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*g" ? .L U L??1. IZ Tht Oranjcmen and tue 12U of July. I* the Ira* placo, what in (ha " Orangsaea?" They hava organised a M?r*t political society, which originated la England and Ireland, aad has spraad to this countrj. Tha olBclal designation la " Tha Loyal Oraaga To tltatlon." I* Is eoaspoaad exclusively of ProUatants, and lis professional objects are to aappor* tha reigning monarch of England as long as ho or aha la a Protectant, to uphold I tha Protestant religion, tha laws of tha ooun. i try, aad tha wnton of tha eeauty-?Grent Britain aad Ireland. They take their name from , Will Ian IU of Kngland, Prinoa ol Oraaga, (a Mall principality In Franca, now Included in ( tha Department of Vaccinae.) On tha 12th of, July, 1090, this King defeated bla father.In-1 Uv, James II, on the hanks of tb* rlrer | Dnjnd i (bt ltlwr wi mon, the Fro* toftioU kkoii ono-thlrJ that nunW. The remit wm that J am 3i dad tg Dublin and from thanoa M Franco. In the battle Duke Shorn-| berg *u kUlod. Thai much of the origin and I object* of the society. I It will bo soon that it U essentially Frote*> ! t.koU Brorjr mouther mult bo a Proteafant brer eighteen yoars of age. Marriage with a { Human Catholic entails expulsion. In tbo j lower lodge, thoro are fire degrees. A coltatx eral order Is connected with it, and to tho qualifications already enumerated are added a clause excluding any whoso parents, or cither of them, wore Roman Catholics. They must also~belleve in tho Holy Trinity, The iuatitnlioa was founded iu 1703, in tho North of IrolanJ, to counteract the Roman Catholio associations, tho " Dofendcrs" and " Ribbon Men." As nearly tho whole peasantry belonged to one or the other of tbeso societies, a fearful amount of riots and bloodshed ensued, which hare been more or less frequent erer sinco, on tho anniversary of the " Rattle of Doyne Water." In 1833, this political and religious contention ran so high that the Duke of Cumberland, 'then Urand Master of tho vnugmni, uisaoircu mo orucr, oui ID 181A? tan years later?It was revived. In 1829, it was introduced in America, and in 1801, it numbered 150,0(0 mombers, sinco which time * it has rapidly increased. CoMtno isto Like.?The Newberry Herald, pablialsed the following card from fourteen^ colored mon : _ Wo, the undcrsignod, at length seeing tho siticn to all that is rfgtlhJUctbo radical party in tho end will work out out* own ruin, (our true interests being wholly identified with tho honest white people of the State,) from this timo wish it known far and near, among our colored fcllow-citizcus, as woll as the whito people, that we will not tio to the radical party any longer, or believe any more of their Hob. Tho desertion of our leader?Mr. D. R. Thi? fcr?who promised so much and performed so little, was tho greatest blessing which could have befallen us; it bad the efiect of opening our ryes. We aro satisfied now, that though pretending to be eur friend, be war our worst enemy, and that be was nil tbo time working for bis own self-interest; and had be continued true to bis party, and we to bin., we would have been doing injury to ourselves and the country. Tbo true policy of the colored innn is to cut looso from carpet baggers and thieves, and join bands with white native, honest citizens; in furtherance of which, wo hereby sign our names ; R. Rico, Allen Rice, Alexander Dird, William Joiner, M'ard Saunders, James McCrockcr, Griffin Rird, Tom Johnson, Jonu oiui*, **'ndc Saudcrs, Starling Jnhnson, ltufus King, Edmu^i John Jones, Nathan Rico, j in, 1SJI. ICttrh? ___ , . ? A Skxsation.?Tbo latest sensation in Wilmington N. C., is thus described by the Star: No little cxcitmcnt wns created in the immediate vicinity of Fourth and Chnrch streets on Monday afternoon by the finding of a small glass Jar or bottle in the street at that point, containing tiro human thumbs. Several persons who witnessed this singular sight say mm uio mnniii] were npparontly from the hands of n white female, judging from their peculiar formation, and that they had been cut off at the joints nearest the bands. They wcro perfect in cvory respect, except that they had turned slightly purplo around the edges where they had been severed from the bnndsThe jar in which ihey wero found, had a piece of whito cloth tied over the mouth. The mat* tcr originated quite a stir in the neighborhood and no conjecturo has keen hazarded tha1 I tends in the least to unravel tho mystery. I Shocking Accident.?A painful accident occurred yesterday evening, in the Lewi*Tunnel, near A! legany Station, on the Chesapeake i' uiui Uluo ltailroad, by which j1 eight men were badly burnt?six j 1 negroes and two white men. The ! accident was the result of carelessnces on tho part of one of the nc- 1 groes, who entered the shaft with ' a lighted lamp and a piece of fuse, llo carelessly lighted tho fuse, and . in endeavoring to extinguish, it c ignited tho blast that was being tilled, thereby causing a prcma- J .'"re explosion. * . t Mokk Tkoublk fob Bowk.v.?x writer in the New York Tribune argues that tho President has not the power of pardoning the bigainons Bowen, tor the reason that o tho District of Columbia has a tor- ti ritorial constitution, under wliicb - ttio liovernor is vested with the [ 1 ' power of pardoning common g \ criminals sentenced by the courts p of the District. Bigamy is u m common crime, and in no way an K offence against the United States ; and so tiiia writer mantairis that 1 the President could have no legal ^ authority to pardon in this case. , i - ? ? ? PKATIT OF COL. STLWAKT IJAI?KI~ son.?The mapy friends of this gentleman will be pained to hoar r of his death, which Occurred in to Kdgcfield, last Hatnrdaj'. Col. ar Ilnrrison bad been in business in lie pur city for some time previous to 1,1 Ids death, but for several weeks Cl had been confined Wy illness to his room at the Augusta Hotel. lie ot was taken to Kdcrefhdd ? In such a prostrated condition, tb< Dint the nows o( ids death will not ^ he n surprise to tlioeo who saw ii<> Iiitn then. 1 [Augusta Constitutionalist. J J* ready for crime.** 1 miiea ?*>y . L , -J, J- -U-1 -JLi. ..U J-* &l)e (?n$nprift. 5 a *1 wyj WKDWAtDAY, MY 10, WL Apoiog?a?. Our reader* will phase ekcusfc lli* appearance of the paper this Week, rIioiiIiI lh?* mm inktlilnn In It .mliu .. one uf our best compositors is sick, nod therefore the work hss fallen upon a very few. In consequence, we have with the greatest reluctance been com* felled to leave out an important Communication, although partly in type, signed by near a hundred of our citi* sens. W'e sincerely trust that we CAn publi.-h it next week. Mills Honst, Charleston. Our readers will observe the card of tbe above Ilouie. It will be seen that tlie fare has been reduced to three dol 1 lart per day ! Just think of it?to en- ^ j ?y the sumptuous entertainment of one ] of the very first hotels in the South foi ] that sum. The tables are always sup- 4 plied with the richest and most dclicite , luxuiics the market afToid, and the i roo.ns are kept in splendor, sufficient 1 to gratify tho taste and feelings of the most opulent and fastidious. The management, from the Proprietor, Mr. J. Pakkkk, down to the Clerk, render every attention and courtesy necessary to made guests comfortable and pleasant duiing their stay. Their servants are well trained and attentive, so every attention is afforded. Persons visiting Charleston, on short or protracted stays, will bear in mind tlte entertainment lliev will receivo at (bo Mills House for three dollars. ? ? Bullivnn Manufacturing Coropsnji Fork, shoals. GroonvilloThe notice of ibis Company, to rc' ? ?imrk Subscriptions, ought to atin the Counlv, imu -. c ' ?r??r v. one State who can raise any funds. It is sure to prosper. We trust that ilio wholo slock will be made up by our citizens, they should unite,, and reap the groat profits of manufacturing, and keep them at home, thus increasing our own wealth, and not sending cut the dividends to capitalists abroad. There are some surplus funds in (bis section, even now, with man)' planters and others.? Southern Factories are averaging from ten to twenty per cent., and the Sulli van Factory with its fine location for cotton supply, and great water power, will equal the best. The well known character of those men who have <l*rl?il ll.S* for business sagacity and thiift, is ft'iiiCi! a certain guaranty of its success. W e sooner n?k a monied investment. Wo shall recur to this subject, and take tho | liberty of publishing extracts of a letter from Dr. Jami-.s M. Scllivak, which states some reliuhle and gratifying facts in relation to the Factory. It will ?oon be ready to go into operation, ftnd those who invest will not have long to wait , for dividends. I Resignation of Rev. W. D. Thomas, Fas- . tor of tho Greenville Baptist Chnroh. j 4Ve annouco with much regret, , that Kev. \V. D. Thomas, will soon ( ccnse to be one ot our citizens, j having accepted a call to tho 1'as 8 torato ot tho Freemason Street t Hnptist Clmrcb in Norfolk, Va., a his native State. His resignation c was communicated to the church t on last Sunday. A committee was '] appointed to report to tho regular conference of the clmrcli, which v met Monday evening, when thoy fl submitted the lollowing report, j, (ind resolutions which .......... jl tnously adapted, much feeling was v Manifested at the necessity of part ? tig with one so much beloved and ? cspcctcd by the church which he t| ias servol so ably and so well. The m?riu>ciipt of dio Addiesa el.ivcted before the Masonic L>Jge a. tvid title, a few weeks since, ha* noi ft 'et been p)ac?d in our hands. When a vc receive it, il will promtly appear in w he columns of the Enterprise. - - tl "in NewnAn(1 Htbbonmen-Oreat Riot 01 and Wounded. " Versons Ktiled ?j The 12th of July is the annivcrsay of tho l; attlo ol the itojrnc, in which tho Irish Cath- 81 lica light ing for the defence of King Jam as, C< l,? l..t -r ,.?i ui mo jiouse .Stuart were defeat- 1 d, and William, of Orange a 1'roteitnnt p 'rineCf became Master of tbo Throne of Kn- u land, Ireland and Hcotliyid. Jamks bad roved himself a weak and silly King, who q 'a* endeavoring to impose the Catholic reli- , ion, over both Kngland and Ireland. The Inglish rose against him and invited WiL- Hl iam to come ov or to Kngland, and tnko ^0 ossrssiosi of the Crown. This was near two of undred years ago. The supremacy of Wil- til iam, was easily established in Kngloud, bnt A Imost Catholics adhered to King Jamrs, \i-, id fought desperately for his cause, The g|t idso of bigotry, intolerance and tyranny. And though the English Government with its ^ rotcstant Episcopal Cbureb, for centuries rortcd upon the Irish evil for evil, the intolerice and persecution which tbo Roman Catho- ^ is in other countries, always evinced towards thi rotestnnts, where tboiis was the established AI Lurch, as in France, Spain, Italy, Austria pa ). Still the wbolo civilised world has been ?? * kinner uy me aueecae of William 8j^ Orange. William made a liberal prloeef 1 tho Kngl ah call hia advent to the Throne, ilr great Revolution, when the libort lea of the nple ntid the limitation* on the kingly pro;ative were (Irmly died and the tyradical u*e of 8luari forever bantahed from power, citi The I'rotoalnnla in Ireland to Comincmorate triumph of their rau*?, organised the aoeie- ... of Oranrcnvn, on 1 the Irirh Catholic*, a* Kill -g - JP1 !-|Li Mt off, fc society of RlbboniAen. The eenseluence ku beau rioU ud conflict* b*l?Mn k?d*?, almost irirx jMr in Ireland, down o thin lima. Vary unwisely or uafortaMtely an think, trleh Protestant emigrant#, with Mi? others In torn# of tba cities of tba United Itstes, New York eepeelally, long ago formed taerieao eoctetlcs of Orangemen, nod adopted In practice of annual oelebrntions of tha batla of the Uojroa, Disturbances in America tare occasionally attended tba celebrations if tba Oiangamen. Tba Irish Catholics reanting ft as an offence to them, and riotously, is failing their processions, n very serious riot if this kind occurred as far hack In New York | is 1824. Hut this recent one of Jul/ 12,1871 las prorcd tho moat bloody and doplorablo.? K great excitement and anticipation of trou. >lo on the 12th existed in New York, for aomo reeks proceeding, to much ao that Mr.' Kilios chief polloe in the City, with the approval it Mayor Hall; issued an order prohibiting he Orangemen from marching in proces. ion. This was eried out agaiut, ns a tyrannl:al Interference with tho common llborty of :ltixons, and Governor IIorrxAH issued his proclamation declaring that all societies had he right peaceably to coiebrate their anni rcrsarios, and that the Orangomen should bo protected in so do lug. Then the order o' Kbi.sor was rcrokod, and a strong foroe of polioe and militia organixod to koep the poaoe >n the 12tb, aud to provont the Hibbonmen, much the most numerous in the city, from imnshing the Orange prrcosslon, or ralalng my sorious riot. Dut the precaution, al? though it may hare limited the ca?astrophef did not provent the shooking result of riot and bloodshed. Tho nature and extent of which will be gathorcd from the following extract: Nxw York, July 12, (in the morning.) It is understood that Gen. McDowell will cooperate with the State authorities. Circulars have been issued for tho formation of n Protestant League of America; I ! .. ! a. !? ..t ^ .3 il..i *1 ? WIICIOIII It IS HWUIIL'U Ulllfc II1C claims of Roman Catholicism nto incompatible with civil and relig ions liberty. It is understood that 6,000 have been enrolled for this 01 ganization. Yesterday, batteries were placed at the several points where an attack on the procession is apprehended. The much talked-of and long looked for riot commenced about quarter before 11 o'clock, this r'"*" Reports have comport was ifu.f. .... ,r| fi . r(J^ precinct, and was to the effect liini t< mob had collected in the vicinity of Eighty-third 6trcct und Third avenue, and were driving the people from the streets. 225 po liceinen were i mined into) v nieW; V I ~~~ " out, and, under command of Cup tain Ilcdden, of tlio fifteenth'pre cinct, ordered to the above point, to disperse the mob. The second despatch was from tho thirty second precinct, and stated that the rioters were marching through the boulevard, and had nttacked the ltallian and Swiss laborers in the vicinity of 143d street and Ninth avenue. Superintendent lvelsoo and General fchnlcr immediately held a consultation, and wwMwifid.1 gfiufl ALTO.11 ?}&. .tr diatcly ordered seven companies of the Seventy first regiment, Col oncl Itockofellnw commanding, to proceed to and guard thai point, llie last order had barely been given, when another report was received that several Fenian^, had collected about tlio Fenian head? ipiortcis, on tlio corner of Nineteenth and Twenty-first avenue, kvhcrc a largo quantity of arms no 6tored, and clamored loudly o be given their arms. Their dc mind was refused, and they hrcntcned to pull down the place. V bout 250 officers wero put iu tnges immediately, and sent here. At the Fifth regiment irinory, in Hester street, a largo rowd had collected, and signified heir intention ot taking the arms, ihere arc about 100 men of tho egiinent in the armory, to each of ihom were dealt out forty rounds f enrtrhloM ? *i.ia-illuming, SCO1115 that 1 lie regiment were preured for them, one brawny indiidnal paid: "Come, byes; lot's o down to the seventh ward, and et the lads, and we'll clear out ic d ? d Dutch.** night despatches. New, July 12. The Orange procession was >rtno I between two regiments nd 100 polico. Only about 200 cro in line, with two banners? need the stars and stripes and 10 other of William of Orange, n horseback. They waited some I inc for a band. The soldiers 1 "Wt with balls, and. the proccs- I nil started, j.110 |,ro* 1 ?88ioti of Jersey City consisted of 1 50, limitary guarded. The fer < )r boa's were held in the river ' ntil the chninctcr of the pnsscnjrs was ascertained. The Jersey ity procession was entirely 1111iclcfeto.d Tl.o Vl1 , * UI K ]>rOCC8- I on was assailed three times upM the last advices. At the corner "Ihird street and Eighth avenue, f io troops were ordered to fire.? " bout a dozen wcro killed and ( ounded. One policeman was * ot dead. Colonel Fisk was f( >unded and-one inan of the inth Regiment killed. Innu- .j erablc minor rows arc reported. 1 despatch from tho oporator at n o Fifth Avenno Jlotel says: hi bout 3 P. M-, as tho troops were 01 ssing down Filth avenue, when |r tween Tventyfifth and Twenty- 0j ;th streets, tho mob fired three Co >ts at them. Tho military re- <}< ncd the fire, killed eight and oa 'iinding thirteen. -Two boys m a a iauy wero shot, and sixteen Ti izens in all wcro killed on the snuo. Tlireo soldier* wore led. ? i. * i p ii .?? ii? i i i i?' i it New Yojfc, July 15. Over 400 M??rmo|?, who arrived at Castle Garden, yesterday, from 8canainavia, in the steamer Miuncsota, leave this afternoon lor the West. jPF New York July 13. Mayor Hull assumes the .whole responsibility of Kelsoe'e order foroiding tho Orange procession, and argnes that the refeult proved the wisdom v* Kelsoe's ordor.? The Police Commissioners, t)emoA>nl!? adii PaimiUIIaah u?ni>a nnult. VIAI1V UUU ^HV^UUIiVnil) UUWM imous iii lavor ot Keboe's order. Deaths from the riot, fitty-aix ; more wouuded will die. The regiments are still quarreling over the question as to which fired uselessly. There is no question as to the cxcellont behavior of the polico; their conduct is universally praised., The grand jury proposo to indict the rioters for murder and the utterers ol iu ccudiary speeches A9 accessary. Extraordinary Outer.?The enterprising publishers ot the American Stock Journal offer to send the whole twelve numbers for this >cart and $100 worth of books, all for the regular subscription to the Journal, which is $1.00 u year. All our farmers and stock raisers should take advantage of this liberal offer, as tho JOURNAL is worth many times the money, besides getting four valuable Manuals do voted to stock raising, the price ot which is 25 cts. each. Specimen copies ot tho Journal will bo sent free to all by applying to tho Publishers, N. P. BUYER & Co., Parkersburg, Pa. roil Tint ouEr.xviu.r. enterprise. Gkkenville Baimibt clidroii, 1 July 17, 1871. J Tho Committee to whom was referred tho notico of the resignation of the pastor, report that they have given the subject a careful consideration; and respectfully submit the following: i ,.jjm.nrpm, Rev. W. D. Tliomas 1 Pastor of this onu. ^ I as wo havo learned that the cn> cnmstances connected with saic resignation are such as to prcvenl I our cherishing the hope of its with drnwal therciore, liceolvcd, That this Church re , coives the notice of resignation ol I Rev. W. D. Thomas with feeling? of profound regret, and looks for i ward to the time of separation a? a season of painful experience. He solved, TJint wo regard it as i a privilege to bear testimony to tho faithful manner in which he has performed his ministerial scr viroa nmono ha /In? !?><-? r> B ... jj *? bVilllUC' tion of more than eight rears? tniutha tvAt-d of tlflth itl ItB Simplicity , r~..r,n? t|,nR0 who mourned in Zion ; striving to lead all the members ot his charge to build themselves up in the faith and practico ot tho Gospel ; and faithfully warning and instructing the unconverted of tho congregation. Resolved* Tlmt we do prayerfully commit our Pastor to the grace of God, and conscientiously commend him to the members of his new charge, as an uble and earnest Christian minister, trusting that his labors with them may be so blessed of . the Lord as to bo the means of edifying and strengthening their Church, and lending many souls to a saving knowledge of the truth. Resolved, That tho proposed resignation bo accepted, to take cf feet, according to his request, from the 15th of August next. Resolved, That a committee of fivo ho appointed to nominate a suitable person as Pastor, to re port to tho Church ns early as practicable. Resolved, That copies of the above resolutions he furnished the Relujious llerald, the Working f!hrtstian% and the papers of this place for publication. G. K Elford, ) u. H.Jupbon, V Committee. T. Q. Donaldson, j ? ? CARD. Cini, July 19 1871. Af(*?ra. Editor*?Will you do me tha kin line** lo publish the enclosed letter from the Private Secretary of Oov. Scott, giving trie re a ii foi revoking my commission. I , feel It due to myself, to say to the people of Hie County, that I did not p?<ii;o? his Ex lelleney, or seek the appointment io any vay. Respectfully. ALEXANDER lleBEE. Statr or S?.rrn Caromma, 1 Kxkcutivk Dxpahtuicnt, > Cot cm at a, July 17 H 1871. J IUjtmndrr Mclitt, Etq., Grrr*tille, S. C. ( 8m?I am directed by his Excelleny , lovernor Scott, to Inform yon that tha retoval of Jnmes M. Runion, aa Auditor of Irsettville County, nnd ynur appointment a his successor, was. in consequence of in> irmatioa, deemed reliable, at his intantion > shortly resign tha ofTiaa, and tha necessL r of promptly sopplyit g a person to fulfil i s duties st that Mrll?l?'""" . iiuu grucy. An (he information of hi* Intended reetg ation hae proved to bo ineorrect, and j ( la character, both personal and ? flloial lAa iteiceplionable, and Mr. Allan, the Seoato^ c om the County, excepts etropgly to tha J tango, and states that ha will oppose 1U mfirmatlon In the Senate; Uio Governor a tenia that Appointment had batter bo re- ? Hod, and Mr. Runion'a (ommlaeion re-la* ^ ed, and haa accordingly oo diroeted.? j -uating that thia eourae, under tha eireum. ? meet, will ba agreaabla to yoo. g I have tha honor to ba, Vary Respect fu'ly, 0 JOHN HATIT P?t--?- o ? occietai jr. j -u-'- IJil'MI"OB1TUARV. " it a to not d?-n?i, but a>e?t<elh * ! Jcaoa the Mod 8haph#rd htlh fultod in b?? ariua another Lamb of th? Th^ Iofaot Son of )ir. nnd Mr*, a F. ??Un, Weelly f?!1 aaleep' in Jeaae on tha 10th July, 1*71, aged elg ht inoniha and thirteco dura Ha was a ahil?J of muoh promiae and loTlinar* lie aeanied to poaaaaa fealtoaa far eboee hla age? But ha Itaa gone ?j> to alilfle lu the eourfe above. " CM sucb la lb* jungaom 01 won. E. T. D. I.H-U?UU , Charleston. July 17. Cotton dull and nominal; middling* 20; not roooipra 267 t?al?*; export# coastwise 210; atock 8920. Baltimore Jul/ 17. Flour dull and weak ; ait/ mllla superfine 28 eanta. Wheat dull and lowar; white I 35@l 55. Corn dull tut aeoreo. Pork 15 60@16. Bacon quiet; ehoulder 7|.? Whisky 9t@tlf New York July 17. livening. Cotton dull; anlca 108 talca; uplands 2rf. Gold 12{@12}. Avousta. July 17. Cotton market dull and notnirinl st 18i@19 for Liverpool-middlings ; sales IS tal?a; receipts 0. Meeting of Greenville Convocation. There will be a Convocation of the Episcopal Church, in upper South Car* olina, in our City during the latter part of this week. The Convocation is composed of Ministers of the churches nt Pendleton* Anderson, Abbeville, Newberry, Green ville, Spartanburg, York, Chester apd Union, and of Laymen appointed to reprosent each church. * The purpose of the meeting is to awaken zeal and interest in the church'# work, of preaching and leaching the Gospel of Chri?t, and to promote the spirit of brotherly love among brethren. It will give our Episcopal friend great pleasure to have our people attend the meetings of Convocation, and unite with them in the praises and prayers of the Church. v The Rector of Christ Church, Greenville, is to preach the opening sermon. The services to begin at 10^ A. M., Wednesday. The general subject appointed for consideraii9n at this meet ing is, Chriitain Education. . . Auditor's ornoc, ) I * C.. July 19, 1871; { when Tsx^Poyers n#K1Wv^ive notice that, ^ returns, the Couuly Auditor is compelieb-^ law, to charge them with the returns of the previous yesr, and add fifty per cent. . thereto as a penal ly. f J. M. RUNION, County Auditor. , THE MILLS HOUSE, ' CHARt.KSTON S. f\ ( PARKER $ Co. Proprietors. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PER DAY $3 00 SU LLlVAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FORK SHOALS. Tin; SULLIVAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY will accept for tlie noxt thirty days a subscription to their Stock to a limited amount. Tat lie* desiring to links Investments in this Company would do w ell to opplv at once. D. D. MOORK, Clerk S. M. C. July 10 11 3 Notice. ALL persona having doming ngtins*. tlie CITY COUNCIL of Greenville, are notitied to hind their Accounts to the undersigned by the '.it of Augmt next. A. R. McDAVIl), City Cleik. July 19 11 2 Saluda Dental Socioty, WILL meet at Greenville, S. C. at 8 P. M., August 1st 1871 DENTISTS generally are invited to attend. Tlio usual Railroad and Hotel arrange, ments will be made. N, SIMS, President. J R THOMPSON 8 cr. tary, July 19 22 2 V AaaaA nawsl * " " ??wui*v liUi " pr suio, I nm no** offering nt I'rivate Heln that No. I Family Resid'oee and Ijoi.nnw ocouBaBSiBrnied hy Rev. W. I). Tliomaa. This ia well known to lo ono ol lli? most d?>sirai>l? rnidenm in tlie ei'.y, on one of the highest points. House has Six l?"g?* and comfortable rooms, with fire plsee in each room. Kitchen attached to the House. Good Servants accommodation, Fin# Well and Cistern, Hnperior garden Spot, Beautihil Lawn in front of ^Icsidcnpc, studded with noble old oak trees. The lot contains acres of ground. Parties de taring to purehase this property can inspect the same by eslling at the lions#. Such nn nppoitunlty for securing a delightful home seldom occurs, I For terms, Ac , apply to. JULltTS C. SMITH, Auction A Commission Merchant, Greenville, 8. C. July 19 11 U j Not'co i IS hereby given to all whom It may concern that I will apply to 8 J. JX)UTII. IT, Probate Judge of 6reenville County, nn the 1Kb day of August next for a final discharge us Administrator of the estate of . W. L, M. AU8TIN, deeeascd. | Wis. H. AUSTIN, Administrator. July 19 11 4 The State of South Caroline. 1 flBRBVVIl t v w AUliTi V.A/UH I Y # /?. ./, DOUT//JT, Ktquire, Jud'je of Probait of *aid County. WHKflKAA, Marina M. Horny lm* filed a Petition in my Offiaa. preying hat Lat'ara of Adminietrat ion with the will nnexed on all and rlngular tha good# and hatt?!#, right# and aredlto of WILLIAM II. IOVEY, lata of tha County, aforeeaid Inaaaaa, thonld ba granted to liim. TMttt are, therefore, to eita and ii ana singular the kindred end creditor* f the id deecasfd* to be end eppcer in lie Coart ef Probate for (aid County, to be olden nt Greenville Court House, on the '1 it day of Aagml nrxt to ehow cause, if any rhy the said adnr a titration should not be ? ranted. 8 J. DOUTHiT. Judge of Probate Greene ill# County, ffics of Judge ef Probate, July 18th, 1871, July IV 11 V E Exuberant Health ] I* a bh-latng vouchsafed to few. Even Uiofa who have been favored by nature Willi' strong constitutions and vigorous frames are apt to neglaot tha precautions beeeseary to prsserva thsss precious endow ments. Indeed, as a rule, the more healthy and robust a men is, the more liberties he ( is Inclined le take with his own physique. Is is some consolation to the naturally weak and feeble to know that they can*be so In* vigorat>d a/td built dp, tv a proper nse of the means witleh seienee lias placed at their ' disposal, as to have a much belter chance of long life, and exemptions "from disease and ram, llian (lie mou athletic of their fallows who are foolish enough (o suppose themselves invulnerable, and act accord* Ingly. 11 Is not too much to m; that mora than | half the people of the civilised world need an occasional tonic, l-> enable tliom to sup- | port the strain upon their bodies and j minda, which the fast life of this rest lev age oeeastous. In fact, a pure, wholesome, unexciting tonie ia the graud desideratum of tire busy millions, and ihey hare the arilo'e in llOsTfcTTRKS STOM tCH BITTKKS. It is a stamlnal medioins, i. e. it imparts permanent strength to weak systems and invigorates delicate constitution*. I to regulation and its sales hove steadily increased. Competitive preparations have beoo introduced ?<f libitum, and, as far as the publio is concerned, ad nanuam, In the hope of rivaling it; but tbey have all either perished in the attempt, or been left far in the rear. It has hcen the great medical success of the present century, and it is quit* certain that no proprietary mhiicine in this country is as widely known, or as generally used. Ten iightuing presses, running incisrantly (Sundays excepted,) the whole year through, barely supply the demand for the | Illustra' ed Almanr.o, in which the nature , and ti?c? of the preparation are ??t forth, I the circulation now bring over eight mil-! lions a year. 9-4 m The Great 7an.lly Medicino of the Ago. THIRTY TEARS llave elapsed einre the Introduction of. the Pain Killar to the public, nr.d jot at the present time It la more popular and command* n lorger eale than ever before. It* pnpuiaiity is not conlinrd to this country alone ; nil over the woild it* hcntiicinl ef fects in cU'lng the " ills that flesh is licit to," are acknowledged and apf racist'd, and as a 1'AIN KII.LKK its fame is limited to no country, sect nor lace. It n<eis only to be known to ho prtred. Tiiirtt Ykars is certainly long time to prove the efficacy of any medicine, and that the PAIN KILLER is dcrerving of pall its proprietors claim for it, ia amply roved by tho un pa allrled populaiity it " "'" Haloed. It is a sunt and r.fftctt vr. els.. 50 cts., fttu, -vs'i Druggist*. Price 25 accompany ?ach bottle. Directions 4 " QtiTK llUN Dowx."?IIow olicn is this expreiueon used Ly persons whose bodies and minds are exhnusta 1 liy the (oils nnd nnxielics of business life. Mere stimulant* do no good in such ense*. There fiist effect 'H linnsU-nt. The re-nction dhsstrou*. In j TA URANT'd 8 E L TZRR APERIENT, | the (rue remedy for this breaking down ol physical energies, and the animal spirits is provided. It renovates and refteslos the assimilating organ* nnd ihe nerves, while il carries off, without violence or pnln, nil the impurities which clog the bowels and viti ate the blood. In indigestion, biliousness, conklipnt ion, nervous we?ktio?s, and hyj o? ctioridrisnis, it ha* no rival, except the wn. ter ol tlie SeM7. r Spring itself, of wliioh il is lite exact nnd perfect equivalent. SOL 1? ItY ALL DRUGGISTS. 9 4 Harrison & Marshall UAVK .lliST ItKPKIVKD A COMIM.KTK*STOCK OF im vr GOODS, At their Obi Stor?. opposite Mnn'ina II >u*e Our St-wk of liltt'ilS is lull ?n,l .......-i-. I'll KAOR I I'T IONS compounded with cure CLARET WINE Fur t'.iu Summer at $2 [>or gallon. Cheap by the I)o/.?n. Hosteller'* It it t?*rn. Plantation, Sumpter, Carolina uixl Vinegar Hitter* at Wlioltciilo or Itolnil. 11ie 1? v*a PIIILOTOKKN -the Female friend. j Millville FRIJIT J A It. the lx -1 inure. AI.F.S. PORTER, WINKS. BLACK RKRItV CORDIAL ami HltANI>Y, a line article. A largo Stock of Cigars and Smoking Tobacco WIIITK LEAD, OILS, VARNISHES, Ac. STATIONARY, BLANK 1IOOK8, and ENVELOPES?a full Stuck. I.i onlor to make room f<?r our FALL STOCK, we will aell, at greatly SEDUCED PRICES, A let <>f the following Goods: KAMI'S, PERFUMERIES, POMADES* I BRUSHES, and other GOODS. iaroaixs to de had for canii i miii.KT FOA1*.u?cheaper than ever. ? l'ATKXT MEMCINES?s full Line. oiIR ' SODA FOUNTAIN, Will ije kept i RED HOT b WITH icfi ALL sonncR. j LF.MOK SUGAR and LEMON SYRUP. July 12 10 If NATION AI unrn ? .... iwainh 111# I CL^ 11 (OdDlfcWMIIflllA, S3. (0. J irnii) 8 PROPRIETOR. r. HAMILTON JOYKKR. CLERK. 8j UATRS J f R>?r.1 per l)jy |8 (Hi n upper. nr..fcr? * .. -?? *^?<Jging 100 IntU Meal* - 1 00 i Sep 1 15 tf Snbecribo foV Tiik Greknvills i?, ',ktek tribe? only $2 n year. i . v i .'iTi.iiTT' Fairview Academy, ti; B. SMITH, PRINCIPAL TRK 8KCOND 8E*8IOX of jff4a\ tliL SCHOOL wi.l l.egin July SwgMjS 10?h. and continue till Nov. ?4. ^ Titti-.*?$3, tlO wild $1rt |-er iii private families oil the nmii -rnantmidc For particulate, ad.lri"8 I lie P? ii?ci|'?l Juno 28 8 "3 Piivato Boarding'. I CAN take souio BOARDERS, either l.jr the ilnjr, weak or month. The situation Ir a iteeirelih' one on Mnin Street, between T. W. Wooden Store Room and the llrlek Store Room occupied by IV, D. Goodwin. A K?od TABLE will bo fiircMicd. BATES.?Per Dny $ I AO Week 7 < 0 - Month 25 00 T. 11. ROBERTS. Onrr.vllle, S. 0.. J.ilr 12. IS71. 10-tf PHOTOGRAPHING. HAVIN J re.-eiitly At l-.*d up the room* over \t li'tmiro <fc FerK,"M,,?'* Sltiio, with el?gei.t Hclttr, I i?m prorated to do ell kin ja of PHOTOGRAPHING, *t very iliort i utile. Uethfiotun pu'ironted l<i n'1. W. M. N UKKLLlt. May 21 ? If 1* The Southern Hotel . > HAS Been iifi.tvd nnJ put in c?>m;*lete order for J the eocomnio 1 itl n of the iruvoiine public. Utloi nf tioHid |*? neui.nb'e. Call end qivo lite ii trial. J. O. Y HA KG IN. May Ji S3 8iu DENTISTRY 1 DENTISTRY! JQ. McD* V71) grnduntc of the PcnnrylTan In Collope of Dental Surgery, session It-00-07, rcrpirlftiHy offer* his professinnni services to the citizens of Crccnvillo mid surrounding countiy. Having acquainted himself nith tho modern Improvements ol his profession, he hopes, I y strict nttentiou to butjne's, to be n le to givo satisfaction. OITiro on tho corner of CofTeo nnd Muin Street*, In II. A. Cauhh^s f< rmcr residence, up atnlr*. J. Q. |loDAVll>, D. D. S. Afar 22 40 3tn jf 1| ? ? = S 8 : * ^ J c TM\ J V s - ? I Q ^5 y'-p ? * 2 ? <a 3 <*> ? * III"Si I? nj-la * II?* 8* ? s 5^1 - 5 r *4 <-> ?y-e- ir-Sl? * BQ < sill ? j soj s fa ? sr-c f s ii 5E ? I ^ 1 ^ 7 ^ S ^ mm. . V, c i J3 ? 0lA I - -~3t s . "J v$ r i s^H|| : ?*.= ?-:,, 5 ; = .-iHrt J*?? &- 15 fV"1 2^ c r .; <- 5> ^ * 51 ? i ~ TJ ? *. ? S ? ? ,- S ?r c .*? ** ^ -s ?Ja-t-S tg = Si|; ? H5 <J e j;~ h*? ? i IS t cs * ? ? Crri f") * , - c E _ i U " ' '*"? ^ e | ^ r'ii * i-" -] , i-i ? e i > t e3"S t.Si ? _ < ~ k = ?y x S e ^ o ? c ?f 5 c :z * ' p ^ C. ? s ;' V t .? ?i I e t ? * ?? I .!?* * ft-C e ?a Z? H ? ~ = = "? S 31.. V 5 = 9 ? s? ? g;K2*'sl^;3Sf J7 I 53 5?i ? Ji .? c i E1"""' ^ I ?S t - _j ? _* c ? 3 "? S ** Jl "e "5 - O ? jf V P-i it 5 5?* WM. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. t LOOATEI) on Ftlli Street, ono square of Messrs. (lower, Cox A. Uirkltjr't. UKANITK of nil dcicrlption* furnished nn<l cut to otdcr. TOM BSTONES, with (Iriinitn or Mnrldo Pedestal* he hud ?n application. Ppcelul attention guaranteed to nil work. fiif Order* for TOMBSTONES left with Mr. 11. M'kiihi.k, Jeweller, will receive my prompt attention. Jun IS ?5 IT tlpll faTER WHEEL, Mill Bearing,Shaftinfc* Pulleys P0P1E -- ofcND FOR A CIRCUIAR? L?ec 7 20 ly SPIUNG & SUMMIT mhmmmikry. Just Returnod from Now York. ,<<GV MRS. JKXNINOS hog re-, turned with a full atocV ot M 11?LINBRY and otho< U 0 O 1> S, 1flBljSS xiiitcil to tlx- wast a and deairea dSHUB/UW ?f the ladies, to which a h e fyHfllf would invito an examination.? VHJW 8he will bare a QUAN I) Ol'KNjWmL IHO on Thursday, 27th inat., Pin and will be |>ieaaed to aer sucti f her rrienda on the occuaion aa may have he time to attend. lattallon -? A " oeiow the well-known tore of Mcura. W. II. Ilo??jr A Co. April 26 1 & tr "Sotioe. IS brrel.y given to oil whom Itmny concern, bwt I will ajp'y ? 8. J. Douthit, rro, to Judge, of Greenville Connty, on Gc 2 "u nf July ntxt, for inal dlaeharge u tluarluu of TRUTH A A. DICKEY. W. D. DICKEY, Guardian. Jono Hth 18T1. T-ft 1K0IMJK PAGE & CO. So. 0 N. Scbroeder St.. Baltimore. ariufaeturrra of Portable and Stationary TEAM ENGINES AND BOILEUS, Patent in.proved, portable CIRCULAR t W MILLS. (lancr Mi.l. - *?- ' " lib Hriii kfin ?; ?? ciin n?w ieh'lBf?. /I n i? Wh",*> ? ???! ?lili?? ii?? *? J" C,rcM'" ? *'. - - -gnnii lor JjrfTH't Crlclir?N Turbine Water Wheel, ami every deiption of Wood Working Machinery. /oricilturai. reoiwn a ariu ialty. HTH?nd for diaenpiive Celnlo^nc* nn?l ice Liyta, 20-ly