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CHje <?nlfrj>risf. JL Death of M^r. Joseph Whitmire. QrcenvilU ha* lost a worth; and ratable oits ixen, by the death of Mr. Joseph Whithibb, which ocourred on the 2Stb June last at Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Wbitmirb had gone there to be treated, by a practioner 1 reputed, skilled in ruch cases, for a chronic which was got oesidscsh immediately uangerous. n is supposed However, tbat, from r6tt.e cause there" was a sadden determination of the dimu* opon tbo brain, whloh < harried its fetal and. The mews of bU death wu a great ihook tq hit family and friends and this wholo community, lie was justly esteemed by all for bis honesty of character, frank social disposition, kindness of heart, accommodating manner, and oorreet dealing with his follow men. lie was widely kaown i as one of the morchants o! Greenville, of the firm of Wiu.ums 1 WnttMinu. His remains were broaght to Greenville for interment.? auv i- uinii*i uv? f M/va wciw i^riurmva on oaf* urday by ll?v. pr. James C, Furmak, in the Baptist Cburcb, before a large and sympathix- 1 ing congregation who followed tho body to its burial. Tho Humiliation of IPranoo?National Retribution. Every diligent reader of the sacred Scriptures is prepared to believe that national sins are followed sooner or later by national punishment. Wo suppose too, that it was in reference to this truth, that the adago has been adopted by the civiled world, which expresses * this belief, " the mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind very small." A few days sinoe, wo wero surprised at seeing tho fact stated that King William, of Prussia, is a lineal do. seendant of Admiral Dk Coligxv, who was one of the victims of that horrible national ^ crimo, tho St. Bartholomew's massacre, in- ( spired by Roman Catholic devotees In the ( reign of Loi'is tho fourteenth, which has sc. ^ coroplishod so much in its results to the injury of the christain religion in Prance, and the development of that infidolity which has for so long a tiino characterised her educated and influential men. Is it not a thing to be noted aiyl jumdered, that aprotC3tant king, dcscendcatholic monarch, and priest, thrco centuries past, should be the instrument of overturning tho French power, despoiling her territory, overthrowing and consequently causing the dethronement of another catholic monarch, Lous Natolkox, tho protector oi the Pope, and proclaimed friend of his priest and his religion ? Nor did tho victorious army of tUis son of Colioxt, cease tholp blows till Paris, the scat of tho pomp and pride, and power of catholic France was besieged and captured.? And then tho masses of tho pcoplo of tho ilroivncil oil v. liko -Towa '1 J , > - - *" a >"? of Titus warred ujion each other. The prieat and special devotees of the popaey fell under tho power Of Infidels, more cruel, and less magnanimous than tho bcalbcna Romans, vrhen Jerusalem was destroyed. The fate of Paris is nearer like that of ancient Jerusalem in tho destruction of life and properly, and human suffering than any other great eity of modern limes. The commune warred upon royalty and all its monuments as well as upon tho priests of tho Romish fulth, and they in turn fell victims to the strife that tho con* (jucst of William gavo them tho opportunity of beginning. i Such are tho facts now become history. St. | Bartholomew's massacre, and other persecutions of Christianity by " Catholio France has been dreadfully avenged" in tho first Rcvolu- I tion in this last war, aud its Commune vio lence. Our political philosophers will cry out j that France wants moro religion nnd education for her future welfare and security, but ' they will not indicate the sort of religion need- ' ful. Is it the religion that silences at this < day, such men as IIyacimtiik and Dollinger, i from teaching the people, and turns them over to priests to teach them, that a man when made rope, is their " infallihlo" guide in all religious things? Is tho religion that inaugu- ' rated massacres and pc.-sccutions for opinions 1 sake, and taught Franco that fierce intolerance . of spirit, which puts to death non-conformist in politics, as the priest did in religion?? France does need moro religion and education among her musses, hut it should be the reli- ' gion of lore as taught in tho New Testament; and not a religion that enthrones an earthly despot and his priest, over tho consciences of j men who would sacrifice tho peaco of the world, nnd incito wars among tho nations f again "to keep lils State in R"ine." We I think the tiruo is fully come, when political (J writers should exercise tho right of assailing | ^ any features of religious systems, that leads to 11 the destruction of peace aud civil liberty among 6 men, and teaches intolerance, proscription and t< persecution directly or indirectly. If the French y philosophers had confined themselves to thi?, j sad in their disgust at Topery had Dot repudiated all religion, it would hove been well for 11 Franco, and better for mankind. Religious { , liberty is a sacred cause, and tho prevalence' and influcnco of chritinnity over tho nations cannot, in the naturo of things, bavo their just 0 and glorious triumphs till the political pbilos- c< r phors, statesmen and law givers of the earth tl rccognizo its divino title to the support of all p( men. The great author of Christianity, cstab- ^ ii.tbed no Hierarchy or Temple, to ho located at Jerusalem, or on tho mountain of the Samaritans, and much less at Rome, or in the aj centre or eapitol of any nation, but taught rt that Clod was n spirit, and those who worship liim, should worship him in spirit, and in truth. But most men eling to the formulas or systems and dogmas, that originated in a <|( contrary doctrine, and many of which, sprung n( up in tho fanaticism and superstition of the . dark ages, and have been for centuries, yokes upon tho consciences of men, blinding often tlie educated and refined, as well an the ignor- of nnt masses. ' " Glorious Summer." 8U Tho season tbia summer baa been so far all ; that could be asked by tho farmers of the up j (O per part of tbia State. Crops generally look : |ai promising. A continuation of showers for a J . short timo longer will make tho forward corn' > and give suoh growth to tho cotton plant that; a good yield may bo expected. Copt. Ciiablkh lai A. l'insixs, has shown as cotton blossoms, n> which he gathered from his field four miles below Greenville, on the 30th June. This is ' ' enrly for Creenvilie. of Fourth of Jaly tn Greenville. Very quiet was the day. Our coloped citiicns only had a gathering and pay pic?nlc, Wl the proceeds to be given in aid of the eolored | llaptist Church. There was no excitment or politics mixed with tho celebration, every j thing passed off pleasantly. We are pleased to tan l?*n r n. t hat a Kunil?At??a ?? 1; - ? , ? WM irniufd for Ha the Cburcb. The tuil<?i/>g is slread/ in pro- p.,, grr"-, 1 ^ YfalbaUd T~nr* wnk. Laat wcok ?h a rraat tin* for Walballa.? Tho Newberry Collego hud iU public eiaroiaoa of atu.UnU. Iter* a >*yl#g of the Corfcor togaof tfko CoHago bailding %y tbb Maaonta' Fryarntfe ; ud wi k inforjpkd, a# addroaa on t(bo oaaaaion, by Bar. Da Bovmak, Wroaoanced by compot^ judgaa, a laobla aflwrt and rarpaulng exooltenca. On Tbaraday night thare ?H a grand ball at BibmaVb Ha. Ul, largoly attended by the beaux and the fair < tea, of whoia there vat not a few very fhir.? We reaehed Wa!hall* on Thursday tmlnf, but were indebted for our knowledge of the rartone displays, to the information of thoee who participated. The one fare on the Railroad, brought large crowd* of people from a distance. Mr. Biatrta gaye tho party a most* elegant topper, and he know^ how to prepared a good table, ordinary and extraordinary. Tho oxaaplo of Walballa and Due West, in baring Urge eeaembliea at their eohool exhibition*, and other speoial occasions, is worthy of imiution by Qreenrilla. Our City may learn something from lirr little aisUre. On lueh occasions do as they do, ask tho Kailroads to pass all risitors for the: week, at one fare, thon wa should expect to see hosts of pooplo among as, who would take frech knowledge of our attractions for beaaty of situation, delightfulnese of climate and tho excellence of our sohools, and society, our magnifioent ho* mi, ana won suppiioa stores, etc,, etc. President of th0 Air-Line Railroad in Greenville. Col. A. B. IU'ronn, the distinguished and able President of the Air-Lino Railroad, arrived in Greenville on Monday evening, stopping at the Mansion llouso, business elsewhere required his departure on Tuesday. Wo bcltevo this is his first visit here. We are satisfied be will consider Greenville a point that was woll i worth touching by his " line." No place per* haps, on the lino of the Road bas greater j "potentiality" of improvement, by virtue of j railroad facilities than Greenville. The finest j situation and climate, and most beautiful ro> , ;ion, certainly, that can bo traversed between Dharlotto and Atlanta. With considerable ( capital already, and mills and water power at licr door, and good roads from supporting see- ' lions, a thrifty population, North, South, Kast and West of here. Come and invest in Green, villo all yo that would own real estate, that roast advance 'cro long. Ilka that in tho new Towns and Cities of tho West. The market of Greenville, bas been fast improving for tho US 8UU11 113 IUO A?I*AJ*UV| i*inVvu mm mvw. .. York, than Columbia or Augusta. ? -? < > Snleday in Greenville. The attendance of people on Monday was nral I tr rvn/\/1 \f *? Tm*? A? A 1 v 5<nrj. wi. .luliis u. bmitii empioyeci the morning hours, as usual, in autioneer. iug off a variety of goods and chattels previously advertised. He know* the value of advertising better than somo of our busi-> ness men. The following sales were nude by the Sheriff: 100 acres land, estate of Elkana Marcbbanks, deceased ; eold to Carbary Marchbanks for $300. House and Lot, in Greenville, property of Unite Howard ; sold under foreclosure of Mortgage, to H# P. Ilammcll, for $1610. - A Pleasant Occupation for Ladies. The liberal percentage offered by Mebhks. BUTLKK, On A D WICK <k GART lo (bote engaged in ibe sale of tickets in Ibe gresl Land apd Immigration Scbcmo. should be a rare inducement lo the ladies to undertake the work of disposing of them; especially those generous, unselfish and noble women , who represent cbaiilable institutions and desire to rahe funds for their sup- 1 poit. No gentleman could refuse an ' Appeal from such a quarter and for ! such n purpose. It may be safely as ( turned that not one man in ten ; brougbout the Slate, to say nothing i if the softer sex, will fail to take bis ' isk in securing a fortune from ibe 1 >404 prizes lo be drawn in October text. Hence, tbe ladies should be em* , uently successful in the sale of tickets, i md in earning the legitimate profits i vliich attach thereto. 1 Tub South Carolina Land and 1 mmio kation Association?An Li oktant Enterprise.?By reference t o the adveituihg columns of this * uorning'd Couritr, it will be perceived liat an important enterprise has just j ntercd upon its inception in Charlesan. Generals M. C. Butler and M. a V. Gary, and our fellow-townsman, c on n Chad wick, E?q., have entered h ilo an association fur the purpose of M tcililalirig and promoting iinmigra- " on into our State. The importance j, f this enterprise will at once be per* tl jived, and it will be equally apparent n rat in cider to make it a euccera, our e 1 r eople throughout the State will have lend their cordial assistance to it.? (] ha Association proposes to establish el {encies in the principal cities of Eu- p >pe, and the Npith and Northwest, for ?t ie purpose of inducing immigration, v id assi.-ting such persons who may ^ fsiro to come lo tbo State, and become t) rmnnont tAiilen im?>< ' >? *" ' ti-- - .J UJ/UII iua BVIIl lilts (J nd proprietors throughout the Stale, it whom particularly immigration is I' the vastest importance, can facilie the association by otTeiing their rplus lands for sale on easy terms u, f credit. The Association proposes ?r negotiate the purchase of such l'i nds for immigrants, and calls upon 1,1 friends to furnish it at once with te e information as to the amount of th id they may have to dispose of. The he raes of the gentlemen who form the Q< isociation are a sufficient guarantee ?P its reliability, and we commend tbe ^ torprise to the support and encour* lfn ement of our ciiiteos, with our best ua shea for its success. lef Charletlon Courier, March 28th. Pr * tO Vccidrim a 1/ Drowiro.?'On Saturday sf- m< noon Inat, a colored man named George K*' mmond, wm drowned in Preroit'a Mill ' toi nd, four niilei weat of thi? place. I pu (dni/rwM fnfr/fii/rnrrr. ' |lo Mn*?a Tory, largo 0<ock ii folly adrortio* od. Thoo? who hiT? traded with kin know tho bargain* ho hot offordod thorn.? Maikw lo odo of (h^phl otoreo in tho pppor port *f tho City, bud Ihoa^ who go tboro wrtr folfto roturiHM ?nli -bojoy bU low plliH, Oht kin bat MTf o cboaeo, ond ho will ocll yon rapotior goodo at wory low rmtro; bat at he oollo for eaofc, of ooaroo yoa got yoai supplies at tho lowe* jroto. TbU otoro in grow log nor* ond oooro popular with our pooplo, and wo know lto popularity wtH be oorpooooi by ooow Protantor Bowman. W? had the pUuart, op ltrt Wednesday evening, of.listening to ? moat iotereating lecture, dtliiwtd in the Method 1*1 Church, on the Mountains of WrtWrti North Carotlon by Prof. W*. O. Bow*ja, of tho Ashe* vllle Female College. The Leetnrer la a native of Yaneey County, N. C., and Is intimately acquainted with the whole mountain region of that State. lie waa one ol the party of gentlemen, who, in 1811, diecovered the body of Prof. Mrrcnat, of Chap* ol Hill University, who, it will be remembered, lost his life on the Bleek Mountain by felling over a preeipiee while engaged iD measuring the altitnde of one of the peaks of the mountain. Prof. Bowman and his party succeeded, after great toil, in getting Prof. Mitchkl's body to lh? top of the peek, which now beers his name, and where bis remains now lie, end whieb bis real and industry established to be the highest point of land in North America east] of the Rooky Mountains, being several foot higher than the celebrated Mount Wiihlij* ton fn New Hampshire. We are happy to inform the public that Prof. Bowman haa consented to deliver his ateresting lecture, in the Court House, be'ore the Greenville Literary Club, eo that .be citizens generally may enjoy the pleas ire of listening to an instructive and enter* aining discourse. Hie pufelio will bo apprised of the time. Tor the Greenville Enterprise. I Dahi.onkga, Geo., June 24, 1871. Aleur*. Editor?: On the 14th instant, 1 took a sent with Captain S. for this place. The order for travelling waa to be abort trip which the country would afford. We dined with onr ftiend, William Gar lison, on Georg.'a Creek, who ia a thriving yon^g farmer, and livea in a populous neighborhood, which may be accounted for in the fact that it Is one of the best farming sections of tha country in the upper conns ties. We stopped at night with R. C. GiN lam, who lias a fine farm, wall alocked. In his Tery pleasant and hospitable family we had a delightful sojourn. The following day we reached Tendleton, and were kindly invited to atop with our old friend, J. D. Smith, who is a leading merchant, and enjoys a good position in the estimation of the community. Here we XJJ OPS dolr A.l ? * * " id found our esteemed friend Hon. W. P, ' rice end family in perfect health, enjoying e mountain breezes during tbe heated aeon. Dahlonega has aeen better days, but now ere seems a brighter era dawning upon t ir. It is highly probable that the North d eorgia Agricultural College will go into s leratioo here early in next year. Mr. a ice procured the passage of a bill through P ingress donating the building formerly e own as the If. 8. Branch Mint, for the " s of a college. The trustees of lha eoU n ?e hare been ineorporated, (Hon. W. P. * iee President,) and nothing now remains t, be done bat to seeure as an adraoce* p mt from the General Assembly of Gsor- g i, one-hslf of the land grant to the State n asrrleultnral ?oll??<? /?uw? nan --? v - - o '? ' 10 fj f the enterprise Intn ?neces?fnl opera- T . f .?s<u ??j n?[jr one we met tbont the Air-Line Railroad. The corporation ot Pendleton were making a private survey across Anderson County, which they intend submitting to the engineer corps as a bid for the location by their town. Our next point of destination was Walhalls. Here we met in our host, - The first Dutch Senator from Oconee County," who is considerate of the wants of his guests as well as the necessities of his mono tain colony. Leaving Wnlhalla in the morning, rje reached Jarretl's Bridge for lunch. Here we were honored by a short call from Dr. Doyle, representative from Oconee, who livee near the bridge, and has t large and valuable farm. After luncb, we drove by Tocos Fells, of historic fsme, both in prose and verse. The fall of water, 180 feet perpendicular, is a grand feature in nature, and will pay the aightsser well ror traveling over many miles of rough 'oads. \t hilst at the Falls, a storm of rain isme on which gave us a faint idea of what ttorms and waier-cpouts are in this moon, tain country. After much hurry and some uiolisps, we reached lite summit of the miuutain, and wore entertained for the tight ly a clever Baptist Minister. The rriglit sunshine of a quiet Sabbath greeted is, and being only seven miles from the own of Claikaville. we decided to on <'>? ? ? ? D~ V o Attend Churcli, but found, on enquiry at he hotel, there was only Sunday School.? Ve being accustomed to Sunday Bchools at lome, went and spent an hour in this da nrtmeot of '.he Church very pleasantly.? llarksville is an old Town, and somewhat ilapidated. In former years it was quite summer resort?being 13 miles from Tona and ten miles from Tulluli Palls. This t the county site of Habersham, and like 11 the mountain districts, bea witnessed nany rough and amusing incidents of the icople. We introduce one: Some years go, an enterprising firm, desiring to extend lioir trade,,ordered a lot of Pr. Jane's al* tenses, on which waa conspicuously print* d, , Wholesale and Retail >enlcrs in Ginger Cakes and Beer." In progress of our journey, wc passed up lie Naeooohe Valley. This valley is about ight miles In length, and is owned princi* ally by Geo. W. Williams. It is io a fine ate of cultivation, and we understand Mr. f. contemplates spending half a million ' ollars more in further improvements. We 'ere shown the mounds on whieh it is said le Merchant Prince carried water from the haitshooehte river to water his corn durig a drought. Wa passed through CIeve< ind, the county site of While, whioh is a bw town ; the fineet building being the oort House. After a very pleasant trip, wc rsaehed ' lis city of gold at 12 m.. on the ?ftLh J Tbers art Urge rot nersUeposiU la these mountain fidg ee, wfciak till reward skill * aad UkiueUrf; bMid?,)h? mineral watsrw 1 ia lha are ef faai high <|i?rMUr 4 as to soeo ailraet extended altentlan. , 3 Our fileai Mr. Prios U afivs men, sad Is 4 doing-mask to dfyelopdhshltaraal reeoni^ sot of his Congressional XXsHsi. Although ' oat s yonng mssnher ?t WaAiagtaa, ha has ' saads good progress la wlonWg respaot sod ( friendship there, and wa pwdiet for h^sa a { prominent future. He ties the interest of ] Oreenrills at heart, and if anj of our peo- | Cle waot to avail themselrse of his pogf* ion, we feel tare ha WIS prove the bast friend at eourt whlsh wa have.. Oar stay here has beea an exceedingly pleasant one, and we will always reour la it with pleasure. H. VAKD. Gbekktiilb, S C., July Sd, 1R71. Meter*. Editor*: Upon my ton reputation I stand or fall, by that I at) willing to bs triad. My antoaadoota ars bafora tha paopla. Lai them jtdga. At thara ara many anxiooa to know tha santa of my ra* moral from tha offislal position bald by ma as Anditor of tbia Coonty, X bops yon will do ma tha klndnaaa to gtra tha following aarrespoadenaa batwaan bU Excellency tha Gorernor and myaslf in jooi raluabla pa* par. Truth is mighty, a ad will prarail.? Yon cannot destroy troth until yon dsatroy God, who is tha Author of truth. " Due et in on Droit," it my motto. Respectfully, J. M. RUKION. AcoiToa'a Orrtcx, Gubxkvillb, & C,) June 14 th, 1871. f ItU Frc* Henry Qoo. R. K. Stott: , Dear Sir?I meekly bow to your will in tha remoral of ma from office, and tha aprvntnlmant ?f A MnHao Pan iKa annAtnl. r? ?- " -?"W| "T -I I'-""-- | ment I would not revoke if I could. Mr. MoBee is a gentleman, and doubtless will * fill the office with efficiency end ability and I do not write this note with a view to reinstate myself in the office ; neither does it make any change in my feelings towards | bis Excellency. But I must say, with all candor, that I think I have been most grossly misrepresented to your Excellency. No better friend than myself has he in Greenvilla.. .1 $o not ?sy. it bpastingly, for I did white man in Greenville that took the stomp in advoeaey of the claims of Gov. R. K. Scott. I stood between bira and bullets, and defended his administration with firmness and boldness, and coo tested every ineh of gronnd, and that in the face of my bitterest enemjs, politically and socially. I have been ostracised and abused on the account of the course I have taken, in the defence of Republicanism. Incompetency la no exeute, for I can bring forward abasdant avidcncc to the contrary. I have been Tax Collector for this County for four years, prior to the present appointment! and gave general satisfaction. This tha people will all testify. In my present efficisl duties, I have, sa God is my judge, triad to do justice to both people and State. The only objection, as I understand, urgsd against me, is that I have been absent from my office at some times during the month or two past. I bava been absent occasionally, when therA waa no nnflUiilan Knalnsaa ,? ? "?"? - ? hand, and then I was at work in my farm. Now, if a roan U to ba turned oat of offic# beeeuee ha happens to work a little, it ia a strango thing to me. Dut I always bad a good elerk to attend to the business of tba office daring my abseoce. I refer to Judge J. P. Moore. But I must thiok that my removal ia based upon some personal matter or priooi pla, prejudicial to my interest, because I will not bend to every whim and notion that may perchance float in the breeze.?- I Troth and juatioe to both God and man, is < my motto, I do not charge my removal to 1 any of the Democratic party?though they ' do not doubt my Republicanism ; nor do I 1 charge it to the will of his Excellency, or any of the officials at Colombia; but to some pretended friend, oear at borne. Now, may bis Exoelleney pardon me if I 1 should simply request a statement of the 1 grounds, and the men who urged my re- * moval. A I remain your obedient servaut, 1 With great respect, J. M. RUNION. i State or South Cabouna, 1 Executive Department, v Columbia, June 27th, 1871. ) J. M. Kunion, K*q., Ortttville, S. C.: a r it- * ? oik?i kid airect?<j oy nil Excellency Governor Scott, to eeknowiedge the receipt of jour fnvor of the S4th inet., inquiring ee | to the occasion of your recent removal from ' the official poeition heldhy you,and to arture ' yon that tiio change waa made without any allegation whatever, of fault or dieaatiafaction ; but aolely from an intimation from a responsible source, that a vacancy would ahorlly occur in the office by your j resignation, and the importance of haying a it filled previoue to ite occurrence. Ay the Governor'# informants, I may mention the ( namee of Mitchell K. Robertaon, William ( W. Robertaon and Wilton Cook, E?q?., nei- I ther of whom could be soapeoled of per- ? sonal or political unkiodnaa*, which I arrure jou waa the laet thing intended J by tha Governor, in conceding to their 0 wishes. I have the honor to be, Very reeptelfolly, JNO. HART, Private See'y. t P. 3.?As to the grounds of my removal, 1 u slated by his Excellency the Governor, ? [ d?oy la tola Ioetead of reeigniag, I i m progreeeing with the next a?moot * J. M. R. |y The JDailg Union will please copy. Nbwbhut Coll bos.?The examination of ho student* of this Institution olosod on 7rl> * lay, tho 23d instant. It ?ii thorough nod 2 o*robing, and reflected orodlt on tho studont* tl .nd professors. Questions worn oniworod and Is iroblons solved with a readiness and aecura- jj j which nrovod a devroe of iiMlImM in in. t ruction rarely found. Th? profaasors trt ?< ion of ability and morality, and by aipariim hara baaoma woll rarsad in imparting nowladga to otbara. Wa hara saon no ona of " ha patrons of tha inatitntion bat bora as. rasaad tbamaolraa wall ploaaad with tba pro. rasa mada by tbair soar Tba oommasoo. H tons azaretaaa wara bald In tba Lntboran bnroh, on Monday night, tha 20th Instant.? fjjj ha ctanrrh waa filled with a largo and intalll *nt ntvUtnte.?/Wrfrr, X Brutal Mubokr.?Wo Urtb through r North Carolina, a walk h' Wo itnf*. ' It ?PM? ?hal r gotoUomaa rootdjM to that feantft'fc few feyi prorkmo to ?h? marjor ] ?ld to lMl|hkorf M of 1?4 foewbkh h? , ?<m trad wl,COO to tub.' Blilmi ealhng him 1 wny Ami h?to mm titer, fewltlw rom; j rife lb wife, iMt'te rotnmto* ho atoppod 1 ,ror night wife*. Moid liriRg ooou Uo or j twain ?Um dlotoat fttoXWhtor. fctha ; night ho draamad that aoma ih bad aaterad < Ik hoaaa, aawdaoad bk wflb lad two ehildm, i iColon bio mmt and dootrorod bk nranrtr. I Knowing that ho bad leit the money with his ' atfe, be bee*ma uneaey and NfttMl after this I ream, and reqaeated a peddler, who wtt atop- J ping at tiie hence with him, to aceampaay bka i it oaee to hie home* for ha feared there wee ! i reality in the dream. On arriving at bU ( 10me, te hi* horror ha foaad hie wife aad two , tbildren lying upon the floor mardered and < two man fitting at a table ooaaUng oat the noney ha had left with hia yih. Ha and the peddler being armed, immediately fired apoa the man and killed them, who to rood oat to he the man to whom bo had eold the land, and from whom be had received the 11,090, and his ion .?Carroll JVetee. Tan Abbeville Preei and Banner, commenting on the trihl, before Jndge Orr, of L. L. lufla, L. P. Uoflko, W. 0. Qnfln and Albert UambUn, for the well known robbery a pen the Coooty Treuary, on the night of tbo 30th of ait Harob, ?*y? the cut wai entered apon on rbtareday, the fifid, and occupied the remain* Icr of the week in hrinsina ont the teatimunv or tho prosecution and defence. The op?n? ng ir|amMt for tho 6tot* woo nod* by Col. fothrsn, who won followed by Colonel Thornon oad Judge Hog* for tho d*<boo*. Qen. tfeOowon replied for tho SUtoo, Mr* Bwrt folowed for tho defence, and tho org?n*nt woo lused by tho Solicitor, Mr. Perry, for tho itate. Aa tho investigation bod boon most thorough ond searching, the argument woo ,laborats ond cogent, ond tho Judge cloaod with o oleor ond diapoaslonoto review of the low as applicable to the faets of the eeao. It woo denied that any robbery bad boon committed, but boldly charged that the County Treasurer had abstracted bis own funds. The prisoners were acquitted. Tan Umited States MansnAUuir.?A Washington letter of Monday says: By dlrscljon of^lho^rcsidont, to-day, an order the suspension of Johnson, Marshal of South Carolina, annulling the appointment of Wallace, and re appointing Johnson. Thie ends the warfare over tho Marehatship, which has been going on for some lime bo tween the Got. Beott end Senator Sawyer factions of the Republican party, and the latter are gloryfying an acoount of their toeceee.? CharleUon A'nw. From a prirate aoarce, which we deem re liable, we learn that the sale of the GreenrlUe aad Colombia Railroad to the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, has been consumated. This sale, of eonrse, embraces the Laurens Railroad, and, if our information be correct, we may expeot soon to hear again the shrill whistle of the iron horse among our hills and along oar rajes.?LauremvilU Herald Violkht storms of wind and rain visited this Motion on Sunday and Monday last, doing much damage to the growing crops, especially corn and oats. On Sunday, the light* ning struck four different places in this town, but no one was hurt.?Audtrion Jntelligeneer A portion of Clinton Mountain, in Arkansas, including about 100 acres,* has sunk,'carrying tali trees entirely ont of sight, and the space is continually enlarging. A rocxo man attempted suicide in Charles ton, on Thursday, by tsdrlng laqdanum. He was relieved by a stomach pump, after which he was forced to walk a ten acre Held, oeealionally receiving a dash of water to keep him awake. This is bis seeood attempt. His girl dinCfid with 4t AnntKa* 'olio." ? * * ??- > ? rvceui pionic, *ti the cause. - .. ? During the second siege of Paris, Cluss? ret, War Minister ( the eomraone, Is said to have seot an offer to M, Thiers to sell die gates of Paris for $3,000,000. The dirlovsry of this is reported as the cease o' Dluseret's sadden removal from ofBoe by the Communists. Tas Ka Klux Investigating Committee arrived in Columbia last Saturday, and took up iheir quarters at the Colombia Hotel. AtrensTA, July 3. Cotton market quiet but Arm at 194 for Livirpool and. 20 for Near York middlings ; soles 150 bales; receipts 05. Baltimobu, July *. Flonr dull and low, and not strictly sound trades lower. Wheat lower; except for amber lots. Corn dull; white 80@81 ; yellow 74.? Data 58(^40. Pork steady at 18. Bacon, idvaneing tendency j shoulders 7|. Lord itrong at II @11$. Whisky 9S@93$. Nxw Yobk, July 8. Cotton 20}. Gold 18}. Chsslsttos, Jaly 8. Cotton qniet; middlings 20 ; net reeeipte 167 bales; exports coastwise 105; sales 100 ; stock 6106. . M a*sixt>, by Rev. A. C. 8tepp, on Sunday nomine, jud* 26th. 1871, Mr. U. J. ELJIN, of Abbeville County, nod Miss P. A. r. WRIGHT, of lloati Path, Anderson Co., I. C. I By the same, on Tuesday evening, Juna i 7th, 1871, Mr. JOHN T. 8TKWART and lies ELIZABETH M. DAVENPORT, both t Laurent Countj, 8. C Dissolution. rllE FIRM of A. J. ROSS A CO., was DISSOLVED, by mutual consent, on ha 1st Instant. All partiea iudabtad will leans make payment at ooea to the underlined, who will aontinuo the hueiueae, and rbo ia authorised to settle up the business f the old ooneern, A. J. ROSS. July S, 1871. 8?8 Turnip Seeds- . rif H. WATSON Is agaia receiving suit- . VV e able European and Domestic TUK* , IP SEEDS, for Field (stoek feeding) and , arden (eullinary) eultnre, being with rome , id it ion, of the same a I asses and oaalitiee, c ad at the same pr lees, as ef these sold by bins at year. Tested directions will he attached , i each parcel r and for hie trade customers, ighihs, Vearths, Halrss and Fend Peeksaa mill U A- UL-A ,w n luuwn at nHODUM dU?at. mtf TOOLS for fed traded ooniUntly eooig la. July I 8 I ~ Notice. AUDITOR'S OPTICK, to Jui.t, 1871. ( PHR OFFICE (for Qraeaeilla Townehip) I L la open lor Return* of Poraoaal Pro* g rty. PImm oak* your rctoraa before n a l?t August next. h ALP.X. MrBEE. County Auditor. W July R 9 2 'I Exuberant Health (ST* bl?tf?i*f j*<w?ha*f?4 to Uw. Erm lWm wfp *>?? b??A forofod by Ofttoro with |(I?J)| ?4MlMtiM< *ad T%orooa sod robust a nto is. tb# mota liberties ha la isollned Id U>? with kh own physique. It la soma eoosnlatloa to <ha aa to rally weak I ad feable to know that (hay eaa b? so Wv> elf orated |M bail! vm, by m pro par use of the means whieb Ni*|n ha# phdod ?t their Slapoaal, aa tons** a moth oatter ohanOe of loo* Ufa. and ' Ions from disease sad pain, than the moat athlatl* of thslr la I Iowa who are foolish enough to aoppoao ibamaalraa lnvnlnarabla, and aot aaoord"fa. not too mosh to aa* that mora than I half tha people of tba eieillxed world need *h oaaaaloaal toole, to aaablo thaoi to amppoit tba atrain npon thair bodies and minds, which tha hit lift of thia restless sge oeeasicos. In faat, a para, wholaaoma, sinexeiting tools is tba craod desideratum of tha boa* millions, and thy* has# the crude in HOSTKTTRBS 8TOMACH BITTKR8. It la a sUmltul medicine, L a. it Imparts parmsnaot rtrengih to weak sya urn? aoa lOTtgomic aenc*w wonuvHuni, Its reputation and ita aalaa have steadily increased. Competitive preparations bare bfao introdtiewl liMittm, tnd, aa far at the publio it concerned, ad nautntm, la tha ho pa of rivaling It; bat tbaj bava all eithar perished in tha attempt, or baan left fat in tba rear. It haa baan tha great medical eooeaaa of Iba present eentnry, and it ia quite certain tbal no proprietary midieine la this country ia as widely known, or aa generally need. Ten lightning presiea, running incessantly (Sundays excepted,) the whole year through, barely supply tha demand for tha Illustrated Almanac, in which the nature and dim af tha preparation are aet forth, tha clraulaiion now being over eight mil* lions a year. 9-4 " Quit* Ecu Dowh."?1Iow often ia this expression need by persons whose bodies and minds are exhausted,by tba toils and Mere stimolants is transient. Th? redaction dissstrons. In TARRANT3 SELTZER APERIENT, tha true remedy for this breaking down of physical energies, and the animal spirits is provided. It renovates and refreshen tba assimilating organs and tha nerves, while It carries eff, without vlolcnee or pain, all the impurities which clog the bowels and vitiate the blood. In indigestion, biliousness, constipation, nervous aeakness, and hypo* cnooamiK, 11 dm do rival, except the wa' Ur ol the Seltxer Spring iteelf, of wbieh it ie the exact and perfect equivalent. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 9 4 Sl840Wl870? ayU e . lay The Great Family Medicine of the Age. THIRTY YEARS Have elapsed ainee the introduction of the Pain Killer to the public, and yet at the present time it ia more popular and com' manda a larger sale than erer before. Ita popularity la not confined to thlo country alone; ell over the world ita beneficial effects io cut Ing the "ilia that fleah ie heir to," are acknowledged and appreciated, and aa a PAIN KILLER ita fame ie limited to no eountry, eenl nor laee. It needa only to be known to be prised. Tuirtt Yarn* ia certainly long enough tlina to prove the efficacy of any medicine, aod that the PAIN KILLER ie daaerving of all iu proprietors claim for it, la amply Crovet by the nnpe alUled popularity It as attained. It ia a suae and kvfcctitb remedy. Sold by all Druggists, Price %6 eta.. 60 eta., and $1 per bottle. Direetlona accompany aach bottle. 9-4 To Scrnrtoe.?'The almost dally receipt of volnntary te-tinioniala from every perl wf the eountry, front Phyalclans, Clergy men, old end young, iuaio and female, is sufficient to convince the moat eeepiieal that lilt. TUTTS EXPECTORANT is the must valuable LUNG BALAAM of the age ; many wotidcilul ?ur?l iinve been performed by i', na m?y W teen by bond ?> ? if eer lificatea in the hand* ol tbr pio,.i Ictor. Try it and you will doubt uu loi-gtr. Ecom>mv i s the KiTciirK ? Pi udent hou??k< rpera are *T?r od lh? al-rt l? pracliur economy in <1?? culinary ?! pai Intent. In mi way can thie U den* nioru iff?ituilly thun in the u?e it a linking Powder which combine* purity, ?'re' g h end relial.ility. IhjOLKVS YKAST I'Ott IMSR bee attained the deeerved reputation of being econonv} al, convenient end wliol tome, braidea which it will produce from I btr? rel of flour twenty-five to forty pound* mote treed, iol>, Jtc . than by the old proec?a of railing dough witli taken' or hop yi'Mt'. Here alone it a {/Teat a*ring and au ihoi if* the gnarantee that it will give entire mtii-fictiun. ^ 9-4 " Tun Uxivimsal Atii," On im Juorneya near the continent?through Turkey, Indie, Chine, Japan, Pern, Chill, Paraguay,, and M- Xico, tad the United State* ?In them all to enma extent nnd in aome to a sreat extent, 1 have found llie univartal Ay*r represented by hit family medio uinre, which ere ofter held in labutoot ?*teciii Whether they win thair marvelou? re| o'mion hy their ourae, 1 know not, hut I know iliey hare it fo aurh n degree that it frequently gava ma importa' ea to hnve comeTrorn the tame eonn'ry. 9-4 [JutltTt hllcr* from abroad. JOHJWYREBy N OT the fellow thai Grant iaao 'fraid of? but tho ganolna RADICAL fRIMVPt TURNIP SEED. TbU la I he grrnt SOUTHERN WINTER rUKNII'. growing in the ground, and proof tgainat fre.-dmrn, unleaa you lenv^ ho* In he field, ("golly, how nm #?iok,") end aeal iwnga who kuj failed to got offiee from ' the hint government the aua over ahoao ' in." Alao. OERI1AN SWEET and other TURtil* 8KKD. 7 K MARTIN. July 5 9 I J VvJbJJHXD SEWING-MACHINE < DANNOT BE EXCELLED. Lo?k Sill oh i Doea aleeea different kloda of work. 1 laally managed, and I warrant thorn to t We perfeet ealiafaetioo ; have aokl forty or a fty la tbia plaee; Hare than alwaya on and. Call and exam lot them before bay a in any o?lnra. O. A. TICKLE. OrwaTllle, B/C., Jr.aatf, 1S71. *ff If ill f M lllWlll !? S1SJ00 ?i -r .ft . , - ^ WORTH OP DRY OOODS, - crJbmxiro, o HATS, OENTS and Z A DIES' rURZfIS1IINO OOODS; Z :" CROCKER YWARE, V AND A ? Z- . OTHER ARTICLES 1 HEMS TO tOITIOS WILL BE SOLD AT MARK'S STORE FROM THE let July to the let September, 18711, AT CIST. i ' "O* Call and Examine, AND SATISFY YOURSELF. WHAT I SAY. I MEAN t Hi C. MARK* June Mth, 1871. June 28 8 IP Notice. Office of Boaaw Covktt Commimioxkrs, V Grkknviilb, S C., July 80tb, 1811'. ? TUB CONTRACT for bonding r NEW BRIDGE eeroM Saluda Klrtr, at " Cooley'e," will be let oui at lha place by lha County Cofmniaaloneru of OrMorilla and Andcrron, to the highest bidder,on the8d day of Angiift, (Thureday.) 1871. Bond and S? entity will be required for the faithful of the Contract.? Plana, Specification*, Ac., exhibited on that day. W. A. HUDSON, Chairman Board County Comm'ra. July 6 9 id The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF GRKRNVILLH. By S. J. Doutuit, Etquire, J Wye of PrtAtal* of id id County. I W HEREAS. EUAB FARMER ha* file A I VY a Petition in ?? Office, preying thst Letters of A lministration on *11 end singular the good* end chatte a. right# and credits of Theodrek Parmer, let* of the County aforesaid, cl e ared, shenl J be grant?-d to him. Three at e, " therefore, to cite and admonish all and aingular the kindred and creditor* of the tui I deeeaed, to be and appear iu the Court of Probate for raid County, to be holdeo at Greenville Court House, on tbe?ltth day of July in tailt, to show caure, if any, why the aald Administration should not bo granted. 8. J. DOUT1IIT. Judge of Probate, Greenville Co. Oflic# of Judge of Probate, June S8lh, 1611.. July 6*9 a The State of South Carolinais G11BKNVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff? Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of J'tiri Facial,. to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, on Salt*-Jay in Aiigntl next, between the hours of 10 o'elock in th* forenoon and 3 o'clock in tbo afternoon, A small Tract or parcel of Land, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or lesa, on which Bate- \ Dill's Store House, stands, and adjoining land* of R. K. Oompton and others. Levied on as the property Jf R. E. Compton, at the auit of th* State. Terms?Cssh. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. C. July 6 9 td Tho State of South Carolina. OUKKN VILLE COUNTY In Court Common Pleas. I I Air kin O Tait vs. Jmo. R. Ringer. I*i Tin#e 01 an order of hU Honor A) Jurlge On*. m*d? in tht above elated ease, I will sell to tlie highest bidder on Salerday in August next, Ooe CARRIAGE, (Inched in tlila e?ee es the property of J. R. Smyere, at the eult of Lot kin C. Tate. Terms?> Cash. J.L. 80UTHRRN, S. O. C. July A 9 td Slate or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Court of Common FIoaa, W. E, Earlr, Admioietrstor, re. K. L? Wnirasks?BUI for Relief, Ae. BY viito* o? en order of bio Honor Judge Oan, made is the ebore atnted enee, 1 will rail to the highest bidder, on 8eleeday in Angaat next, nil that hot or pares) of Lead lying near the eorpornte Umiu of the City ol Greenville, whereon the Defendant now lives, containing ten eeree, more or leaa. On the premises are a good framed, and Orchard of young fruit trees, Tgaue?Credit until let of January,, 1872. Purchaser to give note with two personal eoreti.e, and n mortgage of the premises, exee|>t so mmob as will pay the coal*, which will be required to bepald in each, i. L. SOUTHERW, 8. O. O. Jnly & U Slate of South Carolina. URBKNVIIXK OOUNTY. Court of Commoii Picas. A. i?d V. A. McBix, Executor*, r?. If. J. Ptim BY vlrtae of ll order of lile Honor Judge Oen, mode In tho obete eteted sin, I will Mil to tho higbeet bidder, on 3e1eedey in Aoguel next, All thet eertein, piece, poroel end (root tl Lend If log end being in the Ooaetj of }reenvll1*. one nod n belf tnileo of the Oily >f Greenville, end eonUioinc fifteen eereo, ind edjoining Undo of Y. IfeBoe'e EeUte sna olhere, being the reeideoeo wereoo the )efcndest, M. J. Perrle, uow^lWe?. bol4 r_. ? ? # "na? < 10 ordar of Ooort. Terma Caah. Purahaaara to pay for tampa aud papara J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. 0. Julj 5 9 l<J