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OFFICIAL^"' Aots and Joint Beaolntiont Fatted b; the LeghlitarHhMloa 1870 an 1 lfTl* __ V am act to incorporate tilb wac. damaw and little river canal hompavv. Section 1. Be U enacted by the Senate ao<l Hou?* ol Representatives of the State of 8 'B'h Carol at, now met and silling in General Assembly,and by the authority of th* same, That J. S. Burroughs, \V. E. Hoi co-nhe, George W. Price, Jr., George T LltolUleld, T, 0. Dunn aud J tmea K. Duseo? berry, aad ench persons aa now are or may brooms hereafter aeeoeUted wiih them, their *u<*oe?e ?re and ftssigns, be, and they are hereby, constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name and etjle of the Waccatnaw and L'tlle River Canal Company, by which name they are hereby made capable in law to have, h?dd, pur chaar, receive, work, cell, mortgage, le.tee, e Joy and retain to them, (heir eucreeeor* and asaigne, lands, tenements of aU-charaetere, and chattel* of whatsoever kind, ae nay be deemed by them mmt conducive to the objects and interest of said corporation. Sco. 4. That said corporation, by iU title alomald, may sue ard be sued, plead and be impleaded in any Court of this Slate, make and use a rctumon seal, altering the earn 1 at pie tsure, establish, alter and amend such by-law# and regulations ae shall be deemed proper by them, not in conflict with the Cons'itution or laws of this Stitc or the Unite 1 Stats*. S.-o. 3. I ne cnpnai aiocs 01 e uu hall be two hundred thonsnnd dollars, wish the right to Increase the same by vote of a majority of the stockholders to any sunt, not exceeding five hundivd thousand dollars; that said company shall c mm-nee business as soon as its capital slock is fully sub'crihed, and fifty thousand dollars of the ss'.ie pal I uj>, which stock may he paid either in money or real estate, the ?ame to be <iiv| l-d I ?o such mint er eff shares, and at so much per share, as said cjrpoialion may dcteimine said shares to be assignable and e/otiai?l- tp<d-r sutli rules at sal 1 corporation may prescrl1 a. 8sc. 4. That there shall bs nnnual m clings of the Stockholders, at such tinus and places as thay may designate, for the putpose ol choosing a Board of Dircotors, (to consist of not lrss then five nor more than* nine, each of whom shall he a Stockholder), and a President, ao 1 other officers of said corporation, to manage its affairs. S-o. fi. Tltat eaid company aliall Weep an office at Little Riv^r, In llorry County, which, lor all judicial purposes, shall be deemed its loca'ion. b< c. 6. mat i lie said company Mian ?nu may came a communication of inland n?? igathm by a canal and lucka, to be made and kept up, through such places na to them shall cm most fit and convenient, frnjn Wacamaw to L' ? It It'* It'ver, in Il?rry County ; and that fb?y and tIs?-ir ?ucc ssors forever ahull and may fix and ea'ablisli, and be entitled to take and receive, by way of toll, for all t???ode and m "clt ndige carried on or through, and boata, vessels arid rafts, pnaaing on or through, the arid cnnal, auch aumi or tatea aa the sa d company shall think ptoper to impose; and the a<iiJ company, or their agenta, may atop any goods, vessels, boata or rafts, from passing on the said cnnal until payment of the said loll. Sec. 7. That ?be s?ld company shall have power to purchase for lliemaeltes und their succe sors forever, such lands as mny be necessary for the purpose aforesaid; and where they and the owners of the siid land* cannot agree 'or the same, to bike the said lands at a valuation to be made by a mnjorty of five persona to be appointed by tha Court of Common Pleas to value tbe same ; wbich land ahajl, on payment of the sunt at which It a >?! ?nlu. d, be vested in the aaid company forever. See. 8. That the said company shall be obliged to keep the said canal end lo;Us, at all limes, in good and suflicicni order, condition,and repair,on J>uIn of being an% avfmliU (nr inv flmnnifN l?v tbcir willful fault or neglect Sec. 9 That if any person shall. willfully or maliciously, cut break down, damage or deal toy, an; I m k or ??tli?r wmk c 'erected, or made for the purport of the suid navigation, aoch pet sou altnll be ndjud/id guilty ol felony, and, on conviction, rhill pay a flue not exceeding five thousand, nor leas than five hundred dollar'*, or ImprisoneiHn the IVuitentinry, not exceeding Ion or le*a than t wo yeais; and if any pers >n shall throw dirt, lices I* ga or other rubbish into I he aaid canal, so na to prejudice the svn e, auch prison aha 1 be answerable to the aaid company fur damages ocrnsioned thereby. the 10. That tbe sai l company ahull have power ami authority to ilia any nn?teriaU in the vicinity of aaid canal, for muk*. i I he same, ot the a dd locks, or keeping the rarne in repair, paying a reasonable price for the same, which price shall he ascertained in like manner na ihe value of land which the company may take, a? aforfa id, hi euSe lley and the owm-ia of ihe aa>d land cannot cgiee about Ihe price thereof. fee 11. Tli .t the an id roos| an; shall and na > collect water lor ihe u?e of sai I canal and locks, making rnliafaeiion for the dam* a es d? nr iheieby ; ihe faid damages lo I e as-rt inir i d in the h ar.ner alove directed with re?| ect lo Iba value of land. S*C- 12. That this Ael ahall ba deemed at.d lnk?fi lo t?e h public Ac*, judicially taken notice of as such, without special pleading, and li'oially oonsiiited for carrying ibe pnrpoa-s aforesaid into rff- ct, for the t-rm *>f ihbiy-five veaia, and lo the ait j lU U of the n< at General Ass<n*bly there I after. _. Appievrd the 9 h day of Marrfl A. D. 1871. AN ACT TO INCOKPWKATK THEUNION n/iTrtyiKiivn oAiirtiw vuiw a>u< itiu v. vni an i, ur ouu 111 C*K?'l-IN A Hoetian 1. Be il ri)*eUd by >v<? flrnatr and liuw# ?< R?|iri>fBi*li?ai of ih? Slut' of*?mli Caro'i a. now mat and sitting In 0< nrtal A(Srnil>]>. and by (he amliniiiy of (he law, Tlml Luei*n llawlay and George IX. Aid- a. of thr ciiy of Washington D. ( , A*?in H. OK.y. Ollaer Cornell and <5. C. Puff-r of the County of Union, and Stats of Souili Carolina, ai d such othsr person* as nj>w are, or may hereafter ba aasoalatad Willi iliem, lhair auceeeaors and assigns, he, and ibej hereby ar?, eons bated a body rtrjoralc and polltio, by the save sod 1 ^' 4b jk 11 if] BLT'iULt-Jililin.ijLLL atyle of the Union Gold Mining Company, i i by which mid* and atyle they art hereby made eaptblt ia lata id Iw**, b?U( purehaae, receive, work, ttll, mortgage, leaae, enjoy and retain to tbeia, their oaeeeasora nd nes;|rn?, lands, tenements, mines of all characters, and ehattala of whatsonetr kind as may ha drained by them moot eoadaetre to the ol jeet and interest of said eorporntlon, wlileh are mining hod working tor gold and otnar minerals, and menu/ staring the extnt In Union 0??unty, and other parts of South Carolina, and of aaodlag tbn ?ame to mark-t, Sao. 8. That said corporation, by*|ta tltla aforeraid, may aoa and ba surd, piaad snd be impleaded la any Court of this Stata, nmke and ns# a ootonion seal, alter ing the same at their pleasure, establish, Iter sod amend tuch by-lews snd regulations as shall be deema-J proper by lliem> not In eoi fliet with the Constitution or laws of th'a State, or the United Stat- a Sec. 8. Thai the capital slot k of said eor poratloo ahall ba tan thousand dollars, with the right to inoreaae the same by a rota of a majority of ths Directors, to any sum not exceeding on* million of dollar* ; that ?H Company shall commence business within sixty diji af'er ili? capita! alork is fully subset ibrd, aixl ll>e itpck may b* paid aith r in money* or real estst?, or mining lease* and machinery ; the *aiu? to bo divided into aucb number of (bare* a* aaid coipnra? lion may determine, raid share* to be assignable and negotiable under rules as said curpoiaikon may prescribe. Sec. 4. Tliat tl.are shall ba annual meetings of the a'oukliolJers at audi time and place as the Director* uiay designate lor the purpose of choosing a Board of l)ireo?? tors, to consist of not has than five nor mor* tlinn nine, cicli of whom i-hall he a stockliohl- r, and a President and oilier officer* of said corporation, to manage it* af 'air*. Fe !. 5. That ?niJ c. m; ftny shall keep au office at Ihoir principal mine io Uulon Cown ty, which. lor all jodici ?l purpose*, shull be (loomed It* location, and, also. one in the oiile* of Columoia and New Yoik, it they choose, and all meeting* of siocklinldera umt Dlrec'or* may he held at *ooh place, io or out of the Slate a* may be directed by the by law* of the company. See. 6. That all the property, real and personal, of *lid Company, ehall bo liable for it* debt*, and the private pmporty ot the stockholder* shall be liable for the debt* of the Company to the mil u it of stuck sub* set ibed. Sen. 7. That this corporation shall have :i legil existence from the lime a written ac ceptacee, or adoption of this charter sign ed by a majority of the persona named in first Section, shall have been filed in the ot* fie* of the Secretary of S'ate; and thi* Act shall continue in force for thirty years from and after its passige, and the privileges and franchise* granted by this charter ahall not be withdrawn duiing that time. Approved March 7<h, A. D, 1871. AN ACT TO VEST IN THE CHARLES TON LAND COMPANY THE CHARTER OP A FEItRY FROM HAMLIN'S WHARF, IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, TO. THE FOLLOWING POIN TS ON THE VVANDO RIVER. TO WIT: SCANLON V1LLE, REM LEV'S POINT. VENNING'S LANDING, AND DANIELS INLAND LANDING. Scethm I. lie it rnaotel by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State of South Caro ins. now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority uf the snm*. That a public ferry be, and th* lime is hereby, established, fiom Uamjiii'* Wharf, in the City of (Jhar'eiton, to the following points on the Wan-lo River, to wit: Seanlonville, Reml?y*s Point, Ven ning's LHiding, and Daniel's Island Landing ;and the said ferry shall be vested in the Charleston Land Company for,the teim of twenty years. Sec. 2. That the said Charleston Land Company shall enjoy i|,e inclusive charier of said feiry, with the piivilege of charging not more than 60 cents for efti p?t*.-n&~r conveyed, and reasonable freight on mcr eliandise : Provided, Said Company shall have the raid ferry established and in good woikmg older within two years after the passage of this Aet. Approved March 2d, A. D 1871. AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF < THE GAP CREEK AND MIDELE SA < kUiM lUltAriKK CUM I'ANY AND J < TO AMEND AND RENEW THE CHAR I TEll THEREOF. ? Section 1. he it enacted by the Senate t t'nl H<>u?e of U(| rtMnuiivr* o( the Sl>te ? of South Carolina, now ma: ami tilling in Gem ral Assembly. and by the uuthoi ity o' I the same. Thai llie charier of Ilia Uap I (>e k and Middle Salu la Turr.p k* Com- * p*ny be, and the same is hereby amended I in aoch maimer ihat I lie sail Company i shall hereafter ha known by (he name of s "The Mid He S.iluda Turnpike Company." See. 2. That the said charier, ex?.-pt ?? herein ?Xi-ep'ed, he renewed as t? all the ' lights, power* and dutl-s of subl Company, ami in all other respects, for the period ol thirty years. A|'| Mid Mateh 6th, A D 1871. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE RYLVANU* MAYOTO BUILD A WHARF IN THE TOWN OK BEAUFORT. Be it enae'ed < >' the Senate and H'>ns? of R-pferentatives of the State ol Sott'h u Carolina, now met and sitting in General ( A?s< mbty, and by the authority of the same, ( That Sylvnhiia Mayo lie, and ha ie hereby, , authorise 1 to btiihl a wharf to deep water, ? in front of the properly owned by him, in , the Town of B aufori, known as lot A, in t block Ihitty-nine (8y), i-j collet wharfage . on the f?me, a?d u u?e, evil or leeae the | uH wharf, for hie own ure, and hetieAl, t ?ui j?el to any lewe now ezia'lng. or hrr* , afiar to V? ?oa?ted, lu ielation to |ug)> j pn-porty. Approved Mareh ?. 1ST 1. j AN ACT TO REGULATE THE CALL OF I TllB DOCKET OF THE SUPREME < COURT. 1 Section 1. Bo It enacted by tbo Son at* I i ad ll<?nac of Repreoentativee ot tk? 8tai? < ol 8ou'.h Carolina, now mot and oittlng In < General Areemhly, and hy tbo authority of lh<* earn*, That Iho Supreme Court ehall, I on the laet day ol eaoh atatod Urm, nake < aud puhliah ?n order deelgnailng the order 1 in whioh the eau*re from the ?**erat Clr. ouite ahall bo oalled at tbo rtatod ? -w of tbo Court nest ongoing, whioh order . *11 1 j alto ?p?Hfy the time to b? allowed to 0?o,l * ?. r. ? hearing ofMotK from n?k Circuit. ThU order shall too ImvowbU. C*T:* If Ik* mmw from tho nwhI Ctreoho MDoot bo heard wlthlo tho perlo-l. a lloted provided (o tho preceding Section,the Court dill oontlnoe tho oomo to Ifft heord Bflef the r*goler ooll of tho Clr cuit, or In ito dloemiob, till tho next etatel Una. Approved Mar oh ?, lR7l. aw act declaring a tract or one HUNI?RRf? acres op ltnd. in the county OP fairfield. at e8 cheated to tub 8tatk. AND to vest THE title to the SAME in the trustees of ludueway academy. Whereat. ono Mre. Murdoo, widow, died number of jrero since, leering 00 her ee> Ute one hundred aero* of lond io the conn lJ of Fairfield, bounded bj lands ot William Dunlop. Samuel MrQusritn, and others; and, whereas, the left no hairs or rcpreoen tetleoe, therefore, Section 1. Be it tmc'il by the Senate and Uouaa of Repreacntatlvee, of th? State of Soull* Carolina, now met and fitting in 0?u*r?l Attambly, and hy auihorltv of the ame. That tlx mIi] tract of ona hundred acre* of land ho, and llm tame ie hereby, declared to hare eacheated to the 3tate. Src. 2. Tliat the title of the State to eatd en? hundred acre* of land be. and the nme ie hereby. v#?ted In S M. Smart, li<>*ee jntnee and Wy?t B"U?wara and tl.eir tuc? e rsore in office, ee Truotees of the Ridge way AcaJrtny, in the raid county of Fairfie d. Sec. 8. That they ere hereby autho:lz-d to a?l| the ttuie. end apply the money foi the purpoee ot building a ecliool at or near the above mentioned |dece. Approved March 9 h, A. D. 1871. AN ACT TO PERMIT WM. L. WOOD TO ADOPT NAPOLEON B. SMITH, TO MAKE HIM HIS LAWFUL HEIR. ANI> TO CHANG8 THE NA#E OF THE SAID NAPOLEON B. SMITH, TO THAT OF NAPOLEON U. WOOD. Wh.*reae Wm L Wood, of the County of Laurent, hat adopted, with the c intent ot tie parent a, a child of the age of aevan yeare, known hy the name of Napoleon B Smith ; and whereat he It deairoua of treating taid child, in evetjr re?p-ct, ar hit own. io make him hit lawful heir, and to confer upon him his own name ; therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate und Home of R?prr*ent*livea of the S'ltr ot S' Ulli Carolina. now met and Bitting in General Aaeemhty, and l?y the authority of ilie atna, That the name of ilia amid N*p<> l-on li. Smith ha eh*ng*d ^o Napoleon B n ou I, and that he< eifter the Mid Napoleon U Smith be known and called Napoleon B. Wood. See. 2. That Iheiaid Napoleon B. Wool hall hereafter l>? deemed a Ugal heir of the aaid Wnt. L. Wood ; and had, upon tha death of the aaid Wooi (providing he die intrelate) inl.eiii hi? propel ty, io eomnmn whh *ucli other Irgal helra a* the anid Wood hall leara at the tl no of hit d.-alh. Approved March 2, 1R71 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE TI1E CHAR 1.EST0N RIFLEMEN CI?lJfL S ct ion 1. Be it enacted d.y the Senate ami Hi>u*? of Reprerenlatlvea ol the Stale of South Carolina, now met aud fitting in tieni-ral A*e?-nibly, and by the authority of the same, That the Charleston Itiflomen Club, of Charleston, and th?several person* who now are, or hereafter may be, officer* and member* ihi-n of, and their succe**<ir*. officers and membett, be, and they are here. by, declared to be a body corporate and politic, by tlie name and style of the Charleston Riflemen Club. See. 2. That the said eorporalioj hereby created and established, shall have soecs* rlon of officers and members, according to its t>y-lawa and shall nave power to make all necessary by-law* not repugnant tit the luwe of the land, and to have, use and k?ep a common feat, and the same to alter at will, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any of the Courts of this 3u'e, sn?l to have and e? J -y every right, power uud privilege incident 'o such corporation; and it if hereby e npnw*r?d to take, bo'd, retain, posses* and en) >y sll *ueh property, real and per?oiiai, as it mny acquits by purobste, t iglit, devise or bequest, or in my oilier rotniier, whatsoever, and the umt, or any |?ari thereof, to fell, alien, en iuniber, mortgage or convey at the w||' ilid |4ea?ure ot suvh corporation : Provided, That the amount of property, real and rrsonal. so held, sbsll not, atone tbne, el* ind ih?n>m ol ten th?u-ard d dlara. S< e. 8 That tint A- t ahall continue in nice for tha apace of fourteen ycara, and mti! tlic mcatinx of (lie nni Gcieial Aa emMy thereafter ; and lliat til' aamc shall in tu'ica ao<l deemed a public Act, and nty l>a given in avidcnce without being pecially p'eaded. Approved 0d? da* of March, A. D. 1871 IN ACT TO RELINQUISH ALL TIIK r.lOlir, TITLE AM) INTEREST nF the >tate of south Carolina IN. AND TO CERTAIN REaJL ESTATE i WHEREOF ONE NAlVLEON IS 1-ouNCh.Y, op iioKRY. a bastard , DIED SEIZED, AND VEST THE SAME , IN CEUl'AIN I'tlUsONS THEREIN I MNTlONED. , Whereas. one Napoleon B. P?>ui>c*y. lata f tha County of Horry, and 8 at* of South ' mllna, a baatatd, waa, du>lng hia life, ixed aud p?ss?ased In lee abaple of a car. aiu iraat of land, aituala in a*IJ coanty. nd di'd inDstais, Mixed and poaaa?a*d of It* asms aa aftH-eaald, whereby it crated la ha Htai a ol South Carolina by eaeh?al; and, vh* a?a, California llughea, Thoa. M. *<>uoeay and Vlwia Touacey of raid Conn y, arc ohildrcn, alao born out f( Inwfal a adloclt, of lh? f?tli*r ?od 0?'?lh?r *f Mid Sfapoleoa 0. Pounaeyj Be It enseiaJ by t'isScosU and Houaa of H?prea*utativa* of tha Stat* of South Caro D(, now HH IM IIIUR| la OfMrtl A?wmb'j ad by ilia Miburitf of tba mum. Rial all lb* Hffbt, titla and lotaroat of lb# i'nta af Poath Cir?lloa to, and la, tba trao? ?f land #f??r-?aM, U by ihia Aal r?ll*^al4* -d and Vrolad la aaid California Hu?b##, Hiomaa M Puanoav and Vl-la Poanoay, la bava and to bold tba mid lr??t ol land la omatoa, bora and ahara allka, to thammIim, ibalr ,b#lh aad naoign# foravar _ Promidtd, Thai Mid land ba oabjaet to ilia lawful dabu at oaid Hapolooa B. Puuao~y ailba tlaaa of hU daaaaaa. Approved Marab T, IJT|, 4t win hi m pi f i m AN ACT TO CHARTER TUB AAOKBONB6ROU FERRY. V Beetion 1. Be It tr.MUd hytha 8?nate * A Huqm of RrprtNni?|tt<* of the 8Ut? fc of Booth Carolina, now mat and titling In ^ O'ltrtl Aaaerobly, and by iha anlbority of v ha hi mo. That tha Farry fat marly known f aa the Jaekronboro' Ferry, aaroaa the Edit* to Hirer, ehallbe. and tha ram' la harehy. I aaubUrhe<l a public ferry, and ratted in ^ Thootaa Orant, hU heira and araiona, for a ^ tatm of arrm jrara, with tha priril-ge of . collecting tha follow ing rat at ol toll. to wit! ^ F?,r etch carriage ?i<t four h?rec, arrenty live aenta; for eaeb carriage and two [ horarr, fifty five aenta ; for each carriage and J on* h"ra-, twenty fira aenta ; for horae and ' rider Aft am aanta- fur ?a*h fnnt n.u^n. V gtr, fiv* MnU; for each horae, fir* cen'e; ? lor ?*?h head of ntilt five eents ; for eeeh V h?id of aheap, goat. or hoc, i?i. rente: " Provided Thai he ohxll have the mid ferry r<illjr reiablUhed end in Rood working order within els month* after the pS'tage of c tll'S Act: And provided further, Thel rhould ^ the Mid Thorn re Grant, In the exercise of (l the pilvlUgee conferred upon him by the 1 foregoing eh itter, work damage or Injury 8 to any per eon celng saH ferrv, through t orgtiirenor. or dereliction of duty, he ehall J be deemed gtil'ty of a misdemeanor, und, ] upon eonviction thereof, shell forfeit euch g chartered privileges. Approved March lmh, 1871. 1 AN ACT TO RK^IIAHTF.R MAXWELL'S r BRIOGE OVER SENECA RIVER, IN ? OCONEK COUNTY. ? Re it enacted hy the Senate and Ilnure of r Representative* of the *1 SvuUh Car p nline, now met and sitting in General As- j semhly, and by the authority of the same. ^ That the bridge known as Ma* well'* Rrid^e I S'n?e? River. in Oeot>ee County, l?I and thv Mm* li hcrvby rechartered for the j turn of fourteen year*, and the Mine Te?t- g -d in Mary L. Mnxwell, Mailon Maxwell j anJ Annie S!o*n, their lo ir* and a?fignr, ^ with the Mine privilege* and ia?e* of toll ( a* tliOM lirrrlofoie allowed by law. , Approved March O'l), A. I>., 1871. j AX ACT TO RE-CHARTER TI1K CYPHERS CAUSEWAY. ^ Be it enacUd l>y the Senate and ll?u*e j of Representative* of the State of South j Carolina, now met and fitting in Genera) , Assembly, and by (lie authoiity <>f the fame. That the Cypref* Canaeway. on tho ( r>ad leading troin Orangeburg to Charles- ^ ton, be, and ihe tame U hereby re-cl?artered. and vest'd in Samuel Haynea. hi* hei>* and assigns, f>?r the t? rm of fourtc-n yearn, j with ilie aaine rate* <>f toil heretofore al> ( lowed by law : Provided, That enter* going ^ o and returning fium the pnila, on election daya, and children going to and returning | from achool, *hal| be pawed free oyer (aid ^ causeway. Appr >rel March 7th 1871. AN ACT TO EMPOWER. AUTHORIZE ? AND REQUIRE THE I OUNTY COM 1 MISSION EKS OF ORANO EBURG C COUNTY TO BUILD A BRIDGE A- 1 CRO-W THE NORTH FORK OF KDIS- \ TO RIVER, AND ESTABLISHING A t ROAD THEREFROM TO TI1K TOWN OF BRANCHVILLE. Kertion 1. Be it ?nac'ed by lb* Senate and llouia ot Represent alive* of the Stale L of South Carolina, now met and aiiting in I General Assembly, and by the authority ?l I tl^a same, That lha County Coinmiafionert of Orangeburg C<>un'y l e and are hereby > empowered and required to build (a* early a* praetieabie.) a b> i <ge aerora the North ' Fork of Kdis'o River, and to e*tal>|i*h a t road therefrom to the Town of Branehville, " in add County, a?d if necessary f?.r enid purp >*a, they may, and shall have Ihe right * to levy a ?|-c lai tax for the purpose afoi*> t raid. q Approved M irch Oth, A, D , 1871. AN ACT TO RENEW THE CHARTER OF THE FERRY KNOWN AS ASHEPOO r FERRY. c Section 1. Be it enacted by the 8enate ,, and House of R-presen? alive* of the State c, of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General A*?einl?|y, and by the autliotlty of the Mine That the charter ol the Ferry V nrro'# Atiiepcw Itiver. au?1 known a? " Ashe. II j?oo Ferry,"I>e. and the seine is, icnewed ll for the t?*rm ?f foiirt-fn years, and it here- c liy vetted in Nilhaniel Hey ward, hit h?iit, admiuitlrali-rt. exeeiiinra and assigns, f?r ^ seiJ terra uf fount n years. together with g a'l the lights, pri?ileg s and iin nunltlrt ^ heraiolora i?eor| orate 1 In t?i l charter. Approved March 10ih, A. D., 1871. S AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED . AN AtVT Ti> AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSION Kits OP PUBLIC BUILDINGS ? FOR WlLLlAksStURO DISTRICT TO .. SELL CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE d PUBLIC GROUNDS." PA83KD THE a TWENTY SECOND DAY OF DECEMIJKit, A. D. 1869. , h{ Be it enacte I hy the Senate and H<>ute of Representatives of the Stale of South ? Carolina, now met and aiillig in Ometal Aescm'dy, ?nd hy tit-* anthoi ity of the tame That to much of an Ad eniiiled ** An Act ' in authorise*tiie Commissioners of Public 1 Buildinet for Wi Ilia umbo fir IH?lriot le tell eft?in portion* of the public gron?di>.'' ' [ *ml th? iwent y?f ootid day of Decern. J Iter, A D 1869. oprnfiJn that it shall he J an Irrevocable eomli ioa of uls that tha ?, parahss-r* shall rr at none other than >* brkk buildings therson, be, and the tans J is hereby, repealed. J Approved March 1<I, A. D.. 1871. ^ AN ACT TO AMP.ND THE CHARTER OF THRnP.RMANEVANOEUCAI.LUTU. _ ERAN CHURCH OP CHARLESTON Aeotion 1. B*ft ?na?l?d by tha 8*'iab and Hoots of Representations of tha State a < 1 !*orth Car?Ua*, o?w mat and Sittlnc lo General Ae?sn.blf a?d by tha authority of tha sent'. That lha aharter of tho Oerman ? Evsntfelloal Lutheran Church of Chsrl?*~ too. grantod in 1841. aad renewed by aa Aa' aftha Oaasral As?-nahly, ratlfled tha alaeteantb day of Drs?mb?r. A. D. eigh lean hui drad and fifty flea, la haraby aa* taaded and ooatinoed In forae, and so I amaadal aa to aathoriae aald corporation <o 1 KoM penp-rty, rsal aad porsonat. lo tbo amount gf ana baadrad sad fifty thousand K dol'ars. Approved Msroh #. 1871." pr grtiyif the t-lsgrsph Una bet wee a Colombia s??d Oraaavllla, la reported us being aatlaCaatary, tha tins# being abort before !> la aomptetad, _ v - w * , *%. iW I * A little boy named Knight, rho recently entered) a mission chool in New London, was told >y hit teachers that he mnat be A food boy, and when he died he ronid go to Ueaven. The little ellow was pleased with the proe>ect, and promised to he the beet find ot a boy. The next Snnday io appeared in hia place looking orrowful, and the teacher asked liin if he had l>een a go* d hoy.? ( k Yee,M he replied, "I've tried to >e good, but it's no nee. Ti e toiVB (ttV T OtatiV im fn tiagvaii it' .'in ever bo pxid." 44 Why do the M>vg Bay thatf" asked the teach ir. 44 They say," replied the o??y, rith the ntinost simplicity, 'there'll be no nights there." A tubtlk mailed from DeKnlh irawled out of his package af )inaha, much to the discomfitm e f the post office clerk. The fun ly man of the Sterling Gazette ays if Uncle Sam is going into he business of carrying live packiges, wo have a small purp of the fifteenth Amendment stripe to end. Stonewall J ackson .?The Tenth of May will always b o narked by tho people of ti.e louth, and the admirers of rent ;reatness elsewhere, with a nournful interest, as'the annivernry ot tho death of General lackson from wounds received at Mi .monl l/n-e ? 111a If ft i OAA /ui?aivviivi9? uiUf ixiuj louo. A preacher natnod Uuesr, havng been found guilty < f adultery, ind expelled the church in Weuinpka, Alabama, when sentence was pronounced, hist week, rush->d upon the injured husband. [Inrper James and murdered lim. The Ilorry News estimates ^60.000 worth of crude turpentine s sold annually in that county,, n 6even months of each year, and dsn states that timber is also in r??od demand, and bringing good adi prices, both in thut andGeorgetown market. An Eastern newspaper notnilates Mr. Greeley for next lVcsilent, on the ground that ho could write all his messages and dispatches. So he could ; but if nom>dv elso could read them, how nuch better off should we be. IIkre is the latest school-boy's ^imposition : 41 The Throat.?A hroat is convenient to have, especially to roosters and ministers.? ri.o former eats corn und crows villi it : the latter nrenehea hroiigh liia'n and then ties it up. "Mb. Jonk?, wliat makes the taiiary sleep on olio leg ?" 4* J lon't think anybody makes him, ny dear ; I tliink ho docs it of' lis own accord." , Two girls in a small town in ^liio run a blacksmith shop nil by heinselvcs. They dress in Dlo<?inir costume, and shoe a horse just is a man does. Tins Augusta Chronicle *?y?, 1 novcr before 11 AS Sticll an CUT IIist spirit of development pcrvadid our community as at oresint." Miss Ida Gkkklky, daughter f Horace Greeley, is raid to he ne of the ino6t accomplished natheinaticians in the United iacs. A Con ecticct schoolboy has written a composition on the horse, it which he says it is an animal aving four legs, 44 one at each orner." J. J. Chafipell, a member of /ongcess fro in the Columbia. '. C.. District from the years 1312 > 1815, died receutly, near Mont otnory, Ala. iiumriuthy Mais8iiat. is getting iiin. lie weighs only 400 pounce t present. . Somk ladies uae paint as fiddlers o rosin, to aid them in drawing beau. Alabama stands third in nutn* er of colored ]K>pulation. IMWater wheel, till 6ea rin^,Shafti nit Pulleys L^MHD FOR A CIROUlAR^fel A/ov 4 XV 1/ E* P? ?FOrVE?$9 ^TPWdDmayaYr M aw&w9 ^ SOLICITOR IH EQUITY. WILL FftACTICX IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STAIR A LAO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office OrtMTlU* 0. H., t. 0. July 1 If* IENTI8TRY I DENTISTRY I rQ. McDAVID graduate of tlx Poaooyl. vult College of DtnUl Surgery, Motion MMT, reepectfully offer* kl? professional . irrltM to the tlilmi of OnmyUI* aod ?ur>undlag coon try. Hot tog aeqealnted himself with tho modern nproseasent* of lii? profession. ho tropes, hy trtot attention to business, to h# nolo to giro kttsfaetioa. Offtoo on. tho ooroor of Coffee and Mala troou. hi H. A. CauMe's former reoidoace, p otolra. J. Q MnDAVID, D. D. 0. MarJ? 4f 3? i-nr- < jjjriirjiiii ;jirr. 14, 81*ty-Five First Prize Med als Award dTHK GREAT MMKtf&m Southern Piano J MARurACTonr. WH1. KNADB Sc CO., Manufacturer* of Orand, Square and Upright PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. THESE Iaitrumente here Keen before lb# public for nearlj thirty year*, and upon ; their excellence alone attained in un/>.rfIo?rrf | pre-emtnence, wuico prvDuuoow ?acui unequalo?l. Their Tone combine* (treat power, sweetoee* and flue singing quality, as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness through- ' out the entire seals. Their Touch Is pliant and elastic, and ebtlrely free from the stiffners found in so many Pianos. In Workmanship they aro unoqualed, using none but the very bert seasoned Material, toe Urge capital employed in our business enabling us to keep ' continually an immense stock of lumber, Ac., on hand. All our Square flaunt have out New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. We would call special attention to onr late improvements in Orand Pianos and Square Grands, Patented August Hth, 18011, which bring the Pioao nearer perfection than has yet been attaiued. Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 Yrare. We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholes do Agency for tho most Celebrated Parlor Organs anil Molodeons, which wo offer Wholesale nnd Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Deo 7 29 0m IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY G00D3. All Hetail Ordert amounting to $20 and Over Delivered in any Part of the Country FJIBB OF EXPRESS CHARGES. | IIAMILION EASTER & SONS, or baltinork. vp., i IN order tho better to meet the want* of the Retail Customer* at a diatiinoc, havo established a SAM FT.E BUREAU, ao.l will, upon application, promptly 'end by Mail full line* of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Donioalio Mrnulacturo, guaranteeing nt all tlmos to sell a* loie, 11 not at leu price*, than any bouse iu the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the same hy Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash. And make no bad debts, wo are able and willing to sell our goods at from Teu to Fifteen per oent Lers Profit than if wo gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep tho >>est grades of every class of goods, from the lowest to the most costly Orders unaccompanied by tho cash willjjo sent C. 0. I). Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are lnvt?* .ted to inspect tho Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS. 197, 199, 291 und 203 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 ly GEORGE PAGE & CO. No. 0 N. Scfcroeder St.. Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary S'JEAM ENGINES AND HOILEltS. Patent improved. Portable CIUCULAll SAW MILI-S, Hung, Millar ?nd -"aib Shw MilU. Orial Mills. *1 ir Wheel*. "diiiiKle M'lcliin-a. Ac Diftlfi* in Cl-cnUr Siw, Belli-itr and Mill supplies g-nerally, ami niii!iiifac'u<er*? MUfiiin |..r L IT-IV Ce|ebrii'? ed Tiirliin* Water Wheel. and every disc iption of Wood Workiniz M?c'dno y etSRIcrLTUKAI. KNOINM A HI'Ei IAI.TV Send f..r .1 i-Bci iplive Catalogues And Piioe Lints. 2'J-ly Ailyiffiiillllrirm 1 J. Waliis, Pro|irla??)f. |(. II A IX, DrmnrUU 4 n*A * ? "?' ?iaen r,| 4Ad ! ?VA,.naf^ v? V Y. ILLI?N? Bear Teatiaaaar ? lfc?lr \Vsa4crfal Carallra Kflfrela. Tlaaiar Bltitra in not a rili FaMr Drink. Mad* of Paar U??. Wklaker, Fr**f Spirit* aad Kehw M?**ra, doctorad, apt cad and iwHfiMd to plea** th? taato, aalUd " Tonic*," " Appetlter*." " fUatorcra," Ac., that laad Ik* tippUr on to draokeoneaa and rata, bat ar* a traa Madlclna, mad* from th* Natlr* fcoola and Harba of California, free from all Alcoholic He tin u Inula. Thar ar* tha UKKAT HI.OOD PC HI PI Kit and A LIPI UIVINU I'll I NCI PMC. perfect Kesorttor ud luTlforitor of the Hi item, carry lei off oil poleoDoul matter and re*tor I ng the blood to a healthy condition. No peraoo can take theae BUtera according to direction* and remain Ion? swell. provided their bo nee are not deetrored by mineral polaon or other mean*, and the illal organ* waited beyond the paiot of repair. Tkey area Ueaile Partatlre n* well no a Tonic, pomeaotnc. alao, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent In relieving Contention or Inffammatlno of the Lirer, and of alt the Tleoerai Organ*. FOK PBMALI COM PI# A (NTS, whether In roung or old. married or alngle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, theee Tonle Bitten have no opoal. For Inflammatory and Chronle Ukeomailom nud Uo*l? Dr*?tn>* or la* dlgeotlen, HI Homo, U eminent nad Intormllteot Pew ere, Olnoonea of Iho Blood, I.Ivor, Kldeere and Bladder, thaoo Bitter* have boon moat aucceeafub Hnch Blooaoeo art cauaed br Vlllatod Blood, wblch la gonorallr produeed by derangement of the Digestive, Organ*. DYBPKP8IA OR 1NOIGKHTION, HtaJarlie. Pain In tho Shoulders, Cough*, Tlghtnota of tho Cboat. Dlaxineaa, Sour Bniotatlona of tho Stomach, Bod Taoto In the Mouth, BUIoua Attack a. Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lung*, Pain In tho region* of tho Kidney*, and a hundred other painful ?yraptotq* are the offaprtnga of Djrapepala. They Invigorate the Stomach and XI ran lata the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequal ted efkaoy tn oteonalng the blood of ell Impurtttea, and Imparting now lift and vigor to tho wholo system. UIBIAHIH, Kiupt'ona,'letter, alt Hhmm, Hlotohaa. Bpou, l'lmpU*. Ptutolae, BoUa, Cartmnolee, nintf-Worma, B> n'd Head, Bora Brae.Bryalpetaa. Itch, Boarfa, Dlerolormtlona of tho kin. Ha mora and Dlereeoe of the Bkln. of whnt T?r noma or nature. in literally mm up an-i Carried out of tha ajatem In a abort lime by the naa of tbeee Dlttera. One bottle In anch oaaaa will oon woa tho moat Inoraduloua of their on rati * a effect. Oleanaa tha Vitiated Blood whenaear yon And Ita baporltlee* through the akin la Dm plea, rupttona or Boraa ; olaanaa It whan you Hod It ahatrwotaa and alomtah In tha raina; olaanaa It whan It la fonUand your feeltnga will tell yon whan. Keep tha Mood para, and the health of tha ay Meat will follow. . *1*. TABI, and other WOBMH, urklac liilrnytd and r?roov?<i! "" 1 BOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTB AMD DBALIRA I Jfmr for tiiu iu iliu City ui Urrenvilu, i>jr DR. M. A. HUNTRK A CO., WboleiiU and Rata II Dealer* In Drag* Madicinae, Chamleal*, Ac., Ac. M?7 tO I 17 4 ~ *r ^ Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ?-?<?? - ^ Perhaps no ene mtxU^ i cine Is so universally nattM by everybody aa a cathartfc, nor was aver any before SO Universally 1 adopted Into use, in 1 a every country and lAWrmV^V/ among all dosses, as r~J ? this mild but cfllclcut punrotive JHII. The obvious reason thatHUamore reliu* bit and for more effectual remedy than any othsr^ Those who have vriou it, muw inns u cuito went, twx wu? n?i? hot, know that It cores their neighbors and friends; and all know that what it doe# one* It does always ? that It narar flails through amy fhult or negfneot of its composition. We hare thousands apon thousnnds of cortlfleoiee of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, tout inuh cures are known In every neighborhood, and we need not Bblish tbem. Adapted to all ages and conditions all climates: containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasaat to take, wbilo being purely vegetable, no harm can arise iVoin their use In any quantity They operate by their powerful Influence on tho Sternal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate Into healthy notion ?-remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the flrst origin of disease. Minute directions are givenln tho wrapper qti tho box, for the following complaints, which theso JHIU rapidly oure:? For Dyspepsia or Infligssilaa, Llstleit* neu, lasner and JLoee of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate tho stomach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Csmplalat and its various symptoms, Blllsas Hsaflashe, Dick Bfletsriache.ganadlcs or Drssa flicltaess, Hiltons Colic and Bilious Fevers, thoy should bo Judiciously taken for caeb ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which causo it. For Dysentery or Dlarvhsra, but one mild dose Is generally required. For BhNmtfia. (loot, Gravel, PmI> plMtloa off (hit Heart, Pain la the Hide, Hack and Ijolae, thov should bo continuously taken, as required ,to change the diseased action or tho system, with such cbnngo thoso complaints disappear. For Dreeay and Dropsical dwellings they should do taken In large and frequent dotes to prodtico the effect of a drastio purge. For HapprrMloa a large dose should bo taken as it produces tho desired effect by sympathy. As a IHnner J 'ill, tike one or two Fills to promote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional do so stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence It Is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One wno feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Fills makes him feel decidedly better, from tholr cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. AYE It A CO., Fraclical Chemists, ZOirELE. hi ASS., V. 8. A. iW hoc ??" in liieenvitle t.y M. A. IlUNThlt A CO., Agents. Aug 11 1J !y FL ANTAliONBTl ThKS This >vonderfnl vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the fceblo and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it lias no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding cycry other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it' acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ^Wherever it is introduccd it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, nn<1 41* a * ?uu iuu must popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juuu 24, 1670. 6 T |^ToN DS T. BRO^N," nt vm. rJf mm *48 amtrarra esrmaav, O/'POS/Th' (111 AftLKRTON 110TKL\ CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 Itf \j A B. M ULLIGAX, CHAIILE8TON, S- C. ME.SRS. SULLIVAN & SON, AM hit AGENTS IT GnEENYILL&S, C.% And will mark liberal cash advance* on all COTTON Shipped to mo through them. A. n. MULLIGAN. Sopt 28 IS |j THE .NU'KERSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA, 8- O. WIl.L not on aeronnt of th* niolh of lh? Proprietor. Wii A. Waiour l'?it will l?# carried on m heietof-re,, hy I.U w dow. Mm. 8AUAH L. WRIGHT. ?uil Ikji ??*. WII. 0. WIt 10LIT. To* fncnJa of ili? 1*1* proprietor * ? inviud io rail a* u.u.1 hAllAH I. \MIIOIIT IMI w*u WRIUUI;