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- - Ji - - - .. * CONSUMPTION. It 8 Care and Its Preventive, BY J. U.SCUENCK, M. D. MANY a hnMi kill kn p?Mcd away, for whvN death there wit so other reasou than the neglect of known and iudlepuUbly proven moans of cure. Tboao near and dear to fhtnily and friends are sleeping the dreamlesa slumber Into which, had thejr calmly adopted DR. JOSEPH II. BCHBNCK'S SIMPLE ' n<n viiruWT ] A * mm mm** m9 and availed thentsel vea gf bis wonde.Tul cfflea- ' cious medicine#, they would pot have fallan. Dr. Sobenk ha# in hisowMMa proved thai , wherever auffloioot vitality ^PBrtns, that Vitality, by his medicines and the direction! lor ' their un, to quiokened into healthful vigor. In this statement there b nothing prcsutnptnous. To the faith of the invalid ie made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living end visible works. The theory of the cure by Dr. Schenck's medicines is as simple as it is unfailing. Its phi* losophy requires no argaiasnt. It la self-assuring, self-convincing. The Beawood Tonic end Mandrako Pills are the first two wcapous with which the citadel of tho malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia an?l a functionally disordered livor. W ith this coudttlon tho bronchial tubes "sympathise" with the stomach. Tbey respond to the uiorbiflo action of tbe liver, lioro then comes the culmiuatiug result, aud the setting iu, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills are cnntprtcJ of ono of ? " - -*?v- .i? t? ..i. ..i.iu;..,,. p.i. iNalUrij I DOUIOBI. gliu iuo ? JUI ... tatutn. They possess all tho blood-searching, alterative properties of caluuiol, tut uuliku calomel, they * * LEAVE NO STIXQ DE1IIND." The work of euro is now leginning. The vitiatod and mucous deposits in the bowels and in tho alimentary canal nro ejected. Tho liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses ! from its torpidity. The stomach acts rcsponsivoly, and tho patient begins to feel thut ho is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD DLOOD. Tho Soawood Tonic, in conjunction with tho Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Chylifieatlon is now progressing without Its pruvious tortures. Digestionbecomes painless, and the cujd^^ecn to lie at band. There is no more no exacerbation of tho ?toraa.-h; AfHHtitc sets in. Now comFs~Jbo greatest lllood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father to rulTuriug man. Schcnck's Pulmonio Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete tho cure. It enters nt otieo rpun its Work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and ripens tho impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In tho form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in a very short tirno the malady Is vanquished, tho rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and tuado new, and tho patient, in all tho dignity oT regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN I P AS LOST. The second thing is, tho patinnts must stay in a warm room until they get well,; it is almost impossible to prevent taking cold when tho lungs are diseased, hut it must l>? prevented or a cure cannot ho effected. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this section of tho country in the full and winter season, are all wrong. Physicians who recommend thut course loso their patiunts, if their lungs ore badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the house they must not sit down quiet ; they must walk about tho room as much and us fust rrood snirits?bo determined to get well. This lins a great deal to do with tho appetite, and is tho great point to gain. To despair of euro after auoh evidence of iu possibility in the wroist cases, and moral certainty iu all others, it> sinful. Dr. Schenek's personal statement to the Faculty of Lis own euro wan in these modest words : " Many years ag<i I was in the last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, and at one titne my pbysioiuns thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning ninn catching at straws, I lnyinl of and obtained the preparations which I now cfl'er to th? public, and they made a perfect cure ol we. It. seemed to tnc that I could feel them ]onetra e my whole system. They soon ripened tho tn ittcr in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long titne. w As soon as lliU began to subside, nty rough, fever, pain anc^nighl sweats nil begau to lcavo uic, and my appetite bccamo so great that it was with 'difficulty that I could keep from eating too%nueb. I soon gained ^my m strength, and liuv? grown in flesh over sinco." ' I was weighoA|hortly after my recovery," added the Ducto^Blbcu looking liko a mere skcletou j my acM was only ninety seven pounds; my present weight is two hundred ( and twenty-fire [225} pounds, and for years I | hove enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Schcnck has discontinued his professional visits to New York and Boston, lie or his son, Dr. J. II. Bcbenrk, Jr., still continue to sec patients at their office, No. 15 North .Sixth Itrect, 1 biladetphia. every Saturday from '.I A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Itespirometer will tie* charged $5. Tho Itespirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curublo or not. The directions for taking tho me-iicincs nro adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow thpee directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases the ' Mandrake Pilla are to be taken in increased doses ; the three medicines need no other ae" ' compnnimcnts than tho iiqjnlc instructions that accompany them : Firslc?cutc appetite. Of ' returning health hunger :s the most welcome ym^tom. When it comet, ns it will corns, let "?V "<? "v * * W 1 V V. blood at once lotion.-, Ike coo^li loosens, tho night sweat if abated. In n short tiino iiotl. of thefe morbid symptoms nro gon?y forever. | I)r. 8chenck's medicines arc consfantly kept , ^ in tens of tbousunda of families. As a luxuor purgative, tho Mandrake Piils nru a ^^^^Lnjdnrd preparation; while Ibo Pulmonic ^^HPyrup as n curer of coughs and colds, may bo | 4 T regarded us a prophylacjtric against consurop tion in any of its foaaffT I'rieo of tlie Pulmonic Byrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.60 a bottle, or $7.60 a half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents u box. 1'or sale by ull druggists and dculcrs. Wholesale Agent, JOHN P. JIENItY, No. College Plnce, New York City. March 22 4C iy Dissolution. rjlIIP. FIRM of A J. ROSS A CO., was JL DISSOLVED, l?y mutual consent, on the 1st instant. All pmlies indebted will plesas make | ayrnent. ut once to the undersigned, who will continue llie huaiiiees, and who is author-zed to settle up the business of ihe old concern. A J. IlO.-S. ( July 6, 1871. ??o Turnip Seed-' WII. WATSON isagain reeaivlojr swil- . ( ahle Europe,.n and l)ona 'rtUTDH- ! NIP HERDS, for Field (stork u. I nrdcn (cullinary) culture, living *Ub some ' addition, of the famo classes and qualities, I and at the same price*, an of those sold hy him ! Inst year. Tested directions will bo attoehud I to each parcel; and for his trade customers, I Eighths, Fourths, Halves and Pound Paelr- | ages will be furnished at a reasonable discount. TOOLS for all trades constantly com-1 Injf in. July 6?9-3 PHOTOGRAPHING. HAVING recently lilted up the rooms j over "Whitmirc di For?uson's Stoie, Wllh Hfgaiit i urn prcpargu 10 uu all kiuria of PIlOTOtJRAI'lllNO, at vere tborl notice. Suli?f?< t;<>n guarented to all. , W. M. W UEELKK. May 21 3 If 1* For Sale* <Jt A RAY H0R8K nearly alxteen huuda high, fine under the ' ^w3y^-?"^^8addlo, and work* well anyT?v'uerc. Warranted to be peri fccuy 80tNI> and tlKNTLK. Apply lu It*. Juiuck F. I'muian, v/i Juliua i C. fctnirh, Ks<|. May 17 3 tf i _i ?I'lH-iU-i in ji WH. J. RANDOLPH, j STONE CUTTER ANO BUILDER. e LOCATED ? Fall. Stnol, on JJMN of Measia* Cower, Cox A GRAMTK of all deacriptlona furnlabed and cot-to order. TOMBSTONES, with Granite or Marble Pedeatala may bo had oa application. Special attention guaranteed to all1 Turk. fUCr- Ordera for TOMB8TONK3 led with dr. B. Wiiru, Jeweller, will rooolYo nay prompt attention. Jan 18 85 tf aw n aaa una JJUUJKrO, SA??1C.?, BLINDS, &o. S j. llrl l 11 F P P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, A'o. 20 Uatfn* S(re*l and Uorlbcck't Wharf, CHARLESTON. S. C. CSr This is tlie l*rjre-t and moat c> rnplr-le F.ictoiy of lha kind in tl:c Southern States, and all articles in this line can he furnished by Mr. 1*. P. To alb at prices which defy cnnii otition. pg" A pamphlet with full and detailed liai of ell sisea of Doors, Sa-hes and Blinds, and the pre* a of ench, will be sent free and port paid, on application to P. P. Tonlp. CHARLESTON, S. C July 12 10 ly. Farm and Residence FOR SAXjES. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER offeri for rale hi* 1 "GllEEN " FARM, of about Two Hundred Acred, a little more than a tnile frotn the corporate limit* oFGrcenylllc. The Mouse in a large and couifortahle one, containing eight room* with fire placer, and two othcra without fire-places. , On the placo are orcborda of Apple, Cherry nnd-Reach Treed, a body of Woodland, a piece of very rich BOTTOM I.AND, and a large bed of clay suitable for brick making, out of which large profit maybe tnitde. Tho place is dtipplied with an nbundance of_most excellent water, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to tho subscriber at Greenville. JAMES C. FUllAlAN. Mar 15 45 tf RIOIIEY CANNOT BtJY IT! PGR SIGHT IS PRICELESS II if You Value Your Kycslglit USF. THESE PEHFECT LENSES. ( ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYST Al'PEBBLES, Milled topciher, and deri\^ their mime " Fdaoinnd " on account- of tlwir Uardm-m and Brilliancy. They will lain many years without rhang*. and are warranted superi* i>r to all others, manure'uio I t?y J. 15. SPENSKR & CO., N. Y. Caution ?None genuine unL-as stamped with our trade mailc. J. C. C. Sole Agent for Gieenville, 8. C. Fron\ whom lliry can only be obtained. No Pedle-s employed. May 10 1 ly Spring and Summer MILLINERY. MISS McKAY bns returned from New York, and oper^l Ottatinti aii eleiiant miortmrnjA M 1 I. L I NERY. ennelsiiiM Bonnets and Hats of the nP t''.t sly I a for Ladies, Chllr aR drcn and Infnnla; also ItibSt i?V lions of all widths, Flowers, Lnee. Set and Hair Goods. Ladies and Chll. drena Suit*. <to. All orders will receive careful and pr>>ni|it attention. Api 11 20 61 If 18 . A CARD. 71 PAT J EW MiItY. WATl'llinHPKK, Sl'F.C- ?&!$& jiclks, sn,vfrWi'UTKiiEma VVAHK, TAbI.K*Cl.'TLKl{ Y, Ac. Fpcoiul at. tontion given to repairing fine Watches, and Tiuio l'ieccs of every description. JA.MKS 0. BLACK. Jun IS iii if J87|. Trade. |871 Cro qiict Complete sets from $3 to $20 per set. lluac lliil la. All the different kind* at reduced prices. Fishing Tackle. Of every description. futvcllng Rugs. For ladies and gentlemen. Foreign I'nucy Voodi. Illiiim itiid I'lutoU of ull Kinds and l'rlcm A inniuttlllon, Kporlinu'iiN <<iuod?, Goods shipped to any part of the country ficr express. The fame careful attention givin to order* hy mail as to personal purchase*. Prices for our good* based on gold at par. POULTNf Y, TRIMBLE &, CO., 200 IT. ItALT/tfO/lE NTREKT, \ BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 46 ly Ntalc of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court of Common Pirns. A- and V. A. M< But, Kxscutor*, vs. U.J. J'abb IN. BY virtue of an ordsr of his lloaor Judge On*, n in Ihi lhov? KiUd nnnn I tutll iLe. LI.L.ei I.UJ ^ , ?r >? rv>i iu mid ni^urov ui'juur, Wfi Maleeday in Angnat next, All thnt certain, pitae, parcel and tract of I.?n?l lying and being in tbe County of Qraanalllc, one and a half miU-a of tha City ?f Qreenaille, and containing fifteen aar?-a, and adjoining land* of V. McBgtfp Batata md other*, being tha raaidenaa wrreon tha [fefendmit, M. J l'arita, now llea?. Hold lo pay tha purahaae money, by virtua of an ordec of Cntll l. Tcrma Caah. Purebaaara to pay for ttainpa and paprra. .1. L. riOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. July ft 14 SPRING & SUMMER MimmmY. Just Be turned from Hew York. MR)}. JENNINGS ba? f turned with a (Ul itiek of MIL. LINBRY and other HOODS, an itod to tb? wants and iwhai sgSK^Bofibs ladiaa, to whleb ah* nVVB would to Tito an axamiaation.? VPJW Sha will baraaGRAND OPBNJill 1NO ?? Thartday. 17th teat., PVi and will ba plwwid to aae aneb of bar frlanda on tha occasion na may bara tba tine to nttond. Location, two doors below tba well-known atom of Messrs. W. H. llaray A Co. April X* 1ft tf The Southern Hotel . . HAS barn refilled and put In complete order for S^R|_tha a room model I on of lbs irarallnf public. Rates of Soaid reasonable. Call and giva ma a trial. J. o. YEaRGIN. May 3 63 8m B. WEHRLE riTIAS iust retmncd with a well LnJ selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ennn ciini) tin Diiain mini duiau oil icq Dsii.iLaitii unit Table Cutlery, &c. HIS Sto-.k \v?8 personally ee lected froir <be best ncu&ee in Lis line, and cu*j guarantee) satisfaction. Oct is 21 > tr Land for Sale. Tbc subscriber offers fo^snle hl? Land, situs ted some nine miles below the City ol (freenvile, on watera of Brushy Creek, Anderson County. In the Tract are 222 Acres, 3d of which are Bottoin and 20 are .Vroond Bottom. There arc good bouses, atablea, smoke bouses, corn criha, Ac. Tnis Land ia superior and under good cultivation, and will be* sold cheap for cash. Apply at onco, if you wish to invest. J. S. TIIACKSTON. 29 47 3m W. K. KASI.EV. a. a. WSI.I.I EASLEY A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lan AND IN EQUITY, OREKNVILLK, 8. C., PR 4CTICK in the Courta of the State and of the United Rtatea, and give espeeia attention to caacs iu Bankruptcy. June IS 3 JOOO LEY'S YEAST POWDER lino long been regarded aa the heat and cheapest Baking Powder in use. Perfectly I u e and healthy It makes, at abort notice, delicious Biscuits, Rolls, Ac. There need he no waste of food prepared with it, na it ia always of the host quality. We would say to those who have rn v r us-d it that a very few trials will enable them oto use if. tiol onlv with entire uili/.nti.i. but with economy. I'ut up mill, net weight represeulc 1, Grocer* and Deal* ers sell it. DOOLF.Y A BROTHER, Prop'*. 69 A'tie Street, Jfbo York City. April 5 48 6rn B. WEHRLE, QStSENVBLLE Q. O. DEALER IN m MB SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACttSj 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Bingt, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED -WA.umd* ' ISF" WOUK of all discretions in hi# line done promptly. Oct 27 28 1 COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C., VTUL. O-0P?l?AlT, rROPRirron rl~Mll? Proc- etor of the pleasantly located A nnd ei.yarliy furnished EslaMishmrnl,?t li^ Slate Capital, desires In inform the travelling public and ethers seeking accommodations that the "Colombia" is in every respeol a fl-el-class lintel, tinea*paced y any in the State or the Unlud State* Situ-led in lhe kindness centre of the ?it*r willi fine largr ah y room*, ard a eupplied with every delleaov of the eeaeon, troth from Now York* and Charleston marketa, the Proprietor pledget that no < ffor*a will he spared to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. A Aral o!a?* Livery Stable U attached to ' tho Hotel, wliere ve'delee ot every deecrip Lion can he had at the ahorieal notice. Omnihneea attend the arrival and depar Luio of every Train. WM OOIIMAN. Proprietor and Hupeiintendent. J. D. BUDD3, t'aehicr. Fob 16 89-tf PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Bent?It is the CJuapest To Conoumort of Whit* Load Enrymkerr. iTIS UNEQUALED, lat. Frr Wearing and Covering properties. Id. For Whiieneea and Beauty of Kluiah. al ? ? - - * nu. ror uoi'o m rmeneee *1 (trending. Ith. Ha ma Weight will do mora and batter work, at a firm coat, than any other. Mh. Moat Economical White Lead over introduced. Atli. If yon wish to proanra ae mne'.i valor aa poarihlo for your nionry and aectire handsome and dorahla work, uao PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and ha convinced. Satisfaction gurantced hy tba Mannfaalurera. ZIEO LEA SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint and Olaaa Dealer*, No. 1*7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AGENTS GO WEB/COX * MAULEY. DKALERS IN Coach Material*, Painta, Oil, Olaaa. Putty. Ac . GREENVILLE, S. C. >U)1 &1 if > % ' liipMiwi XI?<J ??. ?*MI Hcaiih WidMut Fare Blood. ' * ^ ? JL. " BR. GLAZENER'8 ^PIKEIV AKD A*? j' QUEEN'8 DELIGHT W7XJ& PURIFY THIS BLOQD / AND REMOVE Liver Complaint, Rbeutna^Bi^^tisui, Scrofula, Carbuncle*. Ba Ski# Dweww, Paine in the ^^9 Bouea, Dyrpepaia, Diaearea of j the Ktdoeya and Bladder, pain in tha Back and Loine, and all the varioue Ailment* produced by Impure Blood and Vitiated Secretion*. Buy one Bottle and try it, and if it fail* to give any relief, buy no more. DR. GLAZEKKR'S LINIMENT or TAIN EXTRACTOR i* good In RheuraatUm, Neuralgia, Heedeebe, Pain ia the Bank, Sprain*, Ac. DR. GLAZENBR'S FAMILY VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS are rate remedial agent* to overeoine Darangemrnl* of the Liver and to Purify the Blood. DR. GLAZENER'd COUGH RELIEF a excellent for all eaaee of Cough of any kind, from Group to Coneumpllon ; although oot recommended to cure the latter diaeaee, great relief will follow it* ua?. HT Tbe above lledietnee are prepared ODIV bv " DR GILES L. GLAZENER, Manufacturing Druggist, Giecnrillo, 3. C. W 8?'IJ by Druggist* generally. May 10 1 if '5 TF w2.5?C95 M fjj erHf f-oj s ! 5 Sfi ? c.S^|wts.irr--f c ^ r' ; J ? ? 8 r" u" s wa- I ^ : ii'r|f;|irP!H's hH SH I fc EB ?f*a'?<S.?"S5 5*iO EC 2 S" * rr ~ 3 * ? * ii l . * 4 2.?? = ?^S.?.J or-* ^ * ?' n? ff ^ r fc>' . m J SP1^~2.?H3iJ.9 1 c Li* wS?rl5n,,*c?? l;*Uei < Jr 5- ?. ? c fia.5 *-?3 5-^1^3 DO *5 S t res" ?* ^ i a si t? ^ Er* * rat K1 w S ^ 8 !* ?? I "rfvM.? i 3 uhslnHfU 85 8 ?~5e*. Is I sT ? ic J s-? S-^p b = ? _. P 1-5 rfj af??? s- I-g.Iq?l3 S-S..7S.2L S ATTENTION!!!" THE ATTENTION of City and County Re. tail Doalera ia re?iueatud to (be follow. ing : Owing to the depreaaed condition of buaineaa, and being anxioua to reduce atock, JOHN 8. FAIRLEY ft CO., No. 37 liny ate Street, Will offer to the Trade daring the preaent month, their eery attraoti7a and complete atock at TEN (10) PER CENT BKLOW NEW YORK JOBBER'S PRICES!!! TERMS: FOR ALL BILLS UNDER $100. CASH OR APPROVED NOTE AT THIRTY DAYS, with Intereat from date of purcbuae, at 12 per cent, per annum. FOR ALL BILL8 OVER $100, APPROVED NOTES AS ABOVE, AT POUR (4) MONTHS, on acceptance, will be accepted. Mercbanta ordering will pleaae apeclfy on which of the abore terma they wiab to purcbaae. Their Stock conalata of the largeat variety to be fonnd in tbeCity. ef Straw anu Millinery Gooda, White Gooda, Hoaiery, Oh.rea, Trimminga, Laoea, Embroidcrfea, Ribbona, Umbrcltaa, Paraaola, Ladica' and Gcnt'a Linen, and Paper Collara and Cuffa, Ladica' Lace Col* lara, aud a complete aaaortment of Fancy * 1 I - 1kT-.l - jwvub liuviuui ?ua iiaill VT?rtl. June 7 6 1m ^MWATER WHEEL, MinJurin^SI^DtrPirileys PCrtHM vxs^^iy^^ t^L5ZHO roilA CIROULAR^fel Dee 7 2? Jy Fairview Academy. j. b. smitbTprincipal. THE SECOND SESSION of ^Z^kthta SCHOOL wt.l July '^nR'O*1'' *n<* o?n''nne till Nov. 24 iKv Tuitioh?$8, $ |o ?nd |1? t??r board in print* fumille* on the monl j i rnxMimiif (crina. For |>?i iicuUr?, id'trca lh? Principal. June IS "S M, O. ?1HM. V, r. C. O ITiriKNf BUTLER, MoBEE k 8TEPHENS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Bqnity, GREEWILLR. s. ?_ Will FtmUoo U tk? ComU of tli? tUto ui of tho VatUi (tetM. May SI 4 U PiiyaU Boarding. J CAN toko tool BOARDERS, ottfcor by tbo dor, wool or month. Bw attoatlea t itMlrtkl* ot?o M Mala Rtroot, botwoon T. W. Darla' Woodoa Ht<>ro Room and tho Artok Storo Room oooantod by W. D. Qoodwlo, A good TABLE will bo faraiobod. RATER.?Por Day $ I *0 " Wook 7 ? ** Month 3ft H T. B. ROBERTS, tfcooivillo, S. C , July 13, 1*71. 10-tf UJEl . i_jf .JfijJL-JLiliJ i.. L JfB* WM. P. PEXCE, ATTORNEY AT UW . DAHL0NE8A BA? T1TILL practice to the Counties of Lamp ,Tf kfti. Dawson, Uilnw, Fannin, Union TownMWhiU and Hall. 1 Jab it S3 | TOWNE* & EAST," ATT0KNIE8 AT LAW. OFPICS J? tbA OLD COURT HOUSE HtddU Room on the Booth Bide, Lowe 4 Story, GREENVILLE, 8. C. a. r. *?**??. ^? *?T Jint oj H THE MILLS HOUSED ?&&suba?s?33, ?. ?. PARXQl A CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD. TER DAY $4 00. D?o 8 2V GHAELESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Propr otor. ASSISTANTS, A. BUTTERFIELD, (f. r merly oflh* Pavilion Hotel,) aud W 8. MILLER. PAVILION HOTEL, ? HO L?j S W (Q ItS" s So QSo BOARD, Per D?y $3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Mrs. U. L. BUTTERFIELD. Proprletro?N, Sept 20 19 tr Chialotte, Columbia and Augusta R R. 6urkrixtknt>k!it'a Okmcb. Columbia, 8. 0., January 17, 1871. ON and after SUNDAY, January 22, tbo Passenger trains over tills Road will run ns follows: Goiity North, No. 2. No. 1. Arrive. Lenre. Arrive. Lettrs. Augusta A 00 pm 8 00 ntii Columbia 11 05 ptn 11 20 pm 12 51 pin 1 08 pin Winnsboro 1 25 am 1 27 *<u 8 17 pia 8 37 pin Chester 2 56 atu 3 00 am 5 07 ptn 5 10 pui Charlotte 5 30 am 7 30 ptn Guilty South, No. 1 No. 2. , Arrive. Leave. Arrite. Leave. Augusta 7-15 pm 7 30 nm Columbia 2 10 pm 2 28 pm 2 13 am 2 28 nm Winnsb'o 11 55 nm 11 55 am 12 56 pm 11 58 pin Chester 10 20 am 10 23 am 10 27 pm 10 30 pm Chnrlotto 8 00 am 8 10 pm Guilty North.?Both No. 1 and 2 makm close daily eonuretioue at Charlotte for New York and all points North und Eust. Passengers leaving on No. 2 on Saturdays, will lny over 12 hours at Richmond. Going South?Both Noi. 1 and 2 mnke close daily roniieetioni at Augusta with trains of the Ucorgia and Central Georgia Roads, for all poiuts South, South-west and West. Through Tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. J. M. SELKIRK, Supt. E.DoB.rscy, General TiekctAgcnt. ? MWSSI wwu VVAUpdliJf t Vice pnrpinicmt'a Qrrtcn, Columbia, S. C., January 10, 1871. Change of Schedule. ON and after Sunday, 22d iust., Passenger Trains npon this Read will arrive and leave as fellows: TRAIN NO. 1. Leave Charleston at 8 20 a m Arrive at Ctdumbia at 3 40 p in Leave Columbia at 12.15 p in Arrivo at Charleston at 7 50 p tn Leave Camden (Sundays exe'd) at...9 50 n in Arrive at Kingsville at ' 20 p m Leave Kingsville (Sundays exe'd) at.2 30 p in Arrivo at Camden at 0 00 p in The above trains run in conneotiou with WilmingtoST, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with trains for Wilmington, North Carolina an J with trains for Augusta, (lunrgia ?making closo connections with night trains of Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad, for all points South and West. TRAIN NO. 2?NIOHT KXPRKSS. (Sunday night excepted.). Leave Charleston at 7 10pm Arrive at Columbia at ? oo ? m Leave Columbia ai. ..7 50 p in Arrive at Charleston at 6 45 a m This train runs in connection with up Au> got'a trains, making close connection with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad inoruing trains, for all points South and West. A. L. TYLER, 8. B. Pikki*", Vice President. General Ticket A gout. Greenville and ColumbiaR^ft COLUMBIA, 8. 0 , Mvrch 1, 1871. ON and after 1 hi* data, the following ached uls will be run daily, Mondays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on Mouth Carolina Railroad up and down ; also with Trlans going Mouth on Charlotte, Columbia and Augnala Railroad: Up. Leisw Columbia at 7 00 a. m " Alston 9 10 a. nt Newberry... 11 16 a. in Cokea'ury 8 00 p. m Helton.... ft 00 p m Arris* at Greenville 6 80 p. m Down. Lease firoenvillc at 6 15 a. m " Belton .* 8 16 a. in '* Cokerbory 10 07 a. in " Abbeville 8 15 a. m " Newbarry 1 60 p. m " Alston 4 06 p. in I Arris* at Columbia 6 66 p. in TUOS. UODAMKAD. General Superintendent. M. T. Bamtlktt, Gei e<al Ticket Agent Schedule Blue Ridge R R ON and after this date the following ached, nle will ho observed by the I'aaaengor Trains over tbla Road : Up. Laass Anderson 4 20 p m M Pendleton ..... ? ...ft 20 " 44 Perry*III* 10 " Arr. Wall) alia .....7 00 44 Dutcu. Leave Walballa.... ...4 00 k m 44 Perryvitle 4 45 " 44 Pendleton ft *0 Arr. Aadertnn 0 10 " In rate* of detention on the G. and O. R. II., the train "nn thi* Iload wilt wait one hoar for the train from Ration, rie?|>t <rn flatur lay*, when It will wait until the arrival of the Bolton train. W II. D. QAILLARD Bup't. iv n. MJm m AWTfdDlRIWI*^ AW IfrAW, ytAT73 aoLicrron jy equity. WILL rSACTIOK IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STA1E 4 LAO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS, Offlee OreemvtUe 0. H., . 0. ; i??ij 7 ij* DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY! JQ. M< DAVII) graduate of the PennaylTtnlt College of Dental aneeton IMA-AT, iMfMttAlly offer* kU nrofeaaionel aervieea to tho (IOmu of Greenville sod carrounding country. Having acquainted btoMlf with tb? modern Improvement* of his profeaaion, be bopea, by atrlct attention to buainea*, to be able to give aatia fee lion. OfReo on the corner of Coffee and Main Streele, in II. A. Cauble'a former reeidence, up at air*. J. y. M?DA VID, D. I). H. . I i 4? .In, gqimgjig'jj" i'j 1 u !~ i . . uJ Sixty Five First Pri*e Med- J als Awarded. _ THE GREAT 1 BpHI Southern Piano FACTOHV WM. KNADE & CO., |lanuf:telurvr* of Grand, 8quaro and Uprtgh A PIANO FORTES, * Baltimore, Mil. r*"*IlKSK Instruments havo boon before the ? JL public for nearly thirty year*, cod upon g thair excellence done ettalced na nupnrthaeed CI prt-eiiiinrnre, which pronounces them unequal- K cd. Tlu-ir Tpnu combines greet power, sweet- g neSs anil line sh.giig queliiy, es well es great. { purity of Intonation, and sweetness through- at out the entire ecalo. Their Touch is pliant ti and eliietic, and entirely free from the stiffness V found in . > many Pianos, iu Workmanship JJ they arc uncqualcd, using none but the eery fej boat seasoned notarial, the large capital cm- tl ployed in our busiuosa enabling us to keep d< continually an immense stock of lumber, Ac., on lntnd. y, AH our Sqnnr* /'inane here our New Itn- ol proved Ovcistrung Scale aud the Agraffe Tre- m blF 2! We would cull special attention to our lata improvement., in (irond Pianos and Square M Orands, Patented August 14th, 18(111, which 2 bring tho Piano nearer perfection than has M yet been att.ilnod. ^ Kerr if /V.iho /?/(y Warranted for !> Year*. JJ Wa have made orrun gem cuts for the Hole. JJ Wholes <lo Agency for the most Celebrated Parlor Organs nud Melodronr, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory qi Prices. WM. KNABB A CO.. > Baltimore, Md. J] Doc 7 29 Cm 5 in i?oit a; kvT flioTit e ~ 2 TO . CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. J All Retail Hrt/rri amounting to ?20 and Over 2 Drtirrrrd in any /'art nf the Country free or express charges. r ?1A M1L1 ON EASTER &. SONS, f OK BA?.TIM?Rr. VP., 5 IN order tfio better to meet the wants of 1 the Retail Customers at a dlMuncc, hero Tl established a SAM TLB HlfRBAU, and will. " upon nRplicHl ion, pruuiui/g *cm/ hjj mail full j " * A* a ? .I ' linos of sample* 01 ri.u newcn ? < Fashionable IIhh'If, of French, Knglish and 1 Douiraiio Mmulacture, guaranteeing at nil | 1 times to sill us l??r, il not at fin prt'ers, ' j any linuin in the country. ' Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts ol Europe, nn'd itnporting Ihe sumo hy Steamers direct t<> Baltimore, our stock is at nil times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Pari* market*. As we buy nml sell only for cash, and make no hud debt*, we nrc able and willing to sell nnr goods at from Ten to Fifteen percent Lees Profit than if wo gavk credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. Wo keep the hest grades of every class of goods, froui the lowest to tba most costly. Orders nnncconipanled by the cash will be sent C. O. I). Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are Invited to inspect tin Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Mdrrsi HAMILTON FASTER A SONS, 107, 10'J, 201 and 2U.'l West ?}alt Dee 7 JO ly teg ' Pr?*?U?..r. H. II. UrDomi ,|Ce, IWa On. *c?u, Su !>??. l?,o,r.l , ?,l Xl < felLLIOiv* TMIiHMT M lh?lr Wtaderful Canill** Ifeclit TImiw Bitter* u? not t vile Fancy Drink, Mude of Peer Ruie. Whlekey, Freer Splrltn end Refuse Llttcn, doctored, epteed end eweetoood to please the teste, eaUed ' Tonka," Appetisers." " Beetorets," Ac, that lead the tippler on to dntnkenneea and rain, bat are a true Medicine, made from the Native Boole and Herha of California, Dree fire an all Alcoholic Htlmulnnta. Tber are the UIIKAT BLOOD PURIFIER and * LIFE UIVlKti PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invtgoretor of the System. carrying off all polaonooa matter and recto hoe the Mood to a healthy condition. No peraon can take theae Bitter* accordln* to directions and remain Ion* anwell. provided their bo nee are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orran* wasted beyond the point of repair. They nre n dentin l'nrcntlve nn well aa a Tnnle, poasaaaln*. also, tb* peculiar merit of actios as a powerful a*sot In retlevln* Congestion or IoOammatloD of the Urer, and of all the iaoera) Orsana. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTtt, whether In roan* or old, married or aincle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of ills, these Tonie Bitters have no ecusl. For Inflammatory and Chronle Rbei* nations and (lour, Dyowepeln or In, digestion, Bilious, Uomlttent and Intermittent Fevero, Dloenaeo of the Blood, Liver, Kldneyo and Bladder, these Bitters have been moat eacceeeful, Beck Dlaenoeo are oeueed by Vltlotod Blood, which is senerally produce/ by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYMPEPMIA OR INDIOXfPPIOW, Headache, Pain In tha Should era, Coughs, Tightnsas of the Cheat. Dlzxineae, Boor Bruotatlone of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bib one Attache, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation o( the Langs, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and n hundred other painful symptoms arp.tha oO prings of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them at On equal led effloncy In rdsanflnwlhsbtood ofanim. parities, and Imparting new lit* and vigor to the W?OR SKIN D1HKAHU, trupttone.Tetter( Salt Rheum, Blotcheu, Spots, Ptmptea. Pnatulea, Boils, Carton nelea, Ring-Worm a, Hoaid Head, Bora Byes, Krysipelaa, 1-ch, Scurfs, DlecolormUonsof tha Kin, Humors and Diseases of the Hhin. of wlintavar name or nature, are literally dug up and oarlied out of tha system in a abort time by the nm of gbaaaKUara. One bottle to such eaaee wtUcoaTinoa tha moat Incredulous of their carstlvsdbtt Plasmas tha Vitiated Blood wltesie.iii you <h?d Its Importtlae bursting through the dia In Pimples, Brnptlons or Bona; cleanes It whan you Bad M obotmatod and dugglah In tha vatua; cleanse it when It U foal,and yonr foaUnga will tall you whau. Keep the blood para, and tha health of tha aystsoi erlll follow. PIN, TAPS, and othar WORMS, urhlag ha tha system of ao many thousande, are SeotaaOy destroyed and removed. SOlil) BY iU DHUOOltTI AND T)RAT.BBS. fur emu iu loo Ciijr ?i Ureenriilu DR. M. A. 1IUNTKR A CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Drug Modieiocr. Chemicals, Ac., Ae. Hay 10 1 GEORGE PAGE & GO. Ho. 0 I. SchroBder St,? Baltimore. Manufacturer of Portable and Stationary | 8TKAM ENOINK8 AND BOILERS, Patent Improved, Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, (long, Malay and Soah Saw Mills, Oriel Mllla, Timber Wheala. Shlngla Machines, Ao. Dealers in Circular Save, Bolting and Mill aupplioa generally, ond manufacturer's agooia lor t> IT. Is CelsbraN od Tiirl.lno Water Wheel, and ovary da- 1 sorption of Wood Working Machinery. 1 eoaictiLTUMi, ReoiMga a ai' t til" Send for deacriptivo Oalaloguoo ond ? Price Llatg. ??-1y i i y' I 1 IU'WI-.U.' Oyer's Saraaparilla, m ar velloa^irretera'ta cams of Scrofulous dU# 52SUJfcS3^3jSTwS ft>T*>w dj mo 6croffu? 4HPHI|^ Tool contamination until iey were prtafUOy *?etlnff, bem radically sSEEtt&&J!&SSgP?& ??o?b&'Jo5^ IWSEW destnuv rfjMBldffoariioe. Often. this unseen and irouffeoattbebodr.sad then, on mmm ftronbla s^ion. mpidlr jfcreloplaeo one or other of Its ? body. the orweilwiel nee of a bottte r this SartapmrMa Is adrtssbis, *m when ne Mr* syg^om. of dissase appear^ Jysons af. ad Immediate relief; ainf at lyft ww, by the M of IhU BAMBJJPAMIxSEi St. AntMor'? Jlrii XM or Jfryjpstos. Tetter, Bml* EmmM| 0M14 Jnneewnii tow Xyoo^ oro JMre, and other eruptions or risible forme r BcrofuUu0 dleeeee. Also In the more conaled forms, ae Jryyoto, bwjey, ffoert mm are eared by h. theagb a long time Is reaired fbr subduingthese obstinate maladies by ay medicine. Bui long-eon tinned use of this' edlcine will ears the complaint. Xosoorrtowi r Iftitoo, Ptoriao PlooreltoM. and T*tn*l* Xmmm, are oonnoely soon relieved sad ulUi ate It eared by Its purtftring and in rigors ting Ibot. Minute directions for esch ease are found i our Aimaneo, supplied gratis. JUbwiasNm ad t*u$, when caused by acoumulatlons of exnneoas matters in the blood, ytetd quickly to K, J also lAvrr Complaint*. IwyMUy, Cowgws ww or Jw/isnastioa of no uoor. and iTsnwIm. when arising, as they often ao, from the inkling poisons In the blood. This SAHSA-s ABILLa Is a great restorer fbr the strength ad rigor of the system. Those who ere Iss. si! and JAstle**. Pwjuwlmt. Mseplsss, ad troubled with JTsrvew* 4pji rehew slow* or Wars, or any of the aAwttons symptomatic of r?sftn?M, will find immediate relief and ?onLncing eridenoo of lu restoratire power upon tel. P B B P A RED B7 hr. 7. O.AT1P * CO., I^wsU, Mam, PntcHeal and Analytical Chemist*. 0U> BT ALL DRUGGISTS KTXRTWHSRR. (UTKor sale in Greenville i>y ~~M. A. IIUNTEB * CO.,"Agenf?. A.gSl, " ______ FLflJTAllOifBnrbltS This wonderful vegetable restorative is tho sheet-anchor of the feeblo and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the nSTlWl and lail^lllU It b&S no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.* In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every* species of disorder which undermines tho bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. '^Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a me uiriiiat siapie. it is to-day the best and purest tonic, and tho most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 22, 1870. ft 1 EDMONDS T. BROWN, p * mm jm rmr mm 9 4m mjs^msrm awiaaianv OP POSITS CHARLESTON HOTEL. CHARLESTON, S. C. Rcpt 38 19 ij A. B. MULCI^AN. CHARLESTON. S- O. Mf?8M. SULUVAN * SON, ARK MY AOB xvr T s At GREEN TICL&S. C., And wim, makk li;tei>ai. caaii ndronoet on nil COTTON Bhlppod to mo through then. A. H. MULLIGAN. fltpt n It ly__ THE NICKER80N HOUSE, COLUMBIA. & oWILL Mi b? ?Ioh4 on Mtonat of ih? <to*th of ilia Proprietor. Vm, A Mmumt. but will ho oorrio4 on ? h?rotofor?. ,v M. wi.t.iw U^MOUAwr ?t inH her row. WM. 0. WHJQHT. The frien.U f (he lete proprietor are iaritwf i0 e?IJ m hakah l. wrtoht Frl. 14 n?-if WM. C WRKIIIT