University of South Carolina Libraries
FACTOR ANE ' BKERC * 1 LZXi THE 1JNDERS1GNE FACTORAGE AND CO TO CBNBRAl Mi Wh /fffc M ^ m ^ ^ , IS LARGER AND THAN AND WILL i wholesjill AT THE LOV country merchants w, examine stock a sending ordjt |C?;~ lie will also furnish Y llalo at Factory prices. 'Juno 21 1 EXTRAORDINARY S1SQ0Q vrn n rr n n i? DRY GOODS, CLO THING, S1I0 ES,, 77717\S\ GENTS and LADIES' TURN ISI/ING GOODS. CROCKER Y WARE, AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO KMERCVS Tfl MIST1 WILL BE; SOLI) AT MURK'S STORE FROM THE 1 at July to the 1st September, 1ST 1, AT COST. I ??o Call and Examine, SATISFY YOURSELF. urn A H t n l ir t n n I M . N IIA I I OAK. I AlbiliM 1 H. C. MABK. Jwic 2Tth, 1-S71. June '28 8 if dissolution. r|11IR FIRM of A J. ROSS A CO.. WM ?A. DISSOLVED, l?v mulml codhhiI, on the 3 at Mutant. All |>ilt li?-8 indebted will <p1?a?? nu*ke | ayncrtl ?t once lo llie under-1 signed, who will cotilinne the business, and .who is authorized lo settle up (lie w vf the oM concern. A J ROSS. July 6. 1871. " 0?3 Turnip Seed*. ~Y\7" U- WATSON {* again receiving auitW able European and Domestic TUIINIP HEEDS, for Field (stock feeding) and Harden (eullinnry) culture, being with roinu addition, of the an mo classes and r|unliticc, and at the asmo price*, a* of those *o(d hy him laat year. Tested direction* will be nttnotied to each parcel | and fur his trade customers, Eighth*, Fourths, Halve* and Pound Package* will be furniahed at a rcaaonablo discount. psr TOOLS for all trade* constantly coming in. July 5?9-S NoticeAUDITOR'S OFFICE, So Jutv. 1871. '^T^HE OFFICE (for Greenville Township) JL ia open lor Upturns of Personal Property. Please make your returns before . the 1st Augti't next. ALEX. McliEE, County Auditor. July 5 9 2 *o Scxrrtca.?The almost dallv ?---V *?f voluntary imm every port of the country, Torn Phvrloini.a, Clergymen, old and yonng, nivlo and feme)#, ia aifYicient to convince the moet sceptical .fiat Dlt. TPTTVl EXPECTORANT it the ynost valuable BALSAM ?f the "K* j .rainy wonderful curra h?*C l,een performed l?y may be icon by hundr?.*M ?? ,<U!r tificatea in the hand* of lite prOp^ .''tor Try it and you will doubt no longer. Economy i m Tits .Kitciikk.?Prudent housekeepers are ever on rtie alert to practice Konomy in the culinary department. Th no way ean lhi? he done more effectual' Jy than in the uac (f a Baking Powder which combinea purity, atrengih and reliability. DOOLRY'S YKAtST POWDER ha. attained the de*erved reputation of being eeonntnty-al, convanieot and wholesome, beaidea which it will produce flora a barrel of floor twenty-five to fmty pound* more bread, roll*, Ac., than by the old procera of reiving dough with bakers*. or hop yraat. Here alone is a great saving and ao tbot izes the guarantee that It will give enlira aalUfaalioo. - 0-1 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY lu Court Common I'lcna. Lmrlin C Talt vs. Jno. It. Sviyer. BY, l,rlu^ of *n ?",'r of h,a Honoi Judge Oaa, made in the above atatcd case. I will Mil to the bighe.t bidder on Sale?dav In Augnat next. One CARRIAGE / 1r*?^0,?-i,.RotmiKBH.a o-0h'j" 9 " if t COMMISSION HAMT. % D HAS ADDED THE MMISSION BUSINESS HIS B H C n A NII18 It. ill fi s ivrnup miwTDTrm? JJXVAVXi V/UU1L BVJbllrl, BE SOLI) AT 1 OR RETAIL /ESt PRICES. ILL DO WELL TO OALL AND IND DRIVES BEFORE IRS ELSEWHERE. AIINS und SlllRTlNGS by the T. VV. DAVIS. if ^FINANCIAir^ THE UXDRJlblUNED WILL BUY A1VD SELVj GOLD ;iNDSILVER. ALSO, BUY AND SEI.B EXCHANGE 0Nc New York, Baltimore, . Philadelphia, Charleston, < AND OTHER CITIES. , T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, S. C., Juno 6,.1871. June 7- * 5 . tf Tho State of South Carolina. COUNTY OK GREENVILLE. By S.J. UoOYUiT, K*qu ire, ixulgc of Probatr I of ?.iid County. AAJ I1RREAS. ELJA1I PARMERline filed f ?* I eiilinn in n>y Oflica, prityina thnl / Loltrif of AdniinlM ration on >11 end ulnv'ii lar tin- pnn.lft and elmtie S. H^lilr end oradii > of Tlioodrick F.nnirr, lnt>* of lliu County . nf I'veni'l. .limit.I !?? >...t ? - h him. * Tliero nio, therefore, to cite nnd n dtnonith nil it n d eingnhtr the kindred nml creditor* of lite raid dcmml, lo be ntid app< ar in the Cour'of Probate (or enid Connly, lo he holden nt Greenville Court llotiae, on tho 131 h day ol July In- ' <tant, lo th>>w cuuee, it uny, why the said , Aihuint8!r.iti. n aliould not he granted. S.J DO LIT HIT. Judge of Prolmle, (Sieefivill* Co. O.Tio ' ofJudge of Probitie, June 28th, If7l. July S V 2 Tho Stalo of South Carolina, i GREENVILLE CGl'NTY. Sheriff's Sales. BV virtue of aundry Write of Fari Facia*, to mo directed, I will roll. before the Court IIoti*u door, on Auyutf next. between thu Itoiire of In o'clock la tho foronoon and 3 o'clock in tho afternoon, Ono Tract of Land containing ono hundred nnd eighly-flvu_ acre*, more or Icae, bounded hy hind* of Elizabeth I'uden, W. L. lIo|ikiiie and othcra, eitunte on n branch of lleedy Riv- 1 er. Sold n? tho property of Cburlea Terry, at ' the auit of P. D. Curoton. A 1.80, A ?tu ill Tract or pnreel of Lnt<J. eon. ' tninlng one-lotirth of an an-'-, more or ie?a, on which Hate Si It'll'* S'O'e Home. ?lnnd>, itii>1 adjoining of It. K. Comuton nnd mli.ra. IjC'vWmI oh h? the fiv>p?iiy of ft f* I C< nipton. nt the Hiiil of ihitiuir. Tei nu?Cnrlt. J. U POrTHEUV, fl. (J. C. 1 Juk 6 tt id | X7VJE3E3D SEWING MACHINE ("IANNOT |:R F.XOEM.KI). L?ek Stitch J l?oa eleven diff. r*'?l kind* of work Enally ntnnigC'l, end I warrant lliont lo ' jjive pet foot, eat'a'action ; Imve fold forty or fifty in tliia |lace; have Ihi tn ttlway* on hand. Call at til examine them hefoie Inlying anyotlui*. O. A. PICK.I.E. Greenville, 8. C , Jnue 29. 1871. 8 il State of Mouth Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Court of Common Fleas. M*. E. Earlk, Admin'atrator, v?, E. I.. I ? ?? for Relief, ?.?. 1>V viitue <i| unorder of Itia Honor Jit 'g- i f Orr. made i ? Hie Rt.ove atateJ eneo I \n Auju.l?Of , Land lyirc " * lh* !?"?? ?r t"? City ol (JreenviHe. whereon lit# Defeii'.ant t now livee, eonlnlning len aerea, more or i leaa. On lite premier* are a good fiatm-d Dwcl ing. and Orchard of young liuiltre.a T2RMB ?Credit unl'.l 1st of January. . *i Put nbaser to uive not? with two int.* . . j - * pfinonm '"relive, ?na a mongnno 01 ? I'Minitrf, 10 re",nl? ** wl" P*y *[* c?*ip. Wliich ivin b? to In cnrfh. I. L. SOUTH2&y. S. G. C. July 5 9 t?f Hlate of South Carolinn* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court of Conunou Pica*. A. ltd V. A. McRkk, Executor*, ve. M.J. 'P ARttlM, BY virtue of an order of lite Honor Judge Onn, made In Iht above elated caae, 1 will fell (o tba higlieat bidder, on SolU^Y i" Angnal next, I AH that certain, pic*?;, pnreel aod tract of Land lying and being la ti.C County of Orrenvilla, oue and a half mitea of iho o>!j of Greenville, and containing fifteen aerea, and adiolning landa of V. Mcltee'e Eatale I And other*, being the reeldennn wrreoa M?? i Defendant, M- J now.,We'-, B*kJ to pay the puraha^ n,OD*7' b* T'rlu* tV,rr.Ve?r ra,......r. ? V, ?.?.!? ??a r7u%0UTHERtf, 9. O. C. I ? u * CAROLINA LIFE IN nEnpuis, JEFFERSON m DVTLEB it liiud A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURRENI AMP) OTHER OFFERED BY 1 May 3 MONEY CAHior miY IT J FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS 11 BUT THE DIAXOHD 9PECTA* CLEB WILL PBB8EBVE IT. If Yon Yulno Your EycUglit USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. (ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, Milled together, and derive IItair namo " Idanmnd n on account of their Hardness and Brilliancy. Tl>cy will laat many years without change, and aro warranted superi* or to all others, mantifvo'urel hy J. E. SPENSER & CO.. N. Y. Cacti on ?Nona e?nuln? unless stamped with our trade mnik, J. C. C. TU It NEIL Sole Acni for OtMnvlllr, 8. C. Fionj whom they oan only he obtained. No Pedfe-s employed. May 10 1 ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Best?It is the Cluapcst. t :o: To CoM*NMcr$ of White Lcoil Errrytchert. IT1S UNEQUAL E D. let. F>r Wearifc? and Covering Prrp<rtiea. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty "f Finish. Rd. For Unborn Fiuene?s of Grinding. 1th. Snme Wight will d>? more nod better work, at a given coat, than any ijjJier. 5th. Moat Whit* Lead ever introduced. 1th. If ynit wish to procure as muoli value ae poeeildc for your money and secure handsome and <lm aide work, u?0 PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and Vie convinced. Satisfaction guranteed l.y the Mnnuinet nrers. /.irAJI.b A SMITH. Wholesale Drttff, Pnint and Olsss De:,te?a, N<?. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS SOWER, COX & MARKLEY. DEALERS IN Coach Mailt ials, Faints, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c ^ GREENVILLE, S. C. Mn y 3 62 tf DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &c. P- P. T O A L E, Manufacturer and Dealer, Vo. 20 Hague Street awl fJorlbeck'e Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. X*JT Tlii? is the largest end most c> fit>! te F.'Clory of the kind in the Southern Mnt'-e. arid ell articles in this line can he urniehed hy Mr. 1*. 1*. ToalK at piices s hich defy comi otition. C-JJ*" A |iainpM?t with full and detailed list of ull of Doors, Sadies and Blinds, ind the prims of inch, will he sent free ind post paid, on application to I\ P. Toale, ' CHARLESTON, S C won Pl?u tor Greenville CoOwif. Boui.1' Carolina. on the 12th day of June, Iftvi. EARI.EA BLYT11K, yiainliir* Attorney. June 21 7 0 Noii#o. Orr:c? or BoJfch Oorjsrr Commimioxkm, ) ormnviils, 8 0., July SOth, 1871. ) T1IK CONTRACT for building a NF.W BRIDGE aerota Saluda River, at will he let nut at the place by the County Commissioner* of Greanvilla and Anderson, to the highest bidder,on the 8d day of August, {Thursday.) 1871. Bond and 8?-eurUy. will be required fot the faithful performance of the ContraaL-> Plans, SpeclfleatiooRt dto , eahihited on thai day. W. A. HUDSON, Chairman Board County Comrn'rs. | July 5 ? td > >;p ' J J SURANE COMPANY, TENNESSEE. LVIS, PRESID'T. F, ST.grE AGENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. ( IS CALLED )ER VALUE PLAN, AiVAHTASES, nils COMPANY. 62 If 187L *-.?? T,-. ]87| Crg'qnot Complete fete from 92 to 979 per *et. Daic BuIIm. All tlie different kind* at reduced price*. Fltbliig Tucklc. Of every description. Travcllug Bugs. For ladle* aud gentlemen. Foreign Fnncy Good*. I Guild Ulld Pinlold nf *?!? Ki"'* and Prices Ammmiltloir, Sportsmen'* Good*. floods shipped to any part of the country par express. Tba tame careful attention glvon to orders by mail na to personal purchases. Prices for oar goods based on gold at par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 JT. J1MTJJ/OPE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 46 ly Farm and Residence FOR SALE!. npiIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale bis A "GRKKN " FARM, or about Two llundred Acres, a littlo more than n inffc from the corporate limits ?f Greenville. The House is a large and comfortable one, containing eight rooms with flre-plnccs, and two others without fire-places. On the place nro orchards of Apple, Cherry and Pcaeh Trees, a body of Woodland, a ploco of very rich BOTTOM." LAND, and a large bed of Hay suitable for hrtck making, out of which large profit may be made. Tho place is supplied with an abundance of most excels lent water, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to tho subscriber at Greenville. JAMES U. FURMA2*. Mar 16 45 tf 18 A OAIID. 71 MT FRIENDS AND PAT?7Vmn. have my thnnka for past JjW^L *" I continue to make additions to my Stock of JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPECTICLES, SILVER PLATE WARE. TARLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attention given to repairing fine Watches, and Timo Pieces of every dcscriptiou. james o. black; Jan IS .15 tf Spring and Summer MILLINEllY. fMISS MeKA\ hns returned fr. in New Yolk, and opened an glognitt a s s o r I ni < n t ol M I I. L I NKIIY. consisting of itonn-ta and Hals of ilia la te.t slyl-s for I.adi-s, Children and Infants; also RiblintiS lit all widths. Flowers, Laee, Set and Ilair Goods, Ladies and CIllldrens S'dis. Ac All ordeis will rccaive careful and prompt attention. AptII 20 61 If ATTENTION rpiIE ATTENTION' fir City and County Re. I tail Dealers is requested to llio following : Owing to the depressed condition of business,'and being anxious to reduce flock, JOHN S. FAIRI/BY & CO,, Wo. 3T lluyiic Street, Will offer to the Trade during the pmu-ht month, their verv ottrnctive end complete atoek nt. TEN (10) PER CENT. RE LOW >'K\V YORK JOIMIEK'ri PRICES!!! TERMS: FOR ALL BILLS UNDER $100. CASH i Of. A P PROVED NOTE AT THIRTY DAYS, with interest fr<>tn date of purchase, at J 3 per cent, per annum. FOE ALL BILLS OVER $100, APPROVE D NOTES AS ABOVE, AT FOUR (4) MONTH?, on acceptance, will to accepted. Merchants ordering will please specify on which of the above terms they wish to pur* ebaso. Their Stock consists of tho largest variety to be found in rhe City, of Straw aud M illincry Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, O loves, Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ladies' iftnl Gent's Linen, and Paper Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' Lace Co'lars, and a complete assortment of Fancy Goods Notions aud small Wares. June 7 6 1m Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. 1 tituainvcn - i ? - ' .Jwljr 12 10 )y. rko Stato of South Carolina. COUNTY OP GREENVILLE. Court of Common Pleas. W. 11. McCaBrkm., Assignee, E W. KKrt.nn, Administrator. Nlli.y Turner nnd Jesse Crenshaw, Plaintiff*, against William Wk-t, 8. James Wert and Tiiom\* W. Wwr, Defendants. To the Defendant* William We*t, S Jatnt* Wett and Thomm W. Wt*t: YOU are hereby summoned anil required lo answer the complaint in Lit in ncti-m, which is this day filed ill the Clerk's office. Gteenvillo County, and to serve a e??py of Mtur answer to thaaaid*??1 ' run-engine, a U.. within twenty days after ilie service he rrof, ixrlusir* i'f le day ??( inch service ; and if you frfil to answer the ror?|d*lnt within the tlnia af<v.?*aid, the Plaintiff* in this action will arply to the Court lor the rolie ditnandrd tn the complaint. Dated at Greenville, fr. C. June 12, 18?1 KAKLK A 11LYTHK, Plaintiff's Attoro To lit T)fftmlanl?, $ Jamet Weet and Tho?. ma* W ' TAUB'-KOTIcS that the Summon, in ,ui -I .hiah tha 'oregoioi Is a copy, toffftlier with the em^UIni, WM in ,.m?* ?11itm nurk n( iht. Courl o. vom ? - - ?... t ? ? iininiPiiiiiP lot 0| ^ it Soph I .itceil ^txl roh^r^M GAITERS ; ft fip? ?M..rini,nt of Children'* and Mines' SHOES; Lvr.d And Button CI .|h nr.d Kid HOOTS fti.d OA! I F.US flnoiln-r lot of th-ne I'll?-i%i? Cloth OA ITERS At FOSTER A HUNTER'S.' OILS, OILS, OILS. IINSEED OIL LUBRICATING OIL j farmers' oil For Mir at M. A IIUSTKIt <t | MARSAILLES QUILTS ?t a Imrenin, MOSQL'IToE NETTINO, Pink And WhltA. LACE CURTAINS, very wide end very liandaome, nt . FOSTER A HUNTER'S. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY I^OR SALE AT : M. A. HUNTER A CO'S. Fans, Fans, Fans. WOOD. PA^KR *nd SILK FANS. Palm, Pftlmi tio nnd Clilp KaNS. Silk nnd Sootek OinghAin PARASOLS, Ladle.' UMBRELLAS. At FOSTER A HUNTER'S. ~PAiNTS, PAINTS. WHITE I.EXt), vT"r? Bu-1 ''"mi.ira.) At a very low priae. For mIi by M. A. UUNl R 4 c0-^ Crackers, Crackers. Jj^RKSIl Butter and Soda CRACKERS, : Fresh Stick CANDY. At FOSTER A HUNTER'S. BITTER8, BITTER8. t "\7INF,0AR. PLANTATION and HOBV TRTTER'i ?|TTERS. For sal* ?.y M. A. HUNTER X <*0. Juue 14 ? tl - H SASH, B AMI M0fffeDI'H6 ASD DRESSED Flooring, Celling, Wenlher Rot Over a hundred different Pattern* of tor sale at New York |>rlro?. Mantel-Piece*, abort notice. Stair Rail, Newel? nud Dulliisli to order. Qood and Substantial Work made a* cbci United State*. We have on hand the larger Itnltin.ore, all of whinh we gunrnntce will gi' Substantial Work. The subscriber* ean refer Carolina und Florida, a* to tLo character of t * Opposito Wnndo Fcrtilitct Work*, nnd 1 Pavilion Hotel*. >1 conSBMPTKNT Its Cure and Its Preventive, DY J Il.SCHKSCK, M. T>. MANY a human being hn* pitied away, for wlioio death thero wa* no other reason than the neglect of known nnd indisputably proven means of cure. Thoso near nnd dear to family and friend* are sleeping the dreamless slutnbcr into which, had they calmly adopted DR. JOSEm II. FCHKtfCK S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful efflcncious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schcnk lias in his own case proved that wherever sufSolent vitality remains, thai vitality, by his medicine* and the directions for Ihoir uso, is utiiekened into honlthfol v!..... In tlii>* statement there is nothing prcsuuipt* nous. To tlut fiiitli oT ttie invalid is utndo no representation tbnt is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. 'The theory of the euro by Dr. Schcnck's tncdl- ! cines is ns simplo ns it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no nrgumeut. It is seli-assuring, self-convincing. The Scawood Tonic and Mandrake Pills are tho first two weapons with which the citadel of the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of tho cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this conditiou the bronchial tubes " sympathise " with tho stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mnndr.iko Pills nro composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?tho 1* idophilliuin Peltstuin. They possess all the blood laurelling, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike culotncl, they 'LliAVF.NO STIXll BEHIND." The work of cure is now tvginning. The vitiated and tnucnus deposits in tho l.owels and in the alimentary ennui nro ejected. ' The lirer, like n clock, is wound up. It arouses front its torpidity. The atoinneli nets responsive!)-, and the patient l-egius to feel that lie is getting, nt Inst, A eUPPLY OF C.OOD BLOOD. Tho Senwood T<>eie, in conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Ch) HArntioi) is now progressing without Its previous tortures. Digestion bcr< incs painless, and the cure is seen to be nt hand. Tiicro is no more flatulence, no es.tcer'button of the stomncb. An appetite sets in. Now Cont'-s the irreatest Blood Purifier ever yet given liy no indulgent lothcr (o suffering man. Schrnck'n Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform it* functions and to hasten ami enm>lito the cure. It enters nl once rpun its work. ' Nature cannot he cheated, It collects anil ripens the impaired mid diseased portions ot the tunes. In the form ot gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and In ! in a vciy short time the innlndy is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, and tho patient, in all the dign ly of regained vigor, stcpr forth to enjoy the man hood or the womanhood that was. OIVKN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, tho patients must stay in n warm room until they get well'; it is nlnust impossitde to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, t-ut it must lie prevented or u cure cunuot he effected, l'resh air and riding out. csperiully in this section of the country in the full nud winter season, are all wrong. I'hysicinns who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, ami yet, hecnuso they are In tho house they must not sit down quiet; they must walk ahout the room as much and as last as tho strength will hear, to get up a good circulation o| Mood. The patients must keep in good spirits?he determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, mo) Is the great point to gain. To despair of euro after such evidence of its possibility in tho woist eases, and moral ccr tainty in all others, is sinful- Dr. Sohcnck's personal Mat- tnenl to the Faculty of his own cure was in theso modest words : " .Many years ago I was in tho last stages ot consumption ; confined to my l>ed, ami at one tiioc my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching ut straws, I heard of ami obtained the preparations which I now i I or to the public, and they made a perfect cure ol inc. It seemed to me that I codhl feel them penetrate tny whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than n pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for n long time. As soon as that began to subside, m/ rough, fever, nain and nialil sweat* nil h?<r?n 1.1 l?'a\e mo, and mv 1 *f??"tito became no great that it WHO Willi difficulty Hint I could keep from cntirg ton much. I noon gained my strength, mid have grown in flesh ever since." " I win weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mure skeleton ; my weight was only ninety seven pounds; in* present weight is two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounds, and for year* I have on)oycd uninterrupted health." Dr. 8ejionck hag jnsmm^iysfijtVrtL Sixth c.irrr, WHMHelpltla. every Saturday from h A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the liespirometcr will l>e charged 15. The llctpiromctcr doelarcs the exnet condition of tho lungs, and patients ean readily lonrn whether they are curahlo or not. Tho directions for taking the mo licines are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases the | Mandrake Pills are to he taken in increased doses ; tho three medicines need no other ae coinpaniinotits than the ample instructions th >1 accompany them : First create appetite. Of returning health hunger is tho most welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will come, let the despairing at or t e I c of good cheer. Hood hlood at once follows, the cuugh loosens, the night sweat is abated. In a short liino Loth of these morbid symptoms arc gone forever. Dr. Bchenek's medicine* are constantly kept in tens of thousmids of families. As a laxative or purgative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonio Syfup as a enrer of coughs and colds, may be regarded as a propbylaotcric agahn-l consumption in any of its forms. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Scawcei * Tonio, $1.50 a bottle, or $7.51' a half I Mandrake Pills, 25 cents a box. For salo l.j all druggists and dcalors. a. I Wholesale Agent, JOIljj M. 11 EN ItY, N?i ?r <A *AV BAta^8* SUfpL teon lianda big h, ?.l? undc' ,b JPg^T^Saddle, ??d '"><? J*11 nn> W^WFfw here. Warranted to ba poi feetiy SOUND and OBNTLK. Apply to Dr. ?an?e* P. Vurman, \* Inlln C. Smith, K??|. I Majr 17 ? fe _ ' i n 11 v HV \ \ * H 3 BOOR FACTORSj f h A kY H H G ttl&b. trde. 8h?tylnp, Box Board*. Ac.. Ae. Molding*, making over li'D.OUO IVct on hunt Door and Window I'mmca made fo order n T8 or Wnlnat nnd Mahogany, on hand and iDad< ip nt tli>n eatablialimenl or can he made in the t ftoek of the shove Good* r.>utb of- this City ol ire entire antiafsotion t'? all who want Good nnp to gentlemen nil over tliis State. Georgia, North heir work for tbo port twenty yearn. W. P. RUSSELL & CO., KAST END 1IASKL STREET. in Ihe itntroilintc xtcinity of Cbsrkaion nod inh 1 j. 1ST I. 45-t 8 21 IETIMBIA HOTBl, rOLtNBIA, s. v., to. aor.MAi", r?oPR:KTon rl"MIK IVopr e'or of the p!* a?niilly hx-nti-d I noil elosnntlv fitiiil?lted E*inMI? the Stn'p Capital, di al-rs In lo'ottf thy tmrf'llnjf public nnd there reeking neComma Iminn* tlutl Ihe "Ctdttinhis'* la in every r'?OCCt a ft .IwIiim Hotel, unmi panned hy any in t'.f ^tote or lite Unit id iMnt.a Sitll-.le.l I n tl.- I.I. t ,l- -* - -. ... ...^ V... III'TP VVKIir I'll)'. n iiii fine large airy room*, ai.J rt '-utl- nip' pit- <1 with eV'-iy delioney of ihcs?ra.-yn, from Now York end Charle^'ob mnikfb ilie Proprietor pledges that no . fior'a will , lie spartd to git e pei feet satisfaction in every rcpeet. A first c'nra Liv*ry Pt iMe i* at'mlie.1 tithe Hotel, v here v.-Mel'* of evi-ry dcgcrip tion can he had at the shop cm notice. _ Oinnibusts attend the ho?1 dej ar tut# of every Train. WM COUMA-N, Proprietor and Snpnln'ender.t. J. D. BUDI>S, t'nsliier. F?t. 15 30-? f Land for Salo. rptic subscriber offer a for snle hi) T.nnil, situa1 tad some nlno miles below the City nl (Jrcenvile, on waters of Hrnsfiy Creek. Anderson County. In tlio Tract are 222 Acr-:s, 8'.' of which arc Bottom and 20 nrc AVoond Iiottorn. There are good hnn?es. stn'.i?>, smoke I houses. corn cribs, Ac. This Iiaml is snj?erinr. and nndor good cnltirat'-on, nml trill be sold j cheap for cash. Apply at once, if you wish I to invest. J. .<?. TIIACXATOX. Mar 29 -17 3m B. WHERLE, ?RX1MVH.LK 3. O. liEALEK IS sum m silver- inches. CLOCKS, JEW ELlt, V, SPECTACLES', 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, Kir. VET? .f' CI I "TTT." r> T">r 1 'VT-r, . . ? w UltiT 1>U' I JJA 1 VKvi.' ."Ok. QB EOo U'OliK of all <li?cri|>lit>|!8 i:i lii.- I lln" ?!?in<? promptly.,JJJ Oct M ' 2S 1 DOOLBY'S YB3AST POWDEK II a long I opn regarded n* ' ?'?t an'! cheapest linking IViXviI.-r iii ??< . I *. i ? <*! 1 \ i u o niiii Ik iiIiIiv It make*, at alt?rt m Iicp, delicious I? fc'titg, U<?ll?, ilu, Tlfn iitcil lie .?? wus'e <>f food prepared witli il. ::a it ia always of lite t.eet qnnllty. We wotild pay t? ? l:? linvc rn v r its-d it lloit n vi y lew 11 In'a will etinlile tliem i?to n??> it, not only with entire aotiafiictii n Init wltli oitonomy. Put up iru, nkt wi-ii!'". a* r?|u aeiitc(?. oeor* and Dealers Sell it. DOOLP.Y ,t r.nOTUF.R. Prop's, tit* At w Strerl. A no York City ' ApriJ 5 48 tint w. B. K.vat KY. n. o. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND TN EQUITY, (1UKKNVIU.K. 8. 0., PRACTICE in tins Points of tlie Stnte and of I lie United States, iiinl give especial attention to cases in IJnnkruptey. June lit 3 B. WFTTHT.TR WW .\IJUd fin AS just refill nod wish a well LTJ selected Stick ol" WATCHES, , CLOCKS, ""Table Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Sto"k was personally sc looted from the 1>est nouses in liis line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct IV 22 tr 8 A M L 11L ACK, tsm .xx m as WOUI.l) r?Hpi-ctfully i)iforin hir lri?*n'lr nn<l fnlrotis ihut lie tin# remove! Iiir RARRKR ? II O P To tli# <T?1 Court lloim.?, aeonm! room on the left, wlicr?* lie wi'l be g!?<l to *ro hi* cnatonier*. proniiaine them cm iefaclion in nl) In nro-lit*!! of It is l>tii*ii 0 3. ' June 14 ft tf m. c ni v r mcwck. c. o htkpiun# BUTLER, JVlcBEE &, STEPHENS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law 1 and in Equity, 't GREENVILLE, S. C., Will Practice in the Courts of the Stati and of the United State*. May 31 A IfNotico. o T8 h?roty given to all whom it my con JL. ccro, thai 1 will apply to 8. J. Douthil f^obata Judge, of (Irrcnvlllo County, fori s final discharge aa Adminiatratur of the Karat of JOHN H. HUMPREY8, deceased, o? i/> ia 2Hif' -foli/. ?'J '\VM. C. HUMPHREY.*, Administrator. ,r j..? jqih. is71. 7-4 -? - - T+'X- ? -V ? I . r. ,, ? S* mo (ioAii Health Without ft*c?re Rioocl. JMU OlTA^fEirsi} SPlKfcl^AHD A50 i li. QUEEN'S DELK3WT WILL PURIFY THK BLOOD I AND REMOVE Liver Complain'. Titie'i-nt-?* i"?U, Scrofula. Carbuncle*. JBrS Skin D**ta?er, I\?in* in tli? liouv*. ]>? rpepM.i, of the KnJner* and IJl td-lc. p?n in (b?* [5<*ck nnd Loin*. on I all t!i<t vaiiniM Ailment* produced by Impure IJiood 'nnH Vi?iite.l Secretion*. Buy'one Bottle mul try it, and if i I fails toyft/b arty relief, bay no more. T>n olazekiwr or r\iv KXTliAOTtVU la kA?? f rt? fthonm*' i m, N?uI inlyf!*, IVetxl tclu*, Pain in tlie Duck, I Sprunr, Ac. i I) 11. OLAZEXF.TTS FAMILY VEGETAL BLF. I.1VKU FILL* are i i'e rtinxliil ng--r?i< to overcome D-Tanuemeni* of tlie Liver ana to I'lirifv ilia III ni J, DR. OLaZEXBU'I COtJOII RELIEF ir excellent fur all c-ieo? of tlntrgli < ! any kin I, from Ori?u|? to C"nr'smpltoti; alilnm^'i not recommended to cure ifie Irttt- f disvuee.i eit rel et will t<.il>>w it* ?* . MT Tlie above Medicines arc prepared only l?v 1>R (JILEI L. OLAZEN'Efl. Mniiiir.ieimint; Itriijjijief, 0>e-n\lllo, S. 0. txf Snl.l l y Dr?ig^S?ir renc.-aKy. Miy 10 1 if lt<r/>BnDiTw ft list J. Wai Kirn, PwplUhH. II. II .Mc lN^Ai d A <* ., A U?n. Ag*uU, ftati KrancUr<.,( nl ,nu4 31 CvimiiiM Si., N.V. raiLUONd Bear Tfiilnadiir t? flit If WMlerhil CarmlTft KflTrrfa. Vlnegnr Bittern an not a vile Fancy Drink. Mad* of Fnnr Rim, Whlakiv. Pronf Hplrlli nnd Rcfnac I.lqunra, doctored. aplced and wweetcned to plraao the taate, called " Ton Ice," " Appotiaerw," " Reatorcra," Ac., that land the tippler on to drunkonncaa nnd rnln, hut are a true Medicine, made from the NatWp ftoota and Herba of California, Tree from nil Alcoholic Htlmulnntn. Tlicy are the i?RF. \T It I.OOII FtTRVFfKIt nnd A f.IFK raviNU PUINCIP1.F., a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take there Blttcra accenting to dlroctlom and remain loo? unwell, proyldod their bonca are not destroyed by mineral poison or other moan*, and tko vital crgana waited beyond llio point of repair. They arc n fJcnlle I'lirnailTe n* well n? n Tonic, possessing, alao, the peculiar merit of acting a* a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all llio , Tlaceral Organ*. FOIL FKAIAl.K COMPLAINTS, whether In young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, thcac Tonic lilttar* have no equal. Fur Inflnmmntory nml Cltronic Illicitmnflani nnd (ionti DynprMn or Indigestion, Bilious, Kciiiiltcut ami Intermittent I'rvom, Dlscnsr* of tlio lllooil. I.Iter, Klilncra nml lllndilcr, thcic lllltri's have been moat successful. Surh ninrnw* arc cmnnl hy Yltlnlrd Blood, which is generally produce*" l>y deranennut of lh?DlirillT? llrtnim. n YHI'RI'NI A OR INDIGESTION, Hoadache, Pain In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tiglitncss of the Cheat. DizxlneRs, Sour Eructntions of tUc Stomach, Dad Taste In the Mouth, llillous Attacks, Palpitation of tlio Heart, Inflammation of the lawns. Pain In therrglons of tlic Kidneys, ami hundred othor painful symptoms are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach ami stimulate the torpid Liver and Dowels, which render them of Unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blond of all Impurities, and Imparting new lifo and vigor to the whole system. oC . ? FOR SKIN DISEASE*. Eruptions/letter. Suit Hhouni, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scn.'d Head, Horn Kves, Erysipelas. Itch. Scurfs, Dfscolnrntlonsof thrt fikln, Humors and Disease* of the Skin, of whntever name or nature, are literallr dug up nnd carried out of the system In n short time by the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such core* will convince the most Incredulous of their curatlvccfTcrt. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you hud It* Impurities bursting through the skin In Miuples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it when you And it obstructed and slnggish In the veins; cloansc it whon It Is foul,nnd your feelings will toll you when. Kocp the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPK, mid olhor Il'ORMS, tirking In the ayatem of ?i many thousand*, are effectually destroyed and removed. SOLD BY AI.L imUGGfSTS AND DRAr.RRR. J. WALKF.ll, Proprietor. It. II. McPONAM) Ac CO., linimUts nml Urn, Asrents. San Srinoi-uu, Co)., and & and 31 Commerce Street. New Yorla. /"if- Tor * ile ' ' o Oily of Greenville DR. M. A. lllTNTER A CO., \Vho1c?a!e find Rot.ill D .tiers ii l> tig Medicines. Clieinicnls, Ae., A*. K>ylO I K DM ON US T. MOWN, b nr Jxk. r n"' fstfi ^ S14.1 Ttt.AWMM or posits cii a jilestox hot sr. CII ARIjKSTON, S. C. s? pl 28 1'J Iv A B. MOLU? CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. SUllIVAN & SON, ' ARK MV A.OE3NTT? AT GREEN TIL Li, S. C.y t, A XD WILL MAKK LTRKRAT. CASH # advance* ?n all COT W|i* Shlppc.1 to me tliroMflkJkMivJ