University of South Carolina Libraries
r *? ?'?i IlOW TO CUKE IT. At the eomraonccment of th? Di*rrl.<& which ftlwrya preoedea nn attack of tl Cholera. Ukea ft tciupronfhl of die Pal Kitler In enger and water, (hot if ronver ieot.) end then balhe freely d o slomac and toweW with the Pain Kil'cr clear - Should tlie diarrl.?? or ocomo* conliuiu repeat the dose every leu or fifteen minute until Ilia patient it relieved- In extrem cast-*, two or more tenspoonfula may b* giv an at a dose. The Pain Kill r, as an InUrnnl remedy bus ro equal. In cams of Cholera. Summe Complaints, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Asth ma, it cures io one night by Inking it inter rally, and bathing with it fteely. lis no lion is like rnsgio. when externally nppliet to Old Sores, Burns, Scalds and SpTnins.? or 8ick Headache and Tool linen -'o *t fail to try it. In short, it is a l'AIN KIL LKR. Direetiong accompany each bottle. The Pain Killer Is sold by all dea'er- in Medicines. Piict-a, 25 cents, 50 centa and $1 per l.ottle. 14 4 isorsrs^sra Ko Enjoymext witnout TIi.AT.Tn.?Of nil Ibo property wo own In the world that which demands tho greatest enro is our own bodies. Hotter lose bouses, lands, balances in tlie bank, anything tbat represents wealth, than the strength, vigor and elasticity ol the physical frame. Tho dyspeptic, tho bilious sufferer, tho nervous invalid, cannot enjoy tho gifts of fortune. Ilnppily, however, dyspepsia, biliousness and nervous debility are rcinovnhlc evils. TARRANTO 8 E L T Z B R APERIKNT, is a speeifln for them. It renovates tho stomach, improves tho appetite, cleanses tho bowels, regulates tho liver, calms tho nerves and disinfects tho depraved fluids. Sold by all Druggists. Aug 9 14 4 Oxit Two Ttaspoovritt.s of Doolkv's ^ ka*t powdkjt to i? qu nt ol fl mi are nec< sat v to pri.oneo exti a biscuits, rolls, Ac., while thoso of ordinniy manufacture require nearly double that quantity. This is owing to its perfect purity and extra strength. Aside from this fact, each package contains the full sin' tint that is represented. lb nee Dcolkt'h is the cheapest l>s?t, and most re..... . ... . 1 , takes the precedent of aTT l.Tfieia Orocoe keep It every wh-re. liooiey A Brother. Manufacturers, 69 New Street, New Yo k August 9 14 4 REAL ESTATE FOR _SALE. " I AM now offering lor sale tl>< followli'ff HOW AM) LOTS, 'Situate within the corporate limits of Ilia City. Many of these places present fire opportunity fur purchasers, as such proper tv is seldom offered In market. Other Tracts from 70 to 200 acres within one and two nnler ol the City. Person* desiiing to purelui-o Latul in and around our City, conffl not purchase nt a more fa*orr\^l? tiose, as property is now offered at. reasonable rates. The completion of the AIR LINE ROAD and many other improvements contempla ted. will give rapid rise to Ileal Kstuto in a afioi I lime. No. 1.?Hon?e and Lot of 3 nerea, a'tuntc id centre of ciiy, with good improvements, all convenience*. Hon" has 6 room", fiie Jawn, g m?.I ga tden *p-i?, well and cistern water on the premises, fine view of the mountain*. No 2?ITonse and Lot in foik* of road Lading to upper Ford This is one of the best built houses in the oil j, h:is 13 rooms, good well water, fine garden ; if purchaser desire*, can procure additional land in connection with this place. No. 3.?House and I-nl oa Andirinn road, 1 mile from centre of city. This House was built jiial before the war, has 1 rooms, good outbuildings, fine Orchard, 2 acre of ground, one of the m?st pleasant residences in this station of the city. No. 4.?n< use and Lot situated on Pendleton Knad, about one mile from Court House, has six rooms. Four acros of Ground, one acre at which is planted in a One Orchard ? .Superior Stablo Uuildin-js, This Lot is a very desirable one. No. 6.? 70 acres of ground within 2 miles of tho city. This is one nf the test tracts now offering, has 4 beautiful building spots, two fine springs on this tract, good wood land.? The present tine of the Air-Lino R. R., sur vcycd towards Georgia passes through this tract. No. 6.?One Farm of 20(1 acres, and known HI Ilia nl... ?ill.'.n A r - pleasant road. About hall of this tract is woods, good orchard, fine water and superior .views of the Mountains, fine residence of 10 rooms. No. 7.?flense and Lot within five minutes walk of Court House, Churches and school houses. Contrins 6 rooms, firo-piaco in each, good servants rooms, fine water, excellent garden spot, about one acre in lot, houso has been recently painted iusido and out. No. 8.?Form known as Darkio Orccn place about 2 miles from Court House, this tract has about 201 acres to be sold with the improvements, fine , fruit on the placo, there is some S or 4 hundred aoree ean be pnrobascd with this tract if pnroliaser desires, no better opportunity offered for investment. No. 9.?One House and Lot containing oneball acre, houso has 4 rooms, within A minutes walk of Court House, in good repair. No, 10.?Houso and Lot of 2 acres, honso is one of the most convenient, (having late improvements) with good outbuildings, cellars to house and kitchen, good well of water, fine fruit, large shade trees, and oligibly situated. mm.mono inile from Court Hnnse, within convenient disdsnce of eebools, churches, Ac. No 11.?One L'?t containing If "ores w'tliln corporate limit*, beautiful building spot. Several Lots of 1 and 1 acres in and oat able of corporation. For terms, apply to JULIU3 C. SMITH, Anction end Commission Merchant. Greenville, August A. 1871. Aug? 14 If Notico. 3r S hereby given to all whom it may conoern, [ ibat I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Frosts Judge, of Greenville County, on th? 7 th day a/ Srptrmb*r near I, for a final discharge as Truetee of Lemuel Jacobs. H. II. EAHLF, Tros?e?. EJ| August 7, 1871. 14 td jfoS 0 FACTOR AN: : MERC THE irwnRDflinwi " FACTORAGE AND CI 'J. TC I GBNBIUT, M e ?S?r II fit M, ? ? IS LARGER AND THAN AND WII.L WHOIjESJILI AT THE LO\ COUNTRY MERCHANTS W EXAMINE STOCK . SENDING ORDu I?" lie will ulso furnish 1 Bulo at Factory prices. June 21 1 The Great Pictorial Annual IIoBtctter's Unitod States Almanac for 1872 for distribution, yrati*, throughout liio United Stafes and all oivilitcd countries of the Western Hemisphere, trill be published about the first of January, and all who wish to understand the truo philosophy o hcal'.b should read nnd ponder the vuliiahle suogeHtimis It contains. In additiud to nn ndmirahle inediont treatise on the causes, prevention and euro of a great variety of diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interesting to the morebant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the plantcr, and professional man ; nnd the calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes ns arc most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. Tho-naturo, uses, nnd extraordinary sanitary effects of llostcttor's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half tho Christnin world, are fully set forth in its pages, which aro also interspersed with pictorial illustrations. Valuable receipts for tho household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive and amusing reading matter, original nnd selected. Among tho Annuals to appear with tho opening of tho year, this will lio ono of tho most useful, and may be had for tho asking. The proprietors, Mossrs. IIostcttcr.A Smith, on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward u copy by mail to any person who cannot procure ono in his neighborhood. Tho Bitters are sold in every city, town and village, and jiro extensively used throughout this entire civilized world. ? a stwatf ?w? Office Boaiw Covnty CounissioHErs, ) Orf.e2tth.t-e, 8. O., August 8. 1871 s 4 IJ, por-oos holding claims against this 1\ County, must present them, properly attested, by Fiidny, lit* 1st of Septem. b?r n*x', to the County Commissioners, in order to hitve litem audited. W. A. HUDSON. Chairman of Hoard. August 9 H * j Offiee of Board of County Commiiiioner*, REEK VILLE, S C., August 8, 1871. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ur.tll Salea'ay In September, to put ir. thorough ffx, FOUR BRIDGES, in Paris Mountain Township. M iterial?Post Oak or Cliestnnt Slecpei a, and Plank twtj inches thick. Bridges to be built by direction ol Commissioner C. J. liill. W. A. HUDSON. Chaitm^n Board Co. Uomrii'is. Aug V ' j 14 1 Notico. 13 hereby given to all wbom it may concern that T will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Ju'l^o of tireenviile County, on the 5th dny of September nojtt, for n Finnl Discharge aa Adiuiuistrutor of the E'Ute ot II. C. Dill, deceased. All parties having claims against said deceased will present them on or before said day or be debarred. J A.MRS N. TAYLOR, AJuiint'r. August 4, 1871. 14 Id Slate oT South Carolina. CREFNVII.LE COUNTY. Court of Cciiwnoii IMca*. hlr$. H\ C. Sjicer r?. It. Furman Whildett. BY virtue of the pprr< tnl Order of .It due i)rr. I will sell, at Greenville, (\ H., on Salesd ?y in Scptrm1 er next, to the h;gh est bidder, nil thai c rain, piece parcel and Tract of Land described in the pleadings, silt.ale in the County of f 11 eon v ille, adjoin inp lands of Taylor, McKniney, 4,'iltis ami other*, containing 27<1 acres, mwwa <>r legs an<i known as tb Barrett' Mill place, on South Tyger River. ' Te>m??Cash. J. L. SOUTHERN. S 0. C. Sheriff's office, 8>h August, 1871. Tho State of South Carolina. orbenville county. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Far! Facial, to mo directed, T will sell, before the Court House door, oil Mute* dan in tux I, between the hour* of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock in tlio afternoon, AM Defendant's right title and interest in all that pl^*, poreel or Tract of Lund known ae th* t.'hicka Springe property, and containing two hundred and fi'ty acres, nto' ? or le?-?, and adjoining landaof A. Taylor and Thos. Taylor, and othe*s L"vl?d on ?? the property of Ii. 8." Clih k, at the suit of M. D. Dickey. All that Plantation or Tract of Land on which D-fend'tit now resides, containing 1000 acres, more or lees, and adjoining lands of It. J. Smith and 8. Q. &1?Clannahan, and others. Levied on aa the propei ty of K. M Irvine, at the euitaof June K. Green and A. G/een. Terms?Cosh. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. Au; 9 14 id The State of 8outh Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S. J. DOUTfflT, Enquire, Judge of Pro bate of taid County. WHEREAS, Locindo G. McCrarj liaa III ed a Petition in my Office, praying thai Letters of Administration with the will annexed on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and edits of ChrislopHter, M. Oreen, Tats of, the C utnly afoivsaid, deceased, should be granted to her. The** art, therefore, to eile and admonish all and singular Uia kindred and credit re of the asid dccea*?d, to ba and appear in the Court of Probate for said Gonnty, to be holden at Grecnvilla Court House, on the 21 s/ day of Augmt t'nsf. to show cause, If any why tha said adm nietralioo aliould not be granted. 8 J DOUTfl T. Judge of Probata Greenville Copntj. OAre of Judge o? Piohate, Aiigti?l 7ih. 1871. 14-td D COMMISSION !HANT. _ ?A? ? ?Vt ??? 01) HAS ADDED THE IMMISSION BUSINESS ) HIS BRGHANDBB. we m s MORE COMPLETE EVESR, BE SOLI) AT 5 OR RETAIL V EST PRICES. ILL DO WELL TO CALL AND AND PRICES BEFORE ERS ELSEWHERE. ARNS and SHIRTINGS by the ni w-mt -? l. liAVlS. 1 tr "financialT I 1 THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BUY AKD SELL GOLD AND SILVER, i ALSO, BUY AND SELL EXCHAJYGE ON New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Charleston, AND OTHER CITIES. T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, S. C., June 6, 1871. PHOTOGEAPHING. HAVING recently fitted up the rooms over Wliitmirs &. Pergnaon*a Store, will) elegant lights, I nm prepared to do alt kinds o( PHOTOGRAPHING, at very thort notice. Satisfaction gunrented to all. W.M. WHEELER. May 21 .3 Ifl* For Sales A BAY "ORSE nearly slateen hands high, fine under tho Saddle, nnd works well any? where. Warranted to be per* fectly SOUND and GENTLE. Apply to Dr. Iaiuc3 F. Furman, ut Julius C. Smith, Esq. May 17 1 tf Not co TS hereby given to all whom it may conL corn that I will applv to S J. DOUTHIT, Probnte Judge of Greenville Connty. on the llih <lny of August next for a final discbarge ua Administrator of the eeta'e of VV. L. M AUSTIN, deceased. Wm. H. AUSTIN, Administrator. 11 4 ~ NOTICE. ~ fK> LL parties indebted to W. IT. JS& IlOVEY and to IV. II. liOVEY & CO. will make pay* ments by 1st September, as longer indulgence will not be given. VV. e. IIOVEY & CO. Aug a 13 tf House aud Lot For Sale. I am now offering r\? Private Spie that No. 1. Family fliAHMjl Rerld-nee and Lot. now occupy fi r miUwi I''1 hy He v, W. I). Thomas. This in well known to Ra ona of the most d?(irtlil? residences In the ci'y, on one of the highest points. House tin* Six large an-1 comfortable rooms, with fire place in >-a<!h ro?m. Kitchen attached to the House. Good Servants accommodation, Fine Well and Cii-tern Superior garden Spot, Beautiful I.iwn in front of Residence, studded with noble old oak trees. The lot contain* acres of ground. Parties de -iering to purchase this property can in-p?ct the same by calling at ths House. Such sn oppot tuniiy for securing a deligbtful home seldom occurs. For terms, Aa , apply to. JUbltJS C. SMITH, Auction A Commission M??rctifint, III- O r% July 10 11 tt THE MILLS * HOUSE, CHARLESTONS. C. PJIRKER Sf Co. Proprietors. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PER DAY $3 00 FOR SALE" THE HOUSE AND LOT IN the City of Greenville, present residence of the subscriber. The LOT eontains three acre*, most onnvepientiy end pleasantly situated, west of the River, corner Rhett and River Streets, with a Iront of fcaore than 900 feet on each. The DWELLING HOUSE and situation ia ? ? ?' 1 * * ? ? ???v wi lUU UOei |p Greenville, |rilh the qaual and neces**rr Out building*. There i? a (In* VEGETABLE GARDEN and WELL of the purest cold water, which never failr. There are abundance of RHADK. TURKS, of native growth, and BVBKUKKKN8 on the Lot. For terms and further particulars, apply to 0. F. TOWN BR, Proprietor. July 2? 13 If CAROLINA LIFE If * ~ %* '. s MEMPHIS, JEFFERSON D1 BUTLER Sc HEACI A SOUTHERN AND ' ATTENTION TO THE SURRENI AMU OTHER OFFERED BY 1 May 3 Shoes; Shoes, Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, a handaome lot of Mile* A Sobs' Cloth Laced and Co-igreea OA1TKRS ; a fin? asaortinent of ChUdreo's and Miwei1 SHOES; L>o>*d and Button Cloth and Kid BOOTS and GAITERS; another lot of thoM Cheap Cloth GAITERS, At FOSTER & HUNTER'S. OILS, OILS, OILS. IINSEED OIL. LUBRICATING OIL, ^ FARMERS' OIL, for nit at M. A HUNTER & CO'S. Quilts, Quilts, Quilts. MARSAILLES QUILTS nt a bargain, MOSQUITO E NETTING, Pink and White LACE CURTAINS, very wide and very handsome, at FOSTER X HUNTER'S. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY For sale at M. A. hunter X co'S. Fans, Fans, Fans. WOOD. PAPER and SILK FAN*. Palm, P*lm> tto and Chip FaNS. Silk and Scotch Gingham PARASOLS, Ladies' UMBRELLAS. At FOSTER X HUNTER'S. PAINTS, PAINTS. WHITE LEAD, (Pure nud Premium,) at a very low price. For sale by M. A. HUNTER X CO. Crackers, Crackers. FRESH Butler and Soda CRACKERS, Fresh Slick CANDY. At FOSTER X HUNTER'S. BITTERS, BITTERS. Vinegar, plantation and IIOS tetter's bjtrers. For b?1? by M. a HUNTER <fc co. June 14 s tf Harrison & Marshall Have just BEnvivBD a complete stock of JYEW GOODS, At their Old Store, opposite Mansion House Our Stock of DKUflS is full and complete PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with earo CLARET WINE For the Summer at $2 per gallon. Cheap by the Dusen. 1 Hostctler's Bitters, Plantation, Sumpter, Carolina and Vinegar Bitters at Wholcsain or Retail. 1 Risley's PIIII.OTOKKN?the Female fricud. r Millv.ille FRUIT JAR, the best in use. ALES. PORTER, WINES, BLACKBERRY CORDIAL and BRANDY, a fine articlo. A large Stock of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco WHITE LEAD. OILS, VARNISHES, Ac. STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, and ENVELOPES?a full Stock. In order to make room for our FALL STOCK, we will sell, at greatly REDUCED PRICES, A lot of the following floods : LAMPS, PERFUMERIES, POMADES. BRUSHES, and other OOODS. BARGAINS TO BE IIAD FOB CASH. TOILET SOAPS?cheaper than ercr. PATENT MEDICINES?a full Lino. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN, WII-L, BE KEPT RED HOT WITH ICE ALL SUItinCR. LEMON SUGAR and LEMON SYRUP. July 12 10 tf SULLIVAN MANUFACTURISO COMPANY FORK SIIOALS THE SULLIVAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY will accept ft?r tit* next thirty days a subscription to tlwir St?ck to a limited amount. Parties desiring to mtka investments in this Company would du well to apply at once. D. D. MOORE, Clerk S. M. C. July 10 11 3 CITY ELECTION. ON the Second Monday of September next, there will ho an ELECTION held for MAY UK and MIX Al.DEKMEN of the City, of Greenville, to serve for the ensuing Torin. Any person qualified Constitutionally to rota for members of the General Assembly of this ?>Utes, and who bare resided sixty (AO) days within the Corporate Limits of tho City, prior to the day ol Election, and who shall hare Registered his name with the City Clerk as a voter, will be entitled to vote at said election, The BOORS OP REGISTRATION will he OPEN by A. K. McDavid, City Clerks, at his I office oh 7'oeedaif ike fireI (toy of A ogvet next, i and will olosa on the afternoon of tho Jlth of ] said qiontb. T, C. GOWER, M >yor. i A. R. McDavid, City Clerk. Greenville, July 2Atb871. l?-2 Farm and Residence ! FOR 1 BALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for rale bis f " UKKEN " FARM, of about Two llun- ' drud Acres, a little more than a mile from tha corporate limlta of Greenville. The House is . a large and coqafortablp one, coutaioing eight rooms with fire-places, and two others without fire-plaaes. On the plane are orchards of Apple, Cherry and Peaoh Trees, a body of Woodland, a piece of very rich BOTTOM LAND, and a large bed of clay suitable for brick making, out of ' 4 which large profit maybe mad*. The place . la anpplied with an abundance of moat excel - ! lent water, one of the apringa being atrongly ' ? chalybeate. FOR TKRMft, apply to tbe aubacrlber at '' Ureenrllle. .1 \ Mi: ' C. HURMAN. I ' Mar 16 46 tf ^ % ISURANIi COMPANY, TENNESSEE. IlYIS, PRESID'T. K, STATE AWENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED )ER VALUE PLAN, ADVANTAGES, rHIS COMPANY. 52 tf R. R. R. Railway's Ready Relief CURES THE WORST TAINS , In from. One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading litis advertisement need any one suffer with pttin. Kadway's Ready Relief is u cure for every pain. It ww lite first and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that irs'sntly stops the most excruciating pains all tys inifl.imntions. and cures con* gestions, whether at the lungs, atom ?eh, b..we'.s, or other glat.Js or organs, by one application. In front one 1o twenty minutes, no mat: ter how violent, or excruciating the pnin tl> Rheumatic, Bed ridden. Infirm, Crip pled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or pr<strat<d I with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY REL1I F Will afford instant cave. Ii fl >rnmation of tlie Kirlneye, inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation of the B"We'e. C"i?je.<ticii o' tfie Lungs,Sore Throat, Dilficttlt It.eathing, Palpitation of tlie Heart. Hy sicrios. Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Infl-teuxa, Headache, Tooothncliv, Neuralgia, Khcuuiuii-tn, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The npp ication of the Ready Reli-f t" the part or parts where the pain or difli culty exists will afford a-'e and comfort. Twenty dtops in half a tumbler of water will in a tew niom-n's cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Co'ic. wind iu the Bowels, an 1 all Internal Tains. Travelers should always carry a bult'e of Radway's Ready Relief with them. A lew drops in water will ptevenl sickness or pai*8 Iri m change of water It is better tusti Freuelt Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague ettted for fifty cents.? There is not a remedial agent in this world that will euro F?vcr and Ague, and nM oth er Malarious, Bilou*. Scarlet, Typlioid, Yellow, and -other Fevers (aid-il by Hadway's Pill*) so quick as Radwny's Rcidy Relief. Filly cents per bottle. HEALTH ! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pure Rich Blood ? Increase ol -??. /* m -s SiiHSAl'.lR1LLIAN RESOLVENT lias made the m< si astonishing cures: so quick, so rapid are lite changes the hod\ undergoes, under the ii fl tence of tins truly wondciful medicine, llmt Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weigh tis Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Everj* drop of tl.e Sarsaparillian II solvent communicates through the hluod, sweat, urine, and other fluids and juices ol tlie ayebem die vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of ihe body with new and round materia). Scrofula, ayphilir, consumption, glandular discuses, ulcere in the tin out, ninuth, tumors, nodes in the glands and other parts of the ayetera, sore eyes, trumorotis discharges lr?m the ears, and the worst fornis o' skin disposes, eruptions, f ver sorea, scald head, ring worm, s-ilt rheum, e> yeipelae, acne, bUck sjwts, wot ins in the fl ah, tumors, cance-a in llic vv rnl>, und all we ikenii g and pnitilul discharges, night sweats, loss of sperm and all wastes ol the life principle me within (he curative range of I his wonder of niodorn chemistry, and a few days' use wi i prove lo any per fun using it lor either ol these ho jus ol di# ease its potent power (o cute Ihcm. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is cotitinunllv nrni?r..?.in.t : ing these wastes, ami repairs ill* same wilh n?-w lUllerinl made Irom heillliy blood?nud litis the Sareaparillian will ami do-s secure?a cure is certain; (or w' en once this remedy c muences ils work of purification, and atrce- in diminishing die loa-of wastes its i?j-.iir? will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel hiiuaell growing tietter and stronger, I he food di getting belter, appetite improving, and fl-?h and weiglit increasing. Not only does the SarsnpnrUliun Resolvent excel all known r. medial agents in die ' euro of Chronic, Set ofu'.oiir, Constitutional and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder complaints, Urinary sua Womb diseas a, Grnvel, Iriahet-S, Dropsy, Stoppage of Wiil-l', Incontinence of Urine, Blight's Dire ise, AlliU'niiiuiia, and in all cases where there are brick duat deposi's, or tlie water is thick, cloudy, mixed with snb-tances I k-the while of an egg, or threads like while silk, or whee is a morbid, dai k, bilious up pearance, and white bone dust deposits, and when there is a pi inking, burning s nanion when passing water, and pain in the 6 nail of the Back and along the Loins. Dr. Radwsy's Perfcet Purgative Pilla, Perfectly ta--'ele?g, elegontly coated wiib iwe--t gum, pin ge, regulale, piiiily, cleanse and strengthen. Kadwuv's I'illa foe ibe euro of all disorders of sin* ^tontsch, Liver, I Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous disens- | es, Headache. Constipalion, Cos<ivenees, j Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bil ousters Bilious Fever, l?>fl nnntion of t|i?* Bowels, Files, ninl all I)ei?ngem?nt? of tlia Interna) Vi*?-em. Wsrrinted to effect a positive cure. Fure )y Vegetable, containing no mercury, mineral*, or de'cteiions drugs. 0 serve the following sytrtpb m* resulting from Disorders of the Digestive 0 gsns? Constipation, Inward Files, Fullness of ihe Blood in the Ilerd. Aeidi'y of the St?m ?ch, Nausea, Heartburn, Disitu?t of Food, Fullnisa or W-igbtin the Stormeli. Sour K> notations, Sinking or Fluttering at the I'll of the 8'omaeh, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of Rad way's Pill* will free 1 the sj stem from all tlie above named d'.sorlets. Trice, 25 cents per Box. Bold by ! [)rugg|st a. Head *' Falsa and T?ue." 3end ore l-ter stamp ?n HAI>WAY ?i CO.. No. 87 M <1 )en Bara New Yoik. 1. forma too won It hnttsands will be re .t you. July 26 T2 ly WEED SEWING MACHINE 0 AN NOT I>K KXOKLLKD. L?ek Stitch I)oe? eleven diff rent kinA* of work. Si??ily manege^, nni I' wnrrnnt them to ! ;Im pet feet *?ti*fi?<*iiop ; hnve *ol<) forty or ! [ifty in this pinre; S*ve them nlway* on ' mn?l. C?M *n<i exnmine them h?-fo<e hoy njf anyotlor*. O A PIOK I.E. Greenville, 8. C , June 28, If" I. 8 11 t- '"/77T7TTI SAIKj BUMDJ ARE MOtfXtDlHG AH1D DRESSED Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Ron Over a hundred different Pattern* of 1 lor ?ale at New York prices. Mantel-Piece*, hurt notice. Stuir Kail, Newels and Eallustc | to order. Uood and Substantia! Work made a* clicn t United Stntcs. We have on hand the largest I IhiltilLore, all of whiih we gunrnntce will givi Substantial Work. The subscriber* can refer I | Carolina and Florida, as to the cliaiictcr of tli a i I Oj>P?sito Wando Fertilise! Works, and ir | Pavilion Hotels. Ma Land for Sale. AS applications have been in ado for smaller parcels of Land, the subscriber has con eluded to sell a part of bis (?REEX PLACE accordingly. Ho now offers to sell a lot of 1 ten acres on the southwest corner, running j across the bottom, about Sx2 acres, at Sin per acre. Three Lots of 10 acres each, bordering on the cast on tho Paris Mountain Road, and 011 the west on lands of H. P. Hnmmct, Esq., I at $10 per acre. Also, one Lot ol ten acres | of Woodland, on the northwest corner, at $.V> 1 per aero. Dividing ?? . a .wvvc >u UV UU1II u}' llie purchaser. Persons desiring further informntion may apply to Capt. O. II. Wells, or t? the subscriber. JAMES C. FUllMAN. Aug 2 M tf Tho Stato of South Carolina. I COUNTY OP GREENVILLE. By S.J. DuUTiiiT, E^juirr, Jwly of Prcb.Ur of *<tiJ Cunnfy. AAJ IIF.RF.A5r. B. F TRAM* filed ? 7 n I c'ition in my Office, pruning Ihni Letters of Administration on ill nnd a.ngu lar the goods nnd elintte s rights and Cieii- ' its of Levi Trunimeil, ? ol the County | foresaid, deceased, should he granted t<> [ liitn. These ate, therefore, to cite and a dimmish all and tingul ir '.he1 kindred and creditor* of the said deponed, ] to he nnd app. ar iu the Court of Probate lor suid County, to he holdon at Greenville ' Court House, o . tho 15'h day ol August in- ' stent, to sh?w cause, it any, why the said Administration should not he granted. S. J DOU'l'H IT. Judge of Piohate, Greenvilh1 Co. Office of Judge of Probate, Aug. let. 1871 , Charlottes Columbia and Augusta H H. ScPRUiSTP.snKNT's Offick, 1 Columbia, S. C., June 8, 1871. ON and after Sunday nest, llth inat.. the ; following schedule will run over this ltoad : n?irce kortit. Train No. I. Trait: No. 2. leave Augusta 3 25 a ui 0 01 p in I.cavo Columbia.....8 Oil a ni ] 1 (10 p in Arrive Charlotte 2 .'15 p iu 5 20 u in G"i.*n south. i.oave Charlotte 7 40 a m 8 00 p m j Leave Coltui)Vtiit 2 30 p m 2 25 a in ; Arrive Augusta 7 50 p in 7 30 n m i No. 1 Train daily, No. 2 Train daily, Pundays excepted. Both Trains make close connection tc all points North, South and West. No. 1 Train makes close connection at Richinond for Virginia Springs. Through tickets sold and loggngo cheeked ; to all principal points. Standard Time?Washington City Time, K. P. ALEXANDER, (Sen. Sup't. K. II. Dorskv, General Freight and Ticket Agent. Land for Salo. fTAho subscriber offers for sale his Land, situ a I ted some nine miles below the City of Greenvile, on waters of Brushy Creek. Anderson County. In the Traet arc 222 Acres, 30 of which arc Bottom and 20 are .SYcond Bottom. There nro good hou?es. staldcs, smoke houses, corn eril>s, Ac. Tnis Land is superior, and under good cultivation, and will ho sold cheap for cash. Apply at once, if you wish to invest. J. ft. TIIACK.5T0X. 2* 47 3 in | ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY j S1S.0D0 WOR Til or DRY GOOD?. cl o Tii rkg. srro p:s\ IIA IS, G KS T'S aiul LA DIRS' L URK I SUING GOODS. CROCKERY WARE,\ AND OTHER ARTICLES Ten NUMEROUS Til MENTION WILL BE SOLD AT MARK'S STORE FROM THE July to the \&t September, 1871, AT COST. o Call and Examine, < AND J SATISFY YOURSELF. : WHAT I SAY, I MEAN! Jtt. 17. MARK. ./"?* 27///. 1*71. J< n? i:8 8 If | I B3QR p A.CTQRY, ^ F&AHXH'G. MX&fc. rd#, Shelving, Box Board#, 4 c., 4c. diml^ ng#. making over 1H0,000 feet on hand Door aiol Window Frame# made to order at rs of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made p at tliis establishment as can bo made In the stock of the abova Goods south of the City ot e entire satisfaction to all who want Good nop to gentlemen all over this State, Georgia, North nil work for the pust twenty years. V. V. RIJ8SELL & CO., EAST END HARKI. STREET, i the iinmcdiutc vicinity of Charleston and rch 15, 1S71. 45-t S 21 No.ico Ol-K'Ci: OK Co A I'D Cot'ATT C?,MMI?ln*KR<. ) Gkfcnvii Lk, S C., Ju'y 8oth, 1871. \ rpiIR CONTRACT for building a NEW 1 BRIDGE ttsroM Stbda River, at ' Oo"U'y'?." will be let out-at the place by the County C trmis'iopers of G.eenvi lo and Anderson, to tlie highest bidder,ou the Sid iy of At'itnd, (Thursday.) 1871. Ihnnl and Security will be required for the fui'hful p-rlorn or re of the Coiitrael.? I'l itis, Sjii cilicalioiifi, ?te., exhibited on that ?lny. W. A. HUDSON. Chaitninn B >ar l County Conitt'ra. July i 9 td NATIONAL HOTEL, (D?ILWiK?lfla^, ??? CO. PROPRIETOR. 1\ HAMILTON JOYNER. CLERK. II A T E S Of r. .aid per Djy $?. 00 Supper, Breakfast and Lodging '2 Ot) Singh' Menli 1 (H.I Sep 1 15 t| I'TUTK LIBERTY WHITE LEAR. Buy the Bent?2t ia the Cher peat. IT IS U N E Q U A I. E D. 1?'. F t Wearing and Covering Prep r'ieg. 2d. For Whiteness at d B-auly of Finish. Xd. For Uni'o ni Fineness of Grndinsr. 1th. Same Weight will do more and hcMer witk, n' a given cost, than any oilier. 5th. Mo-t Economical White Lead ever int i nduced. ttth. If you wish to ptocurc as much ralna a? poftdldc for your ntoney and accu e handsome nnd durable work, uso PURE LIBER IY WHITE LEAD. Tiy it and he convinced. Sali&fAciiop g'.i'Anteed by tl.e Mann'net mere. ZIEGLE & SMITH. Wlndeenle Dhil?, Pnint ?n>) G1?m Deaieie, No. 1 :i7 North Third Si reel, Philadelphia. W 'IIOL ESA I E A GENTS C-GWER, COX A: MARKLEY. DEALERS IN Coach Matbiials, Paints, Oil, Glass. Putty. &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. Max 3 62 tf B WEHRLE, GnEETWDLLlE a 0. DEALER IN C9L0 M SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECT ACLESa 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Ring SILVER & SILVER-PLATE ' vU B X B O* WORK of all discrii'liona in hi* lin?* ?Um?* Oi l 27 * '23 1 DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P P. T O A L E, Manufacturer and Dealer, Xo. 20 llni/nr Street anil Ilurlbrcl'? Wharf, CHARLESTON 8. C. r> This is lli? lire? t and most ? mI?1? le F c'oi v of lli? kind in the Smil hem ^tat-s, nil articles in this line can be IIIrtiiplied by Mr. 1*. |\ ToAI.K al pi !< ? which defy ?omi ?tition. A pamphlet wi li full and detailed list nf all sizes of D.iors, Hn*h?? ai:d iJln d?., mid lb? pri?'s of each, will be sent (ten ind |mi?t paid, on application to IN IN Ton le, CHARLESTON, S O. July 12 10 '? v 1<S A CARD. *1 ?52 MV FRHCNDS AXD PATtJA. Iron* liiive my tbonk* for p?*t I iiZi jHafuvnr*. .to. I continue tomako gC-nfe i<i<iition* to inv Stock of JEWELItV. WATCHES, CLOCKS. SPEC- AA 1'ICLKS, S I I. V K K PLATE l>JKe&& A A UK. TAliLK CUTLERY, Ac. S|h?i?I ?t, ?" n-pnirmg ni<e Watches, <w<^ I'ime 1*ivcca of every <le*cripUoD. jamrs u. black, Jan IK 86 tf Ful scribe for The GnKi Kvnij. Kmei vutpe? on'}- f'2 n vor rf