University of South Carolina Libraries
eimwLdVE now on h 1U J51V V3TAY .'^THB SOOTH LAMB AMB IMMIGIL TTMDMjr Carolina (J will give a 8BBIK8 OF CONCERTS, a commencing October 1st, 1871, for tb? purport upon lands aalaotad by the Association for ho others, In the State of South Caroling and for ti first ysar. < RBFERBNCB8 IN SOUTH CAROLINA.? Qorsnoi M. L. Bonbon, Osaaral Johnson Hai not, Oon. Mai, Prsateo, Hon. W. D. Stanpe< holm, Governor J. L. Meaning, lion. J. D. Cat $>00,090 to ho awarded to the Ticket Holders First of October, 1871, at the Academy of Musi lag commences. hmiihi tarns IMG All the premiums, Including Deed and Certlftc posited with the National Bank of the Republic 8800,000 Z !? am, Ae.d.ra, or tab Cb.rlMtoo, ?. C. by 69, and aitnated corner of King and M rental of about $20,000 from Opera House, Stoi well known to be the Snest building and n At ananas, a a 74 01ft?Cub 3d am?cub 4 lb (11A?Cllh MtMMt* 4th Ollt?Cub 36 Glfta?Caab.../. each ! 36 Gift*?Caah * e?ch 360 Glfta?Caab - .........each 360 Uim?Caab <.aaob 600 Glfta?Oaab. 1360 Glfta?Caab each 3,404 Glfta, amount to BUTLER, CHADWl AGHTT0 SOUTH QAH0LIMA LAUD k Qoueritl RV. John thnr Gcucrul RI o rA\i\/TcflTAVrt?a avn oitd VVHOttaCJIVilAltO ?VI , (liQiril A. H. Wright, of Georgia. General Dradly T. Jobmon, of \ irgiola. Jane t ... 6 The State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF GRKENVILLK. Coarl of Common Plea*. William Al ay field Aoignee, Hamlin Beat tie,, Adralntrator, and W. R. I'bllHpe Indoreeo Plaintiff*. AO At!**T William Weal, 8. Junta Wail and Tlioma* W. West, Defendant*. To tbe Defendant*, William Weat, 8. Jauc* Wait and Thome* W. Weat. '\TOU are hereby rannoned and required to p anawer tbe complaint in thl* action, Which 1* tbi* day filed In tbeoffieeof tbe Clerk of Common Plea*, for the laid County, and to aenra a copy of your anawer to the aaid eon* plaint on tbe enbacriber* at their office, in tbe Oity of Greenville Sonth Caroline, within twenty day* after tbe aervio* hereof, excluaive of the day of aneh service j and If yon fail to anewar the complaint within the time aforesaid, lb* plaintiff In tbia action will apply to tbe Conrt for tha relief demanded in tbe cumplaint. "Dated at Greenrtlla, 8. G., May 10th, 1871. KART.K A BLYT11K, Plaint id's Attorney. To the Defendant*, I. Janes Weit and Thomas w. west t TAKK notice tbmt the fiommoni in thia action. of which the foregoing < a copy, waa fll.d in the office ol tbe Clerk of Ibe Court of Common Pleaa, at Greenville Court llouae, in (intnrllla County, South Caroline, on tbe lOtb day of May, 4871. KAUI.R A BLYTHK. . 1'laintiflTa Attorney. Greenville C. II., 8. C. May 17 3 e The State of South Carolina. GUEKNV1LLE COUNTY Mm C??rl Common Plena. HVffiam Date i A Co., Plain tiffe, againet Dalit J lout a rd. Defendant. BY virtue of tbe Judgment of Forecloeure and Sale In thlecaee, I will aell at Oroenvtlle Court llouae, In tbe County and State aforesaid, on Saleaday In July next, all tbat i>iec/7 perccl and let of Land, containing three ad one-half aerer, more or leaa, aituato, lying and being on Rhett and * Htreeta, In the City of Greenville, In tbe County and State e fore raid, being the tame on which tbe aid Batte Howard now reaider, and whlrb waa conveyed to him by Meaea W. Finger.? Tbia property la eligibly located, and ia very valuable. ] Txaua?Ooo-tblrd of tbe purabaee money { to tail mid In 'Caeb, on Ibe day ot aala ; tha ra- ( mainder at aix and twelre montlia from day of w j | ?m v^na? iiiiiBiinrnn, Willi j interact from dtU of aale, secured by hood , and Mortgage of ibe premitea. l'urebuacra to ' pay for ilanpi and papera. J. h. SOUTHERN, 8. O. C. Junt llbi 18TI. 6?td FINANCIAL." THE UNDERSIGNED WILL 1 BUY AND SELL ' GOLD AN ?SILVER. ALSO, \ BUY AND SEEL, I EXCUJiJYGE i | ON ? New York, Baltimore, 1 Philadelphia, i/naneston, w ANI> OTHER CITIES. 8 T. W. DAVI8. b Grooavillo, B. C., Jan* ft, 1071. J<"?? t ft t| ATTENTIONS 1 Tn* ot C,t' *n<' County RoUll !> ?! ? h requ?<u<l to tbo followIn* i _ Owing to tbo deprciaod condition of boat* J dmi, nod bolng an* loo a to rodoeo atook, C JOHN 8. FAIULEY ft CO., \ R?. ?T llgyne Streot, Will ofliar to tba Trad# during tbo proaont v month, tbolr rrry attraeti-ro and rompUto j, atook at TIN (IS) FKR CENT. HKLOW I , HBW YORK JOBBER'S PRICES III L y TRR >1St FOR ALL BILLS UNDER $100. CASH OR APPROVED ROTE AT THIRTY HAYS, wltb latoraat from data of pnrahaao, at p 17 por owl. aaraanaa, 0 FOE All 1XLL9 OVEE $100, r A PPROVXD ROT IS AS ABOVE, AT FOUR o (4) MONTHS, on aaaigtapao, Rill ba ao- a Irinni (* ebaoR j Tholr Stock oontlala of tbo largoat rartatjr n to bo fonnd In tboCtty, of Struw and M Minora V ssS SjzyttiSzy-.'utT". i ?d8?5rSS^ v?- r j-J ., ,?? * 7 - I and a Large Stock o so choice a, selection ? I_jlu i :__J . I.OOO TDN_ AWAY! ' CAROLINA ATION ASSOCIATION 8?ate Agricultural and MaphaniCal doolety," t tb? Academy of Made, ObartCeton, 0. C., >f raising a (bad to enaUa emigrants to Mttlo not of Northern and European farmers and , bair transportation tbltbsr and support for the 0soars 1 Wads Hampton, Hon. B. F. Perry, pod, lion. Arm la toad Bart, Hon James Cbess >n, Andrew Slmonds, Esq., Hon. O. A. TrennpbalL of tba Series of Concerts to oommenoe on tbo ?, Charleston, S. C., on which day tba Draw SIM. &III It MUM. IT $5 UH sit of Title to Academy of Muele, will bo dei, Now York. . coat to build $230,000, hafiai on annual arket atroota, In tho eontro of tno city, and and Ilallai tbo buildlog being about 230 foot loat valuable pioperty In Cbarloaton ; valued $230,000 100,000 23,000 .. 10,000 .. 3,000 91,000 23,000 300 12,300 100 33,000 30 1 12,300 25 12,500 10 r. 12,500 9300,000 CK, GARY & CO., IND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. Ck Battler, ) Iwick, K?q.. \ Charleston, 8. C. . W. Onry, ) KRVI80R8 OF DRAWING : Colonel D. II. Rutlcdgc, of South Carolina, lion. Roger A. 1'ryor, of Now York. 1m Notice. T>? pott Cott.*cTon'a Omci, ) Oreenvllb-, 8. C., May 22, 1871. ) BY virtue of an order from U. M. Wei lace, Collector 8d Diet., S. C? I will eell to the highc<t bidder, at Greenville Court Iloue*, on Monday, 3th day of June, 1871, at 11 o'clock A. M.t the following eon flreated property, via : One Keg of Whlaky, and one seed farm ilorae, being tho properly which wne seized'in the City of Greenville, on or about tho 20lh day of April, Irom Jeremiah Tinel"v. AttO, One Keg of Whiaky^ which win ?< iz*d on 111* Ail, A., nt A.x-11 .... j - ' - .1 n|U n, aiii'irvitu 1U UO I lie property ol A. J. Wuid. T*rnia oa*li. A. L COBB, 4-2 May 24 Deputy Collector. For Sale* A BAY II0R8E nearly *lxteen hifcdi blgb, lino under the and work* well any\U where. Warranted to be per* feetly BOUND and (1 KNTI.K. Apply to Dr. .tame* V. Furmin, or Julia* C. Bmith, E?q. May 17 2 2 Notice 18 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that 1 will apply to >4. J Doulliit, Probate Jtiilre of Greenville County, on the 80th day of June next, for a final (Uncharge a? Admlnla?rator ot the Kttate of THOMPSON W. TltAYNHAM, deceased. A. 0. STEPP, Adm'r. May 25'li, 18*71. 4-5 m, o. nt'TLKn. r r mcdek. c. c *tkpiikn* BUTLER, McBEE & STEPHENS, Attorney* and Counsellors at Law and in Equity, ! GREENVILLKi S. C.* Will Fraetioa in tha Courta of tha State and of tha United SUUa. M ay 31 4 tl Notice 18 hereby given to oil whom it may eoncorn, that I will wppljr to 8. J. iJouMiit, I'robate Judge of Greenville County, no the 10th day of July neat, for a Final diasharge ae Administrator of the Rotate of IAMK8 W. TOMPKINS, deeeared, there. ror--, all parties having claim* %gi?in?t said ' K?tate, will present them on or before said I lay. JOHN II. TOMPKIN8. ' Adm'r ' May 20. 1871 -45 ' - . 1 Notice r8 hereby given to all whom St may con cern, that I will apply to 8. J. Pout hit, ^obate Judge of Greenville County, on he 80th day of June noxt, for a final die iharga a* Administrator of the Estate of ?OItMAN OAMURKEL, deceased A. 0 8TRPP, Adm'r. May 25th, 1871. 4 5 "Tax Trials^ or a floosagaKPan" are ..... ?*|rcri?nced ny (now who UM Doolty's [emit Powder now unlveraally known throughlit tl)? country aa the beat. It ia alwaye i ?ady, a I w? y a reliable, god roqulraa from a. J bird to I half lore than thoao of common aanufaetnra. Thia la owing to the porfaot i >urlty of the Ingredient* entering into ita , ompnaition, which Inaurea the aama reault ' rverf time. Hlaculta, rolla, he., ean he made rith It In ton mlnutee, and aueh aa can he ateo with Impunity by inralidaor dyapcptioa, for aalo by every firet-cinea grocor. 6? ] 1 1 1 V o < Patau Ftonibb?$860.?The Proprietor of lie "Vbrkrllle Knqulrer" offare Tkrta 11mm. red Dollar* In prlaea for the beat Original ' torlea delivered to him by the 15th of Octo* ier. 1871. For farther particular!, addreaa L. M. ORI8T, Yorkrllle, 8. C. May 14 * I ' ??????????? , rho State of South Carolina. , GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff^ Sales. SY virtue of aundry Write of f'arl Faelat, to me directed, I will eell, before the , ??rt Tfouae door, on SmUe-dag fa J nig next, etween the boura of 10 o'eloek In the fore* ( oon and S o'elook In the afternoon, , AH thai Tract of Land, situated In Oreen111# County, watora of North Saluda River uown a? the i, E. Turner Tlaee, contain eg 4.80 aoroe, more or lore, adjoining landa f T. R Allen, Jamee Gornell and otnere, Atao, . AH that Tract of Land, known aa the T. t. Allen pUoo, containing 887 aorao, mova r 1???. adjoining landa of J. K. Tumor, W. ] i rn-L. - ?J ~ ? * " p. imwwar mhhi inu ovnera. LtTltd * a m the pro party of John F. Hightower, t th# au'.t of Jooaa Harrlaon, Ouardlao. a loo, Afl that Traat of Jjtnd, oon tain log ninety " z aarm, mora or laea, and adjoining land#of P. Dttl, Alfrad Haiklii and othart.? oatad on aa thn properly of John L. Weal- k inraUnd at (ha Stilt of 8. J. Doulhit, Pro- $ Ma Judge. n TRRMH CA8II.?Purehaaara to pay for nepa and papara. a J. L. 80UTIIKRN, 8. O. C. Sheriff"* Oflloa. Jnna T 1B7I. a--* * % f Dry Goods, Clothin of Goods, at such lot neiHpnis, t JEFFERSON DA butler & black, A SOUTHERN AND I ATTENTION TO THE SURREND AMI OTHER A OFFERED BY T May I HONEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOR SIGHT IB PRICHLK8UI BUT THB DIAMOND BPXOTA* CLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If Yon Ynlno Yonr Eyctlglit USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. 8ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, Melted together, and derive their name " Diamond " on aceotint of their llardtieaa and Brilliancy. They will lalt many yeara wlthoat ehanR*. and are warranted auperior to all othera. manufactured l>y J. E. SPENSER & CO., N. Y. Caution ?None genuine unltu atamped with our trade mark. J. C. C. TURNER. Sole Agent for Greenville, 8. C. From whofn they ?an only be obtained. No Pedlera employed. May 10 1 ly PDBE LIBERTY _. WHITE LEAD. Buy the Beet?It ie the Cheapest. :o: To Con*umcr$ of White Ltod Krerywhtre. XT IS UNEQUALED. let. For Wearing and Covering Properllea. 2d. For WhlteneM and* Beauty of Fioiah. Jld. For Unl'O'm Finencaa of Gr:ndlng. 4th. Some Weight will do more and bolter work, at a given coat, than any other*? Bth. Moat Economical White Lead ever in? traduced. 6th. If yon wish to proonre as much value a* poaail.le for your money and eeenre liandaonie and durable work, uao PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it and he convinced. Satisfaction guranlced by tho*Manutacturcra. ZIEGLE k SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glaaa Dcaleia, i><>. 197 norm intra street, rhiladelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX Sc MARKLEY. DEALERS IN Coach MaUliials, Paint*, 021, Glass. Patty, Ac , GREENVILLE, S. C. MayS 62 tf . Paris Mountain FOR. SiLLE. . this qr Acres, firnterly the residence ul General Wafldy TUaipinn.situate flee railea from the City of Greenville, is offered ror rate. There are two comfortable dwelling bouses on the premises with all neeraaary out buildings. There ia a fine orchard of choice fruit treea. Two or 'hree hundred acres have been cleared, and was formerly in cultivation. The aituntiou ia a magnificent one for a country reaidenec, commanding nn extensive view of the Mountains, the City of Greenville, and the surrounding country. There is a fine spring of water on the mountain near the residence. The soil ia productive and fine erupt were grown on the place during the lif. time of General Tliornp Ion. The property will be eold low for siifli, and A (frott bargain intr h* obtained. Appljr to Ue??ri. PERRY & PERRY, At QroenvlJIe, 8. C , or to tlio Proprietor at Madieon, Florida, CAROLINE C. JONES. ' Mar 21 40 U 0M WMzzrSEz Water wheel, Mill Qearin&ShaftinUTulleys LrlOKND FOR A CIRCULAR^K^l !> ? 4 2V ly SPARTANBURG p a i> d ! k n v i>_ ii7 a oa\t : UiiuuiilVJb 06 II i\UU!N lfl AN U FACTORY. HAVING recently obtained an outfit of new and improved machinery, we are prepared to RUILI) and REPAIR ill claries of Carriages, Boggles & Wagons Having Mthful and experleneed work* men, and good malarial, we will allow no ?t? to eaeel ua. Our work ia doaa under the aopervtaion >f an experienced Meehenie. 'Iliore wishing to purchase anything In >lir line, will do well to call and aee our work. ir All work warranted for two years. c FOWLER, FOSTER A CO.. Bparlanburg 0. II.. ft. 0. May S 64 0 King's Mountain j MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKVILLE B, O. TIIK Second &?aaton of Iho veur of 1871, wilt baglo ttflBon ih. U of Jnly. ^90 Trbm* ?For Hohool KxpantM, { # f Tuition, Hooka, Stationary, s , Boarding, roel, Ltglita and Washing; Its In sarranay, por session of Do* i on', ht. J For olroulars aonlalning full particulars, 4 pplyto Cm.. A. (50WARD, PrlnclpaUnd Proprietor. p funs 7J ? 4 # * ro, Shoes, Groceries, d c prices, ' URANE COMPANY, enkes9ee. t; VIS, -FKJSSID'T. , STATE AGENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED / ' ^ ER VALUE PLAN, tDYANTABEf; HIS COMPANY.. H ? tl 1871. ?Pr?n*Trade, jgjf Croquet. Complete lets from $3 to 920 pet set. Base Bui In. ' All the different kind* at reduced prices. Flailing Turkic. Ofovery description. Traveling Bag*. For ladies and gontlemen. Foreign Fancy Uoods. Gun* mid PIsioU of ull Kind* and Price*. Animunlllnn. SporUntcu'* Good*. Good, shipped to any part of the country per express. Tbe rnnto cnreful attention given to orders by mail ns to perannal purchases. Prices for our goodi bated (M gold at par. P0UL7NEV, TRIMBLE 6. CO., 200 17. HA LTD/ORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 40 ly THE 8TO n. B . W. II. IIoVEY & Co. Have received a i.aroe and BEAUTIFUL STOCK IN THEIR LINE. V STAPLE Q000Sj m\m 6ood?, <#***?, TRIMMINGS, H0SX1AY, !L?Vig^., HANDKERCHIEFS, READY MADE CLOTHING, *=? H OBS, HAT 8, tto O. ALS ? . ^ Now and desirable patterns in PAPER HANGINGS. C IJ ItTAIN fV BORDERING AND SCREENS. All of which will be offered at the lowest prices. Our Customers and the Public aro invited to call and examine. w. II. IIOVKY, S. A. TOWN KB. April 20 61 t tr Farm and Residence FOR SALE. rpiiis.fitrrw?????iUL,ofli;r? for nil* liia X, ' (1 IlKKN " FARJf, oTmtbni Uun. I drod Aero*, a little tnoro than a milo from tbo corporate limits of Oreenyillo. The House I* a large and comfortable one, containing eight rooms with flro-place*, and two others without Aroplaccs. On the place aro orchards of Apple, Cherry and l'each Trees, a body of Woodland, n pioce of very rich IIOTTOM LAND, and a largo bed of ctny suitable for brick ranking, out ot which large profit may be Made, 'J'ho place is supplied with an obundunwb of most excellent water, one of tho springs behig strongly chalybeate. FUR TEltM8, apply to the subscriber at (1 reonviilo. JAMES C. FL'IIMAN. Mar 16 46 tr 18 A OARI). 71 f$> MY FMEND8 AND PAT FTvVJroni have my thnnk* for pant tttiiiSfavors, Ac. I continue to make KkeJ addition* to my Stock of JEWEL- KftAiSfl*; TIY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPEC JSS3L TICLE9, 8 T L V F. K P L ATF.P E5QM \f AUK. TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. PpcoUl attention given to repairing fine Wntohe*, and Time Piecee of every description. JAMES 0. BLACK. Jan 18 86 tf HO!-FOR THE MOUNTAINS! WEAE) MOTEL, Blue Bidgo Mountains, JMcD. CARSON, Proprietor, i? now e op*n and ready for t|<c reception of guest*. Having made many improvement* ae to accommodation*, road*, Ac, and encored an eflioirnt eorpa of acrvnnt*, including Laondrvaaea, Ae., the proprietor, hope* to merit a continuance of the liberal pntrontge cxlendc I to liiin the lnr.t season. IiaU* of Hoard?Per Day,$2; per Week, MO; per Mouth, $82. May 17 2 4 , I^ITMBER SAWING. nAVINO ptirchaeed ft flret elnee POR- 1 TABLE ENGINE and SAW MILL, of 1 Ano capacity. I am now ready to take cen;rn I e lot' Billa of Lumber of all deaciipion* on *1 oil notice. Peraon* haying )?anlation? with limber deciriog me, I , ivlll m'?ye on their land* for a Llll sufficient ? juatlfy. They can find m* or leave tftca wgt-e (but would prefer nolo* deeeiUdng heir buslncer) at my Tailoring Ketaidifhncnt, near New Court ttonse, where 1 will continue that bnalneaa for the no omodation of thoea who prefer'toy work, tnd will continue my \>nt emitting rfftfrte to< ?lta?e, in quality of work and economy of nnteilftl. YM. R. BRECO. May 3 ??T ' . 6 . . ? ' f Spring and Summer MILLINERY. MISS McKAY haa returned from New York, and opened flj^B an_ d<jjajaa? *0 rtmiatof M I I' I' 1 INKKY, annotating of ' DonntU ud Hatt of tha la ^HJ^V U?t aljlaa for Ladiaa, Chtb WJ\A dron and lafantaf alao Rib* wWf bona of all toidllia, FloWora, j M?, !Wt and Ifair Oooda, Ladlat and Cbtl* rana Bulla, do. , All ordara will raoalra rar.ful and 1 rompt atlantlon. \ April 'id M If r ic, and assure my Cu* 10*?:...* ILiU. im-JL 1,1 H GP vDficS H ' >? > w Bii ? KJ & ? H Bi <S A.ME) IF DRESSED Flooring, Calling, Weather Bonrd Over admndrad different Pattern* of Mo lor nle at New York price*. Mantel-Pieces, 1) hort notice. Stair ltall, NeweU and Dullustors to order. (Jood and Subsfnntlnl Work tnitdtf m cLcnp I'nltod .State*. We have on band the largest el Unit in.ore, nil of which we guarantee will give Substantial Work. The tul ?erlt>cr* can refer to Carolina and Florida, a* to the character of tbei w Oppoolto Wando Fertllitci Work*, and In Pavilion Hotel*. Mare P - .1 ...! CONSUMPTION. Its Curo and Its Proventivo, 1JV J. II. SCI1ENCK, M. I>. MANY a human being ha* pa**od away, for whose death tburo was no other reason than tho neglect of known and indisputably proven tueana of euro. Those neur ntul dear to family and friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber Into which, had they caluily adopted ? DR. JOSEPH II. 8CIIF.NCKS SIMPLE < Til WlTW I' *? ? pioro mo ciro. it enter* at onco rpon it* work. Nature cannot bo cheated. It collect* ami ripons tho impaired and diseased portion* of the lung*. In the form of gathering*, it prepare* tlicm for expectoration, and to ! in a ! vcty *hort time the mslndy I* vanquished, the rotten throno that, it occupied i? renovated and tnadu new, and tho patient, in all the dignity of regained vigor, step* forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that wn*. UIVKN UP AS I OST. The second thing ia, tho patient* must stay in a warm room until they get well*; it ia nU most imposaihlo to'prevent taking cold when the lung* aro diseased, hut it must he prevented or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this section of the country in the fall and winter soason, aro all wrong. Physician* who recommend that course loso their pnticnts, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they are in tho houso they must nut wit down quiet; they inu.-t walk about the room *s much and n* fust a* tho strength will bear, to get up a good circulation ot blood. Tho patients must kocp in good spirits?be determined to get well. This I tins a great deal to do with the appetite, and 1 is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such cviJenco of its I pn**ibility in the woiat case*, and mornl err- t tainty in all others, is ainful. Dr. Folic nek's personal statcinont to tho Faculty of his own I cure wn* in these modest words t " Many yenrs ago I was in the last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, and nl one time my physiciuns thought that I could not . live a week ; then, like a drowning tusn catch. ing nt straws, 1 beard of nnd obtained the proparutivu? which I now tffer lo the public, nnd they rondo n perfect euro ol tne. It sccnu-d to me I but I could feel them ponctrato my whole , system. Tficy noon ripened tbe matter in my I lulled, and I would spit up moro than a pint of offensive yellow matter ovcry morning for ' a lung time. As soon os tliat began to subside, m/ cough, fever, pnin nnd night swents nil begnti to leave roc, and my nppetito became so great % Hint it wus with difficulty that 1 could keep from eating too inuoh. I aoon gained my strength, and hare grown in flesh sver since. ' " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only pounds I my present weight is two buudred and twenty-five f226J pounds, and for years I linvo enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Bchonck has discontinued his professional visits to New York nnd Boston, lie tjr Ins son, Dr. J. II. Schenck, Jr., still continue / to seo patientsst their ofllco, No. 15 North Sixth \ itroet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from V A. 51. to 3 P. M. Thoso who wish a thorough examination with tho Itespiromoter will T>e charged ?.">. Tho Tlespirometor declares tho 1 exact condition of the lungs, and patients can ^ readily loarn whether they arc curable or not. ^ The directions for taking tbo medicines are ndanteil to the intelligcuco even of a child, follow these directions, and kind-Nature will .. do Hie rest, excepting that in soma oases the 11 Mandrake# Pills are to bo taken in iuMpased loses ; tho three mcdiolnss need nglMftr so ? Mimpanimcnts than the ample in^.tusMHtibut socompany them : First create Of returning health hungor is the mSHtmne 1 lymplom. When it comes, as it wNKRtc, lot I lie dospairing at ore# be of go<id cheer. Hood lilood at once follows, the oough loosens, the ?| night sweat Is abated. In n short tltna both .. jf these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. Scbonek'a medicines are constantly kept f| in tens of thousands of fsiuiltes. As a laxative or pnrgntlrc, tho Mandrake Pills are a itandard preparation > whilo the Pttlmunio . Syrup as a curer of coughs and oolds, may be ,l regarded as a propliylnotcrie against cousuinp- " tion in any of its form*. *" Price of tbe Pnlmnnlo Syrup and Son weed w runic, (1,50 a bottle, or (7-50 a half dusen. ei Mandrake Pills, 25 oents a box. For sale by HI druggists and doelers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. If UN ItY, No. I College Place, New York City. March 32 4ft ly w WM. SHEPHERD & CO., Vo. 24, Ifaynt Stretl, Charluton, ft. C. Cr>*AL?m in iOOKJNO fVTuVES, RANOER AND , J llenting Stove*. Picture* of Stove* with price* dceoriptlon wl!l b?Mnt up J > cppliettion . <tS*tinr n lj " % stomers that I have n t.? <% t * s f . . . ? ?: ? - ...... I..I.UVU wvuirvivniui ma wonut'.'iui ciiit'n- ' clous medicines, they would not have Mien. I Dr. Rchcnk )ui ill hi* own ense proved thnl wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vital* | ity, hy his medicine* and the direction* (or their use, i* quickened into henllhful vigor. In this statement there is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of tho invalid is utndo no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. Tho theory of the euro hy l)r, Sehenck's medicines is ns simple as it ia unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument.' It is selt-as uring, self-convincing. The Scawood Tonie and Mandrake Pills arc tho flrsttwn weapons with whicji tho citadel of tho malady is nssailod. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition tubes " sympathize " with tuC stomach. They respond (o iLo tnofblflc action of the liver. Jlcfe then comes the culminating result, and the setting in, with nil its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pill* are composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?tho Podcpbillium l'cltutiiin. They possess nil ttie blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel, they LEAVE NO STING DEI1IND." Tho work oi cure is now leginnitig. The * it iated and mucous deposits iu tho bowels and in the alimentary cunal are ejertcd. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. Tho stomach acts rcsponaivcly, and tho poticnt begins to feel thut ho is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD I1LOOD. The Scawood Tonic, In conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with tho food. Chy I iQrat ion is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the cure Is seen to lie at hand. There is no mora flatulence, no exacerbation of tho stomach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the grcatost lllood Purifier ever yet given by nn indulgent father to suffering man. Sehenck's Pulmonic Syrnp come* in to perform its functions nnd to hasten and com >bA*IV& HXfcfc. a, Shelving, Uox Board*. Ac., Ac. ^ "l-S nR"< making over U'0,000 feet on band ^ i<>or and Window Frame* utndo to order at ' of Wulnut and Slaboguny, on bond and mode ^ at tills eatnbllabtneni a* can be made In the t< lock of tbo above Uoada aoutb of tho City ol t< eQtiro *nti*ftietlon l-? alt wlio want flowl anp gentlemen all over tbla State, ticorgla, North , x work tor tbc mut twenty yean. f, . P. lUJSSEL!' & CO., r EAST KND lIA8Ef, 8TKEKT. q tbo Immediate vicinity of Charleston aod h 15, 1871. 43-t 8 21 j O HARRISON 4 ! MARSHALL: ?ESIJ1E to Inform (lie public that titer ' bare a i< FULL STOCK OF 1 DFLXJGS, ttoC., 81 On hand, and nrc anxious lo dispose of litem for CASH. A? mnnrjr U llglit and timet nra dull, we have reduced tlia piicoof many artie'os. We have juit received a laige lot of Cigars and Tobacco* * Which wo will e.dl cheap for Cash. llnve just received fine WINES, CIIAM- 1 P AON Ft*. ALES and PORTERS at reduced piles, Juet received, cheaper than ever, WIIITE " LEAD. PAINTS, COLORS, LINSEED r OIL. VAllNISHE*. Art. Onr Stock Of MiUGS and STANDARD PREPARATIONS Is complete, and at cheap at can be bought in any Retail e?lahlLhtncnt. j We are cow rent,leg our I SODA FOUNTAIN, ' And aa wc have PJ.ENTY OF ICE ] IT WILL BE KEPT FIEID HOT i All the Summer. * _____ r Nf. II.?Those Indebted lo ua for Old j Accoiiuta, will pleaae take notice that they ? must tenia up hy the firet of May, aa Ion- ? ger indulgence will not I c given, Hereof, tcr wc will iell tlriclly fin Cath, f April VI 49 tl t COLUMBIA HOTEL, tOM MIRIA, S. C., VT^JL. GOP.MAN, rttouRiKToa. J r|"MlE Piopr otor of the pleasantly located J L and elegantly furnished Establish- ' nienf, at the State Capital, detlrea lo inform ' the travelling public and others seeking no? ' commodallons. lliat the "Columbia" is in evcry rcepect a fl'?t?elo?s Ilotel. un'tn pasted , by any in the State or the United States f Situated in the business centre of the city, with fine large niry room*, and a table eup- J piled with every delicacy of the season, both from New York and Charleston markets, the Proprietor pledges that no efforts will be spared to give per fect satisfaction in every respect. A first class Liverr Stable is attached to ? the llntst, where vet?lcb-a ?>t every descrip , lion can be had nlthe shortest notice. I Omnibuses attend lire arrival and depar- ? toio of every Train. WM CtlKMAN, Proprietor and Superintendent. , J. D. BUDDS, Cashier. Fob Id 89-tf I Land for Salo, j rpho subscriber offers for sale pand situa- ? JL t?d somo nine mt'?, below the City of . (Jreonrile, on of Driicliy Crock, An dor ion Conn'.y. ]n tbo Tract are 222 Acres, 80 r?f wlrirli are bottom and 20 nsu .*fccond Dot- * lom. There arc good honsos, stables, smoke houses, corn erlbs, Ac. This I.snd is superior, L ?nd under good cultivation, and will ho sold ^ ?vu|> i?r ca*i?. Apply lit once, if you wi*h o invest. J J. THACK.VTON. ^ Mar 29 47 :im ^ WM.J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. t LOCATED on Villi Street, one square of Messrs. (Tower, Cox A (IIIAKITE of all description* [ furnished and cut to order. TOM1ISTONES, with ! runito or Martde L IVJmIaIi may he bad on application, a Special attention guaranteed to all 1 vork. 36-tf Jan 18 B. WIIERLE, QRSENVIIL1.E S. O. DKALEIt IK V GOLD DID SILTED WATCHES. BLOCKS, JEWELRY, ? SPECTACLES, " 8 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, 1ILVER & SILVEU-PLATED <; -mmr /m. mm mc* l. Iff WORK of all discripliona iiv hi* ne dona proii>ptly._ffl Oct 27 28 1 POWDER Una long bean regarded ?*?? and lionpetl Baking I'owdrr in use. l'< ifectly urn and healthy It makes. at short no ca, delicious Biscuits, Hulls, Ac. There i tod l>e no waste of food prepared with It, " i it is alwaja of the best quality. We oahl saj to those who have nrv-r ua*d that a very few trials will enable them e| to use if, not only a 1th entire satisfaction ' ,t lit with eeonomy. l'ut tip tutx, NI;T eight, aa represenle 1, Oroecra is', at a sell it. DOOLKY A BROTIlP.Tt, Prop's, 69 Arte S/reet, Aew IV* Cry. April ft 48 An, a j '. K. asai.av. a. a. wells EA8LKY ft WELLS, ',{ tttorneys and Counsellors at Law ?> AiVU X IN *i^UITY, J] rtRKKN VILLE, 8. C., 11 PR tCTICK in the Court# of the Rial* and P1 of tbo United Rtriten, and give e?|>oe|al Itentlon to ea?ea in llanVmptcy. JunotS ? , ^ lever before been H. C. MARK. - * fo Good Health. Without m Pare Blood. BR. CUZKNEITg fPIKENAKD AKD QUEEN-8 D LIQHT VILL PURIFY TUB BLOOD!" AMD REMOVE Lifer CompUinf, RheamnBi^Fiini*, 8*mful*. Carbuncle*^ WLM Akin Dfceaarta, Paine in thn 1^3 iiontt, Dyepepeia, I)iaea?e? of lie Kidney* arid 'Bladder, pain in the* i.ick and Loioe, and all thn vmiou* LiiroenW produced br Impure lllocxl nd Vitiated Secretion*. Buy 01*f BottU and try if, and if it' jilt to give o,?y relief, bug no twros DR GLAZEKEKY3 LCNIMBKT or PATJf XTltACTOK i* goo-l In Rheumatl-m. Nenalgin, Headache, Puln in the Back, prntne, Ae. Hit OLAZKNEIttt FAMILY VEOETAILE I.IVE't PILUBare anl? remedial ag*ni* 9 "vnrenrnn 1 VrntiMwnimt* of the Liver end j Purify the Blow. int. olazbnek'4 cour.rr relief u xcelUnt for *11 eaie? of Coagh of any kiod, cm Group to Contumpttorr; although not reommendrd to cure the laltrr dieeae?r eat relief will follow It* dm. The above Medicine* (We pr pared " > ''rDR GILES L. GLAZfiJJWlk Manufacturing Druifgiet/ Gieeovtlle, S. dr ticld by Drugglete generally. May 10 1 If Notice [S hereby given to all whom it may eon* corn, that ( will apply to S J. DouthI, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on he 30th da wf June next. for a final dl?? Iinrge aa Guardian of ELLA W. JOJ4S.ON. A. C. STIJPr. G'uarJSnn! May 25th, 1871. 4 B' ?? u- r PHOTOGRAPHING. HAVING recently fitted up the room a over Whitmirc A I'ergnaon'a Store, riili elegant 1 iiflila, I am prcpatod to do II kind* of PHOTOGRAPHING, at very hurt notice. Hatlafaclion gnorented to nlf. W. M. WUEELRIl. May 21 3 tf 1 rhe Southern Hotel . ?>*> HAS lioan r> fitted and put in complete older lor #$Bui3^t',e accommodation of the ,rnve''nff public. Ilitca of joaid rtaaonablc. Call and give me a -i-1 J. O. YKARG1N. May 3 63 3'" DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! JQ. McDAVID graduate of tho Pannayly an in College of Dutiful Surgery, acasion 866-07, icapeetfiilly offer* hi* profeMtona! crricca to the citizen* of Grccnvillo and grounding country. Having acquainted himnnlf with the modern inproronionta of hia profeaalnn. he hope*, by trict attention to buidne**, to be able to give ati* faction. Offico on the corner of Coffoo and Main Hreeta, In II. A. Cauble'a former reaidence, ip at itlr*. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. 1?. R. Mar 22 40 .1m 5 v c _ c ci c 5 . t | o * ige# * f Cf) _ ,Z o ? ?j |X s - 5 m 9 H?=i2v:,Iu-6 X 2 *?s c?a?.g 5 |\s El's l-1"=-|J|-5 ? st?^r ?o=(5^S 5 ?< r3 s :j?1 E 5 C ')* ?? ? ? S ? *? 14 t ^ a ?)? ^ as |.stjiius!? -5 ?* M A .!.? S.?- ft i ~ ? E - |w^ w. v? H S *-*,, < i xa ? ** ^ fc? ?*9S: = ?? ?J -j g 0 .S.g-5- 5-r J -.t^s "K _ S #5^ S^IcSc-v-? ^ S?^<? s 1 ^als^a o* S s ?a'.4.J fs-t , f k * f &s | J if-1 iKwiisll-sai'.^ . g*=m'l:i vl: 4 g|?| = ^i a^Jo jSie 5 I!?~j3|Sfl'gS-JsJ 5 S 1i^fS if-5 J sl s-2 ST J K-Mj-8 5|5-S3?3s.: = grilMiiii-r B. WEHBLE 111 AS iust returned with a well nJ selected Stook of BATCHES, CLOCKS, p, jewelry, DUD SILVER AEMD MM;. Table Cutlery, &c. II IS Stock was personally deleted from the best nouses in his* nc, and can guarantee satisfaction... vit in 22 If iPRING & S6IMEK Just Roturned ffo^n Ifer* YorK **1' ING8 liat raw,,> * rail atocli of MII,?sSNBB 'itNBHI iind othar <1 0 O P 8, JBkRK| '"It'll to tha wnnt* and dt'lrr? of tho ladloa, to whloh ?ho PM liy woald invito an examination.? W/TM Rh* wlllharonORANnol'KN^l 41 IXft on Thiiradny. 27th ln*t,< VI#T and will bo plaaaod to aoe arttft f her frlet.d* on tha occualon ? ? >a tima ?.o atUinri. Location, on? floor holow the wclIk?H0wrt ?t? of Me??r?. W. II. Horry A Co. April *?l 61 if NOTICK r? HRRRBY GIVEN to all wtanrtlln^v L ronoarn, that I will apply HM.?. IViituProbata Judge of OrrenvljW flptthty, on i? 8th day of Jon? neat, for nFtftnl targe aa Administrator of th? Rafale ?f aid Barton, drcoesrd ; thrrrfora, a)l * oe having eUlma again*! e*td v #l. rrernt ihrni on or bafore * ... ' -.n ibaritJ. JhFFF- ^ ?jVbJ u... - .. OV BARTON. " A'*niii?l?'rflfftr' ofh, H7I. 1"*5