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Run RUN !! R ___ OFFICIAL. j? Act* and Joint iMolltlopfa^ed ' by thn LeffUlatnre?Boaaion 1870 ani 1871. J 1 /* ><-{ AS ACT TO QRANT? RRN*W Alt D | AMBND THR CILARtKHa OF CURTAIN TOWNS 4"N O&Y 104 A ? K V TUUUUIN MKNTtONKD. InmiMUtt 1 ? S.?. it Th. t HeiN ?1 iickirM or Ifm- I (? .>? V .Wife- of ?K? 0<*i?l InKnriont. lltr WaM'I^I'wII bl t tO ?l?rt 0?r h (r Q*H tautakr (? ?cl H Iiitwdllll j Wk t'.o V*k?, ? lf ' ' T ft TVil l he said Intendant ami i>f 'lie fai l t>? n o* 8?mt?r ?r hi-trli* eutittincel and empo*rr?<i l?? ** taM-h a d keep up one or aiare pu'dic re tie or sedea h?uee-. with proper scaleaad weight* lor weighing ontton and other article* d>! I hy wri^ht iu the Mid town. I>j and at lite expense os the i<tid town. #tec. 2S That the raid Intend mi and Wardens l?e, and tHey are hereby, authoril-d to appoint ??ne o< morn pu*>Ha weigh er<, who ?hall l?iw?rn he ihesaid Int-rdant. la'thfud* to perform the duties of said office. an I who shall I-a reni'eahU for raite..n hiei or Incompetency I'T raid Intel.dan a?.d Wardens; and when reference i? ha>' to any of th- piddle scale* used hy sa:d we gh *t?. I?y the awlhnrlty of said Iotmd ant and Wardens, tin the same 'ay that the i <>f ?1a la mill* tin- ceriificale o 1?u 1c shall bit fone1n?W* ?*i H-i.t' nl the w-ljjhl of the collon, or nn ni'mr article sold l*y weights. in any Co?r of jn-tiee in which an action shall be pend ing touching the weight of any such arti*1*; tii'l ihe said Itilendant and Warded* are in r? by n uthni ized to ariei! a mm no excei in',? ten cents on each hale of cotton, and a proportionate sum on other articles weighed. to t?e paid by the ?ell?t lor tit* u c nl the said town. S c. 29. That the public aci'ei an I weights established in pursuance of Iliit* Aei, shall tic the standard to whleh all others <n ilir said tu?n shall conform; and if any 'person hull nee, in weighing any aiticie whatsoever eohd in said town, weights and -scutes dilf ixgfcom the standard, sm-h per"won, on cflvlntiun i?i the Court of Sections foi Sumter County, shall be fined and Imprisoned. a? the dicetion of the Court. "Sec. SO Thai the said Int-o-Unt and "Var-tens Arall drawe power to establish and tc a wuard nonce and town prison, ami to make all suitable rules and reguiutioi c for the proper irovernnient of the same ; and any of the police, appointed by the raid Iiiiendaot and Wardens, are authorized to arres' and commit to the custody of ill said guard house or town prison, for a term not exce-ding twenty four hours, any person or persons who may he guilty, within the corporute limbs i f the raid town, of a Creech of the peace, ?r of public drunkenrues*, er ol spm in decency, or any other disorderly conduct injurious to the pence, sa'ety and good ordsr of the citiz- ns ; and the said pxdice shall, wh?ncver nrcsmry. in the dischaigeof their duty, have author ity to cull the posse eomitatu* of ihe said .? ll.op ui.ihhm. bio! anr nil son so I a>rest<d and imprisoned shall be liable lo all the cost ami expenses of mid arrest and iinptoonmeni, and ha further linhle l?> any fine which the anid lutendantand Warden* ii>?v imi o-e foi ihcir misconduct. See. 81. That the lutendant and NVardem a? e hereby huiImh ix-d and empowered to make such 01 dina' C'S as they may deem exp-doni. in rela<ion io Sicen-ini; oercon* ? h>> are. or may lie. enuaged in and cairyihg nn hi v I neineee within their corporate linn a: Providrd, Thai no ordinance shall he made inconsistent with the I'nnslit ution oI line Si ne, ai d lawe of the land. See. 82. The Iniei.daot and Wardens of thii town of Sumter be. and they are here by. authorized i?? borrow money bj issuing town slock, fr< m time to time, lo the amount of iwen'y thousand didlnr*. if s.? , mu'di be necessary for the purpose of ending n nimk-l a*'d town ball, tint never, in ai y nn <?r foim, to make the town liable for ?x?oedin|z 'I'*' emnni.t in tj?e ag^regale: ProKtd'd, Tliat the piivnie property of i|ie coizens of the said town ol Sntnier shall not lie liable, In law or equity, for rthe | aycH'-nt of the corporate debts that hull ur mar tie created under the granted ; po>v? r? herein tnndc, or in any other mode rHh*n by a r-g"lar and uniform taxation. Bet. 38. That the Intendnnt and Warden* shall, w?hin twenty days ??f the c\pt? ra'i* n of their term of offii-e. rnakr out and fxiMhh a full account ol their receipt* and .expenditure* dutiwrg their t'-rtn, and shall -pay and-deliver to the r successors II money*. broke, reoorda, paper* or property in their hand* belonging to the corporation. Fee. 74. That t'hc firal. election held after he passage of thia Act. the Cleric of the 'Court of Common Pl-a? for Pointer County ' is hereby requtii-.d to give ten days'put;lic notice.oflhe time and place, or place* *of holding earid election, and appoint mnna igere t" eofvdiret the *.*rtte : Provided further. That immediately after the clo*e of any election It. Id for the election of Intendant or Warden*, the Managers shall forthwith proceed to count the vote*, declare the election, and give notice of ihe result lh- re. of, in writing, to the persons elected, who, if eligi'le, shall thctcnpon qualify. Bee. 35 That thia Act shall he deemed a public Act. and shall continue in force lor fourteen years, at.d until the end of the next se<<?iori of the Ge*>eral A?n? tnbiy thetc ifier. iS. c 86. Thitf nil Acm ?r pnrtn of Aetr, inconsistent with tit in Act, be, and the name am li?rel>y, repealed TOW* OP WIWGflTSVI LLJCSoe. 37. And be U luphtr enacted. That all perrons eitizensof the Uidled Slate, who now.oar, or may hereafter own, dwelling ihnnee* in the village of WiighUvillr, and (bone who juoy occupy au<-h houses, under leaee, aball h? deemed, and are hereby declared to be a body politic' and eorporaie, and that the raid village aball be enlhd and known by the name of Wrigliiaville, otid its limit* rhnll he held and deemed to extend three fourths of a mile In ovary direction fiom lh? Episcopal Cfiureb. ?, ? H..? 51 An/t I.. II Inrll.i, <?./> -A Tk.i the mnl village shall he governed hy no Inlei deiit and (our Wmdi-m. who II he .elected on the first Monday is April, 1871. *n<i on the same day in every year thereafter. an eii-etmn shall be held for an In* ' leodnnt nd four Wa>den?, who shall a>. wiya t e prison* living within Ilia limit* ot said village, at auoh plave a* the In- 1 ' and Waidrna shall drsignate, tin i isndaa, t un !!!?Dry Goods, not lee Mng invlQOiiy gieeo; en<! Lliet ell the nt<tlej.iiUil>Uaaia a I eeld v?l> lege, who efcftli &?ve attained the ?ge B iWeui^->x)nB )eer% end here reeldrd there1 in e&ity dejre prerii-ue U? lite eWtinn tlull lie entitled 4? Tote for mid lnlend< ent and War the election to b| h?l< frnu erven o'n'o t In the Biotnlng ttntt eix u'cl tk In the afternoon, end wltei llie polti e'lell be cWJ, lite Manager <*'<ell piocl'lm the election end give nolle liter?of, in wriiln*, In. the persons elect cd, nnd that th? luteiidniit imi Wird?? for ll?? llm* b?.b?g *Iim1 I ?| p?&iit tlinc Man 4-re to hold the tmuing election: Provi Jed, Tint the p>wnt CommiMioners ?i Kicctbn do appoint Managers (or the Art DrgHiiio election, nnd that the Inl<o-lnn and Wardene, before entering upon th duties of their office*, eli m 11 til:* th* o*i| preset itiad by the Constitution of till* Stat< and ?l?> the following oath, to wit: "A Intendent (<?r Warden) of WriglitaTlUe, will iquiilir nnd impartially, to the beof my skill .and ability, exercise the trui repoeod In me, nnd will use my beat en lenvors to prcae ve the pea^and earry ir to effect, according to Inw/vie pmpo** or which 1 hate been elected: So hi 1 tie God." President Grant's Proclamation. Washington, May 4. The Act of Congress, entitled M A Net to enforce the provisions of th ' iiirfeenth amendment to the Consult tion of the United ^>ir?ie?. end for olh? mrposcs," approved April 20, A. I 1871, being h law of extraordinary put 'ic importance, I consider it my duty t issue this ntv proclamation, calling tli attention of tlic people of tbe Unite Mate* tltereto ; et j ?ining upon all goo ilizens, especially upon all public ofl erf, to be zealous in the enforccmer thereof, and warning all persons to at tain from committing any of the act thereby prohibited. This law of Cor '.jress applies to all parts rf the Unite Slate*, and will be enforced everywhere to the extent of the power vested in ill Executive ; but inasmuch as the necei ?ity therefor is well known to hate bee caused chiefly by pem'stent violations < the rights of citizens of the Unite States by combim.lions of lawless an disaffected persons in certain Iochlitie lately the theatre of insurrection an military conflict, I do particularly e: liorl the people of them parts of tl Itntrv to suppress all Slieh rnmliim II <ns by 'heir own voluntary i fforl hroiipli I lie agency of local lute, an o maintain ilie lights of all citizens r 'he United Slates, and lo secure to a auch citizens the equal protection of lit Jaws. Fully sensible of the responsibilit imposed upon the Executive by the Ai of Congress to which public nttentic is now called, and reluctant to call ini exercise any of the extraordinary pov ers thereby conferred upon me, exec; in cases of imperative necessity, I d nevethclcss, deem it my duty to ma] known that I will not hesitate to e haust the power thus vested in the E eculive, whenever and wherever it shr become nece<sary to do so. for the pti pose of seeming to all citizens of tl United Sittes the peaceful enjoyment the tights guaranteed to them by tl v onslitulion and laws. It ii my ear est wish that penro and cheerful ob dience to Jaw may prevail til rough o the land, and that all traces of our la unhappy civil strife may he speedily r moved. These ends can he easily reac ed by acquie^ence in the results <f tl oorrfllot ?>.?? ir#!l Ion ' ' - ^ nwn ilil'ltll III UUI i'dd, and ihe due and proper enforc meni of equal, just and impartial lat in every part of our country. The failure of the local communiti to furnish such means for the obtuii ment of results so earnestly de?ired, ir poses upon the National Governme the duly of putting forth all its energi for the protection of its citizens, of evei race and color, and for the restoration peace and order throughout the enti country. In testimony whereof, I have set jr hand and caused the seal of the Unit< Sates to be affixed. Done at the Citv of Washington, 4h ihitd day of May, in the year of ot Lord eighteen hundred and sevent; one. and of the independence of tl United Stn es the ninetv-fouitb. (Signed.) U S, GRANT. The Columbia Union has seen a vir with one hundred and ninety six larg strawberries upon it. A negro woman living on tho plar taiion of Capt. Howell Edmunds, nen Ridgeway. in Fait field County, gav biith to three sons a few days ago, a of whom are doing well. Allen Hughe*, a colored man em ployed at the rock quarry on Law*on1 Fork, near Kpartar.burg, while rai-inj rock /or bUa Air Line Railroad, va fatahy wounded on Monday, /at by ihe falling of the guy of the derrick which wtruck him upon hi* head. II died rest day. The student* of YVofford Collegi have had a game of bane ball, the Alb letic* beating the Senior*. The Lauren* llerald has ?e?n a ?peo men of Lucerne, grown in that coun y, three feet in height. M". R. II. dreneker'* *labl?, ii Mewherry, were burnt ,ofl Wednesday noining ln*t. Clothing, Shoes, Groc ?l)f Cttkrytm. ; QRKI I WSMS?AY, MAY 1*} 1M|. J .4, Mm , ]? ? The Convention of Ttt*ftftri. 1 TIm? convention m now in seeeiun in Columbia, We hope tliey will do good t\v their delibemtione. 'If they cout< ? only ibe importance of the properl* , i- qualification for rotors for tbe Semite. '* nod urge it* adoption by the |*eople ^ --f the State, we sre confident it would t succeed ; there could l?c no just oljecr lion urged against it, a* all classes snd h conditions would fully enjoy the privi* >. lege of protecting themselves fron ' * wrong and oppression, by their right 01 1 suffrage, rich and poor, high and low. i( white and black, We fear, bowevei. this wise and, we think, practical;!, i- measure will not be considered at pies '* ?-nt. Our South Carolina politicians '* mo slow and old fogy ; they would not li'icn to Goveinor Crr's rccommendam tion of abolishing impiisonment for debt, nor protect the property of mar ried women, nor secure a homestead to n v the unfortunate, as the other States of ( this Union had done and were doing; >r and as the enlightened nations of Eu y rope were doing ; although the condi( j tion of South Carolina called for these ! tilings, more strongly, peibap", than p any other State in the world, foreign o> j1 American, neither will they now, we ' t? >. aam.i.Ia* t li a Aitli* in oat n r A llmt PI I'. tunniuvi II1C vim Iiivn uiv ...... ?.. . surely protect tlie State from legislative |( oppression, and, Hi the same time, wioug t no human being. We hope the liepublican parly, with the help of the colored votes, will force this great me*.j : 'ire into the constitution as they carried p i those other measures we have mention' od into the new constitution, which had ! heen urged in vain upon a purely white n ' Lcgiklatuie of the Stnte jutl after t^e .f **r'' General Sherman Next President. d The New York llerahl nominate! Gen. a, Siikhuan l??r tl?e next Presidrnt, and urges J with grent force that lie is the proper candidate for the Prmormti and the liberal K * 2 i Republicans. The Tferald maintains that ,e | he ii superior to Gen. Gbamt in !tnt. iman * I ship, and his .qual a* a military man. Gen. A | Sumvam l?<e!y made a speech before a (| Itndical Club, in New Orleans, in wlich he took giounds in favor of a libeial and g-nU erons |>"liey towards the S 'Ulh and the re% nova) o( all politic*! disabilities Our '** lesdeis are aware that th<- Herald is one of itie m"?t independent and able papers on V the continent, of vast circulation, and c( whenever it advocates in sober esrnest a L-iint measure, exerts a wide spread it fl<;. m fc 1 tne?. We would not he surprised if i's view* concerning Gen. Siirrmax and the Presidenev strike, root in the nuldic mind. P1 No impaiiial u\an will deny it op'nion of O, eopiri >r enlightenment and statesmanship if, of Gen. Sherman over Gen. Grant. The 'alter is not respected l.y some of i he strong. ?st men of hi* own parly. Tliey rtgard Irin ns destitute of those abilities whicli 1 ought to belong to ti e President of a (feat ir nation. lie has. unfortunately. shown himlie self tl* 8 tool of the extremists of liia party ; of i and, after proclaiming " let na hare peace,*' I rnakea a new declaration of war against the South in hia Ku-KluX Bill, and hv literalII* ly withholding any recommendation of nicstires of peace and conciliation. Ha is lit even behind his own parly in magnnnimite ty. Gen. Siikrvan has been consistent since tfie surrender of the Southern armies; Gen. Grant has gone hack to bitterness. ',e President's Proclamation. We publish this important document. It ?? will lie seen Gen, Grant expresses reluc iV)t lance to exerc'se tlie tremendous and ?le?. potic powers given him by the Bill. We shall see bow ho will act in the future.? There is not now and has not hern any nen* cessity for the suspension of the habtat corO pm writ ; neither had Corgress the r'ght nt to confer the power on the Predentin es time of peace?the Constitution gives it to Congress, and"one department of the Gov^ en ment cannot confer its powers on an other. The Ku-Kinx Bi'l has heen de. re -.A i._;?>n ........VVV. ?? 6 ... | ?J and rtatffmcn with more aeveiVy than it iy liaa been by tbe pi ess of the South even^ jj They j>r?nounee it a minaure calculated to <1i-?tr<>y the liberties ol tlie S'ntrs and of the p<cple n* a whole JK ? ,r D. H. Chamberlain on the Situation. Thl* gentleman, a distinguished Republi* " can and one of the moat able ot the party in this State Itnj add rented a letter lo Col. Wm. L. 1 nr.Miot.M. In whieh he diaens'ea the great a'oiaea of Legislation in Sooth Cnro le linn arid the giievods corruption and ineom-* ;e pelency of many of the represen'a'ives and .olliee holder* of the party inf)0??e,r. The letter i* able and written in a patriotic i- rpiijt. His remedy is jiii,pority representstr lion. If tie had g >ne further and re,oafn mended also a property qualification for * voters for the Senate, it would, if adoptrd, " tare the State. We perceive that he is one of the Columbia Delegates io ihe Conven lion of tux payer* n<>w met in Columbia.? I i* W arc glad he is; the apj>oiniroei?i of *ueh j '* men shows that theie i* no parij spirit ~ |p ,(he movtjnenl. ? a Improving. It give* ua unfeigned pleasure to ntate fclipt 'Mr*. Hudson, the estimable e wife of W. J^upsorr, , who ha? been severely indisposed .for several months past, is improving, although 6 slowly, hopes are entertained that she * may be restored soon to tho enjoyment of full health and v(g>r. >' ^TroatOn Satnrday night, M?y 6th, there was frost in several portions of the County, but not severe enough to be of much injury. r ?? ??? United States eoldieta are at Sumter eries, &c., at H. C. M Death of an A?ed Minister. We e'lp Ike. following notice from the, | B*mter ?>f the 4th. Mr. OinK was , the father of Rev. Bamvm. M; Ghkkm, of' ( this C?ttnty, m etoo of Judge T. J. OatMt, Of the Third Circuit: " Death of tin lira. Mtnrlf t). ff?f?.*Tliis highly esteemed and universally resfteclad old oiliten of Bumter County, died et his i rniJri:(? ot Ike 10 h April, In the eight* leth year of Ids age. " Rev. Mr. Green was a member of the Secession Convention of 1?. cmib<r. ISfiO Through all lite long life ha maintained id unspoiled reputation, and he leavea an enviable record behind him. He was one of the very oldest patriarchs of the Methodist Church South." Origin*! Articles. We insert on tbe first page, several rtiginnl articles, which will repay peusal. Next week, w ill insert " Collo piial. No. 2,'* (be letter of ? T. D. G.'? nd will etidenvor to include the article of M Elsie EnrrcM." Our correspondents will please have patience with U4, when their tffosions will he given * place in our column*. Southern Cultivator for Mar. A most excellent number, full of plain, practical, reliable, orignal matter. The numerous suggestions it contain*, are prepared by practical, intelligent tsork ing men. who know what thqy talk and write about. The editors, whilst advo eating progress, are not vbionnry, but conservative practical men, who appreciate the situation of the Southern farm er, and are doing iht-ir lied 10 help him. We should he glad to see the Cultiva tor in the hands of every reader of the Enterprise, as the impetus it would give to agriculture, would re act favorably upon our ow n business, and that of every oilier 111 aii in the community. ' ' The 8outhern Baptist Convention. Tlie Convention will meet this year, on the 10th of May, in the City of StLouis Mo., and delegates will lie ptoba bly present bom fourteen States. We learn that Rev b?. P. IIotck, Rev. Dr. Wm. Wilimmi, Rev. \V. I). 'I'll o.mas an J riof. C. II. Ji'dson of Greenville, will attend as a part of the delegates of South Corolina. To Our Friends in the Country. Incidents frequently occur in this or adjacent counties, an account of which, if promptly reported to us, would add interest to our columns. Wo therefore a-h our friends in tho different section to drop us a line, whenever anything unusual oecuis in their neiohhmhnnd It in not necersnry that a long article, ready for tlie pre**, should be written All nrk is the " point*"?the date, the names of the parties, and the nature of the occurrence, correctly stated. Acts of the Liegilature. A long liit c.f Act* and Joint Reso lution* of the Legislature, will he found in our Supplement of this week. We is sue them in this manner, in order to afford our reader* as much matter as possible, and incur expense that they may be benefitted. We again urge that these be preserved for future reference. Southern Baptist Educational Conren. tlon. Thi* body assembled on the day of last month at Marion, Alabama. Many gentlemen distinguished in the eauae of education were present. The proceedings were very interesting, a* we judge from a report in \ \\e Rtligiout Herald. Rev. J auks P. Boyck, 1). D.. of Greenville, was elected President of the Convention. f3T J oiin F. Clakdt, of Green ville County, has been Appointed Not? jy Public b) Governor Scott. . ?? ?? Returned. Samukl J. Dounur, E?q.. our popti !ar and efficient Judge of Probate, who has been spending a month'* time in Virginia, with hia fimilv, rettirned on Friday night last, having enjoyed a re laxation in that patriotic Slate with great rati-fnciion. Judge D. married in Virginia, a? our people \yell know, and therefore was at home while in the Old Dominion. The at'ack made by Euward Snkvd, a* repotted last we?k, was upon Mr. IIvman Knurl, a cleik of Mr. II. C. Make, and not upon thia latter gen* I tleman. ? Til it article in referenqe tQ the I. O O. F. has agai.p been .unavoidably postponed. ? ? We have been presented with a couple of Slrawberriea. produced in the ,1 / n 11 - mii iii ^murii ui uuv. i i kiiv, nenr iuf , City, and which were grown on plant* | put out in 1871. 'The berrie* of the bed, ao we ere informed, will average es large na tho?o gathered from plant* net in the ground Met fall. Ode. culled from (be same, measured fqur inches in circumference. j.% ?Mr. Sajcoi*, who wu so dan 1 g^roualy w,ponded ,\n tjyt riot here on the Jsttinst., i* improving. (tnd his life < now.considered out of danger. Srvekai. Editorial notice* have been crowed out of this i*aue. 4 ? a tr I>r. J. Q. MoDavid raqtipe'a na to ' atate that hla otlae will be eloaed for two 1 waeka, a* outaide bnsinom calla him off. s ARK'S.?An Entire Tub Edgefltid Advertiser eat* crop proepeate are gratifying throughout.the :oubty. nod the fruit prospects are po?i v lively glorious, the front of the 20ih to d i he contrary Uottvlthstanding?t be b vegetable gardens are'c<>thing on luxu ? f t * t' ? . I % t fl mhvi11} -?ana, m tact, everybody una everything, i? working, watching and j, wnidng it) the highest slate of nccom q modation. The same paper also says that on last Saturday night three negroes, attempt* ing to steal corn fiotn the crib of Mr. 6 Scott Alien, living at Fruit Hill in litis district, were detected in the act by Mr Alien. lie hailed them, and or* ] dercd them to surrender, but they heed ed not his call, ar^d lied precipitately* Mr. A, then discharged one barrel of Lis gnn and tried to discharge tiie re | maining barrel, with the vie** of high'. I ening the negroes, but in ^tbe excite ' ment be snapped the trigger r?f the barrel already fired. One of the negroes, thereupon, supposing there was no furthor danger,turned,and gathering up a rail, was approaching Mr. A. for the purpose of giving him battle. In the meantime, Allen discovered iiis error and ns the negro advanced, g ive him the content* of hi* gun, the loiul going | through the bodv of the negro. We i have not tearneJ the name < f the corn ' thief who no foolishly ran against that ( handfull of biidshnt?but he "now ( rests fiom his labors," and w:M never , have any further use for a grain of corn | than Jo? Crews will have for a seat in Ileaven. The two accomplices of the negro j killed made their escape. ...... ? I FOR Ttl* Gi:EC>VILLR SXTRRFRl?K. A City Hall. ifr**r* Editor*: Should not distinct "fTiccs suitable as depmdtniics of the archives , and picscnt records of ou-. Cily el li'n a share of consideration I Hare we Mich ? Is 1 not a lint?, how? ver htinible a* n structure, 1 quite as 1 eceseary to a corporation nnd city ( as a Legislative )In>t is to the S'ate I Hut to ptopose ill*? .tooting ef sech now, wtien Wv are o\Ci w helmed hy taxation and cnn? 1 giessional legislation. vvotih! tie loilislii|th- | rsl degree atisuid Tliere is one o d fund. | mark left of by.gone and happy days i which we earnestly hops asy never lie removed ; and truly, wiili tight r'pnirs, it is one of the liesl structures in the up-country, and would remain forages. -We mean the 1 "Old Court House," which w?-uH answer 1 tuclt purpose. In past days, of prinn-va! simplicity and ; pence, it was an awe inspiring edifice. It and the old Mansion IIou'c weie the architectural wonders of those days. Huilt for ' the hai) of justice, it was also the Universal Church. There were no chlircnea in Greenville in those days. The first Presbyterian, Methodist, Ipisci-pat and Roman Catholic preachers we ever he 1 r-1 were in this building. IVe had heard the good old patriarchal Hnptist minister. I.ewis Rector, in the country, and he sometime' officiate I here. Nav, in later days, even a disciple .?f Jo. Smith, as a Mormon lecturer, was Iinfo on one occasion hy a laigc c"ncou>8e ct all ages, sexes and conditions. This building is owned by the County, is it not f Could it lie purclias-d at some fti lure d?.y, when we ars able to pay 1 It would be exactly ilia Hall we need It wou'd afford elejible ofTio-a for records, and a very appropriate Ilall for public meetings or for municipal deliberations. Had we a fixed and permanent Cityowned budding, We know OV n who would exeit themselves in getting tip a useful City I'brary? citizen's lil<rarv, acce?.?hle to" nil Amti'lnir awl instructive lk- ?>K? Imve saved many n promising girl or boy from profligacy. Again, no eommtinilj' ran Ink- an si?v* ted plan on ill- 8-*a'o of em-ietv win di-oo gar ls science and art. T<> show an nppie rial ion of each. there nr ?i lie some cxluli lion* pertaining In cicli A public l>n |<1 ing like this would lie a stop-house for the niin-ra! and geological specimens whtt-h our conntry ft i-nd* would friely bring in ; and hy that, mean* eontrilnre to agriculitt ral chemistry. Whilst w- wri'e. w- know that it wou'd he a mailer of ens? to secure a rare eoll-c ion of Carolina specimens. Nor eonid a better hnlf he found fo ex some good oil painting', p?itrait* of puh ie and i.e'oved men wlioli.ive parsed before us, prominent f?r virtue and patriot ism, and prominent for wisdom and as Coun?-ll?t* of I he nat-on. Among these, lei that P' Joel R. P.'iiifet'. t'" ehool teacher. statesman, p!:?lo?OfInr find artist, hconspicuously placed; and Poinsett Wn4 one* our neighbor. 11? it was that planned lid* old l-uilding. and Mr Mill*, an esteem* -d Cat olina architect, red need it to a building scale. rOR 1IIB OltBKNVILLK KNTKK I'll I8K. Ranaway. Mestrt. Editorn?On Saturdny lu*f, Mr. liut>erI Thoma?on'* horse, being in fine plight and naturally a high spit it swi -.A. I- 1.-1- - I - ni nuiinni, ??? iiiiuiieii 10 h one- nor*e wagon which was loadrd wi;h fire wood, anil ??< coming into the city hv ?hv of the SpartAnb^rg /ond. sQim wherrt neAr the residence of Mr. (JliHixlIrr, look fright And ran about a quarter of a mile down ilie hill like a whirl yrini,!. the driver raving hiinvlf by leaping from the wagon, leaving Capt. T. E. Wad? dell's youngest son upon it, who is oidy nine years, of age, the little fallow sit ling on the wagon until he arrived near ly down to the bridge, holding a grown live rahhit in his hand, and when thrown ,frorn the WKgon considerably bruised and remarkably frightened, hut notwithstanding the limes tvere sqtlallv , he still continued to hold pp tp hi* rah bit. A colore^ map w,qm ^ip to him and proposed to jtiil the little animal, thinking that it would get * ay from him. M No," said ^e" Rule fellow, M dqn't kill mv rabbit:" ;Like the Biitj-h.soldier who jr** playing cards witji his comrades upon the Pr-edee. when * Gen. Marion anjl hi* gallant little hand 1 fiie^l.pppn them, although lie wa? tin touched by a ball, was found quite dead from fright, whilst he was lidding nigh low Jack and the game in hi* hand. o lit lie llandell f?-i( that hit rabbit ?i* bis highest trump card, and he eonelud > (1 and did bold on >oii under the m?.et . trying circumstancesSUBSCRIBER. JVctc Stock?Cheap j * Daltimoiir, May 8 Fltottr (Irmrr, with lmpr<?\ed demand. fh*a'. Arm and stock source, Ohio and In- | Una I 60$ 1 G5 C?rt??-whit# Southern \ elter at 77@80; ytHnw South* dull a' ft ; mixed- Western better, 7.'@7 4 * Oata 1 |pl). 6ft. Potk ti'il-t, If 8tt; li?cufrfti'iidy ; 1 lioiilder* 8 ; r?? ridi-a 10; cl>-ar ril> 1'4 ; j lami 1rt@l7. Lirl quiet at 12. Wli ?ky t [ liel 0.'4. >f C|IaRI ESToK. MtJ 8 1 C-llon fi in; midJllns<? 11} ; not reoelp'a , 62 Imlii; txpart* t<i Qr?tt W-hnin 2877; j xioita cotiU tw 892 ; wile* 600 ; Block 17,' i 1 6*. I; Nr.w York. M <y 8. Ootton qulfl an t firm ; mi1-r 2000 bale*. , 1164 (JoM. 1 FOR TI1K GIIKKN VI LLC SNrKRFRICK. Tribute of Bespect. Iiivincible D<>nili lm? ng.on nnnle Ilia nvRi-iioc known, mid vi * hth cajlc I upon to Km'nt llie nnt-m-ly drcea'e of our fel'ow> POUT Kit B. BURNHAM. \ViiKnx\a, TliO'i, Riibin-Vlvelv l owing h* it-Rtli til' inai-rutrtbl* providciic R of II III who do>th all ihinzs wrll " w?? wimld y.-t five some f*pr??lon to <>ur sorrow >v ii ;s mtimeiy death?p-rpet u ?te Ms memory, ind tender onr sympathy loirs nflliotvl , i etalive* : lli-iefiir', he it y/W/w/, I. Thai In ili- d- alii of our com- j *dc. I'O'lTER U. Bl RMIAM, til- Piihn-Mn | ffire Engine tVntpanv has Mis'ni o' 'ho ass ol i% member, p-mc'iiu' \> Ins sMi'inl. itiC*; obedient to proper niplunlv; Quick n r-s'ix'mt, a d prompt in at-culi ti< his Inly n< n Fireman. II. That tIie C ty ',B# b'sn deprived . f iho services of a Fir-man who whs ever r*a ly to sacrifice cnmfoit a> a safety lor th(lulipC ROO I. III. That n I>1 ink leaf of our Minnie riook lit* de'li'-nt-d t<> l?i? memory. and that 1 copy 0/ ih?i? R-so1iH?nns li- transmitted j to lh? family of t'le deceased. IV Thnt those proceedings I o pnld #lie?l in the Ciiy paper*. SAM'L MAFLDTN. ) ?Ki?. W Bit I' N>()N. SO mmittee. JDS. C AI.KX AS I ?l-It. \ Ore-n? ille, S C.. May 2 1. 1871 ?????H??11 I'll HI 11 ? ' "A im mm Imy flo'd too >'fnr " lioM r>n to Cotton ton loiitf lint e 1 mini piiv 00 much for vl'M I'K't lil ITERS when stiff It.g tiom Dispepsia, II-unburn, Indigst'oo r del.lHiy.' 'TnicRKV nothing iikk it."? I n't wish for l..itrr." lte i> r ilmn any nth- r we have u-cd " " L'kr I' nniu'i " ' Cm'l ipeik inn liiiililr of it." ' Ti e e run no ranlt found with n " "C111 lesiif* In its mp-riurily " " Don't uvi unV other."? These nre n f- iv ijii t lion- Itom the hnn riieds nf t-siinmiiinls In fi'or of Do 1-yV Ve isi P -wder, wlneh is the only ele-ielly pnio, h irtnl is. ii-nlihv nnd mi'rii mils niii- o of the kind in market. I', rf-c !y rrliiiU'e ensv In lis , eoni-tiint N> (I le wmm-ndri) hv nil F sa'e l y grocers ? Donley A Brother, Propriviore, fill N-w Sif-n. New Yo-k A'j-5 Signs nr tiia Zodiac.?A | hihooi her in ihe West, crown iiPn ndiniisimn of the Ce-ry ?*ecin"nl, writes I)r. Ayer or in I1 int'tots under wlrehs'gn lie hall he l?l-d. wItlrli itlisle-ed, 11 ud wlileli Vomited. m d d- r wliieh he rha'l inke Ayvr's Pill- lor nil eff-cllnn nt I h - liver; nlsn miller which sign hi- wife should eiiinoience inke ihe S ir snpmi In fo- her nilnoMii. lie aihls th it he already k' nw< 10 wein his cmIvi-< nnd-r Taurus, chime- hi- | j|[i in S-orpin. 001 his huir in Alien, nnd sunk his h-cl in Pine, s 01 Aq mr u? a* ilieir ciiidiiiiin quires. S i'ionlm ist-r- si art lor Wi-ouus'ii, and visit Mr limn wlmn ton eel 'h-ie 62-5 [ L.itiix/1 O-'ilff Xexo*. Tap. Futiirk Piiospkhitt or tiik Rnevat Thcru cun !>? nn tK.?? ; ?...1.1 ?? triluto greatly to the future pmspi rity ?i?' this section of the Union it iminy amongst us won 1 <1 turn tliir energies and cn|iitiil in wm channels of enterprise nml business. 'flm old roads nre clear, ut they are worn hihI crowded. Iilnre n new path through tinwoods for yourself, young man, and yoi will arrive at the goal ol success ahead of your competitors. A striking exinnpla of the value of this precept is found in ine ease of Mr. I*. I'. Toule, of Charleston, 8. C., a p'aiu mechanic, who has made himself the bead ot a large uiiinufactbry of doors, saslns and blinds. 5-?6 Tho Sta' o of South Carol na. r. R RKN VI f.LR Ut ?UN IY. By S, J DOUTH1T. F'qn>rt, July* of J'rnhate of join/ f'oHnty. HRUIvAS. Mist) V. MiKnv has filed It a petition in my t)thce, piatlng i tin' Letters of Administration on all and singular the onii-ls ii> d eha ics. light' i-ud ciedi'sot Mis. .1U 1)1 I'M AIT>VOiM? In'of th? Comitv nfor-emd, deceased, sli- uld )>e LT inle I to tli r. 'J'he*e nre, therefore, to cie and ndinoiisli nl! and singular the k'odr-il -iul cr? lit-r* ot the sold ec so i, to he Hint S|<|M)nr in tin* Court > 1'iol ate lm soi l U.oiotv, to hold- li at (treCMViil- Court lieu e, on the lith day of Aloy iixf , to show cause, ! nn?, why s.ill A>llu>liiStrulioti should iioi he granted. 8 3. f)Ourtiir, t). t -I ouujr ?> 1 nuiiif, 'ir. enVIIC tv Offic- o .lu lge ?>f Pr?b?'e, Mhj lmli I b71. M.y 10 1 l FUCTER i llliMER I)ESI I K TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF TliK PUULIi! T?? Til Kill LOW-PRICED AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DHIiSS GOODS, CONSIST! NO OF' GRENADINES, JAPANESE, CLOTH; PERP4LES, SO^ID ALPACOAS, * LA WAS and LINENS. | * M1KY WILL SELL \ LOW FOR OAHH. L IVcw Loi Jiml Received. JO 1 If and Very Cheap. Poisonous Hedicines < n The iheofy IIIm the ?ir?i of run it Mtvly eonni?-rne?e?l l?y doe-i of p?i*>ii, 14 fol.e null' dnn.-et-nuii Within t?e t??r. th*n t Unrt of rirlil.i-l |<niro <* h?v? l?een o?!-te<l .fa the rei'Oiltory of the m(4'e?l |M-oh*eeion,! T???-y ire fitven in tn>al| di>te>. olh-rwWe the/ would d-etioy life ; lmt tv?u In minute qumiIi?ie?, IllCV produce. * !? mnli-lv. Very diMi'ion* iffi't'l. Il I# it," wi?e mix! uii|iliil<>enpli><"iil t<? eni|-l?v. ?* h m powerful <1(1 imidlnur drill!# wli rli, in nil jll|{iiil"i! onr dif ??e, mow llii* n vll nl nniitlirr el I It more U'-ni inngenb c? None ?-f il cc icrril'le n ed c-*in**i?te opernil,* wi?l? mm nun-li d-rcotneir *nd ??iiiinly upon the cm.nee* of dlnem- if I1CHTKTTKI 'S KTOMAOI HITTKRR * t.. n T<r nml c'M'ivf, ?ritho"l a tingle drltlerion* ingredient in it* iom/n>aitioH Aritliln inil> rj'iiniM ere given for inuriniii-nir ; promi-le i I pilnifliiMi |nr n>rvr>u? dii-oi ilern : iiryrln itin.r ami p tiMM c acii) for g*-nr*l d Mliiy mercury, in Ariniif f"tmr, for liver com plnln#; p, cpnrHll'in of clil-rnforni end opinio f-T ?l*iplr#*nr? ; and )K lVf? d-ndly Jingitdo n-1 compare, mm ip ciflc? 'or the dl"'n?- above riiiiniet'H** il. w i I l> ilor wltnl-n-m * ill vitftirant and nlU-rniivi>. wliil*' lliey uru nil ?u prrtt'oionf ilmt * it in iinlniij-liimt any |ili|i*ii'ii?il nli.tiil I inlca (lie ???"|?'?n?iltilily ?? prrm-rlliii-g t'.i in I.H ii>v *|idn. fin1 ilnlr o?n try the lMt? I ih lliev rn >r> lo Hie p.-l*-on. Tim re i-l iIn*v will iene* front a i*?iiim ill I lit; lium rrt sn'**, will nnd.r ? rr?i'our-t* !* tli" uimiifti pi **| a: nli?H?n f'tri nl' I**, qni'e iii?iie?"-rs*rv. 52-5 Ti n v. o n ore alwu> Jin'iln in ?u t?l?-?l nt? Inckx nl l>?*mi*ry ami Gli- l-ia M"ilnn, r?ti i niter cnirui ^ * rn hu? t i Ii -M't. nee very in>|>1 ?n*??. The 1'AfN. Kil l KK innv ntwaxa lie ii|il cd iipon in, sneh A' MHin n? x on feel lh>* syntr. iii', inkf ii 'c ?ap M?nf?l in a yill of new-- rn Ih hi d innln-ei-i1 and a ffi'l r.f lint xvftScr,. or.11 well tnyeiher nml ! !* k hut Hi-peat tin* dn?e avery |?.???r un'll relieved. 11 I lie |>-<iHe I e "trvere. hmlie the bowels and baek; wi?li the medicine elent. In ens-s nl As'limn and I'hihisia. fake ft. t e i-|>.n?iitnl in o if 111 nt b it xx aler swo lened well wi'll mnlHSSeS ; ?l?l bntlie III' throati ii ml sliitiifteli lai'llfnlly Willi tile imdicine^ . cle if. I)r Sweet siiys it tnkes nut the rofsn'M. In s ' ! Imi- etetting taster t Itati anything; be ever > | t ii- <1, Ktsli' i men ?<> nflen espo?ed to hints by, having thetr skin |-l< reed with hoi ks, awl", fins < ! fi.-h. e in l? feliewod by bathim* (villi I'irn K l'er as t on ns-?l?e u.-cdn' o<e?tr? ; in ttiis xy ?y the nnyat-b is- mum s'mieil; lia-he us nften ji' nnee in five min> ilcs. say lliree n| fnnf- ilin-s, m d: ) utl wilh setilmii hiive any trontile. i ne i-iu1!* hiiiI -? (nii-ii?v or dogs and rate, nr ?<iO" cured by bailr-Uif wiili the Pain Killer rl'iir. 62-5 l\OTICK IS HEREBY Oivi N ro ??l whom it ma-v nine > n. t' lit I *i I apply 'oS. J Ho: Titr IT. I' "ha'r Judge of Or-civill* C-nintv. ?? ? flic 8'h ?v of June next, for a Final Ditch *iv* * Admni-t-??> of the lis'nt* of rimi'l Iflirloti, d ceaaed J.1 beei-foc-, nil per. lie* luieing C'ainia a 'ain-t add Fatnte wi'fc pr-s-nt fIi-iii on or h-for? eawp ihv i.n bo> debar.eJ. Jl.FFB&VONv IIAHIOJf. Afdioitiia rnt-ir. i May 8fh. 187It. 1?5 Tho State of South Carolina. OK P.F.NVlU.R COUNTY. /? / R. J. POU'/'/fIT. Judge of Proltntr of in till foiili'V. IJEKE VS. I bourne I* B.Ut haa filed ^ ? n Pcil'mii In inv Oflioe, praying that l.e't-r- of Adunii<*irali n on all and ai n I fur toe gooda and rliatfrle. right* and cj e<V it* of MAUTIIA C." B.vK.KR, late of ih.a ('omi'v ntore'aid: dec-a*ed, almu'd lie ura I'd fo him Tim** nr.r, iherefuro. lo nit a aixl. ndiiv-nirli, ?!' a> <1 aiHJUlar lU kioihvd and1 creditor*, of ill- sii'l dr?aa-d. to he and appear irk ili- C.'tirt of |hoh >f- for s.iid Oofiiify, ! ?lo. hidden at (ire-aville- Court IImi**, on the '1'itiil dog of .If'tu in*/*, In ahow c*llf*,. if. any. win III- * a id Adniniat ration rhoiil.t Ot be g< unfed, S. J DOUTII1T, Judg- of Probata, Cre-n ville (oiinty. Ofib-e o' Judge of Probate, May 8tli, 1871 , May M> 1 8> Tho Stato of South C rolina*. O ft KEN VI 1.1.E COUNTY lu Court Common Plena, V. A am/ A. Meflrt. Fn-eutnr*. r> Brook*, Srrmjij* t(~ UibiOtt.?Complaint for J/on'yDrmaml. BY ?ir<?' of iho Oii!?r of Hi* Ilonoiv .Inil^e Orr, rind- In the it hove citee. (| will ?-U <?t. H..le?Uv in Ji-n? next, lot the. holder. hi Or fin ill- Qtml II u*?,_ the II o*-* mo I Ie?t "? vr>??. >( the T>?i?-n'l| .ot A M. ^r-rnti'i n--w lives. The !*>? ti?in< On* A11'*, ffl 'r* o?* leiM, nitjotted in <h?* Ini-wt'ont" limits of the I Oil % ol (3r-?*?i?i|ie, l> untied hy Pendlrinn Street. IV?niItli'ii Strict nnd l<>t of Mot M f fwl M?Bri- On the IjM it? ?>mliii nt? l>l < o'tur- ?i>il On1 building'. It- oi l m lite li k of I he former pur* i c'. M?r. Ti* m? ?C?'h. Pi?iclm?or to paj for st Kinrn piper* J i ROUT11KRN.8 G. C. hltei -ff - Office M >\ ?t?t, 181 f. M J t?? 1 4 \o (lionil Health Without Pure Klood. DK. GLAZK.VRR'S SPIKEUKD A1HI> QUEEN'S DELIGHT WILL PURIFY TIIK BLOOD! ANli UEMOVF. Lver C plaint, Khenma-t vjj*5T^ti.m. Soi i if iiIh. I'm biincle*. jSjea Sk:n I Pains in il?? %Sk~!^ Hones. I)tcpfpsin, DinencM of ihi- Kiiio-v- m ml Hluiflm. p>tin in the, I) <ok Hlul Loiif. hiiiI all ihrf tin"* Ailment* jiriwhirel I'* Impure Blood hik! Hi-ereilon*. Buy one Bottle and try it. anil if it failn to yive any relief buy no more. T?U OLAZENElt'S LINIMENT or PAIN ; v F.XTRAiVruil ticxi' In Itltennm'l-m. N*n al*?*, llmidaohe, Pain in the Hack, Siifaina, Ao. ^ift'uLA.ZK^KR'S FAMILY VEOBTABLR-LlVK't i'ILLs?re e??e remedial ?g?-nia in <>?nn?m>- J>-'i angiiin-nia of ilia Liver and O Pnrifv lit** Kl'""l Dfl. ULAZK.VBII'S COUOH RELIEF U fur nil cure* of ('.ugh ?t any kind, licin Onmt< loC"??nwpll?n ; although sot n-c<>nim-i.<f*d to enrt ih? laitrr dteeaee, ire<? r? I et will hiilow it* use. nr Ti.? a Love Medic in re ore prepared inly by UK OILES L. C.LAZRNEU, , . M annfaeliirtow Drn?*t<? - -?7.vv"miVi?Q. or HolJ l.y DrttggWu geoarallj. Hay 10 \ } V ' J