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8i-*rr.KMOx or tu? Whit or Habbas Coirua.?It will be seen in oqr latest newe eol (imn tliia moriiing that a bill haa bean In i j trod need In the Senate of the United 8tefee i to allow the President to auapend the writ I of habeas corpus, in soeb counties and dls | l-icia ns he may think proper. This, we prcume, la the8hoffner bill, and, no douht it is the working of John Pool nnd W. W. lIoMen. The Raleigh Sentinel says : We Inar of certain Republicans of North Carolina who are writing end advising President Giant againat being further de reived and niisl'd by Holden. We ean only say tbat the bare introduction of such n bill in Congiew hi the better day? of the Republic, would have almmed the whole country as a Are bell at night. Itui the sword has lanud the spirit of ilia people, both North and S->ulh, and especially of the South. There ie no form of government so dee* pieable as that of a Republic without the wilt of habeas corpus. In fnor, when Ibis m<ui?i'i peraonni iineny i? extinguished, the giivrriimiiiitfo-Mll?J l>?com?t n d'Kpoiirtn, and no man lanft'e, In peraon or propariy, udI-* he I# willing m lend Hlnvi-h obedience to the power auapanding the writ. If jon ?ldi ywir ehihben relieved of Vvurm< use Wlnmian'* Woihi C?n?l\ I 'Tmri.ra < rrcH mtad t<> H.nioua nwui.T*." Mod tlm.r tieiinu" of op'prea*ion end h>?rtt'i>r?i, they len>l to Dy*i-ep?lft, Nervona l*ion)rnt ion fti<d |)c'-illiy. T?ke SUMTER BITTERS. nud be ctir?<l at once. MoTflKR* nr. ADTIMD.? Alway" k^ep a bottle o? IUI Tu n's CELEBRATED EX I'KCTORaNT in the lioa?e. It la a c?-riiiifa and p e"*ntit otne h?r t'ronp Coughs, Cold*, Etc. It is agreeable to lite tnst?, nod and Children take* It ro?di'y. fin ?o your Diuirclst and g~t ll at otice, It may rave the Hie of your little one. IK.otta. SamiE*, Bi.ivna. Mot't.ntso*. Ac,? We wotiibl C'*d *| C-eifil attention to the ad- I veitircmeiit in another cob'tnii of Mr P. P. Toflle. of fliarleeloo, S. C Mr. Toftle l( ' on extenalv.- nud r\iee?-?afnl tiiannlnefrtrer, I end there can be no doubt that our reader* ; vmiiiUI ?i?omi|t their own |nt>r>K by pnrres ! poiiilinp with hint I elmo piucliasiug go. <]? I hi hia Hie fr< in oilier pnril-e. tt'-l I AmiUkaw tAiaica. It. I* n?? peicraliy m i'? ii mm v/B|>? \ liny pranncrxn* m?ii , <1' lit i-?li e? prnwn on Mm* Inco of Mir ' <ui lit. A cntfjo received ? it I 4<\ our iifij(liliiiii Dr. J C. Ayr-A Co. c?n? , ixine unvtrul viirleliee iAt*ed ilirre. Among I \* liieh II'G Con#'n'lclu comntnude llie hwli- I <<l |>lloe <>( any wiikgUi ill/* World. Alto.,m (V ? mliv crop of H 1# cno-eimed In ilt< pAlnceA of Kurope, lliipime (Xr(|il|?n j l??l?K rut to them in t-xolieoge lor Ihtir J ihi'il'CM't*. vhMl lineo |oi?ti I orn I lie ?t n t lo 11frudi.A of South All ice.? JJv*toii Jourunl, 48?4 Bear in Mind. WltKN litis und-nuned I.?lie?H)i. ninl tiio | li t?ion I lum lo-comr proeirelr.l, n tliinoU I llnit will not, only tlrftlUlltM, Ulll rrinove tl'C chows, ill 11)1 1 lw> iii iin-iliiittlv iiftoitrd In. Mentnl ritelreMi << ni-O A fruitful Wlllicr of llie iii eMfcilig <l??ti ?l ill r "rotiplll ut ion, noil 'In* t eviiif, A of tliir riicmy to li??Mh are truly "farming l-'or nil ?tn*!t niaUdiee H OSTEITIS ICS STOMACH HIT rials linv? fai-n found ?MiMtr| nwrd. Ity Acting directly upon Mk* <1 ?>?* ''?ivt* nrgine, Miry remove fclie beery, iliwigfrwtlilp fouling nfter rating, Po of'eti com I'In'tied of f-y perpone of n delicate t-m|>rrniii**i,t. Ap Hoi>u am ditfcPfioit fa r aimed, 1 lie pall,lit find* Me etrenglli ltiei?itfir>g, | olid Iii* UeMcrul tienllli 'tuproved. TlioiiMMtule of |4>r*otiB certify illnt it | ?nny be r-li' d on in ell caeee of wrekoerp t or nervous Uel.Mliy oS'i-IHiitnl ?l|ton sedentary linhits. The |!<'iiHvll<y <>t Hi'ter# nro m ilirspreenlde to ilyf tutlH iliut lliey sre < 1 j*ciio<inldw to a wmk ?r??itrnrl?. This In not ili* n is* with lloaw-tier'- il>Heis wliieli will he foti* I uiil.l mid ext> emelv plc.irunt lliil^nmic piiin't.liDi'ltf imil r-m<r c<<iiH?ihti'c their reatora'ive Juica* to i>n<I?r ituwiltiiig mid stiei'ifili- it?i?(C- It* hnsis is He Iy pure aiiiiiulaut ? Ith-h I ?i< ever lean pro. dure I. root niintirf no fn*>H oi7. or any 01 her /Ji?l?-t?ri?ur ? ! mi-iil. Tli* mutt ime'ul si d \ < ?'k i I t?il oli- ii i i 4' 4 hove. analysed ill* Hill-in. I I |iioni iiiri-il t om harmless. This it 1 scientific testimony ; the te?lim.i|iy of ! Ilii> hundreds of thousand* who have i-xp... ' tienred Ihe Brifi>lili?t nii'l CU'Stlv* effects of III* OBC\r VKfiKT ittl-K TUNIC a Oil AI.TKR.Ol VK of III ode Ml turn s is flili inol'i* conclusive in F'ter und Apne, D.spep4 u, Hiliniisness Nervous ('/ nijil tints Citron w 1'oiploijiiR ni d ifeiic nl e'liliiv. it la an i in-hi ly inlatlil ii' us ?i>y thing In litis 'nl:iM? I iv or Id coo l>e -18-4 Time tests the Merits of all Things. I ItT F(?lt THIRTY YKAR8J jjJJ FERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. 1 I'ns hern lr?l?'l In ev-ry vsrirlv of eli- ( fnate, and hv a'tood eT<ry tuition knows .1 Americana.; it. is the nlmo'l a'nnt j <-omi>snion and IneOntaMe Irn-n I of ihr M mi-s'ftnary ami th- Iravalrr on see and I lend, ii ii-1 no one should tiave! on our Lakhs , ' or IltVKltS WITOofT IT ll is n si'mly slid aife renely fur linrns, ! eenhls, en'B, i rulfi-s, wonnd* nnd various ! other iijoi ien, <v* wrl| ns lor dvsmlciy, I I di ii iIicd i, and how el complaint* rtnsnilly, I I nnd le admlmfily snlird for every race of j I men on the lure of the wh he. i I K* snrfi job e?H ?or ihr genuine Pain M KiHrr, ns mnny worth e-s nor Ipons sin at- I ' li-mplid to he sold on lit* gi est reputation 1 ' ol this vnlushlt- mt-dutili*. 1 < vr iSlioetiorls ncCnrnpony each ImMlo. ' ' I "'lee *2Seis fine's, md <H nO per Mottle < 8?1?1 ny all Mi d<?u.c a Pnnvit>knt(al rkmf.ot.?The Mongnnte, bitten by a potcniona eei|ent, aeike n certain plant, ?ata of ti and r>*nv?n tn like innnnar hnnaandc of Knrnpean tlyrpepi iea, ml virtiiua <>f liter complaint, rfiaordna of c Ihfl Imwal*. dibilitv, dri>|ipf, rheum*! iem, Ac., fl?ck to the S'l-ur kpring in Ocr* i many and ara cured by it* aaluUriotia wo* j (era. We have lliia apring. In all |ia aar.|< * tary perfection, multiplied ad infinitum, m , tliin country, in tlic form of i TAKKANTUHELTZBR AI'I'KRIKNT: r II la th? Hpa mad* poitable and aVailaMa | for lh? u?ca of the million. The million q uae It. Ii la the great hntifrh' M medercloa,, t of the land at once dellcinue, refreshing, and onenoalad na a MTfoalhi and altein*. live, \W~ Mold by all Itniygial*. 411-4 * - JL.-i 1 Land for Sale. Tbe rubseriUr offer* for nil fcb Land, alia*- , Bin* mUei below the City of , U recti rile, en water* of Drtuhy Creek, AodertonOonnt/. In th* tiMM W A*M. ? of which are Bottom an* !??* Aunt Hi*torn. ThU* *re good hotieca, stahl**, aSooVe j boo***, eoni crlba, *6. Tula L*nd is aupsHor, I and Kbd*r good aultfliiM, *M will bo sold cbrap for e*ah. Apply It one*, If yon wUw 1 to invest. i J. &. TIIACKSTOX. 1 Mar 29 47 Xm , *-?? i Offioe of Board of Conaty Conmii- i lionert. i Oiiutilu, 8 C? Mirrk u, 1971. ] Bin? will b* received until Id K*r, for , llto eroe'ion of ? dsltsbt* TIN ROOF < AND FRAME WORK of rem* for the Near Court Houae. Bnlrd proposals, wlrh tow , approved seeuiUi**, required Tor Flana , and Hpeelfieaiion, apply any Saturday to', the Chairman of ihe Board, or to the Clerk , nf the ItmirL M.I W * ? * 1 A Di8oiu?ui of the digestive orgene ren* dsrS man Irresolute, Inliim of purpose, nod b?tta Indisposed to, nod unequal to enterprise of any kind. Th?n why not saek a rertsdy therslor, and such M 1* affotded by the its* of ilie celebrated Soullsem Tonia. the - OLD CAROLINA BIT- , TBK*." , REGULAR PARADE of PALMETTO F1HE ENGINE COMPANY will Uk* place on Saturday afternoon, 8ll> instant, at a* o'clock 1> M. Members will appear in Blaek Pauls. By order of the President. 8 A M L MAULDIN, Secretary. Ap 6 48 1 . T ? Cabbage Plants Now Reaoy. r|,HE EARLY VARIETIES; others in a JL short time. Pellicula's next week, ji K. E. MARTIN. Ap-B 48 1 I' lOO IIANDS WANTi3D,j BY tbo first Monday in May naxt. to j work on the Air-Line Railroad between Greenville and Chick's Sprlmra. OOWEIt A MILLS. April 4th, 1871. ' 48-tf loo ! Ioe ! lee ! fylip.COLUMBIA ICE HOUSE la now JL open for tl?e sensor, and prepared to sell NATURAL LAKE ICR. at from 1 to I 4 cents p?r pound according to qnan'ity. I bis Ice is far |wetei*tde to any mauufucluicJ ly cheinic'il p?oce?s. J. L>. BATEMAN A<mf, Columbia, 8. C. April 5 48 ltn. i\?ticr7 AS I expect ?< move Wn1. I will m)| on I!?? 111li inr'nnt HOl78EHOI.l> nnd KITCHEN FURNITURE. eon.iating of It'ii <'?hk, [iF'Ifiriiili, Tublrc, 8 Cloi'ite." I'?rl??r Clmin, Scf?, Piano, DiniIi Cmih-i, Miiiii?'?- ?, Mlrroia, Crockery and Olnaawm e, * Cooling Flow (ii.d (.'coking Utenaila genorally. One Milch Cow. ami ninny oflior atticle*. j A"y |M'imn witnling anr of the above, nrllflcf, cult ftiielinfc ilie snme at piivate nle, nii'l on iearoneMc liimi, Any | ii* i k i it wanting u pool Piano, u oiiM (! well in rail toon and i-xnmlne |i ;i ii in in pir'i ci mdi-r, nnd will be ?u!d low.' Ti:r.?a- Ca-li. C. K. WATERS. J Ap?' 1 ftlh, 1871. 48-1 I IMiblic Knlc oT lSookv. r?1IIE MaHAZIMS nn.l PERIOIHJBL ('*!,? -ui'?crili.i) fur ! v tlm Literary dull fur I87i>. mill lie LI at Auction. m. ilie iifli' c nl .lunca 0. Smith, on ihe 7tL April nt H o'etoek, P M. Hi order of the Commit (re. M ir 29 47 2 Tho State of Sonth Carolina. BRKEXVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY viitne of rmi-'ry Wiiiaof b'i?ri Waetan tn me diu'eteil, I will ceil, before Ifie Court JI <l?mr, on /Salrvfay in May tirjrt. belworn iln- trouw ol IO oVook in the ' forenoon ninl-3 o'clock in llic a ft i-moon. luin |m-ee, IT pUK'I'l ?1 1IIIM, iflUK Oil | tlic wntcv* of North Snlnda ltivcr, containing : Twenty Thrco Hundred Acre*, wore or Irti, adjoining land* of J. F. II igli tower, /?lin II. ' <Joo<lwin, Dr. F A. Mile* and other*. Levied on en lliu properly of D. VV. Hodge*, at the mi it of Oliver (Inrrctt, AdinlnlMr-toc. Hume- ' fli'dJ tu be tut .iff before tiny of tele. AL?0, All t It nt tract or bit. of lurid containing Otic Hundred i.iol FoVei'tv Acre*, tnu/e or lor*, Adjoining land* of Juntos Ai'dcieon. 8. K. Wtiite nriii oilier*. lying on Gilder'#! Cic k end Kiu-r e lllver, with finr (Irtrlj Mill, Mow Mill an I Carding Machine' y.? J leVinl oil ?| '.lie |>illj?erlv of 8 II, NVeetnot dniid. At. lliu mil of John Alxnndcr. Dome*tend to lie let off before J?y of ea|e. TERMS CASH, Porelinaer* to pay for etatnio' and paper#. J. L. SOUTHERN*, 8. O. 0. RI.eiirn Office, A|oil A. 1H71 44-1 Notice. DEPUTY COl.l.mTOR S OFFICE. \ Orkinvii-lk, S 0 . March 23. 1871. I IN cmifn unity wiili ih<* r< qniivoen'e of tile Internal It-venue Low*. I hereby tr Ve iotice to nil j-er?one who rimy c'aint a r?' ?!>( *<> llHriirM ?iid un? K-k of WhLky?rctr.ed in Ardeieon County, about ill- lad of January, 1871, l?y li?* fille Anlifiiun l<ni'pi-f, U. S. Ib-puiy Mn<rhai. in wi'ifiHin of Newt nil Cox, in enure of \ ( >latino of It: I1*1 !t< V>*MI- LaW??to make xneh I'lainn" In me within l?It ty day* i from tin- H>m |niIiIiqhiion of thi* notice. Til" two ||o|'?c* Mni/.fil Ml till* rame time, were o I jtl met imI fiont tin* Livery f*H|"?of Sunp^on ?fc I lurk, nl I*??*k na Court llottre by parti.'* mil. publicly known. A L COBB, Depot) Collector JH Illit.,H.C. Apiilft 48 2 II. ITIARMIAL'M ?AI*B. Sou It, Curulinu District? In Equity. r>Rnnnr. F. Towxr.a ra. Honor* Bitoa., et at. "I) Y virtue of i drrrw of iht llouotabla tbe IS f'irruit Court of llie foiled Statea for llio Itirtrict of Smith Ciiroliuu, to me diroelad and delivered in llio above eaae.' I will exliimn for rnlo to I tin higher! bidder at public miction nt (Jronn ille Court Hour* on MONf),\Y, the 1*t day of May, 1871 being the Srrt Monday of raid month, A'l ill?' Valuable ami DE^IilABt.E 1 PROPERTY. in the town of Greenville,j k"?W'i kr I lie " Oiady l.ot," rail lot front j log 80 lot on Mud Street and the Politic j ii ire, OHO Let on Spi ing Street and 111 feet on KmI e Sireet. On the pi'ini-ca is a l*wo?8torv Brick I'miae. (tin roofed,) 7fi | leet bv 24 feet in llie clear, fi outing on I Main Street, with ride do. f on Publie ' Equate, and a yol Two-Story Frame 1 Dwelling Home with reven ruome, (Ave! fire place*,) all In good repair. The STORE ia one of llie heat t.urine** aland* In Ilia town, and the J>w riling I* approximate and fet private. On llie tot i* a well of good water, and an excellent public near y. The Oar'en l? a lar?e and excellent >n?. The Annual rental of ihia property la worth from .Old! to (1.2O0. and it la *ua- I ef.ti'.le of great Improvement#. ALovcth* ?r It aa iillM a.f ilia ???- .l-.-inol-l.. ? ?-? n thl* thriving young nily, which if oil the n? of ?lie Al'nnt* and Richmond Railroad he ahnrUnd line h?tw-en New York and w Orleana.) and It') mllea fruni Colam. >ie by rail. A* lliia properly U rohl under a denrea ?f foreelomire of a mnrlgi^e given for di? turvhaee inonry, lit* til lee are coneldered nditputahla, TVrni* of aate?C**h. Pii'chaeer lo pay J. S. Mnmlml fur all nereaeary paper* aud Internal Iter <i.tie Hlaiupe. Refold at the ilrk of I lie homer pur? hater*. L K JOHNSON, U. S. Marrlial I'Utilci of 8. C. April C 49 4 YEAST POWDER IIaa long kren rrrerdol a* lh? l>?H and 'heapert Hulling Powder in |H> Pnfnetly ox and htukhr It maker, at ahort noiae, dalielntia Iliacniia, Holla. dke. There ited be no weal* of food prepared with ft, ? it ia alwaya of I ha beat quality. We proiiId aay to time* who have n?v?r ua-d i that a vary f?w trial* will enabl* them >to nee It, hot only trffh entire *eilafn?tion uit trlth annnomy Put np Hftu n*rr < v eight. aa repreaama I, Growers and Dval DOOLBV A BROTHER. Trap'*. 1 9 Sf? Slrtel, fine York ON*. ! ? April 6 48 6m r ?. n. ni'l'Aitllili, III | Ida al/acne-, duilng th? wreck. W. A HUDSON. , Chaitiuao County Con miMiunm., March 29 47 * CERTIFICATE. T The 8tate of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. 2*D MaBcii, 1971. To F. L Cardoso, Sftrtlary of Stat*: Sin In with the provlilon* of nr Act of tli# General A trembly of raid Stain, entitled "An Ant to R-gnlale the Formal ion of C?rp*?rat 'ona," ppmird Do eember 10th, 18f>9. w# beg leave to make ill# following Ceillfien'#, to wit : That wn. Stockholder* of the Corporation known a* the Sullivan Manufae>ur log Company," Cotton Yarn and CM'on Colli Marm<nainr*i*. organic- d Jun# 18th. 1870, ard rmrganU-d on the 28th September, 1870, with a capital *tn?k not l#ee than twenty thonaar.d dollar*, olid doing Luainca* at Fork Shoal*, on Reedy Fo<k C?e?*k. wa'cr# of Reedr R-ver, in the County ol Grronrllle and Stale afor*#ald, did, on the 28th day of 8eptentt*er. 187<V at a irc-tlng called for the porno*-, at which meeting l?nr fifili* of the Stock ol the Con-pnoy waa T-t>r#e?nted, organ* d our Company, ttndcr the prnvi?l??na of the Ael of the Gentell AracmMy above referred to,and elected 1f<? olfle-ra reqiti'ed by raid A?t? That tldrtien thousand four hundred and aixty one dolla<aof the enpital at nek of lhr| Company hare actually been paid |u, and ; the par value of ilie ?hare* haa hern fixed at one htiudr*d dollar* per rhare. . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. f'RKKW ll.t R CllUMTT, rctfonally appear* d .TamR* M SuLIITAM mod O. W. 8ruiri? ? - * * - - nbovo if full anil true ftatcment, to the brat of their ltnn?lt',K? nn-l lifli'f. Sworn " <! auhpet|lie?l to, J3'l day of March, 1871 J A SIRS SI. 8U I.I.I VAN, I'rffi<l?tit. 11k * Si'i litaK, Trial Juniirr O. C. <>. W. Ml'Ll.lVAN. I t.. , JAMF8 M. 8U l.l.l VAN, J Ia?ik? M.,St 1.1.ivTreuaurer. Wnr V>9 47 3 Notice. r>?.i'fTT Cni.t KCTita'a Orrtcr., I R??Kraii,8.0i March :Chl. 1871. ) IN conformity with requirement# of lie Internal Revenue Iaw?, I hereby ifive notice to nil prtaona, who tuny dnun 7ko Krg? of Whisky, re bed no the p>emiae?ot John Nil, in Andei'fon County. almut the let nt Match, Jaintra B. Sherman. It* en up* of I* tiu|( hrkl in violation of the Inlermtl llevenne, (the fnin? hnvinti I keen titrnail otrer to me.) to make inrh clnitua Itcforc ?ne, ? ithin thirty Hay a of the 111 at publication of thie notice. A. L. COBU, Ih*|ii'iv Collector. Mnr ? 47 8 The Stain of South Carolina) u v i LLK COUNTV. lly S.J. HOfJTfllT, K'qnirt, Jmtye of I'mImlt of "till County, WIIKKKA8, & Gr*en,ha* filed a reiilion in my Ofiee, playing (lint Let tore of a <lm mint rat ion on nil hoi! ain^nlar the (ooili ami chattel*. right* and eredit* of CLOTILDA OllKCN". late of -the County1 a force a id, decraaed, ahouhl he grunted to hiin. Tket* nre, therefore, to rite ami ndtiionifh all and lingular the kindred and creditor* of the amid dereaacd, to he and appear in tlie Coirt of i'rot-ate for raid County, to hi holden at Greenville Court lloiiae, ?a thm ltd </~,y oj April me.'t, t't chow enn*e, if any, why Ike *ald Adiniiiiiiratloti *h?n!d not l>e granted. 8. d. I?Oi;Til IT, J. P U. C. OWlreof Judge oi Probate, March 27tli, 1871. Mar 2'J /7 2 The Stato of South Carolina ; COUNTY OF ANDERSON. Court of Common l*len?. T. M. nil'toll. c. T. Dunham and A S. lirinrn. partner* under the Firm name ?t T. M. J? rkldl! ?fc Co., mjoimt Willi* E. Burkett. 7*o Wit.Lift E. Bur.ur.rr, Defemdmul in thi? netirm: YOU are hereby summoned and tequlrrd to an*wcr the oooipl-ilnt In fhl* action, which I* thia day ti'rl in 'lie office of the Clerk ol the C utrl of Common Plea* for the *nhi County, and I" *e? v? a copy id your anawer on the aubocriher at AioDr *on 0, II . S. C., within twenty day* after 1 the aervirc ol thi* tumniotia on you, exelu* *ive of the day of aervice. If yon fail tu *n?wfr tliit complaint with in llin lime aforesaid, 1 plaintiff will tn)ir jii'tgment ngnliirt ywi for the Mini of one hundred and fifty^iu'lii fi'2 100 dollnra, with Interest on evenly nine 83 100 <lol Inn tliereof from the Jinli day nf Julv. 1070 and on five dollnra ll:?re<>( hour the 4lh day of March, 1870. and on forty five 62 1 Of) dollar* thereof f>mn the lfith d*v of May, 1870, and on twenty eight 73 1O0 dollar* thereof frvm the 23d day of July, 187ft, nnd eoft*. Il.ited at Anderenn C. H. ft. C. Mareh 10th, 1871. B. P. WIIITNlilt, I'laitil111*n Attorney. To lit* Drffufant. Will* R. BuRKRTT; TAKK online thai the Hmoniona In I hie action, of wldeh the foregoing la a copy, wan Hied In the odicc of the Clerlrnf the Court of Common l'leaa, at Andereon Court lloioe, in Andermn County, in the ftfate of 1 ttiMiih Carolina, on the ItHh day of Mai eh, 1871. II K. WHITNKR. 1 I'laintlfl'a Attorney. Anderaon C. II , S. (1 Mar 20 47 0 eyf-iyj" ............. Notice 18 hereby given that I will apply, to 8. J ( Douthit, Prohato Judge of Greenville ( County, oa Iht J8/A iiav of April ttrxf, for a ( Ann I diacharjee a* Admlnittrator of the Katate of DAVID BAKNKTT, deoeaaed. All partlea having clalma agalnat (aid Karate, wilt preeent them to me or the Probate Judge, no or before (aid day. LKWI8 McCAULY, AdnTr. March 11, 1871. 43 3 "MIlUNBttir MRS. LOO JKNNIltOB, B A? her gjgM , HJ1 HffAR fir w. n. novKv * co., JMK* OA' HAND A LAJfOti AND StP??SP With wlileh ih? It 3BRTAIN OV FLSAfilNO ALL OF I1K11 PniBNDfl. pm* CALL AND SDK. Dm 14 M i f , Paris Mountain ron SALEi. a - TIII8 TRACT of Land oun MQfc laialng '^otWSp mSBBtOu* ihmtMn44HBM errs, r.irnerly the residence ol Genera) ffulrfj Thompson, situate Ave m|l?i from bo C??j of Greenville, h offered for sole. IW? are two comfort able duelling h<>ua*s ?n Site premises with ell neecteorjr oQt build nge. There is a fine orchard ot eltolec 'roll IrAt. Two or three hundred scree tare been cleared, end wee formerly in cub ilvation. The situation it a magnificent ?ne for a country resid-nea, commanding an xtaaeiec view of thekfoantalne, the City of Oerenville, and the Surrounding emintty, rhere ie a fit o spring nf water on th? mnum tain near the residence. Tltc >11 is productive and fine crfjie were grown on the plaee during the lib limonl f.enen.l Thmnp ton. The property will be sold |.?w for raeh, and a gtcit bat gain m-tv be obtained. Apple to Mes?t*. I'KIIKY k TERRY, at Flrcsiiville 8 -? " - - . v , vi w uic iu|>i ?ri or ni Madison, Florida. CAROLINE C. JONES. Mar 22 46 11 DISSOLUTION. | THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist, it.g under tlio name and style of DAVID & STRADLEY, 18 THIS DAY DISSOLVED,! BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. { Tlio Business will be conducted i at the old stnnd by J. A. DAVID, to whom all indebtedness must be , paid, and by whom all claims will 1 Iks paid. J. A. DAVID. SAMUFL STRADLEY. March 7. 1871. 46-4 DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY ! J JQ. MrDAYID ;rmlnnlo of the IVnnijI- | vntiia College of Denial Hurgery, wolon ISC6-67, n*|?crtfully offers hi* professional services to the citizens of Urcenville and surrounding country. Having acquainted himself with the modern ! improveincuts of hia profession. lie hope*, hy < irirt attention to kutlneo, to he a-le to glvo 1 satisfaction. Office on the corner of Coffee and Main Streets, in II. A. t'anMe's former residence, up stair*. J. Q. Moll A V ID, D. I>. S. Mar 22 40 :im 1871. "Pr'naTrade. J871, Croquet. Complete set* from S3 to $20 per act. Ilnac nulls. All the different kind* at reduced price*. Fishing Tackle. Of every description. 'I'en veil tig Rngs. For ladle* and gentlemen. Fni't'iffti Fancy Woods. Call lie i? ltd IMalola off nil Kinds mid I'rlees A imiiiiitlliois. SllortamcN'* flood". (luod* shipped to any part of tha country per express. The mine careful attention given to orders l.y mail ?a to personal purchase*. 1'rice* lor our good* based on gold ut par. nmu rcuLUNtr, i MMBLt fit UU?| 200 ll\ It A I. TIM OU E S TltKK T, BALTIMORE. MD. March 22 40 ly Farm and Residence FOR SALES. Till-: SlRSt'lMBER offers for ?ale hi* i "GREEN " FARM, of about Two HoniJrcd Acre*, it little more than it mile front the corporate limit* of tJrecnville. The liouao U a largo ami eotnfortahlo one, containing eight ' room* with fire placet, and two other* without fire-place*. On thu place arc orchard* of Apple, Cherry 1 and Peach Tree*, a l.ody of Woodland, a piece of very rich flOTTOJI LAND, and n large hed of clay *oitat>|e for brick making, out ol which large profit may he made. Tho place is aiipplicd with an al.undance of mint excellent water, oua of the rpring* being rtrongly chalybeate. Foit T I, nils, apply to the aul.?crlhcr at I Orcein ill... JAMES C. FUR MAN. Mar li 45 tf | Edwin J. Scot", .Son & Co., B A. N S 3 P. D AMW s ?. o e a r, o, COLUMBIA, S. C. WITH AMPLE FACILITIES, THEY offer Liberal accoinmodationa In the Discount of .Vote* and Draft*; tho purohanc and aulo of EXCHANGE, SPECIE, PONDS, STOCK, DANK DILLS, AC., and the COLLECTION OF COMMERCIAL PAPER. JsB Interrat allowed on Depoaita. Feb 22 41 Jim i Carolina National Bank or COLUMBIA. S. C? UK ' Capital 8tock Paid In, $200,000. it<n no of or/iEcrons> L. D. CIIILDS, Preaident. Da. J. W. 1'ARKKN, R. M. W AM. A.'K, Jolt* H. Wiuir, Dn. Joii.* T. ItAiiar, E. IIol'K, Ummauh O'Nkalc, JII. C. D. Mm. tor, Attorney. W. B. Arucit, C. J. Trkokm., Caahier. ; " A*al?tant C'asbicr. Hfl*1 fflllK Mftwk n/thla Dunk la now I $200,IHM), all uT wbloUJj.i* t>eeu paid in, and confirmed by fhe Coinpobllvr ol tlia Cur* rtiiev. Authority haa *l*o Wen received for a further inereaan to thft|UtiUMiit of $50.#00, of which over $2(1,00A hsuited* ktn taken. Persona wishing t?. muko MW^Mpiont should apply without dal^gr, Tb* flMfffu* Fund U dow fft.000, or i|?no cent. noon in stock. The Carolina National Punk Issues cvrtift. rate* of deposit, bearing interval at ilia rate ?f seven oer cent. j>cr aiioum. Thin Ami tare jf Ita bwsincss otakts It practically A lAVINQI BA!VK, And attention If called to tho fuet that the lafvty of then deposits, aa well aa nil others, are guaranteed by the whole capital of the Dank. No safer mode of temporary Invest men! ia offered to the public than Ihia?tba | icpoaita being payable on demand, or on abort not ire, Depoeita of any amount received aitber In currency or coin, and payable In the tame. Interval will l<e paid at the end of Mcb als montha, ahonM depoeita remain ber??od that length of time. Columbia, S. C., January Sfttb, 1871. Feb 1 87 ilea WH. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND 8UIL0ER. ^flRV LOCATED on Falla Street, one CkjMn annate of Meaara. (dower, Cox A KXmwP Mark ley'a. fJWQ ' tl HAN ITE of eW daaerlptiona lUVBt hnhkHi al>.l Ol I.. ... .1.'r TftUU. mL& STONK*. with llr.nH. or Morblo ' l*wSoouUo mo/ bo bod on opplkotlmt. I BSSiSyoeUI ottcntloh Ktmronlucd lo oil I rorb. W-lf Jon in < ' !?- ' s "mm SASH, BUND; AND; aSOff&DXKS AM? S DRB88KD Flooring, Celling, Weather Itmri Over a hundred different Pattern* of M lor ?nle at New York price*. Mantel-Piece*, 1 hurt notice. Stair Rail, Newel* and Dallusteri to order. tlood and 8uh?tnntlal Work made n* chenp Viiltrd 8tutc*. We have on lmnd tl.e large*! i Hnltin.ore, all of which we guarantee will give Substantial Work. The ?ul>*crll>er* ran refer t< Carolina and Florida, a* to the diameter of tin \l Opposite Wando Fertllitet Work*, and In Pavilion Hotel*. Mar CONSi; M PTi ONV Its Care and Its Preventive, BY J. II. SOU F.N CK, M. I). MANY a human being ha* parsed away, for who*e death there wa? no other reason than the neglect of known nnd indisputably proven mean* of cure. Thoso near ami dear to family and friends arc sleeping the dreamless sIuiivJxt into which, had they ciiinuy adopted 1>R. JOSEPH H. SCIIKNCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, nml nvaiiod thctnat ivc* of It in wonderful eflicaelmi* medicine*, thoy would not hare fallen. I>r. Scbctik lutii in hi* own rate proved tlmt wln-rcvcr rufllcient vitality remain*, that vitality. by kit medicine* and the direction* lor | their unc, I* quickened into healthful vigor. I i In Ihl* atatcinent there ia nothing pro*iimpt? . I uou*. To tlie faith of the invalid ia uinde no ! repreaentntion thnt ia not a thouannd time* ' *ub*tiititiatcd by living and viaible work*. ! The theory of the euro hy I)r. 8eheuck'a tncdij vine* ia aa aimple na it ia unfailing. Ita phi, loMiphy re<|itirca no argument. It ia aclt-aaMiring, aelf.convitieing. The Scawood Tonic and Miindrako Pill* are . ; the flrat two wenpona witli which the citadel I of the malady ia naaailcd. Two-third* of the ! I caret of contempt inn originate in dyapepaia j i and a functionally diaordered liver. With thia condition the bronchial tubea " aytnpatlilr.o " j with the alomaeh. They rvapoud to the utor- ' lillc action of the liver. Here tbcu cornea the i culminating reaqll, and the retting in, with all , ita diatreaaiug ayinptotn*, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake I'illr are comporcd of one of Nature'* nohlcat gifla?the l'oilopiiilliuin Pel- ! tit I ii in. They pnni'ii all the blood enrolling, i ; it 11 cm I ivo aimaintoi ?l />?l.-.?-1 ?111 ' . V.VMV7 (III IIKO ' calomel, they -LEAVE NO STIXO BEHIND." i Tho work of euro in now I egiuning. The J vitiated and mucous deposits in tlie bowels mid in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a cluck, is wound up. It nrouaes from ill torpidity. The stomach nets rcspnitlively, and the patient logins to fool that he is gelling, at Inat, A SUPPLY OF (1001) BLOOD. Tho Srnwood Tonic, in conjunotien with the Tills, permenles nnd nsrlinilntcs with the food. . Cliyliflcation is now progressing without its , previous tortures. Digestion pnitilcfrs, ! nnd the euro is seen to bo at hiind. There is | no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite sets in. i Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent futher to suffering iniin. Sehcnek's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at onco vpon its work. Nature cannot lie cheated. It collects and ripens the impaired und diseased portions of the lungs. lu tho form of gatherings, it prepurcs them for expectoration, nnd to! in a veiy short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that, it occupied is renovated and made new, and the patient, in all the dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or tho womanhood that was. OIVK.V Ul* AS LOST. The second thing is, the pntinnts must stay in n warm room until they get well*; it is alm >st impossible to prevent inking cold when the lutigs are diseased, hut it .must be prevented or a euro rntmnt be effected. Fresh mill iioiM* vui, vspvetaiiy in this section of the conutry in the fall and winter season, arc j all wrong. Physicians who recommend that I course lose their patients, if their Lings are | i .JI. -n - -- ? ....... J uinmnin, mill yet, localise I hey lire ill the bouse they must not ait down ijuict: they must vrnlk about the room na much mik) na far' na the strength will hear, to gut up a good circulation ot blood. The patleuta must keep in good spirits?he dctorniini-d to get well. Thin baa a great deal to do with tbo appetite, and is the great point to gain. To deapnir of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the wont cases, and moral certainty in all others, la sinful. Dr. Hchcnck's personal statement to the Faculty of hia own cure was in these modest words : " .Many years ago I was in the lost stages of consumption ; conliiicd to my bed, and at one time my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning uian catching at straws, ( heard of and obtained the preparstiona which I now tffer to the public, and tlicy insdc n perfect euro ol me. It seemed to me that I could feel thorn penetrate my whole system. They anon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than n pint i of offensive yellow matter every morning for | a long lime. As soon as that began to subside, my eongli, fever, pnin anil night sweats all began to leavo me, and my appetite Iwraiuc so great that it was with difficulty that I could keep front eating too much. I soon gained my stren K??', mid have grown in flesh ever since." " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skuleton ; my weight was only ninety seven pounds : mv present vn-ii/lit is i?.. , O * *"" MWimiiiM I id twenty-five |eiund*, nil for year* I > (into viiloved uninterrupted licnllb." I>r. Hclionrk him di*continaed hi* prcfe*. nioual vIkiIk to Now York and lion ton. lie or In* ton, I)r. J. II. Hchenck, Jr , ntill eonlinuo to *?o pallent* mi their ofllcc, No. 16 North Sixth itrcot, I'llilndulphin every Saturday froin II A. M. to :i I*. M. Tho*e who with a thorough examination with the Iteapiroineter will he charged $:>. The Korpirotiicler declare* the exact condition of the lunge, and paticnti can readily learn whether they nre cum hie or not. The direction* for taking the medicine* nre adapted to the intelligence even of a child. Follow there direct ion*, and kind Nature will do the rent, excepting that in nome eaac* tho Mandrake Pill* arn to taken in increaaed dorcr ; the three medicine* need no other ae eonipauiment* than the nniple Imdrnetlona that accoliitillllV them : Kir*l rreut.. ft* returning health hunger in the most welcome symptom. When it eotnc*, as it willeoiMe, let the despairing at onre le of pood cheer. Good blood nt one# follow*, the eottgh loosens, the niglit sweat is abated. Jn a short time both of these morhld symptoms are gone foresee. Dr. Hohonrk's medicines are constantly kept In ten* of thousand* of families. As a laxative or purgative, the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation ; while the Pulmonio Syrup as a carer of coughs and eolds, may be regarded as a prophylaeterle against consumption in any of its forms. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Toale, >1.60 a bottle, or 97.60 a half doson. Mandrako rills, 26 rents u box. For sale by all druggist* and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOIIN P. IIKN'KY. No. College Plftce, Now York City. March II 4(1 1y ~~ xTe, hbbkt p. oooDwrir, limar*. c.? RRFrr.CTPr1.LY tendon hit PROFUSION A L tfHRVICKF ?o (ho public. March II 4k 4** J* ; fliAHBHG If, Rholrinn, Boi Board*, 4c., Ac. oul^ ngs, making over 100,000 foot on banc I>oor and Window Frames made to order a ) of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and taad< nt this establishment as ecn he mnde fh th tock of the above Ooods snath of the City ? entire satisfaction to ail who trant flood ani > gentlemen all over this Plate, Georgia, Nortl sir work for the past twenty years. \ P. RU8SELL & CO., EAST END HA8KI. 8TKKKT. the imma4late vicinity of Charleston an eh 10, 1871. 4M S 31 COLUMBIA HOTBt COLOMBIA, S. C?. TO. OOR11AM, Phoprietoi Proprietor of the pleasantly locate 1. nod eleoantlv furniahad Rslablisl ilio State CipltiMriirM to Infon the tinveiling public and ithers aeeltirg a< commoiliulnnn. that the "Columbia" in in n I V respect, a I'iNcImm llolal. unsu>pne*? by any in the Stat* or lha Unit* 4 State Situated in the htuftteia centre of the ctti wl'li fine ]nrg" airy k oiw, and a laid- eo| I>11' il with erery delicacy of (lie Reason, fmt irom New York and Charleston nmiketj flie Proprietor pic<tthat no ?ff.?na ml be spun-d to give peifrot satisfaction in ?v< ry respect. A first c'ass Livery Stable is atinrhed t the Hotel, where Teblcba ?>f every rtcB?ri| lion ran I e bad at the abort osi not lee. Omnibuses attend the arrival and drpai tuio of every Train. WM COKMAJf. Propiletor and Snpeiinienden J. I> nUDDS, Cashier. Fati 16 89-tf JIO. CAMI'Sr.X. R. ?;*JT FLOURING MILLS, 14 MARKET, OrPOSITK STATK-8' o J no. Campsen & Co. GRAIN, IIAV, FLOI'R ijin COMMISSION MERCHANTS Mdnufiu-lureri of GRIST and MKAI 80 BAST RAY, CHARLESTON, S. C Fob 22 40 Am CHAS." IIICKET tornuTHmunu MANUFACTURER, 34S K I N ( STREET. (WjIJR&SBTOB* s. c Looking Glasses OF ALL SIZES, FITTED TO FRAMES. OLD FRAMES RE-GUT KQ.UA I. TO REM'. Feb 22 40 Am Tho Stato of South Carolina GRRUKVILI.K COl'M V. Court of Comuton l*fca?. JOIJ.X M J OAKS. J'rmtlte, A nnitut COL A ELI A A. THOMPSON, AthnMmn friz.? Decreefoi Publication. IT ft| paring to my raliafartion by nflldi it, that ilio IMriulnnt ia nonrreaifb-r *ni1 i hat fIig ia a pr??p?r party to iliia adloi and llirit a entire of action exiat ngainat her It {a ordered. that aurvice of'*umm<-n? b mute by publication, and that thla notic b? pntd'ahrd once a week for aix week*, i the Knterprite and Mountaineer, Ii ia fui liter ordered. Thai a copy of thi etinimon* and complaint, be both with At poait.-d in the l\?at Office, directcil to lh defendant, al Mudiroo Court lloiife, Florida S J. IfOUTIIlT, Troliate Judge Greenville County. March If l?t, 1871. 4? ? CITIZENS' SAYINGS BANK or DOUTH OAP.OLI1TA. Depoaita of $1 and Upwards Received INTEKEbT ALLOWED AT THE PATE O: SEVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ON OERT FIOATES or DEPOSIT AND MX PER CENT COMPOUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS ON ACCOUNTS. Orricicne?Win. Martin, Pre*Went j Join I). Palmer and John P. Thoraae, Vice Prcal dent; A.'). Bronlaer, Caahier; John C. II Hiuith, Arftlatent Caahier. Dihkctorm.? Wade Hampton, Williniu Mar tin, A. C. Ilarkell, F. W. MrMuetor, John I' Thontoa, K. II. Iloinitah, John B. Palmei Thoinaa K. Gregg, Columbia. J. KM Gregg, Marion | O.T. ficott, Xewber ry j W. (J. Mayca, Newberry ; B. II. Biiliedgt Chiirleatun ; Daniel Havcttcl, Jr.. Chnrlcaton. lininehoa ut Abbeville artl Newberry am other pointa. A general Banking buainc* done. 40-3nt Yeb 22 Nolicc. THE NOTF.S and ACCOUNTS of MARI ON J LOCK, have been plaerd in mj lianda for collection, Parties owing Mr Ia>ek will cave coata by ?riling at my ofliec and paying their IndeMcdnee*. JAMES p. MOORE, Att'y at Law and Trial Juatice. February 14th, 1811. W-tf. jvjuisib wusronui MILLINERY. MISS McKAT haa jtwt t< eeivad nta - ' VI ?n?n fflj^Hneli, Hutu, RHiunni, F-a'lieri JK3H Klowert, Ac. AI?o Infant* AMHV Hn?a and M|M>, Fura, (R?? VBJUV and imitation,) II air Coitt Jc JBiH Oood., wlitrh ah PI#T offara at rery low pr'oe*. Nov ft M tf Notice 18 hereby giyea to all whaaa It may caneum that I will apply to 8. J. Mouihlt, Pro bate Judge of 0reer. vllto County, for a Ana dlacharjre, an #*? I Ilk ifay nf April mrrt, ai Kaeeutor of tha Katata of J08RP11 A MOORR, daeaanad. 8. W. DARTAH, Rwwter. March It, 1971. <6 % " SpTlBBmisfcs CURtS DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION rc SOLD CVtftYWHCftC. ^7tt\ B0WM^t?DWIS . * WHOLESALE DRUGClSTt CMHH1KTOW.S.C. e N. B. Tti? OimMiininni-r of |{,>r?iiiir l?*a t ilffliM that any dealer can wll ?Ma artiala p without a special Heroa*. For ?al<* l?y " ' DAVID * 8TBADLBV, Wlnilw*h and Ret'* I Grocers and Cora4 mission Merchants, Qr? ?n villa, S. O. d a Lao bt , Drs. Harrison St Marshall/ Wlm|.m> and Katail Ilrn(g|*U| GURBKVILLR, S, C, 9 ' Mar ffO 4B % \y is* t. isVT. it. i Spring and Summer m 11 | y /? ^ MARSHALL & SURGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jj TITE ARK OFFERING TO THE MBR(t W chant* ?f the interior, a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE P" FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ' DRY GOODS | ash | Wit loll we tell at the lo#e*t Mafltof price* id j prompt tniyinu cuitomer*. MAHSIIAl,t, A lit'ROB/ Mar 8 43 3iff r. . ? g-s o= a a fpr^g =Efrgffl <5 ? ? ^2LE.- <? ^ ? r a. ^ i?i ** 8 ^ "-1 u ^ c 8 ? :.0*?-? M N r M-S r?5 f-"1 s 2=^P ^ ?:: * - r _ Ifr- = ? fc hj ' i* rs>3.2 i'??ehg -5>r^ 5??'iivP-^ fi rri-lS52H2.i. !> fee? 1 Ilf-rs-=-!-rf.o?"2Q * S^iiSpaisi-^sj B t-?2 S.| 8 ? x , 8 r:? = ? = = ft g m = & K. bS-a, = 0?50$^Sa $ g > ? ?.? trr* ||= rs S5 xf _.-= i* .??! # * 5 m 5: ' 5,= :c^^^ ?- c- (J) i ' ^r? 5 s ^-wpc?^* ^ -of = cr " 0 S :?mV( L^-?5SC?' ^2* 3? H ?. x J -T |S - | 5 v. . cpl^grra t*5? ; |.-s9-' g 3.e -= ??.. go =? r/. 5 . t-a<p* ;, 1 ! ? i?F i_II _ 1 B. WEHRLE ? (1/1^? jn8t re,,?nt'd with a well UU selected Stock of | WATCHES, j CLOCKS, i . JEWELRY, MID SILVEH AID PLATED f ABE. ( Table Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Sto<*.k was personally pe lected from the l>e8t h.'oscs in his ' linn mill /%<?,. ? > . r - . ...... von gum iimcu HltllBIUCUnn. Oct III 22 tf [ 18 A CAHI). 71 ||V FRIENDS AND PAT EJ\tro,? have my thank. for pu.t ' tj?jt)SQfnrnr*. Ac. I continue to make (w--<0| '? additIons to my Stock of JKWKI, SEkvffl I HV. WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPEC- jftPth TICI.KS S I I. V K K CI.AT K DflHHi ?, j WARE. TAIII.K CUTLKKY. Ac. Spaeial atI tout ion given to repairing fine Watehe*, and il Time Pieces of every description. ? JA.MKS 0. It LACK. Jen 18 84 tf W. K. RAIkir. o. a. WRLLI EA8LEY & WELLS, '! Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN KQU1TY, GREENVILLE, P. C., PR ACTICE in the Courts of the State and of the United States, and girt especial attention to eases in Bankruptcy, June IS S WM. SHEPHERD & CO., , So. 24, Wsyst fitreot, Ckarltttom, H. C. itkii aaa IM p |/~VX>KlKO STOVfSB, "KAKGKft AND V. 1 Hauling RioVft, rieiiiif* uf 8l?*?i with prlo?e deaerlptlon w|!| ba ami upI on application. June tO ?-ljr i THE NHXEBSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA. 8- C. WII.L not be etoaed on account. of # h* lionlh of tlie I'roprlH^^dE* a. j WnionT. hut will he carried on4KPfe*#fc,,r..r.. , hy hi* w?lnw. Mn.SARAHHHflhliT. _; and her n??, WM. 0. W filit la(r|>ro|i?lrtw?i? IraiUd to ,.?|| ?? fnatial HAH Afi l?Wm<ir.T 1 F.b U Wdl WH, <\ VBIKUT. v