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_ M n mi in iapotait gywi?m ftt Cilwii ^ * P*1M> fMltoiI JEW i??W? < wftMk. vktf|?r H W Hktly to Wcalo kt* anything of tmtorf to ?to. e*ndt? . I? MttoUb that ?* aiqfetio* ft faljy *P prvoiotod k; Jvtolf toi?J?4 mtmw . Wa*a ioWt 0 JMbfi* wa**W<d < 0?m?w> it ?m itowdto duj #1 hi friwj*. llUlw^ tot pvWUhad duritf tto iHVfi, thai ho ?M TrM|lr I* favor of to I VnnJd tov?wt?, |M*r?l am n**?y. A< a **ilv#?bora Oaroliaa whrtd man, hi i< |w?b?M]r ilia baal **4>ontoi of that id** MVMwf ihi lUprfHitiUia hom thii But*. If ?? tod to tbl* fw|w?Uy?i?. prt?t 1 d?t<raiMiln hf him to aoii, at Hi* prof*? tim*. la i+half of Conmrvai lata, a* dl?tfag?Ml*d from th* RadUalltm whleti kn Inn brvaght (at* thi* Slat* by o?|< id***. * hav* mm tvaaon for b*ltovin| that ha i* akoat to ia*h? good hla d**I*ra? Ifoaa ato Wad hi* intuiaw to lb* ftgaii< aal'oa of a a*w parly. It it, fartkar, wall know* that Raosirr, Naah, Wlmbnth, 8m* II* ato other Radio.. I aolorad mtn hav* Joat r*t?rn*d do* Washington an<l a aoa< frranea with " tba p?w*tv thai br," aad thalr piwgraKma af ihi latara it that amp. p?<l oot I I. A propoaal to th* ChrmHar of Com* mtraa and Board of Trad* to rrpudlal* th* atlr* lnd?bt?datM of th* Stat*. S. A *oav?AtloB. wilhla two month*, for th* orgaaUalloa of a a*w parly, boaad tlrietly oa IntrHlgana* and iatrgniy. t. Th* ?a?Hang* of guxrtnli** b?Ivnb lh* raw*. wh?r*in th* colorod l**d> trt ooljr atk that thrlr pr*t*at civil aad politiaal right* ahall not b* disturbed, and that thav thall hav* a fair raprcttottllon in th* office* af th* 8tai# Q*v*inm*nt, la ra tarn for whieb they will pledge themselves to anils witK th- whits* in tho election ol ike beet men to o(Bee. i The nomination of James L. Orr for Ooeernor, in 187t, or any other men who he* the confidence of the two fertlw. Thege ore. In ell eerioueneee, the propo. elticn* which ere now igiuiirg eeoterie of Individuals who been done more to keep the Radical party of thle State inteel then any other member# of it, enJ, coming front n conference with DeLerge, end poeaibly with the eoiieereetiee Republiean Congiearmen of other 8tetee, more import enea may be attached to them than to the ordinary earbetone moeemcnta which are born among our local clique#. The pertiee referred to arrived in Chariotton fnilot their oeheme. Th?y ititereicwed R-publicanc and Democrate. They invited the co-operation of eundry officiele, and avoided others ol their own ki'.h and kin ae ti>ey would avoid the Kgyptien plague The result yet remains to be teen. Rentier liar optmd liia halterlee, and diacuaaee lha aituetion with a cairn near that ia in atiiking contract to iomt o( hi* p*?t iptrclin, while liia brother politiciana aet by and aean and endoia* rvery word thai fl iwa from liia pen Whether Ihrre t>e ramotnraa in thianew Movement, ?>r whether it la a trap adroitly a?t by Ban. Butler or Charier Sumner to eatrh an uoauapieioua people, of eouree, ia only a matter of eurniite; but it will doubtIraa atrikt every thoughtful peiaon that a propoaitlon to rrpudiato the entire indebtednrae of the State ia either a very wild bid for popularity, or it la intended to draw foith from lha Board ol Trade and Chamber of Commerce whet ie aheadv eufficiently published ? namely, tliat their reeent action wae not to convey the idea'of repudiating any liond of the State for a debt that haa teen honeetly contracted. It ie aupreme noneenae to aup|ioaa that Soatli Caroliuiana will aver repudiate their juat debte. Nona know the teet better than three very eoloredmen; and, there* fare, we are baund to aeaume that tha pro paaitioa, if aaada at all, will ba made ta eeacal eoaaa ulterior deaign. dffi* wm *v hi? ?uvtv m>'t*m?h?; ?r? indtrHtnd that it ku bean determined, ky Parker, Xeagle and other members of the Ktate Govsremeot, to organise what will be hcreaftr known a* '* the respectable Re? publican partj."? Ch*rlt?toH Xtnt. Wi? with Mexico ?An account of an extraordinary affair reacheaua front Tcsaaby telegraph. It appears that a Mexican provision train waa procedii g, in the diree. tioa of a poet In the State of Chihuahua, when it waa eat upon by Indiana, and the paity Including women and children, murdered. The Mexican Imops | uraued the nturderrra acroea the boundary line into the United States territory, when the troops of the latter went te the rescue of the ln?li* ana, attacked tke Mexicans, and were beat* ee, with a lose of forty men and their commanding officer, all of whom wrre killed This ie, at least, a strange affair. For the Mextcane had no legal right to invade our tenItory, but under the olrenmstanecs, in ternallonal comity ehuuld have overlook ad the trespass, as there was no agirresviva latent. Be this as it may, should the United States sustain the eondnet of the commander of Fort Goodwin, the affair is likely to Ired to serious complies lions. Tax B<>wie knifa got if asms from two or mora btetkars, desperadoes, by the name of Bowie. They figu-rei in Tcsas during the days of Davy Crockett and Sam. Houston. On the borders ol Texas, near the Rio Orande, there lived e man by ths nam* of Nal K Xulkuk. prooouncad in the guttar al Mexican, Znlnu. He, too, hke the Bowies, was a desperado, but unlike them, ha fought again* and depredated upon the American settlers. He is still rememoered ie TeX*e by seany who bar# seen and hoard of him, aa wall as dreaded him. fits motto ? as to aeak enaeasingly to avangs a real or fancied wrong to himself, his follow ere or hie oouatry. His name, spelled backward, gives Ku Klui K'an.? Corrtt. p?ncU**ct in Cftietty Republican. ? Ton JfcPM *9 Harass*stativie..?The Republicans hare now JSS Member* of tba Uanae, and the Democrats #9. A member from Louisiana and one from Worth Hardin a have act yet takes their seats. One of Ah sea is a BepeMleao aod the other a Democrat? Albeiag UM two recencies, one in Illinois, ie ptoeaf Remoter Logan, and oec ie Mieaigae, in ptop #rft*?at?r F?rr;, U bo flllod by JUpubJlftoflPf (M)i4 en* IU>p?WW?? fron Ttiu ?nd *p? (MM C?ii?oT?U la lit ikiliM to toko p|p<*, Jfe# JUptt' ltaMM will koto la tbo JIuoM If* nm**r?, m4 Jlowfof IW jfeartwroto |imt (r# 7m** t*4 two from Coltlora to, tkt pMHwr?to fW M<r* HI atwtori, *#**< * Ito ffnpli of 141 pipbirt, . I Iwtkwi HBtMMIiiM^-TlM Seal I Tko WHw of ? I>I??P?I paMlakod . il Baltimore, who* gfewtag pon to kandlod will VWBM'WVH WW on Ika wickedo?m ??d tokpoltoy of ottludiag | U>? 4>liiWj? of t&o to# 'row Um oouuoiU . ol tbo MMfa? l? MHI If# 4lrld, ao wo to*? ?*ld| do??wot?*1 hlblt a* rapid a rtoo la rogreao u A*?rlo? 1 pnoottod ?a#ar iultoto oooaooto, ftotthoa ' oaa U ny|?w tbo n44n ul profoond d?1 oooat wkloh kw km aito ataoo tottton aw w#fo driroa off by tbo aggvooalro awai ol ? ladloallato, oad kopt oat hp ita ooatlooW trt awph. Tboro to aot a material or political la> Uroat of tbo eoantrp whlok kaa aot deterloral laJ U lutu.1 k a. " Tb? ?kup la ar loallliti la m |mt m i ftoa tbn genial laaptntir* of aaarr to the , f root log atmoophern of mid winter. to aoth? j tag have wo progrooood under Rod loo I ralo mm ' ia tbo wboltoalo laoroaoo of debt, national tad State, end la taxation anoqualed la any part I of tbo world, and la an amount of ottolal corruption which bat aooof boon tor pat tod from 1 tbo oarlioot history of mankind. Yot la tbo fata of tbooo (beta Radleallaao portiata ia oo? traoloiag aad oacladlng Iroat tbo aatloaol eoaneila tbo otaUoaaoa of that Motion wbicb baa heretofore faralabod at oar wlmat aad aafoot galdoa aad loadora la prosperity aad adroroltjr. Tbo raaa wbicb claiata coaaaa galait/ witb Washington, Jefferson, Madlaon, Cat* boon, Clay, aad otbor bright aad aaruborloaa tart la oar political firmament, art contigaod to outward darbaoao, wbllat tbo fartblog tal\ law dtpa ol earpot-baggoro art pat ia tbolr plaoo. " Tbo rory tight it portontoaa of woo?tboto loan and Ul-foraMd kiao, who baro oaUn op tbo fat dotbod aad well-fiavored ; tboto empty ad blaatod oart of oora which devonr tbo foil aad good yoaro. And in a Senate, once Roman in ita integrity and power, and on tbo 1 very ipot where tbo Southern gianta once r stood, wo now too, at reprotontatirot of the South, narrow-browed, stunted, evil-eyed adveatnrert and tcalawagt, who look like tbo impenitent thief. And tbit at a jucture when the eountrv neede. more than aver, eanecieltv in lb* atntn of our foreign relation*, it* boat atateamanahip. Tho Svath do#* a?l aak to control tbia country j but aa it* future fat* (a bound up with tbo real, to bar* *on>* vol** in ita control and in tb* general guidance. Ia not tbia a reaaonablo requeat* Do not tb* intereat* of tb* eountry demand that it ahould be granted ?" Tb* men who now rule at Waahington don't dart allow any otber fort of rcpreaentatirca from tb* Houtb to ait among them. They bare, in daya paat too often felt tb* heavy band* of tbea* '* Southern giant*." Tbey may talk aa tbey plea** of" puniabing rebel*" and " excluding traitor*" from aeata in Congreaa which tbey left to " deatroy tb* beat govern, ment, etc," but tb* real reaaon i* tbey ftnr to meet the** 44 traitor*" in debate. That'* what aila tb* Radical Hannah. As Arrccrixo New York pa. per give* the following account of a acena in one of the eemcteiica of that citj : A aad acene occurred at Cavalry Cam* tery recently, the occaaion being the brriel oi me winrr ?no moiner 01 four nine children. The weellier wee to inclement that the frienda who accompanied the rem tine deeided to let the children remain in the earriagca, but their eern-tt pleadlnga, wilh^ teerful eyee, to tee their mother'# greet eould not he raai??ed, end their with wee granted. Both enffine were carried to the greie, end the youngeal little girl, who teemed to be unconeciout of what wat transpiring, careeaed the coffin of the mother with childish simplicity, uttering the mo?t endearing terma o' "poor mama/' " nice mama," M Will mama come home," eta. The oldcat titter t'?ok tha lltl!? prat tlar by the band and brought her to the other fide of the grave, Aa tha grave digger lowered the mother's coffin to it* final retting place and threw the firat ahoval of clay, the children simultaneously gave one piercing cry, whleh echoed over the chureh-yard, bringing teare to the area of all present. Many of tha men, unable to gate on the red teen*, turned and walked away. It wit with d fficnVty tha children wera pereunl-d to leave the grave, and aa they were about to depart, the little one, following the etemple of the nMait, knelt down on the new made grave and offered up prayero to their Orrator for tha apiritual welfare of tha father and mother whom death had deprived them of on one day. Tub Honor or a True Soldier.?Tho late Charles Napier wee taken prisoner a* the battle of Corunna, struck down Mrtrelj wounded within the enemy's position, when the 50th was reeatled after their daring charge, led by Napier and Stanhope, bis brother major, which so excited the admiration of Sir John Moore, that with almost bis last words be exclaimed : " Well done, my major* I" When Napier bad in a measure recovered from bis wounds, sosse of the good folks of the t6#n went to him, the only British oflieer I believe that bad been captured, urging him to accompany them, as they bad prepared means for bit escape and embarka ion for England. He toM them tha* be eould not poeelbly avail bimnlf of their kiad offer. " Why so," said one of theaa," yon are not on parole t" " True," Nupier replied, " but the kind attention I have received, aad the evideot confidence repoecd in me by Marshal Sonlt, I feel to bo ovon, if possible, more binding than any parole." I will add, that shortly after tbie honorable ceadoet of Napier, the Marshal told him that be would give him leave to return to hi* country on condition of hie undertaking to Induce the authorities to send to Franco In exehenge for hlmeolf any oflieer of hie own rank tbeo on parol# in England ; but tho Emperor might not approvo of this, ho required further of Napier that ho would give his word (but, if he bould bear froas bias ia the course of three months to that effect, be would surrender him. self to him, the Marshal, be be where he might, either ia Russia or elsewhere. Tho assigned period having expired, Napier's exchange was effected. Txa 8optn CaaoLixa Da ad at Ownra* oao.?Mr*. M. A. Snowden, aocompaaUfl by H??r?l other lad lea Trout tbl* oily, delegate* from the Lad tee' Memorial Areoeietion of tble l?y, arrived at Baltimore, on Batqrday I eat, on their ?/ to Uettyeborg, Pa., for the purpoae ef making foal arraogemenU for tba removal to tbla State of tbe rcmaioa of all Soath Carolinian* who fall im the memorable battle at that place. Mrs. Snowdea and her patrlotte party, accompanied bp rareral ladlea of Baltimore, expected to loare that city yeatarday (Tareday) lor dottyrbarg.?OWIm/oa Oouritr. "Bib wiaa ago u aottaar." tbry are aIm fcii? ?hn ?k#n MiflUii with ftaliillle w?nt of j?r>/>*?ii0 and r?a?raI p*?-tr?tlo?. wHi rtUMTKR MTT*M, Ida gr?at ^ootlbera Tom\?. <L\)t Cntnrprist. , omKwvivm.?. o ' w??y*p*T, 4nfe it, im. . fwiibH. fk< dreiriob ol Cbltf Justice Mom, ? ' ting irid* the Ceetfckbtieo of tbU Stoto requiring people le eerry out eootreete ft J the purchase of slnvee, eoioe of whom e M* ble poltoUel metore, strikes M ef.eei trotige?w(?h ell due rwspeet. It to i anomaly iu the history of jurisprudent We iri a were that some emloenl la wye , and judges have expressed the mm opli , ion | hat hnve they considered wisely o?< eerning thle thingf Thousands at preeci i will invar, No ; the future will eoadan the deeleloa. But, else, the mischief is no , working. The Constitution end laws i the United States, as well as that of tl State, have made the slave free from tl 1 control of the purchaser, end declared erimlaal to exact aerviee from him. U now "site In lloeae'sent," as lew mek and law interpreter, at legislator, judge an jarymsn ; and the ease may some up whs a negro judge and jury shall ait In trial < their former pureha?er for the note he gas some plaint if la purchase of themselves Just think of It I A negro judge making defendant In court pay lor hie services, cot trnry to ell the laws and aonstltuiioiie < hie eoantry. Ought not, then, such a judg or jurymen come down from the beach an and enter Into the service of th defendant, and work out hie price \ Bu cays oar Chief Justice, we will make yo pay for that which our laws and eooeliti lions will not let you enjoy or poroses. W hold, saith our Supreme Court, that th Stele and the United Stater, end Presiden Lixcom, and all the Union aulhorltee, hai the right and did deprive you of the laho and services of the negro; hut the note o contract to pcy for thoco cervices is scored The fnmideritlan wm and all tha nna? above ua have smashed, deetroyel, anniht lated, and that no* righteously, vet w trill make you pay for that which we de troy and liava deatroyed, and whiah th< plaintiff himsrlf haa dertroyed by being i party to our glorioui republic. Theie is no analog>u? ca>a In hiatory, an( our judgra who undertake to decide th*a< questions of negro debta l-y thd narrow technicalitirt of law, and not by iia apiril and juatlea, and who compare the eases tc the purehaae of a bora* or route, or bale ol cotton, a (lei warda deatroyed by the public enemy, or perlahing In the henda of the purchaser, do not eooaider the diffnenee o! thiagr, nor, in our opinion, do they rbe to a consideration of the philosophy and high principles that are the basis of all soupd laara. It is perhaps vain to argue grave qneatioat of right and truth and philosophy with men who** mtnda are preooou pied with rmell tcchniealitiea, who ere bury and esael in tithing the mint and eunilng and who therefore neglrct the weightier matter*. Tlii^^s the very difficulty with the Jewe in reeeielngtlie Ooapal of Chtiet, to them a stumbling block, and to the Qreafc philosophers foolishness, whilst il wu u lh? more hnrtbla M*k?r* of tha truth, tht wiadorn ind power of God ; not many win and not man/ mighty after tl?* fashion o tli* times, receiv*J th* tiuth, but th* com njon p*o|>I* rather showed tru* wisdom and so th* convention of th* Si at* of Soutli Carolina, in our humble judgment, exhibit ed far mora wisdom and sense ol justice Is declaring null and void all contracts ant obligations for th* purchase of slaves, thai those lawyers who would tnak* their worl of no effect by their legal traditions. Dut how shall lit* law b* now adminis tered In South Carolina I Th* 8uprami Court has the right to tonttru* th* Stab Xuustitution. but hat it th* right to abro. gat* it ? Which are ws to regard, it 01 th* Constitution under whieh it exists Shall all judges, jurymeo and citizen* dUre gard th* vtry Constitution wbi*h they havi fpecially sworn to uphold and suppori, am the Reconstruction Act* of the Congrc* sm President of the United States! *ye, am eleo (be i?-n<!ed Constitution of the If aiUi States, securing lilerty to the clave am taking from all pureinsert the t-ruiett the o<>nt rscted furl or etiall tha opinion deli* ered by Chief Just ire Moaaa rale o*er all ThU ie a grave inquiry , and a eerioue on< The more eepseDlly, aa all muet be eat la fled, that tire opinion eei de/ivered under i miatake ae to tlie deeiaioo of the Uidtoi 3-ate* Court, wliioh h?e not ytt, aad per hape never will require people to pay fa that which it ie mad* by all the aons'ltu tional power*of the laud, eivil and milita ry, a high crime, and aven rebellion an treason, to hold, oeeupy and enjoy. W will use but one iiluetratioa of our poeitlo' Suppoee ye, that a niaa hirae hie eon whe Arisen yeare old to hie naighbor till he bt en met twenty-one, having, according I existing law, the right to hie rervieei During hie legal minority the hirer glvi hie note for $600. The Leeielature eoo after paee*e a lew declaring all youtha fr* a<.d entitled to all the rfghte of eltixene t eixteen yeare of age, or flfieea, ae It wool have the right to do. Now, would Judg Mneae make the man pay that $560 note We trow not; and eaa lha court right! hold the purchaser ?f the service of a negr to the wvymenl of hie act# when tha eu preme law of the lend declared that th negro ie catltVl to hie ova eerviea and U bor T Tha caaae are analogous But th freedom of the late eleve ie even more air phatieally protected thaa that of the eon. in* ciiuaran art not oj law mini maaui and rul?ra of tl-air fathara, tut how it ia i South Carolina with tha formar alar#* I Oil 8upr?m? Court and all our ju<lg*a and hlgl Statu offlaera holi their offleaa by lhair ap pointmant, tha pawar of tha Stat# balng I thair handa. Upon tba whoU, arc aonelaoad that tb quatlian, altbaugh brought ap In a Judlcla turn, ia mora a pblltiaal on# than on# of mar taobniaal law, and require* ta ba viewed b; tba eourta in aefareaee to tba grant prtaalpla of atataamaaaliip and political pbiloapbp am Juatiaa, upon wbiab all of our 4nwi?M aan titwtlona and la we era aaaumad to ba ro*ra?. I aannot ba daaldad on tba narrow vlawa of i pattifoggar. Tba prevent aonatltgiioa am I lawa of ba Unltad States and of tba tonik ? ~ ' 7 1 ara BUIm, kin traatad ilinry not m i nan | qm'JM afpra party to arltaary ahaUata, tba; | baa* to ibwrf m4 pmwt prutin ?Jw tita ton U u kHini, Mt to My ariatoal I aa4 firaa ptnf af a iaiag lattoykaUawti by tba pwkikMaaW aH poaapaiartaa la tfca? ********** ft* 0 mi lidiii ft <" "> ?U tUimod WMnkiy la iUim. It will aol do to *oy thai ilarwy wu 1MI1M ialwa< fMMllN nhnd the owatri war* all 3 iat*l*. fctt Miifilia I* Mm. fw ?Htm ' mt tho 44 |ff*T a* w*U u ibi " 4Uqfl" ol = lb* ag*d aad htlra, aad ,tbo iaaaa*, ^f la. boU, aad tab** aad meljliag*, aad iff* *1 b driMaa ia|Mfi It #b?a ttqr pan *MMtl t? b* awrtd by wrlfteo BttUo>p*te>*tl *dr|. a mi hlad*f w?rw all 4**lai^ emancipated by la lb* latitat law of th* load* aad all tt'tpta w **tl*a tbttlattlr prohibited. It out bo or ^ oaattd by th* ooarte, (U mpi oo >?,) for Um boaor of tho Oovoraaaoat of tho Uolted State* ^ that property claimed la rlarw waa laatrt1 1 aad wroog la litelf, or *la* oomponaatlon al '** l*aat to th* loyal aad the lofaat aad tb? lano " **ot, woald wot bar* b**a prohibited by thi ** **a*tit*tloa. Boapoat for th*** faoU and fo ? th* boaor aad *haio*t*r of tho Q*e*ranal domaado, tborofore, that th* ooarte iboaU >n paoao bofor* they aadartak* bow to nftra w contract* for lbs purchase of llarM, Id *o dual lag ik?j inipooch tho supremo authority ol to tho constitution* and lava of country and 10 braad tha Severnraoat tteeIf with tho lifia) it of rahhioj and plundering ita oitimona of prop|e orty to whloh thay hod o Just, moral and )r equitable titlo. To oooipol now tho oxeeulioa 1(j of o contract for tho parohaao of slaves la aa |B inaoit to tho authority of tho Vnitod Statoa, 0f and nttorly tromplaa on tho oonatitutioo of thia 8lata, whloh haa booa ratified and approved by Congress, and la tharoforo an oet ol ' Congress, aa wall aa o Stota Constitution, a ' Tribute of the Cburi?itou Courier te the lute Mr* John Xarklejj Tho OwriVr of tho 16th spunks thaa of # our dacoaao I friend : I "Jala Marklty, 9/ OrttnvilU, 8. O.? u Our Greanvilla exchanges biing uatha on* , nouncment of iliia moat whorthy gantla* m man'* death. Verily, o good man liaa gono 9 t? kit rrett The express lor* of aorrow j borne from lata immediate neighborhood j will find many an eeho, poignant na genuf ins, in tha henrta of not n fsw in thia ally, r who hara experience I hig kindi.ese, fait- hie I worth, and been witnaaaea of tha daily s be out y nf his life. How many a wander. lag rsfuga, driven from his lung cherished t homestesd, and seeking where e'or he might k find it, a place to lay his heed, has proved a hie nobly hospitality, hia warm-hearted t out (lowing aympathy, and Hint delicate teudernea* of manner, whiuh double* In preelou*o#M tha aerviee it reoJer*. In a ||f# of unremitting induelry and toll, he eermad to Hod a dally luxury in doing good. Verily, ha loeae not hia reward.? Tha ear of f ith. heare even bow iba ac? j eenta aweater than earthly tone, walling forth from not a few?" I waa an hungered, end ye gave me meat: 1 waa thiraty, and r ya gave me drink : I waa a atranger, and ya took ma In : I waa aiek, and ye vi*iteJ ma " Ha waa eueh a man aa Leigh Hunt had in mind when ha wrote: " Don Adheon aaid. 1 pray thee then, ita me, aa one that low kit feKowm* Tha angel wrote and vanished. Next night fg II* cam* again, with a great wakening light, And ahowed the names wheru lore of Ood had blseead. And, lot Ben Adhem'e name ltd mil the | r*ti I' 1 The Convention of Tax P ayore. f Remember, eitixene of Greenville, the meetng on sales-day nest, to appoint delegates to ; the May Convention in Columbia, to devise i some proper and efficient measures for protecting the 8tate from ruinous taxation and plun, der. It is a matter that every honest mas | and all who own or ever aspects to own any , property in the 8tate, are deeply interested ( and even those who expect to live by wagee alone are interested, to save the money from being all taxed out of the country. 1 Death of Mr. Porter B. Burn ham? Mr. Poarna B. Bubbhav, well known in > our City, was found dead aear She gate of his r mother's residence, in this plaee, on Gundey | morning last, about i o'clock. The jury el inquest empannelled in the case, rendered a t verdict oi death from congestion of the brain. 1 The deceased was quite dead when discovered, j ne one knowing bow long the unfortunate I man had lain where found. Ilia funeral cerej monies were performed on Monday evening ^ last, at the Episcopal Church, y The New Bridge. 1 Cepf. 0. P. Mills has contracted for the 1 construction of the New Bridge over Reedy I, River, at the loot of Main Street, and is now ? |ruin| id* dili on id* w*at *ia* o( id* Hirer, % with about twenty food band*, who ar* proI gr**?lng at a llr*ly rat*. Tb* *ntlr* work U ^ *xp**t*d to b* compUto bj mid fommrr. -? dBk b- ? Xarly Btrawbarri**. W* are Indebted to Mr. E. K Roajsoi* for P j * nm of StrtvbirilM, of (hi* NtWa a growth, rai*?d by him in hi* garden. H* t had th?m rip* oa the Sih. Thin, w* be^ ii?T?, i* tb* earliest reported. K v* Story on Our Oatdd*. Our lady r-adrr* will oba*rv* th* story we are publishing thl* w*?k, *nttt>eda * " Virginia and Houth Carolina: United in " Lor* a* In War." It wa* too long to pub* lish ail at oner, therefore th* conclusion ^ will appear next week. It will t>* found quite interesting. On* of th* heroes of the ^ plot U at present a resident of thl* City, doing business amongst ns. We do Dot get * it from tho original manu*erlpt, a* It ha* alrosdy b*ea publuhed In the Sonihttn Opinion, a Journal Iseoed at Richmond, Va., sinee the war, but soff suspend*!. - * Railroad Meeting. in* inu?i meeting 01 in* rioekhoidart ol - the Or?*nvlll* and Columbia Railroad will t h? hr|<| in Columbia, on Thtirrday, ?lih Inat For foil Information, *# nolle* *Im where / Ik* Secretary, 0. V. CakmhoToN, R?q. Taa UrirtM mU *f the Cheater Reporter He* took piece on Monday, 3d inat. There aw a aeareWp of hidden, and the oflte* waa hid ia hp |. 0. MeLare, l?q., for tha lowaoai el tltlt. It ie as pee tad that tha pofclieaUoa a1 tk# Repartee will he reaawed hp hi* Ie two or three week*. fW Meroa Faaouaox inform* oa that Mr*. Curt and lastly have had RnglWh Pre*, grown at home, tMe taaana. Thl* ia tha rerp aarllpn home grown pnt? w* litre any knowledge of, Oodf. Tha Lady Book far Mop la aa prompt aa aaaai. H?e tha inaat lllaetration* and tha eeoat intaraating read lag. All to iaUrret ha lad lea. 11"" -?? #' ? .. v 4**1 "< '- . ' 7't' , fi >/ ' f' J' r. Iff v 4 mm ?o I FMtt Jury for M oy T??i X171?Oroonrltlo County. I Broekntn, Bn? (?) tUinmond, 0. T I lorry, IMMI A. . Brown, Jeekaon ' J?onb?, R. H pzixisr fibiS,? . lotlor. Wi#f HfetU. Mr*;?#. , flrordw, wftaon 8 MoCnlloufch. Jop, Col.fMtandl-r, Wlllu * Popnrr. W. A Qm. J. L * ' Andrew ' Cos. T. Htnnli| Serugga, John P. i OUvelond. J*om F rtohor, Jimn A. , Diekeon. WHliooe . Hlrao, Th?inea j. OlUnn, Bobrrt Townee, W. A OkrHoin, D. B (Vftnimall. R F? Jf Orfeham. W. P. Wy?tt, Ahadrank (0) A 1 V\ ttf-i.l ' ?? UIKU *.H | TV IIIIBVDS, ookio 0 I _____ ' OBARD tvRT, FROM MAT. 1871, VSTtL JAMUI abT, 1871 , Ander?on. Wm II Hopkin* W L Adlnge, PtIiim (?) Holland, D W ' Brattl*. Hamlin Jaekson, J. W r Breed tore, C?to (< ) LU?r, Mm?? H ' Cannon. David U*rtip, O W - 1)111. 0. P. McClua. John , Good, Henderson Mi'ea. John (e) I Hait, Jowph Millar. Alexander ilammett, Juba Walker, Jamaa E ? ? m eta and Joint Xesolullon of tlia Litlalatnra. La at weak we issued a Supplement to the f EtUtrpri**, eontainlng a namlier of Aeta and Joint Raeolutlona of the Legislature, several of wbioh w<-re important onaa, whleh should be read and pot away tor future r?feranee. We annext a Hat: Joint Resolution authorising the State treasurer to reissue stoek of the Stale of Sooth Carolina. Joint Resolution to allow J. If. Plowden, of Clareodun County to redeem eertaiu for itHM land*. J??lot Resolu'ion authorising A. R. Taylor, Henry Arthur an J other*, of Lexing ton County, to oontinue, for i Venn of two year*, two g?Ui ?r??t?J by tbcra torou the old State Road, in Mid county, nt the beginning and terminue of their planting leude. Joint Recolntion direeling iho St ate treae urer to refund to Mesera. Rl?l*y A Creigh* ton aix hund>ed and three dollara and a?v enty eight cent*, taiee overpaid by litem. An Aet to amen-l an ael entltlo I " An aet to raviee, aintply and abridge the rule*, practice, pteaJloga and forma of cojtla of thie State." An Aot to amend an aet entitled " An aet for the better protection of Migratory flab." An Aot to charter the Yrmaeaee and Millan Railroad Company, In the Bt*to ( South Caroliaa. An Aet ta ineorporata the Ro<-k Hill Hook and Ladder C'-mnany. An Aal to alter and renew the charier of the Town of Darlington. An Aet to provide for llie coortinotion and rapair of puhlie highways An Act to amend an aot entitled " An act to organise the Supreme Court." An Aet to amend an aot entitled " An eet to regulate the agencies of inauianc# companies not ineorporated in llie Slats of Sooth Carolina." An Aet to ebarter the Town of Iltm< bvrg. An Act to incorporate certain Religious Institution*. An Aot to am*nd an act entitled " An aet to establish and maintain' a system of free e? ramon schools for the State of South Carolina." Joint Resolution directing part of a certain tax to ta devoted to the erection of a courthouse and jail at Manning. Supplement for April 10 We annex a list of Acta and Joint Raeosend out this week : lutlons iseued in oar Supplement which we Joint Resolution authorising the 8tate treasurer to reissue to John Phillips, cxecu tionor of John Cembpclt, deceased, certain certificates of State stock. Joint Resolution to pay William B. Tim mona two hundred and thirty*three dollars and forty*four eant*. An Aet to authorise and empower James 0 RunJIett to establish a wharf in the Town of Beaufort. Joint Resolution authorising the Secrets* ry of State to contract with the Southern Domestic Gaslight Company (or the illumination of th* Statehouec and public offices therein. An Aot to renew er.d amend the charter of the Town of Mount Pleasant, An Aeit to incorporate and reobarUr certain religious institutions. An Aot to altrr aod amend an net entitle an " As aet to alter and anwitd ilia charter of the City ot GrrsnviHe, and for other purposes." upproead Marah 28, 1869. i An Aet to authorise Henry C. Lancaster, i Smith Howe and llmrj A. Tuvha to col. Irct wharfage and storage. An Act to amend an act entitled " An act to provide for tho conversion of State reoritics " Joiot Resolution making an appropriation of fortj-eoven thousand dollars for the completion of the Hint# Lunatic Asylum, ' and f?r other purpoaca. An Aet to extend the limits of the Town of Camden. 1 Joint Resolution to confirm the apportionment made hy the superintendent of edu cation of tba Stats of South Carolina of the free school fund for lha'Aeeat year sad 1 log October 81, 1868. An Act io alter and renew the charier o/ the Town of Manning. An Act to incorporate the Town of Tim, monsvillr. An Act to incorporate the Moaet Guards, of Rkdgeway, in Fairfield County. An Aet to amend an aet entitled " An act to regulate the formation ot corporation*," approved December 16,186*. An Act to rcacw and amend the charter of the Tawn of Ba?barg, la the State of South Carolina. An Act to laeotpoiwte the Columbia, WaU terboro' and Yaaaasaaa Railroad dametn* An Ant to provido for tho government of tho South Corolla* Inetltnlion for Ibo dun*lion of tho deof ond dumb nod tho blind. An Aet to oatboelM ond roqotro tho County Conmbilaatra of Bo?or?H Connty to ootohlih rood from Bine by III* lo Allendale. An Aet to reqnlro tho Style tmo?rot to pay oonntjr tmonrtro tho apportionment of lb* 8|ti# oohool fnnd tor tboif rmpoptlr* foqntler, ?4 olhof purporoi, joint Roto lotion to author Ue Stntn teeoeurof to roloenoto W. B. Pr Ingle, discolor of Mr*. Booth* fHrfrelng, oortWcoto of StOtO otnok. An Aot to ohnrtor thoTdom of YorftolUo. I Joint Roaolation to extend tho time tor tho canty ballon of ibo fort Roy** Mlrotd. . | , vO'S. * 1 ^ n r 0 41' - > 0 rinf i ii hp i i i i i*w m m (iimtiui ixtmriiii. Corre?pondenoe> ? ? UrooarHW, ?V O., Marob 17tb, U71. Bom. If, Q. Pwr*of,8tatt Tna*ortr t to know IT (be fall amount for tU pay moot %f t?? manager* f aloetlona for I tb|? 0ouuty k?i boon drawn by Mr. Hook, Oltl^ia of J^arl of Con?lNlotyrt of FlacI tious for laattiall. Fiona# ana war. and ohllaa. Yuan, niy W. D. LOBRTSON, Manager. Office 8iat? Tmwnr. ) Columbia, S. C., March 29th, 1871. J BespeotfWllf mfsrred to no*. X. B. Daen. Stat* Auditor. The amount paid in this offlca WM $423.03. NILE3 U. rARKER, Tmnrtr 8tate of South Carolina, par H. L. Tappam, Clark. Offioe Stata Auditor, I Colaaahla, 8. C., March 22d, 1871. J Rsspeetfatly returned. In the warrant lanad from tbia office in faror of Henry C. Hack, and othara, the pay of the Manager* of alaatioua for twalra preolnota ?ai included. B. 8. DEAN, Stat* Auditor. Offlca Treasurer Stata, ) Columbia, 8. C., March 23d, 1871. J Respectfully returned to W. D. Rubertaon for hia information. NILES Q. PARKER. Troaaurer MiuCo 8. C. per Tappa.1. a $ Got. B P. Paaar.?N? gentleman In thia Stata haa been more abused, and at the same time, austained a liigh-r reputation for honesty of purpose and decision of eliaraeter than Got. Perry. It bis views are peculiar they are huueat. None can question hi* utterances who hare known him. For many yaart lie ha*stood In the valleys and on the mountains and rrpell* d all nttneks upon Southern rights, and th?ai of'the union. in? la'ter he has u-tiinfi umirt moke and fire, in ilie midst ol |<vlhlc?l turmoil* of the moit thicme'dnK < Imr mi r No one tb?*n should rejerd him ?* a p-dlti ?l?n unworthy of full cnnfidenc In the ?"Xtremiiit-s to which w? have subsided. HoM now, bold then, l?*t him be beard and hi* voice horded,?Spartanburg Republican, VI th in&t. Tub RtinT?nM?*T or Jonx C. Calhod*.? The remains of John C. Calhoun ware ex* burned on Saturday morning, and replaced in the vault where they originally repoeed. It will be remembered, byaoboaen few that( on the night preceding the evacuation of Morrla Iiland by the Confederate foroea, the bono* of Calhoun were taken from their vaulr, for ohvion* reaaon*. and wore laid in St. Philip'* Churchyard, to ti?? 0a*t of the venerable church. There the remain* ?t vui grnatsst I statesman have rested in peace during the** | ix eventful year*. The Rector, assistant Rector and tho Vestry* < men of St. Philip's were present at the dlain- . torment, and followed the coffin a* it was borne to the old vault, west of the church. It wa* IndeeJ a solemn scene. While all else Is troubled end sad, the mighty spirit of Calhoun talks abroad, and hi* dust, it* wanderings over, Is laid for aye in the hnmble, silent gravelaid In the bosom of that Carolina which her wisest son loved so long and well. [CkarUito* Retas, 1 Or A last. I Hat* A TcRniDL* Cocon ?Yon need not have it Ion* ; no to your l>ui/(fi?t ?et a bnttbof I Ml. TUTTS CKLI BHATF.D KXI'ECTOHaNT. it will anon ?*t?r? you ? It :* danuer-u* to mgleet Cotigha I hi* v*lunhle prrpira'iou may h* loimd in e*e? ry vi'lege and hamlet in the South and W.*t ?? SpAiirAaBunrt i? now garTiaoned only hy a company of cuvalry, under eommaud of Col. My*ri. ? II ! ? ?llll I lew mowwaa Donaa. SaSIIK*, rllndi, Mom.|ilNOi, Ac ? We *"ul I c<i|*|'ecial attention the advertisement in another column of Mr P. P. T"*la. of Charleston, H. C Mr, T?-*le ia an eatenalve and surci-saful manufacturer, and there can l>? no doubt that our r??'hr< wonhl eon*u|? their own lnt?r-*t by rorrc* ponding with him before pin chnsing ironda in hla line from oilier parti-a. 48-t Bear in Mind. WIIKJf d|?ea?e baa und-rm-i ed heltmllli, and the physical *yalem baa become pro*I rated, a rtbnula I that will not only atr? nirthen, but remove the nau?e, ?h ?nH he immediately ream ted to. Mental diatrerf i* also a fruitful niiien of the breaking do* not the constitution, and the iavair>* of ibia rnemy to h-a'th are truly alar>oiiig all aueh maladlea HO^TEfTKII'S STOMACH BITTKR4 have been found Honiri aaw-d. |?y anting directly upon the digestive orgina, they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling after eating, to of en O"ni|daioed of hy pereooa of a dellt-ate tem perameot At ><H'B as dWeetion i? r itmtd, the patl-nt fiode hi* strength in#' aeing. ami hie general health improved. Titottaaad* t?f parsons oertlfy that it may be relied on in all eeae? of weakness or Mft?aa delnhty attendant upon aedentary habit*. The generality ot Iti'ters are o disagreeable to the lntr tlmt limy are ol'jeetloaahle to a weak ' >maeh. Tltia i? not the ease with llne'eiier'- Bittern whteh will he found tnihl and ttt>?ni?ly plataanl Baixamie p'an>a, l-arke and r-o'e contribute iheir realora'lee juice* to render it soothing end strength- mug. lu haaia le tl ? only pure <iinu)aiit wTtlrli ha* ever If an pr??dttrel. containing no fmll nil. or anv o>h?-r delrteriotM element The moat earetul at d killal eh'tnUt* have analysed the ItiUeia, and protonneed them harmless. Thia ia scientific testimony ; hnt the te-tlm.ny of the hnmlrsda of thousand* who hsva e?p?. rifnaed the preventive and CU' alive affects of the oacar ve<iET?bi.k t->mu and aLTERAilva of modern I intra i* at ill more conclusive In Kever and Ague. P? ?pep? a a, Biliousness M-rvon? (^onplalota. Chronic ( omplalnta aid gana>al ability, it ie as nearly infallible aa anythttg In lit la fallMe World can be 4A-4 a1840 Y18 70R Tim* UlU Ik* M*rlU Of *11 Thing*, tW FOR THIRTY YRAR*! Jg% PERRY DAVIS' PAIR KILLER. Hh hoon taatad In tr-rf TarlMr of *11mata. anH hv ftfmo*! notion known to Antrl??M. It ta tha ilmou ?ioua'ant omp*nl?n nnd ln*?Mm*ni* IricQ-l of lit* ml?#ionnry and th* IftflUf on a*a and land, and no on* ahonfd trnral On our L*Hl* r Rirsa* without it. II ia a,epe??lf and a?f? reiralj f..r hurne, inMi, ou'e, l-rule-a, and varlona athcr iajtt'ici, n wall m for <t>a~nicty, diarrheal, and bowel complaint* **< ? *My, and la adiolrntily ?u|ird f..r fvary race of m?? on ih? lyrp of Mi# eh-bp. B* lull you call lor the yraentn* fain Killer, ae many warth'?*a aaetrume at# attempted to Kf ?n|d O" lb* great reputation of title Tala?li)c medicine. nf PWec'iona accompany each hnttla. rcUa 3AoU. 60a'a, and $1 00 par Mia | e?)4 by *)l IMioine l>aa)er*. 41-4 M-J L J ' lig " Dooiit'i Ybabt Povdm."?The taperi- | olrty of tbtt Baking Powder kit lone been 1 demonatrated ?y erury bonaekeeper who bet oeed It, end from the steadily Increasing de- ' tnand for e reliable arrtete. The anlrereatei' \ preuloa la that U ta the boat In the market, Mm and ita perfect puiltyaod freedom from dele* toriona aubateaeea werraotatbe ateeftloo. To thoao who bar# neveftoaed It, ere aay glee it a .Si trial, and roue iaatlmeny to itg worth will be added to the aiany thousands of othera. Sold by Grocers generally. A Baoraaa, 09 Near Street, New York, Manafaoturere. * Mar S3 40 la eow? AusltOA* Wimks. It la not trar.erallo known that Capa t'->lony produce# the mmt d-ll<-l >ut grown on ?lie face of the ??>(h. A cargo received remittance Iiy our neiglibiira Dr. J. 0. Aye* A G??. con* taine anVt-ral varieiiee iii>ai tb?r?. among -W wliicli ti a Conaianaia cooifttandn Ilia faiglm H eat price ?#l any amain ilia world. AU moat aha entire crop of it In oonMiinrd in th? pnlicri of Europe, thin rare exertion b-ii'g aeot to I ham in esohanga for their nii-d ei' aa whi?h hew# long I can the eta* ( la reinedlraef 8otith Allien.? Hutto* Juuri ?at. 48-4 . 11 tiitm j_'i_ ... i .. a FROM NEW YORK. I frpkNE of the Partner* of Brattie WJ & Co. has returned front { New York, with a Complete Stock SPRING GOODS, 1 CONSISTING IN QMS$ 8000$ i Black Silk and Bombazine? lsinck iamur tinea Black and White Alpaccaa jH|>nnexe Poplins, Mohair Lustre* Linos Grenadines. I'M WHITE GQG0$, Will ho found Figured and Safin St i pod Piqnoa 1*1 uiti. Checked and Striped SvviH* D.e-scd and Soft Finished CAMBRICS 1 Nailiannba T?oal? T ^ -1 * ion 1HUIO Damasks, T<?Wel? Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Long. Cloths, Sheetings, ?kc. lit MEN'S WEAR, WILL BE FOUND, CLOTHS. CA<3I MERES, DRAB D'ETf,. TWEEDS. LINENS, ODITONADES AO., AO. SHOES. A Beautiful St?ck of LADIES DRESS SHOES. Tim larftrat Stock of COMMON SHOts '*?r brought t>? thla market. MEN'S, YOUTHS, L>a.|)|KS ami MISSES SHOES, a Urge portion of which will ba told at COST A Largo Stock of Men and Boy* Fashionable Hats. consist ing of Bilk, Cassimere, Wool, Leghornami Straw Ilats. A coinploto^Stock of Crockery;. We keep Groceries, llardwr?ro: and W onden -ware. If yon wish to bay pretty durahie Goods, at low prices, call and exatttinc the Stock, at the store of BEATTIE St CO. April 19 60 3 SULLIVAN & SON RESPECTFULL Y atk the atUn* (ion of their Friend? and the Public general It/ to their F RE SIT STOCK OF SPUING and SUMMER GOODS, which are all now in> ttore Exj*ciul attention is called to their Large and Weli Attorltd Stock "/ CLOTHING, HATS, SI/OESr LADIES DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Owing to the great tcarcitg of Money throughout the country- tluy lutve PRICED THEIR GOODS TO* SUIT THE TIMES. To be convinced of the abovet GIVE THKM A r.AT.T. They constantly keep in store, a largo Stock of SUGARS, COFFEES, If OLA S3* ES, FLOUR. And other GROCERIES, at th& VERY LOWEST CASH TRICES. April >9 M> J H. Sa ? STOCK OF GOODS! SPRING SUPPLIES!! ' 1NTEJ-W, Fuller Than Ever. CHEAPER THAN BEFORE OFFERED. ' ? JUST INT FROM WW FORK. < m. s y N. e. BftlR'S. April It M 1 WM. 8HEPHCRD * CQ-. Ntt. 24. IkfUMum, 8. O. COOK1WO wfsyer.' RANORi AWO ll*?iirm Mmth. rtfliifM ?f ln?*? wi?H prloM ?j4 diMviptioa wttt b? <Mt epos AppliedIoq. Jane ft 4-ly