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in f" , * Iritttrt ftafo (Mr ? Dm. My >lw Uk< Wfw< ?> <!?, ' vj. Wktra tbo IHItao A* tW yonf mm dipt and lifted rvflootod ) / Hired Md 4M a dream of ktnlgr, Moo7 join ago. , Something made tbo milk-white Vfoeeomi Been whiter grow; Something goro tbo dying naot Ao in too tor glow ; And onriobod tbo enp of pleamiw* Filled to orertow. o H >po wo troll, and Pamivn looting? It U oftoo oo f VUkiu bora of |?Mn iniiHt), Witb lk? HaMti go ; To bora lovod U to boro *aff?r?d Martjnlra bolow. By tbo l*k*. bojond tbo meadow, Whoro tbo WIlM.blow? 0 ! tho (lory tboro (hot poriahad, Nob* oball oftr kioo? Whoti tho hnnan boort ?u brokon. Many year* ajo { Stamormu. in Intelligent Jury. In these davs of progressive ideas and appreciation by the masses of what should and what slionld not 1k\ it is to erring hiimauily a source of consolation that tliero is reserved to the unlucky transgressor of his country's laws t at bairn for every wound ?a trial bv jurv. But owing to t.?e peculiar circumstance* which "\is? in this great Republic, hiries happen sometimes to he imposed ot decidely queer material. In the case of tho State of Louisiana vs. Mai tin and Thomas, in which the defendants weie charged with murder before the District Court of Carrolllon, a trial by jury was bad. It was proved in the evidence that Martin loaned Thomas a gun, whereupon rI hotiiiis shot and killed a person. The jury, which was composed of negroes, was fully charged by the learned and dignified judge. After a short retirement, the intelligent (?) jury returned, nnd announced as their verdict, through the foreman : That they found the man what fired the gun to go to the penitentiary for life ? and the man what loaned the gun to go there for one }*ear. 'l'hey were immediately remanded until they could find an inlelli {jent verdict, and thinking they ind at hist struck the nroper chord, once more emerged from their intellectual deliberations. " Have you agreed ?*' asked the judge. 44 Yes," ciied the foreman, " we find hose on 'em guilty !" 44 No P yelled several of the jurj'nien, 44 one guilty and the other not." 44 Go back," said the Court, K ai i <1 l\i-ti)<* in n ? />> /-! i/i* flint tt*n mm ui uij,; in n i ciuivw uiiu i* u can understand." A tliird time they came in and announced. through a new foreman : 44 We find Martin guilt y, and Thomas guilty without capi tal punishment. As may he imagined, the Conrt was not only struck dumb with amazement, but actually mystified at the amount of perspicuity displayed by the enlighted voters of the nineteenth century. Once more they were sent into durance vile, and finally ended their agony by finding Thomas guilty without capita! punishment, and Martin not guilty. The day following, in tlio same court, and Iteforo a like jury, came up a trial f r assault and battery, the verdict being " guilty of a razor," 44 Now, Okwtlkmkn," said a peripatetic lecturer to a somewhat noisy crowd who had ga'hcrcd to one of hi# amutees in an Eastern village, "how wot.Id you like a good blackguard story f All in favor will raise their hands."? N iue tenths of the dexter paws instantly went up. and there was a sudden hush of ail noisy demon st rat ions. The lectnrer went on with his original subject for a few miiiiiten. ivlien Rome inrant ioiiR in dividual broke out with, "Say, wher's that story ?" " Bless yon/' was tbe reply, " I did not intend to tell any such story. I only wanttd to know bow many blackfguards are present." You might iave beard a pin drop at any time during tbe lecture after that. Mr. Likcoi.n was astonished one day, as be was inspecting tbe prison in Washington, by a pit's- ( oner who familarly said to bim. , " H?>w are you, Mr. President) I . believe that yon and I bave been , in every jail in tbe Union."? , "Tbis and tbe jail in Springfield are tbe only ones I was ever in in < my life," said Mr. Lincoln.? l " Very likely," Jgag**<i<al tbe i rogue, " but I've b?M in all tbe i resf." An exchange says: "We are < Mi receipt oi two poems, one on tbe Throbbing J train,' and the 1 other on a * Beating Heart.' Wo 1 vill wait until we receive one on ' he 4 8'omacb Ache.' end publish 1 II three together." Kit Kamo**8 eldest son k in .he quartet neeier'a desertincut at Leavenworth. Kaunas. The other ix are in Colorado territory-on a farm. f f A . m ji v it OtTICIAL 4oU u| J?Ut iMilwtiipa Hilii to th? Lefiftlatar*?Bietloa 1870 ft?4 1871, o- < AN ACT TO QUART, > RENEW AND AMFND 1HK CHARTERS OP CKR< TAIN TOWNS AND VILLAGES THEREIN MENTIONED. S ctlon 1. B? it enacted by tha Sanata id H???m of R?prA*at(iir(* of tha Siala ot South uaruttne. now m?t and Bitting in Gtitral Aaacmbly, and by (ha authority ol a mt: trim* or rr mradii That fri m and altar (ha pea*ege of thia Act, all eitli?di of thia State, having realdad twelve moot ha withia tha State, and aixty dVya in dfla village of St. Stephen**, hall b? d??ma<l, and ara baraby declared to be. a body politic and corporate ; and ilia raid village aball br eallad and known by tha name of St. Stephens, and It* corporate limits thall ex'ead thrre-'ouriha of a mila in each dlraation from the Depot of th* Northeastern Rail Road. 8. e. t. ^That tha aaid village thall be governor! by aa lotandant sod lour Wardene, who aliall be eitizana of the Unite I State*, and who ehall heva resided in thia Stata two va mootli*, and rhil) have been reetdenle of the aaid village oizty daye l?? mtJItti* prrrttdiny their election, am) who hall be rltcled on the fourth Mimdij in March, 1871. and on the same'day in raeh year thereafter, ten days' puH'ie no'iee thereof being previously given; and that all mal? inhabitants of the age of twenty one yenrs, eitis?ns of the State, and wlw? ?hall have reaided within the State twelve months, and in the said village sixty dajs immediate!* preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote for sa:d Inteodanl and Wattlrna. paupers and p. rsons untl.r disabilities for rrime excepted. Si e 3. The saiJ election shall be held at some convenient public place in said village, front right o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in lite afternoon ; and wiicn the polls shall be closed, the Managers shall forthwith count the votes And d?.o!ar* the election, and g've notlec there-f, in writing, to the Intendant therein btlng who shaM, within I wo Java theien'ter, give notice, or cause the same to be given, to the persons duly elected ! Provi-leJ, The C"mnva*i<>* of Election ol Charleston County linll call the first election under this A?-t, and shall appoint Managers to conduct the same, who shall nuke return theveof to lit? Comtniss'onnrs, the aarr.e aa oilier elections held in tiiia Slate. And the said Commissioners, shall oount the Totes and rirolart the election, and ro'ify the peisont so elected Intendant and Wardens of anid Tillage. The Intend*'.t and Wardens, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall, respectively, take the o-ith preset ibed by the Constitution of the State, and also the following oath, to wit : "Aa Intendant (or Warden) of the village of St Stephen's, 1 will, equally and impartially, to the beat of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavors to pre-etve llie peace and carry into effect, according to law, the purposes fur which I have been elected : So help me God." And if any person, upon being elected Intendant or Warden, shall refuse to act as such, lie shall forfeit and pajr to the Council the sum of twenty dollars tor the use of the said village: Provided, That no person who has attained the age of sixty years shall he om.ptl'e! to serve in either of said offices; nor shall any other person be compelled to serve, either as an Inteudant or Warden tnoro than one year in any term of three years. The Intend ?ot and Wardens, for the lime being, shall always appoint one or more Bnaidsof Managers (thrre Managers for each Board) to conduct the elaotion, who, before they opan the pol's, shall take an oath fairly and imperially to conduct the same. See. 4. That in ctiit a vacancy hall oecnr in the office of Intendant, or of any of the Wardens, hy death, resignation, re moval, or otheiwiee, an election to fill sueh vaennry, shall be held by order of the Intendant and Wardens, or a majority of the same, ten days' public notice being prwiously given; and in ens* of sickness or leo?pornry absence of the Inlendent, the Wardens forming the Council shall hs em* powered to eleet one of the number to act as Intendent during the time. 8ee. 5. That the Intendant and Warden* duly elected and qualified shall, during their term of service. severally and res p-ctlve|v, be vested with all die powers of Trial Ju*ticet or Justices of the Peace, aa the case may be, in this State, within the limits of the aaid village, exc-pt for the trial of ana'd and mean antes ; and the Intendaot shall or rosy, as ofun as is nceessa ry, summon the Wardens to meet in council, any threo of whom, uhh the Intendanl, shall constitute a quorum to transact business, and they shall be known aa the Town C?uceilofSt 8'ephen's. And they and their sueorssors in ofll -a, hereafter to ha elected, may have a common seal, which shall be affiled to all of their ordinance*; may sua and be sued, plead and be im, pleaded in any Court of Justice in this State, and purchase, hold, post -re, and enjoy to them, in p-rpetuity, or for any term of years, any e?ta*r, real, personal or mix sd, and sell, alien, or eonvey the same: Prov'uUJ, Tito seme shell not exceed at any ore lime, the suns of ten thousand dollars. And the said Town Council shall have au thority to appoint from time to lima, as they may ace fit such, and so many, proper persons to act as Marshals or Constable# of laid village, aa said Council may deem nee ssary and expedient for the preservation of the peace, good order, and police thereof. which persons so appointed shall, within the corporate limits of said eillsgs, have the power and privileges, and lie subject to all tho obligations,' peiatliic* and r*gnla lions provided by law for the < (Bee of Coo itsbU, and shall be liable to be removed at the pleasure of aaid Conneil. And Ilia aaid Town Council shall have power to establish or authorise the eelehliehment of a market bouse ia oeld village; also to authorise the establishment of a guard house, and to ?reeer be suitable rales and regulations for keeping and governing tho same. And aa II tho aaid gaerd house bo established, hay shall bo antburie-d to use a room (a ha eommoa Jill of the County of Charloeon, tor tho epohoemsul of all who may bo lutij-ot to bo committed for o violation of my ordlnenee, rulos and mgulations of told town. And tbo said Town Council, or! IILt Ijji jmill -11J?LLI?LLJW-XiiM-. - . kltatet nod fwkatta |iW?. M| one ee MN of (boot, n?T aothorlne nfrryrirt any KaedtaH of ttvlom, or ?ny Oonlakb ? pulally appointed for \ that pnrpoaa, to arraat and commit to the eeM guard hooaa or jail of Oh aria* on Ooan ty, m the aaao amy b?f tor a term oag exceeding twenty f??ur boon, any peraoa or pemooa who, within the ineorporatO limit# ?f |V_?u I t_- 11?i 1. I ?i ihhmiu ivwu, iamj m i in 9TVM4 of lh? |)?a<tt, may rtoloui or dlaordcrty eoodut), opta obscenity, pnhlle drt?k?a* aw, or any conduct groas'y Indeatal, ori danger on* to the clilaanc of raid town, or any of ibcni. And it shall bo the doty of the Town M*r*hal or Gooatablaa to arrant and commit all each offenders when rrqulr* ed ao to do, and who aha'i have power to call to their assistance the potm eamiUtus, if o*ed be, to aid in making each arrant^ and apon the failare of ouch officer* to perform each doty aa reqnlred, they ahall eer orally be subject to aaoh fine* and pmaltlrr a* the Town Council may Impoee opoa there. And all pereona ao Imprieoned ahall pay the coat and cxpeoaea IneMeoffto their Imprisonment, . which aeld coat and oxprnae* shall be oolleelcd in the tame man* nar as Is provided fur the collection of flora Imposed for tha violation of ordinan eoe, mica and regulations: ProvlJtd, That such lmprhcnm?nt shall not exempt the parij- irnm mi payment 01 any nn? ill* I Council m*y impose lor iho offence which ho, she w lh#y raijr Inn e?mniittrd. And the i?ld Toon Council fliall hove full pnwer and authority, under their corporate oenl, to mak* all each rulet and regulations, l>y-lavi and ordinance* respecting the rtreeU, road* and hu?ine*s thereof, ? well at ! the police lyetem of aaid town aliall appear to them necessary and pmp?r for the a-curl* ty, welfare and eryivenlenee, and for presartr ing health, otdrr and good government within aaid town. And the raid Town Council may impoae fin?s for offeneet against their by-low*, rule* and regulations and ordinaners, anJ appropriate the nmo to the | ublic use of said town ; and the said Town Council shall have the same power that T?|.?1 Justices or Justices of lh? Petce now have, or may hereafter have, to compel the attendance of wltnerse*, and re quiring llt-m to give evidence upon the trial he'ore them of any pera >n or persons for a violation of any 01* their ordinances, t?y laws, rules or regulations, hut no fine, above the sum of twenty-fire dollars shall he collected hy said Council, except hy suit in tlie proper Courts of Justice in this Slate, and aho, that nothing herein contained shall authorize said Council to make any ordinance or by-l-tws inconstant with, or repugnant to, the hws of the State. See A That the said Jnieudsnt and Wardens, or a majority of them, shall hare power to abate and remove all nuisance* in said town ; and it shall lie their duty to keep all roads, ways, bridges and strarta within th* corporate limits of the said town open and in good repair; and for dial purpose they are invested with all ths powers of County Commissioners or Com* m ssioners of Roads, for sod within the corporate limits of the said town ; and they may lay out new streets, cl -ss up, alter, or widen those now in use, and shall have full power to clssify and arrange the inhabitants or citizens of said town liable to street, road or public duty therein, and to force the performance of such duty under such penalties as are now or shall hereafter lie prescribed by law ; and they shall have power to compound with all persona liable to work the stieets, wayi and roads in said town, upon such terms as their or* dinanee* or by-laws may establish, or tlisir rules and regulations require ; the moneys ao received to he applied to the public use of anid town ; and all persons refusmg to lahor, or failing to pav such commutation, shall be liable to such fine in lite same manner as is now or may be hereafter provided for the collection of County taxes. And the sni I Town Council shall have power, with the consent of the adjacent land owners, to close all such mads, streets, and way# wilhi.i the said town as they may deem necessary , by the sale of the freehold therein, either at private or public eale, ae they may adjudg-* best for the Interest of i the said town ; and they shall keep in re pair oil >uel? now street*, roads and ways aa they may. from time to time. deem neeereary for the improvement anl eonreoienee of ni<i lean; ProriJtJ That ne etreet, road or way >11011 he opened with out firat having obtained the eoneeBt of the land owner or ownars thereof, through whnie premi?e> any eueh new strret, road or way may pus. See. 7. The eaid Town Couneil may have power and authority to reqnlre " persons owning a lot or iota in eaid town, to etoee in. and to make and keep in good repair eidewalka in front of eaid lot or lota, whenever the same eha'l front or ad join any public street of eaid town, |f, in he judgment of tha Couneil, eu?h aide walk ahal] be nee?aeery, the width thereof and tha manner of eonstruetion to he designated and regulated by tha eaid Town Conneil; and for default or refusal, after reasonable notice, ta make and keep in good repair a teh sidewalks, and to e'oae ooh lot or lota, the Town Conneil mar causa the Mm* to ho made or put in repair, ind reqnle# the n?n?r to pay tm priee of making or repahtr>g; ami th* a*H Town Council ar* hereby empowered to rat for and rocorer the aame, by action of debt, in any Court of competent ju>iadietl?n : Provided That euoh contract for making or rc> pairing i* let to the loweet bidder. The cemoteriee and public grareyard* ar* aleo p'aeod nnder th* j iriedietion of th* raid Towa Council. Ace. 8 The Intrndanl and Warlana of the aatd town, or a majority of them, aha'j have full power to grant ot refute licence to keep taverns or retail epirtuou* liqtore within th* aorporate limit* of the a id town, upon auek oonditiona and under aueh eirenmetaneee, aa to them ehail aaaoa prop er and right: Provided, That in no In* atanea shall th* prioe of a been re to keep a tavern, or to retail aplrtuoue liquor*, b* lea* than th# amount that ia eatabllehed by th* State | and all moneys paid for lieeneea, and f?r Ham and forfbHarra, aha 11 h? ap propria tad l?r tha pnhtla oa? of the raid town: Pro*id*d. That tha Intaadant and Wardrna. duly alaa'a-f, ahatl not hara pow ar ta grant any llaanaaa to kaap tavern, or retail aptrilaaaa Itqoora ta extend bayond tha tarn for vhiah thay bava baaa alaatad. Thry ahall Kara power ta raga'ata aalra at aaatlaa within tha laaarporata limit* a tha town, aad to groat ttaaoaa W aoytloa gMg"ggggL_ ' I ! 'I ' "1" off* Muni to hNpm of hototo m4 Ht?| (UttlM; tad to |?*y i Us to sll dtoji, srli, M|r^ Mrrit|ft, omnibsaco. boggtoo, horaod, Itoro or duIm, fe?pt for I hiro, or soad tor pnbllo purpose* to mI<1 tows | tad thoy (Kill bar# tbi full and oo? IjF powtr to ttttpoao MX 00 oil ahoWo or exhibition*, for goto or toward, within tho oorportto limits of nM town j thay aboil horo powor to InpoM o ux, sot axooadlng twenty ooota oo orery bond rod dollar* of tbo raluo of on tool oad fSPtol proptrty lying within tbo corporate Haiti of too town, tho tool and poroonal property of ohsnboo and aehool and oltogo atoooiatlom oxooptod. That on Ordinanoo doctoring tbo rote* of ononal taxation npon property and othor (objects of annual taxation for tbo yoor, (ball bo published ot lonat tbreo wooki daring tbo month of Jnna?> ry in ttob year: Provided, That the Mid Town Council ibnl! bin power to levy a tax for tbla year, under tbc Mine rule m le a bo re atated, Immediately after the pariage of thia Act, and tbat all peraoaa liable to taxation under tbe aatno aball make payment of tbeir taxel to tbe Clerk or Treaaurer of aaid eorp ration, or rucb ether peraon aa tbey may be ordered or required to do duritfg the succeeding month after publication, and upon tbe failure to make aucb return and payment, aa required tbe partiea 00 in default aball bo aubjeet to tbe penaltiea provided by law for failure to pay tbe general State and County tax, to be inforeed by the ordera ef the Intendant and Wardcna, or a majority of tliem, for tbe uae of the aaid town, except in aucb eaaea tbat exocutiona to enforce tbe payment of aucb taxea, aball be iaaued under tbe real of the corporation, and may be directed to tbe Town Marabal, er other peraon appointed by the aaid Town Council to levy, collect and receive tbe came, with coata aa in aucb caeca made and provided by law; and all property upon which auoh tax aball be levied and aaicaacd I* hereby declared and liable for the payment thereof in prcfereneo to all ether debta, except debt* due to the State, which aball be first paid ; and that all other taxea imposed by the Intendant and Wardcna, or a majority of tbem, aball be payable m auvanco 07 mo parties name lor tuc same, and on faUura of payment, their property ahall be liable for the eaine, a* in inannor and form Ju*t before etated. See. 9. The Intendant and Warden* elect together with Clcik and Treasurer, ahall, during their teriu of office, be exempt from street and police duty.* E?ch Town Council ahull, within one month after the expiration of their term of office, make out and return to their accessor* in office, a full aoconnt of their receipt* and expenditure* during their term i which account shall be published in one or more paper* of the town or County ; and thall pay over all money* in their poMeasion belonging to the corporation, ana deliver up alj book*, record* and other paper* incident to their office, to their ?ucer**or* ; and, on failure to do ao, tbry ahall l?e liable to be ftucd in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be collooted by any proper action of the Town Council. 8ec. 10. That all Ordinance* or By?I>aw* passed by tho Town Council of St. Stephen'* ball be binding upon theeitixen* of *aid town the *ame a* the laws of the State. * Sec. 11. All Act* and parts of Act* inconsistent, or supplied by this Act, be, and tho same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 13. This Act shall be deemed a public Act, and continue in force for the term of twenty year*, and until the end of the Legie lature thereafter. row* or auuTKit. See. 14. That from and immediately after the passage of thia Act, all and every person or person*, who are constitutionally qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly of this State, and who may reaido within the present corporate limits of the town of Snmtcr for sixty dav* immcdiatelv nrecedinir an an. nnel election lor Intendant end Warden*, are hereby declared membcrf of the aaid corpora* tion. Sec. 15. That the laid periona and tbeir successors ehall, Irota and after tho passage of thia Act. become a body corporate and politic, and ahall be known and called by the name of the town of Sumter; tbey ahall have a common aeal, may ane and be sued, implead.and he Impleaded in any Court in this State, and may porch am, hold, posses* and enjoy to them and their successors, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate, real, personal or mixed. Sec. IS. That the municipal officers of said town shall be and are hereby vested in an Intendant and four Wardens, to be chosen as hereinafter mentioned and directed, who ahall be denominated the Intendant mud Wardens of the towa of Sumter, and shall be persona wh< -'"ally reside within the limits of aaid corpoialion, and have so rtsided for at least sixty days immediately preceding the election. See. 17. That on the second Tuesday in April of each year an election for Inteodant and Wardens shall be held at iu?h convenient plaoe or places within said town as may be designated hy said Intendant and Wardens; at which election al) such persons as have been declared members of the said corporation, shall be entitled te vote by general ballot; the polls shall be open from six in the morning huiii an in ia?VTcnin|, See. IS. That tlM Intendant and Wardens elected as above directed, before they enter npos tbe duties ef their office, shall, in addition to the eath prescribed in Section .10 of Article II of the Constitution, take the following oatb, to wit: " I, as Intendant (or Warden) of the Town of Sumter, do solemnly wear (or affirm) that I will equally and impartially, to the best of my skill end judgment, exercise and discbarge the fast reposed in me, and will endeavor to carry into effect the purposes for which I bare been elocted : So help tee Cod." And that the said Intendant and any two of the Wardens shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and In esse of the death, resignation, or absenee from town sf Iks Intendant aforesaid, tbe said Wardens, ffifjfc'fcsjority of them, shall elect from among MMrtnrclros an Intendant to All such t ?caney oceasioneJ as aforesaid, and that ? rn?o vi UCH?ii, iiih'H hi iruiD t?in LT, OT rCII|? lion of an/ of tbo (aid Wardena, (boa, and in raeh eaaartbo Ialondantaad an/ two War. dona aball appoint a lime and plaao for eleotlon of anotbor Warden to All the racanejr so oooaaionod, after baring giroa ton day* prorlona aotioo of aneb oloetion. Roe. If That tbo Iateodaat nay, aa often aa oeeaaloa may require, summon tbo Wardana to meet together; and tbo said lotondant and Wardens shall bare, and are hereby reated with fall and ample power, from time to timer ander their oommon anal, to make all aneb Or* dlnanoee, rnlee end reguletlona relatire to the etreels, roads, ways and markate of tba said town, m they may tbiak proper and neareanry, and etaMleh enah by-laws M may tend to praaerra tba qnletud*. peeae, aafaty and good order of the Inhabitants thereof, not Ineonala taat with the Constitution u4 laws a I lbs IMS, ?nd thai tbsjr aty Issposa fines and paaaMUs far tha violation Ihsraof, wbleb a?; bs saaorsrod la a summary way bafora tha aid lolaadanl and Wsfdaas, as bayaHiaflay o . i .J > -i*.K*t 1 ^ i- H'ti\ t* ' f yrorlM and h?1i *a4 trtr; ot? of th?a iball ha a Irlal JutlM, or JbiUm ol lb* Pmm, m altber of *woh offtoor* (ball exist Id tfal* 8 tale, within th* limit* of tbe said ] town, cad tball olhorwlaa bo invested with all power and authority that such officer may b* hTMltd wltb throughout the 8tate, exoopt In civil caae* s Provided, wwrrttfwf, Tbat all *aob Ordinance*, by-law*, nil** and rogula- j tiona *o mad*, ba doly promulgated, and tbat no *aeb fin* In any on* ca**, and for any alngl* offence, *ba!l exceed the anm off fifty dol- 1 lar*. 8??. 20. Tbat wbon any 0n* imposed by tb* aid Iotedant and Warden* by virtuo of tbis j Aet shall exoaed twenty dollar*, tb* samo may' be rooortrau before any Magtitrate, Trial Justice or Julie* af tba Paaoa for Sumter County, and when mob floe aball bo for twenty dol- ^ lars or udir, tboy may be recovered before tbo Mid IoUndsot and W?rd?ni, or any tbree of tbem ; all whieb ia?e, when recovcred, aball be applied to the uae of aaid town. See. SI. That the Mid Iotendant and Warden* aball bare full and exetnsive power to grant or refuse licenses to keep tavern*, to retail apirltuona liquors, or to keep billiard la* , blea within the corporate limita of aaid town, and to regulate the price* of tbo antnc : /*rotidtd, That the aaid lleenaea aball not be fixed at a lower rate than now, or hereafter to be e?tablisbod by law. And they aball have power to impose sueh restrictions and cqpditions upon the manner of using and exurclang such lleenaea a* they may think proper, and all moneys paid for such licenses aa Court of Qeneral < Session*, for retailing or keeping billiard tables without lleenaea wltb'n tbo corporate limits of said town; aball be reeeired by laid Intendant and Wardens for the uae of said corporation. See. 22. That tbo said Intendant and Warden* shall bare power and authority to impose the following annual taxes for the use* and pu?*?o?a? ?i ijia (aid town ; that is to say, twenty ccota on the value of each one hundred dollars of real estate within the corporate limits or said town,'(except the real cttnte of churchct and Initiltttiona of learning.) tuo value of such real estate for taxation to bo ascertained and assessed as Leroinaftcr provided fur, not exceoding twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of the proceeds of ail saioa of goods, wares, niarchnndiso, in said town, not exceeding throe hollars on each plenum cnrriige drawn by one horso ; not exceeding flvo dots lars on each pl.-asuro carriage drawn by two or more borsos ; not exceeding five dollars on eaeh vehicle of any kino kept forliiro or profit, and drawn by one horse ; not exceeding ten dollars on each vebieto of any kind kept for hire or profit, and drawn by two horses ; not exceeding twenty dollars on each vehicle of any kind kept for liiro or profit, and drawn fcy more than two borsss ; and not exceeding twentp cents upon each ono hundred dollars of all s ties ro ide at auction or upon consignment, within the corporate limits of sni4 town, except sales made by order of Court, or by process of law, or by executors or administrators. See. 21. The Clerk of the said Town Council shall, annually, make out an assessment, from the books of the County Auditor, ?>f all real estate iu the limits of said town for taxation, and shall make return of said assessment to the Iutcndnnt and Wardens within ono month from the time of bis appointment. Sec. 24. That an ordinance doclnring the rata or annual taxation upon property, and other subjects of nnnunl taxation Tor the year, sliall bo published at lenat three week* during the month of October in each year; and that all persons liable to taxation under tho tame, shall muko their return, on oath, and make payment of their tax to the Clerk and Treasurer (hereinafter constituted) of the said corporation, during tbo succeeding month of November; and upon failure to make fuch return and payment, the parties so in default shall be subject to the penalties now provided by law for failure to pay the general State tax ; the said penalty to be en* forced by the said Intondani and Wardens for the use of the said town. And that all other taxes imposed by tho Intondant and Wardons shall be payable in advance by the parties liable therefor ; and that fur non-pay* ment of the same, the party in default shitl' be su'jeet to the same penalty as hereinbefore set forth in relation to annual taxes. See. 25. That the said Intendant and Wardens are hereby enthorixed to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer to record proceedings and collect the taxea imposed under and by virtue f this Act, and it shall he the duty of the said Clark and Treasurer to collect the same, and for this purpose be shall havo and exereise nil tho powers eonfered upon County Treasurers. All property upon which a tax shall be assessed is herehy declared and made liable for the payment thereof in preference to all other debts duo by the person owning the property at the time of essessmcnt, except debts and tsxss duo the State, which shall be paid first. [cosTixrxn kkxt week.] Tiik Gaims' Cask.?The foetid* of that brave little lady, Mrs. Mvra Claik Gains, will be glad to learn lhat site is at last beginning to reap the rewatd of her indomitable pluck in Iter efforts to obtain poseasion of Iter New Orleans properly. From ibe papers of that city we see lhat the United States Marshal his j ust put her in possession of several valuable tracs of land within the city limit*, under tho decision of the United Slates Supreme Court.? T"<e opposing counsel in vein e*k"d fur delay in (lie transfer ; hut the Marshal hed no option, end Mr#. Gains we* made happy in poraesrfon of her vein utile reel e*t?te. 8ho is a wonderful woman, end deeervee the success the lie* achieved. Thr following i? the la'.eet program me issued for the observance of Wedding anniveraarie*, viz. : Firat anniver ary. iron ; fifth anniversary, wooden; tenth anniversary, tin ; fifteenth anniversary. 0?>?ia1; twentieth anniversary, oliina ; twenty-fifth anniver*ary, silver; thirtieth, annlvereary, eotion ; tb irtjflfib anniversary, linen ; fortieth anniversary, woolen ; forty-fifth anniversary, ilk ; fiftieth anniversary, fold en \ seventy-fifth anniversary, diamond, Joan BtLLiKoa aara: The live man ie like a Utile pig ; he ie weened young and begin* to r<*4 early. Be ie (he pepper*a*e uv oreation. the allspice uv the world. One lire titan in e village i* lilt* a ease W itch in a dlstrlol akula ?it aeta everybody to act etching at on?t. * * * T " ! 1 \ y ' % % \ -r5 * 4 * ' J? * THE TffULS HOUSE, 03ld^&*)S33&33?,6. 0. PARKER A CO* Proprietory. FIK8T-CLA8S ROTBL. BOARD, PER DAY $4 OO. Dm 8 W CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, & a B. H. JACKSON, Propr etor A RHISTAN'TS. A. BUTTFR FIELD. (f? r A mprly of lb* Pavilion Hotel,) and tt *. MILLER. PAVILION HOTEL, ) gratia JT.ias'ff^os'r, P. <$9 BOARD, Per Day 1 $1 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. nrt. II. LBI)TTGHFII'.I.D,tf Proprlotre**. Bcpt 20 10 If NATIONAL HOTEL, <g?ZfcTtf3?i3Vi'S\, g. cga PHOPHIF.TOR. T. HAMILTON JOYNKit. CLERK. BATES Of B-?ar?l per Djy On Supper, Rrpakliirl nf d 1.0'lgni|I 2 no Single MenB .. 1 Sep 1 15 tf ~e7P. ATPWCOiaJlVIST? JI.AW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL ritACT CK IX ALL COURTS OF TH IS STAT E Al-on, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., 8. C. July 7 lv" Greenville and ColumbiaR R COLUMBIA, s. 0 , M ireh 1, 1871. ON ?n 1 a'ter tliD iln'r, tlie f?'11"winu tclirJuU will I * run ,l.ily. Mondays ex'-ep'erl. connect inn wiili N glit !'r?iii? ?n Smi'li Cmo'itin Rnilrn <1 up niid l?iwn< ><l?o with Tii.ina ii"in< Nou'ii mi i Imi loi le, Co* luinbiii nml Aiign-la Knilroml: Cp. Le?vo Coli ntbia nt 7 00 a. n>. " A let "ii 0 In n. ni. " Newberry II 10 n. m (Vk>'? urv a oo p m. " B'l'iin .... 6 tiO p in. Arrive at C]re*n villi* C 80 p. ni Dnttn. Lcive fJre**nvi:lc at fl 15 n. n? * Be t .ii 8 15 e in " C?,ke*bnry lit t?7 n in. " AMicvllle 8 15 n. nt " Prw'w'fJ 1 ftO p.m. " A'* ?-n 4 OS p.m. Arrive ill C liimliin G 55 p. m TIIOS IK)DAMKAI?. (JfiH r?l Sup- Hntciulent. M. T. BAhti ett, Gn t'tl 'ticket An?*iTt South Carolina Rallrcal Company. Vick PnriinKNT'a Orricr. Com'mdm, 8. C., January 10, 1871. ('hiiii;/r t\f S< hritufr. OX nnd nfit-r Sunday. 22d inst., Paasonkit Train* upon thin Kvud will arrive ami Jcnve aa follows: that!* no. 1. Leave Charleston nt fi 20 a m Arrive at Columbia nt . 71 40 p ni Ijcuvc Columbia nt 12.15 p in Arrive at Charleston at 7 511 p ui Leave Camden (Siindny* exe'd) 11I...U 50 n m Arrive nt Kingsvillo ut ' 20 p in Leave K itigavillc (Sundays exe'd) at.2 :t0 p in Arrive at Cninden nt A 00 p in The above trnina run in connection with Wilmington, Columbia nml Au<misIii Itailrond, connecting with trnina for Wilmington, North Carolina an.) with trains (or Aticnala. Oeorgia ?making close connections with night train* of Georgia Kailroml ami Central Kailroail, for all point* South anal West. train no. 2?NlflllT rXPHKa.t. (Sunday night excepted.) Leave Chnrlceton at 7 10 pin Arrive nt Columbia at A Oil a m Leave Columbia at 7 50 p in Arrive nt Churleiton nt A 45 a m Thia train runs in connection with up An* gns'a trnina, making close connection with Goorgia Railroad and Central Knilrond morning trains, for all pointa South and Wcat. A. L. TYLKR, 8. II. Pirkivs, Yice President. Mineral Ticket Agent. Charlotte* Columbia and Augusta R R.!?TR*i>ic!?T'? Orricit. Columbia. 8. C.. January 17. IflTI. ON end after SUNDAY. January 22. the Passenger train* over this Road will run ma follow* : Oofiij North, No. 2. No. 1. Arrior. Lrnre. Arrire. I.rorr. Augusta ft 00 pm 8 00 ntn Columbia 11 Of. pin 11 20 pm 12 51 pm I 03 pm Winniiboro 1 25 ntn I 27 urn 3 17 pm <1 .17 pin Charter 2 5ft ntn .1 00 um 5 07 pm 5 10 pm Charlotte 510 am 7 30 pnt (Joinj South, No. 1 No. 2. Arrive. Lrate. Arrior. I,tort Augusta 7 45 pm 7 .10 am Columbia 2 ift pm 2 28 pm 2 13 am 2 28 ntn Wianah'o ". I 65 am 11 65 am 12 54 pm 11 58 pin Chester It) 20 am 10 23 am 10 27 pm 10 30 pin Charlotte 8 On am 8 10 pin (/nitty North.-~-Both No, 1 and 2 make* close J oil if eoH*rrtion? at Charlotte for New Y?rk and all point* North and East. Passenger* Ion ring on Sn. 2 on Saturdays, will lay over 12 hour* at Richmond. (Join;) Sou I It ? Both No*. 1 and 2 make eln?e ft oily ronorrlfnttt at Augusta with train* of the Oeorgia and Central Georgia Road*, for all point* Month. South-west and IVest. Through Ticket* sold and baggage checked to all principal points. J. M. SELKIRK, Supt. K.DoB.rsey, General Ticket Agent. Schedule Blue Ridge R R ON and after thladate the fallowing eehed uln will ??e observed by the Passenger Train* over thia Road : Up. Leave Anderson 4 20 p m Pendleton 5 20 " " Perryvllle 4 10 " Arr. Walhella * "" " ihnen. liTiiro Walhalla ?4 AO a m 44 Perryrille .,..4 44 44 44 Pendleton ..6 SO 44 Arr. Andereon 0 10 " In rain of detention on tho O. and C. R. H., tho train on thle Road will wait on# hoar for the train from Be I Ion, r*o?pt on Raitir ?-/i ? ""! ? win wah nnm ia? arrival or ina Ballon train. W. II. D. OAlLLAROr/gd^'l. OHEKNV1LLE PJkPEXMILLS. J. Bannister ft Son, ifiumxoj'^irwuuaiiis or ill aims or Book, Hews* Wrapping and Colored TTtanKST CASH PRICK PAID FOR JlL ClMB Cotton or Llit?n RAGS r 2? i ,y I _ ______ I Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, Par Pl?Hi|i of the Throat and Imus*, ' each ae Ooatb, Oblh, Wbooplac Couch, BronchiUe, Arthma, and ObuhnpNoa Probably never before la the whole history of Medicine, ha* any thine won *o widely end ?tf deeply upon tho oonHdcm o of mankind, a* thla excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints* Through a long *c0fes of years, and among moat of the races of men It ha* risen higher and higher in their eatinuiUon* na it has Imcoiho iMitftrknown. Its uniform character and power to cure t?e v* noa* affection* of the long* and throat, have made It known as a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder form* of disease and to young children, It I* at the mm time the most effectual remedy that can be given for tooiptent Mnanmption, end the dangerous affections of the throat and lunffs. A* a provision against sudden attack* of Craes, it should ho kept on .V,1 svsrz swro-sa.-sssassi disease seemed settled, hare been completely eared, and the patient restored to sound health bjr the Cherry J'ertsrsl. So complete is IS mastery Oyer the disorders of the Lungs su<l Tim Ait, that the most obstinate of them yield to It, When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry IVrtorol they subside and disappear. ahi&grs ?m??I 1'ubHc Mprakert Und great protection from it. Aathnta is always rstlered and often wholly cured by It. hrsacMM* Is generally eared by taking the Chorrp I'erforal In small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known, that wer need not publish the certlflcntes of them here, or do more than assure the public that Its qualities are fblly maintained. i Ayer's Ague Cure, , For Fever and Ague, Interndttent Ferer, Chill Ferer, Remittent Ferer, Dumb Ague, Feriodloal or Bilious Fever, ho., and indeed all the affections whioh arise fioifl malarious, marsh, or miasma tie poisons. As Its name Implies, It does Ctrt, anddocs not fkll. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonont substance whatever, it In nowise injures any pa" tkmt. The number and Importance of Its cures la the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Oar pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments we reeeive of the radical cures effected In obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimatcd persons, either resident in. or ir.tvallinir throiurh miasmatic localities. Will be protcoteiT by tnkFnjrthe A O UK CUJtlt daily. Kor l.liw Cotnpialnta, tri'lng from torpidity of tlto I.Ivor, It ts an excellent remedy, stimulating tho Liver into healthy activity. Kor Itil ion m r> I-orders and Liver Complaints, it Is nn oxocllent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. /. Al Prepared by Dr. J. C. Am A Co., Practicaland Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., ana old all round the world. Fit tea, 01.oo rxx nor tlx. . .io--?i M. A. IIUNThR A Ctt, Af mis. A tig -it is ly RoSA 1) A LIS rpnK OKKAT A M Kill CAN IB -A HEALTH RESTORER, purifies 13 , >!'? t-lood and cures Scrofula, 8t pliilis, ^<kin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases j )o( Women, and nil Chronic Afflictions )(,f the Illood, Liver and Kidneys, j {Recommended l-y the Medical Kaon I* ' )iy und many thousands of our best | {citizens. ? It end the tctlimony of Physicians I (and patients who have u*cd liossdalis ; (send for our Itosndalis tiiiide to Health (llook, or Alniannc fot this year, which jMBK (we |>ti* !ialt for ffrntn itous distribution /Aim (it will ffire you much vuluul-le iiilor* mJm (station. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says t ) I take plcnsure in rcconitnouding jyonr ICosahalis as a very powerful ).Iterative. I have seen it nsed in Its |8g ' Vases with happy results?one in a : J HV-sisc of secondary syphilis, in which ;BBBp)iht! patient pronoun red himself cured (after bovine taken fire l-ottlc* ol yonr (inedieine. Tlie otlier Is a ease of scrof(ula of long stnndinff, wliieh Is rapidly /wB (improving under its use, and the In* 'MM ( lie*lions nre that tlie patient will 'vfxo recover. I linvo carefully ex yimined tlie formula y which your (itosii-lnli* is made, and find it an ex* LVeelh-nt compound of altcrutire ingredients. S Dr. Fparks, of Nicholnsville, Ky.^ \snys he tins useil Rosndalis in eases ot Vcroful i and Secondary Syphilis with VatlsfWtory results-as a cleaner of tha I) Blond I know no hotter remedy. ) Benjamin Bcclitol, of Lima, Ohio, (writes: I hare suScred for twenty (years witli an inveterate eruption over .my whole body; a short time since I (purchased a bottle ol Rosudali* and it S (effected a perfect euro, ( Iiosad ills d* sold by all droffjrists. ( I,iil-oral,.ry, fil Exchange , I'facc,. (Hullitnore. ) Drs.Clso.ents 4 Co. Proprietory Miy 1ft, 1S70. 62 ly KDMoNDS T. BliOWN, j s y., - orroatTK a ha rlkston howl CI1AKL.KSTON, S. C. 8?pt 28 19 ljr A. B. MULLIGAN. CH A [{LESTON, S- O.. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, a II k my AO?irgrT0 AT GREEN VJLLE S. C.% And will mark liukral cash ob *) / V OTTO N Shipped to mo through thorn. a. b. mullioax. . Sept 29 19 1/ WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 0AHL0NE8A, 8A., WILL priftle# ib the Counties of Lamp kin. Dawson, tiilmer, Fappln, Unim Towns. Wfaitp and IIbII. ? / ? 19 19 ' TOWNKM U EA?Ti ATTOUSIW 47 MW, OFFICE la tba OLD COCRT II0U8K Mm14U Room on Um South RW?. Lou* Staff* aHEBHVILLB, 8. C. I 0. V. TAWina. # OLIM l?P??r. I Jm I 33 tr