University of South Carolina Libraries
I I HAVE now on I enabled to offer then A N I M r O* T A NT CoNSIDKDATlnN.?I> ft ? TUTTS UVER riLIJB are PURELY I VEGKTABLK, sod *ta idtptrd to )ounp S and oM, nn-lo and l< malr, at d mny tw tit t k?n si all tlmra, alikotit rtttmlnl of orott> |atK*n, vtlibi'Vi change t>f limine, taithnoi [ diet, and Vt f'liout ihe leaf of t thing M during all kind* ?-t Weather. and in all ali? I tnalt e. 'J'hty contain no meicurg. 1*1 ONI EY CA MM Of BH? IT! FOR SIGHT IS TRICKLES* It f BUT THE DIAMOND SPECTACLES WILL PRESERVE IT. If Yon Yuluc Your Ejcuiglu USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. ( ROUND FROM MINUTE CRYSTAL PEBBLES, M-lied toother, nnd derive their name " Diamond ** on account <?f ili' lr lltirdniM d Brilliancy. Tl<?y will Inst many year* without rli.i'n. nnd .re wa-ratii. d superior to all i'lher*, mannfaou?o-l '?y J. E. SPKNSKlt & CO.. X. Y. Caution ?None a-nuine unl.w stamped Willi our trade aifc. J C. C. TURSF.R. 8de AK'nt for Greenville, H 0. Prom wlii'm ihey can only bo vbuincd. Kh M trnp'oyrd. May 10 1 ly Ihe Southern Hotel . _ 11AS Le?-n r. filled an t put In com> Iflr older for aeentiimod i?l- n of the Ti' 1 'TV* iravc'iiiR piii'lie. Ilao.' of Kill |.Maoii*ble. Call an I R;ve nie a trial. J. O. YEARGIN. May 3 68 8m STRYED OR STOLEN. "r aliout lie 25 li of nrffiffiwWS Alii1, a fi I.e lor?d 'Hr 1)0 HI I All IIF. FKR aiom hree \ ear* old. she leit, whi i? if<|0?l crdrr, and ?m marked by a rlil In tile tigbl f?r, ami a *>a'l"\v fork In I lac lcrt. She *na |?ur?i n?td a niotitli O' ?o pi *t?u#ly fiotu a Hnirr, nml w as v.ry lurtf- n"<l fins, w.lghing ptoba bly five hundred pound# puw, Any ii fin iiini ion mnr'i i.inu her will t>* lliai.k'ully received and ru-labtv reward ?d. .IaMIvS McCUI.LOUfall J.ine Cink, Greet ville County, S. C. May 8 6a 3 ^ SPRING & SI'MM Eli MMMflBBT. Just Returned from New York. MRS. JEWNINOS bar returncvl with a lull iliirk nl MIL1.1 N KIt Y and other (I OO I> S, ftfljSam suited to the want* mid desire* "f the Indie*, to which llic G^rtl KiW w?uld invito :>ii examination tj f*M She will bare *() HAND OPENjfi1 IN(J on Thursday 27ih in*t.. ft L11 and will lie pleased to *ce such of her friends on the occasion a* uray hare Hie lime to attend. f.ocation, nnn door below the wellk-nown tore of Messrs. IV. If. Ilnvey A Co. April 26 At tf SPARTANBURG CARRIAGE & WAGON ITIi^CFACTORY. HAVING rec-nlly o1 iniiied an ouifii nf lie w ml imp. oved mncMnvv. ve *re propar.d to DUIL!> and REPAIR all classes of Carriages, Buggies & Wagonj 1 Invinte faithful snd exi?eri-nced work men, and good mcleiiol, we will allow no ?te to njeel tin. Our woik is done under the supervision of tin expeiienc-d Mechanic Those wishing t?? purchase anything {? | our line, will do well to call and see our Work. ?2?" All work wair?nted fortwn years. FOWLEK, F09TER & CO., 8p irianbui g C. II . S. 0. M .y 3 x 6 J 6 To Tax Payers. ^ ^ilf'. Hooks lor tli? collection of the 1 Sii>te and County Tuxes, will lie cl<>s> d on the 20th ot May, at which time a penalty of five per cent more will he alt ache I upon all de'intpi-tit Taxes lemaiuing unit id at that time \V. W. ROnFRTSON. County Tressurer. May 2. 1871. 62 2 Tho State of South Carolina. UKKENVILLK COUNTY. Sheriff's 8ales. BY Virtue of sundry Writs of Far! Fnriat, to ine directed, I will sell, he'ure the Court House door, on .SWes-c/ny in June utjrt, bei warn the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoou and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, One Tract of I.and, on Qrove Creek, containing 18?. Acres, morn or less, udjoining lands of Ji. F. Burgiss, W. A. I'cpptT and others. Lee i"-l pi) as the pr-pcrty of Martha A. Charles, ^t (he ruiibt yt, W. Tarrant and others.? Jlouicrpsd to ? ? set of to defendant before /li.y of 11 fo, AI .So, All that Tract of Land, containing 418 Acres, j more less, near the corporate limits of the City : of tlreenviile, und adjoining lauds of Choice, If. Thompson, Estate Beultie and others ? Levied on as (be property of James C. Furman. sur.-ty of Ku|p fie wis at the suit of I. ich? nrd II. Jacobs. ll"iii?tfead Jo be let off before day of sale. ALSO, All 11. .< ... 1 -r , 1 r_t ? .... |? ? r"-. ? ijr-MK ?" | tlio water* I.r North Salmlt Hirer, containing Twenty Three Hundred Acre*, tnorc or le*?, adjoining land* of J. F i'!^lit"??r, Jo'in II. Good w in, Dr. K A. Mite* and other*. Levied on a* tlio property of D. W. Hodge*, at the puit of Oliver Uurn tt, ^(lroitii*tr..|or. Jlouic lead to jcl ..(J* bpfupo dry-of Mle. AI.-0, All tli-il tract or h*l i>( land pntitaliiing On* Hundred and Hevei.iy Arr?-?. mef* or |.'r*. adjoining land* of Jam Anrtet *<> , rt. K. Unite and o?h-r?. lying *<fi Oil'er'* Fie k and Kn?r> e Hiver, w ith fin* Oi mt Mill, Saw Mill en I Carding Ma?diine y.? levied on aa "lie pio|iniJ of 8 R. Well JOOrelalid. *1 lite *t|ll of John Ah XAtn?cr |Ioilie<i*ad lo lie ?el off li*b?rr day of rale. TERMS CASH.?Tttrcbeeer* to pay for *tnmp? and paper*. J. L. SOUTHERN, 8. 0. C. 8hcrifT# Office, May .1, 1871. 82-5 B. WEHREE, QSmSNViLkE Si. p. UEALprc if cmn im sinft vimit uuuu uwv uiuiiih nuibllbd, CLOCKS, JKWKUa, SPtCTACtEfj J8 & 22 Carat Solid JJuptial Rings, 6ILVEU & SILVER-PLATED WORK of ?U <iiMrii>fiuii> in l.i? line dum* prM*ptlv,jHl Oct it ' ' 1 L . ? * hand a Large Stock i so choice a selectioi LUMBER SAWING. Ha Vino purchased n fint iltH PORTA BLE ENGINE and HAW MILL, ot fin* oapacliy. 1 < ? n<?? icady to take con. lm?ii tor Bills of Lumber ?l nil alcserip. lions a>n iltox no'lee, Person* having Ikinnlifion* with Timber desiring me, 1 will ni-ve on their lands foe a bill sufficient to Justify. Tltey can find ma or leave inee. sage* (but would prefer notes descaining ilieir bueloese) at my Tailoring EsUbfirb* ment, near Now Court lions-, wlicre I will continue that business for the ao comodation of those who pie'er'my work, and will continue my unitaiiiilliiig ffo Is lo plta-e, tu quality of work and economy of inatei iui. M. It. BEECO. May 3 62 tf PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Best?I-. is the Cheapest :<>: ?? To Comtnmere <\f White Lend Eceryichrre. IT IS ONKQUAL E D. Int. F >r W'cirine on<l (!.ivi-rin(j prep r'lm. 2-1 For \Yliil*-m-?? nnd B only of Klmih. 8 1. For llni o 111 Fiio-ne?? of iir nilinit. 4lh. W.Jal.l w>l! J i more nod l>e?i?T wi-rk, n' ? if > * en coat. <hnn ?nv other. 5lli. Mo*t Economic-*! W!iil< loud cvrr introduced. ? fitli If you w'hIi to pioenre ns niuc'.i mine < pon.ildv lor yoor pionoy mid ttei-U-e La otnoo..- nnd d'i?work, u?o PURE L1BERIY WrtlTE LEAD. Try il nnd In- oonvitieed. Snlir'action g :runited In the Miiii<i'ncnii?er?. 7.1 EG I.E & SMITH \Vhol.-?aV T)uiif. Pninl mill (Him iVi'mr, No. 137 Noitli Tliird Street, Pliiiadelpliin WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. DEALEUSIN Coach Mateiials, Faints, Oil, Glass. Putty, &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. Mm 3 62 tf Spring and Summer MILLINERY. .xjjftw MISS MiKAY Ii.ts returned irom New Y?-rk, nnd opened tuliwin oi ele/nnt n ? r o r I in * n t ol ^ I I. I. I NEUY, convicting ol is mppiMio wun un anunuunce oi most excellent wntcr, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, npp'y to the subscriber at Greenville. JAMES C. Ft'R.MAN. lj 45 tf 18 A CA III"). < 1 (3L MY FRIENDS AND PATt /'Xjtrons have tny thanks f?r punt l^..?f?mn A.. I continue to tnnkc ad-lit ions lt? my Stuck of JEW EI, kVoj RY. WATCHES. CLOCKS. SPEC TICLES, R I L V K R P L A T E I) WARE. TADLK CUTLERY, Ac. Special at tcntion given to repairing fine Watches, and Tiino Pieces of every description. JAMES G. BLACK. Jan 18 16 tf Notice. Dkpi iv Cm.i.BCTon's Orricr., ) Greenville, 8. C. Apri! 24tb, 1S71. \ IN eon'onnily with rcqnircnieiils of the Internal Revenue Laws. I her?l>y give notice to nil persons who may claim a Keg of Whi-i-g nnd flnrec, supposed to he the property of Jcr vim inh Tinslcy, which were seised on or n'-out the 2llth Anvil in.r t? ?>- *" ?v -? ? vnj hi *imenv iiic, by Janice B. Sherman nn<t W. II. Moiinre, because of reins held ami used in violation of tho Internal Henvenuo L?w.<?to innke i>ueh claim within thirty day* from the first pulilication of this notice. A. L. conn, Bcputv Collector ltd District S. C. April 2(J . *51 3 Nature'* PReacnirrto*.?Whon Nature rrwilurc* a );rc?l reno dv for the e*l thing science can do fi?'h>w her pre criptlon. liy tepariiiins the wa'er of the Ixmoue tJehi-r Sprfnit into jta cloni -nta a<'lrf)ce ha* .liseovereii ' '? mean* l?y Which ih >t ? ?rlil.r?no wed B; a rffmt I'tch tinpai*lle!-?l enrea, ani) by oonib'tdng tho o el-ment* a'lirtua'ty in TAHllANI-S BEUZRR APERIENT, (lie grand preioi||>t|nn of Nulure 1* render ad umveitally anil Instantly available, At thi* seaton, when fevei*. dWoidos of the Stomach and bowels, hltion* e<>in|datol?, en<l all the dl'ease* which ftlT-ct the digestive. nsdmilatin* end s- rretive organs arc especially preva'ont the importance o( hav I in* this hi valuable alterative and oorreotive at hand in every home, and within I reach of ad who travel l>y Jand or water, I cannot lie nver-e-iimatad. 8 dd hy all drngjlstt. 6 'J-. 3 I MT1 n i>o?n? t* nnu 11*18 01 iiw l i Vf IK* t-t "J1"- f,,r Chi I* *H'?n ?"?' Infants; also HihW LfV linn* at nil wi-Hli*, Fi.-wcte. Tgtce. K.-i nI\H II iir (iotnj*, Lidirt nn l Cllil tret.* Sure. ?t<> AH otrle.s will receive cnr? ful and pr inipi attention. Apt 11 2'J f,l tf J. W*Al??a, Preprl.l-.r. It II Mc|l.,v,ln A a IJ-.i *r-?* > r?nrUrA.ra| (| (Vm??tr. S|., N .y. RIlLIiIOItlfl Rrnr Trail many to Ihclr IVondcrfiil i'nrmivc KflTs-cia. Tlaeinr Hitler* are not * vile Fnurjr Drink, Made of Poor Itnin, Whlakry, Proof Mplrlln nnd Hefner- IJqiiom, doctored, apicrd and sweetened to plcaae the taate, called " Ton lea,'* " A ppet Ixers." " Restorers," Ac., that lead the tippler on to dronkrnncas and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, Tree front nil Alcoholic Ml I in ui n hi *. Tlicy are tho liUBAT Itl.OOD PC III Fl Kit nuil A I.fKK (IIVINIl Pit I NCI l?|. K, a pcrfoct Renovator and Invlgorator of the Hyttrm, carryIn* off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take tlicae Bitters according to directions and remain Ion* anwcll, provided their bones ore not destroyed t by mineral poison or other moans, and t.lio vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Tlicy nren (irnlle Purgative as svelt Ma Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful a-rent In relieving Congestion or InQaiiiinatloii of the Liver, and of all tho Visceral Organs. FOIt A l?H CO.lfPl.AINTH, whether In young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters hsve no equal. For InflitiMuinlory nml Chronic Illicit* rnntlam nml tluni, Dyspepsia or In* dliesllsn, IIIIIomm, It null tent nml Intermittent Krvers, Dlsenses of iho lllood, l.lver, Kidney* nml ISInrirfer, these Hitter* have hcen most sueressful. Much Dlsenses are caus,d by Vlllnted lllood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Incentive Orgnii*. DYMPKPMIA Oil IMIHIEKTIOV, Hiradut-hc, Pain tn llic should.. s. Coughs, Tigl.tness of the Chest.ABxriness, Sour Kructntions of the Stomach, Had Tssto In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of thn Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In thcr glousof tho Kidneys, and a hundred other pniufut symptoms arc the offsprings of I)ys|iepsin. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render tlieni of uncqtt -Hen sflU-uoy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOU 8KIN DIHEAHK8, Eruptions,Tatter Bait Hlicum. Ulotclies. spot*. Pimples. Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, S a'd Head. Bore Reo,K'yslprlas. Itch, Scurfs. Ills- ob.rations.>f the in. Humors and Dis um-s of the skin, of wlialKsr name or nature, are literally dug up ur.n card out of the system In a short lime by the use of ese Hitters. Cb.e bottle In such eases will convince the most incredulous of tlioir curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruption* or Korea j plea, me It whevt you And it pbatmctcu and sluggish In the veins; cleanse i( when it Is foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keop the liluud prp, opd tho health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, ami other WO It MM, urklng tn tho svstem of eo many thousand*. are effectually ttvstvoyed and removed. POLPBY ALL DRUOOIBT8 AND DEALRTlfl. J. WALK Kit, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD* OO., Druggists and lien. A gent a Kan Francisco, tiaL; and SI and Cuuuutuxt Street, N't-W York. Afay 10 I | y P. P. TO ALE, 1'IIAKI.RSToy, s. o. ( Largaat and moat complete ^ Jttf < Mxnuluotory of Do??r? Rn?he?. > I BHoda, Moulding*, Ac., in the ) Houtbern H la tea. Printed pr'ce lint deflea competition. Jfttf 8end for ?n?."fM^ ts?nt free on application.~tk% April 27 ' 4tt " lT ng, Shoes, Groceries, 4 it prices. A x >1'RANGE COMPANY, I .. rENNESSEE. VIS, PRESID'T. STATE AWENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED ER VALUE PLAN, tDVAUTAGES, IIISCOMPANV. 52 tf HARRISON 1 \ MARSHALL^ H ^^IRE to Inform tli?* pulilic tlmt llicy S.P liMven FULL STOCK OF DR.IJOS, cfcC., ' On linnd, mid nie nuxio s lo di?| oa?s ul I th> in 'or CA SIl | I A? m >nry W lijilit a I'd i lino* nr<> dull. ' ! Iiiiv* r?"liii-nl the pi ice of nmnv Ariio'c*. ' j We lirtVe just leciv.d h lot of Cigars and Tobacco* ] Wliit-li wo will n--l clicnp 'or Pas'*. Ilnve jus* to?ivel fine W|\KS. CHAMPAGNES. ALES ai.d PORTERS a*- r-- dured p. Ic-A. .l"St I gCfivc I. ell-'UptT limn rri-r, WHITE ' LF.AD. PAINTS. COLORS, LINSEED j * OIL. VAKNISIIR-L ' tin. sto^u ..f b/:uas nn<i sTAXitArtn PIl/iJ'.tltAlIOXS is oompleto, nml am I oil flip HJ OHII to .t ill ttn> Retail e*1i nl-lLhiiiont a We me now running our t SODA FOUNTAIN, ; And as we have t PLENTY OF ICR IT WILL HE KEPT t nED hot ; All ilie Swimier. | N, B.?Tims-* IndeMcl to n* for Old wi 1 plcABi* take i?"lo' llmt limy i litis* up ny tin* fiist of M iy, ns Ion- < get- indulgence will not fc given. lleic.if- < *er we wll icll ftricily f<<r * April It ' 4'J tl ? Paris Mountain FOR SALE. eii-s. l .imet Iv the reside' ce ul O'-neiiil Wuddy Thompson, situate five tni'es f-nm ttie Cny of Greenville, is offered f.>r rule. , Tl. - ' ... i in-ip lire i?o connor'uMe ilwelliiig i hi il.c pieiniM * willi nil newsitry oui l*nild I intra. Tlifit- i* n film (iri'linni ot tdmice I I? ?! ?. Two or iluv? l<undr<d ncr>'n ' linvo In-tn ideired, noil wn* fin in il\* in eiil* I livntion. The situation i? n uiitgoific til mm for a counirv re<id?n<*e, eoinriuindintr nu extensive i i? w of 'lie Mniinlnirs, tlm City of ( Gr-envi!l?*, hii I the snriunndii g cniiiitiv. II >cr- is a ti e spi iug < ( vnt'ermi Ii- in on* | J tnm neat Mic r? ?id*-nc'\ Tn?* a il 1* |, dilutive nud fin- orops v or*- grown 01 tlie , pluco diitinj t lm III limeof <*ener > I I Iit in| ion. Tim properly will Im sold low for y noli, And n g-Oit linignin nnv oliliiiimd I! Apply to Mes*ri. I'KKIIY A I'EIIUY, ? l O* e-ovil'e, S. 0, or to ilie l'iu| ritUr nt I Mudiron, Fioridu. 1 CAROLINE C. J0Xl?3. " Mar 22 -HI . II " ; t ; J i - s 7 ~ ? i= ? -icj.t-Jc m r x ~ s J- * r, ii r ** u ~ ii ! 11 S ??.?/. . S V V ? Ml I ?jh " J7, - " -r ~ 72 i - v f" ? \ *7~l e jk 11 rV'" / ? i ^ as - k T I , ? O = * . . . -j..~ t ? s v M 1 ear ? S : ' 3 "? s ' * : f 5 ^ t W z - * ? - "2 . ? OK-S c i ~ " i " * 5? 1 I .5 = J "5 S-I5 "?-S 3= !, ^ ^ ? I? s * i f I * * S c 23^ 7 ? '< j .4* 1 y ? f I ? t 5- tc- <It.ii-T.fi3131 ?; : ? 0---s-= = M *--5 ? 7. p ^ rr i fZ!: 2 * ? eJ". ?1 -i- * ^ X - = C ~ i V ?, - a* a. : * ? i> *A = ? ? J. .d" = *?_f-i2 - S5 .11'^. i I"A ^. ip ? ~ 2 S' 5 - i ^ . S ? "-"-.fiUiisis'sa j Hr-N "sir t ,r .? * > * "" ? I ll ? Z *' >-= 2, z.~ ? =5 i ! p H H t jt" c.-= ?* f~ 2 < 3fsl- f _ - ^ V 5 i J " ?w0 5?-?5 Is'SSjf? ?' c a*} i . I 'j> -* = - 2 c5 * * - 8 f-H SSj^Tcsiiiie. n * DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! I JQ. McDAVII) graduate of the Pcnnayl- ' van la College ? LH-nlnl &urgery. aeaaion 18(ifl-?7, rcapcrtfully nflVre bin prolt-aaional 8 acrvirca to the citizens of OrecnviMe and sur- '' rounding country. l" Having acquainted himself with (tie modern 1 improvements of his profession, he hopes, hy d atrict attention to bushier. <, to l?c a Ic to give c satisfaction. c Ofllee on the corner >>f Coffee and Main c Streets, in II. A. Ciiu'dv'* former residence, r< up atair*. J. Q. M .DAVID, D. I). S. Mar 22 -ifl Sin ? THE Ntfirffft&nflf rtmSc* i ? <11 II \ ' I' Uli, I* COLUMBIA, s. C- ? WII.L nol Ic cio-?*?i ?>n 'H'fonnl of ih' U( moili of tin? Pr?|,riH??r, Wm A W SIC I IT l>Ut will l>r ci?r> inl "?i ?? ,j by M? WKl'.w, Mr-. 8AKAII I,. w IUGIIT. b nu(i Iter rim, WM, \V I. Hill I* Xl'** fiiemJ* i> iTiheliit |'ro|ntvl'<r *'? IpwiiVo io cull n? o! I u?u,| hAllAfi I.. v\ KIOilT,' rrbn.i?-ir wm. c. ftuiuiir. ? t??\. * - ? ?' , Jr% -Edwin J. Scott, Son & Co., s b a it s a h o ;; ADD b n o s a p. a, i COLVMBl A,r S. C. -i WITH AMPLE FACILITIES, TIIKV g (>(Tcr Liberal eec<>mm<>(iutl<>ns in the Discount Of Notes end Draft*; the pureheie auU sale of \ EXCHANGE, 8PECIE* * HONOR, STOCK, A HANK RII.L8, AC., end the COLLECTION J OF COMMERCIAL PAPER. pSi Interest " allowed on Deposits. * I Fib 23 41 ?i of Dry Goods, Clothi i of Goods, at such Ic CAROLINA LIFE "lKS iviEnpiiis, i JEFFERSON DA DI1TI.ER 8c BLACK A SOUTHERN AND A TTPVTtrW ii i l 1 1V1X TO THE SURIiEND A.W.0 OTHER I OFFERED BY 1 M.y S THRESHING MACHINES. CAKDWEl.L'd IMPROVED Thresher and Cleaner, on Wheels. II? ILI., tl?r*?l?, dean nm! bag Wheat, I ? ? Kyc, thitr. Ac., In Ih" lusi in inner. I i many co'it-ata wl Ii Northern km<I | WeMein Mach ni-a ?>f Ii? Inst innkcra, it Iihi1 pruveil ila Mtpc l?rlty. Pi ice?including llorec Power, Bella, An.?#400. Cardweirs Plain THR1SH1R Aim IBH POWER. 18 a moat xc II- nt., and will d? ifol w.'ik. but la not a cleaner.? j Price?iiie'O lin|( Umae Power, B?-l'r, Ac.? f'20'i. Every Midline Warranted. I.iheial discount* to Meiehauts to (ell ft?aiil Ail.lre-a, J. II CARDWFM, tL CO.. Hicliirioml, Va. May .1 63 2m. I THE \ ^ \ % * STORE. W. II. IIoVEV <fc Co. nAVE RECEIVED A T.AKOE AND UKAUTIFUL STOlK IN Til El It LINE STAPLE GOODS, DRESS GOODS, %? \ i i, & $ $ ^ , TRIMMINGS, mmmY, emvm, HANDKERCHIEFS, READY MADE CLOTIIIMJ, sn o?ss, II ATS, cfc C. A T.SO New and desirable patterns in PA PEtt 11 A NG1NGS. C U It TAIN S, 1JORDEU1NG AND SCREENS. All <>t which wil- be ofleicd at the lowest prices. Our Customers and ilie Public arc invited to cail and examine. NY. II. IIOVKY. S. A. T'JWNks! April 20 51 IT Farm and Residence FOR SilLE. THE 8UTI8CRIDRII offers for sale his " (1 KEEN " FARM, of nhont Two Hundred Acre*, a little n?r* ilmn a mile from the corporate limit* ot Grectivillo. The IIuuko i* a lurite and rouifortahle one, containing ei^ht room* with fire-places, and two others without fire-places. On the place are orchards of Apple, Cherry and Peach Trees, a l-ody of Woodland, a piece of very rich HOTTOM LAND, and a larjte lied of clay suitable for hriek making, out ol which targe profit may he made. The place ic., and assure my C ? '' SAW.jBURiS ARB 2 ? U ? D 2 22 G AM? DUES SKI) Flooring, Ceiling, Weather lion Over n liit?<lr?<l <liflV.rulit l'lillvrm of J <r <11 iv hi Kew lurk prices. Montcl-l'ieccs. Imrt notice. Stair ltnil, Newels and Ballustci a order. Good and Substantial Work made as clica l*nit?d States. We liuve on hand tlie largest iliiltiu.ore. alt of wliicli we guarantee will giv :uoatnntial Work. The rut icribers ran refer .'arolina nun Florida, or to the i lot avlvr <>| tl \ 0,- pnslte M'nmlo Fertilise! AVorkr, and it 'uviliun Hotels. . Mu CONSUMPTION, Cts Cure and Its Proventive, HY J II. SCUKNCK, M. 1>. [y jW ANY a human living lias passed away, LVI_ for whose death there was no other euson than the noglect of known and indislutuhly proven means of euro. Those near nd dear to family and friends are sleeping lie dreamless slumber into which, had they altnly adopted >U. JOSF.IMI II. &rilF.KCK'3 SIMPLE TREATMENT; nil availed themselves of his wonderful i fileaioiis medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Schcnk has in his own ease proved tl at rliercver sufficient vitality remains, that vital, ty, hy his uiedieines and the directions tor heir use, is quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is nothing prcsumptlodl. To the faith nf the invalid is made no 'epresentution that is not a thousand times nl'Stantiated l>y living and visible works, ['he theory of the euro hy Dr. 8chcnckV medicines is as simple as it is unfailing. Its phi' osophy requires no nrguinunt. It is sell-asluring, self-convincing. The Scnwood Tonic sod Mandrake Pills nre the first two weapons with which the citadel if the malady is assailed. Two-thirds of the cases of consumption originate in dvs|<epsia ind n functionally disordered liver. With this sondition the bronchial lubes "sympathise" with the stomach. They respond to the inori ifie action of the liver, llcre then comes the culminating result, mid the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills nre composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?the Podophilliutn Pellatuin. They possess all tlio blood searching, ilicrnflvo properties of calomel, hut unlike luluiucl, they "LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." The work of cure is now leginiiing. The ciliated and mucous deposits in the hoard* ind in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses roin its torpidity. The stomach acts rcspnnlively, and the patient begins to feel fbat lie is ;etting, at Inst, A SUPPLY OF ROOD IILOOD. The Seiiwiiod Tonic, in coiijunclien with the fills, permeates and assimilates with tlio food. Dhylificution is now progressing without its i rev ions toitures. Digestion becomes painters, ind the cure is seen to be at hand. There is 10 more flatulence, tin exacerbation of the stonach. An appetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever 'ct given by an indiilgeiil father to suffering a.m. Sehenck's Pulmonic Syrup coin 's in to wrform its lunclions am! in hasten mid comileto the core. It enters at once rpon its rork. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects md ripens the impaired and diseased portions if the lungs. In the form of gatherings, it irepares tlietn for expectoration, and lo ! in n 'ciy short tiiue the in ilndy is vanquished, the ottcu tli.-one that it occupied is renovated and inula new, and the patient, in all the dign.ty d regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the uniiilood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stay n n warm room until tlicy get well*; it is ul> a ??t impossible to prevent taking cold when lie lutigs are diseased, but it must be provencd or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh air nd riding out. especially in this section of lie country in the fall aiol winter season- are II wrong. Physicians who recommend linn nurse love their patients, if their lungs nre adiy diseased, and yet, because they nru in he house I hey most not sit down quiet ; thev oust walk aliout the room no niuvh and as last is the strength will hear, to get tip a good cirululion *4 Mood. The patients must keep in ;ood spirits?i?e determined toget well. Tlii? as u great deal to ilo with the appetite, and ? the great point to gain. To despair of eure utter such evidence of its ossiMlity in the wmst rases, and moral ccr inly in all others, is sinful. Dr. Sehcnt-k'a rrsonal statement to the Family of his own ure was in these modest words : " Many years ago I was in the last stages ol nnstiinptioR ; confined to my hed, and at one imr my physicians thought that I could not vc a week ; then, like n drowning man catchlg at straws, I heard of and obtained the proaratiotis which I now offer to the public, and bey made a perfect enroot me. Il seemed to ie that I could feel I hem penetrate my whole ystcro. They soon ripened the matter in my nngs, and I would spit up more than a pint f offensive yellow matter every morning for > long time. As soon us that lie gun to subside, my cough, ever, pain and nigbt sweats all began to cave inc. and my appetite hccaiuc so great hat it was with difficulty that I could keep r?m cuiieg ton much. I soon gained my trcngth, and have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," tided the Doctor," then looking like a mere kcleton ; my weight was only ninety seven iniinds ; my present weight is two hundred ml twenty live [225] pounds, and foryear* I a vc enjoyed uninterrupted h.'ulth." Dr. Schcnck has discontin ied his prefesioual visits to New York end Boston, lie or is son. Dr. J. II. Scboiirk. Jr.. still continue see patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth Irect, Philadelphia every Saturday from t? i. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough xauiiniition with the Kvspirometvr will he I . 1 i>r. rm- *? - iiiii^<-u vo. i no ucspirotnctcr declare* the snot condition of the lung*. and patients can pailily learn whether they nro curiihlo or not. TI.e directions for taking the me licinc* are daptsd to the intelligence even of a child, 'nlluw these d'recliona, nnd kind Nature will 0 the rent, excepting that In *ome cane* the l.mdrnke Pills nro to t>o taken 1ii increased riK'i : the tt>reo' medicines need no other nc impaniinenla tlian the ample instruction* that ceotupniiy them ; First create appetite. Ot .'turning health hunger I* the most welcome k'mptoui. When il cornea, a* it will conn*, let je despairing at once le of good cheer Good I?<>/1 at once follows, the cough hicauns, llie ight sweat is abated. In n short time h<ul? f these morldd symptoms arc gone forevftr. l>r. S^henck's medicine* are constantly kept 1 ten* of thousands of Uiniliea. A* a luxave or purgative, the Mandrake Till* are a nndani. preparation ; wlnla the Pulmonic yrup as a rurur of coughs and colds, maybe 'garded as a prophylaclcric against coiismnpon hi any of its form*. Price of (he Pulnionio Strop and Seaweed onic, ?l.5(> a bottle, or (7.60 a half doion. I and rake Pill*, 26 cents a box. For Bute by l< druggist* and dealer*. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. II EN It Y, No. College Place, New York City. March 22 4ft ly VM- 6HEPHERD & CO, r?. 24 a Jiayne Street, ( hailc?U , 3. C. DKAI.KK* IX "BOOKING STuVKS, U A NOES AND llrMlinf SloTM. PIclnrM Su??< iih |>ric-? m.iH dMv'rlplinn will t>??nti m|? o W?n, Juno 29 A-ly ustomers that I have Lit-' . -- ip ii a k a b mihh. rda, Shelving, H?x llnnrdc. Ac.. Ac. iloul^ nga, making ??vor 1''0.000 fed. w baud ltoor and Window Frame* mad* to order Mt ri or Wulnut aud Mahogany, on liund and made p nt tlii* rptiiMiidjuicnt at> can be mndo in the flock of tli* above (loodf aoutb of the City ol e entire rntiffaotinn t?> all who want (IihmI nop to prut Units all over thi, Slate, Ucorgi.., North icir work for the pact twenty year*. V. P. RIJSSKL.L. & CO., F.AST F.N I) 1IASUL 8TUEKT. i) tlio Immediate Nwhiity v 1 Charier inn aud rob 15. 1871. 45-t S 71 COLUMBIA nom, COLIMIGIA, S. V., WM. a0?.1?A2TV PltOPRIKTOK 1 r J^HK 1'iopr e'.irof the |>lo?.niiilv located a and cbvanllv fiirtiitdied K?i>iMi*li< ilie Slr'r Capital, <lefi?cf In in'oini the traveling ptib'ic nnd other* e-eking n?. cominodniiona that III* "Columbia" in in v . e .i ? - - it . i I j .rp|?*;? >1 ii ??i VIUPH ntMoi. uiHii'pnR?r?i v any ?i? I lie Si ? f ??r ilio U tilt ?1 .siuit* Situ., ted in Ilir- lilt i nil cflilr" of ill* rilv, with fine Inijj- nti v n?oin>, at d a t?t) aup* <1 Willi eveiy Heli<'H<*v of the ??*h?i>ii, liotli I from New Y?rk hii>1 Chatloiuvi mmkfl?, ilie Proi rirtor j>1 t-.lvr< ? that no . fT- i ? will he ap;?r?d <o||i\epe frctm'iiUvtiun in ? v*. ry re?peH. A flint c'll'l I.lvi-ry Pi title il attached lii tl O Hotel, whole Vrlliuh H o| eVel'y <1< Scrip lion I ? hn I ai ill- Nlmr'tMl imt'ee. OmniLiiata attend the artivxl nod del artuie of fvnv Train. W VI (illUMAN. pieprittor and Sup* iIn'eiidenl. J.T). liUDDS, Caeliltr. Fe'i 13 r.9-'f J.tO. CAMPS KIT. K. WAI.TJM. iri'C FLOURING MILLS, 14 MARKET, OPPOSITE 8TA i B s r. ?? o Jno. Campsen & Co., GRAIN, HAY, FLOUR Axn COMMISSION MERCHANT3. Manufacturers of tilt 1ST and MEAL, 80 bast bay, CHAIILKSTON, S. O. Feb 22 >0 3m CIIAS. IIICKKY, GILDER, PflRMIT HI PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURER, 345 KING STREET, CMSLllTOEL So C. Look i GR g Glasses OF ALL SIZES, FITTED TO FRAMES. OLD FRAMES RE-GUT, EQUAL TO NEW. Fob 22 40 3in j B. WEHRLE 1 rin\S just rotuine?1 with a well ijy selected Stock of WATCH KS, CLOCKS, JEW LLIiV, SOLID SILVER A5D PLATED WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. HIS S:o"k was jirrsouallv se lected Ipmii the l?est houses in hi? line, and can irnaranteu satisfaction Oct it? 22 If CITIZt.XV MVI\CS B/1AU COUTH ci-HOLHTA. Deposit! of $< and Upwards Received INTE"" ECT ALLOWED AT THE PATE OF SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ON CERT FiCATES OF DEPOSIT AND tlX PER CE4T COMPOUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS ON ACCOUNTS. OrriCKiM?Win. Martin, President ; John n. Palmer nnil John 1*. Thomas, Vice Presi lent; A.'I. Breniscr, Cashier ; John C. IS Smith, Assistant Cashier. Diiikctoiis.?tViidc liiiinpton. w ilinm m ir in, A. 0. Ilaskcll, F. W. M< Master, J?hn 1?. Thomas, K. II. Jli-inilsh, John 1). Palmer, Thomas K. (J regis, Colntnhin. ,T. K'i Marion; ll.T. Scott, ry ; W, I). Mnycs, Newberry ; 11. II. ltutlrdge. Charleston ; Daniel ltnvcnel, Jr., Charleston. Branches at Abbeville and Newberry ami other points. A general Hanking business dono. 40-Sin Feb 22 Land for Sale. IMie subscriber offers for sale bis Land, situated some tilno mile l.?b.?r (Jrcenvile, 011 wul?r.i of Hrn.<hy Croik. Anilcrfn Couiity. In the Tract are 222 Acrm, An <>f which arc Bottom and 20 arc AVcoud Bot. loin. Thorn nro ri>n'l bonne*, rttthleo, rtnokt hotm*. corn crihfi, Ac. Tii'ih Land in ruperior, ami under good cultivation, and will he rulil cheap for rath. Apply at once, if you ?Uh to iuvctt. J.S. THACK.STON. I Mar 2? 47 din WM. J. RANDOLPH i STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. tLOCATKO on Fall* ftrcet, one rnuarc of Mcunra. Uuwcr, Cox A I Marklcy'a. OBAXITK of aB dc-Bcripiiorni furniehed and out to order. TOMB I nivpri.1, wiid itramto or i ? ? may he hutl on application. ! I ypocial uUcnlion guaranteed to all' wo.-k. .14-tf Jim 18 I j w. K. KAKLRV. 0. a. viiti I EASLEY A WELLS, ' Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, WKKKNVII.I.K. 8. C? PR \CTIt'K in the Court* of the ftnle and of the United 8t>itr*. nn<l give t-rpecial I Attention to rnaoe in RimKmptoy. i June II if never before been II. C. MARK. I WWIM????p???????Ml 1871. 1871. Spring and Summer * TFIA.I>C3. MARSHALL ? BU'.ilik, CHARLESTON, S. C. WE ARE OFFERING TO THE MERclianU ul the interior, a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AMD iw ?j? raL" mi? im mm * Which *f sell lit the lowest milktl price* to prompt paying ruatnmnrs. MARSHALL i Cl'ROR. Mar 8 43 Km E. WHITMAN & SONS~ No. 145 W1 ST PR AIT STREET, (OPPOSITE MaI.TBV IloffiK.) BA I.TIMORK, MO. SEEDS AND FERTILIZER*. rpHB Uriifrt vntietv ami hr.*t ?r1rntn| stock A ?r SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS ever uttered in this market. Oar Seeds are selected front the most reliabla grower* in this country and Europe, run. tinting ?f every description of the most ajproved varieties of <j A It DEN SEEDS. I 4H0 Bushels CLOVER .\XD TIMOTHY I SEED. | 250 Rnshel* ORCHARD and BLUE ORASS. iOK l.ushels NORWAY, SURPRISE, u? d other varieties of OATS. 200 Barrels KA RLY ROSE, and other varieties of POTATOES. I lOtt Bushels English and American I.AWN GRASS. WHITE CLOVER, LUCERNE, |SWEET VERNAL, and other GRASSES. FERTILIZERS. 500 Tuns of "TIIK ANDREW COK" SUPER PHOSPHATE, inai.ufacturod exclusively t<y us. with great cure, and is the most . ruliuhle Fertiliser in this market. Prion (52 per ton of 2,000 pounds in hags. 2,000 Barrels of PLASTER, tper scho >ner Ocean Bird,) warranted pore. 100 Tons Porn (.round Hone. 100 Tons Missouri Bone Meal. Peruvian, Nevus** and Mexican t.oanog. South Carolna Bone Phosphate, Salt, Potash, 47? and 60? Aeids.Wvtc., Etc. Al.*0. Manufacturer* and Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in all kind* of Agricultural Implement* and Machinery. April 1U a!) 1m 1871 Trade. 1871. Croquet. Complete ret* from $3 to $20 per ret. Bute Hulls. All I lie different kind* at reduced price*. Fitliitig Tackle. Of every description. Tr:? v elite j; Bngr. For ladies and gentlemen. FuiTign Fancy Coodr. Csiiits siaa?1 C*ist??ls ?.f till Kinds an?l I??icc* yt mitt million, Spoi lMiicnS Kuods Goods shipped to any part of the country per express. The raine careful attention given to orders ly mail as to persons) purchases, Prices (or < ur goods based on gohl at par. PCULTNl Y. TRiMBlt & CO., 21)0 IV. JlM.ri.VOUF. XTNKRT, BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 46 ly PLANT&IIOH Brums This wonderful vegetable restorative is the chnnt S 1- - aiitTi-iiiiuuur ui UiU It'euiC and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlie aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are espccially subject, it in superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-dav tlic best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Judo 22, 1870. 6 1 ^^Vkr^wHEi^ Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulley vowt ft HI)n?<5triM0RK5 > ^BEMn FOR A CIRCULAR?^: 17m:/ .v YKAS? ^o^vnfu IIm* loflfC ? ?" 1-*M I Fill rlieni'rFi liking n u??-. IViIiHi) 1.111 e ntxi Itf-nllhv ll i> |I f?, hi f |>. n ift. liFf, Hf^filiRI B FC'ti'l, It- tin, ft" lint t? ?-<f If no w?Hf i>f f?u-d | ie| Rift with It, m it in ?!* )? of tlie tfM q<-?liu |V? w no I if ?ij to who li?v f |nv r im>il it thnl toy few 111 ! I a will tvulV ill-lit otn it, mil only * 'lit *r?t:r?t Anil*!; Oii-n litll *llU FWilllimv I'll! ?||i illl.- KFt ,W"l(*lit. i?? itpr?fet 'e-l, Gi o<rr? in! l>?-?U II DCOI.VY .1 I ROTHF.I'. r.*A fP A<tr Sfntt. A'ne }'*?1 f't't/. > Apt 1 r? 4ft ?m