University of South Carolina Libraries
I I' A'-' ' ' : 1t"l THE ilKDER8IQIfl fe* A nvnn > ikv iifti . ai mu i unAiac Ami w " i -v. OB N B H A L DC i ft R-ft ftp IS LARGER AND t L ; . ' K-vj ft- .v,; m i * J; - . THAN and WHOLES.1IA AT THE LOV COUNTRY MERCHANTS .W EXAMINE 'STOCK * SENDING ORpl tdgT" He will. aUo iarniali % l3alo at Factory, prices. i . i\v k:? * . \ June Si 1 LAND AND IUHIGI *TTV nVD tL. 1a? il? ?o ?v rt ?II U*?A/OM iuv BUIUISVP iuu * oomo varolii! will give a SERIES OF CONCERTS commencing October 1st, 1871, for the jurpos upon lands selected by tbe Association for others, in the State of South Carolina, and Co Int rear. REFERENCES IN BOITTII CAROLINA Governor M. h. Bonham, General Johnson II nut, Gen. John S, Preston, Ron. W. D. Rlmj holm, Governor J. L. Manning, Don. J. B. C $500,009 to be awarded to the Ticket Hold* Firat of Oeiober, 1971, at the Academy of Mi ing commences. I *' 1SO.QOO SSASM TICKETS DF ADM! A11 Orders for Tickets directed to us or oh All the premiums, including Deed and Certi posited with the National Bank of (bo Re^ab 0000,000 : 1st Gift, Aoadsuy of Music Charleston, S. by 00, ahd situated corner of King and rental of about $20,009 from Opera House, & well known to be the linost building and 3d (rift?Cash .. 3d Gift?Cash .hi. nidi p..i. ? - *?h 25 OifLe?Caali. ,'... cacl 25 Gifta?Cash.. ...'. eac 350 (] iru-^Oniti i .....M*? ....Mt.MOftd 250 Gift*?Caah 500 UilU?Ca?h...... , 1250 Glftl?Cul., cilc 2,404 Gift*, amount to BUTLER, C1IADW AGENTS SOUTH CAROLINA LAND G^ucral John Chsi (jvneral 1 * V * * COMMISSIONERS AND BU General A. R. Wright, of Georgia. General B'radly T. Job neon, of V irgtnla. June 7 5 reidvi"lle MALE HIGH SCHOOL, UEID VI ?, LE, I AllDUHW ?. V. W. c. KTRKLAND, A. *., Priaoipal. W. H. WALLACB, A. B., Assistant. \%f~ Nc*t Session brgins Joly 8. 1871. HOARD AND TUITION, $05. Jure 88 8 - 8 Notice to Fruit Distillers rpiIOSE persons intending to DISTILL JL from FRUIT, bad belter give notice at once of tbeir i.ttenliona to do *o, either by litter tome at Post Offioe Greonville, or by personal applieation at tha oflloe of the Deputy Colleetor, A. L, Oobb. They will pereelva by tha instructions put dt-bed in the Greenville Enl*rpri?", that, tl is necessary tha survey# shall ba mala before Distillaraaan eommenaa operations. WILLIAM IRVINE, Deputy Assessor. Jobe 27th. 1871. 8?8 College Commencement at Due Wwt( RrrNVILUt A COLUMBIA RaILBOAD Co., ) Columbia, s. C., June 86, 1871. j ROUND Trip Tielreta, for oae fare, will be sold at all stations on litis road fur J tonnalri'a to DfriOD'i wbo deeire to vieit ]>ue West during ?oinmenoement exercise* ol Koekine College ""A One W?il Female College, on the 12th and 131 h of Jolv. Hale of Tiekete to eommeneu on the tih an<l continue nntll the 11th Inclusive, the privilege to return to extend to tho 15th jnclaeive. TIIOIC AS POflAMF.ATT General Superintendent. M. T. BaiirrrT, General Ticket Agent. June 29 8 8 Notice. ' * : Dertrrr Omuoiea't Orrica, ) -j Greenville, 8. C., June 17, 1871. ( BY virtue of an order from R. IL Wei- i laee, Collector 3d IMrt.. S. 0., I wl" e?ll to the higheet bidder, at QreenvUlt Conrt Uoue?, on Thneaday, t?th day nf Jnoe, 1871, at 12 o'clock M.. TVo Kega and One Demli.iKn t.t WHtflUV I. i-i? ? v ? "?.V,?.., .. ?" *? p?rly i^lud from Benjamin Slrotnotia, on lit# 11th day of May. 1871. Tarma ca^h. A. L 00BT1, 18- Junn^8 Deputy CoHaeU-r. ? a * * > ? .* Fairview Academy. J. B. SMimPRlNClFAL. THU 8BCOUD 8JW8IOW of SCHOOL will bagln July * orgflcA 10th, and oonlione (III Na*. 24. Tumow?$8, 110 and $16 par 4&gr Section. 11--.1 ?_ ? u ? ? ismuiec on thtmoti reMf>i.?b1? terms. F?.r particulars, i^rM lh? Principal. June 29 8 ' ,3 an i-iii-i 3 COMMISSION SH-iMT. ;?o: ;r- "I* ID HAS ADDED TtfB ftllllicoiny miAiyrnA pmmig?iun Duomuo i MIS ^UCHINDISB. r rV' i iifii HOKE COMPLETE bf4* -J EVJbllrl, B E SOLD AT S OR RETAIL V.tST PRICE 8. ILL DO WELL TO CALL AND \ND PRICES BEFORE VHS ELSEWHERE. if K MHnn & ARN3 and SHIRTINGS by the T. W. DAVIS. r : V If >,000 i?EN_ AWAY! I CAROLINA IATION ASSOCIATION la Slate Agricultural nnd Mechanical Society," . at the Academy of Muttr, Cbarleaton, S. C., ? of raising a fund to eual>l? emigrant* to eettle home* of Northern and Kuropean farmer* and r their traneportation thither and jupport lor the .?General Wade llnmpton, Hon. B. F. Perry, lagood, Hon. Arniietead Burt, Hon Jntnee Chetv iaon, Andrew Situondi, K?n-, lion. G. A. TrenWpMl. >ra of tho Scrica of Concerto to coinmenoe on the iaic, C bar lea ton, 8. 0., en whioh day the Draw* SSIQH. AID 10 MORS. &T $S EACH r Agen ta Strictly ConfUUHlitL flcato of Title to Academy of Mnalc, will be dello, New .York. IN GIFTS. C.t coat to build $230,000, baring an annual Market etreota, in the centre of the eity, and torea and Halla; the building being about 230 feet moat valuable ptoperty in Charleaton ; valued $240,000 100,000 26,000 "?.? 10,000 .. 6,000 ? $1,000 24,000 h 500 12,600 b 100 35,000 >h 60 12,600 h 25 12,600 to 10. 12,500 $500,000 ICK-, GARY & CO., AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. V. C, (Sutler, ) idwlch, JEftq.* > Charleston, S. 0. 1. W tiary, ) PKRYIS0R8 OF DRAWING : Colonel D. H. ItuHedge, of Routh Carolina, lion. Roger A. Pryor, of Now York. lm financiil: THE UNDERSIGNED WILL BUY AND S'HId, GOLD AND SILVER, ALSO, BUY AND Sfrl.X, E XC HJiJYGE ON New York, Baltimore, , Philadelphia, Charleston, AND OTHER CITIES. T. W. DAVIS. UrwnviUe, S. C., June 6, 1871. June 7 b tf The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF OREKNVlLLR. Court of Common Pleas. W. II. MeGARSELL, Assignee, E. W., Administrator. Tuburr and Jbarc Ceksbiiaw, l'lointiffv against William WM, 8. James West End Tuoxas W. Wtffr, Defendants. , To tin Dtftadant* William Writ, B. Jam** Wool and Thoma* W. YOU Ere hereby summoned End required to Eoawer the complaint in this action, which is this day filed in the Clerk's offica, OrecnTillo County, and to imti a copy of jour answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, in the City of Orecnville, 8. C., within twenty days after the sereies hereof, cxcluelr e of te day of uch service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afot ssaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to tha Court lor the rollc demanded in the com* plaint. Dated at Greanvlllw, 8. C.. June 13, 1871 EARLEA BLYIHE, | riai nun i AU or a To the Dtfrit Jan It, 8. Jam** W?*l and Thotr ma* W. \Ve*t: TAKE NOTICE that tha 8ummoa* In (his notion, of which the forogoiog Is a copy, together with the complaint, was Hied in the olRoe of the Clark of the Coort of Common Pleas for Grsenrille County, Sooth Caroline, on the 12th day of June, 1871. EARLE A BLYT1IE, ^ . PUintiflTa Attorney. June 21 7 $ Notico. TUfi TRUSTEES of the different School Districts la the County, are reqaeeted to meet me at my oflce, la Greearllle, on 8a'? arday, the 8th day of July next, to ooasalt on different matters pertaining to the Public Schools. I trust that all will attend that po?. I albly can, it Is Important that each finnni Jud? 28 1871. j v isniMWMr. .. - . j i V CAROLINA, LIFE INS A SOUTHERN AND 1 /# ^ i < * J <*< * ATTENTION < TO THE SO AMB OTHER A OFFERED BY T Miy3 ^0/2 fl/flW /? PRICELESS 11 BUT THE DIAXOHD SPECTACLES WILL PREBEHVE IT. ^ If T?n Talne Your ByctliM UWTIWP 1 < PBRPEGT LENSES. '1 6ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, > Halted together, and derive their name j " Diamond on'aceouot of their Hardness t and Brillianoy. They will last many years j without ehange, and are warranted superior to all others, manufactured by ' fJMU i J. E. SPENSER ft CO.. N. Y. Caution ?None eenuioe naleas stamped with our trade marfe. > rr <s a M. a a TURNER, Sole Agent 1 for QieeoviUe, 9. C. J From whom they ean oOly be obtained. No Padlara employed. Hay 10 . . 1 ?f ly PURE LIBERTY ' WHITE LEAD. : . f Buy the Best?lL is the Cheapest. " :o: t To Coniamtrt of WAifr Lead Everywhere. |J to: J1 ITIS UNEQUALED, c 1st. For Wearing and Covering Properties. * Sd. For Whiteness and Beauty of Fluish. 3d. For TJnUorm Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better worlr, at a given coal, than eny other. 6th. Moat Economical White Lead 6ur in* . i 0 troduced. Oth. Jf yon wish to proaure aa much value I a* poeeible for your money and secure * handsome and durable work, use * PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. \ t Try t end be convinced. Satisfaction -] guranteed by the Manufacturers. Z1EGLE &SMLTU. . Wholesale Drue, Paint and Glass Dealera, " No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia, j WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWEB, COX St MABKLEY. DEALERS IN Coach Material!, Paint*, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c, GREENVILLE, S. C. MayS 68 tf B. WEHRLE ; [~U|A.S ^uet returned with a well U selected otock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 1 SOU! SILVER AID PLATED WARE.; Table Cutlery, &c. { 11IS Stock was personally selected from tlio best liousee in bis line, and can guarantee satisfaction. < Oct 10 22 tr J HAM'L BLACK, / WOULD respectfully Inform hid friends and petrous that be has removed his " BARKER SHOP " T<? the Old Court Hons?, second room on ? the left, where he wilt be glad to see his ( customers. nroini?ini? n . r - b *11 branches of hit business. Jon* 14 6 (f ), Notice. C IB hctoby given to all whom U my eoncent, that I will apply to R. J. Douthit, | Probata Judge, of Greenville County, for a &nal discharge as A<1 ininLatrator of the Estate I of J01IN 11. IIUM PIlEYS, deceased, oh lAe < tSlh iluy nf July, nvxf. ' W.VL C. HUMPHREYS, Administfator. a Juno 10th, 1871. 7-5 C o Notice. 13 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to B. J. Douthit, Probate Judge, of Greenville County, ea ll< 28fA 1 any of July e?jri, for a Anal discharge as Guar- I <ften of TELITHA A. DICKEY. W. D. DICKEY, Guardian. June 10th 1871. 7-5 | m. o. Btrrt.Es. w. r. MCRCB. o. o. Stephen* | j BUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, * Attorneys and Counsellors at Law y and in Equity, GREENVILLE,S. CM , Will Practice in th* Couits of the State and *f th* United Stat**. I ' May Si 4 tf * A Trip to ths Moun'ains. I i"i'Jyjl ~ ? |hi111| mi 11 min ' GREENVILLE 4 COLUMBIA R. R . Columbia, 8. 0.. Jon* IS, 1871. I710R th>? aeormmodalion of pereona who d?ir? to v itobab the oemmaneament exerciare of Nan borry Colleg* n*t tho laying of tho Corner Atono, by (h? Me*onie Fraternity, at WalhaUa, daring tho laat wook In June, rouod trip tiakata for ono (are will ho Waned at all atatlona on thla road for Aadaraoa ; aalo of tiakata to commence on Saturday, tha 04th, and continue until W?d??d?? 't*41?1? ?; i ??<, incimiTl ; JDOfi to return on until Monday July 8, ioelu- . eWe. Gomm<nctai(Dt examinee will begin on Monday, the 26th ; Corner Stone will . be laid on Wednesday, ihe I8tb, By this arrangement an opportunity is offered to enjoy the mountain air and to vltneae an imposing and interesting ceremony. THOS. DODAMRAD, (icn l Sopt. M. 1. Bastlstt, General Ticket Agout. ) i iURANriiOMPANY, ' WWI 7 ' eaifawBB^.h, < ,. ?.. Vis, wesjd't. , 9TAVB-AIIBIIT8, MUTUAL r.nMPAMV .v.w m w??i WITH r*wm I M r IS .CALLED " * ER YALUE PLAN, HVAMTAGES, HIS COMPANY. 1871 t *? 1871 : . . Cro'qnct < ? ' * Complete nta from $3 to $30 per set. , W r Saw Ballo. Aftthadlflereo* ktads el Traded prices. FliMni Tackle. Of eroiy description. Traveling Bags. For Indies and gentlemen. Foreign Fancy Good*. Unas and Plitels of nil Kinds and Prices Awnanltten, 8por|noieu,i Goods, Goods shipped to any pert of the country per express. ThO same carefhl attention gfv?n to orders by mail na lo personal purobases. Prices for our goods based on gold at par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 300 IT. BA I. TIM ORE STB BE T, BALTIMORE, MD. March 23 46 ly Farm and Residence * ; , rHE BTJ38CRTBEU offers: for Salo his "GREEN " FARM, ef about Two Ilun[red Acres, a little more than a mile from the orpornie 11011U or Urccnvillc. TIio House is , Urge and comfortable one, containing eight ooros with (ire-places, and two others without ire-places. On the placo are orchards of Apple, Cherry ind Peach Trees, a body of Woodlund, a pioco f very rleh BOTTOM LAND, and a largo ed of olay suitable for brick making, hut of (bich large profit may be made. The placo | supplied with an abundance of oiost excelent wklcr, One of the springs being strongly halybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to tbo subscriber at' Ireenrille. JAMES C. FUllJIAN. Mar 15 45 Jtf_ 18 A CARD. 71 r$L MY FRIBNDS AND PATtrons havo my thanks for past jWjjL KitiSBfavors, Ao. I continue to make BBpffll Editions to my 8tock of JEWELiY, WATCHES. CLOCK'S. SPEC. MTSX ricLKS, silver platedBH FARE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special atention given to repairing fine Watches, and Time PieCCS t>f otery description. JAMES G. BLACK. Jon 15 56 tf Spring and Summer MILLINERY. MISS MuKAY has returned from New York, and opened DfaCSlB an elegant aaaortmantol jagnSMk MIL L I NERY, consisting of Bonnets and Hats of the la Q\frll styles for Ladies, Chil<*roa *D<* I"r'int?; also RibIPIIT bona of all widths, Flowers, !>aee, Set and flair Goods, Ladies and CliilIrens Suits, ?to. All orders will receive careful and >r>>mpl attention. April 2d 51 If ATTENTION II! rUE ATTENTION of City and County Rotail Dealers is requested to the follow- | og: Owing to the depressed condition of business, and (ping anxious to reduce stock, JOHN S. FAIRLEY A CO., No. 37 Haync Street. Vill offer to the Trade during the present nontb, their very attractive and complete tock at TEN (10) PER CENT. BELOW iEW YORK JOBBER'S PRICES!!! TERMS: FOR ALL BILLS UNDER $100. CASH )L APPROVED NOTE AT THIRTY >AYS, with interest from date of purchase, at 2 per cent, per annum. FOR ALL BILLS OVER $100, APPROVED NOTES AS ABOVE, AT FOUR 4) MONTHS, on acceptance, will bo aeeptcd. Merchants ordering will please specify on rhieh of tho above terms they wish to pur? base. Their 6toek consists of tho largest variety > be found in the City, of Straw and Millinery loods, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimlfngs, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Uinrullns, Parasols, Ladies' and Gent's Linen, nd Paper Collars and Caffs, Ladies' Lace Colors, and a complete assortment of Fancy loods Notions and small Wares. Juno 7 A - lm fll K>iiues, oiioes, snoes. JU<T RECEIVED, a litnil.nm? lot of Miles Sons'Clolh Laced and Congreta iaitk.RS ; a fin? naaor'inent of Children's nd Mtwea* SHOES; Ltivd and Button loth and Kid boots and GAITERS; anther lot of thus Cheap Cloth G A ITERS, At FaSTEU ib HUMKR'3. ~OIL8, OILS, OILS. Linseed oil. lubricating oil. farmers' oil, For ?rte at M A HUNTER A CO'S. luilts, Quilts, Quilts. i/f ARSATLLER QUTLT8 at a bargain, JX MOSQUITOE NETTING, Pink 'and fhite. LACE CURTAINS, very wide and very landaome, at FOSTER k nUNTF.R'8. /VINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY For salr at m. A. hunter a CD'S. Fans, Fans, Fans. WOOD. PAPER and SILK FANS; Palm, Palmetto and Chip FANS. ?iik and scotch Gingham PARASOLS, Ladies' UMBRRLLA9. At FOSTKR A HUNTKR'S. PAINT8, PAINTS. WBITE LEAD, (Pare aud Premium,) at a T?ry low prioa. For aala by 1(. A. HUNTCU A CO. Crackers, Crackers. FRBBH Boti?r ?nH 8od? CRACKERS Prssh Stick CANDY, At FOSTER A HUNTERS. BITTER8, BITTERS. PLANTATION rDJ IIOS% T TETTFR'J BiTTERS. For ?*U bj M. A. HUNTER A CO. J?ue 11 ft bfl? 1?L.- . $A?H? BUS? AH! M ttf W U ? a M 6 A. SI ? T"\RES8KD Flooring, fceillng, Weather Roi 1 / Over a bund rod different Rut terns of lor sale at Now York pricoa. Muuicl-l'ieces, abort notice.. SUlr Rail, Newels and DalluaU to ordrsr. Good arid Substantial Work mado as cbe; United States. We bnve on band tbe ltirgca 1 Baltin.ore, all of wbteb wo guarantee will gv Substantial Work. Tbe subscribers can refer Carolina and Florida, as to tbo character of t 1 " Opposite Wnndo Fertiliser Works, and 1 Pavilion Hotels. M f CON SU M P TI ON". Its Cure and Its Preventive3 BY J. II. SCHENCK, M. D. MANY a human being bus passed away, for whose death there waa no othei reason than tbe neglect of known end indisputably proven means of cure. Those near and dear to family and friends are sleeping (be dreamless slumber into which, had they ealmly adopted DR. JOSEPH H. SCHBNCK S SIMPLE TREATMENT, , ad availed themselves of hi? wmi.l..-f..i ? cioua medicine*, they would not have fallen. Dr. Sohenk has in liieuwn cuo proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by hie medicine* and the directions for their use, is quickened into boaltliful vigor. In this statement there is uotiiiug presumpU uou*. To (he faith of the invalid is made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the euro by Dr. Schcuck's medicines is as simple as it is nufailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is self-assoring, self-convincing. Tho Seawood Tonic snd Mnndrnkc Pills are the first two weapons with which tho citadel of tho malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes "sympathize" with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and the sotting in, with all | its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills are composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?tho Podophillium Peltatum. They possess all the blood-searching, alterative nroperties of calomel, but unlike calomel, tb" 'LEAVE NO STING BEHIND." The work of cure is not* tcginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowels and in tho alimentary eanal are ejected. Tho liver, like n clock, is wound up. It arouses | from its torpidity. The stomach acts resnon; lively, and the patient begins to fool that he ii getting, at lust, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. Tho Seawood Tonic, in conjunction with tlx Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food Cby lification is now progressing without iti previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless und the euro is seen to be at hand. There h no more flatulence, no exacerbation of tho stomach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier cvci yet given by an indulgent father to suffering man. Sckenek's Pulmonic Syrup comes in te perform its functions and to hasten and complete the eurc. It enters at once vpon iU work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collect.and ripens tho impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In tho form of gatherings, il prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in u veiy short time the malady is vanquished, tlx rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and made new, nnd the patient, in till the dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy tho manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. Tho second thing is, tho patients must stay in a warm room until they get well'; it is nl? m ?st impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, but it must bo prevented or a euro cannot bo effected. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this section 01 the country in tlio fall and winter season, arc all wrong. Physicians who recommen.l tii?t lose their patients, if their longs arc | badly diseased, ami yet, because they arc in the house they must not sit down quiet; tlicv must walk about the room as much ami as fast as the strength will hear, to get up n good clr| culation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evideneo of its possibility in the worst cases, and moral certainly in nil others, is sinful. I)r. Schcnck's personal slateinont to the Faculty of his own euro w.ii in these modest words : " .Many years ago I was in tho last singes of consumption ; con lined to my bed, and lit one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, i heard of nnd obtained the preparations which I now offer to the public, and they made a perfect cure of inc. It seemed to no that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. Thoy soon ripened the matter iu my lungs, und 1 would spit up more than a pint of offensiee yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon oa that began to su'-sido, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats nil began to lenve me, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that 1 could keep frotn eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown In flesh ever sinco." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only nincly seven pounds; inv present woight is two hundred and twenty-five [225] pounds, and for years I havo enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr Sciienck has discontinued his professional visits to New York and ltoston. Do or his son, Dr. J. II. Fcbcnck, Jr., still continue to see patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth itreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the ltcspirnmeter will be charged $5. The Kcsplrornoter declares the exact condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they arc curable or not. Tho directions for taking tho medicines are nnnpieu to toe intelligence even of a child. Follow these direction*, and kind Nature will do the rest, exempting that in some cases the Mandrake I'ills aro to be taken in increased doses ; tho three medicines need no other ac companiincnts than the ample instructions that accompany them i First create appetite. Of returniog health hunger ia the most welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will come, let the despairing at or?e t c of good cheer. Oood blood at onoo follows, the cough loosens, tho night sweat is abated. Jn a short timo both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. JL)r. Schenck's medicines are constantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a laxa ! tivo or purgative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard pnjfhmtion ; while the Pulmonic 1 Syrup as a curcr of cougha and oolda, may be regarded aa a prophylactcric against oonsumpI lion in any of ila forma. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup anil Seaweed Tonic, $1.50 a bottle, or $7.50 a half dozen Mandrake Pills, 25 cents a box. For salo bj all druggists and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. 1IEKKY, No 8 College Place, New York City. March 22 46 ly For Saloj ^ A BAY 1IORSR nearly six nunm nign, hn? antler tb> ^W^4C^^Snddle, and work* well any Twlierc. Warranted to bo per footly flOUNP and OF.lfTLK. Apply to T>r. Iiinn F. -Furman, ?i Julia C .Smith. Ki]. [ May 17 2 t JMlU-ja.UUJ-J -M- u-u ffkAHOie M(SKiKI. ?r<l?, Shelving, Box Board*. Ac., Ac. ] Moul^ngs, making over 109,000 feet on band , Boor and Window Frames made to order at * :r? of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made ip at this establishment as can be made tn thA J t stock of the above Goods south of the City of , re entire satisfaction to all who want Good ann to gentlemen all over this State, Georgia, North heir work for the past twenty years. kV. P. RUSSELL & CO., WAST wn tiiowT Miii/ iinorili OilVfifiTt I in tba immediate vicinity of Charleston and arch IS, 1871. . 4S-4 8 21 J UriHI MAUALL DESIRE to inform the public that they have a FUJLTj stock of DFLTJC^S, cfcO., ' On hand, and are anxious t?? dispose of tli?m for CASII. A? money is tight and limes are dull, wo f have reduced the ptjceof many articles , We have jnat received a laige lot of Cigars and Tobacco* Which \vc will e-ll cheap for Cash. I Have just received fine WINES, CIIAM- . PAGNES. ALES and PORTERS tit re- ( duced pi ices. just rccPiTO-l. cheaper than ever, WHITE LEAD. PA 'NTS, COLORS, LINSEEI) OIL, VARNISHES. Ac. 1 Our Stork of DRUGS and STANDARD PREPARATIONS is complete, iind as cheap aa can be bought io any Retail es- , tab)i?hment g We are now running our , SODA FOUNTAIN, , And as we have PLENTY OF IOE IT WILL BE KEPT , RED HOT . All the Summer. N, B.?Those Indebted lo us for Old Accounts, will please take notice that they must settle up by the first of May, aa Ion- ! 1 ger indulgence will not be given. Hereof- ' ter wc w.ll sell strictly for Cash. , April 12 49 tt 1 : comiiili Horn, COLUMBIA, s. c., r WM. GOPXIAIT, Proprietor. | | r|"MIE Proprietor of the pleasantly located L and elegantly furnished Establish- i , ment , at the State Capital, deeirea to infoi rn , ihe travelling r.nblSn end r- I v...<rio o-or. log BCi eommodations that the "Colombia" is in every resppcta first-class Hotel, unsui passed i by any in the State or the United Slates. Situated in the business centre of the city, I with fine large airy rooms, and a table supplied with e very delicacy of the season, both from New York and Charleston market", the Proprietor pledges that no efforts will | be spared to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. I A first c'ass Livery Stable is attached to the Hotel, where vehicles ot every descrip i lion can be had at the shortest notice. I Omnibuses attend the arrival and depnr- i tnio of every Train. WM GORMAN, Proprietor and Superintendent. I J. T). BUDDS, Cashier. Feb 16 SO?tf I Land for Salo. i The subscriber offers for salt bis Land, situa- , ted some nine miles below tho City of 1 Urccnvile, on waters of Brushy Creek, Anderson County. In the Tract nro 222 Acres, .'Ml of which nre llottoin and 20 arc .Vecond Bottom. There are good houses, stables, sutoke < houses, corn cribs, .to. Tliis Land is superior, ' and under good cultivation, and will ho sold cheap for cash. Apply at once, if you wish to invest. J. .<?. TIIACK.STOX. Mar 20 " -?i nin . B7 WllERLE,' QStSENVOLLE 8. ?. DEALER IN ' GOLD m SILVER IMS. i CLOCKS, JEWELRY/ SPECTACLES. 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, 1 SILVER & SILVER-PLATED mw ./m c. am* tr WORK of nil discriptions in hi* line done promptly..J&1 Oct 27 28 1 Han long Leon regarded aa the Lest and cheapest Raking Powder in use. Perfectly pare and healthy It mnkea, at short noline, delicious Biscuits, Roll*, Ac. There need be no waste of food prepared with It, 1 aa it is always of the best qa dity. We would say to thoee who have never used it that a very few trWs will enable them ( rito use it, not only with entire satisfaction 1 t...t n . .IV mill BVI'IIOIII/. I III up KULL, MKT I weight. as rcpresente I, Grocers and Dealer* sell it. DOOLF.V A BROTHER, Prop'*, 6? A'tv Slrert, A'cw York City. April 6 48 6m W. K. KA8LKY. S. fl. WELLS EASLEY & WELLS, 1 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, Pi HjSfgKNVH.LK. 8. C., R\CTlCTl^n the Courts of the Stnte and of the United States, nnd give especial attention to casos in liunkruptcy. Jun*IS 3 Notice TS l? -II ?I " ' L- ft ?? wikiiii it runj cnnorrn that I will apply to 8. J. Doutliit, * Probata Judge of Oram villa County, on * (lie 2Z<i day of July next, for a final Hi*n charga a* AlmioUiiairix of tha catate o* ISAAC BIEKFIELD, dec?**rH. * SARAH A. BIERFIELD, AHwiuittratrix. ' June tiib, 1871. & & 11 No Good Health Without Fare Blood. DR. CLAZENBIl'B . SPIftENA KD ASD ? QUEEN'8 DELIGHT WILL PURIFY TBS BLOOD f AND REMOVE Lirer Complaint, RbeumaBSviow, Scrofula. OmbaDcUt, Hi Skin Deseaaee, Pains in (be. ^(3 Hones, Dyspepsia, Diseases of ihe Kidneys and Bladder, pain in the Baca sou Loins, and all ibe vaiious Ailments produced by Impure Blood ind Vitiated Secretions. Buy one BotlU and try i(, and if i I rails to ffive any relief, buy no more. / o?? Tin GLAZEfcrflVS LINIMENT or TAIN SXTRACTOK is goo.l In Rlicumati-m, Neualgis, Headsebs, Pain in the liaoli, Ipraina, Ac. DR. OL/vZRN'F.RS FAMILY VEGETABLRUVKS ? -?? . .uuj ?IS wit rginriini agenra Lo overoome Deranuuinente of lU? liver and to Purify the Blond, DR. GLAZENBR'S COUGH RELIEF 1p-xeellmt for all cases of Cough of any kind, from Croup to Consumption ; although uot reconim?nd*d to cur* the latter disease, ^ eat relief will follow ita use. tW~ The above Medicine* are pret ar*d only by DR GILES T>, GLAZENER, Manufacturing Druggist, Qiejnville, S. & t-#f~ Sold by Druggist* generally. May 10 1 tf PHOTOGBAPHING. HAVING recently fitted up the rooms over WIrtmirc A Ferguson'* Store, arith elegant liiclit*, 1 am prepaid lo do ill kinds of PHOTOGRAPHING, at very ihort Dotice. Satisfaction guarented to all.* W. M. WUEELKR. May 21 8 If 1* The Southern Hotel ^ HAS been refilled nr.d *->s 'n cornP'?le order Ur Htl,e ecornmo<lnlii)n "f the fipouiif" traveling public. Rate* of toaid itasonable. Call and give me & rial. J. O. YEAROIN. May S 63 Sin et A DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY! TQ. McDAVID graduate of tho Pcnnsylw van la College of Dental Surgery, session 8CC-67, icspectfillfy offers his professional crvices to the cititen* of Greenville and sur-ounding country. jiutmik acnnainuHi uimseu with the modern improvement* of his profeaaiou. he hope?, by itrict attention to businoag, to be able to giro iat is fact ion. Offico on the corner of Coffee nntl Main Street*, in 11. A. Cauble'g former rraidentfei ip atair*. J. Q. MoDAVlD. D. 1). S. Mar 22 * 40 3n, % 1? J* -1* "S * -e T3 2 jcSot>n5 .'-la t o &S JS S.- ,1 jb T t ?> a* _ v v ? a '#) 2 ?gc*iibe*Mo_5 X O C M V >M ? Aj ^ 1 tfi ** glik^SzSSoii-a r 0* ? -5 C.x 2 s a 8 = ? - 5 m V) uS; .!V.i,gE; ie ^5 -eSiSffl? ^ to* ? *rr:z* 2-5^ - ="& 2 S w* 55 n ?J2-i-2 s . " P. ^ ijR 5 J e ,,5? i>':: S * J -S ? J ? ? J 5 C5"o.S| ?l olS|| |2 *4 ^1 -S ? S - ? ? t; ^ ^ ~ a N ?-S - "1 > = x-2 _i ? 2 9 m .2 ?^2 = !^! ?-.5^ 5 * 5"-I{5?|8 Sfl- &>J! *5 apH ^ J: 1 j . "* J* c " c ? rZ ? ? JT C o . ?- ? . ?0 -o a? 03 a"g fris-S t?a S^= "*52 ^ "" a. w 2 is ? t! - ; ?5 a c ! c ??* ~H ?".?.* a? ?U m r~) S |_ *o= t>v~ c | ^ t > a * 7 -= 2 rf ? ? ? . tk'gd'Sj^fgial ?H m?Z S "rf= 8 Ss^s * ^ ^ * . ^ iP -ccL' a. ???>5*,4> ~ g 8 C-Sjsi!"!-**!'5 . w*? g.S S s| H 5^2?* Oi???^! -EeO',^ A Hfc = = c ? 3 S 2 S ?*"2 1-2 ^ Z ^ HN ? W - * J g .?? ~ O ? p*?*a?6-32r3i-*:7 1 i < ?c 'S ?6 ^ ^ * ? O c ? ^ - JE O t * ^ % o a; f> -c ?r-i i: A. c^ M llJKllli IV WM. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. tl.OCATKD on Fall# Street, <>no aqunre of Messrs. Oowcr, Cox A Marklry'a. (illANlTE of all descriptions furnished and cut to order. TOMIU STONES, with Ornnile or WsrbW Pedestals may bo had on application. attention guaranteed to all work. Sir- Order# for TOMBSTONES left with Mr. B. V'ltnm.R, Jeweller, will receive my prompt attention. pp ^WaTER WHEEL. Min^arint,^iaftin|^?ulleys LrlSEND FOR A CIRCUiAR^J^fl J?c 7 29 Ijr SPRING & SUMMER MMjMMY. Just Returned from Now York. ^ \f l>kl TL?UVTir/,rt jr.-ijMiMtfi nn? r?turned with a full atock of MILLINF.RY and other (i 0 O 1) 8. s^jw*Bw au it???l to the wanta and drairea r l'ie whkh ahe K^raiJ)) would invite an examination.? llrit Bho will haven GRAND OPKNIS(1 on Thoraday 27th inaf., W wi and will be pleaead to net anch of her fVieoda on the occueion a? inajr have the time to attend. Location, ono door hefow the wollk-nown rloni of Meaara. W. H. Hovej A Co. April 20 15 If WM. SHtPHERD & CO., No. 24, Ilayn* Street, Charletttm, 8. C. pkalkra in V^COKINO STOVES, RANGE* AND V Heating Stovea. Wcinre# nf Rm?i? with prieea aud description wi!l heeent upnapplicalicn. June 29 ?-)>