University of South Carolina Libraries
RUN ! Run (f I ?" i i i , ,i GREENVtLLE, 6. O. WXDVSSDAY, JUMM tl. 19T1. Com* and Bittlf. The Proprietor of the Knttrprxt, her* ing been confined to bie bed for the pert three weeke, end leyelberely eoeraleeeeot, would urge ell pereooe owing for Adrer* tleeroeote. Job Work, do., to o*?me end pay. Proprietor* nowedaye, aa a general rule* hare not a private fund which they ean draw ?t?* in mmi of emergency, to me#t their offioo and other expenses; therefore our patrons will see that they cannot serve us at a more suitable time than by settling their aeeounta right now. Moreover, this is the middle of the year* and all aeeounta should be squared up at least semi-annually ; those who iuelst otherwise, simply take sdrantags of their friends' kindness. If you owe but one dollar, pay it?it will help a good deal. T. W. Da via' Advertisement. By the advertisement ol the above gentleruin, it will be soeo that ho is oonaidera blj extending his business ; of this wc are glad, for none of our merohants aro more energetic or more worthy. He has recently commenced the Ccta-niseion Business.? We wish biin all success. ? > ? < Cumulative Voting and Propeity Qualification for. the Btato Benato. The Chester Reporter line an abl? article on these subjects, and points out the Insufficiency of cumulative voting to protect the property of citizens. That journal advocates a change of the Constitution so ns to rrquire a property qualification for State Senators. The Columbia Phcenix, of the ] 8th, has n sensible review of the Reporter'* editorial; and whilst admitting tiro insufficiency of tho cumulative system of voting, still advocates it as promising much good. We agree in part with both journ la. There Is foroe in the objections of the Reporter, and wo have mentioned Rome of tho name in the Enterpriu, Still, we think iuiit and riifht. ami ought to be adopted, oot ooly In tills State, but in eve- 1 ry other country where the people elect representatives Tho Reporter advocates a properly qualification in tho Senators, and the Phoenix stems to oppose the idea, remaiking : " Better, in our view, is it to have both I arsons and property ropiercnled alike in the Souate and the House, than to have property alone represented in the Senate, and nun.bcrs alone in tho House." Neither tho Reporter or tho Fhctnut are discussing the plan which the Kuterpriu lias been urging, although the P/i<rnix states that the Reporter concurs with us. Our plan is to amend the Constitution so as to require every voter for a Senator of his County, the possession of some amount of taxable and tax-paying property, not less than i^n hundred dollars, nor more iii the Constitution. Still leaving universal suffrage, property or no propel ty, to every man iu the Stale for all other reprekm.tallvea and officers. This would be the only safety to tax payers. Wc would be willing even to fix the amount of properly qualification for a Senate suffragan at one hundred dollars of lax.p?) log property, if we could not do otherwise. If the editor of the Reporter will consider, wc think he will agree with us that our plan is the true one. It lion prevailed in some of the old Slates of Iho Union, in North Carolina especially, and that State is again striving to restore it. North Carolina used to require in Senate voters a free hold qualification ; litis is tar beyond anything we propose. We would not attach uracil importance to the plan of property qualification in like Senator, if non-property holders mo to clcethim. We would prefer that eve. ry capable man of deserving character, properly or no property, should he eligible to the Senate and to every other office? l'ropeiiy holders should have the light lo select their agent and to place men of ability in the Senate, although without any considerable properly. How many such men are there in the Stale at this time, and there always will be such. We have no doubt that the present Senators of the State oi South Caiolina, especially the mod corrupt and dongerour, have (ha properly qualification. Has not "Uncle Jos< pit" and the rest of the Kingmaking Senators got property? What hindrance would it be to a corrupt, ambitious and self-seeking | olilieiau to own n thoiiHaml or two, or ever ten thousand dollars worth of property, in controiiug liin vote, when ho could make a large fortune, na many of onr Radical politician!* havo done Ly using the money t f the people for corrupt purpurea, and the acceptance of bribe*, and entering into all the nnmclcee corrupt rchemea by which the public tren* nry ha* been plundered, and will bo again. No, the only eeouiity i? for the voters for Senator*, not the politicians merely, to posses* tax paying property, and they would take care to elect the moat honest and capable men to represent them. If our thinking men, and good men of all parties are wise, aud will attempt carrying out the plan wo advocate, wobelievo with the Chester Ihportrr, that it would be as successfully a* the Cumulative system. The effort should nover be given up. No country, It seems to us, can be called truly Republican that does not protect the property of its citl* sens as well as their lives and persons. It is vain in expoct it in aur:h a population a? that .of South Carolina at present, utiles* you give to property representation in the sin a I lor branch of the legislature. Numbers and tht majority party, would still bavo all the offices besides, in tbo State, and in every county where they had a majority; what more can they honestly ask. Do they desire to perpotunto taxation without representation, as it now goes, and as it still would practically prevail in spite of Cumulative voting. Vsw Flour from MoOes's Mills. These superior Mills have recently ground some new wheat, and have sentus a small sack of new Flour. Captain J. W. Caolk is the ef. stent Superintendent, and well sustains tbo grinding of the establishment, wboee reputeAlon has stood high for many years In the upper oouotry. Captain C. Informs us that J) is machinery Is now under more thorough ?--1- il.*n ever before i therefore is ttrenared to"do better grinding (ban h*? jet been done here. Iin !!!?l)ry Goodsj i m ?*? *?'?^ fruol Mad tor Trooblaa. Th# Coa no* for cm or B?4 BapabUoane bar tag mat with a bloody aapjntol'iB, tba Proaah Uortniarat U Mill lo?tte| oaiMof troabla u4 u?irUii^ Al pwi?1 tba Var allion (ovoramont with Taiaaa aa Pro#Moot, ia eailad ropabliaaa, bat ao ona know* whether U will remain ao, or and la a monarchy with a Bourbon Prlnaa M kin* ar aadia thai iMtoration of thaaaaplra aadar Napolbob III, who ia now with tba Bmproea Bvaaaia and bla too, (ojoarninf in BngUnd, waiting bla opportunity, no doabt, whiah may coma too nor than many aapaot i apaculation with all th> world's observers is blindly groping In ths dsrk u to tho fnturo of Franco. Tho wiseacres and would-bo pbUosophara of tho pross politicians In tho United States and also In England generally, say it Is tho look of rollgion among the pooplo, and tho prevailing Infidelity. lint this word religion, is vary indeflt olte. It may msan any sort of erood or doctrine which roeogniies tho worship of a Qod or devils or canonised saints, or tho Pope, or any thing else. Oar politioal philosophers In this coun-t try profess great regard for religion, bnt they do not tell as whether they mean Mormon ism, Mohammedanism, Judaism or Christianity.? We suppose howover, they wish to bo understood, as meaning the latter. And when they speak of the importance of reliirlon in France. they muft mean the Papal religion with ita PrieaU anil ita tradition! Tbo very religion that liaa been tbo aetua! ao'irco of all the burrora of tho flrat groat revolution, and of Uiia later Commune inaurrection. Tbe Papacy in France act tbo flrat exarnplea under the protection of tbeir " moat Cfariatain King*, ao called, of wholeaalc" maisacro and murder.? Tbo abocking murdcra committed by tbo Commune lately, Just before their overthrow of Paria, were wholy inexcuaable, but they amounted to eixty or aoventy only. The Papal power in Frauce in the'horrid Bartholomew'! tnaaaacre, which foil upon the nobleat and beat of the population, deatroyed tho Hvoa of aoventy thouaand people, and tene of thouaanda bad to fleo tho klogdom for their Uvea. Tbeir property waa acixod, and thoae who aocaped were beggard and bad to aeek aay. lurna in foreign lunda. They were deatroyed for being roligioua, not after tho creed of the Iloman Catbolica. Franco tbua loat, to thia day, the influenco of Chriatianity under evcy form of wnraliip, different from Popery. The Prieat and tbe Pope rejoiced and aang Te Deuma over tbeir triumph. Such la the hiatory of religion in modern timoa in France. After the repeal of the edict of Nantx and I till tbe time of Napolkos the Great, no other religion than Popery wai tolerated. Iu conicqueneo of tbo extinction of all independence of mind and religious liberty in France by the Papal power, that beautiful country hat sufforod and la now suffering. Tbo Papiit to managed it tbat no man, woman or'child, in the kingdom of France, dared profctiany other religion than Popery, they wore required to bow their conscience* to the Preiits of that faith, or renounce all religion, or escapo from the country. To own any other fuitb, wae to bring persecution and martyrdom. Tbecontequcnco followed, that Frunce has been ever since divided into two parties, only at to religiun the Priest party and the Infidel party. The great mats oi educated men and thinking men in France, would not wear the yoke ol the Priest, it was too galling and degrading, and the conduct ol the Priesthood, and always mumorics and superstitions, disgusted and offended the lovers of liberty, science and literature. If France suffers, therefore, from Iufidsl opinions, and horrible destruction of life and property spring outoflior rcvolu'lons, let her r< number, and let the worlJ remember, (hat the only rc'ig'on the cherishes set the first honlble exnmpb-s, aod let tbo world do the justice to see that the terrible and vilified Commune shed, in their vougeance, jutt one thousandth pail of the blood in deliberate murder nud masincre < that the l'opish Religion did during their carnival of hate and fury ngainat the I'iotratauta. Our philosophers and writers in this country and in Europe howl, aa well they may, over the days of Korktrabe and ' Da.vton, " the rrign of terror " and llie late ' Kod Republican cruelties ; hat we hear * nothing of the old " regn of terror," under ' their most Catholic Kings, when eaten was * turned looee upon the pur?et and beat of the land, ltd on by Kinga and Nobles, snd their ever subservient pfiests, the insliga 1 tors in fact of tho bloody drama. All the ' shrieking by political wrilera and speakers 1 almost univeisally, especially in thene Uni ted Stales where general suffrage preveile, ' is raisod over the acta of the Infidels ol ' France, and (bey are very horrid, but the 1 more horrible conduct of the 1'apisls is 1 passed over in silence, ' Courtesies. I We have received from our friend, Mr * J. A. Faber, an invitation to attend the fi nal celebration of Clariosophic Society, of 1 the South Carolina University, which takes I place on Welneaday evening, June 28, 1 1811, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Paiier is lVe?id?nt of this society, nml the Valcdietory Orator it Mr. Ouvrn J. Habbis of Anderson, S. C. ' We hove nln'i received an invitation to attend the s'xty-fifih Anniversary Crlcbralion of tlic Knpliradian Society of the Uni- 1 vereity of South Carolina, on Thursday, I June 20, 1871, at 8 o'clock, I*. M. The Val * edictory AddrrM will he delivered by 1 Ciiabibs r. I'imiau, Jr. of Columbia, S. C. 1 AI no, to the Annual Oration before the 1 above two societies, Friday, June SO, at 8 * o'clock. Hon, II. W. iIn.t.iABO, of Augusts, ' Geo., ie Orator. 1 The Ugly Club, of lb# came Institution ' liavi, IlkewUe, favored ua with an Invitation on Tuenday, June 27, in the evening. \ Annual orator, T. Hamuli. Oiees, of C'eluin ( bis, B. C. I _ ... .* Large Movement of Laborers fro* , Greenville. , On going to the Railroad Depot yester- | day morning, we were surprised to res soeh a large gathering of colored men end youths collected about and on the train. On inquiry, we learn that tbey had been hired by an Agont of tba lirunswiek and Ala. bama Railroad Company, and were on their way to work. There ware fifty or mora in number, tempted by the offer of a dollar and a half per diem. Laborers do not get quite aa much in this aeotion for work on the Air-Line, but whan loaa of time going and coming, end other rlska of health, die., are taken Into account, thay L III *- - ? per nape Will OOM wen ioop?rit?in UrMO? Till# or fpartanbnrg. We loom, in fat, that lk? contractors on tha Air-Lina And ao difficulty in procuring hand* at fair I w?g?a. Clothing, Shoes, Groc dti??M? y?m>u ooiintt. On laat Wtdotidiy evening the Com* miie?(D?at Exereleaa *f the OnmvIU* ftmil* 0?9?(? took place. We regret that we hod not the pTeaaore of attending, ' a whig to nnaroidable elreomitaocee. Wo learo that the young lad lee acquitted them mi vee Will! grttl credit, Mlitiig the with vhkh they Ut? beep trained, lad' their own diligent on of opporluoltioe Ip this superior lastilulion. There were my* cml graduates. 'The College rauit flourish, sit anted m it ' is, in the fin set region of the Bute, sad under the direetioa ol eoeh masters of the art of teaehing as Rev. B. Maoli, D. I>., and Professor 0. H. Jvdson, who msnsge to ftod time from their special employment, the one In the Theological Seminary and the other in Furman University, to give in* etruction to some of the classes, as well as superiotendanee of the whole 8ohool, which has a corps of able and experienced theaebera. Suggestion. Why is It that our oitixens may not organise clubs, for ths purobaso of tieksts in the great Land and Immigration schema of 1 Messrs. Butlks, Cuadwick k Oast, ths draw' 1 Ing of which takes pises in October next, i A club of ten for instance would purehsso ' ten tiokets, and the holder of one of ths I ten, would be entitleJ to a proportionate I share of ell the prises that might ba drawn, i Thus, twenlysflva dollars Invested in five clubs of ten persons each, would secure to | esch person fifty chances to win a prise in- 1 stead of five chances, or in the proportion of I ten to one. Tho grend idea is lo win some- I thing, and that which dimlnlsbee risk will of course be tbe moat popular aeheme.? < If our ladles c?p< daily will undsrtaka tba | fuimation of these Clubs among their < friends and neighbors, good lurk w ill ba | sura to look in on soma of them, I Catalogue of tko Hewberry College, in , Walhalla, 8 C. This institution is under the patronage | of tbo Lutheran Chureh of 8. C. It Is well < patronized, as the catalogue will show.?- | Ilea. i. 1'. Hmeltzkr, A. M., President, who | is assisted by D. Arrisotok, A. M , Prof. ( Mathematics and Mechanical Phlloeophy j | R?s. D MoNbill Tusxsn, D. D., Prof, of *| Qreek and Latin Languages and Liters* ture; and J. E. IIolskal, A. D. Tutor in tba ( Preparatory Department. Tbars is one professorship tscant. Catalogue of Due West female College. Wo bavo received the catiogne for tba present year, of the above well conducted Institution under tbe Presidency of Iter. J. T. Bonnbr, whose education and long experience enable him to conduct tbe college with great success. Duriog the last session U had one hundrod and twenty paplls. It is looated in Dno West, In Abbeville County, the rates of tuition and of board are put very low, and tba wt %uv |'u|'iio vi ?ui? luaiuuiiuu ia not surpassed by any in the Stato. Bale of LI very Utsbloa. oa>UnnW,-n?a fut'crtaaV.I thVtlfS-lo wn ry Stat lea, located on Washington Street. The price paid is $2,600, Mr. Fcllbs ex pecte to make Greenville hie permanent residence; Sudden Death of lion. O. L Vnllandlg- I ham. of Ohio- I The above gentleman, at Lebanon, Ohio, . June 17, while illuatrating to hie follow eoun cl, in a murder case how a dead man might have shot himself, acoidently discharged the pistol, wounding himself in the bowels. JIo C died in a few hours. * a r FOR TUE GRKKN VILf.K SNTEBrFI'E. 1 __ n The New County. k Afeiiri. lull torn ;?la late number! of the *' Killerprite ai?: difTorent articles in relation r to tho New County movement. One article 1 sails a moating at Tandy liabb's Store, to 'i Lake aetion towards forming a County not ' of porlionn of Greenville and Laurent.? ' Anotlirr approves this move altogether, c while a third favors the formatien of a new * County out of portions of the territory of t Jre aiille, Anderson, Abbeville and Lau* u reiiS. The first of tlicao articles is signed * * Many Citizens," the eeeond is anomalors, ,.j ii.. iii.j i ? - > <1 mo WIIKI tl^ncu Uliwr UHMBl"? \noniolou* hn? ehown tha firat move to b? wholly impracticable, l>oth as to ita loca.ion and the want of a aufficlency of terriory. Six hundred and twenty-five rquare nl!?i ia what la required* l?y the Conatitu Lion to form a new Conntv Thia amount of territory cannot be obtained from Greenville and Lior?ua without cutting down the old countiee below the required quantity. It can be gotten, however, from the four extreme cornera of Greenville, Abbeville, A.nderaon and Laurene Now, the queation that praaenta itaelf ?ere ia: laaueh thing really neeeaeary for ihe people living in th??e eornera f It la. Firat, aa a matter of eonvenience. From he lower corner of Greenville to the Court liouae, it ia about 30 milea; to Anderaon J?urt Houea it ia about 1-1 milea ; to Abbe rille, about M milea ; to Laurene, about '22 nilea. Three fa eta ah ow that when any of the people, who live in thaae corner*, have ( o x'i 10 ineir renpeotire conri-Domel on inleadaya, tliry munt travel all or a portion if the ChrWtian 8abba<h, or not gat thara ' n tima (or aala bourn. t The name la true m to jurora, witnaaaaa, laintlffe and dafondanta in Court Our i Courta uatjg^ly opan oo Monday. Who that livca in any of thaaa neighborhooda, aa ha , baa gona to Chureh on the Sabbath, baa Mi often pa need nombera of bia nalghbara on t Lliair way to Court, inataad of Ood'a anno <j tunry f SotaeUaaae, too, tha Minlater of tb# Uoapel ia alraoat dragged by tha arm of U?a law away from bla pulpit, on Runday, to I" go along with bin neighbors M a wltiufei la ' soma trivia) matter. j Tba niblo saja: M Thoa abalt rrmembao ( tho ftabbalh day, to kaep It holy." Tba Christian portion of thasa communities, then, at least, oaad a Court llouaa looatod mora aooaaoiaatly, to that In thair obadfc 1 anea to aivll magistrates tbay will not ba oompallad to violate tho laws of Ood, Raoondlv. It la *? eaooomy. Pranklln'a prorerb, "Tiro* I* monty," it h well an/leraieod that wa naad aearaaly allnda to It hare. If this la slwsy* i trua, lis truth ahosM ha haadtd saw?op* on thia ground of argument, that whlnb as tea tiros, asras money. Onr Courts new maat tbraa times s yaer. 7t uaually t*k*e * i '! . U cries, dLc., at It. G. M one or two Week* each Nrn, to set(broach I with tot MMiOM bttrfoM* By iil HfM the ivll docket la reached, the Court ?M *4jouCJltaM, It Ukee aomettoca tirea or four /mars to oottlo a Uttlo eiell mm A plaintiff, dofwdul, mad a fov witeeaaes for aaeb, having to go Sf or SO milte to Court, mad atey two wooko for throm tome fa tbo jr?k,|aiu<uili to tlx wooko loot tfma for or* try ooo oo mttoodlog. Ttaio It a haav j tax opoo Uio toontry. If ooeh parttra had to go b?t tan or fifteen mllea to attend Court, rot thla time could be eared. Attorueually koow aometkiog about the tine U will take to get through State'* busIn tea. Client* Itriag ten of fifteen mile* away, ean go to-day, oonault their lawyera, and if thoy find it will be eeraral day* bes fore their oaae ean be reaohed, they ean return to their farm* till the auppoeed day for trial. Witneaeea oan do the an* thing. Thue, a great deal of tlmo ean be tavad to < the country ia labor that I* loet. Thirdly, It la neee**ary to meet the growth of popnlatloo, and the iaoreaee or buslneaa. Fifty or elxty year* ego, when the population waa scattered and the bualness limited which claimed the attention of lb* Courts, a few dsys generally sufficed to retll* matters and send neighbors baek to their respective avocations. Then the relation of master and slave settled at horn* thousands upon thousands of diflioultles > that now occupy the attention of the Court C for days. Fourthljr, It is nrctfurjr fur Hie material Improvement of ttie MraiUa of eonnlry lo " which it i> proposed bj " Other Citinot" lo locate said County* What ?v :y County in tha State need* is not more territory, c but more labor, better labor, and labor bet- ? ter adapted to improve the soil already poeieised. Taxes don't grow upon sedge aid fields, pine forests, oak trees, or chinespin bushes. Thousands of square miles ly* lag In original furcate or waste fields, can never' make a people better able to pay their tax or support their government.? What every county n*eds, then, is not a {renter area of square miles to Increase its wealth and lessen the burthen of its taxa tioo. but a better system of developing and Increasing the productive capacities of the soil already at band. It is this that is to |tve material strength and prosperity to very section of our country at last. Admitting the old eounties will have some more tax to pay as a result of framing ao, other, will not the same be true of the new County? Anomalous wants the question submitted to the whole people of the County. lie. is pleased to call it " seceding '* and " throwiror awev " a nart of Om*b. villa. Anomalous may not b? a lawyer, | naitkar ara ?< ; but tha " seceding " of any portion of a Couoly, aa we uodaratand it ? in ita legal sense, ia a vary different thiog { from that of aay number of the people, in a <] given locality, petitioning their authorized | Representatives to grant them in legal form, <j under eonatitulional aanetion, aueh corpora c ate righta and privilegea as tha people therein named ahall think promotive of c their interests. It would be truly a " dot- ? rir" ^UJSttedore.- not only \ log," but for a whole County to secede, ' though it should be done by the " sanction 1 and approval " of all the people. Tbs lm- 8 prsetlcablllty of secession has been settled * for the present by the laws of reconstruct * lion. According to these laws, however, T the State Legislature has power, whenever ^ the people who desire It ask them to do so, 0l o form nsw counties out of old ones.? 'ully recognizing this power under the nsw trdar of things, and feellog the necessity i,, hers ia for a new aouuty in thU rr nd knowing the anxious desire of the pao- B Is to obtain tha aama, it ia hoped that tha ext meeting of tha General Assembly will r? rent their request. Citizens not in the w srritory to be taken off, have no mora 91 ight to complain at our action, than a fa- M her has at his son of lawful age, who, wish* ci ng to do for himaslf, marries and leaves the bl ether's house. The question Is, are wa of w awful' age 1 Uave wa tha oecsssary amount ^ >< teriitory? If wa have, and it ia our ridh.and the good plaaaura of tha Legialaure to legalize the bands of our onion, Ilia M pj>?r part of Greenville, and everwbnd# at ? J "" ? 1m aboutd say, " Let us have peaee T ?' Moat respectfully, ft' LOWER END. B m Vr.naAii.Mca, June 1ft. In General Trochu continued before lite K%- ^ sfcsbly to-day the remark* commenced on 'deaday, in vlndicilion of his defense of ^ 'aria. He said the individuals arrested as ( irovialon agents during his eaaduct of lit# J| nitUary affairs of the capital had reappear* ^ d as leaders of the insurrection, and in* tanoed the ca?e of Dorabrowskl. The in* urrection, said ike General, was merely a n ontinuation ef war with Piossia, lie con* j. lnded by condemning, in vigorous t*ruie, Vines Bismarck, and mild allusions to the ' < / immune. K A motion waa introduced in the Aasem* ja ily for tlie taxation of passporta of persons j0 ntcrlug France, as were aleo motions pro- w losing that lha present Aaaembly sit for wo years, and that it enaet ortrani? t??? - -- - n """ h< or lha control o( lli? finance* o( ll>? eounrr L Uxoon^nni 14-1 A. K. r< T1i? Connteaa of Paris last night gava >i*th to * daughter. Napoleon and Eugenia havo made a visit tfl o tha Prince of Wales. l* Tha Tlooaa stataa that tha French loan ? rill amount to only two milliards franca. n Tha Tioiss* specials from Paris rsports lr hat tha state of airga asanas to-day, Fri- .. ft , .. . "h Reports of renewed agitation lo Bslle rifle end YUlelte quarters, are uafenaded. h ,Tb? Gewaa soldiers ylsiUng Paris are h KeaaioneUjr Insulted in the streets, and * tare been refused seats at Uie tables in # restaurents. fx*is, June 16. A pronlamellon has been issued by the r International Society, whleh declares: " We are disarmed but not conquered, and * ....-j-x : ' i* vu? nuwrw voouaana atroDg.-rPirn and Trooha vara author# of ottr roU- f foriana, atdad by oapltal of tha prlathood.* j Wa aeaapf iba raapontlbllity of tha ooafla- j grallaoa. Wa nntt hava ao foUrior dap* uttaa; bo dlvlalona at tha polla; raaatlon took away our araaa bat aot oar rota#; Vir* Im, toeUl JUfnMtfut I Viv* la Corns 1 munol* ' ? I \ . t wv 4? sj i . i AKH ?.?An Jttntire Imjtobtavt to Duum or rui Bnin.kt the last aoeeion of lit* Legislature ta kct ?m paeeed eu titled " Ao Act to ForU?r Am?sd an Aot Entitled " Ap Apt Prf? j iding forth* An?Mm?nt and Taxation of "ropfriy," and In that Aot wo find lb* fol* owing paragraph, to wbieh wa would call b* particular attontloo of partUa pnrebar ag land*. Am?nd Section 90 by adding: And pro 'Idad, farther, That Mob Coanfj Auditor hall keep a record of all aale* of coo*ey nee* of real property mad* in big County, n wbleb he abail enter, in eolamna, the lemee of the purchaser and seller, tbe^nal ly of land coot eyed, the location and >rio? of tb* urn*, and therefrom correct he County duplicate* annually ; and for the inrpoa* of carrying oat thi* pro*I*ion, the Jlerke of Ooarta and Regisier* of M?*n* lonreyaoee of aaob County are hereby re* [aired to hara the endorsement of the lounly Auditor oo each and erery deed of onreyane* for roal property, that the same i on record In hia office, before the earne an b? pla?ed on record In the offioe of eaid Jlerke of Court* or Registers of Meene Con'cy*d?ee, and th* eaid County Auditor hall be entitled to colleet a fee of twenty* ire eente, for hie own u*e, for making euch mtry and endorsement. From the abore it will be seen that it ie leoeteary to hara the endorsement of the Joooly Auditor upon each deed of eon*er* no*, ' that tho Mm* I* record in hi* office,'' efor* lli* Clark of Court md r*cord tlio leed In th* Clerk** office. < m ii Mm. Fair ir Priiok.?Dr. Brueht, a Cln* innattl physician, politician, and newspaper orr?*pondent, visited Laura Fair, the fre* ive murder***, In ber prlion in San Franel*eof nd describes h*r aa an affected, rain, uninalligent woman, with a disagreeable* voice.? I* do*a not even think her beautiful, lie, ays her face ia round, her form quit* handome ; but her eyes are too deeply ret, and ah* iaa a low forehead. During hia interview rith th* woman a Utter *Ame to b*r from ome orasy female In T*nne*aee, offering to ndure imprlaonment in hor atead. The ShorIT, aa h* waa compelled to do, had opened tbla attar, for which Mr*. Fair heaped on him ho hilUreat reproach**, apeaktng in auch efocted ton**, and ualng auoh affected gaaturea, ia to mak* the exhibition an evident display >f very bad aoting. Th* Doetor had been told bat ab* waa in th* laat atagea of eonaumption, tut lie aaya that ahe had not a aingle aympem of that diaeaae, and that the atory bad irobably been atarted by aome of hor frianda o create aympatby in ber behalf. II ? ? Immiohatioh Sovth w a rft.?Not withstandng th? sensation reporti from tlia South, made a northern newspaper*, to subserve the par>o>ee of Republican politioiene, there ere oelasional evidence! of a dl*poaltion on the part if nothernera to loeate in the Southern Str.te*. rhe plan most popular aeomi to be the ec tonlation ayatom. The New York corresponlent of the Philadelphia P.occrd, writing anler date of Jane let, says t " There la a couaiderable emigration of mehauler and others to North arolina from this illy, through means of speculative land com allies, who hare bought eheap tracts divided > ? l>r >a'tsmaii (firms suif vniage iota.? rhe settlers who passed last summer and winer there write favorbly, and have given a ;ood impulse to other adronturers. There is, rithout doubt, a splendid Held for settlement nd prosperity in the South, and the ptan dopted oi settling in colonies, where tho adantages of schools, churohes, and society can e realized, abolishes all objections hitherto Bfered against emigration to thoso regions." SwlunLiXQ am, Rouxn.? Somebody has >en making an examinatiow tato mercantile t auds, and finds a sad result. It is stated , ost positively that Boston puts np short i Ukl In n...k.^l . DLII.J.I-V1. 1 ..Bm? mm? uiovavivi , < UUaU?l|/UI? UIU&OI WJ" ' ip out oi strarch j Now York guagec a barrel of 1 bisky or syrap that could not possibly hold ( ror fort/ gallons for forty-f?ur and a half* | id waters It to an/ per cent, required. The | ty of Cinolnnaltl packs candles, lard, whisky, < soon and losr on tho principle of short eight and long tare; New York will put the ennejsoo brand on anybody's floor. A Little Cite nr a Fallixo < 'anti-xriBcs.?-The Barannah Adveitissr , atea that a most dUtressing accident oc ] irred Thursday afternoon, by which Mar- < iret McAulifle, step daughter of Michael ournell, aged about six years and sis onths, was suddenly killed. The little irl had gone into a new building now be* ig erected by Mrs. Simmons, on E*st road street, ssoond door from Hull, when Dsnspeetlogly passing through one of the oras, a new naantlepieee that had been lit in position bat not fastened, fell upon er, etriking her in the right temple, freezing the skull and causing instant death. A VaxgaABLt A art sr.?'The artiet Thoee Sully, *.he eminent portrait painter, ie ring In Philedelphia, In the eighty eighth tar of hie age. He lc still bright and itira In hia studio. Sully was born in ngland. Ilia mother came from Engiad to Norfolk, Va., in 1704, and Bui* ok hie flist lessons In Charleston, 8. C.. here he began nsinieinra painting at ear, > yeare of aga. During hla loag eareer, e haa painted the portiyita of many of tha rominent men of the eonntry, Including aFayelte, Jefferson, Jackson, Adams, Mon >c and othsra. Struck ar Lionraieo.?A frleed writ leg i us from Koek Hill, nndsr data of Thursday at, says i " Daring ths hoary rain here yes* > ? / rwwmimg, mr. wuiii|aui, in# veiegrpn* i operator at thla p1ae?, was itratk by light* lag. II# was sluing with his right am r##t? ig on th# operator's tahlo and asar tho In. rumen t. Th# #lo?trle current struck him on Is right sid#, p#a#4ratcd through th# body nd passed off hi# right l#g, breaking th# skin I s#*#a*l plaooa, ripping his pantaloons and ?ar|ng open hi# shoes. II# was paralysed nd sp#?ehless for a tin# bnt bas sine# r#eor^.4 O. - --- .# tl * ? ? >wu w w? w wukmi, ana m ??Mf wall." ? YorkvilU Kmrjmirtr. 'DhwhO m tun Dabk.?PaopU ah on Id iwif drink Id Uia dark. Louia Lor alii, raiding at U% KmI Taatb air ant, Haw York, a*U*g thtrtty laai Thuraday night, roaa rona bad and drank what ha aoppoaad to a watar, Uiara balng no light in tha room, la imaaadiatalj axpnrlannad a drradfu) Kirnlng aanaation in hia throat, and ha aon dlaaorarad ha bad baan imbibing alaak loin, or whlta*waah. Tha p:or man diad la rrpat agony bafora daybraak. JYcte Stock?Cheap i Franeia Paul Hearlee, a dramatiat an** aoeellat, ?m arretted aa a Coiatn unlit, i huWo diieharyed. . The Gortri t*}at redftioe el VeraalDe# uotil Oetober. Ilotloaa were preaeoted ia the Aeienbtj 1 tor a prolongation of the power* of Aaeera- | L?_ J f**t_ 1 ? # a - mj ma a ini?n ivr iwb jrwri. Tn Instrument and at the Mrnta tsslmo- j Dial, to transmit the " farewell" of the veteran , inventor, la tho very aeme which, twenty- | seven years ago, reoclved end recorded the fire* public . message, " Whet hath Odd wrought?" sent by Prof. Morse and received 1 by Alfred Vail, then at Baltimore, aad by whom this rede laetrnawst was preserved. It | has ever slnee remained in his family, and was < loaned by them for use on this memorable oceaslon. Tan Out Ridou Railroad.?Gov. Beott has retarded s to tho eapltol, and brings the , gratifying intelligence that arrangements have been perfected in Jfew York for pushing rapidly forward the work otJ the Bine Ridge Rail* . road. Col. Thomas Steew?well known-I throughout the South as an experienced and J thorough railroad man?-will see to it that his I portion of the contract is oompleted at the earliest moment. Ho ! for Cincinnati and the great West. Jail naLivaav.?On Monday last about 11 o'otock forenoon, the negro Douglas, convicted of oow stealing, and whose term In Jail is four months, previous to a longer stay In the penitentiary, together with David Wise, convicted of murder, and condemned to be hung in January next, neither liking their quarters or the future prospects escaped Jail and attempted to get away. Being at once followed, tbey were both captured, after a considerablo run, and placed back into safer keeping. Herald. ?? ' Justice. though slow of foot, will finally overtake the erring. For malfsasanoe in office, we learn from the Newberry Herald that the following sentences were possod upon the officers named below: Simeon Young, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was sentenced to six months in the County jail and to pay a fine of $100. County Commissioner Hsltstock, five months and a fine of $50. County Commissioner Samuel Dogan, three months and $25? < m i ? ? A MousTun eagle was captured near Lexington C. 11., a few days slnee, by Mr. Isaiah Corley, measuring seven feet from tip to tip of the wings. ? ?? New York, June 19. Cotton firm and quiet, aalea 8040 bales at 21. Gold 12|@12i Augusta, June 19. Cotton market closed firm, at 19^ for Liverpool; 20 for New York middlings; sales 200 bales ; receipts 90. CaARLKSTOR, June, 19. Cotton strong; middlings 21 ; net ro? ceipts 315 bales; exports coastwise 921; sales 200 ; slock 6362. Baltimore, June 19. Flour dull at low grades. Wheat dull but steady. >* hits corn 88?90; vellow dull, (It 76(978. Oate Proviaiona unchanged. Whlefcey 93093). A Tnp to the Moon'ains. cwf^BTjnrM?iTfw^ny OHEENVILLE * COLUMBIA It. It., Columbia, S. 0.. June 18. 1871. FOR Ihe accommodation of pereona who deiirc to witnaaa the coiniuencment exerciaca of Newberry College and the laying of tha Corner Stone, by tba Maeoaie Fraternity, at Walhalla, during the laat week In June, round trip ticketa for one Fare will be i*au*d at all atationa on thia road for Andrreon ; aale of tiekcU to com* tnenea on 8aturdey, tha 24th, and continue mill Wedneaday, the 28th, Incluaiee ; good to return on until Monday July 8, inclulive. Commencement axeroiaea will begin an Monday, the 26th ; Corner Stone will be laid on Wtdneeday, the 28th. Iiy thia krrangement an opportunity ia off-<re4 to uiijuj me mountain air and to wiloeae an impoaing and intereattng ceremony. TIIOS. DODAMEAD, Geu'l 9upt. M. 1. H*aTLKTT, General Ticket Ageut. Notice. I"8 hereby given to all whoin it my con? corn, that I will apply to 8. J. Lh.utbit, robate Judge, of Oreenrllle County, for a Anal diaoharge M Admlnlatrator of the Ratate 'f JOIIX II. III! MP RE Yd, dccoaaed, on the ltd day ?f /?'?, arjrt. WM. O. Ill'M I'll It KYft, Admlnlatrator. June 19th, IA7I. 7-4 Notice. 18 hereby glren to all wh<>m it may roneern, bat I a ill apply lo 8. J. Douihit, l'rohalo Judgn, of Uroenville County, oh (he ?AfA iliij ?/ Jnly ne.e(, for a Anal di?rhar;;e aa liuardiao of TKI.ITHA A. 1XCKKY. W. D. DICKEY, Guardian. June !9lb 1871. 7-1 Tho State of South Carolina. COUNTY OK GREENVILLE. Court of Common Fleaa. W. II. McCaRniu, Aoignee. K W. Kkmkb, Adnilnlairator. NiI.i.t Ttmsata and .Ikme Cnevati ?w, l'laint iffa, againat William W??t, ft. J am em Wmt and TaoMAa W. WrMr, Defendant*. To the Defemeinuts William Weil, S Junes Wt?t and Thomas W. W'sst: YOU are lirrdiy anmmoned nnd required lo anawrr the complaint in tliia action, ? lileli la tMa day filed in llie Clerk'* oftiee, Oi ecu villa County, nnd lo a-rve a copy of your aiiiaer In the aal.l romplaint on the ?ul.?ei il.era at iheir oftiee In the City of Greenville, ft C., within twenty dnye after the aervree hereof, exclusive of t u day of and; a*rvlc; and If you fail to anawer the complaint within the time afo*. ?*aid, the Plaintiff* in ihia action will apply to the Court lor the relief d?mand?d In the ootn* plaint. Dated at Greenville, A. C , June 12, 1871. KARF.K A DLYTUE, Plain tlfT'a Attorney, To the Defendants, H James West and Thos. Mini W. West: TAKE NOTICB that the ftnmmone lo thie action, of whieli the forrgoiag la a copy, together with the eomplelnl, wee filed In tha office of the C>ark of the Coart ot Com. I man Plena |??r Orfinfllli County. Soot^ Carolina, on lh? 12lh Jay of June, 1871. KAKLK A BLYTlll, riaintlfl'a Attorney. June 11' 7 Alttft. Wb?r? on thle g|obe can ye go beyond the omnipreeoat Yankee? Landing at Sitka, we had walked 'bub a abort di? tanre Into the town whan we renewed the northern depot fit I)r. Ayjr'a me<J}eipea |n full dieplav among the kola, abentlee and doarta of theee boreal trlb'ee. there the fantlller homelike namee of hie Cherry Peetoral, Pdle, 4?., ealuU na from the esUilori, and the Interior of t atere which, ahowa more baelneaa than He neigh bora, and proeee that theee eta pi a hat ear* remedleo art ere* more naeaaaary to aaoago life thsa he onreelvee whore they rlatt every treeide [OorrmpondnW AUtmd. Journal * j ?: 4 i and "Very Cheap. u_ II nq?i , II ' Tb? - rilR KllhW" ?n*y Ju**!? b?ty 1#?H the Kie?t fiitdtelno of tho world, for Krro l? n? o' 'be .ulobo l?Uo which it hi* i.ot fmind ho w?W, and been larCo!y iced and highly |'H??d. Moiaovor. I hero ! no ellmi In whioh It Hm n?l proved to t>? wotl adapted for the euro of eoaoidcr iltlo rorfo'y of dViiei; It iaaopoedy and (<? r. m*o hip i.nrro, rcaui*. eu'*, bruHrv wound* and varion* oilier InJ'irlea, a? well' ? f?r <)j*?nl?rr, diarrhoea and bowel com. plaint* generally, it i* admirably ?n?i*d for svery rae* of men on lb* fare of the glob*. It 1* a yi-rjr significant bet, (hat notwilh* standing the long |?. riod of yap# tliat tli* " Pain Killrr" baa been W?f.?r? the world, it ha? nev-r lu*t on* whit of it* pnpuiaii'y, bnf. on lb* contrary, tli* call for ii ha* steadily Increased from Pa first dWeov-ry, and at no prev'ous time haa the demand for it I eon *o great, or the quantity made beeu eo lmge, a* it is to day. Another significant fact is, 'hat no-where haa th* Pain Ki ier er?r been in higher re* pule, or been more generally used by famiv liea and individual*, than it haa b?en hern at h*""'! whera it wa* tin*, discovered and lultodtfe* ' Ti'at the Tain Killer will coot inn* to b*. whs are liava la styled l? TH K OltKAT llEIMCftZ OK THE WyKLt , ;li re cannot be th* slis'totf of a douLi. [Providttic* AJvrrlitrr. An OvKi>*PocroiiftD Y?*otOt".? All gr?*t jdij eicen* admit that the wnrM lior?f d?<torrd willi violent drug*, Jo ?ir? of Indigestion, billlousness, constipation. wind eolie, diarrheas, and other oesnal or ?ven ehronio affection* of the stomach, liver and bowel*, all that I* needed to restore the regular action of the disordered organ* i* a dote or two of TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT, the most delicious anJ hermits* febrifuge, laxative and alterative in the whole rang# of medical remedies. It I* sufficient for the strongest, cannot harm # the weaktsf, and Immediately relievrs the nausea which ordinary eatharitiee snrtvtle. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 6 4 Notice To the Legally Qualified Voters o Greenville Township, No 8. YO U arc hereby required to meet at Greenvilla 0. U. on Saturday, the 24tl? day of June Inst., for the purpose o talcing such action a* you may do?m advjf aldo in rcf*r**ee to an additional asset* meut for school pnrpnse*. M. K UOnKflT-tOM Cliairir.AU Hoard of Treatcea. June HAS Attachment Notice. AUDITOR'S OPFICR. 1 Queen villi:, S. 0, June 13, 1871 J NOTICE it her?Ly given that the A ttett nient of Personal Property In each Townahtp, f.?r the year 1871, will commence on the Virat d%r of July pioilwo, and that a Deputy will he present at a suitable nun? bar of looaliti?? In anhl Townahipe, for the f>urpoae ol receiving the retnrna and male-, ng the Asstiament of aald proper*/ ; and I reapectfully call upon all good eitiseoa U> coma forward and aid la procuring a fair and legitimate ataciment.. Respectfully. J. M. ItUNluN, County Auditor. June 14 'I BEATTIE & CO." HAVE JUBT RKCEITID NEW GOODS. BLACK and COLORED CALICOES, DLHAC'll Kl> 811IUTIX08, TICKINGS, CAS8IMKKE.S, TWKK1X% A tine Htoek of SHORE, Ladtee' Morocco and Cloeh GAIT A US, Misses'Morocco and Cloth CAJTAllS, IIOY'8 BHOKtt. HEATT1E Mc CO. Will recalre naat waek a Urge Stock of Gent'* and Boy'a IIAT8 and D It EBB GOODS for the aumtner trade. A a - uur rumnguri and lb? pahHe arc re?p?et(ullr Baked to txainlua oar Stock. Juno 1 b it Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, a hand.orae lot of Mile* A Sons' Cloth Intend and Oongr??a OAITKRS; a fin# assortment of Childron'a and Mian' HIIORS; Leevd and Button ri .lh and Kid BOOTS and GAITERS; an- . oihrr lot of tbooo Cheap Cloth GAITERS,. At FOSTER k HUNTF.R'S. OILS, OILS, OILS. I1Nf\ERD OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. J FARMKRH'OIU For sale at M A IlUNTEll A GO'S. Quilts, Quilts, Quilts. MARSAILLE8 QUILTS at a bargain, MOSQUITOE NETTING, L'ink and White. LACE CURTAINS, very wide and vary handsome, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. WINDOW QLA88 AND PUTTY 170R SALE AT 1 II A IlITWTWn A ^a Aa-a mi ??. iiui^ i tviv tt l/Ufl. ?? . i ,iii ?, Fans, Fans, Fans. WOOD. PAPER and SILK FANS. Palm, Palmrtto and Oliln PANS. Silk and Haoteh Olncliam PARASOLS, LadtW UMBRELLAS. At - FOSTER A HfjNTKR'A PAIN TS.pXl NT 8. WHITE LEAD, (Para and Prrmium,) at a rery l?w pria*. For aala by M. A. HUNTER A CO. Craekers, Crackers. X?RESH Butler and Soda Ok ACKERS, V Preah Btlek CANDY, At POSTER A HUNTER'S. BITTCM. BITTERS. VINEOAR, PLANTATION and H08 Juna 14 6 if Subscribe for T?? Grebmtillk lurrBMPiuBB?only $3 * year.