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jBrnmrflna. J?ak Biliisir* m CoBrttbijpw Ooitrtin is * injury ; It i* the pla spell of the solo. -Tlie ni?n who has never courted has lived in vane. He has been a blind man among land scopes, be has , been a den man In the land of hand organs and by the side of - - -T -I. U Ilk* I mnrmerin owwv< w....... ? ?> tw> little springs of water that! start out trotn under a rock at tko ( foot of a mountain, and runs down hill side by side, singing, dancing aud spaterin each other, eddyin and trothin, anji kaskadin, hiden nndor the bank, now full of sha Ider, b>raby they jine and then go alow. I ain in favor of long conrtin; it give# the parties a chance to find out eacli other's * trump cards. It is good exercise, and is just as inocent as five mari no lambs. Perhaps it is best I should state suin good advice to the young men who are about to court with a view to matrimony as it was. in the first place, young men you want to got your system all right ; then find a young woman wh ? is williu to bo courted on the square. The next thing is to find ont how old she is, which you can do by asking her ; and she will sa she is 19 years, and this yon will And will not l>o tar out of the wa. The next is to begin moderate, sa once every nite in the week for the fust six months, iricroAHt'u the dose as the pnsheut seems to require. It is a fust -ato way to court the girl's mother a little on tho start, for there is one thing n woman never despizes, and that is a little good courtin if it is done on the square. Alter the first year you will bo gin to likd the bizines*. There is one thing I always ad vise, that is to not swap photographs oftener than wunst every 10 daze, unless you forget how the gal looks. Ockasionally yon want to look sorrow and drag in your wind as tho you had a pain ; this will set the gal to teezin you to find out what nils y**n. Even meetings area good thing to tend. It v/ill keep your relig ion in tune, and if your gal hap pens to ho there by accident, she can ask you to go homo with her. As a general thing I wouldn't brag on other girls much when I was courtin. It might look us though you knu tew much. It' vou court three weeks in this wa, ail the time on the square, if you don't sa it is the sleekest time of yoar lite you can go to the cheap store And get measured for a plug hat at my expense and pay * for it. Tiirrr is a story going the rounds to the effect that tight lacing saves $2,000,000 annually in board alone. The statement is A villainous and habitual lie. We know a girl that laces so tight that our arm will go around her twice and lap over clear to the elbow, and you wouldn't think, to look at her, that she could eat anything except soup, but she has gov an appeme iiko a cross cut saw, and alio moves a swath at a table like a self raking reaper. [New York Democrat, An illiterate negro ^preacher said to Ida congregation : *4 My breddren. when de fust man. A dam. was made, lie wus made of wet clav, an' set up agin do paling to dry." *' Do you say." said ono of the congregation, 44 dat Adam wus made of wet clay and set np agin do paling to dry 44 Yes sar. I do I" *4 Who made de palins?" 44 Sit down, sar!" said the 1 preacher, sternly ; 44 snch ques- , lions eg dat would upset any system ot theology." Johnny was tolling liis Ma how ho wag going to Ji'crs up and show ofr when he got to he a man. Ilia Ma asked : " Johnny, what do you expect t'? do for a living when yon get to be a man V1? 44 Well, I reckon Til get married 1 and hxmrd with my wife's pa "? Pretty good f><r a boy live years old. In some places in Ohio a man can't get a drink of whisky without showing the bar keeper a written permit from his wife.? Those men whose wives cannot write think it is not too late for I hem to learn that useful branch of education. 44 Jank, what letter of the alphabet do von like l?est?" 44 Well. I don't like to say, Mr. Snob.'Y " Pooh, nonsense ? iell right out, Jane. Which do you like l>ett ?" " Welt (blushing and propping her eyes.) I like you (tJ) the ueet. u Mr. Jones, don't yon think marriage is the means of grace t" 44 Certainly, tny dear, anything is a means of irrace that breaks up pride, and leads to repentance." "MJfeabout. shall I find tho statfliW^iaiiimony ?" * You will fiiuf that to be one < f the United States," was the answer. WfSt -k. i. Im of JotkSfSUaf?' Prefer* Ftora loo moaj friend?, end from tbfiigo ftt lace end*, Good Lord deliver at t From * wife who dofttit lav a?, nd from children who doent look like lie, Gool Lord deliver not ] From snail' It. the grass, from snail in our bates, from torch lite processions, and from ail new ram, u.khI Lord deliver us ! Fro in pack peddlers, from .rang folks in lav, from old aunts without money, from kolera morbus, Good Lord deliver list From welth without charitee, from pride without sense, from pedigree worn odt. and from all rieli relations, Good Lord deliver as! From nttscpaper sets, and from pills that ain't hsik, from femails that faint, and froin men who flatter, Good Lord deliver us! From virtu without fragance, froru butter that smells, and from cats that are coarting, Good Lord deliver us! From old folke's secrets, and from our own, troin mediums and women ko mm it tees, Good Lord deliver us 1 From pollylicians who prav. End from saints who finale, troin ri kof fi, red herring, ami awl gras wid-1 dera, Good Lord deliver us t From folks who won't laff, and from them who giggle, from lite butcs, easy virtue, and rain inutton, G >od Lord deliver us ! Air-Lias Railroad. The work on this road goes bravely on, and if no delay shall occur In the shipment of the re? mainder of tho iron put chased sometime tince,the cars will reach this place in a very few weeks ? sooner even than the most sanguine friends of tho road expected. As the graduation is about finished, we learn the contractors, Cols. Alexander, Bondurant and Coleman, agree to place at the disposal of the Chief Engineer one hundred . hands, if necessury, to assist the! force at present employed in t-ack laying, to hasten the completion to. this point. Thirty miles of the road nnmediatly cast of this . avo been placed under contract?ten miles to Messrs.Grand, Alexander & Co.,?ten 10 Messrs. Scott, Bondurant Adams?five to Col. Coleman, and tho other five to par iivo, vi iiwov itmiiuo w u 111/ nv/v m;w | remember. So it will be seen, that i the predictions of the enemies of this all important enterprise, who have perseveringly opposed its construction, that it would collapse, are not likely to be realized, for it won't collapse u worth n cent," but is bound to be a complete success, and that too at no distant Hay. [Gainesville (Ga ) Air Line Eayle, 24tKult. IIoRRIDLE traokdy in alabama ?a Tuikvino Tax Collector Poisoned iiy IIis Wife.?Jtumor brings to us details of a most horrible tragedy from St. Clair Conn ty, which we heartily wish may turn out to be only a rumor. The story goes that the tax collector of St. Clair County, after having collected the tax ot that county, entrusto I the same to the care of his wife, anJ with the remark that he would l>e necessarily almcnt 1?r o day or two, left her in posfC9sion of the treasure. That night a party ot disguised men visited the woman and demanded the money. On her refusal to give it up, the ruffians searched the premises and possessed themselves ot it. They then compelled her to get them some supper, which she did. Tho story lurtlier goes that she ooison ed the coffee and killed nil three of them; and when their disguises were torn off, one of the party was revealed as her husband, who had taken the method stated of robbing the county. If the tacts are true, the death of the men win a righteons judgment, much rejoiced at; but the sufferings of the poor faithful wife must be ter rible, such as to awake the deepest sympathies of our nature [ Jacksonville Republican. ? vucA/n n 3 1A> Tf r?.? 1IIU V |t?- 1 lot is tho emblematic flower of the Bouapartes, as the lily is of the Bourbons. When Kugenieagreed to accept Napoleon's offer of marriage, she expressed it only by ap peering one evening dressed in an exquisite violet toilets?violets in her hair, in her dress, even to a bunch in her hand. Louis Napoleon understood. Napoleon the First, while consul, selected this as Ins flower. It was through Jose phino asking him to bring her a bouquet of them on her birthday ?a desire he was only able to serve after great difficulty. lie cultivated thcin assiduously while a prisoner at ttt. Helena; and they ( were profusely planted over the grave of Josephine. Afier his ueatn, ins coffin was covered with the linmble flowers he loved. It is even said that in the earlier days ot Louis Napoleon lie was silently told who his friends were by a can- , tious display of violets. A st it a no k genius, in describing a lake in Minnesota, says it is so clear that by looking into it yon see them making tea in Ohina. Tub entire assets of s recent bankrupt were nine small children 1 The creditors acted magnanimous ly, and let bim keep them. 0 ?L' L_J LgWPIBPL 11 Www of mnd^ Macaolaj remarks that absentmindedness is tbo mark ot either genius or a fool. , We think that Lord Maeaalay was a little on one of its side*. A man's mind ?aay be so Intensely occupied with ( fly Intuitions and inspirations that bis senses, seemingly, are scarcely awake to the realities ot the ?a gible world. A certain Scottish professor was , not more remarkable tor his writing on political economy than for Ida frequent unconsciousness of what passed before him. His absence of mind was so remarkable that his wife onco wagered that she would accost him in the afreet, inquire after the health of herself and family, and he would not recognize her. She actually won the wager. The protes or once took a solitary walk on the banks of a canal, into which, in his abstraction, he walkod.? When within a yard ot the conter an honest woman, washing clothes behind him, bawled out, " Come oot, cotno oot, fule pody, or yo'll Iks droon't." These warning sounds invading the tympanum of his professional ear had the effect of making him turn right about, and forthwith recover <he dry land. The good woman, concluding he was an idiot, sympathetically exclaimed, M Puir body, atweel they hae inticklo to answor for that lets yo gang yer lane." A young fellow employed in a store on Kiver street wus <?no day sent into the cellar to draw a gallon of snorm oil. While waiting lie snatched up a peice of chalk, and In a minute was aOsorbed in sketching the propriootr's profile. The profile on the hogshead was capital, but while the young artist was absorbed in its pursuits the oil pursued its way over the cellar floor, lie was informed he would not do for a merchant, but just now ho is a first-rate New York artist. It is said of Sir Isaac Newton that he often forgot to eat his dinner, which his housekeeper was accustomed to leave in a closet near his studv. His head was too tnuch in the heavens to mind the earth ; so a friend, knowing his peculiarity, one day slipped his dinner out of the basket und ate it up. When at lost the philosopher catco out and greeted his friend, ho asked to be excused till he took his lunch. On look ing into the basket and finding it gone, ho simply exclaimed, much to hi< friend's amusement, "Oh, I forgot, 1 have eaten my dinner." [Cincinnati Qazctte Emigration Soutii waud.-?A Texas paper reports that, since last September, 110,000 immigrants from Tennessee and Georgia with 1.00-1 wagons, have entered the " Lone Star"State, and that this is but a part of the great tidal-wave of population flowing to the South west. It is noticeable that a large number of fieeduien are removing from the Northern and the Border starca c?> supply llio vacant place* of llie white people leaving 'lie ohler Cotton States. To which the Washington Chronicle adds : " A gentleman of ample facilities of information stated that 5,000 families have Within ? f<_ j toro cmi* I giated from l.ancastor county, Pennsylvania, mostly to the South. A large number of these have taken up farms in Virginia, cape cially in the Shenandoah Vullev. It is found very profitable to sell land in Pennsylvania at $100 to $300 per aero, and reinvest at from $'2 to $25 per acre in equally good or better land in a still more genial cUme." It is roally one of the wonders of the time that more Pennsiyvaniuns do not sell their high priced lands and reinvest in Southern sod, which they can do to such immense advantage. Our Carolina lands ure naturally as good as theirs, while our climate is much better. We trust that tliey will leant incse tacts utter awhile. Avoid debt. lie that pays down, will not be called upon to pay up. " Live and let live," is ft noble principle of uction. " Live and help live," is a nobler and better. A 8KOHKT warranted to keep in any climate?A woman's age. A measureof Iniquity?A (pinri bottle holding little more than a pint. W iiy is an egg like a colt ? Be cause it is not tit for use until it is broke. Why was the first day of Ad arn's life the longest ever known ? Becauso it had no Eve 1 It is swool to feel by what fine* spun threads our affections ure drawn together. Flattery is aAort of bad money to which our vanity gives curreu* cy.? llochtf oxuxmld. A wish man never believes him self the wisest, or the biggest tool never be/ieves himself a f.w.i I EMCOTBOPHOKOTOO?IK>>OBAP?y? Do you givo if uj>? Thought you i wonM. Well, it means the soience of taking photographs by means of j an elect rioal light and microscope, ! Ir a man has aright to lie proud | of anything it is a good action with* out any cold suggestions of iuter* , ? Aft ll.o - * ' ??? ? wv uviivin 01 ir, j itk W1 BHHggggW..- ! LU..-BB Liunm Railhoad?Fronn a re* liable source we enderstand that the G. ?fc 0. R. R. Company, if it ha* not already,certainly will comply with the terms f<>r the purclrase of the Laurens Road. We tinders'and further, that the Road - 111 L _ 4 !- I Will u? )H|| 111 rilllVllllg UMIIUIIH'II tiiHt as s?>on as it can be effected >y workmen and money. This it good news tor the Conn ty, and every ciliten will hear it with pleasure. Onr town will soon begin to wear the aspect of thriving business, and all the con* veniences <d a market will gather in our midst. We wish the Company success, the workmen health, and in addition, we will add, that we sincerely hope the money will not give out; for to be without a railroad in this ago of wing-d speed and rapid development, is indeed to he out of the wm Id. [Laureneville Herald. Tub scarcity of jsilver change makes a contemporary doubt of the oft quoted saying, thai this is a " world of change." TIIOS. P. SMITH (Late n ayi.eii, smith a <x>.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4 BOYCE 6 CO S WHARF OHAR1*SBTOMV S. O. EO W. .MrIVKit <i nnnnreii*1! with ih? vUMMiitn, nnn wiii give ''? ?'e?v alien* lion lo lip in (print* of hi* Menria, Currful mtrntlnn gnen lo piirchaa intc Mno'iinilltt of all kind*, when placed in fund*. OP Advance# mad* on consignment*. Oct ft 20 6m HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, A*l? OKAl.mll IV Wines, Liquors, MM, TOBACCO, M. NO. 107 EAST DAV, caiiaiiESTOSJ, s. c. II. !il?CII"W. C WVI.BRRN. J II. PiKren Sept 28 IV Cm EDWIN BATES & CO. W1IO 1.18 AI.K DEALERS IN l)KY GOODS AND 122 & 124 Meeting St. OMAHLIESTON, ?. O. EPWIM Rates GBO C. SBI.nan Tuos K. McGaiiax Ciias. K. Bate*. rtept 28 10 Am A. B. MULLIGAN, CHAIiLESTON, S- C. i MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY AOBNTS AT GREEN VILLK S. G, And wilt, make mdkral carii n<lvnnrua on nli COTTON Skipped to mo through them. A. B. MDI.LIOAN. Rept 28 10 Jy ^ m ^ ^ ? V. i'. toale, CIIAKLGNTOm, H. C. (" !/iiri(rit end moil complete'I n?r i Munufuctory of l>o??r? Pneher, > 1)^ ( IllintU, MouMlniii, Ac., in the j Pmilhern Ptnte*. p&T Printed price Met defle* riimpcliiioi).*9^ ft-ft- Pend for oiio.-li-v fHf Pent free on Hppliratioii."fe3; April 27 4V \y mwm i ^W/wEr wheel, i Mill Qearing.Shaftinfel Pulleys P^gg NO FOR A CIRCUWULJfief !/?.? 4 <? 1/ GKOIIGIS PAGE & GO. Ho. 5 V. Sobroedor St.. Baltimore. MtnufMturrri of PorUltl* and Stationary 8TRAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, P?U?t In.proved. Pnrublt CIRCULAR *AW MILLS, flung, MnU* and naah H?? Mill*, Oriat MIMa, Tlmh^r WIimI*. Hhit.gla do. Dcalarn la Circular Bawa, Bailing and Mill aupplloo gmrrally, and manufacturer^ agent* f..r L-flM'a Crlabrau Ml |nn,|M# Wat#r Whael. anrf d#. M'lplion ?f Wood Working MaaMnary *a?w>ri,tv*4l kaoimm a mmaltt p.ETL^ " " ""p"-i j rrj ]9 1 SSO 1*?. I I MANUFACTURED BY C |WA1I0N,WHANN&M 1 WILMINGTON,DEL.fM lKZirPw factof^MM K?UouSI?a Moeq^S B The Oreat Fertilis all ( THE unparalleled aneceM of tliii proves it to bo the BEST and CI1 the market. V It hae Ixjon used by many of I South, and Tn. ninale instance it fu J On COTTON it* effect* ktn born particular PII08PHATK to i no re mo lb* yield Irom ON CKNT., or oven mora I Mr. U*u. C. Dlion, an aaniuaat planter of C Plantar, auya that lo an aiparlmcnt with hvi WH ANN'S |)iornl itself th? beat of all tbo*? rate of $20 00 per iter* of sottou. A copy of FOIl SI CLAGHORN, HI Charleston, S. C., J an miry 11, 1870. Rosadalis ?<rri|lK tlllKAT A MK It I CAN HKALTII HKSTOBKlt. purine* Jibe blood and cure* {Scrofula, 8y phili*, )8bin Dl*ca*c*, Ithcumntlam, T)i*ea*ea /of Women, and all Chronic Affection* >of the Wood, l.ivar and Kidney*. S)ltccomtnended by the Medical Pacul* (tj and inuny iliouaanda of out* be*t rcitisen*. ( It end the lotimony of IMiyxician* (mid patient* who hare u*od It > >: <!nI ie ; (eond for our Koaadall* Ouide to Health (liaok, or Almanac fot till* year, which tiBB (wo publlah for gratultou* distribution t will gire you much valuable in Cor* ; /^UM'mation. I>r. K. W. Carr, of Baltimore, eaya : S I lake |>lca?uro In recommending >your RoltAnAi.ia a* a very powerful /alterative. I hare aeet> it ueed In two Mr"8' with happy raeulte?oue In a p H)eaee of eecondnry ayphIlia, In which iMBf 'he patiout pronounced himaelf cured Rafter harinir taken Ave bottlo* of your (medicine. The other la a caae ol acrof?ula of long atanding, which ia rapidly i improving under ita nae, and the Inplication a arc that tho patient will (B^^Bvaooo recover. I have carefnlly ex yimined the formula I y which your Utoradalia fa made, and Hud it an ex/Wk (eollent compound of alterative Ingre ylienta. s ' S Dr. Spnrkr, of Nicholnavilte, Ky., Im ;*aya ho haa uaed Roaadalla in caeca ot Wroful i and Secondary Syphitia with Wtlafactory remit ?-ar acicancr of the I) Blood I know no t>etter remedy. / Benjamin Jleohtol, of I.lma, Ohio, (wrilee: I hare auffcred for twenty ^ycara with an Inveterate eruption over iiny whole body; a abort timo ainre 1 Cpurcbaaed a bottle ol Roaadalla and it S(effeeted a perfect care. \ Roaadalla la eofd by all drug*lite. ( I.aboratory, tl Kxchnnge Place, (Baltimore. > Dra Cle-tcnta ft Ca. I'riipt ii Moy 18, 1870. 52 ly GKEENVILLE PAPER MILLS. m. ;o:- ?? J. Bannister & Son, ?(!?Mfa/iy4V?!Mpiwiaaiiaa or ALL KIXDS or Book} News. Wrapping and Colored TTI0I1K8T CA8II PRICK PAID FOR X JL Clean Cotton or Ltnen RAO 8. I M?y 25 I Ijr E, P. JONES, AVV<0OUmi?? AIT MW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL MACTICa IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE AI.SO. in the united states courts. Office Greenville 0. H.f S. 0. July 7 !? Sixty-Fiv? First Prize Medals Award'd. ?the or eat Southern Ptsno Win. KlVAne A CO., Manufacturer, uf Grand, Square anil 1'priglit PIANO FORTES, Haltimore, Mil rV^iIB8B InatmmenU have been k?furt Ibo 1 public for ncarl/ tbirly yeara, ami upon tbclr excellence alone attained ?im ??p?rrbu?*d prermifmcr, which pronouaeea them unequaled. Their Tone eombinea great power, e*.fcetneaa and Ane alngir.g quality, aa well aa groat purltr of Intonation, and aweetneaa throughoat the entire aeale. Tbclr Toaeb la nllantl and elaatla, and entirely free from the aliffnt.a iouiiu in ao many nance. in Worfcman.bip tbejr in unii|uit*d, Maine mom* bat the eery bait *ra??noti matrriml. the lir|? capital ? ployed in oar biilHii enabling us ?o koep continually an loiinanaa atoek of lumbar, Ac., on hand. All oar Squar* Pianos bar* oar Vow IaiCroeed Ovor.trung 8??l? and tba Agraffe Trale. Wa would call epeeial aliautlon to our lata (mprorementa In (Irand Plane and Kquare Orenda, Patented Auguat 14th, IU4, which bring tba Piano nearer perfection than baa yet Man attained. Moorg Piano /mtlg Wmrranisd /or I Yrart. Wa bare made arrnagaaaanta far tba Kola Wholesale Agency far U>e moat Calobrntad Parlor Organa and ftfetodeone, wblab wa offer Wholaaala and Retail, at Low eat Paatory Price.. WM. KNABK A CO., Baltimore, Md. Paa T? 99 dm ? JAM'S *' ' 9 * J I RAW pONEj SUPERPIMWB. * ser for Cotton and Jrops. i Orent Fertilizer on ALL CHOPS, E A PEST Manure now offered in j be most eminent Planter* in the ] as given Entire Satisfaction. Ijr marked. It it no rare thing for WH ANN'S K HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED l'KK aiporon, Ot., In a letter to the Banner and en leading Supcrphoapbates and Ouanoe, the tried, paying*a art profit at the low market Mr. Dlxou'a letter furniebed on application. ILE BY iRRING & CO, and /lugusta, Gfa.? 34 Sin KDMONDS T. MOWN, mm a mb- wo OP POSITS CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. gept 28 I'J 1 y Greenville and ColumbiaR R COLUMBIA, 8. 0 , Mml? I, 1871. ON and after this dote. Hie following schedule will be run ?l?ily, Hnjiiiiy* excepted, connecting will) N 'gin Trains on South Carolina ftnilrnul up and down ; also with Tilana going Foulh on t luiloMe, Columbia nu?l Augusta Railroad : Up. Loire Columbia at 7 00 a.m. " Alston 0 10 a. m. " Newberry .....II 15 a.m. * Cokes' nry X 00 p. m. " lielion 5 no p m. Artive at Urcv'tivllle C 80 p. ni Down. Leave Hroenvi!Jo at (5 15 a. m. " Helton., 8 15 a m " Cokesbnry 10 07 a m " Abbeville 8 15 a. in. H Newberry .. 1 60 p. m " Alaton................. 4 06 p. m Arrive at Columbia 6 65 p.m] TUGS*. DODAMRAD. General Superintendent. M. T. Bautlktt, Heuu'al Ticket Agent. inPOIITAilT NOTICE to C0WSUMER8 OF DRY GOODS. All Relit it Order* amounting to (20 ?ml Onr Del ire red In any /'art of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CO AIIOES. HAMILTON EASTER ?fc SONS, or na i.ti uoRif. vp? IN order the better to tnoel the wanta of the Retail Customers at a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, /trumolly tend by moil full line* of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Hoods, of French, Knglirli and ]>omestle Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell 01 fois, if not at le*? price*, than any bouse In the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturer* In the different pert* of Europe, and importing Iba same by Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stock is at all time* promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, ws are able end willing to tell our goods at from Ten to Fiftoen percent Lets Profit than if wc gave erodit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep tbo best grsdes of every class of goods, from the lowest to the most oostly. Ordrfr* unaccompanied by the cash will bs sent C. 0. D. FrnMhl P>vl*? Wkn1...i. i? - ' , m .. imjuri nro inri- | led to inapeet the Block in our Jobbing and Package Department. Addreaa HAMILTON KA8TKK A S0N8, 197. 199, SOI and 20:i Weat llaltimore Htraet, llaltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 1/ bTwehrle, QKEENVaiLILE ?. O. 1>KALKR IV Gill UB SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. 19 ft 88 Oust Solid Vaptial Biofs, SILVER ft SILVER-PLATED tMT WORK et *11 diaarlftlonc In hia Una dona promptly jBI Oct *7 t* ly mm . PfW tmAyer*a Oatbartio Pills, P??on^i ot a XnutaUv* a sswt'ssiaafc j a^SS; nor vm or or an/ boforo ao universally adopted Into use, In A Wml every country and lAlVAlH among all claesos, aa this mild but eaclont purgative I'M!. Tho obvious reason law that It la a more rcllahU and fkr morn ?f. factual nnwdjr than Any other. Those who hara tried it, know that It oared themi those who hare not, know that It cure* their neighbors and friends | and all know that what it does onoe It does always ? that it nerer telle through anr (hult or negfdeot or its composition. We have thousands upon Dvoosands o^c<y fimuesjj f t^^r Biuarhabls cures known in every ^S3iborhood,Uend we new?, not in all climates | containing neither oalomcl nor any deleterious drag, they ?^ay be taken with safety by any body. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever flesh, and makesJnsm pleasant to take, white being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use In any quantity. They operate by their powertel Influence en the Internal viscera to purity the blood and immnlaf It Into healthy action?remore the obstructions of the stomach, bo wols, liver, and other organs of the bo?ly, restoring their Irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, sttoh derangements as are the first origin or disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper oa the box, for the following complaints, which these I'U/s rapidly core : ? For Dyspepsia or Indlpestlen, listless* as, Laarasr and Mtmm s# Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stonir ach, and restore Its healthy tone and action. For Mrer OeMplaiai and iU various symptoms, Dillons HeaiSMhe, Ikk Headache. JtsMndlcst or flresa lickasM, Ml* laws C'ollc and JUlllMs Fevers, they should bo Judiciously Ukcn fbr ooch cam. to corrtot th# dlcoAsod action or remote Uio obstrucUons whMi cau AO lt? * For DyMatcrr or Dlankna, but one mild dosa la gonoridly required. _ __ _ For RliaaaiMUiar Ararat, Pal* Klialtoa of Ik* Heart, Palm la Ik*, Back and Lata*, they should be contlnuously taken, aa require!, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Drsasy and Drspslcal larslllafs they should bo taken In large and frequent dosea to produce the effect of a drastio purge. For Nupprewloa a largo dose should be taken as It produces tho desired effoot by sympathy. As a JXuncr Pill, toko one or two Pitt* to promote digestion and reliere the stomach. An occasional .lose stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Inrlgorates tho aystem. Hence It la often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who fro In tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these lllla makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. J>r. J. C. AYK/t A CO., FV?rM??I Ch+miatt, jjo wxjll. mahh., u. a. a. IW Kor sale in Orecnvill* hjf M. A. 11UNTKK A CO., Age..fa. Aug .11 1.1 if F,?r **1- l.y w n.<50x, mnns * < o.. im purler* and Patlota In (inannr, lift Hay S?? Savannah ; 241 llroml St, Ai'guMn, ; 1S1 Knat B iv. Cliarlraton, S 15 ; ??<* hj DAVII) A STKADI.EY, OrteuvltU. For further inloimalioo, ?pj ly or ? ! * ? ir* above f..r pam| li'ot. Nov SO 28 4m PLANTA110N BIlTLHS Tills wondorftil vegetable restorative is the sliocUinchor of the feeble and debilitated* As a tonic and cordial for the aged And languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.*' In all climates, tropical, temnAanlo AM A ' * - |TVIMVO VI lII^IUj 11 ItCUi as a specific in eyery species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ^Wherever it is Introdnced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juno it, 18/0. 6 Ijr WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHLONEGA, 8A? TITILL prMtlo* id the Count..* of Lump t?... w&u :.tb-.s.'""1 J?n 10 || TOWNEW A EAUT, ATTORVJM AT LAW. Uwrivm lm the OLD COURT lOUSR MUdU Room on tbo Bowtb 8ldo, Low* * Htorjr, ORRKMVILLR, ft. 0. O. r. TOWKM, 01.11 MKT. Jw 4 83 u m