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% OFFIClAu' 11,1 l' Acts and Joint Rwkft^i Pnoaed | hv tht LeiriiUtiit'S-^Sknioa loJff and 1871." T AN ACT TO B8TABLI8H A NEW JUDICIAL AND KLBCTION COUNTY FROM | PORTIONS OF TUB COUNTIES OF BARNW8LL, EDGEFIELD, LEXINGTON AND ORANGEBURG, TO BE KNOWN AS AIKEN COUNTY. Section 1. Bo it enaetad by the Senate and ] IIuum of Representatives of the Stale of SodtU Carolina, mow mot Mid fitting to General Ai> atinbly, nod by tbs authority ?f tbo ?n?, That a uew Judicial and election County, with It* coat of jtutioe located at tbo town of Aikan, which County shall be keown as Aiken County, shall be formed, and is hereby authorised to be formed, from portions of the present Counties of Baruwsll, Efigefisld Leaingtt n and Orangeburg, with the metes and bounds hureinafter described, to wit: commencing at the mouth of Foa's Creek, in Edgefield County, where it empties into Savannah River, thence in a straight line to where the South brauoh of Chinquapin Fails Creek (a tributary of the North Bdisto RIYer,) intersects the Edgefield and Lexington line ; thence - .J L- -- ?1 I. II l.t. It.. Provided, hotetrer, That the Jurticea of (be Pence nn<l Conata' lea no* in office alia 11, from ami alter the time thia Act goca into effect, be confined nnit limited in tbelr official capacity, duly and power to the limit* of their reapcctivo Coiintiea, on altered by Ihla At', and the aaid officers reaiding in Aiken County aball, in like uiunner, be reatrictcd in their official fnnctiona to raid County of Aiken. Hcc. 7. That from and after the fourth day of October, A. D. J 872, all auita pending in the " II T.' l f.-1.4 T n.,rl vourts 01 inrnircu, r.ugcu?iu, ?? i Orangeburg, of which the defendant* rciide in those portion* of the ?nid Conntiei now established a* the County of Aiken, and all indictmi-lit* now pending in the Court* of *aiil Cnuntie*, where the offence was committed in thoie part* of the *aid Counties, now established a* the County of Aiken, ehail be transferred to the dockets of the Courts of the said County of Aiken, and all records, commissions, and other pnpera belonging to any of tho said suits or indictments, together with all tho legal incidents thereunto appertaining, shall lie transferred to the Clerk of tho Court of the said County of Aiken, and all writs and other processes*-already issued and made returnable to the Full term of the Courts of liarnwell, Edge, field, Lexington and Orangeburg, where the defendants in the said esses reside in the parts ol the said Counties now established as the County of Aiken, shnll bo as valid and effectual as though they had been issued to the Fall term of the Court of the said County of Aiken; and tho service of such processes by the .Sheriff of any of the said Counties shall be as good und effectual ns a service to the Fall term of the Court of the said County of Aiken; and all such writs and processes shall be transferred by (be Clerks of the Courts of tho said Counties to the Clerks of the Court of the County of Aiken. 8ee. 8. That the Board of Jury Commissioners of Barnwell, Edgefield, Lexington and Orangeburg Counties bo, and are here'-y, required to prepare and furnish to the Board of Jury Corainisslo'iers of Aiken County, on or before tbe fourth Monday of October, 1872, separate lists of persons liable to serve as jnrors, and residing in tbe limits of said Counties as altered by this Act. From tbe liets so furnished to tbe Hberiff of Aiken Connty sbal| be drawn, in accordance with law, the petit and grand jurors and talesmen for tbe Courts to bo holden in Aiken County, in conformity with the provisions of this Act, and tbe jurors so drawn are hereby dcclured lawful jurors to i)| purposes and inteata. Approved March 10th, A. D, 1971. JOINT RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OP THE PECI- | RIONH OP THE HUPRKMK COURT , DELIVERED DURING THE VEAR , 18?8, 18*0 AND inc. ] i r?. ii - i .i i _ .i n . i prri|i>n i ii< iv j-rviirii uj wt aeniui 1 and Houm of fl?|>re?en'ativ?# of th? Miata ' of South Carolina, ooir mat and fitting in 1 O nernl A???niMy, and by tlia authority of |liv tame, Tli?t the Juatisaa of the 3upr?m? ' Court Im nuihi rii-'i to oonlract with. the ' [Jon. J. t'. Riehaydaon, ul Hnmtvr, Booth * Ijoro ina, to prepare for piiliiicatioo, ami ?up lit.iend th? rinn, ttia dt-ciaion* of lha ( ^.iprrtm* Court dalirtrad (luring ihi/rip < Clown 111(1 crceH IU wucrc l% voipvmw uiw ?uv North fork of the Edlsto Hirer, and down the aid north fork to where the dividing lino be. twccu Lexington and Orangeburg Counties 'runuieg front Dig Beaver Creek to the North fork of thff Edisto) touchea arid riror; tbencc in a straight line to the bead of Tinker's Creek, in Darnwoll County ; tirence down said creek to whero it empties into tho Upper Three Huns, and down said Rons Creek to where it empties into the Savannah River; thence up the Savannah River to tho ini'ial points at (ho mouth of Fox'a Creek. Soo. 2. That Frank Aroint, M. F. Moloney, 1*. R. Rivers, J. L. Jamison, E. Ferguson, J. M. II ay no, E. J. C. Wood, P. R. Rockwell, J." A. (Jroono, W. If. Koedisb ami 1). Byes he, and are hereby appointed Commissioners to run out and properly mark and defino the said boundary linea, with the assistance of two competent surveyors to be eolectcd by tbem. Sec. 3. That S. J. Loc, Frank Arnim, P. R. Rivers, C. D. Jloyne, John Wooley, E. J? Wood, J. N. Ilaync, Levi Chavls, W. II. llocdish nnd J. II. Cornish be, and are hereby, np- | pointed Commissioners to prortdo suitable buildings for tho several Courts and County officers, and to select and purchase, or procure ; sites (or tho usual public buildings, and to contract for and superintend the erection of the Court House and Jail thereon ; and that snid public buildings shall be built at the ex. pense of the citixens of said County, and to meet the said demands, a special tax on the nsscsscd raiuo of rcnl and personal property in suid County be leviod. See. 4. That an election shall be held in the County of Aiken, as established by this Act, on the third Wednesday of October, A. I). 1872, for members of the General Assembly, j ami tor tho regular County Officers provided tor by the Constitution and laws of tho State, oiid ilie officers so elected shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, be required to give bond with sureties, as now is or uiay be required by law. Sec. 5. That until the next appointment of Representative!, the representation of the scv. era I Counties of this Slate affected by this Act, shall rcinuin as now established. Sec. A. That the County of Aiken be, and it is hereby, attached to the Third Congressional District, und shall form port and parcel of tbe Sixth Judicial Circuit, and that tbe regular terms ?( tho Courts of General Sessions and Common l'leas shall bo held in tho town of Aiken, on the second Monday of January, May and September of each year, ami that the Justices of the 1'eace, and Conttuhlcs, in the scvcrul Counties affected by this Art, who shall be in office at the time this Act goes into effect, shall continue in office until tjieir successors shall have been elected and shall have qualified : j Cv?*- 1^r-F * sr^rrrrrrf ? |*Wn net execedfog ?> thooeand dollars, fed the printing of Mrid deeieione ehall he loo# by. the Republic** Trloting Com [mcj. \ * v' 8eo S. That William llutaon Wljrg, fate Biporttr ol the Supreme Quart, on demand ol tbe lloo. J. 9* G. Klehardeon, after the making of the contract lo the feret aeetioo, provided for, delivered to Mitf Riehardaon, the certified eop'.ca of the dreUiona of the Supreme Court InrnUhed him by tbe Clerk of the Supreme Court, during hia term if office, and ell paper* relative teeaM d*et? eioaa coming to him by virtue of hia office. Approved Maroh a. 1871. joint resolution making an appropiuation or forty-seVen thousand dollars for the completion of the state luna. tic asylum, and for other pur. POSEa Be it reeolved by the Senate and Houae ol RrpreeeotaUvce, of the State of South Ceroline, now met end aitllng in Genera) Araembly, and l>y the authority of tha name: option 1- Tim I lK# itim of fnrir iltoii* sand (940.000) dollars b?, and the sam? is hsreliy appropriated, if to much be neers* sery. to complete the unBnished wing of the State Lonatie Asylum : Protid+d, That a contract shall be eotered into between the Board of Regents and tha contractor, specifying definitely the wot k to be done end the manner of doing the same, and the said contract to be approved according to law, before any portion of the approprlo? tion is paid. 8oe. 2. That the sum of five thousand ($6,600) dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to furnish furniture for the building known as the " New Asylum," and to refurnish the" Old <tsyliim." Seo. 3. That the rum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars be, ntvl the same Is hereby appropriated for ths purpose of building chimneys, and furnishing stoves for heating the " Old Asylum." Sec. 4. That the above appropriation of fori}' erven thousand ($17,090) dollars shall be paid by the State Treasurer, upon the order of the Board of Regents of Stale Lu untie Asylum, approved by the Governor, and the said orders shall be vouchers for the same. Approved March 0. 1871. JOINT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE STATE TREASURER TO REISSUE TO W. B. I'll INGLE. EXECUTOR OF MRS. liEUTilA SKIRVING, CERTIFICATE OF 8TATE STOCK. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Stale of South Carolina, now met nnd sitting in General Assemble ami bv the puthoritv of tiie same. That ilie Stole Treasurer lie. nnd lie is lieiel>y. authorised to reissue to Wm. It. Pringlc, Executor of Mr* Itcrllia Skirvlng, deceased, ecriificute* of *tock of the mine amount, payable *t tlie eima time, nnd beaiingtha me Interest, as tbo?e lost or destroyed: Certificate No. 10, iwite of 1856, for con truetion of now Hint* Capitol for ft960 00; and that the *ild W'm It P< ingle ia hereby tcqoiied to de|'< nil wi ll tlie State Treasurer a bond legally executed in the penal iuri of one thousand nine liundred dollars, to indemnify tin- Slate ogain?t loaa. Approved March 7, 1671. AN ACT TO PROMOTE THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE GREENVILLE AND COLOMBIA RAILROAD COMPANY. ANI) TI1E BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD COMPANY. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate nnd House of Represent*tires of the State of South Carolina, uow met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the aulhoii'y of the That lb* Aat entitled " An Act i to amend the charter <>l the Oreenrllle and Columbia Railroad Cempany," paa?ed by I lie General Assembly of thin State on tlie 20th day of December, 1853." be. nml the same in hereby re-enacted, with the follow* ing amendments or allernliona ; 8tc. 2. That for the purpose of extending or building or constructing a railroad from Greenville, all of the provisions of Sections nine, ten, eleven and twelve of an Act en titled "An Actio authorise the formation of the Greenville and Colombia Railroad Company," passed on the 15th' day of De sem'ier, it 'he year 1845, be, and the same are hereby, re-enacted, with the following amendments or alterations: 8ec. 8. That the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company Is authorised, so far as practicable, to purchase, connect or unite with any connecting Railroad or Rail roads, nnd especially to extend Railroad communication to Knoxville. Tennessee, and to Aaheville in Noith Carolina: Provided. That, if the Oreenvill* and Colum bia Railroad Company shall fail to eonstruol nnd finish the said Railroad, including sueb other Railroad or Railroads as it may unite with or acquire, to tha line between this O . _ a - I %T 1L n ? 1 T o'm r aim iiiiitn oirinini, an<i unntNCf, within Ave yeara from the final paasag* of ltiia Act, the right to further onrlrnet aaid Railroad to Knoxville and lo Aahevllle ahall caaae, and the time limited therefor ia here by extended Ave yeare from the Anal pat rage of Ihla Aet; but Ihia limitation ahall not impair nor affect any righte, or any (tailroad or Railroada acquired, united with, or eontlrueted, ao far aa acquired, united with or constructed, at the end ol the lime hereby limited, nor ahall anything contained io this Aet impair or limit the right or privilege to eona-didate or unite with any Railroad or Railroada under any general P.,?lroad law or lawa. That the raid Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company ahall hava the power to eonatruet and build, opon the ihoat practicable route, a branch of their road, from aoine point on the line of their road, at or Eaat of Anderaon Court Henae, and Wrat of the delude River, to Aiken or Hamburg, and there connect with any Railroad incorporated under tha laws of thia State ; and aim hall bar# the power to aonairuet and build, opon tha moat praetieable route, a branch of their road from Abbeville Court Houra to the Savannah River, in the direeion of Weehinglon, Georgia; abo*. that tha laid Company ahall hara th? powar lo aonraat and bu|M, upon tha moat praaiiaatda out#, a Railroad from hpartanhurg Court looaa lo tho North Carolina Una, In tha di? 1 action of A ah*villa, or Rutherford, North 1 Carolina, See. 4. Tha^ in riaw of tha aonaolidallon 1 >f tha Orcenvlllo and Coiumlda Railroad I /Omptny and tha Bine Ridge Railroad ^ | ftai|ro*fi Cskpiijr |a maklag tb? bead*'] o eforeeeld, and of-U?# Comptroller Central L of tb* State i^|Mila| the Mia#, tol Utecabypledging the f?li| tid /nadLl tha State To th? payment ol Mid boo*de, M hero * by rallied and eon firmed ; end that the * making and exrcotlon of Mid Blue Ridge ' Railroad fiowpeay aad Mid other Cempa- * nU ?T the iWleage aforeMfd to Henry | Clowe, Ileory Gourdln and George 8 Otne , roa, lo eeeore the payment of the bcnde a afore'aid, ie a loo ratified and confirmed, ^ aad aaid mortgagee la deeiared to* be a iiee i prior to that of the State, oa all orooertT 11 described in wld mortgage, and on the entiro lino of tho rood aforesaid, and oa all ) the proportiooof said several Companies, or j which they. or either of them, may hereaf- ( ter acquire; but nothing In thio Act contained ahall be construed to divtat the State of ite lien on the aetata and property 1 of the raid several Rail Companies, or of aitlier of them, for ita endorsement of the bonda aforesaid, bat mid lien i* poatponed to and declared to be subject and subordlnate to that of the mortgage, hereinbefore mentioned, to Henry Clteo, Henry Oourdln i and G*-orge 8 Cameron, Trueteee. See. 6. Tltat all other statutory or other I lien* or Hen, encumbrance* or encumbrance, equitiea or equity, except the mortgage encumbrances now upon the property, aaeeta, effeeta, rights and franehiaea of aaid Oreen* villa and Columbia Railroad Company, or any part thereof, and alao except the mortgage herein authorized, ahall ha, and are, or ia hereby, made eubacquent to lha mortgage encumbrance* now In exirtenee thereon, and aubeeqnent to the one herein authorized, ao that tlia holdera of the Ixtnda ( secured by mid mortgagee, or either of ; them, shall havs a lien and security as be-* tween each oilier, according to the timo aaid mortgages hare been or shall be recorded, and a prior lien to all other liena or | encumbrances whatsoever. any law or laws lo I lie contrary notwithstanding. Her. 6. The following clause* in Section 2 of the Act of September 16, 1866. to authorize additional aid to the Blue Ridge Railroad'Company, in South Catolinn, vie: "j4*d furltxtr prvidtd, That the raid bonda or any pait thereof, nhall not be u?ed, un leas upon the express condition that upon application to the Congress of the United StiUs, or to private capitalist*, the amount of three millions of dollars in cutrmcy, or so much of that sum as may be necessary, shall be furnished in exchange, or ttf on the security of said bonds," is hereby repealed. See. 7. That after the consolidation of the Greenville and Columbia Rsilioad C?m pany with the Blue Ridge Railroad Company, the bends now lield by the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company and the Blue llidgc Railroad Company, shall be endorsrd by the consolidated Company. Sec 8. That if said consolidated Railway Company shall fail lo pay its interest on its guaranteed debt for two )?ini, it alial! he llie duty of the Comptroller-General of litis Stat*, and he alial) have the power to take immediate poreeeeion of raid road, with all its appurtenance*, and leaae the mine to reeponaible parliea who shall have control thereof, until the General Assembly eh a 11, hy law, provide for tho selth-meut of the affaire of aaid Company in the inlererl of nil its ereditora. 8?e. 0. That the aaid Greenville and Co lumhia Railroad Company, and the IJluc Ridge Railroad Company ehall, forever, continue and be a body corporate, capable of ruing and being rued in any Court of competent jurisdiction. Bee. 10. That all Acta or parte of Acta, inconeirtent with lltia Act, or any part thereof, arc, for the purporea of Ihie Act, hut for no other purpore, hereby amended, I altered, modified, or repcabd, aa the eare may require, ro aa to eonform to the true intent and manning of tlii* Act. See 11. Thie Aet shall take eftsci Immediately. Approved the 6th of March. A, T)., 1871. Slje (Sdtkrprbe. amiGMui, s. o. WEDNESDAY, APSXL 0, 1071. The B?m*dr? Amendment to tbe Btata Constitution. Col. C. G. Mrmmixokr 1i?? published a letter to Got. Scott, in whleh he diseusse* in n verj able manner, the remedy for legislative , abuse*, and adroeatea the eah of a State Con- | vention. We are pteaeed to Me that the Re. i publican paper* in tbl** also favor the calling of a Convention. We believe in all efforts lor tbe peaceable adjustment of the difficulties attending tbe new order of things in , South Carolina, and are sere that there is a < simple method, whleh, if adopted, will satisfy 1 all parties in tbe 8tate, white and colored, tax payers and non tax payers. ( Wo do not propose to deprive any single ] citiiens of the right of voting for President, for Governor, for his Representatives in the ^ Legislature In the House or most numerous ( branch, nor for hi* County officer*. Let every , citizen rote for every thing in all elections, i whatever his class, color or prevlons condition 1 or education, except for the Senators. Here, 1 In this single election, which eoma* on In every county once In every four years, let a ( Convention of the State amend tbe Constltn. | tlon, and require every one white er colored, ' who casts a vote fw Senator, to he tbe owner I of a MrUin amount #f taxable property la tba Rlate, not tear n; thaa $604, M may ba As#4 " by tha Cooatltntlon. W? era confidant that ' thla amendment of (ha Conatltatlon a*a ba af. . fl footed with tfia eon cant of Blna taatba of tba j praaant rotor* of tha Ctata, If I ha pram a ad a bonaal portion of tba pabllo maa will anpport 0 It; bat wo da not balta?a that tbara U any * J bopa for a gawaral raatrlatioa of tha right of ^ rot'.ng far inability to raad or for want of b property ; Indaad wa would pto far for ovary ? body to rota for tba moat numorou* braaah of tha Lagieiatara, than ovary body and avarv elaaa would ftal thamaalvaa prataatad from aggraaaloa upon tbafr right*. Tba aoaaaqaaaaaa l' of auab aa amandmest of tha Confutation ? a< would ba moat aalntary, aa body aoaM ha hart n ?r deprW*d of Mj right, vlthoft hit KMMd ^ Lbroogh hi* rtprtmliUTM, no old l?? could 1c b? ropoaUd or noir law #o?M ho mad* without *1 M oonacnt of all ymi. It! ik? only afft C r a Constitution tMt will a?ISy?p?lu gnfrnment and regnhmaaa >L?I nib ami ermaaent. Adopt tbl* *y*t*Hb u4 wa M? P 0 raaaoo wig aneb government* may oat ? oma uaivarsal la tba elvllteed world, and an. k ?i| till tba and of Una. A qnallflad nflbiga tl jr the Banal* and nni vernal suffrage for tha a laaaa of IteffreeentatlY** and itiry other the# j thta will aara tba State, and no honest f 1 an na offer any raaaanabla objection ta.? ^ f bat any tba Cha&<?etoo Rrpnbtican and tba ( !ol?Ma Union, and all anr ootemporariae. ( We eon Id aay much in vindication of the pro- | toaed a mead asset, bat IU propriety and utility i a ao obriowa that we leave the mMmI for the ' >resent, la the hop* that others may take It ' ! Tuu and Stat* Bond*?Action of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce. We present our readers with the aelioo ' of the Chamber of Commerce lo Charleston. I' This doubtless represents the slews and ' feelings of the property holders and tax payers of the city, and further than that, we bellese. of the whole State, unless it Is the sery few tux p?yrrs who hold salaried others, or handle Stale bonds We haee no doubt that tha course recommended by the Charleston tax payers, will be that approved then by everybody, except the lot erected few who have a private advantage to gain, that is, reslstanee by all legitimate means 1 to the plundering taxes, and repudiation of 1 all fraudulent and corrupt obligations Im- ' pored on the State by rreklees legislation. Let every County bold its meeting la 1 lime to elect Delegates to Columbia, In May 1 next, to bring a1>out concert of aetion that shall be peaceable and effectual. Great good must be accomplished by united ae? lion, and amongst other things, good faith requires that the people ahould give notice to the whole world that they will not feel at all bound to redeem any part of any bonds henceforth eorruptly authorised and issued, "theSterling Bon>W particular y,among the rrst" Hut ws refrain from any extended ra marks of our own, as Ilia Charleston proceedings very fairly presents the suhj-et. We arc glad to sea that the Charleston Daily D^pvliHean dbenssee this matter In a fair and dignified manner, suiting the gravity of lie occasion. Since we have men minco me /ir/iuoxienu, we unit pleasure in acknowledging tlie Inet that ita conductor? ittm to be the determined opponent* of corrupt legislation and want of the publie money. It is no party question; but one of life or death to all good eit'xsns of the Sint*. It-is a question of honesty and lib* erty on one side, and dishonesty and op I prestion on the other. It ha? nothing really t<> do with national politics, unless the Republicans will openly assume the position that dishonesty end oppreadon of the people at largo and nil lax payers of the 8>ale, are essential-to their existence. Whereas, under the operation of the present Stuto Government, the majority of the property holders and tax payers of the State, from whoiu the publie revenue is mainly derived, are exoluded from any power in the legislation of the State, and frmu any practical iufluenoo in the imposition of taxes; And, whereas, the moneys raised by taxation nre improvident!/ and corruptly usod and expended by persons who hold office under the State Government, and the sums appropriated for alleged public uses are excessive and extravagant. And, Whereas, The credit of the Stats baa been pledged Ulegallr, and it is now proposed to pledge the e-edit of the State for farther loans, by a new issue of bonds, which may be negotiutcd In the market to persons who n.ay take them, In ignorance of the circumstances under which they are Issued. Therefore, t f). I 1 Tl a ? ?a? U-l.l * I ? /ir??irr?, inn wo, prwjicnj iioiurn ?u? Ux payer* of Ui? State, raiding In tha City of Cbarleaton, do hereby deem it onr duty to declare tbat tba bond* heretofore ifrued without legal auction, and the o-ealled sterling loan, or any other bond* or obligation* hereafter 1? uad, purporting to be nndcr, and by rirln# of, tba authority of tba prcacat State Government, will not bo held biinlin t on u*, and tbat wa hall, in every manner and at all timet, roalit the payment therof, or the enforcement of any lax to pay the tama, by all legitimate mean* within our power. 2. /frWe?<f, Tbat we deem it our duty to warn all peraona not to receive, by way of pur* ebaae, loan or olberwite, any bond or obligation berafter leaned, purporting to bind the property or pledge the credit of the State j and that all aueb bond* or obligation* will ha held by ua to be nail and void, a* having been laaued in derogation oi the right* of that portion of the people of thia State npon whom tb* public burden* are made to raat. 3. llfvlttd, Tbat tbe tax-payer* of tb* State are hereby requested to meat in thalr respective eoontlea for the conaidaratlon of thia subject, and tb# normona tax laviaa of tbe current year, and for tbe appointment of two delegate* to repreaant each county In a State Convention, to be held in Columbia on the aocond Tuesday In May naxt, for tbe aame purpoee. 4. iirtowtf, mm ini? nt*i? con* ant ion oy r?* payer* ba reqneated to confer with bla RxeelWney, tba Oorernor, on tba dangeraua | local condition of tba State, and reqweat bia | >Aeial aid and eo-nperation in tba invaatiga- , ion af tbn aceonnta of the Comptroller and ( ba Htata Agent in New York, ao tbat tba imount and ebaraatcr of the bonded debt and j ill other llahilitiea of tba State can ha alaarl/ j itatad with a view to aorh fnrtber action aa ^ nap ha neceaaatj (or the protection of tba >nblic creditor* and af tba tan payer* of tba ' Commonwealth. ' Thf Hoard of Trade In Ctinrtrefon hare J tan bad a meeting, and adopted re*-dot lone , >f the nm# ebaraaler ne thoeeof the Cfiom- ( >er of G mmeree. Very able and dlgniflad , nd aertone apeeebea were made at the j feeling, by Col. Rioitta L?tii(m and tba Ion. Gnoaon A., which we ronld Ilka to pnbllah In fall did epnoe per. fit. We are pleaeed to see that the apeak* re appeal to good men ef ell partiee la the forth for eympethy, and Invoke it In ear*, fg the State from the plundpr and rob* ery of frlevooe taxation add eorrnpt and ^ raetefnl dm of the pnhlle money. 1 New Morn. e Mr. BvAxatia haa eommeaaed the ere*. C oaafa new atom bonee on Main Street, a the vaeaat ground between Dre Haaat. I m * Mane* all's drag at ore and the Poet a ninr. it win mti iwtwihw, MM Will M Diiht o?M Mttffh in the of tfce k mifhy. Wo Ilk* to thfM IndfeotloM a f loilMinf ?p. |? and 1 Aberteoo^f llfeM gentlemen, a] ht>*gh dcelJcd; Rauldaane, ar? Miking fur ih.-ma. l*e# a go^ji J ec4d In it)* dinner in ,*hieh thejr pie#*. *r Ike emancipation of 8ouU?*i? in*-n from 1 lie ahacklea of political proecription, nod ' he sow nw'fM and miNshievotu tyranny of ubjvetlng *11 the ractfof u eat experience, od formerly tlie moot Irtnuia by ike pew ?le, to dleftanchin-meet. Oar Senelote do another thing, whi'at hey do *how I he Republican apirlt, in their r iceouot of viwjeuee occurring in the Slate, hey elao at'ribute ila o (gfn, in a jpealdeper, to the dircatiafanlion produce J by bad U.?l* maainrM and allrent run not ion. ind not to lh? sphit of disloyalty to the United Slutti, u some vllUanou* p?l Guiana ind Rod col demagogues ae-ert. TbU -barge of renewed " rebellion " egiinst the United States, is simply a lie, n wicked, abominable lie, fabricated ! > audi as love ind makeallr, and is instigated by the father ol lies. Ttie rook' rs end loving propagators of sucS lies r*p*rt to profit by them, think* log they will be believed sway off in the North, end that they will be voted into of flee end be enabled to divide the spoils tax rd upon the people at IsKge. We are gratified that the Senators of Sooth Carolina have the honesty and patriotism to reject these falsehoods. Al-nost as cruel and un |nst as the charge of cannibalism which Naao aod his flatterers made against the Christiana in his day. We have hopes Ihst General Gsant will not permit his ronsoienee keepers snd flatterers to Neroiz* him. although thay have pretty well suo seeded, if you will put in th* initial letter of his name between the a and the a of that of Nmo. ? ? ? ? Negro Debts--The Question not yet Deolded. It was announced last weak and generally believed, that the 8upr?bi.- 0<>urt of the United stale* had deckled that note* given for tlie purchase of slaves ooutd now he collected ; although the Rlnlei an<l Federal Constitutions and law* will net allow aueh purchasers to hold the property or en|oy the services of a slave. W? liave never l?etiered it possible that the United State* Supreme Judge* would enforce the execution of contract* for the purchase of alnre* under existing clronm'tinec*, and had *oppored the cr/nmenl* urged again?t the validity of euch dehte nnanewerahle. We are, therefore, gra'ifiid to he abl* to stale that the reported decision of the Supreme Court wa? a mistato, a* we learn by the following from the Charleston Xttt* : "Tin Nryro Rami Ca*r? ? A letter tecelretl Irotn a d stiiundshcd inemher of the Washington har contain* the following ex. planation of the denision tendered by the Supreme Court of the United Statue, aa re ported by lelegrafflt, sustaining the vnlidi- , ty of bond* given for the purchase of slave*: '"Ths Supieiiie Court lis* not decided j the question of the validity of note* given for slaves The Comt has derided, in the ease of Oeiderv* v*. Campbell, on a technical point, the want of a proper I III of exeep thwi*. For this reason, and thla reason niunf, :ne jnojm'ni 01 me i;?>urt below, ttelaining negro dfbti, it coi.firmi-d. The merit* of thin grevt quevtion arc Mill open "? It it true, liowevcr, that tho Supreme 0"Urt of Soulli Carolina lint derided, contrary to tlie Constitution of lite State, thai notri or bonda given for tlavet are valid. It it manifett that Chief Justice Morten waa deceived by the te'egram from Washington, and at toon at It# taw it, forthwith deliv ered the deeition that lie lint niwaya favor ed. We prraumc, like most of tho lawyer# of t hi a Slate, Judge Mot en liad made op hit mind before he win eh-cted Judge. It it known that tho lawyer* in tliit State differ in opinion on tho *ubj-e?, and llttro a>e many men among them, of equal if not auperlor ability to Judge Moaaa. who differ with him in opinion, and who, if tliay had occupied hla poailion, would long ago have decided against negro dehta. Ttie tltlivery of the opinion of Judge Uo*t< lina hern produced by accident. Wa think it may not ttand aa law. ? ? The Alr>I?lne Xtallioad. The eonir.tO*a for grading the Road are actually let oat between Greenville and Spartanburg, and by the fleet of May, if not tooner, the work will eommanee. Mettrt. T. C. Gowk* and O P. Mills, of thia place, have taken a contract for gradlog the Koad from Greenvilla to Enoree. Mr. W. T. Suunvra, in company wl' li olhera, have likewita a large contract. The oidnhin i# freelv exnres-cd l-v aome. who ought to know, that the ?n will run to Grrenellls in about twelve month*. But what about the Depot of tin Air* Line at lliia phce t llnva our Commit U? tloua their duty In effecting a loeatiou for the beat intereat of the City f It nr. 'ght be done; there are no eueb obetaelea at aliould prerent it Surely, our " leading men " will not, after all. tot the Road ahy off from the City, out of aight and hearing, almost, Hook and Laddtr Company. A number of oor young men. we learn, hare united thtmeelvee together. for the pur* fvoae of en leawonng to form and organise a Hook and Ladder Company. Wo think the purpoaa a laudable one, and hope it trill meet with auoeeaa. A Itat for aubaeriptbme to pnrcharo the neeeaaary maehinary la now Itelug preaented to our eillsena by Mr. K. Smlrokx Pirxiiam and nthera, to ahtch it la deeidarable to liawe aa many dgn aa are willing to aaeiat In the enter* trlae. The attentioa of properly holdera m >ecially U ealled to It. Persona ebbing to >ubeerihe or join the enmpeny, may find Mate it each of tha drng at ore*. The Counail, re learn, ia willing to aaalat aome financial* 7* alaa on Monday. Can, J. L Southaa*. fttiarlff, aold on donday laat, by order ot the Probate udge, aa foliotra: Land nt Rata to nf Alrzandkb B. Kiko, leeaaeed, 1*0 aerae, pnrobaaed by, A. B. CiJto, for |l ,0*0. Land Ratal# of Jamw W. Totmnna, de? aaaed, *0 aaraa, purchased by Jam* Mm lovnn, fi?f M& J. B. Bum maw, Deputy United Bute* Urtbnl, fold lb# vwla#bto r##Mene? *nd tor# boa##, tcf<tb#r wftb fardon attached, nth* tooth root comer of the pnbMerqnare, nova lb# Orady property, for $6,?VV i nd it *11 porehaeod by W, T. BrtrwAt# | ad other*. Eta* A. ?. WMUot-Md tSu A^r-JUln? | O Mr* W4tXA? i? not unmindful pf QW ranIsrial iaUrMt of h:? o?n?iitu?nn. It will l? b?iMD by tbi following Bill,4>it hili ?n to restoring to procure the ipesdy nid of th# I* general government to the Air Lin# Rail- 1,1 rv?d. It would be a ##f# Investment of " pnblle funds. If^Qongrwi riill; eirn lor *' tits welfare of the Sooth, they b??i th# np J pwnuniiy 01 showing it by assisting th# I ~ great liars of railway through ?lie country. Br it snooted by tbe Senate and House of Q| Representatives of tbe Uulted States of Amer- p iM la Congress assembled, That for tbe par- c pose of aiding In tbe eonstruotion of a ratyrosd between tbe towns ol Charlotte, North Csro- ^ Una, and Atlanta, Qeorgis, via Spartanburg and Qroanvllle, South Carolina, tbe Recrotery 1 of the Treasury is boreby authorised to Issuo 0 bonds of tbe United States of one thousand * dollars eeeb, payable thirty years from tbe * date thereof, with interest at six per centum e per annum, payable semi-annually in gold, to s tbe president, directors, and company of the I air-line railroad above named, to tbe amount * of eight thousand dollars for each mile of rull road whiob shall at any time within fivo years ^ of the dete of this eet be completed t Provided. j smrlli/wi, That no portion of tbe bonds ( herein authorised to ho issued shall be delivered to said president, dtrustors, and company until commissioners appointed bjMbe Secrete- * ry of tbe Treasury for such purpose shall bavs 1 certified that at least twenty nfiles o( said road shall bare been constructed aud equipped as a 1 first-class railroad. And provided further, \ That no subsequent irsue of b^nds shall bo , made exeept on the oertiflcetc of commission. era to appointed, that at laait tan additional , miles of said road (ball bare b?en conitrneted , and equipped in like manner aa aforeaaid : ( And provided further. That the bond* herein authoriied to be iaaued, aball conatitutr a first mortgage upon the road, rolling-stock, and nil ' other property of said company, in favor of ' the United States, until laid bonds have been ' paid as hereinafter provided. 8eetion T. That the grant oforesaid is mndo 1 upon condition that said eompnny shall pay I said bonds at maturity, and shall pay ?lie in- I terest thereof as it accrues, and shall at all , times tran port mails, troops, munitions of | war, supplies, and public stores upon sold , railroad for the Government whenever required | , so to do by any I>epcirtmcnt thereof; and that; ( the Government shall at all times have prefer- ; ^ ence in the nseof the asms for all the purposes ^ aforesaid, at reasonable rates, not exceeding I , tho amounts paid by private parties for siinl? ' lar service. Pec. 2. That in ease of a failure on the part ' of the company to pny the interest aforesaid ' for a period of two years, or to pay the bonds ' at their maturity, it shall he lawlul for the ' United Plates to tsko posscssi n of tho said 1 railroad, together with tho rolling-stock, prop- I crty, and fixtures of crcry kind and descrip* < lion belonging to said company, for the heneflt i ef the United Plates, and dispose of tho same ! i to secure the payment of said bonds and inter- { j - - - ut ; and if, alter said payment of bonda and j intoru^t bus been provided for. any surplus of < proceed* of aaid property (ball remain, it shall l>e restored to aaid company, or to any other ( peraon or persona to wbotu tbc same may bo- | long. tw Tho Rural Carolinian for April]1 coin** to ou' editorial table a welcome via Itor. It la well edited, handsomely illustrated, and replete with valuable informa lion for llio p'antci farmer and gardener. The reputation it line obtained, and the appreciation in which it i? held by ita ten* of lliourande of leaders, aro the aureat in irk of a great work. Subscription, perwnnum. Walkk*, Evans ?fc Co , Proprietors, Charleston, S. C. pHt" Sonlhern Cultivator for April reeoived* Tbis journal is most admirably adapted to meet tho practical, cvsry-day wants of the farmer. A vast number of Intelligent fanusrs all over tbe Bouth in oaeh number relate their experience, offer suggestions and warn against dangers and errors they have encountered. If you have nover sees k, send for a specimen copy. Published at Athena, tin., $2.00 a year. Chief Juatioe Chase. Leo, ilia regular Washington eorrcpi.n. dent of the Cliar?o*toii Courier, in a letter dated 20th March, says that Chief Justice Chars " is now here, almost in a a moribund condition, an-' wit limit tbe len?l hope of ever renewing Ilia aeat on the Bench." 4?? . ir Wo are requested to state that 8. J. I Dotrnirv, E?q.. Judge ol Probate, will l>e , absent for a month, and that Mr. Jamrs P. . Moons will attend to lib ? ffioa during Ida i ahaene*. i tar The pay eerlifieaUa for teacher* ot public fohoola have been received by lite | School Cotitmitaioncr, for die year ending , October let, 1870, and will he delivered ( upon application next Saturday, Bill In. ( at ant, or th? folio wins S itnrdny. I Hew Poitmaatar. We learn that Mr. M. K. IloaanraoN haa been appointed l'oatmaater at till* Oily, anpercediijjj Mr. J. M Allbm. Mr. Tbott*b. who haa alwaye been efficient, polite and accommodating, will remain aa aeelalant. ' Chance at the Depot. ' Mr. faAAcSiaruiOB baarealgned the Agen* ey et the Oreenvllle Depot, end Mr. I Annan McBaa, Jr., appointed to All the va? ' eaney, Columbia toe Houae. Attention te celled to the adveriieement < of Mr J. D. Batkwax. of Columbia who of* J fere natural lee et from 1 to l|cenUper pound. I We have reeeived a letter froui our i friend and eorreepoudent, "B. D. 0.," at ' Pickene Court JJ|flpao, whieb la full of intaraat, I but reached ua too late for Ibia week. tw Up to title willing, 8,700 pernonn here paid tbeir State and Coiiuty taxee In ( rt in wrw.nyiin, amounting to more tl-an $56,- * 000. * j ' Wilm* Cook baa liwn appnlntori Jury Co aim luiener under the now aet, for Uraan. f Hie County, Tmftoinu Garouva Ckxtkai. Raiiroao.? Thi Sure"ar Watehmao if authoritatively t Informed that Mr. W. II. Peroanaeu, treat- , arar, if now aaihorUed to put under e?n> trial, for grading, the wholo lioo of road from Sumter to iba connection with the r Norlbeaaiern Railroad. Arrangamente ^ havn at length bean made t?y whkeli mean* n uAeient will be realise I to complete Uiia part of tha road, and tlia work if to be (incited energetically forward. w IJ_- 1?JS "II' I - _ "V enfca In WeiUrt North O*collet?Gold In hbtelllt County. Col. |jl. 8. IruxeIm bonded ua the annexed tter, wa pnbllab aa t matter ef Intaraat r ear aeatlon of oouotry. It ia from an old land of bta, realdtog in Weatern North Caroisa, and from tta contents abowa there are iluable minerala there, which only need dosloping. We are rich, and If we only will ant out the gold under oar foot, our people sod not seek other ellmee for prurperity and ren opulence. Col Ikvixk Hm also ihown ? a specimen I ochre, t?k?n off the land of Mr. LaUIV rrWt'LDo, ar?r White Hall, In Abbeville hunty, fn Ihlo 8tatc, who bii rwtnlly dli< uvercl gold on hia place. Th? depot It as all lha Indications ol rlohnrat J and ha i n?w negotiating for Its talc toe company f Northern capitalists, with prospects of orct-so?indeed, the sale is almost regarded a fact, price (80,000. When first dis^ , * ovsrtd, a shaft was sunk about 00 feet, nd the deeper gone the better the promise, 'mm two barrels of earth taken out and hipped North, the capitalists were entirely atisfied that the mine could be worked vilh pr?fit ; the gold can be aeen in the nstertices of tha oehre. This mine is near hat of the famous Dorn gold mine. Col. E. 8. Irvink: Dear Sir?I will keep nfliolinga few l|ne? oivyou every now and Ih?-n ; nnd this is the present subject to ail: Leas than a year ago, on a barren looking.hill, in a half mile of my dwelling, in illiterate man, a shoemaker, picked up a stone that struck Ida eye aa something unfamiliar, and asked every man he met altal it was, and every one answered-? 'don't know," At length, he put hia Strang* itnne into the hands of Rev. C. D. Smith, alio rent it off Noith for scientific investigation ; and I'rof. Davis pronounced it the most rsre variety of corundum, the finest Ihat liaa been fnun<1 in the United 8talea. Hie shoemaker's heart ovfrfl iw?d ita bank*. ind lie gave Prof. Smith a half interest la the hill; and, on searching. Ih-y fownd, lying looif over the hill, imdnles of tha done, in all sizea. from forty pounds down , to a mrre [ irilirml, and have op till now, [has picked op and sold about one thoutand pounds, none of which haa returned them Iras than one d?)Wr a pound. After [ticking up all they aould see on the surface, they broke ground, and found It masted In reins In roek " green clorito " Independ* sntly of the veins, tha earth that compotes [lie hill will pan out, like gold, from on# fourth to one pound to the pan full. There is a I ranch that can be turned upon tha 'till, at $200 e*peine, alter whleh?ao saya icientirta In mineralogy?may be expected to oe lound the ruhy, the nhrysobyrl. and jther valuable gems. My son Jnmea visitpd the hill, and, without waali|ng, picked up a pretty ruby ; but had not long lo re doe over it, as one of the propiietora pot t in hia own pocket, and it now graesa a Northern collection of native getoa. Kev C. D. Smith being embarrtiaeed, and the shoemaker " wanting to his last," Dewtl Cunningham is commissioned in sell the property, and I have thought you might do the fallow a good torn by directing liin> to some man or men oi capital, and let him monr i> ninaiomi co'Timtseton. I leitn l!ml the properly l>ee hren ineorporeled by wr Legislature recently. The value of the etone consists in ite hardness, ranking in thet regard next to the diamond. Do the beet you ran for our friend; but, be noeured, that ihe greater favor will be to the purcliaaer, for it would have taken Mathueeln Wis full lifetime, and hie gi and and great grandsons to have washed all the ecrundurr. out of that bill, while its rich gams would have lent a charm to the henuly of their daughters. Believe me, dear sir, your ft lend, McDowell. gugartown Farm, Macon County, N. C , Ma rob Slat, 1871. Hew Drug Store?Down Town. Dr. 0. L. Oi.aini has opened a new drug store, opposite Gowr.n, Cox A Marklit'i, and will retail drugs, beside manufacture certain article* which he baa been using in hie former prnctico. The public will soon bear from bitn. LaurensWe apent the gr-etcr portion of leat week among relatives and friende at Laurent Conn House. In e bnelneea point of view, the place was dull enough, hut thecit* ixeii* entertain great hope# from an early re. sumption of th? (Aureus Railroad, which he*been purchased hy the Greenville Com* pany, and which will ha repaired and put In running order at an eatly day. Racially, Ihe via t was made extremely pleasant for us, and recalled many agreeahla memories of other d-sye, when there wa* so much lio-pitality and a??ial enjoyment among that refined and enlliva'el people. We ire especially indebted to our brethren of it., T ...? 111 ^ Ml?u * ... urrwa iur OUri?OU< |l? lei'llon Politically, the people of Laurena ere anKvlng a aeaeon of comparative rent and quietude. Aaide from Iho evila under ahieli every eiliaen of Rottlh Carolina la made to groan, there ia no complaint, and both racea are moving along with apparent harmony and good lectin*. Hinea tl?* SOth of October laat, when the daataedlv cooInet of Itadical leadera onlminated in a general melee,4! here haa been no diet urbane* i>f any aort, and there la a better nnderHending letae-n the whitea and bleeka. The main inatmtn-nt of miachief we* the aotnrlon* J>>e C'r?w*, who igonnvinionaly led on that oecneion. leaving hla dnpea to hear the brunt of e?nfl at, a? every white nan predicted. He haa never Returned, tod pe.,l>ahly never will, and tha colored > opt* fre#|y declare Uiat it would be ?#? K'allhy for him to mak? tha venture. [Andrraen fnttlligtnetr, ? i -- ?Goranxon Bcott haa appoluted Ounara) lohn I>. Kennedy, o< Kvrabaw, tha Jury 'ommiavinnar for that oounty. Tba Camden fournal call# thla " a alraak of dawn." Cn arloton , AptII I. Cotton atoady??middling 11} ; r<>??ipt >48 baloa; SOO ; Hock 22,127. Nbw York, April 2. Cotton qulat and weak; aalra, ft,832 ale*?uplan'ia, 16$. TO RENT* rHE Convenient and flfeaMMt ffOtTfl? and LOT now oconptad by Oapt. Water*, tl*Mn Aujaala and Pendlaton Htreeta, fprtarly known aa tho " Dr. JUrrla?n plaoo." Term* aaocininodatlnjr. Apply to QROROR JIKLDMAN. Oreenvllle, A. C., April 5, 1871. April ft 4" If