University of South Carolina Libraries
(Tljc <3 ft E ; o. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1871. Puixos Napoleon who w?? at II ivro, h ts been ordered to leave France. Editorial Visit. Uev. J. I. Bon.inn, the able editor of the A ntcxiat* Reformed Presbyterian, pubii?he?l ?i n?. W-.i 1 ~ -? ?. - ?n last work. We regretted that we were not iu to see liim. He i* also President of the Due West Fein ?le College, which is iu ] a flourishing condition. ? ?? ' Cool We&thor. t Tiio weather during the closing day* c of last week, and the beginning of (be t present, was remarkably cool in this < section, but quite refreshing. Crops i aro gonerally doing well. Iu some > neighborhoods however, want of rain is ? beginning to ir.jire the corn. < Fins Poaohes We bare received at our office a basket of ripe and superior peaches, fr.uu tho firm of Col. E. S. Innate, who has for many years put, taken much piide in tho cultivation and improvement of all kinds of fruits. Col. E., not only pays attention to tho raising of stock and introduction of grnsso?, but lends a p irtion of bis attention to the growing 1 of those little luxuries which go to make ( homo attractive and happy. The basket of poaches sent us wa; a < large one, and supplied all bountifully, i for which lie will please accept ovr sin* ' ccto thanks. - < Tho L>nte Hiot in Now York. ' The riot and i>s incidents are largely | discussed still in Now York. The Jfcr j uhl thinks it will have a groat political a influence, and damage the Democrat* by < arraying all the Protestants influence j against them. Wedoluot think the I) in , ocr its of the Noith and West quite such ^ fools as to forsake thcii party and p in- i ciples on account of the behavior of the j Now Yoik Mayor in wishing to avoid ( a riot hv prohibiting the Orange pro- c cession. Do tho Republicans forsake f their party for the mistakes or high c ciimcs'of some local leader? Hut it ? seem* that tho leaders of opinion in the f North, take it for granted, that tlie peo t plo of all races are equal#, sure enough, , equally fools and incapable of discrim t inating, and ready to he cheated by any ( political trick. The attempt to injure ( the whole South by a speech of Jef c vc.hson Davis, which no man hero re a garded is an instance of their faith. j . -mmt- . c Coronero InQuosta* An Ir.quesl was held by Trial Justico Jkssu K. Stonk, E-quire, over (he body of Mrs. S a it aii Cokkii, of Oak Lawn Township, in this county, on iho 25:h ' dav of June last, deceased was found * dead in her bed on the morning of that ^ dav. The verdict of jury was " death by Appoplexy." J. L. Jk.vkin's, Fore man. On tho 29'h of June, J. K Stonb, Esquire, acting Coroner, held an In quest over the body of Ciikistoi'UKR ^ M.Oiu'.kh, in Austin Township. Det ceased was found dead where he bad | been ploughing in his field the evening before the Inquest. Verdict?death from congestion of the stomach. N*l bon Austin Foreman. In both these case# the verdicts were P founded upon examination and te?timo ^ ny of intelligent medical gentlemen.? There were no suspicious circumstances appearing in cither case. (j ? ? . Tho Loto Kor. Win. D. Johnson, D. D. Wy extract from the Anderson //? b icUir/enccr, tho very interesting stato- b menl below, as to the proposed publb b cation of Reminiscences cf I)r John- ^ son, written by himself, together with j the funeral discourse of Dr. J. C. Fur ^ mav, preached at his death in Green- j ville, in October 1802. We have road f lire manuscript years ngr>, and can bear Jwitness of their irreat inti>rr??i nn,l ' Dr. Johnson died in his 81st year. Hi* j reminiscences go back to his childhood. J He was a lillle boy when Gen. Wash-. / iNoroH visited South Carolina, and re ' lutes incidentally circumstances ^ attending a private entertainment of j the father of his country, at which ho i / was present. h We wish the editor of the Working Christian success in his undertaking.? ^ We would bo pleased to receive sub- p scriptions for tho book, and to forward |j them, ns we doubt not other friends in S Greenville and ebewhpre would cheer- ^ fully do. 2 ii " ISKMIKISCKKCES OF l)rt. JOHNSON." J, "bfl editor of tho Working Chris D tian has examined tho manuscript, cpn 'J, taining " Dr. W. 13. Johnson's Iteinin iscence*," and finds that they are very interesting. These reminiscen je cos were written by l)r. Johnson a i few years before his death, and are said to contain a good autobiography of this working and useful man. llis coin- ^ ments on the men, and times, aod pla ccs of his and labors, a<e replete to with interest. )>ro. (raines proposes to CM publish these reminiscences, together |,j with th? fuocrah di<cour#o of Dr. J C. b'uriuan on tho occasion of J)r. John-> (.oil's death, and other sketches of this gieal and good man, in neat book form', sc * ? ~il TA . Lie thinks the book will contain about 150 pages, and that it can be sold for $1. When the names of three hundred persons are pledged for as many copies, ihe work will be put in print without delay. To this community, where Dr. Johnson lived and laboied for so many years, and where hie honored remains are now reposing, we think there will be no diflicully in securing a large-list of subsetibers to the proposed wotk.? Let acJve exertions be made at once, so that at Isast this memorial of Ins services andyltefulness may bo assured. The death of Dr. Johnsou occurred Jilting the war, and it was the inlenion of the Baptist denomination to ireel a monument to his memory. Ahis intention has never been carried >ut, and probably will not be for yeano coino, we tliiuk it tho duly of all do iiiug to perpetuate the recollection of | bis eminent and devoted servant of, [}od to encourage I3ro. Gaines in this voluntary undertaking, by forwarding orders at once for copies of this work. We will take pleasure in receiving the names of petsons who are willing to! tubscribe, nnd we trust that others will mors activelv canvass the unt.i.wt in anil out of the denomination. FOR TI1K OKEENV1LLK ENTERPRISE. | [hlRBNVILLB COUNTT, July 15, 1871. Wiikrkas, We, llie undersigned citizens of "Jroenvil'c County, appreciating the op? iretseJ nod impoverished condition of our Stale, arising from exparte and nnj:i?t legslntion?nut lite least of which is the clnsr legislation, establishing what is c tiled the 'Saw Code of Procedure nt Law," and the >utrng>-ous, extortionate and intolerable Vet of eosls allowed lawyers and court oftt tors un ler and by this act. The whola liing being engrafted upon our Status )ooks by a msn?the oflf-piing of reconilruclion iniquity and ono of the great ist monstrosities of " Carpet-Baggers," pet spawned upon our Slata. That while we are fully cogniztnl of the fact, ' .hat there has been a great deal of dis tonealy and extravagant waste of the | nublic treasury on the part of many of >ur officials, and that the taxes are burlensomc and bard to be borne, yet we ire candidly of the opinion that much if the discontent and demoralization of ocioty arises as much from the practical beatings of this odiotts code as any hing else, and we would further sub uit that wo do not regard it either pa riotid or right in any sense of the word bt attornies to demand or accept these txoibitant bills of cost, and cannot coni uv>t mcir consciences can be oothcd anil at ease, when it is so pal>ablo and apparent to any and every ?ne, that their fees are so far dispropo ionate to services rendered. The cuui ts have upon broad and iigh grounds of equity, justice and ex' >ediency, and in view ot the fact of the greater bulk of tho pioperty of the iouthern people being swept away, leld very wisely and patriotically, that Id debts should not bo paid in foil; tit what relief is it to the masses to bo elieved of portions of their indebtedess, when tlie costs of obtaining this elief is often twice, or even more than liree fold as much as the amount of his reduction, and into whose pockets hir gees, tho record showeth. And re further submit, that it is the interest nd duty of tho people to lake enre of tiemselves, and keep out of the courts, nd for the adjustment of claims and di> utea to establish a board or board* of rbitration, and to the end that a full xpression of public opinion may bo licited, we request a public meeting of lie citizens of the county be held on Ins subject on salesday in August, hi lie Court Iloute, to develop? and ma* me iome plan for the establishment of hi* board or boards.. iV A Davenport Jos 1' Latimer i J Wedlock C I) Smi.h ) K Vaughn J II Latimer /ol Jac McCullough Willis Chandler ohn T Groes Jno II Latimer labiiel I'osey (J \V Sullivan Jr 'hailcs l'o?ey Wm Allison ' Ilenry Stokes Hubert Taylor 'incen' Austin Alford Taylor Jr an M Sullivan 11eulet Sullivan as NLiCullough Harris Walker t C Stepp Wm Me* k? t F Moreiey It F Hutching* e>?0 French W I' Hutching* I liamaey W S Hutching* oiln T Stoke* D II Diennoii Hlen McDavid W J Dremion lobert McClary S A Drtnnoii a* II Arnold J U Drennon Vm Austin 1' A Dronnon ! Davis J C Drennon I 1' West W A Drennon i T Thompson Jackron Lollia S Landre.-s Hubert McGregor i J Kerhy W Wright i Robinson W It Darbf Ii Kirn >1 ? WSIIS ? v ? ?? iMinuiQ [>hn Vaughn O I' Herry 1 H Irvine J L Southern W Austin 8 J Doutliit ' A McD.tvid M M June*. Tub population of It eland is now *s than twice llnit of London. " Through ticket* to go around the orld " for $ 1,250 are now told in ondon. Dokxkts for next fall and winter are have a wide box plaited curtain or pe at the back, which will compl^ely . 1 do tho bitck hair. _ . .... i SAN FKAN'jisco, July^^, J A waterspout in Nevada lifted a pas 'tiger t^in fioni the traek*. tor the Greenville Enterprise. Jackson. Tan*., July 8lli, 1871. Afeur*. Editor* ; During stay of two days at Brownsville, I was convinced that it la good point for trade. Thera are four vary product Ire counties which make Ibis their market. They grow very success fully corn, wheat, oits, grasses and cotton. The latter ia the principal or op. Since last September, 21.000 bales hare been market* ed in Brownsville, After such disburse. | m*nU of money as the above salea create, (and much of ii going Into the hand* of tha negPoes,) lb?re moat ba a large trade for (lie merchants. Tld? town haa bectt built op slnoc the war, and is the result of our changed iy?? lem of laoor, aa j rlor to emancipation all (ha planlera had their faetora in Memphis, whore they chipped their cotton and ordared supplies for their families and slaves. There are, however, some diverting railroads in contemplation which may, when built, effect tha permanent business of Brownsville. A few hours ride carrie 1 me to Jackson, litis is an attractive city. I was decidedly impressed in favor of Jackson on first sight. The beautifully shaded lawns, and handsome houses, surrounded with delightful flowers and evergreens, were evidences to mo of taate and refinement*-strikingly like our own lovid Greenville. After some days slay here, I am satisfied that energy and talent will bs well rewarded, either In Jackson or the surrounding country. This is about the centre of West Tennessee, is on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and is the let minus of the Mississippi Central, j There are other companies in course of organization. The city proper is COt)0 iuhab itnnts, and a surburban | opulatioo of about 2000 more; haa ooe Male (a State) College ?"d 3 FcoihIh Institutions of learning ; lias nine or ten -- -- v - -- , ?Ml, mm ini n* X HIU able to decide, a cultivated society. Jackson i< of steady growth ; lint doubled its population since ths war. The intelligent and impnttinl men apeak very hopefully of I the future ol Jackson. For persons going Wost to farm, and in search of a rich and highly productive soil, where society is nlreidy well established, with n climite noj very unlike the upper South Carolina, I think they will find West Tennessee to meet their wishes. For mechanics and business men, there is at least a fair chance of making a comfortable support. 11. ? -? ? FOR TllE GIBENMLLE KKlKKrRIML The Episcopal Convocation. The exercises and services of this body were opened on Wednesday, at 11 o'clock, by an Introductory Sermon by the Rev. Ellison Capsrs, Reetor of Cbiist Church, Qree.ivllle. Text, " And ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath ; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord "?VI, 4, Ephesisns The Convocation assembled at 6 o'clock, of the same day, in the Church, to allcud to the business of the meeting. This Convocation embraces within its territorial limits the counties of Abbeville, Anderson, Oconee, Tickena, Grcenvi'le, Spartanburg, Lauren*, Newberry, Union, York and Cheater, and is composed of all clergymen canonically resident in those counties, and of laymen elected by each Palish to represent it in the Convocation. This Convocation is call cd the Convocation of Greenville, and meets three each year?in Apiil, July , and October?and at different points, sue ct'.?siveiy. inc ci?riciii uoicgaies present at the las' meeting were the Kerr. J. D. Mc. Culloogh, W. P. Duhore, Huberts P. Johns ron, O T. Porcher and Edmond R. Milre.? The Lay Delegates were. Mt-srrs. Parker Sliand, Andrews, Waller, Rutledg-?, Stoke* and Arlhur. After a very harmonious rea ei?n, the Convocation adjourned, on Friday evening, having effected much good for the Church, and after having accomplished the work and fulfilled the purposes of it* organization. These C invocations are subordigate. representative and legislative bodies to the Convention of tlie Diocese of South Caroli na, there being five of them in the Diocese but they are of the highest importance to to the welfare of the Churah, and one pro* ducing most happy results with the clergy and Inity, both piieat and people. The system is admirably adapted to supply the spiritual want* of the people of the Episco pal Church, and there ia no doubt but what there convooa'iona wilt become permanent iurtitutiona in the Diocese of South Carolina. A president ia elected annually, and also a Secretary and Treasurer, but when the Hudmp ia present he presides. The work of the C nvocation ie missionary in its character, but it i? confined to the limita of the Convocation, and is intended by its founders as n means to produce the general and highest development of the christian | character within ita territorial limits. In accordanco with this view, at these meetings of the Convocations, Divine service is frenuentlv held, and seimnnt nee ft.. 11 if o,1 in ill* Church, and at the business meet ing discussions entered into by clergy and laity on subjects of theologioal and practi c?l importance, llefme the assembling of the Convocation, the subject which is to engnge particular))' the Convocation is in dicate I by the president, and a member of the body appointed to preach a sermon and another to read an essay on that particular subject. Alter being preached upon, and examined by the essayist, it goes to the Convocation for more general discussion.? It is evident, therefore, that there exists every facility of attaining the truth, which we, as a religions people, desire to possess. The subject for discussion during the late session, was *' Christian Education," The Rector of Chriat Church, Greenville, open* ed the exorcises, as has been above stated, with a most impressive and learned and el? oqueot discourse, on the importance of the early religions education of the young.? The sermon waa convincing and unanswerable, bo*li aa to doctrine and praotiee.? Tl _ ? - - nis itrmon was men followed l>y an casay upon the general education of the young, by that pure christian and gifted divioe. Rev. Edward R. Miles. Our apace will not allow ua to apeak of thia production aa we desire, but suffice it to say that, according to our judgment, it waa the most complete essay we hare ever had the go? d fortune to listen to. It waa able, erudite, comprehensive aod exhaustive of the subject. .We hope to ace the eaaay published. The next a?rtnon was by Ror. Mr. O. T. I'orcher, the Rector of the ohuich ?^aea^ a ? ?i3L._.iHirj .. i-.TiLsi? t Willlngtoo. and the iblt instructor of ib? young at that celebrated Mhool located near Wilhugton. lie preached to Uie children expressly, end delivered a moat admirable and Intereetiag talk to them, which they all underetood, and which waa alto edifying to thoee ot mature yearn There were eermone delivered a loo by the other membe re of the elrrfy, Rev. Dr. MeCullough, ' Rev. Mr. Duboee and Iter. Mr. Johnson, during the Convocation, and all having more or leea connection with the subject nnder dieeuwion, but not eo immediately bearing upon it as thoee ncenlioned. There vir. hnwevar * nnllv In m**rl . _ ?"'J ? ?"B? ?? thought running through the whole Con* vocation, Work, end which delighted end pleased the people. And nil will aej that the Convocation was not held in Tain, but that much good was done. May the apirlt of God ever control the deliberations of the Greenville Convocation, and may it always remain the promoter of the cause of Clhrlat Jesus, la the prayer of a BELIEVER. Daring Atxkmpt to Ron thk Mail.?Society seems to bo got ting badly demoralised in the State of South Carolina, and near ly every day we have a fresh proof of the effects of that higher ! civiliz**'"" which has been the fruit of triumphant Radicalism.? Ono of the latest items from across the river is a daring attempt to murder a mail rider and rob the Government mail. Dr. D. H. Thompson, ot this city, has a contract for carrying the mail bo tween Augusta and Calhoun's Mills, in South Carolina, a good many miles distant. On Wednesday morning the mail-rider, a voung man named R;ch, left Colfiouu's Mills, on oue of his regular trips. About one o'clock in the afternoon he reached Rocky Pond, twenty miles from hero. While riding up a hill in a part of the read remote from any house, two men sprung from the bushes and commanded him to halt, ono of them at the samo time firing at him with a pistol. The ball fortunately missed its aim, and before tlicy could shoot again Mr- Rich drew his pistol and fired at them several times. Astonished at meeting with such a warm reception whore they expected to find an easy conquest and a rich booty, the cowardly highwaymen betook themselves to flight, and ran into the woods. Mr. Rich then, continue 1 his journey unmolested, and reached the city in safety.? Ono of the party who attacked him was a white man, the other was a negro. It was evident that their intention was to murder the mail-rider, and then carry the mail into the woods and rifle the nAnoltno of ! /? H A J - ^'xvuvo MI. i null ivibiii u.?jxuyvsui Chronicle c? Scntinal. Evkr since the fnll of the Commune of Paris the French police have been sedulously hunting Felix Pynt, the ed itor of the Vengeur, and one of the principal members of that body. So far Pyal hat, however, maintained hia hiding-place in Paris undiscovered.? Suspicion has for some time attached to a certain house in the Rue de Martyrs as being Pyat's place of refuge, and it has often been visited by the police in the hope of catching him. In the kitchen of this hou.^o is a cistern ' or well, the covering of which the police have always removed to peer into the water, but, disappointed in their search, they have as of en turned away. It is now declared in a Paris journal that this cistern was in reality Pyat's hiding-place, to which he habi'.ually resoitcd when pursued. The upper part of this cistern, which is of large size, contained water, as also did the lower part, in such a manner that the water flowed on turning the spigot.? Put in the centre of the cistern was a vacant space large enough to admit a man. Here was the refuge of the hunt ed man. ? 4 ?? WEATIIVP 1K11 roniu Tl.^. l.~* -- mm*' o?~""Xlll3 IIUl term of the season seems to have ended on Tuesday evening, as the atmosphere became quite cool from the Sonthernly winds, and heavy rain clouds that reached half way around the horizon on the Southern side of town, hut no rain came to thd Court House. On Wednesday, a cool breeze was felt all day irom the same quarter, and still no rain, and up to the hour of going to press, the drouth continues. Corn is severely injured in tho neighborhood of this place, but we are glad to know that there will bo an abnn~ dance made in tho County, as the crops made on Lynche's Creek, to say nothing of tho Timmonsville neighborhood and several other localities, will supply all deflcien cics.?Darlington Southerner. We see by the Columbia Phanixt that Henry Dobbins, an industrious colored man, is making for sale excel* lent pickle*, which he thinks he can furnish at a less price than tbov can be obtained from the North. Such enterprise is worthy not only of oommendation, but of emulation.? rasa " " mere are many ways of Ibis kind by which ii good living can be made ; requiring bat littie capital, with good re* ceipta, and a stock of energy, any one would stand a fair chance of success. Preserves and Dickies find a ready sale ; and, doubtless, there are many among us who would prefer to patronize the home-made than to purchase that from abroad. Goodness of heart is mini's best treasure, bis brightest honor, and no blest acquisition. It is that ray of the Divinity which dignifies humanity. N*w York, July 24. Cotton quiet; low grades steady ; sales 1007 bales { upiands 20?. Flour quiet and heavy ; comtapn to fair extra 6 70@0 40; good to choice 6 4509. Wheat lo. cotter, fair oxKrt demand ; new and old"winter red and amr Western 1 38(H) I 45; winter Southern 1 30(H) 1 43. Corn active at 68069. Rice a shade easier at 8@8|. Fork 14 50@14 62. Boot dull. Lard, kettle 11. Uold 12}. Chaolkst ?n. July 24. | Cotton quint ; middlings 194 ; net rc- j ceipts 10 toiies; ox| oris coastwise 995; [ eaies ou ; tlock 819. Aogu?ta, July 24. Cotton Market dull at 18} Cur Liverpool middling*; sales 10 bale* ; lecrlptl 10. Wheeler & Wilson's Latest Improved Femll; Sewing Machine*. PARTIES wishing to purchase a SEWING m At HIKE. t-hould not fnil to examine tbs latest jmphoved silent feed wheeler it wilson sewing machine Thi? Macbin? ha* been Tor more than trren-* ty yfar* the I.ADIES FAVORITE, and einco the LATE IMPROVEMENTS itand* without a rival. For sale on instullinontf of ton doL lars per month. Thorough instruction* given. A. T. PURSLEY, Agent, Old Goodlett House, Main Street, July 26-*l Qrconville,8. C. R. ? K. Railway's -Ready Relief 1 CURES TIIE WORST TAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR alter reading thin advertisement need any one suffer with pain. Hail way'a Heady Relief is a cure (or (very pain. It wat lite first oi>q is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, a!] ?ye iu.floinntions, and cures con* gestions, whether ol the lung*, stomach, bv/we'.s, or other glands or organs, by one j application. In Iront one to twenty minutes, no mat** < ter how violent or excruciating I lie pain ( the Hheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crip , pled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or pristrut td ( with d beano may suffer. It AD WAY'S READY RELIEF Will afford instant case. Inflammation of the Kidneys, inflammation ol the Bladder, inflammation of the Bowels, Conjcsl'Cn ol the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Bieathing, Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toooth a the, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Coid Chill*, Ague Chill*. The application of the Ready Relief to ^ the part or parts where the |?oin or difli* cutty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in lutlf a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour btoninch, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, wind in llie Bowels, and all Internal Pains. , Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radwa)'s Ready Relit f,p ith them. A few 1 drops in water will prevent sickness or pains (r? in change of water It is better | thau French Brandy or Bitters as a atitnu- i lant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague ctucd for fifty cents.? There is not a remedial agent in tins world flint will cure Fever and Ague, ami all oth er Malarious, Bilou*, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yollow, and other Fcvera (aided by Rad. way's Pith) so quick as Had way's Ready Relief. Fitly cents por bottle. u r a I T" lj ? r> r~ a i in/ i n . pcmu i T i i Strong nnd Par* flicli H'ood? Inerorisi ol Flesh nnd Weight? Clear Skin hud beautiful Complexion ee- . cared lo all. DR. IIADWAY'S SAKSAIMIllf.LIAIt Ri:SOLVENT Has made ilia moat astonishing cures: an quick, ho rapid are I lie changes I lie body f undergoes, under the ii flience of tins tru I3* wonderful medicine, that i 1 Every Day an Increase in Flesh and a Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the Sirsnparilliin It-sol- 1 vent com in u 111 eat r 8 through the Mood, ! sweat, urine, and other fluids and jit'ces ol the system the vigor of life, for it repair* | the wastes of the body with new and round ' material. Scrtrfula, syphilis, comsnmption, I glandular diseases, ulcers in the tluont, mouth, tumois. nodes in the glands ami | " other parts of the system, sore eyes, rlru- 1 " morons discharges from the ears, nod the I worst forms of skin diseases, eruptions, f - | ver sores, scald head, ring worm, salt 1 rheum, erysipelas, acne, black spots, woiins in the flesh, tumors, cancers in the wotnb, I and all weakening and painful diacliargi-s. ! night sweats, loss of sperm and all wastes of ! the I ifti principle, are within I he Curative ? range of this wonder of modern chihiistrv | and a few days' use wid prove 1o any per f t eon nsing it for either of these feints ol di* j ease it* potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming re'need by the waste* and decomposition that i*' continually progressing, succeeds in ?ri ml - . ing these waste*, and repair* the * unwith new material made Irom healthy I blood? this lite Sarsnparillian will and , do.* seenre?a cure i* ct rlain ; for when J once this remedy commences it* work of * puiideation, an<l suco.cds in diminish!' g ' the log* of wastes, it* repairs will be isp'd, ' and every day the patient will feel liimaell 1 growing better and stronger, the food di > " gosling better, appetite improsing, mid * flesh and weight increasing. j f: Not only docs the Sarsaparillian Resolv * ent excel all known remedial agents In the , '< euro of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional I Vi and Skin diseases; but it is tlie only po>i* ' tlve cure for Ktdn-y and Bladder com-; -i plaints, Urinery and Womb diseases, Clrnv- . I el, Diabetes, ]>t opsy, Stoppage oi Wshr, ' ** Inconiinenco of Urine, lb igbt's Disease,;'1 Albuminuria, and in all cases where there j are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substance* I k-: the white of an egg, or threads like uhre I silk, or where is s morbid lais..... .... pesrance, and while bone dust dopeai:*, and when there ie a pricking. burn in*: s- nsit ion when parsing water, and pain in the S nail of the Hack and along Ihe Lotus. ! Dr. Radway'a Ferfeet Purgative Fills, | Perfectly Ine'eloss, oleganlly coated with *' sweet gum, purge, regulate, pnii y, ele i? ? *1 and strengthen. Had way's Pills, for the v cure of all disorders of the Stomach, I.iv-r. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous disc s- \ es, Ilendaeho, Constipation, Costlvenc-s, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilionsnoss. Bilious Fever, Indentation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Deiangemente of the Internal VUrem. ? Warranted to eflfeot a positive cure. Pure ' Jy Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. 1 Observe the following symptoms result- ' from Disorders of the Digestive O gans: t III Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of ar the Blood in the Ileid, Acidity of the Stom cl ?k XT ? > ? * vh, naiiMD, nrnrinum, UiegUtt Of Food. li Ftillnru or Wright in the Stomach, Knur di Eructation*, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of (he Stomach, Swimming of th? Head, al Harried and Difficult Breathing. <>( A few dotes of Redwar's Pilli will free tli the system from all the above named d.*?r> hi dera. Price, 26 oente per Box. Bold hy ] i Druggists. w Read " Falae and True." Brnd one let- gr ter stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. 87 Mai den Lann, New Yoik. Information worth thousand* will be aent you. O July 26 12 ly 1 / FOR SALE. THE HOUSE AND LOT In mo uity or urocnvillo. present residence of tho subscriber. Tbe LOT oontains throe acres, most conveniently and pleasantly situated, west or the Hirer, corner Kbett and Hirer Streets, with a front of more than J00 feet on eaeh. The DWELLING HOUSE and situation is considered one of the best in Urccnville, with tho usual and necessary Out building*. There is it flue VEGETABLK GARDEN nnd WELL of tbe purest cold water, which never failr. Thcro are abundance of SHADE TUEKS, of native growth, and EVERGREENS on tho Lot. For terms and further particulars, apply to G. F. TOWNES, Proprietor. July 20 IS tf CITY EI/ECTION. ON the Second Monday of September next, there will be an ELECTION hold for MAYOR nnd SIX ALDERMEN of the City of Greenville, to servo for the ensuing Term. Any person qualified Constitutionally to rdte for members of tho Genern! Assembly of this States, nnd who hnro resided sixty ((IP) days within the Corporate Limits of tho City, prior to the day ot Election, and who shall hare Registered his nutno with tho City Clerk as a voter, will bo entitled to vote at said election. Tho BOOKS OF REGISTRATION will be Ol'EN by A. R. Me David, City Clerks, at his office on Tueedoy the fire! liny of Anynet next, and will close ou the afternoon of tho 11th of said month. T. C. GOWER. Maror. A. II. McDatid, City Clork. Grocnvillo, July 20th 871. 12-2 Notice to Contractors. j, rpiiE bridge at e. w. iindwi.'- m.m, J. on tlie Spartiinhurg Road will be let 1 nut for THOROUGH REPAIR on the 17th ilnv of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. July 28 12 2 j lliiior Paupers. rpilE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS have X half a <h>z< n CHILDREN at the Poor I House, uml desire to Bind them out to' , pet?>na who will give llirnt a common j Engli-h education and send th< m to Sunday I fchoul. Ilnve thetu of both Si-xes, while ' tnii colored. Apply any Saturday at Com ' ^ iniasionoi'* office, southwest corner new Court House. W. A. HUDSON, Chairman I Hoard County Commis'rs. [ July 26 IS 8 , Notice. BY order of his honor Judgo .Tames L. Orr ' there will bo nn EXTRA TERM of the f L'ourt of Common Plana for this County to . sonunenccon ThnvoJng the 27ih initant, for the purpose ol hearing motions for now trials ?te., and disposing of cases en the Equity and Ap ' peul Dockets. ? \V. A. McDANlEL. C. C. C., 0. C. Clerk's Office July 20th, 1871. 12-1 t AuotToa'a ernes, i I GltKr.NviLLK, S C.. July 19, 1871; J r J/irurt. Editor*?Please give notice that, i when Tax-Payers neglect to make their ' returns, the County Auditor is compelled by * aw, to charge litem with the returns of the j previous year, and add fifty per cent. ' IiSikIii n. n 1? - J. M. 11 UK ION, County Auditor. THE MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTONS. C. PJlltKER Sf Co. Proprietors. firs t cla ss ii0 tel. BOARD, PER DAY *3 00 SI J I.LI VAN ; man via cturino company FORK SHOALS ' I "ilE SL'IXIVAN MAKUFACTURINO 1 COMI'AKY "i'l ifcci't. for I'm rexl | iliiiy drti* a rl|li>i'li|ill?ll to tll>il Murk to | I Itlllllfll MIM'Ollll. I' ii tip* ilo?;riiitf lo iii >k-> iiivc?i iii?-iii? iii | lii? (Ji)iiij'Hoy u'O'llJ ?i > *el| lo iipj'lv nt , nco. i I>. I) 1100UK, Cloik S. M. C. , J i'y 10 11 3 ( Notico. | Vu. |v-*-?n* li*v|n(j >1 miii!. oj^'iins* I'u' t!| I'Y Ci>IJNiJI li of (Iri'.nvilk, . ri' nn'ilio'i ,r? lurid 11? i Aoflonn'a to the ndoi'.-ijii'.ii t'v t!ii> !*' of nrxt. A. u. UcOAYin.Yitr rioik Ju'.y 10 11 2 Sr.hida Dontal Socioty, 11 1. ufci I (lro^milV, S. fl. nt 8 P. M. A1- 18.1 DKNT1STS ' j?tw u''y nr.. invi'ml in iilli-iiil. Tl-c U'uiil a .il llotel nrrnng* ii. Mil w ill lie IIIIM.C. N. 8IY8. Pien'J.nt. < .1 It T IIOY.PSOS S liiry, .loll 111 22 2 i Ikn-c uuil L<;1 For Sulc, I in rnr olT.oinz ni Pri *??1 ?" I ' lliii Ni. I Koinily i i dT.ix% I.C'iil i:?:i-nn?l I.oi, in.w rcouS-ii.r | i?-?t l.y It v. \V. I*. Tlmniti. I In. i< *. Ii kikiii ii to I o in e nl I lie moft ri i.l.l- r - liil^iiiTi in It.e oi v, ?n on? of I... Ii:i;'.e?i |i.ii..i?, Six Imge ' ni ? on'orin'.).' r.<?n>p, wi'li Pr* |.|nee in ^ loll rnorii. Kiic'i- n hIIhi-IiimI to the llotire. 10 >'i ?<>rviini* nrcnnimod.ilinn, Flue Well 11 lCi tcin Siipi-rlnr |{ird'n Spof, lieAttli* 11 I.iwn in front of Iteeidence. a! lidded J ii!i lolile ill oi.k lire*. The lot contin i.rug of irrcund. l'.irti>s de I iiig lo |i iirlm.<o thie property enn in* > i"! l|.e mniF Itv e?lii'>t/ el tlie ll?>'?*e, m il en - f l- f r Frcuritig Il del'glit|I liolii- erill'OH Iiiiiilin, 8 l-\-r tern *. ?tc . np| lv 11. Jl l.'l'SC. SMITH, Aii.-tlon it C liiiiiieeioii Merchant, Oi ceiiville, S C. July 10 11 II L Not CO L [ * Inr.l-v given lo nil whom i' nwv eon i c-iii ilmi I will n|v I* in S J. DoUTIIi", !* ! mto Jiulgi* nf Gt*i-nville C<?'?iity, ii l!i.- 11 <t> d ?y ill Augu*l r.oxt tor n final ii't'.uiv Admiuiatrnlor ?f llio t slate of f If. L. M AUSTIN, d-cewed. " W?, II. AUSTIN, Administrator. Ju'y It) 11 4 The State of South Carolina. i GKKKN VII.LK COUNTY. y S. J. DOUTH1T, Jt'equire, Judge of Prolinte of no id County. JLTII RRF.AS, Marina M. Florey 1>a* filed \\ a l'.ttUon in my OIHeo. praying lal I#?-t?cre of AdminiMrat ion with the will inexed on all and ringular Uie good* and i*tt?!e, rioliu and ctodliaof WILLIAM U. OVKY, lulu n^the County, aforesaid foeate, kIiouM Inigrnnted to him. Tht$t ore, therefore, to eile and itmnr.i.fc I Ami ringutar ibe kindred and creditors 1 the mild (IfcjdMd, to bo and appear in >e CoUft of probate for raid County, to ba dden nl Greenvill* Court Iloiire, on the 0 I day of Augatt utzl to rliow came, If any 8) by the ctid a dm aittralinn rlmiild not be 81 aated. B J DOUTHiT. Jodze of Probate Greenville County. iTicr of Judge o! Probate, July 18tb, 1871. July 19 11 'J II ! ii ill llliMiiii in ;n i | i ? Exuberant Health Is blessing vourheofed to lew. Even those who have teen favored l.y nature with strong constitutions and- vigorous frames aie apt to neglect precaution* necessary to preaerte these pfectmis endowments. Indeed, as a ruler 'fc* more healthy and robust a man is, the mora liberties l.e is inclined to take with l??s own |>lt jreltyie. It is ?<>ine consolation In the natnrolfy wo-tk and treble to know that the* can be M In* .? ?-i " ni'u vuiii up, ny 11 pirfpi-f use nf the mean* which lei^nft hit* pluwd nl thrif ili?|?'?iil, ?? to limn* a much better cIiaim* of long lifr. niol rx-'iiip'.iviit froni dlir*'* aii < i nip, ilmn ibe mo't atli'etio of their fellow* wini Nrc f?i.lUh enough to suppose lIlHiilelvvt tli%lllueiuh]a, (toil net accord* inplv. |i i< not too modi to aay that nr*re than half tlio people of the civilized wot kl tired nti occasional toidr, l.? enable iliem t** ?np. po t the strain upon (licit bodies ittol iilnili, which the fr?at. life of this resile** ago occasion*. III laet, II pll'l*, Wltolfroltle, unexciting ionic in thr gimd draideiatnur f the l.oev millions, and tlicv have th? ar-* IcV in llO>TH.TTRItS STOMACH BIT* TKI'S. It if a st.nninnl medicine, I e. it* imparts permanent rlrengiti to weak ')' " tenti* iiiid it. vigoratra del.c.ite conat it ullori*. It* reputation kmI i*a saba Imve al?adily incri n?r<t. Competitive preparations have to on introduced ml liiitmn. nod, a* fur as I lie public if concerned, ad tian*emn, In the hope < f rivaling i? ; bul they have nil eith-i pet ielitd in tl e nlleinpt, or been left fin* in the i ear. 11 Im* hceii the gtcal mediial' forces* of ihe present century, and it is qmte certain that no proprietary mhlicinu in I his co tint rv is as widely known, or aa g-* orally naeil. Ten lightning presses, running incessant-ly (Sundiiys excepted,) the whole year through, bare'y supply the demand for the lllo.oiaed Alnnr.rc. in which the nature in 1 uses of the preparation nre s-t f> rili Ii- riietilatio'i now being over eight milo a s yetr. 9-4 The Great Pan.ily Medicine of the Ago TITTDTV T7T?4T10 uxxv x x ixiaxvo lav* elnp?ed ainne the introduction of the 'nin Killer to the public, and vet at the resent time it is more popular and com* nam!* n larger rale limn ever hefnre. Ita opnlatity is not confined to thie country done ; all over the world ita beneficial electa in cm ir.g the "ilia that fleeh ie heir o," are acknowledged and nppreciat-d. and is a PAIN KILLER it* fame ia limited to to country. a*ct nor tn-e. It n*els only t?? ?e known **? he prized. Thirty Yk?rv ia certainly 'org enor.ghime to prow the efficacy of any medicine, ind that iho I'AIN KII.LKR ia deaerving of mil ita propiielora claim for it, ia amply ovelhy the tin pa alMed popularity i\ ino attained. It ia n auaa ami rrritCTi m cmo-ly. Sold ?'I Dr'ifgiji*. Price 25 ta.. 60 ela., nnd fl por bottle. Directiotta iccoiiipanv each bottle. y-| ' QriTK.Il; 8 DoWS."?IIow ?.f on ia title exprcaa on ua-d l.v | or-on* wt o?e l-odi<-a ?nd iiiimla tire exl n-istei bv the loil* and ..t I-.. ! ~.?viivr ... ...i-i- ?! !? *. hi re iimulnnia !o no good in audi care*. Tin-re fiiat effect 8 linii'ictil. Tli- reaction ?'i*aatin?ia. In rAHHANTS S K LT 7 R H APERIENT. Llie true remedy for this breaking down of pliyaicnl energlca, and tlie animal spirits i* provided. ll renovate* nlnt refresh' tho vsiiiiilst ing organ* an 1 (lie nei v.?, while it arrie* ofT, without violence or pain, M'l (lie impurities wlrch clog i|i?> bowel* hi d viti?te tlie blood. |n indigestion, biliousness, eonstipntion, nervous weakness, nnd liyj o? shnndriatd*. it has no rival, except tin* water ol tn? Se'tz r Spring i a*lf, of which it a the exact and perfect equivalent. suli> liy all dlugulstts. 9 4 Harrison & Marshall Have just received a comi'lkte stock of J\*EW GOODS, kt tlicir Old Stnro, opposite Mansion Houie Our Stock of DRUGS ia full and complete PRESCRIPTIONS compounded with earwCLARET WINE -'or the Summer at?$2 per. gallon. Cheap by the Doion. loatcttcr'a bitter*, Plantation, Sampler, Carolina and Vinegar bitter* at WhoU ale or Retail, tisley's PIIII.OTOKEN?llie Female friendlillville FRUIT JAR, tho best in u*o. ALES. PORTER, WINKS, RLACKRERtr COItl>fAT. ?nd liosvt.v* - ?i vunrvi, m nno arucie^ A Urge Stock of Hgars and Smoking TobaccoWHITE LEAP, OILR, VARNISHES, Ac. STATIONERY, PLANK BOOKS, and ENVELOPES?a full Stock. In nrder to mnke room for our PALI* TOOK, wo will aelt, at greatly REDUCED PRICES, A lot of the following Good* : .AMPS, PKRFl'M FRIES, POMADES. BRUSHES, and other GOODS. 'A BO A1X8 TO UK HAD FOR CASH. TOILET SOAPS?cheaper than ever. PATENT MEDICINES?a full Line. OUR *ODA FOUNTAIN*. WIL.L BE KEPT R.BD HOT iVITII ICC ALL SlinnER. ? LEMON SUGAR and LEMON SYRUP. July 12 10 tr NATIONAL HOTEL, 0. eg. PROPRIETOR. T. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK. RATE8 f Tlonr.l per l)?y 00 upper, Hrcekfart and Lodging 2 CO ngle Meal* 1 00 Sep 1 16 tf Subscribe for Tiik Grkknvili.* TKKPK18K?only a J car.