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tumorous. Dk-Korum ur tub House.?A Senagambian M legislator ** in the Hoese of Representatives of Louisiana was called to order for what the Speaker was pleased to term a breach 6f decorum. The Senegambian member had been listeuing to a speech by a Congo member, and on the olose of saiu spooch classically observed : " Dat niggn is a dam liar, an* 1*11 frow myooot down his froat if he opens his cella doah on me ? _ ?> HglU. To this Cheaterfieldian outburst . tho Speaker responded with his mallet, called for ordor, and ventured to declare u the gentlcraau guilty of a breach of decorum.** 44 Br br -breach ob de who. sah 1 breach ob de?? whot" 41 Breach of decorum, sir.*' 44 Dar's no korum heath at all, sah. I'se a qualified tnemba, sah, a scttin " heah for to do de business ob ray constitumus, an' if dat dam nigga totchos his lies to dis 'serably, I'll frow a number seb onteeu boot into dat trap doah ob his, sah." After tho indignant gentleman had thus given expression to his sentiments, the other gentleman subdued, and tho august assembly of lawmakers for the Stato of Louisiana went on with their im*. portant business. ? ' A Trmuiraxcb Curb.?A cortnin Hampshire county (Mass.) farmer, a noisy temperanco man, l>y the way, who is justly proud of his fine imported stock, recently fancied that one of his best milkers was strickon with cattle disease, and sent in a great fright for the village farrier, a ne'er do well sort of a fellow, whom ho had often lectured tor his tippling propensities. Dick came, examined the animal, looked gravo and said : " Have vou any whisky or brandy handy ?" " No," said tho farmer. " Pat, run to tho druggist as soon as possible, and tell him I want a quart of brandy for medical purposes." When the liquor arrived, Dick took the bottle, uncorked it, smelt of it, and taking a good drink, put the bottle in his jacket, saying : " Your cow will be all right presently ; I havo pulled a thorn ont of her foot," and walked off. i ?? ** \f > Snrinnvtnt will cnii lm liul nn/l *...? -f-'66,u"i "1,1 ;vu MV,rVM to a small bit of tuikey !"?" Yea my dear Mn. Wilklns, I wil'u" u What part would you prefor, my dear Mra. Spriggin* t" " I will have a couplo of the wings?one of the legs?some of the breast?the side bone?some filling?and a few dumplings?a very few?as I feel quite unwsll to day." Wilkina fainted. Maiiv'h Littlk Lamm.?This must be the last attempt to torture Mary's lamb, as we found it alone and unac cornpanied by any explanatory remark in the corner of a California paper.? It was evidently written by the printer who wanted '* four lines to filll out." Mary bad a little lamb ; It drank cold water freely, And looked ao innocently wiao, She called it Horace Greoley. At a recent New York party a young lady eang with touching effect, 44 I'm saddest when I sing," ! when a great horrid man remark-1 cd, 44 Well, miss, I know of no one who has greater occasion." A tak.nuc having married the daughter of a butcher, the bells were rung in honor of the occasion. It was asked what the bells were ringing for. Only a union between skiu and bone," was the answer. Josu Bjllinos says flies have a big appetite fo r getting into things; they are the fust at the dinner table, and alwuz take soup, and don't leave until tho cloth is removed. ? I m ? 44 What sustained our revolutionary sires dnrinrr their Ktrnir- i j ?15 O gle for liberty ?" was what a new Canaan pedagogue asked a boy, and was astonished when the boy said, "Their legs, sir." In New York, a foreign looking man created quite an excitement a few days ago by driving a four-in-hand of immense bull dogs attached to a light wagon, through Central Park. Why is an old bachelor like an old mule ? Because he will not go along without a fool. ? ? # What Binds Men to Pniaow.? What do you think tha warden of the Maaaacbu??Ut Blata Prison aaya ? " iCiidit out of avarv ten coma bora bv liquor; and a great cauae ia not learning a trade. Voung men get the no tion that ii ia not genteel to learn a trade, they idle away their time, get into aaloona, acquire the habit of drink ing, and then gambling, and thin they are ready for crime.'* CUrwr. We have taken some pale* r*< cently to inquire into the progress made bjr our citizen* in the raising of clorer and other grateo*.? Alter a look on the acre patch of Judge 8pence, in Covington, we ? renounce it inferior to none. It a* good a* any we **vr, North, South, East, or West, some of tbo fineet stalk* measuring 5 feet 4 inches. Every quadruped upon the Judge's premises has been fed from it, and are in the finest order, and he wilt yet gather several tons from the patch. Charlie Bowker has about throe acres, on which twenty head of hogs and several head of cattle, now as 6leek aud fat, as sleek and fat can be, have run the entire i i t. i : . i Biirmg, mm u in lu&unuiii, unu tuo quantity oonsutned it acaroely missed. Dr. Dearing Las about three acres, averaging about knee high, and aa fino as mortal eyes ever beheld. He will reap several tons of clover hay, worth in this raar ket as much or more than the cot ton the same land would produce. W. 8. Montgomery, Esq., near Brick Store, has about eight acres, timothy, herds grass and clover, and we lean it is looking fino, and that he is delighted with the prospect. Judge Summers has a small patch, and where the stands is good, it appears like an i.npene~ trable mass of the richest vcgeta~ tion. Others with whom we talked, report the same gratifying results. After theso experiments, resulting so satisfactorily, we predict thut in less than five years, old Newton will bo the clover _ . # n county 01 ucorgia. [Covington Enterprise. Skkmon fok Youno Men.?You aro architects of your own fortunes. Itely upon your strength of body and soul. Make tor your motto self-reliance, honesty and industry, for your star, faith * perseverance and pluck, and inscribe on your banner, " lie just at.d fear not." Don't take too much advice; keep at the helm and steer your own ship. Strike out. Think well o f yourself. Firo nbovc the mark you intend to hit. Assumo your position. Don't practice excessive humility ; you can't get above your level, as water aon't run up hill?haul potatoes in a cart over rough road, and the 6mall potatoes will go to the bottom. Energy, invincible determination, with a right motive, arc levers that rule the world. The great art ot commanding is to take a fair share of the work.? Civility costs nothing, and docs everything. Don't smoke; don't drink ; don't swear ; don't gamble; don't steal; don't deceive; don't tattle. 15o polite, be generous, be kind ; study hard ; play hard.? Be earnest, bo self reliant. Bead good books. Love your country and obey its laws; love truth ; lovo virtue. Always do what your conscience tells you to be your duty, and leave the consequence with God. The Girls Bless the dear girls! I love them all : (I couldn't help it it I would I love the short, I love the tall : (I wouldn't help it it 1 could,) 1 love the girls with sunny hair, with brighter laughing clear blue eyes, with skin transparent, white and fair, and cheeks that with the red rose vies. And then, I love the dark brunette, with glossy curls like rav en's wing; with teeth like jet?I lovo to hear their laughter ring.? Oh ! yes, these roguish dark brunettes will bring our hearts into our throats, they laugh at all onr woes ; but yet I say?bless all the petticoats. Oh I Woman, what would this world be without thy kind and gentle sway ? for all we have we owe to thee; bow can we c're thy love repay ? fur don't you eew our buttons on ? and darn onr socks and mend our clothes and spend our stamps 'til they're all gone ? but can't tell how the money goes. Oh J yes, 1 love all womankind : they're gentle, loving, good, and true ; some may not quite just suit my mind, but what is that to inc or you? I love the darling, loving fir Is ; love them as hard as e're can ; that is, in a general way, you know?for bless you?I'm a married man! ? Bikos Dkvoukixo tiir Cchccmo. The larva of the curculio is so protected while in the fruit that j it is not likely to suffer much from ' predadioue insects; and in tbcbee-1 tlo from its hard exterior eccms to sufficiently protect it. It baa been -claimed that the oriole ia ot Sroat aid by consuming curculioa uring tho season they a:e depose iting their eggs. Horticulturists at the South, where both curculioa and orioles are plenty, should carefully examine the craws of the orioles, that it may know to what extent, if any, they protect fruit. i 0 ? m Coal Oil roa Dutasino Wounds.? It has been found that lbs application of tbia oil to wounds in a suppurating state, banishes flies, expels vermin, and promote* a healthy granulation. Pa licnta with whom ii haa been used have obtained immediate relief, and (alleo very toon ioto a profound sleep. i * A singula* fellow, najncd De Silva. vm recently shot dead by a guard at Fort 3edgwick because, Wing a sold, or and drunk, he rofused to more on. DoSilva was educated in Italy and designed for a Jesuit prie?t; be ran away, visited liussia, Egypt, Brazil and the Holy Landj improving himself, alter bis fashion, as be went along. He spoke Spanish, French, Italian, German and English fluently. He was once soateneed to be garroted in Havana, but escaped ; be was with Maximilian in Mexico; he fought in the Federal army, from wlucli be deserted four times. He bas been married a dozen time, and had wives all over the country. Ilis knowledge of history and , geography was extensive and ac curate; be was a newspaper writer also, and bis writings arc said to have been very readable. Bank Capital in Charleston.? The People's National Bank of Charleston, S. C., having entered the financial field with a capital of only $250,000, had by good man* agement and successive enlargements of its operations, increased its capital to $750,000. On Monday lust $250,000 more was added, making tho capital of tho Bank I reach the round figure of one million dollars. The News says: %i With such practical evidences of vigor and success in our now banks, and with the old institutions reviving one after another, onr community has a fair prospect of! abundant banking capital in tl c future." Ikon for Peak Trees.?A correspondent of the Country Gontlotn&n says that if copperas and saltA petro water are used around Pear trees, will show the effects in a largo, will show the effects in a large yield of fruit. IJe tried this on a Harriett Pear tree that had yielded no fruit for two years pre vious; that very year it yielded 155 largo fine pears, and the following year 250 equally fino ones, and is still doing littely. If Pear trees want iron, which inoetof our souls is deficiont in, sulphato of iron or copperas is a good way to supply the deficiency. Why Ladies are Seldom Bald Headed.?Tbo ladies, notwithstanding they wear long hair, (which is more likely to full out,) seldom are bald-headed. Their heads are not kept closely covert.. .1- ---? ? -- VVIi All DIW|#III^D UU HUi CUI'lir iUU head with a night cap. Keep the head well ventilated ; if the hat ig close, raise it often and lot in the fresh air j never woar tho hat indoors. SELr-IlKU'.?lie who has not learned the lesson of resolute selfhelp, has made little progress as a student, has grown little towards real manhood. Half the world refuses to do its own thinking, to toil through tho solution of ite own problems; hence, half tho world who wili not do this, must be subject to tho other half who will.? They who do the thinking will either directly or indirectly do the gov erning. Gkn. iIakcock.? Among the name* prominently mentioned in connection with the Presidency is that of Gen. Hancock. Hit wir reco-d is as honorable as that of any of the Federal gen erals, and his political and peace rec Old is unexceptionable. Tbc Colum lut Enquirer pays a handsome tribute, and gives the following extract from his order of November 29, i 1807 : - The right of tiial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of tbe press, the freedom of. speech, the natural rights cf persons and tbe rights of property, must be preserved." Tbe snme journal alludes to numerous other orders and to letters of Gen. Ilancock, manifesting the same conservativo spirit, written in tbe period of military rule succeeding the war.? Should Gen. llancolk, be brought be fore the country, this record will not be without its-effect upon the Southern people." Lioiit in tiik Sick Ciiamdkr.?Th? rjuantity of light admitted into the tick chamber it a matter of imroente importance to its suflerring occupant. At light it an element of cheifulnett, it it on that account desirable that at much about J be admitted at the pa* lienl can bear without inconvenience. The light should be tofi and subdued and not glaring. Care thould be taken that. hri<?l>t. In*ir/%iu * --? ?"?? iucu a* crystals and mirror*, should bo kept out of sigfit. l i Crcdit.?We often bear persons say that this one or that one has no credit. This should not be ?o. The poorest man in the Ktata can bare good credit if he will only do as be says he will.? h is not money alone that constitutes credit?it is honor. When a map says I will do so and so, and than fulAS -a * ----- nu id* promt** h* u % re)i*bl? man ; *nd * reliable man always baa credit. Always make your word bold good.? Men in moderate circumstances would do well to keep thia in mind. i i I i i ?ii I ?i Tom atom.?A* an artiole of food, the tomato# ie cot only nutritious, but it poaia?a many valuable medicinal qualities. It ia one of tbe moat pow-, erful aperienta of tbe fleer and other org an a, and oan be aubaiitnted for calomel. It alao etated that, before long, experiments now being made, will result in producing a ohemical extract from the tom%t<a that will ntimately supercede calomel in the CO re of disease. Diarrhoea baa been iuooeeefully treated with the tomato* alone, and it it said to be ad excellent rtmtdy for dyspepsia and indigestion. Cooked or raw, (be tomalca, at a daily food, it one of the moat wholesome arlielte io use. To BAcnaioae.?Marriage it the mother of the world, aod preserve# kiogdomt, and fit la citiee aod cborches aod heaven ittelf? Ao unmarried man, like a fly in the heart of the apple, dwells in perpetual aneetness; but dwells alone, and it confined and die, in singularity. But marriage, like a useful bee, builds a house, gathers sweetness from every flower, labors and unites into locillir* rwt rannktiM ?M<1. oat colonies, feed* (be world with del* icacies, and promotes the interest of mankind, and is that state of good' things to which Ood lias designed the constitution of the world. Ccre roR Sorr Corns.?Scrape a piece of common chalk, and put a pinch to the soft corn, and bind a piece of linen rag upon it. Repeat the ap plication during a few days, and the corn will come off like a shell, and perfectly cured. For Hard Corns? Strong acetic acid, applied night and tnorniDg with a camel's bair brush. Blackberry Cordu l.?Three pounds of ripe blackberries and onepound of white sugar ; let thein strnd 12 hours; press the juise and strain it. Add one-third of good spiitis, and to every quart a teaspoonful of fiuely powdered allspice. It is at once fit for use. To Take Stains out of White Makdle.?Take one ox gall, one wineglass of soap, one half wine glass of iurpefi!!?A, mi*, and make into a paste with pipe clay. Put on the paste over the stain, and let it remain seieral days. If the staiu is not fully removed, a second application will generally prove sufficient. Sweet Cl'ccmokb Pickles.?Take tmall sixe cucumbers, pare them and boil them in clear water till a straw can be put through them. Take them from the fire and pour over them a pint of sugar to a pint of vinegar ar.d spice tied in bags. Cukev Coun Pcddino, One doten ears of corn, giated ; throe eggs well beaten ; one pint sweet milk; half cup butter ; one larnre spoonful *umr?n*n. o ?o- r* I' er and salt ; bake in pudding pan two hours. + CUIBT JuSTlCS Co ASK, TUB DEMOCRATIC PARTT ASD TtlR 4*N?W DSTARTURK." The OSW departure of tha Northern Democracy, though generally recognised as a parly necessity, is etill, to some extent, involved in mystery, particularly in reference to the late C. L. Yallandigham, as the pioneer in the movement. How did it happen that lie, of all the Democratic leaders, was m> leeted to break grouod in the acceptance of the three new amendments to the nalima I eonstitntlon, and by what influences was he chosen for this bold undertaking f We think the mystery is solved in the simple declaration that this new departure was t?uuii>? h* luvrtuicni in iue microti ol Chief Justice Chase, looking to the I'reei dentin! Democratic Convention of 1871.?' We nre strongly inclined to this belief from the intimate political relations which have eVTktcd between the Chief Justice and Mr. Vallandigham since 1868, and because we think it ean be shown that in and ?iae? the Tammany National Convention a pcrfeet understanding between these two men hae guided the movements of both looking to die Presidential game of the beat foot foremost.?JIT. T. Herald. Destructive Hail Slohm.?We regret to lesrn that a deatiuclive storm of bail, wind and rain visited (be neighborhood of Cross K'-ys on Fri day evening last, wbicb did great dam age to tbe crops on the plantations of Solomon and Murphy Bubo. The bail literally stripped tbe leaves from tbe cotton plant and tbe blades on tbe corn stalks into ribbons. Ilail stones fell as large as the first joint.of tbe thumb. Much damage was done to other crops in tbe neighborhood by the rain and wind. It is reported as being the roost destructive storm that ever visited that neighborhood, but! fortunately its lavages did not extend any great distance.? Union Timet. Utilize the Carcase.?When a r..m.. i.? - i - | uivi ivmvm m OUIW, or VI, OT IDT OlD* r animal, inttead of leaving th? carcase to be devouered by dog*, or orowa, be abould cover it with six or igbt timaa it* balk of earth, and tba* arraat the fertiliaing gaaee* which will be throwp off to the proce** of daeoai position. P? ao doing, bo would secure A nuiotitv n/ m*an pay Lien five times over for the trouble it would eost b>m ; for there is very lit tie land io the older portions of the State, which mifht not be greatly improved by the explication of fertilisers. WM. P. PEICE, I ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE8A, 8A., WILL ptMUN IB U?o OmbKn of Liop kio, Dmiw, illlmor, faaala, Uoivn , Towao, WfcHa Mid HaHJ* M , .J* , TOWr?E8 St EAST, ATTORNIBS AT LAW. Orrica in <*#- olp court house Middle Rood* on (bo South Sldo, Low# Story. GREENVILLE, S. C. ?. r. TOWRRB. OLIR B RAIT Jan 4 13 if THE MILLS HOUSE, 03?&&2>S?HT033, 6. 0. PARKER A 00* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD. PER DAY $4 OO. Poo 8 1? CHARLESTON HOTEL CHABLJSSTON, S. O. E. H. JACKSON. Proprietor. Assistant*), a. buttkkfield, (for marly of the ParUlon Hotel,) aud W 8. MILLER. PAVILION HOTEL, (9 m A IS lb 23S V <?>&?, S. (9. BOARD, Par Day $3 00. R. HAMILTON, 8ap,rioUod?ot. Hn. H. L. BUTTERITELDi Proprietress, Bapl 39 19 If NATIONAL HOTEL, <g<s>mwa&n8iiA, s. (9a PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNER, CLEUK. RATES Of Board per l>ay |!) 00 Supper, Breakfarl and Lodging 3 00 Single Meal* 1 00 Sep I IS tf Chralotte* Columbia and Augusta R R. 6urKRiXTEN?BNT'a Orrid, Colombia, 8. C., January 17, 1871. ON and after SUNDAY, January 32. tho Passenger trains orer this Road will run as follows: Going AorlA, A'o. 2. So. 1. Arrirt. Leant. Arrirt. Ltavt. Augusta A 00 pm 8 00 am Columbia 11 05 pro 11 20 pm 12 51 pm 1 OS pro Winnsboro 1 25 am 1 27 am 3 17 pin S 87 pm Chaster 2 5A am S 00 am 6 07 pm 5 10 pm Charlotte 5 30 am 7 30 pm Going South, A'o. 1 A'o. 2. Arrirt. Ltavt. Arrirt. Ltavt. Augusta 7 45 pm 7 SO am Columbia 2 10 pm 2 28 pm 2 13 am 2 28 am IVinnsb'o 11 55 am 11 55 am 12 50 pm 11 58 pm Chester 10 20 am 10 23 am 10 27 pm 10 30 pm Charlotte 8 00 am 8 10 pm Going Aorth.?Both No. 1 and 2 makes close daily connection* St ChSriolU fof New York and alt points North and East. Passengers learing on No. 2 on Saturdays, will lay orer 12 hours at Riehmund. Going South?Doth Nos. 1 and 2 make close daily eonnccliuu* at Augusta with trains of the Oeorgle and Central Georgia Koads, lor all points South, South-west and West. Through Tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. J. M. SELKIRK, Bupt.. E.DoD.rscy, General TicketAgent. South CaroHna Railroad Company* Vice'* orricr, Columbia, 8. C., January iv, 1871. Chatty of Sthtdnl*. ON an'I after Sunday, 22d imt., Paanengar Train* upon till* U?ad will arriv* and laaro a* follow*: trair ho. 1. Uar* Charleston at 8 20 a m Arrira at Columbia at 3 40 p in Lear* Columbia at 12.15 p m Arrira at Cbarlaaton at 7 50 p m Laara Camden (8undaj^aae'd) at...9 50 a m Arrira at King?rill# at...TT ! 20 p m Laara If ingarUI* (Sunday* aie'd) at.2 30 p in Arrira at Camden at ....0 00 p in The abora train* run in connection witb Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connactTng witb train* for Wilmington, Xortb Carolina an J with train* for Augusta, tleorgia ?making clot* connection* with nigbt train* of Oaorgia Railroad and Coatral Railroad, for all point* South and Waat. tbair no. 2 ? niout rxprefll. (Sunday night axcaptad.) Laara CbarUiton at 7 10 p m Arrira at Columbia at 0 00 a m Laara Columbia at .....7 50 p m Arrira at Cbarlaaton at 0 45 a in Tbi* train ruua in connection with up Au> gu*>a train*, making eloaa connection witb ilaorgia Railroad aod Central Railroad morn* ing trains, for all point* Soutb and Waat. A. L. TYLKR, 8. B. Pibsirs, Vic# President. General Ticket Agent. Greenville and Columbia RRCOLUMBI A, 8. 0 . Mareh 1, 1871. ON and after thla data, tbu following aehadula will b* run daily, Hundaya anient ad, connecting with Night Train* on South Carolina Railroad up and down; alao will* Trlana going South on Charlotte, Co* tuenbi* and Auguttn Railroad : Up. Laava Columbia at 7 00 a. m " Alaton II 10 a. n " Newberry 11 1& a. m " Cokeel ury 3 00 p. m " Ballon.. ft 00 p m Arriva at Greenville ft 80 p. m Down. Leave Greenville at A 15 a. m. " Helton ? 8 16 a. m " Coke?burjr 10 07 a. m 44 Abbeville 8 15 a. m " Ktwbicrj 1 60 p. at " Alaton 4 Oft p. m Arriva at Columbia 5 65 p. in TIIO& DODA1IKAD, General Superintendent. M. T. Bahtlxtt, General Ticket .Agent Schedule Blue Ridge R. R ON and after tbia data Iba following achedula will He oHaervad bj tba l'aiaengar I Traina over tbia Road : I Up. Laava Anderaon 4 20 p m 44 I'andlaloo 20 44 44 Parry v Hie ft 10 44 An. Walballa 7 00 " Down. Laava Walballa 4 00 a m " parrrvllla 4 4ft 44 ? I'annleton i ?* ? Arr. Anderson 6 10 " In eases of detent Ion on the O. nod C. K. It., the train on this Road will rait one hoar for the tr#n from Delton, except on Beturdays, when it will wait an til the arr'.eal of the Belton train. W H. D. 0 AILLARD Sap't. jbtptjowes, j^vwonubtllw aw itaw, 44VQ SOLICITOR IV KQUITY W)Lt riitTict iv AH* COUHTIOV THIH KTA1E a?*>, IX THE UNITED STATES COURTS, Offlee OreeoTtlle 0. X., . 0. Jnly 1 ly* Subscribe for Tub Grbbnvilmc Ehteri-rise?only $2 a year. aii. . ? --- -U Sizty-Iin First Prise Med- I sis Awarded. THK ORXAT Soothers Piano v ?A*wrACTo*r. WW. KNABE U CO., Manufacturers of Grand, Square and Uprigh* PIANO FOKTEtf Baltimore, Md. * .r|",lIE8K Inatrnmenta bare been before the 1. public for nearly thirty yeare, nod upon their excellence alone attained on ii?p*rcU<ued ?oe mltluh iirAnAlitiMC (liottt UKM*iltlul? ed. Tlioir Tone combines power, sweetncss and fino sioglr.g quality, as well as great parity of Iatonatlon, and sweetness throughout the entire seals. Their Toueb Is pliant and elastie, end entirely free from the stiffness found in so many l'ianos. Iu Workmanship they are unequaled, using none but the very best teaioncd material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense stock ol lumber, Ae., on band. All our Square Pianm hare our New Improrod Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe TreWe would call special attention to our 4ate improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grands, Patented August 14tb, 1800, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than bss yet been attained. Every Piano fully Warranted for i Yeare. We hnve made arrangements for the Sole Wholcssle Agency for the most Celebrated Parlor Organs and Molodcons, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Dee 1 29 Oin in PORT A 51T NOTICE TO CON8UMER8 OP DRY GOODS. 1 All Retail Oriltrt amounting to $20 and Over Delivered in any Part of the Country MIKE OP EXPRESS CRA IKIES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OF BALTIMORE. MD., IN order the better to meet the wants of( the Retail Customers at a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and moat *asmonaoio uvoai, 01 rrcncn, cngmu ana Domcatio Mrnufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell at lo'te, it not at Utt prictt, than any houso in the country. buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Kurope, and importing the snme by Uteamcrs direct to Daltimore, our stock is at ail times promptly supplied with the noTcltics of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and soil only for cash, and mnke no bad debts, we are able and willing to sell our goods at from Teir to Fifteen per cent Lets Profit than if wo gave credit. Iu sending for sumplca specify the kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, from the lowest to the most costly. n.j... f ? i? ?i-- ?< vimvi? uiia9cnai|ianicu dj iuu ciimi win 1)0 ?nt C. 0. D. Prompt-Paying WbolMilt Buyers arc invited to Inspect the Stock Ip our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON KA8TER A SONS, 197, 199, 201 and 203 Wot Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 20 ly GEORGE PAGE & CO. No. 5 N. Schrocder St.. Baltimore. Manufacturera of Portable and Stationery STEAM ENGINES AND DOILEU8, Patent improved. Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Ceng, Mulav and Sash Saw Mille, Oriat Mi lie, liiuber Wheels, Sli ingle Machines, Ac. Dealers in Chcutar Saws, Bolting and Mill aupplies generally, and manufactutor'a agunta tor L<-iM's CrlrbraN cd Turbine Water Wheel, and every de e* iption of Wood Working Machinery. ?ORKT|,TVIAI. KNQIKKS A BPSLIALTT. OT S ltd for disci iplive Catalogues and Piiuu Lists. 29-1y gjg t. W.iaii, rn^tMn. K. II. U?IImu>S Co., Dranfeu a Ba. l|aU. Im fmiU>i,C?l ,ul U Cmmri St., N.V. HHLLI9N* sarTeiiiaaaar ? their Waadsrfal Carailve ICscta Tlsesar Blttere ere not a rtl Vaaep Drink, Made of Peer Ram, .Whisker, Praaf (Spirits aid ReAiss Lienor#, dectared, (plead and awaatanad to ptaaaa the taata, aaUad " Tonka,'' " Appetisers." " Restorers." Ae-, that laad tba tlpplar an ta drunkenness and rata, but ara a true Madleina, mad a from tha Nstlve Roots and Harba ot California, fra# from nil Aleaballa Stimulants. Thar are Ike ORIAT RI.OOD rURiriKR nnd A 1 LIPI OIVINO ritlRClFl.K, a perfect Ran avatar and Iovtforator of tha Bratam. carrytns o# ail poisonous matter and reatortns tha blood ta a healthr condition- Mo paraan can taka thaaa Blltara accord In# ta dtraatlana and remain Iter a avail, provided thair bonce ara not daatrorad bp mineral poison or other means, and tha vital era ana wasted beyond tha point of repair. Tknr are n Guntln Pnrantlvn na wall R n Tanle, poeenilos. also, tha peculiar merit If satins as a powerful as ant la retteries CausaeUaa or Inlammatkn of the Liter, and of alt tha Tlmrftl OrfAoi. FOR VKMALI COMFLAIXTS, whether la r?U| or old, nila or *in?t?, at tho dawn of vomaahood or at the tarn of Ufa, those Tonle BttUn bar* ao nut. Far lilaaauarr and Chronic Itbia* Mttlm and flout, Dr?MM<a ar dlgesllou, lllllono, KwMlttwal and Intermittent Favors, Dlaaaaaa af tho Blood, Llvar, Kldury* and Bladdsr, tboo* Bit to ra bar* booa moat neaafcL Imb Dlaaaaaa ar* oaa?d by Vitiated Blaad? which la generally produced by deraag*m**t of Ikt Dlaaatlwa Organs, DYBFEPNIA OR 1NDIGBHTIOK, Uoadaoli*. Tain la tho Shoulder*, Cough*. Tightaoaa of tho Oboat. Ptrolaooo, Sour Sruotationa of tho Stomach, Bad Taoto la tho lfeutb, Billon* Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lunga, Pain In the regions of tho Kidneys, and * hundred other painful symplom* ary.tho offsprings of Of apspaia. Thay In rlgorat* tho Stomach and atmnlato tho lorpld Urn and Bow*la, which rondor thorn of aaOQuollod oAcacy la otoanalng tho blood of oil ImpurUloaand Imparting now lifo and rigor to tho whoia (y*totn. tft- V| FOR OR IK DISK ABBA, BraptlonaloMor, Sail Bboum, Biotehaa, Spots, Ptmptoa, Puotuloo, Boilo, Carbuncle*. BIng-Worms, Bepld Hoad, Sot* mm MMfl On? hotU* In nioi omm vfll ooa* tIaoo tho moot IncrtdalooA of thoir eortUvooflNsi Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you Sad Ms Impurities bunting through tho shin In Ftaeplee, Prapttono or Sorso; eloanoo M when you And It gOnddnd flmdB la tha vtln*-. eleaw It wfcao ft la fooUaaUl jvnr fMtln?r* will Uli too wlm?. Keo? Om Mood jmra, and Um fcaatthaf Um n*m* wmteOow. . MM, TAR, and other WORM*, urtl?? ygUrn^o f,?o man y thoaaanda, aro ulually OLD BY ALL DMOOOIBTB AMD DBALMM. ?AMa 54 iufl ? Uouu?crc? For * ala Is tko Cltjr of Qraen villa DR. M. A. IIUNTKR A CO., Wholeaala and Retail Dtattii in Iiuj Madlelnar, Chamtcalf, Ac., Ac. Maj 10 1 Ayer 'a Cathartic Pills, ^rof^mU, lb* xuimii of ? LuaMr* ' smm. nor waa era any bofor* so oammb adopted into on, in \kjvm EiHr. \ ^ purntlT* J*?l. The ob*Tom MUnn ! thatUlsamore rellabte and for more effectual remedy than any Other. Those who hare tried It, know that It eared them; those who hare not, know that Iteuree thdrnefghbor* and friendsi and all know that what It does once H doe* always ? that H nerer fell* through aay fhult or necidact of It* composition. We hare thou sand* upon thousand* of certificate* or their remarkable enrea of the following complaint*, but iuoh erne* are known in every neighborhood, and we need not pnbUahthem. AdaptedtoOUage*nod condition* Jo all ollmetosj containing neither calomel nor any dsletorioaa dreg, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Tfealr sonar-ooattng preeerves them ever ftaeh, and makeejbem pleasant to take, while being purely regeUMb, no hem can arise flrom their ate in any quantity. It Into healthy action?rem or* the obstruction, of the stomach, bowcls, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular action to health, and by ooriectlng, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. lllnute directions are given In the Wrapper on the box, for the following oomplaints, whicn these l'Wa rapidly cure:? ForDyapeptl* orlndlgee*lan, Ititlmnass, Unsosr and loa? of Ipnetltr, they should I>e taken moderately to stimulate the iMfr ach, and restore Its healthy tone and action. For Uv.r Complaint and Its various symptoms, Villoma Headache, hick Headache, yuandlcr or tlrees llckaess, lttlleu Colle and VUtewa Harare, they should, be Judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the nrtlnn nr rfimfivfi Ihn nhilrnrHnni whirh OSUSO It. For DjnMtorr or XMarrkoM* but oao mild doM 1* generally required. For Bfcee?tlwi, Com, Orarel, Pel. pttMtlM ef Ui? Heart, Pale le eke tide, Back and Lola*, ther should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dreasy and Drepsltal Itrelllaga they should be taken In large and frequent doses to produco the effect of a drastic purge. For SnpprrMloa a largo aose should be taken as It produces tho desired effect by sympathy. . As a ZHnnar Ml, tako one or two JPMfe to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates tho stomach and bowals Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorate* the system. Hence It Is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists* One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pill* makes him foci decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effoct ou the digestive apparatus. Ihr.J. C. A.YKR A CO., Practical Chcmiet*, LOWELL, MASS., V. ?, A. jyEor sale in Greenville by M. A. HUNTER A CO., Agents. Aug Si 15 ly FLAWTAIiOa BITThttS riri.i? .1 ?__* jliiis wuuuenui vegctablo restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated- As a tonic and cordial for tlio aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the neryous weakness to which women arc cspccially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.e In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which . undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ^Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a mo dicinal staple. It Is to-day the best and purest tonic,, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?-be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juno 22, 1870. & ] ESMONDS T. BROWN, m m&vusm owiaiaair, OPPOSITE CIIA RLE8T0N 11 OTPS. CHARLESTON, 8. C. Rapt 28 19 ly A B. MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON. S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY AT GREENVILLE^ 8. C.y And will make liberal cash, advancer on all COTTON Shipped to mo through them. A. B. Mt'LLKJAM. Sept M 10 1 y THE NICKER80N HOUSE, columbia. s- o. WILL not bo oluMd on oecouot of tbo death of the Proprietor. Wm. A. Waiorrr, but pill be carried op aa heretofore, by liU widow. Mr*. BARAK L. WRIGHT, and Iter eon. WM.O. WHIOllt. J\n fiiond* ! of the late proprietor are Incited to oall a? Mel SATIAII L. WRIOIIT Feb lh ?0Tlf WM. C. WR101|T