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c Run ! RUN !! R Tax-Payors' Convention. co*n*v?D raoM nwr raok Tha Imb Matatnad by ibe Stat* In Ihla naoda t? obtlooc, and It la aagaMittod apparently by (not that nil thU rlafe, nnpnonn anil ImU^ nnlud in tbn nit of only $l,000,(M>0 ?( bonde, and thcsoat tbo modornte rata of par oaotam. Tbo net providing for tho payment la (oil haibMB pMMd, sad bad added ??ry largely to I ho annual charge. Tbo 1 nUreat paid by the Coup-' trollor aoeordiag to tbo re} ort of 1870, U ?tl00,870.44 Too coupons paid by Mr. Kin.p. t id, awnuutod to SAO,ON.60 0:02,800.94 Tho premium on gold paid by Mr. Kimptou and ohargod ia tho samo aocouut (Cj la 84,862.00 - ' $131,236.94 Thus raising the Interest on the fanded debt that jrear to abyut 7| per cent, instead of 0 per cent oad adding $24,362 to tbo expenses of tbo State. Tho face of tho bonds, is is Into, rose to 80 per eent. and upward; but tho Stato derived no benefit from tbo expenses she bod Warred to produce tho adraneo. Only ono million was sold, and those ot 70 per cent. Iu roviowing tho financial condition of tho State, it was impossible to fait of being grave* Iy impressed by tbo enormous cxponao of tbo presont day as compared with thojiaat. Ydhr committee earnestly appeal to bis Excellency Governor Scott to use all his power to enforce retrenchment in every department. It was impossible for your committee, in tho short time allotted to their arduous task, to examine Into the various accounts that exhibit these expenditures, and to suggest in what purlieu* lars they may be eurtailcd. They procured from tbo Treasurer, in a compendium form and attach to this report, nc* counts D and E, showing the receipts and dis* burscmcnts of tho Treasury for the years IShtf nnd 1870. They commend theso interesting documents to tho careful examination and earnest consideration of the tax-payers and of tho Legislature. They believe that all ncccs* sary retrenchment of expenses may be effected, and that it is the shortest and best nvenuo to cscnpo from tho financial difficulties we auffcrf and the surest means of restoring quiet and confidence among tho people of tho Stato.? Less than $600,000 'will pay tlio interest in gold on tho funded debt, and $1,200,600 ol rcvenuo should abundantly snffico to defray the interest and all other expenses. The committoo believe that by a vigorous nnJ persistent economy our expenses rany be reduced to this sum, and the taxes proportionately abated. Tho examination of Mr. Kirapton's account in detail was found impossible as hia books of ncoount aro necessarily in New York. Tho importance of such an eiuaiaation is, however, rccagniied hi tbo interest ?f- tho State, nml for the aatiafaction e( tbo Financial Agent, by whom it is courteously and cordially in ritcd. The same tnajr be said of tho several officers of tbo State to whom application for information was made by our committee. Mr. Neaglc, tbo Comstrollcr-Qcncrnt, wna particularly pressing in bisloliciations that all bis books and accounts might bo thoroughly and critically examined. As the result of the deliberations of tbo committee on the matters referred and now roportod on, they would respectfully rccommon j to tho convention tho adoption of the following RRSOLtTIOXS. Jfrso/reif, as the sense of this Convention, "That tho funded debt of tho State as described in tho report of the Committee of Eleven of this uotlv 18 a Valla ucui, aim uim iuu uuuui auu funds of tbo Statu arc lawfully pledged for tlio redemption thereof. Jiaolctd, That tho general plan for tho arrangctnont of tho fuuded dcltf, suggested by the committee be recommended to the fuvornblc consideration of liie Excellency the Uovernor. * * lictulred, That to comjilcte the examination of the accounts of the Financial Agent in New York, tho Committee of Eleven be authorised to sit during tbo recess of tho Convention, and to send a sub-committco to New York for the purposo indicated, and that the said commit* tee and sub-committee bo further authorized, if required by Governor Scott, to assist by their counsels at home or in New York ia the proposed negotiations for the final adjustment of the funded debt. Jlfixdvetl, That his Excellency Governor Scott be, and ho is hereby, carncstl^solirtted to make a systematic review of the various classes of expenditures for tho publio services and to usa his uuthority and influcneo in arresting tho present extravagant expenditures and in substituting a system of rigid economy and uecountabilty in evory department of the public service. Tbnt to this end his Excellency bo earnestly and respectfully urged to adopt the sum of $1,200,000 as tho utmost limit of expenditure, and exert all his power and influence to reduce the expenses, including tho intercut on the fuuded debt to tbiii turn, and to diminish tbo taxes in tbc same extent. Ilciohctl, Tbat the Comptroller and tbo Treafurcr be required ly bis Excellency the Governor not to destroy the $100,000 of objoctionablo bonds referred to in the report, but to cancel and file them so that tbc fact of tbc cancelation thereof may at pny time bo demonstrated, and tbat the same cour?o be pursued in reference to all redeemed obligations of tbo rfitate, of any character whatsoever. Focnni nay. Mr. E. J. Scott offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Wiipiikas, It is customary and proper that persons entrusted with large amounts of the public funds should guarantee the safe keep, ing and faithful disbursement of tbo same; nod whereas, II. II. Kimpton, Esq., tho State Financial Agent in N?w York, who holds about two millions of State bonds, has given nothing but bis own personal obligation fur the discbargo of bis duties. # /f(?o/ro/, That the attention of the Governor nnd the Attorney General bo specially directed to the risk of loss by tho death or default of said agent, and that they bo requested to require of him a bond with such good and sufficient security as will protect the ina ? .^at Ctat? litad SA Ul. V 1 - nivei mo tjinw bvuiuiiiicu w dii iibduji. Mr. Jor.cs offered the following resolution, iv hit li wu? referred lo the c( mraittce of eleven : WitrnKAH, By tho act of the Sflth of Auglint, entitled on Act to authorize tbe 6tato ' Loan to pay Interest on tho public debt, tbe (lorcrnor wn? authorised to borrow on the ' A'rcdit of tho State on common bonds, a auiu not exceeding ono million of dollars, or so .tniieli thereof as may bo necessary to pay the interest on the public debt. And whereas, it I appears that instead t>f one million, two million of dollars of coupon bonds were ereatod, 1 the one with the words " For interest" en- ' graved thereon, and tho other without those words ; and whereas, although It is now stated 1 that $900,000 of tbe two millions thus issued I has been recalled ; therefore, , Jfttolrttl, That this Convention eonnot but Jciw tjiis transaction as uncalled for, and i k Lun !!!?Dry Goods, ( without legal authority, and as exhibiting an i irregular itj and capacity for fraud wblcb merits Its stern condemnation. i The couunlttee to whom it wee reforred te Investigate, and report to this body to what i extant Stabs end county offices have been en- i necessarily increased since the Inauguration ol < the State Oorerement In 1848, and with the ; view of retrenchment and reform, to what extant they might be dispensed with, beg lseve to report that tboy have examined end ooa* idcred the matters embraced in the resolution as fully as tho limited time at their disposal would admit t They are satisfied with this ekattttallou that tho number of offices of tho State and county hare been WineoessarHy Increased, and that the Salaries appertaining to the lam? have Wen fixed xt amounts largely ia excess of a fair compensation for the services roedered ; and that as to those office* absolutely necessary to a duo administration of the Government, tho salaries bavo in like manner been Inordinately inoreasod. In support of tbli view, your committee bog leave to lubuiit the fallowing comparative statement of offices and aalarioa for tho yoara I SOD and 1871. couranATivr. statkmbrt or orriCBs abd halaimbs in th? tbars 1800 akd 1871. | " " . " "fSOO: 18717 Governor $ 0,500 $ 3,600 Private Secretary 1,200 2,000 Messenger 100 300 Rent 300 Secretary of State, Clerk and Fees 500 4,000 Adjutant and luspoctor General 2,500 Comptroller and Clerks^ 3,700 4,409 Treasurer and Clerks 3,200 6,800 Auditor of State and Clerk... 4,000 Superintendent of Education and Clerk 3,500 Chief Justice 3,500 4,000 Associate Justices 7,000 Judges 30,000 28,000 Attorney General nnd Clerk.. 1,100 4,000 Clerk ol Court of Appeals 800 1,500 Attendant Court of Appeals.,. 250 800, Solicitors. 4,500 8,000 ( County Auditors 31,600 { School Commissioners. 31,600 Code Commissioners 10,5110 Legislative expenses 45,850 400,0'HI j vonnngcni tuna Executive' Department 26,000 20,000 ( Contingent Fund Treasurer... 1,000 [ Contingent Fund Attorney General 600 ( Contingent Fund Comptroller 6<WI Contingent Fund State Audi tor. 60 0 Contingent Fund Adjutant and Inipcctnr General 600 Contingent Fund Superintendent Education.. 600 Contingent Fund Seerotary of State 600 Contingent Fund State Librarian..^ 130 This statement is not intended as a full comparison of all public expenses during the iaro periods compared, but is mado with th? view of exhibiting to tho Convention the relative scale of expenditure by the present Government, so fur as heroin cxhibitod. Cpon a conference with his Excellency Governor Scott, in aceordanco with tho terms of the resolution under which this committee was raised, his Excellency made substantially the following suggesstions, in which your committee concur: j 1. The office of County Auditor may be dlsponscd with, except in Charleston county, and . the Treasurer discharge all the duties now performed by the Auditor and Treasurer. 2. The duties ot State Auditor may, with proprioty, ho discharged by tho Comptroller General. 3. The duties of tho Commissioner o( tho Bureau of Agricultural Statistics, may he transferred to the Secretary of Stato without additional compensation. 4. Tho place of Assistant Adjutant General can bo dispensed with, and tho duties performed by tho Adjutant General. 5. Assistant Librarian of the Supreme Court may bo dispousod with. KLECTIVK OFKICKHS. 1st. The compensation of School Commissioner may bo reduced in all the counties, to an cqviralcnt foe their services. 2d. Tho compensation of County Commissioners should b? reduced, the number of days | for duty fixed by law, and tho per tins allowed only for days actually on duty; their accountability for money roceivod for license*, Ac., should bo regulated by law, requiring them to report to competent authority the amount received, as hcrctoforo such moneys had not been accounted for in many counties. Tho fees of Trial Justices, Solicitors and Constables might bo proper matters for legislation. Tho Adjutant General's salary should bo reduced to a commensurate amount with bis services. In addition to the eases above, your coinmitteo are of opinion that $10 per diem, during the sitting of tho Senate, is ample compensation to tho Lieutennnt Governor, while that officer receives the further salary of $2,600 per annum. In conclusion, your committee would say, 1 generally, that they aro of opinion that tho 1 rate of compensation now paid to tho various Stato aud county officers might bo very ina- 1 tonally reduced, with great advantage to tho I people of tho Stato, aud without detriment to the public sorr tee. ' Mr. Gannon submided the following, which ( ?Trtn llglUV'U VO Tho Committee of Eleven, to whom was res ferrcd a preamble and sundry resolutions, as to the beat uiode of re at wring confidence in c and reforming the Oovcrnmeut by conferring s with hia Excellency, and tho appointment of committcca of examination, Ac., report, that Iho subject matter embraced therein, having I ' )ccn fully considered and set forth in a re- " port innde by this Committee, they aak to bo * Uncharged from tho lurlher consideration of iho same. <>i Also, tho following: * () Tho sub-committee, to whom wa* referred a C resolution to report on the propriety of pro- tl posing some plan through the Governor or n Hbcrwise, by which the law* requiring all offl:iul notices to bo published in certain papers ^ )C repealed, or so modified as to remove said cqulsUion, beg leave to report that they bare ^ ronsided the snine. We fully concur in tho lut* " propriety and injustice of the above law, and recommend the passago of some law by which tl laid gricvanco may be removed. 0 Mr. Dutler mado tho following report, which $ n an aaopiea : Tlio Committee of Eleven, to whom wu re- h Ferrcd the rcaolutiou that a committee of Ire bo raiaed to examine aad report upon the ac? t count* of the State witti the Financial Agent of r 'lio Pluto at New York, and that they apply to L tbe Governor for hie aid and authority to make this examination, beg leave rcapootfully to re, port, that, inaamuch as the tame matter ia pro* ^ rided for in tbe report of a aub-oommitteo of 1 I hi* committee, they aak to be diaeharged from he furtherconalderation of tbe aame. a Mr. Jonea, from tbo Coram it toe of Eleven, to 1 abom waa referred the reeolution retrardinvih* * recalling of bond* Uaued under tbe act of 26th r August, 1368, reported a* follows : The committee to whom this resolution was r referred here considered the same, and rocotn- d Clothing, Shoes, Croc nead Its adoption. A (rood to, Mr. WwUy introdoood tbo following, which KM adopted t Jteswleed, Thai thin Conrnntloo txprati Itn 1 tnqaallfied disapproval of all nut political I associations, by whatever nan* they nay ho ' ailed | and entreat nil good cltlsene, Irrespective of party, to dlaoonotenanoo any and all raeh organisations. Mr. Baldwin introdned the following, which waa adopted: Wiierka*, By an act of the Qeneral Assembly panned at tbo regular session of 1806 to 1809, tho State waived and postponed an existing lien of the State to secure a firmer endorsement of the bond*, of the Charleston and 8ayannah railroad company to execute a new mortgage for itn own benefit} therefore, J TK.? It k. -f - " Prtnly, Lord and Lnglesby, ix-Atlorotja at law, to examine the Mid net, and to take aaeb measures for the protectlea of the Interests of tho State ia tbo said Saraonah and Charleston Railroad company as they may deem praoti* eable and wise. The chairman, Hon. W. D. Porter, statod that as Messrs. Porter and Connor, to whom was referred tho matter of the Dluo Ridge and other railroad matters, for opinion and report, bad therefore expressed a legal opin* ion upon the satno subject, he begged to with* draw. Tho satno was agreed to, and Messrs. Lord, Prcssly and Inglesby were with Mr. Chcsnut substituted for the original selection of Messrs. Porter and Cannon. Mr. Senn introduced the following which was adopted : Ufulvtd, That a Committee of Three'be appointed bjr the chair, who shall bare charge of the publication of the proceedings and the defrayal of tho expense of this Convention ; and that the Secretaries of the Convention be authorised to pay over the funds in their bands, to the said committee. Tho chair appointed, as the committeo, Messrs. II. D. Son-i, T. Y. Simmons and M. II. Fox. The chair announced that the several rail road companion bad tendered a froo pttitgi Lome to the delegate*. Mr. Aldrich introduced the following, which was adopted: lletolvcd, That the thanks of the Convention be tendered to the several railroad companies for the transportation so liberally offered to the members of the Convention. Mr. Woodward introduced the following, which was adopted: Iletolved. That the Executive Committee be instructed to inquire into the proceedings of tho Land Commissioner and report fully to this Cbnrention what amount of bonds bat been issued for the purposes of the same? what has become of those bonds, if sold what ha* been done with the proceeds, how much land has been bought, from whom purchased, and at what prices, bow much, if any ot the said lands has been sold and what amount is still remaining Jp tho hands of the Commissioner. The following is the committee of live, appointed by the Taxpayers' Convention, to investigate and report a plan to restoro the credit of tho State, and to confer with tho repro scntativcs or tUe tiro Loan securities: Mcsar*. Tbomai Y. Simmons, James Chssnut, F. F. Warley, Uabricl Cannon and M. C. Butler. Tho cbnir announced the names of Edwin J. Scott, ltichard Lathers and William Wallaco aa the committee of throe to tender their services, to act in conjunction with tho Legisl itive Committee, now sitting and examining into tho financial transactions ol tho State. Mr. Chcsnut, from the Efcccutire Committee, reported as follows: Tho Ececutive Committee, to whom was referred a preamblo and resolutions in regard to a larger amount having been drawn from the Treasury, by the committee of the Senate and House of Representatives, for the purpose of investigating irregularities in tho Third Congressional District, than has been properly accounted for, ask leave to report that they have considered the same, and recommend that the same be referred to the Attorney Uencral, with the recommendation that the subject is well worthy of judicial examination, and, in tbo opinion ol (ho committee, is enti> tied to the attention of the prosecuting officer of the State. Mr. Simons, from the Special Tax Committee, reported as follows : The SiiCcIhI ConmiMm itinuiUJ i? ti>? "J ?? VVf?rcntion to confer with the Uorcrnor ot the State, in relation t? the postponement ef the collection of the Lizes in November earning, beg leave to report that impressed with the conviction under the peculiar circumstances rj the case, and in view of tho fact thai the peoplo of the Stuto ore thus called upon to pay (lie taxes of two separate years in one, of tho justice of the measure of relief proposed they have bod an iutcrvicw with the Governor, who has authorised tbem to state to the Conven< tion, that while the various offices will be open in Novomber for the reception of the taxes at that time, from such of tho citizens as may bo then prepared to pay them, yet that tho period for their payment will bo extendod to the first of March A. I)., 1872, within whieh time if |uiymeht is made no penalty will attach. Mr. Butler, stated that his committee, ex. repting ouo branch, was ready 4o report. Tho Convention then took a recess of a half sour. [to br CORTIRCan.] I ? ? I A huge shirk came near catchiug soma hiltiren, the other day, while playing on mo mi i>?wrr, Charleston. The Editors i?f ih# Marion Star will paj c wo liuodiel dollars to anj party furnish- ' ig a complete file of the paper from its 1 OMimencement to June, 18ftG. a A Michigan doctor, who was arrested be n sure his patient died, lias been acqoilUd, |, n the grounds that he did I lie best he n mild, giving all the medicines he knew C lie names of. lie put in the pie* that he tl ever insured a case when be took it. I The discovery by Mark Twain that he 8 ad to support Ids paper, instead of the c ?|ier supporting him, caused him to " aell * ut." 1 The largest insurance U|K>n any life in a be country *4 upon that of A S. Mansfield, a f (Tew Orleans, who U insured for e S30.000. * ^ f The powder works at llazardville, Conn , 1 inve exploded, killing three persona. ' The Yerger oaae in Mlaaisstppi is to be * ried again on itsMarite, the courts having " uled that the military trial waa aasasai. 1 alional. A fire in Baltktore am live night ai tfce 2d, destroyed property estimated at 1260,000. , Tmb German Parliament has adopted the i eeond clause of the bill to annes Alsace and Lorraine, which doclares those prorinces fort , vormore incorporated in the Getraan Em- , ire. John Csmpsen, one of the most promlicnt of the German citizens of Charleston, i lied on the 2ln inst, j cries, <fcc., at H. C. 1M (Tl)c Qlt EEM V1 ILJLjg, S~. O. WXDHS8DAT, MAT 31, 1TO.C l.ltai i . PT" W eontluue to girt much apace toth* prooeedtng* of th? Tiz^Ptyen Courtntloo. - ? ? ? . , ThoJ Terrible Ckrntt* and Deetruotion la full. Wo give pretty fall eceoubje of thing* trioepiring io Ptiii. The oornage there io appalling, while fir* la at woik on the great place#. The execution of CommunleU la (jparful, from fifty to one hundred being ehot at a time, and aa faat aa Iheae terrible devlla are captured. To read theae aoeounta makes on* shudder with horror at the frightful scenes depleted. Under date of the 2Slb, a despatch from Versailles says: "Thiers has to day issued a circular of Information to the privlnces as follows: 'We are masters of Paris, except a small povtion which will he occupied to-day. The Louvre is saved. The hotel of the Minister of Fioanoe is partially burned. The Tuilleries and Palais du Q?tai D'Orsay, in which the Council of 8tate held its sessions, are wholly destroyed. We have already twelve thousand prisoners, and shall liavo twenty thousand.? The soil of Paris is strewn with insurgent's corpses; our loss is small. The army be* [ haved admirably. Justice will soon be sat isfled, and France will be happy in the midst of her misfortunes.'" Telegrams of a later dale report a hocrlble condition of things. * A special U? the World by cable from St. Drois, of the 20tl), says all the colfrcliooe in the Louvre galleries and Palais Iloyale are intact. Troops to-day surprised and shot on the spot a large company of women engaged in pouriog petroleum into cellars and afterwards throwing in lighted fnses. Fires continue to break outlo many places. The remnant of the Commnnista attempted to cut their way towards Pantin, but were cloeelj pursued by troops, who slaughtered thi-m without mcroy. Versailles, May 27.?Yesterday new firea were bursting out. The insurgents hare put boxes of petroleum every where. It Is reported that Bergcrets himself fired the Tuilleriee. The Church St. German Aux Krrois waa burned and the Palace of Justice was destioyed. Bio id runs in the gutters. The walls of the Tuilleriet and Rue Rlvoli era-burning. Dead Nationals are seen everywhere. Any bidden Nationals when found ore brought out and ehot immediately. Few Communists are holding out. The slaughter of Nationals is frightful. The Yarsaillists, since Tuesday, are killing all prisonors. The houses in Rue Royale were wet with petroleum wheo the Nationals fired them. The insurgents evidently intended to destroy Paris. Even women were discovered throwing petroleum on the houses. Six Nationals, dressed as psmpiere, di*eovered throwing petroleum instead of water on the fires, were shot.? There is no limit to the readiness that exists to kill menbeisof the Commune and leaders of the Guards when captured. The gas works at Aubervilliers explode J. Thete were many other explosions. Terrible conflagrations slill rsge. The fire brigade expected from London has not arrived. The Versailliats are now advancing on Belleville, whence petroleum bombs fall over Paris The insurgents still hold four strong positions. It is known some hostages held by the Communists were shot.? Troops continue to arrest numbers of women, carrying battle petroleum. A courtmartial for the trial of insurgents eminences Monday. Washbnrne telegraphs that at 7 o'clock Friday evening, American lives and property were safe. VcnsA(LLK?. M*y 2T.?The railroad workshops were burned, and the insurgents diiven from Charonne. The Prussians detain escaping Communists. i^o^won, may zv.?a dispatch rrom Soi# py, says the Germans, who have been seeking for the Archbishop of Paris and other hostages, report that they cannot find them. They are supposed to be shot. it is calculated thet over 50,000 dead bodies are io the bosiees and cedars of Paris?many of whom are women and children. It it said the women were perfectly furious during the fights. Executions are e< nstant, The destruction of property is terrible, add is esi hunted at a fourth of Paris. Vbbhaiulks, May 47.?Favre dispatches to representatives abroad that the ante of the insurgents are criminal, not political, and aska their extradition, should any enter neighboring counts* ea. New York, May 27.?Washbnrne telegraph* Fish that the inaurgen'e still hold a small portion of Pai ls. The Archbishop's fate is uncertain. Thore is fighting in remote parts of the sily, and some new fires. Americans and their property are safe. s James la. Orr?Slave Debts. The superior ability of Judge Orr has been lisplayed on many occasions since ho has been >residing on bis Ciriuit, and in nothing more ban in his manner of disposing of cases Inolring the adjudication of debt* mado before nd during the war. We particularly com. lond his good sense in postponing the hear ig of the cases concerning )dobt* for slave*, otwithstanding the decision of the Supreme lourt of thie State. He very properly waits he decision of the Supreme Court of the inited States. Judce Bnva*. of the Unitad tatea Court, purauea eomewhat a almilar ourao j although ha haara tha caaaa, ha atijra xaention till tha queation aball ba decided by ha higheat tribunal. Judge Omr ia ona of thoaa men that haa tha billty to make precedent on naw quaatlona nd to daaida eaaca aa thay ought to to daidad. Our anta-war and war dabta, and dakta or alarea, ara peculiar to thla day and eounry , there ara abaolulaly no aatual pracadanta or them. Would that all our Judgaa were ible lika Jamii L. Obb, to grapple with tham ipon tha broad baaie of raaaon and Juatiaa, ba foundation of all J net lawa, in tkn abaanoa if poaitiva enactment. Tha Vagr County. We bare received a oomuounjaatUn in eferenca to tha aall for ike formation of a taw County, and It will appear next weak. Alao a aeeond eommunicallon, on .thai ma aubjaat, aigned " Other Clllaana." rhleh will likewise appear in our ont. Oot. Soorr ia now in Washington. Ha leeureo the President there ie no neeeealty of tlaeing Sooth Carolina under martial law. [ARK'S.?An Jbinui %> JTranoo-Tbe Commune Revolution. The disgraceful and vandal character of tba Bad Republicans of Parti, eoimiualed . In tba closing dajs of ila power la tba city , by inereaaed outrage* npoa humanity and ? civilisation, and terrible distraction of pal ( aeaa, monuments and wotks ai art, ot im. J mense amoaot of building* of every kind, i Hit New York Htrtdtt most vividly pie* i turea come ot ' the crowning terrors of the < Commune." 1 M Oh t than* to thee, land of the Gaul! 1 i Oh I woa to thy ebtldren and thee t Unwise in tl>y gloi% and baae in thy fall, j How wretched tby portion thall be!" 11 These lines are from Bjron'e famous ( Ode to Fraooe.' after ike final overthrow ( and rrniovai of the Firet Napoleon ; but they will*as forsibly apply to the evente in | Paris which have followed the downfall of Napoleon the Third. The crowning terrore of the Commune in iU dying struggles, in addition to the fearful slaughters at the barricade*. have f?|!?o upon Paris, in tlie I turning Ioom of it* vagabond incendiaries. | Yesterday's events in th* lata paradise of plaaaure and frivolity present on* of tb# most appalling pictures imaginable of lbs horrors of civil var. We have only a few outlines and blots of the dreadful scenes in Paris; but it needs no effort of lha imagination to fill io the shocking details. The thunder of artillery, the crashing of bomb#, heavy explosions of'mines, magazines or caissons ; lbs growling of tba mitrailleuses and lbs incessant roar of musketry at the barricades; the shrieks ol flying women ' ' * ..A nd the grotni irom nopi 01 wuunutu dying men, the yells of the combatants, and around all, at various joints, the rusli and roar of angry conflagrations veiling the city in smoke and dire confneion, give us a combination of horrors of which even l*arl? knew but little in all her first wo:lJ-nppalling Reign ol Teiror. The burning of the Tuileties and the Lou vie, conspicuous among the incidents of this dismal apecta cle of war, are still only among the incidents of the day's niltfoitunes to Talis and to Franc*. " It is hardly a matter of surprise that when driven Into a corner, like a gang of pirates, these Commnnists should fight like demons, and turn looee their Incendiaries upon the city. We repeat that it has been the general apprehension for some time that the dying struggles of the Commune would be fatal to the beauty of Tails and to its chairas and ita cluims at the capital of civilization. Through a period of thr-e hundred years its kings aud emperoie, in their successive contributions?if lh?y did nothing elas for France, commanding the respeet and admiration of the civilized world?did make Paris the moat beautiful and attractive of modern cities. Under the Third Napoleon, particularly, the improvemonts and decorations of the eily had made it the admiration of the world of letters and the world of fashion. The losses to the eity since that fatal day at 8edan and the flight of the Empress through a back door of the Tuileriee, however, will dwarf all the expenditures of Napolson in its improvements. The destruction of the beautiful surroundings of Uie oity, result, ing from the German siege operations, and the suspension snd disorganization of its industrial establishments, were regarded as something of a common mlefoitune by all civilized people. Sharp Trick. Mr. W. F. Tiiackstpn, who doea buslress at the corner of Augueta and Pendleton Streets, informs us that, a few days sinee, a small boy, in end's toring te catch a chick en,chased it under Ids store. Aftercoroing out, the boy inf?*im<d him that he had discovered a hole in the store>floor, and under it was a pile of corn, probaffly a peek. Mr. T. examined it, and found that tho bole had h*?n ma Jo wftfl an suiter. two places beinit bored, making quite a large aperture, and communicating witli bis eorn pile, which be places on the floor, lor ready convenU ence, in buying and selling. Soma abarp thief bas thus been supplying himself no doubt for months, as in all probability the amounts taken at a time were small; and as Mr. T. was buying and selling every day, none was missed. Strange to say, Mr. Tiiackston, telling a friend, who resides In the country, of the ciroumstanee, th s friend, upon examining his crib floor, found the same trick had been practiced on him. Prise PighUag. I We are glad to see that this inhuman amusement is meeting with sous cheek.? It is reported in the news despatches that Judge Downing, last Saturday, in New York, rentenced two prize fighters, aassied Collins and Eowab**, to twslve months imprisonment and $5,000 fine, each. If they should fail to pay the money, muel _ tL _ it rr?i. remnin anuuier y?nr in iiidup, Alto urnpire is also made io differ. lie goes to the penitentiary for tix months and pays $600. This will have a healthy effect. ? ~ ? I Lifo Inauranco Agent. We have been pleased to have a call, on , yealerdiij. from Mr. J. |?. Godfrey, Agent lor the 8t. Louie Life Insurance Company, whose Leadquartera are at Allnnta, Go ? The Company he r?preeente offers indues- t menta that few if any other company pre- | ents, which will be gladly explained by him. He is stepping at the Maneiou Hoots, and will remain yet a day or two. < ?? ??? 1 Qodey's Lady's Book. 4 The June number of Oedrv te hand.? A* nanal, it ia gem of typographic beauty, while ita (aehion eolutano acknowledge ' no auperior. Thii Magasine la a favorite , both with the dignified derma and duelling belle* of Pixie, i City.Taxea. j ReaaidenU of the City, who have not { paid thia yaar'a monelpal taxea, have their < attention ealled to lb notioe of Capt. J. L South ana. Sheriff, who haa received a number of Tax Exceutiona from tie Council. j ? ? - ? Poet Ofloe B?-eatabllaho<l. The old peat ofloe of Dunklin, Greenville ? County, baa bean ra-eatabliahad, at the former ? place, m? *r. u. jl>. W?JTH appointed C'oajt Maet^, ^ n?*. Jarraasox Path recently passed J through Columbia and Augusta, la both of which places he aet with dietlngulahed con* (deration. j Adams' Express office, at Oolombns.Oliio, a was robbed en the 17th lost., of #6O,0C0. *' i i *V ?Cheap f re a tm luaitTiua innruii. Jfecere. Kdiior*?lu. oompany With aoTeral ' oatlemea lot thla vicinity, (Dunklin Tmi J hip,) we rUlted and examined the aplendfcl 1 iew Bridge aeroaa Reedy River, at Danhlin'a ?rocatag, recently built by Meoera. William liteheil and J. M. Shock ley, of Laarena Co an- ' '.y, for Xecera. 0. D. Smith, J. H. Latimer 1 tad Br. J. P. Latimer, eontraetora to oar | ?ounty Cdmtnlaeloaeie, for the erection of thla | Bridge. The work la done In a moat akllfnl rod aubetantial manner, and we can unhesitatingly aay It la one of the boat bridgea In the County. It La about one hundred and thirty Tact in length, and built on the doable prcri?re, awlnglng arch principle, at ufBcicnt iteration abore the water to place It beyond 1 my contingency of being washed away or In- | |nred in any way by freshet ; that to nee the. iangugo ef one of the party, it will stand fifteen or twenty years, and bear up millions ??f pounds. The timbers were all seieotod and gotten by Messrs. Mitebeil and Shookley, and are of heart pine, white and post oak, large, and well framed together, the whole'belng securely ironed by the best iron. These builders?Mitchell and Sbookloy?are skilful and . ezperienoed mechanics, and bare long been j regarded as the best bridge builders In the up' eountry, baring built the largest number of ( the different public bridges both in Laurens and Abberille Counties; their work will cer- ' tainly compare with that of any, and it I* ! hoped they may become the builder of more of our publio bridges in tbo county. CITIZEN. ?? FOR TtIB ORRB1TILLK ESTBRPITISB. Testimony of Respect for Wm. H. Hovey, Esq. At a call meeting of the Literary Club, Dr. K. T. Buist, alter short and appropriate remarks, introduced the following Resolutions . The Literary Club of Greenville, B. C., having heard of tho death of WM. II. IIOVEY, Esq., one of our mombers, has met as a testimonial of our regard and respect. He was an eminent merchant, good citisen, and highly esteemed member of our body ; therefore. ' Jtetoretd, 1 #t, That in the death of W. IIIlovey, Esq., thU body ban loft a valualdo member, whose memory will long be cherished by us. Hetolectl, Stl, That a blank page in our journal be inscribed with his name and time of his death. litiolvtd, til, That we deeply sympathize with bis relatives and friends at the North, and extend to them onr heartfelt condolence. Jlaoolrtd, 4 ih, That a copy ef these Kesolu* tlons be sent them and be published in the elty jonrnals. J. C. SMITH, President. TV. Be Atria, Secretary. ? ^ ? A coai. shaft, S00 feet deep, is burning a Pittson, Pennsylvania, and forty men are in the pits, with no hope whatever of saving them. Iw lion. IIobace Gsarir.t is now in Texaa In a speech made at Galveston, ho said those who participated in the war on the Southern aide, were no longer his ene mies; that the beat men should have tire beat place*, irrespective ot the pastThe Treasury, during Jnne, sells two Millions of gold, the first and Third Turs days, and one million gold on the second, and fourth, and filth Thursdays, total seven millions. Purchases a million bonds each* Wednesday ; total four millions. At a meeting held Saturday evening, Mr. C. M. McJunkin, of the Daily Union Office, waa elected as delegate to represent the Columbia Typographical Union, No. 84, In the International Typographical Union, whieli convenes in Daltimore on the filth of Jane prox. Alphrus E. Cushinan, Troop B, 7th Cavalry, stationed at Union, committed sui. cide at the camp grouod on the 20th in stant. Prince de Lynar, of Prussia, was married oa the 16 h to Miss Mary Put-sons, of C dutn k... /VI.I- TV I -1 ..... ? uu>, wmiu. unnop mciivaine otticated. Tbo J >int Iliglt Comni'stion treat/ lia been confirmed by the Senate. - - ' Greenville City Fo?t Office Arraiu?9ments. orncr. nouns. For tbo delivery of Letters and salo of stamps, (except Sundays,) from 8, A. M., to 1.30, P. M., and from 4, P. M., to 8, P. M. For registering Letters and issuing money ordvrs, (except Sundays,) from 8, A. M ., to 1.30, P. and from 4, P. M., to 0, P. M. For delivery of Letters on Sundays, from 3.30, A. M., to 9..S0, A. Si. Mails close to ull points during the week at 0, P. M. Mails close to all points on Sundays, at 8, P. M. Ai /jtllm drlirered af/tr fftra hour*. All Letter s not prepaid by stamps, all such as axe received in ttio i ffiee with alampt cut /mm atamprd sursfnpss, or with sach stamps as ws-s im ass prior to 1881, or with essoins alampi on them. sre treated as unmailable, and are svnt to (lie Dead Letter Office. TJ,e rules of the office mado in pnrsusnee of instructions from tbe Post Office Department, fmritid prriutt not in Us immediate employ or nihorwiso connected with Us official transactions, froin entering behind the //?? . It is bopod tbat no one, whatever his position, will sltcmpt to violate these rules., axd nsp.tsTunx or mails. UrermviHe and Columbia Mod. i- ??- ? hutn ??men vine, uii/, (Hundaji exceptnl,) 6.30 n m. Arrive* at Greenville, dully, [Sundays excepted,) 6.46. p m. GtctHcilU and Spartanburg Mail. Arrive* at Greenville Monday*, WmluM. lay* and Friday*. 6, p m. Leaves Greenville, TttcaJayi, Thursdays and Saturdays, 8, a re. Trtrnvlllt and Aiktrille, N. C., Muilrla J/uriftla, S. G. Arrive* at Greenville, every Tuesday, 7, > ni. r.e.rvc* Greenville, every Wednesday, ., a o*. Jrtenrillt and Lanrtnt Mail, via Falrriem. leaves Greenville, every Thursday, It, in, Vrrlves at Greenville, every Saturday, 6, pre .Grttnville and Woodrnjf Mail. >avca Orrenvllle .every Thursday, IS, a.? ( Vrrlves at Greenville, every Saturday, 16, s ?. Irrtnrillt ami Rnther/ord, N. C., Mail, vie Guam trill*, S. O. Arrives at Greenvillo, every Friday, 16 a as. >area Greeavllle, every Friday, It, as. | (JretnriU* and Highland Grant Malt. Arrives at Greenville, every Saturday, 10 a I s. Leaves Qjreeavilla, every Saturday, It, J h ' ' 1 Grrtnvillt and Ktoatt Mail. , nunc! II UlfnTlllli WW]T 4 <aarea (Jraonvilla, trtry Sunday, l,pm. I Iriemvillt and A titer ill*, N. O., Unity ftp I //?m dertonviU*. LttTU Or?Hsnrllle, Miyida/i and Thar*ajra, 7, a ai. Arrive* at Qraanrilla, Taaada/a ( n?l Friday*, 0, p m. M. ft. ROBERTSON, /?. Jf. a ind Very Cheap. Tna total p??pu..v. , w*Sjjfcrk8teUr iftsordtng to the flew census, ia 4,^' _ [Ise ally ha* 94&.W7 inhabitant*. I if: uii-wn mi ? BALtlnoaa. May 29. Flotir and wheat doll and Pennsylvania wheat 1.49. Corn waak ; white Southsrn I607S; yal'ow Southern an.l mixed We ? lern 74@76. Pork qnict, at 17.00(317.2*. Baevo steady; shoulders 14(371 Nkw York, May 20. Col Ion steady ; sales 3372 bale#, at 17 ? ? Quid ll|@l I J. Atcuvr.v, May 29 Cotton market v-ry Arm with light ulTer ingsj sales Up) bah-a; r--e?*ipie 1S4> ; Li*orp o] middling* 16$ ; New York middlings 15J. A btsrjr rain atoiiu this srening. '' CM \bi.EST?K, M ?y 29. Co'ton strong ; middling* 1A ; net reaelpta 17 bales ; export* to Orenl Rrltsin 3281 ; to Conllnei t 270; coastwise 634 ; sales 200; l?ck 9141. 'Taxnk'* nothing iikk it."?" Don't wish for b?" * IJsiirr iban any other we have c;~l * " L'ka U mitelr." " Can't, speak too highly of it," * There ean l>e no fault found with it" " Con testify lb lU superiority " " Don't use any other."? Those are a f w qm tatioii* from the bundeeds of testimonials In favor of Ikrd-y'a Yeast Powder, which is the only chcuiioa|>? ly puro, liarml as. healthy and nutrition* artiulo of the kind in market. lVrheQy reliable, easy to use, convenient and r?o commended ny all. For sale by grocers -? Donley <k Brother, Proprietors, 69 Nrvr 8lr?et, New Yoik 62-5 Siqns or Tint Zodiac. ?A philoeo| her in* the West, grown into admit alien of the* Cl crrv Pectoral, writes Dr. Ayer ror instructions under which e'gn lie dtall be bred,. which blislei ed,and which vomited, andttnd-r wldoli lie shall take AyerV Pills for an flection ol th- liver; a)^ under which sign ill* vriie Miou: commence lo lake the S?r sepail'la for her oilmen*. lie adds that he ulrraily know* lo wean tft calve* undi-r Tamils, change lii- pig* in Heurnlo, eot hia hair in Arl.s, and soak his feet in l'mcis or Arpiar ? a? ih?-lr condition r. quires. 8 ihnnhn iat-r? start for Wi?coti?in, sod visit Mr llnm when vou get there. 52-5 [ Lowell D?Uy Xetei. Prixr PToniKS?$300.?The Proprietor of the ,4YorkvlHe Enquirer" efTers Three Unntlred Ibllnrt in prises for the best Original Stories delivered lo him by the 15th of October. 1871. For further particulars, address L. M. GRIST, Torkville, 8. C. May 213 3 Tita Ftm*na Puosrrmfr or rns 8oorn. There can be no duuht that it would contribute greatly to the future prosperity of this soctlon of the Union If ninny amongst us would turn thir energies and ca, ' il in new channels of enterprise and business. The old roads arc clear, but thoy are worn and crowded. Dlaxo a new path through the woods for yourself, young man, and you will arrive at the goal of success ahead of your competitors. A striking exatnplo of tho value of this procept Is found in the ease of Mr. P. P. Toale, of Charleston, 8. C., a plain mcohanic. who has mmt? hlm??l' '<" > ? ** ?' a largo manufactory of door*, aasbs* and/ blind*. J '-S Poisonous Medicines The theory that the virus of diabase earn he safely counteracted by doe. a of p?iao*>. is false and dnugero'ia. Within I he last* twenty-five y-ars, not leas thnn a score of virulent pniron* have been ad-led In (herepository of the medical piof<-s*ion. Tltsy are gi**en in small doses, oth-rwl-e Ihejr wonld destroy life immediately ; but evenin minute quantities, tliey produce, ultimately, very dims'iotis fTcets. It 1* un* wise and unphiloiophical to employ, as remedies, powerful and InshliuU* drugs which, in subjugating one disease, sow the seed* of another still more unmanageable. None of these terrible medicaments operates with as much directness and eeitamlr upon the causes of disease a* 1I0STETTEH'8 STOM ACH IHITERS, a t o n I u and corrective, without a aiunl* ingredient in it* compoaitum. Antnlt and qniiiia are given for intermittent*; promids of poUuliim (or nervous disorder*; ilrr?h> nin? and prtiss'e acid for gen-ral debility; mercury, in various form*, for liver complaint ; preparation of chloroform and opium (or sleeplessness ; and yet these deadly drugs do n?t compare, as rin-cifle* (or the disease above enumerated, with that wholesome vegetable invigoraut and alterstive, while they are all sp pernicious that it is astonishing any phisician should take the i expansibility of prescribing them Let invalids, for their own sokes, try the Bitters before they resort to the Poisons. The relief they will experience from a conies oi the haim'ess specific, will render a re, course to the unsafe prepar ations referred to, quite unnecessary. 52-4 Travelers arc always liable to suddad attacks o( Dysentery and Cholera Morbus, and these oceoriing when absent from home, ara very unpleasant. The PAIN KILLER mar always be replied unon in uch caee*. Aa aoon as you feal tha ajiutoma, take Ana te*a|>oonfut in a (ill of new nvlk and molaaaaa and a gill of hot water, atir wall together and drink hut Repeat tha doee every hour until relieved. If ilia paina he aavrre, baiha tha bowele and baek with the medieine elear. In eaara of A#>hm?.and riitliiale, taka a tenenoonfut in a gill of hot water awoHened well with molaeaea ; alao hatha tha throat and atomaeh faithfully with tha medtatte, clear. I>r. Sweet aaya it takea out tha aorenrae in eoara of boncaetting faater than anything he aver applied. Fiahermen ao often expoeed to hurta by. having their akin ptereed with hooki, ?n'l fine of fl?h. can r-? bathing with Tain Killer aa aoon aa iha accident oo? cure; in thia way Uie anguhh ia aoon, abated; bathe aa often aa onea in five minute*. ray three or four tlnve, and you will, aoldom hav? any trouhln. The bllaa and roratehee of doga and cijl\ are a?on cured by bathing with the HeVa Killer clear. fil-fi w, o. BOTLBa. w. r. mcbek. o.o- arxmaxa BUTLER, McBEE X STEPHENS, Attorneys and CouMUon ?t l?w and in mqnity, GREENVILLE, S. Will Praetiee it Ui Coarta of the Itat* . and of the Vaitd Mm. May ?1 4 If Execution* for City Taxei, rOlHK Cite Coanoll of Greenellle having A. turned over to me for eolleetkm a number of TAX EXECUTIONS for Taxe* doe for the prevent year, with Inatroetiono io make tbe money immediately; therefore, [ lake thin method of informing all who nay not hare paid, and againet whom Exreutiona hare been lamed, that In mm tbe nm? i* not Mtllod within toft dnyo I Wilt WWMd to collect l?y lory on any property Ihft can bo found belonging to iho defenainto. No property U exempt, and nil If IIiblo?and the Kxeontion* will oorteialy be ?n forced. J. L. SOUTHERN, MierNf Oreonvlllo County. Sheriff*' Office, May 19, I HI. 41