiv |<iili'ii* iii .I t.ilit rs ?. ehM"^ neciiiii i.o.'ii:!.!!,* t Iiit Mm "tViliiiiiliin" i.i in t v\ i' -p.ft -i li ll"ti'1, nntiiipas.vl I 1 > n i .\ in i he St .!< or the I'nil .it Siui.s , ) Situ Moil in llit* Inei i. immiIiv <if the eitv, tl i I. It. ! .1 V 1 I ,.1.1. II .! il W illi I Vl'l V l'.l!il'llt'\ <>! I I: V J)rll.?Oll , l-l ll. tn hi Nnv Y.'lk nliil CI lii'nViiii tiinik.N. 1 tin' I'tdpri. ti.r | !? i!i:?i> 'I.jii i i) i ir?i'H will ' ! ! jk.iii! !? jji i v pi-: !ccl ui.-faetiuti in every i. ip. i t. 4 , A lii-t ii?n-?!> I.iv.ry Fti'-J, ntlnclicil In tl..i |! .I.-!, w lit'i *i vrliiulig < ! i-vi-rv o. scrip t on van t v I.a ! a" ill- kIh r'i-.<i iii't'vv. ; < tin a 11, n -.? nt ti ml tin* in 11\ il hi il ili*| nr tmc uf vwiv Train. \YM (it illM.VN, |'iup; i. tni ri i il Sn| i i iii'. inlonl. | .1. IX lU;i?l>s, 4'n?lii. r. Fob 10 :}U-if 53 Water wheel, Mill Gea~rin^,Shaftin?& Pulleys r| * ? SEND FOR A CIRCULARISE^: | I lv^ - i'y c*o (.'??<{ fific:?!<{) YitCisotif 5*1:1*1' CHooil. in &* ti e* lo & a n n . I I AN,) ] QUEEN'S DELIGHT I WILL IT HI FY Til K II LOO I) ! ] . i AN i> UliVOV K I 1 I Liver plaint, Kliotiina- r | VjP^Lin. Si:i<itu!:i, l'ni litnu les. | Skill 1 (i'mMm:!", I'.iilis ill tli.-j I 1 )> -pi-p- in, l'i-c;i-?i ?l , llii* Kidney* iitiil I'll idiicr, p.iin in tli<* ! 1*> u k and Loin*, mid nil lim \:imhii> ; AilmnnlH prod ii.'.-d I?v Impute I'dooH 'i i nix! \ i 'Sitt?.*?] Senvtioiw. I'll;/ our Jlottlr anil try it, ami i/' it / </.. tn yii\ any rc'iif, liny no more. \ I?!t <Kll'S 1.1X1MKNT or PAIN ! N I K A< "Iill i >> <>.i! in 1(1.i m, N.-n ( [ lilluin, lli-iiduulir, r.iill ill tin; Hack, I I Si raid-, A-.-. i ( I >11. f?!.AZKX Mil's I'A M5I.V V I'.'i K'l AHid". !.l\ I.1! I-1 J.I.S nr.- .-all- icim-Ainl nj^i'ni" In i.viiciiiiii' ! ' i :in^<anfiit i I i lie IA Vet ii i m1 J ?? I" <i;fv l!i? l'it'iiil. 1?!I. (. I.A/1MN Ilii'S CollC It IIMI.IKK ? _ : i x1! ii' f >r nil f >?P* of P. iit'i "f nn\ ki'i-',! 'i < in < ? 11j In t'oii-'iinptinii ; Bitliiiti/li i n' l tl.ln-dili'i] I ? ritrr I hi; Initr tin. ii-.-, 1? i 11 li-lli'f will l > I--W it- lis-'. I 'I lie iiln-vi* Medi.-i.Mi: ore pr- j .m-.! f V ''V ( III: fill IIS I., CLAZMNi:if, : 1J I A;niii;r;ia!llt'iii|{ Onijj: , | V (i tj?-1>\ 11'? . S. (' J r." ~ I 1 1 ^ jreucnuly. 1 | May 10 1 If ? " "" I > l,V> A CWUD. I 1 ] xiv fi:ii:ni?.s and i?.\t- __ 7r * t|oii.? lnm-i'i;. I lan k* for pa*! Jf I'avnr*. Sir. I < < !.Iii:11> ( > make J . I i 111 !. - lull;'. I rli I I .II!WI\1, 6y,,> *}*jLy 1 l:V. WWTCIII.S, < l.oi KS. <i'i;r 1 i H s I I, v K It 1.1, \ T i; I> H WAlIi;. tajm.k < i n.iiuv, Ac. al at- | cli jjivt-ii li? pf'air.''/ til"! M'aleln , at.i! m Time Piece* al" every riplion. j m JAM Kh (i. KI.ACX. rit 1 in IA ;{j if ((s I.S71 .?l"'i?KTrailc. |371.| Croquet ,HI \V' Complete *it* from 5> > I" Jf20 per .*< t. IfillM* I'll lis. All llie ilir.crent kimN nt reiluneil price*. I"i*l?iii^ lacklc. Of n< ry ilercriplioii. Trill F >r ln?li<mill pciillcim n. i - b'<> reij;)) l aix y' (iood?( <? mi* ;i n<l i'i?loli ?( sill siii?I I'fict'K /liuimiitilioii, SpOllvtllCll'l (ioodl, ( .in!* rliippci) In any purl nf the cmiiilry I per < \pri h. 'J'lie "iiiiih careful all. ini"n j;iv- /I i ii I nri|er.? l?jr mail a* In peruana I pnreliain *. \J I'l'ici* for mir (fooilii liiircil mi K"'1' par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., son tr. //.i /. timoi:/; s77/A/;/'. 18 BALTIMORE. MD. SI Mareli 22 1b Iy SAMTi BLACK,"' i bse 'a. ca aKi*:ci4 ~ w. 1 IMil'IJi respectfully inform hi* friend* t T nii'l jniron* that. he line removed hie ii \ i: ii i: ii * ii o i* A< To the Ohl < Joint I lone", eeeoml room on the loft, where lie will he g'ml In we hi* eiietomer* lirnmi?ir(? f-.,' I * ni-ICIUM IIMI lfll II'I J'r?nrli#>? i.l It in l?u<ino4H I . 1 H?t .1 i.o 14 ? t[ JUUKS, SASHES, BLINDS, See. P- 1\ TOALE Manufacturer mul Dealer, 20 IhiijHc Street <in<i IlurlbreL't W'hnrf, ] CHARLESTON, S. 0. This Is the larpe't nn.l most c in? >h te Factory of tl?* kind in the Southern tatra, fti.?. ull articles in this line can he liruishcil by Mr. 1*. 1'. Toalk at prices ihloh defy ceini clition. A pamphlet with full and detniled isi of till sizes of Doors, Sa-he* and Blinds, ml the prio-s of ouch, will be sent ftee t.d post paid, on application to V. I\ Tonic, CrrAIiLESTOX. S. C. July 12 10 ly. ? i) i) i vn P C IT \I \l I? 1> M 1\IAU iYr OUiUJlUll mwmimY. Just Returned from New York. MKS. JliXNINOS has returned with a full stock ol MILLIN KKY and other U O 0 1) S, nflSglJ} -uiti '1 to the wants nn?I desires jrfjMmBiP of the Indies, to which she *zj?% I?W would invito an examination.? * rj/l^l Phc will have a < HAN I) OPKN/ i? IN(; un Thursday, 27th iimt., fi'Lrl and will he |dea?'id to see such ,f her trie ads on tho occasion us may have the t'.mo to attend. Location, two doors below the well-known dore of Me.-fri. \Y. II. llovey <L Co. AjU'il 20 1 A tf B. WEHELE rl J AS just .rotui netl with a well rj selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Slim SILVER MS PLATED MSI Table Cutlery, &c. HIS Suvk was personally po oc.UhI from the V)ebt lieu sea in }j.'R ri'Uii LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. liny the 11 est?1l is the Lh>apc&t. UK To ContinHcm of White Lend Everywhere* i r i s u x k q u a l i: i). 1-t. 1* jr W* ???itijf ami ('ovcring I'lcp-rtie*. 4*1. ! *?>r \\ liit^-ne** :u <1 It-nuty <if l*"inis'i. til. For I ni'o ist I'ltM-iiei"* cif (!r*n<lirii?. Illi. Snmi' will ?] ? in (. 11* niiil holier work, ill n uivoli c?Hl, limn ntiy other. ?l!i. Mo-i i', V\ !iit? J.fii,1 ever inI r<i<lue-il. Illi. If you w:m!i Id proeurc a.? much value n* | iniililc fur your moii-y mid Meruit* lianilsitniv and dutnlde work, usw PJHE LIB? R I V WhITC icm .nil I k. LUMl/t ;Yy it nnd he fmivinccil. Sntiefiu'tion f.;iAiii?i'l h_v llio MiinuMctureis. YA\:(iU<: A SMI i ll. Yli?d?rnle lh.lif, Point nii'l film** Den'em, No. 1 't"T North Third Si reel, I'h11>. iI)>hist. 11710L KS. 1 A E A O EN TS }OWEH, COX & MAXKLEY. MCAI.KKS IN loach Kalbrials, Paints, Oil, Glass. Futty, &c . (! HEEXVILLE, s. c. MfivS fi'2 tf WW. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AMD BUILDER. ^ I.OCATKII " > 1'hHa Street, one ' of Mettrt. (lower, Cox ?t Awnlni fslA ' < It AN ITU of nil description* r.'h^ furnished mid cut to order. TOM 11Ijr <L SToNKS, with (Irnnitn or Mtirhle el f 1'i-ihtill* ir.ny lie hud on n|>|dipitiion. C~??^ Special intention gunriiiitiud to nil or h. y fi- Order* for TOMH8TOXKS left with Ir. I!. Vkiiiii.k, Jeweller, will receive my roinpt ntluntion. 1 Jmi IS "j tf DOOLEY'S ^ 10 A ST POWDER! ihk long i -on regarded n-? the tu-ft and icapert linking Powder in u?e. Perfectly lie and 11.v It make*, at nli<>rl nose, dclicixim Iliec.uita, Holla, Ac. There > <-d l?e i.o KRiir of food prepared with it, il in nlwnyn of I lie heet quality. Wc mild my to tlioee who have n<V-r lined thnl a very few tria'a will erinhle tliein o iiho il, not only with entire entiid?cti< n it with economy. Put up nii.i.. nkt iirht. n? represent ? 1, Groccra and Ileal* ee)| it. DGOI.FY .t r.ROTHKR, PropV, 61' Anv Street, New York City. April 5 48 6m 5. WET J RLE, (GjR'?EWaLLS ?* ?? DEALER IN COLO ftSB SILVER ffMERES, LOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. & 22 Cftrat Solid Nnptial Rings, (LVEIt ?fe SILVEIi PLATED \r. yak /m. v. BO* f|T WOltK of all diccrii'lionn in hi* o <l?>n<- promptly._2fc1 Oct 27 23 1 k. kahi.rv. o. o. w?l.?? EASLEY & WELLS, Itorneys and Counsellors at Law AN!) INT KQITTTY, OKKKNVILLE, 8. C., )RV1TICK in the Court* of the Statu and of the United State*, and give erpecial enlion toraacs in IJnnkruptcy. June U J " i i CONSUMPTION. Its Curo and Its Preventivo, BY J. II. SUllKXCK, M. D. MANY a human being has passed away, fur whoso death there was no other reason than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of curo. Those near and dear to family and friends aro sleeping the dreninless slumber into which, bud they calmly adopted 1)11. JOSEPH H. SCIIENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schcnk has in bis own case proved that wherever suffioieut vitality remains, that vitality, by his medioinca and the directions ior their use, is quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is uothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid is made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the curo by Dr. Schcnck's medicines is us simplo as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argutneut. It is sull-as suring, self-convincing. I ho bcawood Iodic and .Mandrake fills are tbc first two weapon* with which tho citadel of tho malady in assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia i and a functionally disorderud liver. With this . condition the bronchial tubes " sympathize " ! with the stomach. They respond to the uiori bifle action of tho liver. Hero then couics tho culminating result, ami the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills are comprsed of one of , Nature's noblcet gifts?the P jdopbillium Pcltatuui. They possess ull the blood searching, ultcrative properties of c&loiuul, but unlike culouiol, they " LEAVE NO STING BEHIND." The work ol euro is now bctrinn inir. Tho : vitiated and mucous deposits in tliu bowels i iiml in the alimentary canal nro ejected. The | liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses | from its torpidity. Tlio stomach acts respon! sively, and the patient begins to feel that he is ' getting, at last^ A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Senwood Tonic, in conjunctien with tlio j Pills, permeates and ussiuiilates with the food. > Chyliilcation is now progressing without its J { previous tortures. Digestiou becomes painless, J 1 and the cure is seen to be at hand. There is ; I no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stu- j | uuich. An appetite sots in. j Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever j vet given by an indulgent lather to sulk-ring ! man. Selicnck's Pulmonic Syrup coiues in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the euro. It enters at once vpon its wink. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and ripens thu impaired und diseased portions j of the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and In! in a very short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, and thu patient, in all the diguity o! regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. CI VEX UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stay in a warn, room until they get well ; it is nl* 111 ast impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, but it must be prevented or a cure cannot be efleeted. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this section of tho country in the fall ami winter season, aro all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs nro badly diseased, and yet, because they are in as the strength will hour, to get up a good circulation ol blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This has 11 great deal to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure alter such evidence of its possibility in the woist eases, and uioral certainty in u 11 others, is sinlul. Dr. 8 cli click's personal statement to the Faculty of bis own cure was in these modest words : ' .Many years ago I wa.s in tho last Mages of consumption ; confined to my bed, nud at one time my physicians thought that 1 could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man ditching at straws, I heard of mid obtained the preparation* which I now eller to tho public, mul they made n perfect euro ol urn. It seemed to in.. 1 1. . I I II I .1. . . . ..... ...... . vuuiu ivi.1 iiium pviiviraiu 111 y w Hole i|it?iii. They booii ripened the matter in my lungs, ami 1 woulil B|iil up uioro than a pint of otloiisivc yello* mutter every morning for u long time. Am toon an that began to Bui-vide, m/ rough, fever, pain ami night sweats all began to leave me, ami iny appetite became no great that it wui with dilticulty that 1 could keep from euting too much. I Boon gained iny strength, and have grown in llcah ever since." 1 win weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight wad only ninety seven pounds; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-live [ 'J 2 It J pounds, ami for years 1 have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. fSchenck has discontinued iiis professional visits to New York uml Huston, lie or Ins son, Dr. J. 11. i^clienek, Jr., still continue to see patients at their otlice, No. 15 North Sixth ! treet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from U A. .M. to 3 1*. M. Those who wisli a thorough examination with the Itcspiromctur will ho charged $5. The Kcspiroiiictcr declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking the me iicines are adapted to the intelligence oven of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases the Mandrake Pills are to be taken in increased doses ; the three medicines need no other ae companiin Mian the ample instructions that accompany i . m ; First create appetite. Of returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will come, let the despairing at niie tc of good cheer. Uood blood at once follows, the cougb loosens, the night sweat is abated. In a short time both ul these morbid symptoms are gone forever. I>r. Fchuiick's medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative, the M.imliaku Pills are a standard nreuarafiou i whim il.<? l?. .Sj'ru|i iiK a i-uriT of coughs and coli|>, may bo regarded itm ii prophylacleric against c<?iii<uiii|>- 1 lion in any of its forms. l'riro'ot tho Pulmonic Syrup mul Seaweed Tonic, $1.60 a lioiilc, or $7.6l> a hull dozen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cunts it box. if'or sulo by all druggists mul dealers. i .Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. I IF K It Y, No. College Place, New York Cily. March 22 40 ly Spring and Summer 1 MILLINERY. , MISS McKAY has returned i from New Yolk, And opened ' to#J?Zr9',n rlcgnnt assortment of . JSUJIjSwM M ILL! NKItY, consisting of | /h Bonnets and llnta of die la xr test sty l-s for I.adiea, Cliil^*^11 dren nod Infants; also KibSf lPl bona of all widths, Flowers, Luce, Set And Hair Hoods, Ladies and Cliil- * drens Suits, dr. All orders will receive careful arid ] prompt attention. Apiil 26 61 tf The Southern Hotel . ^ HAS been refitted and s put In complete 'order for | J the neeommodatlon of the M^ZoajfaLBca traveling public.. Kates of Bosid reasonable. Call and give me a trial. -t <> visa uniu V. V# M IVVHtl, May 8 68 8m ( j Private Boarding. \ I CAN take aoine BOARDERS, either by t the day, week or month. The (nation e ?r a deeirahle nan on Main Street, between T. W. Davia' Wooden Store Room and the Brick' Store Room occupied by W. P. Goodwin. A good TADLB will bo furaiahed. v RATES,?Per Day $ I 5# " Week 7 00 " Month 2ft 00 T R ROBERTS. * Green* ille, S. C., Jnly 12,1871. IB tf WM. P. PRICE, S ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE6A, GA., , WILL practice in the Counties of Lump j kin Dawson, (lllmer, Fannin, Unl?,n j Towns, Wbite and llall. 1 Jan 10 S3 TOIVM1S & FAST, ATTORN1ER AT LAW. FFICK in the OLD COURT llOUSB 3 u Middle Room on the South Side, Lowe I Story, . GREENVILLE, s. c. o. r. Towrks. olih d east. ' Jan 4 S3 tf THE MILLS HOUSE, s. ?.. PARKER & CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOA'RD, PER DAY $1 00. I)oo 8 2? CHARLESTON HOTEL ' CHARLESTON, S. C. r E. H. JACKSON, Propr ?tor. . Assistants, a. buttkrfield, (f?r J mer'y of the Pavilion Hotel,) and W t S. MILLER. ) PAVILION HOTEL, : O HT ^ IS jr.. S3 S 5P (0 W9 S3- (9o 1 BOARD, 1 Per Pay $ "> 00. 11. HAMILTON, Superintendent. mr*. II. I. BiTTKRFIFLD, l'roprivlrm Sept 29 19 tf South CaroMna Railroad Company. Vicit PnMiDEirr'a OtrirK, Cot.ii m til A, S. C., January 19, 1871. ('hauyt of Schedule. ON and after Sunday, 22.1 inst., Passenger Trains upon this llvad will arrive and leave as follows: tiiai.s mo. 1. Leave Charleston at 8 20 a in Arrive at Columbia at > 40 p in Leave Columbia at 12.10 p ui Arrive at Charleston at 7 60 p in Leave Camden (Sundays exe'd) at...9 60 a in . Arrive nt Kingsvillc at ! 20 p in Leave Kingsvillc (Sundays exe'd) nt.2 80 p in Arrive at Camden at 0 00 p in The above trains run in connection with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with trains for Wilmington, North Carolina atiJ with trains for Augusta, Georgia ?making eloso connections with night trains of Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad, for ull points Soutii mid Wo.-t. tit a in no. 2?night express. (Suaday night excepted.) Leave Charleston at 7 10 p in Arrive at Columbia at A 00 a m Leave Columbia at..... ...7 60 p in Arrive al Charleston at 0 46 a in This truin runs in connection with up A ugus'u trains, waking eloso connection with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad morning trains, for ail points South and West. A. L. TYLKlt, S. II. Piekins, Yico President. General Ticket Agent. Ore c n v i 1 lea nd R, COLUMBIA, S. c . March 1, 1871. /" \ V 1 .1. .1 f t . .. * .. I wi mi'i nuer i ma date, I It e lollnwing V J i" lieiu'p will t>? run daily, Unmltys excepted, rriitiri'iing Willi Niglil Train* on Sold It Carolina Ivai'to <1 up and down; > 1 so wiilt Triaus e>>in? South on I limlutu-, Cohnnl.i t nnJ Augusta Itnilroad : Up. Leivo Columbia nt 7 00 a. m " Alston y 10 a. m " N' W'lieriy 11 15 o. ni ' C..k. H; ury 3 00 p. in " |{.-li<ot 6 00 p in Arrive m Greenville 6 30 p. m Down. Leive Greenville nt f> 15 a. m " BeU?n 8 15 a. in ' CnktfliUi'y 10 07 a. in " Al.licville 8 15 a. in " Nrwiiirry.,, 1 50 p. ni " Alston 4 05 p. in Arrive at Columbia 5 55 p. m Til Oft. DODAMKAD, Ceni-rnl Sup rinlrndent. M T n...-. ??- < ?*- ' . - . . WOIICIUI iU'M'l AgKIH Schodulo Bluo Ridgo R R OX and after this date the following schedule will he observed by the Passenger frit in* over this lload : Up. Leave Anderson 1 2(1 p m " lVndloton ft 20 " " Perryvillo (1 10 " Arr. Walhalla 7 00 " l)n ten. Leave Wallinlln I 00 a in ' Perry ville 4 4ft " " Pendleton ft HO " Arr. Anderson 0 10 " In enses of detention en the O. and C. R. It., the truin on this ltoud will wait one hour for the train from Bolton, except on Saturdays, when it will wait until the arrival of the Ilelton train. W II. D. OAILLARD Sup't. E. P. JONES, AW'iP'jftiUtvzsw AW JC.AW, AND SOI.lGiro 11 IN EQUITY. Witt raactick in acc COURTS OF TIIISSTAlE A I.HO, IN THE UNITED "STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., S. C. Inly 7 ly* DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY ! JQ. McDAVID jr radii ate of the Pennaylvania College of I)ontal Surgery, reaxion I86f.-ft7, rcapcotfully off.-rx hia profeaxional icrvirea to the citizen* of U recti villa and xttr'otinding country. listing acquainted hiinaelf with the modern improvement* o( his ptfifeaaion. he hope*, by itrict attcntiuu to bitaincxa, to he aolu to give intiafaolion. Office on ttic corner of Coffee and Main Street*, in II. A. Catihle'* former residence, tp ataira. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. I). 8. Mar 2 40 9m lUOHEY (M.flOT JBIJY IX! yon sight is priceless i / BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTA. CLE8 WILL PRESERVE IT. If loll Vuliic Your Eyraight P USE THESE ? PEHFECT LENSES. 1 ROUNO FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, M 4?*Hed ' together, and derive their name 8 IHanmnd " on account of their Hardnca* ind Hrillinney. The}- will lent many year* ^t>l * -I * " vmiiuuv mange, una are warranted tuptri- r>' >r (n *11 other*, mannfac) tired by M r. E. SPENSER ft CO.. N-Y. " Caption?None genuine unit** etamped m v i I Ik our trade mark. e< J. C. C. TURNF.R. Sole Agent m . for Greenville, 8. 0, From whom they ean only ha obtained. f?> lVdlera employed. Pi May 10 1 ly >ixty-Fivo First Prize Med I als Awarded. Southern Piano XVM. KIVABE Ac CO., dunufucturvra of Grand, Square and Uprtgb PIANO FORTES, | Baltimore, Mil. I"* IIK 3 K Instruments bnve been before tbo public tor nearly tliirty years, anil upon hoir excellence alone attained an u*p?r*ha?cd irr cmitirm'r. which pronounces tbelli unequel<1. Their Tone continues great power, sweetless and tine singing quality, as well as groat >urity of Intonatiou, and sweetness throughut the entire scale. Their Touch is pliunt ,nd elastic, and eulirely free fn-ni the slitTness iiund iu so ninny Pitmos. In Workmanship bey uru uncqualed, using nunc but the very test loo'iNrd malarial, tbo large capital emiloycd in our busiuess eualding us to keep i oiiiinunlly nu iuiuicnso stock ot lumber, &c., | in IiiiihI. All our .Vyaors I'ioito* have our New Iin- j iroved Overstrung Sculo and the Agraffe Tre- I -lv Wo would call, special attention to our Into | niprovemenls in (triind Pianos niul Square j rands, Patented August lltb, Ititttl, which | iring tbo Piano nearer perfection than has ret been attained. Kerry I'in no fully Warranted for 5 Year*. We have made arrangements for the Sole iVboles ilo Agency for tbo most Celebrated I'nrlor Organs and Melodeons, which wo offer IVbolesulc iiud Kclnil. at Lowest Fnclory . ['rices. WM. KNABK A CO.. Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 6in iiiiinirrivT tKiTirr. TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. .1// Ht toil (Jidert vhioitntiny to $20 unit Oi'Ci' l)et iter rd in tiny Part of the Country HICC OF EX/'HESS CO A ROES. HAMILTON EASTEIt & SONS, OF DAlTIMOItK. MP., N order tlie tetter to inect tlie want* of tlie Itotiiil Customer* at n distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, /now/illy tenit l>y moil full | lil:OS of samples of tlie Newest mid most Fashionable Hoods, of French, Engliili and Domestic Meuu'aeturc, guaranteeing nt all lime* to sell at loir, if not ut let* jirieet, than any hour* in the country. lliiying our goods from tbo largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Kuroj-e, end importing the rnmo hy St en in era direct to Bull itnorc, our stock is at all j times promptly supplied with thu novelties of j the London mid 1'aris markets. As we buy and sell only lor cosh, nnd wake no bud dol.ts, we are able and witling to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen jicr cent Lets Profit than if ire gave credit. In sending for samples specify tlie kind of goods desired. Wo keep the licst grades of every class of goods, froui the lowest to the inosh costly. Orders unaccompanied by tbo cash will bo sent C. O. D. Prompt Paying Wholesale Buyers are Invited to inspect Ih; Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A RONS, 197, till1, 201 and 20,'{ West llaltimorc Strict, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 .29 ly 9. V\ aiiiib, iVopHflnr. It. II. MclfctWAt.o a CV, DrufgtiU A 0?n. A|?nU, H*n Krai?rlMQ,('?1 .and 14 Cmnmtrra Hi., N.Y* HILI.IONH Bear Tret linear te their Wonderful i'aralirc KflTrcla. Vlnrgar Bitter* are not a Til* Fanry Drink, Mad* of Poer Rant, ' WkUkey, Proof Hplrlta and Krfaaa Llquore, doctored. eplced and sweetened to pleaee the lute, called " Ton lea," " Appetisers," ** Reatorera," dko. that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rntn, bat are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbe of California, free from all Aleahalle Btlmalaata. They are tha URKAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVINU PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Iuvt*orator of the System, carry' In* off all poleonous matter end reetorto* the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take theee Bitters accord Id* to directions and remain Ion* onwell, provided their bo nee are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital or*ans wasted beyond the point of repair. Thry nrr n Gentle P?r**tlve an well an a Tonic, posaeesln*. also, the peculiar merit of actln* as a powerful a*snt In relievln* Con*eatlon or Inflammstinn of the Liver, and of all the Ylseeral Or*ani. FOR FEMAI.R COM PI, AI NTH, whether In yown* or old, married or eln?le, at the dawn of womanhood or at the tarn of life, theee Toole Bit iwra UlTn no XJUSI. For I ndnnintn t ory and Chrenlc Uhea allim and Moat, Dyspepsia or Is* dlgeatlen, Bllloas, Remittent a art Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ?r the Rleod, I.ltrr, Kidneys and Bladder, these Dlfters have bean roost successful. flack Diseases are saased by Vitiated lllood, which Is sens rally produced by derangement of ths Digestive Ortass. DYSPEPSIA OK INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Bhouldora, Coughs Tight- : nees of the Chest. Dizziness. Bonr Krootstlons of ths Btomach. Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ot the Lungs, Pain In the regions of ths Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are.the offsprings of Dyspepsia They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them ot unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all Imparities, and Imparting new life and vigor to ths whole system. FOR SKIN DINEAHKK, Bruptlons Tetter, Belt Bheum, Blotches, Spots, linn pies, Pustules Bolls, Carbuncle#, Ring-Worms, Scald llead. Bore pvea, Rrydpelss, Itch, Scurf a Dleoolorstloni of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Bkln, of whatever name or mature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters One bottle In such oases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its Impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, Bruptlons or Sores; cleanse It when you And It obstructed and sluggish In Uie veins; clsanae It when It Is foul,and yonr feelings will ten you when. Keep the blood pure, and ths health of ths system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, urklng In the system of so many thousands are cffnctusii* I ?vjma uul removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB AND DBALKRA. J. WALK Bit, Proprietor. R. H. Mr DONALD * ! CCL.T>niKKt?t? end (Jen. Agents. Ran Kranclefxj, fcf, and S and M Commerce Btreet, New Yorto p.\S~~ Por ante lu tiie City oi Greenville DR. M. A. IIUNTEB A CO., rholraale and Rcta il Dealer* in Drug Mediciner, Chemical*, Ac., Ac. ;ay 10 I IBORSB PAGE AGO. no. 0 a. Scbroeder St.? Baltimore. anufaoturera of Portable and Htaiionary TEAM ENGINES AND BOII.ffUS, P.t<*nt Improved. Portable CIRCULAR i \ W MILI.H, Oansf, Mulay and Baah Haw ill*. Oriat Mills. Timber Whaala, Shingle achmea, Ac. Dialer* in Ctrenlar Hawa, elllny and Mill suppliea generally, and annfaetnier'. agent* tor LrfTnl'a Celebrate I Tin bine Water Wheel, and every de'iption of Wood Working Machinery. I /oairrt.ttrai. knoi*k? a mfw-ialtt. i nr fb-nd for deaenptive Catalogue* and nee Liala. ' 4 29-ly i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, The reputation this exj^vsrsss'-ffsayaffi; A A nunjr of which are truly //( marvellous. Inveterate oaaea of Bcrofhlotu die/? uu ease, where the system V(< <25 aeemed saturated with ^L. corruption, have been uu rilled and cured by it. Scrofulous aircvtiofesand disorders,which were axgravated by the scroftiloua contamination until they were painlhliy afflicting, have been radically -a a u a In alrnAat AVArv IflfU Clirau in BBCUKRRU nuniuoio ui v . ? tion of the country, that Uio public scarcely need to be Informed of its virtue* or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of onr race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the conStttuUon, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again. It seems to breed Inflection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into one or other of Its hideous forms, either on the sorfttce or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or It shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or fbul ulcerations on some part of the l>ody. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Sariaparitla Is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally And Immediate relief, ana, at length, cure, by the use Of this BARBADARILLA: St. Antho~ nWirt, Rote or JBrymipelam, Tetter, Bait Mheum, Bcald Head, Rinaurorm, Bore Ryee, Bore Rare, and other eruptions or visible forma of Berofiilout disease. Also In the more concealed forms. OS Dympepmia, Dropmy, Heart Dime ate, Pits, Jtpilopmy, Jfeuralffia, and the various Uleeroum affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Byphilim or Venereat and Mercurial Dim* ommem are cured by it though a long time Is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-continued use of this medicine will cure tbo complaint. Deueorrhmemt Fffasifssa tlrtnm. And VtotfialH Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cored by its purifying and invigorating effort. Minute direction* fbr each case are founa in our Almanac, supplied gratia, gtmiaotbrn and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in Uio blood, yield quickly to It# at also ZAver Complaints, Torpidity, Conges* Honor Inflammation of the IAoer, and Janndie*, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons In tho blood. This BAMBA* PAJt lit A is a great restorer fbr the strength and vigor of tho system. Those who are languid and IAstless. Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Jfervous Apprehensions or fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find Immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED RT Dr. Jf. C. AYKR * CO., l<*well, Haas., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. tsr Eor snl? in Greenville by Al. A. HUNTER A CO., Agent*. Aug .11 15 ly plantahok brutus This wonderful vegetable restorative is tho sheet-anchor of tho feeble | and debilitated. As a | tonic and cordial for tlio 1 aged and languid it lias I no equal among stomachic jLo iwucQ^ for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.^ In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts ! as a specific in every species of disorder which, undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. .^Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day tlie best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 22, 1*70. i 1 EDMONDS T. MOWN, ? g * ^ Sia MJiMl* U141LMK4SIHM SB ?-? ' mm jwl. 4\Q OBAvma osnaxsia'sv OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOT El\ CHARLESTON, S. C. Fopt 28 19 1y A. B. CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN A SON, a tie my AOBNTS AT GREEN YILLE, S. G, And will make liberal cash urtvancei on all C O T T O W 8hlppe?l to me through them. a. B. MfTLLICIAN. fiept 28 19 ly THE NICKERSON- HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. O. WILL noi l?i? cloved on eeeonnt of the beeih of the Proprietor, Wn. A. Wbioht. hill, will he eerrled on e? h?reiofor?, by hi* widow, Mr*. SARAH L. WRIGHT* ?nd her eon, WU. 0. WRIGHT. The Mend* ?f the lete proprietor ere Invited lo cell tt neiiel BAR AH T, VV RIGHT. ?rb u n?-tf wm. c. wriuht . m %