University of South Carolina Libraries
Niw Yobs. AprM It. Cotton qolet and aaaler; mIm 88tl; op* lead,. 14ft. Oold, 10ft ?other? flour HhImmH ooomroo to fair extra 6ftt flO; gocd ehul?? t 00 ; WMaky 90 ; Wheat unohanc?d ; Utile more titpori tor rod and amber WaeUrn 68066; Corn onebaafod ; ric- qatat at ; Pork 18 ,361 B?af dull; L?ni heavy; kettle lift Chaxlb*t<>n, April it. Cotton quirt; middling* 14 ; net receipt* 660; export* onaetwU* 908 ; aale* 800 bale*,} Hook 16. Ml. Notice. ]N fonfwwltf ?lth the rfqulrimtnli of lli* ImrMl Rsvonua Law*. | hereby ({ *? hniU* to *11 p*r.o>t? who way on* K*g Whitky??el*?d he W. H. MouAC*, about thr** tulles from Or**ovllle. nrtr th* 8p*f tanbunr road, |t>outth? fourth of April, ?up> nosed to bo th? riOjvrtf ??f A. J. W?rd, (mktttt of Ihi violation of Iot*rn?l R'r'i'U* law*->t<> innk* ?o*l> claim* hef?r* m* wlthm thirty day* from the first publication ot this Aotlca, ; A. L fOBU, D-poiy Collector. l)*ptily Collector'* Office. Or??tt*ll|?, April 14th, 1871. April 19 60-8 Vottei; ALL Person* in li<l* Connt* *ra requeued to the JOINT tAPKCI tL l'I N ANCIAL COMMIT I EK, appointed by th* 0> i>*ral A*?tnMy, at It* U?t re**inn. lo investigate th* flnanc** of ihc Stat* of Sou-It Carolina now aiiiiny In Columbia, any and all infmmiiioB in th-lr possession as to th* purehee* of land* In Ihi* County, in tha name of and lor the 8iaic, of and by whom mi rob a led at. what nrie*. the amoiini raid Whether In who'? or In port, and whether lit be bare been (Itch for Ilia All anninaunlcailone to be ed<lrere-u to tlx ComniitUO. J li DENNI**. Chairman. Colvmbia, B. 0., April 17, 1871. 60-1 Oreanvilla and Columbia Bailrcad Co., SBCREI'AltY'S OFFICE. 1 Columbia, 8 C? April 16, 1871. ) '"IMIE Annual Meeting of the Stoekhold* 1 <r? of lh? Uieturillr and Colombia IUiloi?<l Company will hrlil nTIIUU'*DAY, 27ili toil, at If* o'clock A M Stock bolder* will b* pia-ed rkK to and from Columbia to aticfi the m??*tinir, aa lur-tofore They will b" ocjui o-1 to ?how Mi^lr Stock Sotlp to ihr C'lmlucor, who will *? ket pay from all ?oli?ra, aa no ?na but a StookliO'd?*r, or thoao of llittr family r'ti ding with ihnu, arr entitled lo the privib All Stock i?| re*. n'e t by proxy rqnirea a two crnt ktnmp for cacti ritfmilure, a<nt bo oua but a Stockholder ran a proxy 0 V. CAHRINfiTON, Secretary. April 19 60 2 K. WHITMAN & SONST Ni>. US WEST PR AIT STREET, (Opposite Mamdv Mouse.) RKRD9 AND FRUTILIZEIH. fl^HK largest vaiietv and beat selected ilixk 1 of feKEDS AND FERTILIZERS ever nrtd In tble mark?t. Our Seed a ere selected from the moil reliable (rimer* in Ibis country and Europe, consisting of every description of tbe inoat approved varieties of tif KDtN SEEDS. 400 Euabcds CLOVER AND TIMOTHY flEKP 330 ihnbsls ORCT1 ARt> and DLUKO RA88. 000 bushels NORWAY, SI'UPRISE, and other varieties of OATS. 200 Barrels EARLY ROSE, and other varieties of POTATOES. 10" Besbeta English and American LAWN VRAAS. WHITE CLOVER, LUCERNE, SWEET VKKNAL. and other URaSSES. FERTILIZERS. flflO Tone of " Til H A MIMlltW <fUPEK PHOSPHATE, manufactured esclueiveljr hy ua, with great cere, and ia the ax>at reliable Fertkliter In thia market. Price $52 |>er too of 2,000 pound* in hag*. 2(008 Uarrcla <>f PLA8TCIV (per eediooQer , Ocean Bird,.) warranted pom. M)0 T?n? Pare <Jr<aro4 H?oe. IOO Tone Miaeuuri Hone Meal. . Peruvian, Nevaaaa and Mesican Ouanoa, fSouth Carolna Bona Phoaphate, Halt, Putaab, 47? and 46? Aolda. Etc.. Etc. ALSO, Manufacturer! and Wboleaale and Retail Dealera in all Icinda of Agricultural Iuiplajnriite aad Machinery. April 19 50 lm HARRISON & MARSHALL Tk^IRE to inform the jrulillo that they JLF have a rUIAj fiTOCK OP J3FLT70S, cfcO., On Land. ..lid at* unto I Ua diapoae ul th- w for jCA 8/1 A?im 't.ey ia tight and tlanve ore Aaill, .have reduced the |>. ire of m m.v anidet We hate juat received a la g- lol of flitrara antl Ta^o wioa avwuvvvy WIimIi w# will tr|i rlirm|> f?-r ('? ><. lUvr |ui* rtn? WI \ EH. Oil AMFAGNKH. ALES and I'OilTKItS at r?durrd I'itt xwlttil. ch'*piT limn ?f?r, WHITE LEAD. PAINTS, OOLOIIS, LIN>EK1> OIL. VARNISH EH. A*. Our k of DKUG8 and STANDARD PREPARATIONS la awl ahrap m mii la* ia any lUtail l?l<lLhini>oA fa i* no* running our SODA FOUNTAIN, And it w* hav# PLENTY OF ICR IT WILL b? REI>T HE3D HOT All (he Summer, nr IB <rt.a. I.A.i 1.1 a. M. t? All 4 mm, ?? ? ?? iuu*)'"**'! iw u* ior vi't A?r?uiili, w|i| |>l**aa? ml* n??le-* thai lit*y mut< **iti? Up Ay tit* drat. nf May, ?? Ion* ?**? Irtdntgrin'e win rtnl t>e ?rlv?n. flereaf> A?r we wiU fell strictly / ? 6'<mA. April It 4tt ' U ' Notice. ^PBR lime f?tr lioMit-c he Couit of Om1 er*l tt*a*iona for flreeoTille County It*vit'i he?*n (ilunir?d fr-m ilie re-nod flay In Jan-iary, May and Hrpt*nib*r ? th* Aral Molt'lay in *a?h nf I loir* end th* tlm* i?r HoMtn* lite C<-url of Common I'ltitf (or raid County having lie.-n ehang--d to the fliet Stednca<)*y atier lb* dial M?n. dav it renh of aaUJ mondial Now. noiiea la lurreby gi'-n to aU parlira and witnraaer In aellnr.a now pending |n the Court of (Jenerel SraaUn* for aenl C 'optv, to b* "J | appear at eaid (JimH on M-ndey, tbe I at day of May naat; and for all partl?a a?d wluieaaee In mjiii In tha Court of Common Plaaa for paid County, to ba and appear ai aaid OwrtW tVmamnn Pieaeoa Wvdue*d?y lb* td dajr of |<y ?exl. W.A MuOaMIRL O.C.C P A O S. Clerk VlHRc-, Ajn il II. 18ft.' April 11/49 I ~7 '' * MKiyf. 3'IIK Convenient ?pd pMl.?1tto flOL'81 aad LOT now oreapled ny Caot. Water*, between Augofta and Prttllrtoq Btreate, farpearly kaawn at tie " fr. HarrWon plaaa.1* Tirat aaeeaewodaUhy. Apply to (IBOROB HBLDMAM. . ataaavUU, B.C., April ?, itfl. Aprtl tk It tf II "" 1 * -Si?J. - " -"-1 Zee t loo I loo ! THR COLUMBIA IOS HOUSE if now ?pon for the reason, and prepare I lo 1 Mil NATURAL LAKE ICE. at front I to ' 11 (n>?U P?r pound ac-ordlng to qaan?|ty. Tlil# lo# i? far preferable to ony pianofaOtuiad t y oli?qil?a| p'oc#*e , i. I). BATEMAN A?mt, I Columbia, S. C. April 0 4S It*. j^HTIOU LARSL The Kn-Klez . WILL not interrupt tltoee wh<? bny my SEKDH and ehtm my FRUITS and VEOETaBLES. and eschew politic#?Uiat it in say. work during tlin day and atay at liom# at tilithu Mr aarlv Cabbage Plant* arc all engaged, but I will h?M iri-U nrrm to twiiti thovsaid Of the later varialle* from lima to lltn*, M demanded. Nona but lb? vary boat aarla tlw propaaaud. A 1?o, mTRA W ftP.RRl Ed and VEGETABLES in art at ahuudanee P. E. MARTIN. P. R ?No Valparalro Pumpkin or Chili (ehi'ly) Sc'taah; they c?n ?>? found nearer I be River Ap IS?49^5 os' ? > *Q ?? *"!s'ls;*= * M < t*<s P-l ?*? .? ?,? <3? ?? fan iSfc-flfinll5 ^Ci H i"i<51r? = 7,c,3t ?? *HtJJ SB < fab K4 ; f X - S? s ? * <i * M. ? i?l^v!t-2|'i|tiii ? S-JI-* 56 itaSl = CQ lljltliilir TO THB LADIES. rJ^IIE atlfntlnn of the public pcrerally, 1 hii'i the Ij?'I:c? pni licnlntljr, it called to ll>? i c v and It call Stocki of OOOIW we are op-ning. Ilavi- g determined to make ours FIRST CLASS CRT GOODS STORK, W't ItKVr taken paint to re <-et a moat d??ira Stock of DKRlS and FANCY GOODS, together with Rnihiofdeifea. Curtains, Mar. sallies Quills. Window Shade*, 1 ahle I)?m? ank?, I'lanu and Tahle Covert. An., A?. FOSTER a 1IUNTF.R. J A PA N KSK. Grenadine#, IVn'Ina, L*wn?, Freaeli and Antffifun Muslin#. Alpacas, Ac , Ae. POSTER A HUNTER. IONG CLOTH"* 4-4 fri m 12} ?o 25 per ^ ya*d, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. CAUl'OGt), LfH miik-'*, fa?t Oijuff, 12J t- 1* cue. FOSTER A HUNTER. LACK CURTAINS. Muslin and Wood Wia4?e Shadr* ?t. FO-TEIt A HUNTER S. Ca I.OVRS aanl HOSIERY, a splendid line. I all llie new ?l \ Jr* and innU?-a, a? F<>*TKK A HUNTER's. HANI?KKROIIIEK"??L-. ?o, Kail>no id rrtd, ll-inilt?liel, Lace and oilier km ?, Grots' and UHi-e. _ FOSTER A HUNTER. ( ^TENTS' CLOTHING? suna-c?iiaj*. f Cuff*. Ciavala. an-* Furnish It ft Good# .-f al< ao?i?. FOSTER A HUNTER. Rill RONS, Trim minus and Uuilon# ol all ?iy le* and kind# FOSTER^* HUNTER. CXIILORKN'S and M # ?# Kline#, a apeJ cinlly, all stile# m d qnalii ice Foster a uuntkr April 12 4? if The State of South Cr-rolinaCOUNTY OF ANUF.RSON. Court ul Cominou l'lcna. T M HrWt'.il, 0. T. Dunham and A S. Brown. partner* under the Firm name of T. M. BrtatoK A. Co., agointt Willi# K. Rnrkett. To Wii.li8 E. Bi.ukitt, Defendant in thi? ad inn; "V,r UU ?r? herehv nod required X lo nniwor lli? complaint In l.hil iclion, wlii.-It i? tin* day It'll in 'It* office of the C'ei k ol the C' tiri of Cummon IMeaa tor the aald County, end to eery* a ?<fty of your an*w*r on ihe eoimerihee et Anderran t\ II ,S. G., within iw.nty day* after lie vice ol thi* summon* uu you, rxelu? live of the day of trrvlri It tnti fail to anawer thia complaint with in the time aforeaaid, the plaintiff will take tudgmeni egitinaf you f?c the turn of one mn-lred and fiftveluht 62 H>0 dollar*, wi>h interest, on seventy nine 66 100 dol lac* thereof from the Sot It day ol July. 1170 and on five dollar* thereof trom the 4th day of March, 1870. and on forty five 63-100 dollar* thereof t orn the 16th dav af May, 1870, ant on twenty eight 76 100 dollar* tliereof fr< m the ltd day of July, 1870, and roel* Dated al Anderron C H. 8. C. March 10th, 1871. B F. WHITNER, Platnllfl'* Attorney. To (he Defendant. V\ |tfg E. ButtKKTT : TAKR nottee that the Summon* in llti* action, of which I he foregoing ! * cop V. was Hied in the offiaa of the Clerk of lit* Court of Common Plan*, at Andereon Court Hou??y in Andarron Gottnly, in tha State of Month Carolina, on lb* 10th day nf Mateh, 1871. It r WI1ITNRU, I'lainiifT'* Allotnev. Andrre?n C. H , 8. 0 Mar 29 41 Land for Sale. The auheerlber offers for taU bit Land, aitaaled aoma nine mIlea below the City of Qreenvile, on watera of Brnsby Creak. Ander- i i?n Coanty. In the Treat era 223 Aerie, SO of which ere Bottom end 20 ere Aeond Hot- i torn. There ere food bourea, etehlee, adkoke < bounce, corn orlhe, ho. Tbia Lend ta superior, i pnd voder Rood cultivation! end will be aold < ebeep for eaab. App'y at onea, if yon wlab I to lorest, > m. a. tiiackjtov. i Mar 20 4T Jto THE NKKEB80N HOUSE. COLUMBIA. 8. C)? WILL b" closed on arenunt ef th? rrealh of the Proprietor. W* AWaionT hut wilt He carried on no heretofore, by hi* widow, Mre. SARAH L. WRIGHT, and her eon, WM. O. WRIGHT. The f.iende t lira lata proprietor ma Invited to anil as Mel SARAH U W RIGHT. rahUS9-tr WM. C. WKIOflT. 4* ? T*"^T ? - ? V * '?*< ;* '.') , | - ? ? *. - . . 1 Puis Mountain SilMtai ? orrf, itraarty tk? rMi4rnM ol 0?*?r?l M?<My Thompson, aituat# flv? toUm from t U - A..- _# r\.J 111. ?- _?j ?-?-M _ i.l i?w v<*j ?i uktotiik, m unflftn lur Nif, Th?r* ir* two ?Mi(ortibU tfvtlliny Iinw OB III# preroleee with oil iMwwrjr out build Inc. Thera to ino orohord ol ?hoi?? fruit treee. Two or ibrao hundred atrt ha*a baoa etoarod. and woo formerly It titration. Tba (Haatha la magnifiemt on* for country roeidenew, aommandiau on elrw of tha ||wuntolna, ilia City of Orrenr111#, and lha eurrounding e?untry. Thoro to ali>aiprln| of wa??r on ?h# rantintain naartha r?aldni?a. Tho a?ll la produotiva aod ftaa ernpe war** grown on tho plaoa during lha UMunool (;?ner?l Thomp ron. Tho property will ba aold low for eaah, and a great bargain may h? obtained. Apply to Klcoara. PERRY k PBKRY, at OroeiavlUo. 8. C , or to tba Proprietor at Madiaon, Florida. CAROLINE C. JONES. Mar tS 46 If The $tate of South Carolina. ORBRNVILLS COUNTY. Sheriff** Seles. BY rlrtoo ofaun<trr Writaof bVri Faelat, t<> mo d iron tad. I will rrlL before the Court Hnure door, on BalttJny fa Stmy arjft, between ?h? hour# of 10 o'oloek In the (orrnooa and 8 o'clock In the afternoon. All that pirca or pareel of land, lying on tho watora of North Saluda Hirer, eontalnlng Twenty Three Hundred Acre*, mora or lata, adjoining laode of J. F. Miditower. John M Uuodwii), Dr. V A. Mile# and ?tk?ri. Levied on na tbo properly of D. W. Hodge*, at (be ruit of Oliver Barrett, Admlalatr.tor. Home tmd to b* *?t off before day of aale. AIM, All thai act or lot of land containing On* Hundred and Seventy Aere*. more or lore, adjoining land* of Jam'* Anderaon, 8. K.* and other*. lying or. Gilder'* Cie-k and Ennree River, with fine Grtal Mill, Saw Mill an I Carding Maohlne.y.? Levied on aa the pioperiy of S R. W eat n.oreland, at the aiiitx.f John Al> sender Ilom*?ttad to be act off before day of tale ALSO. All ill* right, title, elate and intcreat of Defendant In that certain lot, wiih the t.uihlinge thereon, aimated on the corner of Main and Washington Street*, in the City of Greenville. Sold a* the property of 8rn*naa F. Lono, doc race I, aJi. Joux 11. Goodlkit, aurvlvor. A*?0, All that pice* parcel and lot of land with th* Drlek Huum thereon, aituatod on Buncombe btreet, in th* City of Greeneille, being the family reeldcnoe of the Defendant. Bold aa tho property of It. B. Duncan ada. A. Illy the. Executor. TERMS CASH. Purchaaera to pay for stamp* and paper*. J. L. SOUTHERN, S. O. O. Sheriff** Office, AptII h, 1871. IS-t MILUNRRT. MRP. LOU JENNINGS, xraw dtaitd, flT W. H. 1I0VKY A CO., HAVE ON HAND A LA HOE AND sasss>0sp With which ah* ia CERTAIN OF PLEASINO ALL OF IIEll FRIENDS. pa- CALL ASD SEE. Dec U SO tf Farm and Residence FOR feji i*n? THE SUBSCRIBER offer* for rale hi* "GREEN " FARM, of about Two Hundred Aerea, a little more than a mil* from the corporate limit* of Greenville. The llouae ia a large and comfortable one, containing eight room* with fire-places, and two others without Are-places. On the place are orchard* of Apple, Cherry and Peach Trees, a body of Woodland, a piece of eery rich BOTTOM LAND, and a large bed of claj suitable for brick making, out of which large profit may be made. The place ia supplied with an abundance of most excellent water, one of th* springs hclng strongly chalybeate. FOR TERMS, apply to th* subscriber at Greenrille. JAMES 0. FURMAN. Mar U 46 tf Edwin J. Scott, Son ft Co., s .i i t i a p. c ADD SHOS3F.O, COLUMBIA, S. C. \I7ITII AMPT.E war-rt ttiwc w iur<l TV offer Liberal ??e?mm<id>lloDi In the Discount of No(m and Drafu; the purchase mud sale of KXCIIAKOB, SPECIE, BONDS, STOCK, DANK BILLS, AC., an.I the COLLECTION OF COMMERCIAL PAPER, /a* Inter#*, allowed on Depo?iU. Feb 23 41 3m Carolina National Bank or COLUMBIA* S. C. Capital Stock Paid 1b, $200,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: L. D. ClIILDS, President. Dm. J. W. Pahkmr, R. M. WutACl, John 8., Da. Jon* T. Dtttr, B. flora, Rich Aim O'NtAit, Ja. O. D. Mbltom, Attorney, to; W. D. 0 duck, C. J. ttttllLt, vuuiir. Aiaiatant Cubltr. . :o: flMIK capital atock of thla Bank (a now 1 $204,000, all of wbiob haa been paiil in, and eonflrtned by lb# Comptroller of the Cor* rency. Authority haa alao been received for a further tnereaee to tha amount of $59,000, of wbieh over $20,000 haa already been taken. Paraoaa wtehingtomake an investment ahould apply without delay. Tha Hurplua Fund ia now $0,000, or three per cent, upon ila etock. Tha Carolina National Bank leauea oertifleataa af dupaalt, bearing intorcat at the rata of eeeen par cant, per annum. Tbia faatara of ita Luainaaa tnakea it praotiaally A IAVINOI BA1K, And attention la called to tha fact th*.t tha aafety of theee dapoeita, aa wall aa all othera, are guarantaad by tha whole capital of tha Bank. No aafar node of temporary invert* ment ia offered (o the pohllc then thle? the danoalta helnr nittkln on <tnman<t ?? no ikn?i mil Ire. Deposit* of onjr omonnt received slthor In eurreney or nolo, end payable In tho Mm*. Intoroit will ho paid at tho end of I wch ois month*, ibould dapoalt* remain herend that length of tiuie. Uolumbtn, S. 0., January Mtb, 1871. ' i Feb I 17 Sm , WM. J. RANDOLPH. 8T0NE CUTTER ANtlUllOER. , LOCATED on Fall* Airoet, one AnjVh eyiiare of Meear*. Oowor, Con A un AVTT* oil A?-.ri?ii^ fomlahed and out to order. TOM 11|Sy^ 8TON W? villi Wraoito or Marblo W Jk P?daatall r.ajr bo bad on application. I SETBflpealal attantlom guaranteed to all work. 3?-lf Jaa IS ! Basts AH D11E8SED Vlomine, Celling, Weather Dee Over a hundrea dltferent < ' * lor at Naw York priori. Monul-Pieces, short notice. Blulr Kail, Newels md IiallusUi to order. Oood nod Substantial Work mid* an cbci United Statu. We bava on bind Ibi largest Baltimore, all of which wo guarantee will giv Substantial Work. Tin subscribers tin refer Carolina and Florida, to the character of tl Opposite Wando Fertilixct Works, and it Pavilion Hotel*. Me CONSUMPTION, Its Care and Its Preventive, BY J. U.8CUENCK. M. D. MANY a human being baa passed away, for wboio death there wai no other reaion Iban the neglect of known mid Indisputably proven mean* of cure. Thone near and dear to family and friendi are sleeping the dreamleia iluuibcr into which, had they calmly adopted DR. JOSEPH If. RCHENCK'3 PIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed themselves of his wonderful rflicacioui medicinea, they would not bare fallen. Dr. Schcult has in bit own cam proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vitality, by his medicines and the direction* lor their uie, l? quickened into healthful vigor. In this statement there I* nothing prcsutnpt* uou*. To the faith of the Invalid Is made no representation that ii not a thousand times substantiated by living and visihle works. The theory of the cure t>y Dr. Pchcnck'i medicines is as simple as it la unfailing. Its phi* iosopby require! no argument. It is sell-assuring, self-convincing. The Peawood Touio and Mandrake Pills are thi two weapons with which the citadel of the malady la assailed. Two-third* of the cases of consumption originato in dyspepsia and a functionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tubes "sympaihito" with the stomach. They respond to the nmr uo ncuon 01 me liver. Hero tben eomos tbe culminating remit, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tlie Mnndrska Pills are composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?tbe Podupbilliutn Pcltatum. Tbcy possess all tho blood searching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel, they "LBAVK NO STINO BEHIND." The work ol euro is now teginnlng. The vitiated i(nd mucous deposits in the bowels and in the alimentary cnnal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, Is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach acts rcsponsively, still the patient begins to feel that he is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seawood Tonic, in conjunction with the Pills, permeates nnd assimilates with tho food. Cbyliflcation is now progressing without its previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the cure is seen to be at band. There is no more flatulence, 110 exacerbation of tbe stomach, An appetite sets In. Now eumci the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father to ? - O *' ?" "" ' mnn. ocliencki Pulmonic Syrup com<s In to perform it* function* and to hasten and complete the core. It enters at once rpon it* work. Nature cannot he cheated. It collect* and ripen* the impaired ami diseased portion* of the lung*. Iu the form of gathering*, it prepare* tbcm for expectoration, and lo ! iu a vety short time the uiuludy i* vanquished, the rotteu throne that it occupiud is renovntcd nnd made now, and the patient, in all the dignity of regained rigor, *tep* forth to enjoy the manhood or tb# womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing i?, the patient* must stay in a warm room uutil they got well*; it is ul> iBJit impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, hut it mult he prevented or a cure cannot he effected. Fresh air and riding out. especially In this section oT the country in the full and winter season, are all wrong. Physicians who recominond that course loso their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the house they must out sit down quiet ; they must walk about the room as much and its fast as the strength will hear, to gel up a good circulation Of blood. The patient* mint keep in good spirits?he determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and U the great point to gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the wont cases, and moral certainty In all others, is sinful. Dr. Pchenck's personal statement to the Faculty of bis own euro was in theso modest word* t " Many year* ago I was in tho last stages of consumption ; confined to my t-ed, nnd nt ono time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like mdrowning man eatebing at straws, I heard of nnd obtained the pre parstion* which I n.?w < ffcr to tho pttMIr, and they made a perfeol cure nl me. It seetned to u>? that I could feel them penetrate my whole xi -I ? * uvj <mui iipcucii inc mailer in my lungs, and I would apit up more limn a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. Aa aoon as tbat Imgan to subside, in/ cougb, fever, pain and night sweats all begun to leave me, and mv appetite became so great tbat it was with difficulty tbat I could lioep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight wss only ninety seven pounds; my present weight Is two hundred and twenty-five [1'li] pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. nchenrk has discontinued his professional visits to New York and Boston, tin or his son, Dr. J. 11. Hcbenck, Jr., still continue to sec patients ut their office, No. 15 North Sixth ttreet, Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Kespiroineter will he charged $5. The Keapironiett-r declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. Thn directions fur takina a?.il?ln? - ? adapted to the infoliigtooe even of a child. Follow thoae direction*, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that In ?>me ca*ea the Mandrake Fllla are to he taken in inerenaed doaaa j the three wedo'locr need no other ao rompanHnvhta than the ample inatructiona accompany them : Firat create appetite. Of returning health hunger ia the moat welcome avtnploui. When it cornea, aa it will cum", let I the despairing at once I o of good cheer, (iood blood at onco follow*, the cough looaenr, the night aweat ia abated. In a ebort time both of thaae morbid aytnpiotna are gone forever. Dr. Rcbenek'a medrlclnea are conaiantly kept in ten* of tbouaunde of famifir*. Aa a laxative or purgative, the Mandrake Fill* are a itendard preparation t while the l'ulmonle By nip aa a eurer of coughs and eoldS) may he regarded aa a nrophjrlactcric agaluat consumption'ta anv of Ita forma. nice of the Fultnonie Syrup and Seaweed lobso, $1 AO a buttle, er $7.60 a half do ten. Mandrake PiUa, 25 coots a boa. For aale by II druggists and dealera. Wholesale Agent, JOIIN F. T1KKKY, No. a c.ii.j- m m? v?i m w?w|LW lOTVf now * Uf* VII J. N?? ii 44 I; .1 IOO WANWS WANTED, BY lit* Monday (n May next, to work on th? Ai -Line fleilroad between Greenville . nd hieh'e Sprin/e. OuWKH k MILLS. April Ilk.lWl. 48-tf % I # X v % ^ . "? P.%A'HXK6 XXI t. rd*. Shelving, Bo* Board*. Ac., At. ifoul^ i)**. unking over 1?>0,000 fort on band Door and Window Frame* made to order at r* ot Walnut and Mahogany, un band and made p at tbia mtaldirhincnt ** can l>e made in the took of the ahoe* Uooda south of tha City of a entire eati*fa?lion to all who want tlond anp to gentl< turn all over tbi* Slate, Georgia, North i?ir work for the pail twenty year*. V. P. RUSSELL 5c CO., EAST END UABRL 8THKKT. a tha immediata vicinity vf Charleston and rob 15, 1X71. 45?t S 31 ernHmTlom, UOLU.1IIIIA, s. c., wir. oorman, PltOPRIKTOR I rI>llE Prapr thtr ?( ike pleasantly located 1 and el, (rantIv ftirni.hed Eetaldlali* 'he State Cxpitxl,'< *i*e* to infnirn the travelling public and other* eking noroot modal inn* that the "Cnltiintdn" I* in every re?p?-ct a II it-dim Hotel. nn*ttt pna-ed t.v anv in llmSi.t. ?? 'I- 1T..1..1 v vi u hi" u oiaui in ill** buriners cenire of ilio city, wii h Inrg- nity r<?om-, ? il a ti?l*|r *np. idi-d will* eveiv delienov of lie *111111111, Imtli Imiii New Yolk niul Onrie?to'? mm kef*. 1110 Proprietor lliet no?ff*il'B wli! lie npnri-d to give pei fectiattaf.iction in wiry repeat. A fir?t o'er* Livery Stable U ntlneheil to tlie Hotel, wliete velitol*'! of every <ti scrip lion can l.? bad at llw nhor'ent notice. Omnitui.e* attend tli* art IvhI end departuro of every Train. WM OORUAN. Pi *'pi ietor and Supri iiiicndor.t. J. D. BUDD3, t'naliler. Feb 16 80-: f JSO. C .V M I'SRM. K. VitTJII. FLOURIKO MILLS, 14 MARKET, OITOSITE STAT* ST. Jno. Campsen & Co., GP.AIN, HAY, FLOUR ADD COMMISSION MERCHANTS* Manufacturer* of GllIST and MEAL, 80 fast ray, CHARLESTON, S. C. Fob 22 <0 An CIIAS. II1CKUY, GILDBEl, nnnm.llTnt *ltn nmm??? --- rmiuiT mii riiiTum rum MANUFACTURER, 345 K ING STREET, OBAUXITOEr. 8. c. Viookinff Glasses OF ALL SIZES, FITTED TO FRAMES. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT, KtlUAI. TO NEW. Feb 22 40 3m Tho State of South Carolina. OREKNVIM.R COUNTY. Court of Common IMriu. JOHN M JOAK8. Trn'tre, Agnin?t CORSKUA A. THOMPSON, AJmiuitira Irix.? hevrtf Joy PiibUcnliotl, IT <h p-'urin-/ to my ant iefacinn liy nflR In vil, lhnl the Defendant la noni-reeid nl and ilint rlio i? a | r"p-r party to this action, ami tlintn cmiae of action cxirt Htfninai Iter : It in orTered, that wvlca of summon* he ma te by publicall'in, and that thla not-c lie piih|'?he.| onue a week (or six vi-i-t'ka, in the EuterprtM ami Mnutitainerr. It ia fuither ordered. That a copy of till* aumm-in* "nd aompUInt, b? Im tIt with deponit* d i.i the IWIIISo'i directed to ilio defend .ftl, nt Medium Court llou.e, Florida. S .f. IjOUTIIir. Probate Jildpo Greenville County. Mi rait 21 t, 1H71. 46 M CITIZIHV SAVINCfS IIA .Mi D0T7TH CAROLINA. Depoait* of $1 and Upward* Boccivod INTEREST ALLOWED AT THE PATE OF EVEN PER OetfT. PER ANNUM. ON OE8T FiOATBI or DEPOSIT AND ! *IX PER CB.VT COMPOUNDED EVERT SIX MONTHS ON .AOOOUNT8. OrriCRU*?Win. Mirtln, Proaident ; John B. Palmer nnd John P. Thomaa, Vlra Preal dent : A. '1. Ilrenlicr, Caahicr ( Jobn C. B. Hniitii, A*?i*tant Ctabicr. DuiKcron*.? Wmle Hampton, WJtllam Mnr lln, A. O. Ifaakell. K. W. McMaater, John P. Thomoa, K. li. ilrinilah, Jubu II, Palmer, Thnmna K. Oregjr, Columbia. J. KM dreg?, Marion ; O.T. Kcntt, Xewber- I ry ; W. (i. Muyc*. Newberry t B. II. Kutledgn, . Chnrlraton ; I>unkl Uavcnal, Jr., Cbarlcaton. llram-hea ut Abbeville and Newberry and other point*. A general Bunking biiaine** clone. 40-3in Fob 32 Notice. r I'M IF. NOTF.S nnd ACCOUNTS of MAUI- ' 1 ON .1 I.OCK, have been planed in my hand* for c<>lle?iinn. Par tie* owing Mr. I?oek will eave euata by a tiling ( my office, and paying their Indebierlneaa. JAMES P MOORE, AH'yat l,n w and Trial Ju?tiee. i Fehruai y 11 < h, 1 H*J 1. ^ f87r^?'Tp<"?' 1871. i Croquet. i Complete act* from $3 U> $20 per aet. t lln a a All tli? diflrrcnt kind* at reduced pricci. riOilnff Turkic. Of efery de?frlptle?. i TrnrcllnB Dag*. Vor ladle* and gentlemen. j Foreign Fancy Uooda. Onni iiud Pliloli of nil Kind* and I'rlfM AmmnulllMt, K|?oriiu?iri Wood*. ; Good* ?hipp?l to an/ part of lha country pereipr?#?. Tlio mine carafal attention gl*. an U* order* hy mall a* ta prreonul parch****. Price* fo# oar pod* tared oa gold at par. f DnIII 1 Ml V- TDiUII I a an I vwvmii I ? v iffflWLC U UU> | ?1 200 IF. HAL TIMOR K STREET, * BALTIMORE. XD. d Muroh 22 \y t vt* 1871. 18*1, Spring tti^rf Snmmur TRADJ3. MARSHALL& BURGH, CHARLESTON, $, C. W-9 All orriRiNo to tax anohanu of (bo iutorior, a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE JBHL. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AXP w ? ? rmr m. mm w mm 9 Whleli ? ?ell at Ihe lowed mark*I prioea to prompt paying c??tom?n, MARSHALL A BCROK. Mar 8 43 8m A Providential Mongnore bitten liy a pnlmnoiu Mrpcnl, aeeka a terlain p'aiii, rata of it and r>ti>(?rt, In like innD'ier honaanda of Kttmp-nn ?ly?pepi ie?, in.I vh't^ma of liver complaint, rtiinrdoi of iho howc'a. iLbiliiv, dropajr, i lieuin?ii?tn. Ac., fl ck to I lie S-l a-r Spring in Germany a- <\ are eured by lie aaliil>rinnr wa err. We have tliir purine, in all i>r an ftaiy per'eolion, multiplied ad infinitum, in ?liio cmmlrv, In the form of ^ TARRANT'S SEL1 ZEI?t APPRRtfNT. .. > I..r .-|H ninun poiiNlxe mm aVHilrtlil(ur the it ?? <>( the mil.l.n. The million use it. Ii is the hone- h II meddel.i* of the lend nt one del cioiis, refreshing, mid iiiM-qunl-d no n corieclive mid alteinative. t~i}~ Sold hy all Ihuugiata. 44-4 DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! JQ. McDAVID graduate of the Pennsylvania College ef Dental Surgery, session 1868-67, respectfully offer* Li* proteanional aervlcea to the eliisena of OreenTllle and aurrounding country. Having acquainted himself with the modern improvement* of his profession, he hopes, hy strict attention to butiiuctt, to be a-le to giro satisfaction. Office on the corner of Coffee and Main Streets, in 11. A. CauMe's former residence, up stair*. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. D. 8. Afar 21 ' 46 .Tin PL&NTAI lOW BHIfcttS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the slicet-aiichor of the fceblo and debilitated. As n tonic and cordial for the aired and lnnenifd it l?n? do equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc cspecially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro (faced it becomes a J standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?bo sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 11, 1870. & 1 B. WEHRLE in AS just returned with n well Ijy selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, iniTfl fllinnn im ntimnn ???ni Mill MLUH AMI riaitll WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Stoek was ltcrsonnlly so looted from the best Ileuses in his line, and can irunruntcu satisfaction. Oct 10 33 If 18 A CAIU\ 71 fS. MY FRIKNDR AND PATEv^lron* have my tbanka f?r pa?t JMML tj.- jififitvorn Ae. I continue In make faf? fl| oblltinn* to my Stork of JEWPI, Y, WATCHRH. CLOCKS, RPK< fflW HOLES, filbVKIl P UYK bH IT A It E, TAHLE CUTLERY, A<\ Special atnation given to repairing One Watehta, nod Timo Piece# of every deaorlption. JAMES Q. llLAt'K. Jan 18 3S if r. k. kaai-BT- a. a. Willi E AS LET A WELLS, lttorueys and Counsellors at Lev AND IN EQUITY, OKKIiNYILLK, 8. 0., PR \CTICE In the Courta of the Ante and of the United Rtatea, and (fire eepeelaf ttontfoa to jaaea in Bnfcbrwptey. June 13 I A riiNki In Talbot County, Oeergta. fcna, n the put, etlvert a (reel tncreaee Hi crepe, 17 cutting up guano baga into atrip*, end ley* ng them in tbe furrow*. Where ible hna keen lone, the crop* he? yielded more than that rbere the gttnt.o wa* | iwn, % t rV- '? ' ajtty-frito iritPri *e lie dSouthtrir P?no WI. imARR St Cft.j ' llMiratlmn ef Or?a, tg? aod Upright I PIAITO rORTEN, ' Bulth?re, lid. THESE InMrnment* bar* Um t*fure the ptiWlie far nearly thirty yea re, and upon itwir ??<*iraaw nMNNMN mm pra tmta'DM, wbitth pr?ii?WMl tbem rnqtiib ed. Their Too* combine* greet power, tweetnet* end (In# tinging qiellly, ee well at greet purity of Intonation, end tweet oese through* I out t?e' entire e?el*. Tboir Touch ie nlUnt | end elMtle, end entirely free from the ctiflTneet i fuend in <> many heme b Worttmenrhip I they ere an?qu*Ud, neieg u?no but tbe rerjr , belt eeaeonrd malarial, tbe lerg# enpitel IU> , ployed in our burlnei* enabling ui to keep continually an Immense stock ot lumber, do., on hand. All our Sqnnra /' '? /> here our New Improved Overotrung Real* and the Agraffe Tre* We would eell epeeial attention to our late improvement! in Grand Pianos and Square Qrands, Patented Augu*t 14th, ltllll, which bring the Piano nearer perfection Ibnn hae yet been attained. Errry Aim /ntfjf Warranted for 5 Ymri. We bare made arrangement* for tbe Pole Wb?l(|:il? Agency for the moat Celebrated Purler Organ* and Melodoon*. which we offer Wholcfale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Price*. \VM. KFABR A CO.. Baltimore, Md. Dee 7 29 6m POMTVJIT NOTICE 7 TO C0HSTJME&8 OF D&T GOODS. All Jltlail OtU*r? amounting to $20 and Oetr Delivered in any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, or aALTiMone. wo., IN order the better to moet the want* of the Retail Customers at a distance, have retahliahed a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full line* of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domuetic Mcnufncturc, guaranteeing at all time* to aell an hue, it not at le?n price*, than any house iu the couutry. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturer* in the different parts of Europe, and importing the sntne by Strainers direct to Baltimore, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of tbe Loudon and Ports markets. As wu buy nnd sell only for caab, and tunke no had debts, wo aro able nnd willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per eent Lei* Profit than if wo gave credit. In sending for rumples specify the kind of goods desired. Wo keep the hest grades of every class of goods, from tbe lowest to tbe most costly. Orders unaccompanied 1-y tbe cash will So sent C. 0. I). Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are invi* ted to inspect tbe Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS. 107, 109, 201 aud 20.1 Wcat Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Doe 7 29 ly GEORGE PAGE A CO. No. 5 N. Scbroeder St.* Baltimore. Muiiiifacliiri re of lVitnl.le ni.<] Sluto-naty R1EAM ENGINES AND l'Oll.EKK, P-toot In.prorra. P-rM.le CIRCULAR S,\ W Ml U.S. fini.|{, Mii'.mv hiiiI Mieli !>?w Mill*, firiel Mill*. Iiml>?r Wlioole, ""Jiin^!* M tell tin . At'. Utoli-i^ in (lieu:Hi* | Molii' t; nod Mill m| jilif* v ii-ihIIv, nod | in iintifncMiier'* hc-'Ii'* r L-fTM'* l-l?i-?i? ml TiiiIiIm* Wiiter Wheel, ?n<t every <!? eo iption of NV""d Working M icMno y etlRICI'I.TI'li M. K>OlMK* A HI'KMAITY. tsr a. nd f. r d? ?ci Ijilive Cn'nl"ir"c? nn<l Pi ic? Lieu. f J??-ly ?Water wheel, Mill Gearing, Shafting Pulleys p#i|g *_^_8END FOR A CIRCULAR i/tk < ?if i y bTwehrle, GJlEENVilULE S. ?. I>EaLEII IN ?QL9 HID SILVER MIES. CLOCKS, JKWKLIIV, SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER <fc SILVER PLATED TW ./Wk MS Ji t3? ||T Wol'K of <>11 tliaeriflio > in hi* line done promptlyA3 Oct <7 t* 1 P. P. TO ALE, CIl/lItLRKTOft, S. f. ( I,nrfcert nnd m??t complete I pSf < Manulaetorjraf Door* Aftrhe*, I ( BllutU, Ac., Id the ) Koiitbcrn Stater. pgr Printed 1 ! ! dcflca competition.-?^ . pitt~ Hrml for J9> Hani free ao application. Aprtf 27 ? Iy /W WN/N/ A/ YEAST POWDER Una long haam rr*aa4#.l a* th?y V??t .ml ahyafaat H?fclnfc Tow(<?r in nar^ I-IT a and hMllh*1 1l at *V ? iio* lira, <4?ltei?na Biaauita. I'.olfe*. A* mtft lw> rn ?UH of h??,d rr?p*#aA wii h *t. K( it ?a alwaya uf l*n? haat (yia&|v W? wonM **7 whw hava m r-r nar/f It thai a ?rrt lav lt4a?a *VH anaMa thfia aito ?aa it, not only ?|tii tv<r? a?<laf> a?H n but *lth *? ???.?*.* fit" of. ictt *bt Wright, aa ? r|?i aaw.'lt't, fiio< ar? * i\.1 I>r..U ra aall ll. DfKVl.W j. ?#?*" " - * ?< /?/rrW. ir,m York L'ily AprH A 4H fl* "' i >- I