University of South Carolina Libraries
1 HaVeJ now on 1 enabled to offer then FACTOR AND MaBiRC ***+f ? * ThE VNDER8IONEI FACTORAGE AND COI TO J GBNSRA.L MI ? ? la 2 IS LARGER AND] . THAN AND WILL I WHOLESALE AT the: low Country merchants wh JBXAMINE STOCK A1 SENDING 0RDE1 tSST He will also furnish VA Bale at Factory prices. ; Jnne 81 , 7 r"jg?oo TO BE GIV THE SOUTH LAND AND IMMIGR. UN'DKH the uiplew the " South Carolina will glra a 8KB I KB OF CONCERTS. a cummene'ng October lat, 1871, for tha porpoaa < upon landa aalactad by tha Aaaoetatlon for ho othera, In tha Stata of South Carolina, and for t rat year. m REFERENCES IN SOUTII CAROLINA.? v Governor M. L. Bonham, Gonaral Johnaon Haj . nut, Oan. John 8. Preaton, Hon. W. D. Slmpa* holm, Governor J. L. Manning, lion. J. II. Cai $600,000 to ba awarded to tha Ticket Holden Firat of October, 1871, at tha Academy of Mua! Ing eotninencee. 1S1.I1I SE&S81 TICKETS OF ADHIS! All tha premium*, including Dead and CertlB< poeltcd with tha National Bank of tha Repnbllt SBOO.OOO I lat Gift, Academy of Mualo Charlaaton, S. C. by 80. and aituated corner of ltina, w rental of about $20,000 from Opera Houm, Slot w?H known to be tba Inwt building and n at U Gift?Cseb 3d Girt?Cash 4th Gill-Caih 5th Olft?Cash 35 Gifts? Caih each 35 Olfte?Cash each 356 Gifts? Gash a each 250 Glfta?Caih each 500 Oifta?Cash.... each ilSOO Gifts?CubxNMi . . $ 3,404 Oilti, amount to ; BUTLER, C1IADWI AOENTf SOUTH CAROLINA LAND i General 1*1, loht) Chad , . . . General 1*1, o COMMISSIONERS AND SUP] General A. K. Wright, of Georgia. General Dradljr T. Johnson, of Virginia. June 7 5 The State of South Crolina. * COUNTY OF GREKNVII.LE. Genrt of Cominen Plea*. William Majfield Anignee, Hamlin Hostile, Adrn intra tor, and W. R. Pklllipa Indoraee, . Plaintiffs. ( AtUHflT William Weit, R. James Writ and Thomas " W. West, Defendants. To the Defendants, William West, S. James 1 West and Thomas W. West. Trni: -* ...?......i ?a ?? ?1 - ' ww warn >? ??; aviHWVHVV ?NU |Oi|U|I?U Ml 1 antwer the complaint In tbia action, i which ia tbia day filed in tba office of the Clark f Common Plaaa, for tha aatd County, and to aarvo a copy of your anawer to tbo aald com- < plaint on tbo auhacribara at their offloe, inthe City of Greenville South Carolina, within twenty day# after the service hereof, oxoluaivo of tbo day of euch aorrioo; and if you fail to anewar tba eomplaint within tha tima afore- " aald, tba plaintiff in tbia action will apply to tha Court for tbo reliof demanded in the complaint. Dated at Graanrille, R. 0., May 10th, 1871. ?ARLK A RLYTIIK, Plaintiff's Attorney. JTo <A? Dr/rndantt, R. Jambs WalTand Trtou'au W. Wnrr t ( TAKIf notice that tha Summon* in tble ee. , tlon. of whleh tha foregedPf ia copy, wee , Sled ia tbo offlee of tbrClart of tha Court of , Common Pleas, at Greeorllle Court Mouee, in , , Greenville County, South Carolina, on tho 10th day of May, 1171. CARLE A BLYTHB. 1 Plaintiff's Attorney. ' Greenville 0. II., S. C. 'May 17 S 6 8 FINANCIAL." THE UNDERSIGNED WILL buy and sell ! GOLD AND SILVER, i ALSO, buy and sell JE xc HJlJYGK ON NewYork, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Charleston, AND OTHER CITIES. T. W n A \/1 o - . . . . ?n ? IW? OTMBTiU*, ft. 0, J?M ft, 1ST1. June 7 ft II 11 "' * M.O. ?UTL*K. r. 0. O. nPMWI SUTLER, M?mT STWHENI, iSSSHSiiWj Iiand a Large Stock < t so choice a selection COMMISSION HABIT. ?: > HAS ADDED THE AMISSION BUSINESS HIS lIlCHJiNDBB. B ItJUB 8 KOBE COMPLETE JEVEIFL, (E SOLD AT OR RETJIIIj E 8 T PRICE8. LL DO WELL TO CALL AND VD PRICES BEFORE VS ELSEWHERE. ItNS nnd SHIRTINGS by tho T. W. DAVIS. tr >?ooo FN A WAN I e.a- v u. JL. T T -X V JL ""CAROLINA SlTION association SlftU Agricultural and Mechanical Society," it the Academy of Music, Charleston, 8. C., )f raising a fuud to enable emigrants to aattla mil of Northern and European farmers and heir transportation thither and support for the -Oenersl Wade Hampton, lion. I). F. Perry, jood, Hon. Arinistcad Burt, Hon James Chos>> >n, Andrew Blmonds, Ksq., Hon. U. A. Trontnpbell. i of the Series of Concerts to commence on the ic, Charleston, S. C., on which day the 18 MfllE. AT $5 EiCH. rate of Title to Academy of Music, will be de:, New York. :kt gifts. , cost to bnild $2.10,000, having an annual [arket streets, in tho centre of tho city, and res and Hails; the building being about 3.10 feet lost valuable pioperty in Charleston ; valued $260,000 100,000 26,000 10,000 5,000 $1,000 25,000 600 it ?*? 100 35,000 50 12,300 >5 12.600 12,500 - $500,000 CK, GARY & CO., kND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. CLDnller, ) Iwlck, V Charleston, S. C. . W. tinrjr, j BRVI30R3 OF DRAWING : Colonel B. II. llutlodge, of South Caroline, lion. Roger A. Pryor, of New York. 1m Notice. Duputt CoLtr-CTo*'* Omci, \ Greenville, 8. C., May '12, 1871. S BY virtue of an order from R. M. Wal lace, Collector 3d Diet., 8. C., I will lell to the highe?t bidder, at Greenville Court House, on Monday, 3th day of June, 1871, At U o'clock A. M . the following eon fi sea ted property, viz : One Keg of Wills* ! ley, and one good farm Horse, being the property which was seiz- d in the City of 1 Greenville, on or about the '20th due nf ' tpril, from Jeremiah Tinaley. AUO, Oue Keg of Whiaky, which wan aeized ' ?n the 4th day of April, auppoaed lo l?e the ( property of A.J. Ward. , Tarma caali. A. L COBB, 4-2 May 24 Deputy Collector. Tor Sale* m A OAY If0118K nearly alxteco banda high, fine under the and w>rka well any"where. Warranted to be per* eetly SOUND and OKNTLK. Apply to Dr. Jamoa F. Furman, or Jutlna ). Riaith, E#q. May 17 2 2 Notice i [8 hereby given to all whom it may eon- ' cern, that 1 will apply to 8, J Doulliit, 1'robate Judge of Greenville County, on the 10th day of June next, (or a final diaoharge ta Admtolatretor of the Ketete of TilOMl'JON W. TRAYNHAM, deeeeaed. A. C. 8TKIT, Adm'r. May 26th, 1871. 4-6 Notice ( IS hereby given to all whpm it tray eon eero, that I will apply to 3. J. Douthlt, rl ? ..w> ur??Bvmi uonniy, on ha 10th day of July next, for a Final <1 iaiharge aa Administrator of lha K?Ut* of IAMBS W. TOMPKINS, deeeasod. tbera? 'off, all partWa haying claim* against aaid Ratal*, will present Ihem on or before aaid ' lay. JOHN II. TOMI'KINR Adm'r i May 80, 1871 4 -5 t Notice 1 I ft hereby given to all whom it may eon < e*ro, that 1 will apply to B. J. Duuthit, ' i'rohata Judge of Greenville County, on ' Lha 80th day of June noxt, for a final dia J dtarge aa Adeilnlatrator of the Batata of ' NORMAN OAMBRET.L, d*e?a*4d A. C. 8TEPP, Adm'r. , May 28th, 1871. 4 8 , King's Mountain ! MILITARY SCHOOL,' YOllKVILLG 9. O. TUB Seeond Beeelon of th* Jf/^^fkhool year of 1871, will begin th* f.t ?/ Teems.?For School Kapenaea, . if Tuition, Booka, Stationary, bf Cry Goods, (/tofHii I rtf aV..L 1^. i w? mvuuB) (m ouvn iw CAROLINA LIFE INS RERruis, i JEFFERSON OA BUTLER BLACK A SOUTHERN AND ATTENTION TO THE SURREND AMD OTHER I OFFERED BY T May S MONEY CANNOT BIJY IT t FOR SI a I IT IS PRICELESS / / BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WUX PRESERVE IT. v m "mr ? ? *r.. ? ? . - - a wit TUIIIC XOIir JHyCftlgUl j U8E THESE PERFECT IjENSES. GROUND FROM MINUTE CRYST AL PEBBLES, Malted together, and derive their name " Diamond " on account of their Hardness and Brillianey. They will last many years without change, and are warranted superior to all others, manufactured by J. E. SPENSER A CO.. N. Y. Caution ?None genuine unites etamped with our trade mark. J. C. C. TURNER, Bole Af??nt for Greenville, S. C, Prom whom they ean only bo obtained. No Pedle's employed. May 10 I ly PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Beet?It is the Ch<aj>cst. To Coniumerw of H'Aifi Lend Evoryuhtrr. IT I S UNEQUALED. let. For Wearing and Covering Properties. 2d. For Whiteness and H-auly of Finish. 3d. ForUnl'o*m Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and hotter work, at a given cost, than any other. btu. Moil Kcouoa.leal Wliite Lead ever in* trod need. 6th. If you wish to proeure as much value an possible (or your money and secure liandaome and durable work, uso PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction gursntced by the Manufacturers. ZIEGLE k SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Taint and Olnsa Dealeia, No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWEB, COX A MARKLEY. DEALERS IN Co/toh MatJjiiali, Paint*, Oil, Olas*. Patty, &o , GREENVILLE, S. C. May 3 62 tf Paris Mountain FOR SALE. a THIS TRACT of L?bJ oon Aerea, Himerly the residence of General Waddy Thompson, situate five mites from the City of Greenville, la offered for sule. There are two comfortable dwelling houses on the premises with all necessary out buildings. There is a fine orchard of choice fruit trees. Two or three hundred acres hnvo been cleared, and was formerly in eoT tlvation. The situation is a magnificent on# for a country residence, commanding an extensive view of the Mountains, the City of Greenville, and the surrounding country. There is a fino spring of water on the mountain near the rraldenec. The soil is productive and fine eropi were grown on the place during the 1 if- time of General Thomp ton. The property will be sold low for sash, and a gieit bargain may be obtained. Apply to Messrs. PERRY A PERKY, at Greeuville, 8. 0 , or to the Proprietor at Madison, Florida. CAROLINE C. JONES. Mar 21 46 tf pipf ?WaTer wheel, Mill Searing,ShaftioUftlteys L^TSCNO PORA CIRCULAR? Dee 7 29 ly The State of South Carolina. OUEENVILLE COUNTY In Court Common Pica*. William Half A Co., Phtintijfi, againtt Itn(te tlowa'd. Defendant. BY virtue of the Judgment of Forocloiuro j and Kale in thii cane, I will loll at Green- ( rille Court Ilouae, in the Connty and State | iforeaaid, on Rateaday In Juljr next, all that jlere, parcel and lot of Land, containing three ind one-half acre#, more or leia, eituate, lying ind being on Hhett and Street#, in , ihe Cite of Greenville, in the Countv and ] itite aforeaaid, being the aame on which the laid Datte Howard now realdea, and which wee conveyed to him by Moeee W. Finger.? fhla property il eligibly located, end ii vety ralnable. Tnana?One-third of the pnrchaae money :o be paid In Caab, on the day of eale j the re- . nainder at ail and twelve montha from day of lale, reapectlvely, in equal inatalinenta, with 1 ntereat from date of aale, aernred by bond 4 ind Mortgage of the premieea. Purehaaera to * pay for atampe and papera, . J. L. SOUTIIERN, 8. 0. C. , June 6th. 1671. a_?.i " Taa Truli or a HouaaaaartR " are never experWneed by thoeo who uae Donley'* i Yaaat Powdernow untreraally Vnown.throughout tha oouutry aa the baat. It la alwayi raadr, alwava rallabW, and rnr|utrea from a third to a half lea* than thoaa of commont manufacture. Thli la owing to tha parfaot purity of the lngrc<ll*nt? entering Into IU> oampoatt'on. which tnaurea tha aama raaua | fafee '^""llya fHUfi ?an ha aaad v KG, SftOE8, CrROClfolfcS, A w prices. .? >. j-ii ii i ?? .. - J. >URANE COMPANY, SilsrESSEB. ? ; VIS. PJlRSTTi'T , STATE AG ElVTsTi ' MUTUAL COMPANY. i6 called - 7?r KK VALUE PLAN, LSV AKT AGES,, 'HIS COMPANY. 6t v. a B7U*? M87L ; Croqnct. . Complete seta from $3 to $20 per ?et. Base Bulls* j All the different kind* at reduced price*. ( Fishing Tackle. . Of every deacrlption. . Traveling Bugs. j For lediea and gentlemen. Foreign Fancy Oood*. Buns and Pistols of all Kinds Prices Ammunition, ^ SDorl?ih^ii,<> Woods, i Goods (hipped to n?X p?rt of tho country per express. Tho some cart.";: I attention g\ven to orders by wall ns to persona' purchases. J Prices for our goods based on gold at px. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 TT. IIA L TIM Oil E STItEET, . BALTIMORE, MD. March 22 40 ly j The State of South .Carolina. < UREKNVIM.K CQUtfTY. j Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writs of Far! Facial, I to mo directed, I will sell, beforo the i Court House door, on Salciduy in July next, between tho hours of 10 o'clock. In tho foronoon and 3 o'clock In tho afternoon, All thet Tract of Land, ?l Justed In Greenville County, waters ofJSoi th^alud-t River known as the J, IS. Turner1 Place. containing 4.BO acres, more or losa^ adjoining lands of T. H. Allen, J Miies Gosqy'U and others. ..i also, All that Tract of I.and. known as tlio T. It. Allen place, containing HJI7 Vjree, more or less, adjoining lands of J. K. Turner, W. R. Ilightower'a E-tate anrToiher*. levied on as the property of JJhfn "P. lliglitower, at the suit of Jonas Harriso*, Guardian. TERMS CASH.?Purchasers to pay for stamps and pnporx. J. h. SOUTHERN, 8. O. C. Sheriff's Oflleo, Juno 7 1871. 6-5 Farm and Residence FOR v SALE. THE SUnSCRtllBR offers for ralo his II HI) ?? W ? T)tf -? -? a rea? ? m vruob^ c ui RUUUl A WO HUn* drcd Aorc*, a liltlo moro than milo from the corporate limit* of Green villa. Tlio llotiso ia a large and qomfortnblo ono, containing eight rooms with fireplaces, and two other* without Are-place*. . ' On the placo are orchard* of Apple, Cherry and reach Trees, a body of Woodland, a nlsco of very rich BOTTOM tiAIftf, tttid a large bed of clay fwlUblo for brick*innl<ing, out of j which large profit maybe mftflo. The place 1* (uppliod with an abundance of most excel- . lent water, oue of the springs being strongly J chalybeate. . , FOR TERMS, apply lo the subscriber at . Grecnrlllo. JAMES 0. FUR MAN. Mar 1& 4* tf : 18 A CARD. 71 j CfL MY FRIENDS AND PAT- T KJ X. trona have my thank* for past JSRL ' (ciiniafavor*. Ac. I continue to tnake ' additions to my Stock of JEWEL- ijfttvIM I BY, WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPEC- Mggk 1 TICLK8, 8 1 I. v E K r t. a T K pflBflGI ' WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, As. Special at- ' tontion given to repairing fino Watches, and ' Timo Pieces of every dritcriptinn, I JAMKSrU. BLACK. Jan IS Hi if ?o*ll"> ? I Spring and Summer ' MILLINERY. fMJSS MoKAY .has returned from New YviJr.aad opened an elegant a * ? o r I in * n t of M I I. 1.1 NKRY, consisting of Bontieta and' llata of the la test sty l?s for fodirs, Cldl* , droit mid lofuntsl; also Ililc , bon* of all width*, Flower*, | Lace, Ret and Il.ilr Goods, I.adie* and Cliil- I drens 8uits, Ao All order* will receive careful and | prompt attention. I April 2d M tf 1 ATTENTION III rpilK ATTENTION of City and County Re. 1 tail Dialer* is requested to tho following : Owing to the depressed condition of bu*l? ness, and being anxious to reduce dock, JOHN S. FAIRLEY & CO., no. ?7 iitync Ktrrct, Will offer to the Tru'lo during tbo present month, their very attractive end comiilcte ?t<?ek ot TEN (10) I?FIl CENT. UK LOW NEW YORK JOUUKK'S I'KlCKd lj} .. TERMS: . FOR ALT. I1ILL.S UNDER $100. CASH OK APPROVED NOTE AT THIRTY DAYS, with intorcst from date ef purchase, at , 12 per cent, per annum. FOR ALL BILLS OVER $100,. J APPROVED NOTES AS ABOVE, AT FOUR (4) MONTHS, on acceptance, will be ac- , cented. | Merchnnts ordering will please specify on t which ol the above terms they wish to pur> t chase. i Thoir Stock consists of the largest variety < to be found In tho City, of Straw and Millinery c Hoods, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Trim- < mlngs, Laces, Hinhroiderios, Rlbbdnt, Um- ( brollas, Parasols, Ladies' and Gent's Linen, slid Paper Collars and Cuffs, I.sdlesr'ILscs Col- a lars, and a complete assortment if Fancy | Goods Notions and small Wares, j <| June 7 ' ft ' ' * | ,1m | sartE bla^k, SALIt * WOULD respectfully inforni hie frieOd* t and patrons tbst he Iim removed his t BARBER * II o V r.t the Old Coort House, second room on the left, where he will be gift!) to see hie I matomers, promising them astteferfllnn In t ill branches of his business. ; a ' 1 Jnno 14 ? | , , If * WM. J. RANHOKPF. ' STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. } 6 LOCATED on PalU Btreat, ono a quara of Meiari. Uvwar, Cox k Marklay'*. 0 8 URANITK of attr Jaaattptlona furntahcd and cut to ?r4?r. XOMB* RTONES, with Oranlta or Marbta \ Padaatala may ba had on application. , 8 pacta I attantlon guaranteed to all 1 work. pm- Ordara for TOMB8TONRR Icfl with ( Jlr. B. Wnnni.r, Jaweller, will rac?ilt*4 my tc, and assure my C'i aa?toiiidh<s as*? i DRESSED Flooring, Celling, Weather Doer Over n hundred different Patterns of M or sule nt Now York price*. Muntel-Piece*, ihort notice. Stair IUII, Newel* and Kallurlcr :<> order. (Hood and Substantial Woik made as chcsf United State*. We have ou bund the largest ttiiltin.orc, all of which wo guarantee will glvs Ruhstnntial Work. The sulircrllH-r* c?ti refer t Carolina and Florida, a* to the diameter of th V Opposite Wuudo Fertiliser Works, and In Pavilion Hotels* Mm CONSUMPTION, [ts Cure and Its Preventive) BY J. II. SC11ENCK, M. I>. MANY a hnnnt being ha* passed away, fur whoso death tboro wn* no other wasou than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Tho?o near ind dour to family and friends ore sleeping the dreamier* slumber into which, had they :ntuily adopted DR. JOSEPH n. RCHENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, ind availed thcmsclrc* of bia wonderful efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schonk has in his own case proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by hie medicines and the direction* (or their use, is quickened into healthful vliror. Ia this statement there la nothing prosuropt* uuua. To tho fnlth of the invalid la made no representation that la not a thousand timca substantiated by living and viaible worka. Tho theory of tho care by l)r. Bobcnok's medicines la aa simple aa It la unfailing. l*a phi* loaopby require* no argument. It la solf-asauring, self-conviiieing. Tho Seawood Tonic and Mandrake Villa art the first two weapona with which the citadc of tho malady ia assailed. Two-third* of tlx caaca of eonaumption originate in dyspepsi: and n functionally diaordcrod liver. IVith tliii condition the bronchial tubea " aympathixo ' with tho stomach. They rrapond to tho tnorbiflo action of tho liver. Hero then cotnoa the culminating reault, and the sotting in, with all ita diatrcaaing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tho Mandrake Pilla are composed of one of Nature'a noldcat gift*?tho Podnphilliutn Pcltatuin. Tbey posse** all tho blood-searching, altcrativo propertic* of calomel, but unliko calomel, they ' LEAVE NO STING BKIIIND." Tho work of cure i* now beginning. Tho vitiated and mucou* depoiita in tho bowel* and in tho alimentary canal aro ejected. Tho liver, liko a clock, i? wound up. It nroure* from it* torpidity. Tho stomach act* roaponaively, and the patient bogina to feel that ho is getting, at Inst, A SUPPLY OF GOOD CtOOD. TLo Scawooil Tonic, in conjunction with tbo Pills, permeates and assimilate* with tbo food. OhyliAcation is new progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, ind tho euro is seen to be at bund. There is 10 tnoro flatulence, no exacerbation of tbo stoliacb. An appetite suts in. Now couies tho greatest Blood Purifier ever ret given by nn indulgent father to suffering nun. Schunck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to lerform its functions and to hasten and comilete the euro. It enters at once t-pon its sork. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects md ripens the impaired and diseased portions >f tho lungs. In tho form of Catherine*, it irepurcii (hem for expectoration, anil io ! hi n rely short tiino the initially is vanquished, the rotten tbrouo that it occtipiud in renovated and undo new, and the palient, in all the dignity if regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manloud or the womanhood that wan. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second tiling it, tho patients must stay in a warm room until they get well^; it it u 1? in-ist impartible to prevent taking cold when | the lungs aro diseased, but it mutt be prevented or a euro cannot bo effected. Fresh air nnd riding out, especially in thin section of the country in tho fall und winter reason, nre all wrong. Physicians who recointnend that courso into their patients, if their longs arc badly disonsed, and yot, because they are in the houso thry must not tit down quiet; thev must walk about tho room at much and nr furt us the strength will boar, to got up a good circulation ol blood. Tlio patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This hut a great dual to do with tho appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after sucli evidence of its possibility in tho woirt eases, und moral certainty in all others, is sinful. l)r. Schenck's personal statement to tho Faculty of his own euro was in theso modest words : " Many years ago I was in tho last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, and at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I now t.ffcr to the public, and they made n perfect cure ot inc. It seemed to mo that I could feel them penrtruto my whole system. They soon ripcucd the inntter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon as tlist began to subside, my cough, fever, pain .and night sweats all began to leave me, and inv nppetito beenrnn so great that it was with difficulty thut 1 could keep from cuting too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in flesh ever since." " I wn* weighed shortly aftgr my recovery," tdded tho Doctor," then looking like a mere ikoleton ; my weight was only ninety seven [Xiunds j my present weight is two hundred ind twenty live [225] pounds, and for years I invo onjovad uninterrupted health." I>r. Hehcnck has discontinued his profosilonul visits to New York and lloston. Ilo or us son, Dr. J. 11. Hchenek, Jr., still continue o see patients at their office, No. li N'ortli Sixth trcet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from tf I. M. to 3 1*. M. Those who wish a thorough ixamination with the Kespiromctcr will be ibargod $&. The Kcspirnmetcr doelaros the ixaet condition of the lungs, and patients can wadily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions for taking the medicines nre idspted to the Intelligence oven of a child, "allow those directions, and kind Nature will lo the rest. ti?*nlin? ?ti*? In ----- dandrnke Pill* are to bo taken in Increased loses ; tbe thrco medicines need no other sc ompanlmcnts thau the ample instructions that ccontpnny tbein ; First crente appetite. Ot etuvnlng health hunger ia the moat welcome mptom. When it cornea, m it will come, lot he despairing at or < e to of good ehcor. Good ilood at onco follows, the cough loosens, the light aweat ia abated. In a abort time both f these morbid symptom* are gone forover. Dr. Hchonek'a medicine* are constantly kept n tena of thousands of families. Aa a luxeIve or purgative, tho Mandrake Pills are a tandard preparation j while the Puimonio lyrup aa a surer of eougha and colds, may be egarded aa a prophylactcrio against consuuipion in way of its forms. l'rlee of the Puimonio Ryrup and Seaweed 'onie, $1.60 * bottle, or 97.60 a half doaen. ifandrake Pills, 26 cents a box. For aale by II druggiata and dealers. nnniunra Af^ni, JUIIIN If. II k,N 11Y, No. College Place, New York Citv. March 22 4ft ly NM - 8 H~ E PH ERDA, CO.", Jo. 21, JJaynt fit re* t, CMarletton, 8. C. PKAMM iw DOOKINO 8TOVK8, RANGES AND Heating Stovee. Picture* of Stove* rith |>rl?ea ud description .will lioeent up i ap| licttion. Jttoe29 ft-lj ustomers that I have 1 _ ) EOOR FACTORY.' ' ' PE1ANH8JG F da, Shelving, Box Board*, A?\. Ac. ' [oul^nga, making over H'O.liOO feet on hand l. Door anil Window Framra made to order at ' a of Walnut and Mahogany, ou band and mado ^ i at thia cetabliihment a* can b? rondo In the atock of tbe above Good* aouth of the City ol '( i entire antiafartion t<> all who want Good anu o gentlt men all over thia Stale, Georgia, North ej elr work for the paat twenty year*. fr f. P. 1UJ6SELL & CO., " EAST END IIASKI. STitKKT. tho immcdiute vicinity of Charieaton and ch 16, 1871. 45-t S XI oi liiliT MARSHALL: f\KSlIin to inform tbe public that they .. hare a ig FULL STOCK OF H 33RTTC3rS, dbO.,f On hnnd, and are anx'wa to diepoae ol I tivm for CASH. Aa m 'ney I* tight and tlroea are dull, we 1 have reduced the piice of many artlo'oa. I We have jnet received a large lot of I Cigars and Tobacco* I Which wo will ? li cheap for Caah. Have Juat rcoelved line WINES. CIIAMPAGNES, ALBS and POUTERS at re1 duecd prioea, 1 Juat recelved^ehcaper than aver, WHITE I L,r.AU. TAINTS, COLORS, LINSEED ! OIL. VARNISHES. Ac. Our Stork of DRUGS and STAXDA RD , PREPARATIONS is complete, and as , cheap os eon bo bought in any Retail es> taMUhmenL We running our i SODA FOUNTAIN, And as we have PLENTY OF ICR IT WILL BE KEPT ' a xx ? ? - - \ All the Summer. r If, II.?Those Indebted lo os for Old ii Accounts, will please take notice that they si must s-ttle up oy the first of May, as Ion- ai ger indulgence will not be given. Hereafter we will fell itriclly for Oath. April 12 * tt u **? -_i , ?sm COLUMBIA HOTBL, COLUMBIA, S. C.( a CrOF.X?A2Tt Proprirtoh. g r|HIE 1'iopr o'orof the pleasantly located ^ 1 an<l elegantly furnished Establish- ^ the State Capital, desires to inform the travelling pnhlic and others seeking ac- Q com modal ions, that the "Columbia" is in ev- at ery respect a fi^at-claee Hotel, nn?u> passed P by any in IheStnte or the United States a Situated in the business centre of tlie city, a with fine large niry room*, and a table tup- p piled with every delicacy of lhaaaaaon, both from New York and Charleston maikets, w tlio 1'roprielor pledges that no efiforig will 5 be spared to give peifect satisfaction in eve- a I ry ro?peet. r A first class Livery Stable ia attached to the Hotel, where vehicles of every d<scrip tion can be had at th* short est notice. " Omnibuses attend tlie arrival and depnr- y tuio of every Train. WM GORMAN. Proprietor and Superintendent. T J. T). nUDDS, Cashier. Feb 16 8'J-tf jj Land for Salo. J rpi.c subscriber olTcra b>r sale his T.and, sitiinI tod soino nine milns hetow tho City of r tireenvile, on waters of brushy Creek, Ander- C on County. In tho Trivet nro 222 Acres, 30 4 of whieh are bottom and 20 are .Veoond bottorn. There nro good houses, stables, smoke , houses, corn oril>s, Ac. Ttiis I.ntid is superior, p and under good cultlviitinn, and will he sold 4 eheivp for cash. Apply at voice, if you wish w to iuvest. ? J. TIIACK.9TON. ^ Mar 29 17 3in W B WIIE IlLE, QRXENVOLILE 3. ?. DEALER IN BOLD m SILVER VHTEIB L clocks/jeVelTy, 1 SPECTACLES!, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED nm' as n If WORK of all <li?cri|>liona in liia J) lino <lon? promptly. Oct 27 28 1 DOOLBY'S u YKAST POWDEH 11 Ilia long t aan regarded aa tlie lf?t ?ml elieapeat Making I'owder in nan. Perfectly I'Uionnd healthy- It make*, at short oo- ^ ticc, delicious Riaeuita, Roll*, ito. There i need l?e no waste of food prepared with it, na it Is olwaya of tlio beat quality. We would say to those who hare n< ver used it that a very few trlala will enable them oto use it, not only with entire satisfaction hut with economy. Put up mill, so weight, as repreaoutel, Groeors and Deal" era tell It. DOOI.FV Ji BROTHER, Prop's, BP fine Bttert, flew Jt'ork City. a *.?*! * n|?n I? in Am W. K. Itilliir. O. a. Wf.LLI 4 EASLEY A WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ANI) IN EQUITY, 3 OREKNVILLR, fl. C? P1UCTICK in the Court* of the Plate unH *ti of the United Rtater, and ffire eapecial attention to rate* In Baukruptey. ? j una IS S Notice j Ta W..A. ??" ?? * ? _ w ,,y, rvf |iv?rn IU am W IIOTIl IK. rTtftJ JL c*rn ? ! 1, will apply to 8. J. DwtttfcW; fli Prob*'" Jortg* of Gr#?ortlU Cnuaty, oa oh th? 11>\ <l?y of July noil, for a flnaf <tU- Pi ch?rp? a* AdminlatiAinz of Ut? wtato ol ?l< ISAAC B1KRFIKLD, do#Ma*& pr SARAH A. RIKRF1F.I.D, l? AditiinUtrAi r.x Juo? Ath, 1671, A fi > never before been! H. C. MARK. UT?tMl Health W ithoui Pare Blood. DR. GUZKNER'S iPIKENAUD AMD QUEEN'S DELIGHT 7ILL P URIPY THE lib Q OD ! AND REMOVE ^ ? ? - - * ? 1 t Liver Uomplninf, Rliaumrfii*ni, Scrofula.' Carbuncle. Skin nfeseaaoa, Paina in th?, lionet, Dyspepsia, Diseases of ley* end IIladder, pain in Ibe aelc and Loins, and nil (be various ilments produced by Impure Blood id Vitiated Secretion*. Buy one Botlle and try it, and if it lilt to give any relief, buy no more. r>R GLAZF.NRR'S LIKIMEST or PAltf XTUACrroil is goo I In IthenmatLm. Nettilgia, Headache, Pain in the liaek. grains, Ac. DR. OLAZBNER'3 FAMILY VEOETALK LIVK't FILLS are aato remedial sgenta overcome Derangements of the Liver and ? Pnrify the Blood. DR. GLAZBNER'3 COUGII RELIEF is ccellent for all case* of Cough of any kind, om Croup to Consumption ; although not commanded to cure the latter disease, eat relief will follow it* use. {ff The above Medicines are prepared ily by DU GILES L. GLAZEKER. Muuufacttiring DruggWt, Greenville, S. C. t^&T Sold by Druggists generally. May 10 1 tf Notico rS hereby giren lo all wlmm it may com L eo>n, th ?t I will apply to S. J. D.miUi, rrolmte JikIk* of Greenville Cotin'y, on ?e 30th day of June next, for a final du(tare* aa Guardian of ELLA W. JOUN? ON. A C. STF.rr. Guardian. May 25th, 1871. 4 6 PHOTOGB APHING. HAYING re-cully fitted np the r?ftWt ovar Vhitmvr* A Pergiwon't Store, will) elegant lights, I am prepared to ?lo all kuvla of PHOTOUUAIMIIXO, at verv ihort notice. Satisfaction gunreuted to all. W.M. W May 21 S If 1* The Southern Hotel . _ HAS been refilled and AAjm-7s f'tit 'n complete order f>>r tlie accommodatlun of tha traveling public. Kate* of Board reasonable. Call and give me ii trial. J. O. YEAJlGIN. May 3 6-1 Sni DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY I JQ. McDAVID graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, session 86(1-67, respectfully offers his nrnfruinn.i err Ices to the citizen* of (JrcenriMe and sur:" ounoing country. Having acquainted himself irith the modern nprorcmont* of hi* profession, he hope*, by trlct attention to business, to be able to civo *t infection, ' Office on the corner of ColTeo and Main trects, in II. A. Cauble's former residence. ^ MoDAVID, D. D. P. 22 4<J 3m ? 2 " " ,1? 15 ^ ^ " , J jB J, T V v. w im ** 3 ? S c7 ? -x U f) ? W?c,{SvSS0_5 Z 2 S'Z c-JaCJI-5^-50 ? r xi?i? ? v ~ ?75 ? 5 8.8*2 ?J.2 ? 5.** ?-= =-5 | ?<5~:5 a 5 S *?* si*!Ll^IeS ? d5 ^I'sSinir.8. ?* j! JLC 1 > J - ? ?> oO^ K **2^*5^-213 1 7 - flag's ^ tJ| f B'CSsi* ? o -d * r> I t I- * 2 ? ^ ? - - ? va -1 Of'" - H-5 " 5 M 3 5 ^ If) -c*"3oSce-?*">"o?'*""3 , as 5Sr-S^?c5'^f,= JS5 US S^e * ?-S f 3 * " ? 4 rj a c ?#? to? ^ '^j'' ^ c I {.S^^sfiss ?? - 7CC a <? 2 -I > S ? * 3 - SjaJi-jSaai^-N y C. v ; J y J *>*v"v- i " B O 4 <V S ^ *3 "bi. . n t. a ? P E? ? .e-5 a -ar-dS ?e y 51 SSi2? t-S ? j ^ r t ,? Z 3 ,3 ? J ? 2 -f t 2 c V < S * 11 2 i: ? J -S o * ? ?" it's-0 t < 3/ B. WEHRLE 1IJAS just returned with ft well1 ]"J selected Stock of IVATC1IES, CLOCKS, "i JEWELRY, OLID SILVER AID PLATED WARE. Table Cutlery, &e. 1IIS Stock wnti personally seeded from the best lieu see in his ne, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 1(1 22 ir iPlUNG & SUMMER. KCT.MMBBY. Just Roturnod from Now Yoik. MIIM. JEXXIXflS ka? re ' turned with a fullatork <>' MILGnJBRrt LINKKY anil Oilier (I O O I) X, Igjp^Bf united to the want* and dcairea tin' to whi'li ah n wlmiJv would Inv lie an examiaatta n. WJMl P,,r *m OI'KN Mnh on Thuraday, *?th Inal., W w < and will bo |>lrAaed to are Mich ' brr frlenda on tlio ocenaion at may have o time to attend. Location, on? door bolow the w?l!k-nown ure of Mcrart. W. II. Horey A Co. Ar.,11 >* ....... ... at tf mOTICK '8 BETIEBY OIVEN to nil whom It m*y wc?rn, that I wSH apply Intl. J Point . Probate Judg* of Or?>?nvlll^Coiinly. on a Mk day nf June next, for a Final Pie^ arge ma Administrator of the Katate of irld Barton, deceased ; Iherefora, all parse having claims apalnU add Ksute Will stent tharn <>o or hefona Mid day .or ha ibarroJ. JEFFERSON B AIITON, Administrator. Hay ?th, l?7.k t-6