University of South Carolina Libraries
OFFICIALActs and Joiat Besolati<ms Patted L cgialatart?Rftloa. 1870 AN ACT TO 1NCORPORATK THR CAM DEN STEAM MILL COMPANY. Stttloo 1. B? U enacted by the Senate and House of Represent* t Wee of the State of South Caroliaa, now met aod sitting is General Assembly, and by the authority of - -ov . ? t j fiwiue mo Bllllfj IDtl WUU NRVI *v, M. ve * - m and Walter P. Reid, and their associates and successor*, are hereby constituted a( body politic and corporate. by the name of the Camden Steam Mill Company, with power to one and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, in all the Court* of law and K*|wity,( may enjoy all the privilege* inch dent to Corporation*, and may purchase, hold and convey real and personal estate to nn amount not exceeding twenty-five thou sand dollars. See. 2. The business of raid Company shall be grinding grain, ginning cotton hulling and pressing eottnn seed, or any other similar meehanical and industrial pursuit they may ebooee to embark in, in the town oi Camden, South Carolina. The book* for subscriptions to the capital stock of Said Company (hall be open by the above natnrd person*, in Camden, as soon a* convenient after the granting of this charter, in shares of twenty-five dollars each. SaiJ corporation may have and use a common seal, which they may alter at pltunrt. Sec. 3. The shares ahall be deemed personnl property, aod be traoaferred only on the books of raid Company, Id such form aa the Directors iray prescribe. The aaid Company ahall, at all time*, have a llrn on all the atock or property of the members of aaid corporation. Aod no transfer of ecrip or atock ahall be Taltd until euch debt, it any, alia'.l be discharged ; and said corpora* tion may orgtnire, go into operation and commence business whenever, and as soon as five thousand dollars to aaid atock shall be subscribed for, and five dollars per share of the some paid into the treasury of said Company, in cash, and a ecrtifiicate signed by the l'residont and Secretary of said Company under oath. Betting foitli said subscription and payment, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 4. Tho stock, property and affairs of said Corporation shall be roannged by a Hoard of Directors, not less than three, nor more than five, one of whom shall be cho sen by inem t resident ana an 01 wnom shiii hold their offices for one year, and unlit oth. era are chosen ; and said Directors ohall he annually elected, at such times and places as the hy laws of said Corporation shall pre acribe. A majority of said Directors shall in all cases constitute a Doard for the trans action of business, and a majority of the stockholders, at any legal meeting, shall be capable of transacting the business of said meeting, each share entitling the owner thereof to one rote, which may be given in person or lawful proxy. The first meeting of said Corporation hereby formed may ho called hy a majority of the persons named in the first Section of this Act, at such time and place, and upon giving such notice thereof, as they shall deem reasonable and proper. Sec. 5. The President and Directors, or a majority of them, for the time being, shal 1 have power to fill any vacancy which may happen by death, resignation or otherwise, for the current year, or appoint a - Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as may be necessary, and may require the Treasurer and other officers to give bonds for the faithful discharge <q their trust and duty, as said Directors may decm proper, and aleo, to make and establish sue!i by-laws, rules and regulations or they shall Jcem expedient lor the manage inent of the affairs of said corporation, and the same to njler and amend :. Prooidcd, That the same be not inconsistent with the laws of this State or the United Slates. Sec. C. The hooks of said corporation, containing their accounts, shall, at all reasonable times, he open for the inspection of any of the stockholders of said corporation ; and annunl statements of the ac counts of said corporation shall he made and submitted to the annual meetings ol the stockholders. The Directors may call in the subscription to the capital stock hy instalments in such proportion, and nl such times and plaecs as they may deem proper giving due notice thereof, under such rcg illations and conditions as they may prescribe. Sec. 7. The said corporation shall, within thirty daya of each annual meeting of the stockholders, lodge a certificate with tne Secretary of State, setting forth th* amount of capital atock of siid company actually paid in, and the amount of the liabilities of the said corporation, which certificate shall ho signed by the President a id Secretary of said Company, and certi tied by their oath. This Act shall continue to he in force for twenty years. Approved March 7, 1871. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A FERRY ACROSS TIIH CATAWBA RIVER NEAR THE LATE JOHN S. PERRY'S i MILL, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houae of Representatives of the Stale of South Carolina, now met and sitting in in General Assembly, and by Ike authority of the same, That a ferry or?i Catawba River, ut a place where a ferty wa# former Iv onerated bv Johnston and I'errv, and two hundred yards from tlie late' Julia S. Terry's Mill, be ehart*rd and reeled in Samnol McA'.ilcy, hie heira and assigns who shall be allowed the following rates of i toll, to wit: For a person on borse-back, ten ccnte: for a one hone team, fifteen cenla; two horee team, twenty-fire cents; three horee team, thirty-fire ecntc; and lour horee team, fifty cents ; ox team?, earn* 1 aa horse teams ; foot passengers, fire cenU; 1 looae horses and males, fire cents eaeh ; eat tie, threes cents; and bogs, sheep and goats^ g two cents each. See. 2. That this charter shall remain in force for the term of font teen years ; Pro vide J, That children going to and returning from school, and voters going to and re* turning from their polling precinct on election days, shall be exempt from pay- 1 Ing loll at the said ferry. I' Hm s And be it further snacttt fc* the authority afbraaaid, That tba CotHKy Com. uiiaaianars of Pairfiald County do ?fj out, or tiuie to ba laid out, mada and Jfeapt in ' rapair, in m direct a eonrac aa conraniant. a If Mf bo, I road from tbo " River Rood/' crowing ih? Watcrreo Crook oi Parry *e Old Mill, to mid lorry, on tho lino of rood for f morly ?ood to told lorry. 8*0. 4. And bo It forthor enacted, by tbo . ootborlty aforesaid, That tbo Coaaty Com* ootooioaoro of Lancaster Coooty do lay out* make and koop in repair, la at dlroot a oonroo no conveniently may bo, a public ; road iron satu terry, tnt rota Itiding to Liktrty Hill and Camden, and that 111* J Mm* be dwUrtd a public bigKwaj, with ' permission to those over whoaa land aaid i road may paaa to erect gate* aeroaa the < aaiue. < Approved March, f, 18*71. The High Joint Treaty- l England agrees to pay for the ravage* of the I Alabama and other privateers, and regret* them j The claims are to be examined by Ave arbi- < trators, one appointed by the United States and Qreat Britain each, and three by a desig- | noted soverign State of Europe or America.? ( Ail other claims included between April 13* 1841, and April 9, 1845, shall be referred to a* mixed commission. The limitation as to time' ' and the application of the views of Lord Qran- > vllle, as expressed in regard to property of I British residents in the recent Franco-Oer- , man war, that foreigners are not to be entitled | to any special protection for their property, | or exempt Prom military contribution from j either side, kills a largo number of British j claims of vast magnitudo, and excludes most of the cotton claims of British residents. ! Tho sea fishery question is settled by allow- ' ing both nations to fish uniestrietedly in each ' others waters, except shelUfish, salmon, shad and river fisheries. Fish and oil, except fish ' preserved in oil, are to be duty free. England I claims that the United States gets the advan- < tnge of privilege in this mutter, and a mixed f commission with a friendly umpire shall say | whether sho ought to pay England anything ? lor u. Frco navigation on tho Canada rivers and on our lakes is arranged. All the*# stipulations restore practically the treaty of 1854. The question of the Northwestern boundary lino is to bo referred to the Emperor of Germany. This involves the ownership of the Island of San Junn, on the Oregon boundary. These are the main points of tho treaty, .. saav 0AtvcrroN, May 19. ? Horace Oreeleyt Jieecplion in Ttxat.? Hon. Horace Grerley arrived at 6'oclock thi. Horning by the steamer City ol Nor lolk. He was met on board by Mayor M.cKec and a committee of the City Coun oil. Colonel Thrasher welcomed him in behalf of the municipality, to which Mr j Gree'ey responded to briefly. The committee were then introduced, and all took carriages for the Exchange Hotel. A large number of citizcoa called to pay their respects, Mayor McKee doing the honors.? At 3 P.M. the committee, with a limited number of gueets, among them the publishers of the News, (Demecratic,) dined together. At sunset the party took a drive on the beach, and visited notable places in the city. After supper there was another reception at the Exchange Hotel, during whict) a large number of the mo?t promi nent among the colored citizens were introduced, and a serenade by an excellent colored band. Mr. Greeley b-dng called out, took a place on the balcony and spoke at some length, avoiding political topics almost entirely. Mr. Greeley spoke at some , icngin in lavor 01 general amnesty, em- ( fmge, development and the removal of all ( asperity from social and political inter- , course. _ | A Now Oilcans dispatch says John Hen- , nings recovered $10,000 damnges from the New Orleans and Chattanooga Railroad | for damages sustained in (ailing throng i an opening of the company's wharf. "Brick*' Pomeroy, r'oen ly divorced, | was mnrried in Now York on Monday < evening last, to Mrs. Louisa M. Thomas, a j contributor to Pomeroy's Democrat. Mr J Pomeroy gave the bride a dowry of $75,? ] 000, and the happy couple have started t on a wedding trip to Salt Lake and the Pa ] cific coast. The membership of Odd Fellows in 1 SC-i t was 39,543, and in 1870 it was 80,153. < The crop prospects of the West arc t varied, but generally not the most bril- 1 liunf. j Horace Orceley is now in Texa.-*, on a 1 visit. His first visit to the South. =1 The whole of the mountain Apachea in 1 Arizona have declaied wir against the whites. The cause is tlis recent massacre at Camp Grant. The election in Richmond, for Council ^ occurred on the 2fith. The ballot is not counted, but it is supposed I lint llieConscrva ' tires have carried fifteen out of twenty mem I bcrs, Two colored men sre supposed to l?e " elected. . J ft Tlie Ccuit House at Black ville is being j built. ] t A fire occurred at Alexandiia, Vn., on v lire 10th inst. L?s*, $75,000. ^ Bismarck lins gone to Frankfort to ex. change the ratifications with Favre. The first shipment of new Iron for the Greenfille and Colunibis Railroad, was re. reived on the 23d inst., and will ba sunt forward soon. A Nashvil'c woman advertises f??r her j| children, saying she has had I wonty-seven, . hut she only knows where three of them , are. p The grain and fruit crops in Darnwcll arc reported very promising. A Maryland peach orchard has 140,000 i( trees in bloom. y Colonel Charles 9. Todd, of Kentucky ^ died at Baton Roane. La., on th? i7<h in. l< ??an?. He iu Minister to llusaia during the Tyler's administration. . F It U reported that the Chesapeake and el Ohio Railroad Company hare subscribed a 12,500,000 to the Lexington and Big Sandy T Road, which la sufficient to complete it ll The Rev. A W. Marshall, while reading li he Litany in St. John'a Chapel, Charlee* O on, on the 21 et, fell down In a fainting fit. 0 A fire, at the plantation of Mr. F. II, * tt.:? r* ?- ? o? - ' ico, iu uiiiud wunij, on ounnny Ait, destroyed a Wo story dwelling- ^ nd a)1 iU cootenU. ? ...u.l 1 ? ?e . m 'i hwsi " Am Editor in Heaven." ^ 44 Such it the caption of an ariole which has been going the -ooods of the papors for some imn, and which appears to be tomelhing new 44 ander the son." Just as if editors were not in Che habit of going to Heaven.? neii venture to say mat a greater proportion of them go to that borne of those who have performad their mission of mercy on earth, than any other profession or calling that poor mortals fill. 44 An editor in lieaven t"? rhere'a nothing strange about that, at all. Irt almost a moral its well as professional impossibility for tnom to gq anywhere also. Once upon a time, after the de~ mi so of a member of the 44 corps editorial," he presented himself at the gate of the " Holy City " and requested admission. The doorkeeper asked him what had been liis occupation on Terra Firma. [Ic replied that ho " was an Editor." 44 Well," snid the Watchman, " we have a crowd of your kind here now, and they all came in as 44 dead I\eade." If you can pay your passage you can come in, if not you must place yourself under the control of a personage you * ruled " tyrannically down below (meaning the devil). Not having the " wherewith " to go in, eur brother of the 44 quill ana scissors " posted off and presented | li nisei f at the entrance of | 4 Clootie's" dark domains. A ; rcry dark complexioncd gontlc- < nan stood sentry, and asked in a < ;rulT voice, 44 who comes ?" 44 An | inmblo disciplo of Faust," was ] ho calin reply. 44 Then hold on, ] ou can't be admitted," exclaimed | ho '4 Gentleman In Black," evinc- , ng considerable agitation, and icrccly scowling on him.? , 4 Why not," demanded the 4 typo," who began to got somewhat 44 huffiish " and looked wound for a 44 sheep's foot" .with which to force an entrance. 44 Well, sir " replied his sablo Majesty, 44 we let one of your profession in hero many years ago and ho kept up a continual 44 row " with his former delinquent subscibcrs, and as wo have more of that class of persons here than any other, wo have passed a law prohibiting the admission of any editors, only thoeo who have adrnnced our interest in their papers :>n earth, and even those wc keep in a separate room by themselves Von have published many things that operated against ns, and always blamed the 44 devil " with every thing that went wrong, so VOll oftn't rnmtt in Wn ?? V V.IIIUI V.U Lliis rulo " without rcepect to pcr-ons," for our own pence nnd safety. You cnn just travel."? Casting a droll leer at the outside dentinal, our typographical friend itinted ofT again, determined to Ejct in 44 up above." This time ho took with him an old file of his paper and presenting it to tho guardian of tho Celestial City, ropicsted that it might be carefully examined, and they would see whether he was entitled to a free ticket. In due courso of time the conductor can:o along and took liim in, telling him that lie pub* ished many good things, and had icon a martyr to tho cause of hunan improvement, and that reso utioi.s had been passed to admit \li members of tho 44 art preservative " who had abused tho 4 Devil " while below. lie added hat as they were punished enough jv their being with tho 44 devil" ill their lives, their future punishnent was commuted. lie further fated that not one delinquent icwspaper subsciber could be ound in all Heaven. Sentenced.?In tho United 1 States Circuit Court, held at Charcston, on tho 27th ult., ten years' mprisonmcnt was given to A. M. ' wiser, cx-post-master ot Ncwlicry. Wo understand that lio low 1 ?ccn allowed the privilege of ac- 1 ccting liis al)ode, and that ho will 11 consequence remain in jail in >rcfcrcnco to going to tlic pcnitcninry, and that it ia probahlo he rill he pardonei at tho expiration i f twelve months. [Newberry Herald. ? ? ?- ? I Baliou's Mkmiini ron Jl'ns.?Dillou'i Isgsxine for June lias appeared with a at of content* which will tempt the moat idifTerent of literary epicures. There are < >me twenty.six different articles in the one number, some ol them handsomely j lustrated. The great tele of the season, oweror, ia * The Old Clerk's 8-cret," i rrilten for Baliou's by Levi Bvarddey, j >q , the late speeWl agent of a Washing, on department, and who has produced a ( ronderful story, full of incident and plot f Washington life. But all of the stories 1 this number are good. Terms, 1,60 per ear, or 15 eents singly eopy. Address 'homes A Talbot, 63 Congress Streot, Bos* 1 >n. 1 The Court sf Clsims allows ths elsim of 'raneis J. Wiles, of 8evannab, for IwsstjIs thousand dollars preeeeds of a bundled nd thirty-four bales of captured eotton.? hroughout the war he waitnly opposed he seesssioc. Daniel Haas, a subject of Franee resid* I ig In Charleston, S. C., was allowed $14,* 00 for ninety bales seised Is 1866. The iourt allowed another claim involving 14,346. A trout, weighing 26 J pounds, was ' anght with a hook is Topper's Lake, New 'ork, bj Dr. Perkins, of Albany, the eth* rday. J Bift P1?m to Carry Money* An amusing incident occurred in a crowded passenger ear near Hillboro on the N. O. Railroad the other day. While Mr. W. W. Daviee the gentlemanly conductor, was collecting tickets from his passengers all responded promptly except one old fat lady who sat near the door and who seemed to be reaching down, to get something she liad dropped on the^ floor. When her timo came to t i t i .1 i .1 p?) >uo rnrewi ucr ucuu uuu iiiu? addressed the blushing conduc tor: 441 a Hers, when I travels, carry my money in my stockin, tor, you sees nothing can get at it thar, and I'd thank yon, yonng man just to reach it for me, as 1 am so jammed in I can't get to it. I forgot to get a tickot at the depot." Tbo conductor who by the way is a very modest man, glanced at the other passengers some of whoui were laughing at his plight; one or two young ladies among thorn blushed scarlet, and he beat a Budden retreat muttering something abont not charging old ladies etc. Uis cash was short that trip, the trip of ono passenger.? The case was laid before the directors, who have excused the conduct for this time. [Newbcm Republican. Connubial Affection.?An instance of connubial effection is ru*rrnt?<l aa occurring lately in New Ilamshire. A couple had juarrelcd during the wholo term :>f thoir married lite. At last the liusband was taken ill and evidently about to die. llis wife came to liis bedside, where, after she had jeen his condition, tbo following coloany ensued : 44 Why, daddy, y<.ur feet nro cold, your hands are cold, and nose is cold." 44 Wa'al let um bo cold." 44 Why, daddy, you're going to die." 44 Wa'al I guess I know wot I'm about." 44 Why, daddy, wat's to becum of mo if you die 9" 44 Dunno, and don't carol Wat I want to know is, wat's to become of ino?" A newspaper before us states that at tho breaking of the ground for the commencement of the Lvnclibiircr and Tcnncsso rail road, at Lyncuburg, a clergyman solemnly and slowly read a manuscript prayer, at the conclusion of which an old negro man, who had been resting with one fcoc on his spade, and his arms on the handle, looking intently in the chaplain^ face, straightened himself up, and remarked vory audibly : u Well, I reckon dat's do first time de Lord's cber been writ to on do subject of railroads." A person, after eating rome " (io6hcrn butter " one day, asked a knowing chap what he knew nbout Goshen butter. lie said he ought to know nil about it: he used to go to school to old Goshen himself. Another day, the Statural bridge of Virginia was uudcr discussion, when no was usked if he knew anything abont that.? He ani<J he guessed ho ought to, R8 his father sunk $200,000 ouilding that bridge. A yodno man says that there may liavo been such a thing as real true love in old times but that now the notion is entirely obsolete and if you ask a vouni? ladv I , now days to share your lot, 6hc immediately wants to know how largo that " lot" is, and wluit it is worth. A pompous individual walked uj> to tho oflico of the Stockton Ilouec, Oai>c Ma}', ore day, and with considerable flourish signed tho book, and exclaimed, 44 I'm Lieutenant Govenor of ." 11 That don't make any difference," fttid tho polito clerk; u will be treated ju-t as well as the others. A raw Irishman, just over, went into a restaurant and was asked by the waiter what he would have. %i Why, wittles to ate, ov coorse," was the rephf. A plate of hash was placed beoro him. 44 but's that ?" demanded Mickey 44 That's wittles,'* was the sno w.i/i Mrokey. eyed tho compound sus piciodsly for some time, and finally exclaimed : **Be jabbers, tlie man who chewed that can ate it 1" A young man on the street, being charged with being lazy, was asked if lie todk it from hie father. "I think not," Mid the disrespectful son ; * father's got all the Inziucss he ever had." Tiie following was w invested " by a widow as a good riddle for her fellow sufferers to give out when occasion offers l What is the pleasantest kind of hnsband ry V* " To destroy a widow's weeds." It is a curious fact, say some entomologists, that it is only the female mosnnito that torments us. An old bachelor says it is not at all " cnriousj." j IJl'l'l !! ! ULEgMBtP! ISiiTB W A WMTar Cinu.?TTi an palnod to thMklt Uto d**U> of Dr. 8. R. u uta|>Urf ud worthy oklsoa of thta ooaaty, whioh rad oront owtiiwd at hi* roakloaoo moar Holland'* 8 torn, on Friday i mora log but. Dr. Haynio wa?*an energotiO, , dor*tod aaomhor .of tho medical profoMion, ( anu wu oigaij reipeciea 07 UN tuun com muuity. His rauiu were buried with Masonic honor* at Plat Rook Church, on Satut- ' day afternoon, in the prteonee of ? largo conooaraa of relatives, friends and acquaintances. [Andtrwn^lnttlligtnctr, May J5. ( Ex-Senator Hiram R. Kirtli ha* bftn j looted President of Alcorn Uuiversity, at 1 Jackson, Mire. l A yonng negro girl rai*took n bottle of 4 ammonia for ber rale trees' hair oil, A few | patchea of wool alona are left. j Mr. Shea, of liliooia, drank'ht'.f a keg of boor on Friday. Thay tied crape on hi* < door knob Saturday. A Lonaiatann planter reports that hi* j Chinese work alow, but sure and nice.? They plow very well, bnt can't make the mules understand Chinees very well yet. Mrs. John A. Mara, an estimable lady of . the vicinity of Calhouu'e Mills, Abbeville County, died on Wednesday last. Mies -Alary Davidson, daughter of Dr. Davidson, of Staunton, Va , waa burntd to dralli on laat Sunday night, by tha explosion of a cryatalized burning fluid lamp. Col. Charles S. Todd, of Kantucky, died nt Baton Rouge, La., on the 17th inst? lie was minister to Russie during tlieTylci administration. Jt fTerson Day is recently assisted at the decoration of the graves of the soldiers at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond. Mr. William B. Cleveland, eon of tie late J. B. Cleveland, died at the residence of hie brother in-law, Spartanburg, on Tuesday, 16th instant. Edmond llamtnond, (colored.) convicted of the brutal murder of Mr. D.?vid Kirkpatrick, paid the pena't.y of his crime on the gallows, at Lancaster, on Filday, the 10th. ir The Edgefield A lvfrli*er for over, twenty years an excellent paper, has re eenlly been enlarged. It will thus bs still more interesting. Inckxdiaby Fina ?On Sinday morning the 80th ultimo, the store house an J stock of goods belonging to Mr W. II. Crain, a Lewis'Turnout, were dc-troycd by fire.? Theugh suspicions are strongly entertained against a certain person, no sufficient evi dence on which to base an arrest has been nltUinAtl Xfr_ Hratn inan??anoo of * 1 - 000 on his atock of goods and $500 on the building, ilia lots is several hundred dul* 1are nbovc the insurance. [ Chester Ji porttr. MiSl ^AYATER wheel, Mill Oearint.ShdlinU?ulleys FOR A CIRCUimCfe: L??? 7 2y ljr E. P. jonesT Awricdi&iffarc AW ITvAWb AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rRACTICK IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STA1E ALSO, iar tub urrirei) STATES COURTS. Office Oreenville C. H.t 8. C. July 7 . 1y* DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY! i<. iiauA?iu grnauato ot (lie I'ennsylvania College ?f Denial Surgery, sessiorf 186ft- 67, respectfully offer* his professional , services to the eitisens of Greenrille and surrounding country. Having acquainted himself with the modern improvements of bis profession, he hopes, by strict attefltiun to business, to bo able to give satisfaction. Office on the corner of Coffbo and Mn'n Streets, in II. A. Cauble's former residence, up stairs. J. y. MoDAVID, D. D. S. Mar 22 *46 3m WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHLONEGJ, GA., WILL practice in the counties of Lump kin, Dawson, Uilmor, Fannin, I'niin Towns, White and llall. Jan 10 33 ? TOWNE8 Ac EAST, ATTORNIK8 AT LAW. OFFICE in the OLD COL'RT IIOUSB .Middle Room on tbo South Side, L> we Story. GREENVILLE, S. C. ?. r. towns. olis e star. Jan 4 33 II THE MILLS HOTJSE, ?:24^?,3SS933, ?. PARKER & CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PER DAY $1 OO. Dec 8 2V CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. Assistants, a. butterfield, (for merl, of tbo Pavilion Uotel,)and W a miller. PAVILION HOTEL 83. (9. BOARD, Per Day - $3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Hn. II. L.. BUTTERFIELD, Froprielreea, Sept 2S If tf NATIONAL HOTEL. I mi?i9 PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNER, CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day t* 00 Burper, Breakfast and Lodgtog S 00 1 Single Meals - 1 00 Sep 1 .10 tf * IllLf1! L -1L11UIJS." 11'JL111 I A Sixty-Five First Prise Med sis Awarded. XHB SSSAX I Southern Piano wA*brACTOKr. Wl. KHADE 9c CO., Manufacturers of Grand, Square and Upright j PIANO FORTES, ll Baltimore, Mil. THESE Instruments hare bean before the public for nearly thirty years, and upon [heir exeollenoe alone attained on n?pmrcka*ed j tre-rminener, wmcn pronounce* loom unequal- | id. Tbeir Tone combine* groat power, sweet- 1 ness and fine ainglr.g quality, as well aa groat " purity of Intonation, and aweetneaa through- j J >ut the ontiro scale. Their Touoh ia pliant f and elaatio, and entirely True from tho stiffness round in ao many Pianoa. In Work man ah ip I they are unequaled, using none but the very ; < belt eeatoned material, the large capital em- J ployod in our buaineaa enabling ua to keep , continually an imtnenae atock of lumber, Ac., I ?n hand. | 4 All our Square Piano* bare our New Im- , " proved Orerstrung Scalo and the Agraffe Tre- < ble. We would call apocial attention to our late improvements in Grand Piano* and Square Grands, Patented August 14th, 1800, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than baa . jret been attained. Kerry Piano fully irarmnlirf for 5 Year*. ' We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholosale Agonoy for the most Celebrated Parlor Organs and Molodeons, which we offer | Wholesale and ltvtait, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABE A CO., Baltimore, Md. Doc 1 29 0m imPOKTA.1T NOTICE TO C0HSUMER8 OF DRY GOODS. All T?-i~:i ~~ i. eon i n I Delivered in any Pari of the Country i Fit EE OF EXPRESS C/IAROES. 1 HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, J or HAITINORR. no., IN order the better to incel tho vuti of the Kotnil Customers nt a distance, havo 1 established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, I upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and most Fashionnblc Goods, of Frcpch, English nnd ] Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell at lour, it not at lent privet, than any houso iu the country. I Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in tho different parts of Europe, and importing tho same by Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of tho London and Paris markets. As we buy and aell only for cash, and make no bad debts, we arc able and willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lees Profit than if wc gave credit. In sending for samples specify tho kind of goods desired. Wo keep tho best grades of eresy class of goods, from tho lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by the cash will bo sent C. O. D. Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers aro invited to inspect the Stock in our Jobbing And Package Deportment. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, 197, 199, 201 and 203 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 ly wjuvjuiji? xrauiK ct wu# No. 5 N. Scbroeder St.. Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable anil Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Patent Improved, Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Gang, Mulny and Sn?h Saw Mille, Grist Mills, Timber Wheels, Shingle Machines, Ac. Dealers in Circular Saws, Belting and Mill supplies generally, and manufacturer's agents lor Level's Celebrated Turbine Water Wheel, and overy dcsciption of Wood Working Machinery. AGRKTI.TIIUAL K.N (J IN KS A 8PKHAI.TV. ?3?" Send for descriptive Catalogues end Price Lists. 20-ly gg I. fftuit, Proprietor. H. V. McPoki.o A Co, DreuMs a Om. A|I>U, San Kraa.U.o.Cal ,and St Commerce 81., N .V. MILLIONS Bear Testiaaeay Is their Wsalcrfal Carailrs R Recto. Tlastar Blttera ara not a rile Fancr Drlak, Made of Pssr Ram,'Whisker, Prssf Hptrlta sat Rshss I.tcaers, doelorad. iiiwd and swastsnad to pleaae tha taste, called ' Tonlea," " Appetiser*,'' " Restorer*," Ac, that lead tha tippler on to drankenaesa and rain, bat are a trae Medicine, made from the Natl re Root* and Herb* of California, free from alt Alcoholic Mtlmalaate. They ara tha QRKAT BI.OOD PlIRIFIKR aad A LIFE til VINO PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Britetn. carry ln( off all poiaonou* mattir and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters aooordlng to directions and remain Ion* unwell, provided their bone* ara not deetroylb by mineral poison or other meant, and the vital orfana wasted beyond tha point of repair. Thar ara a Gentle Pargatlre aa wall aa a Teale, poeeeetlny, aleo. the peculiar merit r acting aa a powerful acent In relieving Congee tloa or loOammaUon of the hirer, and of all the Yiiotnd Orftoi. POR FKMALI COMPLAINTS, whether in young or old. married or slag)*, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn o.* life, tbeee Tori* Miters have no huL . Par Ialammatary aad Cbraale Rheamatlam aad Meat. Drtpapsla ar ladlaaetiea, Billeae, Kemltteat aad latarmlttaat Paeara, Dlaaaaaa af tha Blaadt Llvari Rldaaye aad Bladder, theee Bitters have been most successful. Hach Dlaaaaaa ore caused by Vitiated Dlead, which nnmiir proaoeea or Mnttftnmi of lha DI|(UIt* Oriw?. DTiriNIA OR INDIdnTIOIl, B**dMbi, Pain tn tha Shoulder*. Oomta, TtnTitnaaa of tha Chaat. Dlsxlnaaa, loiu Kruatatlons of tha Stomach. Bad Taata In tha Month. BIMona Attack*. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tha Long*. Pain in the region* of tha Kidney*, and fl hundred other painful ayinptotn* ara.tha ofr eprlnga of Dyepepela. Thay lnrlforata tha Stomach and stlmntat* the torpid Urn and Bowel*, which render them of unequalled efficacy In claanainc tha blood of all Import tia*. and impartial new Ufa and el?or to the whole eyetem. SB ^ FOR SKIM DIHiflU, lraptlena,l'etter. Halt Rheum, Blotchea, Spot*, Pimple* Pustule*. Bella, Carbonate*. Ring-Wormi, Sea!d Head, Sora arar name or mature, are literally due np and earSMSa* vzzisi. !?h& *Stf S* rtnoa tha moat Incradnlona ofthair ouratlreeffaot. Otoenae the Vitiated Blood whenerw yon And tte tepwrlttea banting through the akin tat Ptmplee, Fraptkm* or Bores; claanaa H whan yon And U ehetrneted and Moolah in the rain*; Maanaa it whan it I* foul.and your feeling* win teU yon when. Keep the blood pur*, and the health of the system will follow. ' .Win, TAPS, and other WORMS, nrklag ia the T^tee* of *o many thouaanda. are effeotaaUy SOLO BT"TLL DRUOOUTB AFD DBALKBS. fOT For sale in tha CUy af Greeny I lie by r D*. 31. A. nUNTRR A CO., IfbolMala and Retail Dealer* in Drug* < Medicine*, Chemieali, Ac., Ae. M*J 16 I ? Ayer's SarsapariUa, /ll^^ My graveled by tho scrofo_ lous contamination until 1tar mn wi'tftHr iflHctinf, have been radically Smd In sachgmefc numbers in almost every seg Ion of tbe oountrr, that the public scarcely need o be Infbrmcd of It* Tlrtues or twee. BcroAiious poison Is one of the moat dostrnoJre enemies of oar race. Often, this unseen and inlblt tenant of tho onanism undermines the oon(Utntloa, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or thai diseases, without exciting a suspicion of Its treseaee. Again..It seems to breed hifoetion hrougbonf tbe body, and then, on some favorable >oeasion. rapidly develop into one or other of He lideoua tbrma, either on tbe surthee or among tho rttals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly leposlted In the Innge or heart, or tumors formed n the liver, or It shows Its presence by eruptions a the skin, or foul nice rations on soft! part or ha body. Hence tho occasional use of a bottle >f this Harmparillm Is advisable, even when no totire symptoms of disease appear. Persons articled with tbe following complaints generally Ind immediate roller, and, at length, euro, by the' iso of this BABSJLA'AHlEZli *. A?lAwmi's Jtrs, Ism or Hnrstpelos, Mt?r<fs(l BAstmm, ?mM Head, Minmwtrm, Bfra Vsrs More, and other eruptions or risible forma >f Scrofulous disease. Also in tho noi^oos tisasxBEBa tnd nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and JTer<^<r<?Z JHa nmn are cured by It, thouRb a !?"* w julred tor subduing these oostlnatc> aaladlosbjr tny medlolno. But long-continued uscoftWa medicine will cure the complaint. ?r Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and "Diseases, are commonly ?>on relkrrf and ulOmately cured by ita purlQrtog and tangoratWK street. Minute directions tor each case are fount* In our Almanac, supplied gratis. Mthsnmatiim ast5J!ESsass?g sswfsfirti piM and IAstless. Despondent, ****?* ?> and troubled with Serins Apprehsnslsns o* Wears, or any Of the aftoctlons symptomatic o? Weakness, will find Immediate relief and oon? rtnelng evidence of its restorative power upon trial, PEE PARED BY Dr. 1. C. AT? * CO^Lewell,Ma?, Practical sn4 Analytical Chemists. BOLD BT ALL DBUGGI9TS KVKBY WHXBS. fSVEor sals in Oreenville by M. A. HUNTER A CO., Ageots. Aug 31 15 ly PLANTAllOW BIHhttS This wonderful vegetable restorative, is the slieet-anclior of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has jio equal among stomachics. As a remedy Tor the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.r In all climates, tropical, tern pcrate or frigid, it acts as a specific lii every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. '^Wherever it is introduccd it becomes .a standard article?a hicdicinftl staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized World?-be sure anil wo* the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 22, 1870. 6 I BROWN, mm ./m rmr mm 9 ihatc&HI s^iiuaav, OPPOHITK (JIIAIII.K8T0N HOTEL CIlAHl.KSTOIf, S. C. 8cp? 23 IV 1y A B. MULLIGAX CHAIILESTON, H- O. MESSRS. SULLIVAN * SON, ARK MY AOEINTB AT QUEEN VILLE, S. (7n Aki> will makb liberal cash idruMi on aU COTTON Shipped to me through thorn. A. B. lllTLLIOAH. Bopt tt 19 ly THE NICKERSON BOUSE, flOT TTIUHT A a ^ ?O" V* WILL not be etoeed on account of thn death of lh? Proprietor Vftt. A. Waiorr. btft will be carried on na heretofore, by M* widow, Mre. SARAH L. WRIGHT, end her eon, Wlf. 0. WRIGHT, The Monde of the Intc proprietor are Invited to II no neual* SARAH L. WRIGHT Feb 15 W-tl WM. 0. WRIOIli;