University of South Carolina Libraries
.4 J * . I HAVE now on 1 enabled to offer then i ii , I , i g* TO BE <JI\ THE SOBTR LAND AND IMMIGR . October lit, 1871, fbr the pnrpooe ?. ... i?w landa aelccted ky the Aafoctatlon for h t itirti, In (k* Bill* of Btath OinIIm, mil fvr ^RKFBRBNCHSIN SOUTII CAROLINA. - Governor M. L. Bon bam, Qoatril Johnion Hi Mt, Gen. Mi 8i Preeton, lion. W. D. Sitnpi bolm, Governor J. L. Manning, Hod. J. B. Ci IWO.OM to bo awardod to too Tickot Holder Vint of October, 1871, at the Academy of Mu< . isVeirsEASsi TICUTS OI ASHU All tho prrmiumi, Including Doc<l and Certifl |>oiit?d with tho Nattoaal Bank of tho Repabll 8000,000 1 lit Gift, Academy of Muile Charlciton, 8. C by 80, and altnatod corner of King and 1 rental of about $tO,080 from Opera Hemic, 8u well, known to lo tho Anoit building and i Ol. ...WW, W.MMH " I,,.,M? ??* ? ? ,.i 3d am?Caita 3d Gift?Calb *? ?? ** ,? H..H < ilth inn r..k 6th 6 if/?c? b ! I.V." .V ".V.*" I" .... .*... a* (Mftf?C??b each * ?J6 Gift*?Cath ....each ' " 1 MCf ft *|?t ? aaaa^e* ?ACD 1360 Qift?r-Ca?b each 1,401 Oift>, BUTLER, C11ADW1 ; AQEirrS SOUTH CAROLIHA LAND GeneralM John Chu< Gouerul M :? < COMMISSIONER# AND SUF flencral A. R. WfWW. of Oanprvl Bradley T. johoten, of Virginia. .Juno 7 & The State of 8outh Carolina. COUNTY OP GREENVILLE. Court of Common P7cai. William May Hold Aaaignee, llamlin Bent tit, Adinintrator, and W. R. Phillips Indoraee, . . lMaintiffa. AOAMar ? , . Yf Uliam Wii|, 8. Jamei Went and Tboniar W, Wont, Drfendanta. To tho Delendanta, William Wont, S. Jnmon ' Wont and'Thetaea.W. Wont. YOU- aVo hereby nnntmonod and required to ' abnwor tbo complaint in tbin action, wmcb in tbin day fllod in the office of tbo Clork of Common l'lean, for tbo aaid County, and to norro a copy of your annwor to tbo naid complaint on tho nubncrlbora at thoir office, in tho City of Qroonrillo South Carolina, within twenty day* aftor tho norrieo hereof, exclusive or thf day of ouch acrrice; and if you fail to aunwor tbo complaint within tho time afore* naid, tho plaintiff in thin action will apply to tbo Court for tho relief demanded in tho complaint. Dated at Greeny'llle, 8. C., May 10th, 1871. EARLB A ULYTUK, " ' 1 " ' ' * Plaintiff's Attorney. To (An Dt/tndanf, 8. Jamba West and Taon as W. WaaT : TAKE notioo that the Sumtnona in thin action. of whioh the foregoing In a copy, wan filed In tho oflica ol tho Clerk nf the C?nr? ?r Common Plesi, at llrwiivill? Court llouao, In .UivtaHIU County, South Carolina, on tha . 10th d?y of May, 1871. JJARLE A BLYTIIE. lMaltitifTn Attorney. ' " * OrMnrllla C.V., 8. C. , .* May *17 . ? wN'o Good Henltli Without Pure Blood. QR. GLAZENER'S SPIKENARD ?" - - " AND Ql/feEN'S DELIGHT WILL PURIFY TIIK BLOOD! . ' * AND REMOVP. t Liver Complaint, Kheumaliani, Scrofula, Carbuncle*. Skin Deseates, Pains in (be Bones, Dtsnepsia, Diseases of leys and "Bladder, pain in the Back and Loins, and all tho various Aiknent* produced by Impure Blood . and Vitiated Secretions. ?' " liny one PoUte*and try it, and if if fails to give any relief, buy no more. o . Jill. OLAZENEIfS LINIMENT or PAIN t*vm? a //r. V a* .a ? - ? r.Aiunoiuu i? good in ttnoumaiism, Neu-1 ralgia, Ilendsehs, Palo in lb* Hack, 8mlni, Ac. Ml. GLAZBXER'S FAMILY VEGETABLE LIVER NLL9 are qle remedial agent* to overcome Derangement* of the Liver and lo PuriCjr tha Blood. I)R. OLAZENER'8 COUOII RELIEF it excellent for all c*?e? of Cough of any kind, from Oronp to Consumption ; although not recommended to eere the latter disease, great relief will follow lt? use. tW The above Medicines are prepared onlyby DR. GILES L. GLAZEKER. . Manufacluring Druggist, . Gteenvillc, 8. C. ty Hold by Drugglsfa generally. May 10 1 tf . ? Notice 0 ' T8 hereby given lo all whom It may eonK? ., I JL-. earn,1 that I will apply to R J. Dnuili' > l?| l'rohate Judge of Greeaville County, on " the *Oth d?y of Jane next, for a Anal discharge as Guardian of ELLA W. JOHN. A C. STEPP. Guardian. May Mth, 1871. 4 ? JPHOTOGB APHIM Gh | HAVING rmotu ntt?Ki up tha room* ovar Whitmfra A Farguaon'* Store, with *l?gaut light*, I am prapatod to do II kind* of PHOTOGRAPHING. *t varr thort notice. Bitlifutiun fuirrntrd to all. W.M. WBEBLKU. May *1 8 If I* ^ mSkm 18 hereby gir?n to all whom it may eoniin, that 1 will apply to B. 3. Itaitbit, * Probata Judga of Gra?ovilla County, on the 80th of Jnna roxt, for a final diaoharg* aa Administrator of tha Batata of NORMAN OAMURBMa daaaaaad. ' v - A, 0. 8TRIT, Adn.'r. rath r 1:41a. ?gth, 1871. 4 8 Kxocmtloa* for Clly Tmci. FS1HB dtr Coeeell of Oregnvilla having JL turned ovar lo ma for aollaellon a numbar of -TAX EXECUTIONS for Tazaa daa for tha present year, with Inatrnation* to am ha tha raonay faunad lately; tharafora, I Ink a thia. method of Informing all who mM not htva mU I -?? - Motion* have fcwn'lMtuft, o,at In mm th. ZX2KtSSStfSiS'J*1 w*" proiMQ-io collect oy im op toy property ssnS'JsiiXss^ ?frP1 nforead. J. L 80UTHERN ? ftharllf Ortcnvlll* CounU. BbariflTc OflW, M?j ?, |?71. 4l| band a Large Stock < i so choice a selectioi rfiN AWAY! :o? - jt I ^CAROLillVA ATlUfl ASSOCIATIOH k State Agricultural and Mechanical Society," at (ha Academy of lfoaic, Charleston, 8. C., of raising Au4 to enable. aottlo ooti of Northern mod European farmers and their transportation tbltber and support for the ? General Wade Hamptop, Hon. B. F. Ferry, ifood, Hon. Arm lata ad Burt, Hon James Cbelv tin, Andrew Blrnonds, Esq., lion.' Q. A. TrenimpbelL s of the Series of Concerts to eommenoe on the ilo, Charleston, S. C., on which day the Draw3181. AID IB 1811. AT $5 IAC1 cats of Title to Aoadeasy of Mnslo, will be deio, New York. [1ST OIPT8. cost to build $230,000, having an annual farket streets, In the centre of the city, and >res and Halls; the building being about 230 foot nost valuable pioperty in Charleston ; valued $250,000 ' # iloob\vrr.v.vj>r.\v^.vrrrr.VAVi*.vr 500.. 13,500 100 35,000 ! rTT. nttTTA-*. I HT.7T." 11T V.V.V. "Jl*. i2$>o I 10 ; 11,600 !..., $600,000 CK, GARY & CO., AHD IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. , C Under, ) A wick, t*q., [ Charleston, 8. C. [. W.Wary, ) j 'ervisohs of drawing : Colonel D. II. Rutledgo, of South Carolina* Hon. Roger A. Pryor, of New York. ln> KTotlcoT DeruTT CbM.ECTon'* Omen, ) Greenville, 8. O., Mny, 1871.) I bare received the annual Met for the year 1871, tor Greenville, Anderion. Pickens and .Oconee. I will be at Gcenville Court llouae, on Saturday, 20th and Monday, 12d May | at Aaderaon, Monday, 10th May; at Walhalla, Tueaday, 90th May ; at areenrille Court Uouaa, Monday, 6lb June J for the porpOse of collecting Internal Revenue Tuxea, aaeeiaed on the Annual Llat and ail Lieta prior to that dato. * l'artiee aro notified to eotnt forward on the daya ahore specified and make pnymcnte, thereby avoiding the penalty, which will be added aa required by law. a.l. conn, Deputy Collector. P. 8.?All pcreona who owe any tax on old Liata aa Lawyera, Manufacturer*, Retail Dealer*, Retail Liquor Denlrra, CoraiLoreia! Broker*, Ac., Ao., are jnat as liable to indictment for doing buaino** without having paid the Special Tax aa required by law, oa it they had not been aaaeaaed at all; and all aucb persona are notified that unleaa they come forward and pay up, thnt I will be compelled to com tnenre Indictments agalnit each on* 0/(ham? ot this I bare no discretion. A. L. C. May 17 ~ J 3_ Notice. Deputy Collecto*'* Orricr, I Greenville, 8. C., May 32, 1871. . ) BY virtu* of an order from II. M. W*1 lne?, Colleetor 8J Dirt., S. O., I will II to th? highest t.tdder, at Qreshflllt. Court House, on Monday, 3th day of June, 1871, at 11 o'clock A. M . the following con fiscnied properly, *i* : One K*g of Whlsky, and one good farm Horse, being the property which was se:z d in the City of GiccntTUe, on or about the 20th day of April, from Jeremiah Tinsley. also, Ono Keg of Whisky, which was seized on the 4 tli day of April, supposed lobe the property ot A. J. Ward. .Terms cash. A. L CORR, 4-2 May 24 Deputy Collector. Stale of South Carolina. err* op gueknvitarh. ... Public Notice TflE attention of the City Qouncll having been frequently dWetcd to the fact that there is, an I has been lor years, fre? quent end indiscriminate discharges of Fire Arms within the city limits, in violation of an Ordinance prohibiting the same ; and it having come to their knowledge that several persons have narrowly escaped being seriouely Injured by aoeideutal shots : it was JietolueJ, by the City Couocll, tbal the Mayor liuve the Oidinance of 1888 published, end call attention ta i', so that, in nuuie, tgnnrauce oj u win noi oe legnraeo fit nny ex cute for its violation. T C. COWER, Major. May 22 I, 1811. . Ordinance rnoiniiiriNo the uenkoessary discha roe of fire a huh. WHEREAS many complaint* have been made in regard to the indiscriminate dlechargr of Are arm* in the corporate llmitt of lli? Town ; therefore, lie #T ordaiued Ay (At Jutembint ami \Var , dent of the Tbtw of Orevnyille in. Council aetetnbltd awl by the authority of the tame That trim and after the pa'sagc of thin Ordinance, any pereon found guilty of die charging Fire Anna in the corporate limite of the Town of Greenville, except In easca of urgent n? cenity, thall he deemed guilty, of a misdemeanor. and beheld liable in per . a tine of not lose than two dollars lor a soli offence; and in the evmt of any minor b*-' ing convicted of aueli offence, the parent or !;aardian of raid fnlnor shall he hell liable nr the payment of the fine Imposed, l>one and ratified under the corporate teal of the eaid Town of Orr?nvil'a,-tliia the eixth day of June, in the year of mir l>ni one thoueend eight hundred and s'xty tlx O. FT ELFORD, Intcndant. J. C. RailbV, Clerk. v May 84 I 8 Notice 18 hereby given to all wlmn it may eoncorn, that 1 will apply to 8. J Douthit, Probate Judge of Groenvllle Ooiiuty. on the 80th day of June next, for a final discharge aa Administrator of the Krtatc of THOMPSON W. TRAVNHAM, dseeared. . A. C. 8TEPP, Adm'r. May 28th, 1811. * 4-5 n, o. sunns. r. r. kcim. c. o rrrrncNt BUTJ.ER, McBEHt &TEPHTNS, Attorney* and (fttftttfupre at La# ' . and in Xtflfb GREBNVIMii^. p., Will TraeUoe la the Courts'of the lute and of the United *tate?. May 81 4 tf Notice 18 hereby glrrn to all whom it may concern, that I will <H>plj <o 8. J. Douthit, Probate J'idga of Greawllle County, on the 10th day of Joly next, for a Final diecharge aa Administrator of the Eitalc of JAMBS W. TOMPKINS, doeeeted. there, fore, all partlea having olalnis again it eaid 1 Retate, wtll present them on or b?foro> haid Sey. JOHN a TOMPKINS. AdA'rMav 40 tatt /? ?Dry CSoOds, Glothi i of Goods, at such lo CAROLINA LIFE IN! nBMPDIS, 1 JEFFERSON DA BUTLER Sc BLACK A SOUTHERN AND [; ATTENTION TO THE SURREND AW? OTHER i OFFERED BY 1 May 3 MOIVEY CAIfHOT BUY ITS FOR BIGHT J < PRICELESS It BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. 11 Yon Value Your Eyciliht USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. BROUND FROM MINUTE CRY SI AI PEBBLES, Melted" twjrellicr, and derlxO their nemo M IMemohd * oh nocourft of their llardneax ?nd Brilliancy. They will last many year* without change, and aro warranU-d auperior to all other*, manufactured by J. E.SPENSKR & CO., N. Y. Caution ?None genuioe unleaa atamped with our trade mark. J. a C. TURNER. Sole Agent. . for Greenville, S. C. From whoti) lliey can only bo obtained. No Pedlera employed. may iu 1 ly Tiireliberty WHITE LEAD. .. ;o: Buy the Beat?It is the Cheapest. ??:o: To ComiiMeri of White Lead Kceryicherr. :<K IT IS UNEQUALED, lit. For Wurltg'Hi'd Covering Properties. ]ii. For Whiteness md B?*uly of Finish. 3d. For Unite m Fineness of Grnding. 4th. Some Weight will do more and hotter work, at a given coet. than any other. 6th. 61o*t Economical White Lead ever introdueed. 6tli. If you wish to procure as mnch value a* possible for your ntoney and acouic handsome and durable work, uso PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try ; it and be convinced. Satisfaction guranteed by the Manufacturers. ZIEGLE4 8MITII. Wholesale Drug, Taint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX 6c MARKLEY. DEALERS IN , Coafeh Materials, Faints, Oil, Glass. ' Potty, &c,, ; GREENVILLE, Sr C. * "Mays'"** , tf . Paris Mountain for sal:el ^ Til,STRACT?i?^ AcSt*.".Land con laffliMty lainiPK about One Thousand Acres, formerly the residence of General Waddy Thompson, situate five miles from the-City .of Greenville, is ofTored for rule. Tliere are two comfortable dwelling houin on the premises witli all nccesaary out buildings. There is a fine orchard of choice f?.iti trees. Two or three hundred acres have been efeareiT.-tiniT s..._.^ir e-il-i. tivation. The situation is a magnificent one for a gounlry Teeidenco, commanding an extensive view of the Mountains, the City of Greenville, and Hie surrounding country. There is a fine spring of water on the atountain near the residence. The aoil is productive and fine eropa were grown on the place during the lif.,Wmoot General Tlioinp so*. The property will be sold low for cash, and a bargain may be obtained. Apply to lfeesrs. PKKUY 4 PERRY, at Greenville, 8. C , er to the Proprietor at Madisoo, Florida. nitmiiwo n\/ a / I 11 V* V. IU3. Mar22 4B If THRESHING MACHINES. OAUI) WELL'S IMPROVED Thresher and Cleaner, on Wheels. j WILL, Abre.h, clean and Lag Wheal, Ky^Oili, Ao., in the heal manner. In many conteata with Northern and Western Machine# of the beat makers, it J ha. proved it# superiority. Pricte?including ilorac Power, Bella, Ao.?$400. Cardwell's Plain TBBESHER AID HORSE POWER. IS a mod exo-llent, and will do good woik, but i# not n cleaner.? Priee*?inctuding lloi ao Power, Belie, Ac.?? $200. Every Machine Warranted. , Libei al discounts to Merchant a to >el) Sgain. Addre.n, J. II CARD WELL A CO.. Richmond, Va. May S tn 2m. ( SPARTA N BURG CARRIAGE & WAGON ' MANUFACTORY. HAVING recently obtained an outfit of new and improved machinery, we are prepared to BUILD and HEPAIR | all elaeeea of Carriage*, Baggies A Wagons , Having faithful and experienced work* 1 men, and gnod material, we will allow no 1 pte to excel us. , Oar woYk la done under the anpervlaion ' of an experienced Mechanic. Those wishing to purchase anything in I par line, wlM do welt' to call ana sea our 1 Work. p d* All work warranted forLwn ? ' FOWLER, FOOTER ft CO.. Spartanburg 0. H., 8. C. May S 6i DiuolniUn. TI1E PARTNERSHIP haratofora eai.t, Wig b#?waan J. BANNISTER and T J. BANNISTER, Papar Maoufaoturara, known at J. BANNISTER A SON, has baan thi* day dtaaotrad by mutual aooaant Th? bu?lr.e?? of tba lata Firm will ba sallied by J Baa* iatar, who will oontfutfa' tba Paper Manufaotary, and aollalts a contiooanoa of tba 1 Mttanafa of llta Ida firm. i ^ J. BANNISTER A SON. Qreenrllla, 8. 0., May 2'2d, 1871. I May 81 4 1 no, Shoes', Gbocekies/ 4 w prices. ^ ^ mm, m fEWNESSEE. .'. *J J' V ? VIS, PItESlD'T. STATE AOEfVTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. is cajxed t i - ? " 4 ... :> ^ <it% j ^i rKiiioi F.R VALUF/JUtS, tiVAttTAGBSU 7 'HIS COMPANY. . 61 ?>t $ . - , _ ^ ^ ^ 'j- - 1871.8Pr|nsTr?de. igYI CroqlU't.- i I Complete Kti from $3 to $20 per sot. 4 Base Bulls. All the different kinitet seduced price*. J . FUhlng Tackle. Ofcvory description. n .Tutrcliug Bags. For ladies and gentlemen. * < > Forcigu Fancy Cloods. Onus nitd Plalols ol all Kinds mid Prices.^ Ammmiirion, ffportomcu's Ooodri Goods shipped to any part" of tho country per express. The same careftR Mteptlon'giv sn to orders by muli as to personal |tim-l>nscs. Prices for our goods based on j?<>ld at .par. POULTNtY. tumble & CO.; 200 If. IIAI TIMOtlE STHERT; BALTIMORE. MD,. March 22 . i . ly ?... t!T>. THJ& % Ik %% %1 STORE. W. H. IIovEr & Co. .n *? ? HAVK RECF.1VKD A,MR(iE ANI> DKAUTIFUL T,,E'11 LI IS E. . ? * * STAPLE GOODS, DRESS GOODS," TIUMM&S, HOSHMY, iBicYilS, HANDKERCHIEFS, READY MADE CLOTHING-, BIIOES, II A. T S, db C P ALSO . New and desirable patterns in paper hangings, con TAIN S, UOjlDiRlNG AND SCREENS. All o?4?iwtl??^-il) Do olferod at the lowest prices.' Our Customers and tUe Public ..1 . ' * oiu iiivucu to cau nitd.tiXHmine. W. IX. IJOVKY, S. A..TQWNES. . April 20 ' il tf > i . ? lil|ii?> ? Farm and Residence FOR )-v(ir SAL.EI. TIIF. SURSCIURER offers for snlo bis "GREEN " FARM, of about Two Hundred Acres, a little more than,a mile from the corporate limits of Greenville. JTbo House is a large irrrh nn.,f...4?kU ?no. *chn tain Inveigh t rooms with fire-places, ood-tyWMKTior* *,ithuut lira-places. .ju.'I On the place are orchards of Apple, Qherry and Peach Trocs, a body of \VcMSflarfd, a pieco of vory rioli liOTTOM -,LANDy trwd a large bed of clay suitable for, ^ri(jk rpajk'tng, out Of which large profit inny he inude. Too place is supplied 'With nn HlwmttnrF'oirWKat qaccllent water, sue of the *prta>g?i6<siif{f Mryngly chalyheato. .,,1 ' FOR TERMS, apply to tho subscriber aj Groeneilie. JAMRS C. ftJRMAN. MarlS tf 18 .A OABI^C 0L MY. FRIENDS ANikiPAT- ' Irons have my thanks fyiypnst bSujJBBfavors. Ac. I continue to innke mSpj\1 additions to my Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPEC- JBSzBak. TICI.KS, SILVER PLATE " ff111 1 WARE, TAHLK CUTLERY, A'c. KneoiaLattention given to repairing fine"Watches, nnd Time Pieces of every description, J AM KSG. REACH. Jan 16 v 36 tf , unl rnn vnr - nu ; run i nt MUUIMI MNS ! G&SM'AHfeAD'iybTKfc, Bine Bidgo Mountains, J' Mcl). CARSON, Proprietor, it now open and ready for the reception of picit*. Having imide many Approvement* aa to accommodations, roads, A<\, and aerpred an efficient ?<?rpa af s.rvaiUs, including Lcondreaees, Ac., the pro|<rwor, hopei lo merit a continuance W Ilia liberal patronage exlcndnl lo him the tart season. /inUt oj Hoard? Per ftny.fg; per Week, ||0; per Month, |8g.. M*y 1V 2 ^ 4 LUMBER SAW!NG. na VINO purchased-n fir?4 ?I?m IXjjjU TABLE KM0INK and ^AW MIlX,o! fine capacity. ] am now cut-* trade for Bills of Lumber ?j all jtcacrip* lions on short ' notice. lVrii>nB nnvlng plantations with Tluiher dlflring me, I will move on their lands for * 4?HI enffioient lo justify. They can find m i or leave mos Mg?a (hut would prafac nnj#s,describing I heir business) at my Tailoring Establishment. near New ASfc' W ?1 ' * ...? wnere I will eonllnu# lint bMHrnV ft>r tli? no oomodalion of tlioae who pref?a<*#njr work, and will continue my .tinrem>ltMag<?ffFoi U lo pita", in quality of worW andk4r?O0tny mateiinl. , .. i ? l\5f. ft pfeEOOl* ' M.iy 2 H ??' ' ' irttril . Spring and 'Summer'. MILLINJiltY. MISS MoK\f"Uj'reioraad 4?9HfrotD Now Yor^and opeaej an Mogant aaaortmentol H M T I. L I M'.K V, ??hrti?tlnir of flnV Bonni-ta and Mata-?( tha I* W/iff ^*l l'lM for CWK JlH ?rcn nnd IptaUjftliUo RibVI#1 bona of all widths, Flower., Laaa. Hat and flair Goods, Mdfob and CldH drams Sulla, Ao. T'f-". All orders will rocwa ?ar?dul and prompt attention. I April 26 CI tf ? i i fcc, and assure my Ci s SASH, BUH0 AMB WOV&D.xvs am a DRESSED Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Roan Over i* hundred different Pattern! of M lur rale at New York prices. Mantel-Pirccr, ] abort uotlce. Stair Rail, Newels aud Ralluatura to order. Uood and Substantial Work made as cheap United States. We bnve on hand the largest i RitltiiLore, all of which wu guarantee will give Substantial Work. The subscribers con refer tc Corolina nnd Florida, as to the chui actor of the Opposite Wando Fertilize! Workr, and in pavilion Hotels. Man CONSUMPTION, Its Cure and Its Preventive} ' BY J. II.SCUEKCK, M. D. MANY n human being lias passed away, for whose dentil there was no other reason than the neglect of known nnd indisputably proven tnenns of enre. Those near on<l dear to family and friends nro sleeping the drcnmlfss slumber into which, had they calinty adopted DR. JOSEPH II. SCIIENCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of iiis wonde.'ful efficacious medicines, thay would not havo fallen. Dr. Sclicnk has in his own case proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains^ that vital- I ity, by his medicine* and the directions (or I their use, it quickened into healthful vigor. In this itntuuiont there is nothing presumpt-. I uous. To tho fnitli of the invalid is made no representation that is nut a thousand times substantiated hy living and visible works. The theory of tho cure hy l)f. Schcnck's medicines is as simple us it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is sell-assuring, self-convincing. The Seijwood Tonic and Mnndrnke Pills are the first two wonpous with which the citadel of the innlndy is assailed. Two-thirds of tho cases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition tho bronchial tubes "sympathize" with tho stomach. They respond to tho morbific action of the liver. Here then cotucs tho culminating result, and the sotting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION, The Mandrako Pillr aro composed of one of 'Nature's noblest gifts?\bo Podophilliuni Pcltntum. They possess all tho blond-searching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel,' they "LEAVE NO STINO DEIIIND." Tho work of cure Is now Icginning. Tho vitiated nnd mucous deposits in tho bowels nnd^n the nl\mcntary canal aro ejected. Tho HvOr, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. Tho etomuch nets responsjvely, nnd the patient begins to feel that lie is gcttiug, nt Inst, A SUPPLY OF C.OOD BLOOD. The Fen wood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. [ Chy liBcalion is now progressing without ita [previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the euro is seen to be at hand. There is no wore Omtutenen, iKSffraecrbatton of the stomach. An appetite sets in. Now coines the greatest Blood Purifier over yet given by an indulgent father to suffering man. Hchcnek'a Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at once vpon its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and ripens the impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In the form of gatherings,, it prepares them for expectoration, ami lu ! in a very short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten stirono that it occupied is renovated and n 1:i< 1 y now, and the patient, iu all tho dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood thht wns. GIVEN UP AS LOST. Tho second thing is, tho patients must stayin a warm room until they get wollj; It is almost impossible to prevent taking cold when tho lungs aro diseased, hut it must bo prevented or a euro cannot be effected. Fresh nir and riditig out,' especially in this section of the country in tho fall and winter season, arc all wrong. Pliyt'cians who rccoumicud that course lose their pntients, if their lungs nre badly diseased, and yet, because they nre in the house they must not sit ddwn quiet; they .must w^tlk about the soom at much ami as fu.-t as the strength will bear, to get up a good circulation oi blood. Tho patients must keep in good spirits?he determined to get well. Titia lias a great deal to do with tbo appetite, and io tiio cut |umiii in gmn. 1 To despair or care after such ovidenco of its possibility In the woist eases, and moral certainly in all others, is sinful. Dr. Hcbonck's personnl statement to the Faculty of his own cure was in these modest words : .Many years ago I was in the last singes of consumption ; confined to my hed, nod nt one time tny physicians thought that I could not lire a week ; then, liko a drowning tuan catching nt straws, I heard of nntl obtained tDo pre partition* which I now tflrr to the public, and they "made a perfect cure of mo. It scouiod to me that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon'ripened the inn tier in my I lungs, nnd I would spU tip fnoro than n pint ' Of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon as that hegan to subside, my cough, fever, pain and night sweats nil begun to leave me, and my appetite hecanio so great was with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my 'strength, and huro grown in flesh ever rfince." "I w?? odfiiol ?S?irty sWor ory rwiirr i y lidded the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight was only ninety seven pounds ; my present weight is two hundred end twewty-fivo (2251 pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. ScTicnck has discontinued his professioiml visits to New York and lloston. Ho or his son, Dr. J. II. Sclionck, Jr., still continue to sen patients atthcir office, No. 15 North Sixt h ttreet, Philadelphia every Saturday from 0 A. M. to .1 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respitemcter will be Mi urged $ '?. The Ilcspiromctor declares the t*art condition of the lungs, and patients can , readily learn whether they are curable or not. 1 The directions for taking the medieines are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow those directions, and kind Nuturo will do the rest, eve.intlnw lh?l ! ? ni?? Mandrake Pill* nre to bo taken in incroiMd d#?v; tho three medicine* need n<( other ae cM||plniw?nti then the ample instruction* the! accompany them ; First ereete appetite. Of fctirniog hoelth hunger i? the moat welcome sjrwi loin. When it come*, a* It willeoine, let tho despairing at one be of good ctyoer. Good blood at once follow*, the oough loosen*, the ' night sweat i* abated. In a short time both 1 of tbtse morbid symptom* are gone forever. ! Dr. fiohonek's raedieinc* are constantly kept In tens of thousands of families. As 4 lata- H live or pnrgatiro, tbo Mandrake Pills ere a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonic Syrup as a curer of eoughs and eolda, maybe regarded as a prOphylaoterlo against eon*uinp- I ,tion in any of its forms. Price of the Pulmonio Byrup and Reaweed Toole, 91.50 a bottle, or 97.50 a half dosen. Mandrake Pills. 55 >?n ? ? l.ow 5?? ? '- k" nil druggiata and doalera. Whnleanlo Agent, JOHN F. HBKKV, No. II Collegt Place, New York City. Mitrck 22 40 \y WM. SHEPHERD i CoT, No. 24, Uayne Street, Charlctton, S. C. PKALina ik (BOOKING 8TOVKH, RANGES AND J Healing Stover. Plclurea of Blovoa with prices dncriplion will baaent up it epplication. June 20 0-ljr w iistomcrs that I have I. _ JI.Ji.J_. > 11!?Ul ?bAHKXG MK&Kt. Is, Shelving, Box Board*, A<*., Ac. ouliS tig*, ninklng over 100,000 feet on hand Door nml Window Frame* inade to order at i of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and uiado at tlii* ealabluhmcnt a* can bo made In the itock of tho above Good* south of the City of entire satisfaction t? all who want Mood anp > gentlemen all over thi* State, Georgia, North dr work for the |<ii*t twenty years. r. P. RUSSELL & CO., EA8T END 1IASEL 8THEET, tho immediate llclnlty vf Charleston and ;h 15, 1871. 8 ** ItasI & HI A Mil All llAlKllUlllllJlJ 4FSII!E lo infori) III* public (liat they have a FUI.K STOCK OF i CXJ eL'W'IWy tfc (bJay On hand, nn<l nre nnxio 8 to dNpose of j th< in for CASH. i A* m 'tioy is tight ami limes abe dull, wv I have reduced the pi ice of mnny artiolei. I We liftve just received n large lot Of Cigars and Tobacoo* Which wc will s-li cheap for Caah. Have just received fine WINES, CIIAMPAGNES. ALES and PORTERS nt reduced piicea. Just received, cheaper than ever, WHITE LEAD. PAINTS, COLORS, LINSEED OIL. VARNISHES, . Our Stock of DRUGS and STAXDA RD PHBPA RATIONS is coni;?lete, and as cheap na can he bought in u?y Retail e?lahllehmenL Wc are now running our SODA FOUNTAIN, . And as we have PLENTY OF ICR IT WILL BE KKIT RED HOT All the Sumtncr. w. n.-Ti. na* Indebted lo ua for Old M Accounts, will pleaae take notice that they muat act tie up t?y the first of May, na longer Indulgence will not I c given. Ilercaf- ' tor we will sell tlriclly f><r Ca*h, April VI 4'J tl COLUMBIA Horn, .. COLOiniA, St. C., spy** if ? -- ? w iMi.? 1'RorniKTOB j rI"MlIC Propr etorof llic pleasantly lorntid L nnd elegnnllv f it ?ii Ir-li e<l Establish- 1 mini, ?l I lie State Ciipit ?l, desires to infoim ( lliu travelling public nnd others peeking nc- ( commo.lniiotn tliat tlie "Columbia" is in ev- j cry respects ft st?cl.ies lintel, unriiipaa'ed ( by any in tlio State or tbc Unit<d State* Situated in tbe bu.-incrs centre of tbc city, | wilb fine large niry room*. and a tnld* suppiled with every delicacy of the season, both , from New York nnd Charleston insikets, j tbo Proprietor pledges tlinl no florin will ( be spared to give pei feet satisfaction in eve- ( ry respect. I A first c'nss Livery Stable is attached to i tin* llotel, wlieie vebicb h of every deocrip ' lion eon tie bad ot tbe shortest notice. J Omnibuses attend the arrival and ilepnr" tuio of every Train. \VM OOHMAN. r Proprietor and Superintendent. ' J.D. IlUDDS, Cashier. Feb 15 S9-tf J Land for Salo. i ritliu subscriber offers for sale hi* Land, titua I ted soino nine miles below the City of | iJrocnvile, on waters of Itrusby Crock. Ander- , son County. In the Tract ara 222 Acres, 30 of which nro ltottoin nnd 20 are .Second Bo*- . toin. There lire good houses, stables, sinoke . houses, corn crilis, Ac. Tnis Lund is superior, ' nnd under good cultivation, nnd will ho sold > cheap for cash. Apply nt once, if you wish s to invest. J. .<?. TIIACK.9TOX. f Mar 29 47 3tn ' wm. j. Randolph! STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. CTifJu LOCATED on Falls Street, one square of Messrs. (lower, Cox k i iij^j i i <mn.MiL 01 nil inscription* ' I Wv*. furninhod nnil cut to onlcr. TOMU-_ I STONKS, with ISrnnite or Mnrbla i I'edontals rr.ay h? hml on nppliculion. E===* Special attuuiion guaranteed to nil work. 35-tf Jnn 13 57 WIIERLi:, awimLi ?. ?. i DEALER I N 1 GOLD ft! SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEW EL 11Y, > SPECTACLES, 1 18 & 22 Carat 8olid Nuptial Ringa, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED | wm. mm xca rr WOltK of all iliecripliona in y# linn done promptly, dH W Oct *7 St 1 DOO LBY'8~ YEAST POWDEtt II -- I a in i<n<K nr?n r'gnratiT ! the licit ft ml | Bheepeet linking Powder in U?e. Prr(?et!jr puic and licttliliv- It make#, At abort noHoc, delicioua Bieonita, Roll*, An. There need be no wuli of food prepared with It, M it i? elwej of the beet quality. We would aey to thoye who )>mvm n?v-t need it that a very few trla'a will enable them < nto uee It, not only with entire eetiefaotion ' but wltii . oeonomy. Put np mill, met weight, aa repreeontel, Oroccre and D?al? 1 ere eell it. DOOLltV A TOOTHER. PropV, <10 Atsc Sir ft, Nfe York City. April ft 48 <kn W. K. KAAI.RY. a. a. wills ' EASLEY ft WELLS, , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law c AND IN EQUITY. 1 GRKKNVlLLlCfl. C., PUACTICR in the Conrte ttf the Stele end f of the United State*, and givo c.pecWl < attention to ease* In llankrmdey. June 13 ? I i * 4 never before been H. C. MARK. rem & HUNTER DEdtCft TO CALt< THE ATTENTION OF TflB PUBLIC tf) THEIR LOW-PRICED AMD WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF GRENADINES, JAPANESE; CLOTH, PERCALES, SOLID A LP A CCAS, LA IYNS and LINENS TI1KY WILL SELL LOW FOll C3ASH> \ IN'cw Lot Just Received; W n v 111 ? * ?, -- . 11 The Southern Hotel _ HAS been nn<l ptit in complete order for liiuBuiB-ercomni?<lmlon of tha ""-"""f public, Kale* of iumd r<Ht>onablc. Call and give inn a rial. J. 0. YKARGIN, May 3 63 Sirt 1871, 1871, * __ Spring and Summer zi5is MARSHALL & BURGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. WH -AUK OFFERING TO THE MERcliants of Ooo interior, a large and attractive o? foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AMD w rmr ~m mjm mT N m l\ hicli wo roll at the lowest market prices to roinpt paying customers. MARSHALL Jt Bl'ROK. Mar 8 43 3ta 2 11 JK"? * * ~7 ?3 K--3 * | ?5 ? sj't ! S i J ^ ^ ^ ft# tl ^ '-4 n ti S : i t? o .f Cc^ U r#) - ?-5 S ^ a - ? "T ? V3 l c r* K !'|.s|lliii.i3ji if & i~i" 'S ? 8 S""S c " " ? 1 ?-c |3"i ' ?* 5 ?"-o *" aj -/* f- 5> ? Hs ir--5 "^ ? ."* ? ^*3G *ts-55^13* ^ ? e5 i<3 cfS** fc* |5- Si ji-tt 1.-1 g?c 5-3 ew^ i* < w=s<g2,5lo2se?5 - & f"s'4."il?'2=ll -o-iiiSHtiffUf 5 * k " it S -a' M Z e .2 ? ? _ ? v a 36 1 * ? ,r-? ? S 2. 'fc ? CTH Jt * .i c - ? ? OS rr. Z %> ? - rc?* ?6w*2 'CO 5ec,jef S?i?e 2 ? cM .= > ^S-t.2 t'c c ? i = - t ^ j != * Hi O o> c ? _ 4 o " ? I ^ u>- * ?^ Ji J i " , >>J= O i ; , \ ;a1^ci?.S5S * H 7 -j? ~- ? .-^ 11 -? -1 to ~z pz E C- c ? ? 2 .* ? * L^wOat'ogva,-!^ fS" -a PQ1ih&hnlv B. WEHRLE 1J1AS just rctuincd with a welV J"j selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, '.JEWELRY, iOHD SILVER AID PLATED VARI, Table Cutlery, &e. HIS Stock was nersonally PCoctcd from the host lieu see in his ine, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct i? 22 ir pnniiTn o ontiw '? & 5>UMM 1.14 HHAIBUKY. Just Keturncd from Nov* York. 1 MRS. JF.HNINOS lino ret >56Sn^ turned with n foil stork ol MIL. MiH LINKHY aud other 0 0 (> !> S, united tu the wants mid desires 4&M "< tho lad to which ihi fyBPPjW would tuVlto an examination. ? 0/IWl ? > *?!>>"* ? ORANPOPRNZl\41 I NO on Thursday, 271h inst., Vi> and will be pleased to sec such >4fcer friend* on the occasion as may hnVd ihe time to attend. Location, one door below the wcllk-nowtt ito re of Messrs. W. It. Ilorcy A Co. April 76 M IT ]\OTICK IS IIKRKDY OIVK.fc tu all wtiobi it may *o*e*rn, that t wilt spplv InH. J' tfciUttt* T. Probate Judge of OvcvnviH# Ootinty, on he 8th d^| Jure Ytcxt, for a Final IMs* barf? ? Adhnlni.tiator of Jhe Estate of >sv)d deceased ; therefore, atl pat* lea haftW|fV|lnis apalnst said Relate will irrunt IklAi.* .. l-? ?" .UnwT JKFPKKSON Tu-^N." ' * A'tnlnUcrjl.,.