University of South Carolina Libraries
u m mil?jwipB ..... ?i.j mmm FACTOR AND MERC: THE UNDERSIGNEI FACTORAGE AND COP TO GENERAL Ml ? ? C 3 IS LARGER AND ] THAN AND WILL I WHOLESALE AT THE LOW COUNTRY MERCHANTS WI EXAMINE STOCK A. SENDING ORDE fW Ho will nlso furnish Y1 Uulo at Factory prices. Jun? 21 7 'lliiSSF EXTRAORDINARY SIS, 000 WORTH or DRY GOODS,, CLOTHING, SHOES. 1IA TS, GENT'S and LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS\ CROCKER YWAJ2E* AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO ins TO MESTIOH WILL BE SOLD AT MARK'S STORE FROM THE 3 st July to the 1st September, 1871, AT COST. o Gall and Examine, A V 7) SATISFY- YOURSELF. WHAT I SAY. I MEAN! H. C. MARK. J'i?t 27tit, 1S71. June 28 8 If Dissolution. rBlIIK FIRM of A J. ROSS ?L CO.. ?ai JL DISSOLVED, by mutual consent, on the 1st instant. All parties indebted will pleas - ntake | nymeut at once lo (ho undersigned, who will contlntio lite business, and who is autlioriced lo settle up the business of the old concern. A. J. ROSS. July 6, 1871. 8?S Turnip Seeds* WII. WATSON I* again receiving suits able Kuropo-n and Dumesliu TUR* NIP SHEDS, for Field (stock feeding) and Harden (cullinnry) culture, being with route addition, of the (aunt classes and uualitii-s, mid at thoeamo prices, as of those sold hy him Inst year. Tested directions will be attached t<> each parcel; and for his trade custnniorr, l-lightlis, Fourths, Halves nnd Pound Packages will bo furnished ut a reasonable discount. TOOLS for all trades constantly comiugjn. Jii!y 5?8-3 NoiiceAUDITOD'S OFFICE, 8i>jf I.r, 1871. * pint UKFICK (for Greenville Township) 1 is open for Return* nf Personal Properly. PImm nmke yo'ur returns before Abo I t August next. ALKX. McUEE, County Auditor. , Inly 5 ,0 2 To Fcrrtics.?The almort daily reec'pt of voluntary ictimonials from every part of the ecuntry, froru Phyelclsi *, tlngylaen, old sod young, m?le nod female, is Mitiw-icnt to fonvi'ee the most sceptics! that bit. TUTT'S EX PECTOR A NT i< the most vuliiitlilu LL'N(? IIALHAM of tin1 ago ; runny wonderful cures have been performed by it, as msy be icon by hundreds of cer Jificalcs in the bonds of the propi ictor. Try It and you will doubt no longer. Economy in tub KiTtmx?Piudoul Jiou?? keepers are aver on the alert to practice economy in the culinary depni pnent. fo no way can lids he done more effectual, ly 1 ban in ths use <( a Baking Powder which combines purity, strength and reli*. bility. bOOLBYtt YKAt'T 1'OWbKR has ntt.iine>l 1 lie deserved reputation of being ufonom'pul, eonver.iont and w hob-some, besides which it will produce ftom a bartel of floor twsntv-nve to foit^nound* moral broit), rolls, Ac , than by U*? ol<l ptor?M of railing dough with bakers' or hop ytii', More alone Is a gseat saving and an ihorics Ihe guaiarlee that It will give entire ??ti'f?oil.n. - 9-1 Tho State of South Carolina. f>t< RENVILLE COUNTY Vu Court Common tMcns. Larki* 6. T?U vs. Jno. Jt. Smytr. By virtue of an order of hla Honor Judge Oaa, made in the above stated e'nM, I will soil to the highest bidder on Hulerday In August next, One CARRIAGE, attached in this oiec ?a the property of J. R. Hmyem, at the suit of Lai kin G. Tate, 'IVms? Cash. , J L. 80UTHKRN, 8. 0. C. Jn'y 6 9 Id ,11 UJ-WL l, "I L1?LJWg* COMMISSION c > > IIAS ADDED THE AMISSION BUSINESS HIS :H CH AN DISK. S1I1S MORE COMPLETE BV3S3R., )E SOLI) AT f OR RETJIIL EST PRICES. LL DO WELL TO HALL AND YD PRICES BEFORE RS ELSEWHERE. UtNS and SHIRTINGS by the T W. DAVIS. if HfinancialT TIIE UKUKRSIUVED WILL BUY AND SELL COLD AND SILVER. ALSO, UUY AND SEI.T, E Xc IIJIJYGE ON New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Charleston, AND OTII E II CITIES. T. W. DAVIS. Greenville, S. C., Juno 0, 1871. Juno 7 5 tf Tho State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF GREENVILLE. By S.J. Doutiiit, Kaquire, 3*uhje of Probate f laid County. WHEREAS. EUAIi FARMER has filed a Petition in my Offioe, preying thai Loiter* of Administration on *il and aingu Inr the goods and chatte ?, right* and ered* it* of Tlieodrick Farmer, late of th? County aioresaii, deceased, should be granted to liim. There are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said drcoaed, to lie and appear id the Court of Probate (or staid County, to be holdcn at Greenville Court Houso, on tiro 13th day of July instant, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not bo granted. 8. J. DOUTIIIT, Judge of Probate, Greenville Co. Office of Judge of Probate, June 23th, 1. July 6 0 2 The State of South Carolina. QREENVILV COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fari Facia*, to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, on Salei-day in Aayuit next, between tho hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock ia the afternoon, One Tract of Land containing one hundred and eighty-flvo acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Elisabeth 1'edcn, W. L*. Hopkins and otuors, situate on a branch of Recdv Hirer. Sold as the property of Charles Terry, at tho suit of P. D. Curoton. A 1.80, A rinnll Tract or parcel of Laid, contaiuing one-fourth of an acre, more or less, on whit-h Bales A Dili's.Store House, elands, and adjoining lands of R. E. Compton and ollit-ra. -Levi<;d on as the property of R. E. Ciinpton, at the nuit of the State. Terms?Cash. J. Is. SOUTHERN, S. <1. C. July Co id weed SEWING MACHINE Cannot be excelled. lock siiici. Dots eleven did-cent kinds of work. Easily m/\n?ged, ?nl I warrant them to give perfect satisfaction ; have sold forty or dfty in this place; have them always on hand. Call and extmioe them before buying any otlwra. O. A. TICKLE. Greenville, B. C., June 28, 1871. 8 if Slate or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Court of Common Pleat. W. E. F'ABi.r, Administrator, vs. E. I* ' ' tfntTAKKt?BUI for Relief, to. BY viitna ot an order of his Honor Judg. Oan. made is the above stated ease, I will toll to the highest bidder, on Salesday In August next, all that j^ot or pareel of Lahd lying near the corporate limits of the City ol Greenville, whereon the Defendant now livss, containing ten acres, more or less. On the premises ars a good framed Dwel log, and Orehard of young fruit trees ikiim*?urea it unm let or January, I87'J. I'ureheerr to give note with two pemonal vo ret lea, end e mortgage of (lie prernleia, exorpt *o mu?h 11 will pey the coete, which will bo requited to bepnld in cneh. J. L. SOUTHERN, 9. O. C. July S 9 tJ Nlnte or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court of Common Picas. A. end V. A. MoRk, Executor*, ve. M. J. pabbih. BY virtue of en order of hie Honor Judge One, made in the above ateted oaae, I will veil to the hlgheet bidder, on Heleeday in Auguet next, All lliet certain, pitee^parcel end treet of Lend lying and being *lo the County of Greenvttle, one end e half milea of the City of Greenville, end containing fifteen eer.a. end adjoining lenda of V. McBee'e Eetate and others, bains tha rMldtne* ^rreon th? Defendant, M. J Parrie, now lim Hold lo pay tha purohaao money, by virtue ol an order ??f Court. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. 0. J lly i 0 td CAROLINA LIFE 1N5 MEMPHIS, 1 JEFFERSON DA BUTLER Sc BLACK A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TA Till? OTTDnmrn w ixi ouAAiiflJ/ km OTHER I OFFGUED BY 1 May 3 KIOIIEY CARROT BtTT It! FOR BIOHT JS J-M/CSL&8SU BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If Yon Vulno Yonr USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRY81AL PEBBLES, Mulled together, end derive their nine " Diamond " on account of their Hardness and Brilliancy. They will laat many yeare without eliangc, and are warranted super!?.r to all others, manufactured by J. E. SPENSER 6 CO.. N. Y. Caution ?None genuine unless stamped with our trade park. J. C. C. TURNER. Sole Agent for Greenville, 8. C. Prom whom they can only be obtained. No P.dlers employed. May 10 1 ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Beet?It is the Cfuapest. :o: To Coniumer* of II'Ai'li Lead Everywhere. :o: k? I T I S UNEQUALED, 1st. Fjr Wearing and Covering Properties. 'Id. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. RJ. For Unilo m Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better | work, at ? given coat, than any olhcr, 5th. Moat Economical White Lead ever introduced. 6th. If you wish to procure as much value ns possible for your money and secure handsome and durable work, use PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction giranteed by the Manufacturers. 7.1 HOLE A SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Taint and Glass Dealers, No, 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX Sc MARKLEY. , DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Paints, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. MayS 62 tf College Commencement at Dae West. j Urkf.nyili.k A Columbia Railboao Co., > Columbia, S. C., June 25, 1871. j ROUND Trip Tickrts, for on? fare, will he sold ?t all stations on thia road for Donnald'a to person's who desire to vlait Due West during Commencement cxercisea of Euskine College arid Doe W*et Female College, on the 12th and 18'h of July. Sale of Tickets to commence on tbe 6th and continue until the 11th inclusive, the privilege to return to extend to the 15th inclusive. TIIOllAS DODAHEAD, General Superintendent. M. T. Baktlevt, General Ticket Agent. June 26 6 8 Fairview Academy. j. b. smitiITprincipal. TITE SECOND 8E48ION of this SCllpOL will begin July " 10th, and continue till Nov.. 24 riTuith.m?$8, $10 and $10 per Session. Hoard in private funities on the most reasonable terms. For particulate, n <1.1 re is the Principal. * June 28 8 "3 The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF GREENVILLE. Court of Common Pleai. \V. II. McCaRRELL, Assignee. G. W., Administrator. N?l.i.v TurkIcr ami J Esse Ckemaiiaw, Plaintiffs, against William Wi-t, 8. James Weat and Thomas W. Wkor, Defendants. To the Defendant* William Well, 8 dame* We?t and Thoma* W. Wert: "V7"0U are hereby lummoned and required X to answer lh? complaint in tli ? Action, which ia thia day filed In the Clerk'e offioe. Oreenvillo County, and to srrre a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the eiiliaoiibrrs at Ih->ir ofiice, in the City of Greenville, 8 C? within twenty days after the service he reof, ixclusive of le day <>( audi service ; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the tline afo-.ssaid, the Plaintiff* in thia action will apply to the Court for the rolie d?mand<d In the complaint. > Dated at Greenville, 8. C , June 12, 1671 KAKI.E A BLYTHR, Plaintiff's Attorn 7b the Defendant*, 8 Jamei Wetl and Tho*. tna* W, Wert: TAKE NOTICE that- the Summons in thia action, of whilh the foregoing is a copy, together with the complaint, was filed in the oflicc of the Ciei k of the Court oi Common Pleas for Greenville County, South Carolins on the 12th day of June. 1871. EARLK A BLYTHE, l'laintifl's Attorney. June 21 7 6 ? NoticeOrricK or Board Couxtt Com mission res, I t inrsn vii i.k, 8 July 80th, 1871. ( r|"MlK CONTRACT for building a NEW X BRIDGE acrose Saluda Ttivar, at Coolay'a," will be let out at tha place by lha County Cotnmlaaiooera of Oreanvilfa and Anderioa, to the higbaet bidder,on the 8d day of Aogost, (Thursday,) 1871. Bond and Security will ba required for the faithful performance of the Contract.? Plane, 8peclfi?aUpn% Ac., exhibited on tbat day. W. A. HUDROk, Chuirrann Hoard County Comnt're. July I 9 U ^ Subscribe fur Tub Grrknvim.k Entekj'rjsp?oulj $2 a year. iURANE COMPANY, ] 'ENNESSE6. VIS, PRESID'T. , STATE AGENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED ER VALUE PLAN, LEMf AlfeT ASK?. v "* ? ? rtt**1 v 'HIS COMPANY. 52 tf Wl _ Spring Tmde.l 871"( Crenel Complete eels from S3 to $20 per set. Bate Ball*. All the different kinds at reduced prices. Fhhlni Tackle. Of every description. Traveling Bug*. For ladies and gentlemen. ForfUa Fancy ti.od*. Onus Wild Plato?!* all Kindt and Prlcci Ammunltioil? Sport?meu,i Goodt. Ooods shipped to any part of the country per express. The tame careful attention giv? en to orders by mail as to personal purchases. Prices for oar goods bssed on gold at per. n Alia Ttir ?f VAs.ame am a ruULINCT, I HIMbLfc & (JO., I 200 ft. DALTIMOKE STHEET, BALTIMORE, MD. _ Morcli 22 4rt ly Farm and Residence FOR SALS. TIIE 6U3SCninKR offers for sale his "QREEN "FARM, of about Two Hundred Acres, a little more than a mile from the corporate limits of Oreenville. Tho House is a large and comfortable one, containing eight rooms with llro-plaocs, snd two othors without fire-places. On the plaee are orchard* of Apple, Cherry and Peach Tree*, a body of Woodland, a pieco of very rich BOTTOM LAND, and a large bed of clay suitable for brick making, out of which large profit may bo made. The place is supplied with on ahuudanoe of most excellent water, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to the suhtcriber at Uroenvllle. JAMES C. FURMAN. | Mar U 4ft tf 18 A CARD. 71 ( SL MY FRIENDS AND PATfi.T^tjtrons bare my thanks for past Jrcl^L Kutiafavors, Ac. I eontinue to make ^Dl additions to my Stool: of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTICLES. 8II.VEK P r. : T U I) HEfBM I WAllE, TABLE CUTLERY, i*. Special attention given to repairing fine Watohea, end Time Pieces of every description. JAMK8 U. BLACK. Jan 18 86 tf Spring and Summer MILLINERY. McKAY baa returned from Now York, and opened taMMaan elegant niortmentol J&H3M MI L 11 KERY, oonaiating of Bonnets and Hata of ilie la V JMr teet styles for Ladiea, Clill* dren and Infanta; alao RibPllr bona of all widtha, Flowers, Laee, Set and Hair Gooda, Ladiea and Cliil* drena Suita, Ao. All orders will receive careful and prompt attention. Apiil 28 51 tf I ATTENTION!!! THE ATTENTION of City and County Retail Dealers ia requested to the following : Owing to the depressed condition of business, and being anxious to reduce stock, JOHN S. FAIRLEY & CO., No. 3T llaync Street, Will offer to the Trade during the present month, their very attractive and cumpleto stock at TEN (10) PEU CENT.. BELOW NEW YQltK JOBBER'S PRICES!!! TERMS: FOR AM. BILLS UNDER $100. CASH OR APPROVED NOTE AT THIRTY DAYS, with interest from date of purchase, at 12 par cant, per annum. FOR ALL BILLS OVER $100, APPROVED NOTES AS ABOVE, AT FOUR (4) MONT"S, on acoaptance, will l>e accepted. Merchant* ordering will pleoao specify on which of the above terms they Wiah to p\ir? cbaao. Their Stock eoniistn of tho largest rarioty to be found in the City, of Straw and Millinery Goods, White Uooda, Hosiery, Qlovea, Trimmings, l.accs, Etnbroideriea, Ribbons, Umbrellas, Paraiols, Ladies' and Gent's Linen, and Paper Collars and CuflTs, Ladies' LaceCoi! lara, ntid a complete assortment of Fancy Goods Notions and small Wares. June 7 f> lm Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, a handsome lot of Miles A Sons'Cloth I-aced and Congress GAITERS ; a fin? assortnirnt of Children's and Misses'SHOES; Lte?d and Button Cloth and Kid HOOTS and GAITERS; another lot of those Cheap Cloth GAITERS, At FOSTER .t HUNTER'S. OILS, OILS, OILS7" I' IN8KRD OIL. LUBRICATING OIL, ^ FARMERS' OIL For aale at M. A HUNTER A COM Quilts, Quilts, Quilts. MARSAILLES QUILTS at a bargain, MOSQUITOE NETTING, Pink and tr l l a - LACE CURTAINS, very wide and very handsome, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY F)R sale at M. A HUNTER A CO*. Fans, Fans, Fans. WOOD, PAPER end SILK FANS, Palm, Palm. Wo and Chip FANS. Silk and Seoteh Oingham PARASOLS, Ladle.' UMBMU'Afl. At POSTER A HUNTER'S. PAINTS. PAINTS. WHITE LEAD, (Pure aud Premium,) at a very low arle*. For Ml. by K A. HUNTER A CO. Craokers, Crackers. FRESH Butter and Soda CRACKERS, Freih Stick CANDY. At FOSTER A HUNTER^. BITTER8, BITTERS. VINEGAR. PLANTATION and 1108TKlTRR'd I^TTRRH For sal. by M. A HUNTER A CO, June H ? tl ' SASH., BUND AND' KKOUKtMMG AM? B DRK88RD Flooring, OtlliD|, Weather Board Over a hundred different Put term of Mi lor eale at New York prices, Mantel-Pieces, 1 hort notice. Stair Rail, Newel* and Uullustcrs to ordor. Good and Substantial Work made at cbrnp .United States. We hare on hand the largest lialtiiLOre, all of which we guarantee will give Substantial Work. The subscribers tau refer to Carolina and Florida, as to the cL muter or the Opposite l^iDtlft Fertilise! Works, and in ravili ion Hotels. Man "^CONSUMPTION! It* Cure and Its Preventive, BY J. n.SCHENClC, M. D. MANY a human being has passed rtxv*y, for whose death there was no other* reason than the negleet of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Those near and dear to family and friends nro sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, bod they calmly adopted un. juatirji it. SCIIKNCK'S SIMPLE , TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonde>Tul eflicacioua medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schonk has in bis own cose proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vital- , ity, by bis medicines and the directions for their ule, is quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is nothing prcsuuipt* uous. To the faith of the invalid is uiado no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living aud viaiblu works. The theory of the cure by Dr. Schcnek's medicines is us simple as it is unfailing. Its phb losnphy requires no argument. It is self-assuring, self-convincing. The Sen wood Tonic and Mandrake Pills arc the first two wenpons with which the citadel of the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes " sympathize " with the stomach. They respond to the m?rbitlo action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the setting iu, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills are composed of one of Naturo's noblest gifts?the Podophyllum Pellatum. They posses all tho blood-scarching, alterative projierties of calomel, but unlike calomel, they "LEAVE NO STIXfl nKHTVn ? TliO Work oi cure is now beginning. Tlio yitialcd and mucous deposits in ttie towels and in the alimentary canal arc ejected. The liver, like u clock, is wound up. It arouse* from its torpidity. The atomucb ncla rcspouaivcly, and the patient begin* to leel tliut he ia getting, at Inat, A SUPPLY OF OOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pilla, permeates and assimilates with the food. Chylification is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digest ion becomes painless, and tbo euro ia seen to bo at hand. There is no more flatulence, no cxacerbutiou of tko stomach. An appctito acts in. Now coincs tho greatest IJIood Purifier ever yot given by an indulgent father to aulferiug man. 8chcnck'a Pulmonic Syrup coinea in to porforin its functions and to hasten and complete tho cure. It enters at once rpon its work. Nature cannot bo cheated. It collects nnd ripens the impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In tho form of gatherings, it prepares them fur expectoration, and lo ! in a very short timo the malady la vanquished, tho rottcu throne that, it ocoupird ia renovuted and made new, and the patient, in all tho dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. OIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stay in a warm room uutil they get well"; it is ul? mjst impossible to prevent Inking cold when the lungs are diseased, but it must bo prevented or a cure cannot bo effected. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this section of tho country in the fall nnd wiutcr season, are all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they aro in tbe bouse they must not sit down quiet ; they must walk about tho room as much nnd us fust ae the strength will bear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such cviduneo of its possibility in the woist cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Scbonek's personal statement to the Faculty of his own cure w.-Mi in these modest words : *' Many years ago I was in the lust singes of consumption 5 confined to my l>c<l, 11ml at one time my physician* thought that I could not liVu a week ; then, like 11 drowning inan catching At straws, 1 heard <-f and obtained the pro- < parationa which I now offer to the public, and they made a perfect caruot too. It seemed to mo that I could feel thcin penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up inure than a pint of offensive yellow mutter every morning for a long time. As soon as that began to subside, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats nil begun to leave uie, nnd my appetite hcenme So great thut it wns with difficulty (hat I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and hare grown in flesh ever since." " 1 wns weighed shortly After my recovery,'' added the Doctor," then looking like a rncrc skeleton ; my weight was only ninety, seven pounds; my present weight is two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounds, nnd for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." | Dr. Hrhenek has discontinued his prafes- | sional visits to N'cw York nnd Boston, lie or bis son, Dr. J. H. Schenck, Jr., still continue to sett patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth ttrcef, Philadelphia, every Saturday from it a. m. to a i*. m. Tliose who wish h thorough examination with the Kespirnmetcr will l>o 1 churgcd $'>. The Kexplrnmoter declare* the | exact condition of the lungs, and patient* can readily learn whether thoy ure curahlo or not. The direction* for taking tho medicine* are adapted to tho intelligence even of a child. | Follow there direction*, and kind Naturo will I do tho rout, excepting that in smno cnxc* the Mandrake Pills are to bo taken in incron*cd dofc* ; tho three medicine* need no other ao oompaniment* than tl>e ample instructions that accompany tbeui : First create appetite. .Of returning health hunger is the most welcome symptom. When it come*, a* it will conic, let *] the despairing at or<o to of good cheer, tlood | blood at once follows, the cough loosens, tho , night aweat is abated. In a short timo both , of these morbid symptoms are gone forover. Dr. Sehonek'* medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As ? laxative or purgative, the Mundrako Pills are a 1 standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as a curcr of coughs and colds, mny be regarded as a prophylacterio against consumption In any of its forms. , Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonio, $1.M) a bottle, or $7.60 a half doxon. Mandrake I*ilia, 25 conl* a box. For ante l>y all druggiala and dealera. , WhnToealo Agent, JOHN F. IIEN 11Y, No. 8 College IMace, Now York City. March 22 40 ly For Salei r* ,A BAY 1IORSR nearly alxtecn handa high, line undor tho Saddle, and worka wall anywVUr V.k??' w - < feolTjr BoTTnD ?nd (VgN rLB"**""' ',ors I i A|>plj to Dr. Iimci ! ' , , < C. Hinirh, K?u. ' Kunn#n? W 7?llq? ' ? Mrt* 17 2 I * if SSOXiIEi. It, SbeWlnjf, Bo* Boards, kr., Ac. aul^ ngs, roiiklng over lt>0,l>cru feet on band )oor tml Window Frninct mado to order at of Walnut aud Mahogany, on band and made | nt this establishment as can be tnado In the] lock of the above Goods south of the City ol I entire satisfaction to all who want Good ann i gentlemen all over this State, Georgia, North Ir work for the past twenty years. r. P. RUSSELL & CO., EA? r ENH HAP EL RTRKBT, the immediate vlclnltv vf Charleston and ih IS. 1871. ' 45-t COLUMBIA HO , ( OL11IBI1, WM. GOF.MA1T, PltOI'KIETOTl rpnn r. ^or ctor of tlic pTensrfntly located I. nnd eh c.l^tly furnished E-tahllshmen', at (lie State d< 'Irea toinfoim die travelling public and ^.'heraevoking accommodations that llie >* in every respect a A st-cluss Hotel, uiien'nas.' ed I t>v any in llio State or the Unitid btutt* Sitii te?l in the business centre of the city, with fine large airy room8, at d a table supplied with every deliennv of the season, both from New York and Charleston maiket*. the Proprietor pledges that no rffni's will be spared to give pei feet satisfaction in every respect. A first e'n?s Livery Stable is attached to the Hotel, where veliicba < ! every deserip tion can be had at the shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrival and depnilino of every Train. WM OOUMAN. Proprietor and Sup* i tut en dent. J. 1). RUDDS, Cashier. Feb 15 S9-tf Land for Salo. rpbo subscriber offers for sale his I.and, situaI teJ scuno nlno miles below the City of tirounvilo, on waters of Brushy Creek, Anderson County. In the Tract nro 222 Acres, .'10 of which nre Bottom and 20 arc .Second Bo*toin. Tliorc nro good houses, statiies, smoke houses, corn cribs, Ac. This Land is superior, and under good cultivation, nnd will ho sold cheap for cosh. Apply at once, if you wish to invest. J. S. TIIACK.9T0X. Mar 29 47 ?m B. WIIERLE, QREENVOILILE 3- ?. DEALER IX GOLS ill SILVER WATCHES, /n I F\ i n n ,,r * ^ * ,v DUNJKS, J L IV JS L K I, SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, < SILVER A SILVER-PLATED1 ./m dk tsr WORK of nil diecripliuna in hi* lin? done promptly..J* J Oct 27 * 23 1 DOOLBYS YEAST POWDER Una long l.een regarded na (lie he?t nnd j cheapest linking Powder in uac. Piifectly I puionnd healthy. It mnke?, nt short notice, delicious Biscuits, Holts, An. There need l>?*fio waste of food prepared with it, nn it ia id way* of llio Lent q'lnlily. We would say to those wlio have n. v r ua-d it that n very few trlaln will ennlile them uto use it, not only with entire satisfaction l>ut with economy. Put up m't.t., nkt weight, na repreaonteI, G?o?*crs and Deal* era aeil it. DOOLP.Y A BROTHER. Prop's. 69 Aite Utrefl. AYip -York C'itif. April 6 48 Urn w. K. kasi.kv. n. o. wr.i.i.s EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OllEKNVILLE, S. C., PRACTICK in the Courts of tlie State nnd of tho United Stntes, nnd give especial Utcntion to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 "D wriTD r -ci JL9. YY JjIIULIJ ["IJIAS just returned with a well jj\J setaeted Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRJT, 50110 SILVER AID PLATEB IMl. Table Cutlery, &c. 11IS St<?"k was personally pc lected Iroin the best houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 19 22 tf SAM'L BLACK, k .m ? is b ^ WOt J I,M respectfully inform til* frim-ls nn<l petrous ihnt he h>?? rfinoTnl bin It A IC It i: It H II O I* r.? the Old Court rcenint room on he left, whom he will hi k'hiI to Me lur luiimnrra promising tliein oftclion in ill hi socio * of his husinc s. June 14 ft It K.C lU Tl Kt. K. r. MCPKR. O. C STKPIIf N# BUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, GKEENVILLE, S. C., Will Fraotioe in the Coutts of ths State and of the Ynl;?d lutes. II *? .?i ii y m 4 t< 1 Notice. T8 hereby given to all whom It my eonX corn. Uiat i fill aplily to N. J. Dontliit, Probata Judge, of Oroenvillo County, for a Anal di*p|iftrgo ft* Ailminiatratnr of the Relate I JOHN II. UUMPUKYP, deceased, ?n tk* , Ifitl i/>tw n/ July, prrt. i WM. C. III'MPMIIEYH, Admit;! trifnr. June 19th, 1871. 7 5 1V0 fiood Hftllh Without . Pure Blood. DR. G liAZKNEH'H ? P'l H E N A 11 D AXD queen's De-light WILL PURIFY THE BLOOD! * AND RBMOVn Liver Complaint, Klieum** Scrofula. Carbuncle*. HA at.:.. n r>.:? .l. OAMI I rtUP III I IIM Bones, Dvrpepva, |>inca?c? of lli?* Kidney* and Bladder, pain in lliu B?ok and Loin*, and ?M ?!? ? t minus Ailment* produced by Impure 1 Mocxl and Vitiated Secretion*. Uuy one lioltle ami try it, ami if i I fail* to yivc any relief,, buy no more. I>K. GLAZENER'S LINIMENT or Pa IN EXTRACTOR is go" I hi KJi?oma<i m. Neillal^in, Headache, Pain * in the Back, Sprains, Ac. IMV OLAZKVER'S FAMILY VF. JIiTATlLli LIVER I'ILLSar<? tale reined i it *jj-'UU to overflow* Derangement* of tlie Liver ati.l !o Piirifv the Blood. Dft. GLAZENER'S COUGH RELIEF D excellent for all cares of Cough ol any kind, from Croup to Consumption ; although not r<eomm*nd?d fo eure ili? latter discus.*, a:cat r?liet will follow it* un>\ tf The fthove Mcdivii'vs are prepared only hy PR GILES L. GLAZENER. Manufacturing 'Druggist, Gicnvlllo, S. U. tdEF" Sold ly Druggist* generally. May 10 1 tf PH0T0GB APHIN G< HAVISO recently fitted up ti e room* over Whitroirc & Ferguson's Stoic, with elegant tights, I nm prcpniud to do all kin Is of PHOTOGRAPHING. at vei v fliort i.fttlce. ttntUfftotion gunren'ed to nil. W.M. WUKKLKIt. May 2 ( X I f 1 r The Southern Hotel ____ HAS hen n6-l m.''rnt 'n complete oitl-r fo> B11 '''? nccommoiliitlon ??1 tiiVS&QSbCSetraveling public. R?tc.? of Mould rtukui.nblc. Cull and Rive me a trial. J. O. YKAUG1X. M.ij 3 63 3tn DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY! JQ. McDAVID graduate of tlic Pennaylvnnin College ol Dental Forgery, tendon 1866-67, icepectfully offer* bis profepiiionnl I ncrvkes to llie citincna of Urccuville and cuvrminding country. Having acquainted himself with tlic modern improvement* ol hi* profeatiun. lie hope*, l v atriet attention to bu*ines*, to be a-lc to givo aati* faction. utnco on tho comer of ColToo nn<l Main Street*, in II. A. Caublc'n former rniilmcr, up rlair#. J. Q. MnDAVlD. D. I>. S. Mur 22 4li ;jin i iipi|iPiT 2 sIeI'J jii-rll If % ~ &vAPj*j*rA l ? : ss0 saiii**&Us*z " 22 Si?2sffiiU? ? 89 ? Igi Ma-flips: a 3 5? ; 5 alii = **t &- i5 05 C-rrE v e' . ei* Sb ^ - -r_ ? .- s .* ? ,r _ c -T 2 ^ -S f ? ~ *2 J * 5 c 2 jt r t = ?? iilWjPiHIi ^ 5 !?' ?'! P-S Ss5= ' *? 3 -iK-isisaivip 14 - c 5 g k 5 * S '1 = .r * ~ o M5I*l?*$2 i"* y-'f 3 = fsa " = . ? w - C - ^ 1 ~ ^ & L f L. *1 r ' c ^ ? i?i i m Z C s ? ? WM. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. t LOCATED on FaIIa Slrtol, ofn niunrc of Alcssr.". Gottvr, Cox A Morkli y'n. tSUANITK of nil tier rript ion* furnifliol ai'.'l cut to ni?l?-r. TDM I'. STONES, witli Ornnito or MiirMn IVilcftnli ir.ny Ik- liml on nppliciilioti. Special uttcution griiiruiilcctl to nil work. 0:fr- Or.lcrf for TOM11STONF.3 If ft with Mr. % Wkkim k. Jeweller, will retciiti my prompt attfiitiu*iJ an IS 30 if mppwp ^Water wheel. Mill Gearing,^ha|ting&Pulleys fOQlE * } ^ SEND FOR A CIRCUiAR^fe? I?oc 7 29 ly SPUING & SUMMKR lamsiY. Just Rotuincd from Now York. MRI. jnxxrxo.s hn* ?>.. turne-l with n full .ilork <! M I !? LIN KitY and other <1 0 O I> S, uJjBgZQ ftisilwl l<> tho want* nu<) dc?iro? of il.o ladlne, In which ilio ?nP^IjW *??M invito an examination ?? ^ *'.? She will Imwia ORAM) OPRXJPif 1X0 on Tl,urp',"y 27ih inM? \Ml and will ho pleaiiotl to ?o? ruoh of Iter friend* on tl.o oconaiou a* may l.nvo iho tlmo to attend. Location, two dnora l.olow the well-known More of Messrs. W. II. Hovey .t Co. April 2A U if Notico. IS hereby given to all whom It may concern, that 1 will apply to H. J. Ihiuihil, Pro. hate Judge, of flrocnrill<; County. ?>>. th> '2*th Jay of July nt.rl, for a Anal discharge a* tiuai, lian of TELITIIA A DICK KY. W. It. DICK FY, fltttrdlim Juno 19lh 1871. 7 A