University of South Carolina Libraries
fl HAVE now on 1 abled to offer then liOLINA LIFE IN! isnPHn, i 3FFERSON DA BDYLER 4c BLAVS SOUTHERN AND ; ATTENTION TO THE SURREND hunt MTtAPm i kihhi u t mn i OFFERED BY 1 PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Buy the Best?It it the Cheapest. :o: 7o Coneumere ?/ White Lead Everywhere. IT 1ST UNEQU A LED. 1st. For Wearing $) Covering Prop-riles, ltd. For Whiteness and B-aiiiy or Finish. *d. For Unl'o m Fineness of <3r:ndintr. 4th. Stime Wright will do mora and hotter work, at a jti*en coal, than any 01 her. 6th. Mo?t Economical White Lrad ever introduced. 6th. If you wish to procure as much mine a* possible tor your money and sccute handsome and dm ah*# work, uso PURE IIBERIY WHITE LEAD. Tit it and lie coorlnred. Satisfaction .... i..j kl ,1... ^ UHIlilcn UT MlO ZIEOLE k SMITH. Vlmlenli T)ru?, Point and OI?m No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia WHOLESALE AGENTS GOWER, COX & MARXLEY. DEALERS IN - Coach Mateiials, Paints, Oil, Glass. Potty, &c , GREENVILLE, S. C. M*}3 62 tf Spring and Summer MILLINERY. fAllSS MtKAY ha* returned 'rom New Y.'ik, and opened an elegant o a e o r t n? e n t ol M II, LI NERY. eonri?tlng of Bonn.U ftid flat* of the la left eljrl** fur l.itdi.1, Children and Infant*; aleo liihhona i?f all wi.liha, F|n wera, IjtPf. and Hair Qooda, Ladle* and Chll dren* Suite. Ao All viden will receive careful and <T .llll.l a I I vnltnn April 24 ' 61 If SPRING & SUMMER MthMmiY. JRKNINOS bar relurnct with a full stock of MILLINERY nod other GOODS, suited to tho wunts nod desires of the ladies, to which she would invite en examination.? She will huve it OR AND OPEN. 1NO on Thursday 27th lout., and will be pleated to tee fucb of Tier friends on the occusion as way hare the tiaae to attend. Location, one door below the wcllk-nown store of Messrs. W. H. TIovcj k Co, April 26 61 tf SULLIVAN ITSON RESPEC7 FULL Y ask the alien lion of their Friend* and the Public generally to their FRESH STOCK^OF SPRING and SUM MER GOODS, which are all now in store Especial attention is called to their Large and Well Assorted Stock of CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES. LADIES DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Owing to the great scarcity of Mvnay throughout the country they have PRICED THEIR GOODS TO SUIT THE TIMES. To he convinced of the above, GIVE THEM A CALL. They constantly, keep in store, a large Stock of SUGARS, COFFEES. MOLASSES, FLOUR, And other GROCERIES, at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. April 10 M -2 ToYmr 141)1158. THE attention of III* puMi* generally, lift tlia lilies par tirulHrly, it railed to the n?* and fresh Wtoe We of GOODS ? art op-ning. . llavl>g determined to male* ourt A FIRST CLAM DRY ROOM STORE, We hate taken paint to re 'eel a moat de'ii a tie Stnek of DROSS and K X SOY GO<?DA. to?eilt-r with Yihtioideriea. Guriaine, Mar eaillra Quilt a, Window Shade*, 1alil? D?b)< >k<, Piano and T?hl? Covert. A* , An. FOSTER A HUNTER. JAPANESE. G ran adln??, P-piit.a, Lawn*. French and American Rn?ln?. Al pacta, Ac , Ac. KO>TKK A HUNTER. fc? m ? LONG CLOTtl* 4-4 frrm 171 25 per yard, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. (^ALICOW, beat mak-*, fan llj J i? Uc-U, FOB IKK A HUNTER. Lack curtains, mq?iib *nd w.x>d Window Shad## it FOSTER A IHTNTERS. CI l.OVES.nrf HOSIERY, aanlefidid line, V *11 lk? new at) We and innk-i, a? FOSTER * HUNTER'S. HANDKERCHIEF-)?LK-ee, Krr,^oid *red, Lam end other kiudf, Genu' and Ladua. FtttTER A HUNTER. ENTV CLOTHINO?ShiTia EdWra.. C?lh,Cil*ilt Pwn.iahU-g Oooda of all toria. FOSTER A HUNTER. IB RONS, Tr4w.ortnfa#nd !biRwB..er7ll at j lee and ki*de FOSTER A HUNTER. C"~ HILORRNH and Mtwae Shnaa, a aj>?cUltjr, all etjrWe a?d axili* *aa FLATTER A HUNTER April 12 49 # tf band a Large Stock i so choice a selectioi FRANCE COMPANY^ rENNESSEE. .YIS, PRESID'T. :f STATE AGENTS. MUTUAL COMPANY. IS CALLED ?ER VALUE PLAN, XiVAHTAGES, HIS COMPANY. M tf For Sale* i THAT rcry deatrable Aaffy 71- HOUSE AND LOT near the ImBS Old Baptlrt Church, belonging ^tWQMtg to Mir. Martha McCall.. Tito HOUSE in NEW, and contain* SIX ROOMS with FIRE PLACES. On the Lot are all tha necoaanry oat building*. Poa*?*s(on glrcn at any dine. Apply to PERRY 4 PERRY, areonrlUe, S. C. "'April 28 51 tf THE V % % STORE. W. H. Hovey &/ Co. Have received a large and liKAUTIFUlx stol'k in tiieiu line. STAPLE GOODS, mum goods, TRIM MINGS, K03S11Y, Ghmm,' HANDKERCHIEFS, REAM MADE CLOTHING, B H OES, HATS, tfcO. ALSO New and desiraide patterns in PAPER HANGINGS. CUU TAINS ItnRnV.I? INO AND SCREENS. "Allot which" wVlf'be offci od at the lowest prices. Our Customers and the Public are invited to call and examine. W. II. IIOVKY, S. A.TOWNES. April 20 61 if Farm and Residence FOR 8AT I, TIIE 8U3SCRIRER offers for rale Lis "GREEN " FARM, of about Two Hundred Acres, a little more tlian a mile from the corporate limits of Greenville. The lloure is a large and coinfortahle one, containing eight rooms with (Ire-placcs, and two others without Ore-places. On the place are orchards of Apple, Cherry and Peach Trees, a body of Woodland, a piece of very rich HOTTOM LAND, and a large bed of elay suitable for brick making, out ol which large profit maybe made. The place is supplied witb an abundance of most excellent water, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to the subscriber at Greenville. JAMES C. FUR MAN. Mar 16 46 tf 18 A CARD. 71 MY FRIENDS AND PAT- ' Estrone have ray thanks for past SujS favors Ac. I continue to make fHC-fflj additions to my Stock of JEWEL- t&tx&V KY. WATCHES. CLOCKS. SPECTICLRS, 81 I. V K U PLATED mtirttA WAKB. TA ISLE CUTLERY. Ac. Special at* tent ton given to repairing flue Wntches, and Time Piece* of every description. JAMES Q. ULACK. Jan 18 A* if Notice. IN eonf>rn?liv with the n quirement* of the ImemnJ R?v*nn? Law*. I hereby g ?? untie-* to all per-on* who may el.tini one Ktg U'A-sAy?*eiccd by W. II. Moumcr, *l>?>ul i|ir>-r in'.lr* from Greenville. near the Spartanburg r??a.l, about the fourth cf f pr il, sup. po.-er! to he th? i'iO|i-riy of A. J. Ward, berausc of the violation of Internal Revenue law*? to make such claim* before me within thirty dny* fn iit the that publication of this notice. A. L C URB, " Deputy Collector. Deputy Collector** Office. Greenville April li'h, 1871. April Itf 6'i-3 Notice. Darciv Coi.Ltcroa'ii Orrtca, I Orcenville, 8. C. April 24th, 1871.J IN eonformily with requirement* of tb* Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice lo all pereona who may claim a Keg of Wkielrg and Hortt, *uppo*ed to be the property of Jeremiah Tin (ley, which were seized ou or about tb* 2tlth April, in*t., in tlie City of Qreenvilla. ky J nines II. Sherman and W. H. Mounce, b?eauaa of alnir hold and uaad in violation of the Internal Renvenue Lawa?to make such claim within thirty days from tha first publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, Depute Collector 3d District 8. C. April 2ft 61 I United 8tates Internal Revenue. Darner Otuacioa'i Orrica, I So Disinter, Booth Caroi.ins, Oreenvilla, S. C . April 24th, 1871. BY virtna at authority Irom E. M. Wallaoe Collector 3d District 8. C., I will sell tc the highest Kidder at the store of Mills A Mc Brayer, at 12 o'clock no Friday the 6tb day of May, the following property to wit: 2 Keg* of Com Wkitkg, being the property which was seised on the promises of John Rig, by Jassas B. Shermtn. U. 8., Deputy Marshal, on or about tha I rat of March 1871. Term* Ca*k. A. L. COBB Depaty Collector. April 2ft 61 2 Edwin J. Scott, Son a Co., B A. IT K a R e AND BEOZHEB, COLVMBI A,r S. C. WITH AMPLK FACILITIES, THKY oft>ir Liberal acc<>mra?Mletlotia la ibe DiMOuat of Notoa and Drafta; tha purchase and aale of BXCHANOB, SPKCIK, BONDS, STOCK, BANK BILLS, AC., and tU COLLECTION OF COMMBROIAL PAPKB. jm Internal allowed am DewoeUa. Feb 32 4! of Dry Goods, Clothi nt of Goods, at such h HARRISON & ? I MARSHALL DFSIRK lo inform the pabUo that they have a full stock of or.uo-8, dbo., On hand, and aqp anxious to dispose of thero for CASII. As money Is tight and limea are dull, we hare reduced the price of many articles. We hare just received a largo lot of Cigars and Tobacco* Which we will a^ll cheap for Cash. Uitve |uii rcvH On* WING3. CHAMPAGNES. ALES au<l PORTERS at r dueed prloea. Joet rceelred. cheaper than ever, WHITE LEAD. PAINTS. COLORS. LINSEED OIL. VARNISHES. A?. Onr St.wk of DRU08 and STANDARD PREPARATIONS U complete, and a* cheap at can to bought in any Retail e?lal>ll?hment We are now ninning our SODA FOUNTAIN, And aa we have PLENTY OF ICR IT WIL^. BE KEPT R.Eir> HOT All (lie Summer. If, B.?Those IndcMcd to us for Old Accounts, will please take notice that they must settle up riy the first of May, na longer indulgence will not be given. Hereafter we will tell strictly fm Ca*h, April 12 43 tl Paris Mountain ZTTL A vaas-^ TII,S TRACT of Land Aon aRlnRBk *ore?, l .inie> ly the residence ?l General \V?'IHy Thompson, rituute five mile* fiutn the City of Greenville, U offered for rule. Tliet v are I wo comfortable dwelling houses on ilie prcniUe* witli nil necessary out buildins*. There in a fine orchard of choice fruit tree*. Two or three hundred acre* have been cleared. and was formerly in cullivat ion. The situation i* magnificent one for a country residence, commanding an xtenaive view of ilif Mountain*, the City of Greenville, and the surrounding country. There is a fine spring of wa<er on the mountain near the residence. The soil is productive and fine crops were grown on the place duriuc the III- time of General Thomp ron. The property will he sold low for ca?h, and a g< c it hatgain may lie obtained Apply to Mts-rt. PERRY it PERRY, at Qtceiiville, S. C , or to the Pro| rietor at Mudi.'on, Florida. CAROLINE C. JONFA Mar 21 40 tf TU? _X* O as- n 1? xuu omit) ui oyutn \jnronna COUNTY OF ANDERSON. Court of Common Pica*. T. M. Bristol). C. T. Dunham and A 8. Drown, partners under the Firm name >( T. M. Bristol'. & Co., ayainit Willis E. Rnrkett. Tv Willis E. Blrkktt, Defendant in thin action: ~\7 OU ?re hereby summoned tnd i rqulrrd JL to nnswer the rninpUint in this action, which is this day ti'cl in '.lie office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber at And.-r son C, II , 8. C., within tw- nty days after 'lie sei vice ol this summons on you, exolu* five of the day of service. Il you fail to answer this c>mpisInl within the time nforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against. you for the sum of one hundred and fifty-eight 62 1O0 dollars, Willi interest, on seventy nine 85 100 dot lars thereof from the Jlhli day of July. 1870 and on five dollars thereof liotn the 4th day I of Mnrnli, 1870. and on forty five 52 10O d..Il*is thereof f-oir? the !5ih dav of May, 1870, suit on twenty eight 76 1'tO dollars thereof fr< m the 28d day of July, 1870, and cost*. Dated at Anderson C. II. 8. C.. March 10th, 1871. B. f. w iii ;m:r. Platnlifi's Allot ncv. To the Defendant. \N ILL'S E. BukkETT : TAKE notice ihn< the Summon* in this action, of which the foregoing is a enpv, was filed in the offioe ol the Clerk of the Court of Common Picas, at Andeison C'-urt Ilou-e, in AnJerroii County, in the State of South Carolina, oil the 10th day ol Maieh, 1871. B F. UHITNEK, Plaioiift's Allot nev. Andrrton C. II , S. (). "" Al?r 20 47 0 1 ?7 c?*s t 1 2Ji S-5 m i it fi?? ! m g '#) ? caSe*?iv2*--? A y. tA *?.- vi ?? w f* M ?.? 111 f i -z -f Jt S .2 ? v *s8-s*?:f * ?/; *-?. * <*' B_ ? _ "3 7? ? . c 2? SlbsiHUI'-J? 5? o-si4 ?i J* hiss g hh M6W1SI # Sfifd?itf2|o^ire! 7 e C? s . 9* * <'* ?*4 ?~ i O 51 i .31^41r ft s: tr-ol3wJ0 ' ? i-c CT * ?-4^TSa|43;|- = "? '*11 e"? ? *? i ^ *3-c*cr$???^2s< M it,5^ *.? j Notice. Depot* CoM.Bcroa'a OraiCE, ) Oreeurhle, K. 0.. April 24ih, 1871. J BY virtue of authority from R. M. Weliaee, Collector 3d Dirt., A. O., I will rati to the htgheet bidder, at Pickene Court Houeo, on Monday, t\*. Hit day of May, 1871, tbo following conllteated proper!* ; via : One Two hortr Wagon, aid Hurnmoo, and ono Keg of Wkieky. Delng the property which waa aeia M <w?i the ImI of January, 1871, In porni* ion 01 Newton Cox, by the lata Anderson Looper, U. 8. Krputy Marshal. Termt Cath. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector ftd Dist. 8. C. April 20 61 2 N. B.?I hare been reqnoctad to state that Win Irnln, Esq., Arsistant Aaaassor, will ho at Pickens on the sense day, for the purpose of taking assessments for the year 1870-'71. Per* sons desiring to register as Retail Liquor Dealers, an.I Dealers in Tohaooo, can base an opportunity to do so, also to maka a return of thslr income f.?r the year 1876. A. L. C. I 1 no, Shoes, Groceries, ??r prices. ' SASH mm AMI M ? B & ? H Hi G AIM? 1 DRESSED Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Dour Over k hundred different Pattern* of U tor sale at New York prices. Muntel-Pieces, hurt notice. Stair Ilail, Newels aud Ballustcr to order. Good and Substantial Work made ao cb??| United State*. We here cu band the largest Baitiu.ore, ail of which wo guarantee will givi Substantial Work. The subscriber* can refer t Carolina and Florido, ni to the cbaiecter of tb V Opposite Wando Fertiliser Works, and in Pavilion Hotels. Mm CONiSlJ M PTIOS", Its Cure and Its Preventive, BY J .II. SCUISNCK, M. IK IIY/J ANY a humno being has passed away. 1T1 Tor wboie death there wn no other reason than tbo neglect of known nnd indisputably proven means of cure. Those near and dear to family nnd friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, had they calmly adoptod DR. JOSEm II. SCIIEKCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonde.Tui efficacious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Scbenk has in his own case proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by his medicines nnd the directions tor their use, it quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there is nothing presumptuous. To the faith of the invalid i? made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory of the euro by Dr. Sehcnck's medicines is as simple as it is unfailing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is sell-assuring, self-convincing. The Scawood Tonic and Mandrake Tills are the first two weapons with which the citadel of tho malady is assailed. Two thirds of the rases of consumption originate in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition tho bronchial tubes " sympathize " with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Hero then cotnes tho culminating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pills ore composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?the Podophilliuin Pellatum. Tbcy possess all the blood searching, alterative properties of calomel, Lut unlike cniotuel, they -LEAVE NO STING BEHIND." The work of cure is now leginning. The vitiated nnd inuoous deposita In the bowels una in ttio alimentary cunal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach nets rcsponsively, and the patient begins to feel that be is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. Tbc Scnwond Tonic, in conjunciien with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Cbylifieation is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the euro is seen to be at hand. There is no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite sets in. Now cotnes the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgunt father to suffering man. Bchenck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the core. It enters at once rpun its work. Nature cannot he cheated. It collects and ripens the impaired and diseased portions of tho lungs. Iu the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in a very short time tbo malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and mnde new, and the patient; in all the dignity* of regained rigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, tbo patients must stay in a warm room until they get well*; it is ul* m >nt fmpoexit.U to prevent taking Cold when the lungs are diseased, but it must he prevented or a cure canuol he effected. Fresh air and riding out. especially in this section o." the country in the full and winter season, are all wrong/ Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their l.ings are badly diseased, and yet, liccause they are in the houso they uiust not sit down quiet ; they must walk about the room as much and us fust as the strength will hear, to gal up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits?be determined to get well. This has a great dual to do with the appetite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidonoe of its possibility in the woiat cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Scbcnc-k's personal statement to the Faculty of bis own cure was in these modest words : " .Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption ; confined to my t-ed. and at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like u drowning man ditching at straws, I heard of and obtained the pre parations which I now effer to the public, and they made a perfect cure ol uic. It scctncd to me that I could feel them penetruto my a hole system. They soon ripened the mutter in my lungs, and I would spit op more than a pint of uffouaivo yellow matter every morning fur a long time. As soon as that hognn to subside, m/ cough, fever, pain and night sweats all began to leave me, aod my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that ^fuuld keep from eating too much. I sonn^^incd my strength, and have grown ii> fleah ever ainee." " 1 was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; any weight was only ninety wven pounds ; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-flvo [225 J pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Sobenck has discontinued bis profes atonal visits to Nul* York and Boston. Ho br hia son. Dr. J. II. S?bench, Jr., still continue to see patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth i treet, Philadelphia, every S.iturday from U A. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wisli a thorough examination with the H, spirometer will T.e charged $5. loo Kcspiroaiuter declares the exact condition of the lungs, aud patients ran readily learn whether they are curable or not. The directions fur taking the mc tlcines are adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Vollow these directions, and kind Nutum will do the rest, excepting that in some the Mandrako Pills are to he taken in ^^Htked do Sea : the thrta msrflMsn ???s - -- CunpaniMDll than the ample instruction* that accompany tbciu : Pirat create appetite. 01 returning beelth hunger ia the iuo#t welcome symptom. When It cornea, aa it will oonte, let the despairing at onee he of good cheer. Good blood at onee follow#, the cough looaena, the night aweat i# abated. )a a abort time both of tbeae morbid aymptoms are gone forever. Dr. Sobenek'e medicine# are constantly kept In tena of tbouaanda of Iriiniliee. Aa a laxative or purgative, tbo Maudralte 1'illa are a atandard preparation ; while tbe Pulmonic Hy rup aa a eurvr of cough# and eolda, may he regarded aa a prophy lacteric againat cunsuwptton m anv of ita forma. Price of tho Pulmonic Svrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.W) a bottle, or $7.60 a half duaen. Mandrake Pilla, 36 oenta a box. For sale hy all driiggiets and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN 9. 11KKUY, No. 8 College Plaee, New York City. March 33 4? ly IAI A I ^ fM i r? ^ ^ ? ? Tt m. ons.rric.rtu A UU., ' No. 14, Hmyno Street, fharlenCon, 8. 0. \ . dialmi m COOKING a'l'UVkU, H.ANOKH AND Hriting Slot*. Ploturo* of St?v?? with prl??? ?ad dv*crip<ion wi!l h?i?nt upon fc|>|>Mca ion. June 20 6-1 y I &,c.9 and assure my C PkAMHliS BiXbb. da. Shelving, Box Boarda, A?? Ac. loul^nga, making orar 11*0,000 feet on band Door and Window Fraiuca uiade to order at | a of Walnut and ^fabogany, on band and made * at tbIs eatabliahment a' can be made in the atock of the above Good* aoutb of the City of ? entire aatiafaction to all who want Good nnp : o gentlemen all over tltia State, Georgia, North elr work for the puat twenty yeare. V. P. RlJSSELL & CO., KAST END HASIiL 8TUEET. tbe immediate xicinity uf Clinrleaton and rcb 15, 1871. 45-t 8 J1 WSEmTlom, coluhuia, s. v., TO. GOF-MAIT, PHOIMIIETOR rPHB Piopr e'or of the pl**?iivifly loeat?d | Alld e-la-rru l.l lea fa.wwI-L-A _ a ?? _ ? _ - .. n-iamitlf mrni,?i the Sin'e deaii*? to infnim tlie travelling public niul "tliera creWing'la' ion* lluil I lie "t'olninbidT lain every reapeet n fl al-clna* Hotel, np'inpna-cd l>v any in I lie State or < lie Uuit>d Kiain ' Situated in It*- bit-bora ventre ol the city, with fine l?i oil y room*, d a laid- rtippll?d willi rv"tv delienev of tlieaen?on, built 1 from New Y?>rk and Cf'nrleaton mat kef*. il?e Proprietor pledgea tl.nt tio.fToiia will i l>e apared to give pe: feet auiiafnetion in every report. A ft rat c'ara Livery Stable i* attnrlicd to tbe Hotel, wbne veliiuba of every rlrscrip lion ran I e bad at tbe abort eat notice. Oinnibiieef attend ttie anivnl nod departure of every Train. "" WM GORMAN, Proprietor and Sup-iintender.f. J. T). BU I>DS, Caviller. Fel. 16 8tt-t f jxo. camtscx. e. waltjkx. ^ v tet tf w FLOURING MILLS, |4 MARKET, OPPOSITE STATEST. o Jno. Campsen & Co., GRAIN, 11AY, FLOUR axq COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Mnuuiuciurcr* ol UIIIST and MEAT/. I 80 CAST DAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Feb 22 40 Sm CTIAS. HICKEY, MANUFACTURER, 345 KING STREET, CM1LISTOM, S. C. booking Glasses OF ALL SI7.ES, FITTED TO FRAMES. UAUJ MS AMES RE-GUT, I E%CAL TO NEW. Fob 22 49 9id B. WEHRLE nri.VS just rctiiilied with a well IjJ selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 110 silver mom me/ Table Cutlery, &c. 11IS Slo^k was personally so-1 lected front the Itcst houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct IV 22 tf CITISEKSrS' 8AVINGS OtI*It OK COUTH OAP.OLI1TA. Deposits of $1 and Upwards Received , INTEREST ALLOWED AT TUB FATE Or SEV?N PER OiNT. PER ANNUM. ON : OERT riOATES Or DEFOi.IT AND SIX PER OB <tT COMPOUNDED I EVERY SIX MONTHS ON AOOOONTS. Officers?Win. Marliu, President ; Joint B. Palmer and John P. Thomas, Vice Presi deal; A.I. Urenlscr, Cashier; Juliii C. B. gulih, Assistant Cashier. Dikk? tcb?.?Wade Hampton, William Martin, A. C. Haskell, V. W. MrMaiUr, J.?bn P. Thomas. K. II. ilelnitsh, JoLu 1). Palmer, Thomas K. Qrcgtr, Columbia. J. P'i UrttgK, Marion ; U.T. Rcott, Newberry ; W. 0. Majcf, Nrwi crn ; B. II. Rulledgc, Charleston t Daniel Ravencl, Jr., Charleston. Brain hea at Abbeville and Newberry and other |ioiuU. A general llutikirtg business done. 40-Jui Feb 22 Nolicr. HP11E NOTES and ACCOUNTS of MAR!1 ON J LOCK, liave l-een plain d in my handa f..r C'llecMnn. I'm tie* owing Mr, IrtMtk will MVs costs tiy U>tll?g at my office, and paying their Indebtedness. JAM KSP. MOORK, Ao'y at l,iw and Trial Justice. February 14th, Ifcl 1, btf-tf. Land for Sale. rphe subscriber offers for rale bis Land, sitaeI tail soinh nine miles below the City of Ureenvila, on waters of Brushy Creek, Anderson County, In the Tract are 222 Acres, 30 of which are Bottom and 20 are Aennd Bot. torn. There are good houses, etahloe, smoke bouses, euro cribs, Ac. Title Laud is superior, and under good cultivation, and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply at once, if yon wish to iurost. J. S. TIIACKSTON. Uw. BA mw 47 3m WMTT EANDOLPB. STONE CUTTER AND BUlLOER. - Av LOCATED on F?U? 8?re*?, on* mam of IImih. U""" '*** * ' HR I M?RANITK or all (tcaeripiiona furnlahod und out to oidar. TOMB Lju 8T0NR8, with Oranita or Marbla r?u?a*ala?iay tea had on application. n. Bpcclal attention guaranteed to all ??k. r&rtf Jan 18 ustomcrs that 1 have is*/: -*sW: Spring: and Summer MARSHALL* BURGE, r.TT A T? r jr.QTnxr o n uuv/ji Uil ) ?J. U. WE ARE OFPERINQ TO-T1IE MliR chuots of tho interior, | LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND iw rmcr m. mjm im mm 9] Which wo roll ot the lowest market prices to prompt payiug customers; MARSHALL A EURGE. Mar 3 43 3n> DENTISTRYT DENTISTRY 1 JQ. McDAVID graduate of the Pernor)ranis College wl Dental Surgery, session I8CG-G7, icspvctfally offers his professioual services to the citisoos of Greenrillo and surrounding country. Having acquainted,himself with the modem improvements of bis profession, he hopes, hjr strict attention to busiucss, to be a?le to give satisfaction. Office on the comer of Coffee and Main I Streets, in II. A. CuuMe's former residence, up stairs. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. D. 5. Mar 22 4fl 9m K WHITM A w iTfinwT" u> < II 1 1 ill 11 LI IV UUl^O, KTo. 145 Wl-ST PRAlT STREET, (OrP08ITB MaLTDV 110V8K,) BALTIMORE, MD. SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. fJIIIK largest vatletv and best selected stock JL ?f SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS ever uttered In this market. Our Seeds aro selected from the most reliable grower* in this country and Europe, consisting of every description of the most approved vnrietirs of GARDEN SEEDS. 100 Dushels CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. 250 Bushels OUCH a KU and RLU K G R ASS. 500 bushels NORWAY, SURl'RISE, and other varieties of OATS. 200 llarrels EA RLY ROSE, and other varle- ' ties of POTATOES. 10P bushels English and American I.AWN GRASS. WHITE CLOVER, LUCERNE, SWEET VERNAL, and other GRASSES. FERTILIZERS. 500 Tons of "THE ANDREW COE" SUPER PHOSPHATE, manufactured exclusively hy us, with grunt e.ire, and is the most i reliable Fertilizer in this market. Price $52 per ton of 2,000 pounds in bags. 2,000 Barrels of PLASTER, (per rcbooncr Ocean Bird,) warranted pure. 100 Tons Pure Ground Bone. 100 Tons Missouri Bone Meal. Peruvian, Nevsss.-t and Mexican Guanns, South Caroltia Bone Phosphate, Salt, l'otush, 47? and 60? Acids. Etc., Etc. AUMJ, Manufacturer? and Wholesale fond Retail Dealers in all kinds of Agricultural Iinjdc- 1 incuts and Mucliiocry. A prill 'J 60 Itn 1871. "tpr,n? -Tmeto. 187] Croquet. Cowplcto seta from $3 to $20 per set. Unite Hull*. All the diflcrcut kiuds at reduced prices. , Flsliiui; Tackle. Of every description. Traveling lings. For ladies and gentlemen. Foreign Fancy U?otls. (aitiin and Pistol* of all Kind* and Price* Ammunition, KpnrnnieuN Oood*, Goods shipped to any part of tho country , per express. Thu r^tno careful attention giv- : en to orders by mail as to personal purchases. Prices for our goods based on gold at par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 200 IV. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 46 1y PLANTATIOH BITTbttS Tills wonderful vegetable restorative Is the slieeUanclior of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for" the nervous weakness to which women arc cspccinlly subject, it is superseding cycry other stimulant.' In all climates, tropical, tcmpcrato or frigid, it acts as a specific in every snecies of dlsordm* wlilMi undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ^Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. juuu 'ii, ib70. "5 1 W. *. KASt.HT. e. O. WELLS EASLEY & WELL8, Attorneys and Connsellors at Law AND IN F.QlJlTY, <1IIKKNVI U.K. R. 0., PRACTICE in the Courts of the State ami of the United States, ninl give especial attention to enses In bankruptcy. J a no IS S THE N1CKERS0N HOUSE. COLUMBIA. S. C. WILL oat. be slorsii on account of ?h* <ie*th of Ui? Proprietor. Wn. A WotonT but will he curried on * llcietofbr-, by lit* widow. Mrs. 9AKAH L. WRIGHT. Hnd Iter w>?. WM. O. WRIGHT Th. f.U?A. of tH? In* proptUlnr IvtlM to mill ?i?l RAR Ali I.. RIO I IT, Feb 16 W-U WM. C. WRlClir. I s never before been H. C. MARK. tt.d- als Award* d. TUB a BEAT Hf*? #1 lucrurMV. Will. KNADE be CO., Manufacturer* of Qr**d/ &(pMf* and Upright PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. r 11 ?r? w?a * * * 1'n too inurnment! nave oeen b?ft/re IU? public fur nearly thirty yaara, sod upon tbuir excellence aione attained on uajturrkatJ prr eminence, whi.'b pronounce! the? tftMipf lf' ed. Tbeir Tone combine! (treat power, *?re?f< nou and An* tinging quality, at wall at grow! pnrity of Intonation, and rwoetnea# through out the entire acale. Tbeir Touch it pliant and olnlie, and entirely free from the itifiMtl found in to many l'lanot. In Workmanship they are unequaled, uaing none but th? ear/ boat ttatnntd material, the Inrge capital em* plot e I in our hurincea enabling ut to keep continually an immense ttock o( lumber, Ac., on hand. All our Square 'Vo??i bare oar New Improved Overstrung Scale nud the Agraffe Treble. , "v We would cull apodal attention to oar lata improvement! in (irand Piano* and Square Grand#, Patented Auguat I4lh, 184 A, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than liaa yet been attained. i . Kerry Piano fully Warranted for b Year*. Wo have made arrangement* for the Sole Whole*'?lo Agency for the uio#t Odobratcd Parlor Organ# and Meiodeon*. wkioli we offer ?r uuicsnlo aud Retail. nt Lowest Factor/ Prices. WM. KNADR A CO.. Baltimore, M<l. Dec 7 29 Am 1 Spo HTA.U k OTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Order* amounting to $20 and Oi>< I* Delivered in a tig Part a/ the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, or BAbTIWORR. *!>., IX order the better to meet the want* of tlie Itctuil Customers at ^distance. ha?<? established a SAMPLE nUIlY\U, will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of tliu Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all tiroes to sell us low, it not ut less price*, than anv house iu the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the same by Steamers direct to Dnltitnore, our stock is nt all times promptly supplied with the uoruitics of the I.oiidou uud Parts markets. As wc buy nnd sell only for cash, nnd make no bad debts, we nre able nud willing to sell our p??ods at. from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lees Profit than if wc gave credit. In sending tor samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep tbo best grades of every class of goods, Irotu the lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by the cash will'ia sent C. O. D. Prompt Paying Wholesale Buyers arc invited to inspect ths Stock in our Jobbing nnd Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS. 197, 199, 201 and 20.'{ West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dee 7 29 1/ GEORGE PAGE & GO. No. 5 N. Scfcroetfer St.. Baltimore. Mi?rni(n?'tur. rs of Portable iit.d Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND PC ILEUS, l*.itI InipmvfiV P rinl.le CIRCULAR. SAW '?* ?. M'iIhv Ati<t >n?li Skw Mill*, Grift Mill*, 'limlu r Wheel*. Hiing!* M'.chni.f. Ac. D.ilrra in drcuW S?w*. lloltioe. aod Mill siipplie* c ii^imHv, and tnniiiifiic iif'? ftttnif for L~ff?-IV ?d Tml-iof Wnier Wheel, and every deec iplion of Working Machinery aGIIIOI'I.TURAI. KNOl.NK* a M'IXIAI.TY LW s. nd for d? fciipltte t ?inl? |(i>e? and I Vice Lists. Si'J-ly c cjl I ?'?/ 5 s=^/>0u Mptl Dec 7 UV 1/ IT WKIILl T I - ' ' GREENVilLILE 8. O. IiEALER tS I gold m sura iwins. CLOCKS, JEW ELK V. j SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-I*LA'!EL) TLW /TV B ?. *52. %W WOUK <>r all tlittriiOions in hi* Una <lon<- pi?inptlv. Jf 2 Oct -j7 as I i*. i\ T O A L I3~, <IIAIU.I>TO\. V V. i ( Liirge?t nnd mutt'ctc ) I 9-tr Manulactory of Door?Satl-.c*, | -Bb^ ( blind*, Mouldings, Ac., Id the J houtbern fltates. pM" Printed price list defies competition. 8cu4 fbr 8*nt .Incc in> eyMaptiou.-** April 27 ^ 4# ly VI A8T fOWIJEK , II .* long been regarded as the l-e*l and rhntprtl linking powder in um. f^ifrrlly I to p and hex liny Ji make*. ?t short no* Iter, delicious liiscnita, It'llt, &.< There need b* to #?nr of <??od prepared with It, it* It le always of the beet qonlitv W? would mj to th?*e obo have v r ua-d it that every few tila'awill enable tin m oto u*e it, not only with mere eattefnoti< n but abb oaot.omy P#' U|> ??u. ktT *1 W-lgbt. a* re|n?e?o'cl, Gracer* und l>e:iU era Ivll it I ~ "* DOOLF.Y A r.ROTllBB, TrnrV M A:'*r Slreri. AV*> York Qijft. Ap? U 6 <8 (im .